1:24 - LP

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Name: Date: Week: Lesson number:

Alexandra (Lexi) Taber 1/24/18 1 3
Lesson type: Level: Length of lesson: Number of students:
Systems – Grammar & Vocab 1/2 3 hrs 26
Lesson Aim(s) Specify your main aims and sub-aims, including any target language you aim to clarify
By the end of the lesson, students will have reviewed subject-pronoun agreement for the verb ‘To Be’ in the
present tense in both the positive and negative form.
Sub-Aim: Ss will practice speaking fluently regarding personal information
Materials (What you will need in this lesson) Write title, author, year, publisher and page number here and on all
your copies/handouts.

Vrabel, Kerry S. “Grammar and Beyond.” Cambridge University Press. 2012. P. 2-12
Vrabel, Kerry S. “Grammar and Beyond: Workbook.” Cambridge University Press. 2012. P. 2-6

Assumptions What do you expect the students will already know about the language/content of your lesson?

• Even if Ss cannot produce the TL within varied contexts, Ss will have a general understanding of the basic
conjugation tree for “To Be” in the present form.
• Ss will have experience reading short passages and will understand how to extract information from text.
• Ss will have a basic understanding of contractions, even if only in the first person (I am  I’m) form.

Anticipated problems Solutions to these problems:

• Ss will have difficulties differentiating between • T will explain that we use ‘we’ to talk about something
the plural we/they forms that includes the speaker, and ‘they’ to talk about
something that doesn’t include the speaker.
T will use visuals to clarify  stick figures with one named
‘John.’ If John is in the group he says “we are students” if
John is not in the group he says “they are students”
 CCQ: “Are you all students in the beginner class or the
advanced class upstairs? Beginner class. “So would you
say “we are advanced students, or they are advanced
students?” They are advanced students.
Board Plan:

3 T-Ss Lead-In – To introduce topic/ raise • T will signpost and introduce lead in activity.
mins Review SS interest in the topic
Game of the lesson
5 T-Ss Pre-Teach To provide Ss with an • T will write vocabulary words on w/b and will utilize visual aids to provide contextualized definitions.
mins Vocabulary understanding of • See LA Sheet
vocabulary used closely
with TL and prevent
blocking vocabulary
from preventing

5 T-Ss Exposure to To introduce Ss to the • T will signpost H/O 2 (1A, 1B) and introduce the reading topic. T will explain that the reading is about
mins TL – General TL within the desired a man named Jun-Ho, and he is meeting with his advisor. (Advisor is a vocabulary word from the
Information context. previous pre-teaching stage)
• T will display comprehension questions from H/O 2 on TV and will ask Ss to read the questions to
• T will distribute H/O 2. T will monitor closely initially to ensure that Ss are on topic and then will
monitor for completion while anchored.
S-Ss • Ss check their answers with their partner, and T will hand out markers so that Ss may fill in answers
on the w/b.
6 T-Ss Analysis of To provide Ss with a • T will signpost H/O 3 (1C). Ss will read the sentence and fill in the blanks with the proper pronoun.
mins Examples contextualized example • Ss P/C, then T elicits answers from Ss during WCFB
S-Ss from text of the TL • T will instruct Ss to unfold their papers and fill in the verb chart using the answers to the questions at
the top of the page.
T-Ss • Ss P/C, T will draw verb chart on w/b and nominate Ss to fill the chart in.
• T will elicit from Ss the contraction of ‘To Be’ conjugated for each form, using the example ‘I’m’ from
the text and H/O 3.
8 T-Ss Clarification To provide Ss with a • T will clarify meaning using the sentence ‘I am a teacher’. The verb ‘to be’ links ideas.
mins clarification of meaning, • T will erase ‘am I’  without ‘to be’, we don’t know what I’m trying to say. Maybe I’m saying I like
pron, form teachers, or I hate teachers, or I know a teacher. ‘To be’ tells you that my job is as a teacher.
• CCQ: Can I say I late? No, you need the verb.
• CCQ: Can I say you is? No
• CCQ: If I say ‘my friend and I’ is that ‘we’ or ‘they’? We (because you are included)
• Does I am and I’m mean the same thing? Yes.
• T will drill pron by demoing the proper pronunciation and then eliciting choral drilling from Ss.
8 Controlled To provide Ss with • T will signpost and provide directions for H/O 4 (2.1 C)
mins Practice practice of TL’s • T will demo activity using TV, will elicit answer for number 2.
application within the • T monitors Ss initially to ensure Ss are on topic and understand the activity. T then monitors for OTS
context correction and completion.
• Ss p/c, T writes 1-10 on w/b and Ss come up to write their answers.

