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SD1011: SD Taxes v 1.

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 A tax is a financial charge or other levy

imposed on an individual or a legal
entity by a state or a functional
equivalent of a state.

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There are many types of taxes, in Business Scenarios. The very relevant one
are Input Taxes & Output Taxes

• Input Taxes are during Purchasing Transactions

• Output Taxes are during Sales Transactions

Every Country has its own set of Taxes levied when Sales takes place. The
tax calculations are likely to be complex in nature and can have very adverse
effect on the bottom line. Hence it is important to have clear understanding
of relevant taxes

What is sold, Where is it sold, How is it sold & When is it sold can influence relevant
In US the taxes are at Jurisdiction Level
In UK the taxes are considered as VAT
In India there are Local Sales Tax and Central Sales Tax & VAT

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 Output Taxes are a type of a Sales Tax when Sales Activity takes place.
 Output Taxes are of two Types:-
• Domestic Taxes
• Export Taxes
 When sales activity takes place, output taxes are levied to the customer.
 The output Tax revenue is collected and then paid to the respective
government authority as the case may be.
 This functionality of output Taxes helps us in calculating the taxes for
various types of scenarios, accounting of tax and payments to the
government authority.
 Customers are charged output Taxes depending whether the customer is a
domestic customer or an export customer.
 In most of the countries, the output Taxes for Exports are ZERO.
 VAT is a type of an output Tax which is uniform in the entire country.

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• Every country has its own set of output Taxes

• The challenges faced are to calculate the Taxes in these various scenarios
• Like in the US, the taxes are at Jurisdiction Level
• In UK, the taxes are simple which is termed as VAT.
• In India, there are states with VAT and there are states with other local &
central taxes i.e. LST / CST

• The system should calculate the taxes properly and are to be paid to the
government authorities, so this is a STATUTORY ACTIVITY.

• Proper maintenance of Master Data pertaining to Taxes

• Proper accounting of Taxes , GL accounts, Tax Codes.

• Statutory Reporting on Taxes

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Output Taxes in Country
 Each country has its own set of rules for calculation of Output

 In this courseware, we shall cover the mapping of Output

Taxes in three countries:-
• UK
• India

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Types of Output Taxes in U.S.A.

 In U.S.A., the taxes are related to the Jurisdiction

code which is a combination of pin code & region.
 The Jurisdiction code is stored in the customer
 The Jurisdictions (State, County, Town or lower) are
several levels
 The Taxes are:-
• Domestic Taxes
• Export Taxes

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Types of Output Taxes in U.K.
 In U.K., the output taxes are called as VAT(Value
Added Taxes)
 The taxes are subdivided into Domestic and Exports.
For U.K., the tax condition type is MWST in SAP.
 Domestic – Within U.K. e.g. sale is from UK to UK
17.5 % VAT
 Exports – It is further subdivided into:-
• Exports to European Countries
• i.e. from Great Britain to France which is 0%
• Exports to Non-European Countries
• i.e. from Great Britian to U.S. which is 0%

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Types of Output Taxes in India
 In India, in SAP, there are 2 types of output Taxes:-
• Domestic Taxes
• Export Taxes (Zero Taxes)
 Under Domestic Taxes, the state may be relevant for
VAT or not relevant for VAT.
 If the state is relevant for VAT, then it will be either
• VAT e.g. Maharashtra
• CST under VAT. e.g. Maharashtra to Karnataka
 If the state is not relevant for VAT,then it will be
• LST(Local Sales Tax) e.g. sales from within the same state
i.e. within Tamilnadu
• CST(Central Sales Tax) e.g. sale from one state to another
i.e. Tamilnadu to Karnataka.

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Mapping of Output Taxes in SAP
The configuration/master data settings relating to taxes are as follows:-
 Configurations
a) Check Calculation Procedure
b) Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
c) Taxable indicator for Customer & Material
d) Define Tax Determination Rules
e) Tax Codes
f) SD Pricing Procedure
g) Account keys for Taxes and G/L account codes

 Master Data
a) Customer and Material Master should have a taxable indicator
b) VAT registration number for European customers.
c) Jurisdiction code for U.S. customers.
d) Tax condition records
e) LST and CST details for Indian customers.

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Configurations for Output Taxes in SAP
The configuration settings relating to taxes are as follows:-
 Check Calculation Procedure
• Create a Tax Procedure
 Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
• Assign Tax Procedure to the Country
 Taxable indicator for Customer & Material
• Create Taxable indicators for Customers & Materials like Full Tax,
Zero Tax, Concessional Tax
 Define Tax Determination Rules
• Create Rules for determining the Taxes
 Tax Codes
• Create Tax codes for various types of Tax % or Amounts
 SD Pricing Procedure
• Create Sales Pricing procedure which contains the Tax Condition
 Account keys for Taxes and G/L account codes
• Assign Account Keys to the Tax Condition Types
• Assign GL Accounts to Account Keys

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Master Data for Output Taxes in SAP
The Master Data pertaining to taxes are as follows:-
 Customer and Material Master should have a taxable indicator
• Customer indicator is “Taxable” or “Exempt”.
• Material indicator is “Taxable” or “Exempt”.
 VAT registration number for European customers
• VAT Regn No for Europe Customers in Customer Master.
 Jurisdiction code for U.S. customers
• Jurisdiction code based on Country-Region-Pin Code.
 Tax condition records
• Tax condition records for domestic & export taxes.
• This would be a combination of country-customer-material.
 LST and CST details for Indian customers
• Local Sales Tax /Central Sales Tax / VAT Registration Numbers for
Indian Customers in Customer Master.

