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The main aim of the article is to analyze the present education and teaching methodologies there by
obtaining new methodologies and necessary changes for the teaching next generation. Defining
teaching and it’s importance in the society .” Teaching is something which removes ignorance within an
individual and enlightens them with knowledge”. Education makes an individual strong, confident and
gets recognition in the society. A teacher plays a major role in a student’s life there by contributing to
the success of one entire generation. In this modern era there is a rapid growth in science & technology
which has changed the shape of every scenario around human life. Now man can do many wonders. He
has conquered the earth, he can fly over the sky, he can reach the moon and started expeditions to
other planets also. At this stage if we talk about the teaching for the next generation it is obvious that
the concept of teaching should be sophisticated with high standards, technologically more advanced
then the present but at the same time it should portray the human values, ethics and morals.

Coming to the education in India at present, it is majorly into the quantity delivery rather than the
quality. It is the duty of the parents and teachers to see that the children are not running behind the
scores or grades but it should be the level of understanding which has to be merely focused. The Present
Education system in our country rather than making the students emerge as knowledgeable individuals
is turning them against each other for competitiveness which makes a society weakened. While coming
to the education system in other countries like Japan every student in school apart from studies is
trained on household chores, basic cooking, cleaning of their own classroom and school surroundings
and other life survival skills also from south corea and Finland etc. It is necessary that the education
system need to take a dynamic change based on our ancient teaching techniques and also the present
prevailing situations.

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