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the IBP Ribbon

For all following steps, ensure Excel is not running. Close all instances of Excel and check the Task

If you see process EXCEL.EXE, end it.

Probable cause 1: The add-In was disabled
If excel is interrupted while the add-in is running (task manager / crash), the next time you start Excel, it
shows this pop-up (note the default button!)

“Yes” or <Enter> here disables the add-in.

Re-enable the add-in as follows:

Re-start Excel.

Probable cause 2: The add-In was deactivated
Re-activate the add-in as follows:

Re-start Excel.

Probable cause 3: The add-in’s load behavior is wrong

If the steps in the previous “Probably cause 2:” work in principle, but you have to repeat them after
every re-start of Excel, then the add-in’s load behavior is wrong.

Go to the install directory, which is – depending on your installation – usually at

· %localappdata%\Programs\SAP BusinessObjects\IBP Add-In (installed for user – default) or

· C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\IBP Add-In (installed for all users)
From there, navigate to the AddInManager sub-folder:

Then call AddinManager.exe:

You will see this pop-up:

Switch the mode until you see the add-in FPMXLClient.Connect. Make sure the Load mode is “Auto-
Probable cause 4: The add-in was not correctly installed
Uninstall the add in from Control Panel à Add or Remove Programs à IBP Add-in for Microsoft Excel

Then re-install. Check if the Ribbon appears.

Probable cause 5: Registry clean-up required
Uninstall the add in from Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> S&OP Add-in for Microsoft Excel

Extract the attached Zip file:

Run “EPMAddinCleaner.exe”

Click Scan

Once Scan is completed then “Select all” and Click on “Clean Registry”

Run windows program “regedit.exe”

Go to “Edit” -> “Find” and search for “FPMXL” as below:

Delete parent node ({24B0DA…}) where registry key or value contains FPMXL
Repeat the above process for all such hits (Click “F3” or Find next and repeat for all such occurrences)

Once you are done, close the registry editor and install the excel add-in again. Now it should work.
Still no success…
If all else fails, run the MSI file instead of the installer. Find it here:

C:\Windows\Installer is invisible, even if hidden files and folders are shown.

Find the MSI file by date and size.

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