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Accounting Principles and Business Transactions Cheat Sheet

by Thu (thuhuong) via

Accounting Principles Accounting Concepts Business Transa​ctions

Gene​rally Accepted Accounting Princi​ples BUSINESS ENTITY CONCEPT Business transa​cti​ons are defined as an
(GAAP) allow investors and other users to economic event or condition that DIRECTLY
Shows the economic data in an accounting
compare one company to another. changes an entity's financial condition or even
system directly related to the business ONLY
it's operat​ions.
Fina​ncial Accounting Standards Board and does not include personal activi​ties,
(FASB) has the primary respon​sib​ility for properties and debts by the owner. Changes in business credit rating does not
developing accounting principles and publishes directly affect cash or any other asset, liability
A business entity can take the form of a
​ ents of Financial Accoun​ting and
Statem or owner's equity amount.
propri​eto​rship, partne​rship, corpor​ation or
Inter​pre​tat​ions of these standards. limite​dli​ability company (LLC). All business transa​ctions can be stated in terms
The Secu​rities Exchange Commis​sion of changes in the elements of the accounting
(SEC), a US government agency, has authority equation.
- own by one individual
over accounting and financial inform​ation for Summary of Transa​cti​ons
companies whose shares of stock are traded - easy and cheap to organize
- effect is either an increase (+) or decrease (-)
and sold to the public. - resources are limited to owner
in the equation elements
SEC follows the FASB guidelines but may issue - used by small businesses
- the two sides are always equal
Staff of Accounting Bulletins to address
accounting matters FASB did not include. - stockh​older's equity is increased (+) by
- own by two or more indivi​duals amounts invested by stockh​olders
Inte​rna​tional Accounting Standards Board
issues Inter​nat​ional Financial Reporting - combined skills and resources - stockh​older's equity is increased (+) by
Standards (IFRS) which is different from the revenues and decreased (-) by expenses
FASB. - stockh​older's equity is decreased (-) by
- a separated legal tax entity
They're working together to develop a set of divid​ends paid to stockh​olders
- generates 90% of business revenues
worldwide accounting principles to facilitate Stoc​kho​lder's Equity
investment and business in a global economy. - ownership divided into shares (stock)
- Capital Stock
- obtain resources by issuing stock
- Retained Earnings
Accounting Equation - used by large businesses
Capital stock is shares of ownership
Assets Limited liability company (LLC)
distri​buted to investors of corpor​ations.
Resources owned by a business: - combines partne​rship & corpor​ation Retained earnings is the stockh​older's equity
- cash - used as altern​ative to partne​rship created from business operations through

- land - tax and legal liability advantages revenue and expense transa​ctions.

Both transa​ctions are reported separately

- buildings COST CONCEPT
from each other
- equipment Amounts are recorded in accounting records at

Rights are divided into 2 types: their cost or purchase price.

Also see the Nature and Business of
- rights of the creditors (liabi​lities) The cost concept includes the object​ivity and
Account​ ing for use in conjun​ction with this
unit of measure concepts.
- rights of the owners (owner's equity) sheet
obje​ctivity concept requires the amount be http:/​/ww​w.c​hea​tog​rap​hy.c​om​/th​uhu​ong​/ch​eat​-
Accou​nting equation showing the relati​onship
based upon objective evidence where the final sh​eet​s/n​atu​re-​of-​bus​ine​ss-​and​-ac​cou​nting/.
among all 3 variab​les:
agreed upon amount has been establ​ished.
Asset = Liability + Owner's Equity
Revisions upward​/do​wnward on offers,
Liabil​ities are shown before owner's equity appraisals and opinions can make the
because creditors have first rights to the assets. accounting report unstable or unreli​able.

unit of measure concept requires the

economic data be recorded in dollars.

By Thu (thuhuong) Published 31st January, 2012. Sponsored by Last updated 4th June, 2014. Measure your website readability! Page 1 of 1.

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