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Get valuable, hands-on training to

help launch your career. See what last
year's interns had to say about their
u “It’s been great being able to rotate
through the news desks this
summer. I was able to learn about the
different kinds of stories each desk
— Elvia Malagon
Wesley Robinson | University of Kentucky Elvia Malagon | Indiana University Andrea Zeek | Ball State University u “The journalists and editors here were
amazing to work with and learn from.
They really kept me on my toes and
taught me how to inject more personality
Make a difference in the future of journalism. and style into my writing.”
— Andrea Zeek

Spend your summer in Louisville, Ky., not just working, u "I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pursue
journalism as a career, but my time in the
C-J newsroom has definitely pushed me
but learning. The Courier-Journal has a long tradition of toward the field."
— Wesley Robinson

award-winning journalism. You can be part of that tradition. u “As a designer, I was excited to
immediately jump into such a fast-
paced environment. I was able to truly
be creative, and design for a variety of
Who What sections and newspapers.”
— Chelsea Blocker
Designers Interns report to work as soon as convenient after the u “The C-J values its interns and works them
uUp to 20 samples of your work, including layouts, graphics, close of spring semester and work for 12 weeks. hard, but also takes educating them seri-
illustrations, cartoons and other examples. Unpublished pieces u Work week: 40 hours, often on irregular schedules. ously. From the first day, they made it clear
also accepted. u Salary: $500 a week. that I was a C-J reporter, not just a summer
intern, and that’s how they treated me.”
u Drug test: Interns must pass a drug test before — Ben Phelps
Multimedia starting work.
uApplicants should have a basic knowledge of Web u Transportation: Interns must have a valid driver’s
publishing and HTML. Experience using graphic design and Web license, automobile insurance and use of a vehicle in
page creating software. the Louisville area. When interns use their vehicle on
assignments, they will be reimbursed on a per-
Reporters, copy editors and editorial writers mile basis.
uA maximum of 10 published clips. Unpublished pieces
accepted if you haven’t had material published. Clips will not u Weekly meetings: Editors, reporters and company
be returned. officials hold informal sessions once a week to
acquaint interns with the wide range of information
Photographers center operations.
uPortfolio of at least one picture story (with contact sheets or
CD) and up to 20 single photos.
uCDs accepted. How
uPortfolio returned upon request. Send the following information to:
Chelsea Blocker | Ohio University
Bennie L. Ivory
Questions? Executive Editor and Vice President/News
Call 800-765-4011 ext. 4616 The Courier-Journal
E-mail Mary Pat Falk at 525 West Broadway
P.O. Box 740091
u Students must have completed one year of college. Louisville, KY 40201-7491
u Preference is given to more advanced students.
u Students who have completed undergraduate work also are
u Resumé, including mailing and e-mail address and
telephone number where you can be reached.
accepted. u Typewritten letter, not to exceed 500 words. Tell why
u Children of employees of The Courier-Journal are eligible, but you want to be an intern, your ambitions and interests,
receive no preferential treatment. and any experience in journalism. Include your computer
u No limits on the number of interns who will be accepted from a skills.
particular college or university. u Work samples.
Ben Phelps | Indiana University


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