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Miles City Photography Club

October 2017 Membership Meeting

The Miles City Photography Club held the regular monthly meeting on October 30, 2017 at the
Miles Community College, Room #317. Due to the absence of President Jesse Smith, David
Moeller, Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 6:35p.m. Members attending the
meeting included Sandy Whitney, Rick Abbott, David Moeller, Eric Tillotson, Chet Holmes,
Gary Miller, Sherry Oster, Marshall Haferkamp, Nathan and Bernadine Jacobsen, Diane
Molstad, Mike Huseby, Alan Brown, June Minow, Dianna Reyf, and Sandy Hatcher.
Agenda Items:
Approval of the Minutes: Vice-President, David Moeller made a motion to approve the Minutes
as emailed out to members. Eric seconded the motion. The Minutes were approved by
unanimous vote.
Reports from Officers:
President, Jesse Smith: David asked Dee if Jesse had forwarded his President's report to her.
Dee reported that she had no report from Jesse; David advised he did not have a report from
Jesse, either.
Vice-President, David Moeller: David commented he had no report this month as he was unable
to attend the field trip to Strawberry Hill Recreation Area. He asked for a report from someone
that had attended. Dee reported six members had attended the field trip – Jesse, Chet, Mike,
Maryann, Rick and herself. They met in the west parking lot of Miles Community College at 6
a.m., Saturday, October 21, then caravanned to Strawberry Hill. When they arrived it was still
dark, so flashlights were used to see the trail.
Dee noted Maryann had to leave early; therefore, Maryann found a location to photograph from
fairly quickly. Dee mentioned the morning was chilly, the wind was coming up and due to the
cloud cover, no one was able to capture a sunrise photograph. She remarked Jesse and Mike had
taken a game trail that was quite challenging and ended up on top of one of the hills where they
saw several deer. Dee noted Chet, Rick and she continued on the main trail and ended up hiking
approximately two (2) miles back into the area. Each member stated they would like to return to
Strawberry Hill at different times – sunset, slight snow fall, and sunrise, as they imagined
numerous possibilities for photographing. Dee shared that Jesse, Chet, Chet's wife, Rick and
herself concluded the field trip by having breakfast at the 4-B's resturant.
Treasurer, June Minow: June gave the Treasurer's report.
Secretary, Dee Abbott: Dee gave an update on assisting the Great Falls Camera Club with
judging the Club's photography contests. David, Maryann, Eric and herself have volunteered to
judge several categories. The first category that David, Maryann and Dee will judge is the

November contest – "Minimalism/Negative Space"; David will judge "Flowers, Blossoms and
Plants" in December as well as "Food" in February 2018; then David, Maryann, Eric and Dee
will judge "Weather" in April 2018.
Dee further reported she had photographed the Waterworks Art Museum's Art Auction on
September 30th. Dixie Rieger, Curator at the Waterworks Art Museum, was very appreciative to
the Club for providing this service. She encouraged other members to volunteer for these types
of opportunities as it helps the community realize there is an active photography club in Miles
City, which could lead to more members joining the Club.
Dee remarked that this was a fairly easy assignment, but does take some planning for the shots.
Some of her hints included – the photographer would want to arrive early to choose their
vantage point to photograph from, noting she had chosen a point where the carriers of the
artworks would walk right toward her; to capture some of the last minute preparations, to capture
some shots of the auctioneer and ring men in action, and of the patrons admiring the artwork.
Dee encouraged other members to take the opportunity asking if a member of the Club would be
willing to volunteer their time to photographing the Art Auction on September 30th. The
photographer would be given a free ticket for the event as well as "some of the best food you can
find. Not to mention great artwork." Anyone interested should contact Dee by Wednesday,
September 27th.
Committee Reports:
Field Trips Committee: No report.
Old Business: David called for any old business. Dee stated there were several items of Old
Business that needed to be attended to.
 Christmas Party: David reported Jesse had penciled in December 16th at the VFW's
Banquet Hall. The VFW normally charges $100, but Jesse was able to negotiate the
price to $50.00. Gary advised if the Range Riders Memorial Hall was available, there
would be no charge to the club. Gary will check the reservations book at the Range
Riders then report to Dee his findings.

