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3, JULY 2017 1215

Energy Demand Model for Residential Sector:

A First Principles Approach
Rajesh Subbiah, Anamitra Pal, Member, IEEE, Eric K. Nordberg, Achla Marathe,
and Madhav V. Marathe, Fellow, IEEE

◦ 2
Abstract—According to the U.S. Energy Information Adminis- R: T hermal resistance of the household in FB Tf tU h
tration (EIA), the residential sector accounts for one-third of the
country’s energy consumption. This number is steadily increasing, Td : Household temperature during the day in ◦ F
posing a challenge to energy regulators as well as suppliers. To man- Tn : Household temperature at night in ◦ F
age the growing demand for energy, there is a need for energy sys- 
X: Demographic f eature set of length n
tem optimization, especially on the demand side. This paper uses a
first principles approach to build a high-resolution energy demand
model, which can be used as a test bed by academicians as well as I. INTRODUCTION
policy makers for performing such optimizations. This framework
ORE than 30 percent of the total energy consumption
generates activity-based, building-level, time-dependent demand
profiles. The model associates appliance usage with each household
activity and calculates energy consumption based on the appliance
M in the U.S. is attributable to the residential sector, and
this number is expected to rise due to increased use of ap-
energy rating, the duration of the energy consuming activity, and pliances and modern electronic devices [1]. This makes the
the type of activity performed by each household member. It also residential sector an important target group for energy conser-
accounts for shared activities among household members to avoid
vation. To analyze any modern energy optimization strategy,
double counting. Additionally, passive energy consumptions such
as space heating/cooling, lighting, etc., are measured. Finally, vali- accurate energy demand profiles of residential buildings are an
dation of the results obtained by this model against real-world data important prerequisite. Physical factors (e.g., building struc-
for Virginia is carried out. The results indicate that the modeling ture and size, level of insulation), human behavior (e.g., daily
framework is robust and can be extended to other parts of the U.S. routines) and economic factors (e.g., household income) influ-
and beyond.
ence residential energy consumption. Thus, it is important to
Index Terms—Activity-based, appliance usage, energy demand, understand these factors by taking into consideration specific
energy rating, residential, shared activity. contexts.
NOMENCLATURE To simulate energy consumption in the context of homes, it is
important to consider both individual as well as group behavior.
Ak : Household activity k According to [2], contextual elements that represent behavior
Hi : Synthetic household i drawn f rom the synthetic are categorized as individuality (state), activity (human needs
population expressed as ‘what’ and ‘how’), location (spatial arrangements),
n : N umber of demographic variables time, (current or any virtual time), and relations. Several studies
Pij : Synthetic household member j f rom Hi have tried to quantify the effect of human behavior on energy
demand [3]–[5]. In [6] the activity schedule of individuals who
Manuscript received March 10, 2016; revised June 16, 2016, September 24, responded to the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) [7] was
2016, and January 3, 2017; accepted February 6, 2017. Date of publication considered. However, [6] did not address the inherent time-use
February 15, 2017; date of current version June 17, 2017. This work was sup-
ported in part by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency under Grant HDTRA1- dependencies within a household due to the sharing of activities
11-1-0016, in part by DTRA Comprehensive National Incident Management among the household members.
System under Contract HDTRA1-11-D-0016-0001, in part by the Department Physical factors such as temperature also play an important
of Energy under Grant DE-EE0007660, in part by National Science Foundation
Network Science and Engineering under Grant CNS-1011769, in part by the role in calculating total residential energy consumption. Ref.
National Institutes of Health under Grant 1R01GM109718, in part by Inter- [8] studied the thermal sensitivity aspect of residential electric-
face between Computer Science and Economics & Social Science (NSF-ICES) ity demand. It constructed dynamic energy demand profiles for
(CCF-1216000), and in part by (NSF-NRT) (DESE Grant DGE-154362). Paper
no. TSTE-00189-2016. individual consumers based on consumers’ responses to out-
R. Subbiah, E. K. Nordberg, A. Marathe, and M. V. Marathe are with the side temperature. In [9], the authors used wireless sensor home
Network Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory, Biocomplexity Insti- area networks to communicate with appliances and energy man-
tute of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA (e-mail:;;; agement units, while in [10] an automatic controller to sched-
A. Pal is with the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineer- ule appliance usage was designed so as to provide an optimal
ing, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail: Anamitra.Pal@ cost. However, the disadvantage of the automated optimiza-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online tion schemes was that they ignored consumers’ behaviors and
at choices [11]. An agent-based modeling framework that gener-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2017.2669990 ated residential energy demand profiles for urban areas while

