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The Skeptic

Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience
Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado Oxford, England
Michael Shermer, Editor
Pat Linse, Contributing Editor

Copyright © 2002 by Michael Shermer

Michael Shermer, Skeptics Society, Skeptic magazine, P.O. Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001
URL:, email:
(626) 794-3119 (phone), (626) 794-1301 (fax)

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in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The Skeptic encyclopedia of pseudoscience / edited by Michael Shermer.
p. cm.
Includes index.
isbn 1-57607-653-9 (set : hardcover : alk. paper) — ebook isbn 1-57607-654-7
1. Pseudoscience—Encyclopedias. I. Shermer, Michael. II. Skeptic.
q172.5.p77 s44 2002

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To James “the Amazing” Randi,
our hero, colleague, friend, and inspiration

Introduction ix Castaneda, Carlos, Phil Molé 57

Clever Hans, Thomas F. Sawyer 60

Volume One Cold Reading, Bob Steiner 63

Crop Circles, Jorge Soto 67

section 1
Cryptozoology, Ben S. Roesch and
i m p o rta n t p s e u d o s c i e n t i f i c
John L. Moore 71
Cults, Steve Novella and
Alien Abductions, Lance Rivers 3 Perry DeAngelis 79

Alternative Archaeology, Dietary Supplements, Ricki Lewis 85

Garrett G. Fagan 9
Dowsing, Steve Novella and
Ancient Astronauts, Perry DeAngelis 93
Kenneth L. Feder 17
Earthquake Prediction,
Animal Mutilations, Russell Robinson 95
Andrew O. Lutes 23
Electromagnetic Fields and Cell Phones,
Anomalous Psychological Experiences, Steven Korenstein 98
Chris Duva 25
Fairies, Elves, Pixies, and Gnomes,
Anthroposophy and Anthroposophical David J. W. Lauridsen Jr. 101
Medicine, Dan Dugan 31
Faster-Than-Light Travel,
Astrology, Geoffrey Dean, Ivan W. Kelly, Roahn Wynar 104
Arthur Mather, and Rudolf Smit 35
Feng Shui, Jon Puro 108
Attachment Therapy, Jean Mercer 43
Geller, Uri, Simon Jones 113
Ball Lightning, Steuart Campbell 48
Handwriting Analysis and Graphology,
Bermuda Triangle, Maarten Brys 52 John Berger 116

Biorhythms, Diego Golombek 54 Hypnosis, Robert A. Ford 121

viii | c o n t e n t s

Ideomotor Effect (the “Ouija Board” The Shroud of Turin,

Effect), Michael Heap 127 Chris Cunningham 213

Laundry Balls, Roahn H. Wynar 130 Societies for Psychical Research,

Drew Christie 217
Magnetic Therapy, Satyam Jain and
Daniel R. Wilson 132 Spiritualism, Brad Clark 220

The Mars Face: Extraterrestrial Stock Market Pseudoscience,

Archaeology, Kenneth L. Feder 136 Jon Blumenfeld 227

Meditation, Juan Carlos Marvizon 141 Subliminal Perception and Advertising,

Rebecca Rush 232
Multiple Personality Disorder,
Scott O. Lilienfeld and Sun Sign Astrology,
Steven Jay Lynn 146 Geoffrey Dean, Ivan W. Kelly,
Arthur Mather, and Rudolf Smit 235
Near-Death Experiences,
Susan J. Blackmore 152 Synchronicity, Christopher Bonds 240

Observer Effects and Observer Bias, Therapeutic Touch, Larry Sarner 243
Douglas G. Mook 158
Tunguska, Alan Harris 253
Out-of-Body Experiences,
Tutankhamun’s Curse,
Susan J. Blackmore 164
Rebecca Bradley 258
Phrenology, John van Wyhe 170
UFOs, Barry Markovsky 260
Piltdown Man (Hoax): Famous Fossil
Undeceiving Ourselves, Geoffrey Dean,
Forgery, Richard Milner 173
Ivan W. Kelly, and Arthur Mather 272
Placebo Effect, Geoffrey Dean and
Witchcraft and Magic, Julianna Yau 278
Ivan W. Kelly 178

Planetary Alignments, John Mosley 181

section 2
Polygraph and Lie Detection, i n v e s t i g at i o n s f r o m
Marc E. Pratarelli 186 s k e p t i c m ag a z i n e
Prayer and Healing, Kevin Courcey 190
Acupuncture, Dr. George A. Ulett 283
Pseudoscience and Science: A Primer in
Alternative Medicine v. Scientific
Critical Thinking, D. Alan Bensley 195
Medicine, Dr. Harry K. Ziel 292
Reincarnation, Phil Molé 204
Atlantis: The Search for the Lost
Séance, Drew Christie 209 Continent, Pat Linse 297

Shamans and Shamanism, Chiropractic: Conventional or Alternative

Al Carroll 211 Healing? Dr. Samuel Homola 308
c o n t e n t s | ix

Christian Science as Pseudoscience, Thought Field Therapy,

Robert Miller 316 David X. Swenson 463

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization Velikovsky: Cultures in Collision on the

and Reprocessing, Fringes of Science, David Morrison 473
Gerald M. Rosen, Richard J. McNally,
Witchcraft and the Origins of Science,
and Scott O. Lilienfeld 321
Dr. Richard Olson 489
Do Extraordinary Claims Require
Witches and Witchcraft,
Extraordinary Evidence?: A Reappraisal
Clayton Drees 499
of a Classic Skeptics’ Axiom,
Theodore Schick Jr. 327

Facilitated Communication,
Gina Green 334

Homeopathy, William Jarvis and the

Volume Two
National Council Against Health Fraud
347 section 3
case studies in pseudoscience
Immortality: The Search for Everlasting f r o m s k e p t i c m ag a z i n e
Life, Steven B. Harris 357

The Liquefying “Blood” of St. Januarius, The Alien Archetype: The Origin of
James Randi 371 the “Grays”, John Adams 513

Psychoanalysis as Pseudoscience, Anastasia: A Case Study in the Myth

Kevin MacDonald 373 of the Miraculous Survival,
Tim Callahan 520
Psychotherapy as Pseudoscience,
Tana Dineen 384 Ancient Astronauts: Zecharia Sitchin as a
Case Study, Eric Wojciehowski 530
Pyramids: The Mystery of Their Origins,
Pat Linse 397 Holistic Medicine: The Case of
Caroline Myss, Phil Molé 537
Satanic Ritual Abuse, Jeffrey Victor 413
Police Psychics: Noreen Renier as a Case
Science and God, Bernard Leikind 423 Study, Gary P. Posner 547
Science and Its Myths, Pseudoarchaeology: Native American
William F. McComas 430 Myths as a Test Case, Kenneth Feder 556
Science and Religion, Pseudoarchaeology: Precolumbian
Massimo Pigliucci 443 Discoverers of America as a Test Case,
Ronald Fritze 567
Skepticism and Credulity: Finding the
Balance between Type I and Type II Pseudoscience and the Paranormal,
Errors, Bill Wisdom 455 James Randi 580
x | contents

Psi and Psi-Missing, Todd C. Riniolo and Science Is Just Beginning,

Louis A. Schmidt 592 John Casti 739

Recovered Memory Therapy and The Science Wars: Deconstructing Science

False Memory Syndrome: A Father’s Is Good Science,
Perspective as a Test Case, Dr. Richard Olson 743
Mark Pendergrast 597
The Science Wars: Deconstructing Science
Recovered Memory Therapy and Is Pseudoscience,
False Memory Syndrome: A Patient’s Norm Levitt 750
Perspective as a Test Case,
Laura Pasley 606
section 5
Recovered Memory Therapy and h i s to r i c a l d o c u m e n t s
False Memory Syndrome: A Psychiatrist’s
Perspective as a Test Case, Creationism: “Mr. Bryan’s Address to
John Hochman 615 the Jury in the Scopes’ Case. The Speech
Which Was Never Delivered,”
by William Jennings Bryan 763
section 4
science and pseudoscience— David Hume’s “Of Miracles”:
fo r a n d ag a i n s t From An Enquiry Concerning
Human Understanding, 1758 785
Evolutionary Psychology as Good Science,
Mesmerism: “Report of the
Frank Miele 623
Commissioners Charged by the King
Evolutionary Psychology as to Examine Animal Magnetism,
Pseudoscience, Henry Schlinger Jr. 636 Printed on the King’s Order Number 4
in Paris from the Royal Printing House,”
Memes as Good Science,
by Benjamin Franklin and
Susan J. Blackmore 652
Antoine Lavoisier 797
Memes as Pseudoscience,
What Ever Happened to N-Rays?
James W. Polichak 664
Robert Wood’s 1904 N-Ray Letter
Race and I.Q. as Good Science, in Nature 822
Vince Sarich 678
Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying
Race and I.Q. as Pseudoscience, Objects, by Edward Condon 826
Diane Halpern 694
Epilogue: Let Us Reflect,
Race and Sports as Good Science, Michael Shermer 861
Jon Entine 705

Race and Sports as Pseudoscience, List of Contributors 867

Michael Shermer 714 Index 879
Science Is at an End, John Horgan 724 About the Editors 903
Colorful Pebbles and Darwin’s Dictum
An Introduction

n a session before the British Association the colored lenses of ideas—percepts need

I for the Advancement of Science in 1861,

less than two years after the publication
of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, a critic
When Louis and Mary Leakey went to
Africa in search of our hominid ancestors,
claimed that Darwin’s book was too theoreti- they did so based not on any existing data but
cal and that the author should have just “put on Darwin’s theory of human descent and his
his facts before us and let them rest.” In a let- argument that because we are so obviously
ter to his friend Henry Fawcett, who was in close relatives of the great apes of Africa, it is
attendance in his defense, Darwin explained there that the fossil remains of our forebears
the proper relationship between facts and would most likely be found. In other words,
theory: the Leakeys went to Africa because of a con-
cept, not a precept. The data followed and
About thirty years ago there was much talk confirmed this theory, which is the very oppo-
that geologists ought only to observe and not site of the way in which we usually think sci-
theorize; and I well remember someone say- ence works.
ing that at this rate a man might as well go If there is an underlying theme in this en-
into a gravel-pit and count the pebbles and cyclopedia—a substrate beneath the surface
describe the colours. How odd it is that any- topography (to continue the geologic
one should not see that all observation must metaphor)—it is that science is an exquisite
be for or against some view if it is to be of any blend of data and theory, facts and hypothe-
service! ses, observations and views. If we conceive of
science as a fluid and dynamic way of think-
Few thinkers in Western history have had ing instead of a staid and dogmatic body of
more profound insights into nature than knowledge, it is clear that the data/theory
Charles Darwin, and for my money, this quote stratum runs throughout the archaeology of
is one of the deepest single statements ever human knowledge and is an inexorable part
made on the nature of science itself, particu- of the scientific process. We can no more ex-
larly in the understated denouement. If scien- punge from ourselves all biases and prefer-
tific observations are to be of any use, they ences than we can find a truly objective
must be tested against a theory, hypothesis, or Archimedean point—a god’s-eye view—of the
model. The facts never just speak for them- human condition. We are, after all, humans,
selves. Rather, they must be viewed through not gods.

xii | i n t r o d u c t i o n

In the first half of the twentieth century, Throughout this encyclopedia, we explore
philosophers and historians of science (mostly these borderlands of science where theory and
professional scientists doing philosophy and data intersect. As we do so, let us continue to
history on the side) presented science as a pro- bear in mind what I call Darwin’s dictum: “all
gressive march toward a complete understand- observation must be for or against some view if
ing of Reality—an asymptotic curve to Truth— it is to be of any service.”
with each participant adding a few bricks to
the edifice of Knowledge. It was only a matter
of time before physics and eventually even the
social sciences would be rounding out their Using the Encyclopedia
equations to the sixth decimal place. In the
second half of the twentieth century, profes- One important tool in finding the right bal-
sional philosophers and historians took over ance between theory and data or ideas and
the field and, swept up in a paroxysm of post- facts is a broad base of knowledge tempered
modern deconstruction, proffered a view of with wisdom in making judgments about
science as a relativistic game played by Euro- knowledge claims. Without the facts, you can’t
pean white males in a reductionistic frenzy of “judge for yourself” (as television documen-
hermeneutical hegemony, hell-bent on sup- taries often suggest viewers do) in any objec-
pressing the masses beneath the thumb of di- tive manner. What we hope to provide in this
alectical scientism and technocracy. (Yes, some encyclopedia is a thorough, objective, and bal-
of them actually talk like that, and one really anced analysis of the most prominent scientific
did call Isaac Newton’s Principia a “rape man- and pseudoscientific controversies made in the
ual.”) name of science, mixing both facts and theory.
Thankfully, intellectual trends, like social The encyclopedia entries are written at a level
movements, have a tendency to push both appropriate for high school and college stu-
ends to the middle, and these two extremist dents conducting research in science and
views of science are now largely passé. Physics pseudoscience, members of the media looking
is nowhere near realizing that noble dream of for a balanced treatment of a subject, and
explaining everything to six decimal places, those in the general public who desire a highly
and as for the social sciences, as a friend from readable yet trustworthy resource to go to for
New Jersey says, “Fuhgeddaboudit.” Yet there the most reliable assessments of the most con-
is progress in science, and some views really troversial and interesting mysteries involving
are superior to others, regardless of the color, our universe, our world, and ourselves.
gender, or country of origin of the scientists As the subjects span all manner of claims
holding those views. Despite the fact that sci- from around the world, audiences and markets
entific data are “theory laden,” as philoso- across the globe will be interested in reading
phers like to say, science is truly different from these volumes. In addition, members of the
art, music, religion, and other forms of human media desperately need a reference resource
expression because it has a self-correcting in order to quickly get their minds around a
mechanism built into it. If you don’t catch the subject, to book guests on both sides of an is-
flaws in your theory, the slant in your bias, or sue in order to properly set up a debate, and to
the distortion in your preferences, someone get “just the facts” needed for the sound-bite
else will. Think of N rays and E rays, polywater story that is often demanded in the hectic
and the polygraph. The history of science is world of journalism. Every newspaper, maga-
littered with the debris of downed theories. zine, radio, and television producer and inter-
i n t r o d u c t i o n | xiii

viewer should keep a copy of this encyclopedia than brief summaries of subjects as presented
right between the dictionaries and reference in the A-to-Z section; they are also skeptical
works on contacting experts. analyses and include much more extensive re-
This two-volume encyclopedia encompasses search and bibliographies. Such analyses are
claims from all fields of science, pseudo- applied to acupuncture, Atlantis, chiropractic,
science, and the paranormal, and it includes facilitated communication, homeopathy, im-
both classic historical works and modern mortality, and many other topics, and there
analyses by the leading experts in the world are several critical pieces on the pseudoscience
who specialize in pseudoscience and the para- often found in psychology and psychotherapy.
normal. The encyclopedia is heavily illustrated These latter pieces are especially important:
(these subjects lend themselves to both histori- although some forms of pseudoscience are
cal and contemporary images), and most en- seemingly harmless—astrology and crop circles
tries offer a respectable bibliography of the come to mind—other forms can be exception-
best sources on that subject from both the ally dangerous, particularly those dealing with
skeptics’ and the believers’ perspectives, allow- the mind and behavior.
ing readers to conduct additional research on 3. Case studies. The Encyclopedia of Pseudo-
their own after learning what the encyclope- science includes a special section comprising
dia’s expert author has had to say on the sub- thirteen in-depth analyses of very specific case
ject. studies originally conducted for Skeptic maga-
To make this encyclopedia original and dif- zine and used here as part of the larger phe-
ferent and to provide readers with a variety of nomena under investigation. For example,
subjects and analytic styles in order to prop- three special articles are devoted to recovered
erly follow Darwin’s dictum of getting a memory therapy and false memory syndrome—
healthy balance of data and theory, five cate- one from a psychiatrist’s perspective, one from
gories of pseudoscience analyses are presented a patient’s perspective, and one from a father’s
here: perspective. Through these case studies, the
1. A-to-Z listings. The Encyclopedia of Pseu- reader will be given a complete analysis of a
doscience includes an A-to-Z section of subject subject. The cases will interest both amateurs
analyses conducted by scientists and research- and professionals in a field, and they are ideal
ers, exploring phenomena such as alternative for research papers by students or background
medicine, astrology, crop circles, handwriting research by scientists and professionals. Jour-
analysis, hypnosis, near-death experiences, nalists and interested readers wanting details
reincarnation, séances, spiritualism, subliminal on a case study need go no further than this
perception, UFOs, witchcraft, and much more. section of the encyclopedia.
These fifty-nine entries are written in a 4. For-and-against debates. The Encyclope-
straightforward manner and are of moderate dia of Pseudoscience includes the most original
length and depth, offering some theoretical section ever compiled in an encyclopedia in
foundation but not to the same extent as the the form of a “pro and con” debate between
articles in subsequent sections. experts, allowing readers to judge for them-
2. Investigations. Articles in this section selves by hearing both sides of an issue. Thus,
consist of research investigations carried out for instance, “Memes as Good Science,” by ex-
by scientists and scholars as originally pub- perimental psychologist Susan Blackmore, is
lished in the pages of Skeptic magazine, re- contrasted with “Memes as Pseudoscience,” by
published and repackaged here for the first cognitive psychologist James W. Polichak. Even
time. These twenty-three articles are more more controversially, the study of “Race and
xiv | i n t r o d u c t i o n

Sports as Good Science,” by author Jon Entine, entitled “The Sharp-Eyed Lynx, Outfoxed by
is contrasted with the study of “Race and Sports Nature”:
as Pseudoscience,” which I authored. Also in-
cluded are debates on evolutionary psychology, The idea that observation can be pure and un-
on the question of whether science is at an end, sullied (and therefore beyond dispute)—and
and on the science wars. These twelve articles, that great scientists are, by implication, people
originally published in Skeptic magazine, have who can free their minds from the constraints
been used extensively by high school teachers of surrounding culture and reach conclusions
and college professors around the world as strictly by untrammeled experiment and ob-
supplemental reading material for students in servation, joined with clear and universal logi-
search of the terms of a debate on one or more cal reasoning—has often harmed science by
of these vital and controversial issues. turning the empiricist method into a shibbo-
5. Historical documents. The encyclopedia leth. The irony of this situation fills me with a
includes five classic works in the history of sci- mixture of pain for a derailed (if impossible)
ence and pseudoscience. For example, the first ideal and amusement for human foibles—as a
scientific and skeptical investigation of a para- method devised to undermine proof by au-
normal/spiritual phenomenon—mesmerism—is thority becomes, in its turn, a species of dogma
offered in the “Report of the Commissioners itself. Thus, if only to honor the truism that
Charged by the King to Examine Animal Mag- liberty requires eternal vigilance, we must also
netism, Printed on the King’s Order Number 4 act as watchdogs to debunk the authoritarian
in Paris from the Royal Printing House.” Pub- form of the empiricist myth—and to reassert
lished in 1784, five years before the French the quintessentially human theme that scien-
Revolution, this piece was the first attempt to tists can work only within their social and psy-
put to the test (including under controlled chological contexts. Such an assertion does not
conditions) a quasi-scientific phenomenon. debase the institution of science, but rather
What made this report so special was that the enriches our view of the greatest dialectic in
test was conducted by none other than Ben- human history: the transformation of society
jamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier. by scientific progress, which can only arise
So, as you work your way through this ency- within a matrix set, constrained, and facili-
clopedia—either moving from start to finish or, tated by society.
more appropriately for this genre, skimming
and scanning and plucking out what is needed It is my fondest hope that this encyclopedia
or wanted—remember Darwin’s dictum that will facilitate a deeper understanding of pseu-
every observation must be for or against some doscience and in the process illuminate the
view if it is to be of any service. Remember, as process of science itself.
well, the words of wisdom offered by the Har-
vard paleontologist who inherited Darwin’s Michael Shermer
mantle, Stephen Jay Gould, in a 1998 essay General Editor
The Skeptic
Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience
Alien Abductions

n alien abduction involves the removal experiments who derive spiritual enlighten-

A of a human being by an extraterres-

trial species for the purpose of med-
ical experimentation, crossbreeding, or spiri-
ment as a result).
An individual’s placement within one of
these categories shows a correlation with the
tual enlightenment. Many skeptics believe abduction researcher(s) with whom he or she
that abduction narratives are related to a vari- has had primary contact. Given that the tool of
ety of experiences such as sleep paralysis and choice used by abduction researchers is hyp-
dreams, rather than actual events in the phys- nosis, even in cases in which the abductee
ical world. Persons who claim to have experi- consciously remembers the experience, this
enced alien abduction can be divided into two categorization of abduction experiences sug-
categories: abductees (subjects of alien exper- gests to skeptics that researcher bias is the
iments who suffer traumatic scarring from the driving force behind the phenomenon. Most
abduction) and experiencers (subjects of alien abduction researchers respond to such criti-

Children looking at a flying saucer. (The Image Bank)

4 | alien abductions

cism with the assertion that hypnosis, when In The Interrupted Journey, John G. Fuller
properly and cautiously used, is a powerful tool emphasizes the fact that the Hills underwent
for uncovering repressed memories. Other re- separate hypnotic regressions, independently
searchers point to scars, implantations, and ter- verifying each other’s stories. Fuller is quick to
minated pregnancies as objective evidence of point out that Barney’s story in particular ex-
abduction, but they remain unable to provide plains physical evidence in the case, such as
the medical records necessary to corroborate the scuff marks on the top of his shoes that re-
these claims. Whether the skeptics or the pro- sulted from being dragged into the flying
ponents of alien abduction are correct, what saucer. Yet the details of Betty’s physical ex-
remains certain is that those men and women amination by the aliens suggest that her
who report experiencing it have been subjected dreams are the more likely source of the ab-
to something deeply and personally traumatic. duction scenario. Further, Simon believed that
The use of hypnosis as a tool in abduction the underlying source of the story might have
research dates to the first well-publicized case, been anxiety over the interracial aspects of the
that of Betty and Barney Hill. In the early Hills’ marriage. Indeed, the removal of skin
morning hours of September 20, 1961, the and hair (sites of racial difference) samples
Hills were traveling on U.S. Route 3 near Lin- from Betty Hill by the aliens suggests this.
coln, New Hampshire, when they noticed a Coupled with discrepancies in the story, such
bright light moving rapidly across the sky. Fre- as Betty Hill’s failure to notice the missing lock
quently stopping to observe the object, they of hair after the abduction and the Hills’ in-
became increasingly agitated as it changed ability to find the site of their abduction, these
course and eventually hovered about 100 feet factors indicate that the Hill case is more likely
from their car. Barney, who had been standing the result of Betty and Barney discussing her
in the road watching the craft when it ap- dreams and confabulation, rather than the re-
proached, immediately returned to the car in sult of an actual abduction.
fear that he and his wife were going to be cap- Despite the publicity the Hill case received,
tured. As they drove away, the Hills heard sev- abduction reports remained unusual until the
eral beeping noises from the rear of the car, mid-1970s, when several questionable abduc-
though they did not see the object again. tion stories began to emerge (such as the
Later, they noticed that they were unable to Pascagoula and Travis Walton cases). Then, in
account for about two hours of their trip 1979, Raymond E. Fowler published The An-
(though their frequent stops might explain dreasson Affair, the account of Betty Andreas-
this). The following morning, the Hills re- son’s encounter with an alien named Quazgaa.
ported the sighting to their local air force base, Andreasson’s story emerged under hypnosis
and after reading the book The Flying Saucer some ten years after the events described.
Conspiracy, they notified the National Investi- According to that story, the Andreasson fam-
gations Committee on Aerial Phenomena ily noticed a bright light coming from their
(NICAP). Over the course of the next several backyard during a power outage on January
months, Betty Hill began dreaming about con- 25, 1967. Suddenly, everyone present except
tact with the craft’s inhabitants. Finally, in De- for Betty Andreasson was paralyzed, and sev-
cember 1963, the Hills entered therapy with eral humanoid figures entered the kitchen
Dr. Benjamin Simon for treatment of Barney’s through a closed door. Initially identifying the
increasing anxiety. Under hypnosis, both Hills beings as “angels,” Andreasson agreed to ac-
recounted the story of the unidentified flying company them to their ship, where she was es-
object (UFO) and their subsequent abduction. corted to an “upper room.” After a brief
alien abductions | 5

“cleansing,” Andreasson changed into a “white probing, deep-tissue sampling that leaves
garment” and underwent a battery of exami- scars, and surgical implantation of unknown
nations, finally being shown into a small room devices using the most gruesome methods and
with several seats. Sitting in one of these, she no anesthesia. The aliens themselves emerge
was subsequently enclosed in formfitting plas- as coldhearted beings without regard for the
tic and immersed in a gray liquid. When the trauma they cause abductees. Most disturb-
liquid was drained away, she was taken on a ingly, the aliens seem to have been engaged in
tour of an alien realm, culminating in an en- a longitudinal study of humans, abducting
counter with a “phoenix” and a feeling of reli- them multiple times throughout their lives,
gious ecstasy, before being returned (Fowler which suggests some sort of tracking and mon-
1979, 24–104). itoring of their subjects.
Although Fowler admits that the case is dif- Hopkins’s first involvement with an abduc-
ficult given Betty’s devout Christianity and the tion case, that of Steven Kilburn, began when
religious symbolism of the phoenix (as a Christ the two men were introduced during a meet-
figure), he fails to connect Andreasson’s Pente- ing of UFO researchers in Hopkins’s home.
costalism with several other religious symbols Like Barney Hill, Kilburn could not account
in the story. For example, Betty’s mention of for a period of time following a UFO sighting
an upper room is a reference to the location of and had been experiencing increasing anxiety
the Last Supper (Matt.14:15) and traditionally ever since. At Hopkins’s urging, Kilburn un-
the location of the First Pentecost and the de- derwent hypnotic regression to uncover the
scent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1–2). The white events of this missing time, only to discover
garment is reminiscent of the white robes that he had been the subject of a painful alien
worn by the elect (Rev. 7:9), with immersion medical examination, the exact nature of
while wearing this garment being suggestive of which is unclear. Although Kilburn’s hypnosis
baptism. Indeed, the Andreasson story closely sessions seem to have been relatively free from
follows the structure of apocalyptic literature— leading questions and hypnotist influence,
cleansing, testing, baptism, tour of heaven, and there are several problems with Hopkins’s in-
revelation. It was predictable, then, that in a terpretation of them, most noticeably in his re-
later hypnotic session, Betty would begin construction of the narrative. As Hopkins him-
speaking in a strange tongue (Fowler 1979, self points out, Kilburn’s story emerged not as
138) and prophesying ecological disaster. a full-fledged narrative with a continuous logi-
Thus, as a whole, the Andreasson case argues cal stream but rather as a set of discrete epi-
not for alien abduction but for a religious ex- sodes in no particular order, necessitating re-
perience of the type frequently reported by construction to make sense of them (Hopkins
Pentecostal Christians. 1981, 61). Without this rearrangement, Kil-
Before the 1981 publication of artist Budd burn’s story has the logical structure of a
Hopkins’s book Missing Time, stories of alien dream, and it is this point that Hopkins misses
abductions more closely resembled first-con- throughout his work. For example, Howard
tact scenarios. Medical examinations were Rich, another abductee discussed in Hopkins’s
nonintrusive, involving surface observation book, states during one regression, “It’s really
and scanning with some sort of machinery. just a dream . . . it’s not happening” (p. 88).
The aliens themselves were benevolent, usu- Hopkins interprets such statements as denial
ally speaking with the abductee and imparting of reality, rather than accepting them at face
some sort of wisdom. Missing Time, by con- value. However, the main problem with his re-
trast, presents intrusive examinations: anal search is his selective use of evidence to create
6 | alien abductions

a typical abduction scenario against which all pic sleep states are terrifying events, and
other cases are judged. In other words, abduc- chronic sufferers can easily find themselves ob-
tion stories that fit Hopkins’s idea of abduction sessively trying to figure out what is happening.
are accepted as real, and those that do not are It is in keeping with such anxiety that
rejected or are filtered to create an acceptable Strieber sought psychological help in sorting
story. Given that four of the six cases discussed out his experience, eventually submitting to
in Missing Time are identified by the abductees hypnotic regression as part of his treatment.
as dreams, what the book presents are not so During these sessions, he began to recall other
much actual abduction stories as Hopkins’s incidents in which he had been abducted—in-
own retelling and reshaping of these stories to cidents that had been taking place from his
create an abduction scenario. Science-fiction childhood. In each case, the abductions he re-
and fantasy novelist Whitley Strieber came for- lates have the logical structure of dreams,
ward with his own story of multiple abductions rather than reality: locations shift rapidly and
in 1987 with his book Communion: A True without transition, beings shift identities (in-
Story. Compiled from transcripts and tapes of cluding a feminine figure in white, Carl Jung’s
hypnotic regressions, personal journals, con- anima), and time is distorted.
versations with friends, and his own conscious It is the level of detail provided by Strieber’s
memories, Communion is perhaps the most de- narrative that causes skeptics difficulty in ac-
tailed account of a single abductee’s experi- cepting alien abduction as the explanation for
ences, and, as with Missing Time (Strieber had his experiences. For example, Strieber reports
a close association with Hopkins at the time), that in August 1967, he experienced a period
dreams seem to play a significant part in the of missing time lasting approximately twenty-
experience. four hours. However, his account suggests that
On December 26, 1985, Strieber relates, he he was actually abducted three times within
was awakened by a loud noise and then rushed this twenty-four-hour period. Logically, one
by a small figure. Immediately paralyzed, has to wonder why his abductors felt it neces-
Strieber was levitated into a ship, where he was sary to return Strieber to his home after each
examined by aliens and implanted with an un- abduction only to abduct him again moments
known device before being returned to his bed. later. Nor is Strieber able to explain the rea-
Strieber reports that these are conscious mem- sons for his multiple abductions, calling into
ories and were not recovered by hypnosis. In- question the motives of the alleged aliens. Hu-
deed, he is careful to point out that he was man scientists, even those engaged in longitu-
awake throughout this ordeal, thus eliminating dinal studies, rarely find it necessary to con-
dreams as source material. Yet the incident is duct monitoring sessions of their subjects with
typical of sleep paralysis incurred during hyp- the frequency Strieber reports. Although ab-
nagogic or hypnopompic sleep states. Such duction researchers are quick to point out that
states are characterized by a sense of being alien science cannot be compared to human
awake, a painful tingling paralysis throughout science and that the frequency of multiple ab-
the body, and a sense of a malevolent presence. ductions may be necessary for alien purposes,
It is not unusual for such states to be accompa- skeptics continue to argue that this discredits
nied by nightmares that provide details to ex- alien science, since our own science could
plain these sensations. Most important, dreams learn more from less frequent contact.
occurring in hypnagogic or hypnopompic sleep Of course, Strieber is ultimately more con-
are always consciously remembered, as are the cerned with the impact of his experiences on
states themselves. Hypnagogic and hypnopom- his personal growth than such questions. Over
alien abductions | 7

the course of several books, especially Trans- over a century, such as amniocentesis and arti-
formation and Breakthrough, he slowly de- ficial insemination) suggests that the source of
taches himself from Hopkins’s view of alien abduction narratives is scientifically unsophis-
abduction as a negative experience and comes ticated human minds, rather than sophisticated
to the realization that he has grown in his un- alien science. Thus, internally conflicting sto-
derstanding of himself. So, although acknowl- ries and researcher bias result in many skeptics
edging that his initial terror and anxiety were and abduction researchers rejecting Jacobs’s
probably justified on some level, he concludes arguments that the alien agenda is a hybridiza-
that his increased concern for the environ- tion program and invasion.
ment, as well as his deepened spirituality and John E. Mack bears impressive credentials
connection with the world at large, are the ul- as a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical
timate goals of alien abduction. In this sense, School and may have the widest influence of
Strieber remains unconvinced of the physical any abduction researcher. In Abduction, he
reality of his experience but rather recognizes presents a well-reasoned approach to the phe-
that his abductors may have only a spiritual nomenon, acknowledging that abduction nar-
reality. In the final analysis, then, the sources ratives are potentially the result of his own in-
and causes of Strieber’s abduction remain less terpretation rather than reported events.
important for him than the results they yield, However, Mack is convinced of the reality of
even if they are the results of dreams. alien abduction, though he suspects the ab-
David M. Jacobs, an associate professor of ductors are from a spiritual plane. Thus, he
history at Temple University, disagrees. Like ignores mundane explanations of the phenom-
Budd Hopkins, Jacobs asserts that the alien ab- enon, such as cultural contamination (incorpo-
ductors have a physical reality and are proba- ration of images and stories from the mass me-
bly the inhabitants of a planet within our own dia), hypnagogic and hypnopompic sleep
plane of existence. And like Hopkins, he sees states, sexual abuse or aberration, and dreams.
the abduction phenomenon as negative, reject- Even more problematic is his focus on the
ing positive views of the experience as the re- spiritual nature of the aliens, suggesting as he
sult of the abductees’ need for peace of mind does that their primary agenda is enlighten-
and the infiltration of New Age thought into ment; this raises the question of the necessity
abduction research (Jacobs 1998, 208–219). In of medical examinations, since aliens seem to
the case of some experiencers, Jacobs points derive no benefit from them beyond the tor-
out, further hypnotic regression (with himself ture of their subjects. Further, because most
as hypnotist) can reveal a darker and more abductees reporting positive experiences point
threatening alien agenda than spiritual en- to fear of the unknown as the source of their
lightenment, converting the experiencer to an spiritual development, they also derive no
abductee, as in the case of Pam Martin (Jacobs benefits from this part of the abduction. Again,
1998, 24–25). In short, no matter what the the logic of dreams is at work in the abduc-
hypnotic subject feels about his or her abduc- tions Mack presents.
tion, a negative picture emerges under hypno- Mack is not unaware of this logical conun-
sis with Jacobs. For this reason, his methods drum, nor does he ignore those raised by the
are among the most criticized in abduction re- impossible physical acts (such as walking
search. And, as in Strieber’s case, the primitive through walls and closed doors) that are com-
nature of alien science revealed by his research mon in abduction accounts. However, because
(especially with regard to genetic experimenta- of his emphasis on the spiritual aspects of the
tion using techniques known to humans for phenomenon, Mack concludes not that these
8 | alien abductions

problems indicate dreams as a source of the searcher bias. Although the source of the phe-
phenomenon but rather that dualism and ma- nomenon remains controversial, both books
terialism render the Western scientific model present viable and more prosaic explanations
inadequate for the study of alien abduction than those offered by most abduction re-
(Pritchard et al. 1994, 565–567). In this way, searchers.
Mack is able to have his cake and eat it too.
For example, he points to scooplike scars on References:
abductees as evidence of abduction, but when
Fowler, Raymond E. 1979. The Andreasson Affair:
he is asked to provide medical records show-
The Documented Investigation of a Woman’s Ab-
ing that the scars did not exist prior to the ab- duction aboard a UFO. Columbus, NC: Wild
duction experience, he responds by pointing Flower Press.
out that abduction research should not seek Fuller, John G. 1966. The Interrupted Journey. New
objective proof or evidence. It is this confusion York: Berkley Medallion Books.
of science and philosophy that led Mack’s Hopkins, Budd. 1981. Missing Time. New York: Bal-
peers at Harvard to conduct an investigation lantine Books.
into his methods (to which he responded, Jacobs, David M. 1998. The Threat: Revealing the
through lawyers, that his academic freedom Secret Alien Agenda. New York: Simon and
allowed him to pursue this line of inquiry). Schuster.
Mack, John E. 1994. Abduction: Human Encounters
Few publications provide a skeptical look at
with Aliens. New York: Macmillan Publishing.
the abduction phenomenon, but there are two
Matheson, Terry. 1998. Alien Abductions: Creating
that bear mention. Terry Matheson’s Alien
a Modern Phenomenon. New York: Prometheus
Abductions: Creating a Modern Phenomenon Books.
examines the major abduction cases from a Pritchard, Andrea, David E. Pritchard, John E.
narrative viewpoint, arguing that the phenom- Mack, Pam Kasey, and Claudia Yapp, eds. 1994.
enon has grown as the result of a developing Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction
secular mythology describing a variety of ex- Study Conference. Cambridge, MA: North Cam-
periences. Kevin D. Randle, Russ Estes, and bridge Press.
William P. Cone’s Abduction Enigma adopts a Randle, Kevin D., Russ Estes, and William P. Cone.
scientific approach in its study of alien abduc- 1999. The Abduction Enigma. New York: Tom
tion to conclude that a combination of factors Doherty Associates.
is at work: sleep paralysis, a lack of personal Strieber, Whitley. 1987. Communion: A True Story.
New York: Avon Books.
boundaries, sexual-identity problems, and re-
Alternative Archaeology
G A R R E T T G . F A G A N

he term alternative archaeology (or camp relies on a variety of dubious “meth-

T pseudoarchaeology) is used to denote

various approaches to investigating the
ancient past using paranormal methods
ods” (which will be outlined) in support of its
contentions. In such works, the mode of argu-
ment is often legalistic and associative, with
and/or pseudoscientific standards of argu- an abundance of rhetorical questions and in-
ment. The genre has been around at least nuendo, rather than scholarly and probative,
since the late nineteenth century—appearing that is, mounting a sustained and coherent ar-
in the wake of real archaeology’s great gument based on verifiable data. Upon such
achievements at that time—although its roots weak foundations, alternative archaeologists
can be traced back further into the lore of confidently raise their towering, yet by no
such movements as Freemasonry and Rosi- means mutually consistent, edifices of fantas-
crucianism. Its practitioners stand apart from tic possibility.
archaeologists—whom they deride—in that
they argue for an essentially simplistic picture
of antiquity populated with such wonders as
lost supercivilizations, sunken continents,
The Distinction between Archaeology
cyclical cataclysmic upheavals, extraterrestrial and Pseudoarchaeology
civilizers, or psychically attuned priestly rul-
ing elites. Alternative authors can also claim Real archaeology is both a practical and an
to have uncovered hints of heretofore lost interpretive discipline. The practical wing in-
“ancient wisdom” that, in its pessimistic form, volves the gathering of physical evidence
warns of dire catastrophes threatening hu- from the past through careful procedures
manity or, in a more cheerful manifestation, (field surveys, excavation, core sampling, and
promises worldwide spiritual renewal. so on). Once gathered, however, that evidence
Alternative writers usually have no qualifi- remains mute and only speaks when inter-
cations in the field of archaeology, yet they preted with reference to the physical and cul-
claim to be revolutionaries who will transform tural environment that produced it. A wall is
our view of the deep past. They spurn the just a wall until it is identified as Hadrian’s
broadly scientific method by which real ar- Wall, when analysis of it reveals much about
chaeology has painstakingly built up a picture the organization and deployment of the Ro-
of that past: namely, the rational analysis of man army, ancient military construction tech-
associated artifacts, of whatever size and na- niques, Roman frontier policies in the time of
ture, found and studied in clearly defined and Hadrian, and so forth. Since writing has only
repeated contexts. Instead, the alternative been with us for the past 5,000 years and

10 | a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y

many advanced civilizations never developed readers; eschew requirements of logic, consis-
it at all, archaeology must, for the most part, tency, and (in many cases) prima facie plausi-
proceed without the insights gained from what bility; and speculate endlessly about conceiv-
the culture under study has to say about itself. able possibilities soon to be vindicated by as
This makes the job of archaeological interpre- yet uncovered spectacular finds—finds that,
tation all the more painstaking and gradualist, disappointingly, never quite seem to material-
as the new evidence that is constantly being ize. Conclusions reached by flawed methods
uncovered often forces old views to be sub- are themselves flawed, and it is this straight-
stantially revised or abandoned altogether. forward observation that invalidates the entire
Any new and ambitious archaeological hy- genre of alternative archaeology, the methods
pothesis, in order to be convincing, has to do a of which are so deeply faulty as to be entirely
good job of explaining as much of the evidence useless. Therefore, the crux of the issue lies
as it can; more important, it must also do a with procedure and method, and so the rest of
better job of explanation than the hypothesis it this entry focuses on these issues.
seeks to replace (Renfrew and Bahn 2000).
Nevertheless, the interpretive nature of ar-
chaeology leaves it open to charges of not be-
ing “fact” but “mere conjecture.” This is a very Pseudopractice
common indictment among pseudoarchaeolo-
gists and their supporters (e.g., Hancock 1995, Pseudoarchaeologists are rarely, if ever, en-
1998, 2002). By invoking it, debates between gaged in the practical side of archaeology in
established and alternative views are presented the field, but occasionally, they do rely on
as matters of mere opinion. In this way, the their own methods. Use of psychic visions to
pseudoarchaeologists can portray their specu- explicate the past is a prominent example. In
lations as just another batch of opinions about the 1920s to the 1940s, the U.S. psychic Edgar
the past, no more or less provable than the Cayce (1877–1945) had some 700 visions con-
conventional take on such matters. (Funnily cerning human evolution and Atlantis. For in-
enough, alternative writers also hold the view stance, he saw that humanity was originally
that academic archaeology is a dogmatic or- composed entirely of thought, with no corpo-
thodoxy; but if that is so, the dogma is suppos- real presence—a claim notably difficult to
edly composed of subjective conjectures—by check in the physical record. He declared the
what criteria and by what procedures are the remains of Piltdown man, unearthed in En-
conjectures selected either to join the official gland between 1908 and 1912, to be those of
archaeological catechism or to be rejected as an Atlantean colonizer who had found his way
heresy? This is never explained.) to Britain. His psychic sources, apparently,
As with any science and its pseudo counter- were unaware that Piltdown man was a man-
part, the real distinction between archaeology made hoax, as was revealed conclusively in
and pseudoarchaeology lies in matters of 1953 (see the “Piltdown Man [Hoax]” entry in
method. For even though archaeological hy- this encyclopedia). (The uncovering of the
potheses must respect the evidence and, to hoax, by the way, is a testament to the self-cor-
gain acceptance, succeed in making good recting nature of archaeology.) Cayce further
sense of it through a rigorously rational analy- predicted that Atlantis would rise again in
sis, alternative archaeology suffers no such 1968 or 1969 and that an Atlantean Hall of
constraints and can range freely and widely. It Records would be opened in the 1990s at Giza
can pick and choose what to present to its in Egypt. Cayce also asserted that in a previous
a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y | 11

wrong. Psychic visions appear an unsafe basis

on which to investigate the past. A related psy-
chic archaeological “method,” apparently
more reasonable than visions, is dowsing. Ex-
travagant claims have been made for the effi-
cacy of dowsing in locating archaeological
sites, but the technique has yet to prove itself
as consistently effective as the standard meth-
ods of field survey and excavation (Von Leusen

Unlike archaeological practice (which pro-
duces very clear-cut results—or not, as the case
may be), the process of archaeological inter-
pretation is more open to “alternative” possi-
bilities. The picture of the past painted pri-
Prophet and psychic Edgar Cayce. marily from archaeological sources can fairly
(Bettmann/CORBIS) be characterized as an amalgam of interpreta-
tions or explanatory hypotheses formulated by
life, he himself had been an Atlantean priest archaeologists and ancient historians to make
named Ra Ta, in which role, rather impres- sense of the evidence they have uncovered.
sively, he had founded ancient Egyptian cul- Given this, we have two choices. We can con-
ture in 10,500 b.c. sider all explanatory hypotheses equally valid,
Other psychics (notably, “Madame” Helena or we can consider some more valid than oth-
Blavatsky) similarly filled antiquity with ex- ers. The former approach leads to a sort of in-
traordinary events and marvelous beings. tellectual anarchy, in which there is no way to
Blavatsky, on the testimony of obscure tablets distinguish good explanations from bad ones.
from Tibet that only she got to see, claimed In this universe, the claim that unicorns built
humanity had once been astral jellyfish who the pyramids using magical powers would
came to Earth and founded Atlantis and carry as much credence as the assertion that
Lemuria (another lost continent, older than the ancient Egyptians built them through hard
Atlantis); the latter was populated by four- labor.
armed, apelike hermaphrodites who laid eggs Clearly, then, all claims about the past are
(for all this, see Feder 2002; James and Thorpe not equally valid. The real question therefore
1999; Jordan 2001; Steibing 1984). Needless is, How do we distinguish good from bad ex-
to say, none of these claims have been substan- planatory hypotheses? Genuine archaeological
tiated convincingly (though there has been hypotheses are fixed by two anchors: account-
much special pleading by the faithful), many ability to the evidence (which is to say, all the
run contrary to the observable evidence, and pertinent evidence, not just convenient parts
some (such as Cayce’s claims about Piltdown of it) and rational analysis. Propositions in ar-
man) have been shown to be conclusively chaeology, as in any intellectual discipline,
12 | a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y

cannot be verified by a selective analysis any (examples can be found throughout the likes
more than they can rely on inherently unveri- of Hancock 1995 and 1998 and von Däniken
fiable assertions (such as psychic visions). In 1970).
this respect, archaeology follows a largely sci-
entific method: hypotheses are formulated and
then checked for logical consistency and ac- Selective and/or Distorted Presentation of
countability against the available evidence; Established Knowledge
conclusions are provisional on continued sup-
port by the evidence; conclusions are con- Pseudoarchaeological claims are habitually
stantly reviewed in light of new evidence or based on a systematically selective presenta-
more sophisticated modes of analysis; and so tion of ancient evidence and on outdated, dis-
on. Hypotheses that withstand such constant proven, or long-discredited modern “theo-
scrutiny come to be widely held (and don the ries.” They present specific items from the
mantle of “fact”); those that do not are dis- ancient past that seem to suit their claims and
carded or shelved for possible future consider- ignore the rest. They will often assert that mys-
ation. This process of interpretation is compli- teries remain unsolved when, in fact, they
cated by the substantial gaps in our evidence have long been solved, or they will present as
from antiquity. The further back we go, the mysterious and poorly understood sites or arti-
greater the gaps. And the greater the gaps, the facts that have long been studied. In addition,
wider the latitude for competing explanatory such works often range widely over the canon
hypotheses. For instance, far less can be reli- of ancient cultures, from the Egyptians to the
ably deduced from cultures that have left us Maya to the Khmers to Easter Island (Hancock
no written evidence than from those that have, 1995, 1998; von Däniken 1970). Since general
and far less can be said about human cultures readers cannot possibly be informed about the
of 20,000 b.c. than those of 2000 b.c. But such recent developments in all of these specialized
is the nature of the beast. Ancient historians fields of study, they will be readily convinced
and archaeologists are accustomed to living by such an apparently impressive body of al-
with holes in their evidence, with things that ternative “evidence.” Invariably, when the
cannot be fully explained, with—for want of a claims are investigated further, more reason-
better term—ancient mysteries. Their attitude able explanations quickly emerge (James and
toward such gaps is to put them aside until Thorpe 1999).
such time as new evidence or improved hy-
potheses can throw light on them. In the in-
terim, they tend to focus on more productive Reliance on Supposed “Anomalies”
lines of inquiry rather than speculate endlessly
about that which cannot (as yet) be checked. Alternative archaeologists display an obsessive
There is, then, a built-in uncertainty at the focus on odd finds and sites. For this reason,
heart of archaeological interpretation that their books usually survey the same material ad
leaves the door open to the notions of alterna- nauseam, and their fantastic explanations fail
tive archaeologists, who attempt to bypass ap- to throw light on the mass of evidence from the
propriate methods in peddling their pet theo- ancient past, since they are built on the wrong
ries. Instead, they have developed a battery of data set (that is, the anomalous exceptions
“methods” and approaches to do so. It would rather than the majority of the evidence). Since
be impossible to survey all of these here, so a their explanations are based on such flimsy
sample of the most common of the genre’s foundations, their work is further characterized
characteristic procedures will have to suffice by rampant speculation and wild possibilities
a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y | 13

offered to fill the yawning gaps in their scenar- conceivable possibilities is offered—but no cor-
ios. A classic example relates to the huge ani- roborating evidence for the extravagant claims
mal figures and complex patterns inscribed on themselves.
the surface of the Nazca Desert in Peru. We
have very little evidence from the culture that
created them (though their construction dates “Decoding” of Traces of Hidden History or
are fixed by pottery finds to between c. 200 b.c. Advanced Knowledge in Ancient Myths or Iconography
and a.d. 600), so the intended function of the
lines remains a genuine mystery to real archae- Pseudoarchaeologists often lay claim to special
ologists, although several plausible hypotheses knowledge that has been “encoded” in ancient
have been advanced (Aveni 1990). For alterna- myth cycles and/or imagery. They then claim
tive archaeologists, however, the Nazca depic- to “decode” this knowledge, usually by means
tions are landing sites for aliens or encoded of literal-minded and subjective interpretation
messages from lost Atlantis. Unlike the real ar- but sometimes (as in the Bible Code) by appar-
chaeologists, the pseudoarchaeologists show no ently sophisticated means. Naturally, the im-
desire to relate the Nazca lines to the local cul- mense complexities in studying and making
ture that produced them or to seek obvious or sense of the wide range of human mythologies
rational explanations for their existence. In- are not addressed. The more basic method-
stead, the lines are treated as if they defy any ological question is, of course, How do we
rational analysis (which they do not), and wild know that this vital information was intention-
speculations are offered up as if they were rea- ally “encoded” in myths by the ancients and
sonable explanations. not placed there by the imaginations of the
modern writers? (Steibing 1984).