David noted the party could take place of a regular December meeting. Members
discussed what time to gather for the party, and decided on 6:00 p.m. Then, members
decided the meal would be potluck; Rick asked how it would be decided what members
would bring what dishes – main, side or desserts. David asked if Dee could create a
Facebook event and members could comment on what dish or dishes they would be
bringing. Dee accepted the assignment. Members discussed bringing gifts for exchange
and decided to set a limit of $10. Gifts would be exchanged by playing the game of
Dirty Alice that was suggested by Dee from her experience with the Kinsey Ladies
Christmas Party.

 Sponsoring two (2) lots at the Eastern Montana Fair, Photography Division: Dee shared
that Jesse had communicated with the other officers his idea for the Club to sponsor two
(2) lots in the Photography Division at the 2018 Eastern Montana Fair. Jesse suggested
the lots could be "Creative use of light" and Black & White; the sponsorship would be an
Adult Membership, worth $24.00, for each of the 1st place winners.

Members discussed the idea, and were favorable of sponsoring two (2) lots. It was
pointed out during the discussion that there was not a category for Black & White
currently at the Fair. Members discussed the possibility of asking that the Photography
Superintendent to open a Black & White category. Dee commented there are several lots
that are already sponsored, Marshall agreed noting Miles City Veterinary Clinic and
Evergreen Landscaping are among the sponsors. Dee asked members if there were any
other suggestions for sponsored lots; there were no other suggestions made. David will
advise Jesse of the Club's decision to sponsor two (2) lots at the 2018 Fair.

 Hay bale decoration contest: Dee stated she had talked to Terri Newby at the Miles City
Chamber and was advised there would not be a hay bale decoration contest this year
mainly due to the fires this past summer and that the Chamber did not have any donated

 Waterworks Art Museum 2018 Juried Art Show: Dee reminded members they still have
time to enter the Juried Art Show as the deadline for entries is December 4, 2017. She
explained further the exhibit is all about photography – Fashion, Aerial, Black & White,
Composite, Infrared, Macro, Digital, Mixed Media, Encaustic over Photo's, Altered &
Manipulated images and photographs. All works must start with a photograph, but any
medium that's compatible with photography may be used.
Dee encouraged members to enter – the entry fee is $35.00 for up to three (3) entries.
Marshall added that submissions are completed online, but one will need to decide at the
time of entering what size your entry will be as you will complete that information during
the entering process. He further explained one can modify an entry up to the December
4th deadline. Eric observed he had not completed his entry as yet, since he was still
deciding on the size of his entries. Dee also encouraged those interested to research
the jurist's website to gain some insight into his preferences, which tend to favor heavily
post-processing editing.
The website for entering is
New Business: David called for any new business.
 2018 dues: David observed 2018 dues would be coming due on January 1st. Members
may pay their 2018 dues at any time prior to January 1st.

 Photo Challenge: David advised he and Diane have been participating in a daily
photography challenge. He asked if the members would be interested in participating in a
November challenge, the majority agreed to do so. David handed out a list of the
November daily challenges. He asked if Dee would create a November Photo Challenge
album on the Club's Facebook page; she consented to do so.

 Ideas for future program topics: David asked for members' input regarding topics for
future program topics. Some of the proposed topics were Editing, Framing, and Ariel
Photography, some members mentioned they would like to understand their cameras
better. Marshall asked if any of the members used back-button focusing or hyperfocal
distance in their photography. Many of the members expressed they were not familiar
with these techniques. Marshall offered to present a program on either of these topics.
David expressed his appreciation to Marshall for volunteering.

