Pepe's Screed On The Mount - Precepts For Engaging The Totalitarian Left

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Precepts for Engaging the Totalitarian Left 
Praise be to Kek. By thy name, by thy might defend my cause. Proud men have risen up 
against me. Men of violence seek my life.  
A tempest unholy twists and tangles in the distance, darkening the horizon - a foe that 
does not fear us, and will not stop until this land is desecrated by its sin, or consecrated 
with its blood. The Enemy relies on our humanity for its survival. They mistake our good 
will for weakness. To know the enemy is despise them. Let the darkness flow through you, 
and prepare for battle. Attack when they are weak. Defend when they are strong.   
This way comes a swarm of locusts, containing the souls of the predatory globalists, 
corporatists, moneylenders, slanderers, propagandists, and deceitful prophets of false 
faiths, engorging themselves on the capital vices of gluttony, avarice, arrogance and envy. 
We are at the precipice of a great conflict - a war to determine whether this nation - 
conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, 
shall long endure on this hallowed ground, or whether this fine land will be left to those 
who would defile it. And thus, we take up arms in the service of justice, domestic 
tranquility, and the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. We go to war not 
simply to engage, but to emerge victorious. And thus, American’s of all persuasion, from 
Kekistanis to /Pol/acks, autists and patriots, prepare yourselves. There is no substitute 
for victory. 
We, the people, are under relentless assault from a spiteful enemy -The Enemy - scheming 
for the destruction of our way of life. Academia, the corporate media and entertainment 
industry, the rapacious degenerate-gambling banking establishment, political infiltrators in 
government, and their facilitators and apologists are tangled in an incestuous alliance, 
waging an unacknowledged war to undermine the people. They engage in relentless attacks 
- “permanent revolution.” By necessity they must be on the offensive, for they and their 
faith are indefensible. They are an anti-democratic virus being pumped through the veins 
of the Republic, in the service of a small population of self-serving subversives, actively 
undermining society, national identity, and the American Way. Their intent is to ensure 
that government of the people, for the people, and by the people, shall perish from this 
To us goes the advantage, for truth is our guide. The Enemy indulges in a faith-based 
worldview - a collectivist ideology where inconvenient truths are sacrificed to ensure 
obedience to collectivist conformity. The faithful confine themselves within the walls of 
an already established belief system – an intellectual vacuum so devoid of curious inquiry 
that false statistics, advocacy research, propaganda and outrageous statements are 
ubiquitous. And thus, their weakness is that they forfeit truth, liberty, freedom and 
self-determination to enforce conformity. 
A. The Enemy - An Introduction 
The primary, and most fundamental characteristic of The Enemy, is that they lie - 
brazenly, unapologetically and continuously. The litany of the Enemy, from the 
retrogressive, effete elite to the average parishioner of their false faith, is dishonesty. 
It is their antidote to inconvenient truths. Contradicting their fables is a challenge due to 
the sheer, overwhelming tide of their mendacities. 
The Enemy is not undemocratic, but anti-democratic. 
The Enemy does not believe in free-speech, and is censorsorial. 
The Enemy values neither liberty nor freedom, but seeks conformity. 
B. The Enemy - The Players 
Bag men​: Degenerate money fetishists. Rapacious gambling-class of self-serving, 
self-dealing banksters and corporate locusts. The bag men own the rest of The Enemy. 
They seek to liberate themselves from regulation by destroying government and the 
established culture. They are hostile to democracy and republicanism. They prefer 
government by purchased technocrats, such as the European Union, with its 
democratic-deficit. They promote “free trade,” a propagandistic buzzword describing 
crony capitalism, corruption, privatizing the profits, and socializing the losses. Bag men 
must be distinguished from industrialists, i.e. people who actually create things. Bag men, 
on the other hand, build nothing and take credit for everything. They have the egos of 
elephants, and the self-esteem of cockroaches. They are money lenders, speculators and 
currency/monetary manipulators. These are the self-identified geniuses that destroyed 
banking regulation, brought us synthetic collateralized debt obligations, and lied us into 
destructive trade deals and wars to benefit themselves. Bag men are a virus that infect 
their host with a loathsome, degenerative societal disease. 
The Traitors​: Those in public life that betrayed their oath to represent the interests of 
the people. For 30 pieces of silver they sold their souls, and betrayed the righteous.  
