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3 What’s cool

Talking about the past

in school? 1 Complete the table with the correct past simple
form of these verbs.
arrive ask carry decide join listen

GRAMMARzone practise stop study travel try

Add -ed Add -d Change -y Double

Past simple to -i and consonant
M for an action that started and finished in the past add -ed and add
Peter played in the match. -ed
They studied hard for the exam.
M for one completed action after another
The lesson finished and the children left the
M for an action that happened regularly in the past
I stayed with my grandparents every summer.
I played in the park every afternoon.
2 Complete the sentences with the past simple form
M form the past simple of regular verbs by of the verbs.
adding -ed 1 Tim decided (decide) to go on the
Sarah stayed after school. Geography trip.
The team practised in the sports hall. 2 We (try) to finish our homework
M be careful of spelling changes before the lesson.
travel – travelled 3 The teacher (stop) the lesson five
stop – stopped minutes early.
plan – planned 4 I (carry) my teacher’s books.
M some irregular verbs do not form the past 5 They (study) hard for their exam.
simple with -ed 6 Robert and Phillip (join) the
Annie saw her friend at the match. football club.
Our school won the match. 7 The class (travel) by coach to the
We went home at four o’clock. theatre.
He bought some books. 8 He (listen) to his teacher.
9 I (ask) my teacher about the trip.
M did/didn’t + infinitive to make negative
sentences in the past simple 3 Complete the table with the correct form of
Helen didn’t think that basketball was interesting. the verbs.

Infinitive Past simple

win 1) won

2) came
have 3)
4) was/were
drink 5)
6) caught
tell 7)
8) heard
Peter played in the match.
3 What’s cool in school? | Grammar

4 Complete the sentences with the past simple form Asking questions about
of the verbs.
1 Our teacher gave (give) us a lot of the past
homework yesterday.

2 We (have) a break after Maths.
3 Sarah (eat) in the school canteen
at lunchtime.
4 School (finish) early yesterday
because there was a lot of snow. Past simple questions
5 I (see) Tom and Mark in the M past simple of be to ask questions about
playground. the past
6 I really (enjoy) our History lesson Were you tired last night?
this morning. M was/were or wasn’t/weren’t for short answers
7 We (go) on a school trip to a museum Was he pleased? Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.
last year. Were they here yesterday? Yes, they were./
8 The football team (practise) every No, they weren’t.
afternoon last week.
M did + infinitive with other verbs to ask
5 Complete the email with was/wasn’t, were/ questions in the past simple
weren’t or had/didn’t have. Did he go to football practice?
Did you study French?
Email Did we have any homework?
File Edit View Go Message Tools Help
M some past simple questions use time phrases
Subject or Sender
Get Mail Write Address Book Back Forwards like last week, two hours ago
Did he arrive here yesterday?
Hi, Did they study History last year?
I 1) had my first day at my new school today.
I 2) a bit nervous in the morning, but
everything went well. All the teachers 3) 7 Put the words in the correct order to complete the
nice and friendly. My first lesson 4) questions.
Maths. I’m not very good at Maths, but the lesson
5) hard. We 6) much
Interviewer: 1) enjoy / you / school? / Did
homework, which was good! And the other subjects
Did you enjoy school?
7) too difficult so I was happy.
Kate: Yes, I liked studying and, of course,
I 8) lunch in the school canteen, but I
spending time with my friends!
didn’t like the food very much!
Interviewer: 2) was / What / best subject? / your
I hope your first day at school 9) OK too.
Paul Kate: I love painting so I loved my Art lessons.
Interviewer: 3) you / Did / always do / your homework?
Done Unread: 0 Total: 0

Kate: Yes, of course! Well, maybe not always!

6 Choose the correct verbs. Interviewer: 4) a favourite teacher? / Did / have / you
1 We didn’t go/went to the concert last night.
2 She didn’t play/played tennis with me. Kate: No, not really. I liked all my teachers.
3 I didn’t forgot/forget my books. Interviewer: 5) good at / you / sports? / Were
4 They didn’t liked/like the film.
5 He didn’t have/had any lunch. Kate: Terrible! I was never in any sports teams.
6 It didn’t rained/rain yesterday. Interviewer: 6) make / Did / any good friends at
7 You didn’t tell/told me about the homework. school? / you
8 We didn’t finished/finish the exercise.
Kate: Yes, I met most of my good friends
at school.

Vocabulary | What’s cool in school? 3


Compound nouns are usually made from
1 Match the sentences with these school subjects. two words.

Art Computer Studies English French The first noun usually gives us information
Geography History Maths PE Science about the second noun.
A shop that sells clothes is a clothes shop.
My favourite part is Biology. A brush for your hair is a hairbrush.
We write some compound nouns as
one word.
weekend, sunglasses, newspaper
I love drawing and painting. We write some compound
nouns as two words.
post office, computer game,
telephone call
I really enjoy football and hockey.

2 Complete the sentences with a word from each box.

I practised this language note bike
on holiday last year. bus shop
mountain glasses
sun stop
5 book book
I’m really interested in learning
about different countries.
1 She cycles to school on her mountain bike .
2 I write all my homework in my .
3 He needs to buy a dictionary from the
6 .
I think all the stories about kings 4 I always wear in the summer.
and queens are fascinating! 5 Meet me at the after school.