Sherry asked if Kim Erickson or David Graham had been approached about presenting a
program. Dee advised she had met and visited Kim during the past summer, but would
contact Kim and see when she might be available. David offered Brent Smith as another
resource for a program.

Ideas for November Theme: David asked for ideas regarding the November theme. The three
suggestions offered included, "Frost", "Pets" and "Turkeys". After a brief discussion those
attending chose both "Frost" and "Pets". Eric commented the two themes could be combined
into "Frosty Pets"!
Ideas for November Field Trip: David opened the floor for suggestions of sites for the
November field trip. Dee advised during her conversation with Terri at the Miles City Chamber,
Terri mentioned several upcoming events members might be interested in: November 3rd – 5th,
Ice Hockey Camp, being held at the AgriSports Building at the fairgrounds; November 23rd ,
Galloping Gobbler 5K run, being held at Miles Community College; December 1st , Christmas
Stroll and Polar Plunge, being held in downtown Miles City; and December 16th , National
Remembrance Ceremony, being held at the Eastern Montana Veteran's Cemetery.
Dee further explained Terri encouraged Club members to attend the National Remembrance
Ceremony, as it was a very inspiring ceremony. Sherry asked what time the ceremony would be
held; Dee commented she would get that information and share in the Minutes. (The time of the
ceremony will be 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.)
After some discussion, members did not select a specific site for the November field trip. David
recommended members attend the activity or site of their choice. Their photographs could be
shared at the January meeting.
Program: David advised there was no program scheduled for this month's meeting. He again
encouraged members to share their ideas and suggestions for programs with any of the officers.

Members may choose to submit their suggestions to Dee by email at
October Theme Contest – Fall: Members enjoyed treats as they shared their photographs
highlighting the October theme. Sherry asked Dee if she had received her submissions; Dee
commented she had checked the Club's Facebook page shortly before the meeting, and there
were no entries were submitted via the site. Sherry advised she had just sent her submissions.
Entries for the theme included David's "Spotted Eagle", Rick's, "View of South Strevell Street",
Marshall's "View from the Tongue River Bridge", Eric's "Grouse Strutting", Diane's "Boy in
Huge Pile of Leaves", Dee's "Twin Orange Trees", Sherry's "Red Tree", Sandy Hatcher's
"Sunflower, Black & White", Mike's "Last Green Leaves", Nathan's "Goose Landing on Water",
Chet's "Close-up of Fruit on Viburnum", Maryann's "Panoramic Landscape", Bernadine's
"Butterfly on Golden Aster", Dianna's "Skeleton driving Lawn Mower", and Sandy Whatley's
"Valley near Red Lodge". Members chose Maryann's entry as the winner.
October Field Trip Contest – Strawberry Hill Recreation Area: The members that had attended
shared their photographs from the field trip. The contest entries included Rick's "Rocks at the
base of a Pine Tree", Mike's "Close-up of Pine Cones on Pine Tree", Chet's "Trail's End",
Maryann's "Strawberry Hill" and Dee's "Overview of the Trail". Members chose Mike's entry as
the winner.
Upcoming Events:
November Program: Marshall will be presenting a program on "Back Button Focusing". He
asks that members go online and research their cameras and the back button focusing option
prior to the November meeting. Several members asked if they could bring their cameras and
were told, "Yes!".
November theme: Members are encouraged to be ready to share their favorite recent "Frost" and
"Pets" photographs during the November meeting. Those unable to attend the October meeting
are reminded to share their entries online by (1) emailing Dee at or by (2) posting to the Club's Facebook Photo Album,
"November 2017 Themes, "Frost" and "Pets".
November Field Trip: Members decided there will be no specific field trip for November.
November meeting: The November meeting will be held on Monday, November 27th , at 6:30
p.m. in Room #317 of Miles Community College.
Adjournment: David called for any other business or discussions. David made a motion to
adjourn the meeting; Eric seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. David
adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
____________________________________ ________________
Dee Abbott, Secretary Date of Approval

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