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Edition 33: January 2018

Well another Festival of Falconry has come Ital at the close of the year and have invites
and gone and still the dust is in the process to attend a couple more in the near future.
of settling after such a large gathering of As well as this I have managed to finish my
falconers from across the globe. These latest book and once again the artwork is
Festivals really are unique in that they bring being supplied by David Rampling and all his
so many nationalities together in one place illustrations are stunning.
at one time to help celebrate and promote a
With the emergence into a new year many
common love. For the organisers I can only
EDITOR: BOB DALTON thoughts will be turning to the British Falconry
imagine the nightmare of trying to piece
and Raptor Fair to be held in May at its new
Solent Design Studio Ltd. such a huge jigsaw together and ensure that
venue, Broadlands in Hampshire. Not quite to
3 Mill Court, The Sawmills, things run as smoothly as possible. For those
the scale of the Festival but still the largest single
Durley, Southampton that were fortunate enough to be sponsored
annual falconry based event anywhere in the
SO32 2EJ to attend the event most embraced the
world. We wish the event continued success.
opportunity whole heartedly and represented
TELEPHONE: their countries as well as their sport to the best Finally, a welcome to our new readers from
01489 892344 of their abilities. As is human nature there were “The Falconers” magazine. We hope you
a tiny majority who just treated the whole event enjoy our format and content and would
EMAIL: welcome any comments you may have on
as one big free bee and let themselves and
the falconry community in general down. But what you would like to see through the offices
then sometimes human nature does throw up of the editor.
WEBSITE: those that want to think only of themselves. The As always, good hawking.
vast majority of those that attended however
CONTRIBUTORS: took the event to their hearts and had a great
World of Falconry welcomes submissions time as well as making lasting friendships with
from would be contributors. falconers from across the world.
Please either post or email any articles
As well as the Festival I was fortunate enough THE EDITOR
and relevant photographs to the Editor at, to attend a truly friendly field meet in Northern
or phone 07774 267790.

UK & Eire: £24.00
Europe: £26.00
Airmail: £36.00

Subscriptions are available from 4. NEWS


For details regarding advert placement in
World of Falconry please contact:
Advertising Manager: Peter Gammon
DISCLAIMER: Whilst every care has been taken to
ensure that data in this publication is accurate, 20. THE FALCONRY WEEKEND
neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors
can accept any liability to any party for loss or
damage caused by errors or omissions resulting
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World of Falconry does not officially endorse any 27. BRITISH ARCHIVES OF FALCONRY
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No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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Front Cover Picture:
The Eder Family from Austria




I oIt was with great sadness that on the

29th of October 2017 Roger Upton
passed away, having been in failing
health for some very considerable time.
Roger was a considerable motivational
force in keeping the bridge between
current falconry and its past history very
firmly in place and it is doubtful if anyone
has done more since the days of Gerald
Lascelles to keep the sport not only alive
but alive in an ethical and truly sporting
manner. Fortunately for the falconry
community Roger left plenty of his vast
historical knowledge of British Falconry
behind in the form of three volumes
devoted to the subject. As an author
he also left us with a fascinating work
on Arabian Falconry, based wholly on
first hand experience, and also a basic
manual on the rudiments of the sport
which is clear, concise and of great use to
any tyro falconer.

My own personal memories of Roger

are many and varied and I enjoyed passion it means a very great deal and
Grouse Hawking with him in Sutherland that kindness was never forgotten. But
on occasion. Hawking with him was a then that was Roger, one of life’s true
calm and enjoyable time interjected with gentlemen as well as a truly gifted and
humorous anecdotes. I think everyone accomplished falconer.
has their favourite Roger story, myself
included. My abiding memory of Roger It is a great shame that Roger never got
will be of him opening his front door to to see the opening of The British Archives
a keen and enquiring youth who was of Falconry, but his son Mark stepped
desperate to learn about falconry and up and so in a way Roger was there. To
the friendliness and warmth with which sum up Roger Upton is a man that will be
that person was received. A few kind greatly missed, who could ask for more.
words and a little guidance from a
falconry great may not seem much but
when you are nineteen and burn with
desire for knowledge of your chosen



S ymon Latham’s Second Book of

Falconry 1618 has now been
transcribed and is almost ready for
publication. Once again, the extremely
talented artist David Rampling is
providing the illustrations, 16 glorious
full colour plates. This second work
by Latham centred on The Goshawk,
Sparrowhawk, Lanner, Hobby and
Merlin and compliments his first book
which was entirely on the Peregrine Falcon
with a brief chapter on Gyr Falcons. It is
hoped the book will be available from
approximately the first week in March
onwards. It will be the same size and
format as the first transcribed work of 1615
and will be the sister companion to it.

To some it may be strange to find an

author on British Falconry discussing the
Lanner Falcon as far back as some four
hundred years ago. However it should
be remembered that at that time Lanner
Falcons were to found in Southern
England apparently and accordingly a
fairly logical assumption would be that
they were of the Feldeggi sub species
and therefore an extremely useful falcon
for the sport.

BRITISH when it comes to drainage and road their dogs once again and also a decent
FALCONRY & access is excellent. I know the organisers weathering of hawks, falcons and eagles
RAPTOR FAIR have a great many new things in the will be part of the make up of the event.
pipeline to get the five year agreement Also of course camping will be freely

T he British Falconry and Raptor Fair

will be staged this year on the Bank
Holiday weekend of the Sunday the
to hold the Fair t Broadlands off to a very
positive start.
available. So hopefully this will mean
the “Falconers Fair” as it is affectionately
known will soon be back on track as the
6th and Monday the 7th of May and Initial response to the move has been country’s number one annual falconry
will be staged at The Broadlands Estate exceptionally good and it would appear outing. There is a facebook page giving
Hampshire, a simply stunning backdrop that most people are in favour of the move. full details of the event.
that has played host to the CLA Game Two of the advantages of not being held
Fair on occasion. The ground is excellent at a centre means visitors are free to bring





T he following day saw another

early start with me being collected
from my hotel and setting off straight
away to an area that was often used
by the Tugan Club for their hunting
and training of the falcons. As I said
previously this day was to be the final
day on the creance for the young
Saker Falcon and Sakret and if all
went well then they would be flying
loose the following day. Our drive
was around two and a half hours to
reach our destination and when we
did it was probably one of the really
great places to train and fly falcons. It
was open for as far as the eye could
see on three sides and on the fourth the
land gradually rolled to the foothills of so those within the vehicles could take a Having enjoyed watching the wildlife
a range of mountains which showed cold drink and just take a few moments for a while and refreshed ourselves with
in the distance behind them. What a out having completed the journey here. cold drinks it was time to get on with
superb place to fly falcons, similar to As we sipped our cold drinks we slowly the final chapter of the recall training
what Salisbury plain would have been became aware of the abundance of life of the young Sakers. Each was to have
one hundred years ago, only with day around us. Quite literally within the first two flights and dependent on their
in day out sunshine. The land just gently ten minutes or so we had the pleasure behaviour today would govern whether
rolled on and on with no buildings, of watching a Steppe Eagle quartering or not they flew free the following
certainly no fences of any kind, least of the ground. The same of three separate day. Well both responded exactly as
all any barbed wire ones. It was quite Marsh Harriers, two Egyptian Vultures, they should and were nice and well
literally a falconer’s paradise. I would one immature and one mature. A mannered when to came to be being
imagine that at passage time Saker and Hobby, several Red Footed Falcons taken back up onto the fist again, so all
Peregrine Falcons would pass through and a Kestrel. A look at the ground was in order for their first free flights the
the landscape taking advantage of the would not fail to bring into view some following day.
prey species that proliferated the area. huge Grasshoppers that would be the
equivalent of at least a day’s meal to a The main hunting flights with longings in
Like all vast open places it would all Red Footed Falcon, they were literally Uzbekistan is that of Sakers at Hares.
too easily, to the untrained eye, seem to that big and they were everywhere. The Sakers are flown either singly or
be dead, lifeless, devoid of inhabitants No wonder Bee Eaters and Rollers in a cast and an Uzbek hunting dog,
with perhaps the exception of insects. also proliferated the area along the known as a Taz and very similar to a
But this would indeed be very far from ever present, or at least they are in Saluki, is run at the same time to keep
the truth. When we first pulled up our Uzbekistan, Mynah Birds. the Hare on the move. I had seen this
two-car convoy sat for a few minutes type of flight before in the UK with a