Academia​: The Church. A place to pay homage to false faiths. The liturgy of the The 
Church is social science, i.e. pseudo-science. There is no science in social science. It is 
simply political activism cloaked in the legitimacy of the academy. “The Pseudo-liberals 
monopolize the teaching jobs at many universities. Only men who agree with them are 
appointed as teachers and instructors of the social sciences, and only textbooks 
supporting their ideas are used.” [Ludwig von Mises] 
Thought leaders​: Prophets of the faith. Leftist intellectuals, predominantly of German 
and Eastern European extraction, whose families immigrated to the United States during 
the wave of immigration that occurred from roughly from 1880 to 1920, bringing with 
them a radical, Leftist subculture. 
“​Intellectualism/Intellectuals/Experts“ (“Intelligentsia”)​: The priesthood. A 
purposefully anti-scientific political movement attempting to legitimize absurdities by 
shielding their propositions with credentialization from esteemed institutions. They speak 
from a position of assumed intellectual authority. Such authority rests on a foundation of 
the great and powerful Woozle. “Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of 
great learning, where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they 
think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. But they have one thing you 
haven't got: a diploma.” They legitimize reductionist propositions and absurdities by 
utilizing made-up polysyllabic-words and concepts with complicated constructions. The 
communicate with a “sesquipedalian loquaciousness,” a made up form of language that is 
unnecessarily complex, nonsensical, and dependent on jargon (see Sokol Affair). “Some 
ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them.” [George Orwell - 
attributed]. These fabulists pollute the atmosphere, and are poisoned by their own toxins. 
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” [Voltaire] 
They are easily recognized, because they attempt to do the following:  
● Promote mutually exclusive concepts/propositions, and insist that both are true.   
● Demand that the people hold self-defeating, and often contradictory beliefs or 
● Demand that the people believe the absurd. 
● Insist that obvious facts and circumstances are actually untrue: “Don’t believe your 
lying eyes.” 
● Provides the authority that the Corporate Media utilizes to propagandize to the 

​Example:​ ​“I’m Howard Silver. For twenty-five years I led an organization called the 
Consortium of Social Science Associations that advocated for federal funding for social 
and behavioral science research. The kind of research used often by journalists in their 
many stories about society and its politics.” (Panel Discussion Presentation featuring 
Jeffrey Goldberg, Rosie Gray, and Graeme Wood, ​The Rise of Populism and Nationalism 
(June 20, 2017), sponsored by The Atlantic Magazine and Sixth & I synagogue. Retrieved 
09/05/2017 from ​​) 
Corporate Media​: The propagandists. Lazy, corrupt, dishonest, and self-righteous. Their 
ranks are filled with the proletariat and moral jihadists. The corporate media act as the 
middlemen of information, filtering access to, and distorting facts. The corporate media 
misrepresent facts or circumstances with oft repeated bromides, in service to the 
narrative. They deny or interpret facts in conformity to the narrative, and 
“contextualize” facts to justify them within the parameters of their faith. They move to 
derail argument with ad hominem attacks, or argue trivilities to avoid substantive 
engagement. The corporate media overwhelm discourse and interrupt the dissemination of 
information by polluting the informational ecosystem and occupying the field. With the 
disintermediation of the media, one can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the 
“journalists,” who are losing their grip as the gatekeepers of information. 
The corporate media includes the entertainment industry, particularly the media that 
emanates from Hollywood. The most insidious, evil utilization of re-education propaganda 
are those targeted toward young men and boys. Hollywood movies, video games and comic 
books that anticipate a young male audience are injected with critical theory euphemisms 
and feminist themes.2 
Moral Jihadists​: True believers - Jesuits of the faith. They attempt to change reality 
through their faith and sheer will. Obstinate, self-righteous, with a belief in their own 
moral superiority, they justify the villainization, dehumanization, and violence towards 

​Examples of the corporate media pushing their propaganda:   
● Gamergate was coordinated, sexist, harassment campaign to push women out of 
video games. This narrative was promulgated by the New York Times, Washington 
Post, and the Los Angeles Times, in addition to those “news” media held in lesser 
● Those against illegal immigration are “white nationalists,” and “xenophobic.” 
● Former Google senior software engineer James Damore, after having written a 
tame criticism of Google’s mandated re-education curriculum and environment of 
thought-conformity, was slandered in the corporate media. The ubiquitous theme 
presented was that he: is the “new face of the alt-right” (Quartz), wrote a “sexist 
screed” (Vox), an “anti-diversity screed” (Gizmodo/Vice), an “anti-woman screed” 
(Time) . The Washington Post flat out just lied in an article entitled, “A Google 
engineer said women may be genetically unsuited for tech jobs.” 
