Nurse-Patient Interaction: Saint Louis University Baguio City

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Saint Louis University

Baguio City


In partial fulfillment of the requirement needed in our



Submitted to:

Submitted by:
DONATO, Marklin Kay A.

August 9, 2010
*The client went to the nurse to Transactional analysis by Eric
have her BP taken for the second Berne: Complementary
time since she has high BP during Transaction Type I-the client is
the morning. sending a transactional stimulus
from her adult Ego state.
P: I-BP nak man ading, baka bum-

N: Ay, sige auntie. Apay madi kayo THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION:

agbuya? >Giving recognition-it is important
for the establishment of rapport. It
also acknowledges the client’s effort.
>Making observation on non-
verbal behaviour-it is to encourage
the client to verbalize his feelings of
not watching the movie.

Transactional analysis by Eric Berne:

Complementary Transaction Type
I-the nurse responded to the client
also from her adult ego state. They
communicated in the same ego state
: Complementary
Transaction Type II-the nurse is
sending a transactional stimulus from
her adult ego state when she said
“apay madi kayo agbuya?”

P: Madik met matarusan ading. > Transactional analysis by Eric

English gamin ket hanak nga naka- Berne: Complementary
iskwela. Awan met pang-paadal da Transaction Type II-the client
nanang ko idi. responded from her child ego
state making it Adult-child
N: hmmm (nods), Inya gayam >the nurse feels sad that the client
nagan yo auntie? will not understand the movie
especially the value from it.
>Asking the client for personal
information will facilitate discussion
since the data is needed for the
establishment of rapport.

>Accepting-it indicates that the
nurse is following the client’s trend of

P: Catherine Tabacla > Transactional analysis by Eric

Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
responded to the client also
from her adult ego state. They
communicated in a same ego
state (adult-adult)

N: Siyak met ni MK (pointing to my THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION:

nametag). Sige ngarud auntie, i-BP >Giving information-it is important
kan,agrelax ka lang. for the establishment of rapport and
building of trust

*The nurse takes the BP of the >the nurse feels the need to teach
client while the others were busy about hypertension but at the same
watching the movie entitled “Pursuit time unhappy since she can only
of Happyness”. teach limited treatments (especially
N: 140/90 auntie, medyo bum-
maban niya balet nangato latta. Ata THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION:
ket matawag pay lang nga stage 1 >Giving information-it shares with
HPN nga kuna da. Mabalin met nga the client relevant information for her
nabanog ka balet imbagam met nga healthcare.
haan ka nabanog. Inya ba dagiti >Giving broad opening-it allows the
maram-ramdamam nga sabali? client to take the initiative to talk
about the symptoms that she feels.

P: awan met. Ajay kasla nabiit ak > Transactional analysis by Eric

lang mabannog. Ajay lang met. Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
responded to the nurse from her
adult ego state (adult-adult).
agbanban-nog ken nu adda agas >Giving information-it shares with
mo ket inumem tapno medyo the client relevant information for her
bumaba iti BPm. healthcare.
P: Wen, adda met jay agas. > Transactional analysis by Eric
Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
responded to the nurse from her
adult ego state (adult-adult).
N: Ikwentok laengen niya ajay THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION:
buybuyaen ta damdama ket >Giving information-it helps the
damagen mi sikayo nu inya ti client understand the movie being
natarusan yo. presented.
>Suggesting collaboration-this will
facilitate the participation of the client.
It will help the client express her own
opinion and feelings.
P: ay sige man. Ammok nga mayat > Operant Reinforcement theory
balet haan ko gamin unay by Skinner: Respondent
matarusan jay ibagbaga da. Behavior- the client’s response
is elicited by a specific stimulus.
N: Kastuy auntie, ajay bida medyo >the nurse feels the desire to tell the
agrig-rigat tapos imbati pay iti summary of the movie in order for the
asawa na. Ajay met anak na ket client to understand and learn from it.
nabati kenyana. (The nurse
summarizes the story). Ajay jay THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION:
pinaka-summary na auntie sunga >Suggesting collaboration-this will
damdama ket agsao kayo nu inya facilitate the participation of the client.
natarusan ken naadal yo niya? It will also help the client to express
her own feelings about the movie
even if she did not directly watch it.
P: sige, hala, thank you ah. >the client is thankful due to the
effort of the nurse to summarize
the story of the movie entitled
“Pursuit of Happyness”
N: welcome auntie. >the nurse feels happy that the client
understands the movie even if it is
only a summary.