Jerkin and an older Greyhound and hosts had arranged something really reception desk the night before had
also in Spain with a large Gyr hybrid rather special for me and we would heard me make arrangements with my
Falcon flown in company with a brace be off bright and early to the simply friends to be picked up at six am in the
of salukis. Now whilst this is not the sort magical city of Samarkand, capital morning but didn’t get the opportunity
of flight that I would want to practice of the Old Silk Road. Samarkand is to speak to me. So, she had gone to
myself back home when the most one of those places that when you are the kitchens, spoken with the manager,
abundant quarry you have is the Hare younger the very mention of the name and as the breakfast isn’t served until
and it is to be found in really wide open starts your imagination on a journey of seven o’clock, between them they had
spaces practically devoid of cover then hope and longing, or rather perhaps arranged that someone would come
if you wish to practice falconry you are it was just mine that the name had this in early and pack me a breakfast.
not realistically left with many options. effect on. I knew quite a lot about it She had even checked whether it was
Ground game, from Sousliks to Hare from various books I had devoured as a tea or coffee I took with my breakfast
do feature on a wild Saker Falcon’s child and anyone who knows anything and hence the small flask of coffee to
diet and so the flight is not a wholly about the great Silk Road will be more accompany my packed meal.
unnatural one for them. Unfortunately, than just simply aware of its existence.
on this trip I was not going to witness this On the morning of our departure to this There are those that would argue that
style of flight but as I will be returning magical city, which was very early due this was a high class hotel and therefore
to Uzbekistan I shall have to keep my to the fact it was a five hour drive, my such things could almost be expected.
anticipation in check. hotel surprised me in the nicest possible I would agree had it been requested.
way. On going through reception to But this was the result of an overheard
However, despite the fact both young meet my friends the man behind the conversation and concern on the part of
Sakers had done so well in this training reception desk presented me with a the staff that I would not get a meal to
session I wold not get to witness their packed breakfast which included a start the day. If I could sum up Uzbekistan
first free flights the following day as my small flask of coffee. The girl on the with one incident, which realistically is


simply impossible to do, this would come of a quandary as we happily travelled itself on the fantasy of the mind. As we
as close as you can get. The ordinary down the quite good roads, through drove to Samarkand these somewhat
people of Uzbekistan care very much beautiful countryside, getting ever negative thoughts kept coming to the
for their country and they are justifiable closer to our destination. So often in forefront of my mind.
proud of it. They want visitors to be life things you can normally only ever
happy with their visit and always seem dream about and only experience by However, there were many distractions
to have a smile and word of welcome for looking at pictures in a book can turn on the long journey to keep the mind
strangers. During my visit I met people out to be disappointing in real life and occupied. The wildlife was stunning
from various layers of the social strata very much something of an anti-climax. and on one long section of road we ran
and the feeling of being made to feel Problem is when that happens your parallel to a line of pylons which had
genuinely welcome was the overriding dreams are then shattered forever as been taken over by Storks. Practically
factor at every single meeting. Whether the reality will always super impose every pylon had one or two nests and
it was a government official or an old
bird trapper I met in a small village deep
in the hills. The welcome and warmth
was always the same.

So complete with breakfast, which

I happily shared with my travelling
companions of the day, but not the
coffee I have to admit, we collected
three more travelling companions and
set off on the road to Samarkand. I must
be truthful and say I was in somewhat



they all had well developed young in At just over half way we stopped for a toilets. I say toilets, but this subject is
them. Parent birds were coming and late breakfast and enjoyed some very however the one thorn in the side of the
going, and it was a beautiful sight to strange pasty like items which were otherwise close to perfect Uzbekistan in
behold. Obviously, we had to stop for filled with what I thought was something my opinion. Public toilets in anywhere
to take the obligatory photographs. akin to Spinach. However, it turned out but cities and major towns are quite
Saw plenty of Marsh Harriers, several not to be Spinach but was actually simply a hole in the ground. Better class
Steppe Eagles, Kestrels and Red Footed a type of grass. The explanation ones have the hole within a cubicle,
Falcons. Bee Eaters with their explosion of this and my resulting incredulity even if they are on occasion decidedly
of colours, Rollers and Mynah birds seemed to keep everyone amused ramshackle. Others have a waist high
also were around in quite large for a considerable time. Which I then screen around them. Apparently, the
numbers and a pleasure for a visitor like proceeded to compound the merriment rule of thumb is if the door of the screen
myself to see. by making quite a faux pas in the men’s is not propped open then someone is
sure to be inside squatting. Would have
been beneficial to both myself and the
man I surprised mid squat if that fact had
been explained to me before I found
it out by experience. In this case an
apology, despite obviously being in the
wrong language soon appeased the
situation although I have to say I was
very rude in the fact that when things
were all smiles I declined to shake the
man’s hand. I had noticed the lack of
toilet paper and my mind simply didn’t
want to think any more on that fact or
my hand to become, however briefly,
touching the other persons.


With breakfast and resultant and with a great deal more time on my and the falcons just seemed to go
entertainment over we continued our hands to explore the valleys and hills together quite naturally and many of
journey to Samarkand and the sheer we passed through. Finally, after just the visitors to the site were fascinated
natural beauty of the countryside we on five hours of travelling we drove into by the falcons. Club members happily
passed through was something which the centre of the city and parked. From answered questions and allowed the
held me in awe. It would be all too easy where we parked the minibus there was almost obligatory selfie type photos to
to turn this article into a travelogue but no immediate sign of the grandeur and be taken. The only ones that seemed to
suffice it to say I will be back to the area splendour I had been expecting to see be upset by the presence of the falcons
but apparently, we here literally just was the local Mynah Bird population
five minutes or so away from Registan who screamed their protestations each
Square. We walked a hundred yards time a falcon shifted on the glove. As
or so out of the car park and crossed a well as Registan Square we also visited
busy road and there in front of us was the Ulug Beg Observatory, again built
the sight I had dreamt of seeing so many more than six hundred years ago and
times over the years. The square consists also the stunning Gur-Emir Mausoleum
of three huge buildings known as where Amir Temur is entombed.
Madrassahs and two of them were built
more than six hundred years ago and
the third some four hundred years ago.
The colour, spectacle and magnificence
of the buildings cannot fail but to move
anyone a state of wonderment.

