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Role of Seawater Desalination in the Management of
an Integrated Water and 100% Renewable Energy
Based Power Sector in Saudi Arabia
Upeksha Caldera * ID
, Dmitrii Bogdanov, Svetlana Afanasyeva and Christian Breyer ID

School of Energy Systems, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta,
Finland; (D.B.); (S.A.); (C.B.)
* Correspondence:

Received: 19 November 2017; Accepted: 20 December 2017; Published: 22 December 2017

Abstract: This work presents a pathway for Saudi Arabia to transition from the 2015 power structure
to a 100% renewable energy-based system by 2050 and investigates the benefits of integrating the
power sector with the growing desalination sector. Saudi Arabia can achieve 100% renewable energy
power system by 2040 while meeting increasing water demand through seawater reverse osmosis
(SWRO) and multiple effect distillation (MED) desalination plants. The dominating renewable energy
sources are PV single-axis tracking and wind power plants with 243 GW and 83 GW, respectively.
The levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of the 2040 system is 49 €/MWh and decreases to 41 €/MWh
by 2050. Corresponding levelised cost of water (LCOW) is found to be 0.8 €/m3 and 0.6 €/m3 .
PV single-axis tracking dominates the power sector. By 2050 solar PV accounts for 79% of total
electricity generation. Battery storage accounts for 41% of total electricity demand. In the integrated
scenario, due to flexibility provided by SWRO plants, there is a reduced demand for battery storage
and power-to-gas (PtG) plants as well as a reduction in curtailment. Thus, the annual levelised costs
of the integrated scenario is found to be 1–3% less than the non-integrated scenario.

Keywords: 100% renewable energy; Saudi Arabia; energy transition; desalination; solar PV;
wind energy; sector integration

1. Introduction
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula and is the
13th largest in the world. As of 2015, the Kingdom had a population of approximately 31,540,000—the
highest among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries [1,2]. Located between the Persian Gulf
and the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia is also one of the largest arid countries without any permanent rivers or
lakes. While the global average renewable water resource per capita per year is 6000 m3 , Saudi Arabia
has only 84.8 m3 /(capita·a) [3]. In spite of the water scarcity, Saudi Arabia has the third highest water
consumption per capita at 250 L/(capita·d) [3]. This is only behind the United States and Canada.
The country’s water demand is expected to increase by 56% by 2035. Meanwhile, at the current rate
of water withdrawal, ground water aquifers are expected to provide potable water only for the next
10–30 years [4].
To augment the fresh water resources, Saudi Arabia relies on seawater desalination, particularly
to meet the municipal and industrial water demands. In 2010, 58% of the country’s total water demand
was met through non-renewable ground water resources, 33.5% by surface water and renewable
ground water, 6% by desalinated water and 2.2% by waste water reuse [5]. In 2014, desalinated water
is estimated to have met 60% of KSA’s municipal water demand [6]. By the end of 2015, Saudi Arabia
accounted for 15% of the global installed desalination capacity [5]. With the diminishing of fresh water
resources, seawater desalination is expected to play a pivotal role in meeting Saudi Arabia’s future

Water 2018, 10, 3; doi:10.3390/w10010003

Water 2018, 10, 3 2 of 32

water demands. However, desalination is an energy intensive process compared to traditional water
treatment methods. Saudi Arabia is reported to use 25% of the domestic oil and gas production in
desalination plants and the share is expected to increase to 50% by 2030 [7]. A report by General
Electric (GE) suggests that Saudi Arabia requires 300,000 barrels of oil per day for the desalination
plants on the country’s Eastern and Western coasts [8].
Saudi Arabia has 1/5th of the world’s proven oil reserves and is the largest producer and exporter
of petroleum products [9]. In addition, KSA is the 9th largest exporter of natural gas [9]. Saudi Arabia’s
economy is based on oil revenues and during the time period 2010–2013, oil revenues contributed
up to 91% of the country’s national income [10]. This is reflected in the recent low oil prices and the
resulting slower growth of the Saudi economy. Al Bassam [10] explains that although the government
has had plans to diversify the economy and decouple economic growth from oil, there has in fact
been an increase in dependence on oil revenues over the last few years. In addition to the low oil
prices, growing concern is the share of local fossil fuel reserves, driven by increasing income and
population, being used to meet the country’s energy demand. According to the King Abdullah City
for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) [11], the country’s demand for fossil fuels is expected to
grow from 3.8 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2010 to 8.3 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2028.
Moser et al. [12] suggests that at the current rate of consumption, Saudi Arabia could become an oil
importer by 2030. By 2015, Saudi Arabia’s power plants capacities were almost equally separated into
oil-based thermal power plants and gas-based power plants [13].
Economic reforms have been discussed in the past but it is only recently that reforms have been
discussed with haste. A report in the Guardian [14] suggests that swift actions were triggered by the
100 billion € deficit the Saudi government incurred in 2015. Consequently, in April 2016, King Salman
bin Abdulaziz presented details of the Saudi vision 2030 plan and heralded a Saudi future without
oil [14]. A key component of the new vision is the growth of Saudi Arabia’s renewable energy sector for
both power and water desalination. It is planned to have 9.5 GW of renewable capacity by 2023, as an
initial stage to meet the country’s increasing energy demands [15]. According to a recent article [16],
the Saudi Energy Minister has discussed the Kingdom’s visions to push installed renewable energy
(RE) capacities higher to 10 GW by 2023.
In spite of the country’s wealth of solar and wind resources, Saudi Arabia had only 83 MW of
renewable power plants, all solar photovoltaic installations, by early 2015 [13]. Figure 1 presents the
total installed capacities, by the beginning of 2015, in Saudi Arabia and illustrates the almost complete
reliance on oil and gas in the current power sector [13]. The country lies within the sunbelt region
of the world and the average population weighted global horizontal irradiation is estimated to be
2158 kWh/(m2 ·a) [17,18]. According to Yamada [19], the potential for solar energy in Saudi Arabia is
finally being acknowledged with the Saudi government referring to solar energy as ‘yellow oil’. The
recent bids for 300 MW of solar PV in Saudi Arabia is set to end with an electricity production cost as
low as 1.78 USD cents/kWh—the lowest bid to date [20]. With 7 out of the 8 bids placed for the 300 MW
installation being less than 3 USD cents/kWh, the new threshold for large scale projects in the MENA
region is being discussed to be as little as 3 USD cents/kWh [21]. Further to these developments, the
Saudi Public Investment Fund together with the SoftBank Vision Fund, has confirmed the construction
of a 3 GW solar and storage project in 2018 [22]. This would enable to meet one-third of Saudi Arabia’s
renewable energy capacity of 9.5 GW by 2023.
Table 1 illustrates the energy consumption of the most prevalent desalination technologies in
Saudi Arabia [23]. In the past, Saudi Arabia has relied on thermal desalination technologies. However,
due to the lower energy consumption and improvement in technology, reverse osmosis is expected to
dominate the Saudi market in the future [5].
Water 2018, 10, 3 3 of 32
Water 2017, 10, 3 3 of 32

Figure 1. TotalFigure
Installed Capacities
1. Total by the beginning
Installed Capacities of 2015
by the beginning in Saudi
of 2015 in SaudiArabia [13].
Arabia [13].

Table 1. Average energy consumption of prevalent seawater desalination technologies in the KSA [23].
Table 1. Average energy consumption of prevalent seawater desalination technologies in the KSA [23].
Electrical Energy Consumption Thermal Energy Consumption
Desalination Technology
(kWhe/m3) (kWhth/m3)
Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Electrical Energy
4.0 Thermal - Energy
Desalination Technology
Multi Stage Flash (MSF) (kWhe /m3 )
Consumption2.5–5.0 Consumption 85 (kWhth /m )

Multiple Effect Distillation (MED) 2.0–2.5 65

Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) 4.0 -
Multi Stage Flash (MSF) 2.5–5.0 85
In Caldera et al. [24], it was shown that the global water demand of 2030 can be met by seawater
Multiple Effect Distillation (MED) 2.0–2.5 65
reverse osmosis (SWRO) plants powered by 100% hybrid renewable energy power plants at a cost
level competitive with that of fossil powered SWRO plants today. This system eliminates the reliance
In Caldera of
al. [24],desalination
it was shown plantsthat
on non-renewable
the global waterfossil demand
fuels and of concerns
2030 can aboutbegreenhouse gas
met by seawater
emissions. Meanwhile, reflecting the Saudi government’s vision of high renewable energy capacities,
reverse osmosis there
(SWRO) plants powered by 100% hybrid renewable energy power plants at a cost level
is recent literature that discusses the 100% renewable energy transition of different countries
competitive with and regionsfossil
that of [25–32],powered SWROvisualization
as well as detailed plants today. This system
of respective eliminates
electricity systems [33].the reliance of
SWRO desalination plants on non-renewable
In this paper, motivated by thefossil fuels
growing and for
demand concerns
seawaterabout greenhouse
desalination in Saudi gas emissions.
Arabia and
Meanwhile, reflecting towards
Saudi100% renewable energy
government’s power of
vision systems,
highwe pose the following
renewable energy research question:
capacities, there
What are the impacts on Saudi Arabia’s electricity and water production costs when the seawater
is recent literature that discusses the 100% renewable energy transition of different countries and
desalination demand is integrated into the country’s 100% renewable energy (RE)-based power
regions [25–32], sector?
as well Theasenergy
detailed visualization
transition pathway, for ofSaudi
respective electricity
Arabia, from systems
the current [33].power system
In this paper,
to amotivated
100% RE-based by system
the growing demand
is first found. Then, for seawater
the seawater desalination
desalination demand in isSaudi Arabia
integrated into and
the power system, to understand the impacts on the cost of the power
transition towards 100% renewable energy power systems, we pose the following research question: and water sectors. The excess
heat present in the energy system is utilized for the thermal desalination plants during the transition.
What are the impacts on Saudi Arabia’s electricity and water production costs when the seawater
In addition, the transition accounts for the non-energetic industrial gas demand of Saudi Arabia.
desalination demand
Duringisthe integrated intonon-energy
transition, the the country’s
demand100% renewable
for natural gas byenergy
the Saudi (RE)-based power sector?
industry is increasingly
met through
The energy transition synthetic
pathway, for natural
Saudi gas production
Arabia, from(SNG). Power to
the current gas plants (PtG)
fossil-based are used
power to produce
system to a 100%
RE-based system SNG from found.
is first renewable electricity
Then, generation [34,35]
the seawater and integrated
desalination demand into the power system.
is integrated During
into the the
production of the SNG, there may be excess heat produced that can contribute to the operation of
system, to understand the impacts on the cost of the power and water sectors. The excess heat present
thermal desalination plants.
in the energy systemThus, is utilized for will
the results the present
thermalandesalination plants
optimal transition during
path the Arabia
for Saudi transition
to manage the
In addition,country’s future electricity,
the transition accounts water
thegas demands through
non-energetic a 100% RE
industrial system.
gas demand of Saudi Arabia.
During the transition, the non-energy demand for natural gas by the Saudi industry is increasingly
met through synthetic natural gas production (SNG). Power to gas plants (PtG) are used to produce
SNG from renewable electricity generation [34,35] and integrated into the power system. During the
production of the SNG, there may be excess heat produced that can contribute to the operation of
thermal desalination plants.
Thus, the results will present an optimal transition path for Saudi Arabia to manage the country’s
future electricity, water and gas demands through a 100% RE system.
Water 2018, 10, 3 4 of 32

2. Methodology

2.1. Overview
The key objective of our work is to understand the role that seawater desalination can play in the
optimal transition of Saudi Arabia’s 2015 power sector a 100% renewable energy power sector by 2050.
The approach that was taken to answer this research question can be summarized as follows:

1. The energy transition from the current (as of the beginning of 2015) fossil-based power system
in KSA to a 100% renewable energy-based power system by 2050, in 5 year time steps, is found.
After 2015, there are no new fossil powered thermal plants allowed in order to achieve the target
of a 100% RE-based power system. The existing fossil-based power systems are phased out
based on their lifetimes. The increase in total electricity demand and population over the years
is accounted for. The optimal mix of renewable power systems to replace the phased out fossil
power systems are found and the resulting system’s levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) is found
for every time step.
2. The non-energy industrial gas demand of Saudi Arabia, from 2015 to 2050 is found and integrated
into the power system. Figure 6 presents the projected growth in the industrial gas demand in
Saudi Arabia. To attain a 100% renewable energy future, our work assumes that over time the
industrial gas demand is met from synthetic natural gas (SNG). This can be achieved through
power-to-gas plants (PtG) that comprise of two processes already used in industry: electrolysis
and methanation [34,35]. PtG plants convert renewable electricity to renewable methane that
can be stored in the existing gas infrastructure and used as conventional natural gas or for
the industry.
3. Seawater desalination demand in KSA from 2015 to 2050 is determined and the corresponding
desalination capacities integrated into the system. After 2015, the model is allowed to only install
SWRO plants. This is based on the increasing dominance of the technology in the Saudi Arabian
desalination market. MED plants are considered due to the low thermal consumption and lower
electricity demand than SWRO [23,36]. The heat from the power system is used to meet the
thermal demand of MED plants. Multi stage flash (MSF) desalination capacities that were online
up to 2015 are included and phased out based on the lifetimes. MSF stand alone plants are
excluded due to the relatively higher thermal consumption compared to MED plants [23,36].
In addition, MED and MSF cogeneration plants are excluded due to the requirement for fossil
powered thermal power plants [37]. According to a Water Desalination Report [38], the Ras Al
Khair IWPP plant, the largest desalination plant in the world, is expected to be the last new MSF
plant in KSA.
4. The energy transition for KSA from the 2015 fossil-based power system to the 100% renewable
energy-based power system by 2050 is found with the gas sector and seawater desalination
integrated. Ultimately, the total cost of the power, gas and water sectors are compared to
determine the impacts of integrated seawater desalination in the energy system.