3 Match these words with the clues.

bin match primary school secretary
7 secondary uniform
This is my best subject. My teacher
says I’m really good with numbers. 1 This is a school for teenagers.
2 Many children in the UK wear one to school.

3 This is a sports competition.

I really enjoy writing
4 This is the place where you put your rubbish.
stories in this lesson.
5 This is a school for very young children.

6 This person works in the school office.

I enjoy using the Internet because
there’s so much information!

3 What’s cool in school? | Vocabulary

4 Complete the table with these words. 5 Complete the blog with words from Exercise 4.
blazer jacket jeans jumper shirt
shoes skirt sweatshirt tie
trainers trousers T-shirt
Are uniforms a good idea?
Casual Smart
jacket blazer
My name is Jake. I go to school in the UK and my
cousin goes to school in Australia.
In my school the uniform is really smart. The boys wear
grey 1) t r o u s e r s and girls wear a grey 2) _ _ _ _ _ .
At my cousin’s school the boys and girls can wear
3) _ _ _ _ _ – that’s so cool! In my school everyone
wears a white 4) _ _ _ _ _ and a 5) _ _ _ , and they are
so uncomfortable to wear around your neck! My cousin
can wear a 6) _ - _ _ _ _ _ , and this is a good idea
because it’s really warm there. When it’s cold my
cousin wears a 7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and a
8) _ _ _ _ _ _ over the top. In the winter we wear a
9) _ _ _ _ _ _ when we go out and a 10) _ _ _ _ _ _

6 Choose the correct verbs.

Every summer I 1) go/make to a study camp. I 2) make/do lots of different courses,

for example, Art and Music. We 3) have/go lessons in the mornings and in the
afternoons we usually 4) do/make sport. We don’t study subjects like Maths or
Science – it’s more fun than school! We sometimes 5) take/do a project, for
example, last year I did one on rap music. We don’t 6) write/have any big exams,
but we sometimes 7) have/make a small test at the end of a course. We don’t
8) have/write homework either, so it’s very relaxing. We 9) have/go lunch in the
canteen – the food is always great!

Exam practice | What’s cool in school? 3

Exam practice
1 Complete the words. Use the clues to help you.

1 This is the place where we eat lunch. canteen

2 This place is outside and is where we meet our friends in school. p_________
3 These are the clothes we have to wear to school. u______
4 This is usually the largest room in the school. h___
5 This shows you what lesson you have next. t________
6 We have one of these in the middle of the morning. b____

2 Choose the correct letter (A–H) to complete the conversation.

You do not need all the letters.
Louis: Where did you go for your school trip? A No, I didn’t get all the answers right.
Marc: 1) G B Me too! The dinosaur room was my
Louis: Was it good? The last museum I went to was really boring! favourite part.
Marc: 2) C The winner got a T-shirt from the museum.
Louis: So what did you do there? D We also did a quiz about the museum, and the
winner got a prize.
Marc: 3)
E Yes, it was really interesting. You should go.
Louis: That sounds cool! I love dinosaurs.
F We went to the dinosaur room first.
Marc: 4)
G We went to the Natural History Museum
Louis: What else did you do?
in London.
Marc: 5)
H Yes, we did. We learnt lots of things
Louis: Did you win? about dinosaurs.
Marc: 6)
Louis: Bad luck!

3 What’s cool in school? | Exam practice

3 Complete the article with the best answer, A, B or C.

School days y
class and my best friend was a ver
school in pretty girl called Agnes. At school,
I went 1)
ool Maths was 5) favourite
Ghana, West Africa. I went to sch lish
t subject. I wasn’t very good at Eng
thirty years ago. I remember my firs
6) I never enjoyed that
teacher. He was 2) t
subject. Our school was in a grea
Mr Boateng. He was a really good
place because it was 7)
teacher and a very funny man. My
to a big park. My friends and I
classroom was really big and very
always 8) in the park at
colourful – there were 3)
break and after school.
on all the walls. There were about
my I loved my school!
thirty children 4)

1 A at B to C for 5 A the B a C my
2 A called B name C calling 6 A so B but C also
3 A books B pictures C desks 7 A opposite B next C by
4 A in B with C on 8 A playing B play C played

4 Complete the text with these words. You do not

need all the words.
because closed had homework over
races ran so winning worked

Hi, my name is Liam. I go to Greenside Secondary School. Yesterday we
had our school sports day. We 1) had our normal lessons in the
morning and then we had lunch as usual. We didn’t have any of our
afternoon lessons 2) it was sports day. I missed Maths and
English! I was so happy because we always get lots of 3) for
those subjects! We had lots of different races in the afternoon. I was in
the 200-metres race and I won! I couldn’t believe it! Our teachers all
4) in a race – that was really funny to watch. Mrs Stewart,
the Art teacher, won the teachers’ race. Our Science teacher, Mr Fox, fell
5) and hurt his leg, but he’s OK now. All the 6)
finished at 3.30 p.m. It was a really hot day so afterwards we all had an
ice cream down by the river. It was a great day!


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