The club had combined taking me to

see the wonders along with getting
some publicity shots with a couple of
Saker Falcons from the facility. The
whole experience of the buildings



After a very late lunch it was time to and fitting equipment and we discussed All too soon it was time to pack my
head back to Tashkent and on the long various aspects of falconry as it bags and start the journey home.
drive digest some of the wonders I applied to the situation if Uzbekistan. Unfortunately, the airport delays at the
had seen that day. It would be fair to A very pleasant day that seemed to start of the journey had cost me one
say my misgivings about whether the accomplish a very great deal. The late whole day out of my trip and certain
city would live up to the expectations I afternoon and early evening were things that had been laid on for me
had over the years built up in my mind spent going around a couple of huge to do had to be rescheduled and one
were totally unfounded. The reality way markets, one of which was indoors, activity dropped altogether. However,
surpassed the dreams. I cannot let my following the normal tourist pursuit of the trip is one I will never forget and
life pass by without returning to this looking for gifts to take back for loved in all my years of travelling to different
wonderful place. Almost all of the drive ones and friends. For the ladies it was countries to watch falconry I can say
back to Tashkent was in daylight and simple, silk scarves abound in Tashkent that this trip to Uzbekistan rates as one
so again I could look at the wildlife as and the prices are very low. of, if not the very best of them all. The
we travelled through the countryside. countryside and the wildlife were both
About an hour from Tashkent we The final full day was out flying again, superb, but my overriding memory will
stopped at a roadside restaurant that which the showed just how much the be the warmth of the Uzbek people.
specialised in a particular type of two young Sakers had progressed in
fish dish that is apparently a favourite a matter of days. In the evening club
amongst Uzbeks. When we sat down members had laid on a farewell bar-b-
to eat the chef came over because he cue for me and it really was a very nice
wanted to meet the English Falconer occasion, with all the usual exchanging
and it turned out he knew one of my of e-mail addresses you would expect
close friends. Not through hawks but on such occasions. What is nice is that
through working dogs. It really is a very a couple of my hosts and their children
small world at times. will be attending the Falconry Festival
in Abu Dhabi and so we will catch up
The following day was back to the again quite soon.
falcon facility and I helped with coping



T he diverse habitats and climates of

North America provide falconers
with the opportunity to pursue duck
variety of landscapes, and manage
game hawks under variable conditions,
new doors are opened. The pursuit of
falconers. Geographically, the South
is characterized by extensive forests,
unsuitable ground, and a lack of
hawking from north to south, and “Endless Autumn Falconry” extends accessible game. However, there
across the continent, through a series hawking opportunities to places with are naturally occurring expanses of
of state-managed hunting seasons. good weather, balmy temperatures, open country, sometimes adjacent to
Where I live, one may begin hawking and reasonable game populations. river corridors. And like everywhere
with freshly trained or molted falcons in else in the world, human hands have
October, when weather for high flying In recent times, my winter peregrinations altered the landscape, sometimes in
is ideal and waterfowl numbers are have taken me to places offering duck unexpectedly positive ways.
sufficient to provide consistent slips. hawking opportunities when poor
weather, erratic duck migrations, or I too was skeptical when first invited to
As autumn turns to winter in the northern season closures limit this activity close hawk with my friend Robert. A native
tier, inclement weather pushes ducks to home. Southerner, he promised to show me
south to wintering grounds. If one is ponds in open pastures that anyone
willing to travel, purchase multiple The idea of flying large falcons at with a decent falcon would be happy
hunting permits, abandon the erstwhile ducks in southeastern states has to fly. From the airplane, all I could
obligations of home, adapt to a wide been largely dismissed by American see from my window was a sweeping



land of green trees. However, I soon

learned that farmers had cleared large
section of forest for cattle pasture. To
accommodate stock, ponds and swales
were created for year-around water.
During a summer visit, he showed me
numbers of ponds filled with fish and
turtles. But in winter, with thousands
of wintering ducks looking for feeding
and resting spots, these ponds would
become ideal for falconry.

Fortunately, I had cut my teeth flying ducks

with prairie falcons in western Oregon.
There, ponds were often located in out of
the way places: tucked into rolling hills, in
areas bordered or surrounded by trees,
and on sheet-water in expansive grass
pastures. The uninformed might consider
these locations to be tight quarters or
conversely, too open to approach.
However, most ducks don’t bail into
brush ahead of a stoop (teal being the There are drawbacks to flying falcons Getting the falcon trained under these
exception). Nor are they inclined to in this type of terrain. The first being conditions is a challenge. Teaching one
leave the safety of water when a falcon topography. Beyond the margins of the to take a respectable pitch is imperative,
is airborne and anywhere within striking flying fields are extensive forests and as is discouraging it from goofing off
range. Thus, a well-made game hawk braided rivers that are inaccessible: and chasing check. This country is full
simply commands the sky wherever it may a wayward falcon will be lost. When of red-tailed hawks and great horned
be, flies in such a manner as to discourage the falcon is either in the euphoria owls, both capable of killing unwary
premature departure, and capitalizes on of soaring, or committed to pursuing falcons. Thus, pitch and focus are the
opportunities when ducks are forced into distant quarry, there is no easy way to two primary lessons for the new pupil.
the air and over open ground. intersect with it going cross-country.
As I learned in Oregon, one must be
conservative with first-year falcons and
not let a precarious situation get out of
hand. An overweight falcon inclined to
soar high on warm days will give you
ulcers. In this situation, presenting the
lure and going home with your hawk is
the preferable alternative to a telemetry
drill offering low odds of success.

Because of fast-changing weather in

the South, the falconer must employ
strategies similar to hawking in northern
climates. Violent winds and rainstorms
of biblical proportions form quickly
in the Gulf of Mexico, posing serious
threats to both falcons and falconers.
I was once chased north to Nebraska
by a hurricane-grade storm, which was
no laughing matter. Bent over treetops


and sheet-rain coming sideways at high They often follow the lead of turkey to ensure that vultures are not potentially
velocity are only tolerable when one is vultures whose olfactory senses are lethal eagles, then goes quickly to join
safely indoors. more highly developed than their own. them in the rising column of air that
The vulture’s ability to detect the minute signals a free lift into the heavens.
Perhaps the most challenging variable fragrances of dead and rotting carcasses
is that of the heat. In the north, we wafting on the breeze from miles away is A thermal pitch can be a grand thing.
simply don’t deal with that issue past an ability that few birds can mimic. But as spring approaches, the last thing
September. Balmy temperatures and you want is a passage tundra peregrine,
sticky air resulting from high humidity Similarly, vultures expend little energy a subspecies famous for its strong
do little to put an edge on a game by soaring on unflapping wings, hour migratory instincts, floating off into the
hawk’s appetite. Add to this the rich after hour, as they traverse great blue abyss with a flock of vultures, never
flesh of ducks, and it’s easy to see how swaths of the landscape in search of an to be seen again. Fortunately, most of
even a small reward from a kill can put immobile meal. Just as western game the falcons I’ve flown go off in search of
a falcon out of sorts for a day or two. hawks key on ravens lifting effortlessly lift, then work their way back overhead
The logical recourse is to adopt the into the sky, so an educated game in anticipation of a flush. By then, they
feed and famine approach to training, hawk recognizes such opportunities. are often at such height that timing the
whereby the falcon is flown every other flush becomes less important than being
day after successful flights. Under certain conditions, rising pockets in a position to witness the event.
of air, the processes of deflection and
In this country, black vultures are the radiation created by earth, wind, and In the South, one must always be
litmus for soaring weather. A common sky, aid the falcon in its quest for altitude. cognizant that water courses such
scavenger found in the southeastern While it is a given that a proper game as creek bottoms, oxbows, and
U.S. during winter, they are the ultimate hawk willingly works itself into a nice marshes may harbor several species
natural glider. With broad wings held pitch under all climatic conditions, of poisonous snakes and alligators.
upright in a characteristic dihedral (“V”) there is no shame in a smart one simply Fortunately, they tend to be inactive
posture, vultures spend hours on the taking the elevator to the top floor. In this during the cooler months of January
wing searching for food. manner, an unhooded falcon first checks and February. However, a temporary



spike in warm temperatures, a not the Atlantic Ocean. Its conspicuous little as fire ants. Officially called red
infrequent occurrence, puts one on high mounds dot the landscape and portend invasive fire ants (RIFA), they hitchhiked
alert to avoid an unwelcome encounter. of an unpleasant experience should to places like America and Australia via
one get down in the dirt on its terms. I shipping containers and their adopted
Likewise, an insidious creature inhabits am, of course, referring to the unwanted countries now spend millions of dollars
the warmer latitudes from Texas east to immigrants from South America known annually on control efforts.