For the design and analysis of the energy transition, the energy model, used and further developed
at LUT, is used [29,39–41]. The LUT Energy System Transition model is based on the linear optimization
method with interior point optimization, and is designed in an hourly temporal and 0.45◦ × 0.45◦
spatial resolution. The energy model allows for the design of local, national, regional or global energy
systems. It is composed of all relevant power generation and storage technologies, respective installed
capacities and different operation modes of these technologies. A key feature of the model is its
flexibility and expandability besides the hourly resolution for a full real year.
The sections that follow present an overview of the technical and financial assumptions of the
energy model, the power plants and seawater desalination plants. The data assumed for the time
period from 2015–2050 are presented.
Water 2018, 10, 3 5 of 32

2.2. Model Overview

Water 2017, 10, 3 5 of 32
A key requirement of the LUT Energy Systems model is to match the power generation and
demand for every
2.2. Model hour of the applied year. The hourly modeling enables a more accurate system
description including synergy effects of different system components for power system balance [29].
A key requirement of the LUT Energy Systems model is to match the power generation and
The aim of the system optimization is to minimize the total annual cost of the installed capacities of
demand for every hour of the applied year. The hourly modeling enables a more accurate system
the different technologies,
description cost ofeffects
including synergy energyof generation and components
different system generation for
ramping. The full
power system description
balance [29]. of
the model,
The aimitsofinput data including
the system optimizationRE is
resources andthe
to minimize technical assumptions
total annual cost of thecan be found
installed in Bogdanov
capacities of
and Breyer [29] and Barbosa et al. [39].
the different technologies, cost of energy generation and generation ramping. The full description of
The three main
the model, components
its input of the
data including energy model
RE resources can be assumptions
and technical listed as: can be found in Bogdanov
and Breyer [29] and Barbosa et al. [39].
• Technologies
The three for
theRE into electricity;
energy model can be listed as:
• Energy storage technologies;
• Technologies for the conversion of RE into electricity;
• Energy
• sector
Energy bridging
storage technologies enable the coupling of different electricity demand sectors.
• provides further flexibility to the
Energy sector bridging technologies complete
enable energy
the coupling system,electricity
of different bringingdemand
down sectors.
the overall
system cost.
This provides further flexibility to the complete energy system, bringing down the overall
system cost.
Aghahosseini et al. [40] describe the various components of the LUT Energy System model and
how the model et al. [40]
determines describe the
the optimal 100% various components
renewable energyof mix
the LUT Energy
for Iran forSystem model
the year 2030.and
how the model determines the optimal 100% renewable energy mix for Iran for the year 2030.
For Saudi Arabia, the model described by Aghahosseini et al. [40] was modified with the addition
For Saudi Arabia, the model described by Aghahosseini et al. [40] was modified with the
of thermal desalination technologies as another desalination technologies and a subsequent energy
addition of thermal desalination technologies as another desalination technologies and a subsequent
energyi.e., the system
transition, i.e., setup foundsetup
the system for one period
found hadperiod
for one been adjusted
had beenby the capacities
adjusted being beyond
by the capacities
their being
technical lifetime as a starting value for incremental optimization for the new
beyond their technical lifetime as a starting value for incremental optimization for the new period. Figure 2
illustrates the modified energy model. For the energy transition, the model
period. Figure 2 illustrates the modified energy model. For the energy transition, the modeldetermines the optimal
determinesof the components
the optimal that meets
combination of thethe electricitythat
components demand of every
meets the hourdemand
electricity for the of
time period
from hour
2015 for the time
to 2050, in period
5 year fromtime 2015 to 2050, in 5 year time steps.

Figure 2. Block diagram of the LUT Energy Systems model used for Saudi Arabia.
Figure 2. Block diagram of the LUT Energy Systems model used for Saudi Arabia.
2.3. Power Plant Capacities—Technical and Financial Assumptions
2.3. Power Plant Capacities—Technical and Financial Assumptions
The average rate of increase in electricity demand in KSA is 6% and as of 2015, for a total
The average
population rate of increase
of 32,540,000, inelectricity
the total electricity demand inof KSA
consumption is 6% was
the country and 289
as TWh
of 2015, for To
[42,43]. a total
population of the future energy
32,540,000, system,
the total the forecasted
electricity total energyofdemand
consumption numbers
the country are 289
was required.
TWhThe [42,43].
To determine the Energy
future Agency
energy assumes
system, athe compound annual
forecasted growth
total energyrate of 2.7% for
demand the Middle
numbers East
are required.
[44]. This growth rate was applied to Saudi Arabia to project the future electricity
The International Energy Agency assumes a compound annual growth rate of 2.7% for the Middle consumption, as
presented in Table 2. Figure 3 illustrates the hourly load profile for Saudi Arabia assumed for 2015
East [44]. This growth rate was applied to Saudi Arabia to project the future electricity consumption,
[42,43]. As expected, during the summer period of May to September, the highest loads occur. For
as presented in Table 2. Figure 3 illustrates the hourly load profile for Saudi Arabia assumed for
Water 2018, 10, 3 6 of 32

2015 [42,43]. As expected, during the summer period of May to September, the highest loads occur.
For the subsequent time periods, the load profile presented is varied depending on the total electricity
Water 2017, 10, 3 6 of 32
consumption for the period. The capacity factor on the right y-axis indicates the percentage of the
maximumtheload that is time
subsequent being required
periods, forprofile
the load a given point in
presented time. depending on the total electricity
is varied
consumption for the period. The capacity factor on the right y-axis indicates the percentage of the
Table load that
2. Variation is being
in the required
electrical for a consumption
energy given point in time.
of Saudi Arabia from 2015 up to 2050 [44].
Table 2. Variation in the electrical energy consumption of Saudi Arabia from 2015 up to 2050 [44].
Year Total Electricity Consumption (TWh)
Year Total Electricity Consumption (TWh)
2015 2015 289
2020 2020 330 330
2025 2025 377 377
2030 2030 431 431
2035 2035 492 492
2040 2040 563 563
2045 2045 643 643
2050 2050 734 734

Figure 3. Aggregated load curve for the year 2015 for Saudi Arabia.
Figure 3. Aggregated load curve for the year 2015 for Saudi Arabia.
The model takes the 2015 installed power plant capacities, presented in Figure 1, corresponding
lifetimes, total electrical energy demand, and optimizes the mix of renewable energy plants needed
The model takes the 2015 installed power plant capacities, presented in Figure 1, corresponding
to be installed to achieve a 100% renewable energy power system by 2050. The optimization for each
lifetimes, time
electrical energy
is carried out on demand, and optimizes
basis of assumed the mix of
costs and technological renewable
status energy
of the renewable plants needed
to be installed to achieve
technologies. a 100% renewable
In the integrated scenario, the energy
RE plantspower system
are optimized to by
also2050. The
cater for the optimization
energy for
demands of the desalination and gas sectors.
each time period is carried out on basis of assumed costs and technological status of the renewable
The capital expenditures (capex), operational expenditures (opex) and efficiency variations of
energy technologies. In the integrated scenario, the RE plants are optimized to also cater for the energy
all the power sector components, from 2015 up to 2050, assumed in the model are presented in
demands Appendix
of the desalination
A (Tables A1 andandA3).
4 is a visual representation of the capex numbers. A learning
The capital expenditures
curve approach (capex),
based on several operational
references, is used toexpenditures (opex)
identify the variation and for
in capex efficiency variations of
the different
all the power sectorThe references for from
components, the different
2015 components
up to 2050, areassumed
presented ininthe the Appendix
modelAare (Table
presented in
Appendix A (Tables A1 and A3). Figure 4 is a visual representation of the capex numbers. A learning
The capex and opex numbers generally refer to a kW of electrical power. For the case of water
curve approach based
electrolysis on several
the capex and opexreferences,
numbers refer is used
to a kWtoofidentify
hydrogenthe variation
thermal in capex
combustion forand
energy, the different
components.for COThe references
2 direct for methanation
air capture, the different andcomponents
gas storage toare presented
a kW of methane in thermal
the Appendix
combustion A (Table A1).
energy. and
The capex The financial assumptions
opex numbers for storagerefer
generally systems
to arefer
kWtoofa kWh of electricity,
electrical power. andFor
case of water
refers to a thermal kWh of methane at the lower heating value. Weighted average cost of capital
electrolysis the capex and opex numbers refer to a kW of hydrogen thermal combustion energy, and for
(WACC) is set to 7% for all years. The technical assumptions concerning power to energy ratios for
CO2 direct air capture,
storage methanation
technologies, and
and efficiency gas storage
numbers to a kW
for generation andofstorage
methane thermal
technologies arecombustion
provided energy.
The financial
in theassumptions
Appendix A (Tables for A1
and A2). systems refer to a kWh of electricity, and gas storage refers
to a thermal kWh of methane at the lower heating value. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
is set to 7% for all years. The technical assumptions concerning power to energy ratios for storage
technologies, and efficiency numbers for generation and storage technologies are provided in the
Appendix A (Tables A1 and A2).
Water 10, 310, 3
Water 7 of
7 of 3232

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 4. Variation in capex of power system components (a), CSP solar field (b), RE components (c)
Figure 4. Variation in capex of power system components (a), CSP solar field (b), RE components (c)
and storage components (d) assumed in the model.
and storage components (d) assumed in the model.