1949-3029 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

considering land use, energy infrastructure as well as user be- microwave, etc.) and the amount of energy required by each. We
havior was developed in [12]. start by building demographic-based individual activity sched-
In terms of modeling approaches, the two most commonly ules for each household member, while accounting for within-
used for predicting residential energy demand are the top-down household dependencies due to shared and coordinated activi-
and the bottom-up approaches, respectively [13]. In a top-down ties. Using the (independent or shared) activity start times and
approach, energy consumption is modeled at an aggregate level durations from the ATUS survey, we compute the energy con-
as a function of macro-economic factors such as Gross Domestic sumed by the appliance(s) associated with each activity. This
Product (GDP), climate, etc., [14]–[16]. A bottom-up approach process is repeated for all activities that are assumed to occur in
is one where residential energy demand profiles are modeled the household. The active energy consumed is then combined
based on household activities and occupancy patterns [17]–[19]. with passive energy consumption such as space heating/cooling,
A thorough review of the two modeling techniques can be found lighting, etc. to generate the household level energy demand.
in [13]. The following datasets were used in our analysis:
In this paper, we use a bottom-up approach to calculate house- 1) Synthetic Population: To create a detailed energy demand
hold level energy consumption of a synthetic population while profile, we first built a synthetic population of Virginia,
considering human and physical factors. The data used for cre- U.S. The synthetic population is statistically equivalent
ating the models are obtained from synthetic population models to the population of Virginia, as given by the U.S. Cen-
of the U.S. [20]–[22], ATUS, Residential Energy Consumption sus, and has all the same individual and household level
Survey (RECS), as well as a variety of online resources. An demographic attributes such as age, gender, household
earlier version of this model was applied to Washington, DC size, income, etc. Along with the U.S. Census, a vari-
[23]. The model has been significantly revised so as to increase ety of additional datasets such as the National Household
its applicability. This paper describes the model in detail, and Travel Survey (NHTS), Dun and Bradstreet, Land Use,
applies it to Virginia. Finally, validation of the model is car- and NAVTEQ have been used in the construction of this
ried out by comparing the model results with publicly available synthetic population. More details on this methodology
data sets as well as with proprietary data obtained from power can be found in [20]–[22].
utilities. 2) ATUS Data: To derive realistic activity and time schedules
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section III of the population, we used 2010 ATUS data [7]. It con-
describes the salient features of the model with an emphasis tains 24-hour period, minute-to-minute, activity diaries
on different datasets that were used in creating it. Section IV for 13,260 respondents across the U.S. with varying demo-
explains the models and methods used to build energy con- graphics. Each activity in the survey data embeds activity
sumption profiles. Section V applies the model to Virginia and start time, end time, location, and participant information.
compares it with actual consumption data obtained from a utility In addition, the survey data contain each respondent’s de-
service provider. A case study describing the practical utility of mographic information (such as age, gender, marital sta-
this methodology is also presented in that section. Conclusions tus, work status, etc.). For each household in ATUS, the
are provided in Section VI. survey collects information from one household member,
the respondent.
3) RECS Data: We used the U.S. EIA (Energy Information
II. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE MODEL AND DATASETS Administration) RECS 2009 data to estimate the passive
Our model builds individual activity schedules for every energy consumed by the households [24]. EIA-RECS is
household. The activities are mapped to the wattages of the ap- a national survey that collects energy related information
pliances used when performing those activities, which are then from different types of housing units and provides esti-
translated into energy consumption by considering the duration mates of the energy consumption for the entire U.S. We
for which the appliances were active. Coordinated or simulta- use this data set to obtain housing unit specific information
neously occurring activities shared among multiple household such as floor area, space heating fuel, etc. We used param-
members are pruned so as to avoid double counting of energy eters such as household size, household type, household
consumed. For example, if a household has a cooking activity income, and regional information to match the synthetic
occurring in the morning, the energy consumed by the appli- information data with the EIA-RECS household.
ances used for that activity is counted only once, even though
multiple household members may be involved in the cooking
activity. ATUS data [7] are used to assign activity patterns to the III. METHODOLOGY
individuals in the synthetic population (described later). The The synthetic population and households were created using
ATUS respondents report all activities in which they are in- the methodology described in [20]–[22]. ATUS data provide de-
volved. If the activity was shared with another household mem- mographic information as well as information on energy-related
ber, it also reports with whom that activity was shared. activities. After matching demographics of the individuals in the
Next, to estimate the energy consumed from activities, an ATUS data with the demographics of the synthetic individuals
association of appliance usage to energy demand is modeled. using the CART (classification and regression tree) methodol-
For example, if a household performs a “cooking” activity, one ogy, information pertaining to energy activities in ATUS data
needs to know the appliances used (for example, toaster-oven, was overlaid onto the synthetic individuals. Similarly, EIA-

