Results and Discussions

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This section assesses the physical properties of two produced bricks from oyster shells in terms

of color and texture.

Based on observation and tests conducted by the researcher, the following were the

results regarding the physical properties of bricks made from oyster shells.


Table1.1 Color of Cement Bricks Treatment

Treatment x̄ σx̅ Median Mode SD Variance Kurtosis Skewness

1 3.53 0.164235 4 4 0.899553 0.809195 2.803945 -1.93368

2 3.56 0.141286 4 4 0.773854 0.598851 0.164682 -0.95527

3 3.86 0.063124 4 4 0.345746 0.11954 3.385989 -2.27252

Range Minimum Maximum Sum Count

3 1 4 106 30

3 2 5 107 30

1 3 4 116 30

Table1.2 Color of Sand Bricks Treatment

Treatment x̄ σx̅ Median Mode SD Variance Kurtosis Skewness

1 3.833333 0.108101 4 4 0.592093 0.350575 19.24575 -4.23219

2 3.7 0.128206 4 4 0.702213 0.493103 2.568224 -2.06141

3 3.933333 0.046321 4 4 0.253708 0.064368 12.20663 -3.66

Range Minimum Maximum Sum Count

3 1 4 115 30

2 2 4 111 30

1 3 4 118 30


Table 2.1 Texture of Cement Bricks Treatment

Treatment x̄ σx̅ Median Mode SD Variance Kurtosis Skewness

1 2.2 0.161885 2 2 0.886683 0.786207 -0.15195 0.53422

2 2.366667 0.13116 2 2 0.718395 0.516092 0.320371 0.504004

3 2.933333 0.165629 3 3 0.907187 0.822989 -0.52495 -0.45614

Range Minimum Maximum Sum Count

3 1 4 66 30

3 1 4 71 30

3 1 4 88 30

Table 2.2 Texture of Sand Bricks Treatment

Treatment x̄ σx̅ Median Mode SD Variance Kurtosis Skewness

1 1.1 0.055709 1 1 0.305129 0.093103 6.308054 2.80912

2 1.206897 0.103858 1 1 0.559292 0.312808 6.380577 2.698386

3 1.827586 0.131952 2 2 0.710582 0.504926 -0.89384 0.263153

Range Minimum Maximum Sum Count

1 1 2 33 30

2 1 3 35 29

2 1 3 53 29
As shown on Table 1.1, the results of the products color for each treatment. Each brick have

different amount of mixture. dropped on the height of 27 inches, and the results were listed.

Treatment 1 shows least on its durability showing that at a height of 27 inches, the bricks was

broken into pieces. However, Treatment 3 is dropped on the same height and the brick was

broken into half, resulting to Treatment 3 as the best result.

Table1. Durability Rate of Talaba Bricks

Treatment Color Texture Durability General

(Cement) Acceptability

1 4 2 2 3

2 4 2 3 3

3 4 2 4 4

Treatment Color Texture Durability General

(Sand) Acceptability
1 4 1 1 1

2 4 1 1 1

3 4 1 2 2

Based on the data shown on the table, All treatments were tested the same as the first test.

Treatments were again tested at the same height, and results were listed. Treatment 1 is dropped

on a height of 27 inches and the bricks were broken into several pieces. Treatment 2 was also

tested, when it was dropped the bricks were also broken into fine pieces. However, Treatment 3

was broken yet it was more durable compared to the two treatments. Therefore, Treatment 3 is

the best treatment .

Table2. ANOVA for the Durability rate of Talaba bricks

Cement Bricks Treatment

Source SS MS F p- Level of
F critical significance
df value
Treatment 0.000 2 0.000 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.05
Error 1671.000 33 50.636
Total 1671.000 35
Sand Bricks Treatment

Source SS MS F p- Level of
F critical significance
df value
Treatment 0.000 2 0.000 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.05
Error 3019.000 33 91.485
Total 3019.000 35

Based on the results of one way ANOVA for durability rate of talaba bricks

above, it shows that the F value of 0.00 is equal to the F critical value of 0.00 at 0.05

level of signifance thus, the null hypothesis was accepted since there is no significant

difference in terms of effectiveness of the treatments. All of the treatments were

successful in producing a brick but Treatment 1 was considered the best treatment in

terms of durability rate of talaba bricks.




The durability rate of the bricks was measured using three treatments with two

sets of different amounts of cement and sand. The first set is Treatment 1 (sand) (-

125grams sand+650grams powdered talaba), Treatment 2 (sand) (250grams

sand+500grams powdered talaba), Treatment 3 (sand) (500grams sand+250grams

powdered talaba).And the second Treatment 1 (cement) (125grams cement+650grams

powdered talaba), Treatment 2 (cement) (250grams cement+500grams powdered talaba),

Treatment 3 (cement) (500grams cement+250grams powdered talaba). The durability

testing resulting that the one with cement is more durable than with sand. Based on the

results of one way ANOVA for durability rate of bricks, it shows that the F valueof 0.00

is smaller than the F critical value of 0.00 at 0.05 level of signifance, thus accepting the

null hypothesis. All the treatments in set that has cements were able to used a bricks.


Therefore, based from the results and data gathered, durability rate shows that

Treatment 1,2,3 (cement) has the highest durability and the most effective while the

Treatment 1,2,3 (sand) has the lowest durability. Therefore, this study shows that the

combination of cement and powdered talaba can produce a commercial bricks product.

The researchers recommend the following:

1. Compare the produced bricks to a commercial bricks;

2. Determine the durability of a sand/cement bricks using powdered talaba; and

3. Use the produced bricks as an alternative to the commercial brick products.

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