Reinterpretation of Specific Artifacts or Entire Sites

without Regard for Their Context Substitution of Speculation for
Traditional Archaeological Evidence
Pseudoarchaeologists will often present arti-
facts or entire sites out of context to support Real archaeology relies on artifacts of all
their claims (as just noted with the Nazca shapes and sizes (from pollen grains to entire
lines). Thus, in recent works, the Sphinx in cities) in forming its reconstruction of the past.
Egypt (built c. 2500 b.c.) and the city of Ti- Alternative archaeologists habitually cannot
wanaku in Bolivia (fl. c. a.d. 100–900) are di- offer a single scrap of such evidence in support
vorced from their firmly established historical of their claims. They therefore resort to manu-
contexts and presented as evidence of a so- facturing evidence of their own. One way of
phisticated, “seeding” supercivilization of the doing so is to reassign monuments from estab-
era of 10,500 b.c. (though the upper and lower lished cultures to their alternative ones (see
dates for this great civilization vary in alterna- the previous discussion on the Sphinx and Ti-
tive works by as much as 10,000 years). Propo- wanaku). Another is to offer what are, in
nents are unperturbed by the complete lack of essence, speculations as if they were evidence.
any archaeological context for the Sphinx at For instance, perceived correlations between
this early date or at any time before 2500 b.c. the position of monuments on the ground and
or by the stratigraphically established radio- certain constellations in the sky have been
carbon dates for Tiwanaku that fix its earliest used to redate familiar sites to vastly earlier
possible habitation at 1500 b.c. In the face of eras on the basis of the precession of the
such objections, a battery of special pleas and Earth’s axis (that is, the apparent movement of
14 | a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y

the stars across the sky in a 26,000-year cycle). ity of numbers in modern culture—their “dis-
The claim is that the stars and monuments covery” in the monuments seems an incontro-
lined up most closely at a very early date; vertible fact to the modern mind. But that the
therefore, either the monuments were built at numbers were intentionally placed there by
that date or they intentionally “commemo- the ancient builders is not established by argu-
rate” it. Either way, the alignments seem to of- ment or evidence; it is just assumed as a given.
fer hard evidence of an early, advanced civi- The proposition is not tested against compara-
lization. This so-called method has been ble monuments to see if the alleged encoding
applied to the pyramids at Giza, the Khmer of significant numbers is found in all pyramids,
monuments at Angkor in Cambodia, and some for instance; rather, only a select few monu-
Central or South American sites (notably, Ti- ments are examined (see the previous discus-
wanaku). The use of the star-alignment argu- sion on selective presentation). Recently, the
ment is made more effective when combined Sphinx has been redated to preposterously
with selectivity of presentation (see the earlier early epochs on the basis of one scientist’s geo-
discussion), so that only the monuments that logic opinion that it was weathered by water
“fit” are included—the rest are ignored. More and not by wind and sand (Schoch 1999).
worrying, all other pertinent dating evidence Since Egypt has been arid at least since 5000
from the site under investigation is either ne- b.c., the argument goes, the Sphinx must pre-
glected or dismissed. But when there is no in- date the Egyptians and the traditional date of
dication that the ancient culture in question 2500 b.c. This, too, is an attempt to co-opt the
knew of precession or, in general, sited their authority of a hard science (geology) in sup-
monuments to map constellations, how can the port of alternative historical claims. In fact, ge-
researcher be sure that his or her perceived ology is singularly unsuited as a historical dat-
pattern is historically meaningful and reflects ing tool, since its chronological perspective is
the ancient builders’ intentions rather than the vastly deeper than that of human history, and
modern writers’ skill in discerning patterns? In the rate at which rocks erode has not been suf-
fact, star-map redating is really the substitu- ficiently established for this method to be used
tion of modern speculation (that is, the selec- as a “clock” for man-made monuments. A
tive star-monument correlations) for hard dat- myriad of other explanations for the erosion
ing evidence. patterns on the Sphinx are available that ac-
commodate the traditional, archaeologically
established date for the monument. The so-
Attempts to Deploy the Authority of Nonhistorical Sciences called water-erosion redating is not necessary
to Establish Historical Hypotheses and is yet another example of modern specula-
tion being offered up as hard evidence (see the
The star-alignment argument is an example of preceding section) (Jordan 1998).
this method also. It attempts to use the hard
science of astronomy and the fact of precession
as the core elements of an “alternate” picture Use of Innuendo to Undermine the Authority of
of the human past. Similarly, the use of often Academic Archaeology
tortured mathematics to find “significant”
numbers (pi, or the earth’s circumference, for The flip side of the preceding method involves
example) supposedly encoded in the propor- the use of innuendo, which is a cardinal fea-
tions of ancient monuments, such as the pyra- ture of pseudoarchaeological presentation. Al-
mids of Giza, is really an appeal to the author- ternative writers exploit gaps in parts of what
a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y | 15

they call the “orthodox” reconstruction of pressly likens his task to that of a defense at-
events to undermine the credibility of the torney making the best case he or she can.
whole: because we don’t know exactly how the Lawyers, of course, seek not to find out what
pyramids were built, everything about them actually happened in any given instance but to
and Egyptology is up for debate; because no make the best case they can to benefit their
bodies were found in the pyramids, their status client. It is habitual for them to seek to limit
as tombs is open to question; and so on. The damaging evidence presented to a jury (or
detailed evidence that has led archaeologists to downplay its significance), to use any rhetori-
conclude that the pyramids were built by the cal tricks they can to enhance a case, and to
Egyptians as tombs for their pharoahs either is undermine the credibility of powerful oppos-
not presented or is dismissed summarily as ing witnesses to discredit their testimony. Ar-
“orthodoxy” or “opinion.” The general reader, chaeologists, by contrast, are less interested in
therefore, is left with a very one-sided view of winning rhetorical points and more interested
the situation, one that favors the alternative in interpreting all the evidence to find out
possibilities over the established view founded what happened in the past.
in evidence.

Use of Rhetorical Tricks to Mask a Weak Case Conclusion

Although all good writing uses rhetorical skill The methods outlined here can be considered
in its presentation, pseudoarchaeological diagnostic of “alternative” archaeological
works employ a battery of rhetorical strategies works. In surveying the history of pseudoar-
not in the service of a coherent argument but chaeology, what is most noteworthy is the
as a replacement for it. A possibility is raised complete lack of progress toward a fuller un-
on one page and resurrected as established derstanding since Ignatius Donnelly founded
fact a few pages later. Rhetorical questions are the genre in 1882. Despite millions of pages of
used to plant suggestions in the reader’s head alternative arguments, we are still not one mil-
that cannot be sustained from the evidence or limeter closer to finding (never mind studying)
by detailed argument. Much rhetoric is also Atlantis, the great but nameless superciviliza-
devoted to upbraiding academic archaeologists tion, or the alien civilizers. Instead, alternative
as arrogant egoists who are not only closed to propositions can only be lined up alongside
any “new thinking” but also actively seeking to each other, none any more verifiable than the
suppress it by means of a sort of inquisition. next. This is because pseudoarchaeology offers
What the value to archaeologists might be in no hard evidence to work with and thus has no
systematically suppressing new evidence is data against which to check its claims. To date,
never explicated. over forty locations have been proposed for
Atlantis, covering most corners of the planet.
Future “theories” will only inflate that total,
Use of Legal, Not Scientific, Standards of Argument not solve the mystery. Over this same period of
alternative stagnation, huge strides have been
The founder of modern alternative archaeol- taken in our understanding of antiquity by real
ogy, Ignatius Donnelly (1832–1901), was a archaeology, and the picture is constantly be-
lawyer by training; one of its most successful ing refined by new discoveries.
modern exponents, Graham Hancock, ex- There could be no clearer demonstration of
16 | a lt e r n a t i v e a r c h a e o l o g y

which approach offers the more promising re- Feder, K. 2002. Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Sci-
sults. It used to be thought that high civiliza- ence and Pseudoscience in Archaeology. 4th ed.
tion arose in one place (usually Egypt or Meso- Boston: McGraw-Hill.
potamia) and diffused outward. Since World *Hancock, G. 1995. Fingerprints of the Gods. New
War II and the systematic application of car- York: Doubleday. (Second edition in 2001 has
unchanged text but a new introduction).
bon dating on a global scale, this view has be-
*———. 1998. Heaven’s Mirror. New York: Crown.
come untenable. Rather, the evidence now
*———. 2002. Underworld: Flooded Kingdom of the
tells us that the great civilizations of the past
Ice Age. London: Penguin.
arose at different times and in different places, James, P., and N. Thorpe. 1999. Ancient Mysteries.
under intriguingly similar circumstances. New York: Ballantine.
Pseudoarchaeologists refuse to accept this sce- Jordan, P. 1998. Riddles of the Sphinx. New York:
nario. They are all relentlessly diffusionist in New York University Press.
their reconstructions, whether the civilizing ———. 2001. The Atlantis Syndrome. Phoenix Mill,
source be identified as Atlantis, a nameless su- United Kingdom: Sutton.
percivilization, or outer space. Thus, ironically, Renfrew, C., and P. Bahn. 2000. Archaeology: The-
their claim to be revolutionizing our view of ory, Methods and Practice. 3d ed. London:
antiquity with “new thinking” is, in reality, a Thames and Hudson.
*Schoch, R. M. 1999. Voices of the Rocks. New York:
call to regress to a long-outdated model un-
supported by the evidence. Alternative archae-
Steibing, W. H. 1984. Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic
ology does not point the way forward; rather, it
Collisions, and Other Popular Theories about
directs us backward. Man’s Past. Amherst, NY: Prometheus.
*von Däniken, E. 1970. Chariots of the Gods. New
York: Putnam.
Aveni, A. 1990. The Lines of Nazca. Philadelphia: Von Leusen, M. 1999. “Dowsing in Archaeology: Is
American Philosophical Society. There Anything Underneath?” Skeptical Inquirer
*Collins, A. 2000. Gateway to Atlantis. London: 23, no. 2: 33–41.
*Donnelly, I. [1882] 1949. Atlantis: The Antedilu- *Asterisked items are examples of alternative ar-
vian World. Rev. ed. New York: Harper. chaeological works.
Ancient Astronauts
K E N N E T H L . F E D E R

he notion that human antiquity might reprint boasted sales of more than 7 million

T best be explained by reference to the

intervention of extraterrestrial aliens
has been called “the ancient astronaut hy-
copies. To date, von Däniken has written
twenty-five books on the subject of ancient
astronauts that have sold a combined total of
pothesis.” This hypothesis exploded into pub- more than 60 million copies in twenty-eight
lic consciousness in the late 1960s, soon after different languages (according to his home-
Swiss author Erich von Däniken began circu- page, His most re-
lating a manuscript for a book that would ulti- cently published work is Odyssey of the Gods:
mately bear the English title Chariots of the The Alien History of Ancient Greece (2000),
Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past. Neither presenting the same essential argument as his
an archaeologist nor a historian, von Däniken previous twenty-four books. Currently, a
was a hotel manager with a long and check- theme park based on the “mysteries” of the
ered criminal past including convictions for ancient world that von Däniken explored in
repeated acts of embezzlement, fraud, and his books is being planned for Interlaken,
forgery. Switzerland; it is scheduled to open in late
Von Däniken’s manuscript presented a de- 2002 (
tailed argument for the ancient astronaut Interestingly, though the name von Däni-
hypothesis, consisting of examples of great ken and the ancient astronaut hypothesis be-
technological leaps evidenced in the archaeo- came synonymous, making the author a fix-
logical record that the author argued were in- ture on the lecture and television talk-show
spired by human contact with extraterrestri- circuit in the 1970s, he was not the originator
als. Early in 1968, the German publisher of the idea that the archaeological record
Econ-Verlag published his book (titled Erin- might evidence the visitation of extraterrestri-
nerungen an die Zukunft, or Recollections of als to Earth early in the history of the human
the Future), with an unenthusiastically small species. The actual source for that idea is as
initial print run. Surprising many, the book surprising as it is revealing. A version of the
took off, captivating the public’s imagination, ancient astronaut hypothesis was proposed in
selling more than 170,000 copies by Decem- an article published in a small technical jour-
ber 1968, and spurring a plethora of von nal, Planetary Space Science, in 1963, five
Däniken sequels, not to mention copycat years before the publication of Chariots. In
books that essentially repeated the arguments discussing the possibility of intelligent life on
of the original. By 1989, Chariots of the Gods? other planets, the author of that article ad-
had become one of the best-selling paperback dressed the so-called Fermi Paradox, attrib-
books of all time; the cover of the 1999 uted to the physicist Enrico Fermi. Fermi ar-

18 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

gued that intelligent life on other planets must descriptions by human beings of
be either rare or nonexistent, for otherwise, extraterrestrial aliens who visited Earth.
Earth would have already been visited or con- 3. Great intellectual leaps are indicated in
tacted by these extraterrestrials. the archaeological record, particularly in
The 1963 article’s author responded by the form of technological advancements
agreeing that extraterrestrials were, in all like- that could not have been the result of
lihood, not currently visiting Earth, but he simple human ingenuity. These jumps
added that one had to assess the possibility of are the result of the introduction of new
such visitations within the context of the en- technologies by extraterrestrial aliens.
tirety of Earth’s history. If such a visit had oc-
curred at all, it was statistically more likely to The first of these assertions might well be
have happened sometime in the past, which is called the “amorous astronaut hypothesis”
very long, rather than the historical present, (Feder 2001). In Chariots of the Gods? von
which is very short. The author went on to Däniken implied that the biological evolution
suggest, referring to possible ancient contact, of the human species resulted from actual in-
that “it is not out of the question that artifacts terbreeding between extraterrestrial aliens and
of these visits still exist.” In other words, the ancient hominids, producing an evolutionary
author was suggesting that there might be ar- leap by what amounts to interstellar hybridiza-
chaeological evidence in the form of physical tion. “A few specially selected women,” he as-
remnants of an alien technology ensconced in serted, “would be fertilized by the astronauts”
the archaeological or geologic records. The (von Däniken 1970, 11). This is a fascinating
source for this audacious suggestion—essen- hypothesis, but as Sagan pointed out in an in-
tially the ancient astronaut hypothesis—was terview conducted for the Horizon/Nova doc-
none other than Carl Sagan (1963, 496). umentary The Case of the Ancient Astronauts,
Whether von Däniken was aware of Sagan’s a human ancestor could more likely have suc-
article is unknown (he did not cite it in Chari- cessfully mated with a petunia than with an
ots of the Gods?), but certainly he took the extraterrestrial; at least the hominid and the
idea that extraterrestrials might have visited petunia evolved on the same planet and there-
Earth in the ancient past and inspired a virtual fore shared a biological connection, however
ancient astronaut industry with books, lec- remote. The likelihood of two species that
tures, movies, and television documentaries all evolved on different planets having combin-
based on this possibility. able DNA is so minute it is hardly worth con-
Contained within the general ancient astro- sidering.
naut hypothesis as presented by von Däniken The second assertion of the ancient astro-
are three specific assertions: naut view might be called the “inkblot hypoth-
esis” (Feder 2001). The interpretation of an-
1. Human biological evolution is the result cient art or even early historical writings as
of the direct intervention of representations or descriptions of extraterres-
extraterrestrial aliens. trial visitors, produced by ancient human be-
2. All over the world, there are ancient ings, is little more than a sort of “Rorschach
works of art—including cave paintings, archaeology”: extraterrestrial aliens are seen
images on pottery, and so on—and written in images or written descriptions much in the
accounts among the earliest literate way experimental subjects see clouds, butter-
peoples that can best be interpreted as flies, or elephants in inkblots.
artistic depictions and written For instance, as discussed in The Case of the
a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s | 19

Ancient Astronauts, von Däniken saw airport

runways in the Nazca lines—lengthy, rectilin-
ear features produced in the high-altitude
desert of western South America beginning as
much as 2,000 years ago and ending by about
a.d. 700. According to von Däniken, “Seen
from the air, the clear-cut impression that the
37-mile long plain of Nazca made on me was
that of an airfield!” (1970, 17). In other words,
to him, the lines resembled airport runways, so
that is what they must be.
It is more than just a little problematic for
von Däniken’s interpretation that the so-called
lines are not wide swaths produced with an ex-
traterrestrial version of concrete but merely
patterns that reflect a color difference pro-
duced by sweeping dark surface pebbles off
the underlying, lighter-colored sandy soil. No
aircraft, extraterrestrial or otherwise, could
land on such a soft surface. The lines are inter-
preted by archaeologists as ceremonial path-
ways of the ancient Nazca people; they were
used precisely in this way in the fairly recent
Pacal’s sarcophagus lid at Palenque, Mexico,
1976. (Copyright Dr. Merle Greene Robertson)
One of von Däniken’s most notorious exam-
ples of the inkblot hypothesis concerns the sar-
cophagus lid of the Maya king Pacal (see illus-
tration), arguably one of the best-known rulers ized ceiba tree (a species revered by the Maya).
in Maya history. We know that Pacal ascended Very few of these elements would be expected
to the throne of the Maya city-state of Palen- in an extraterrestrial spacecraft. And, of course,
que on July 29 in a.d. 615 when he was only Pacal’s mortal remains were found in the cof-
twelve years old. We know that he ruled for fin; not surprisingly, the bones are those of a
sixty-eight years and oversaw a period of vigor- human being and not an extraterrestrial alien.
ous construction of temples, palaces, and pyra- Finally, the third assertion listed earlier has
mids at Palenque. And we also know that he been labeled the “our ancestors, the dummies”
died on August 31, 683. Yet, eschewing the de- perspective by anthropologist John Omunhun-
tailed historical narrative for Pacal provided by dro (1976). The philosophical underpinnings
the Maya themselves in their written language, of this part of the ancient astronaut hypothesis
von Däniken applied his best inkblot analysis ignore or minimize the intellectual abilities of
and interpreted the bas-relief on the surface of ancient human beings, essentially denying the
the coffin lid as a spaceman working the con- possibility that they were able, by the applica-
trols of an alien craft. In fact, the coffin lid tion of their own intelligence and by the sweat
contains myriad elements of iconography seen of their own brows, to produce the marvelous
throughout the Maya world: the quetzal bird, achievements in engineering, architecture,
bearded dragons, an earth monster, and a styl- mathematics, calendrics, agronomy, and the
20 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

The Collapsed Pyramid at Meidum. (M. H. Feder)

like that are so clearly reflected in the archae- ology has revealed a long evolutionary se-
ological record. Instead, von Däniken and his quence of cultural development in Egypt, in-
followers interpret these intellectual achieve- cluding the slow adoption of agriculture begin-
ments as having been inspired by contact with ning 8,000 years ago; increasing sedentism
a superior extraterrestrial intelligence. and a growth in village size along the Nile; in-
One of the most egregious and ill-informed tervillage competition for land, resources, and
examples of this line of reasoning concerns people; the concentration of wealth in the
von Däniken’s interpretation of the history of hands of a few families; an increase in tomb
ancient Egypt. He argued that ancient Egypt’s size for the leaders of these wealthy and in-
monumental architecture appeared in the re- creasingly powerful families; and the consoli-
gion thousands of years ago without any evi- dation of social, economic, religious, and polit-
dence of the development that would be ex- ical power in the hands of a single leader (the
pected if it were the result of human first pharaoh, whom we know as Narmer) by
technological progression. He also character- about 3100 b.c. (Clayton 1994). And what
ized Egyptian civilization as “ready-made” and about the single most diagnostic architectural
as appearing “without transition.” The pyra- feature of ancient Egypt, the pyramid? Here,
mids, the Great Sphinx, and the spectacular too, there is clear evidence of a developmental
temples are, in von Däniken’s opinion, “gen- sequence by which Egyptians perfected the
uine miracles in a country that is suddenly ca- pyramid-making craft over a period of several
pable of such achievements without recogniza- hundred years (Lehner 1997). Beginning at
ble prehistory” (1970, 74). Hierakonpolis, powerful “pottery barons”
Such characterizations were breathtakingly were buried in large, impressive tombs cut into
ignorant of Egyptian history even when von the earth, which were then capped by single-
Däniken wrote Chariots of the Gods? Archae- story burial structures called mastabas.
a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s | 21

Mastabas became larger and more ornate until gentle slope and for the first time successfully
Djoser, the second pharaoh of the Third Dy- constructed a large, standard pyramid—this is
nasty (2668–2649 b.c.), produced an impres- the so-called North or Red Pyramid. It was
sive elaboration of this theme, with a series of during the reign of the pharaoh who suc-
five such structures of decreasing size super- ceeded Sneferu—Khufu (2589–2566 b.c., often
imposed one on top of the other. called by his Greek name, Cheops)—that pyra-
Sneferu (2613–2589 b.c.), the first pharaoh mid building reached its zenith with the con-
of the Fourth Dynasty, began construction at struction of the Great Pyramid, nearly 500 feet
Meidum of a burial monument that was in height and consisting of more than 2.5 mil-
planned as another step pyramid. Toward the lion stone blocks.
end of the project, however, a decision was Clearly, the history of Egyptian pyramid con-
made to fill in the steps in an effort to produce struction reflects an evolutionary process, with
a true pyramid with four flat, triangular faces. a sequence of projects revealing false starts,
The pyramid engineers confronted a major trial and error, and on-the-fly problem solving
problem in doing this: Egyptian step pyramids typical of the imperfect process by which hu-
were far too steep to be readily converted to man technology progresses (see Pyramid entry
true pyramids, and the attempt to do so at Mei- in section 2). Mistakes in pyramid building like
dum was plagued by problems. Severe cracks those exhibited in the archaeological record of
developed in the pyramid’s stone facing as a re- Egypt would be surprising indeed if these
sult of subsidence at its base, and it likely was structures were built or supervised by extra-
abandoned because of this. The ruin of this terrestrials capable of building starships that
project is called the Collapsed Pyramid, though could cruise the galaxy. This slow process of
there is no evidence of a catastrophic collapse technological development characterizes the
(see illustration); it is probable that the engi- archaeological record of the other early civi-
neers simply walked away from the project and lizations as well, contradicting any hypothesis
that much of the polished stone casing was re- that relies on the sudden appearance of so-
cycled in other structures. Sneferu next initi- phisticated technologies in the ancient world.
ated another true pyramid project 40 kilome- In underestimating the intelligence and ca-
ters north of Meidum, at Dashur. That pyramid pabilities of ancient people, von Däniken was
again was begun at a very steep angle (about not being original: he was merely updating the
60°), and subsidence problems arose once long-discredited, extreme diffusionist view that
more, jeopardizing the project. Rather than characterized anthropology in the late nine-
abandoning this attempt, the builders actually teenth and early twentieth centuries. Such hy-
adjusted the angle of the pyramid surfaces in potheses are meritless; the archaeological
the middle of the job, building the upper part record clearly reflects the abilities of all an-
of the pyramid at a shallower angle (between cient people to progress by their own efforts.
43° and 44°). This project was successfully There is no evidence for and no need to specu-
completed, but because of the change in angle, late about an extraterrestrial source for human
the pyramid has a decidedly odd appearance cultural development.
and is accurately called the Bent Pyramid.
Apparently unsatisfied by this midcourse
correction, Sneferu began yet another pyramid References:
project in the thirtieth year of his reign. This The Case of the Ancient Astronauts (television docu-
time, his architects designed and built the mentary). 1971. London and Boston: Horizon
monument from the beginning with a more and Nova.
22 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

Clayton, Peter A. 1994. Chronicle of the Pharaohs: A Primer in Crooked Science.” Zetetic 1, no. 1:
The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dy- 58–67.
nasties of Ancient Egypt. London: Thames and Sagan, C. 1963. “Direct Contact among Galactic
Hudson. Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Space-
Feder, Kenneth L. 2001. Frauds, Myths, and Myster- flight.” Planetary Space Science 11: 485–498.
ies: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology. von Däniken, Erich. 1970. Chariots of the Gods? Un-
4th ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. solved Mysteries of the Past. New York: Bantam
Lehner, Mark. 1997. The Complete Pyramids: Solv- Books.
ing the Ancient Mysteries. London: Thames and ———. 2000. Odyssey of the Gods: The Alien History
Hudson. of Ancient Greece. New York and London: Ele-
Omunhundro, J. T. 1976. “Von Däniken’s Chariots: ment Books.
Animal Mutilations
A N D R E W O . L U T E S

omestic livestock have sometimes examined in autopsies, blood remains are

D been found with seemingly unex-

plainable fatal wounds. Often, the an-
imals’ eyes and genitals have been removed.
found in them. Animal predators and scav-
engers, not having our sensibilities, eat soft
body parts first, such as eyes, teats, and geni-
Claims have been made that they were killed tals.
and mutilated by unseen malevolent forces. When investigators examined the bodies of
Extraterrestrials gathering specimens, Sa- some mutilated animals, they found ordinary
tanists making sacrifices, government agen- explanations. In 1975, the Colorado State Uni-
cies up to no good, and strange cryptozoologi- versity Diagnostic Laboratory examined tissue
cal animals on a rampage (such as the samples from mutilated cattle and concluded
“goatsucker,” also called the “Chupacabra”) that the animals died from natural causes.
have all been blamed. Claims have also been Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pathol-
made that the dead bodies show unusual ogist Kenneth Rommel, studying New Mexi-
signs—surgical precision cuts or laser preci- can mutilations in 1980, concluded that pred-
sion cuts (this claim has been made by a sci- ators were the cause. Zoologist Ron Magill
entist, John Altschuler)—and that their blood examined mutilated creatures in Sweetwater,
has been entirely drained. Florida, in 1996 and found that dogs had
These phenomena have normal explana- done the deed. In the same year, University of
tions. For instance, if the animals were killed Miami veterinary professor Alan Herron cut
by predators or if they froze to death, their open a dead goat and showed it had not been
bodies may have been eaten by scavengers. drained of blood; Herron said that bites on
The so-called precision and laser cuts could the animal revealed that wild dogs had killed
have been caused by bites from small teeth it. Also in 1996, the Puerto Rico Agriculture
and beaks, and when the dead animals’ bodies Department found normal causes for the mu-
swelled and bloated, which is a normal event tilation of dead stock.
in decomposition, the cut lines may have Extraordinary claims require extraordinary
stretched, making them look precise and proof, and the burden of proof is on the
rounded. The maggots of blowflies, eating at claimant. Yet those who have alleged extraor-
the wounds, could also make them look like dinary causes for animal mutilations have
precision cuts. For these reasons, Altschuler’s produced no extraordinary proofs at all, just
claims have not been accepted by mainstream ordinary phenomena that can be explained by
scientists. Beyond that, the claims of bodies known causes. Furthermore, the broadcast
being drained of blood are simply not true. programs and publications that make extraor-
Blood dries at body surfaces, and if bodies are dinary claims about animal mutilations are

24 | a n i m a l m u t i l a t i o n s

not held accountable. By calling themselves ———. “Cattle Mutilations: Mystery Deflated.” Skepti-
entertainment shows or by invoking First cal Inquirer 5, no. 1: 2–6.
Amendment protections, they can say, quite Genoni, Thomas C., Jr. “Long Live the Goatsucker.”
legally, whatever they like. Consequently, it is Skeptical Briefs 6, no. 4: 6.
up to the individual to determine if ordinary Harwell, Ray. “Natural Mutilations.” Skeptical In-
quirer 5, no. 1: 88.
explanations are available, rather than imme-
Howe, Linda Moulton. 1998. Glimpses of Other Re-
diately believing repeated sensational claims.
alities. Vol. 1, Facts and Eyewitnesses, and vol. 2,
It is the hype of these sensational shows and
High Strangeness. New Orleans, LA: Paper Chase
publications that keeps the alleged mystery of Press.
animal mutilations going. Nickell, Joe. “Goatsucker Hysteria.” Skeptical In-
quirer 20, no. 5: 12.
———. 1998. Interview by Art Bell. Art Bell Show
(syndicated). November 19.
Ayers, Kathleen. “Review of Mute Evidence, by Ian Sheaffer, Robert. “Psychic Vibrations.” Skeptical In-
Summer.” Skeptical Inquirer 9, no. 4: 374–375. quirer 6, no. 4: 16.
Frazier, Kendrick. “Cattle Mutilations in New Mex- Stewart, James R. “Cattle Mutilations: An Episode of
ico.” Skeptical Inquirer 4, no. 1: 11–12. Collective Delusion.” Zetetic 1, no. 2: 55–66.
Anomalous Psychological Experiences

nomalous psychological experiences Anomalous psychological experiences have

A are any of a variety of atypical mental

phenomena with an apparently unspe-
cific or unknown origin, including hallucina-
been documented throughout recorded his-
tory, and their occurrence crosses cultural,
racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic
tions; distortions of time; heightened emo- boundaries. The actual prevalence of these
tional arousal; and alterations of sensation, experiences is difficult to determine, as many
perception, memory, or attention (Reed may go unreported due to their unique and
1988). As these experiences appear to fall highly personal nature. Although their occur-
outside the range of normal sensory and per- rence is generally not challenged, the cause,
ceptual processes, they are frequently inter- meaning, and interpretation of these experi-
preted as being supernatural or paranormal in ences have generated considerable contro-
origin and, as such, are often given great versy both among the general public and
meaning and personal significance by those within the scientific community itself. A vari-
who have them. ety of theories that emphasize cultural factors,
Interpretations of such psychological expe- religious socialization, personality characteris-
riences vary widely, but common forms in- tics, psychological process, and brain dysfunc-
clude alien visitations and abductions, near- tion have been proposed as nonsupernatural
death experiences (NDEs), out-of-body explanations for anomalous psychological ex-
experiences (OBEs), anomalous healings, periences.
past-life experiences, mystical experiences, Cultural theories draw heavily on the fact
and psi-related phenomena such as psychoki- that individuals who have had an anomalous
nesis, extrasensory perception (ESP), déjà vu, experience tend to adopt supernatural expla-
and precognition. The cultural context and nations for it that are in accordance with the
religious beliefs of an individual who has an norms of their society. The profound impact
anomalous experience may significantly influ- of cultural expectations on the interpretation
ence the interpretation. Synesthesia (the of such experiences can be appreciated in the
transmutation of the senses—e.g., being able to context of the frequent reports of strange visi-
taste colors) and lucid dreaming (being aware tors in the night, a phenomenon that has been
that one is dreaming while a dream is occur- described for hundreds of years and continues
ring) are also characterized as anomalous psy- today. In the past, these encounters were vari-
chological experiences but are typically not ously said to involve spirits, demons, the
interpreted by experiencers as being super- Devil, saints, or angels. Not until recently,
natural or paranormal in origin (Cardena, with the advent of flight and the exploration
Lynn, and Krippner 2000). of space, did encounters with extraterrestrial

26 | a n o m a l o u s p s y c h o l o g i c a l e x p e r i e n c e s

beings become widely reported as a means to to have had an anomalous experience and are
explain these suspected visitors. Thus, individ- less likely to believe in paranormal explana-
uals in preindustrialized or less technologi- tions for such phenomena than those with lim-
cally advanced societies have tended to inter- ited scientific background.
pret anomalous experiences as mystical or Scientific interpretations of anomalous ex-
religious in nature, in accordance with their periences have focused on personality factors,
culturally derived belief systems. In recent known psychological processes, and an under-
times, particularly in Western culture, techno- standing of the nervous system as potential ex-
logical advances and exposure to popular me- planatory factors. Traditionally, the scientific
dia depictions of alien abductions, NDEs, and investigation of anomalous experiences has
psychic phenomena may provide a framework been confined to the margins of psychology.
for individuals to interpret anomalous experi- More recently, however, the study of these
ences when other alternatives prove unsatis- phenomena has begun to make its way into
factory. the mainstream, scientific establishment. De-
Religious socialization is another cultural spite this development, however, anomalous
factor that appears to play an important role in psychological experiences are notoriously dif-
the psychology of anomalous experience. ficult to study empirically because of their in-
Those whose religious practices encourage rit- frequent and unpredictable occurrence and
ualistic prayer, chanting, or meditation are their internal, subjective nature (Blackmore
more likely to have anomalous experiences 1996). The Anomalous Experiences Inventory
and are also likely to invoke a paranormal or and the Paranormal Beliefs Inventory are two
supernatural explanation as their cause. By instruments that have been developed to aid
contrast, those with strong religious beliefs in researchers in identifying and classifying the
Protestantism or Catholicism, for example, various types of anomalous experiences and in
tend not to accept paranormal explanations for evaluating an individual’s interpretation of
anomalous experiences if they require invok- them. A variety of other standard psychologi-
ing claims of mystical powers, such as precog- cal tests, such as the Keirsey Temperament
nition, ESP, or psychokinesis. They are, how- Sorter, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
ever, likely to accept supernatural explanations Inventory (MMPI), the Rorschach Inkblot Test,
for religious-related anomalous experiences, and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, have
such as apparent miraculous healings, halluci- also been used to identify individual variables
nations, and NDEs. In those without strong re- that may be related to the perception and
ligious beliefs, the acceptance of paranormal interpretation of anomalous experiences. Mod-
interpretations for anomalous experiences ern brain-imaging techniques, including posi-
tends to be considerably greater, particularly tron emission tomography (PET) and func-
with respect to psi-related phenomena. In tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
some individuals, belief in the paranormal or have also begun to be utilized and are on the
supernatural may function in a manner similar cutting edge of advancing biological explana-
to religious faith by reducing the anxiety asso- tions for anomalous psychological experiences.
ciated with the unknown or unexplainable. Researchers have identified several person-
Scientific training may mediate some of the in- ality characteristics that appear to be related to
fluence that religious and cultural factors have an individual’s propensity for anomalous expe-
on the occurrence and interpretation of anom- riences. Although the findings vary slightly de-
alous experiences. In general, those with a pending on the specific nature of the experi-
high degree of scientific training are less likely ence, three factors have emerged consistently.
a n o m a l o u s p s y c h o l o g i c a l e x p e r i e n c e s | 27

PET scans of a brain. (Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS)

Individuals who report anomalous experiences and far more likely to have attempted suicide.
tend to be highly prone to fantasy and are There is also a higher than normal incidence
more susceptible to being hypnotized than of childhood abuse, broken homes, and famil-
nonreporters. These factors may be related to ial alcoholism among those reporting anom-
the third prominent factor—dissociative ten- alous experiences (Cardena, Lynn, and Kripp-
dencies (defined as recurrent feelings of being ner 2000).
detached from one’s surroundings), another A variety of psychological processes may
personality characteristic on which those who play a role in the origin and interpretation of
report anomalous experiences score high. anomalous experiences as well. Prominent in
Other personality traits, such as neuroticism, many psychological explanations of such expe-
openness to experience, introversion/extraver- riences is the phenomenon of sleep paralysis, a
sion, and sensation seeking, have also been condition in which a person finds him- or her-
shown to correlate with the propensity for self trapped between a state of sleep and wake-
anomalous experiences but are somewhat less fulness, temporarily unable to move. Such a
reliable markers. In general, psychopathology state may be accompanied by vivid hallucina-
itself does not appear to be a major factor pre- tions and may occur when the individual is
disposing an individual to anomalous experi- falling asleep (hypnagogic hallucinations) or as
ences or a belief in paranormal explanations he or she is waking up (hypnopompic halluci-
for them. Although most studies have failed to nations). These images appear quite real and
find a firm link between psychopathology and can often be extremely terrifying. Essentially,
anomalous experiences, it has been noted that the individual is dreaming while awake and is
many of the individuals reporting such experi- unable to move because the major motor sys-
ences were more suspicious, distrustful, and tems of the body are temporarily paralyzed,
lonely than nonreporters, as well as less happy possibly to keep the person from acting out his
28 | a n o m a l o u s p s y c h o l o g i c a l e x p e r i e n c e s

or her dreams. Hypnagogic and hypnopompic Two exceptions to this rule, however, are
hallucinations have been suggested as a source synesthesia and lucid dreaming. The brain-
for many anomalous experiences, particularly imaging technique PET, which is capable of
those involving nighttime visitations from measuring activity in localized brain areas, has
strange beings. In addition to night paralysis, shown that the brain of a synesthete (one who
individuals subject to high levels of stress may is capable of experiencing the phenomenon of
experience psychological anomalies. In fact, synesthesia) actually functions differently than
stress has been shown to be a predisposing fac- a typical brain. Thus, when a synesthete who
tor for OBEs, NDEs, lucid dreaming, and psi- claims to be able to see sounds actually hears
related phenomena. Fatigue may also play a something, not only does the area of the brain
part in the generation of anomalous experi- responsible for processing auditory informa-
ences, and it is well documented that pro- tion become active but so too does the visual
longed sleep deprivation can lead to visual and processing area (Baron-Cohen and Harrison
auditory hallucinations. In this regard, it 1996). Biological indicators of lucid dreaming
should be noted that numerous cultures en- are slightly more subtle. Although no unique
gage in religious rituals that use stress and fa- physiological states have been determined, lu-
tigue as mechanisms to induce an altered state cid dreaming is associated with higher levels of
of consciousness in an attempt to experience activation in the cerebral cortex. Additionally,
visions or make contact with the spirit world. those highly skilled in the process can move
Abnormalities in brain function have also their eyes in a predetermined direction while
been suggested as a possible source for anom- dreaming, as a way to signal to researchers
alous psychological experiences. Aspects of measuring their eye movements electronically
some such experiences (hallucinations, out-of- that they are experiencing a lucid dream. It
body experiences, tunneling, alterations in sen- was this experimental procedure that actually
sory and perceptual processes) can be induced confirmed the existence of lucid dreaming, a
by a variety of psychoactive drugs, suggesting phenomenon that had been reported for
that sporadic alterations in brain chemistry in decades but whose existence remained ques-
the absence of drugs may occur and result in tionable. The ability to experience a lucid
the production of atypical mental phenomena. dream does not appear to result from any
Additionally, it has been known since the unique properties of the individual, and a vari-
1950s that OBE-like experiences can be in- ety of techniques have been developed to train
duced by electrical stimulation of the temporal people to become lucid dreamers (Green and
lobe, and temporal lobe dysfunction has been McCreery 1995). The recent findings with
implicated in a wide range of anomalous expe- synesthesia and lucid dreaming may provide a
riences, including psi-related phenomena, model for the future understanding of other
NDEs, and hallucinations. NDEs themselves atypical mental phenomena. As techniques for
have received considerable attention from a bi- measuring them become more sophisticated,
ological perspective, and a variety of theories they, like synesthesia and lucid dreaming, may
positing hypothetical neurochemicals, hypoxia, also become less “anomalous” and may begin
and known neurotransmitters have been put to be understood as normal, although rare,
forth to explain the phenomenon. Yet, despite parts of the continuum of human psychologi-
a considerable amount of speculation, there is cal functioning.
little solid evidence linking most anomalous A significant portion of the general public
experiences to an underlying biological process and a small minority of scientists believe that
or functional abnormality. anomalous psychological experiences repre-
a n o m a l o u s p s y c h o l o g i c a l e x p e r i e n c e s | 29

sent actual paranormal or supernatural phe- no known exposure. In addition, some individ-
nomena. NDEs are taken as existence of an af- uals claim that they left their bodies after be-
terlife, past-life experiences are taken as evi- ing pronounced clinically dead, and they are
dence of reincarnation, anomalous healings able to recount events that had transpired in
are thought to be indicative of the power of the hospital room during that period with un-
prayer and faith, and psi-related phenomena canny accuracy and detail. There are also
are believed to represent the untapped powers cases of psi-related phenomena (such as ESP),
of the human mind. Although empirical evi- some of which were generated under labora-
dence is lacking, adherents offer several lines tory conditions, that supporters claim cannot
of reasoning to support their claims. be accounted for by scientific explanations.
The perceived similarities in the nature and Proponents cite these rare cases, which appear
content of some anomalous experiences to defy all scientific interpretations, as evi-
among individuals from vastly different cul- dence for an afterlife, reincarnation, and the
tures and with different religious beliefs figure existence of psychic powers. However, the fact
prominently into many supernatural explana- that something is not currently understood by
tions. For example, the tunneling/bright-light science should not necessarily lead to the con-
phenomenon associated with NDEs is quite clusion that it is supernatural in origin.
universal and invariant, irrespective of cultural Science is replete with examples of phenom-
variables. Skeptics might explain this observa- ena that were at one time not understood but
tion by the fact that a lack of oxygen to the have since come to be explained. Synesthesia
brain can produce similar types of hallucina- and lucid dreaming, for example, were previ-
tory experiences among people from different ously unexplained and their existence ques-
cultures. But the universality of the phenom- tioned, but both are now known to be real
ena is often cited as a key piece of evidence in phenomena whose biological mechanisms are
support of a supernatural explanation for beginning to be understood. However, propo-
NDEs, the logic being that if NDEs were cul- nents of supernatural explanations claim that
turally determined, then such similarities even if brain mechanisms associated with
should not exist. Proponents of the supernatu- anomalous experiences are identified, it will be
ral also point to the positive transformational impossible to infer causality. The crux of the
nature that many anomalous experiences have issue is this: does an altered brain state cause
on the lives of those who report them. The ar- an anomalous experience, or does an anom-
gument here is that mere “hallucinations” or alous experience cause an alteration in brain
“perceptual anomalies” could not produce function? Believers argue that, far from pro-
such life-changing responses and that a power ducing sensory and perceptual hallucinations
of this type could only come from something that are mistakenly identified as paranormal,
that is beyond this world. alterations in brain states may actually allow
The inability of science to completely and for the perception of real paranormal informa-
unambiguously explain all aspects of anom- tion or increase an individual’s ability to come
alous experiences under all conditions is per- into contact with the supernatural world.
haps the most frequently cited piece of evi-
dence in support of their supernatural origins.
Indeed, there are some unexplainable phe- References:
nomena, such as xenoglossy, in which a hyp- Baron-Cohen, Simon, and John E. Harrison, eds.
notized individual appears to understand a 1996. Synaesthesia: Classic and Contemporary
foreign language to which he or she has had Readings. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
30 | a n o m a l o u s p s y c h o l o g i c a l e x p e r i e n c e s