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the energy-demand modeling framework.

RECS was used to assign building characteristics and appliance found to be laundry, dishwashing, cooking, cleaning, watching
information to the synthetic individuals’ home locations. Fig. 1 TV, and using computers. To assign an activity sequence to
provides an overall view of the system. Each rectangular box in a synthetic individual Pij of household Hi , we matched the
Fig. 1 represents an input data set and each rounded rectangular synthetic individual Pij with an ATUS survey respondent based
box represents a module in our modeling framework. upon the similarity of their demographics. Our main objective
We split all household energy consumption into two major was to partition the survey dataset into smaller datasets using
categories and represented the total energy consumption of a the demographic variables. The 7 demographic variables used in
household as shown in (1). our analysis are: age (<24, 24-51, >51), gender (M/F), student
(Y/N), employed (Y/N), children (Y/N), married (Y/N), and
Etotal = Eactive + Epassive (1) household size (1, 2-3, >3). The demographic feature set X̃ =
(X1 , X2 , . . . Xn ) is comprised of the n demographic variables
1) In (1), Eactive is the energy consumed due to appliance and is used to overlay the activity sequence of ATUS survey
usage from independent or shared activities, e.g., cooking respondents on the synthetic population. This is done using
or watching TV. These activities are mainly a function of CART [27] as described below.
the household member’s daily schedule. For example, a Initially, all survey respondents are represented as the root
person who is employed will have a completely different node of the tree, and demographic variable set X̃ is used to split
schedule of activities compared to a person who is not them into branches. At each stage, CART splits the root node into
employed. Similarly, a household with children will have multiple groups based on the best possible demographic after
a different set of activities from a household with no chil- performing an exhaustive search of all possible combinations.
dren. Even for a common set of activities, their time of The process is recursive in nature. That is, each node can be
occurrence and duration will differ. On the other hand, split into multiple child nodes and, in turn, each of these child
Epassive is the energy consumed for general habitation nodes may themselves be split, forming additional child nodes.
of the house, such as space heating/cooling, lighting, etc. Next, the activities that a synthetic individual can perform are
This usage mainly depends on the climate and character- refined into two bins:
istics of the house such as the type and size of housing a) Independent Activities: These are activities in which ap-
unit, fuel used, insulation, wall type, etc., and not as much pliance usage is not shared. An example of such an activity
on the activities of the residents. The next subsections de- might be using a computer. To assign independent activ-
scribe the active and passive energy demand models in ities to synthetic individuals, we first build a CART tree
greater details. using the ATUS data. CART uses demographic variables
to divide the ATUS respondents into homogeneous groups
in terms of their energy activities, as represented by the
A. Eactiv e Energy Demand Model nodes of the CART tree. Then each person in the synthetic
This is computed in two segments as shown below. population is assigned a node in the CART tree based on
1) Activity sequence generator: To construct a household’s its matching demographic variables. Finally, an ATUS re-
energy usage level, we modeled each member’s daily activity spondent is selected at random from this node of CART
schedule. Based on [25], and [26], we first identified the highest and his/her activity pattern is assigned to the synthetic
energy consuming activities in a typical household. These were individual.

