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MT Function Preference:
(Commercial/Supply Chain/Finance/Procurement/Technical)
Please only choose one

* Please fill in the form in English

Full name :
Place/Date of Birth :
Address :
Email :
Phone Number :

University Faculty Major Year (From/To) Degree GPA


Course/Training/Certification Description Awards/Recognition/Scholarship Description

Organization/Extracurricular Address Position Year (From/To)

Language Poor Good Fluent Language Poor Good Fluent

1. English 2.

Internship Experience (if any):

1. Company Name Position Year (From/To) Salary Reason of Leaving

Describe your work responsibility:

Working Experience (if any):

1. Company Name Position Year (From/To) Salary Reason of Leaving

Describe your work responsibility:

State briefly your career objective and reason why you apply for Nestlé Management Trainee Program?

Strengths :
Weaknesses :

I declare that all the information given is true. I am willing to withdraw from the recruitment process if any of the statement is incorrect.
Save this file as "PreferredFunction_Campus_Fullname" e.g. "Finance_UI_BudimanHaryo" and send it to

Do not attach any CV or files, selection process only comes from this form.

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