To determine the capacities of the different renewable energy power plant components, it is
To determine
necessary the capacities
to understand of resources
the local the different renewable
available. energy
The solar power plant
irradiation components,
components and wind it is
necessary to understand the local resources available. The solar irradiation components
speed data, in a 0.45° × 0.45° spatial and hourly temporarily resolution, is obtained from the NASA and wind
speed data,
[45,46] a 0.45◦ × by
andinreprocessed 0.45 ◦ spatial and hourly temporarily resolution, is obtained from the
the German Aerospace Center [29]. The wind speed data is provided for
NASA [45,46]
a height andm.reprocessed
of 50 In the LUTby the German
Energy SystemsAerospace
model, due Center [29]. performance,
to higher The wind speed data is provided
for wind turbines
a height (E-101,
of 50 m. In theEnercon, Aurich,
LUT Energy Germany),
Systems model,with
duea to
hub height
higher of 150 m, are
performance, used [29]. 3The
wind speed data from the German Aerospace Center is converted to the relevant
wind turbines (E-101, Enercon, Aurich, Germany), with a hub height of 150 m, are used [29]. The wind wind speed at 150
m using
speed the logarithmic
data from the German wind shear law
Aerospace [29]. is
Center The approach
converted todiscussed
the relevantby wind
speed atet150
al. m
[40] is
used to identify the biomass and geothermal potential available in KSA. Table 3
the logarithmic wind shear law [29]. The approach discussed by Aghahosseini et al. [40] is used to presents the biomass
and geothermal
identify the biomass potential results for potential
and geothermal KSA and itavailable
is assumed that these
in KSA. are3 the
Table amounts
presents theavailable
biomass for and
every time period from 2015 to 2050.
geothermal potential results for KSA and it is assumed that these are the amounts available for every
time period from 2015 to 2050.
Table 3. Estimation of biomass potentials and geothermal energy potential for Saudi Arabia from
Table 3. Estimation of biomass potentials and geothermal energy potential for Saudi Arabia
fromSolid Waste
2015–2050. Solid Biomass Biogas Sources Geothermal Potential
(TWhth/a) (TWhth/a) (TWhth/a) (TWhth/a)
1.92Solid Waste Solid Biomass
4.14 Biogas Sources
1.97 Geothermal Potential
(TWhth /a) (TWhth /a) (TWhth /a) (TWhth /a)

Feed-in full 1.92

load hours (FLH)4.14 for Saudi Arabia is1.97 57.53
also computed, as described in Bogdanov and
Breyer [29], on the basis of the 0.45° × 0.45° spatially resolved data. The average FLH for CSP solar
field, PV full
Feed-in optimally tilted,(FLH)
load hours PV single-axis trackingis and
for Saudi Arabia also wind powerasplants
computed, in Saudi
described Arabia are
in Bogdanov and
Breyer inthe
[29], on Table 4. The
basis average
of the ◦
0.45 full
× 0.45 ◦
load spatially
hours represent
Theof hours in
average FLHa year
for with the
CSP solar
field, maximum
PV optimally tilted,generation for the
PV single-axis annually
tracking andobtained
wind poweryield, which
plants inisSaudi
Arabiato the capacity
are presented
in Table 4. The average full load hours represent the number of hours in a year with the equivalent
Water 2018, 10, 3 8 of 32

maximum generation for the annually obtained yield, which is identical to the capacity factor derived
by the average full load hours divided by 8760, the numbers of all hours in a year. Wind energy has
the highest FLH, followed by PV single-axis tracking, CSP solar field and PV optimally tilted. Figure 5
presents the aggregated profiles of CSP solar field, wind energy power generation, solar PV generation
(optimally tilted and single-axis tracking). The profiles represent the weighted average of the RE
resource available as a percentage of the total respective RE resource potential of the country.
Water 2017, 10, 3 8 of 32
Table 4. Average full load hours (FLH) for CSP solar field, PV optimally tilted, PV single-axis tracking
factor derived
and wind by the
onshore average
power fullinload
plants hours
Saudi divided by 8760, the numbers of all hours in a year.
Wind energy has the highest FLH, followed by PV single-axis tracking, CSP solar field and PV
optimally tilted. Figure 5 presents
PV Single-Axis the aggregated
PV Optimally Tilted profiles ofCSP
CSP solar field, wind
Wind energy power
generation, solarFLH
PV generation (optimally FLHtilted and single-axis
FLHtracking). The profiles
FLH represent the
weighted average of the RE resource available
2443 1830 as a percentage
2382of the total respective
2618 RE resource
potential of the country.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 5. Aggregated feed in profiles in KSA for CSP solar fields (a), wind power plants (b), single-
Figure 5. Aggregated feed in profiles in KSA for CSP solar fields (a), wind power plants (b), single-axis
axis tracking PV (c) and optimally tilted PV (d).
tracking PV (c) and optimally tilted PV (d).
Table 4. Average full load hours (FLH) for CSP solar field, PV optimally tilted, PV single-axis tracking
wind specifies the plants
onshore power upper in limits and lower limits for the renewable energy power plant
Saudi Arabia.
capacities. Lower limits are the installed capacities
PV Single-Axis PV Optimally Tilted of renewable
CSP Wind energy plants by 2015. For Saudi
Arabia this is only 81.6 MW FLH of solar PV plants
FLH as listed in
FLHTable 5. In periods
FLH after 2015, the lower
limit is set to the capacity2443 of the previous period 1830 adjusted2382 by the capacities
2618 reached the end of their
technical lifetime. The upper limits are calculated according to Bogdanov and Breyer [29] and the
relevant The model
results for specifies
KSA arethe upper
listed limits 6.
in Table andForlower
solidlimits for the
biomass renewable
residues, energy
biogas andpower plant
capacities. Lower limits are the installed capacities of renewable energy plants by
plants it is assumed, due to energy efficiency reasons, that the available and specified amount of the2015. For Saudi
fuel Arabia
is usedthis is only
during the81.6 MW of solar PV plants as listed in Table 5. In periods after 2015, the lower
limit is set to the capacity of the previous period adjusted by the capacities reached the end of their
5. LowerThe upper
limits limits arecapacities
of installed calculated according
[MW] to Bogdanov
considered and for
in this study Breyer [29]
Saudi and the
relevant results for KSA are listed in Table 6. For solid biomass residues, biogas and waste-to-energy
plants it is assumed, due to energy Country
efficiency reasons, that the
PV and specified amount of the
fuel is used during the year.
KSA 81.6

Table 5. Lower limits of installed capacities [MW] considered in this study for Saudi Arabia.

Country Solar PV
KSA 81.6
Water 2018, 10, 3 9 of 32

Table 6. Upper limits on installable capacities in Saudi Arabia in units of GWth for CSP and GWel for
all other technologies.

Country Area (1000 km2 ) Solar CSP Solar PV Wind

KSA 446.5 19347 9673 722

Tables A1 and A2, in the Appendix A, provide detailed technical and financial assumptions,
from 2015 to 2050, for the energy system components used in this research for Saudi Arabia.

2.4. Seawater Desalination Capacities—Technical and Financial Assumptions

Table 7 represents the total online capacities of seawater desalination in Saudi Arabia by 2015 [47].

Table 7. Online capacities of seawater desalination in Saudi Arabia by 2015.

Desalination Technology Total Online Capacity (m3 /day)

SWRO 2,736,238
MSF Stand Alone 1,519,777
MSF Cogeneration 2,727,021
MED Stand Alone 1,507,074
MED Cogeneration 975,371
Other technologies, including those that use brackish water 220,324

The desalination capacity required for the time period from 2015–2050 is determined using the
methodology described in Caldera et al. [24]. The approach is based on the water stress and the water
demand values in Saudi Arabia for an optimistic future scenario. The desalination capacities are
calculated assuming a 100% utilization of the available renewable water resource. The National Water
Strategy (NWS) for Saudi Arabia outlines specific amounts of non-renewable water to be consumed
from 2015 up to 2040, such that by 2040 there is 5 billion m3 of non-renewable water resource being
withdrawn annually [48]. Therefore, the actual desalination demand also should take into account
the usage of non-renewable water resources. For the model, the non-renewable water resource being
withdrawn is deducted from the modelled desalination capacity to find the actual desalination capacity
required. However, the non-renewable water resource numbers found in the NWS are based on a
percentage of renewable water resource used. In the model, the desalination capacities are based on
optimal use of the available renewable freshwater resource. As a result, the actual non-renewable
water resource withdrawal decreases. This is ultimately used to find the actual desalination capacity
required for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2015–2050. Table 8 represents the numbers and the final
desalination capacities needed. In addition, the capacities online by 2015 are presented. This is less than
the actual desalination demand in 2015. It has to be noted that other desalination technologies, such as
brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO), have been excluded from the present study. The desalination
capacities in the following years are optimized by the model.

Table 8. Desalination capacities required to meet KSA’s increasing total water demand.

Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Population mill 31.50 34.40 36.85 39.13 41.24 43.14 44.76 46.06
Total water demand mill m3 /day 65.4 68.5 75.6 81.0 88.6 96.7 105.0 112.6
Desalination demand based on [21] mill m3 /day 19.1 21.8 27.5 32.0 38.4 45.2 53.8 58.7
Final non-renewable water resource used mill m3 /day 8.9 7.9 5.8 3.9 6.2 8.5. 0 0
Actual desalination demand mill m3 /day 10.2 13.9 21.7 28.2 32.3 36.7 53.8 58.7
Installed capacities
SWRO millm3 /day 2.7
MSF Stand Alone mill m3 /day 1.52
MSF Cogeneration mill m3 /day 2.73
MED Stand Alone mill m3 /day 1.57
MED Cogeneration mill m3 /day 0.95
Water 2018, 10, 3 10 of 32

From 2015 onwards, SWRO and MED stand alone desalination plants are optimized to meet the
increasing desalination demand. The thermal energy required for the MED stand alone plants are
provided through excess heat in the system. The excess heat may be generated from the gas turbines,
internal combustion generators, municipal waste incinerators and power-to-gas units. Based on the
availability of heat in the system and the cost of required heat generation, the model optimizes the
water production from MED stand alone plants.
MSF standalone plants are not installed after 2015. This is due to the higher thermal consumption
compared to MED stand alone plants, as highlighted in Table 1. Similar to the MED stand alone
plants, the already installed MSF standalone capacities utilize heat from the energy system. Mehzer
et al. [49] explain the dependence of the MSF water production costs on the fuel cost. The water
production cost has been reported to be 1 USD/m3 for an oil price of 20 USD/barrel and 4 USD/m3
for an unsubsidized oil price of 100 USD/barrel. As a result of technological improvements and lower
energy consumption, Mehzer et al. [49] discuss the potential for MED to substitute MSF in future
desalination markets. MED and MSF cogeneration plants online by 2015 are powered through natural
gas, and depending on the cost effectiveness, the cogeneration plants are run to produce water and
electricity. Gradually, the MSF desalination plants and MED cogeneration plants are decommissioned
based on lifetime.
It has to be noted that there are other desalination technologies with smaller scale applications such
as vapor compression and electro-dialysis [49,50]. There are more technologies being researched and
developed such as forward osmosis and membrane distillation [46]. Gude and Nirmalakhandan [50,51]
have developed a desalination technology that utilizes low grade heat, at about 60 ◦ C, coupled with
thermal energy storage, to produced potable water continuously. Meanwhile Inoue et al. [52] and
Arnau et al. [53] present a means to desalinate and transport seawater using the difference in seawater
and inland temperature. In this study, however, only the seawater desalination technologies that have
the largest market shares and used in large scale applications are considered.
The technical and financial parameters of the desalination technologies from 2015–2050 are
presented in the Appendix A (Table A2). Similarly, the capex, opex and energy consumption of the
water transportation and water storage are presented. There is no variation in the latter numbers from
the time period 2015 to 2050.
The future capex of the desalination technologies and the corresponding energy consumption
was estimated as follows:

2.4.1. SWRO
1. Using the Global Water Intelligence (GWI) Desal Database, the average capex of plants of the
capacity range of 10,000 m3 /day up to 50,000 m3 /day, contracted in all years from 1980–2015,
was found [47]. It is assumed that all the plants to be built in Saudi Arabia in the future,
would have a capacity of 50,000 m3 /day or higher. Then, the methodology discussed by
Loutatidou et al. [54] to determine the EPC costs for SWRO desalination plants up to 2030 was
utilized. In our study, this methodology was used to estimate the capex costs for SWRO plants of
a capacity 50,000 m3 /day from 2020 up to 2050. The average capex value for 2015 was estimated
from the GWI Desal Database.
2. Al Zahrani et al. [55] illustrate the energy consumption of SWRO plants with hydraulic turbines
for seawater of different salinity levels. For 35 parts per million (ppm) salinity level, the
energy consumption is approximately 3.1 kWh/m3 . Assuming that the other processes such
as seawater intake, pretreatment, post-treatment and brine discharge take 1 kWh/m3 , the total
energy consumption is 4.1 kWh/m3 . This is in line with a presentation [56] on the desalination
plants in Masdar, UAE, where energy consumption of SWRO plants is estimated at 4.5 kWh/m3 .
However, test plants built recently have an energy consumption of 3.3 kWh/m3 . These low energy
consumption trends are also observed in recently built large SWRO plants such as Ghlalilah,
in the United Arab Emirates [57]. The total energy consumption of this plant is estimated to
Water 2018, 10, 3 11 of 32

be just under 3 kWh/m3 [57]. However, the larger scale plants built recently use a pressure
exchanger as the energy recovery device (ERD). For the purpose of our work, it is assumed
that, after 2015, all SWRO plants will utilize pressure exchangers. According to Al Zahrani [55],
the energy consumption with a pressure exchanger is about 2.6 kWh/m3 . Thus, by 2020, it
is assumed that the total energy consumption of the plants will drop to 3.6 kWh/m3 . This is
feasible as there are currently large scale plants with similar or lower energy consumption values.
Meanwhile, Elimelech et al. [58] present the optimal energy consumption of the SWRO plants
from 1970–2008. It is shown that the decrease in energy consumption between 2004 and 2008 is
5%. From 2020 onwards, there is assumed to be about a 5% decrease in energy consumption every
5 years. Elimelech et al. [58] explain that the practical minimum energy consumption of a SWRO
plant with a 50% recovery rate and seawater salinity of 35 ppm, is 1.56 kWh/m3 . Assuming 1
kWh/m3 for the other processes, the total minimum energy consumption is about 2.56 kWh/m3 .
Thus, by 2050, a total energy consumption of 2.6 kWh/m3 is assumed.