>Giving recognition-acknowledges
the client’s feelings.
P: Ammom, nagrigat iti biyag mi > Transactional analysis by Eric
ditoy uneg. Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
communicated to the nurse from
her adult ego state (adult-adult).
N: Uh hmm (nods). Kasatnum nga >the nurse is curious about it.
naibaga ngay auntie?
>Accepting-indicate that the nurse is
following the client’s trend of thought.
>Exploring-it encourages the client
to expand her idea of “nagrigat iti
biyag ditoy uneg”

P: Narigat. Lalo pay nu panunutem >the client feels sad that she
dagijay anak mo nga arajay ruwar doesn’t know any news about
tapos madik ammo nu inya her children.
mangyar-yari kenyada.
Humanistic Theory by Abraham
Maslow: Self-Actualization-
one characteristic of the client is
that she focuses on problems
outside herself.

N: Awan ba iti mabalin nga agaw- >the nurse wanted to know the story >”Kasatnu ngay agijay
awir kenyada? of the client so that if she will ask anak yo?”-this will
about the reason of imprisonment, it facilitate the client to
will be easier for the nurse to give more information
understand. about the matter.

>Used close-ended questions-
these are questions answerable by
yes or no.
P: Madik ammu ngarud nu adda >Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human
kadwa da isu nga dud-duma ket Needs: Love and
isang-sangit ko laengen ah. Belongingness- the client feel
the need for her children;
affectionate relationships in
general, even a sense of
community.  Looked at
negatively, the client become
increasingly susceptible to
loneliness and social anxieties.
N: (Nods), ajay ngay asawa yo THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION: >The nurse should
auntie? >Exploring-it is used to dig the explore more the
matter and to know if there are feelings of the client
relatives or people that are helping when she said “isang-
her children. sangit ko laengen ah”.

>The nurse should not

change topic frequently.
She should focus on
one topic only.
P: Nasapa nga natay. >Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human
Needs: Love and
Belongingness- the client
needs someone to support her
and her children. The client
perceived it as not important
since her husband died long
time ago.
N: ay,sorry auntie. >the nurse feels sorry for asking the

>Giving recognition-it is used to
acknowledge the feeling of the client.
P: Haan, ayos lang. Nabayag > Transactional analysis by Eric
ajayen. Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
communicated to the nurse from
her adult ego state (adult-adult).
N: Manu aya iti anak yo? THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION: >The nurse should not
>Offering general leads-it is used to introduce new topics;
encourage the client to continue. she should focus to
most important

P: Lima tapos jay panganay ko ket > Transactional analysis by Eric

ka-edad mo. Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
communicated to the nurse from
her adult ego state (adult-adult).
N: ah. Mabalin ko ba madamag nu >The nurse already had the courage >”Inya iti napasamak
inya ti rason nga naiyapan ka ditoy and confidence to ask about the isu nga naiyapan kayo
auntie? reason of imprisonment. ditoy?”-this will give
more information rather
NON-THERAPEUTIC than yes or no.
>Used of close-ended question-it is
used but does not help in expressing
the answer of the client. It is used to
get the consent of the client if she
wants to talk about it.

>Accepting-this is used for the client
to feel that the nurse is listening to
her and following her trend of
P: wen, (the client moves closer), >the client wanted to tell the
drugs (she whispered to my ear). story but she wanted it to be
Ikwentok lang tun niya nu duwa ta private.
laengen baka manged gamin jay
kakadwam. >Jung’s Analytical Psychology:
Ego- Introverted Thinking
Type- the client is concerned
with privacy since she will be
talking about her reason of

N: (nods) >the nurse feels unsatisfied with the

answer and still wants to ask about
the deeper reason.

>Accepting- this is used for the
client to feel that the nurse is listening
to her and following her trend of
>Using non-verbal
communication-it will give an
opportunity for both the nurse and
client to collect and organize

P: 3 months ak pay lang ditoy >the client hopes that she will
bareng kuma nu makaruwar akon. be freed soon.

N: wen ah,basta agluwalo tayo NON-THERAPEUTIC >”Kasatno ngay ti

kenni apo diyos ken makita na met COMMUNICATION: aramidem auntie tapno
nu agsi-sisi tayo ti ba-basol tayo. >Agreeing-it is used to agree with mapabiit iti pagruwar
Basta rugyan tayo iti agbago for the the client’s response. mo?”- This will facilitate
better. >Advising-it is used in a positive way the interaction and will
and was not intended to order the urge the client to
client on what to do. express more her
feelings on the matter.
THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION: >The nurse should limit
>Giving information-it is used to herself in giving advices
share the opinion of the nurse on the to the client.

