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Isothermal Process By Eqs. (3.206) and (3.21b), AU = AH =0 By Bs (322)and 32H, Q=RTinY? = RTI Ys Pp Bs Ve * y Bags. 3.23)and (3.25), W = RT Ia = RTI Note that Q = —W, a result that also follows from Eq. (2.3). Therefore, Py 7, (joauT) e2n Q=-W=rTint=-arin “ isobaric Process By Eqs. (3.206) and 216), au= fever and an= [ Cear and by Eqs. (3.24) and (325), o= [cear ant W=-KCR—T) Note that @ = AH, a result also given by Eq. (2.13), Therefore, (const P) (328) Isochoric (Constant-V) Process Equations (3.20b) and (3.21b) again apply: au= fccar and ane [car [rar =o Note that Q = AU’, a result also given by Eq. (2.10). Therefore, By Eg, (3.22) and the basic equation for work, @ fovar and We Q=au= f cyar (const V) G29 Adiabatic Process; Constant Heat Capacities An adiabatic process is ane for which there is no heat transfer between the system and its surroundings; ic..d@ = 0, Bach of Eqs. (3.22), (3.24), and (3.26) may therefore be set equal to zero. Integration with Cy- and Cp constant then yields simple relations among the variables T. P. and V. valid for mechanically reversible adiabatic compression of expansion of ideal gases. For example, Eq. (3.22) becomes: ar wav r av b a(uyre Tr \We ‘Similarly, Eqs. (3.24) and (3.26) lead to: Inaegration with Cy constant gives: th (p\sier Pr (va\Orle #-(3) = z-(@) ‘These equations may also be expressed as: Tpe sconst. (3.30b)| PV =const. (3.30c) Cr v= a 63D Equations (3.90) are recited in application to ideal queee wth con- stant heat capacities undergoing mechanically reversible adiabatic lay] wet ey” 7 Polytropic Process Becaase polytrapic means “wurning many ways,” polytropic process suggests a model of some versatility, With 5 constant, itis defined as process represcated by the empirical equation: (35a) For an ideal gas equations analogous to Eqs. (3,30) and (3.30b) are readiy derived: TV") = conta (3.350) | TPP = conan (3.35) When the relation between P and V is given by Eq. (3.35a). evaluation of { P dV yields Eq, (3.34) with y replaced by 3: ne) ma «39 Moreover, for constant heat capacities, the first Fxw solved for @ yiekls: | ean won ‘The processes described in this section correspond to the four paths* shown on Fig. 3.6 for specific values of 6: Isobarie process: By Eq. (3.35a). 8 = 0. ‘ Isothermal process: By Eq. (3.356). 6 = 1, Adiabatic process: 5 = y. « Isochoric process: By Eq. (3.352), dV /dP = V/PS; for constant V, 5 = £50.

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