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Department of Industrial Engineering

Kick-off Meeting
EIT Raw Materials Project # 17182

8:45-9:30 Welcome – (Flavio Deflorian, Deputy Rector, University of Trento)
ECOPADS - Introduction (Stefano Gialanella, UNITN)

9:30-9:50 Feasibility Study: why, what, how? (Giorgio Recine, EIT Raw Materials)

9:50-10:30 WP0: Feasibility study (Silvio Antonioni, HIT)

WP1: Project Management – General (Ilina Petkanovska, HIT)

10:30-10:50 Coffee break– “Ristoro” hall

10:50-11:30 WP2: Parts Design & Processing (UNITN)

Mix design_Pins (Mara Leonardi, UNITN)
Pad production (available soon, BREMBO)

11:30-12:30 WP3: Parts Testing & Validation (KTH)

Pin-on-Disc (Ulf Olofsson, KTH)
Dyno tests (available soon, BREMBO)

12:30-13:30 Lunch at the Industrial Engineering Department – “Ristoro” hall

13:45-14:45 WP5: Recycling (UNITN)

Feasibility (Cinzia Menapace, UNITN)
LCA & LCCA (Anna Hedlund Åström, KTH)

14:45-15:30 Second year activities

WP4: Customization & Optimization (available soon, BREMBO)
WP6: Exploitation (available soon, BREMBO)

Closing Remarks

Visit to the Tribology and Materials Characterization Laboratories

“Girasole hall” - Department of Industrial Engineering

Via Sommarive 9, 38123 Povo - Trento, Italy

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