Blackmore, Susan. 1996. In Search of the Light. Frazier, Kendrick, ed. 1999. Encounters with the
Amherst, NY: Prometheus. Paranormal. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
Cardena, Etzel, Steven Jay Lynn, and Stanley Green, Celia Elizabeth, and Charles McCreery.
Krippner, eds. 2000. Varieties of Anomalous Ex- 1995. Lucid Dreaming: The Paradox of Con-
perience: Examining the Scientific Evidence. sciousness during Sleep. London: Routledge.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Associ- Reed, Graham. 1988. The Psychology of Anomalous
ation Press. Experience. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
Anthroposophy and Anthroposophical

nthroposophy, or Spiritual Science, is Steiner claimed to be able to make scien-

A the philosophy of the followers of

Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925). Steiner
was the leader of the German section of
tific observations in the spirit world. His cos-
mology elaborated Helena Blavatsky’s nu-
merologically ordered succession of past and
Theosophy from 1902 to 1912, when dis- future epochs, the current time period being
agreement over whether Krishnamurti was a the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. In physics,
reincarnation of Christ led him, followed by Steiner championed Johann Wolfgang von
most of the German Theosophists, to form his Goethe’s color theory over Isaac Newton, and
own group. Anthroposophy combines ele- he called relativity “brilliant nonsense.” In as-
ments of Buddhism and Hinduism (reincarna- tronomy, he taught that the motions of the
tion and karma), Zoroastrianism (light and planets were caused by the relationships of
dark gods), Manichaean and Gnostic Chris- the spiritual beings that inhabited them. In
tianity, and European esoteric traditions in- biology, he preached vitalism and doubted
cluding Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and germ theory. His physiology was based on the
herbalism. It has been described by critics as idea of the “threefold man,” who contained
a cultlike religious sect (PLANS 2001). (1) a nerve-sense system, (2) a metabolic-
In addition to the study of the writings and muscular system, and (3) a rhythmic system
lectures of Steiner, Anthroposophy’s activities in which the heart served only as a regulator,
include the worldwide Waldorf education pro- not a pump.
gram; eurythmy, a dance form; Anthropo-
sophical medicine, which claims to have ten
hospitals in Europe; biodynamic agriculture;
Camphill institutions for developmentally dis- Anthroposophical Medicine
abled children and adults; several busy pub-
lishing houses; politics (the Threefold Social Anthroposophical medicine is a system of
Order); the manufacture of cosmetics and medicine that extends medical science into
pharmaceuticals under the brands Weleda the realm of the spiritual. Anthroposophical
and Wala; a church called the Christian Com- physicians attend special training in Switzer-
munity; residential care for elderly people; art land or Germany after obtaining their regular
schools; financial services; and architecture medical degrees. The physician’s primary fo-
(ASA 2000). cus is the soul life of the patient. Homeo-

32 | a n t h r o p o s o p h y a n d a n t h r o p o s o p h i c a l m e d i c i n e

pathic “potentization” is used in the making of seasons of the year and then placed in com-
remedies, though homeopathic “proving” is post piles. These preparations bear concen-
not. (See “Homeopathy,” this volume.) In the trated forces within them and are used to or-
Anthroposophical analysis, methods include a ganize the chaotic elements within the
capillary dynamolysis and sensitive crystalliza- compost piles. When the process is complete,
tion, in which the physician or researcher in- the resulting Preparations are medicines for
terprets the picture formed by the crystalliza- the Earth which draw new life forces from the
tion of salts dissolved in a fluid such as blood: cosmos. Two of the Preparations are used di-
“If we let a salt solution crystallize out after rectly in the field, one on the earth before
having added to it some drops of an extract planting, to stimulate soil life, and one on the
from a living plant or tissue, we shall see the leaves of growing plants to enhance their ca-
crystals arrange themselves to give an image of pacity to receive the light. Effects of the
the etheric forces of the living substance stud- Preparations have been verified scientifically.
ied” (Bott 1984, 23). (Wildfeur n.d.)
Mineral and plant remedies are selected by
occult correspondences with the planets and
European traditions based on the form of the
plant. The Anthroposophical cancer remedy Goethean Science
Iscador, a mistletoe extract, is manufactured in
an elaborate process at the Weleda factory in Goethean science is a philosophy of science
Switzerland. In the year 2000, there were fif- practiced in Anthroposophy, taking inspiration
teen Anthroposophical medical practices in from the scientific works of Goethe as inter-
the United States (ASA 2000, 57). Waldorf preted by Steiner. Steiner built on the holistic
schools are primary recruiters of new patients. and antimaterialistic sentiments of Weimar
Germany to define a theory-free phenomenol-
ogy. This method is intended to correct the er-
rors of reductionist, materialistic science by
Biodynamic Agriculture (Biodynamics) penetrating to the primal phenomena (Urphae-
nomen) in nature by thoughtful observation.
Biodynamic agriculture, or biodynamics, in-
volves an application of Anthroposophy to We can and must agree with Goethe’s view:
farming, combining organic practices with there can be no doubt that the method of ex-
magical rituals and soil treatments prescribed act intuitive perception leads to valid scientific
by Rudolf Steiner. Close attention is paid to as- knowledge, and this within a realm hardly ac-
trological conditions for soil preparation, cessible to the analytical mode of thought—the
planting, and harvesting. Developing healthy realm of qualities and relationships between
soil is a main concern, using manure from ani- forms. Above all we must agree with Goethe
mals raised on the farm and carefully prepared that the “archetypal images”—the formative
compost. Rudolf Steiner pointed out that a new principles behind phenomena—are spiritual
science of cosmic influences would have to re- realities accessible to our cognition, and we
place old, instinctive wisdom and superstition. must view them as a part of the spiritual con-
Based on his own insight, he introduced what tent of nature. (Heitler 1998, 65–66)
are known as “biodynamic preparations”:
The method of Goethean science is applied
Naturally occurring plant and animal materi- in Anthroposophical medicine and defines the
als are combined in specific recipes in certain principles of the science curriculum taught in
a n t h r o p o s o p h y a n d a n t h r o p o s o p h i c a l m e d i c i n e | 33

Waldorf education, an international movement

that grew from a school established by Rudolf
Steiner in 1919 for the children of workers at
the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory in
Stuttgart, Germany. Today, there are over 500
Waldorf schools across the world, including
122 in the United States (ASA 2000, 55–57).
Proponents believe the Waldorf program is a
paragon of holistic education. Critics charac-
terize it as the principal missionary activity of
Steiner’s Anthroposophy. The science curricu- Nature altar in a California public Waldorf school.
lum follows the principles of Goethean science (Courtesy of the author)
and Steiner’s phenomenological approach that
eschews all theory in favor of teaching only.
Steiner taught that abstract reasoning before rarely seen in kindergarten, and reading is ap-
the age of fourteen would lead to illness later proached slowly in the first three grades.
in life. The philosophical subtext of the Waldorf
Anthroposophical beliefs that surface in schools is Steiner’s Anthroposophy. Propo-
Waldorf schools include the evolution of ani- nents say that Anthroposophy informs Waldorf
mals out of humanity; a physiology based on education but isn’t taught directly. Critics
Steiner’s threefold man (with nerve-sense, point to numerous examples of Anthroposoph-
metabolic-muscular, and rhythmic systems); ical doctrine in student work and the exclu-
the notion that Goethe was right and Newton sively Anthroposophical teacher training, a
was wrong about color; and the idea that the two-year program. The foundation year con-
heart does not pump blood. Waldorf schools sists entirely of the study of Anthroposophy.
have become controversial since 1991, when The second year applies the Anthroposophical
Waldorf-method public schools and Waldorf- theory of child development to teaching. Oc-
inspired charter schools first were established cultism makes heavy use of numerology, and
in the United States and critics began alleging Steiner viewed human life as being organized
violations of the establishment clause of the in seven-year periods. Accordingly, he said, in
U.S. Constitution. the first seven years, only the physical body is
The physical environment of the schools is fully incarnated; at age seven, the etheric body
carefully artistic. Angles and corners are soft- is born, at age fourteen the astral body, and at
ened with draperies. Walls are painted with age twenty-one the I.
transparent washes of pastel colors. Subjects
are taught in two-week blocks. There are no References:
textbooks. Students make their own books for
Anthroposophical Society in America (ASA). 2000.
each lesson block, copying text and illustra-
Directory of Initiatives 2000. Ann Arbor, MI: ASA.
tions from the blackboard. All modern media
Association of Waldorf Schools of North America
are strictly avoided. Some schools require fam-
(AWSNA). URL: (Ac-
ilies to eliminate radio, television, and movies.
cessed on June 3, 2001).
Artistic media are prescribed by age; in the Bott, Victor. 1984. Anthroposophical Medicine: Spir-
early grades, wet-on-wet watercolor and block itual Science and the Art of Healing. Rochester,
crayons are used with the intent of preventing VT: Healing Arts Press.
the use of lines. Children graduate to using Childs, Gilbert. 1991. Steiner Education: In Theory
colored pencils in later grades. Books are and Practice. Edinburgh: Floris Books.
34 | a n t h r o p o s o p h y a n d a n t h r o p o s o p h i c a l m e d i c i n e

The Goetheanum. URL: http://www.Goetheanum. PLANS, Inc. URL:

ch. (Accessed on June 3, 2001). (Accessed on June 3, 2001).
Heitler, Walter. 1998. “Goethean Science.” In ———. “Our Concerns about Waldorf Schools.” URL:
Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of (Accessed on June
Nature, edited by David Seamon and Arthur Za- 3, 2001).
jonc, 55–69. Albany: State University of New Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in
York Press. Great Britain. URL:
Lovel, Hugh. 1994. A Biodynamic Farm for Grow- Science. (Accessed on June 3, 2001).
ing Wholesome Food. Kansas City, MO: Acres, Washington, Peter. 1995. Madame Blavatsky’s Ba-
USA. boon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and
“Natural Science Section.” The Goetheanum. URL: Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America. New York: Schocken Books.
htm. (Accessed on June 3, 2001). Wildfeur, Sherry. N.d. “What Is Biodynamics?” Bio-
Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophical Medi- dynamic Farming and Gardening Association.
cine. URL: (Accessed on URL:
June 3, 2001). html. (Accessed on June 3, 2001).
G E O F F R E Y D E A N , I V A N W . K E L L Y ,
A R T H U R M A T H E R , A N D R U D O L F S M I T

strology is the study (generally nonsci- competition from a barrage of self-help psy-

A entific) of supposed relationships be-

tween the heavens and human affairs;
it has nothing to do with astronomy, which is
chologies and philosophies.

the scientific study of celestial objects. Astrol-

ogy takes two forms: the serious astrology of Early History
journals and consulting rooms, considered
here, and the popular but trivial entertain- Since the dawn of time, people everywhere
ment of sun sign columns (see the “Sun Sign have tried to decipher the sky. Our ancestors
Astrology” entry in this encyclopedia). believed it had control over their lives. They
Astrologers say the heavens reflect our des- loaded it with symbols, myths, and legends
tiny from the cradle to the grave. During that showed its earthly connections, and these
much of history, such an idea was compatible connections became astrology. Their astrology
with the best available knowledge about the varied according to culture, but it was an im-
world. But around 1650, the scientific revolu- portant part of their history. The astrology
tion changed everything. Today, scientists and that survives today in the West arose before
philosophers reject astrology for the best of 2000 b.c. in southern Iraq. It began with ce-
reasons: it has not contributed to human lestial omens, for example, “If the Moon can
knowledge, it has no acceptable mechanism, be seen on the first night of the month, the
its principles are known to be invalid, users country will be peaceful.” Around 500 b.c.,
disagree on almost everything (even on fun- the Greeks added their own ideas, such as
damentals such as which zodiac to use), and it number symbolism, planetary gods, and the
has failed hundreds of tests. Furthermore, as- oneness of nature. By a.d. 1, the basics of
trology is easy to explain: users do not guard modern Western astrology (planets, signs,
against hidden persuaders (perceptual and houses) had been established.
reasoning errors), which is why an actually in-
valid astrology seems to work and why users
can accept erroneous conclusions as true. Yet
astrology still pervades modern culture. Re- Recent History
gardless of its truth or falsity, astrology offers
emotional comfort, spiritual support, and in- Until 1600, an educated person could accept
teresting ideas to stimulate self-examination. astrology because it was compatible with the
People seem to want it. But it faces strong best knowledge of the world then available.

36 | a s t r o l o g y

But by 1700, the scientific revolution had de- such as signs and planets, are derived not from
stroyed the worldview on which astrology de- observation, as some astrologers claim, but
pended. Gone were the crystalline spheres on from symbolism and analogy, the assumption
which the heavens revolved, the bodily hu- being that things similar in some respects are
mors needed for planets to act on, the plane- also similar in others. Thus, the number four
tary links with metals, the belief in number and the fourth planet have the same qualities.
symbolism and planetary gods, and the undis- Aries indicates ramlike impulsivity and willful-
puted authority of ancient Greek and Roman ness. Mars, the red planet, indicates blood,
ideas. Among educated people, serious astrol- anger, and war.
ogy was effectively dead, but at a popular level, The assumption of similarity (also known as
it lived on in almanacs, which were the most the doctrine of correspondences) was accepted
widely read literature after the Bible at the without question in the days when nature was
time. Around 1850, when population and liter- a mystery. And by 1500, planetary symbolism
acy were rapidly increasing, a handful of had passed into our vocabulary in such adjec-
British enthusiasts began to revive serious as- tives as solitary, lunatic, mercurial, venereal,
trology; around 1900, it reemerged in Europe martial, jovial, and saturnine. But the underly-
and the New World, riding on a fascination ing assumption is wrong. We now know that
with the occult and a general crisis of religious things similar in some respects are rarely simi-
faith. A new breed of astrologers swept aside lar in other respects, so the assumption can
the complications of the Greeks and developed lead to absurd conclusions—e.g., John Smith is
new marketing ploys, such as assembly-line tall, therefore John Brown is tall; Australian
horoscopes, sun sign astrology, and counseling. skies are blue, therefore Australians are
By the 1950s, astrology was becoming a boom melancholy. The assumption can also lead to
industry, but the skepticism of educated peo- unresolvable contradictions—e.g., the Moon
ple remained. was male to the Babylonians but female to the
Greeks; to astrologers, Venus is symbolic of
loving harmony, but its actual surface condi-
tions, a searing 450°C under a crushing 90 at-
The Basics of Astrology mospheres of carbon dioxide and a fog of sul-
phuric acid, are more like hell. Today, the way
Today, astrology holds that the macrocosm astrology uses symbolism cannot be taken seri-
(universe) and microcosm (man) are related; ously. Or, as one researcher put it, there are
just as man is contained within the universe, so lies, damned lies, and symbols.
he contains a universe within himself, the one
a reflection of the other. The idea is tradition-
ally expressed as “as above so below” or more
cautiously as “the stars incline but do not com- Disagreement Is Normal
pel.” It says we can learn about ourselves by
looking at the stars. The starting point is the Equally suspect is astrology’s serious literature,
birth chart, a simplified map of the heavens at which in the West encompasses nearly 1,000
the moment of birth, whether for a person, a shelf-feet of books and periodicals, of which
company, or a country. The birth chart is said about 3,000 books are in print (one-third in
to be a blueprint for life, and learning how to English). Astrology books typically offer specu-
interpret it can take a year or more of hard lation and strange ideas but rarely facts and
study. The meanings of the individual parts, critical thinking. Disagreement is normal; as-
a s t r o l o g y | 37

Sixteenth-century woodcut of The Zodiacal Man.

trologers tend to agree on the importance and ingly endless), and they disagree on the details
meaning of the known planets, but there is (there is more than one system of signs, of
general disagreement about everything else. houses, of aspects, of progressions, and so on).
They disagree on what a birth chart should in- They also disagree on the methods of interpre-
clude (signs, houses, aspects, midpoints, nodes, tation, which range from using strict rules to
parts, harmonics, hypothetical planets, aster- ignoring rules in favor of psychic flashes.
oids, progressions, directions; the list is seem- Astrologers do not even agree on what a
38 | a s t r o l o g y

birth chart is supposed to indicate. Fifty years different people. Users tend to focus on feel-
ago, they tended to opt for minds, feelings, ings: they seek spiritual insight, emotional
physique, health, wealth, vocation, relation- support, and direction to life, so when they
ships, events, destiny, and so on. “There is no claim that “astrology works,” they tend to
area of human existence to which astrology mean that “it feels good” or “it is meaningful.”
cannot be applied” (Parker and Parker 1975, But many things are meaningful without being
60). Today, however, the shrewd astrologer has true (Santa Claus, Superman, faces in clouds).
retreated in the face of modern research, opt- So this kind of astrology does not need to be
ing instead for hidden potentials and other un- true, and attacking it is on a par with attacking
observables that are more secure from dis- Santa Claus.
proof and for the unspecific claim that In contrast, critics tend to focus on facts.
“astrology works.” They seek proof of the claims of astrology.
They want to know if Leos really are more
generous than non-Leos. Their kind of astrol-
ogy needs to be true, but research has consis-
Popularity tently failed to deliver. So when critics claim
that “astrology does not work,” they tend to
Nevertheless, opinion polls in Western coun- mean that “it is not true” or “any success is
tries show that one person in four believes in due to nonastrological factors.” This difference
astrology. In Eastern countries, the proportion in viewpoint explains why users and critics can
approaches four in four. Each year in the disagree so completely over astrology—they are
United States, roughly 1 million people consult often not talking about the same thing.
astrologers—not many compared to the 50 mil-
lion Americans who, at any particular time, are
seeking answers to their psychological prob-
lems, but still a lot of users. So who is right? Research Findings
Could the stars really correlate with human af-
fairs? Before the 1970s, no conclusions were Before 1950, almost no empirical studies of as-
possible due to a lack of research. But this is trology existed. But by 1975, more than 100
no longer the case. Advances in relevant areas were hidden away in astrology and psychology
(astronomy, psychology, statistics, research de- journals. The same year saw the first astrology
sign), together with a decisive technology software for home computers, which took only
(computers), have now given clear answers to seconds to make birth chart calculations that
these age-old questions. had previously taken hours or days to make by
hand. Astrology soon lost its mystery, Today,
the number of empirical studies exceeds 500,
and they have shown that it is meaningless to
Facts and Feelings ask questions such as “Is astrology true?” be-
cause they are too vague (the answer could be
To start with, everything depends on what is yes or no depending on what is meant by “as-
meant by “astrology.” Like most social beliefs, trology”). Instead, the questions should be
astrology covers areas where feelings matter more specific, such as “Does astrology deliver
but not facts, as in religion, and other areas anything not explained by nonastrological fac-
where facts matter but not feelings, as in sci- tors?” (the answer is no).
ence. So astrology can mean different things to Of course, testing astrology is not easy. Test-
a s t r o l o g y | 39

Detail from title page of Robert Fludd’s cosmic Historia, 1716.

ing requires expertise in relevant areas such as ful and (except for its historical and social im-
psychology and statistics and experience in plications) not worth serious study.
avoiding pitfalls. For example, astrology is said
to arise from nothing we know about, so it is
easy to misinterpret natural irregularities in
the data as being due to astrology. But the pic- Hidden Persuaders
ture emerging from these hundreds of studies
is clear and consistent: astrology does not de- Astrologers generally ignore research findings.
liver factual truth, at least not truth commen- Some argue that astrology is symbolic or soul
surate with its claims. It contributes nothing to stuff or merely a language, so it cannot be
our knowledge of the world. Orthodox ap- tested. Others argue that astrology has no sci-
proaches are vastly better, which is why scien- entific explanation, so proper tests cannot be
tists and philosophers see astrology as unfruit- devised. And still others argue that their expe-
40 | a s t r o l o g y

rience demonstrates the truth of astrology thousand or more. Furthermore, contrary to

every day, so tests are superfluous. But astrol- astrological claims, there was no effect for half
ogy has to be testable; otherwise, astrologers the planets, for signs or aspects, or (on
could never know anything about it. And as- Gauquelin’s figures) for the 99.994 percent of
trology does have a scientific explanation—hu- the population who were not eminent. And it
man judgment errors. Normally hidden, these has recently been found that some parents
errors persuade users that astrology works were altering birth data before reporting them
even though it is actually invalid. They are the to the registry office, making them fit astrology
same hidden persuaders that have led millions in the same way as they might make them
of people to believe in pseudosciences such as avoid Friday the Thirteenth (Dean 2002). So
phrenology and biorhythms, which we now any support for astrology disappears.
know are completely invalid. Hidden per-
suaders have been the subject of thousands of
scientific studies and dozens of scientific
books, but they are rarely mentioned in astrol- Is Astrology Helpful?
ogy books. When these errors are prevented,
astrology (like phrenology and biorhythms) Astrologers are generally nice people who
suddenly fails to work. So the supposed verac- want to help others. To them, the question is
ity of experience is a delusion. not “Does astrology work?” but “Is astrology
helpful?” or “Does astrology produce change?”
The answer to both is clearly yes, if only be-
cause astrology indirectly puts clients in touch
The Mars Effect with someone they can talk to. Astrologers
tend to dismiss problems of how astrology
During forty years of immense labor, the might work, saying their concern lies with the
most famous in modern astrology, the late client, not the means. But note the dilemma—
Michel Ganquelin (1926–1991) and his wife, to receive therapy by conversation or to pro-
Françoise, tested numerous astrological claims. duce change, the client has to believe in some-
Their findings were almost entirely negative. thing that is untrue. Otherwise, why bother
Gauquelin (1991, 60) concluded, “Having col- with birth charts? The same dilemma can ap-
lected half a million dates of birth from the ply elsewhere, as in palmistry, psychotherapy,
most diverse people, I have been able to ob- and even religion, so it is not unique to astrol-
serve that the majority of the elements in a ogy. Nevertheless, it presents an ethical prob-
horoscope seem not to possess any of the influ- lem that astrologers have generally failed to
ences which have been attributed to them.” recognize, let alone resolve.
But one finding seemed positive: professional
people tended to be born with a surplus or
deficit of certain planets in the areas just past
rise or culmination—but only if they were emi- Astrology’s Dark Side
nent and were born naturally. The tendency
was later called the Mars effect, but depending Anything that fools people is potentially dan-
on the occupation it could equally well have gerous. In 1995, a survey of 509 British school-
been called the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, or Sat- children aged fourteen and fifteen found that
urn effect. Astrologers claimed the effect sup- most saw astrology as harmless fun. But more
ported astrology, but it was extremely weak than one-third actually believed their stars.
and could be detected only in samples of a And a minority had been led to other occult
a s t r o l o g y | 41

practices that ended in trauma, so for them, as- vious to criticism. Nobody who derives benefit
trology was not harmless fun (Boyd 1996). Nor from astrology is going to believe evidence for
is it harmless fun in Japan. According to Japa- its invalidity. So until a more rewarding belief
nese astrology, women born in a fire-horse year comes along, astrology is unlikely to go away.
will have unhappy marriages. The year 1966 Nevertheless, it faces the same scientific oppo-
was a fire-horse year, and the then annual total sition and the same taint of pop that helped
of 2 million births dropped by 25 percent due the downfall of phrenology. It also faces strong
to an extra half million abortions, which in competition from a barrage of self-help psy-
Japan is the principal means of birth control. chologies and philosophies (see any New Age
People did not want to risk having girls who bookstore). Extrapolation of the growth in
would be hard to marry off. Thus, in half a mil- British astrology books suggests that an end
lion cases, even this simplistic astrology was may be near around 2100, but whether this is
anything but harmless fun (Kaku 1975). a genuine end or merely the result of books
being replaced by the Internet is hard to say
(Dean and Kelly 2001, 202). Only time will tell
if astrology can survive.
For and Against
The case against astrology is that it is untrue
and falsely described. It does not deliver bene- Boyd, A. 1996. Dangerous Obsessions: Teenagers
fits beyond those produced by nonastrological and the Occult. London: Marshall Pickering.
factors, and astrologers ignore unwelcome evi- Dean, G. 2002. “Is the Mars Effect a Social Effect?”
Skeptical Inquirer 26, no. 3: 33–38. A compre-
dence—defects that are never disclosed. So
hensive abstract is at URL: http://www.astrology-
people are being misled. The case for astrology
is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer pro-
Gauquelin, M. 1991. Neo-Astrology: A Copernican
vides low-cost, nonthreatening therapy that is Revolution. London: Arkana.
otherwise hard to come by, especially as astrol- Kaku, K. 1975. “Increased Abortion Rate in 1966:
ogy implies no physical, mental, or moral An Aspect of Japanese Folk Superstition.” Annals
weakness as might apply when visiting a doc- of Human Biology 2: 111–115.
tor, psychiatrist, or priest. But whatever our Parker, D., and J. Parker. 1975. The Compleat As-
verdict, for or against, if astrology encourages trologer. London: Mitchell Beazley.
people to explore the problems of humanity’s
Descriptive books on astrology are numerous and
existence and to express spiritual values and if
easy to find—just visit any public library. By con-
it provides a bridge between a person of wis-
trast, critical books on astrology are hard to find;
dom and a person in need, then these qualities
they also tend to be incomplete because most of the
deserve study as much as any objective claim important studies are not retrievable via computer-
would. There is more to astrology than being ized databases such as PsychInfo. For ordinary read-
true or false. ers, good sources of information are:

Brau, J. L., H. Weaver, and A. Edmands. 1980.

Larousse Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York:
McGraw-Hill. Good general-purpose coverage of
What of the Future? history, methods, and biographies but has almost
nothing on research. Includes instructions for
Beliefs survive best when, as in astrology, be- calculating and reading birth charts.
lievers create a close-knit group in which the Phillipson, G., ed. 2000. Astrology in the Year Zero.
sense of belonging makes their beliefs imper- London: Flare Publications. See URL: http://
42 | a s t r o l o g y Explores key issues via inter- Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Reviews the
views with astrologers and researchers. Includes progress of research into astrology since 1975.
a review of recent research findings, a look at hu- Dean, G., A. Mather, and I. W. Kelly. 1996. “Astrol-
man judgment errors, and a critical bibliography, ogy.” In The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal,
all with expanded versions at URL: http://www. edited by G. Stein, 47–99. Amherst, NY: Prome- theus Books. An extended (28,000-word) scien-
tific survey covering history, popularity, argu-
For academics, a comprehensive critique of astro-
ments for and against, conceptual problems,
logical ideas is:
controlled tests, effect size comparisons, prob-
Kelly, I. W. 1997. “Modern Astrology: A Critique.” lems of birth chart interpretation, how belief in
Psychological Reports 81: 1035–1066. Has 131 astrology arises, the role of human judgment er-
references, including major critical works. Con- rors, and the future of astrology.
cludes that astrology does not have the means to Gambrill, E. 1990. Critical Thinking in Clinical
solve its internal problems. An expanded version Practice: Improving the Accuracy of Judgments
is at URL: http://www.astrology-and-science. and Decisions about Clients. San Francisco:
com/. Jossey-Bass. A survey of human judgment errors
made by professionals in psychology, medicine,
The following titles address more specific issues:
and the helping professions, showing how to re-
Ankerberg, J., and J. Weldon. 1989. Astrology: Do duce their influence on decision making. Equally
the Heavens Rule Our Destiny? Eugene, OR: applicable to astrology.
Harvest House. Very readable critique of astrol- Gettings, F. 1990. The Arkana Dictionary of Astrol-
ogy’s claims and the personal consequences of its ogy. London: Arkana. A scholarly work covering
use. Many useful quotes, all referenced to the ex- every aspect of astrology from its origins to the
act page. The answer to the title question is no. present day. Has nearly 4,000 entries from Ab
Dean, G. 1992. “Does Astrology Need to Be True?” and Abbreviations to Zubrah and Zugos. A rich
In The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms source of information for academics but has little
of the Paranormal, edited by K. Frazier, 279–319. on research.
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. Goes beyond Holden, J. H. 1996. A History of Horoscopic Astrol-
the popular astrology of newspaper columns to ogy: From the Babylonian Period to the Modern
examine the serious astrology of consulting Age. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of As-
rooms and learned journals. The answer to the ti- trologers. Has a bibliography of 27 titles and a
tle question is no. detailed index. Clear, readable, the only history
Dean, G., and I. W. Kelly. 2001. “Does Astrology to focus on technical developments. Includes
Work? Astrology and Skepticism, 1975–2000.” In brief biographies of about 1,000 individual
Skeptical Odysseys, edited by P. Kurtz, 191–207. astrologers.
Attachment Therapy

ttachment therapy (AT) is a treatment Techniques of AT

A used with the intention of creating
emotional change in children and
adolescents, but its theoretical background,
The restraint used in AT ranges from an ex-
treme form called “rebirthing” (Crowder
empirical support, and safety remain ques- 2000) to a less coercive approach that is often
tionable. The practice is used with the goal of called “holding therapy.” Rebirthing is a ver-
causing children to feel a strong and positive sion of a practice in which adults sometimes
emotional connection to the adults who care participate because they expect psychological
for them (their biological, foster, or adoptive benefits from the experience. When done
parents). AT practitioners refer to this positive with a child, rebirthing involves wrapping the
feeling toward the adults as “attachment” or child tightly in a blanket and carrying out a
“bonding,” and they consider it to be the ba- reenactment of a birth. Several adults restrain
sis for obedience, desirable behavior, and the the wrapped child and press against him or
development of conscience and character her in imitation of the contractions of the
(Levy and Orlans 2000a, 2000b). uterus during the birth process. The child is
Writings about AT attribute the violent, ag- told to struggle, not just to escape but to be
gressive behavior of children and adolescents “reborn” as the child of an adoptive or other
to a lack of attachment, and AT practitioners parent, who may be present during the
consider aggression, disobedience, and lack of process (Crowder 2000).
affection to be part of a syndrome they call at- In holding therapy, the child is not
tachment disorder (AD). Many children wrapped but is restrained by adults, who may
brought into AT are adopted or have back- try to establish prolonged eye contact while
grounds of neglect or abuse. The ideas behind holding the struggling child over a period of
AT are shared to some extent by many types hours. Repeated sessions of restraint occur
of psychotherapy, but AT is unusual in its over days or even weeks (Levy and Orlans
practitioners’ assumption that emotional 2000a, 2000b).
change can be brought about by physical Physical restraint is not the only tool used
treatment rather than by talking, play, or by AT practitioners, although it is at the heart
other forms of communication. Various spe- of the treatment procedure. Children who are
cific techniques are used by different AT prac- receiving AT also spend time with “therapeu-
titioners, but all involve some type of physical tic foster parents” who are trained in AT tech-
restraint and some degree of discomfort or niques and philosophies and whose goal is to
fear (Cline 1992; Levy and Orlans 2000a, stress adult authority and control. Obedience
2000b). and an affectionate attitude are said to be cre-

44 | a t t a c h m e n t t h e r a p y

ated as a result of the foster parents’ provision serted to be evidence for the efficacy of AT is
or denial of food, play, and approval; the rules that it has not employed a random assignment
by which the foster parents do this do not re- of children to groups that would or would not
semble the reinforcement techniques they sug- receive AT (Randolph 2001; Myeroff, Mertlich,
gest but are deliberately arbitrary and unpre- and Gross 1999). The random assignment to
dictable (Thomas 2000). The child’s biological groups is the only legitimate way to know that
or adoptive parents are also instructed to use a difference between AT-treated and untreated
these techniques, as well as to employ physical children has resulted from the treatment
restraint, and support groups are available to rather than from other, preexisting differences
encourage this treatment. between the groups. For example, one study
(Myeroff, Mertlich, and Gross 1999) compared
children whose parents brought them for treat-
ment with other children whose parents ap-
Outcomes plied to bring them but were unable to make
the arrangements to do so. Later differences
Both rebirthing and other holding techniques between the two groups of children could have
have been associated with the deaths of chil- resulted from systematic differences between
dren (Crowder 2000; Horn 2000; Smith the two sets of families (for instance, numbers
1996). Public attention was drawn to AT after of other children to be cared for) rather than
the suffocation death of ten-year-old Candace from the experience of treatment.
Newmaker during a rebirthing session con-
ducted by AT practitioners in Colorado in
April 2000 (Crosson 2000). Several years ear-
lier, three-year-old Krystal Tibbets of Utah had Theoretical Background
died when her foster father lay on top of her in
a “therapeutic” effort advised by AT practi- Why would AT practitioners expect their treat-
tioners (Smith 1996). Evidence in a trial con- ment to cause positive emotional changes in
nected with Candace Newmaker’s death re- children? The answer to this question requires
vealed the AT practitioners’ belief that the an examination both of the theories on which
child’s pleas for help showed her resistance to AT writers claim to base their work and of
treatment rather than real distress. Positive re- other theories and practices that seem much
sults for children treated by AT have also been more strongly connected to AT than the
claimed (Randolph 2001), but as will be noted, claimed sources.
these claims are based on questionable re- AT practitioners (Levy and Orlans 2000a,
search methodology. 2000b) say they base much of their approach on
Research on the outcome of therapy for the work of psychologists such as John Bowlby
emotional problems is quite difficult to carry (1982), focusing on early emotional develop-
out and to interpret, but the American Psycho- ment. Bowlby and his colleagues used both
logical Association has suggested some impor- clinical and experimental methods to examine
tant criteria that should be met before a treat- children’s development of strong positive feel-
ment is claimed to be effective. Published ings toward their parents or other familiar
research on AT has not complied with those caregivers. These strong positive feelings of a
guidelines and is not adequate to support the child for an adult, called “attachment,” nor-
claims made by some AT practitioners. mally develop between about six and eighteen
The major problem with the research as- months of age. Attachment occurs as a result of
a t t a c h m e n t t h e r a p y | 45

Illustration of child holding hands with adult. (Bonnie Timmons/The Image Bank)

repeated pleasant social interactions, such as lationships. Children who have formed less se-
play between the child and a small number of cure and less comforting attachments may
consistent, responsive caregivers. The child’s later have poor emotional relationships with
behavior shows evidence of attachment when friends, spouses, and their own children. Those
he or she strongly prefers to be with a familiar who have formed no attachment tend to ex-
person, cries or shows distress when separated ploit other people and to have no sense of guilt
from that person, avoids strangers, and turns about harming others. Those who have formed
to the familiar person for security when in an an attachment and been separated may be
unfamiliar place. overly sensitive to later losses of this type
When their caregivers are less responsive (Bowlby 1982). Of course, later experiences
than is appropriate, some children form at- and attempts to understand relationships can
tachments that seem less secure and comfort- alter the individual’s point of view; the early
ing for them than what is typically seen. In- attachment experience is only one factor in an
fants and toddlers who do not have consistent, adult’s attitude toward others (van IJzendoorn
responsive caregivers do not form attachments 1995).
but instead show indiscriminate friendliness AT practitioners stress Bowlby’s concepts of
toward adults. Toddlers who have formed se- attachment and separation and the roles they
cure attachments suffer deep grief and distress play in early emotional life, and they are par-
if they undergo an abrupt, prolonged separa- ticularly concerned with the exploitativeness
tion from the familiar person. and possible violence connected with a lack of
The long-term importance of attachment attachment. However, the AT view of the tim-
stems from its role as a foundation for later re- ing and causes of attachment events is quite
46 | a t t a c h m e n t t h e r a p y

different from Bowlby’s. AT practitioners be- the writings of other therapists such as Robert
lieve that the emotional connection the child Zaslow (Zaslow and Menta 1975), who de-
feels for the parent begins before birth and that scribed the bonding cycle, and others in the
separation at birth or in the first few months of 1940s and after who suggested physical re-
life will cause serious grief to the child. (In straint and discomfort as forms of therapy. It
Bowlby’s theory, the child must be at least six should be noted that these latter writers are of
months old before separation will have such an little relevance to the work of most modern
emotional effect.) AT practitioners stress the psychotherapists in the United States, who
relationship between the child and the birth generally employ a more cognitive and com-
mother as being the most important. (Bowlby municative approach, both with adults and
considers any consistent, responsive caregiver with children.
as a potential focus of attachment.) AT practi-
tioners believe that postnatal attachment is References:
strengthened by a set of experiences they call Bowlby, John. 1982. Attachment. New York: Basic
the “bonding cycle”; these are the child’s expe- Books.
riences of pain, need, fear, or distress that are Cline, Foster. 1992. Hope for High Risk and Rage
relieved by the adult caregiver on many occa- Filled Children. Evergreen, CO: EC Publications.
sions between birth and age two. (In Bowlby’s Crosson, J. 2000. “ ‘Rebirthing’ Halted after a
approach, attachment is considered to occur Death.” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 22, A5.
between about six and eighteen months as a Crowder, Carla. “Prosecutors Add Charges for Re-
result of pleasurable social interactions be- birthing Therapist.” Denver Rocky Mountain
tween the child and one of a few consistent, re- News. URL:
sponsive adult caregivers. Attachment occurs 0729char0.shtml. (Accessed on July 29, 2000).
Horn, M. “A Dead Child, a Troubling Defense.” US
easily during this period because the child is
News Online. URL: http://www.usnews/issue/
especially ready for it developmentally.)
970714/14atta.htm. (Accessed on July 21, 2000).
Because AT practitioners believe that at-
Levy, Terry, and Michael Orlans. 2000a. “Attach-
tachment follows a set of experiences of suffer- ment Disorders as an Antecedent to Violent and
ing and relief, they assume that subjecting the Antisocial Patterns in Children.” In Handbook of
child to repeated instances of distressing phys- Attachment Interventions, edited by Terry Levy,
ical restraint followed by release can create at- 1–16. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
tachment where none exists (Cline 1992). The ———. 2000b. “Attachment Disorder and the Adop-
AT stress on the process rather than the devel- tive Family.” In Handbook of Attachment Inter-
opmental needs or abilities of the child leads ventions, edited by Terry Levy, 244–260. San
to the assumption that attachment can be Diego, CA: Academic Press.
formed in the same way at any time during Myeroff, Robin, Gary Mertlich, and Jim Gross.
childhood or adolescence. AT practitioners 1999. “Comparative Effectiveness of Holding
Therapy with Aggressive Children.” Child Psychi-
view attachment as an intrapersonal event
atry and Human Development 29, no. 4:
whose occurrence prepares the way for filial
affection and obedience, rather than as part of
Randolph, Elizabeth. “Attachment Therapy Does
the ongoing, lifelong development of attitudes Work!” The Attachment Center at Evergreen.
toward and relationships with specific other URL:
people. article015.htm. (Accessed on January 20, 2001).
It would appear that AT is actually derived Smith, L. 1996. “Full of Woe.” Los Angeles Times,
not from Bowlby’s attachment theory but from July 12, E1.
a t t a c h m e n t t h e r a p y | 47

Thomas, Nancy. 2000. “Parenting Children with At- Infant Attachment: A Meta-analysis on the Pre-
tachment Disorders.” In Handbook of Attach- dictive Validity of the Adult Attachment Inter-
ment Interventions, edited by Terry Levy, 67–111. view.” Psychological Bulletin 117: 387–403.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Zaslow, Robert, and Marilyn Menta. 1975. The Psy-
Van IJzendoorn, Martinus. 1995. “Adult Attachment chology of the Z-Process: Attachment and Activ-
Representations, Parental Responsiveness, and ity. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University Press.
Ball Lightning

all lightning (BL) is popularly de- twenty years of study as a meteorologist and

B scribed as a slow-moving luminous

ball not more than 12 inches (30 cen-
timeters) in diameter occasionally seen at
lightning investigator, he had never observed
BL. He concluded that it did not exist (Barry
1980, 133). Other scientists have reached the
ground level during a thunderstorm. Scien- same conclusion. James Lovelock put tales of
tists usually understand it as an electrical dis- BL in the same category as those of sponta-
charge phenomenon somehow associated neous human combustion and crop circles
with normal lightning. (Lovelock 2000, 86). Even James Barry
The existence of BL is controversial, with (1980, 134) allowed that the unbiased exami-
opinions and explanations changing over nation of reports leads to the conclusion that
time. Although many theories have been ad- a great percentage of them are highly ques-
vanced to explain it, none of them account for tionable and could be interpreted in several
all the reported characteristics of ball light- ways. Among those ways is the persistence of
ning. Further, BL has not been created in lab- the vision theory proposed by Lord Kelvin
oratory conditions with all its characteristics, (William Thomson) in 1888. He claimed that
and reliable accounts of it are rare and often the uniform size of the ball lightning reported
suspect. Because of perceptual and memory in many cases was ascribed to an illusion asso-
problems, anecdotal evidence is of doubtful ciated with the blind spot in the eye (Singer
value. There is no photograph, film, or video 1971, 19). Lovelock (2000) reported such a
recording that can be accepted unreservedly case after a lightning flash. Other sources of
as showing BL. Many forget the null hypothe- deception that have been proposed are the
sis, which has explained many postulated will-o’-the-wisp and owls with luminous
phenomena (such as phlogiston and the wings, but the existence of either of these en-
ether) that turn out to be nonexistent. The tities is itself doubtful. In recent years, some
null hypothesis may also explain BL, which scientists have accepted the existence of ball
could be a chimera or a pseudophenomenon. lightning, albeit with little evidence.
Skepticism regarding the existence of BL Reports of BL suffer from defects inherent
goes back at least to Michael Faraday and in the human perceptual and memory sys-
François Arago in the nineteenth century. In tems. Because both perception and memory
1839, Faraday allowed that balls of fire might are reconstructive processes, what we per-
appear in the atmosphere but doubted that ceive is not necessarily what the sense organs
they had anything to do with lightning or at- receive. This fact is demonstrated by various
mospheric electricity (Barry 1980, 133). More well-known optical illusions, such as the
recently, Karl Berger reported that, in over moon illusion. Distant stationary lights are

b a l l l i g h t n i n g | 49

subject to several movement illusions, all of involved in perception and memory. Worse
which attribute movement to the light. The still, asking people if they have seen BL begs
most famous example is the autokinetic illu- the question of its existence and ignores their
sion, in which a stationary light (usually a star) inability to distinguish it (if it exists) from
will appear to move about at random. other phenomena. The question plants a con-
The size or distance of an unknown object cept in the mind that will distort the memory
cannot be determined by observers without of any genuine perception. Such a question
additional information. Observers usually should not be asked, and surveys based on this
make a guess about either the size or the dis- question are worthless.
tance of an object and then determine the The contradictory results obtained from re-
other parameter from their guess. In fact, both ports were noted by an early investigator, F.
can be wrong. The size of distant objects seen von Lepel (Singer 1971, 62). According to re-
near the horizon can be exaggerated (the ports, BL occurs in any type of weather, not
moon illusion), as can an object’s altitude (an- just storms; it can be any color; it can be mo-
gle above the horizon). Nor can observers usu- tionless or moving at any speed, often against
ally distinguish between a change in size of an the wind; it can disappear violently or silently;
object and a change in its distance, and they it may follow wires or edges or travel inde-
usually interpret a change in size as a change pendently; it may be outside or inside; its life-
in distance. A phenomenon called size con- time varies from a fraction of a second to
stancy can interfere with size perception. Even several minutes; it can be spherical or pear-
estimates of time span are unreliable; intense shaped; it is either silent or noisy; and so forth.
interest tends to shorten the estimation of time In other words, the phenomenon exhibits
elapsed. Estimates of brightness are meaning- no consistent characteristics and appears to be
less (brightness is a relative term), and ob- all things to all observers. And as one investi-
servers tend to make false associations, draw- gator commented, there are very few natural
ing unwarranted conclusions from what they phenomena that observation makes more diffi-
perceive. They may associate effects with the cult to explain (Singer 1971, 62). However,
wrong cause. In the case of anomalous lumi- such contradictions might be explained if the
nous phenomena, observers try to identify observers are reporting many different phe-
them by reference to the models they carry in nomena, none of which are actually BL.
their minds. Clearly, they can only identify a Among the objects mistaken for BL are bright
phenomenon as BL if they have heard of it. astronomical objects at low altitude, sometimes
Conversely, they are likely to identify an seen in mirage (Campbell 1988a).
anomalous object as BL simply because they Anecdotal reports are unreliable, and so are
have heard of it. illustrations based on these reports. However,
Memory is not much more reliable than it is more difficult to explain reports of physi-
perception. People who report BL and who cal damage and photographic evidence. It is
have heard about other reports may, inadver- sometimes alleged that BL can penetrate
tently, draw on these previous reports for their closed windows, and the literature contains
own report. Tests show that reliability de- several alleged examples. When a mysterious
creases with time, and it is strongly suspected hole appeared in a window of his department
that observers attempt to make facts fit theory. during a storm, a professor of meteorology in
Consequently, genuine anecdotal reports of Edinburgh concluded that BL was the cause.
BL must be regarded with suspicion. Ob- But later investigation showed a simpler expla-
servers are mostly unaware of the distortions nation—mechanical damage (Campbell 1981a).
50 | b a l l l i g h t n i n g

And almost circular cracks can appear in sheet pilot, which misled the U.S. editor of Aviation
glass when it is subjected to the appropriate Week and Space Technology; he used it on the
sudden stress or impact. Reports of extensive cover of his skeptical books on unidentified
damage, such as fires or explosions, may more flying objects (UFOs) (Campbell 1988c).
easily be explained as the result of ordinary Although it is fairly easy to take a photo-
lightning strikes. Such reports are not clarified graph—or to fake one—that many mistakenly
by the popular belief that lightning strikes are interpret as showing BL, it should be less easy
the result of something called a “thunderbolt.” to produce a film or video sequence that could
Barry (1980, 108) demonstrated that a long- fool anyone. However, in 1973, a film ap-
lived luminous ball phenomenon can be peared that allegedly depicted BL traveling
produced by a spark-initiated combustion of slowly across the horizon near Aylesbury, En-
low-density hydrocarbon gas at atmospheric gland. It showed a bright ball of light moving
pressure. This phenomenon may explain the on a steady horizontal course for 23 seconds,
1975 report from a housewife in Smethwick, until it suddenly vanished. Because the object
England, that BL appeared over her gas range was reported initially as a UFO, the film has
(Campbell 1988b). Normal lightning may ig- been shown many times at UFO conferences
nite hydrocarbon gases in the atmosphere, and has been featured in a British Broadcast-
producing similar phenomena, but this is not ing Corporation (BBC) television program
what is understood as BL. about UFOs. But it was also thought that the
Photographs alleged to show BL are as sus- film showed BL. Later, it was demonstrated
pect as anecdotal reports and sketches. The that the “ball” was actually burning fuel being
camera cannot lie, but what it shows can be dumped from a damaged U.S. fighter-bomber;
misinterpreted—and the photographer can lie. the aircraft itself, nearly 4 miles (6 kilometers)
Until the early 1970s, a photograph taken in away, was not visible beside the fireball and
1961 at Castleford, England, had been inter- was too far away to be heard (Campbell 1991).
preted as showing the path of BL. Even New In 1989, a TV station in southeast England
Scientist magazine described the image as the screened a video of a smudgy spherical object
“Path of a Thunderbolt.” But a decade later, it with a hole that was captured accidentally as
was claimed that the photograph showed the the videographer attempted to film normal
pulsed trace from a street lamp (Davies and lightning; he had not seen anything unusual
Standler 1972), and a decade after that, it was during the recording. The videographer
demonstrated that this assessment was correct thought it might show BL, and this explana-
(Campbell 1981b): the photographer incau- tion was initially endorsed by Roger Jennison,
tiously moved the camera while the shutter a professor at the University of Kent (who has
was still open. A Russian photograph taken in himself reported seeing BL). However, it was
1957 was explained in the same way—but not later demonstrated that the object in the se-
before a member of the Soviet Academy of Sci- quence was a combination of an artifact of the
ences endorsed the photo on the basis of simi- camera itself and a distant streetlight
lar pictures he had seen in a 1939 U.S. journal (Bergstrom and Campbell 1991).
(Campbell 1987). He did not know that the
pictures were all produced by lamps, presum-
ably as hoaxes. References:
Many alleged pictures of BL are deliberate Barry, James Dale. 1980. Ball Lightning and Bead
fakes. One example seems to be a picture pro- Lightning: Extreme Forms of Atmospheric Elec-
duced in 1966 by a former Canadian air force tricity. New York: Plenum Press.
b a l l l i g h t n i n g | 51

Bergstrom, Arne, and Steuart Campbell. 1991. “The ———. 1988b. “The Smethwick Ball Lightning Re-
Ashford ‘Ball Lightning’ Video Explained.” Jour- port.” Journal of Meteorology, UK 13, no. 134:
nal of Meteorology, UK 16, no. 160: 185–190. 391–393.
Campbell, Steuart. 1981a. “Not Lightning Dam- ———. 1988c. “The Childerhose UFO: Fact or Fic-
age.” Weather 36, no. 3: 66–71. tion?” British Journal of Photography 135, no.
———. 1981b. “How Not to Photograph Ball Light- 6686: 72.
ning.” British Journal of Photography 128, no. ———. 1991. “Fireball by Day.” British Journal of
6326: 1096–1097, 1105. Photography 138, no. 6814: 22–23.
———. 1987. “Ball Lightning Exposed! Another Pic- Davies, D. W., and R. B. Standler. 1972. “Ball Light-
ture Puzzle . . .” British Journal of Photography ning.” Nature 240 (November 17): 144.
134, no. 6645: 1537–1538. Lovelock, J. 2000. Homage to Gaia. New York: Ox-
———. 1988a. “Russian Accounts of Ball Lightning.” ford University Press.
Journal of Meteorology, UK 13, no. 128: Singer, Stanley. 1971. The Nature of Ball Lightning.
126–128. New York: Plenum Press.
Bermuda Triangle

he Bermuda Triangle is the triangular calm sea and in bright weather conditions.