b) Shared Activities:These are activities in which appliance TABLE I

usage is shared among all the household members. Ex-
amples of such activities are laundry, dishwashing, cook-
ing, cleaning, etc. All shared activities except cooking are Activity Name Appliance Used Appliance Effective Activity Wattage
assumed to occur at most once daily. To assign shared
activities to households, the following methodology was Laundry Washer 425 (425 × 0.4 + 3400 × 0.6) = 2210
Dryer 3400
adopted. Dishwashing Dishwasher 1800 1800
For laundry, dishwashing, and cleaning (examples of activi- Cleaning Vacuum Cleaner 1225 1225
ties that were performed only once per day), we identified which Watching TV Television 250 250
Using Computer Computer 125 125
members in the synthetic household performed these shared ac- Cooking Toaster oven 1225 (1225 × 0.5 + 1000 × 0.5 + 1500
tivities based on the activity template that was assigned to them (morning) × 0.5) = 1863
from the survey. If only one person is expected to do the shared Coffee maker 1000
Microwave 1500
activity, it was treated like an independent activity. However, if Cooking (day) Microwave 1500 1500 or 4500
multiple members of the household are expected to do these ac- Electric Range 4500
tivities, only one of them was randomly selected to perform the
complete activity and only the energy consumed by that indi-
vidual activity was counted in the total energy usage calculation multiple possible appliances. For example, daytime cooking ac-
for the household. tivities may use either a microwave or an electric range.
In the case of cooking, we assumed it occurs at most three Table I shows the appliance wattages and the effective ac-
times per day, once in the morning and twice during the rest tivity wattages. The “effective activity wattage” combines the
of the day. Appliances used for cooking in the morning were wattages of multiple appliances, weighted by their relative du-
assumed to be a toaster oven, coffee maker, and microwave, rations of use. As examples, during one cycle of the laundry
while appliances used for daytime cooking were assumed to activity, a washer is used for 40% of the time, while a dryer is
be a microwave and electric range. If there are multiple people used for the remaining 60%. For a morning cooking activity,
cooking in the morning, we randomly selected one of them to each of the three appliances is used for half of the total time.
do the entire activity. Energy used by this member was counted Each daytime cooking activity will use either a microwave or
in the total energy calculation for the whole household’s morn- an electric range, with a probability of 0.5 for each.
ing cooking activity. Similarly, we determined all non-morning The energy consumption values computed in Table I refer
cooking activities that are expected to take place in a household to the energy that is consumed by the actual appliances (dish-
and randomly selected two of them as being performed either washer, washing machine, etc.) when they are being used. How-
simultaneously by two members or as sequential independent ever, in addition to this energy, some amount of energy is also
activities by a randomly selected household member among the needed in keeping “hot water” readily available for the residents
ones who were to perform the cooking activity. of the household for doing their daily activities (laundry, cook-
2) Associating appliance usage to energy demand calcula- ing, bathing, etc.). That part of energy usage is not included
tion: After generating per-household activity sequences, the in this table. The amount of “hot water” that is needed can be
next major step was to identify and associate appliances to each estimated from the duration that the residents spend on doing
activity Ak . Using the appliance standard wattage rating from those activities. Dishwashing, laundry, bathing (for eight min-
[25], [26] and the duration over which it is active, we estimate utes), and cooking require seven, six, ten, and one gallon of hot
the energy consumption using the formula: water, respectively [28]. The energy factor, which indicates an
efficiency measure based on the amount of hot water produced
Energy = Appliance Wattage × Appliance Active Duration per unit of fuel consumed, was obtained from [28]. We used it to
(2) estimate the amount of energy needed for each of the activities
that required hot water as shown in (3). In order to heat x gal-
Some activities involve the use of multiple appliances sequen- lons of water from temperature Tcold to Thot (in Fahrenheit),
tially or simultaneously. Therefore, the total energy consumed the amount of energy required (in kWh) is:
by the activity becomes a function of the energy consumed by
each of the appliances used. To calculate the total energy con- x × C × (Tcold − Thot )
Ehot−water = . (3)
sumed for the activity, we disaggregated the activity duration to Energy Factor
the individual appliance level and then combined the energies kW h
In (3), C is a constant and has a value of 0.00189 gal ◦
F . The
used by the individual appliances. We modeled three different
energy calculated in (3) was then added to the corresponding
types of multi-appliance activities. In the first type, multiple
values mentioned in Table I to obtain the total active energy
appliances were used sequentially. For example, one cycle of
consumption for the respective activities.
a laundry activity was expected to use a washer and a dryer
serially. In the second type, multiple appliances were used si-
B. Epassiv e Energy Demand Model
multaneously. For example, a morning cooking activity may use
a toaster oven, coffee maker, and microwave, with overlapping We used EIA-RECS 2009 data to estimate the Epassive energy
periods of usage. In the third type, there is a choice among consumed in the household by deriving housing unit specific in-

