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Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti

Facultatea de Inginerie Medicala

Sectia Biomateriale si Dispozitive Medicale
Anul III Grupa 1432

Dinescu Radu
Polihroniade Spiros

Noi am ales ca implant pentru tesut dur, placutele

craniene. Initial, am dorit sa combin activitatea acestui
proiect cu activitatea de laborator. In acest sens, am
cautat materialul pentru a il putea sintetiza in laborator
si am ales, din considerente de disponibiliatea
materialelor si dificultatea tehnicii de obtinere,
nanocompozitul cu titanat de bariu si hidroxiapatita,

Implanturile craniene, in general, sunt personalizate,

acestea fiind obtinute prin tehnica 3D-printing, la un
nivel foarte ridicat de precizie, atat compozitional cat si
functional. Necesitatea pacientului in cauza joaca un rol
esential, asa incat cauza unui accident spre exemplu, sau
tumori canceroase la nivelul oaselor craniului modifica
morfologia si alte caracteristici ale implantului.

Un exemplu la care s-a ajuns in 2013:

“The implant, printed to match the patient's skull, is

made of PEKK, a biomedical implant polymer that's
mechanically similar to bone and is osteoconductive,
meaning bone cells will grow and attach to small details
on its surface. It doesn't interfere with X-ray equipment
-- it shows up as a shadow on the image, but is
transparent. This makes it a more attractive implant for

tumor patients than a traditional metal plate that a
doctor couldn't see through on an X-ray.”

“ The treatment could be used to replace cancerous

bone in the skull, car accident victims and people with
head trauma.

The company is now preparing to 3-D print bone

implants for other parts of the body. DeFelice told
PopSci the focus is currently on helping people with
diabetic foot, which can cause the structural
components of your foot to deteriorate and even lead to
amputation. But "there is no part of the anatomy that
ultimately won't be affected by this technology," he
As DeFelice told TechNewsDaily, "If you can replace a
bony void in someone's head next to the brain, you have
a pretty good platform for filling bony voids
Sounds good to me. Natural body parts are overrated --
let's all go as bionic possible instead. How long will it
take before we can 3-D print our children instead of
having to go through childbirth?” (Popular Science)

Tehnologia prezentata de aceasta companie utilizeaza

aliaje de titan spre deosebire de un compozit ceramic. In
alte surse de pe internet gasim, de asemenea, aliaje
metalice cu componenta polimerica.

Titanatul de bariu prezinta proprietatea de

piezoelectricitate, respectiv abilitatea de a raspunde la o
deformatie mecanica prin polarizare si invers. Acest
fenomen a fost studiat si in osul natural.

Fukada and Yasuda (5.1) first demonstrated that dry bone
is piezoelectric in the classic sense, i.e. mechanical stress results in
electric polarization, the indirect effect; and an applied electric field
causes strain, the converse effect. The piezoelectric properties of bone
are of interest in view of their hypothesized role in bone remodelling
(4.2.1). Wet collagen (the protein in bone, tendon and ligament),
however, does not exhibit piezoelectric response. Studies of the dielectric
and piezoelectric properties of fully hydrated bone raise some doubt as to
whether wet bone is piezoelectric at all at physiological frequencies (5.2).
Piezoelectric effects occur in the kilohertz range, well above the range of
physiologically significant frequencies (5.2). Both the dielectric properties
(5.3) and the piezoelectric properties of bone (5.4) depend strongly upon
frequency. The magnitude of the piezoelectric sensitivity coefficients of
bone depends on frequency, on direction of load, and on relative
humidity. Values up to 0.7 pC/N have been observed (5.4), to be
compared with 0.7 and 2.3 pC/N for different directions in quartz, and
600 pC/N in some piezoelectric ceramics. It is, however, uncertain
whether bone is piezoelectric in the classic sense at the relatively low
frequencies which dominate in the normal loading of bone. The streaming
potentials examined originally by Anderson and Eriksson (5.5,5.6) can
result in stress generated potentials at relatively low frequencies even in
the presence of dielectric relaxation or electrical conductivity but this
process is as yet poorly understood. (ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE)

In articolul pe care l-am ales, autorii vorbesc despre

rolul fiziologic foarte important al piezoelectricitatii in
cresterea osului, vindecarea fracuturilor si remodelare.
BaTiO3/HA nanorods compozit cu dimensiuni de 30nm
dizolvat in diferiti solventi , in urma testelor aferente,
prezinta un coeficient piezoelectric mai ridicat decat cel
al osului normal. Din acest motiv, am ales acest
material. Cercetari ulterioare ce vor explora reactiile in
vitro cu tesutul gazda vor arata combinatiile optime
intre proprietatile electrice si proprietatile mecanice ale
compozitului. (Hua, Kang, Lining, Yufei, & Bian,

Lucrarea de fata este un punct de plecare la care vom
face adaugiri in documentul final. Datorita faptului ca
am ales neinspirat materialul inaintea aplicatiei
(implantului) a mers mai greu partea de documentare in

Va multumim pentru intelegere.

Cernea, M. (2005, December). Sol-gel synthesis and
characterization of BaTiO3 powder. Journal of
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7(6), 3015-


Hua, J., Kang, Z., Lining, M., Yufei, T. L., & Bian, T. (2017).
Preparation and characterization of BaTiO3/HA
nanocomposite. Journal of Alloys and
Compounds(693), 221-225.

Popular Science. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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