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 Do not assume cases of dead on arrival/brought dead cases as a natural death, unless
there is valid reason to believe it.
 In the first instance, vigorous attempts must be made to resuscitate the patient. The
body is examined thoroughly i.e. pulse, blood pressure, respiration, heart sound,
reflexes, pupils, etc. ECG should be taken, preferably in the presence of the relative to
assurance of death of the person.
 After all attempts have failed to revive the patient, then he/she is declared dead
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be tried for a period of 20 min).
 The doctor should rule out that it is not an apparent death (suspended animation) or
deep coma before certifying death.
 After death is confirmed, the doctor should inform the relatives compassionately.
The following should be done after declaration of death:
 The dead body should never be released to the relatives; it should only be handed over
to the police.
 The death certificate should not be given.
 A police information (PI) should be issued at the earliest to the police, to take necessary
 A Medicolegal Report (MLR) should be prepared mentioning “Brought dead at ………
(time) on …………..(date)” along with his/her name, age, address and relative’s signature
and mobile phone number.
 The wounds should not be examined or clothing should not be removed.
 Belonging of the deceased (jewelry, cash or wrist watch) shall be handed over to the
relatives attending on the patient (after verifying the nature of relationship) or to the
police officer dealing with the case and this fact should be recorded in the file. A proper
receipt must be obtained.
 The body is then sent to the mortuary with identification data on the wrist and on head
of the dead person (name, age, sex, date and time).
 The 12 lead ECG should be preserved in the Brought Dead File (it may be required in
 In Brought Dead Register, recording of name, age, sex, date, time, relatives name,
valuables and the relative’s signature and mobile phone number is must.

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