Fig. 2. Modeling framework to generate energy demand model for residential buildings.

formation, such as floor area, wall area (extrapolated from floor needs Q/0.82 amount of energy to keep the house at the desired
area), heating fuel type, etc., from the survey data and overlay- temperature. Based on the fuel and type of heating equipment
ing it onto the synthetic houses of our study. We used house- used in the household, we associated an efficiency value to each
hold income and regional information to match the synthetic piece of equipment using [31] and calculated the total energy
household with the EIA-RECS household. Once a match with required to keep the households at the desired temperature on
similar characteristics was found, specific housing unit infor- an hourly basis.
mation available from EIA-RECS was overlaid on the synthetic 2) Refrigerator and Lighting: The national average values of
household. This allowed us to make realistic estimates of the energy consumption per household for refrigeration [25]
Epassive energy consumption. and lighting [32] were assigned to the synthetic house-
1) Space Heating and Cooling: Energy consumed due to holds. The compressors of refrigerators were assumed to
space heating and cooling depends on climatic conditions, be active for two hours every day.
fuel used, type of heating/cooling equipment used, etc. To
approximately calculate the energy consumed due to this IV. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
activity we used weather data obtained from [29]. For
A. Implementation of Modeling Framework
each synthetic household unit we derived (a) S: average
square footage heated/cooled; (b) Td : household temper- Fig. 2 shows our modeling framework, which was imple-
ature during the day; (c) Tn : household temperature at mented in Java. The framework was designed to meet the fol-
night; and (d) fuel and equipment used for heating. Using lowing design objectives: (a) to provide an easily extensible
this information and the hourly temperature data obtained modular framework which supports changes in mathematical
from [29], we used Fourier’s law to calculate the Heat loss models, input datasets, and synthetic data, and (b) to help evalu-
rate Q as shown in ate different what-if scenarios with minimal modifications. This
allows policy makers, who may not be modeling experts, to
(Area) × (Tinside − Toutside ) S × (ΔT) benefit from this framework.
Q= = .
Thermal Resistance Coeffcient R
B. Illustrative Case: Virginia
In (4), Tinside depends on the time of day and can be either In this paper, energy consumption for Virginia was computed
Td or Tn , while the R − value varies from surface-to-surface, using the methodology described in Section IV. For the synthetic

f t2 h
and state-to-state [30]. To keep the household at a desired tem- households, R − value was set at 13 FBTU for the walls and

f t2 h
perature, heating equipment is needed to generate the heat en- 40 FBTU for the ceiling [30]. The analysis was carried out for
ergy required to compensate for the heat loss Q. This kind of four days of 2009 (the year which best matches our ATUS and
equipment also has an efficiency parameter, η, which measures RECS data sets). The four days represented the four seasons
the amount of energy that translates to actual work. For example, that Virginia experiences. Note that only the passive energy
if a household uses a natural gas furnace for their space heating component of residential energy consumption is affected by the
and if the furnace operates at 82% efficiency, then, the furnace change in seasons. Our model-based energy consumption results