T area in the Atlantic Ocean between the

Bahamas, Bermuda, and the East
Coast of the United States in which ships and
Usually, strange radio messages are men-
tioned to liven up the story. But those who
truly investigate the facts will find out that
airplanes are said to mysteriously disappear. these stories often are transferred from one
The absolute peak in cultural interest in the book to another, with each author adding a
Bermuda Triangle followed the 1974 publica- number of juicy details. As such, an unsea-
tion of the best-selling book The Bermuda Tri- worthy ship that sank during a heavy storm is
angle, by Charles Berlitz and J. Manson slowly turned into an unsinkable ship that
Valentine, of which millions of copies were mysteriously disappears in a calm sea.
sold. The most famous example is the story of
Some of the more imaginative explanations Flight 19, the crew of which is brought home
for the disappearances are kidnappings by by a UFO in Steven Spielberg’s 1977 box-
unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and dan- office hit Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
gerous force fields originating in the lost con- Bermuda Triangle books tell the story of ex-
tinent of Atlantis below the ocean’s surface. perienced pilots flying out to sea and sending
The truth is that there is absolutely nothing odd radio messages just before disappearing.
unusual with that area. The facts about this case, however, make ex-
The exact position and size of the Bermuda planations of the incidents rather mundane:
Triangle are somewhat disputed: certain au- inexperienced pilots, inaccurate navigation,
thors say that it has a surface of 500,000 broken compasses, bad weather conditions,
square kilometers, whereas others mention and poor radio connections. The pilots got
figures three times as high and also consider lost, ran out of fuel, and crash-landed in the
the Azores and parts of the West Indies as be- sea. The heavy airplanes sank to the bottom
ing part of the triangle. The rumors about within minutes.
mysterious disappearances in that part of the A year after the book by Berlitz and Valen-
Atlantic Ocean already existed in the era of tine was published, the complete and partial
Columbus, but the triangle craze reached its lies that had been copied from book to book
peak in the 1970s. over the years until they ended up in that
What were the claims? All the stories about 1974 publication were finally exposed in The
the Bermuda Triangle contain certain similar- Bermuda Triangle Mystery—Solved by Law-
ities: they are always about ships or airplanes rence Kusche (1975). Kusche demonstrated
that, although in the hands of experienced pi- that there is nothing wrong with that part of
lots or sailors, mysteriously disappear in a the sea. He indicated that there are no more

b e r m u d a t r i a n g l e | 53

Map of the Bermuda Triangle. (Bettmann/CORBIS)

accidents there than in other heavily used sea there was a stir when one of the hundred air-
routes and that all the exaggerated stories plane wrecks near Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
about mysterious disappearances were no was thought to be the infamous 1945 Flight
more than products of the imaginations of a 19. But like so much that is said about the
number of writers. Kusche’s book is still held Bermuda Triangle, that report turned out to be
up as a classic in skeptical research. false.
Slowly, the subject was forgotten. Today,
only occasionally does one hear about the References:
Bermuda Triangle, even though ships and
Dennett, M. R. 1981. “Bermuda Triangle, 1981
planes still encounter disasters in that region
Model.” Skeptical Inquirer 6, no. 1: 42–52.
in the normal course of traversing the stormy
Kusche, Larry. 1975. Bermuda Triangle Mystery—
Atlantic. In 1980, Berlitz presented informa- Solved. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
tion on some new “unexplainable” accidents, Randi, James. 1982. Flim-Flam! Amherst, NY:
but it turned out that they were not so unex- Prometheus Books.
plainable at all, and only three of them oc- Stein, G., ed. 1996. The Encyclopedia of the Para-
curred in the famous triangle. And in 1991, normal. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

iorhythms is a pseudoscientific theory claim that part of the origins of psychoana-

B that claims to explain human behavior

and physiology according to exact cy-
cles of different periodicities. According to the
lytic theory can be traced to the early corre-
spondence between Freud and Fliess) (Sul-
loway 1993). In his book The Course of Life
original theory, human biorhythms have (1909), Fliess proposed that the human body
three basic components: a 23-day physical cy- is made up of both male and female cells,
cle, a 33-day intellectual cycle, and a 28-day each governed by their own periodicity: a 28-
emotional cycle. These cycles constitute sine- day cycle for the female and a 23-day cycle
like waveforms that cross a central “zero” for the male. Fliess expanded this hypothesis
line, thus generating “up” (above zero) days to the claim that emotional processes respond
and “down” (below zero) days for the three to a 28-day cycle (probably influenced by the
variables. Believers of the theory say that we menstrual cycle) and that physical (that is,
should plan our activities according to these “male”) abilities fluctuate according to a 33-
different cycles, making sure that important day cycle. Fliess came up with the idea that
activities are carried out on the so-called up every number could be constructed from 28
days. and 33 according to a simple formula: 23x +
Biorhythms theory has no scientific value. 28y, where x and y are positive or negative
It has been rigorously tested by different stud- integers. However, Martin Gardner showed
ies, none of which support any of its claims. that “if any two positive integers that have no
Those studies that do support biorhythms common divisor are substituted for 23 and 28
have not been published in scientific journals, in his basic formula, it is possible to express
nor have they been conducted in ways that any integer whatever” (Gardner 1981). At the
can be reproduced or contrasted scientifically, same time, Hermann Swoboda, a professor of
since they incur numerous methodological psychology at the University of Vienna, started
mistakes and/or fallacies. The most classical to record the behavior of his patients and pro-
biorhythms theory combines the three basic posed that the same 23- and 28-day cycles
cycles, but more recently, other periodical ruled human activities. Swoboda published
variables have been added, including a 38-day his findings in several books that were enor-
intuition cycle and a 53-day spiritual cycle. mously popular at the beginning of the twen-
Biorhythms theory was created almost si- tieth century, among them Periods of Human
multaneously by two physicians. One of them Life (1904) and The Critical Days of Man
was Wilhelm Fliess, a nose and throat special- (1909), which included a slide rule to calcu-
ist from Berlin who was a contemporary and late critical days.
close friend of Sigmund Freud (some scholars The 33-day intellectual cycle was proposed

b i o r h y t h m s | 55

by Alfred Teltscher, an Austrian engineer from as a physical or intellectual test or a marriage

the University of Innsbruck who gathered in- proposal) should not be scheduled for these
formation about his students’ academic per- critical days, since the odds of failure are high.
formance in written tests. He claimed that The most critical day of all is the “triple criti-
good and bad notes taken by students in class cal”—the day when all three cycles are on the
corresponded to an exact cycle, suggesting that cross-zero line. “Double critical” days—when
mental activity undergoes cyclic changes of any two variables cross the zero line on the
this exact periodicity. According to the theory, same day—are also to be avoided for important
the three rhythms start at birth and continue tasks or decision making.
exactly throughout the entire life span of the Advocates of biorhythms theory claim that
individual. Simple mathematical programs al- enormous amounts of data validate their find-
low one to chart the three cycles simultane- ings. Among the most popular “proofs” of bio-
ously, just by entering the birth date and the rhythms are charts that demonstrate that Clark
time span for which the biorhythm will be cal- Gable had a heart attack on a “negative” phys-
culated. The graph below is an example of a ical day, Marilyn Monroe committed suicide
biorhythm chart for an individual born on on a “negative” emotional day, and Mark Spitz
January 1, 2000. won seven Olympic medals during a period
The graph shows the simultaneous progres- characterized by “high” emotional and physi-
sion of the emotional, physical, and intellec- cal days. Another concept incorporated in bio-
tual biorhythms. The middle “zero” line rhythms theory is that of “compatibility,”
defines the “up” and “down” days of the dif- which represents the likelihood that two indi-
ferent variables. The time points where the vidual’s rhythms will correspond or match.
plots cross the zero line are “critical” days, Compatibility ranges from 0–19 (very low) to
with supposedly poor performance ratings for 80–100 (very high), and it is offered as an ex-
the variable under consideration. According to planation for how two people might get along.
biorhythms theory, important activities (such None of the studies mentioned earlier in-

Biorhythm chart.
56 | b i o r h y t h m s

clude a rigorous and testable statistical analysis vary between and within individuals, and tend
that can rule out subjective appraisal of behav- to correlate with environmental changes; (3)
ior of simple probabilities. Metanalyses of bio- biorhythms are based upon individual and
rhythms studies have demonstrated that the subjective recordings of human behavior, but
theory is not valid and is not supported by rig- biological rhythms are universal in nature and
orous statistical testing (Hines 1998). Blind are subject to objective recording under a vari-
tests have failed completely to support bio- ety of experimental conditions; and (4) al-
rhythms theory: volunteers have been found though most biological rhythms (in particular,
to report complete accordance with biorhyth- circadian cycles) have a clear anatomical site
mic charts that they believed were their own of origin, as well as physiological explanations,
when, in fact, the charts had been calculated there are no indications of a possible endoge-
for different persons (Randi 1982). nous correlate of biorhythms.
Biorhythm supporters sometimes confuse Biorhythms theory should continue to be
the basis of the theory with the scientific foun- considered a pseudoscientific theory because it
dations of chronobiology, which is the study of cannot be tested scientifically and because all
biological clocks and rhythms (Aschoff 1981). of its claims have been refuted by rigorous
Here, we will use the term biological rhythms analysis. As is the case with astrology and
for the cycles studied scientifically by chrono- other pseudoscientific approaches to human
biology, not to be confounded with the three behavior, the relative strength of biorhythms
basic biorhythms discussed earlier. Endoge- theory is probably based on the subjective val-
nous clocks generate rhythms that are about idation of advocates who rule their lives ac-
24 hours in duration (termed circadian, from cording to the ups and downs of their com-
the Latin circa, meaning “about,” and diem, puter-generated graphs.
meaning “day”), which are entrained to exact
24-hour periods by environmental cycles such
as the daily photoperiod. Other biological
rhythms have circa-tidal periodicities (that is, Aschoff, Jurgen, ed. 1981. “Biological Rhythms.” In
they are entrained by wave cycles) or circan- Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. Vol. 4.
nual periodocities (of about 365 days). How- New York: Plenum Press.
Gardner, Martin. 1981. Science: Good, Bad and Bo-
ever, biological rhythms differ from bio-
gus. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
rhythms in several fundamental ways: (1)
Hines, Terence M. 1998. “Comprehensive Review
although biorhythms are supposed to begin at
of Biorhythm Theory.” Psychological Reports 83:
birth, biological (in particular circadian) 19–64.
rhythms begin during embryonic life; (2) bio- Randi, James. 1982. Flim-Flam! Amherst, NY:
rhythms respond to exact periodicities that Prometheus Books.
cannot be easily traced to environmental cy- Sulloway, Frank. 1993. Freud: Biologist of Mind.
cles, whereas biological rhythms are not exact, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Castaneda, Carlos

arlos Castaneda was one of the most lege and took courses in creative writing and

C popular authors in the alternative reli-

gious movement known as the New
Age. Like many New Age authors of his gen-
journalism. He married a woman named Mar-
garet Runyon while living in Los Angeles, but
he lived with her for only six months and of-
eration, he combined ancient religious rites ten disappeared for months at a time without
and beliefs with the countercultural attitudes an explanation (Gardner 1999, 13).
of the late 1960s, especially regarding psyche- Castaneda entered the University of Califor-
delic drug use as a pathway to transcendence. nia at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1959 and began
Castaneda’s books, now translated into twenty research in the southwestern United States
languages, teach the reality of an extraordi- classifying the psychotropic plants used by
nary world of sorcery and mysticism lying just sorcerers. According to Castaneda, he met an
beyond the borders of our everyday percep- elderly Yaqui sorcerer while waiting at a bus
tions. The overwhelming success of these stop in Arizona in 1960. This Yaqui, whom he
books suggests that many people find consola- referred to as “Don Juan,” quickly befriended
tion in this message. the young student. Apparently, Don Juan de-
Not much is accurately known about Cas- cided to share his secret Yaqui philosophical
taneda because he often falsified important knowledge with his new friend after witness-
details about his life. In the late 1960s and ing Castaneda and a dog urinate on each
early 1970s, he repeatedly informed inter- other. This event, to Don Juan, was a positive
viewers that he was born in 1935 in Brazil omen that Castaneda was worthy of the sacred
and that his uncle was Oswaldo Aranha, who Yaqui teachings (Castaneda 1968, 39–41).
was president of the UN General Assembly Don Juan then reportedly accepted him as an
and an ambassador to the United States. He apprentice and began training him in the
also claimed that he studied art in Italy, grad- preparation and proper consumption of drugs
uated from Hollywood High School, and such as peyote, jimsonweed, and hallucino-
served in the U.S. Army in Spain during genic mushrooms.
wartime. However, Castaneda was actually In his 1968 book, The Teachings of Don
born in 1925 in Peru and was unrelated to Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, Castaneda
Aranha (Lindskoog 1993). He attended high described his thrilling, reluctant entry into
school and art school in Lima and earned a the world of Yaqui sorcery. He revealed that
reputation for telling tall tales. He married in he had used Yaqui sorcery to become a crow
1951 but soon deserted his wife and child and and talk to lizards and that he had encoun-
moved to Los Angeles. Castaneda enrolled as tered evil spirits in the desert. Although he
a psychology major at Los Angeles City Col- concluded The Teachings of Don Juan with a

58 | c a s t a n e d a , c a r l o s

confession that he was too terrified to pursue cocted a person like Don Juan is inconceiv-
Yaqui mysticism further, Castaneda wrote nine able. He is hardly the kind of figure my Euro-
other books over the next three decades. All of pean intellectual tradition would have led me
them contained more alleged descriptions of to invent. The truth is much stranger. I didn’t
ancient Yaqui wisdom and argued that the hu- create anything. I am only a reporter” (Noel
man experience of reality is mostly a product 1976, 77).
of cultural consensus. Castaneda maintained Despite Castaneda’s assertions to the con-
that people who allowed a shaman such as trary, an educated reader will be very im-
Don Juan to shape their perceptions differ- pressed with how much Don Juan and Carlos
ently would see all of the magical forces at Castaneda really are products of the Western
work behind the veil of ordinary reality and intellectual tradition. Don Juan’s insistence
could become sorcerers themselves. that the quest for power underlies all human
In 1972, UCLA awarded a doctorate in an- action virtually quotes Friedrich Nietzsche,
thropology to Castaneda for a thesis based on and his teachings about different cultural pat-
his third book, Journey to Ixtlan. Soon after, terns of experiencing reality echo the cultural
other anthropologists carefully investigated his relativism of social scientists such as George
work and found it to contain an overwhelming Boas, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead. The
number of inconsistencies and factual errors “structural analysis” of the logic of Don Juan’s
(Gardner 1999, 14). Specialists in Native teachings in The Teachings of Don Juan also
American culture demonstrated that Cas- reveals a familiarity with the work of anthro-
taneda’s books contained no valid information pologist Claude Levi-Strauss.
about Yaqui beliefs and practices and that the In 1993, Castaneda introduced a system of
author did not seem to know even one Yaqui meditation and bodily movements known as
name for native plants and animals after nine Tensegrity and claimed it was the culmination
years of alleged research. He also claimed to of centuries of Native American mystical wis-
find hallucinogenic mushrooms in areas where dom. Unfortunately, the magical powers of
none grow and described the sensation of be- Tensegrity could not prevent Castaneda’s
ing drenched by warm winter rains in a desert death in 1998, at the age of seventy-two. Even
where winter rains are extremely cold. These in death, Castaneda’s influence on the New
investigations proved Castaneda’s books to be Age movement remains considerable, and
mostly fiction, although authors as respected skeptics will most likely contend with his
as Joyce Carol Oates considered them fiction legacy for many years to come.
of reasonably high literary quality. Castaneda’s
only genuine act of sorcery, as one critic noted, References:
was turning UCLA into an ass (Lindskoog
1993). Brown, Mick. 1998. “Shaman or Sham?” London
Some of Castaneda’s defenders fondly argue Daily Telegraph, August 1.
Castaneda, Carlos. 1968. The Teachings of Don
that he never meant to promote his books as
Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. New York:
factual anthropological accounts but intended
Ballantine Books.
them to be taken as religious allegories dis-
———. 1971. A Separate Reality: Further Conversa-
closing a different and higher kind of truth. tions with Don Juan. New York: Pocket Books.
However, Castaneda very clearly defended the ———. 1972. Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don
literal truth of his books in a 1972 interview. Juan. New York: Pocket Books.
When asked about the factual basis of the Don Cohen, Hal. 1998. “Shaman or Sham?” Lingua
Juan books, he replied, “The idea that I con- Franca 8, no. 6 (September): 22–24.
c a s t a n e d a , c a r l o s | 59

De Mille, Richard. 1976. Castaneda’s Journey: The Age Anthropology.” Skeptical Inquirer 23, no. 5:
Power and the Allegory. Santa Barbara, CA: 13–15.
Capra Press. Lindskoog, Kathryn. 1993. Fakes, Frauds & Other
De Mille, Richard, ed. 1980. The Don Juan Papers: Malarkey: 301 Amazing Stories and How Not to
Further Castaneda Controversies. Santa Barbara, Be Fooled. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub-
CA: Ross-Erickson. lishing House.
Fikes, Jay C. 1996. Carlos Castaneda, Academic Op- Noel, Daniel C., ed. 1976. Seeing Castaneda: Reac-
portunism, and the Psychedelic Sixties. Victoria, tions to the “Don Juan” Writings of Carlos Cas-
British Columbia: Millennia Press. taneda. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Gardner, Martin. 1999. “Carlos Castaneda and New
Clever Hans
T H O M A S F . S A W Y E R

lever Hans was a horse that purport- tioner did know the answer, the horse usually

C edly could do mathematics and per-

form other intelligent acts. Hans was
owned by Wilhelm von Osten, a former math-
responded correctly, but when the correct re-
sponse was unknown, Hans almost always
failed. In addition, Pfungst discovered the im-
ematics teacher who firmly believed horses to portance of visual cues, as in order to answer
be capable of feats of high intelligence. How- correctly, Hans had to be able to see the ques-
ever, skeptics discovered the phenomenon of tioner as he tapped his answer. If the ques-
Clever Hans and his accomplishments was an tioner moved out of the animal’s visual field,
interesting case of observer bias affecting the Hans would struggle to regain sight of him.
effect being examined. Further observation by Pfungst suggested that
During the early part of the 1900s, von Os- Hans was detecting and responding to unin-
ten exhibited Hans throughout Germany to tentional movements of the questioner, such
large and enthusiastic audiences. Never as slight postural adjustments or upward
charging a fee for such displays, he would ask movements of the eyebrows and head as Hans
the horse questions such as, “If the first of the approached the correct number of taps.
month is a Friday, what is the date of the fol- Once this was discovered, Pfungst was able
lowing Tuesday?” and in answer, Hans would to ask a question and influence Hans to make
tap the appropriate response with his hoof. almost any response by voluntarily producing
Skeptical of the true nature of Hans’s abili- the appropriate movements himself. To fur-
ties, the German Board of Education ap- ther confirm the impact of such observer bias,
pointed a commission to investigate the ani- Pfungst put himself in the place of Hans. He
mal. The commission was headed by German brought several persons into the laboratory,
psychologist Carl Stumpf and included, among hooked them up to an apparatus that would
others, the director of the Berlin Zoo, a veteri- monitor head movements, and had them put
narian, a cavalry officer, and a circus manager. questions to him in a manner comparable to
The preliminary report concluded that Hans’s the way they had been posed to Hans. As
achievements were not the result of deliberate Pfungst tapped out the answers to a question,
trickery or influence by his owner. he watched for movements comparable to
Oskar Pfungst, an assistant to Stumpf, con- those made by persons questioning Clever
tinued the investigation of Clever Hans in a Hans. In the vast majority of cases, the partic-
more controlled environment. One variable ipants made involuntary movements that co-
Pfungst manipulated was whether the ques- incided with the point at which Pfungst’s tap-
tioner was aware of the correct answer to the ping was supposed to cease.
questions posed to the horse. When the ques- The century-old case of Clever Hans illus-

c l e v e r h a n s | 61

Woodcut shows horse performing from brochure published in 1595. (Fortean Picture Library)

trates the fact that unintentional actions by noncommunicative, seem to function at nor-
observers may bias or affect the behavior of mal or above-normal levels in such situations,
participants in psychological research. More doing high-level mathematics and even typing
recently, it has been suggested that the phe- poetry. However, in controlled situations, FC
nomenon of facilitated communication (FC) was found to result from unintentional facilita-
results from similar observer effects. FC is per- tor control of the typing, which is a form of ob-
formed with autistic and other developmen- server bias. Just as Pfungst found with Clever
tally disabled children, and it consists of a Hans, researchers have demonstrated that
child typing his or her thoughts or responses children are unable to answer very simple
to questions on a keyboard while the “facilita- questions or identify objects shown to them via
tor” touches the child’s hand, arm, or shoul- FC unless their facilitators are aware of the
der. Such children, previously thought to be correct response.
62 | c l e v e r h a n s

References: “Oscar Pfungst: Clever Hans (The Horse of Mr. Von

Osten).” Thoemmes Press. URL: http://www.
Hothersall, D. 1995. History of Psychology. New (Accessed
York: McGraw-Hill.
on May 1, 2001).
Montee, B. B., R. G. Miltenberger, and D. Wittrock.
Pfungst, O. 1911. Clever Hans. New York: Henry
1995. “An Experimental Analysis of Facilitated
Communication.” Journal of Applied Behavior
Analysis 28: 189–200.
Cold Reading

old reading is the method used by Sometimes, customers (call them “clients”—it

C mystical readers to talk to customers

whom they have never met and about
whom they have no advanced information.
sounds much more professional) come for ad-
vice. Often, they just want someone to talk to.
And many times, they simply want your per-
Part of the readers’ job is to dazzle their cus- mission to do what they want to do them-
tomers with how much they apparently know selves. In all cases, they want you to impress
about them. That skill lends enormous credi- them with your insight. There are three basic
bility to the advice given by the readers. Cold reasons why clients come to you:
reading has many manifestations, including 1. They seek advice. Some people really do
(but not limited to) channeling (talking with want your input. But often, they just want you
the dead or other spirits), astrology, psychic to agree with them, in the guise of giving
reading, tarot reading, crystal ball gazing, advice.
palmistry, and tea leaf reading. 2. They want someone to talk to. Many peo-
Generally, the explanation of the cold read- ple simply want someone to listen to them.
ers’ methods analyzes the techniques used You are a trusted, “unbiased,” intelligent lis-
from the perspective of an outside investiga- tener. They lack that at home. Perhaps the
tor looking in, in order to determine the what discussion concerns the client’s spouse. The
and how of the readings. Here, the claims will client cannot dump this stuff on coworkers—
be examined from the inside looking out. that could backfire in the future. Where can
Imagine that you are a reader. Choose your your client find someone to trust, someone
discipline: you can be a crystal ball gazer, psy- who is impartial, intelligent, compassionate,
chic, astrologer, Ouija board expert, or what- understanding, and more? The psychic!
ever you like. You are bright, with a good 3. They are looking for permission. Take,
sense of humor. And you must appear to be for example, Mary, a woman in her midfifties.
self-assured, for your customer must have con- She was recently widowed, after thirty-three
fidence in you. “Confidence” is the name of years of marriage. She and her husband truly
the game, whence comes the term confidence loved each other. They loved their children,
game, frequently shortened to con game. Un- and that love was returned in kind. They had
less you appear self-assured and self-confi- a wonderful family. Friends said that theirs
dent, you will not be able to sell your advice. was a marriage made in Heaven. Mary tells
Next, add a liberal sprinkling of charisma. you about the sickness and death of her hus-
And, oh yes, you are unethical, virtually with- band, Joe. It was a tough time. As you listen
out conscience or morals. Why do people and watch, you observe that the pupils in
come to you and pay for your conversation? Mary’s eyes contract as she talks about Joe’s

64 | c o l d r e a d i n g

death. That subtle change, augmented by a to talk more freely. “Just orange juice, if you
slight squinting, strikes you as being consider- have any,” Mary replies. Between sips of or-
ably different from the joyous look in her eyes ange juice, she opens up some more. It is obvi-
when she was telling about the good times ous that she likes you and trusts you. She tells
with Joe. Mary’s children are grown, married, you that the rapport with George was wonder-
and have their own lives to live. Yes, they love ful. And instantaneous! They even laughed to-
their mother, and they keep in touch. But they gether! It has been a long time since Mary had
have young children, job and money pressures, someone to laugh with. You think you detect a
and the goal of keeping marriage and family blush as Mary says, “George asked me out to
together. Mary has been living alone since Joe dinner. I told him that I would have to think
died. She has been dreadfully lonely. You ob- about it.” As you listen and watch, you see that
serve that it seems to be a relief for her to have the pupils in Mary’s eyes have dilated as she
someone on whom to unload this entire story. talks about George. Translation: George is a
You ask how long she has been widowed. She happy topic for Mary.
looks at her watch and replies, “Ten months, Why did Mary come to see a psychic? What
four days, three hours, and fourteen minutes.” does she want to hear? Her meeting with
She smiles faintly as she adds, “But who’s George gave her a warm feeling, the likes of
counting?” It is clear that Mary’s thoughts which she has not felt in over ten months. But
dwell on her beloved late husband—all day and she also feels a tinge of guilt. Would Joe ap-
night, every day and night. You remark that prove? Would she be disrespecting his memory
she has trouble occupying her time with any if she were to date another man? Would it lead
degree of comfort. Mary is amazed by your in- to sex? Would that be all right? And now we
sight! She tells you that she has a job. She has come to the number one rule for a psychic
many good friends with whom she visits. But reader: tell ’em what they want to hear. Mary
when you ask if she dates, she averts her eyes has come to you, a psychic, for permission. She
and pulls away from you. Before she has a wants your validation, approval, and encour-
chance to answer, you jump in with, “Of agement to go on a date with George. She
course you have not yet dated.” Again, Mary is doesn’t realize that is why she came to you.
astonished by your “extrasensory” perception. But you know that is true. Try this: “It is clear
She coughs and tries to calm herself. She has that you and Joe truly loved each other. Let us
trouble with the next few words, and then her assume, just for a moment, that you had died
more recent story comes pouring out. Pay at- and that Joe remained alive. You are looking
tention! You will soon learn why Mary came to down from Heaven, and you see how lonely he
see you. is. He is still being faithful to you.” The mere
Last Saturday night, Mary went to a party at mention of God or Heaven lends a supernatu-
the home of dear friends. There she met ral aura to your reading. It makes your words
George. He is fifty-eight years old. She has seem to be larger than life, even holy. You
trouble saying these words about a man other continue: “Surely Joe would not go out on a
than her late husband, but she tells you that date one week after you passed away. But now
George is attractive, bright, alert, and you look down and see that, almost a year after
sparkling. He has been widowed for fourteen you have passed on [avoid the words died and
months. He loved his late wife. At this, Mary death], Joe has met a woman who is really
chokes up. You ask if she would like some- nice. He could actually find some happiness
thing to drink. You have learned that alcohol with her.” You pause, then add: “While you
often loosens up your clients and allows them were alive, Joe was true and faithful to you.
c o l d r e a d i n g | 65

What would you want him to do now, in the Why did Charles come to you? Do you want
example I just gave you?” As soon as you to keep him as a client? Remember the char-
started your hypothetical example, tears came acter traits you possess: you are unethical, vir-
to Mary’s eyes. Now the tears are streaming tually without conscience or morals. You are
down her cheeks. You pass a box of tissues certain that Charles came to you for permis-
across the table. She wipes her eyes, blows her sion. What do you tell him?
nose, and replies, “I would want him to ask We now come to realize that the fact that
this new woman out on a date.” you gave Mary good, wholesome, correct ad-
You immediately state, “And that is exactly vice was merely a coincidence! The rule is not
what Joe wants for you and George!” Mary’s that you should give correct advice. Rather,
tears become a waterfall. But this time, they the rule is to tell ’em what they want to hear.
are tears of relief. You have confidently stated And that, dear friends, is the difference be-
as fact what Mary came to hear! Sure that you tween a good friend, a good psychologist, or a
have read the situation correctly, you con- good adviser of any kind and an unethical
tinue, “Mary, as soon as you get home, call charlatan.
George and accept his invitation.” Yes, Mary And now for the crucial question: why can’t
consulted a psychic in order to ask for and re- a psychic just give what he or she believes to
ceive permission to go out to dinner with be the correct advice all the time? A further
George. example will demonstrate the problem inher-
Before you get all choked up and start to ar- ent in that scenario.
gue that you did a real service for Mary and Now you are a palm reader. A young man
that you gave her correct advice—and what comes to you. Although he appears to be
was so wrong with the psychic in this case?— happy and healthy, the heart line in his hand
allow me to show you what is wrong with this is unusually short, indicating that he will die
picture by describing another example. young. What do you tell him? If you tell him
Your next client is Charles. He is moderately that he will die prematurely, this will doubtless
happy in his marriage. Soon, he will be going be the last time you will see him; he will find a
to a business conference, accompanied by an more understanding palm reader. If you tell
attractive female coworker named Darlin. She him that he will have a long, healthy life, you
is also married. Charles tells you that he and are going against what his palm tells you. Oh!
Darlin have excellent rapport and easily laugh What’s that? You don’t believe that the palm
with each other at work. They enjoy each really tells such things. Then you are a liar and
other’s company when they go out to lunch to- a fraud. But then, so is the self-proclaimed
gether—usually two or three times a week. This psychic who says but does not believe that the
is the first time that they will be alone to- advice he or she offers comes from vibrations
gether. Coincidentally, they have adjoining (vibes). Welcome to the mystical world of suc-
rooms. Who arranged that coincidence? you cessful readers!
wonder to yourself. Your client assures you You must be prepared to draw out the per-
that if he were to sleep with Darlin on the trip, son who comes to you for psychic advice. A
neither his wife nor her husband would ever simple statement such as “I see a disagreement
find out. He tells you that he believes that the with a woman or girl in your life” will cause
variety and change of pace would actually your male client to search for and find a fit. It
strengthen his marriage. Every time he says might involve his wife, mother, sister, daugh-
the name Darlin, he smiles. Remember the ter, coworker, bank teller, or even a disagree-
rule: tell ’em what they want to hear. able clerk at a store. Your statement was broad
66 | c o l d r e a d i n g

enough that he will probably find someone through, as you know you should have.” That
who fits the statement. What topics might you statement applies to almost everyone, of
introduce? The following mnemonic will serve course, but your client will give you credit for
as a memory jogger. Think of a hemmed skirt having picked that up from him or her.
with a slit down the side. slit hemmed: Does this technique work? Many claim that
it does. The words of clinical psychologist
Sex Terry Sandbek are appropriate:
Love (relationships)
Interests (sports, hobbies, politics, religion) We have a discipline that can test the validity
Travel of claims. That discipline is called science.
Through science we can devise tests and stan-
Health (careful—don’t make medical dards. Physicians must pass medical boards;
diagnoses or give medical advice) psychologists must pass written and oral exam-
Exercise inations; hospitals are regulated by strict stan-
Money dards of the Joint Commission on Hospital
Move (I see a move in your future) Accreditation; drug companies can offer chem-
Employment (job, change of jobs, icals to the public that have passed rigid scien-
promotion, your boss doesn’t appreciate tific scrutiny. It would not be difficult to devise
you) scientific procedures and standards to test the
Diet validity of the claims of self-proclaimed psy-
chics, astrologers, and the like. If the person
Study your client. If the person is slightly cannot pass the test, or refuses to be tested, the
overweight, try: “I see that you started a won- business falls into the category of profiteering
derful exercise program. But you didn’t follow from the suffering of others.
Crop Circles

he term crop circle refers to a geomet- stems of the plants. This proposal is weak,

T ric or otherwise orderly design that

has been formed when wheat or other
crops have been crushed by swirling or
since it is hard to conceive that a swirling air
current will “drop” at the precise points nec-
essary to generate an orderly geometric de-
stumping motions. Such designs tend to ap- sign on the ground. (Only the very first crop
pear overnight, and therefore, how they are circles were simple circles. Over time, they
formed is a matter of controversy. Crop circles became very complicated, with a multitude of
have occurred in Canada, the United States, geometric patterns.) Moreover, many other
Japan, India, Australia, Denmark, Holland, patterns, such as the crop “star,” could not be
Siberia, the Czech Republic, Finland, En- originated by this process (see figure below).
gland, and other parts of the world. Crop cir- A second theory assumes that crop circles
cles have been reported since the 1960s, but are created by UFOs. Proponents of this the-
their numbers rose dramatically in the 1980s ory note that crop circles occasionally seem to
and the 1990s. However, they seem to prevail appear in conjunction with a UFO sighting.
in the Wiltshire district in southern England. Some of the early, simple (single) crop circles
Since the late 1970s, approximately 8,000 certainly do suggest that the crop stems could
crop circles have been reported, the majority have been flattened by a flying saucer landing
of which are in England. People who attempt on the field. The “rotating” pattern of the
to study these patterns (which are usually cir- crop circle could be explained by the spin-
cular) have coined a name for themselves— ning of the saucer. As the circles have become
cereologists, from the name of Ceres, the Ro-
man goddess of vegetation. Various theories
(Oxlade 1999) have been advanced to explain
the formation of crop circles, ranging from
plasma vortex phenomena to unidentified fly-
ing objects (UFOs) to simple hoaxes.
The plasma vortex hypothesis proposes that
some sort of swirling air current, similar to a
tornado, leaves an imprint on these crops as
the rotation of the vortex bends the stems to
the ground. It is alleged that a spinning mass
of air, which has accumulated a significant
fraction of electrically charged matter, slams
on the crop, creating a circle as it crushes the A crop “star.” (Copyright Steve Alexander, 1999)

68 | c r o p c i r c l e s

Videotape image of a complex crop circle and pi. (Copyright Peter So/rensen, 1999)

more complex in shape, though, proponents of flattened crops) are used to try to convey tan-
the UFO theory have had to modify their gible descriptors of the physical appearance of
ideas, suggesting that the marks left are due to the phenomena that can be found in so many
a strange effect of the craft’s drive force on the forms.
plants. Others even argue that the shapes are Some people suggest that crop circles and
messages purposefully left by the saucer’s crop circle formations are an indication of su-
crew. The photograph shown above is intrigu- pernatural forces and that the areas where
ing in its complexity, and a clue of its origin is they are located show particularly high levels
seen on the bottom right of the photograph, of electromagnetic fields (see Crop Circle Cen-
where the Greek letter π (pi) is “imprinted” on tral Web site). However, a number of people
the ground (So/rensen 1999). have claimed to be the creators of such designs
Many of these crop circles are complex (see CircleMakers Web site). Indeed, some cre-
mathematical descriptions. Because the term ators of these designs have even been prose-
crop circle seems rather inappropriate for the cuted in recent years (see Wiltshire Archive
majority of the latest discoveries, anything that Files Web site). And with the technological ad-
is more than a single circle has been generi- vances in computer imaging, pictures of crop
cally named a crop circle formation. This term circles can even be “virtually” (digitally) faked
and other terms such as pictogram (a picture (see Eye Wire Web site).
or symbol that represents a word or phrase) Yet another claim (see The Crop Circular
and agriglyph (a complex shape or form of Web site) is that in genuine formations, the
c r o p c i r c l e s | 69

A circle on ice. (Copyright Lyn Winer, 2001)

stems are not broken but are bent, normally diameter, making it also somewhat larger than
about an inch off the ground at the plants’ first the average size of most other ice rings re-
nodes. According to the source of this claim, ported to date (which range from 15 to 20
the only method capable of producing such an feet). Such phenomena obviously require a
effect would employ microwaves or ultra- much different explanation than that of the
sound. No further discussion is offered as to classical crop circles.
the validity of this claim and no experimental There is no way that anyone can definitively
proof is given, so one is forced to accept it on differentiate between a hoaxed and a “gen-
faith alone. This source also proposes, with no uine” circle. However, several pieces of infor-
specific information about the claim, that mation support the complete hoax theory. To
there is “an increase of infrared output within begin with, there is a lack of historical prece-
and around a new formation, indicating that dent for crop circles. Curiously, the number
both the heat content of the plants and the wa- and complexity of the circles have grown in
tershed have been affected” (The Crop Circu- proportion to the media coverage of the phe-
lar Web site). The source even goes so far as to nomenon, which strongly suggests that the
claim that there is evidence of four non–natu- originator is more interested in making circles
rally occurring, short-life (few hours) radioac- if they make the news. Further, the increased
tive isotopes, but these isotopes are not further complexity of the crop circles over time implies
described in any way. a “thinking behind the machine.” An intrigu-
An unusual twist was reported (see Crop Cir- ing characteristic of the phenomenon is that all
cle Research Web site) about a circle on ice, as of the circles are formed at night without
shown above. The formation was reportedly detection. In fact, no credible reports have
found in Churchville, Maryland, in February been filed of a circle being made in the pres-
2001. The ring was approximately 30 feet in ence of any witnesses. Why is it that this is a
70 | c r o p c i r c l e s

nocturnal phenomenon? Taking into consider- (Accessed

ation these facts, it is more sensible to explain in January 2002).
the phenomenon as a work of hoaxers. Of “Crop Circles Revealed.” Eye Wire. URL: http://
course, if solid evidence that the formation of
the circles occurs in some other manner, it secrets/. (Accessed in January 2002).
The Crop Circular. URL: http://www.home.clara.
should be considered and analyzed to deter-
net/lovely/education.html. (Accessed in January
mine the real nature of this amusing phenom-
Oxlade, Chris. 1999. The Mystery of Crop Circles.
Hong Kong: Heinemann Library.
Sorensen, Peter. “The Last Crop Formation of the
CircleMakers. URL: Millennium.” URL: http://www.greatdreams.
(Accessed in January 2002). (Formation made by com/southfld.htm. (Accessed in January 2002).
Matthew Williams.) Wiltshire-Archive Files. URL: http://www.thisis
Crop Circle Central. URL: http://www.paradixmshift
.com/ccc.html. (Accessed in January 2002). wilts_news 1 ZM.html. (Accessed in January
Crop Circle Research. URL: http://www.cropcircle 2002).
B E N S . R O E S C H A N D J O H N L . M O O R E

ryptozoology is the study of animals ify the animal’s existence. With proof that it

C whose existence has not been proven.

Its practitioners, including amateurs
and professional zoologists, search for both
exists, the organism ceases to be a cryptid,
and the animal is moved from the world of
cryptozoology into zoological knowledge.
well-known monsters, such as the Loch Ness People have always been interested in re-
monster and bigfoot, and smaller, lesser- ports of unusual animals, and sometimes
known animals. Cryptozoology ranges from these were studied as part of natural history
pseudoscientific to useful and interesting, de- or zoology, notably by such scholars as A. C.
pending on how it is practiced. Oudemans, Willy Ley, Ingo Krumbiegel, and
Ivan T. Sanderson. Cryptozoology was not or-
ganized as a separate field until the 1950s,
when Heuvelmans coined the word and wrote
What Is Cryptozoology? an important book on terrestrial cryptids, On
the Track of Unknown Animals; he later cov-
The word cryptozoology was coined by Bel- ered marine cryptids in In the Wake of the
gian zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans in the Sea-Serpents. In 1982, a group of scientists
late 1950s and literally means the study of founded the International Society of Crypto-
hidden animals. The evidence for these “hid- zoology, with Heuvelmans as president and
den animals,” or cryptids, is not sufficient to Roy P. Mackal as vice-president; it publishes
allow all (or even most) zoologists to accept the journal Cryptozoology. Other contempo-
their existence, but there is some evidence rary cryptozoologists include Loren Coleman,
(such as eyewitness accounts, legends, or foot- Michel Raynal, and Karl P. N. Shuker.
prints) that suggests they do exist. Further- Although Heuvelmans and many of the in-
more, Heuvelmans said that, to be a cryptid, dividuals associated with the International So-
an animal must potentially be either a new ciety of Cryptozoology are professional scien-
species or a new subspecies. Others have ex- tists and view their work as science, many
tended the meaning of cryptid to include sup- other scientists think that the field is a pseu-
posedly extinct animals that may still survive doscience. Papers on the topic are rarely pub-
and animals that possibly exist far outside lished in scientific journals, no formal educa-
their known ranges. According to Heuvel- tion on the subject is available, and no
mans, the task of cryptozoology is to derive a scientists are employed to study cryptozool-
thorough account of a cryptid’s appearance ogy. Consequently, much cryptozoological
and habits from whatever evidence exists for work is done by amateurs. They vary from
it, allowing anyone to visit its habitat and ver- those who accept every claim, regardless of its

72 | c r y p t o z o o l o g y

Cornish sea monster “Morgawr,” allegedly photographed during early February 1976 from Rosemullion
Head near Falmouth, Cornwall. (Fortean Picture Library)

improbability, to those who carefully and skep- pogo, respectively) but also in many other lakes
tically investigate cryptozoological assertions. and rivers worldwide. Lake monsters are often
described as serpentine animals with humps,
long necks, and horselike heads; some are said
to be similar to overturned boats. Among the
Cryptids identifications that have been offered by cryp-
tozoologists are surviving plesiosaurs, surviving
Cryptozoologists have described at least 250 basilosaurids (early long-bodied whales), long-
cryptids from around the world, ranging from necked seals, giant eels, and giant amphibians.
the famous “monsters” that receive much at- Skeptics argue that sightings of lake monsters
tention to lesser-known and sometimes more are the result of misidentifications of known
zoologically feasible animals. Accounts of some animals (e.g., deer, waterbirds, eels, sturgeons,
cryptids, both well-known and unfamiliar, and seals) and physical phenomena (e.g., odd
follow. waves and optical effects). Some photographs
and films supposedly show lake monsters, but
though sometimes interesting, these are usually
Lake Monsters inconclusive.

