Physiotherapy Equipment: For Gym and General

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Physiotherapy Equipment

Nama Barang Merk Barang Jumlah Satuan Gambar

For Gym and General

1 Ball Exercise 3 Ukuran (45, 55, 65) Reebok 3 buah

2 Shoulder Wheel 1 unit

3 Finger bar 1 unit

4 Matras 1x2 meter Reebok 2 buah

5 Paralel Bar 1 unit

6 Tensi meter + Stetoscop Riester 1 unit

7 Stairs Exercise 1 unit

8 Static Cycle Enraf 1 unit

9 Wall Bar 1 Unit

10 Hand Sand Bag (1 and 2 kg) Ketler 2 buah (1 for 1 kg, 1 for 2 kg)

Foot Sand Bag ( 3 and 5 kg) ketler 2 buah (1 for 3 kg, 1 for 5 kg)

11 Kulkas (Refrigerator) 1 Unit

12 Ice pack ( small and big size) 4 Buah (2 small,2 big)

13 Cross Trainer 1 Unit

14 Dumble Set 1 Unit

Physio Equipment

1 TENS With Vacum Enraf 1 Unit

2 Weight and Height 1 Unit

3 Stop Watch 2 Unit

4 Anatomi Picture (spine, muscle, nerve) 1 masing-masing 1 gambar

5 Wheel Chair 1 Unit

6 Quadripot 1 Unit

7 Walker 1 Unit
8 Portabel Oxygen 1 Set

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