2.4.2. MED
1. Reddy et al. [59] and Al-Mutaz et al. [60] discuss the advantages of MED with thermal vapor
compression (TVC) over MED without vapor compression. For our model, it was assumed that
the MED plants installed are MED-TVC plants due to the lower thermal energy consumption
and the recent growth in MED-TVC installations. A report by Fichtner explains that MED-TVC
plants are approximately 25% higher in capex than SWRO plants [36]. Thus, for every time
period, the capex of MED-TVC was assumed to be 25% more than the corresponding SWRO
capex. Moser et al. [61] explain that operating costs of MED-TVC are usually 3–3.3% of the capex.
For our study, the opex was taken to be 3.3% of the capex.
2. The average Gain Output Ratio (GOR) of MED-TVC plants in 2015 was obtained from the GWI
Desal database [47]. Fath et al. illustrate how the GOR of MED plants will improve in the coming
decades [62]. Palenzuela et al. [63] explain that the GOR of MED-TVC plants are generally 20%
higher than MED plants. Thus, for this work, the GOR numbers presented by Fath et al. were
increased by 20%. From 2040 to 2050 there is assumed to be no increase in the GOR.

The thermal energy consumption in kWh/m3 is determined from the corresponding GOR. The
electrical energy consumption is assumed to be 1.5 kWh/m3 for all the years as found in Fath et al. [62].

2.4.3. MSF
1. The MSF capex number for 2015 is obtained as an average of all MSF plants built in 2015 [47].
The general value of the GOR is about 8 for MSF plants located in Saudi Arabia, based on the
GWI Desal Database.
2. It is assumed that all cogeneration plants in KSA are a combination of a MSF desalination plant
and OCGT—unfired with Heat Recovery Generator System (HRGS) [37].
3. The power-to-water ratio (PWR) is specific for cogeneration plants and indicate the amount of
power produced per m3 of water produced a day. For MSF plants with an OCGT power plant
and HRGS, this is about 2.25 kW/(m3 ·d) [37]. The profits gained through the electricity produced
by the cogeneration plants are used to offset the input gas costs. This applies to both the MSF
and MED cogeneration plants.

The water production cost presented in this research takes into account the water transportation
costs. In [24], we determined the 2030 desalination demand for the whole world on a 0.45◦ × 0.45◦
spatial resolution. In addition, we found the optimized vertical and horizontal water transportation
distances for every desalination demand node. The optimized horizontal distance is the shortest
distance from the desalination demand node to the coast line. The vertical height is the elevation
between the desalination demand node and the optimized location on the coast line. The same
Water 2018, 10, 3 12 of 32

procedure was used to determine the desalination demand as well as optimized horizontal and vertical
transportation distances, for every 5 year time step from 2015 to 2050, for Saudi Arabia.
For 2017,current
10, 3 transition study we used the total desalination demand for every 512year of 32 time

step and the corresponding weighted average horizontal and vertical transportation distance. Table 9
For the current transition study we used the total desalination demand for every 5 year time step
illustrates the optimized horizontal and vertical distances for Saudi Arabia.
and the corresponding weighted average horizontal and vertical transportation distance. Table 9
illustrates the optimized horizontal and vertical distances for Saudi Arabia.
Table 9. Weighted average horizontal and vertical water pumping distances.
Table 9. Weighted average horizontal and vertical water pumping distances.
Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Horizontal distance km 280 273 269 265 266 267 268 269
Horizontal distance
Vertical distance kmm 280711 273
721 269
729 265
736 266
743 267
749 268
754 269
Vertical distance m 711 721 729 736 743 749 754 758

2.5. Synthetic Natural Gas Production—Technical and Financial Assumptions

2.5. Synthetic Natural Gas Production—Technical and Financial Assumptions
Figure 6 illustrates
Figure the the
6 illustrates expected growth
expected in in
growth non-energy
demand in in Saudi Arabia [64].
Saudi Arabia
In our
[64]. In our model the aim is to ensure that by 2050, the non-energy industrial gas demand ismet
model the aim is to ensure that by 2050, the non-energy industrial gas demand is met from
from renewable energy. In 2015, the industrial gas demand is met with fossil natural gas. However, over
energy. In 2015, the industrial gas demand is met with fossil natural gas. However,
PtG time,
plants produce
PtG the SNGthe
plants produce required. The increase
SNG required. in costinofcost
The increase fossil natural
of fossil gas gas
natural overover
time and the
and the
decrease decrease
in cost in cost
of PtG of PtG
plants, plants,
makes makes to
it viable it viable to produce
produce SNG. SNG.

Figure 6. Industrial
Figure gas
6. Industrial demand
gas demandprojection forSaudi
projection for SaudiArabia
Arabia from
from 2015
2015 to 2050
to 2050 [52].[52].

3. Results
3. Results
The following
The following twotwo scenarios
scenarios aresimulated
are simulated by
by the
the model:
1. Non-integrated scenario
1. Non-integrated scenario
In this scenario, the model determines the optimal transition pathway for Saudi Arabia’s power
In this discussed
sector, scenario, in
model2.3,determines the optimal
and the power transition
plant capacities pathway
required for for Saudidesalination
seawater Arabia’s power
sector, discussed in Section 2.3, and the power plant capacities required for seawater
demand, discussed in Section 2.4. The gas sector is integrated with the power sector throughout desalination
2015 discussed in Section
to 2050. Thus, the sum2.4. Thepower
of the gas sector
plant is integrated
capacities with for
required thethe
present the from
2015 total
to 2050. Thus,
power the sum
capacities of the power
required to meetplant
KSA’scapacities required
power, water and for
gasthe three sectors
demands in the present
energy the
total transition.
power capacities required to meet KSA’s power, water and gas demands in the energy transition.
2. 2. Integrated
Integrated scenario
In this scenario, the seawater desalination demand and the gas demand are integrated into Saudi
In this scenario, the seawater desalination demand and the gas demand are integrated into Saudi
Arabia’s power sector, throughout the transition from the fossil-based power system in 2015 up to a
Arabia’s power sector, throughout the transition from the fossil-based power system in 2015 up to
100% renewable energy-based system in 2050. The desalination plants, integrated into the power
a 100% renewable
system, energy-based
will allow system
for the optimal use of in
the2050. The
hourly desalination
energy plants,
produced by integrated
the renewable intopower
energy the power
system, will allow for the optimal use of the hourly energy produced by the renewable
plants. The excess energy produced by the renewable energy power plants can be stored as energy power
plants. The excess
desalinated energy
water and,produced
at times ofbylow
renewable energythe
production, power plants
stored watercan
used. as desalinated
Thus, the
desalination plants offer additional flexibility to the energy system.
Water 2018, 10, 3 13 of 32

water and,10,
Water 2017, at3times of low energy production, the stored water can be used. Thus, the desalination 13 of 32
plants offer additional flexibility to the energy system.
The modeldetermines
determinesthe thepower
scenarios are compared
compared to understand
to understand the impacts
the impacts of the integrated
of the integrated desalination desalination
plants. The plants. The
ofintegration of the
the gas sector withgas
sectorthe power
in both sector in
scenarios, both to
enables scenarios, enables
identify the to identify
integration the
any, of the benefits, if any,
desalination of the
plants desalination plants only.
sections, the
the technical
technical and
and financial
financial results
results of
of the
transition for
integrated scenario
integrated scenario are presented. The financial results are ultimately compared with
presented. The financial results are ultimately compared with that of the that of the non-
integrated scenario
non-integrated to learn
scenario the the
to learn impacts of integrated
impacts seawater
of integrated desalination
seawater plants.
desalination plants.

Figure7a 7apresents
presentsthe theinstalled
capacitiesof ofthe
requiredfor forthe
transitionfrom from20152015up uptoto2050.
fromtoptopto tobottom
bottomin inthe
legendare areshown
shownfrom from
bottomtototop topininthethefigure.
figure. In In
2015, thethe
2015, total power
total capacity
power was was
capacity 66.4 66.4
GW, GW,out ofoutwhich 32.9 GW
of which 32.9were
internal combustion
were internal enginesengines
combustion and 33 GW and were
33 GW gaswere
turbines. The model
gas turbines. Theis restricted
model is from installing
restricted from
more fossil more
installing fuels thermal
fossil fuels power plantspower
thermal after 2015 andafter
plants can only
2015 install
and can renewable technologies
only install renewableto
meet the growing
technologies to meetelectricity
the growingdemand. However,
electricity power-to-gas-based
demand. gas turbines aregas
However, power-to-gas-based notturbines
Internal combustion
not restricted. Internal generators
combustion are eliminated
generatorsfrom the systemfrom
are eliminated by 2040 after exceeding
the system their exceeding
by 2040 after technical
lifetime. Thermal
their technical power Thermal
lifetime. plants running
power on natural
plants gas are
running onalso eliminated
natural gas arefrom the system by
also eliminated from2040.
Power-to-gas-based electrolyser and methanation
system by 2040. Power-to-gas-based electrolyserplants are used to produce
and methanation plants synthetic
are used natural
to producegas
(SNG) thatnatural
synthetic is thengas used as fuel
(SNG) thatfor
is existing
then used open cycle
as fuel forgas turbines
existing open (OCGT)
cycle gas or turbines
combine(OCGT)cycle gas or
turbines (CCGT). The total capacity of all plants required by 2050 is about
combine cycle gas turbines (CCGT). The total capacity of all plants required by 2050 is about 600 GW. 600 GW. PV single-axis
tracking accounts
PV single-axis for 377accounts
tracking GW and for wind377power
GW and plants
powerfor 83 GW
plants of the for
account 60083GW GW required by
of the 600
GW Figure
required 7b by
2050. the electricity
Figure production
7b presents of the different
the electricity powerof
production plant
the categories.
different powerAfter 2030,
After 2030,from wind power
electricity plantsfrom
production remainwindconstant
217 TWh. remain Theconstant
217 TWh.
of PVinstalled
The single-axis tracking
capacities ofcontinue to grow
PV single-axis and start
tracking to dominate
continue to grow the Saudi
and startpower sector. the
to dominate By 2050,
PV single-axis tacking contributes 922 TWh out of the total annual electricity
power sector. By 2050, PV single-axis tacking contributes 922 TWh out of the total annual electricity generation of 1163 TWh,
generation of79%. 1163CSP TWh, plants for electricity
representing 79%. CSPgeneration
plants forareelectricity
added from 2030 onwards
generation are added but,from
by 2050,
only account
onwards but,for
2050,ofonly the account
total electricity
for 0.6%generation
of the totalshare. This generation
electricity is attributed to theThis
share. higher costs of
is attributed
CSP forhigher
to the electricity
of CSP forcompared
electricityto solar PV, based
generation comparedon the to technical
solar PV, and basedfinancial
on the assumptions
technical and
in Appendix
financial A (Table A1).
assumptions Figure 7b A
in Appendix also illustrates
(Table the diminishing
A1). Figure use of fossil
7b also illustrates oil and gas in
the diminishing theof
energy system.
fossil oil and gasTheinpower capacities
the energy required
system. The for the energy
power transition
capacities required canfor
be found in thetransition
the energy Appendixcan A
be foundA4).in the Appendix A (Table A4).

