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Displaying Tax Values in Purchase Order Pricing Conditions

Configuration of the System

This document describes the configuration steps that you must follow to allow your system to display
tax values in the pricing conditions of a purchase order.

This function makes use of condition-based formulas, which copy the tax values from the tax
calculation schema to the purchase pricing calculation schema, while pricing is being carried out. The
function is delivered with SAP Note 1551566.

Note: If you still have a Support Package installed for which SAP Note 1551566 is valid, you first have
to manually create new objects as described in SAP Note 1551566. You can find the documentation
about the creation of new objects attached to the Note.

Creation of Formulas
Since SAP cannot deliver new standard formulas, the formulas needed for this function have been
created in the customer name range (starting above 900). The example below uses formulas 959 and
960. If you have already used these numbers for formulas, you can replace the numbers with any
available numbers.

1. Go to transaction VOFM.
2. Choose Formulas → Condition Value.
3. Switch to edit mode and add the following two lines for the new formulas at the very end of
the table. The following figures show our example formulas, 959 and 960:

 Formula 959 is used in the tax calculation procedure to store tax values.
 Formula 960 is used in the pricing calculation procedure to insert the previously stored
tax values.
4. Double-click formula 959.
5. Enter the following line in the editor:

6. Activate the code and go back.

7. Double-click formula 960.
8. Enter the following line in the editor:

9. Activate the code and go back.

10. Save and activate (Choose Edit → Activate) the formulas.
Adding Formulas to Tax Calculation Procedure
1. Go to transaction J1BTAX.
2. In the menu, go to Condition setup → Calc. Procedures → Calc. Procedures MM.
3. In the Procedures group box, select the line with your tax calculation procedure.
4. In the Dialog Structure group box, double-click Control Data to open the overview of your tax
calculation procedure.
5. For each tax condition type that you want to carry over to the pricing calculation schema,
enter the corresponding formula number for the tax calculation procedure in the CalType
column. In our example (see the following figure), “959” is entered as the formula, so that
the values for the IPI1 and ICM1 tax conditions appear in pricing:
Creation of Condition Types for Taxes in Purchase Pricing
To enable the system to display the tax values in purchase pricing, you have to create new conditions
that correspond to the tax conditions that are to be used for pricing.

Note: The name of the pricing condition type does not have to match the name of the tax condition
type. The mapping between the two condition types is done in a database table, which is described
in the following documentation.

1. Go to transaction SPRO.
2. In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG), choose Materials Management →
Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination Process → Define Condition Types.
3. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Define Condition Type.
4. Create a new entry for each condition type that should be carried over from tax calculation.
5. Enter the following values for each condition type:

In our example (see the following figure), the two conditions, ICM1 and IPI1, have been added in the
Customizing activity:
Adding Formulas to Pricing Calculation Procedure
1. Go to transaction SPRO.
2. In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG), choose Materials Management →
Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price Determination Process → Define Calculation
3. In the Schemas group box, select the line with your pricing calculation procedure.
4. In the Dialog Structure group box, double-click Control Data to open the overview of your
pricing calculation procedure.
5. Add a new entry for each tax condition type with the following values (Note that you must
leave the columns that are not mentioned here empty):

Field Name Value to Be Entered

Step Previous value plus 1

Counter 0
Condition Type Newly created condition type (see previous step)
From Number of step with “Net value incl. disc.”

Statistics Select this check box! If you do not select this option, the tax
condition affects the calculated price!

CalType Formula for the pricing calculation procedure, in our example 960

In the following figure, the two example conditions, ICM1 and IPI1, have been added to the
calculation procedure:

Note that in this example, step 20 has “Net value incl. disc.”.
Mapping Between Tax Condition Types and Pricing Condition Types
1. Go to transaction SM30.
2. Enter J_1B_PO_TAX_MAPV as the view name.
3. Switch to edit mode and choose New Entries.
4. Now you can determine on which pricing condition type a specific tax condition type should
be mapped:
a. On the left side, select the pricing condition type using the F4-Help for the Condition
Type field. The Application field is automatically set to M.
b. On the right side, select the tax condition type using F4-Help for the Condition Type
field. The Application field is automatically set to TX.

For this example, the following two entries are needed:

This maps the pricing conditions ICM1 and IPI1 (on the left, marked with green) to the tax conditions
ICM1 and IPI1 (on the right, marked with blue).
Displaying Tax Values in Pricing
If you now create a new purchase order with a tax code that makes use of tax condition types ICM1
and/or IPI1, the condition values of these taxes are displayed in the pricing conditions.

Note: The behavior in transactions ME21 and ME21N differs as explained in the following

Transaction ME21N
1. Go to the Item section.
2. Select the Invoice tab page.
3. Choose the Taxes push button to see the original tax values:

4. Then go back and choose the Conditions tab page.

There you see the same tax values, which have been imported to the pricing procedure:
Transaction ME21
1. Choose Item → Conditions to display the pricing conditions of the purchase order. The
imported tax conditions appear at the bottom of the table.

Note: The first time that you view the conditions, the condition values have not imported yet and
cannot be displayed.

2. To import the condition values for the taxes, choose the Update push button below the table
and select pricing type B (Carry out new pricing).
Note: The import is done automatically when the system saves the purchase order.

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