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In all cases, the term diaspora carries a sense of displacement the population so described finds

itself for whatever reason separated from its national territory, and usually its people have a hope, or
at least a desire, to return to their homeland at some point, if the "homeland" still exists in any
meaningful sense.
diaspora may result in a loss of nostalgia for a single home as people "re-root" in a series of
meaningful displacements. In this sense, individuals may have multiple homes throughout their
diaspora, with different reasons for maintaining some form of attachment to each.

Ethnicity, nationalism, transnationalism

transnationalism: taking into context the global appeal of your actions

Identity politics
Derive a sense of joy and identity, as well as a sense of vicarious belonging from their identification with
a homeland that is elsewhere
- but this identification with an imagined “where you’re from” is a sign of, and surrender to, a condition
of actual marginalization of “where you’re at”

Number One. All politics is identity politics. Political activity is—and, at its best, is—animated by efforts
to define and defend who I am, or we are, or you are, or hope to be, or hope to be seen to be.1 By
extension, it is motivated by our imagination of what is or ought to be mine or ours or yours. It is not
only about self‐government. Nor does it always involve much in the way of public debate. What
structures it, often beneath the surface, is the always unfinished enterprise of self‐construction and

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