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To see more information on any one career, click the relevant topic title below

Non-Clinical Careers

1. GP appraiser 2. Teaching medical students 3. FY2 teaching

4. Programme director 5. Trainer 6. GP Tutor
7. Associate Director 8. Academic 9. Mentor
10. LMC 11. Medical writing 12. Media
13. CBT 14. NLP 15. PCT advisor
16. Acute Trust advisor 17. Research 18. Pharmaceutical Industry

1. GP appraiser
Appraisal aims to help GPs consolidate and improve on good performance, towards
excellence. It can identify areas where further development might be necessary and
assists with development and maintenance of a Personal Development Plan.

GP appraisers generally have two days training and regular updates. As well as
training they are interviewed and if successful they are issues with an honorary
contract by the PCT where terms and conditions are set out.

Contact your GP to see if they are recruiting new appraisers. The deanery runs many
courses on appraisal.

2. Teaching medical students

As health systems put more emphasis on primary care, it follows that primary care
settings will increasingly be used for teaching medical students. Teaching is the best
way to learn and is fun.

There is an introductory programme for those who wish to develop their teaching

3. FY2 teaching
Why not consider being involved in supervising foundation year 2 doctors during their
primary care placements. GPs who are not trainers need to be approved as
education supervisors. Training and assessment are available by the deanery.

4. Programme director
The Programme Director has responsibility for the doctors in training and the training
programme on Vocational Training Schemes. They monitor and oversee the training
and manage the weekly training programme.

The Programme Director is required to have achieved the Teaching the Teachers
training or its equivalent and have experience in teaching and education.

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5. Trainer
The first step towards becoming a trainer is to complete the Teaching the Teachers
Course. It is a generic course for teachers in primary care within the NHS. It is
suitable for all primary healthcare practitioners. It is accredited by the University of
Westminster. You need to have the MRCGP and to have completed specialty
training normally at least 2 years prior to joining the course.

6. GP Tutor
The role of Deanery GP Tutor is to work collaboratively with local colleagues to
maintain and improve standards of GP CPD and performance. This relates to all
aspects of practice through nurturing lifelong learning skills and maintaining a fit for
purpose GP workforce.

Vacancies are advertised here.

7. Associate Director
The team of associate directors is responsible for developing, operating and
supervising postgraduate medical education and professional development for
general practice. Each AD has specific responsibilities within one specific area. They
are paid on a sessional basis on the GP educator pay scale.

Requirements include experience and training in education.

8. Academic
Academic training in general practice is different from hospital medicine. Many
doctors have completed their clinical general practice training before starting formal
academic training. Many start academic training after a period of full-time NHS

While in training
Look into Academic Training Fellow Posts (that mean you can training as a GP and
also develop a research interest)

These posts are 75% clinical and 25% research, and run over 4 years. There is often
the opportunity to undertake a Masters degree

After training
For doctors who have completed GP training there are GP academic posts that come
up in research/education in the various universities. These are often advertised in the
BMJ but under the clinical research section that does not necessarily come within the
GP section.

Education posts usually involve not only face-to-face teaching, but also co-ordination
of part of the training courses for the university. These posts may be as teaching
fellows or lecturers. Enthusiasm and demonstration of some commitment to teaching
is needed (i.e. some practice based teaching, or sessional teaching for a
department). Contact the departments of primary care (UCL, Imperial, QMW, KGT

Updated April 2008 2

etc) and ask about ad hoc teaching opportunities as you will get to know the
department and will be well placed as opportunities arise

At UCL specific enquiries can be addressed to Dr Joe Rosenthal: He is Academic Lead for Primary Care Education at UCL
knows a great deal about academic training and can give helpful advice. UCL offers
academic training posts for 2 years for people post VTS, which are an excellent
introduction to academic life.

At Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Hina Taylor

See ‘research’ below.

9. Mentoring
Mentoring is:
“Guiding another individual in the development and re-examination of their own
ideas, learning and personal and professional development” SCOPME

London Deanery has a trained mentoring team. Applicants are required to be

working in education in the London Region and all will be required to submit an
expression of interest, undertake three days training, with assessment on
completion. Ongoing supervision by the Tavistock Clinic is a requirement.

See the London Deanery website.

10. LMC
Please see the introductory section to understand where the Local Medical
Committee (LMC) sit in the framework of General Practice. They are the local
negotiating group linked to the General Practice Committee (GPC) of the British
Medical Association (BMA). You can be elected to be a representative of your area
on matters. There are roles for principals and roles for sessional GPs. Please see the
LMC website for further details. Below is an example using London.

11. Medical writing

This is a great way of earning money working in your own time and at your own
pace. In the medical profession there are a lot of rag mags which all require articles
covering a broad range of topics from pure clinical to pure opinion.