Last winter, my falcon downed a of feathered distractions that might tempt opportunities on accessible quarry with
mallard in a pasture and the ants got a falcon to go self-hunting. Fortunately, fully summed falcons.
there before I did. In general, they ducks fan out from the delta proper into
swarm their victim and then, it seems, more controlled settings for falconry. The bitter reality is that few places
begin biting in unison. In this case, could be deemed perfect for hawking
I extracted the falcon and her kill Following a forty-year moratorium on all season long. And for the most part,
safely from the scene, but not without the use of tundra peregrines, American North American falconers are at the
bites on my legs and arms from these falconers again have the opportunity mercy of natural production, which is
unexpected enemies. The sting of these to trap, train, and fly limited numbers highly variable from year to year. Thus,
insects is painful and leaves scars of passage peregrines. Since acquiring for long-wingers in particular, mobility
created by peptic ulcers. these birds, I’ve felt the need to extend is one hedge against the limitations
the season for as long as legally imposed by shortened seasons and
The Mississippi Flyway is famous for its possible. While Europeans may pursue poor local production.
waterfowl movements, and especially game hawking during summer months,
for the high concentration of wintering access to cropland, the migration
birds of all species on the Mississippi activities of waterfowl, and the weather
River Delta. The colder it gets up are not conducive to good hawking
north, the more concentrated the area here. Given that autumn and winter
becomes with a dozen or more species are the best times for falconry in North
of hawkable ducks. The delta itself America, and understanding that the
may be unsafe due to its flat, open molts of arctic peregrines are more
topography, devoid of landmarks, amenable to flying later in the season,
where a falcon might easily be lost. Plus, it makes sense to take advantage of
it is overpopulated with shooters and full extended seasons that provide hawking




M y interest with birds, of all kinds,
can simply be, purely aesthetic,
sometimes. I am especially enthused by
My own art pieces are created from
photographs that I have taken whilst
visiting, or volunteering, at raptor rescues,
developing my traditional skills further by
embarking on a Fine Art degree, as and
when life allows.
birds of prey, their intensity of eye, their falconry centres, displays, workshops and
focus, their agility and athleticism and even on such things as an official Wild Currently though, I divide my time
of course their sheer beauty as well as Bald Eagle Count in East Texas whilst between creating my own work to sell,
behaviour, it's all of fascination to me. living near Dallas. Others can simply be and accepting commissions to produce
from watching birds in our garden, or on digital artwork of birds of prey, often
As for photography, my curiosity was visits to nature reserves etc. Many of these from a clients own photograph. Either
sparked from a very young age. The images I keep as straight photographic way, the final pieces are professionally
ability to capture fleeting moments, what bodies of work, but some I am driven printed, giclee prints, on museum quality
would have simply become memories, to create art from, mainly digitally, but grade paper, which can be a great gift for
that could be transformed into tangible sometimes traditionally too. I believe, raptor owners and avian enthusiasts alike.
and tactile printed photographs, was in the not too distant future, I may enjoy
simply magical. I still marvel it, though
I print a lot less since the arrival of
digital technology! As a teenager, my
overwhelming interests at school shifted
toward Art and Literature. However, I
was too timid to go on and study Art at
university level.

Eventually, I would study professional

photography, with an element of art
practice, at college level as a mature
student. Upon completion of the course,
I was awarded a Triple Distinction grade
for my body of work. I also received the
further accolade of Student of the Year
(Art & Design) for the college. Something
I am still very proud of. Since then I have
covered several genres of photography.
I have further developed and expanded
the digital skills I learned in college.
Combining these skills has allowed me to
express myself once again through art, as
well as photography, both of which I very
much enjoy. It is something of a 'best of
both worlds' scenario.




T his year saw the 6th annual
staging of the Falconry Weekend
at The International Centre for Birds
with warmth and respect by the clear
majority of falconers. Apparently, it
would appear there are still a few
to a display of trained hawks flying
artificial quarry that was quite simply
one of the best I have ever seen of any
of Prey at Newent. This year mother dinosaurs that believe the woman’s flying display or demonstration. The
nature decided to step in and make place is still in the kitchen but thankfully falcons were incredibly fit and totally
it very much an event of two halves. they seem to be in the very tiny minority. focused on what they were doing. I
The first day was everything that could “Mr. T” flew exceptionally well and heard the remark many times over the
have been wished for. Bright, constant the accompanying commentary was weekend that “it wasn’t real falconry”
sunshine, with just a sufficient enough very informative. Another first timer and that “it is all just a money making
breeze to keep things from getting too for The Falconry Weekend this year scheme”. Well as to the question of
warm and from a display givers point was Rhuallan Raptors with their cast of real falconry, I don’t actually know
of view conditions for flying falcons Tiercels. One is an intermewed Tiercel anyone that is claiming it is. On
was about as good as it is possible to of ten seasons and the other a young reflection as an aid to getting a hunting
get. Day two was the very opposite Tiercel of the year. They flew very well falcon fit, teach it quarry recognition
with it starting off drizzling and then indeed and for those that haven’t seen and reaction then I think it is a huge
the rain got progressively stronger them before and didn’t realise they take success. Would I personally want to
throughout the day accompanied by a minute or two to get into their stride use it then the honest answer would be
a very marked drop in temperature there was probably a feeling for a an emphatic no. But then I don’t use
making everyone damp and cold. In moment or two that perhaps this wasn’t drone, kite or model aircraft either. If
fact, the weather conditions so took going to go well. However, once the I was forty years younger perhaps I
the edge off of the day that towards younger Tiercel switched on, which might have a different attitude to the
the end the displays were rolled into he does when he has seen the older plethora of artificial training aids that
one long one and the whole event Tiercel make a pass or two, then the are now available to the falconer.
finished on a soggy note around an display very quickly got into full stride. However if we are being honest is not
hour and a half early. With both the Tiercels giving it their all a conventional lure about as artificial
to catch the lure it really did make for as it is possible to get? As to the money
The displays on the first day were very a very exciting display and George making scheme comment if you come
good indeed with quite a number of needed all his wits about him not to get up with an idea, research it, build it,
guests taking part as well as the regular caught out. It was the sort of display refine it, constantly test and improve it
team from the ICBP itself. Joel and that if it didn’t quicken your pulse then surely people don’t think the end result
Danny from Bull X Machine flew “Blair” perhaps you ought to check that in will be happily given away free.
the beautiful Gyr x Saker Hybrid falcon actual fact you do indeed have one.
at a dragged rabbit and it made an The rest of the displays didn’t quite
impressive display. Next up of the guest The next display was one that a great seem to have the same fire after Dr.
display givers was Amy Wallace of The many people had come primarily Fox and his team. There was one more
Female Falconers Club with her Tiercel to see and It was Dr. Nick Fox and important display which featured two
“Mr. T”. The Female Falconers Club is, his team giving a display with the different Lugger Falcons. Whilst they
in my opinion, a very innovative idea RoCrow, RoPheasant and the rest of were being flown a representative from
and is generally speaking greeted the Ro team. The audience was treated Project Lugger spoke abut the plight of



this species in the wild and what is being Sakret were both flown whilst Xavier and had no flow or continuity to it. The
done to help it. One of the Luggers flew gave a running commentary as to exactly traders shedding situation was simply
superbly and thrilled the audience with what was happening and the readings farcical with cobbled together units and
its stoops to the lure. The other one he was getting from the transmitters fitted very much mend and make do attitude
thrilled whoever was watching a very to the falcons. Accordingly the audience having been taken by the suppliers
long way off as the falcon in question were made aware of height, speed, total Burgoynes. Instead of completing
took to the air and did its own thing for ground covered by the falcons etc as it everything, which was clearly booked
around an hour and then someone had actually happened. in very detailed form well in advance,
to drive off site and recover it. A shame in a day as promised it was closer to
as it was obviously fit and flying well, I have always been happy to freely the best part of two. To say what they
just not close to the centre. admit this is my favourite show of erected and presumably charged full
the year because it takes place in money for was nothing less than a
The first day ended with a superb display beautiful surroundings and has such shambles would be an understatement.
of flying falcons to the drone by Xavier a nice friendly atmosphere to it. This
Morel and his lovely assistant. A minor year however I felt the whole event There has been a management change
Peregrine Falcon and a stunning looking was strained, not as well run as normal at the ICBP and it manifested itself very
clearly, in various aspects, throughout
the weekend. From major items such
as lack of promised covered areas for
certain exhibitors to the general lack of
detail on the weathering areas. There
just wasn’t the attention to detail that
normally covers all aspects of the event
and it seems that from an exhibitor’s
point of view the management of ICBP
want more and more for less and less.
For example, no organised barbeque
in the evening but simply a grill left
available to use providing you lit it and


or two slots featuring non-
falconry species may well
be considered acceptable, I
am not sure that five different
individual slots given over to
them should be deemed as

