Name - Class - Sec - : Presidium Indirapuram Session 2017-18 Subject - ICT Grade - VI

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Presidium Indirapuram

Session 2017-18
Subject – ICT
Grade – VI

Name- ________________ Class- __________ Sec- _________

1. Fill in the blanks

a) Numeric constants contain only ________________.

b) The value which does not change during the execution of a program is called a


c) ___________________ command clears all the contents of the screen.

d) __________________ is the extension of QB64.

e) _________________ is the shortcut key to run the QB64 programs.

f) _______________ tool is used to draw precise path in flash cs3.

2. Answer the following in one word / one line.

a) What are the different types of Variables?


b) Write the modes of Pencil tool in Flash CS3.


c) Which statement instructs the computer to wait for some data to enter?


d) What are the three operators of QB64?


3. Draw the flowchart for following problems.

a). To Cook Maggie noodles. b). To add two numbers.

4. Write QB64 statement for the following

a) Store the name AKSHAY in the variable A$.


b) Multiply two variable x and y and store the result in z.


c) Write the statement to print “My name is Kabir”.


5. Answer the following.

a) Define QB64. Write the full form of BASIC.




b) Write the different ways to run a QB64 program.





c) What is the difference between stroke color and fill color?





d) What is the difference between algorithm and flowchart?





e) What are key frames?





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