Fig. 3. (a) Estimated total active energy consumption for the residents of Virginia. (b) Estimated energy consumed by different activities performed by the
residents of Virginia.

for Virginia were compared with actual energy consumption suming activity (in agreement with previous results [5]), with a
values obtained from the U.S. EIA as well as a power utility peak occurring around 6 PM. Watching TV comes second with
supplying power to Virginia. The results obtained are as follows. its peak occurring after 8 PM, and continuing for most of the
In the first set of simulations, active energy consumption for night. Cleaning was the most energy consuming activity of the
Virginia was computed using our model. The plot was created late mornings (9 AM to noon).
using the mean of the four modeled days, one day for each sea- Estimates of passive energy (Epassive ) consumption for the
son. The dotted red line of Fig. 3(a) shows this value for the households of Virginia were computed next. This was added to
entire state over the period of a day. The green and blue lines in the active energy consumption computed previously to under-
the same figure show the total active energy consumptions when stand the total energy consumed by a household. The results
Virginia was divided into two segments – Northern and Eastern obtained for the per-household energy consumed by space heat-
(N-E), and Central and Western (C-W). These divisions were ing, water heating, and appliance usage (including refrigeration
made by combining regions 1-4 and 5-8 of [33]. The ability and lighting) as a function of Virginia FIPS codes [34] are shown
to divide Virginia into regions of choice allows our framework in Fig. 4(a). This plot shows the daily mean energy consump-
to perform studies tailored to specific areas of interest. As an tion averaged over four seasons. The results indicate that for
example, Fig. 3(a) shows that the active energy demand profile Virginia space heating/cooling consumes maximum energy an-
of the N-E segment matches the over-all profile for Virginia nually. Compared to the wider variations in energy consumed
more closely than the C-W segment. This suggests that people due to space heating, the amount of energy consumed per house-
in the N-E segment of Virginia dominate the energy use for hold for water heating and appliance usage appear almost uni-
the state. Fig. 3(b) reports estimated active energy consumption form. This is attributed to the fact that energy used for space
from individual activities performed by residents of Virginia. heating/cooling is heavily dependent on the geographical lo-
From the figure it is clear that cooking is the most energy con- cation of the corresponding FIPS codes. Fig. 4(b) shows the

Fig. 4. (a) Estimated daily energy consumption per household for different FIPS codes in Virginia; ∗ Appliance usage includes refrigeration and lighting.
(b) Estimated energy consumption per household for different FIPS codes in Virginia for normative days in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

variation in the residential energy consumption for a normative

day in each of the four seasons, as a function of the FIPS codes.
As expected, energy consumed during a normative winter day
is found to be substantially higher than the energy consumed
during other seasons. This is because in the winter season space
heating dominates all other uses of energy. Fig. 5 compares the
total residential energy consumption for the whole year as calcu-
lated by our model with that given by U.S. EIA [35]. The figure
shows that our model closely matches the U.S. EIA results.
From this comparison it also becomes clear that the four days
we modeled were good representations of the four seasons.1

Fig. 5. Yearly residential energy consumption by category for Virginia. Left

1A comparison of the daily residential load profile for the state of Iowa chart is obtained from U.S. EIA data. Right chart is obtained using the data
obtained using our approach with that observed in [36] can be found in [37]. obtained from our model.

Fig. 6. Comparison of energy consumed per-household estimated by our model versus actual usage data obtained from a power utility for a normative winter
day. Blue bars correspond to Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) data while the yellow bars correspond to our model.

Fig. 7. A scenario depicting the impact of shifting cooking activity from peak to off-peak hours for different fractions of a specific demographic class (at least
one stay-at-home adult available in the household) on the daily load curve of Virginia.