● Dr. Matt Taylor, an astrophysicist and project scientist on the Rosetta Project,# 
was ideologically battered by a corporate media generated #shirtstorm, after 
being interviewed about the mission’s success while wearing a bowling shirt, made 
and given to him as a birthday gift by his friend Elly Prizeman, which featured a 
comic book styled, pin-up girl design. 
non-believers. Freedom of speech and thought are unwelcome intrusions, particularly if it 
challenges the faith’s orthodoxy or its proponents. They seek to define and confine the 
parameters of acceptable discourse, and prevent the dissemination of 
ideas/argument/concepts they oppose. They are hypocrites and without shame. They are 
both easily offended, and yet profoundly offensive. 
The Proletariat​: Vapid, conformist, and cowardly, i.e. polite society - like cows to the 
slaughter, they are passive supporters of the Leftist Jihad. The proletariat incorporate 
the language of the faith into their expression and self-identity. Ironically, they don’t 
tend to do real work, but are college-educated, middle-class urbanites with social-science 
degrees and job titles like “Entrepreneur-in-Residence,” “Social Media Capability 
Architect,” and “Serial Entrepreneur.” Concerned about maintaining correct-think and 
“being on the right side of history.” They parrot Leftist propaganda talking points, voice 
all the correct opinions, and appropriately take offense. 
Anarchy/Anarchists: ​A mislabeled form of totalitarianism. “The sin of nearly all 
left-wingers from 1933 onward is that they have wanted to be anti-Fascist without being 
anti-totalitarian.” [George Orwell] Purposefully misidentified by The Enemy as 
“anti-fascists,” and “counter-protesters,” what they are, in fact, are an authoritarian 
collection of doctrinaire hive-minders. They are inept revolutionaries, who would make 
tragic statesmen. Despite their self-identification, anarchists agitate against “the 
government,” but not against government itself. Far from being “radicals,” they are 
acute-conformists, who try to enforce conformity. They serve as the Brownshirts of the 
C. The Enemy - Foundational Belief System 
“The history of all hitherto existing society​ ​is the history of class struggles. Freeman and 
slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster​ ​and journeyman, in a word, 
oppressor and oppressed…” (Marx, K. & Engels, F., ​The Communist Manifesto​, (1848)) 
In the modern vernacular, “oppressor and oppressed,” must be in the understood as a 
particular form of polarized political (rather than economic) opposition - the justified 
“Us” versus indefensible “Them.” Yet, the purveyors of the faith (rather than its 
apologists, activists, and proselytizers) are actually engaged in a looking-glass economic 
war. They’ve deformed Marxism, transforming its application away from societal economic 
justice, into a political tool to wage war on the economically vulnerable, ensuring the 
retrogressive, effete elite are free to continue oppressing.  
Their corruption of the Marxist faith makes The Enemy’s application of it particularly 
venal. They’ve twisted the paradigm, focusing away from those that “control the means of 
production,” with their undue political and economic power, and refocus their attack on the 
weak. Thus, the oppressor/oppressed narrative has deformed into an attack by The 
Enemy against the average Joe - pitting every man against every man against every woman, 
in the mutually assured destruction of family and community. As the virus continues to 
infect the weakened host, each individual’s lived reality becomes a self-fulfilling 
confirmation of their own oppression, as the strength of the community withers away and 
their lives with it. This is the initial indication of those behind the renaissance of this 
bastardized religion.  
If something has a direct benefit to a class of people, and a theoretical, abstract, or 
amorphous benefit to everybody else, the proponents’ intentions are to benefit the 
former, not the latter, no matter what bullshit they try to feed you. Who benefits from 
the war being waged against the people?  
D. The Enemy - Fundamental Objectives 
The fundemental objectives of The Enemy are formed by and for the retrogressive, 
effete elite, but protheletized by cosmopolitanist professionals in a rhetorical expression 
soothing to their souls. In broad strokes, the utopianistic vision includes:  
● Globalism 
● “Free trade,” so called. 
● Economic liberalization of the monied class 
● Primacy of corporatists and banksters. Government by technocrats/”experts” on 
behalf of the monied interests. Hostility to democracy, republicanism and the 
working class. 
● Open borders, to crush the working class 
● Destruction of community identity and attachments (and therefore, destruction of 
community and identity). Atomization of Le Peuple. Without community, individuals 
are dependant on, and subservient to, the establishment.   