Trade stands were higher in number

than they have ever been although
after the shedding units they were
presented with this may not be the
case again at the next one. The
catering facilities for both traders
and public needs to be looked at, as
do the flying displays, whose content
brought your own food. This would be and presentation need something of
fine if all exhibitors had been made an overhaul. I sincerely do hope the
aware this was the case but they management of ICBP make more of an x Saker hybrid chasing the
simply weren’t. Then on the evening effort next year to please the exhibitors rabbit lure, Xavier Morel with
itself it was stated the availability of and visitors and not just themselves. his display demonstrating the many
the grill was cancelled and so people Because for this person at least, as well superb aspects of the Microsensory GPS
made their own arrangements only to as a great many other exhibitors and System, and of course Dr. Nick Fox and
find it hadn’t been cancelled at all. visitors he spoke to, that’s how it felt. the Wing Beat team with RoCrow. The
latter surely the pinnacle of the displays
The normally expensive but first class The positives from the weekend were for most of the spectators.
breakfast baps from the ICBP’s own many and varied and let me stress
café had been replaced by equally everything was very far from doom and A raffle that has been going on for
expensive but far from good quality gloom, in fact quite the opposite. There a while now, with the prize being a
breakfast baps. I literally took two were artists in abundance and a very superb painting of a pair of Golden
bites from mine and threw the rest of wide and varied array of trade stands. Eagles by Alan Hunt, was drawn and
the cold greasy thing away. Outside Ron Digby made a guest appearance won by Phil Lott, a very deserving
catering was very limited, although signing the new book his has falconer. The raffle helped raise over
to be fair I understand one of the collaborated on with David Fox. Flying a thousand pounds for Steve Hopper
caterers that should have been on site displays, particularly by the guests were and his “South Hams Hawks and
cancelled at the last minute. excellent. Bull X Machine with their Gyr Owls” rehabilitation unit.

The flying displays were of a very high

standard and the guest demonstrators
that had been arranged were all very
good indeed and received well by an
appreciative audience. But again, the
hand overs were not smooth and the
was a great deal of one person coming
out of the arena without really knowing
what was going on next. It was by
no means shambolic but it certainly
lacked the flow and continuity that has
been the trademark of previous years
and indeed the benchmark by which
we tend to judge other shows. This was
a Falconry Weekend, so whilst one


I was very fortunate to meet up with
an Italian Falconer at the Falconry
Fair earlier in the year and through his
good services received an invitation
to join him in Milan and then go on to
an International Field meet that was
being held to the North West of the
city over a weekend. Accordingly,
mid-November last year saw me
heading to good old Gatwick Airport
for a morning flight to the beautiful city
of Milan in Northern Italy. I have a
great fondness for Milan and, through
working for Alfa Romeo for a period of
years, have spent a considerable time
there in the past, admittedly when I was
a great deal younger. I have always
found the Italian people to be very
warm and welcoming and although
to a reserved Englishman their manner from the airport I felt like I had been famous afternoon confections with,
seems easily excitable they are, in my in the city only yesterday. Nothing, at in his case, an obscenely calorific
personal opinion, on the whole a kind least to regards traffic and its flow, had drink based on chocolate and cream.
people. That is until it comes to being changed one iota. I simply opted for the much humbler
behind the wheel of car. Then it is every Cappuccino. Having enjoyed
single person for themselves and the My host for the trip, Michele Casiraghi, the repast, it was on to Michele’s
rule of survival is not to show weakness. suggested we stop off on the way to apartment, get unpacked, washed and
Within ten minutes of being collected his apartment to sample one of Milan’s changed and then out to dinner with
four other falconers, one of who I had
met previously when they had stayed in
England for three months. Dinner was
superb in every aspect, conversation,
food and wine were all excellent and
it was a very nice closing to a full and
somewhat tiring day.

The next morning it was up bright

and early to make preparations for
travelling to the meeting and the two
nights that it would be required to be
away from Milan. As well as the human


contingent there were the two falcons Systems. I was still shaking hands with the meeting and head back to Milan I
to get ready for the trip. A male Prairie Eddie and exchanging pleasantries came away from Italy with very fond
Falcon “Rio” and a male Barbary Falcon when again “Hello Bob” was called out memories of the entire group, not just the
called “Fit”. Both were intermewed and and approaching was a good friend committee. But I get ahead of myself.
normally flown at Partridge, so the from Spain, Jose Louis Arnilo. I had been
meeting would hopefully present decent hawking in Spain earlier in the year Once we were registered it was time to
hunting opportunities for both males. The with Jose Louis and in fact he had been get hunting and the male Prairie was put
principal quarry species at the meet were kind enough in August to send over to out to weather for a while and the male
Pheasant and Partridge and whilst both England a Brookei Tiercel he had bred Barbary taken up on the fist and we
males were too small for cock Pheasants that year for me as a gift. So literally located the nearest group of falconers to
certainly hens could prove to provide a within a couple of minutes of arriving I us that were hunting with longwings. The
flight and certainly either Grey or Red had been greeted by two good friends part of the ground we were on seemed
Legged Partridge would be perfect for from different parts of Europe. It was a to favour Pheasant and so we spectated
them both. So, we set off from Milan very good feeling. for a few flights and then went off to
with high hopes of a good weekend see if we could find some Partridge.
ahead of us. The weather was superb Michele and I went inside the lodge We had no dog with us and so had to
and forecast to remain that way for the to register our attendance at the meet managed to persuade someone with
next few days. The trip itself was very and to settle our applicable fees. I was a stunning Setter to work her for us. A
pleasant heading from Milan roughly in introduced to Massimiliano Mora who covey was soon found and the “Fit” the
the direction of Genoa and the scenery is the president of the Gruppo Falconieri Barbary was allowed to take to the air.
was very pleasing and obviously quite Italiani, the club that were actually He circled up quite nicely. Not to a very
typical of Lombardy. hosting the event. Here I received a great height but he was very focused
very warm welcome from Massimiliano on Michele and was looking inward all
After just a couple of hours or so we and the rest of the committee and the time. The Partridge were sprung and
reached our destination of Ceresole was extremely pleasantly surprised to the Barbary stooped but no cigar I am
D’Alba and the hunting lodge that would discover all meals, hunting fees, hotel afraid. But nice flight never the less and
serve as the headquarters for the meet. As accommodation were all being taken the Barbary was taken down to the lure
we pulled into the car park of the lodge care of by the club and I was indeed and then fed for the day as time was
we could se an area had been fenced off to be their guest for the weekend. A marching on and we still needed to find
as a safe and secure weathering for the very generous gesture and a much a flight for the Prairie.
hawks and falcons and various residents appreciated one, not so much in terms
sat there on their respective blocks and of finance but in terms of the gesture of Back to the weathering ground to swap
bow perches. Even before I got out of the friendship from a group of falconers to the falcons and we were soon heading
car I heard someone say, “Hello Bob” a fellow falconer from abroad. It would out again to try and find a flight for “Rio”.
and was greeted by my good friend also be fair to say that everyone on the The light was starting to fade just a little
from Belgium Eddie De Mol. A good committee of the club made a very real and very soon we would be on the cusp
falconer who I have had the pleasure effort to ensure I was enjoying both the of the day and we needed to try and
of knowing for many years and a hunting and the social side of things. I find quarry quite quickly. Fortune was
representative for the Marshall Telemetry must say that when it was time to depart smiling on us and some Partridge were
found and “Rio” was put on the wing.
Again, not tremendous height by the
male Prairie, however he was extremely
focused and at the flush stooped and cut
down his Partridge. But it wasn’t a lethal
blow and the Partridge got up again and
took off but a second blow from “Rio”
was enough to get the job done, and
done in style. Being an imprint, and a
mal imprint at that, care must be taken
when taking “Rio” up on the fist again
and feeding him up. Michele has the
measure of “Rio” though and despite