Lake-monster legends are widespread, and re-

ports of unusual creatures are relatively com- Sea Serpents
mon not only from such places as Loch Ness,
Lake Champlain, and Lake Okanagan (the Tales of sea serpents have long been popular,
purported homes of Nessie, Champ, and Ogo- and common cryptozoological explanations for
c r y p t o z o o l o g y | 73

the mystery include surviving plesiosaurs, giant

eels, and huge long-necked seals. In his 1968
book In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents, Heuvel-
mans collected nearly 600 sightings of uniden-
tified marine animals since the seventeenth
century. He proposed that there are nine types
of sea serpents, including living basilosaurids,
giant eels, and a long-necked seal. Some have
criticized his classification as too speculative,
but it is embraced with reservations by other
cryptozoologists. Skeptics suggest that sea ser-
pent reports are the result of misidentifications
of known animals, including whales, seals,
oarfish, and giant squid. Carcasses resembling
sea serpents have frequently washed up on
beaches around the world, but when they are
investigated, they invariably turn out to be the
decaying remains of sharks, whales, or other
known animals. Nevertheless, the oceans are
underexplored, and of all major cryptids, per-
haps the most plausible are sea serpents. Ape photographed by Francis de Loys in
Venezuela/Colombia area, 1929. (Fortean Picture

Bigfoot and Similar Creatures

Stories of hairy, apelike humanoids are found Living Dinosaurs

across the globe. North America’s bigfoot is
the most famous, and others include yeti in the Living dinosaurs—or at least animals that re-
Himalayas, almas in southern Russia, wildman semble living dinosaurs—are another popular
in China, orang-pendek in Malaysia, agogwe in quarry of cryptozoologists and are reported
Zimbabwe, and didi in Guyana. Based on ap- most commonly from tropical areas, particu-
parent physical differences among these crea- larly in Africa. A famous example is mokele-
tures, some cryptozoologists have proposed mbembe, which is purported to haunt swamps
that several species of large, bipedal, nonhu- and lakes in tropical West Africa. It is de-
man primates exist. Various fossil taxa have scribed by local people as an amphibious vege-
been resurrected to explain these reports, in- tarian (whose favorite food is the fruit of the
cluding Gigantopithecus (a giant ape that lived malombo vine) about the size of a hippopota-
several hundred thousand years ago), Aus- mus but with a long neck and tail. When
tralopithecus, and Neanderthals (Homo nean- shown illustrations of various extinct and liv-
derthalensis). Skeptics, by contrast, argue that ing animals, locals reportedly usually pick out
these cryptids are based on misidentifications sauropod dinosaurs as bearing the closest re-
and exaggerated tales of known animals such semblance to mokele-mbembe. Numerous ex-
as bears and known primates. Tracks and hair peditions have been mounted in search of this
samples from supposed “ape-men” have been cryptid, but little more than anecdotal evi-
collected, but they are inconclusive. dence has been obtained.
74 | c r y p t o z o o l o g y

Giant Octopus bird he had seen on Mauritius (an island in the

southwestern Indian Ocean famous for its ex-
In 1896, a large, decaying carcass washed tinct birds, including the dodo) and included
ashore near Saint Augustine, Florida, which a an illustration of a bizarre rail-like bird. This
local physician thought was the remains of a account was used by later scholars to support
giant octopus. When zoologist A. E. Verrill the idea that a giant rail, which was named
heard of the find, he named the creature Octo- Leguatia gigantea, had formerly lived there.
pus giganteus. Upon examination of tissue sam- The bird Leguat saw was probably a flamingo
ples from the animal, however, he decided it (Phoenicopterus ruber), however; later re-
was actually the remains of the head of a search showed that he had copied the illustra-
sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). In tion from a print made by Dutch artist Adriaen
1971, a study of the microscopic structure of Collaert over 100 years earlier. Collaert’s bird
preserved samples from the carcass concluded remains a mystery; similar birds are included
that it probably was part of an octopus. A later in the work of a seventeenth-century English
biochemical analysis supported this identifica- artist and a nineteenth-century Japanese artist.
tion, and proponents also cited reports and leg- It has been suggested that the animal inhab-
ends from the Caribbean of a similar animal ited China (there is no reason to think it actu-
known as the lusca. In 1995, a new study of the ally lived on Mauritius).
samples via both microscopic and biochemical
analyses concluded that they probably came
from a whale. Others argued that the matter
was inconclusive, pending further studies. Cryptozoological Evidence
Few will dispute that most cryptozoological ev-
Cryptophidion idence consists of eyewitness testimony and
folklore. Unfortunately, traditional accounts
In 1994, zoologists Van Wallach and Gwilym S. can be inaccurate, and eyewitness testimony is
Jones published three photographs of a snake poor evidence. Humans are imperfect ob-
that was collected in central Vietnam in 1968 servers who can easily mistake known animals
by U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2. or physical phenomena for supposed cryptids
Unfortunately, the specimen was later lost. It or poorly recall the details of a sighting. This
appears to have been a small, burrowing reality is especially relevant to cryptozoology,
snake, probably belonging to the family Colu- for sightings are often of short duration, occur
bridae (a large group comprising over 60 per- unpredictably in uncontrolled settings, and are
cent of all known snakes, including such famil- made by untrained observers. Also, the cre-
iar kinds as garter snakes and king snakes). dence one puts in an eyewitness is arbitrary,
The characteristics of the snake in the photos and the possibility of a hoax is always present.
did not match those of any known species, and These points indicate that cryptozoologists
Wallach and Jones named it the Vietnamese must be careful in their interpretations of
sharp-nosed snake, Cryptophidion annamense. cryptozoological evidence; unfortunately, as
will be discussed later, this is not always the
Leguatia Other than anecdotal evidence, there is oc-
casional physical evidence for some cryptids,
In 1708, the French traveler François Leguat such as hair samples and tracks, but the analy-
published a description of a large, long-necked sis of such data is usually inconclusive. Film
c r y p t o z o o l o g y | 75

and photographs of alleged cryptids also exist, Harry Johnston decided to investigate, and he
but they are typically not clear enough to be was soon sent a skull and the complete skin of
good evidence. Another problem with images an okapi.
of cryptids is that they may be hoaxes. For ex-
ample, a photo of an unidentified primate
killed in Venezuela was used by French an- Coelacanths
thropologist George Montandon in 1929 to
coin the name Ameranthropoides loysi for a Although it had been believed that coela-
new species of ape (the first from the New canths were long extinct (fossils are found un-
World), but it has since been identified as a til the late Cretaceous, with only a few less cer-
spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth). Today, with tain records since), a live individual was
the availability of advanced photoimaging collected by fishermen off the coast of South
computer programs and digital effects, the Africa in 1938. Named Latimeria chalumnae,
ability to create convincing hoaxes is even eas- it is a blue, deepwater fish up to 6 feet long
ier. Images of cryptids will probably never be primarily found around the Comoros. In 1998,
able to prove their existence, perhaps except- a second (although quite similar) species, now
ing remarkably detailed video or photographs. named Latimeria menadoensis, was found off
Sulawesi in Indonesia. Both populations were
known to some local fishermen. On the basis
of reported captures and purported artistic
Successes and New Species representations, cryptozoologists have argued
that coelacanths are found elsewhere in the
A major problem for cryptozoology is its gen- world, notably the Gulf of Mexico.
eral lack of success. None of the cryptids dis-
cussed in Heuvelmans’s 1958 book, for exam-
ple, have yet been confirmed, and none of the Megamouth Shark
major mysteries—bigfoot, sea serpents, and
lake monsters—have been resolved. Many new The first specimen of megamouth shark
animals are discovered every year, however. (Megachasma pelagios) was discovered entan-
Most of these are small and unspectacular— gled in a U.S. Navy ship’s anchor off Hawaii in
and not cryptozoological, since they usually 1976. This deep-sea, planktivorous shark,
weren’t known from eyewitness testimony, which can grow to over 16 feet in length, was a
folklore, or physical traces. Nevertheless, large completely unexpected find. Since the initial
or unusual animals are discovered fairly often. discovery, seventeen more megamouths have
These include the following: been found around the world.

Okapi Giant Gecko

The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), a short-necked Although Hoplodactylus delcourti is the largest
relative of the giraffe, was named as a new known gecko, at 2 feet in length, it was not
species in 1901. Several travelers had previ- recognized until the 1980s, when the only
ously reported that a donkeylike animal was known specimen was found in a natural his-
known to people in central Africa, and a tory museum in Marseille. Unfortunately, no
French army officer had actually seen a live records indicated when or where it was ob-
okapi. Aware of some of these reports, Sir tained, but it was probably collected in the
76 | c r y p t o z o o l o g y

1800s in New Zealand, where all its close rela- in 1997 in northern Myanmar. Another sup-
tives are found. Additionally, the native Maori posed new mammal from Southeast Asia re-
described a similar lizard, the kawekaweau, to mains controversial: at least some of the horns
early explorers. Although some suggest the gi- attributed to a buffalo- or goatlike animal
ant gecko is still alive, searches for it have named Pseudonovibos spiralis were actually
been unsuccessful. manufactured from the horns of domestic cat-
tle (Bos taurus), although others may be gen-
uine. Local people were aware of all of these
New Beaked Whales animals before their scientific discovery, and a
photograph of the horns of the giant muntjac
The beaked whales, a group of deep-diving was published in a zoology journal in 1899.
toothed whales, are probably the least-known Although few of these new animals were ac-
large mammals, and two new species were de- tually predicted by cryptozoologists, many of
scribed recently. The pygmy beaked whale them conceivably could have been—anecdotal
(Mesoplodon peruvianus) was named in 1991 evidence or physical traces, often provided by
and is known from a few specimens (up to 13 locals, suggested the existence of an animal
feet long) stranded or captured off Peru, Mex- later confirmed by scientists. This shows that
ico, and New Zealand. Bahamonde’s beaked eyewitness testimony and local folklore are not
whale (Mesoplodon bahamondi) was named in completely worthless, and they can be espe-
1997 on the basis of a single skull, collected on cially useful if they are detailed and provided
an island off Chile, from an animal estimated by knowledgeable observers. Nevertheless, the
to be 16 to 18 feet long. Another skull from discovery of a new deer, for instance, clearly
this species has been found in New Zealand. does not imply that more sensational cryptids
An unidentified beaked whale seen many such as bigfoot are equally likely to be found.
times in the eastern tropical Pacific may be a Similarly, unlike bigfoot and other spectacular
pygmy beaked whale. An additional new cryptids, actual new species were usually dis-
species of beaked whales is known but has not covered shortly after scientists heard rumors of
yet been described scientifically. their existence and started searching for them.

Saola and New Muntjacs

Creationism and the Paranormal
The saola or Vu Quang ox (Pseudoryx nghet- in Cryptozoology
inhensis) was discovered in Vietnam in 1992.
It is a member of the group that includes cat- An unfortunate problem for cryptozoology is
tle, buffaloes, and bison, although it is smaller the occasional presence of creationist and
and has long, spindle-shaped horns. In the paranormal claims in this field. Creationists
same poorly explored region along the border are attracted to cryptozoology because of ideas
of Vietnam and Laos, two species of muntjac (a regarding prehistoric survivors, which they
kind of small deer with simple horns) have re- take as support for a young Earth and other
cently been discovered: the giant muntjac creationist myths. Paranormalists may get in-
(Megamuntiacus vuquangensis) and the Tru- volved with famous monsters, such as bigfoot,
ongson muntjac (Muntiacus truongsonensis). which they sometimes declare are extraterres-
The leaf muntjac (Muntiacus putaoensis), the trials or have teleportation and extrasensory
smallest known species of deer, was discovered perception (ESP) powers. These two groups of
c r y p t o z o o l o g y | 77

individuals occasionally are tolerated and even Ness and West Africa, respectively. Cryptozool-
accepted by some cryptozoologists, particularly ogists reply that the discovery of the coela-
popularizers, which only damages cryptozool- canth, believed extinct for millions of years,
ogy’s image among scientists. More serious demonstrates that prehistoric animals can sur-
cryptozoologists, however, reject paranormal- vive to the present without leaving a fossil
ists and creationists as the “lunatic fringe,” record. The coelacanth is a poor model for di-
noting that their own field was founded on zo- nosaur or plesiosaur survival, however, since it
ological principles, including evolution. is much smaller and has more fragile bones
that fossilize less reliably and are harder to
identify. The evidence available is not suffi-
cient to support prehistoric resurrections and
Is Cryptozoology a Science? other such speculations.
Pointing to this rampant speculation and ig-
Because much of the evidence they have to norance of established scientific theories in
work with is undetailed and anecdotal, crypto- cryptozoology, as well as the field’s poor
zoologists may interpret data rather freely. The record of success and its reliance on unsystem-
cryptozoological literature is full of rampant atic, anecdotal evidence, many scientists and
speculation on the identity of cryptids, with lit- skeptics classify cryptozoology as a pseudo-
tle skepticism or critical examination being ap- science. Some cryptozoologists respond that
plied to the evidence. For example, at Loch anecdotal evidence is valid (or they concen-
Ness, some researchers attribute any strange trate on the available physical evidence), and
water disturbance to the supposed monster, they sometimes appeal to the philosophical ar-
without considering other explanations. Per- gument that there is no fixed scientific
haps the most common form of cryptozoologi- method. Some also suggest cryptozoology of-
cal speculation is the notion that various cryp- fers new paradigms that challenge accepted
tids are surviving forms of prehistoric animals. scientific theories (despite the fact that the lat-
Many different kinds of large extinct verte- ter are actually based on more reliable evi-
brates (and a few invertebrates) have been res- dence) and argue that the discipline is a multi-
urrected by cryptozoologists, including di- disciplinary approach that defies classification
nosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, extinct as a typical science. Perhaps, others suggest,
hominids, giant ground sloths, and mammoths. cryptozoology is natural history, being focused
As paleontologist Darren Naish has noted, the on rough and sometimes inconclusive descrip-
fossil animals favored by cryptozoologists are tive data. In the end, the argument of whether
usually those widely known to the public, cryptozoology is a science or not may come
rather than lesser-known animals that may fit down to one’s particular view of science.
a certain cryptid’s description better. This ten- It has been argued that many of the prob-
dency indicates a misinformed, rather arbi- lems cryptozoology experiences are committed
trary method of selecting extinct animals to most often by popularizers, who may concen-
identify cryptids. Moreover, well-established trate on Nessie, bigfoot, and other monsters.
scientific theories often counter cryptozoologi- Cryptids large and small can usually be dis-
cal resurrections. For example, the fact that cussed rationally, however, without wild spec-
the fossil record for plesiosaurs and dinosaurs ulation that flagrantly disagrees with scientific
(except birds) ends sixty-five million years ago theories. When this method is used, it seems
indicates they are extinct, yet they are con- that cryptozoology can be a useful and inter-
stantly touted as possible survivors in Loch esting field of inquiry, even if not strictly a sci-
78 | c r y p t o z o o l o g y

ence or always conclusive in its answers. Some sters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Au-
cryptozoologists follow such an approach, and thentic Mysteries of Nature. New York: Fireside.
the discipline’s problems may lie more with Ellis, Richard. 1994. Monsters of the Sea. New York:
others who ignore such guidelines and put too Alfred A. Knopf.
much weight on weak evidence. If these indi- Heuvelmans, Bernard. 1958. On the Track of Un-
known Animals. New York: Hill and Wang.
viduals were to consider the quality of the evi-
———. 1968. In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents. New
dence more critically and be more reserved in
York: Hill and Wang.
their judgments and hypotheses, cryptozoology
Mackal, Roy P. 1980. Searching for Hidden Ani-
might become more appreciated by main- mals. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
stream science. Naish, Darren. 2001. “Sea Serpents, Seals and
Coelacanths: An Attempt at a Holistic Approach
References: to the Identity of Large Aquatic Mystery Crea-
Bille, Matthew A. 1995. Rumors of Existence: Newly tures.” In Fortean Studies, vol. 7, edited by Ian
Discovered, Supposedly Extinct, and Unconfirmed Simmons and Melanie Quin, 75–94. London:
Inhabitants of the Animal Kingdom. Surrey, John Brown Publishing.
British Columbia: Hancock House. Shuker, Karl P. N. 1995. In Search of Prehistoric
Coleman, Loren, and Jerome Clark. 1999. Crypto- Survivors: Do Giant “Extinct” Creatures Still Ex-
zoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Mon- ist? London: Blandford.

ver since the Bronze Age, charismatic their flocks and keep them corralled (Lifton

E leaders that have sought, for their own

selfish desires, to control people drawn
to them. Psychological and physical coercion

1. Totalism—Totalism is an us-against-them
have been used by those who would compel philosophy used to achieve complete
the will of others—but always in the guise of separation from the past, which is
beneficence. Masking the actual beliefs and portrayed as filled with evil forces or
goals of the group is common to almost all unenlightened individuals.
cults. This is an insidious and deliberate use 2. Environmental control—Everything that
of deception. The details of the cult’s belief perspective recruits see, eat, and do in
system are revealed to recruits only in stages, their waking hours is carefully
which is a move calculated to draw them in, manipulated.
step by step, without scaring them off early 3. Loading the language—The jargon of the
on. In contrast, mainstream belief systems are cult features quick and easy phrases and
up front with their principles and make no at- statements that only have meaning to
tempt to conceal them. the cultists. Such jargon encourages
Cult leaders commonly seek to eradicate isolationism and psychological cloning.
their members’ ability to think critically and 4. Demand for purity—All actions are
make life decisions. They retrain their victims judged by the cult’s definition of purity,
to think in their own highly defined and con- which is crafted by the leaders to suit
stricting manner, so that they become pawns their needs. Such definitions are applied
subject to the will of the leader. This process in an absolute, black-and-white manner.
is not accomplished through argument or Anything is acceptable in the pursuit of
force, as is often thought, but rather with sub- this purity.
tle persuasion, flattery, guilt, and always 5. Mystical leadership—The cult leader
deception. endows him- or herself with a mystical
Due to the large variety of cultic organiza- mantle, often supposedly as an agent of
tions, there is no simple method to determine divine powers on Earth. Confession to
whether a particular group can be defined as and denunciation by the leader are
a cult. One must evaluate both the group’s be- ingrained. The victim acquires a
lief structure and its behavior in order to de- pawnlike attitude, wherein devotion and
termine if it adheres to the hallmarks of a obedience to the leader supersede
cult. Robert Lifton defined five tried-and-true standards of morality or self-
methods destructive groups use to ensnare preservation.

80 | c u lt s

The more obvious and pervasive these certain times in life, such as between complet-
philosophies are in a group, the more group ing college and taking a job, when traveling for
members will adhere to ideological totalism an extended period, on arriving at a new loca-
and the more these devices will be used to cor- tion, or soon after being rejected, fired, or di-
rupt an individual’s will, making the group vorced. Anytime that people do not have com-
more of a cult. pelling connections in their lives, they are
extremely vulnerable to the seeming familial-
ness of cultic recruitment. The second aspect is
depression. A person suffering from a depres-
How Cults Recruit sion that is not completely debilitating is very
malleable and is easily soothed by the honey
Historically, cults have thrived during times of coating of cultic deception. Cults seem to offer
societal instability. When people are at a loss to nearly instant and often simplistic and focused
make sense of the rapid changes around them solutions to the myriad problems daunting
and are forced to rethink much of what they vulnerable individuals.
once held as true, they are ripe for cult mem- Recruiters for cultic groups are trained to
bership. spot susceptible people, and they know well
For example, after the fall of Rome or dur- the signs of vulnerability. They will often strike
ing the French and Industrial Revolutions, up a conversation with a potential recruit and
cults sprang up in theretofore unprecedented perform a purposeful “cold reading” of the
numbers. The siren song of the recruiters victim. They are trained to assess the individ-
promising to wash away the fear and uncer- ual’s needs very rapidly and will then speak di-
tainty of the time was simply too alluring for rectly to these needs. To a person suffering
many to deny, and cults flourished. The black- from anxiety and want of affiliation and affec-
and-white philosophies of cults are much eas- tion, these soothing words from a stranger,
ier to digest than the complex and dynamically whose only apparent motivation is to help, are
changing realities of society. very persuasive. In addition, the recruiter
It has been argued that cults are not destruc- carefully scripts the physicality of the first con-
tive because people who join them are “seek- tact with a recruit. He or she knows what pos-
ers,” that is, individuals who seek answers to ture to hold and at what distance to sit from a
grand questions. Yet this statement cannot be mark so as to not be too threatening, while still
true because cult recruiters reach out with ma- maintaining control of the conversation. Keep-
lign intent and trap their victims with decep- ing direct eye contact is always emphasized, as
tion. The true nature of the cult is never dis- this relays a sense of both empathy and sincer-
cussed at the outset. One cannot join a group ity. These are highly intelligent practices, and
to aid its members in their search if one does they speak directly to the insidious nature of
not know what the group itself is actually destructive cults.
about. Cults recruit people from all socioeco- After the initial contact, the first crucial step
nomic strata and all age groups. In fact, they in absorbing the victim is to proffer an invita-
actively seek out older people who have accu- tion. This invitation is anything that the re-
mulated estates that can be willed to the group. cruiter believes the victim will acquiesce to af-
Two main aspects are predominant in mak- ter the first assessment. This step is essential,
ing individuals vulnerable to cult recruitment. for it is at this time that the victim will be mov-
The first is that they feel unconnected to those ing out of his or her familiar world and enter-
around them. This feeling is likely to occur at ing into the nebulous world of the cult. What
c u lt s | 81

the victim who accepts the invitation will usu- with the past are severed. The recruits’ fami-
ally find on attending the first gathering is the lies and friends are painted as unenlightened
cult’s “front group.” A front group is a cadre of individuals who need to be shunned until they
select individuals from within the cult who act have seen the way. Victims are made to feel
to mask the cult’s real agenda. Often, cults will that they, too, were bad in their old lives, and
have several different front groups that can ap- this guilt is reinforced by the denunciation of
peal to a wide variety of interests and needs. At the past. The guilt is embedded after the initial
this initial meeting, the victim is swarmed by waves of love that the group showered on the
the front group, and affection and attention recruits, and it is very confusing and causes
are lavished. The primary purpose of this step much anxiety. Recruits are never allowed to
is to get the recruit to agree to a longer-term speak with other recruits who might share
commitment at the cult’s facility. their initial doubts and hesitations. They are
Persuading the victim to accept an invita- made to believe that if they have doubts, they
tion into the cult’s facility is the second crucial are the only ones with such qualms and should
step, for once he or she is there, the actual be ashamed of them. Their critical faculties
separation from the outside world is effectu- are derided at every turn.
ated. Then, the process of thought reform be- In addition to psychological conditioning, a
gins in earnest. The recruits are surrounded by careful program of physiological control is in-
veteran members of the cult who sing its stituted. Recruits are often kept so busy by the
praises ceaselessly, going on and on about the cult that they become sleep-deprived. Prospec-
inherent strength of whatever new belief sys- tive members can also be made to hyperventi-
tem is being advocated. The leader is praised late by loud repetitive chanting, an activity
without end as his or her uniqueness is re- that reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the
vealed and claimed to be the savior of human- blood, causing it to become too alkaline and
ity via whatever method he or she has cho- leading to respiratory alkalosis. This, in turn,
sen—revealed knowledge, perfect social makes the victims light-headed and woozy,
paradigms, ancient or alien wisdom, and so further diminishing their critical processes.
forth. The fact that there is little or no objec- Special and restrictive diets are enforced to
tive evidence to support these claims is glossed make the recruits weak and uncomfortable.
over with the group’s jargon. Again, the re- Drugs and even sugar can be used to induce
cruits feel that they are somehow not as an artificial high so the cult’s activities and
“good” as the other members because they do propaganda will temporarily excite the re-
not understand the specific language and non- cruits. Purging and colonics may also be used,
sense words of the cult. Only through a parrot- as well as dehydration, all to make the subjects
ing of this jargon do they get approval. more confused, disoriented, and dependent.
Veteran cult members immediately begin to The recruits’ appearance is often altered to
direct the recruits’ actions, keeping their time suit the cult’s standards. This can involve any-
carefully filled with meetings, exercise, read- thing from wearing a special uniform to cut-
ing cult propaganda, chanting, and whatever ting hair a certain way to constantly wearing
else the particular group has found that will cult paraphernalia. Changing a person’s long-
occupy the recruits’ time. This oppressive at- held appearance can have a profound effect on
mosphere does not allow for reflection and his or her sense of continuity, and it reinforces
negative feelings, and questions are sup- the notion that an entirely new life has begun.
pressed, as these are only the victims’ old and Sometimes, the recruits are even required to
unclean ways rising to surface. All connections take on new names.
82 | c u lt s

A pattern of “antagonism, apathy, and ac- will almost always sever all contact between
ceptance” is classic in brainwashing. The an- the child and the “traitor.”
tagonism is any resistance that the victims Another aftereffect that ex–cult members
might have to the indoctrination process when must deal with is “flashback.” Not unlike shell
first inducted. This is quickly quelled via the shock (wherein combat veterans react with in-
previously described methodologies, and the appropriate emotion and fear to any loud
recruits move into the apathy stage. In this noise), ex–cult members will sometimes find
state, it is simply easier to just go along, drop themselves wandering back to the trancelike
any excoriated resistance, and fall into the re- state they were ensconced in during their days
assuring conformity of the encompassing in the group. These times of “floating” are
group—which, of course, leads directly to ac- triggered by stress or deep depressions or even
ceptance and the final attenuation of individu- when the cult’s jargon is heard in completely
ality and self-preservation. unrelated contexts. These flashbacks decrease
in frequency over time, but they can last for
months (Singer 1995).
The attack on one’s mentality when in a cult
Exiting a Cult leaves the victim’s cognitive skills dulled. It
takes time to retrain the mind to evaluate and
It is much more difficult to exit a cult than to perceive in real time. The outside world is a
enter one. On the way in, all is sweetness and busy and complex place. The empty simplicity
light, the courting process has just begun, and of the cultic core is gone, and the sensory in-
recruits still feel that the cult is enhancing put can sometimes be daunting to one who has
their personalities. It is only during the exiting languished in zombielike obedience for an ex-
process that they learn that their personalities tended period of time. For this reason, the ex-
have, in fact, been stolen. The damaging meth- member should attempt tasks in an ascending
ods a cult uses to beguile its victims leave men- level of difficulty and complexity, as one would
tal wounds in former members that often take do when training to do these things for the
years to heal. The reduction of one’s will to re- first time.
sist and the degradation of one’s critical facul- Many ex-members report that they are con-
ties make the transition back to freedom very sumed with guilt, a guilt that may take many
difficult. Several key characteristics typify al- forms. Within the cult, members are often
most all ex–cult members. The most predomi- forced to perform illegal activities, learning to
nant is fear. Many cults use fear to maintain con, trick, and steal from others. They compel
loyalty to the group; everything from denunci- donations in a variety of dishonest and coer-
ation to claims of damnation to physical force cive ways. And they suppress personal morality
is used to both retain and return members. Ex- to the will of the cult. Such actions leave them
members are often encouraged, if not forced, deeply ashamed once they separate from the
to change locations, telephone numbers, and group. They are uncertain how they can face
even their names to escape the harassment of up to these actions and how they can repay
their former groups. Of course, this fear is al- those they themselves victimized. Further, ex-
ways much more acute when a family member, members may feel very troubled about close
particularly a child, is left in the group. The friends and family members who were left be-
group can threaten the child with sanctions hind in the cult. This makes the dismissal of
unless the member returns; at the very least, it the cult extraordinarily difficult. When their
c u lt s | 83

feelings for those still within the cult call to the victims consider themselves the “chosen.”
them most strongly, they may even begin to They are suddenly just like everyone else—still
doubt their wisdom in leaving the cult. This searching, still hoping, and still struggling.
miasma of doubt and confusion can be debili- These ex-members are left feeling that per-
tating and slow recovery to a crawl. Finally, ex- haps they are not only no longer chosen but
members must come to face those in the out- also valueless. They have a very difficult time
side world with whom they suddenly severed learning to trust again. Fear of being victim-
ties when they were absorbed by the cult. ized anew can make them cynical and distant
When confronted with the compassion and (Lifton 1961).
concern that their loved ones have maintained
for them, even as they were chanting about
their loved one’s evils at the leader’s behest,
the guilt can be overwhelming. Helping Victims Cope
This shame leads directly to another prob-
lem faced by ex–cult members—the continual The primary way to help ex–cult members
bombardment of questions from others and reemerge as healthy persons is through under-
the sense that they have an obligation to ex- standing—understanding their plight and help-
plain what happened to them. It is exception- ing them to understand what happened to
ally difficult to talk to those never victimized them. It must be explained to them with firm
by a recruiter and thence a cult about the sub- compassion that they were the victims of time-
tleties of manipulation and coercion that en- tested, cohesive, and insidious methods of ma-
snared them. To describe the charisma of the nipulation that have trapped countless thou-
leader in full plume and the atmosphere of eu- sands through the ages. This will allow them to
phoria that the masterful manipulation of the talk openly about their fears, both past and
cult could cause is all but impossible. As a re- current. Once the victims begin to see that
sult, ex–cult members sense that no one on the they were, in fact, victimized, the process of
outside understands what they went through, rebuilding and reawakening their atrophied
and they feel pitied. Further, family and critical faculties can begin in earnest. They
friends often put the emerged individual un- must be made to see how and why they were
der a microscope, watching for any signs of ensnared and be given the tools to avoid such
weakness that may be indications that he or an outcome in the future.
she may again become the mark of the old (or Ex-members must be reoriented to reality.
even a new) group. This situation often leads This process can be accomplished by simple
to encounters in which both the watchers and tasks that help them to rebuild a fulfilling con-
the watched grow concerned but fail to com- nection with the outside world. Anything that
municate that concern effectively. Tensions might bewilder or entrance them must be
can quickly rise under such circumstances, meticulously avoided. No drugs or alcohol
and the ex-member’s sense of self-worth can should be consumed during this tenuous time.
be eroded by the perception that loved ones Anything that might cause a state of sensory
do not believe he or she can manage things overload should be avoided (loud music,
properly. crowds, a large urban environment, and the
The entire sense of self that was so artifi- like). The maintenance of routines in the early
cially inflated at times within the cult must be recovery stages is a good idea. Making check-
reassessed in a realistic state. No longer can lists of activities and following a schedule are
84 | c u lt s

important, as is planning out purchases and com/edu/psytimes/p960714.html. (Accessed in

projects well beforehand. The reorientation to 1998); URL:
reality can be accomplished by keeping ap- studyrecovery/study_trance.htm. (Accessed in
prised of current events via newspapers, televi- January 1999).
sion news and talk shows, and talk radio (Ryan Lifton, Robert Jay, M.D. 1961 (1989). Thought Re-
form and the Psychology of Totalism. Chapel Hill
and London: University of North Carolina Press.
For information on specific cults as well as
MacCollam, Joel A. 1979. Carnival of Souls: Reli-
anticult and support groups, contact the Leo J.
gious Cults and Young People. New York:
Ryan Society at Seabury Press.
Ryan, Patrick L. 1999. Coping with Trance States:
The Aftermath of Leaving a Cult.
Appel, Willa. 1983. Cults in America: Programmed Singer, Margaret T. 1995. Cults in Our Midst. San
for Paradise. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Win- Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
ston. Tobias, Madeleine, and Janja Lalich. 1994. Captive
Heinsohn, Gunnar. URL: Hearts, Captive Minds: Freedom and Recovery
~kronia/journals/sacrfice.txt. (Accessed in 1998). from Cults and Abusive Relationships. New York:
Langone, Michael D. URL: http://www.mhsource. Hunter House Publishers.
Dietary Supplements

estled among the vitamins and miner- acid is salicylic acid, whether it comes from a

N als on supermarket shelves are many

apparently natural remedies sold as
“dietary supplements.” The labels state that
bottle of aspirin tablets or willow bark. The
popularity of these products is also due to the
ease of obtaining them, thanks to loose gov-
these products are not intended to treat any- ernment regulations that are, in part, a re-
thing but are designed to promote health. For sponse to consumer demand.
example, kava, lemon balm, German chamo-
mile, lavender, passionflower, and valerian
root all purportedly provide restful sleep.
Elsewhere in the supermarket, cough drops Drugs versus Dietary Supplements
containing echinacea promise to boost immu-
nity, juice drinks offer ginkgo to rev up mem- People have used medicines derived from or-
ory, and St. John’s wort is said to elevate ganisms for millennia. Many prescription
mood. But it would take hundreds of cough drugs are modeled after such “natural prod-
drops to shorten the course of a respiratory in- ucts.” Two commonly used cancer drugs, for
fection, and forty-five drinks to administer example, are alkaloids that come from the
enough ginkgo or St. John’s wort to exert an rosy periwinkle, Vinca rosea.
effect. The Internet offers dietary supplements, Drugs differ from dietary supplements in
too. One proprietary blend “supports the purity and method of preparation. The devel-
healthy functioning of the heart muscle.” It opment of a drug often takes many years. The
includes pig intestine, sheep spleen, assorted probability that a chemical derived from an
bovine parts, several grains, pea juice, soy, and organism will make its way to drugstore
mushrooms—everything but eye of newt. shelves as a prescription or over-the-counter
Dietary supplements are a multibillion-dol- medication is 1 in 10,000.
lar industry in the United States, where a third To develop a drug, researchers identify and
of the population has tried them (Blendon et isolate active ingredients from organisms,
al. 2001). St. John’s wort alone racked up then either use these compounds or synthe-
$195 million in sales in 2000. Consumers key size related ones that are more effective, less
in on the “organic,” “herbal,” “natural,” and toxic, or both. For example, researchers first
even the nonsensical “chemical-free” claims reported the ability of mayapple (Podophyl-
on product labels, often believing that a chem- lum peltatum) extract to shrink tumors in
ical synthesized in a laboratory is somehow mice in 1942. In the 1950s, investigators
different from the same chemical occurring in funded by the National Cancer Institute’s
a living organism. This isn’t the case. Salicylic Drug Research and Development program

86 | d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s

isolated and described the active ingredient

podophyllotoxin. But in clinical trials, the
compound proved to be toxic, so human test-
ing was stopped. Then, in the 1960s, a phar-
maceutical company created a safer, semisyn-
thetic version of podophyllotoxin, which the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ap-
proved in 1983 to treat four types of cancer.
In contrast to the strict requirements of pu-
rity applied in drug development, herbal
remedies and other dietary supplements can
include many parts of the source organism.
Consequently, along with the desired sub-
stance, a consumer may ingest microorgan-
isms, fungal spores, heavy metals, toxins, her-
bicides, and pesticides. Labels don’t always tell
the full story., for instance,
detected 30 milligrams of manganese per dose
in a glucosamine and chondroitin preparation,
a “joint health” product. But the Institute of
Illustration of microscope and medical research.
Medicine recommends a maximal daily intake
of 11 milligrams of manganese, and a normal
diet supplies 2 milligrams daily! Manganese
overdose causes symptoms similar to those of happens rarely (it occurred, for example, with
Parkinson’s disease. calcium to prevent osteoporosis and folic acid
to prevent neural tube defects).
DSHEA expanded definitions of “dietary
supplement,” applying the label not only to es-
The Dietary Supplements sential nutrients but also to “a product (other
Health and Education Act (DSHEA) than tobacco) that is intended to supplement
the diet that bears or contains one or more of
By definition, dietary supplements are neither the following dietary ingredients: a vitamin, a
food nor drug, thanks to the FDA’s Dietary mineral, an herb or other botanical, an amino
Supplements Health and Education Act acid, a dietary substance for use by man to
(DSHEA) of 1994, which amended the Federal supplement the diet by increasing the total
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. This earlier reg- daily intake, or a concentrate, metabolite, con-
ulation classified substances as being either stituent, extract, or combinations of these
food additives, which require premarket ap- ingredients.”
proval based on a demonstration of safety, or A dietary supplement need not be tested for
“generally recognized as safe” (GRAS). Before safety or efficacy. All that the FDA requires is
1994, added botanicals or other biological ma- that labels include a disclaimer: “This state-
terials were deemed an adulteration. The ment has not been evaluated by the FDA. This
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act also stipulated product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
that the FDA must approve health claims after or prevent any disease.” Should a dietary sup-
evaluating substantial scientific evidence. This plement label claim to treat anything, the con-
d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s | 87

tent becomes a drug and must be evaluated for detail.asp). It’s hardly that simple—the product
safety and efficacy. Only after many consumers is first digested into its constituent nutrients,
file reports of adverse effects of a particular di- not shuttled to where it’s needed intact. The
etary supplement does the FDA issue a warn- shark cartilage craze fell into this category of
ing or withdraw the product, pending investi- like helping like. The idea that shark cartilage
gation. prevents cancer arose from initial studies that
Because dietary supplements don’t have to suggested that sharks do not get cancer. Since
undergo much, if any, testing, how they work sharks have cartilaginous skeletons, the think-
is often shrouded in mystery or scientific- ing went, their cartilage may protect against
sounding jargon. For example, makers of some cancer. Further investigation revealed that
animal-based products seem to believe that if a sharks actually do get cancer—perhaps sick
human organ needs help, the person need sharks simply die and sink and therefore aren’t
only swallow an extract of said organ from an- studied!
other type of animal. Marketers of one product The like helps like approach is just one way
advertised on the Internet claim that “bovine that marketers delude consumers who have
hypothalamus extract helps maintain the hy- forgotten Biology 101. There’s simply no
pothalamus in a good state of repair to support rhyme or reason to take some products. Con-
healthy hypothalamic function” (http://www. sider the genetic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), which
enables the cell to use the genetic information
to synthesize protein. There are products
claiming to contain DNA and RNA that sell for
more than $20 a bottle and are just brewer’s
yeast. RNA, DNA, and their building blocks
are abundant in food and are synthesized con-
stantly in nearly all cells. Yet the bottle claims
that depletion of RNA in the body can result
from lack of exercise, pollution, and stress.
Pyruvic acid is another unnecessary dietary
supplement. It is an intermediate in the break-
down of glucose. Again, basic biology. Yet
some health-food stores actually lock the stuff
up as if it were precious.

Consuming desiccated pig spleen, shark carti-
lage, or yeast can’t harm much more than a
person’s wallet. But some supplements can
Shark liver capsules. The outer packaging threaten health if they are taken in too high
advertises the dietary supplement as a “healthy doses, if they are taken instead of conventional
food for middle and high age people.” (Jeffrey L. therapeutic drugs, or if they interact with
Rotman/CORBIS) drugs. Despite the FDA’s definition of dietary
88 | d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s

supplements, abundant scientific evidence in- creatine, as well as the fact that most studies
dicates that these products can indeed contain that have been conducted do not demonstrate
chemicals that act as drugs in the human body. athletic enhancement. Indeed, many adverse-
Following are some frightening examples of event reports to the FDA document muscle
the dangers of certain dietary supplements. cramps, diarrhea, loss of appetite, seizures,
strains, and dehydration as side effects. In
1997, for instance, three college wrestlers died
A Weight Lifter and Creatine from dehydration associated with creatine use.
Yet this product is still widely used. A recent
A previously healthy twenty-four-year-old survey of high school athletes revealed that of
weight lifter awoke one morning with intense 328 participants, 26 males and 1 female—8.2
pain in his thighs (Robinson 2000). In the hos- percent—took creatine supplements (Smith
pital, he passed blood and protein in his urine and Dahm 2000, 1257). Most reported that
and had difficulty breathing; he also had an they either did not know the recommended
enlarged heart and lungs. Water was rushing dose or intentionally exceeded it. Among pro-
into his skeletal muscle cells, upsetting his fessional football players, 25 percent to 75 per-
body’s water distribution in a way that swelled cent use creatine. Many of them claim that
and threatened his vital organs. His enlarged creatine is a safe alternative to steroids for
muscles were not stronger but were actually bulking up. The U.S. market for creatine is
disintegrating, a condition called rhabdomyol- $200 million a year.
ysis. The diagnosis: acute quadriceps compart-
ment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis. The
likely cause: creatine supplements. Celebrity Power—The Iscador Story
Cells synthesize creatine from the amino
acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. Crea- Another way that dietary supplements attain
tine binds phosphate, which it can then trans- credibility without scientific evidence is
fer to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to form through celebrity endorsement, even when it
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s pri- is unintentional. Consider the case of Suzanne
mary energy molecule. Creatine is then metab- Somers and her use of the mistletoe extract Is-
olized to form creatinine, which built to sky- cador to treat breast cancer.
high levels in the weight lifter’s blood and Many people regard the bubbly Somers, for-
urine. He had overdosed on creatine. The mer star of Three’s Company and promoter of
product label advises that to increase muscle the ThighMaster, as a health expert. When
mass and strength, one should take a loading claiming that she had liposuction to correct
dose of 20 to 25 grams a day for 5 to 7 days, damage from breast cancer surgery, she re-
then take 2 to 5 grams a day thereafter. No vealed that she injects herself daily with
study had ever monitored the effects for longer Iscador.
than 10 weeks. The recommended daily al- The use of mistletoe was originally part of a
lowance for non–weight lifters is a mere 2 movement called Anthroposophy that was
grams. But the weight lifter took 25 grams a founded by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) (see
day for a year! After 22 days in the hospital the “Anthroposophy and Anthroposophical
and months of physical therapy, he recovered. Medicine” entry in this section). A self-
The FDA and the National Collegiate Ath- described “spiritual scientist,” Steiner thought
letic Conference are concerned at the lack of cancer to be an imbalance of the forces that
long-term studies on the safety and efficacy of control cell growth and division. He noted un-
d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s | 89

usual properties of mistletoe that suggested it Drug Interactions

would combat cancer. The plant’s spherical
shape, lack of roots, and parasitic growth on Herbal and other remedies that might not have
other plants, he thought, suggested a defiance been dangerous in the past are potentially
of gravity, and the fact that it flowers in winter threatening now because people today take
and has berries all year long indicated the many more medications. The active ingredi-
plant ignored seasonal changes. With such ents in some dietary supplements, whether the
characteristics, Anthroposophists thought, per- FDA calls them drugs or not, interact with
haps mistletoe extract could also correct what- drugs. An unfolding disaster in this area in-
ever imbalances underlie cancer. Adding trace volves St. John’s wort, whose active ingredient,
amounts of certain metals to the extract can hypericin, is widely regarded as an antidepres-
supposedly target the treatment to certain sant. But hypericin does more than possibly el-
types of cancer, and activities such as dancing evate mood—it also lowers the blood levels of
or sculpting with modeling clay are said to add nearly half of all prescription drugs by interfer-
therapeutic benefit. The goal is to strengthen a ing with the enzyme system in the liver that
patient’s “organic self-supportive systems,” metabolizes drugs. Affected drugs include
whatever they are (Office of Technology As- blood thinners, antibiotics, oral contraceptives,
sessment 1990). antirejection drugs, heart medications, and
The source of Iscador is the European protease inhibitors used to treat HIV infection.
mistletoe Viscum album. Usually, the entire A patient who does not inform a physician
plant is ground up and injected. Mistletoe con- that he or she is taking St. John’s wort could
tains several compounds that are toxins in be in for trouble. This happened to a man who
high doses but do affect human cells growing had recovered well from a heart transplant
in culture when administered in small doses. and then began to reject the organ (Ruschitzka
These chemicals stimulate the proliferation of 2000). Blood tests indicated low levels of the
white blood cells (an immune response), yet antirejection drugs that he had been taking
they dampen the division of other cell types— daily. The patient had not told his physician
hence, the idea that the plant can treat cancer that he was taking St. John’s wort because he
arose. The possible pharmacologically active did not think it was a drug. Once he stopped
molecules in mistletoe are: taking it, the heart rejection ceased.