● Destruction of The West. “The West” - the traditions, beliefs and moral 
imperatives arising from the Age of Enlightenment, and the philosophical ideas 
therefrom, including Locke, Hume, Kant, and Voltaire, as well as the folk culture and 
traditions of Europe, from Spain to Russia (inclusive). 
● Degradation of the virtues of traditional expressions of masculinity 
E. The Enemy - The Canon 
The canon is a catalogue of lazy thought, drowned in verbose prose so incomprehensible 
that it could be mistaken for bad poetry. 
● Sigmund Freud - Sex is good. The West represses sex. The West is bad. Mother 
fetishism, father hate, and anti-Catholicism. 
● Marxism - A prediction (rather than a prescription) that in advanced industrialized 
societies, the “meek shall inherit the earth.”  
● Trotskyism - Marxist permanent revolution, proletarian internationalism. 
● Leninism - Vanguard as a condition precedent to Marxist revolution, resulting in the 
dictatorship of the proletariat.  
● Maoism - Marxi 
● sm without the industrial condition precedent. Utopianism, continuous war against 
traditionalism, feudalism, i.e. the pre-revolution established order. 
● Critical Theory - Subversive political academic movement to undermine western 
civilization and cultural expectations. Preaches radical individualism for the masses. 
Born of an unholy mating of Marx and Freud. Brought to the United States by a 
cabal of pseudo-intellectual, fraudster “scientists” chased out of Germany. 
Trumpeted by the corporate media. 
● Second Wave Feminism and its progeny, i.e. “next wave” feminism, queer theory, 
transgender studies, ethnic studies, ect. (hereinafter “feminism”). Seemingly 
redundant with the aforementioned, but mentioned here because the language of 
SJW Leftists is expressed through the dialect of feminism’s distillation of 
Freud/Marx/Trotsky/Mao/Critical Theory. 
F. The Enemy - Methodology (Politics By Proxy) 
The constant underlying The Enemy’s war against The West are their ​fundamental 
objectives​. Political issues blossom and wither, but they are merely tools in service of The 
Enemy’s unchanging objectives. For instance, The Enemy’s fundamental objective of open 
borders is sold in various forms: “The criminal elite seeks new ways to camouflage their 
project. First, their immigrant pawns were ‘temporary guest workers.’ Then, it was a 
‘multiracial experiment.’ Then they were ‘refugees.’ Then the answer to a shrinking 
population. Different excuses. Different lies. And asylum is just another one. But, the 
real aim stays the same.” [Nick Griffin] 
The Enemy does not change. They just want to be on the side that winning. Whatever side 
is winning, and whatever side they’re on, the subversives don’t stop subverting. For 
example: The self-preserving temper-tantrum that was the anti-war movement of the 
1960’s and 70’s served as a justification for the cowardice of draft dodgers to indulge in 
the sexual revolution and burgeoning (and ultimately disastrous) drug culture. This was all 
made possible by the economic affluence of their generation, paid for by their depression 
surviving, world war fighting parents. The “thought leaders” of the anti-war movement, a 
collection of northeastern Trotskyites no longer threatened by induction, ultimately 
rebranded themselves as conservatives after being “mugged by reality,” in a “The God 
That Failed” transition that brought us the so called, “neoconservatives”3 who are neither 
new nor conservative. And thus, these neoconservatives freed themselves to 
hypocritically midwife in decades of war, economic ruination, and societal degradation by 
wrapping themselves in the imprimatur of conservatism, while prosecuting an agenda of 
which Stalin would be proud. Realize that neoconservatives and neo-liberals are the same 
people, attacking Western society from two different fronts, but with the same goals.  
The Enemy forms a narrative, primarily created by their intelligentsia within the walls of 
the bag men funded academies and think tanks. They manufacture crises from whole 
cloth. Never letting a crisis go to waste, The Enemy propagandizes the narrative to pollute 
the field of ideas, proselytizing it as a moral imperative, and psycho-pathologizing dissent. 
They engage in what Bernard Goldberg called, “journalism by sentiment.” They take 
discrete issues affecting discrete populations, and “universalize” the issue onto the wider 
population. They misrepresent the scope of limited issues for subversive political 
The propaganda is predominantly unsophisticated, but is broadcast repeatedly and 
forcefully through the corporate media. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the 
truth” (law of propaganda, attributed to Joseph Goebbels).   
