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Benchmarking Questionnaire

We invite you to contribute your views to a Trainers Network benchmarking survey

on the role of the internal trainer and the implementation of training in
organisations. The results will be made available to members and on the website
and will provide a very useful insight into what is considered to be best practice in
this area. Your participation in this benchmark exercise would be greatly
appreciated. The document has eleven tick box questions, with space for
additional comments where appropriate.

Benchmarking Questionnaire


This questionnaire is aimed at Training Managers or the person in the organisation
who has responsibility for the provision of training. The purpose is to compile a
benchmark of current practice in the area of training and development and to get a
better understanding of the areas in which the greatest investment of resources is

Instructions: Please respond to the questions below, placing any relevant

additional comments in the spaces provided. The company specific information
obtained through this questionnaire will remain confidential and the findings will be
published on an industry average basis.

1. What number of employees do you have training responsibility for?

2. Does your organisation employ training personnel to deliver courses in-house?

Yes No
3. Do you rely exclusively on external providers?

Yes No
4. Do you use a combination of internal/external trainers?

Yes Percentage: Internal External

5. If you do employ training personnel, what is the average breakdown of their time

a) delivery of training course

b) research and design of courses

c) evaluation of training

d) training administration

e) on the job support / coaching

f) other (please specify)

6. Do you use any alternative methods of learning delivery (e.g. computer based
training, external qualifications, etc.)?

Yes No

7. What is the average number of days per annum that you would consider
appropriate for a training specialist to deliver?
8. Do you use a mechanism for tracking the number of days delivered by an
individual per annum?

Yes No

If yes, what was the average number of days delivered in 1999?

9. What is the average annual number of trainee days per employee in

your organisation?
10. Do employees have annual development plans or are events organised as
needs arise?

Plans Ad hoc
11. Please rank the order of importance of the following as reasons why your
organisation provides training and development.

Scale of 1 to 8, 1 being most important and 8 least important.

a) To meet business goals

b) To build organisational capabilities / competency

c) To provide the skills necessary for employees to do their current job

d) To provide the skills necessary for employees to do future jobs

e) To provide management / leadership skills

f) To act as a retention tool

g) To introduce new technology or products

h) Any other reasons

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