• Lectins, which are complex

carbohydrates bound to proteins. Lectins
bind certain cell types.
Studies to Evaluate Dietary Supplements
• Viscotoxins, which are proteins that kill as Drugs
certain dividing cells.
• Alkaloids, which inhibit cell division. It is clear that the way to improve the safety of
dietary supplements is to conduct more re-
The active ingredients of European mistle- search, but this is easier said than done. Unfor-
toe have not been adequately studied in the tunately, few studies of dietary supplements
United States. Investigations conducted in meet all of the criteria of a well-planned ex-
other countries use either the whole plant in periment. The most meaningful type of study
extract form or consider evidence of immune has a large sample and control groups; it
stimulation as a clinical end point, rather than should also be a double-blind protocol, mean-
efficacy in treating cancer. ing that neither researchers nor participants
90 | d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s

know who is receiving the treatment or a Glucosamine

placebo, and it should be as unbiased as possi-
ble. Following are a few examples of the vari- Well-done studies, by contrast, can validate an-
ety of scientific investigations conducted into ecdotal reports of the efficacy of a dietary sup-
the efficacy of dietary supplements. plement. This was the case for glucosamine, a
component of cartilage and the synovial fluid
that bathes joints. Because glucosamine is
Ephedra found in the joint space, the theory goes, sup-
plying it exogenously should help maintain
Ephedra (also known as ma huang), a compo- joint structure—a variation of like treats like
nent of a product called herbal ecstasy, is a thesis. Debate centered on whether digestion
stimulant that has been associated anecdotally would dismantle glucosamine pills. Although
with hypertension, arrhythmia, tremors, that question has yet to be answered, a clinical
headache, seizures, heart attack, stroke, and trial provided compelling evidence that this
death. In one evaluation of 140 adverse-event supplement actually performs as people say it
reports, researchers concluded that 43 (31 does (Reginster et al. 2001).
percent) of the cases could be definitely or In the double-blind trial, 106 people with
probably related to ephedra (Haller and osteoarthritis of the knee took glucosamine
Benowitz 2000). The problem with evaluating and 106 took a placebo for three years. The
adverse-event reports is that they rely on vol- researchers assessed the outcome through pa-
unteers and will likely include some people tient reports of pain improvement and X rays
whose symptoms occurred coincidentally with of the joint space taken at the start of the trial,
taking the dietary supplement but were not at one year, and at three years. Results were
necessarily caused by the product. Conversely, remarkably clear. In the patients receiving a
some people who react to the dietary supple- placebo, the joint space progressively nar-
ment may not realize the link or contact the rowed, and their symptoms slightly worsened.
FDA. The agency has not taken further action But those receiving glucosamine had no loss of
against ephedra but is continuing to monitor joint space, and their symptoms improved. The
reports of adverse events. researchers concluded that glucosamine might
not only relieve symptoms but also actually
modify the course of the disease.
Gingko Biloba

A study of the effect of Gingko biloba extract St. John’s Wort

on tinnitus (ringing in the ears and persistent
sound) had large enough numbers—978 indi- When studies contradict each other, re-
viduals were studied—but each participant was searchers scramble for explanations, and jour-
given either Gingko biloba or a placebo for nalists wonder what to report. This is the case
twelve weeks, then asked to evaluate symptoms for St. John’s wort. In September 2000, the
using a rating scale (Drew and Davies 2001). British Medical Journal published results of a
Such a study cannot account for individual dif- randomized, double-blind trial (Woelk 2000).
ferences in perception. A crossover design Of 324 people with mild to moderate depres-
might have been more meaningful, with each sion, 157 received St. John’s wort and 167 re-
participant experiencing one trial of Gingko ceived imipramine, an older antidepressant.
biloba and one of the placebo. (The study Patients assessed their moods six weeks later,
found no difference between the groups.) and the treatments were deemed “therapeuti-
d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s | 91

cally equivalent.” However, criticism of the primary reason is that people think doctors do
study came quickly. Critics charged that com- not know enough about these products or are
parison with a newer selective serotonin-reup- biased against them. However, more and more
take inhibitor (SSRI) would have been more physicians and medical history forms are ask-
useful. They also said that an inert placebo ing patients about their use of alternative or
should have been included to assess whether complementary medical therapies in general
symptoms resolved over time without treat- and about dietary supplements in particular.
ment. And finally, they pointed out, six weeks The reason is that the medical community
is not nearly long enough to detect recovery. hopes to prevent the sort of tragedy that hap-
A few months later, the Journal of the Amer- pened to a seven-year-old with HIV infection
ican Medical Association published the results being treated at Columbus Children’s Hospital
of another clinical trial (Shelton et al. 2001). in Ohio. The child’s mother became convinced
In the study, 98 people with major depression that bovine colostrum—a cow’s first milk,
were assigned St. John’s wort for an eight- which is rich in antibodies—could treat the
week trial and 102 individuals received an in- condition better than the standard protease in-
ert placebo. All participants were given a hibitors. She started her son on the supple-
placebo for one week prior to the eight-week ment and discontinued the prescribed medica-
period. The investigators used standard scales tions without telling the doctors. Several
of depression to assess outcome. The passage months later, the boy’s infection was no longer
of time improved symptoms in all participants, under control. Yet another patient trying the
but the difference in efficacy between the two same supplement shared the information with
treatments was not statistically significant. health-care providers, who saw that he took
Why did one study find that St. John’s wort the protease inhibitors when his viral load in-
worked and the other find that it did not? Per- creased.
haps this outcome can be traced to the fact Whether the FDA considers dietary supple-
that the investigations involved different types ments to be drugs or not, two facts are appar-
of patients. St. John’s wort appeared to be ef- ent: these products can indeed act as drugs,
fective in individuals with mild to moderate and many people are taking them. In the fu-
depression but not in people suffering from ture, patients and physicians will have to com-
major depression. Ongoing trials sponsored by municate more effectively, and the FDA will
the National Institutes of Health are compar- have to catch up with medical science to en-
ing St. John’s wort with the SSRIs and with sure that people can take dietary supplements
the placebo in the treatment of different de- safely.
grees of depression.
Blendon, Robert J., et al. 2001. “Americans’ Views
Integrating Dietary Supplements on the Use and Regulation of Dietary Supple-
into Health Care ments.” Archives of Internal Medicine 151, no. 6
(March 26): 805.
Drew, Shelley, and Ewart Davies. 2001. “Effective-
The idea that dietary supplements are not
ness of Ginkgo Biloba in Treating Tinnitus: Dou-
drugs and do not contain drugs has spilled ble Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial.” British Med-
over into the doctor-patient relationship. Ac- ical Journal 322 (January 13): 73.
cording to a Harvard School of Public Health Haller, Christine A., and Neal L. Benowitz. 2000.
analysis, many people do not reveal their use “Adverse Cardiovascular and Central Nervous
of dietary supplements to their physicians. The System Events Associated with Dietary Supple-
92 | d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s

ments Containing Ephedra Alkaloids.” New En- Ruschitzka, F., et al. 2000. “Acute Heart Transplant
gland Journal of Medicine 343, no. 25 (Decem- Rejection Due to St. John’s Wort.” Lancet 355
ber 21): 1833. (February 12): 548.
Office of Technology Assessment. 1990. Unconven- Shelton, Richard C., et al. 2001. “Effectiveness of St.
tional Cancer Treatments. Washington, DC: U.S. John’s Wort in Major Depression.” Journal of the
Government Publications. American Medical Association 285, no. 15 (April
Reginster, Jean Yves, et al. 2001. “Long-Term Ef- 18): 1978.
fects of Glucosamine Sulphate on Osteoarthritis Smith, Jay, and Diane L. Dahm. 2000. “Creatine
Progression: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Use among a Select Population of High School
Clinical Trial.” Lancet 357 (January 27): 251. Athletes.” Mayo Clinic Proceedings 75, no. 12
Robinson, Stacey J. 2000. “Acute Quadriceps Com- (December): 1257.
partment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis in a Woelk, Helmut. 2000. “Comparison of St. John’s
Weight Lifter Using High-Dose Creatine Supple- Wort and Imipramine for Treating Depression:
mentation.” Journal of the Air Force Family Prac- Randomized Controlled Trial.” British Medical
tice 13, no. 2 (March-April): 134. Journal 321 (September 2): 536.

owsing is the alleged paranormal twig, a whalebone, and even a hanger. The fo-

D ability to garner a simple answer from

a person’s surroundings. This feat is
supposedly accomplished with the use of a fo-
cus is held loosely in the hands and perpendi-
cular to the ground while the dowser walks
about until it begins pointing downward.
cus and any question that can be answered Sometimes, two foci are used, one held in
with either a yes or a no. Although water each hand. The location point is then said to
witching (the locating of subterranean water) be where the foci cross one another. In the
is the most widely known application of dows- case of a dowser using a map to locate some-
ing, the technique has also been used to at- thing (or the stock market listings to choose a
tempt to find lost articles and people and even stock), a pendulum is often employed. It is
as a guide to financial decisions. swung gently above the map until it stops over
Dowsing can be traced back to our most the location where the sought object is said to
primitive dwellings. On cave paintings near be.
Tassili, Algeria, there are depictions of Dowsers typically give one of three expla-
herders holding divining sticks pointed to- nations for the mechanism behind dowsing.
ward the skies. Egyptian priest carvings show The first is “physical,” involving a force that
similar rods, and there are statues from 2200 emanates from the object an individual is at-
b.c. of the Chinese emperor Hwang-Yu hold- tempting to locate. Supposedly, the dowser is
ing such devices. Even the great philosopher simply attuned to this force and thus detects
Confucius spoke of the practice. it. Different dowsers are said to be attuned to
However, it was not until 1556 that a book different stimuli; one attuned to gold may not
was written that included a description of be attuned to other metals. The second expla-
dowsing that was taken seriously. The tome is nation is “psychical,” involving the power of
known as the De Re Metallica and was written the conscious self. This power is said to some-
by Georgius Agricola, a German. This book how reach forth and connect with the item
was not about water dowsing but about using being sought, thus revealing the object. This is
the dowsing technique to find precious met- how map dowsers claim to work. A specialized
als. It was designed with miners in mind and dowser can allegedly dowse a map in Califor-
was widely distributed in its time. nia and locate a missing person in New York.
The instrument a dowser uses is called a The third explanation involves a combination
dowsing rod, dowsing stick, doodlebug (when of the first two methodologies. That is, it pre-
used to locate oil), or divining rod. Almost any supposes that there are emanations from all
item can be used for this purpose: a birch objects and that the dowser detects them with

94 | d o w s i n g

his or her consciousness. Many dowsers be- effect, which entails involuntary and uncon-
lieve that the subconscious knows the answers scious motor behavior. In 1852, William Car-
to all questions and that one must cultivate an penter gave a lecture, reprinted in the Pro-
intimate rapport with the nonconscious mind ceedings of the Royal Institution, in which, for
to wrest these answers from within. the first time, ideomotor activity was identified
Despite widespread belief, careful investiga- as a third category of unconscious, instinctive
tion has demonstrated that the technique of behavior. (The other categories are excitomo-
dowsing simply does not work. No researcher tor [breathing and swallowing] and sensori-
has been able to prove under controlled condi- motor [startle reactions] activity.) Ideomotor
tions that dowsing has any genuine divining movement is secondary to thought, and it be-
power. In the so-called Munich experiments, gins in the cerebrum. Any body movement
the most extensive and celebrated investigation without volition can be attributed to the ideo-
of the technique was conducted by Professor moter effect. According to the ideomotor ex-
H.-D. Betz and his colleagues in Germany. Betz planation, it is the dowsers’ expectations that
concluded from his data that “a real core of cause the subconscious movement of the
dowser-phenomena can be regarded as empiri- dowsing rods. This is also the best explanation
cally proven” (1997, 55). However, a review of for the movement of the planchette on a Ouija
his data (Enright 1999) revealed that Betz board or the actions taken by those engaged
came to this conclusion by counting only the with “facilitated communication” (see entry in
best “skilled” dowsers. In effect, he selected for section 2).
the positive data and rejected the negative data,
a clear violation of standard scientific protocol.
An analysis of all the data revealed no statistical
phenomenon—no effect of dowsing. The same Betz, H.-D. 1997. “Neue Ergebnisse der Ruten-
was true when the dowsers who performed the gängerforschung: Wetter-Boden-Mensch.” Zeit-
best on initial testing were retested—no effect. schrift für Geobiologie 5: 55–59.
In short, despite the claims of some re- DeAngelis, Perry. 1996. The Connecticut Skeptic 1,
searchers, the largest and best study of dowsing no. 4.
Enright, J. T. 1999. “The Failure of the Munich Ex-
to date demonstrated no dowsing ability.
periments.” Skeptical Inquirer, January-February.
Likewise with the proposed mechanisms of
Gardner, Martin. 1957. Fads and Fallacies in the
dowsing, no studies done under proper condi-
Name of Science. New York: Dover Publications.
tions have been able to demonstrate in a URL:
meaningful manner either the physical or psy- ideomotor.htm. URL:
chical explanations advanced by dowsing’s contents.html#D.
proponents. A more likely explanation for the Vogt, Evon, and Ray Hyman. 2000. Water Witching
movement of a dowser’s focus is the ideomotor USA. 2d ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Earthquake Prediction

he ability to accurately forecast the posed method of forecasting that, on the face

T time, place, and size of large earth-

quakes would clearly be useful. Civil
defense authorities could be alerted for a
of it, seems scientifically implausible but has
been “successful” in some circumstances. On
average, there are seventeen earthquakes of
rapid response, critical facilities could be se- magnitude 4 or more somewhere in the world
cured, and perhaps lives could be saved by every day of the year. In populated regions,
evacuating unsafe structures. Consequently, most such events are felt. The numbers de-
much work, both scientific and pseudoscien- crease if only bigger events are considered.
tific, has been dedicated to earthquake pre- So, for example, a forecast that doesn’t specify
diction. Many types of observations have been a particular location or magnitude is almost
suggested as possible forecasting tools, along certain to be correct but useless. If a large-
with a few examples from the past that look magnitude event is forecast but no position is
convincing at first sight. Further rigorous test- given, the chance of a coincidence is lessened
ing is rarely undertaken, however, and no sci- but is still reasonably large. Most people
entifically accepted forecasting method has would consider a magnitude 6 or more earth-
yet been identified. Most proposals slowly quake to be large. Such an event will occur
fade from attention when experience shows somewhere on Earth 120 times a year on av-
they are invalid or unreliable. But some peo- erage. If the forecast is considered correct
ple remain convinced they can forecast earth- when the actual date is within a week of the
quakes by pseudoscientific means. Because forecast date, then the probability of a ran-
the statistics of earthquake occurrence are not dom coincidence is about one in two, the
understood, such individuals take inevitable same as flipping a coin.
random coincidences as proof that their pro- Another point to remember is that large
posed methods are valid. Also, failures and earthquakes don’t occur randomly over
false alarms are often forgotten. Reasonable Earth’s surface but mainly in well-defined
physical mechanisms explaining why the pro- zones as mapped out by previous events and
posed methods work are usually lacking. This geologic investigations. For example, large
is not to say that reliable and useful earth- earthquakes are rare in the eastern United
quake forecasting will never be achieved, States but much more common along the San
whether by scientific or pseudoscientific Andreas and associated faults in California
means, but much work remains to be done. (earthquakes are caused by rapid slip along a
It is useful to be aware of some basic statis- fault). This observation is, in fact, the basis of
tics of earthquakes when faced with a pro- long-term statistical forecasts of earthquake

96 | e a r t h q u a k e p r e d i c t i o n

hazard; seismologists know more or less where

large earthquakes will happen in the future
but not when.
Some of the more common pseudoscientific
methods proposed for forecasting earthquakes
involve earthquake weather, unusual animal
activity, Earth tides, eclipses, planetary align-
ments, unusual sounds, astrology, and just
plain psychic ability. Most people using these
methods probably truly believe they are cor-
rect. But fraud has been suggested (if not
proved) in a few cases. For example, predic-
Composite image of a chart and a Richter scale.
tions made after an earthquake may some-
(Jason Reed/Photodisc)
times be presented as true forecasts.
Of the many proposed pseudoscientific
earthquake forecasting methods, perhaps only Earth all add up, thereby causing earthquakes.
those referencing Earth tides (produced in the In 1974, a book appeared forecasting doom
solid Earth by the Moon and Sun) and unusual during one such alignment that would occur in
animal behavior (see the later discussion) have 1982. The book reportedly sold a large num-
any plausible physical mechanism behind ber of copies, especially in southern California
them, at least as physics is presently under- (where people should be worried about earth-
stood. And even then, the explanations are quakes anyway). But there were no large
questionable. A recent study on Earth tides as earthquakes near the predicted time. More re-
a trigger for earthquakes shows a very small cently, there was the so-called Grand Align-
statistical effect for small earthquakes along ment of May 5, 2000, when Earth and five
the San Andreas fault in central California. other planets, plus the Sun and Moon, all
The researchers had to use thousands of events came close to falling on a line (and it was a
to make the effect even barely visible. This ac- new millennium to boot). There were similar
cords with calculations of the size of the stress forecasts of earthquake disasters, but none oc-
caused by the tides, which is very small com- curred. It is easy to calculate the tides due to
pared to the stress released by the earthquakes the planets and show that the effect of the
themselves. So the tides may conceivably trig- planets involved in these predictions is very
ger an event that was “almost ready to go” small compared to that of the Sun and Moon
anyway and would have occurred shortly even (as was discussed earlier). In fact, because the
if there were no tidal effect. It should also be Moon’s orbit is not exactly circular, its tidal ef-
noted that tidal stresses vary throughout the fect varies throughout a month by a much
day and at some times are likely to inhibit larger amount than any possible tidal effect of
earthquakes rather than trigger them. the more distant planets.
Related to possible tidal triggering are pro- Animals may be sensitive to changes in the
posals that planetary alignments will cause environment that people cannot sense and for
large earthquakes (or worse). An alignment which instruments are not in place. Unusual
occurs when several planets, rotating about animal behavior was apparently one factor
the Sun at different speeds, all fall on (or close that led Chinese officials to predict the 1975
to) a line from Earth. The idea is that at such Haicheng earthquake (magnitude 7.3) a day in
times, the gravitational effect of the planets on advance. However, there were other signs as
e a r t h q u a k e p r e d i c t i o n | 97

well, such as ground tilting and foreshocks. mal system in which predictions are made in
(The Chinese failed to predict the larger, more real time (not after the fact). Third, after a cer-
deadly Tangshan earthquake one year later.) tain period, they should evaluate the number
Some large earthquakes are preceded (by a of successes, failures, and false alarms their
few days) by a small number of much less in- method has produced as compared to random
tense foreshocks in the same region. These coincidence.
may be too small to be felt by people, although Would-be earthquake predictors can, in the
nearby seismographs would record them, and United States, submit specific predictions to
animals sensitive to small vibrations might the National Earthquake Prediction Evalua-
sense them. Foreshocks may be part of a tion Council. In additon, the International As-
preearthquake process in which the fault in- sociation of Seismology and Physics of the
volved begins to slip very slowly for perhaps a Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) periodically evalu-
few days before escalating into the much faster ates prediction methods, as opposed to specific
slip of the earthquake itself. This slow preslip predictions.
may have effects on concentrations of soil
gases near the surface that some burrowing References:
animals could sense. On a shorter time scale,
An Internet search for “earthquake prediction”
some people have reported that their pets act
( is recommended) will
oddly for ten seconds or so before they them- produce many interesting sites, presenting both
selves feel an earthquake. This may be because the scientific and pseudoscientific viewpoints.
of the two main types of waves traveling out Those included in this list of references may be
from an earthquake focus. The P (primary) particularly informative.
waves travel faster than the S (secondary or Bolt, B. A. 1992. Earthquakes. New York: W. H.
shear) waves but are usually weaker. Sensitive Freeman.
animals may sense the P waves, whereas peo- Geller, R. J., D. D. Jackson, Y. Y. Kagan, and F. Mul-
ple only feel the stronger but slower and thus garia. “Earthquakes Cannot Be Predicted.” Sci-
later S waves. ence 275: 1616–1617.
Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy Misconceptions. URL:
What would seismologists like to see erst-
while earthquake predictors do in order to test
html. Gives a discussion of planetary alignments.
their proposals? First, they should set down
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program–Northern Cal-
the specifics of the method they advocate so ifornia. URL: Pro-
that others can reproduce the predictions us- vides a great deal of earthquake-related informa-
ing the same input data. These specifics should tion, including material on prediction.
include uncertainties—in other words, how Wesson, R. L., and R. E. Wallace. 1985. “Predicting
much error is allowed in the place, time, and the Next Great Earthquake in California.” Scien-
magnitude. Second, they should set up a for- tific American 252: 35–43.
Electromagnetic Fields and Cell Phones

ince at least the 1980s, public concern All part of the electromagnetic spectrum,

S has grown in response to reports of pos-

sible negative health effects from expo-
sure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Pro-
energy waves share several general properties.
For example, all electromagnetic waves can
travel through empty space at the speed of
duced from power transmission and light (although they are much slower when
distribution lines, as well as from household passing through something like a wire). Also,
appliances, EMFs have reportedly been linked every electromagnetic wave can be described
to cancers of the nervous system and blood, by its wavelength and frequency. When visu-
immune system dysfunction, and a variety of alized by using special devices, electromag-
other, ubiquitous illnesses. Although some netic waves have peaks and valleys, just like
studies have shown slight increases in risk, the waves of an ocean. The distance between
most reputable, large-scale investigations peaks is the wavelength and the number of
have drawn no clear or conclusive link be- times each wave passes some point in one sec-
tween exposure to environmental levels of ond is the frequency.
EMF and human disease (Jackson 1992). For electromagnetic waves, there is a sim-
Electromagnetic fields are defined by their ple relationship between frequency and wave-
ability to cause changes in objects around length. As the wavelength increases, the fre-
them, such as the pull a magnet has on an quency decreases. By knowing the wavelength
iron rod or iron filings. The movement of and frequency, we can determine how much
electrons in, for instance, a wire of a transmis- energy is associated with the wave. A wave
sion line causes EMFs. EMFs are a combina- with a high frequency and a small wavelength
tion of two types of waves: electrical waves will have more energy than a wave with a low
(sometimes called voltage) and magnetic frequency and a long wavelength. Thus, the
waves. higher the frequency of a wave, the greater
Since the nineteenth century, scientists the damage we can expect to occur from ex-
have known that electricity and magnetism posure.
are closely related phenomena. It was James Although there are several types of electro-
Clerk Maxwell whose equation described how magnetic waves, they can be broadly classified
a moving electrical current produced mag- into two categories: ionizing and nonionizing
netic fields and, conversely, a moving mag- radiation. Ionizing radiation has more energy.
netic field produced an electrical current. Ra- X rays and gamma rays are examples of ioniz-
dio waves, microwaves, and X rays are all ing radiation. Ionizing radiation also has a
familiar examples of the forms of waves that high frequency and, because it has a lot of en-
cause EMFs. ergy, is able to penetrate living cells and dam-

e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c f i e l d s a n d c e l l p h o n e s | 99

age genetic material. Nonionizing radiation The electrical field produced in the human
has less energy. The energy level of nonioniz- body from this level of exposure would be
ing radiation is not great enough to break the about ten-millionths of a volt per meter, not
bonds in genetic material. Nonionizing radia- enough to cause a significant energy transfer
tion, therefore, is much less damaging to living to cells (Adair 1991).
things than ionizing forms of radiation. Light Although the magnetic forces emanating
waves, radio waves, and microwaves are all ex- from electrical lines could, in theory, cause bi-
amples of nonionizing radiation. ological changes in electrically sensitive cells
Questions concerning the potential health such as neurons, the field produced from
effects from human exposure to EMFs first transmission lines is too weak to do so. The
arose in 1979 with the findings of two epi- field produced from these lines is several or-
demiologists, Nancy Wertheimer and Ed ders of magnitude weaker than Earth’s mag-
Leeper (1979). They observed that children netic field (Lee, Astumian, and Weaver 1996).
living near electrical transmission lines in Col- Accordingly, man-made environmental fields
orado seemed to have a higher incidence of are too small to produce damaging biological
cancer than children living farther away. The effects (Astumian, Weaver, and Adair 1995).
researchers stated that the reason for the Results from recent studies (Linet et al. 1997)
higher incidence was uncertain, and, in fact, have confirmed that environmental exposure
took no actual measurements of EMFs. Their to EMFs does not lead to such diseases as
findings, however, were published in the Jour- leukemia.
nal of Epidemiology and set off a firestorm of
reports in the popular media on the negative
health effects associated with exposure to elec-
tromagnetic fields. Cell Phones
Researchers involved in the Wertheimer and
Leeper study and others like it have been un- As with electrical transmission lines, reports of
able to demonstrate any scientifically sound negative health effects have surrounded the
mechanism that would support their claims use of cell phones since their introduction in
about the type of diseases purportedly caused the early 1980s. Yet today, nearly 500 million
by environmental exposure to EMFs. To have a people use cell phones across the world, with-
potential for biological damage, electromag- out any proven illness (Moulder et al. 1999).
netic fields must be in the ionizing-radiation Handheld cellular phones use a portion of
category, or if they are in the nonionizing cate- the electromagnetic spectrum known as mi-
gory, they must be of such intensity that the crowaves. Microwaves are nonionizing radia-
waves can injure cells through the physical tion, close to radio waves in their frequency
process of heating. Thus, environmental EMFs and energy. Accordingly, nonionizing radiation
must be of greater intensity than the normal is unable to break molecular bonds within the
fields generated within the human body. cell. However, as with a microwave oven, if the
The human body naturally produces elec- microwave energy is intense enough it can
tromagnetic impulses, generated by such fa- cause heating effects. The question becomes
miliar activities as a beating heart. These natu- whether cell phones produce enough energy
rally occurring impulses have been shown to to cause biological damage.
be ten times greater than a typical exposure As with all electromagnetic waves, mi-
from the energy in a transmission line, which crowaves lose intensity rapidly with distance.
commonly has a 60 hertz, 5 milligauss field. As the distance from the microwave source is
100 | e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c f i e l d s a n d c e l l p h o n e s

doubled, the strength of the field is reduced by “Cellular-Telephone Use and Brain Tumors.”
a factor of four. Thus, the energy emitted by a New England Journal of Medicine 344, no. 2
cell phone is much higher than the energy ac- (January 11): 79–86.
tually absorbed by the user’s head. Research Jackson, J. D. 1992. “Are the Stray 60-Hz Electro-
published in the New England Journal of Med- magnetic Fields Associated with the Distribution
and Use of Electric Power a Significant Cause of
icine (Inskip et al. 2001) did not demonstrate
Cancer?” Proceeding of the National Academy of
that diseases such as brain cancer would result
Science 89 (April): 3508–3510.
from such low-intensity exposure. These re-
Johansen, C., J. D. Boice Jr., J. K. McLaughlin, and
sults agree with other large-scale studies de- J. H. Olsen. 2001. “Cellular Telephones and Can-
signed to determine if cell phones produce dis- cer: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark.”
ease. For example, scientists in Europe Journal of the National Cancer Institute 93, no. 3
examined over 400,000 cell phone users in (February 7): 203–207.
Denmark. The results of the study, the first to Lee, R. C., R. D. Astumian, and J. C. Weaver. 1996.
be conducted on a nationwide basis, found no “The Salvatore/Weitberg/Wehta Article Re-
correlation between cell phone usage and dis- viewed.” Oncology 10, no. 4 (April): 577–579.
ease (Johansen et al. 2001). Linet, M. L., E. E. Hatch, R. A. Kleinerman, L. L.
Robison, W. T. Kaune, D. R. Friedman, R. K. Sev-
erson, C. M. Haines, C. T. Hartsock, S. Niwa, S.
Wacholder, and R. E. Tarone. 1997. “Residential
Adair, Robert K. 1991. “Constraints on Biological Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Acute Lym-
Effects of Weak Extremely-Low-Frequency Elec- phoblastic Leukemia in Children.” New England
tromagnetic Fields.” Physical Review 43: 1039. Journal of Medicine 337, no. 1 (July 3).
Astumian, R. D., J. C. Weaver, and R. K. Adair. 1995. Moulder, J. E., L. S. Erdreich, R. S. Malyapa, J. Mer-
“Rectification and Signal Averaging of Weak ritt, W. F. Pickard, and Vijayalaxmi. 1999. “Cell
Electric Fields by Biological Cells.” Proceeding of Phones and Cancer: What Is the Evidence for a
the National Academy of Science 92 (April): Connection?” Radiation Research 151: 513–531.
3740–3743. Wertheimer, N., and E. Leeper. 1979. “Electrical
Inskip, P. D., R. E. Tarone, E. E. Hatch, T. C. Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer.”
Wilcosky, W. R. Shapiro, R. G. Selker, H. A. Fine, American Journal of Epidemiology 109, no. 3
P. M. Black, J. S. Loeffler, and M. S. Linet. 2001. (March): 273–284.
Fairies, Elves, Pixies, and Gnomes
D A V I D J . W . L A U R I D S E N J R .

airies, pixies, elves, and other related • Those having some predisposition to the

F creatures are typically characterized as

being diminutive, sometimes winged
beings of more or less human form, possess-
special ability or skill required to witness
or even summon the creatures
• Accident, surprise, or stealth (as by an
ing magical or supernatural powers and living individual upon waking from sleep or
in forest glades, gardens, or other watered and surreptitiously stumbling upon creatures,
green spaces. Gnomes are historically de- while remaining undetected by them)
scribed as diminutive as well but are generally • Those possessing some thing or some
portrayed as being deformed, crippled, or quality that makes or forces the
grotesque; they are sometimes subterranean creatures to reveal themselves to
creatures and are usually said to guard and witnesses
protect secrets or treasure. These and similar
creatures may be good or evil, benevolent or In some explanations, it is forbidden or
malicious, depending on the story or account. dangerous for the creatures to reveal them-
These mythical beings are often said to gener- selves to humans, which helps to account for
ally avoid human contact. References to these their severe reluctance to be discovered.
types of creatures date back several centuries Some reports use the presence of “telltale”
and are most prominent in northern Euro- markings or manifestations such as fairy rings,
pean folklore and literature. stone circles, hollow hills, or other earthly in-
Although no objective, modern scientific dications as proof of their existence. Upon re-
evidence concretely documenting these crea- alizing they have been discovered, the crea-
tures exists, there are true believers. Personal tures are sometimes said to disappear, leaving
recollections of firsthand encounters with no trace or evidence aside from the witnesses’
such creatures have been around for as long accounts. This inherent inability to conclu-
as the folklore and literature describing them. sively prove or disprove the existence of such
The explanation given for the lack of credible beings reinforces the mystery and enchant-
evidence usually revolves around the descrip- ment surrounding the stories.
tion of these beings and their inherent prop- The most documented, highly touted, and
erties. Generally speaking, these creatures are widespread account relating the supposed ex-
said to only be seen by: istence of fairies began in 1917 in the York-
shire village of Cottingley, England. Pho-
• Certain types of people (the open- tographs taken by two young girls (Elsie
minded and willing, the pure of heart, Wright, age sixteen, and her cousin Frances
innocent children, and so forth) Griffiths, age ten) became the center of a con-

102 | f a i r i e s , e lv e s , p i x i e s , a n d g n o m e s

Elsie Wright with her photograph of the Cottingley fairies, which she and Frances Griffiths faked in
1917–1920. (Fortean Picture Library)

troversy that lasted for over sixty years. Two detective was steadfast in his logical approach
photographs taken in the glen behind their to the unusual or unexplained, Doyle himself
home in 1917 appeared to show the girls ca- had a penchant for the mystical, and he was a
vorting with a number of small, winged, hu- fervent Spiritualist. He eagerly became a be-
manoid creatures that the children insisted liever in the “fairy tale” after various photog-
were fairies and a gnome. raphy experts at the time were unable or un-
The girls vehemently denied any impropri- willing to declare that the photographs were
ety whatsoever in the creation of the photo- fakes. Without conclusive evidence of tamper-
graphs, sparking both the interest and the in- ing and with the firm resolve of the two girls to
credulity of their friends and neighbors. It stick to their story, the Theosophists and Spiri-
wasn’t until three years later, however, after tualists of the day heralded the pictures as
being approached by Spiritualists to further proof of the existence of fairies. This claim, of
document the existence of these fairies, that course, was the focus of some controversy.
the girls achieved international fame regarding Among the most vocal critics was Harry Hou-
their tale. That year, they produced three dini, the acclaimed magician, illusionist, and
more photographs of the apparently supernat- friend to Doyle. Houdini quickly and ada-
ural beings. mantly criticized his friend for his all-too-
The photographs were published in Strand eager acceptance of the photos and the expla-
Magazine, with a supporting article written by nation given for them.
a seemingly unlikely author—Sir Arthur Conan The Cottingley fairy photos (as they came to
Doyle, the creator of the analytical detective be called) drifted in and out of controversy un-
Sherlock Holmes. Although Doyle’s fictional til 1982, when their true origins were finally
f a i r i e s , e lv e s , p i x i e s , a n d g n o m e s | 103

revealed. In an interview with Joe Cooper, ———. 1921. The Coming of the Fairies. Hodder and
Wright and Griffiths, who were in their seven- Stoughton.
ties and eighties at the time, finally admitted Ernst, Bernard M. L., and Hereward Carrington.
that at least four of the photos were complete 1972. Houdini and Conan Doyle: The Story of a
frauds. They were divided on whether the final Strange Friendship. New York: Benjamin Blom.
“Hidden Ireland: A Guide to Irish Fairies.” Irelands
picture had been faked, however. Elsie stated URL:
quite firmly that it too was a hoax, but Frances
animation/intro.html. (Accessed on April 13,
resolutely repeated her claim that they had ac-
cidentally photographed the fairies she and “Library: The Case of the Cottingly Fairies.” James
Elsie said they had seen in the Cottingley glen Randi Educational Foundation. URL: http://
when they were children. Both women died (Accessed on
professing their belief in the existence of April 13, 2001).
fairies, despite their admission that the photo- Randi, James. 1982. Flim-Flam! Amherst, NY:
graphs were fabrications of their childhood Prometheus Books.
imaginations. Trubshaw, Bob. “Fairies and Their Kin.” At the
Edge, no. 10. URL:
References: uk/edge/fairies.htm. (Accessed on April 13,
Briggs, Katherine. 1976. A Dictionary of Fairies. Van Gelder, Dora. 1977. The Real World of Fairies.
Boston: Allen Lane. Theosophical Publishing House.
Cooper, Joe. 1990. The Case of the Cottingley Wentz, W. Y. Evans. [1911] 1973. The Fairy Faith in
Fairies. London: Robert Hale. Celtic Countries. Reprint, New York: Lemma.
Doyle, Arthur Conan. 1920. “Fairies Photographed:
An Epoch-Making Event.” Strand Magazine.
Faster-Than-Light Travel
R O A H N H . W Y N A R

aster-than-light travel involves a mate- invented engines. Rather, it is a fundamental

F rial object or communication signal

moving from one point to another
faster than a beam of light can travel between
principle of physics that is, as far as we know,
The notion that there is one immutable set
the same two points—that is, faster than of physical laws that operate throughout the
299,792.458 kilometers per second in empty universe for all physicists no matter who they
space. are or how fast they are moving is a funda-
The possibility of faster-than-light travel mental assumption of Einstein’s theory. The
was never in dispute until Albert Einstein pro- science of physics would simply not be possi-
posed the phenomenally successful Special ble if each physicist discovered entirely differ-
Theory of Relativity in 1905. That theory ent laws. This idea is closely related to the
states that, for very fundamental reasons, the concept of causality, which dictates that all
speed of light is the ultimate speed limit for occurrences in the physical universe must
any object or signal. This limitation applies to have a cause and that this cause must precede
immaterial notions as well, such as thoughts, the effect in time. Causality is also a funda-
messages, or feelings. The Special Theory of mental assumption of special relativity.
Relativity asserts that the concept of faster- Another basic assumption of special relativ-
than-light travel is a violation of basic physi- ity is the idea that empty space is truly empty.
cal principles and therefore an impossibility. Although this notion may seem obvious to the
Perhaps due to the fact that science fiction modern mind, the exact nature of so-called
captivated twentieth-century popular culture, empty space and what might be filling it was a
the notion of faster-than-light travel has be- question of great scientific interest at the turn
come deeply entwined with our expectation of of the twentieth century. Consider the exam-
how the future will unfold. Space travel to ple of a submarine. When a physicist travels in
distant planets orbiting distant stars is often a submarine, it is possible to determine
viewed as being merely a few generations of whether he or she is moving through the wa-
technology away. However, the prospect of ter by several methods. For instance, one
ever moving through space at speeds that could place a small pinwheel on the hull of
make such rapid interstellar trips possible is the sub and infer the motion through the wa-
as unlikely today as it was at the turn of the ter by watching it spin. Or one could measure
twentieth century. This is because special rel- the difference in the pressures on the bow and
ativity is not a technical constraint that can be the stern of the sub. But now consider the
defeated by clever engineering or yet-to-be- same submarine in empty space. If space is

f a s t e r - t h a n - l i g h t t r a v e l | 105

portant, there is a special group of physicists

who might determine that they are not moving
at all in the ether; in fact, members of this
group would consider themselves to be at “ab-
solute rest” in the universe. The idea of ether
is quite compelling because with it, we can un-
derstand light in much the same way we un-
derstand sound: light is vibration of the ether
just like sound is vibration of the air. The ether
hypothesis raises the following obvious ques-
tion: shouldn’t the observer’s movement
through the ether affect his or her determina-
tion of the speed of light? If the ether is mov-
ing relative to Earth, then our measurement of
the speed of light should depend on which di-
rection the light is traveling. The problem is
analogous to the idea of “airspeed” and
“groundspeed” for airplanes; if one travels
with the wind, one’s groundspeed is faster than
if one travels against the wind. Despite many
years of effort, no physicist has ever observed
Albert Einstein. (Hulton-Deutsch Collection/
light moving through empty space at any
speed other than 299,792 kilometers per sec-
ond. No attempt to observe the ether or any of
truly empty, then there is no medium to spin a the ether’s effects has ever been successful.
pinwheel or to push against the hull. In fact, if Einstein proceeded to develop a theory of
space is really “nothing,” then it does not even physics assuming that space is truly empty,
make sense to talk about moving “through” that ether does not exist, and that there is no
space at all. All the physicist can say is that he such thing as absolute rest.
or she is in motion relative to other objects, Now we can begin to see why light plays
such as planets, asteroids or other spaceships. such a special role in physics. Light propagates
The ultimate implication of this is that all through “nothing,” and one cannot determine
space travelers, no matter how they are mov- one’s velocity relative to nothing. Therefore, it
ing relative to one another, are equally unable is not possible, even in principle, to correct the
to determine their motion relative to empty propagation of light for the motion of the ob-
space. However, consider the alternate hy- server. This leads to the following amazing
pothesis: that space is not really empty but in- conclusion: all physicists measure the speed of
stead is filled with a special substance called light at 299,792 kilometers per second no mat-
“ether.” If there was some way to detect the ter where they are or how fast they are mov-
ether, then a space pilot could conclude that ing. To help visualize this point, imagine a
he or she was moving, say, 100 kilometers per spaceship moving at 99 percent of the speed of
hour relative to the ether. In addition, one light relative to a space station. The pilot of the
could imagine traveling “with” or “against” spaceship turns on a headlight. The spaceship
the ether, and, of course, ether “crosswinds” crew will see the light beam zip off ahead of
would also make perfect sense. But more im- the ship at a speed of 299,792 kilometers per
106 | f a s t e r - t h a n - l i g h t t r a v e l

second. The crew of the space station, how- never once been questioned by sound experi-
ever, also sees the same light ray move at mental evidence. Because of this extreme
299,792 kilometers per second. This means credibility, any observation of faster-than-light
the space station crew sees the light just barely travel would be a shocking discovery.
creep ahead of the spaceship. Obviously, these Nonetheless, faster-than-light travel is an
two observations contradict one another. Does important part of many pseudoscientific mod-
the light fly away from the spaceship at els, especially models of alien visitation, astral
299,792 kilometers per second, or does it just projection, and channeling. Aliens visiting
creep ahead of the ship at a mere 2,997 kilo- Earth would certainly have come from places
meters per second? The answer is that it de- outside the solar system. If we take seriously
pends on who you are. But both observers the notion that they travel here in material
measure the exact same speed for the light ray, form, they certainly would travel faster than
namely, 299,792 kilometers per second. The light; otherwise, their trip would have taken
fascinating implication of this is that distances thousands, if not millions, of years. Savvy pro-
and time intervals for various moving space moters of alien visitation theories might point
travelers must be different. This observation to the notion of time dilation in order to ex-
leads to the celebrated notions of “time dila- plain such trips. Special relativity predicts that
tion” and “length contraction” (Griffiths objects moving near the speed of light experi-
1989). These adjustments in time and length ence time moving at a slower rate, and thus, a
exactly compensate for the relative motion be- thousand-year voyage to an earthbound ob-
tween the observers so that all the laws of server might be over in a few days for the alien
physics are the same for the spaceship crew traveler. However, special relativity makes it
and the station crew. Interestingly, their obser- extremely difficult to even approach the speed
vations are different, but the laws that describe of light, and it could easily require more en-
these observations are the same. ergy than the total of several years’ output of
At this point, you should be impressed by all the power plants on Earth to reach speeds
the tremendous generality of special relativity. at which exploiting time dilation is plausible.
The speed of light is not a technical constraint. But even if such energy could be harnessed,
It is a consequence of our most deeply held the fact remains that this form of travel is not
assumptions about the way physics works: faster than light.
causality, empty space, and the existence of Pseudoscientific models of astral projection
universally applicable laws of physics. and channeling attempt to get around the con-
Two important conclusions of the Special straints of special relativity by claiming that the
Theory of Relativity are that all forms of en- physical body does not actually travel any-
ergy that are able to self-propagate in empty where. Instead, only some ethereal body or
space must share the same fixed speed and even just the thoughts of people or aliens living
that nothing can ever move faster than this near faraway stars or galaxies actually cross the
speed. Only light and gravity are currently vast expanse of space faster than the speed of
known to self-propagate through empty space. light. Despite the fact that the properties of as-
All other forms of matter (for this discussion, tral bodies and channeled thoughts are com-
light and gravity are themselves forms of mat- pletely speculative and unknown, the founda-
ter) must be pushed. tion of special relativity is so fundamental that
In the years since 1905, special relativity any appeal to incorporeal communication or
has become one of the most well-verified theo- transfer is still expressly forbidden. This is be-
ries in all of science, and its credibility has cause special relativity forbids the transmission
f a s t e r - t h a n - l i g h t t r a v e l | 107

of information, in any form, at a speed faster physics against each other in an attempt to
than light. As previously mentioned, the basis demonstrate that they cannot both be true. Ex-
of this restriction is the scientific commitment perimental investigation into the question has
to the notion of cause and effect. clearly indicated that quantum mechanics
Are there any loopholes that may allow for does indeed exhibit certain forms of faster-
faster-than-light travel? First, we could aban- than-light influences; however, it is not diffi-
don the idea of causality, but no observation cult to show that these influences can never be
ever made supports that option. Second, we used to transmit information and thus do not
might try to appeal to the General Theory of threaten the assumption of causality. It ap-
Relativity, also devised by Albert Einstein, pears that the two theories do not, in fact, con-
which connects the presence of matter and tradict each other.
energy with the structure of space and time. Lastly, a recent experiment has discovered
Certain extreme manipulations of general rela- that certain laser pulses propagating through a
tivity combined with some speculative assump- specially prepared gas have traversed that gas
tions allow for the possibility of manipulating faster than light. However, in the abstract of
the very structure of space in a way that per- their report, the researchers who conducted
mits faster-than-light travel. Among these this experiment included this statement: “The
ideas are the so-called wormholes said to con- observed superluminal light pulse propagation
nect vastly separated regions of space-time and is not at odds with causality” (Wang, Kuzmich,
the Alcubierre Warp Drive (Alcubierre 1994). and Dogariu 2000). This statement means that
Although it is risky to predict what the future it will never be possible to use their technique
will bring, it seems clear that the energy re- as a signaling device and, therefore, that no vi-
quirements needed to build wormholes are olation of special relativity is involved.
vastly more than a terrestrial civilization could
ever hope to generate. Indeed, any attempts to
achieve faster-than-light travel using general
relativity are currently plagued by notions of Alcubierre, Miguel. 1994. “The Warp Drive: Hyper-
exotic matter, extreme energies, and heavy Fast Travel within General Relativity.” Classical
speculation. and Quantum Gravity 11: L73–L77.
Griffiths, David J. 1989. Introduction to Electrody-
The third possibility that many turn to is
namics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
that another great theory of physics—quantum
Sakurai, J. J. 1994. Modern Quantum Mechanincs.
mechanics—might defeat the light barrier. The
Rev. ed. New York: Addison-Wesley.
famous Einstein-Rosen-Poldovsky (ERP) par- Wang, L. J., A. Kuzmich, and A. Dogariu. 2000.
adox seeks to demonstrate that quantum me- “Gain-Assisted Superluminal Light Propagation.”
chanics is inconsistent with special relativity Nature 406 (July 20): 277.
(Sakurai 1994). Thus, the ERP paradox pits Wynar, Roahn. 2000. Ph.D. diss. University of Wash-
the two most highly regarded theories of ington.
Feng Shui

eng shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is dence of humankind with nature, became one

F the Chinese tradition of attempting to

control one’s health, fortune, and fu-
ture by placing and arranging living quarters,
of the most influential schools of thought in
Chinese culture. The school later formed the
philosophical basis for feng shui as well as
gravesites, physical structures, and interior other aspects of Chinese culture, including
objects to be in harmony with ancient beliefs art, marriage, politics, medicine (e.g., acu-
about how humans and their environments puncture), and other practices of divination
interact. Based on ancient Chinese philosoph- (e.g., astrology and numerology).
ical traditions, feng shui has developed for Chinese philosophy is primarily rural in
over two millennia to include knowledge, nature. Most Chinese were and still are farm-
rituals, aphorisms, and superstitions from ers and thus have always been dependent on
throughout China. As such, it is central to any nature for their livelihood and preservation of
understanding of Chinese cultural history, their way of life. The agrarian life has been
life, and psychology, as well as that of many idealized by most Chinese schools of thought;
other East Asian cultures that also practice it was viewed as simple, pure, and innocent,
Chinese feng shui. as opposed to the life of the urban merchant,
who was frequently characterized as self-cen-
tered, greedy, and antisocial. Feng shui draws
from this tradition and idealization of rural
Chinese Philosophy and naturalism.
Naturalism Reverence and respect for nature can also
be attributed to the topology and climate of
Feng shui has its roots in the Chinese philo- China. Farms were vulnerable to bitter cold
sophical school of thought called the Yin- winds and storms from the north, and fre-
Yang School. During the Period of Warring quent flooding of the country’s major rivers
States (403–221 b.c.e.), a turbulent period of meant the people and their farms were vul-
Chinese history in the late Zhou dynasty nerable to water. Farms had to be located
(1122–211 b.c.e.), the principles of the six near rivers for supplies of water (particularly
major schools of Chinese thought were estab- for rice farmers), but flooding could quickly
lished: Confucianism, Mohism, the Legalist destroy a farm. In this way, the majority of
School, the School of Names, Taoism, and the people in China felt dependent on nature to
Yin-Yang School. The naturalistic Yin-Yang bring either prosperity or devastation and
School, with its emphasis on the interdepen- thus sought means to control it.