The Enemy instinctively relies on the most vulgar, childlike of rhetorical argument, that of 
ad hominem​ ridicule - invectively epithetizing their opposition as immoral, and therefore 
indefensible. They’ll falsely accuse the innocent of thought-crimes by association, all they 
while casting themselves as victims on which outrages have been visited. These tactics are 
utilized because their narratives cannot survive scrutiny. The Enemy cringes when 
questioned or contradicted, because their propaganda is patently false and demonstrably 

“...The move from being a Leninist enthusiast to a, you know a passionate supporter of state 
capitalism, you know, and working for American aims, that takes place overnight. It’s been going on 
for years. It’s called The God That Failed transition. And it happens very simply...But, in recent 
years it’s become just a farce - a technique of opportunism.” Noam Chomsky (Lecture, March 15, 
1989), “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. 
so. Because of the tenuousness of their arguments, The Enemy tries to shut down 
discourse, altogether.4 
Ultimately, the The Enemy are control freaks, desperately trying to control the 
dissemination of information through professionalized media that ignores, re-interprets or 
reframes inconvenient facts for purely political ends. 
The Enemy agitates for fundamentally undemocratic forms of government, such as the 
European Union with its government by unelected bureaucrats. They seek to mitigate 
democratic forms of representation by placing intermediaries between Le Peuple and the 
exercise of political power. 
The Few. The Proud… 
The Enemy relies on our humanity for its survival - the civilized to be civil. They mistake 
our good will for a weakness to be exploited. Many a nobody understand elitist lies. Just 
imagine mobilizing every nobody - enflaming zealotry. Imagine fielding a corps of rabid 
patriots to engage in this just war. Many are called. Few are chosen. To those willing to 
suffer the transfiguration from righteous men to Holy Warriors, know that your vocation 
is righteous. Those ready to serve are a credit to themselves and the nation. Serve with 
valor, honor and humility. 
A. Prepare for battle. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I 
came not to send peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). 
B. Define objectives. Create the strategy and tactics to obtain them. 
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go 
to war first and then seek to win.” [Sun Tzu, The Art of War]. 
C. Know The Enemy. Who are their allies? Who funds them? What are their 
methods and capabilities? Find and exploit their vulnerabilities. “Know 
thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” [Sun 

​For example, the Left distorted the A.I.D.S. crisis of the 1980’s, and created a myth of 
a coming explosion of heterosexual H.I.V. infections to affect political outcomes. When 
Michael Fumento published his book, The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, lamenting 
distortions of the disease and the effect on epidemiology, Fumento was slandered, 
censored and vilified. Typical targets of the Left are those populations and institutions 
emblematic Western society: The Catholic Church and Christianity as a whole, police, 
military, fraternities,  
D. Make them live their ideology. Make their society ideologically “diverse” by 
flooding their liquid society with infiltrators: Promote their preferred 
model of decision making, i.e. consensus. This appeals to them because they 
hate being held accountable. Consensus dilutes responsibility, but slows the 
decision making process; Encourage debate during the decision process; 
Advocate for ineffective and politically detrimental tactics that appeal to 
their “radicals” (rioting, property destruction). 
E. Don’t Knight the Pawn. Kill the King. Aim high, and decapitate the beast. 
F. First the mission, then the mission, and lastly, the mission. 
G. Interlocking fields of fire. Action by one supports the mission of all. Do not 
engage in infighting.  
H. Everybody is a leader. Everybody is a follower. The difference between 
humility and authority is circumstance. A good subordinate is more valuable 
than a bad leader. Pick-up the flag when leadership is required. Step aside 
as necessary. 
I. Attack when they are weak. Defend when they are strong - making them 
them engage on our terms - at a time, place and manner of our own design. 
“[T]hose skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not 
brought there by him.” [Sun Tzu, The Art of War] “[T]he defensive form 
of war is in itself stronger than the offensive.” [Carl von Clausewitz, On 
J. Distinguish between that which is important, and what can be sacrificed.5 
Evolve as needed. Change when necessary. Do not let process trump 

​“While standing in the middle of a spanning wood, is it not easier to appreciate a great 
oak, than to view the whole of the forest? Likewise, does one not fail to appreciate the 
individual tree while overlooking a spanning woodland? Two men may each pursue 
righteousness from their different perspectives, and where one man’s path is true, the 
other’s path is in error. One must know what is important, and what can be sacrificed. 
For, who would think a man wise who chops wood in preparation for the winter as his home 
burns down around his fireplace?” 

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