(a) (b)
Figure 7. Installed capacities (a) and electricity produced (b) of the different power plants required
Figure 7. Installed capacities (a) and electricity produced (b) of the different power plants required
from 2015toto2050.

Figure 8a illustrates the full load hours (FLH) of the different power plants utilized by the model.
The FLH of PV single-axis tracking, PV fixed tilted and wind onshore plants are constant at 2443,
1830 and 2618 h. The model determines the optimal FLH and the capacities of the power plants. The
FLH of the internal combustion generator rapidly diminishes from 4625 to almost none by 2020. The
high cost of oil renders the existing oil powered thermal power plants too expensive to run, since
Water 2018, 10, 3 14 of 32

Figure 8a illustrates the full load hours (FLH) of the different power plants utilized by the model.
The FLH of PV single-axis tracking, PV fixed tilted and wind onshore plants are constant at 2443, 1830
and 2618 h. The model determines the optimal FLH and the capacities of the power plants. The FLH
of the internal combustion
Water 2017, 10, 3 generator rapidly diminishes from 4625 to almost none by 2020. 14 ofThe
32 high

cost of oil renders the existing oil powered thermal power plants too expensive to run, since world
world market prices are taken into account to avoid subsidies for the energy system. In addition, the
market prices
FLH ofarethe taken
OCGTinto account
reduces to avoid
from 4756 subsidies
FLH to zero FLHfor the energy
by 2030. system.
The lower cost ofIntheaddition,
natural gas,theinFLH of
the OCGT reduces from 4756 FLH to zero FLH by 2030. The lower cost of the natural
contrast to oil, still enables natural gas powered CCGT plants to be cost effective. However, after gas, in contrast to
Water 2017, 10, 3 14 of 32
oil, still enables natural
2040, as shown in gas powered
Figure 7b, thereCCGT plants
is no more to be cost
contribution fromeffective. However,
natural gas poweredafter 2040,
thermal as shown
in FigureThe 7b,remaining
world is no
market CCGT
prices plants areinto
taken with
account SNG to store
to avoid andpowered
subsidies produce
for electricity
the energy asInrequired
system.plants. Thein
addition, the
CCGT plantsSaudi
FLH power
are thesystem.
ofused OCGTwithreduces
SNG to from 4756
store FLHproduce
and to zero FLH by 2030. The
electricity lower costin
as required of the
the natural
Saudi gas,
power in system.
contrast to oil, still enables natural gas powered CCGT plants to be cost effective. However, after
2040, as shown in Figure 7b, there is no more contribution from natural gas powered thermal plants.
The remaining CCGT plants are used with SNG to store and produce electricity as required in the
Saudi power system.

(a) (b)
Figure 8. FLH variation of the different power plants used in model (a) and additional capacities of
FLH variation
Figure 8.different of the different power plants used in model (a) and additional capacities of
power plants required from 2015 to 2050 (b).
different power plants required (a) from 2015 to 2050 (b). (b)
Figure 8b8.represents
Figure FLH variationtheofadditional
the differentcapacities
power plants of used
different power
in model plants
(a) and necessary
additional to meet
capacities of the
growing electricity
different power demand
plants and
required to replace
from 2015 tothe
2050 fossil-based
(b). thermal
Figure 8b represents the additional capacities of different power plants necessary to meet the power plants that are being
phased out. Initially, there are more wind power plant installations than PV power plants. However,
growing electricityFigure
demand and to replace
8b representsofthe additional
fossil-based of and
power plants
power plants
that are being
after 2030, the installation wind power plants cease PV single-axis tracking starttotomeet the
out. Initially, there
the growing are
power sector. more
electricity wind
demand and
Methanation power
unitstoare plant
added installations
theforfossil-based than
the first time PV power
in 2035, with plants.
plants that are
additional However,
capacities after
2030, theadded
meet power
theare plants
gasmore windcease
demands of the and
power plant PV
energy single-axis
system than
and tracking
PV power
industrial start
demand to through
dominate the
power sector.
SNG.after 2030, the installation
Methanation units of arewind
addedpower forplants cease time
the first and PV insingle-axis
2035, with tracking start to capacities
additional dominate added
the power sector.
Figure Methanation units are added for storage
the first capacities
time in 2035,
forwith additional capacities
until 2050, to meet 9a therepresents
gas demandsthe additionally
of the energyinstalled system and industrial
added until 2050, to meet the gas demands of the energy system and industrial gas demand through
every 5 years period.
gas demand throughThe SNG.
large capacity of gas storage is required in 2045, and thereafter, less additional storage is required.
9a represents the additionally installed storage capacities for every 5 years period. The
Figure 9b represents the ratio of the total storage output for every time period. By 2025, electricity
large capacity of gas9astorage
Figure is required
represents in 2045,
the additionally andstorage
installed thereafter, less
capacities foradditional
storage systems come into effect as it becomes a more cost effective option to balance the power
every 5 yearsstorage is required.
period. The
Figure 9b large capacity
represents of gas storage is required in 2045, and thereafter, less additional storage is required.
system than thethe useratio of the
of fossil total thermal
powered storageplants.output Byfor every
2050, timeprovide
batteries period.a total
By 2025,outputelectricity
Figure 9b represents the ratio of the total storage output for every time period. By 2025, electricity
storage systems
about 413 come
TWh elinto effect
which as
accounts it becomes
for about a
41% more
of cost
the effective
total option
electricity demand
storage systems come into effect as it becomes a more cost effective option to balance the power
to balance
and about the 58%power
of thesystem
than thedirect
use electricity
of fossil supply.
powered thermal plants. By 2050, batteries provide
system than the use of fossil powered thermal plants. By 2050, batteries provide a total output of a total output of about
413 TWhel which
about 413accounts
TWhel whichfor accounts
about 41% of the
for about total
41% electricity
of the demand
total electricity and
demand andabout 58%ofof
about 58% thethe direct
direct electricity supply.
electricity supply.

(a) (b)
(a)storage capacity (a) and storage output (b) required
Figure 9. Additional (b)from 2015 to 2050.
Figure 9. Additional storage capacity (a) and storage output (b) required from 2015 to 2050.
Figure 9. Additional storage capacity (a) and storage output (b) required from 2015 to 2050.
Water 2018, 10, 3 15 of 32

Water 2017, 10, 3 15 of 32

The total levelised cost of electricity of the system is the sum of the levelised cost of primary
electrictyThe total levelised
generation (LCOE cost of electricity
primary), of the cost
levelised system is the sum
of storage of the levelised
(LCOS), levelisedcost
electricty generation (LCOE primary), levelised cost of storage (LCOS), levelised
(LCOC), fuel cost and the carbondioxide emission cost (CO2 cost). Figure 10a represents the cost of curtailment
(LCOC), of
contribution fuelthe
cost and the
different carbondioxide
components emission
to the cost (CO
total LCOE 2 cost). Figure 10a represents the
from 2015 to 2050. In 2015, the fuel cost
contribution of the different components to the total LCOE from 2015 to 2050. In 2015, the fuel cost
accounts for the largest contribution due to the fuel prices of 52.50 €/MWhth for oil and 21.8 €/MWhth
accounts for the largest contribution due to the fuel prices of 52.50 €/MWhth for oil and 21.8 €/MWhth
for gas. As the FLH of the fossil powered thermal plants decrease, as illustrated in Figure 8a, the fossil
for gas. As the FLH of the fossil powered thermal plants decrease, as illustrated in Figure 8a, the fossil
fuel consumption
fuel consumption andand
consequentlythe thecontribution
contribution totothe
LCOE decreases.
decreases. TheThe
OCGT OCGT storage
storage and and
CCGT storage
CCGT plants
storage in in
plants Figure
the gas plantsutilising
gas plants utilisingSNG.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 10. Contribution of different components (a), detailed contribution of components (b) relative
Figure 10. Contribution of different components (a), detailed contribution of components (b) relative
contribution of different components (c) and relative contribution of financial components (d) to the
contribution of different components (c) and relative contribution of financial components (d) to the
total LCOE from 2015 to 2050.
total LCOE from 2015 to 2050.
The LCOC is as a result of curtailment of the excess energy produced by the renewable energy
The LCOC plants.isThe
as remaining
a result ofthermal power of
curtailment plants
the contribute
excess energyto theproduced
CO2 emissions
by thecost.renewable
The batteries energy
and gas storage contribute to the LCOS of the power system. The figure illustrates
power plants. The remaining thermal power plants contribute to the CO2 emissions cost. The batteries that with the
and transition
gas storage to renewable
to the plants
LCOS andofthe
powerout of the thermal
system. powered
The figure plants, that
illustrates the total
with the
LCOE of the system decreases. By 2050, the LCOE is estimated to be about 41 €/MWh as opposed to
transition to renewable power plants and the phasing out of the thermal powered plants, the total
139 €/MWh in 2015. Figure 10b separates the LCOE primary and LCOS to the individual components
LCOE of the system decreases. By 2050, the LCOE is estimated to be about 41 €/MWh as opposed to
and presents the specific contributions towards the LCOE. The rapid drop in LCOE from 2015 to 2020
139 €/MWh
is due to inthe2015. Figure
phasing out 10b separates the
of unsubsidized LCOE primary
expensive oil powerand LCOS
plants. toeliminates
This the individual components
the large fuel
and presents the specific
cost that contribute contributions
towards the LCOEtowards the LCOE.
cost in 2015, as shownThe inrapid
Figuredrop in LCOE
10a and Figurefrom 2015
10b. In 2020,to 2020
is due
thetooilthe phasing
power plantsout
areof unsubsidized
substituted by moreexpensive
economical oilsolar
PV plants. This eliminates
and gas plants. By 2050, the the large fuel
cost contributors
that contribute towards
to the the
cost will beLCOE
the PVcost in 2015,tracking
single-axis as shownandin Figure
battery 10a,b.The
plants. In contribution
2020, the oilofpower
wind decreases after 2030, due to no more wind plant installations
plants are substituted by more economical solar PV and gas plants. By 2050, the largest and a highly competitive
to the cost will be the PV single-axis tracking and battery plants. The contribution of the
combination of hybrid PV-battery plants, as already found by Afanasyeva et al. for windcase of
after 2030, due to no more wind plant installations and a highly competitive combination of hybrid
PV-battery plants, as already found by Afanasyeva et al. for the case of Morocco [65]. However, there
Water 2018, 10, 3 16 of 32

