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The Relation Between Types of Parenting Style with The Accomplishment

of Toilet Training for 4-6 Years Old in Kemala Bhayangkari I

Balikpapan Kindergarten


Ayu Rezki Amaliah1, Purwanto2, Amin Huda Nurarif3

Toilet training is an effort to train children be able to control urination or

defecate. At 4-6 years old, children usually are expected to recognize to urination
or defecate. Accomplishment of toilet training in influenced by types of parenting
The purpose is to discover the relation between types of parenting style
and accomplishment of toilet training for 4-6 years old in Kemala Bhayangkari I
Balikpapan Kindergarten.
This was descriptive analytic design with cross sectional approach. There
were 80 students with proportionate stratified sampling. Data analysis was
achieved by chi square test.
Result showed there was relation between types of parenting style and
the accomplishment of toilet training for 4-6 years old in Kemala Bhayangkari I
Balikpapan Kindergarten, based on data analysis, it was obtained in correlation
value<α 0.05.
Conclusion of parenting style is one of factor that could affect the
accomplishment of toilet training for 4-6 years old in Kemala Bhayangkari I
Balikpapan Kindergarten. Therefore parents should not give strict handling and
too easy in giving the toilet training rules because children will tend to be
stubborn, miserly, careless, emotional and do activities at will.

Keyword : Parenting Style, Toilet Training, The Accomplishment of Toilet


1 Nursing School’s Student of Wiyata Husada Samarinda Health Science College

2 First Adviser
3 Lecturer of Wiyata Husada Samarinda Health Science College


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