10 Freer To provide Ss with • Ss will count off to form groups of 4 (if attendance #s require Ss to count higher than 10 T will form
mins Practice - practice of the TL in the the groups using roster)
Speaking context of personal • T will signpost pre-speaking activity and explain that Ss will be introducting themselves to their
information partners using the verb “to be”
• T will model using a Ss from class. (Ex: Hi, I’m Lexi. This is Eduard. He’s from the Dominican Republic.
He’s a Yankee fan.”)
• T will write ^ on wb and will provide additional examples for the last sentence. (Ex: He is a delivery
driver, He is smart, He is 35 years old, He lives in the Bronx)
Present of Be: Affirmative Rules
The verb Be links ideas and facts: I + am + a student
(Subject Pronoun) (verb form) (noun)

Verb Forms
Singular (1 Person) Plural (2 or more People)

Subject Pronoun + Verb Form Subject Pronoun + Verb Form

I am We are
You are They are
He is


I am a student. He/She a student. We/They are students.

smart. smart. smart.
tired. tired. tired.
from Mexico. from Mexico. from Mexico.

Affirmative Contractions
Verb Forms Other Forms

I am  I’m José (He)  José’s

You are  You’re His mother (she)  His mother’s
He is  He’s My name is (it)  My name’s
She is  She’s José and Luis (they)  They’re
It is  It’s The students (they)  They’re
We are  We’re
They are  They’re

*** Contractions do NOT change the meaning of the sentence ***


• I am a student. = I’m a student.

• José and Luis are students. = They’re students.
• José (He) is a student. = José’s a student.
• His mother (she) is a student. = His mother’s a student.
• My name is (it) Lexi. = My name’s Lexi.
• José and Luis (they) are students. = They’re students.
• The students (they) are smart. = They’re smart.
Present of Be: Negative Rules

Maria is a student  Maria + is + a student

Maria is NOT a student  Maria + is + not + a student

Verb Forms
Singular (1 Person) Plural (2 or more People)

Subject Pronoun + Verb Form + Not Subject Pronoun + Verb Form + Not
I am not We are not
You are not They are not
He is not


I am not a student He/She/It is not a student We/They are not students

tall tall tall
tired tired tired
from NY from NY from NY

Negative Contractions
Verb Forms Other Forms

I am not  I’m not José (He) is not  José’s not

You are not  You’re not His mother (She) is not  His mother’s not
He is not  He’s not My name (it) is not  My name’s not
She is not  She’s not José and Luis (they) are not  They’re not
It is not  It’s not
We are not  We’re not
They are not  They’re not

• I am not a student. = I’m a not student.
• José and Luis are not students. = They’re not students.
• José (He) is not a student. = José’s not a student.
• His mother (she) is not a student. = His mother’s not a student.
• My name is (it) not Lexi. = My name’s not Lexi.
• José and Luis (they) are not students. = They’re not students.
• The students (they) are not loud. = They’re not loud.
Questions with To Be
Some questions can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
 Is he tall?  Yes, he is tall
 Are they in Lexi’s class?  Yes, they are in Lexi’s class

Singular Yes/No Questions

He is tall  He is tall  Is he tall?

They are in Lexi’s class  They are in Lexi’s class  Are they in Lexi’s class?

Question Forms
Singular (1 Person) Plural (2 or more people)

Verb Form + Subject Pronoun Verb Form + Subject Pronoun

Am I Are We
Are You Are They
Is He


Am I in class? Is he/she/it in class? Are we/they in class?

late? late? late?
smart? smart? smart?
Answering Yes/No Questions with To Be

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