Transactional analysis by Eric Berne:

Positive Strokes-when the nurse
said “wen ah” to agree to the client
gives the client a feeling of being OK.

P: Payso ata. (silence). Idi naiyapan >the client is aware on the

ak itoy ket ijay ko met lang nga things she has done.
nais-isip ti bas-basol ko. Ti
pinagkunak ngarud ket, nasingpet Operant Reinforcement theory
ak nga nanay ta haan ko nga is- by Skinner: Respondent
istriktuhan agijay anak ko. Ta no Behavior- the client’s response
mas is-istriktuham isu met nga is elicited by a specific stimulus.
aramiden da iti madim kayat.
Feminine Psychology by Karen
Horney: Self-Analysis
Principle- the client analyses
her own defects and has the
capability to solve many, but not
all, her problems.

N: (laughs).payso ata auntie. >the nurse wants to focus on the >The nurse should
Kasatnum ngay naisip nga mali feelings of the client. refrain from agreeing to
gayam jay naaramid mo? the client’s idea.
>Agreeing-it is used to agree with
client’s response.
>Focusing-it is used to point out
single idea or topic and will prevent
the client from presenting too many
P: Idi naiyapan ak itoyen ah. Idi >the client remembered the
haan ko kadwa agijay anak kon. difficulty inside the jail.
(The eyes becomes teary) Idi
makitak ti rigat na ditoy unegen. Socio-analytical theory by Erich
Fromm: Rootedness- the client
said that she misses the
community specially her family.
N: Kayam ata. Lalaingam lang ditoy >the nurse wants to comfort the >”Inya iti naramdamam
uneg. Basta ammom nu inya iti client. ngay idi aratoy ka
malim ket syempre haan mon tu ul- unegen?” – this will help
ulitenen. NON-THERAPEUTIC the nurse explore the
COMMUNICATION: feelings of the client.
>Reassuring-it is intended to comfort >The nurse will refrain
the client. from using reassuring
>Advising-it is used in a positive way words like that of
and was not intended to order the “Kayama ta”.
client on what to do.

P: talaga ah lalo nga ammok nu >Filipino Personality: Family

inya ti mapasamak. Mami-miss ko orientation- the client possess
agijay anak kon. Madik ammo iti a genuine and deep love for her
mangyayari kenyada. children.

N: Tagatno kayo gayam auntie? NON-THERAPEUTIC >the nurse should

COMMUNICATION: organize the questions
>Changing topic-the nurse ask to be ask or it should be
questions unrelated to the topic. in sequence in order not
to interrupt the client
from giving her

>the client is hoping that

P: ijay Buguias. Medyo adayo ta 2 someone is helping her children.
½ hours iti biyahe sunga haan met
makadalaw agijay anak ko. Filipino Personality: Faith and
Ikakararagak lattan ah isuda nga Religiosity- the client have a
ada kuma ti tumul-tulong kenyada. deep faith to God. She is
praying to God for the safety of
her children in Buguias.

*The film showing ended and it’s > Transactional analysis by Eric >The nurse should plan
time for lunch. Berne: Complementary for the duration of
Transaction Type II-the nurse interview in order not to
N: Auntie ituloy ta ti tungtungan ta communicated to the client from her interrupt the
nu bigat niya? adult ego state. conversation with the
> Transactional analysis by Eric
P: wen ah. Ikwentok ti biyag ko Berne: Complementary
kenyam. Baka agsangit ka pay Transaction Type II-the client
sunga mangala ka iti tissuem. communicated to the nurse from
her child ego state (adult-child).
N: (Laughs). Wen ah auntie. Adu >the nurse is excited to know the >The nurse should not
dapat maadal ko iti biag. Sige story of the client. challenge the client
ngarud auntie ta umuna kami pay. especially when she
Thank you ah ta nai-share yo NON-THERAPEUTIC said “adu dapat maadal
kenyak agijay nga istorya. COMMUNICATION: ko iti biag”. It is like
>Challenging –when the nurse said setting a goal that the
“adu dapat maadal ko iti biag” seems client needs to achieve.
like challenging the client.

>Giving recognition- the nurse
acknowledges the effort of the client
in answering the questions of the
P: wen, basta sika. >Transactional analysis by Eric
Berne: Complementary
Transaction Type I-the client
communicated to the nurse from
her adult ego state (adult-adult).

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