Most writers haven’t had a professional career in journalism. Editors are quite used
to general approaches from novices to professionals. If you have an article you will
be paid. This varies from under a hundred to a few hundred depending on the size of
the article. Another useful tip is to look towards the lifestyle magazines (e.g.
Cosmopolitan or Esquire). Some of them need either additional writers or some of
the newer magazines don’t have a medic writing for them. As a GP you will be a
goldmine of information or even better know where to access the information to be
able to write about it.

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12. Media
This isn’t everyone’s ideal role but for a few it may be a career choice you are
interested in. Please see the previous point around medical writing. This refers to
presenting on television, radio and magazine work. If you are successful with a
programme there may be spin offs from it for a book or for the show to be exported to
other countries.

There are effective locum companies who will act as a recruiting agent for you. One
example of this is below but there are others so please do check.

The advantages are relatively lucrative pay for short time periods of work. However
the work is often infrequent and unsustainable.

Some of the details have been kindly provided by Dr. Una Coales.

13. CBT training

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychological treatment
for a variety of disorders including depression, generalised anxiety, panic disorder,
hypochondriasis, fatigue syndrome, OCD, bulimia nervosa, obesity, and insomnia.
Train as an accredited CBT therapist, but also use CBT skills in your general
practice, as an educationalist and for CBT group treatments in the primary care
setting, e.g. for recurrent depression, antenatal depression or obesity.

An 18 month course run by Central North West London Mental Health Trust
accredited by the University of Holloway can be found on the website:

14. NLP
The field of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the links between the way
we think (neuro), the way we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of emotion
and behaviour (programming). This field was co-created and developed by Richard
Bandler, and the principles and novel approaches of NLP are being increasingly
used by doctors and other health professionals. Consultations with patients often
take on a new light when using an NLP approach, and Medical NLP draws on this
approach to help health professionals develop their range of skills in providing "whole
person" healthcare.

NLP approaches can be adapted for use in 10 minute consultations, and so can be
easily integrated in NHS practice. There is also considerable scope to use NLP skills
in a private practice setting, so learning this very interesting and enjoyable approach
can act as an additional source of income.

The following organisations run NLP training courses for doctors which have been
accredited by Richard Bandler:
The Society of Medical NLP (
Acuity Doctor (

15. PCT advisor

The role of advisor for Primary Care Trusts is well suited to a General Practitioner.
The PCT accesses support from a number of existing GP sources which include the
Professional Executive Committee (PEC) and the Practice Based Commissioning
(PBC) group. However with the endless demands made on the PCT surrounding

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their daily function there are usually a number of other support points available you
could tap into. These can be supporting commissioning, supporting the exceptional
treatment panels or the continuing care panels.

These roles are where you support managers/commissioners who are very good at
their job but need medical support in making the decisions. A very valued role would
be to provide commissioning (the buying in or paying of services) support in helping
them to decide medical need on patients whom this is requested for or invoiced for.
Exceptional treatment panels look at funding outside of any normal arrangements
(e.g. contracted or NICE approved). Continuing care panels review those difficult
cases where it is unclear if social needs outweigh medical needs thereby requiring
funding from the Local Authority. Guidance is available and you will be there to
translate the medical terms and help the commissioners understand the situation.

16. Acute Trust advisor

These are roles being developed by a number of acute (hospital) trusts where they
are looking for primary care support. As PCT commissioning (buying in of services)
has had more primary care input with Practiced Based Commissioning (PBC) groups
this is seen as a counter balance for a few of them.

The roles would be to liaise with the PCT and PBC to support the Trust in
maintaining their business with the area. It is a role that can get support through the
Trust. It is not for everyone, as this is not a clinical role but will move you into a
management capacity. You will find most Trusts will negotiate to keep you on and
any clinical role you may already have.

17. Research
Academic posts (see above) are also good entry to research posts. They introduce
you to the academic environment and you will meet experienced researchers. There
are often opportunities to work on smaller project that may lead to a more
substantive post.

Many research posts and increasing education posts are asking for MSc. Think
carefully about which MSc you may want to undertake. If you are interested in
education then a MSc in medical education is useful, and if in research then perhaps
epidemiology, or a primary care MSc that is more research heavy.

Some PCTs will allow GPs on their performer’s lists to apply for funding to help
support their MSc- but this is PCT specific. Otherwise it is sometimes good to contact
the MSc providers e.g. and ask if they
know of funding opportunities

There are various fellowships funded by the MRC and Wellcome, which incorporate
studying for a MSc. It is helpful to develop an application with a local department of
primary care.

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18. Pharmaceutical Industry
The impression here tends to be of drug representatives but there is much more to
the roles you can develop. Each company has it’s own career structure from being
part clinician to full time manager. The pay is variable depending on experience but
the hours are usually social. Jobs in the industry are outside the NHS so do consider
them in as much detail as an APMS. For further details please refer to the following

Working for the pharmaceutical industry – Adam Poole, BMJ Careers, 30 Jun 2007

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