is stillWater
a substantial
2017, 10, 3 contribution from wind to the LCOE in 2050 due to the large installed capacities 16 of 32 of
wind power plants
Water 2017, 10, 3
in 2030. 16 of 32
Figure 10c [65]. However,
presents thethere is still
relative a substantialof
contribution contribution
the differentfrom wind to the to
components LCOE in 2050 due
the LCOE. It can be
seen to the large installed capacities of wind power plants in 2030.
that over time,
Morocco the LCOEthere
[65]. However, primary increasing
is still accounts
a substantial for the from
contribution final wind
LCOE. to The relative
the LCOE in contribution
2050 due
Figure 10c presents the relative contribution of the different components to the LCOE. It can be
to the large
of the fossil installed
fuel cost, andcapacities
thereforeofalso wind thepower
emissionin 2030.
costs, disappear. From 2030 onwards, the
seen that over time, the LCOE primary increasing accounts for the final LCOE. The relative
relative Figure
contribution 10c presents
offossil the
the storage relative contribution
increases of
and ultimately the different
by2 2050,components
the costs, to the
and LCOELCOE. It can be
contribution of the fuel cost, and therefore also the CO emission From 2030 have
almost seen
equal that over time,
contributions the
the LCOE.primaryThis increasing
is also accounts
reflected in for
Figure the final
10d. LCOE.
Figure The
10c relative the
onwards, the relative contribution of the storage increases and ultimately by 2050, the LCOS and
contribution of the fossil fuel cost, and therefore also the CO2 emission costs, disappear. From 2030
LCOE contribution
primary have of the financial
almost equal components
contributions to to the
the LCOE. In 2015,
LCOE. This thereflected
is also fossil fuel costs determine
in Figure 10d.
onwards, the relative contribution of the storage increases and ultimately by 2050, the LCOS and
the LCOE.
Figure 10c As presents
the fossil thefuel usage
relative diminishes,
contribution thefinancial
of the total capex of the to
components power system
the LCOE. is thethe
In 2015, largest
LCOE primary have almost equal contributions to the LCOE. This is also reflected in Figure 10d.
relative fuel costs determine
contributor to the the LCOE.
LCOE. From As2040theonwards,
fossil fuel usage
when diminishes,
there is a the total
100% capex of energy
renewable the power system,
Figure 10c presents the relative contribution of the financial components to the LCOE. In 2015, the
the capex the system
largest relative contributor
contributes upAs toto75%the of
From 2040 Theonwards, when there is a 100%
fossil fuel costs determine the LCOE. the fossil the
fuel usage diminishes, fixedtheopex
totalof the of
capex energy
the powersystem
components energy system, the capex of the system contributes up to 75% of the LCOE. The fixed opex
system mostly account
is the largest for the
relative remainder
contributor to of
thethe LCOE.
LCOE. From 2040 onwards, when there is a 100%
of the energy system components mostly account for the remainder of the LCOE.
renewable 11 illustrates
energy system,the annual
the capex CO of2theemissions during the
system contributes energy
up to 75% oftransition
the LCOE. illustrated
The fixed opex in the
Figure 11 illustrates the annual CO2 emissions during the energy transition illustrated in the
of the energy system components mostly account for the remainder
previous figures. The annual CO2 emissions are reduced from about 250 Mton/a to 0 by 2040. The red of the LCOE.
previous figures. The annual CO2 emissions are reduced from about 250 Mton/a to 0 by 2040. The red
line diagram Figure 11 illustrates
represents thethe the of
ratio annual CO 2 emissions during the energy transition illustrated in the
line diagram represents ratio ofCO CO2 2emitted
emitted forforevery
everykWhkWhofof electricity
electricity produced.
produced. In 2015,
In 2015, this this
is atisabout figures.
800800The annual
g ofg CO CO 2 emissions are reduced from about 250 Mton/a to 0 by 2040. The red
at about of CO2 per kWh and drops to 0 by 2040. The CO2 emission
2 per kWh and drops to 0 by 2040. The CO2 emission
calculations are are
line diagram represents the ratio of CO2 emitted for every kWh of electricity produced. In 2015, this
explained in [65].
in [65].
value is at about 800 g of CO2 per kWh and drops to 0 by 2040. The CO2 emission calculations are
explained in [65].

Figure 11. Annual CO2 emissions during the energy transition and the ratio (blue bars) and CO2
Figure 11. Annual CO2 emissions during the energy transition and the ratio (blue bars) and CO2
emissions per kWh of electricity produced (red line).
emissions per11.
kWhAnnual CO2 emissions
of electricity during
produced (redtheline).
energy transition and the ratio (blue bars) and CO2
emissions per kWh of electricity produced (red line).
Figure 12 provides an overview of the gas sector after integration with the power sector. Figure
12a shows
Figure how the levelised
12 provides cost ofofgas
an overview the (LCOG) varies over time, while the the
non-energetic industrial 12a
Figure 12 provides an overview of gas sector
the gas after
sector integration
after integration with
with thepower
shows12a demand
how increases.
the levelised The LCOG
cost of gas increases from 23 €/MWh th in 2015 to 95 €/MWhth in 2045. After
shows how the levelised cost(LCOG) variesvaries
of gas (LCOG) over over
time,time, while thethe
while non-energetic
industrial gas
the LCOGThe decreases
LCOG and by 2050, the 23
€/MWh is 90 €/MWh th. There is a steep increase in the
gas demand increases. Theincreases from
LCOG increases from th in 2015
23 €/MWh to 95to
th in 2015 95 €/MWhth in
th 2045. After
in 2045. 2045,
LCOG from 2030 to 2035. This due to the production of SNG in 2035, as shown by Figure 12b. By
the LCOG2045,decreases
the LCOG and decreases andthe
by 2050, by 2050,
LCOG 90 €/MWh
theisLCOG is 90 €/MWh
th . There th. There
is a is
steepa steep increase
increase in in
the the
2040, the gas utilized in the system is fully renewable SNG.
from 2030 from 2030
to 2035. This to 2035.
due Thisproduction
to the due to the of production
SNG in 2035,of SNG in 2035,by
as shown as Figure
shown 12b.
by Figure 12b.the
By 2040, By gas
2040, the gas utilized in the system
utilized in the system is fully renewable SNG. is fully renewable SNG.

(a) (b)
Figure 12. The increase in (a) (b)in levelised cost of gas
industrial gas demand (red line) and the variation
(LCOG) (grey bars) (a) and gas in the system by source (b) from 2015 to 2050.
Figure 12. The increase in industrial gas demand (red line) and the variation in levelised cost of gas
Figure 12. The increase in industrial gas demand (red line) and the variation in levelised cost of gas
(LCOG) (grey bars) (a) and gas in the system by source (b) from 2015 to 2050.
(LCOG) (grey bars) (a) and gas in the system by source (b) from 2015 to 2050.
Water 2017, 10, 3 17 of 32

3.2. Integrated Scenario—Desalination Sector

Figure 13 illustrates the growth of the Saudi Arabian desalination sector assumed in the model.
The difference between the total water demand and the installed desalination capacity is met by
2018, 10, 3 water sources and non-renewable groundwater sources. As explained in Section 2.4, the17 of 32
desalination demand increases to meet the growing total water demand and is met through SWRO
and MED stand alone plants. The model optimizes the installed capacities of SWRO and MED
3.2. depending
Integrated Scenario—Desalination
on the electricity costs and Sector
availability of heat in the system.
Water 2017, 10, 3 17 of 32
Figure 13 illustrates the growth ofplants
The MSF and MED cogeneration are phased
the Saudi Arabian outdesalination
based on the sector
of the plants.
in theBymodel.
2050, it is expected
3.2. Integrated that there is a
Scenario—Desalination total water demand of 112 million m 3/day and SWRO plants meet
The difference between the total waterSector demand and the installed desalination capacity is met by
52% of the total water demand. MED stand alone provides less than 1% of the total water demand.
renewableFigurewater sources and
thenon-renewable groundwater sources. As explained intheSection 2.4,
This is due to 13 theillustrates
lower excess growth of the Saudi
heat available in theArabian
In addition,sector
storage isinfound model.
the vary
The demand
difference between increases
the total to meet
water the
demand growing
and the total water
installed demand
desalination and
daily after 2020. Figure 14 illustrates the variation in water storage for the year 2030. Thus, the is met
is metthrough
SWRO renewable
water MEDwater
storage stand
acts asources
daily non-renewable
seasonal Thestorage groundwater
optimizesthe the sources. Asof
operation explained
capacities in
the desalination 2.4,
plants. MED
With theon demand
the electricity
increase increases
in SWRO costs to meet the growing
and availability
desalination total
of heat
capacity there is aninwater demand
the system.
increase and is met through
in water storage capacity. SWRO
and MED stand alone plants. The model optimizes the installed capacities of SWRO and MED
depending on the electricity costs and availability of heat in the system.
The MSF and MED cogeneration plants are phased out based on the lifetime of the plants. By
2050, it is expected that there is a total water demand of 112 million m3/day and SWRO plants meet
52% of the total water demand. MED stand alone provides less than 1% of the total water demand.
This is due to the lower excess heat available in the system. In addition, water storage is found to
vary daily after 2020. Figure 14 illustrates the variation in water storage for the year 2030. Thus, the
water storage acts a daily or seasonal storage optimizing the operation of the desalination plants.
With the increase in SWRO desalination capacity there is an increase in water storage capacity.

Figure 13. Water desalination capacities required to meet KSA’s total water demand from 2015 to
Figure 13. Water desalination capacities required to meet KSA’s total water demand from 2015 to 2050.

The MSF and MED cogeneration plants are phased out based on the lifetime of the plants. By 2050,
it is expected that there is a total water demand of 112 million m3 /day and SWRO plants meet 52% of
the total water demand. MED stand alone provides less than 1% of the total water demand. This is
due to the lower excess heat available in the system. In addition, water storage is found to vary daily
after 2020. Figure 14 illustrates the variation in water storage for the year 2030. Thus, the water storage
acts a dailyFigure
or seasonal storage
13. Water optimizing
desalination capacitiesthe operation
required of KSA’s
to meet the desalination plants.from
total water demand With the
2015 to increase
in SWRO desalination
2050. capacity there is an increase in water storage capacity.

Figure 14. Water storage relative state of charge in 2030.

Figure 15a presents the capex breakdown of the desalination plant capacities installed for the 5
year intervals. The contribution of water transportation increases as the installed desalination
capacities increase. By 2050, the transportation infrastructure is the largest contributor to the capex.
The total capex required for the period from 2015 up to 2050 for the desalination sector is 1125 b€.

Figure 14. Water storage relative state of charge in 2030.

Figure 14. Water storage relative state of charge in 2030.
Figure 15a presents the capex breakdown of the desalination plant capacities installed for the 5
year intervals.
Figure The contribution
15a presents of water transportation
the capex breakdown increases
of the desalination as the
plant installedinstalled
capacities desalination
for the
5 yearcapacities
intervals.increase. By 2050, the transportation
The contribution infrastructureincreases
of water transportation is the largest
as contributor to the
the installed capex.
The total
capacities capex By
increase. required
2050, for
thethe period from 2015
transportation up to 2050 for
infrastructure isthe
thedesalination sector is 1125
largest contributor b€. capex.
to the
The total capex required for the period from 2015 up to 2050 for the desalination sector is 1125 b€.
Finally, Figure 15d illustrates the contribution of the different aspects of the desalination system
to the final LCOW for every time period. The LCOW of the final system decreases from 3.29 €/m3 in
2015, assuming non subsidized oil and gas prices, to 0.66 €/m3 in 2050. The costs reduction is mainly
due to the elimination of gas consumption and decrease in electricity costs, but also in an increase in
the efficiency
Water 2018, 10, 3 of RO and MED desalination plants in the decades to come. 18 of 32

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 15.Capex
components (b),annual
from 2015 to 2030.
from 2015 to 2030.

Table 10 shows the energy consumption of the different desalination technologies during the
Figure 15b presents the variation in the annual fixed opex of the desalination capacities. With the
transition. The total electricity consumption of the SWRO plants increase due to the high installed
increase in desalination capacities, the fixed opex increases. The fixed opex excludes the electricity
capacities. The MSF and MED cogeneration plants only produce water up to 2030 and then are
consumption of the desalination plants and water transportation infrastructure. Figure 15c represents
decommissioned due to end of lifetime. The MED stand alone plants continue to produce water but
the variation in the annual variable opex. The annual variable opex accounts for both the gas and
at lower volumes than in 2015. This is because of the low availability of heat in the energy system.
electricity consumption of the desalination plants. In 2015, due to the electricity produced by the
cogeneration plants, there is no resulting electricity costs—the variable cost is finally the gas cost.
The increase in the electricity cost maybe explained by the considerable increase in installed SWRO
capacities with time and the variation in energy efficiency of the plants. There is only a minimal gas
cost for existing cogeneration plants. SWRO and MED stand-alone plants utilize electrical energy and
heat from the energy system as required.
Finally, Figure 15d illustrates the contribution of the different aspects of the desalination system
to the final LCOW for every time period. The LCOW of the final system decreases from 3.29 €/m3 in
2015, assuming non subsidized oil and gas prices, to 0.66 €/m3 in 2050. The costs reduction is mainly
due to the elimination of gas consumption and decrease in electricity costs, but also in an increase in
the efficiency of RO and MED desalination plants in the decades to come.
Table 10 shows the energy consumption of the different desalination technologies during the
transition. The total electricity consumption of the SWRO plants increase due to the high installed
capacities. The MSF and MED cogeneration plants only produce water up to 2030 and then are
decommissioned due to end of lifetime. The MED stand alone plants continue to produce water but at
lower volumes than in 2015. This is because of the low availability of heat in the energy system.
Water 2018, 10, 3 19 of 32

Water 2017,Table
10, 3 10. Energy Consumption of the desalination technologies during the transition. 19 of 32