a little screaming and a momentary The meal was typical of the region and Michele and I drove over to the lodge
temper tantrum all was soon well and a featured game that had been taken for the days hunting. Again I was
contented falcon was hooded and put locally, although by guns and not by fortunate enough to receive a very
on the cadge in the car. falcons, unfortunately. The various warm welcome from my hosts and many
courses were accompanied by local introductions to newly arrived falconers.
Then it was back to the hunting lodge wines and I have to say all went down The group of hunters would be split into
for coffee or wine and a bit of a get well. It wasn’t to be a late evening for three and I was to join the longwing
together with a dinner following a little Michele and I had driven straight to the group that included my friends. First up
later. I was introduced to various other meeting and so we needed to go to the to fly that day was Jose Louis with his
falconers from several different countries hotel and get checked in before it got Falcon and she left the fist and mounted
which included Romania, Hungary and too late. Fortunately the hotel was only a spectacularly. Taking very wide circles
Austria. Three falconers from the historic quarter of an hour or so away and was but gaining tremendous height very
city of Melfi came over an introduced easy enough to find. The reception was rapidly. Two Pointers were run under
themselves and very kindly invited me exceedingly efficient and soon I was in here and they soon located game. The
to be a guest at a meeting they are my room unpacking and laying clothes falcon was very high indeed and making
organising next year to celebrate the out for the morning. decent and very commanding circles
connection between city and Frederick overhead. To be continued...
the Second, surely one of the greatest A good night’s sleep saw me refreshed
historical names on falconry. Frederick and ready for the day ahead and
had his main castle at Melfi and it is still
completely intact. The meet next year will
be based around the castle and should
be a truly fascinating experience. It
never ceases to amaze me how, despite
the pretty obvious language barriers
that normally apply, falconers from
different countries always find some
way or another to communicate. After
much talking and exchange of views
and showing of photographs it was time
for dinner and just as we sat down some
friends of Michele arrived from Austria
and joined us at our table.



O n November 11th, the British

Archives of Falconry formally
opened its new exhibition facility,
We were delighted to welcome HE Majid
Al Mansouri, International Association of
Falconry Vice-president for the Middle East
The exhibition was filled almost
to its rafters with art and artefacts
celebrating Britain’s falconry heritage,
attracting falconers from around the and North Africa and Executive Director focusing primarily on the host county
world to share in celebrations. This not of the Emirates Falconers’ Club, and Lt Col of Wiltshire’s particularly prestigious
only formed Britain’s contribution for Kent Carnie, founder and Curator Emeritus history of the sport. Items from the
the 2017 World Falconry Day, but also of The Archives of Falconry in Idaho. Other Archives’ ever-expanding collection
commemorated the foundation of the overseas visitors included Dick ten Bosch were complemented by exhibits on
British Falconers’ Club’s 90 years earlier from the Netherlands, Klaus and Elisabeth loan from keen collectors of objects
to the day. The event began for a number Leix from Germany and Gary Timbrell linked to our shared passion. There were
of visitors with flights – sadly, for most of from Ireland. A whole host of falconers, scarce and beautifully bound treatises
them, these were on aircraft, but a small young and old, from all over Britain were on the sport, hawking diaries, items of
hawking party did manage to take to the also able to attend, and the atmosphere of furniture belonging to some of British
field to enjoy the sport we had gathered positive enthusiasm for the Archives’ work falconry’s best-known names and a
to celebrate. was incredible. striking collection of artwork including



original works by George Lodge, Ron John Loft and Elisabeth Leix, of the BFC others worldwide. His immense influence
David Digby and Richard Treleaven. A and Deutscher Falkenorden respectively. and enthusiasm was very much in
lovely collection of images of falconers All reflected on the achievements of the evidence amongst all present and, whilst
spanning many generations, arrayed British Archives of Falconry and upon we will all sadly miss his companionship,
along the stairs leading to the main the significance, to falconers near and guidance and example, we carry on
exhibit, occasionally caused tailbacks far and indeed the wider world, of his endeavours with grateful thanks for
in accessing the main collection as many the 1,500 year heritage it represents. everything he did for our sport. By making
guests stopped to pause and reflect on Following the speeches, guests were our collections more accessible, the new
those they knew, those they may have welcome to enjoy refreshments, hosted premises will hopefully encourage and
liked to have met and, in some cases, in a nearby barn displaying further enable future generations of falconers
images of their younger selves. information on falconry heritage, and to pick up the torch Roger kindled in all
to partake in a get-together with like- of us, and to pass on that same love of
The formal opening incorporated minded friends whilst continuing to falconry’s long, distinguished role in
speeches from Founding Director Mark explore the fascinating items on display. Britain’s cultural heritage to those who
Upton, Honorary Patron Kent Carnie, follow them.
local MP Robert Buckland and falconers With so many falconers of all ages
present, the evening offered great
opportunities to recall old memories
and more recent ones of falconers, of
hawks and of days afield. Falconers
who personally knew the greats of the
Victorian and Edwardian era were
known by, and passed their memories
on to, some of the more senior falconers
present; those current falconers in turn
were able to pass their experiences onto
the younger generation present, and
so the evening was, in many ways, an
example of our living heritage in action.

The gathering was conscious of the very

recent loss of Roger Upton MBE, whose
pioneering work in the field of falconry
heritage was the original inspiration for all
of the British Archives’ Directors and many
D ecember the 4th to the 9th saw the
Confusingly titled 4th International
Festival of Falconry take place in Abu
Dhabi under the patronage of H.H.
Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
President of the United Arab Emirates. I
say confusing because there have been
two Festivals in Reading, England in
2007 and 2009 and then three in the
U.A.E. in 2011, 2014 and then the latest
in 2017. There was also many years
ago, in fact in 1976, an International
gathering in the Emirates which is now
classed as the first, the two in Reading
appear not to have occurred, and then
the subsequent three in Abu Dhabi.
Accordingly this recent event is classified
as Festival number four.

The emphasis at the Festival was very

much on youth and the future of the sport.
Many countries responded well and sent
youngsters to represent falconry in their
country and to pick outstanding ones
would be a little unfair. However it would
be fair to say that several countries went
to considerable trouble to ensure their
country, youngsters and the health of
their sport were very well represented.
To counter this it would also be fair to say days were spent in the desert at the from hood making to imping and just
that some countries most certainly didn’t. Mohammed Bin Zayed Falconry and about every other topic you could think
In fact, one country didn’t even turn up. Desert Physiognomy School at the of relating to practical falconry. These
Penryn College of South Africa and Telal Heritage Village in Remah. The workshops were very informal and
Falcon College of Zimbabwe certainly first two day were packed with various encouraged participation wherever
set the standard very high and their workshops and demonstrations relating possible. There was also a huge video
country displays and the effort they put to practical falconry as well as two screen that showed various films relevant
into participating fully in the event must hunting parties a day to hopefully see to falconry including the old standard
be made mention of. falcons flown at Houbara in the desert. “Kes”. On the third day there was an
These demonstrations and workshops International Falconry Conference as
Once again the format and structure covered a myriad of topics and were well as two more hunting parties going
of the event itself had changed quite well attended. They ranged from flying out in search of Houbara.
considerably and so the first three Sparrowhawks to passage falcons,



