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List of Documents

Func tion (=) Location (+) Sheet Kind of Document Description Revision date
List of Documents
Func tion (=) Location (+) Sheet Kind of Document Description Revision date
List of Produc ts
Func tion (=) Location (+) Produc t (-) T ype Description Manuf ac ture Document t ype Sheet Path
List of Terminals: -X1
Connec tion 1 Terminal Connec tion 2 T ype Comment Sheet Path
List of Terminals: -X2
Connec tion 1 Terminal Connec tion 2 T ype Comment Sheet Path
List of Cables
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) Description T ype Dimension
List of Cable Cores
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) W ire Square Colour Description Connec tion 1 Connec tion 2 Sheet Path
List of Connec tions
From To T ype No. Colour Square
List of Connec tions
From To T ype No. Colour Square
Wiring List - 10 targets per line
List of Wire Par ts
T ype Supplier Total Description Goodsgroup Manuf ac turer
List of Par ts
Total T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac ture
List of spare par ts
Func tion(=) Location(+) Name(-) Amount T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac ture
List of Par ts
Total T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac ture
List of spare par ts
Func tion(=) Location(+) Name(-) Amount T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac ture


Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----

Connec tion 2
Terminal Matrix

Terminal Strip:

Connec tion 1

Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----



Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----

Connec tion 2
Terminal Matrix

Terminal Strip:

Connec tion 1

Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----

T ype: 5 x2.5 ² L = mm
Des: PPY

Type: 4 G2.5 ² L = mm
Des: PPL

T ype: 3x 0.7 5 ² L = mm
De s: sa kon

-W 4
T ype: 2x 0.7 5 ² L = mm
Des: PPL
List of Par ts, per f unc tion(=) / location(+)
Func tion(=) Location(+) Total T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac turer
List of Par ts, per f unc tion(=) / location(+)
Func tion(=) Location(+) Total T ype Supplier Description EAN 13 Manuf ac turer
List of Cables
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) Description T ype Dimension
List of Cables
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) Description T ype Dimension
List of Cable Cores
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) W ire Square Colour Description Connec tion 1 Connec tion 2 Sheet Path
List of Cable Cores
Func tion (=) Location (+) Cablename (-) W ire Square Colour Description Connec tion 1 Connec tion 2 Sheet Path


Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----

Connec tion
Terminal Strip



Note Cable t ype Cable name ----- Cable -----

Connec tion
Terminal Strip

Terminal strip

C o r e / c o lo u r
Description Cable t ype Cable name C o n n e c t io n to t e r m in a l < n >
Terminal strip

C o r e / c o lo u r
Description Cable t ype Cable name C o n n e c t io n to t e r m in a l < n >

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