Table 10. Energy Consumption

Unit 2015 of 2020
the desalination
2025 technologies
2030 during the2040
2035 transition.
2045 2050
SWRO electricity cons GWh
Unit 4496.5
2015 22,622.5 2025
2020 29,622.5 2030
37,033.8 2035
40,996.5 2040
45,209.6 2045
64,212.8 2050
MSF-S electricity cons GWh 1386.8 0 0 0 6.5 0 0 0
SWRO electricity cons GWh 4496.5 22,622.5 29,622.5 37,033.8 40,996.5 45,209.6 64,212.8 63,011.9
MSF-C electricity cons GWh 2153.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSF-S electricitycons
cons GWh
GWh 1386.8
114.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5
19.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSF-C electricity
MED-C electricitycons
cons GWh
GWh 2153.8 689.2 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MED-S electricity
MSF-S heat conscons GWh
GWhth 114.6 47,151.0 00 00 0 0 19.4
219.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
MED-C electricity
MSF-C gas conscons GWh
GWhth 689.2174,456.5 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MED-S heatcons
MSF-S heat cons GWh
GWh 3898.6
th th 47,151.0 02.3 01.9 0 4.7 309.8
219.4 0 1.7 0 1.5 0 4
MSF-C gasgascons
cons GWh
GWh 59 809.7
th th 174,456.5 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MED-S heat cons GWhth 3898.6 2.3 1.9 4.7 309.8 1.7 1.5 4
MED-C gas cons GWhth 59 809.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table A4, in the Appendix A, summarises the key power capacities determined for the energy
A4, infor
theKSA from 2015
Appendix, to 2050. the key power capacities determined for the energy
transition pathway for KSA from 2015 to 2050.
3.3. Comparison of the Integrated and Non-Integrated Scenarios
3.3. Comparison of the Integrated and Non-Integrated Scenarios
As discussed in Section 3, the model was run for a non-integrated scenario where the power
meet the in electricity
Section 3, the model was
demand andrunthefor a non-integrated
desalinated waterscenario where
sector are the power
found separately.
capacities to meet the electricity demand and the desalinated water sector are found separately.
To compare the integrated and non-integrated scenarios, the annual levelised cost for both scenarios To
compare the integrated and non-integrated scenarios, the annual levelised cost for both scenarios
from 2020 to 2050 was found. This is represented in Figure 16a. The annual levelised cost for the
from 2020 to 2050 was found. This is represented in Figure 16a. The annual levelised cost for the non-
non-integrated scenario is higher than that for the integrated scenario. It is found that the approximate
integrated scenario is higher than that for the integrated scenario. It is found that the approximate
percentagebenefit of of
benefit thethe
integratedscenario is between
scenario is between1% 1%
andand 3%,
3%, as aasconsequence
a consequence of increased
of increased
flexibility to the integrated energy system.
flexibility to the integrated energy system.


Figure 16. Comparison of total annual levelised cost (a) and the curtailed electricity (b) for the
Figure 16. Comparison of total annual levelised cost (a) and the curtailed electricity (b) for the
integrated and non-integrated scenarios.
integrated and non-integrated scenarios.
Figure 16b illustrates the curtailment of electricity for the two scenarios, for the time period from
2015 to 2050.
Figure The bars represent
16b illustrates the valueof
the curtailment ofelectricity
the energy for
the two andscenarios,
the dashed forlines
time periodthe from
ratio of the curtailed energy to the total generated electricity. It can be seen that there is
2015 to 2050. The bars represent the value of the energy curtailed and the dashed lines represent the more curtailed
of the in the integrated
curtailed energyscenario. However,
to the total the ratio
generated of the curtailed
electricity. It can beenergy to the
seen that total
there is electricity
more curtailed
energy in the integrated scenario. However, the ratio of the curtailed energy to the total electricity
Water 2018, 10, 3 20 of 32

generated is lower in the integrated scenario. This can be attributed to the increased flexibility provided
by the desalination plants and therefore better utilization of the hourly produced renewable energy,
hence the integrated energy system can be run in a more efficient way than the separated systems.
It has to be mentioned that in the integrated scenario, for the total time period of 2015 to 2050, the
power-to-gas (PtG) electrolyser capacity is reduced by 1%, compared to the separated scenario. For the
integrated scenario, the PtG electrolyser capacity was estimated to be 73.6 GWe , respectively. For the
non-integrated scenario, the corresponding values was estimated to be 75.4 GWe .

4. Discussion
The results show how the integration of seawater desalination with power and gas sectors
contribute to the least cost transition path to achieving a 100% renewable energy sector in Saudi Arabia
before the proposed year 2050.
Figure 7b illustrates that this milestone is feasible for Saudi Arabia by 2040. By 2040, PV single-axis
tracking and wind power plants will dominate the Saudi power sector with 243 GW of the former and
83 GW of the latter. However, by 2050, due to the steeper decrease in the PV single-axis tracking and
battery capex than the wind onshore plants, as presented in Figure 4c, it is more economical to have PV
single-axis tracking as the dominant energy source in the power sector of Saudi Arabia. By 2050, about
377 GW of PV single-axis tracking are required while the capacities of wind power plants remain at
83 GW. Thus, there are no further installations in wind power plants after 2030. This result documents
the outstanding impact of low cost solar PV supported by low cost battery storage that lead to a solar
PV electricity generation share of 79%, which is significantly higher than the average of about 40%
found in the global average assumptions for the year 2030 [25], but also higher than the 48% solar
PV share for the MENA region [66]. However, comparable results had been found already earlier for
the case of Israel [30], where the solar PV share had be found for cost optimized systems to about
90% of the total electricity supply. It has to be noted that Israel has less good wind conditions as in
Saudi Arabia, and [30] was done for assumptions about the year 2030. Breyer et al. [41] discuss the
significant role of solar photovoltaics, estimated to have an electricity generation share of 69% by 2050,
in the global energy transition. The low cost for solar PV and battery storage can be explained by the
standard experience curves in Figure 4 [67–69].
With the phasing out of fossil fueled thermal power plants, battery storage comes into play by
2025. By this time period, about 22% of the energy generation share is accounted for by fossil fueled
thermal power plants. As the electricity demand increases and the share of renewables in the system
increases, the battery storage required continues to increase. By 2050, batteries provide a total output
of about 329 TWhel accounting for approximately 40% of the total electricity demand. For a 100% RE
scenario by 2040, the required battery storage output is 203 TWhel accounting for approximately 32%
of the total electricity demand. Between, 2025 and 2050, the battery full charge cycles required are
between 300 and 330 cycles a year, indicating the almost daily usage of the battery capacity.
PtG plants come into effect in 2035 with 12 GWel of input capacity and increases to 73 GWel
by 2050. Similarly, the FLH of the PtG plants increase from about 4313 h in 2035 to 4900 h by 2050.
However, the gas storage output contributes about 2.3% towards the total electricity demand by 2050,
significantly less than the 40% of batteries. The PtG plants also produce the SNG required to meet the
industrial gas demand, as highlighted in Figure 12a.
The LCOE of the energy system is dominated by the high fuel cost in 2015. However, with the
phasing out of the fossil powered thermal plants and the decreased consumption of fossil fuel, the
LCOE of the energy system reduces from 139 €/MWhel in 2015 to 43 €/MWhel in 2040 and further to
41 €/MWhel in 2050.
Figure 10c illustrates that by 2020 onwards, the dominating contributor to the LCOE is the
LCOEprimary . With the increase in storage capacities, both the LCOEprimary and LCOS are the largest
contributors to the system LCOE. Figure 9d further shows that by 2050, the largest contributors are PV
single-axis tracking and battery storage. However, by 2040, there is still a significant contribution by
Water 2018, 10, 3 21 of 32

the existing wind power plants to the LCOE. This is in spite of the fact that new installations of wind
power plants cease after 2030, due to the arising competitiveness of hybrid PV-battery plants.
Figure 13 presents the increasing desalination demand in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the
desalination capacities installed to meet the total water demand. The difference between the total
water demand and desalination capacity is to be met through renewable water resources and some
non-renewable ground water resources. SWRO and MED stand alone desalination plant capacities
are optimized to meet the increasing desalination demand. The heat demand of the MED stand alone
plants are met through the energy system. The existing MSF cogeneration and stand alone plants are
phased out by 2035. After 2015, MSF stand alone plants are not allowed in the model due to the high
thermal energy consumption. Similarly, MSF and MED cogeneration plants are not modelled due to
the need for fossil powered gas plants. In an integrated scenario, the desalination capacities are used
to better utilize the hourly renewable energy production of the power system. Figure 15 presents the
variation in the average LCOW from 3.3 €/m3 in 2015 to 0.66 €/m3 in 2050.
The reduction in the LCOE of the system, contributes to the rapid decrease of the LCOW. The
electricity costs for the desalination sector includes the energy consumption for water production
at the desalination plant and transportation of water (vertical and horizontal transportation) to the
demand site. By 2050, the transportation costs is the highest contributor to the LCOW followed by
the desalination costs. Due to the low availability of heat losses in the system, there is a dominance of
SWRO desalination plants which utilize no thermal energy.
To understand the impacts of integrating the desalination and power sectors in KSA, the LUT
energy systems model was used to analyse both an integrated and non-integrated scenario. Thus,
for the non-integrated scenario, the same desalination capacities are required, but they are not used
to increase the flexibility of the power system. Figure 16a illustrates that the annualized levelised
cost of the non-integrated scenario is higher than that of the integrated scenario for all time periods
from 2020 to 2050. In fact, it is found that between 2040 and 2050, this reduction is between 1% and
3%, representing an annual cost decrease between 0.5 and 1.6 bn€. The lower cost is attributed to
the reduced amounts of electricity storage, in the form of power-to-gas, required in the integrated
scenario. Figure 16b highlights the lower curtailed energy ratio in the integrated scenario and the
better utilization of the hourly renewable energy production.
Therefore, the above work presents a pathway for Saudi Arabia to transition to a 100% renewable
energy power sector and shows that the integration of the country’s power and desalination sectors
provides the least cost solution for both sectors.
It may be argued that the current electricity production costs in Saudi Arabia are lower than what
this research presents for 2015. However, the artificially low fossil fuel prices in Saudi Arabia are a
result of the high subsidies which, according to Al-Iriani et al. [70], account for 10% of the country’s
GDP. As the energy consumption increases, the economic price the country has to pay increases. This
is due to the heavily subsidized fuel prices that result in economic losses in the form of opportunity
costs, since the export value of fuel would be much higher than the subsidized domestic consumption.
With the decrease in oil prices and resulting revenue, as well as concerns about availability of fossil
fuel resources to meet the country’s growing energy demand, Saudi Arabia has started the transition
to less or no subsidies. Thus, our work offers a solution for Saudi Arabia to meet its growing energy
demands through renewable energy, without hindering the future economic growth of the country.
In addition, as demonstrated in this work, KSA can meet its own industrial gas demands by exploiting
the country’s wealth of solar and wind resources.
This research also addresses how Saudi Arabia can meet the country’s growing water demand
through the use of 100% renewable energy powered SWRO desalination plants. The average LCOW
of KSA is found to be 0.66 €/m3 by 2050. This includes the cost for water desalination, water
transportation to the demand site and water storage. Fthenakis et al. [71] estimated the current LCOW
of a 190,000 m3 /day SWRO plant, located in Al-Khajfi, on the east coast of KSA, powered by fixed-tilted
PV to be 0.70 €/m3 . Current water production costs of fossil powered SWRO plants in KSA lie between
Water 2018, 10, 3 22 of 32

0.65 €/m3 –1.90 €/m3 [36]. However, this excludes the cost of transporting the desalinated water to the
demand site and water storage.
There is a fast growing number of publications on 100% renewable energy-based energy
systems [72], which helps to overcome the past concern that such systems would be neither
technically feasible nor economically viable. This research on the case of Saudi Arabia is another
confirmation of the high competitiveness of 100% RE systems. Recently Clack et al. [73] claimed that
fossil-CCS and nuclear should be part of an energy system solution, which attracted stark criticism
by Jacobson et al. [74]. One of the motivations for the critique was the fact that no single one of the
about 60 existing articles on 100% RE systems had been mentioned in [73]. This reveals an imbalanced
literature basement of the authors. Recent publications of IPCC researchers [75,76] also emphasize
the substantial shares of renewable energy, and in particular on solar PV. Breyer et al. [41], recently
presented an energy transition scenario for the world structured in 145 regions and simulated in full
hourly resolution for the period 2015 to 2050 in 5 years steps. The research showed that 100% RE in the
power system is possible, for lower global averaged cost than for the energy system of the year 2015.
The energy transition has been further investigated by Ram et al. [77] who show that the transition
also implies zero greenhouse gas emissions and a drastic increase in jobs in the power sector.

