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A vapor-recompression evaporator is to concentrate a very dilute aqueous

solution. The feed rate is to be 30,000 lb/h; the evaporation rate will be 20,000 lb/h. The
evaporator will operate at atmospheric pressure, with the vapor mechanically compressed
as shown in the figure at right, except that a natural-circulation calandria will be used. If
steam costs $8 per 1000 lb, electricity costs 3 cents per kW-hr, and heat-transfer surface in
the heater costs $70 per square foot, calculate the optimum pressure to which the vapor
should be compressed. The overall compressor efficiency is 70%. Assume all other costs
are independent of the pressure of the compressed vapor.

Terjemahan :

Uap rekompresi evaporator larutan cair. Umpan yang masuk 30.000 lb/jam, tingkat penguapan
20.000 lb/jam. Evaporator veroperasi pada 1 atm dengan kompresi uap secara mekanis. Jika biaya
steam 8 dollar per 1000 lb, biaya listrik 3 sen per kw-jam dan perpindahan panas di heater dengan
biaya 70 dollar per ft2. Hitunglah tekanan optimal uap yang harus dikompresi dimana efisiensi
kompresor keseluruhan adalah 70%. Asumsikan biaya pada tekanan uap yang dikompresi.

Diketahui : Pin = 1 atm = 14,6959 Psi

ṁf = 30.000 lb/jam
T = 212°F
Biaya steam = 8 dollar/1000 lb
Biaya pembangkitan listrik = 3 cent = 0,03 dollar/Kwh
Biaya HE = 70 dollar/ft2
Ƞ kompresor = 70%
Ɣsteam = 1,324
R =1,986 BTU/lbmol°R
Penyelesainnya :
Pada Pin = 1 atm

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