f e n g s h u i | 109

The Yin-Yang School ements,” and these eight elements lead ulti-
mately to the complexity of all reality.
The Yin-Yang School, as its name implies, was The philosophy of Yin-Yang is well over
based on the concepts of Yin and Yang, which 2,000 years old. It plays a central role not only
are the two complementary opposites believed in feng shui but also in all aspects of Chinese
to underlie all of nature. Yin is negative, fe- life and the development of Chinese culture
male, dark, cold, or passive; Yang is positive, and science. The concepts of Yin and Yang
male, light, hot, or active. All materials, vege- were first used in Chinese astronomy to under-
tation, and animals have Yin and Yang, ac- stand the movements and relationships of ce-
cording to this philosophy, but each has more lestial objects (for example, representing Earth
of one than the other and hence tends to be ei- as Yang and the Moon as Yin). It was also used
ther more Yin or more Yang. These opposing to explain natural phenomena, such as earth-
characteristics are not statements of value or quakes. The pairing and interplay of opposites
worth; rather, they describe the dualistic na- in the Yin-Yang School contributed to the un-
ture of reality, much like a scientist would derlying Chinese philosophy of harmony in all
speak of the positively and negatively charged things and the moral teaching of moderation
poles of a magnet. Yang is not better than Yin over extremism.
or vice versa; they are to be understood as In the second and third centuries b.c.e., the
complementary and necessary properties of Yin-Yang School incorporated the Theory of
nature. the Five Agents. This theory held that all
According to the Yin-Yang School, the com- changes in nature are predicated on the inter-
plementary opposites of Yin and Yang origi- action of five “forces” or “agents” that com-
nated in the tai chi, or the ultimate “oneness.” pose all matter. These agents are not materials
The unity of the tai chi is composed of the du- but are instead processes or properties of na-
ality of the Yin-Yang, the duality of the Yin- ture, similar to the “four elements” proposed
Yang leads to “the four secondary forms,” the by the Greek philosopher Anaximander. The
four secondary forms give rise to “the eight el- agents (metal, wood, earth, fire, and water) in-
teract in a way to produce change, and thus,
changes to any substance can be predicted by
its underlying dominant agent. As the five
agents interact, more complex items are cre-
ated, such as trees, mountains, and rivers.
Change is always occurring as the five agents
destroy and create each other in a cycle.
Coupled with this recognition of change as
the only universal constant, a key ancient text
of the Yin-Yang School, the I Ching, or Book of
Changes, stated that these changes follow a
pattern. The I Ching taught that eight trigrams,
each made up of three solid or dashed lines,
could be used to predict change. This became
a very popular method of fortune-telling and is
still used today. The eight trigrams originated
The Tai Chi (“Yin Yang”) surrounded by the Eight in the Shang dynasty (approximately 1766–
Trigrams. (Courtesy of author) 1123 b.c.e.) practice of divination using tor-
110 | f e n g s h u i

toiseshells and bones. Shells or bones were

heated until cracks began to appear, then the
fortune-teller would “read” the cracks to see
the future. The trigrams were an attempt to
copy this practice, and they are used to assist
the feng shui expert in divining a person’s
future. The Chinese characters “Feng Shui” (“Wind
Despite the occultist practices that grew out and Water”).
of the Yin-Yang School, this school of thought
was central to the later development of Chi-
nese science. The naturalism of the Yin-Yang living harmoniously with nature is evident in
School and feng shui, when they were devel- many feng shui principles, some of which are
oped over 2,000 years ago, was a kind of quite rational. For example, feng shui teaches
protoscience. Humankind and nature were that building a home on the south side of a hill
viewed as interdependent agents, each affect- is optimal. This is likely due to the fact that
ing the welfare of the other. As such, humans China is subject to bitterly cold north winds, so
could attempt to improve their lives by under- a home built on the south side of a hill would
standing and controlling their environment. Of have natural insulation from those winds. Feng
course, the Yin-Yang School and feng shui shui also teaches that a home should be placed
were not true science, since there was no re- midway up a hill, not at the base or the top.
liance on physical evidence to prove their con- This is also logical given China’s topography:
tentions and especially since feng shui later building one’s home at the top of a mountain
came to employ occult rituals, supernatural often would expose it to the same frigid
forces, and superstitions in its practices, all of northerly winds, and building it at the base of
which are quite contrary to modern science. a hill could bring disaster because of the oft-
But the view that humankind could control its flooding rivers in China. From these logical
destiny by interacting with and using nature to foundations, however, feng shui has grown
its advantage was significant in its time. Due to into a vast and complex tapestry of protoscien-
the development of philosophy and natural- tific or pseudoscientific theories, fortune-
ism, the ancient Chinese did not need to em- telling, and superstition.
ploy any divinities to explain the universe or The current practice of feng shui is the re-
for moral guidance, so the Chinese people sult of the fusion of the two primary feng shui
never developed any dependence on gods or schools around the third century a.d. One
religion. For them, philosophy and naturalism school, developed in Fukien Province, stresses
filled all spiritual and moral needs. the importance of direction. This so-called
Fukien or Compass School of feng shui uses
the ancient book of divination, the I Ching, to
determine optimal geometric balance and
The Practice of Feng Shui placement. Building orientations may be clas-
sified by the Compass School as conforming to
Feng shui is an eclectic mix of naturalistic phi- one of the eight trigrams (discussed earlier).
losophy, environmental awareness, ancient as- The eight trigrams pertain to eight different
tronomy and astrology, fortune-telling, magic, directions on the compass (north, northeast,
and folk traditions. The term feng shui literally east, and so on). Each of the eight directions is
means “wind and water,” and the emphasis on said to possess characteristics that make cer-
f e n g s h u i | 111

tain activities in that location more or less fa- river might also be seen as resembling a
vorable as compared with other locations. dragon or serpent; placement of a structure
The Compass School of feng shui also incor- near a river must also be done carefully so as
porated ancient Chinese astronomical knowl- not to harm the beast and not to place the
edge. Thousands of years ago, Chinese as- structure near its tail or mouth. In The Golden
trologers developed techniques to view patterns Bough, James Frazer called this association of
and messages in the stars, Sun, Moon, and the properties of separate objects based on
planets. The feng shui terms for the four direc- their similar appearance the “Law of Similar-
tions of right, front, left, and back are taken di- ity.” This law is common the world over and is
rectly from the Chinese astronomical terms for the basis for many Western and Eastern tradi-
east, south, west, and north and are, respec- tions and folklore.
tively, the dragon, bird, tiger, and tortoise. The Another use of the Law of Similarity in feng
need for accurate identification of direction in shui is in the perceived connection between
feng shui was one of the primary reasons for the appearance of buildings and any of the five
the development of the compass in China. elements. (See the earlier discussion of the five
The second school of feng shui, from elements.) A building that is tall and thin (such
Kiangsi Province, was primarily concerned as a tower), no matter what material it is made
with shapes of landmasses and bodies of water. from, is called a “wood” type of building be-
Associated with other practices that grew out cause of its resemblance to a tree. Such a
of the Yin-Yang School, such as astrology, building is said to possess the properties of the
physiognomy, numerology, and acupuncture, wood agent. A building that is flat and square
this school of feng shui, often called the Form is an “earth” type of building. There are also
School, was a type of geomancy, which is the metal, fire, and water types of buildings. Each
reading and interpretation of meanings from of these is said to react differently if placed
shapes and patterns in the physical environ- within environments of different types, which
ment. According to this school, different may also be wood, earth, metal, fire, or water
shapes and contours in the Earth are taken to types. For example, a wood building placed in
mean different things. For example, a feng a fire environment will give more than it re-
shui practitioner working on a home design or ceives, as the environment takes from the
planning a gravesite may look at the surround- building in the same way that fire takes from
ing hills to determine what animal or beast wood. Such a building would be deemed a
they resemble. A hill or a combination of hills poor place for a business because the business
might be seen to resemble a tortoise, tiger, might lose money, and it would be better used
dragon, snake, or phoenix. A dragon is usually as a school, hospital, or some other such func-
considered optimal, since the dragon is seen as tion that gives to the surrounding community.
a fierce protector. However, a dragon could Two adverse elements may also be neutralized
also be bad if a home or grave is placed near with the use of a third “controlling” element.
the dragon’s mouth or tail. Near its mouth, the The concept of ch’i is also central to feng
structure might get eaten; near its tail, it might shui. Ch’i refers to a hypothetical life force or
be destroyed as the tail swings. The family in- energy that permeates all living and natural
habiting the house or the relatives of the de- bodies: all animals, including people, have
ceased could experience bad fortune or even ch’i, as do plants, mountains, rivers, wind, the
death because of the location of the house or Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets.
the grave. A river nearby is usually viewed as Ch’i is viewed as a force that flows through the
good, since the river flow brings ch’i, but a universe, thus connecting all living and non-
112 | f e n g s h u i

living objects. Ch’i, it is said, can be used for lucky charm or a bamboo flute may be placed
one’s benefit, but it can never be controlled. in a particular location to ward off lurking evil
The goal of feng shui is to use the Earth’s ch’i spirits. Any of a number of folk adages might
to one’s advantage. It is also the goal of feng be quoted to justify this or some other recom-
shui to minimize the effects of sha, which is mendation. Various traditions, folk remedies,
the term for the negative current that carries and superstitions from throughout Chinese
bad fortune and is seen as the opposite of ch’i. culture have also been incorporated into feng
The flow of ch’i is viewed in feng shui as vi- shui’s eclectic mix.
tal to the well-being of one’s home. Doors, Feng shui is widely practiced today. Still
hallways, gardens, and furniture all must be popular in China, it has made its way through-
placed to provide for its optimal flow in order out East Asia and is practiced in Singapore,
to prevent the disharmony that would result Korea, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philip-
from holding ch’i in one place. According to pines, Malaysia, and Japan. Recently, feng shui
Yin-Yang philosophy, blocking or preventing has made its way to the West and has become
the smooth flow of ch’i is bad because move- very popular among New Age enthusiasts.
ment and change are viewed as fundamental Books, TV shows, and Web sites attest to the
properties of the universe. Thus, interfering efficacy of feng shui, expound its teachings,
with this natural flow can be disruptive of the and sell an assortment of products and services
natural order and potentially disastrous. For purported to ward off bad luck and improve
example, feng shui teaches that a bed should one’s fortune.
be placed in a room so that it is not directly in
front of a door and thus blocking the incoming
ch’i energy. Mirrors are also viewed as being
potentially powerful reflectors of this energy Frazer, James George. 1922. The Golden Bough.
and thus must be placed so as not to concen- New York: Macmillan.
trate ch’i into one area. There are many other Lin, Henry B. 2000. The Art and Science of Feng
such prescriptions for interior design and Shui. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.
arrangement. Recommendations will often Rossbach, Sarah. 1983. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art
vary according to the feng shui practitioner, as of Placement. New York: Penguin Books.
Walters, Derek. 1991. The Feng-Shui Handbook.
the rules tend to be very general and subject to
London: Aquarian Press.
personal interpretation, but the goal is always
Wilhelm, Richard, trans. 1950. The I Ching or Book
the comfort, security, and prosperity of the
of Changes. New York: Bollingen Foundation.
dweller through the proper management of Wu, Lawrence. 1986. Fundamentals of Chinese Phi-
ch’i. losophy. Lanham, MD: University Press of
Finally, the feng shui practitioner might also America.
employ any of the myriad Chinese folk rituals Yu-Lan, Fung. 1948. A Short History of Chinese
or traditional healing methods. For example, a Philosophy. New York: Macmillan.
Geller, Uri

ri Geller is the Israeli metal bender bend or break small metallic objects such as

U and psychic illusionist who became a

sensation in the early 1970s. Geller
has convinced many people, including several
spoons. His reputation also rests on his ability
to read the contents of sealed envelopes
(which usually contain drawings allegedly
scientists who have tested his abilities, that he prepared out of his sight) and restart watches
possesses genuine psychic powers. Skeptics that appear to have stopped working. Geller
point out that skilled conjurors can replicate maintains that he has never used trickery to
all of Geller’s feats using trickery and that achieve his effects. However, conjurors have
nonpsychic explanations must be eliminated produced similar feats using sleight-of-hand
before one assumes that the laws of nature and misdirection techniques. In addition,
have been broken. some observers claim to have caught Geller in
Uri Geller is chiefly known for being able to the act of bending cutlery with his hands (see
Emery 1987).

The Spoon Bend

A conjuror can create the appearance of a
spoon bending while it is gently stroked. A
momentary misdirection by the conjuror,
such as moving position to show the spoon to
other people, allows the conjuror to bend the
spoon physically. He or she can then disguise
the bend with a hand and slowly reveal it at
the appropriate moment. The effect is so con-
vincing to most observers that they believe
the spoon is bending before their eyes. There
are many ways by which an observer can be
misdirected. For instance, when Geller per-
Uri Geller, the psychic performer who claims he
forms metal bending, he often moves the item
can bend cutlery and perform other feats using toward other metallic objects in the room,
only the power of his mind, c. 1978. (Hulton- which he claims enhances the effect. He also
Deutsch Collection/CORBIS) frequently fails in his initial attempts to bend

114 | g e l l e r , u r i

the metal but returns to the object a short time complice, particularly if that person appears to
later (after trying other psychic effects) and have no active role in the proceedings.
achieves the bend. This again provides the op-
portunity for misdirection.
An alternative nonpsychic technique, which
often causes the spoon to break, requires the Restarting “Broken” Watches
conjuror or an accomplice to have prior access
to the cutlery. The conjuror or another indi- The restarting of apparently broken watches
vidual prestresses the spoon by carefully bend- has persuaded many observers of the reality of
ing it back and forth until it reaches the point psychic phenomena. However, neither trickery
of breakage. The stress point is not readily vis- nor psychic powers are required to achieve
ible. The conjuror then picks this item appar- this effect. According to researchers David
ently at random and subjects it to gentle rub- Marks and Richard Kammann (1977), jewelers
bing, causing “plasticity” followed by complete estimate that “over 50 per cent of watches
fracture. Prior to some of his television ap- brought in for repair are not mechanically
pearances, Geller has been known to have had broken, but have stopped because of dust, dirt,
access to the cutlery that he later broke in gummed oil, or badly distributed oil.” When
front of the cameras. Some critics have ac- such a watch is bumped or held between one’s
cused Geller of using chemicals on his hands hands to warm up the oil, it may start working
to soften the metal, but since there is no such for a short period. Marks and Kammann have
chemical that could be used safely, this expla- demonstrated this effect in more than half of a
nation can be discounted. random selection of “broken” watches. In his
appearances on television and radio, Geller
can also rely on the statistics of a large pool of
viewers or listeners. Among such a sizable
Reproducing a Drawing in a Sealed Envelope group, there will inevitably be a few people
who claim to find their watches and clocks
Over the years, magicians have developed working after years of apparent inactivity.
many different techniques for divining the Skeptics have demonstrated that this effect can
contents of a sealed envelope. Some of these be produced by nonpsychics in the same cir-
techniques (such as gimmicked notepads on cumstances.
which the drawing or message is made) are
available on the market; others are still used
by professional magicians. The methods can
be as simple as peeking through one’s fingers Testing by Scientists
to see the drawing being made, holding the
envelope up to the light, or even opening the Uri Geller has repeatedly claimed that science
envelope when the viewer’s attention is dis- has proven the existence of his alleged psychic
tracted. A confederate may also be able to as- powers. The principal experiments on which
sist by conveying information about the draw- he bases his assertion are those conducted at
ing. Skeptics allege that Geller’s manager and the Stanford Research Institute in California.
brother-in-law, Shipi Shtrang, has acted as a The results of these experiments were pub-
confederate, and Shtrang has been present at lished in the science journal Nature in 1974,
many of Geller’s successful demonstrations. where it was suggested that under controlled
Observers often forget the presence of an ac- laboratory conditions, Geller had demon-
g e l l e r , u r i | 115

strated extrasensory perception but not para- million lawsuit against magician James Randi
normal metal bending. The paper was accom- and the skeptics organization Committee for
panied by an extensive editorial that explained the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
that the paper’s referees had expressed serious Paranormal (CSICOP) after Randi told a
reservations about its scientific merit. Others newspaper that Geller had “tricked even rep-
have also condemned the protocols used in utable scientists” with tricks that “are the kind
these experiments as lax and unscientific. that used to be on the back of cereal boxes
Moreover, Geller has never participated in re- when I was a kid” (interview in the Interna-
peatable experiments under conditions that tional Herald Tribune, April 9, 1991). The
would preclude fraud. Magicians have also court found against Geller, who eventually set-
pointed out that scientists are rarely experi- tled the case at a cost of $120,000.
enced in detecting legerdemain.
Emery, C. Eugene. 1987. “Catching Geller in the
Personality Act.” Skeptical Inquirer 12, no. 1: 75–80.
Frazier, Kendrick, ed. 1986. Science Confronts the
Skeptics argue that Uri Geller’s personality is a Paranormal. New York: Prometheus Books.
Hyman, Ray. 1977. “Review of The Geller Papers,
powerful factor in his ability to convince peo-
edited by Charles Panati.” Zetetic 1, no. 2:
ple that he has genuine psychic powers. Those
who have met him have attested to his engag-
Margolis, Jonathan. 1999. Uri Geller: Magician or
ing warmth and youthful enthusiasm at the ef- Mystic? New York: Welcome Rain.
fects he produces. However, Geller’s charm is Marks, D., and R. Kammann. 1977. “The Nonpsy-
not extended to skeptics, and he has threat- chic Powers of Uri Geller.” Zetetic 1, no. 2: 9–17.
ened or pursued numerous legal actions Randi, James. 1982. The Truth about Uri Geller.
against his detractors. In 1991, he filed a $15 New York: Prometheus Books.
Handwriting Analysis and Graphology

raphology is the method of interpret- cated folks make many spelling errors. The

G ing personality through examination

of an individual’s handwriting. It is
not to be confused with document examina-
interpretations get more interesting when the
script is construed as a series of doodles. In
handwriting, we often stylize letters subtly,
tion, which is the inspection of handwriting, sometimes for fun. The letter B becomes the
ink, and paper for clues to origin and circum- profile of a woman’s torso, the letter S be-
stances of the message. Document examiners comes a dollar sign, and the letter T becomes
use microscopes, chemical analyses, and elec- one’s spine and shoulders. Of course, these
trostatic machines to carry out their investiga- letters may be interpreted differently; the T
tions; graphologists use magnifying glasses, might bring to mind a table or a telephone
onionskin paper, and slant gauges to do their pole, and the S can suggest a snake or a road-
studies. way. The handwriting analyst then notes any
Handwriting analysis is based on the prem- fugue in the art that may be a theme in the
ise that the appearance of one’s handwriting writer’s personality.
is influenced by the writer’s subconscious and According to analysts, the way in which
that proper interpretation of handwriting will people write their words varies according to
lead to analysis of the writer’s personality. the way they feel about them. For example,
There is little mention of external or environ- one woman’s hand trembled as she wrote we,
mental influences on the appearance of one’s us, and our (she was going through a divorce).
handwriting, which is why most graphologists A man made Mom illegible because he didn’t
prefer to look at handwriting samples made want to talk about his mother. Some people
under normal conditions over a period of underline their signature as if to say, “Look at
time. This is also why skeptics criticize the re- me, I’m important” or “I worry that I am not
liability of handwriting analysis. Graphologists important.” For the most part, the grapholo-
look at several trends and traits in a person’s gist looks at the hidden message; that is, the
handwriting. Some of the more important overall appearance of the note is more impor-
tendencies are slant of writing, page layout, tant than the words. The appearance reveals
preference for a particular zone, distortion of the topics that a writer wants to emphasize
words or letters, speed of writing, and pen and neglect, thus revealing several aspects of
pressure. the personality. It is not unlike interpreting
Much of the analysis and many of the con- the mind of an artist through examination of
clusions drawn by handwriting analysts are the preference of color and emphasis of sub-
common sense: quick thinkers write quickly, jects in his or her paintings.
messy people have messy writing, and unedu- Despite the simplicity of the basis of

h a n d w r i t i n g a n a ly s i s a n d g r a p h o l o g y | 117

graphology, there are problems with this is said to have violent tendencies. We are told
method. Primarily, each handwriting trait has the letter k is the initial letter of such cruel
multiple explanations. That is, there is no one- words as killing, karate, knifing, kicking, and
to-one correlation between a personality at- kamikaze. However, a quick look in the dic-
tribute and a handwriting peculiarity. For ex- tionary reveals a large number of nice words
ample, a loud and energetic man may write in that start with the letter k, kisses, kitten, kind-
a large script. But there could also be another ness, kinship, and Kamasutra among them. As
reason for his script: if he has bad eyesight, he well, if the writer’s name starts with the same
may need to write in large letters in order to letter, he or she may emphasize it out of habit.
read what he has written. Therefore, the association of the k with violent
More to the point, when a graphologist sees tendencies cannot be true for all people.
a message written by a quivering pen and pre- A major trait in handwriting is speed. Al-
sumes the author has had a stroke or a similar though we are told that a quick writer is a fast
health problem, how do we know that it wasn’t thinker, we must realize that a person who has
the desk that was shaking or that the note consumed excessive caffeine will also write
wasn’t written while its author was riding on a quickly or that a sleepy person will write very
city bus moving along a roughly paved road? slowly. Although these last two reasons support
Look at the implications. Let’s assume that the idea that speed of writing is related to
every standard graphological trait can appear speed of thinking, the caffeine high and the
for two reasons. Now let’s assume that we are sleepy condition are temporary and may not
looking at a handwriting sample that contains be typical of the person’s normal condition.
five significant traits. If a graphologist attaches Thus, there is a question of validity when re-
only one reason for each trait, then he can lating speed of writing to quickness of thought.
make one conclusion, based on the five traits, Another key point in graphology is linking pen
about the author. If there are two reasons for pressure to anger or energy. Angry writers tend
each trait, then the number of interpretations to press hard with a pen and will sometimes
rises to five squared. In other words, we can tear the paper. Normal people will also press
have as many as twenty-five explanations of hard when they are using a ballpoint pen that
that handwriting sample. In real life, we re- rolls with difficulty, or they may tear the paper
duce the number of interpretations to a man- if writing on a soft surface. Either state of af-
ageable few by assuming the traits that share fairs will make the pen pressure appear exces-
similar origins will be the ones to include in sive, and the graphologist may conclude the
the report that will be prepared. For example, writer is angry, yet both situations have exter-
a page written in tiny script with excellent lay- nal influences acting on the process of writing
out and alignment is more likely made by a that have nothing to do with the writer’s state
person who has great attention to detail than of mind.
by a person who is secretive. Nevertheless, the The slant of a person’s writing is supposed
number of interpretations is still greater than to reveal his level of extraversion or introver-
one, and that fact erodes the validity of sion. The International Graphoanalysis Society
graphology. of Chicago provides a clear-plastic handwrit-
Another area of handwriting analysis that is ing slant gauge to their students to enable
not germane for all is the association of certain them to determine the slope of handwriting on
letters with personality traits. For example, the a scale of A to F, with A being introverted
letter k is associated with feelings of aggres- (backhanded writing) and F being very ex-
sion, and any person who emphasizes their ks traverted (slanted far to the right). One can
118 | h a n d w r i t i n g a n a ly s i s a n d g r a p h o l o g y

Handwriting evidence from the Lindbergh Case, 1934. (Bettmann, CORBIS)

conduct a simple experiment to show slant is only the position of the paper has shifted.
not a reliable aspect of handwriting analysis. Thus, writing slant is shown to be an unreli-
Ask a man to sit comfortably and start writing. able approach to determining extraversion.
After he has written a few sentences, ask him The appearance of a particular trait does not
to stop and turn the paper counterclockwise a always mean the author has the matching
bit. He will continue to write comfortably, but mannerism at all times. For example, one uni-
his writing will now display a greater right- versity professor had appalling handwriting,
ward slant (the author conducted this experi- from which a graphologist might have cor-
ment). His emotional state has not changed; rectly predicted a disheveled appearance.
h a n d w r i t i n g a n a ly s i s a n d g r a p h o l o g y | 119

However, this instructor was also an expert in Graphotherapy is like handwriting analysis
molecular structure, and his work in that field in reverse. Graphotherapists believe that a
was impeccable. The graphological conclusion change in handwriting causes a change in per-
for this professor missed an important facet of sonality. They cite instances where a grapho-
his life, and therefore was not relevant. A per- therapist has been able to cure emotional ill-
son who prefers to print sentences instead of nesses by teaching the subject to write better.
writing in copybook fashion is said to be “con- They defy credibility by claiming the current
struction minded.” This is a common trait for handwriting taught in public schools in the
men or women in the building trades, archi- United States and Canada is creating mental
tecture, and engineering who sketch boxlike illness in our children. Of course, anybody can
structures and sketch legible plans for a living. practice inflating their upper loops and mak-
This statement is a generalization but not a ing Greek-style es (two traits associated with
rule. Consider the case of a man who wrote higher intelligence) to impress handwriting
and spoke Chinese, which has a picture-alpha- analysts, but such changes in handwriting style
bet. That is, the Chinese word for house is a won’t increase the number of neurons in one’s
symbol that is derived from a sketch of a brain, nor will it erase blocks to memory, im-
house. When the man wrote in English, he prove oxygen transfer across arterial walls, or
sketched his letters instead of writing in a alter one’s IQ score. At most, it can create a
script. Yet he was not in the construction busi- new persona that pretends to be intelligent
ness; he was the manager of a garage. Thus, and organized. Another issue in job selection
the graphological trait of the “construction- by handwriting analysis is correlation. For ex-
minded” personality is not interpreted the ample, in graphology, the letter f represents
same across all nationalities. organizational ability. An inflated upper loop
Handwriting experts are often used to select suggests management potential; an inflated
the best potential employees from a stack of lower loop is a sign of a person who follows or-
handwritten job applications. In a series of ders well. The letter f may also have a personal
studies reported by Abraham Jansen (1973, meaning; perhaps it is the first letter of an ap-
126), when graphologists examined several plicant’s girlfriend’s name or a reminder of the
handwritten résumés and the results were time he was beaten for uttering the f-word.
compared to business personnel ratings, the Thus, although the lowercase f is an indicator
graphological judgment showed a positive but of organizational position, there are other fac-
very slight agreement. Although a handwriting tors that can reduce the correlation of man-
analyst can be useful in choosing a few good agement ability to handwriting.
applicants from a large number of applica- Handwriting is not the only external indica-
tions, there are some potential problems. For tor of personality. Body language, speech, and
example, if job seekers know that a company’s choice of colors, cars, and dress are outward
decision to interview and hire is based on traits that reveal certain things about our char-
handwriting, they may ask honest, reliable, acter. They are studied by salespeople to help
and intelligent acquaintances to write the ré- select the right product for the customer. For
sumés. Alternatively, the job seekers could example, people who are conforming and reli-
pick up a book on graphology at the library able often speak in a predictable tone, wear
and learn the handwriting style necessary to blue clothing, drive conservative cars, and
get hired. Thus, a graphologist may be tricked write in copybook style. However, just as not
into recommending an unsuitable person for a all owners of blue sedans are conformists, not
job. all outward signs correlate to personality traits.
120 | h a n d w r i t i n g a n a ly s i s a n d g r a p h o l o g y

Someone can buy a blue car because of its even among professional graphologists who
price, thus showing they are more motivated seldom agree on the same interpretation of a
to acquire a bargain than to travel in a vehicle handwriting sample (Jansen 1973, 126).
having the correct color for their personality.
We can say there is a correlation between ob- References:
served behavior and personality, but this cor-
Hill, Barbara. 1981. Graphology. London: Robert
relation is never perfect.
In conclusion, graphology is based on a re- Jacoby, H. J. 1939. Analysis of Handwriting. Lon-
lationship between personality and handwrit- don: George Allen and Unwin.
ing, but it does not accommodate external fac- Jansen, Abraham. 1973. Validation of Graphological
tors in the analysis. The relation between Judgments. The Hague: Mouton Publishers.
handwriting and personality is neither reliable Lester, David. 1981. The Psychological Basis of
nor valid enough to call handwriting analysis a Handwriting Analysis. Chicago: Nelson Hall.
science. It is an art with many interpretations,
R O B E R T A . F O R D

ypnosis is a deeply relaxed state in experiences may also be suggested, for in-

H which one person (the subject) be-

comes unusually receptive to sugges-
tions made by another (the hypnotist). Scien-
stance, that the subject is taking part in some
social event or reliving a past experience.
Subjects may respond freely to these situa-
tists are not agreed on whether hypnosis is an tions, or they may be directed to adopt a par-
altered state of consciousness (trance), differ- ticular response; thus, they could be told,
ent from both sleep and wakefulness, or “Your foot is becoming hotter and hotter, and
whether its effects can be explained by the ex- to relieve this you must take off your shoe and
pectations of the subject and others present. put it on the table.” Any response may be di-
Its use as a form of entertainment on the stage rected to take place after the hypnotic session
and on television has deterred many from is finished (posthypnotic suggestion). People
studying it seriously, but it has also been used can also be instructed to forget the instruction
in both medical and psychotherapeutic prac- was given, so that they later act upon it with-
tice and research. out knowing why.
A session of hypnosis begins with the sub- Stage hypnotists often select the most sug-
ject in relaxed pose and the hypnotist making gestible subjects by making suggestions to an
a series of suggestions, referred to as “hyp- entire audience and seeing which people re-
notic induction.” These suggestions are aimed spond best. These individuals will be the sub-
at causing the subject to relax and become ab- jects who can be induced to perform the most
sorbed in thoughts and images mentioned by bizarre acts with the greatest entertainment
the hypnotist. Sometimes, a subject may be value. A favorite such “test” is arm levitation,
asked to fix his or her gaze on a small object, in which an entire audience is asked to stand
light, or pattern while listening to the hypno- with their eyes closed while the hypnotist sug-
tist. The monotony of this activity helps to in- gests that their right arms are getting lighter
duce relaxation and openness to suggestion. and lighter and floating upward. A few will re-
When the induction is complete, the hypnotist spond with highly raised arms, showing that
may make various suggestions to test the they are very receptive to suggestion. The U.S.
depth of the hypnotic state. For example, the psychologist Ernest Hilgard (1986) estimated
subject may be told that a limb has become that about 15 percent of people are highly
rigid and immobile or that a part of the body susceptible to hypnosis and that 5 to 10 per-
will move by itself (ideomotor suggestions). cent highly resistant. He also showed that sus-
Perceptual suggestions induce experiences in ceptibility decreases with age, a fact that has
the subject, such as the feeling that an arm led some researchers to believe that it reflects
has become very heavy or very cold. Complex a biological characteristic.

122 | h y p n o s i s

It is generally maintained by hypnotists that so affected that they had fits or convulsions
no one can be hypnotized to do anything that and had to be taken into another room to re-
is “against their will.” In practice, this seems to cover. The whole setting was designed to im-
mean anything that conflicts with their moral press with suggestions of mystical power, and
code or personal values, but attempting to some patients did report cures. However, a
demonstrate this can backfire. One college lec- committee set up by King Louis XVI to investi-
turer used to demonstrate hypnosis to his psy- gate Mesmer concluded that the cures were
chology classes and finish with a suggestion due not to animal magnetism but to sugges-
that the subjects would take off their clothes. tion, and Mesmer’s work fell into disrepute
The students would invariably refuse, but one (see Mesmerism entry in section 5). His name
day, a young woman began to strip without survives in the word mesmerized.
hesitation. The lecturer hastily terminated the In the 1840s, James Eskdale, a British
session and asked her why she hadn’t refused physician working in India, reported conduct-
like the others. She replied that she was pay- ing painless surgical operations without anes-
ing her way through college by working week- thetic using hypnosis, a term coined by a col-
ends as an exotic dancer. Taking her clothes league from the Greek word for sleep.
off in front of a group of strangers was nothing According to Eskdale, patients reported no
unusual for her. pain during surgery, and they had no memory
of pain afterward. Anesthetics were just being
developed, however, and little attention was
paid to his work.
The History of Hypnosis
The power of suggestion in effecting “miracle
cures” may have been known as far back as Hypnosis as Entertainment
biblical times and was mentioned by Aescu-
lapius in 400 b.c.e. However, modern interest Since hypnotized subjects can be induced to
in the phenomenon is generally traced back to perform suggestive or outrageous acts in front
Franz Anton Mesmer, an Austrian physician of others, hypnosis has been used for decades
practicing in Paris in the 1780s. Mesmer be- as a form of entertainment on the stage and
lieved that everyone possessed magnetic fields, television. Sometimes, simple demonstrations
which he termed “animal magnetism,” and are used, such as the human plank trick. In
that illness resulted when the balance of these this trick, the subject usually lies across three
fields was disturbed. Since he believed his own chairs and is told that his or her body has be-
magnetism to be unusually abundant, he come totally rigid. The hypnotist then removes
thought he could cure disease by channeling the middle chair, leaving the subject suspended
some of his surplus into patients to restore the from the other two chairs by head and heels.
balance in their own fields. More complex perceptual suggestions are
Mesmer had patients sit in a darkened room often made, so that a whole group of subjects
while soft music was played. Around them act out different responses to a particular word
were barrels of water, ground glass, and iron from the hypnotist or some other trigger stim-
filings, which were supposed to influence the ulus. These responses might be shouting,
magnetic fields. Mesmer donned a theatrical singing, or doing an animal impression. People
robe and carried an iron bar, with which he can also be persuaded that they have special
tapped patients lightly in passing. Some were powers, such as X-ray vision to see through
h y p n o s i s | 123

people’s clothing and reveal the audience lems, psychosomatic disorders (physical ail-
naked. Such effects are often referred to as ments with a psychological cause) are reported
“hallucinations,” but when questioned after to be amenable to hypnotic treatment, and a
being part of such an experience, subjects number of scientific studies confirm that this
clearly indicate they did not actually see the may be so. These disorders include migraine
effects suggested (such as a naked audience), headaches, some intestinal problems such as
although at the time they behaved as if they irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, and several
did. People can also experience “negative hal- skin complaints such as eczema, psoriasis, and
lucinations” (believing something is absent even warts (Agras 1984). Since physicians gen-
when it is not). However, although they will erally accept that there is a psychological ele-
say that they cannot see the object in question, ment in much physical disease, it is not sur-
they will still walk around it instead of bump- prising that hypnosis has also been used in the
ing into it, rather as sleepwalkers do. People treatment of “purely” physical illness. Thus, it
who are merely pretending to be hypnotized has been used to alleviate pain in both medical
usually bump into such objects. and dental practice, as well as in natural
Since show business hypnotists have some- processes such as childbirth.
times led subjects to perform indecent or oth- It is very difficult to evaluate many claims
erwise unacceptable acts, most Western coun- for the therapeutic effectiveness of hypnosis,
tries now have some system for the regulation as the whole field is plagued by problems of
or licensing of hypnosis when used for enter- definition. For example, many therapists use
tainment. A few people have claimed to suffer elements of hypnosis in their work, such as re-
psychological damage after participating in laxation and suggestion, without calling them
stage hypnosis, but recent reviews suggest that by that name. It is also certain that suggestion
there is little evidence to support their claims can have significant effects outside of hypno-
(Heap 2000). It seems likely that subjects ex- sis, such as the well-known placebo effect—the
periencing problems after the event may at- tendency of people to report improvement
tribute them to having been hypnotized, and when given any treatment, even one that has
others may feel in retrospect that they were no treatment value. Sorting out these influ-
humiliated by being made a public show. ences takes very careful experimental design
and statistical evaluation of the results.
Nonetheless, in a recent report, the British
Psychological Society (2001) accepted that
The Therapeutic Use of Hypnosis there can be therapeutic value in hypnosis for
both physical and psychological problems.
Since Mesmer, hypnosis has been used by
many physicians, psychiatrists, and psy-
chotherapists for therapeutic purposes. As well
as general relaxation, therapeutic uses include Hypnosis and Memory
suggestions intended to encourage change in
attitudes and behavior—for example, to im- The use of hypnosis to enhance memory dates
prove self-esteem and confidence or to reduce back to at least 1895, when the Viennese psy-
the craving for tobacco. Naturally, these choanalyst Sigmund Freud reported its use in
changes should be agreed upon in advance be- the case of a female hysteric patient. He
tween therapist and patient. claimed to have traced the cause of her prob-
As well as psychological or behavioral prob- lem to sexual abuse in childhood, perpetrated
124 | h y p n o s i s

Illustration of hypnotic pendulum. (Bruce T. Brown/Stone Images)

by her father, and he suggested this as a gen- There is no scientific evidence that this pro-
eral cause of hysteria. The woman’s memory of cess has any validity, nor any evidence for its
the abuse was supposed to have been repressed effectiveness in therapy.
(removed from consciousness and hidden in Hypnosis has also been used in attempts to
the unconscious mind). Freud was ridiculed, enhance the memory of witnesses in police in-
however, as hysteria is a common condition vestigations, perhaps to improve the descrip-
and his theory implied the existence of a great tions of suspects or to confirm car license
many abusive fathers in middle-class Vienna. numbers that were only briefly glimpsed and
Freud eventually accepted that what he had imperfectly remembered. Supposedly, by be-
uncovered was a fantasy rather than a re- ing hypnotized, people can be encouraged to
pressed memory, and he subsequently dropped return mentally to the scene that they wit-
the use of hypnosis to recover lost memories. nessed and observe it more carefully than they
Despite Freud’s experience, some therapists did at the time. Unfortunately, the only mate-
continue to use hypnosis—or elements of it—to rial they can work with is what they observed
regress patients to an earlier age in an attempt at the time, and this procedure has often suc-
to recover lost memories. In regression, pa- cumbed to the same problems encountered by
tients are hypnotized, encouraged to imagine Freud. One British police force hired a foren-
that they are still children, and asked ques- sic psychologist to hypnotize a witness who
tions about what they experience at that age. had seen a suspect car but could not remem-
Some therapists even claim to be able to ber the license number. Under hypnosis, the
regress people beyond birth to previous lives. witness reported a full number, and the owner
h y p n o s i s | 125

was duly traced and raided. Unfortunately, the The Nature of Hypnosis
owner turned out to be the witness’s former
girlfriend. She had recently broken off their Strangely enough, although the phenomenon
relationship, to his great distress, and her car has been known and used for 200 years, the
number had considerable emotional signifi- nature of hypnosis has received little scientific
cance for him at the time. attention until the last few decades. Inevitably,
Examples like this highlight the main prob- there is disagreement among researchers
lem with regression and hypnotically recov- about what hypnosis actually is, and two
ered memory—the memories “recovered” are schools of thought have emerged. One takes
often very inaccurate. In recent years, the the traditional view that hypnosis is a trance
problem has come to prominence in cases of state—a state of consciousness different from
so-called false memory syndrome, although both sleep and wakefulness. The other be-
the term syndrome is inappropriate in this lieves that hypnosis is nothing more than so-
context, as it suggests a disease pattern. In fact, cial role-playing, induced by the expectations
it is completely normal for hypnotically in- of the subject and perhaps the audience, if
duced memories to be held with great confi- there is one. Both of these theories have prob-
dence by subjects, however inaccurate they lems in terms of explaining all the phenomena
may be. This may be why allegedly recovered associated with hypnosis.
memories can lead to protracted court cases Prominent among the “state” theorists is
brought by the supposed victims of childhood Ernest Hilgard (1986), who proposed a “neo-
abuse and reinforce fixed ideas in others who dissociation” theory. According to this theory,
believe they have been abducted by aliens. hypnosis divides consciousness into separate
Studies have shown that, although people re- and parallel channels of mental activity, so that
member more under hypnosis than they oth- the subject can attend to the hypnotist and
erwise would, they recall more inaccurate other events simultaneously. Thus, when told
information as well as more accurate informa- under hypnosis that he was deaf, a subject ap-
tion. Under less controlled conditions than peared to be so. However, when asked to give
those of a scientific experiment, it is often im- a signal if there was some part of him that
possible to distinguish between the two. The could still hear, he gave the signal. Similarly,
situation can be complicated still further by when told that one of their hands is anes-
“source amnesia,” in which the subject re- thetized, subjects typically say that they cannot
members the information (accurate or not) but feel when that hand has been touched. How-
forgets that it was recalled under hypnosis. Fi- ever, when both hands are touched several
nally, it has not yet been demonstrated that times and the subjects are asked to count the
memories can be repressed while remaining number of touches, they report the total num-
accessible through hypnosis; the existence of ber of touches to both hands, including the
false memories, however, is not in doubt (Con- “anesthetized” one. Like the “deaf” man who
way 1997). Consequently, in both the United could still hear, it seems there is some part of
States and Britain, the authorities have laid them that can still feel the anesthetized limb.
down guidelines for the forensic use of hypno- T. X. Barber (2000) argued that hypnosis is
sis, and in Britain specifically, it is actively dis- nothing more than subjects acting out a role in
couraged, especially with witnesses who may accordance with what they feel is expected of
later give evidence in court. The use of hyp- them. What they do, Barber suggested, is sus-
notic regression in therapy is much less well pend the normal rules of self-control, enabling
regulated. them to carry out acts that are normally inhib-
126 | h y p n o s i s

ited. He has shown that many hypnotic Medicine, edited by W. D. Gentry. New York:
demonstrations—including the human plank W. H. Freeman.
trick—can be performed by nonhypnotized Barber, T. X. 2000. “A Deeper Understanding of
people. Barber also showed that even skilled Hypnosis: Its Secrets, Its Nature, Its Essence.”
hypnotists are unable to tell whether someone American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 42:
is genuinely hypnotized or just pretending.
British Psychological Society. 2001. The Nature
The controversy and the research continue.
of Hypnosis. Leicester: British Psychological
The most recent review of research and prac-
tice (British Psychological Society 2001) re- Conway, M. A., ed. 1997. Recovered Memories and
ported that, 200 years after Mesmer, no firm False Memories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
conclusion could yet be drawn about what Heap, M. 2000. “The Alleged Dangers of Stage
hypnosis actually is. Hypnosis.” Contemporary Hypnosis 17: 117–126.
Hilgard, E. R. 1986. Divided Consciousness: Multi-
References: ple Controls in Human Thought and Action. New
York: Wiley.
Agras, W. S. 1984. “The Behavioral Treatment of
Somatic Disorders.” In Handbook of Behavioral
Ideomotor Effect
(the “Ouija Board” Effect)

he ideomotor effect is the phenome- in the case of the last example mentioned

T non whereby a seemingly involuntary

movement occurs in response to the
suggestion or expectation of that movement.
The ideomotor effect exemplifies what is
sometimes called the “classic suggestion ef-
Ideomotor responding is thought to underlie fect,” which also includes changes in percep-
certain activities or phenomena that are ac- tual experiences (e.g., warmth or coolness of
corded paranormal status, such as the Ouija the hand). The key characteristic is that the
board (or planchette) and dowsing, as well as response is experienced as involuntary. Indi-
other extraordinary practices such as facili- viduals differ in their responsiveness to ideo-
tated communication. motor suggestions. This responsiveness
A common illustration of ideomotor re- appears to be a stable characteristic and is
sponding is postural sway. One person is in- sometimes termed “primary suggestibility.”
structed by another to stand upright and to The ideomotor effect is most likely to be
focus on the slight tendency for his or her the basis of certain unusual phenomena
body to sway backward and forward to main- whereby observed movements in humans are
tain balance. The suggestion is continually re- ascribed to some paranormal entity or force,
peated that these movements are becoming thus contravening Occam’s razor. (This is the
more and more pronounced. Individuals vary principle that hypothetical constructs should
in their responsiveness to this suggestion; not be used when the phenomenon can be
some do not respond at all, whereas some re- explained by existing knowledge.) An exam-
spond so well that they have to be kept from ple is the Ouija board, or planchette, and its
falling over. variations (e.g., turning tables). One or more
Another example is arm levitation in re- participants place a finger or fingers on a
sponse to repeated suggestions that the sub- movable object such as a small platform on
ject’s arm is feeling light and automatically wheels. The participants then ask questions,
rising; similar responses are seen in finger and the object moves, apparently automati-
levitation and as a reaction to suggestions that cally, toward one of two written replies, “Yes”
the participant’s outstretched arms are being or “No.” A popular variant is to use an in-
drawn together by an invisible force. Often, verted tumbler surrounded by a circle of
an apposite image is introduced; for example, cards, each bearing a letter of the alphabet,
imaginary magnets may be held in each hand with the answers spelled out as the tumbler