5. Conclusions
There is growing interest in the energy transition towards a 100% renewable energy-based power
system in many countries and regions. Meanwhile, as the global renewable freshwater resource
diminishes, seawater reverse osmosis desalination is expected to play a key role in securing future
water supplies.
Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest producer of crude oil and the 11th largest consumer. Economic
growth of the country is tied closely to oil prices. To secure the country’s economy, the government
recently heralded a future without oil. The new vision calls for increase in renewable energy capacities
and at least 9 GW of installed RE capacity by 2023. Saudi Arabia is also the largest producer of
desalinated water in the world and desalination will remain vital to the country’s future water supply.
The purpose of this research is to analyse the impact of integrating the large desalination demand
into the country‘s 100% RE-based power system by 2050. The power sector is integrated with the
non-energy industrial gas sector of Saudi Arabia. Thus, RE is used to produce SNG to satiate the
industrial gas demands. The increasing desalination demand is met through SWRO and MED stand
alone plants.
It is found that the integration of the power, gas sector and the desalinated water sector, allows
for a reduction of 1–3% of the levelised annual costs, in comparison to the non-integrated scenario. The
LCOE and LCOW for Saudi Arabia by 2050, in the integrated scenario, is estimated to be 41 €/MWh
and 0.66 €/m3 , respectively. By 2050, PV single-axis tracking dominates the power sector in Saudi
Arabia with about 79% of total generated electricity due to the further reduction in capex of solar PV
and supporting battery technology over wind power plants. In addition, SWRO plants produce most
of the desalinated water required. MED stand alone plants contribute when there is sufficient heat
available in the energy system. In future research, it is planned to integrate the heat sector into the
model. This may lead to more free heat in the energy system resulting in an increase in the MED
capacities installed. In the presence of cheap heat source, MED is favourable to SWRO due to its lower
electricity consumption.
Thus, the results present a least cost transition path for Saudi Arabia to meet the country’s future
electricity and water demands through a 100% RE system.
However, there are gaps in the research methodology and data for Saudi Arabia that could be
summarised as below:

1. Better understanding of the potential for geothermal and CSP heat use for MED desalination in
Saudi Arabia.
Water 2018, 10, 3 23 of 32

2. No well-defined learning curve for SWRO desalination plants: This makes it difficult to project
the future SWRO costs.

By filling in the gaps in our research, we can further refine our results and provide the optimal
transition pathway for Saudi Arabia to finally start the country’s future without oil. By capitalising
on the country’s excellent solar and wind resources through the implementation of renewable
energy, Saudi Arabia can indeed meet the country’s future electricity, water and gas demands in
a lucrative manner.

Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the scholarship offered by the Reiner
Lemoine-Foundation and public financing of Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, for the
‘Neo-Carbon Energy’ project under the number 40101/14.
Author Contributions: Upeksha Caldera carried out the research, including collecting the input data,
implementing the energy system modelling, generating and analysing the results, and writing the manuscript.
Dmitrii Bogdanov did the coding for the model used in this research. Svetlana Afanasyeva visualized and
developed the figures. Christian Breyer framed the research questions and scope of the work, checked the results,
facilitated discussions, and reviewed the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.

a annum
d day
A-CAES adiabatic compressed air storage
BWRO brackish water reverse osmosis
Capex capital expenditures
CCGT combined cycle gas turbine
CSP concentrating solar power
crf capital recovery factor
GCC Gulf Corporation Council
GOR gain output ratio
GWI global water intelligence
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
IWPP independent water and power project
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
LCOC levelised cost of curtailment
LCOE levelised cost of electricity
LCOG levelised cost of gas
LCOW levelised cost of water
MSF multi stage flash
MED multi effect distillation
NWS national water strategy
OCGT open cycle gas turbine
Opex operational expenditures
PtG power-to-gas
PtH power-to-heat
PV photovoltaic
RE renewable energy
SEC specific energy consumption
SoC state of charg
SNG synthetic natural gas
SWRO seawater reverse osmosis
WACC weighted average cost of capital
Water 2018, 10, 3 24 of 32

Appendix A
Table A1. Technical and Financial Assumptions of all energy system components used in the energy transition from 2015 to 2050 for KSA. Assumptions are taken
from Pleßmann et al. [78] and European Commission [79] and further references are individually mentioned.

Name of Component Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Reference
Capex €/kWp 1000 580 466 390 337 300 270 246 [80,81]
PV optimally tilted Opex fix €/(kWp·a) 15 13.2 11.8 10.6 9.6 8.8 8.0 7.4
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 40
Capex €/kWp 1150 638 513 429 371 330 297 271 [80,81]
PV single-axis tracking Opex fix €/(kWp·a) 17.3 15.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 40
Capex €/kW 1250 1150 1060 1000 965 940 915 900 [82]
Wind onshore Opex fix €/(kW·a) 25 23 21 20 19 19 18 18
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Capex €/m2 270 240 220 200 180 170 150 140 [83,84]
CSP (solar field, parabolic trough) Opex fix % 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Opex var - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kW 5250 4970 4720 4470 4245 4020 3815 3610 [79,85]
Geothermal Opex fix €/(kW·a) 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Capex €/kW 800 685 500 380 340 310 280 260 [86,87]
Water electrolysis Opex fix €/(kW·a) 32 27 20 15 14 12 11 10
Opex var €/(kWh) 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kW 492 421 310 234 208 190 172 160 [86,87]
Methanation Opex fix €/(kW·a) 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 3
Opex var €/(kWh) 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kW 749 641 470 356 314 286 258 240 [86,87]
CO2 direct air capture Opex fix €/(kW·a) 29.9 25.6 18.8 14.2 12.6 11.4 10.3 9.6
Opex var €/(kWh) 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Water 2018, 10, 3 25 of 32

Table A1. Cont.

Name of Component Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Reference
Capex €/(kWel ) 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 [88]
Opex fix €/(kWel ·a) 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4
CCGT Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 58 58 58 58 59 60 60 60
Lifetime years 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Capex €/(kWel ) 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 [88]
Opex fix €/(kWel ·a) 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25
OCGT Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
Lifetime years 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Capex €/(kWel ) 760 740 720 700 670 640 615 600 [88,89]
Opex fix €/(kWel ·a) 15.2 14.8 14.4 14 13.4 12.8 12.3 12
Steam turbine (CSP)
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 42 42 42 43 44 44 45 45
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30
Capex €/(kWel ) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 [88,89]
Opex fix €/(kWel ·a) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Steam turbine (coal-fired PP)
Opex var 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 45 45 45 45 46 46 47 47
Lifetime years 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Capex €/kW 3400 2900 2700 2500 2300 2200 2100 2000
Opex fix €/(kW·a) 238 203 189 175 161 154 147 140
Biomass CHP Opex var €/(kWh) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Efficiency % 36 37 40 43 45 47 47.5 48
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kW 503 429 400 370 340 326 311 296
Opex fix €/(kW·a) 20.1 17.2 16.0 14.8 13.6 13.0 12.4 11.8
Biogas CHP
Opex var €/(kWh) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Efficiency % 35 36 39 42 44 46 46 47
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kW 5940 5630 5440 5240 5030 4870 4690 4540
Opex fix €/(kW·a) 267.3 253.35 244.8 235.8 226.35 219.15 211.05 204.3
Waste incinerator Opex var €/(kWh) 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069
Efficiency % 27 31 32.5 34 35.5 37 29.5 42
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Water 2018, 10, 3 26 of 32

Table A1. Cont.

Name of Component Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Reference
Capex €/kW 771 731 706 680 653 632 609 589
Opex fix €/(kW·a) 30.8 29.2 28.2 27.2 26.1 25.3 24.3 23.6
Biogas digester
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Lifetime years 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25
Capex €/kW 340 290 270 250 230 220 210 200 [90]
Opex fix €/(kW·a) 27.2 23.2 21.6 20 18.4 17.6 16.8 16
Biogas upgrade
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Efficiency % 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
Lifetime years 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25
Capex €/(kWhel ) 600 300 200 150 120 100 85 75 [91]
Opex fix €/(kWhel ·a) 24 12 8 6 4.8 4 3.4 3
Battery, Li-ion
Opex var €/(kWhthroughput0.0002
) 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
Efficiency % 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 95
Lifetime years 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Capex €/(kWhth ) 50 40 30 30 20 20 20 20
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Opex fix €/(kWhth ·a) 0.75 0.6 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Opex var €/(kWhthroughput ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30
Capex €/kWh 35.0 35.0 33.0 31.1 30.4 29.8 28.0 26.3
Opex fix €/(kWh·a) 0.46 0.46 0.43 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.36 0.34
Adiabatic compressed air energy
storage (A-CAES) Opex var €/(kWh) 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012
Efficiency % 54 59 65 70 70 70 70 70
Lifetime years 40 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
Capex €/kWhth 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Gas storage Opex fix €/(kWh·a) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Opex var €/(kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lifetime years 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Water 2018, 10, 3 27 of 32

Table A2. Technical and financial parameters of the seawater desalination technologies from 2015–2050 [36,37,47,54–62].

Name of Component 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Capex €/(m3 ·day) 1150 960 835 725 630 550 480 415
Opex fix €/(m3 ·day) 46 38 33 29 25 22 19 17
Sea Water Reverse Osmosis
Energy consumption kWh/m3 4.1 3.6 3.35 3.15 3 2.85 2.7 2.6
Lifetime years 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/(m3 ·day) 1437 1200 1043 906 787 687 600 519
Multi Effect Distillation—Thermal Vapor Opex fix €/(m3 ·day) 10 13.2 15.6 18 21.6 24 24 24
Compression Thermal energy consumption kWhth /m3 68 51 44 38 32 28 28 28
for stand alone Electrical energy consumption kWhel /m3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Capex €/(m3 ·day) 1437 1437 1437 1437 1437 1437 1437 1437
Multi Effect Distillation—Thermal Vapor Opex fix €/(m3 ·day) 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4
Compression Thermal energy consumption (Total gas input required for
for cogeneration kWhth /m3 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168
water and electricity)
Electrical energy consumption kWhel /m3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Capex €/(m3 ·day) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Multi Stage Flash Opex fix €/(m3 ·day) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
for cogeneration Gain Output Ratio: 8 Thermal energy consumption (Total gas input required for
Power-to-Water: 2.25 kW/(m3 ·day) kWhth /m3 202.5 202.5 202.5 202.5 202.5 202.5 202.5 202.5
water and electricity)
Electrical energy consumption kWhel /m3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Capex €/(m3 ·day) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Opex fix €/(m3 ·day) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Multi Stage Flash
for stand alone Gain Output Ratio: 8 Thermal energy consumption kWhth /m3 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85
Electrical energy consumption kWhel /m3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Lifetime years 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Water Transportation
Capex €/(m3 ·a·km) 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053
Piping Fixed Opex €/(m3 ·a·100 km) 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/(m3 ·h·m) 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4
Fixed Opex €/(m3 ·h·m) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Vertical Pumping
kWh/(m3 ·h·100
Energy consumption 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/(m3 ·h·km) 19.26 19.26 19.26 19.26 19.26 19.26 19.26 19.26
Fixed Opex €/(m3 ·h·km) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Horizontal Pumping
kWh/(m3 ·h·100
Energy consumption 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Capex €/m3 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Water Storage Fixed Opex €/m3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Lifetime years 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Water 2018, 10, 3 28 of 32

Table A3. Energy to power ratio of the storage technologies.

Technology Energy/Power Ratio (h) Self-Discharge

Battery 6 0
TES 10 0.002
A-CAES 100 0.001
Gas Storage 80 × 24 0

Table A4. Key power capacities required for the energy transition pathway for KSA from 2015 to 2050.

Technology Unit 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
PV single-axis tracking GWp 0 14 73 87 174 243 326 378
PV optimally tilted GWp 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.002
Wind power plants GW 0 0 0 83 83 83 83 83
Geothermal GW 0 1.6 1.7 2 2 2 2 2
Battery storage output TWh 0 0 1.4 33.7 131 203 269 329
PtG electrolyser input GWe 0 0 0 0 12 39 72 74
Gas Storage TWhth 0 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.5 15 16

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