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The configuration settings relating to taxes are as follows:-
 Configurations
a) Check Calculation Procedure
b) Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
c) Taxable indicator for Customer & Material
d) Define Tax Determination Rules
e) Tax Codes
f) SD Pricing Procedure
g) Account keys for Taxes and G/L account codes

 Master Data
a) Customer and Material Master should have a taxable indicator
b) VAT registration number for European customers.
c) Jurisdiction code for U.S. customers.
d) Tax condition records
e) LST and CST details for Indian customers.

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a) Check Calculation Procedure
E.g. TAXGB is the tax procedure in U.K.

Tax Procedure is
defined in this

Menu Path: IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global

Settings Tax on Sales/Purchases Basic Settings Check
Calculation Procedure
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Choose Define
Procedures option

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Choose the
required Tax
Procedure here

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The different
condition types in

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b) Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
E.g. TAXGB is the tax procedure in U.K.

Assign Country to Tax

Procedure here

Menu Path: IMG  Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings

Tax on Sales/Purchases Basic Settings Check Calculation Procedure

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As seen in the snapshot below,Tax Procedure TAXGB is assigned to country GB

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• c) Taxable indicator for Customer & Material

The Taxable indicator for customer &

material configuration is done here

Menu Path: IMG  Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Taxes

Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records

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Tax relevancy indicator for Customers

0 value can be configured for Tax Exempt and 1 value for Liable for Tax

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• Tax relevancy indicator for Materials

0 value can be configured for Tax Exempt and 1 value for Liable for Tax

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• d) Define Tax Determination Rules

Tax Determination

Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Taxes Define Tax
Determination Rules Tcode:OVK1

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Tax Category

Tax Country

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Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Taxes

Assign Delivering Plants For Tax Determination Tcode:OX10

In the above SPRO customization, we do not have to configure anything,but only

check if the delivering plants for Tax Determination exist under this node.

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• e) Tax Codes

Define Tax Codes for

Sales and Purchases

Menu Path: IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Tax on
Sales/Purchases Calculation Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases Tcode:FTXP

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Output Tax for


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You can maintain the tax percentage for a tax code in the below snapshot

Tax Percentage

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• f) SD Pricing Procedure

Menu Path: IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control
Define And Assign Pricing Procedures Tcode:V/08

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• The MWS account key for the MWST condition type indicates that the tax will hit a
particular G/L account code.

MWST condition type

Account key

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• g) Account keys for Taxes & G/L Account Codes
In FTXP transaction code on entering the country and tax code,keep the cursor on output
tax MWS and click on Tax accounts tab,enter the chart of accounts as shown in the below
Tax Accounts

Chart of Accounts

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• On entering the chart of accounts, it will display the G/L account to which the MWS
account key hits as seen in the below snapshot:-

Account key
G/L Account

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Master Data
a) Master Data
Customer Master should have a taxable indicator


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Master Data
Material Master should have a taxable indicator


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Master Data
b) VAT(Value Added Tax) Registration Number for European Customers

VAT Reg. No.

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Master Data
c) Tax Jurisdiction Code for U.S. Customers

Tax Jurisdiction

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Master Data
d) Tax Condition Records
In case of U.S., the taxes are derived from the tax code.
e.g. In a sales order ,if we consider the condition types at item level, we will observe JR1
condition type having tax rate as 4%.

JR1 Tax
Condition type

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Master Data
• If we observe the condition record of JR1, we get the following combination:-
Country – U.S.
Tax Code – 01
Tax Jurisdiction – GA0000000 as seen in the below snapshot:-

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Master Data
• In customer master, we can see the country as U.S. region as GA and Tax Jurisdiction as



Tax Jurisdiction

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Master Data
• The county code & city code is blank in this case as seen in the below snapshot:-

VAT Reg no. for


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Master Data
• If you enter country as US in tcode FTXP and enter tax code as 01 and tax jurisdiction as
GA0000000 as seen in the below snapshot:-

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Master Data
• We can see 4% tax rate as against MW1 account key as seen in the below snapshot:-

This is how in U.S,the taxes are derived from the tax code.

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Master Data
U.K. :-
In case of U.K., the condition records must be maintained for MWST condition type. The
access sequence used will be either Domestic Taxes or Export Taxes as seen in the below

Access sequence for Domestic

or Export Taxes

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Master Data
Domestic Taxes
Tax relevancy
indicator for
Tax relevancy
indicator for Material

Tax Code

Valid to
Valid from Date

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The following are some of the important transaction Codes:-

Transactions Description

Create Condition Records

VK11 (Selection by condition Type)
FTXP Maintain Tax Codes
OVK3 Maintain Customer Tax Indicator
OVK4 Maintain Material Tax Indicator

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Step Master Data Transactions Check Data
1. XD03 Check Customer Master Data for
country,region,taxable indicator.
2. MM03 Check Material Master data for taxable indicator .

3. VK13 Check Tax condition records .

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Step Transactions Expected Output
1. VA01 Create a Sales Order.
Check the pricing conditions for calculation
of Taxes.
2. VL01N Create output delivery, do picking & PGI .

3. VF01 Create a Billing Document .

4. VF03 Enter Billing document no. saved in step no.

3,click on document flow & check
accounting document for Taxes related GL
Accounts and amount of Taxes.

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Tips and Tricks
If Tax is not getting determined, then we can check the following points :-

 The country and region should be maintained for the Customer

 Customer Master for taxable indicator

 Material Master for taxable indicator

 Check if tax procedure has been defined

 Check if tax procedure has been assigned to the country

 Check if the account key exists in pricing procedure for the respective tax
condition type

 Check if the G/L account exists for Tax account key

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Additional Info
Following are some of the tables that can be referred to:-

 Customer Master – KNA1,KNVV

 Material Master – MVKE

 Pricing Conditions – KONV

 Tax Codes - T007S , T007V for percentage of tax code.

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