We visited several dealers, and all

sold the same equipment, generally
speaking all originating in Pakistan,
and all had back rooms with falcons
that were for sale housed within them.
The falcons were hooded and lived on
screen perches. They were fed through
the hood and unless a prospective buyer
took one of these poor creatures up
onto the fist to have a close look at they
were left hooded day after day after
day. A truly miserable existence. These
poor falcons are fed the lowest quality
food, kept in poor conditions and the
general consensus amongst the better
falconers is that these places are where
To ensure all those attending the Festival different to potential native customers. For the unsold falcons go to die. Some of
got to see as many aspects of falcons example, the first dealer we visited in the those within our party wanted to buy
being flown as possible there was also Souk offered us a Black Gyr Falcon for some equipment and bartering took on
demonstrations of falcons being flown to $15,000. When I said it looked like a Gyr a new meaning when it came to settling
a conventional lure as well as chasing x Saker hybrid to me I was categorically wthe bill. Elaborate games that lasted
a lure being towed by model aircraft. assured it was a pure Gyr from the finest two coffee’s in length ensued before a
This just has to be seen to be believed breeding in Europe. However, if we were sensible price was reached and both
to appreciate how fit and truly persistent to pay cash then there would be some parties to the deal seemed to think they
a falcon can be trained to be. Those movement on the price. We explained we had get better of the other. The overall
attending the Festival were based for just wanted to buy some equipment and experience of Bowardi Souk had been
the desert period in Al Ain and were things changed slightly in that the coffee an upsetting and disturbing one for any
bused out to the Heritage Village each we had just been offered didn’t materialise European Falconer and the immediate
day, a journey of only just over an and other people walking through the thought was how could things be brought
hour or so in very high standard air- door took complete priority over us. The about to change the lives of these poor
conditioned buses. Lunch in the desert same large black falcon was then offered unfortunate falcons that ended up in such
was a truly splendid affair taking place to a local as a hybrid at $6,000. The premises. Bearing in mind Souks like this
in a massive air-conditioned tent where dealer was unaware that one of our party are replicated across the Middle East
three hundred people could comfortably spoke Arabic. and must quite literally have thousands
be accommodated, and the inner man
or women fed and fed very well indeed.

Myself and some others to spend day three

following our own plan and accordingly
in the morning visited the Bowardi Souk
in Al Ain and then in the afternoon to
a taxi to the Falcon Souk at Nad Al
Sheba in Dubai City. Bowardi Souk is
the everyman area for buying a falcon
and certainly the clientele that visited
with an interest in purchasing a falcon
when our party was there would hardly
be considered members of the upper
echelons of falconry. What was extremely
interesting was the attention paid to us
and the information given on particular
falcons and then hearing something totally


of inhabitants leading utterly miserable this was indeed a Souk of a very much various other places. These ranged fro
existences. At least in the afternoon we higher calibre and the individual shops Black and Red Shaheens to Sakers and
would be visiting a very famous and were arranged around the inner edges Calidus Peregrines. There was even a
a very up market Falcon Souk and it of the large building. Equipment of the dark phase Steppe Eagle, trapped that
was almost certain that standards here same Pakistani origins were for sale afternoon with a Harrier as the Barak
would be considerable higher and but priced with a somewhat more up Bird or in our terms live bait. In fact they
surely far more humane in the treatment market clientele in mind. The hoods were trying quite hard to keep the poor
of the falcons that were for sale there. for example were exactly the same as Harrier alive, having been grabbed
we had seen in the morning but quite by the Eagle, so he could be used
The Taxi ride from Abu Dhabi to The literally double the price. Same was again the following day in the hopes of
Falcon Souk in Dubai City was interesting true of blocks, lures, bags, gloves etc. trapping something else. I had to walk
with the driver assuring us when we got Again, each shop had its back room away. Another dealer had Kestrels and
into his taxi he knew where he was of falcons on screen perches, hooded, a Haggard Shikra Hawk for sale. Not
going and had been there before. On and looking in no better condition than
the outskirts of Dubai City he decided those we had seen in the morning. In
to tell us he hadn’t actually been there fact, during the course of our relatively
before and his Sat Nav system wasn’t short stay I saw some things which were
working and dropped us at another taxi truly awful and had to say I wanted to
rank. Fortunately, the next taxi driver leave as I could feel my blood boiling
did know where we were going and in and an eruption not too far away. I hate
fact we were just some ten minutes or so abject cruelty and I most certainly saw
away from it. On arrival we could see examples of it in this Souk.
this was a very upmarket establishment
in comparison to the ones visited this The use of wild taken falcons is now
morning and indeed our hopes rose supposed to be illegal in Abu Dhabi
with regard to seeing falcons for sale and Dubai but several dealers offered
being kept in far better conditions. On to sell us unrung falcons that had been
entering the premises, it was obvious trapped in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and



for use by beginners as you may think reiterated several times the Souks are head and shoulders above the rest for
but for those who wanted live bait to try where falcons go to die and I for one the effort and forethought that had gone
and trap their own Saker Falcons. believe it whole heartedly. into them would be the Netherlands and
Australia. Three young men represented
Many of the Falcons on the screen The fourth day of the event saw the entire the Netherlands and it must be said they
perches were quite clearly unwell and gathering of participants move from Al made a staggeringly good job of their
it can hardly come as surprise that a Ain to Abu Dhabi city and once there the stand and talking to visitors. Michael Calvin
great many die of various infections. rest of the day was spent setting up the from Australia was there with his son Tom
One Saker was clearly struggling and individual country stands and preparing and also Will Goodwin, his nephew. We
with a veterinary clinic being the shop for the two public days that were to all know Michael is dedicated to getting
next door I asked the vendor why the follow. To ensure people from various Falconry legalised in Australia and works
falcon wasn’t being treated. He said countries had to interact and get to know tirelessly to try and bring this about. From
that the treatment would probably each other each stand would contain the effort that Michael puts into trying to
amount to more than the cost of getting representatives from three countries and achieve this it can only be a case of when
another one from his trapper and so he things were deliberately mixed up a bit and not if.
would wait to see what god wanted to so different cultures and languages were
do. Let me stress that these awful sights deliberately brought together. With some
were completely removed from the of the countries that had really made a
Festival and just a very unfortunate part huge effort then they did have stands to
of day to day life for falcons, both wild themselves and outstanding amongst these
trapped and captive bred, that have the were those of China and Japan. Fabulous
severe misfortune to fine themselves part stands full of very fascinating artefacts
of the Souk set up across the Emirates. relating to their falconry. Amongst the
As several very experienced falconers smaller stands two that for me stood out


On the evening of the set up day our the original Festival in 1976. To be fair to interact with visitors as well as with
Arabian hosts had invited one and all things were a little long winded and fellow representatives from other
to an evening dinner to be held in the despite initial interest after an hour countries. As will always be the case
gardens of the Ritz in the inner city. It or so this had waned somewhat and there were one or two individuals who
was a grand affair with speeches and people were generally just wanting to had just treated the whole exercise as
introductions to those who attended get some food. Once people did finally a free holiday in the sun and no doubt
get to eat the evening just seemed to their lack of cooperation or willingness
die away with people making their to be of real help to anyone would
own arrangements to get back to have been duly noted with regard to
their respective hotels rather than wait future events.
around for the designated coaches. At
least taxis are very cheap in Abu Dhabi My overall impression of the Festival
and they are certainly are plentiful any was that whilst undoubtedly being on
time of day or night. not quite so lavish a scale as its last
two predecessors it was a successful
Finally, the Festival days that were open in bringing about what it set out to do.
to the public had come around and Showcase falconry across the world
most people were on their stands bright in a good light, encourage younger
and early to ensure that things were falconers coming up through the ranks
just right for when the public arrived. and bring falconers from across the
The vast majority of those sponsored globe closer together.
to attend did the very best they could
both for their individual stands and
for falconry in general. Taking time


D ue to the pressure of deadlines
and other books that came in for
review here we are at last, admittedly
somewhat belatedly, taking a look
at the latest offering from David Fox.
David’s love of falconry art is well
documented, and he has very publicly
sung the praises of the two artists
featured in his new book that has been
stunningly put together and produced
by Paul Morgan and his company
Coch-Y-Bonddu Books.