Next, we compared our per-household energy consumption boundaries of the districts were not available to us. Therefore,
for the winter months with proprietary data obtained from Do- for comparison purposes, we selected those regions of Virginia
minion Virginia Power (DVP), a power utility in Virginia. The for which our population size best matched that given in the
DVP data consist of five years of winter month energy con- DVP database. Fig. 6 shows the results for the five matching
sumption data (2011–2015) for different districts of Virginia districts of Virginia. The figure indicates that for most of the
along with the number of residential households served in each districts, the differences between the results obtained using our
district in that time period. The DVP district boundaries do model and the DVP database lie within ±10%. Such a level of
not necessarily align with county boundaries, and the precise variability is expected because apart from the boundary align-

ment issue, our model was based on the 2010 ATUS and 2009 nationwide demand profiles. Since the methodology developed
RECS data, whereas the data received from DVP was for the here is generic, if the necessary data sets become available, the
years 2011-2015. framework developed here can be applied to countries outside
the U.S. as well. We are also exploring other applications of our
C. Practical Application: Reducing Peak of Daily Load Curve methodology. Examples include finding optimal locations for
energy storage systems so as to minimize the harmful effects
Our model produces daily load curves, which, when aggre-
of bi-directional flow of power caused by renewable energy
gated, closely match annual real-world data obtained from pub-
sources like roof-top solar, and finding suitable locations for
lic and private agencies. These high-resolution temporal load
placing electric vehicle charging stations in a modern city.
profiles can be used to address many emerging issues in smart
grid technology. As one example of a potential application, we
investigate the effects of energy pricing policies, intended to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
reduce peak demand, by shifting some peak-time activities to The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
off-peak times.
does not necessarily represent the official views of NSF, NIH,
Virginia’s residential energy demand peaks between 4:30 and or DTRA. The authors would like to thank the collaborators
7:00 PM, and cooking is the most energy consuming activity at Dominion Virginia Power, a power utility in Virginia, for
during that time period. An increase in energy price during this
providing with data to validate our model and also K. Lum,
time is expected to encourage some consumers to shift their A. Phadke, J. Thorp, and K. Vance for their valuable inputs.
energy-consuming activities to non-peak times. We modeled a
policy in which the price for energy is increased between 4:30
and 7:00 PM. We found that 65% of the synthetic Virginia house- REFERENCES
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[17] A. Capasso, W. Grattieri, R. Lamedica, and A. Prudenzi, “A bottom-up Rajesh Subbiah received the B.Tech. degree in computer science and engi-
approach to residential load modeling,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 9, neering from SASTRA University, Tamil Nadu, India, in 2008 and the M.S.
no. 2, pp. 957–964, May 1994. degree in computer science from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, in 2013.
[18] D. Brounen, N. Kok, and J. M. Quigley, “Residential energy use and He is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Nimble Storage.
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[19] F. Farzan, M. A. Jafari, J. Gong, F. Farzan, and A. Stryker, “A multi-scale as a Researcher at TCS Innovation Lab—Chennai, a research division of TATA
adaptive model of residential energy demand,” Appl. Energy, vol. 150, Consultancy Services, India. At TCS, he worked on designing innovative meth-
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[20] R. J. Beckman, K. A. Baggerly, and M. D. McKay, “Creating synthetic and performance perspective. He has two U.S. patents to his credit.
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pp. 415–429, Nov. 1996.
[21] K. Bisset and M. Marathe, “A cyber-environment to support pandemic Anamitra Pal (S’10–M’14) received the B.E. degree (summa) in electrical
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[22] C. L. Barrett et al., “Generation and analysis of large synthetic social India, in 2008 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
contact networks,” in Proc. Winter Simul. Conf., Austin, TX, USA, Dec. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. He is cur-
13–16, 2009, pp. 1003–1014. rently an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy
[23] R. Subbiah, K. Lum, A. Marathe, and M. Marathe, “Activity based en- Engineering, Arizona State University. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow
ergy demand modeling for residential buildings,” in Proc. IEEE Power in the Network Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory, Biocomplexity
Eng. Soc. Innovative Smart Grid Technol., Washington, DC, USA, Feb. Institute of Virginia Tech. From 2008 to 2010, he worked as a Manager in Tata
24–27, 2013, pp. 1–6. Steel Ltd. (TSL), Jamshedpur, India. He was also a summer intern at Electric
[24] U.S. Energy Information Agency - Residential Energy Consump- Power Group, LLC in Pasadena, CA, USA, in 2012 and 2013. His current
tion Survey, 2009. [Online]. Available: research interests include power system modeling, transient and dynamic sta-
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[25] Consumer Reports. [Online]. Available: https: //www.consumerreports. control.
html. Accessed on: Dec. 2016.
[26] U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable En- Eric K. Nordberg received the B.S. degree in biology from Guilford College,
ergy. Buildings Energy Data Book. Mar. 2012. [Online]. Available: Greensboro, NC, USA, in 1996, the M.S. degree in genetics from The University, of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in genetics,
Accessed on: Mar. 2012. bioinformatics, and computational biology from Virginia Tech in 2015. He has
[27] L. Breiman, J. H. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. J. Stone, Classification and been with Virginia Tech since 2002, and a Senior Software Engineer at NDSSL
Regression Tree, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, since 2013. His research interests include phylogenetics, usability, performance
Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 1984. tuning, and high-performance computing.
[28] U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable En-
ergy, Energy Cost Calculator for Electric and Gas Water Heaters.
[Online]. Available: Achla Marathe received the B.A. (Hons.) degree in economics from Delhi
electric-and-gas-water-heaters-0. Accessed on: Dec. 2016. University, New Delhi, India, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from
[29] Weather Underground. [Online]. Available: http://www.wunderground. the University at Albany–State University of New York, Albany, NY, USA. She
com/. Accessed on: Dec. 2016. is currently a Professor at the Biocomplexity Institute and at the Department
[30] U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable En- of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech. She is also a faculty of
ergy, Guide to Home Insulation. Oct. 2010. [Online]. Available: Health Sciences. Before joining Virginia Tech, she worked as a technical staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
[31] Heating Fuel Comparison Calculator (Excel File: heatcalc.xls Her research interests include modeling of socially coupled systems, critical
last modified by O. Lopez). Jun. 2015. [Online]. Available: infrastructures, and infectious diseases.
[32] U.S. Energy Information Administration, FAQ. [Online]. Available: Accessed on: Dec. Madhav V. Marathe (F’13) is currently the Director of the Network Dynamics
2016. and Simulation Science Laboratory, Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia Tech
[33] Virginia Department of Education. Regional School Nutrition Program and a Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. Before coming to Vir-
specialists [Online]. Available: ginia Tech, he was a Team Leader in the Computer and Computational Sciences
nutrition/resources/region_specialists.shtml. Accessed on: Dec. 2016. Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory where he led the basic research
[34] FIPS Code [Online]. Available: programs in foundations of computing and high-performance simulation sci-
county_code ence for analyzing extremely large socio-technical and critical infrastructure
[35] U.S. Energy Information Administration, Household Energy Use in systems. He has published more than 250 research articles in peer reviewed
Virginia. 2009. [Online]. Available: journals, conference proceedings, and books, and has over ten years of expe-
residential/reports/2009/state_briefs/pdf/va.pdf rience in project leadership and technology development, specializing in high-
[36] J. C. Cepeda, J. L. Rueda, D. G. Colomé, and D. E. Echeverrı́a, “Real-time performance computing algorithms and software environments for simulating
transient stability assessment based on centre-of-inertia estimation from and analyzing socio-technical network science. He is a Fellow of the ACM and
phasor measurement unit records,” IET Gener., Trans., Distrib., vol. 8, AAAS. His research interests include network science, population dynamics,
no. 8, pp. 1363–1376, Aug. 2014. communication networks, computational epidemiology, design and architecture
[37] Residential Energy Consumption for Iowa. Jan. 2017. [Online] Available: of the data grid, design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, design of services-oriented architectures, high performance computing, and
%20Consumption%20for%20Iowa.pdf?dl=0 socio-technical systems.

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