The subject matter of the book is the

life and work of two particular artists,
one the mentor in the early days to
the other. I should imagine it would
be hard to find a British falconer that
isn’t aware of either of them or at least
certain aspects of their work. David
Reid-Henry may well be best known in
the UK for his stunning illustrations for
Jack Mavrogordato’s “A Falcon in the
Field” and for his stunning contributions
to “Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the
World”. David’s pupil and protegee,
Ron David Digby, is equally well
known and amongst his many notable
contributions are the plates to Tom
Cade’s “Falcons of the World”.

David Reid-Henry passed away in

1977 in his beloved Rhodesia, as the
country was known then, aged just 58



years old. A real tragedy that such an seen before and there is an interesting
incredible talent should have been cut foreword by Mark Upton accompanied
down so young. Ron David Digby is an by his own portrait of his Peregrine
exceedingly active artist, despite the “Oliver Twist”. Priced at just £30 I
fact that at the time of writing being 81 consider this book an absolute bargain
years old and is still producing some and a must have. It can be obtained
simply stunning work. Both of these Paul Morgan on 01654-702837 or
gentlemen were very active falconers,
and this is reflected in a great many of
the pictures they produced, catching
moments that probably only a fellow
falconer would truly connect with.

The book is A4 size and comprises

some 200 pages and is printed on
high quality paper and is nothing less
than would be expected from Coch-
Y-Bonddu Books. There are over 250
superb illustrations, a great many of
which will have not been generally


Promoting responsibility

Office open Monday to Friday

09:00 to 13:00 & 16:00 to 19:00
Saturday & Sunday
10:00 to 14:00 Specialist suppliers of leather, leathercraft tools and materials to the falconry world
Consistent performance leather is vital in all falconry applica-
tions. The Identity Store is dedicated to supplying falconers
with the best kangaroo, stallion, bullhide and calf leathers in
the world at true value prices. Our leather is sold in whole
skins and pieces designed for praticability and economy.
Thank you for your custom, Peter and Jackie Laight


IBR Registered Lost & Stolen plus Found and Reunited Birds of Prey 0161 790 5613
From 1st October to 31st December 2017

The IBR would like to thank all of those people that have helped to capture, look after and reunite lost birds. To date we have now helped
to reunite over 7,500 birds. If you think one of the following birds is yours or you think you may know the owner - please contact us.
ALL birds reported lost or stolen will REMAIN on the database as lost or stolen until we are told otherwise.
ALL birds that have been found will be placed on the found section of the website if the owner cannot be traced.
ALL birds reported lost whether IBR rung or not will be placed on the database but please note that only those birds whose
registrations have been paid for will appear on the website, our Facebook page, IBR App and Map.
Part of the ring numbers have been replaced with a ‘?’ for security reasons.

REMEMBER! We offer a service. Please don’t abuse it.


SPECIES 83738 ?124? GYRPERESAKER Mansfield, NG19
AMERICAN KESTREL 1 BARN OWL 12 109049 ?425? BARN OWL Wolverhampton, WV4
APLOMADO 1 GOSHAWK 3 111077 ?ALK? GYRSAKER Rainhill, L35
BARBARY 1 GYR 1 111085 ?NBC? GYRSAKER Alcester, B49
BARN OWL 12 GYRSAKER 1 64228 ?208? HARRIS HAWK Maesteg
CHACO OWL 1 HARRIS HAWK 8 109223 ?451? HARRIS HAWK Barry, CF62
CHILEAN BLUE EAGLE 1 KESTREL 1 72361 ?044? SAKER Wetherby, LS22
GOSHAWK 6 PEREGRINE 4 110959 ?613? GYRSAKER Irlam, M44
GYR/SAKER 10 SAKER 1 110766 ?635? BARN OWL Acocks Green, B27
HARRIS HAWK 24 TRIBRED 2 111168 ?KG? PEREGRINE Burton on Tweed
LANNER 1 111188 ?RGW? LANNER Coupar Angus, PH13
PEREGRINE 6 106789 ?204? BARN OWL Bristol, BS16
PEREGRINE/BARBARY 1 109596 ?248? KESTREL Watton, IP25
PEREGRINE/LANNER 2 104137 ?938? TAWNY OWL Fritton, NR31
REDTAIL 3 111233 ?MJW? HARRIS HAWK Bedford, MK41
SAKER 2 110654 ?494? HARRIS HAWK Bolton, BL5
SNOWY OWL 2 108209 ?275? BARN OWL Brackley, NN13
STORK 1 95511 ?TRE? PEREGRINE Louth, LN11
TRIBRED 2 59883 ?658? INDIAN EAGLE OWL Shepreth, SG8
URAL OWL 2 111307 ?EMC? GYRSAKER Peterborough, PE15
101649 ?744? BARN OWL Little Hulton, M28

Out of the 93 birds reunited, 54 were NOT registered of which 3 have now registered.


BARN OWL 2 28800 ?819? HARRIS HAWK Newport, NP18
GOSHAWK 2 111169 ?627? PEREGRINE HYBRID Andover, SP11
HARRIS HAWK 3 93506 ?046? HARRIS HAWK Telford
KESTREL 1 93556 ?998? HARRIS HAWK Waterlooville



The South East Falconry Group

Drawing its membership from around the South and East of England, the SEFG provides a forum for falconers
and would-be falconers to meet, discuss and practice the art. Members benefit from having access to a wealth of experience and knowledge,
good facilities and field meeting opportunities throughout the winter months.
Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of the month at North Stifford in Essex.
For members in our Southern region, informal meetings take place near Winchester, Hants. (Please contact Dean White on 01489 896504).
For further information or an application form please contact Peter Long (secretary) on 07889 438531
email us at
visit our web site

The Welsh Hawking Club

British Falconers' Club
Founded in 1927 The Welsh Hawking Club has four regional groups
The oldest and largest Hawking Club in the country. throughout the United Kingdom meeting in:-

Thirteen Regional Groups - South Wales, North Wales, the South West and Essex

Scotland, Yorkshire, Midlands, Cotswolds, Eastern, North For more details please visit our website and click on Regions.

Western, Mid-West, North Eastern, Southern, Wales, South For all general equiries please contact:

Western, West Midlands & Borders & Wessex. David Barber on 07785 762373

Email Sue on or

Or visit our website for details e-mail:
South Eastern Raptors
Association (S.E.R.A.)
Established for over 30 years, and now affiliated to the Hawk Board
The Scottish and holding group membership to the Countryside Alliance, the aims
of S.E.R.A. are to further and maintain the standards of falconry in
Hawking Club the South-East of England. With a broad band of knowledge and
experience within our club, we extend a warm welcome to new
For the dedicated falconer members, whether practising falconers or complete novices. Where
practicable, novices will be allocated a mentor. Helpful, honest and
The largest club in Scotland protecting the friendly advice is always available.
needs of falconers. Our meetings are held at 10.30am on the second Sunday of
AFFILIATED TO:- Countryside Alliance - Hawk Board - Scottish Hawk each month throughout the year at The Village Hall, Station Road,
Board - Zimbabwe Falconers Club - North American Falconers Groombridge, Kent TN3 9QX
Association - International Association for Falconry Outings, guest speakers, field meets, (at home and away) videos,
Further details from: quizzes and other special events are everpresent
Alan Rothery features of our club calendar and may be viewed on our website.
E-mail: Please visit our NEW website at:
• We are a D.E.F.R.A. recognised club•★ or telephone Alan for information on: 07973 733110


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Fax: 01264 324546 The World
Europe: £26.00 of Falconry incorporating The Falco
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The World of Falconry
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Email: Tel: 07774 267790
Website and subscription information:
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Hbk £30.00 First 250 copies Hbk £69.95 Hbk £65.00 Two volumes in slip-case. £95.00
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