128 | i d e o m o t o r e f f e c t

moves toward different letters in sequence. by the direction of the swing of a pendulum
Some people believe that this arrangement al- over the expectant mother’s abdomen.
lows a dialogue between the participants and Another dowsing technique uses rods. A
the spirits of people who have died. However, dowsing rod can be manufactured by straight-
the effect may be more parsimoniously ex- ening out a wire coat hanger, cutting it down
plained by the net result of the participants’ to an appropriate size, and bending it at a right
ideomotor responding due to expectation. angle near one end so the small shaft fits com-
Another example is sometimes known as fortably into the hand. One such rod is held in
Chevreul’s pendulum. One person holds the each hand at about shoulder height with the
string of a pendulum at the top and fixates the long shafts parallel and horizontal, pointing
bob, which initially is in the resting position. ahead. At some stage, as one processes around
The experimenter suggests that when the an area, the long shafts will swing toward (or
other person thinks that the pendulum is mov- sometimes away from) one another. If just one
ing in a particular direction (backward and of these rods is used, the same movement will
forward, side to side, clockwise, counterclock- be observed.
wise, and so on), it will gradually start to do so, The relevant ideomotor response in this
without any deliberate effort on his or her case is the raising of the hand, thus changing
part. the position of the rod’s center of gravity in re-
Hypnotherapists have employed pendulums lation to the fulcrum at the hand. (Some
in this way on the assumption that the ideo- dowsers claim that putting the short end of the
motor reponses allow a dialogue with a pa- rod in a sleeve, such as the empty stem of a
tient’s unconscious mind. A particular move- ballpoint pen, eliminates the influence of the
ment of the pendulum, say, backward and ideomotor effect, but this is clearly fallacious.)
forward, is identified as the unconscious com- Therefore, a plausible explanation of dowsing
munication “Yes,” whereas a different move- is the ideomotor effect in response to the ex-
ment, say, side to side, denotes “No.” The ther- pectations of the dowser.
apist may then address questions to the The ideomotor effect appears to underlie fa-
patient’s “unconscious mind,” such as, “Is cilitated communication, whereby children
there any particular memory that may be still with learning disabilities or autism seem able
troubling you?” Nowadays, most hypnotists to type out complex messages on a keyboard
prefer signals by ideomotor finger movements. even when there is no prior evidence of any
The idea that the communications come degree of literacy. This phenomenon only oc-
from the patient’s unconscious mind can best curs when the child’s hand is supported by a
be regarded as a metaphor. There is no reason trained facilitator. In this case, it is the expec-
to suppose that the answers elicited have any tations and ideomotor responding of the latter
special validity, but there may be circum- that are responsible for the message produced
stances in psychotherapy in which this proce- on the screen or paper.
dure has some advantage over direct verbal One explanation for the occurrence of the
communication when broaching sensitive and ideomotor effect is that imagining or expecting
potentially distressing issues. the movement generates equivalent neuro-
Simple pendulums are also employed by muscular activity that is too slight to be con-
dowsers, some of whom claim to be able to use sciously experienced. A gross movement, such
them to locate missing objects or people by as arm levitation, may be the result of a se-
holding them over maps. There is also a tradi- quence of small ideomotor responses. How-
tion of foretelling the sex of an unborn child ever, a second mechanism—dissociation—may
i d e o m o t o r e f f e c t | 129

underlie more complex activity, as in auto- References:

matic writing. It is hypothesized that some in-
Hilgard, Ernest R. 1986. Divided Consciousness:
dividuals may have a well-developed capacity Multiple Controls in Human Thought and Action.
for suppressing from conscious awareness ac- New York: Wiley.
tivity that would normally be experienced at a Hoggart, Simon, and Michael Hutchinson. 1995.
conscious level. In the case of the ideomotor Bizarre Beliefs. London: Richard Cohen Books.
effect, this would be awareness of the inten- Lynn, Steven J., and Judith W. Rhue, eds. 1994. Dis-
tional effort normally associated with the sociation: Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives.
New York: Guilford Press.
movement; hence, say, the hand appears to be
Lynn, Steven J., Judith W. Rhue, and John R.
moving on its own. A third mechanism at work
Weekes. 1989. “Hypnosis and Experienced Voli-
may be attribution; the participant is more in- tion.” In Hypnosis: The Cognitive-Behavioural
clined to experience the movement as invol- Perspective, edited by Nicholas P. Spanos and
untary because the context (the instructions of John F. Chaves, 78–109. Buffalo, NY:
the experimenter) have defined it thus. Prometheus.
Laundry Balls
R O A H N H . W Y N A R

aundry balls are spherical or toroidal is similar to the claims of homeopathy and

L (doughnut-shaped) objects intended to

be inserted into a washing machine in-
stead of soap. The basic claim for laundry
has no scientific basis. Since the laundry balls
add no chemicals to the water, it is not clear
how they can affect the water at all. Other
balls is that they are as effective as soap at claims involve supposed infrared rays that
cleaning clothes but have no environmental emanate from the laundry ball and affect ei-
impact, since they release no chemicals and ther the clothes directly or the water around
can be reused indefinitely. Laundry balls are the clothes. However, there is no reason to
additionally claimed to deodorize, sterilize, believe that infrared light has any special ef-
bleach, and soften clothes. They are typically fect on water or that laundry balls emit such
sold via multilevel marketing but can often be light in unusual quantities.
found in retail stores that cater to the envi- The second common claim is that “liquid
ronmentally conscious. Most are plastic, but magnetism” emanates from the laundry ball.
some are ceramic. Some contain a colored Suppliers making this claim use words from
fluid that never escapes the ball but is suppos- the science of magnetohydrodynamics to
edly connected with its mechanism of action. string together unsubstantiated claims about
Laundry ball manufacturers usually make how the special magnetism emanating from
one of two claims regarding how the balls the balls cleans clothes and helps to prevent
work. Some claim that they modify the nature disease. However, no details are ever pro-
of the water in the washing machine. The wa- vided, and the entire notion of liquid magne-
ter is said to become “structured,” “ionized,” tism appears to have been invented in the
or “clustered,” depending on the manufac- manufacturer’s imagination.
turer. This special, modified water is suppos- The laundry ball is completely inert and
edly able to more deeply penetrate the fabric has no effect on the washing of clothes. In-
of clothing and carry away dirt. The fact that stead, the belief that they work is a delusion
no two manufacturers make precisely the reinforced by the simple fact that warm water
same claims about how the laundry balls and agitation will clean clothes to a consider-
work is a good clue that the entire concept is able degree as long as the amount of organic
invented to exploit the inclination of people staining is low. When using laundry balls on
to be environmentally conscious. Liquid wa- normally soiled clothing, consumers are dis-
ter has no structure, and water in general covering that detergent is only marginally
forms structure only in the solid state, namely, beneficial. But heavily soiled or greasy laun-
ice. The idea that liquid water contains some dry will not become clean with a laundry ball.
sort of complex internal organizing structure With the success of laundry ball promotions,

l a u n d r y b a l l s | 131

the uses began to expand into every conceiv- References:

able cleaning niche, including washing cars,
The best source for information about laundry balls
people, and food. is the Internet. See:
In both Utah and Oregon, state agencies “Laundry Balls Online.” URL: http://www.syntac.
have forced laundry ball manufacturers to stop net/hoax/Laundry/index.php.
making false claims about their product. How- State of Oregon Department of Justice. URL:
ever, it must be emphasized that marketing of
laundry balls is usually not illegal. By using htm.
certain vague language and limiting details re- World Wide Scam. URL: http://www.worldwide
garding claims, companies can sell laundry
balls free from the fear of prosecution.
Magnetic Therapy
A N D D A N I E L R . W I L S O N

agnetic therapy involves the applica- it is claimed, enriches the supply of oxygen

M tion of magnetic fields on parts of

the body to speed healing, relieve
pain and inflammation, or improve bodily
and nutrients while also enhancing the exfil-
tration of contaminants, toxins, and inflam-
matory mediators.
functions. The use of magnets can be traced Other studies suggest magnetic fields may
to ancient Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, and In- modulate pain receptors to induce a slight
dian physicians. Modern magnetic therapy anesthetic effect. Other prototheses abound.
begins with the Viennese physician Franz An- One is that magnetic field effects are directly
ton Mesmer. transmitted to the brain via blood vessels’
Magnetic therapy is becoming a more visi- “circuitry,” with a subsequent release of en-
ble part of the alternative-medicine boom in dorphins (chemicals that act as natural pain
the United States and Europe. Some claim relievers). Another is that magnetic fields at-
that properly designed magnetic products are tract positive ions to enhance the body’s reac-
not simply useful for therapy but are also es- tion to the Earth’s magnetic fields, with posi-
sential for proper health; they suggest that tive benefits as a presumed consequence (via
people are healthier in parts of the world a rather obscure mechanism). The explana-
where magnetic fields are stronger. And mil- tion accepted by most medical experts is more
lions of people visit Lourdes, France, where mundane—magnets simply harness the power
greater magnetic fields allegedly prevail. Is it of placebo. In other words, they work because
all just hokum, as many previously assumed, people think they work.
or is magnetic therapy becoming scientifically Explanations that magnetic fields increase
respectable? circulation, reduce inflammation, or speed re-
covery from injuries are simplistic and are not
supported by the weight of experimental evi-
dence, which, it must be said, is itself quite
Therapeutic Claims limited. The effects of magnetic fields on body
tissues are complex and appear to vary from
The intimate physiology underlying such a tissue to tissue and with different intensities
wide range of claimed benefits is not com- and durations of the magnetic field applied.
pletely understood—if, indeed, either the ben- The nature of magnetic devices does not al-
efits or the physiology exists at all. A common ways make them amenable to randomized,
theme is that magnetic fields increase blood controlled, double-blind studies (which again
circulation to and from bodily tissues, which, are few in number).

m a g n e t i c t h e r a p y | 133

Research improvement in visual memory, cognitive

function, drawing performance, and social in-
Such research as exists is largely divided into teractions in Alzheimer’s patients (external ap-
two distinct areas: pulsed bioelectric magne- plication of electromagnetic fields ranging
totherapy and therapy via fixed magnets. Some from 5 to 8 hertz); and remission of depressive
85 to 90 percent of the scientific citations re- symptoms (transcranial magnetic stimulation).
late to the former, largely as pulsed bioelectric Further claims attributed to unspecified mag-
biomagnetic therapy; the remainder are based netotherapeutic products include improve-
on therapy with fixed solid magnets. ment in everyday performance in children
with attention deficit disorder, relief of pain
from sports injury, edema reduction in ankle
Fixed Solid Magnets sprain, and much more.
Without exception, these investigations have
A small scientific study at the Baylor College of not been replicated and/or they lack scientific
Medicine suggested magnets may ease pain controls. Rigorous scientific studies sufficient
(Vallbona, Hazelwood, and Jurida 1997). More for acceptance by mainstream medicine are in
specifically, the study showed that magnets re- short supply. One rigorous study of low-back
duced muscular and osteoarthritis pain in a pain treated by magnets versus sham magnets
small group of postpolio patients. was published in the Journal of the American
In this double-blind study, 29 of 50 patients Medical Association in 2000, but no pain or
enrolled had magnets strapped to their most mobility differences were evidenced. Hence,
tender spots for 45 minutes. The other 21 pa- most physicians do not recommend magnets
tients had sham magnets that looked exactly for pain relief or other uses. This dearth of
the same placed on painful areas. The results data is also why the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
revealed that 76 percent of those with real ministration (FDA) has not approved any
magnets said their pain decreased, but only 19 health product with magnets and why the Fed-
percent of those with fake magnets felt any im- eral Trade Commission is cracking down on
provement. companies that claim magnets can treat or
This study involved only one 45-minute cure illnesses.
treatment, did not compare the magnets to However, the results of several studies were
other treatments, and did not evaluate how intriguing enough that the National Institutes
long the reported pain relief lasted. Moreover, of Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine
scientific dictates require positive results to be (NIH-OAM) has commissioned two studies of
repeated before they can be considered reli- magnetotherapy, but results are not yet pub-
able. Throughout medical history, numerous lished.
theories that looked promising based on initial
studies failed when subjected to repeated ex-
amination. Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Apart from that, several other “studies”
listed on commercial Web sites for diverse The most widely studied application of electro-
magnetic products claim similarly diverse ef- magnetic field therapy in human medicine is
fects. These include reduced foot pain in dia- in fracture therapy. Although the mechanisms
betics (magnetic insoles); “clinically relevant” remain undetermined, several studies report
pain relief and sleep improvement in fi- electrical fields generated by pulsatile electro-
bromyalgia sufferers (magnetic mattress pads); magnetic field therapy stimulate biological
134 | m a g n e t i c t h e r a p y

processes pertinent to osteogenesis and bone- study, for example, failed to identify any bene-
graft incorporation. This form of therapy is ap- ficial effect of applying a magnetic field to a
proved for the treatment of delayed and non- nonhealing fracture and concluded that the
union fractures in humans in the United States long periods of immobilization and inactivity
by the FDA. Pulsating electromagnetic field required for the application of the magnetic
therapy, however, delays the healing of fresh, field therapy were just as likely to be responsi-
experimentally induced fractures in rabbits. ble for tissue healing.
Pulsating electromagnetic field therapy has Criticisms of pulsating electromagnetic field
also been evaluated in the treatment of soft- studies include several points: some of the
tissue injuries, with the results of some studies studies are poorly designed, independent trials
providing evidence that this form of therapy have not been conducted to confirm positive
may be of value in promoting the healing of results, and the electrical fields induced by the
chronic wounds (such as bedsores), in neu- machines are several orders of magnitude
ronal regeneration, and in many other soft-tis- lower than required to alter the naturally oc-
sue injuries. curring electrical fields that exist across bio-
In contrast, a number of investigators have logical membranes. Even proponents of the
been unable to show any effect of low-level therapy concede that much work needs to be
electromagnetic fields on tissue healing. One done to optimize such variables as signal con-
figuration and duration of treatment before
pulsating electromagnetic field therapy can be
generally recommended.

Marketing Magnetism
Magnetic therapy appeals to those who want to
relieve chronic pain without drugs and invasive
intervention. Both athletes as well as ordinary
folks are strapping magnets onto sore spots in
order to find pain relief and faster healing from
sprains, strains, cramps, and mangled muscles.
As a result, magnetic therapy is becoming in-
creasingly popular, particularly among os-
teopaths, physiotherapists, and chiropractors as
well as various holistic practitioners.
About $150 million worth of magnets are
sold as medical products each year in the
United States alone. They come under more
than a dozen different brands and in various
shapes and sizes. The range goes from coin-
Magnetic therapy advertisement for Magnetic sized patches that cost a few dollars to king-
Shields, a sort of body armor to enhance the sized mattress pads that sell for up to $1,000.
magnetic power of the body, 1893. (The Fortean One can even buy magnet-studded facial
Picture Library) masks, car seats, shoe insoles, and pet collars.
m a g n e t i c t h e r a p y | 135

Vendors selling magnets claim that magnetic References:

therapy does not have any side effects, but its
Burcum, J. 1999. “Magnets as Pain Therapy Attract
effects are not warranted in pregnant women, Skeptics and Believers.” Minneapolis Star Trib-
people with pacemakers and defibrillators, and une, August 25.
people suffering from open sores, tuberculosis, Collacott, E. A. 2000. “Bipolar Permanent Magnets
viral infections, and mycoses. Currently, no for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain.”
study is available to document the long-term Journal of the American Medical Association 283:
effects of magnetic therapy. 1322–1325.
Conca, A., S. Koppi, P. Konig, E. Swoboda, and N.
Krecke. 1996. “Transcranial Magnetic Stimula-
tion: A Novel Antidepressive Strategy?” Neuro-
Conclusions psychobiology 34, no. 4: 204–207.
Pilla, A. A., and L. Kloth. 1997. “Effect of Pulsed
Radio Frequency Therapy on Edema in Ankle
The status of magnet therapy is typical of other
Sprains: A Multisite Double-Blind Clinical
largely unconfirmed claims rampant in alter-
Study.” In Abstracts of the Second World Con-
native medicine. It is certainly possible and gress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology
even likely that magnets have significant phys- and Medicine, 300. Bologna, Italy.
iological properties and so may well have ther- Ramey, D. W. 1998. “Magnetic and Electromagnetic
apeutic applications. Still, very few data have Therapy. Scientific Review of Alternative Medi-
been derived from well-designed scientific cine 2, no. 1: 13–19.
studies testing the efficacy of magnetic therapy Sandyk, R. 1994. “Alzheimer’s Disease: Improve-
in the treatment of specific medical syn- ment of Visual Memory and Visuoconstructive
dromes. Moreover, the fact that magnetic ther- Performance Treatment with Picotesla Range
apies appear harmless does not mean they are Magnetic Fields.” International Journal of Neuro-
safe. Thus, comprehensive issues of safety and science 76, nos. 3–4: 185–225.
Vallbona, C., C. F. Hazelwood, and G. Jurida. 1997.
efficacy persist with respect to the medical use
“Response of Pain to Static Magnetic Fields in
of magnets. Indeed, there is such a dearth of
Postpolio Patients: A Double-Blind Pilot Study.”
systematic data as to either the safety or effec-
Archives of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine
tiveness of magnetotherapy that, for now, the 78: 1200–1203.
best advice is caveat emptor.
The Mars Face
Extraterrestrial Archaeology

K E N N E T H L . F E D E R

n a general historical perspective, the ul- Aeronautics and Space Administration

I timate source of the Mars Face contro-

versy can be traced to the musings of Ital-
ian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, who, in
(NASA) made any attempt to hide or cover it
up. In fact, on July 31, just six days after the
photograph was radioed back to Earth and
1877, observed linear markings on the face of processed, NASA released the image to the
Mars. He called them canali (the Italian word public and included this caption: “The huge
for channels), which he identified as natural rock formation in the center, which resembles
features of the Martian landscape. U.S. as- a human head, is formed by shadows giving
tronomer Percival Lowell became the chief the illusion of eyes, a nose and a mouth”
proponent of the hypothesis that Schiapar- (NASA press release). Ultimately, nine images
elli’s canali were, in fact, “canals” that were of the so-called face were captured by the
the result of intelligent activity, designed to Viking spacecraft, but none was as evocative
distribute water to the agricultural fields and as the original (to view a selection of these im-
settlements of Martians. Speculation about the ages, see Malin Space Science Systems 2002).
possibility of intelligent life on our planetary Soon thereafter, some were suggesting that
neighbor has burgeoned ever since. the facelike feature on Mars, which was 3
The proximate source of the Mars Face kilometers (nearly 2 miles) long and 240 me-
controversy was a grainy photograph (see fig- ters (about 800 feet) high, was neither an illu-
ure) taken on July 25, 1976, by a camera sion of light and shadow nor a fortuitously
mounted on the Viking orbiter spacecraft. shaped natural feature. Rather, they said, it
Searching for potential landing areas on the was actually an artistic depiction of a face—a
Martian surface while flying at a little more monumentally scaled archaeological artifact
than 1,860 kilometers (1,162 miles) above a of an ancient and now most likely extinct
region of the Red Planet called Cydonia, the Martian civilization (DiPietro and Molenar
Viking camera caught sight of a surface fea- 1982). Some looked beyond the face, seeing
ture that appeared to bear a striking resem- in its proximity the archaeological ruins of a
blance to a human face (Malin Space Science great city replete with a five-sided pyramid, a
Systems 2002). fortress, transportation arteries, and an artifi-
Though conspiracy theories abound sur- cial mound, or “tholus,” surrounded by a
rounding this feature of the Martian land- moat (Hoagland 1987). Richard Hoagland,
scape, it cannot be said that the National who has been a lightning rod in this debate

t h e m a r s f a c e | 137

(see Posner 2000 for some interesting insights known universe (see
into Hoagland), has argued that the Cydonia education/happy_face/happy_face.html). An-
images show the remains of a complex settle- other feature produced by two intersecting
ment—not of indigenous Martians but of aliens craters is readily recognizable as a Valentine’s
who colonized Mars as much as half a million Day heart (see
years ago. In Hoagland’s speculation, these ex- mgs/msss/camera/images/6_17_99_heart/
traterrestrials next colonized Earth, and we are index.html). And a Martian lava flow bears an
their descendants, explaining the fact that the uncanny resemblance to the Muppet character
Mars Face is recognized as a face precisely be- Kermit the Frog.
cause it looks human. More detailed—and, ostensibly, more objec-
Much of the Mars Face argument seems to tive—claims concerning the possible artificial
be based on an iteration of the kind of source of the Cydonia features rely on mathe-
“Rorschach archaeology” applied by Erich von matical arguments concerning their alignments
Däniken (see the “Ancient Astronauts” entry in and locations. It is maintained that these align-
this encyclopedia). In other words, those who ments are not random, as would be expected if
support the hypthesis that the face and associ- the features were natural, but instead reflect
ated features are artificial have come to their precise mathematical relationships that only a
conclusions subjectively, by eyeballing low- highly sophisticated society could incorporate
resolution photographs taken of the Martian into their design (Hoagland 1987).
surface. They argue that the Cydonia feature NASA scientists are quite skeptical of any
must actually be a carved human face because such conclusions based on measurements
it seems to resemble one. taken from the Viking photographs of Mars.
A fundamental problem in this line of rea- These photographs are extremely low-resolu-
soning is the fact that it is not at all uncommon tion pieces—each pixel in the original face
for natural features of the landscape here on photograph corresponds to 43 meters (141
Earth to suggest artificial images, again in the feet) on the ground—and are quite imprecise
way inkblots suggest specific pictures. For ex- and, therefore, highly inaccurate. For example,
ample, the “Old Man in the Mountain,” so em- the so-called pyramid’s location on the face
blematic of New Hampshire that its profile is photograph varies by as much as 17 kilome-
on that state’s license plates, indeed looks like ters, depending on which positioning system is
an old man but is obviously an entirely natural employed when analyzing the photograph (M.
feature. Wisconsin has its remarkable—and en- Malin 2002).
tirely natural—profile of the Indian leader New photographs of the Cydonia region
Black Hawk. Virtually all solution caverns have been taken by the Mars Global Surveyor
have rock formations that suggest a variety of (MGS) satellite, which has been in orbit
recognized artifacts, such as the Statue of Lib- around Mars since September 1997. The MGS
erty, the U.S. Capitol dome, Abraham Lincoln, camera is able to take photographs of a far
two eggs sunnyside up, and so forth. NASA im- higher resolution than the Viking orbiter and
age researchers have found other remarkable in April 1998 snapped an image of the Mars
elements of the Martian landscape that bear a Face feature (see
striking resemblance to seemingly nonnatural images/moc/4_6_98_face_release/compare.
features. For example, even a cursory glance at gif). Each pixel in this photograph represents
a Martian meteor-impact crater that is 8 kilo- only 4.3 meters (14.1 feet) of the Martian sur-
meters in diameter indicates that it deserves its face; this resolution is ten times higher than
designation as the “largest happy face” in the the best images of the face taken by Viking.
138 | t h e m a r s f a c e

Viking orbiter images acquired in 1976 showed that one of thousands of buttes, mesas, ridges, and knobs in
the transition zone between the cratered uplands of western Arabia Terra and the low, northern plains of
Mars looked somewhat like a human face. (Image 35A72, NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems)

One would be hard-pressed to coax any kind genuine cultural features, especially monu-
of a facelike image from the 1998 photograph. mental features such as pyramids or temples,
But there was apparently enough ambiguity would be easily recognized. However, no such
left (the photograph was taken at a substantial, features are present in the new photograph,
45° angle, and there was significant cloud and the fabled Mars Face has disappeared com-
cover) that supporters of the face hypothesis pletely; all that is left is an eroded mesa with a
held out hope that subsequent images would rather nondescript depression where the sup-
provide clearer evidence. In one sense, they posed eye was located and a linear valley where
were correct. On April 8, 2001, the MGS was people saw a mouth (see next Figure).
rolled to an angle of 24.8° to its left and pho- The face mesa is only one of many on the
tographed the face from a distance of only Cydonia plain. The geologic processes that
about 450 kilometers (280.5 miles). The Mar- produced these landforms are uncertain; the
tian atmosphere was quite clear when this pho- mesas may have been eroded by wind, water,
tograph was taken, and the image has an even or even glacial activity sometime in Mars’s
higher resolution than the April 1998 image, past. Measurements taken with the Mars Or-
with each pixel representing only about 1.56 biter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) provide precise
meters (about 5 feet, the maximum resolution measurements of the heights, proportions, and
possible with this camera). According to NASA volumes of these mesas. The face mesa is in no
(press release), an object the size of a small way unique or unlike the other mesas that dot
building would be discernible in this image; the plain, except for the fact that with a low-
t h e m a r s f a c e | 139

On April 8, 2001, the Mars orbiter camera on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft obtained a new high-
resolution view of the “face.” (MOC image E03-00824, NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems)

resolution camera and the right lighting condi- ice in Wonderland. The Cydonia mesas provide
tions, it looks like a human face. The measure- no proof that intelligent life once existed on
ments are so precise—the MOLA has a remark- Mars.
ably accurate vertical precision of between 20
and 30 centimeters (8 and 12 inches)—that References:
NASA scientist Jim Garvin has even produced
DiPietro, V., and G. Molenar. 1982. Unusual Mar-
a trail map leading to the top of the mesa,
tian Surface Features. Glendale, MD: Mars Re-
should astronauts ever reach the Cydonia re- search.
gion of Mars (NASA press release). He esti- Hoagland, Richard. 1987. The Monuments of Mars:
mates it will be a two-hour hike. City on the Edge of Forever. Berkeley, CA: North
With the application of high-resolution pho- Atlantic Books.
tography and instrumentation such as the laser Malin, Michael. “Observations of the ‘Face on Mars’
altimeter, the face on Mars has disappeared, and Similar Features by the Mars Global Sur-
feature by feature, like the Cheshire cat in Al- veyor Orbiter Camera.” URL: http://barsoom.
140 | t h e m a r s f a c e (Ac- ———. 2001. “Unmasking the Face on Mars.” URL:

cessed in February 2002).
Malin Space Science Systems. “The ‘Face on Mars.’” may_1.htm?list540155. (Accessed in February
URL: 2002).
facepage/face.html. (Accessed in February 2002). Posner, Gary P. 2000. “The Face Behind the ‘Face’
NASA. Press Release P-17384. URL: http://barsoom. on Mars.” Skeptical Inquirer 24, no. 6: 20–26. (Ac-
cessed in February 2002).

he word meditation refers to religious phenomena: clairvoyance, telepathy, levita-

T practices aimed at producing transcen-

dental experiences and changes in
consciousness by quieting or focusing the
tion, teleportation, astral voyages, seeing
auras, and so forth. Many examples of these
psychic wonders can be found in the autobi-
mind. Meditation is present in nearly all reli- ography of Swami Yogananda (1968) and in
gions, but its practice is central in Buddhism, stories of other yogis and Tibetan mystics
Hinduism, and Taoism. In Christianity, the (White 1974, 209–224), but none of them
practice of meditation with the aim of pro- have been proved. In the 1970s, the Tran-
ducing mystical states is often discouraged scendental Meditation (TM) program claimed
(White 1974, 149–158). In any event, in to produce “sidhis,” or psychic powers, in its
Christianity and the other monotheistic reli- practitioners, including levitation, invisibility,
gions, meditation is primarily a form of and omniscience. The Maharishi European
prayer, whereas in Eastern religions, medita- University published “scientific research” that
tion consists of elaborate techniques designed allegedly showed that psychic powers are be-
to produce states of mind in which truth can stowed by the “higher states of consciousness”
be directly perceived. Over the last hundred achieved during the practice of TM (Orme-
years or so, these Eastern meditation tech- Johnson and Farrow 1977, 209–210). This
niques have been imported to the West, where publication is a prime example of pseudo-
they now exert a considerable cultural influ- science, being seriously flawed at best and an
ence. Various claims have been made about outright fraud at worst. The issue of whether
the effects of meditation, ranging from stress paranormal phenomena actually occurred is
relief to psychic powers, and a fair number of never directly addressed. Instead, the authors
scientific studies have been conducted to ex- repeatedly confuse the subjective experiences
amine these claims, which are classified here of the meditators with objective events. The
as paranormal, extraordinary, and ordinary book in which this research and other papers
effects. are compiled does show pictures of people
levitating one foot above the ground in the lo-
tus position (see figure). In fact, the position
of their clothing and hair indicates that these
Paranormal Effects people were just jumping with their legs
crossed. The authors complicate matters by
These effects are events that would be in di- stating that levitation starts with “hopping”
rect violation of the known laws of physics, and develops as “a feeling of suspension in
and they run the whole gamut of paranormal the air for a few seconds” (Orme-Johnson and

142 | m e d i t a t i o n

Farrow 1977, 708). Two follow-up papers pub-

lished in the International Journal of Neuro-
science dropped the levitation claims but con-
tinued to refer to this hopping activity as
“Yogic Flying.”

Extraordinary Effects
These effects relate to claims that, although
not in violation of the laws of nature, would
certainly revolutionize our view of ourselves
and the world if they were to be proven. Peo-
ple generally do not meditate to acquire super-
natural powers; they do it because they hope
to achieve a state of mind that transcends their
personal limitations. How that transcendent
state is described is intimately linked to their A woman in Tokyo meditates inside a portable
particular religious beliefs. For example, Bud- meditation room. (Reuters NewMedia Inc./
dhism strives to transcend suffering in nirvana, CORBIS)
described as a state of profound insight accom-
panied by complete detachment and loss of the
ego (Kapleau 1989; Austin 1998). In modern by meditation in a hierarchical order, from or-
Hinduism, the transcendental state is called dinary wakefulness to a profound and perma-
“Samadhi” or “Moksa” and consists in the re- nent state of illumination (Austin 1998,
alization that our innermost soul, or “Atman,” 298–305). However, there seems to be little
is identical with “Brahman,” the primordial factual support for this idea.
God. Similarly, for the mystics of monotheistic
religions, the transcendental state is a direct
vision or communication with God. It is hard
to separate the supernatural from the extraor- Ordinary Effects
dinary when it comes to these religious experi-
ences. In Buddhism, nirvana is sometimes con- Hindu and Buddhist meditation techniques
sidered a supernatural state that provides have been introduced in the West as secular
direct knowledge of the ultimate reality, practices with the more modest goal of im-
whereas agnostic Buddhists (Batchelor 1997) proving physical and psychological health. The
propose a more modest interpretation as a main proponent of this effort has been Maha-
change in consciousness that solves the prob- rishi Mahesh Yogi and his TM program (White
lem of suffering. One idea often encountered is 1974, 85–109). However, despite its claims of
that all religions lead to the same transcenden- secularity, TM retains many philosophical ele-
tal state. Once that state is achieved, all appar- ments and rituals of Hinduism. The various or-
ent differences between religions disappear. ganizations linked to TM have encouraged sci-
Accordingly, it may be possible to classify the entific research to provide evidence for their
“alternate” states of consciousness produced claims about the beneficial effects of medita-
m e d i t a t i o n | 143

Hatcha-Yogi L. S. Rao sits comfortably on a heavily spiked fence, 1952, New York. (Bettmann/CORBIS)

tion. A compilation of this research was pub- laxation and reduced stress (ordinary claims)
lished by David Orme-Johnson and John T. or even “transcendental” states of conscious-
Farrow (1977), including some articles that ap- ness (extraordinary claims). Most of these
peared in mainstream scientific journals and studies were done in the 1960s and 1970s us-
many that were not peer-reviewed. ing electroencephalogram (EEG) readings to
measure brain activity, electrocardiogram
(EKG) readings to measure heart rate, elec-
tromyographs (EMG) readings for recording
Scientific Research on Meditation muscle activity, and measures of respiration
rate and skin resistance. Although modern im-
Numerous scientific studies have tested the aging techniques (such as positron emission to-
idea that meditation produces measurable mography [PET] and functional magnetic res-
physiological changes indicating increased re- onance imaging [fMRI]) are far superior to
144 | m e d i t a t i o n

EEG in probing the living human brain, there ity of the mind is not to be suppressed but only
are very few studies on meditation using them. directed so that all experiences (sensations,
EEG studies have provided quite intriguing thoughts, emotions, and the like) are given the
results. In this technique, electrodes are placed same importance, neither being pursued nor
on the skin on the surface of the skull to mea- rejected (White 1974, 56–57, 127–128). Other
sure minute variations in the electric field re- types include devotional meditations that cul-
sulting from the activity of large populations of tivate particular emotional states and discur-
neurons in the cerebral cortex. Although the sive meditations encountered in Western reli-
relationship between the function of brain gions. Results of different studies show that the
cells and the EEG remains obscure, this is a meditation technique determines changes in
fairly old technique, and there is a vast litera- the EEG pattern observed.
ture on the association of various EEG features One of the most comprehensive and well-de-
with distinct physiological and pathological signed studies on meditation was conducted by
states. Two measures are made from the EEG Tomio Hirai and collaborators (1989) on Zen
trace: amplitude (vertical size of the wave) and monks. The study included 48 monks with ex-
frequency (number of waves per unit of time). tensive meditation experience (25 to 55 years),
Brain wave patterns have been classified in 98 Zen trainees classified in three groups of
four types according to their frequency: beta different proficiency, and 15 control individu-
waves (more than 14 hertz or waves per sec- als with no meditation experience. In experi-
ond) are associated with wakefulness; alpha enced monks, meditation produced a distinc-
waves (8–13 hertz) occur in relaxed wakeful tive, reproducible EEG pattern with four
states, particularly with eyes closed; theta phases: (1) alpha waves at the beginning of
waves (4–7 hertz) are quite rare, being found meditation, (2) an increase in the amplitude of
during periods of intense emotion and other the alpha waves as the meditation progressed,
anomalous states; and finally, delta waves (be- (3) a slowing of the frequency of the alpha
low 3.5 hertz) are observed during sleep and waves, and (4) a rhythmical theta wave alter-
coma. A flat EEG is interpreted as a dead nated with alpha waves in the final stage of
brain. One interesting property of EEG record- meditation. The high-amplitude alpha waves
ings that has been applied to the study of med- and the intermittent theta waves are unique,
itation is the “alpha block.” If a person is re- especially considering that Zen meditation is
laxed with eyes closed, his or her EEG will done with eyes open, which normally disrupts
show alpha activity. However, a sudden noise alpha waves. Less experienced Zen trainees
or other unexpected stimulus will produce an showed some of the EEG changes detected in
abrupt cessation of the alpha waves and the the more experienced meditators, and the ex-
onset of beta waves. After a few seconds, the tent of these changes correlated well with the
alpha activity returns. Alpha block is subject to length of their training and with their profi-
habituation: a stimulus will stop producing al- ciency in meditation as evaluated by their
pha block after a few repetitions. teachers. The EEG pattern produced by Zen
In regard to meditation research, it must be meditation was different from that produced by
kept in mind that meditation techniques are sleep, hypnosis, and psychotropic drugs such as
far from homogeneous. Some techniques stress LSD, mescaline, or marijuana. One of the most
concentration: the attention is focused on a remarkable findings of this study was the lack
single object while the rest of the activity of of habituation to repeated stimuli. A clicking
the mind is suppressed. Another meditation sound produced the alpha block phenomenon
approach is “mindfulness,” in which the activ- described earlier. However, repetition of the
m e d i t a t i o n | 145

clicking sound continued to produce the alpha In conclusion, there is evidence that medi-
block in meditators almost indefinitely, tation produces states of consciousness differ-
whereas in the control individuals, the alpha ent from wakefulness, sleep, hypnosis, and
block disappeared after a few repetitions. This those states induced by psychotropic drugs.
finding is consistent with the “mindful” nature Different forms of meditation have different
of Zen meditation, which tries to achieve a sus- physiological signatures, and these appear to
tained awareness of all types of stimuli. be consistent with the stated goals of the medi-
Studies of other types of meditation pro- tation. However, the existence of particular
duced different results (White 1974, 225–243). states of consciousness during meditation does
Yoga meditation also produced alpha waves, not prove that these states are extraordinary or
but there was no alpha block in response to transcendent in any way. It would be interest-
external stimuli. This result could be due to ing to see whether it is possible to provide ob-
the fact that yoga meditation is concentrative: jective evidence of transcendent experiences.
its aim is to block all external stimuli and to
reduce the activity of the mind. A third type of References:
meditation, called “krya yoga,” consists of fo- Austin, James H. 1998. Zen and the Brain: Toward
cusing attention on an unfolding vision of the an Understanding of Meditation and Conscious-
Kundalini, or “serpent energy,” traveling from ness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
its resting place at the base of the spine to the Batchelor, Stephen. 1997. Buddhism without Be-
peak of the head. This type of meditation pro- liefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening. New
duced a strikingly different EEG pattern, con- York: Riverhead Books.
sisting of extremely fast beta activity with Hirai, Tomio. 1989. Zen Meditation and Psychother-
high-amplitude waves, accompanied by an ac- apy. Tokyo and New York: Japan Publications.
celeration of the heart rate. External stimuli Kapleau, Philip. 1989. The Three Pillars of Zen:
applied during meditation had no effect on the Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment. New
York: Anchor Books.
EEG. All these findings are indicative of a state
Orme-Johnson, David W., and John T. Farrow. 1977.
of high arousal isolated from the external en-
Scientific Research on the Transcendental Medita-
vironment, which again coincides with the
tion Program: Collected Papers. Weggin, Switzer-
subjective description of this meditative expe- land: Maharishi European Research University
rience. Studies on EEG changes during TM Press.
(Orme-Johnson and Farrow 1977, 151–186) White, John W. 1974. What Is Meditation? New
produced results that seem to be a mixture of York: Anchor Press/Doubleday.
those observed with Zen, yoga, and krya medi- Yogananda, Paramahansa. 1968. Autobiography of
tation. These results include high-amplitude a Yogi. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship.
alpha waves with little alpha block and also
theta, delta, and beta waves.
Multiple Personality Disorder
S C O T T O . L I L I E N F E L D A N D

ultiple personality disorder (MPD), though the reason for this imbalanced sex ra-

M currently known as dissociative

identity disorder in the American
Psychiatric Association’s official diagnostic
tio is unknown.
The nature and features of MPD alters are
highly variable both across and within indi-
manual of mental disorders, has long been viduals. The number of alters has been re-
among the most controversial diagnoses in ported to range from one (in the so-called
psychology and psychiatry. Although the pre- split personality) to hundreds or even thou-
cise diagnostic criteria for MPD have shifted sands, with one clinician reporting a case of
somewhat over the years, it is now defined as an MPD patient with 4,500 alters (Acocella
a condition characterized by the presence of 1999). These alters are not uncommonly of
two or more distinct personalities or personal- different sexes, ages, and even races. There
ity “states” (that is, temporary patterns of be- have even been reported alters of Mr. Spock,
havior) that recurrently assume control of the lobsters, chickens, gorillas, unicorns, God, and
individual’s behavior. Such alternate person- the bride of Satan (Acocella 1999). In addi-
alities or personality states, which are called tion, alters have been purported to differ in
“alters,” frequently exhibit personality fea- their allergies, handwriting, voice patterns,
tures that differ markedly from those of the and eyeglass prescriptions.
primary, or “host,” personality. For example, Reports of MPD in both popular and clini-
if the primary personality is shy and retiring, cal literature date back at least to the nine-
one or more of the alters are often outgoing teenth century. Robert Louis Stevenson’s clas-
or flamboyant. In addition, individuals with sic 1885 book, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
MPD report significant episodes of amnesia and Mr. Hyde, which describes a scientist who
(memory loss) in regard to important personal ingests a mysterious potion that transforms
information. For example, they may report him into an entirely different individual, is
frequent hours or days of “lost time”: they among the first tales reminiscent of the mod-
cannot recall where they were or what they ern-day notion of MPD. Although the remark-
were doing in those periods. This amnesia is able symptoms of MPD captured the imagina-
commonly reported to be asymmetrical, tion of authors and researchers throughout
whereby the primary personality knows little the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, re-
about the behaviors of the alters but not vice ports of this condition were exceedingly rare
versa (American Psychiatric Association until the late twentieth century. As of 1970,
1994). Most MPD patients are women, al- there were a total of 79 cases of clear-cut

m u lt i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r | 147

John Barrymore starring in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. (Underwood & Underwood/CORBIS)

MPD in the world literature. One of these was parent “epidemic” in the number of MPD
the celebrated case of Chris Sizemore, which cases is unknown, and, as we will see shortly, it
formed the basis of the book (and later the remains a point of considerable debate.
Hollywood film) The Three Faces of Eve (Thig- It is also worth noting that the number of
pen and Cleckley 1954). As of 1986, however, MPD alters has increased markedly over time.
the number of reported MPD cases had Whereas most cases of MPD prior to the 1970s
swelled to approximately 6,000. This massive were characterized by only one or two alters,
increase coincided closely with the release of recent cases are generally characterized by
the popular nonfiction book Sybil (Schreiber considerably more (North et al. 1993). A 1989
1974), which told the story of a young woman study, for example, reported that the mean
with sixteen personalities who reported a his- number of MPD personalities was sixteen,
tory of severe and sadistic child abuse. This which was precisely the number reported by
best-selling book was turned into a widely Sybil (Acocella 1999).
viewed television film in 1977. The number of The causes of MPD have been a source of
reported cases of MPD at the turn of the heated and at times acrimonious disagreement
twenty-first century is difficult to estimate, al- among researchers. Colin Ross (1997) and oth-
though it appears to be in the tens of thou- ers have proposed that MPD is a “posttrau-
sands (Acocella 1999). The reasons for this ap- matic” condition that arises primarily from a
148 | m u lt i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r

history of severe physical and/or sexual child tures of MPD. Specifically, Spanos and his col-
abuse. Ross maintained that individuals who leagues contended that individuals with MPD
experience horrific abuse in early life often are engaged in a form of role-playing that is
“dissociate” (hence, the term dissociative iden- similar in some ways to the intense sense of
tity disorder) or compartmentalize their per- imaginative involvement that some actors re-
sonalities into distinct alters as a means of cop- port when performing in a part. Because indi-
ing with the profound emotional pain of this viduals who engage in role-playing “lose
trauma. According to Ross (1997, 59), “MPD is themselves” in the enacted part, this phenom-
a little girl imagining that the abuse is happen- enon should not be confused with simulation
ing to someone else.” In support of this asser- or conscious deception. Advocates of the so-
tion, proponents of the posttraumatic model ciocognitive model do not believe that most in-
cite data suggesting that a large proportion dividuals with MPD are consciously faking this
(perhaps over 90 percent) of individuals with condition, although there is compelling evi-
MPD report a history of child abuse (Gleaves dence that at least a few well-publicized crimi-
1996). nals (e.g., serial murderer Kenneth Bianchi)
Proponents of the posttraumatic model at- have attempted to fake MPD. Instead, accord-
tribute the dramatic recent increase in the re- ing to the sociocognitive model, the symptoms
ported prevalence of MPD to the heightened of MPD are almost always genuine, but they
awareness and recognition of this condition by are induced primarily by suggestive therapeu-
psychotherapists. Specifically, they argue that tic practices and expectations regarding the
clinicians have only recently become attuned features of the disorder. Moreover, according
to the presence of possible MPD in their to this model, the dramatic “epidemic” in
clients and, as a consequence, now inquire MPD cases since the 1970s stems not from im-
more actively about potential symptoms of this proved diagnostic and assessment practices but
condition (Gleaves 1996). In many cases, these rather from iatrogenic (therapist-induced) in-
proponents advocate the use of hypnosis, fluences and the increased media attention ac-
sodium amytal (so-called truth serum), guided corded MPD.
imagery, and other suggestive therapeutic Advocates of the sociocognitive model in-
techniques to “call forth” alters that are other- voke a variety of pieces of evidence in support
wise inaccessible, as well as to recover appar- of this position (see Lilienfeld et al. 1999;
ent memories of child abuse that have seem- Spanos 1994). For example, a large proportion
ingly been repressed. and perhaps even a substantial majority of
Although the posttraumatic model of MPD MPD patients exhibit few or no unambiguous
remains popular among many psychothera- signs of this condition (e.g., alters) prior to psy-
pists, numerous critics have called its core as- chotherapy. Moreover, patients with MPD are
sumptions into question. The most influential in psychotherapy an average of six to seven
alternative model of MPD is the sociocognitive years before being diagnosed with this condi-
model advanced by Nicholas Spanos (1994). tion (Gleaves 1996). These pieces of evidence
According to this model, MPD is largely a so- raise the possibility that such patients devel-
cially constructed condition that results from oped unambiguous MPD symptoms only after
inadvertent therapist cueing (e.g., suggestive receiving treatment.
questions regarding the existence of possible In addition, the distribution of MPD cases
alters), media influences (e.g., film and televi- across therapists appears to be strikingly non-
sion portrayals of MPD), and broader sociocul- random. For example, a 1992 study in Switzer-
tural expectations regarding the presumed fea- land revealed that 66 percent of MPD diag-
m u lt i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r | 149

noses were made by .09 percent of clinicians “inner board meeting” to “map” the system of
(Spanos 1994; see Lilienfeld et al. 1999, for alters and recover repressed memories: “The
other examples). Such findings could perhaps patient relaxes with a brief hypnotic induction,
be explained by positing that patients with ac- and the host personality walks into the board-
tual or possible MPD are selectively referred room. The patient is instructed that there will
to MPD experts. Nevertheless, they are also be one chair for every personality in the sys-
consistent with the suggestion that only a tem. . . . Often there are empty chairs because
handful of clinicians are diagnosing and per- some alters are not ready to enter therapy. The
haps eliciting MPD in their patients. empty chairs provide useful information, and
Although the MPD epidemic is relatively re- those present can be asked what they know
cent, a number of other psychopathological about the missing people” (Ross 1997, 351).
“epidemics” have been observed throughout These and other techniques may inadvertently
history. Indeed, there is suggestive evidence “reify” alters and encourage patients to view
that the overt manifestations of so-called hys- different aspects of their personalities as en-
teria have shifted substantially over time in ac- tirely distinct entities.
cord with prevailing sociocultural beliefs and Moreover, some psychotherapists regularly
expectations. For example, Victorian England use hypnosis and other suggestive techniques
in the nineteenth century witnessed a dramatic in efforts to unearth presumed latent alters
upsurge in the incidence of certain unex- and memories of past abuse. Nevertheless,
plained somatic symptoms, such as paralyses there is consistent evidence that hypnosis does
and aphasias (inability to speak) that lacked a not enhance memory and instead may often
demonstrable physical basis. These symptoms lead to false memories (that is, memories of
were subsequently displaced by less florid events that never occurred), although it typi-
symptoms of fainting (“the vapors”; see Veith cally increases individuals’ subjective confi-
1965). Proponents of the sociocognitive model dence in their memories (Lynn et al. 1997).
contend that the recent epidemic of MPD is It is important to emphasize that the so-
merely one manifestation of the capacity of so- ciocognitive model does not assert that MPD
ciocultural expectations to induce the large- symptoms arise in a vacuum. There is com-
scale transmission of certain conditions (see pelling evidence that many individuals with
also Showalter 1997). This hypothesis is diffi- MPD enter psychotherapy with a host of psy-
cult to test but merits careful scientific consid- chological difficulties, including depression,
eration. anxiety, interpersonal difficulties, and symp-
Still other evidence provides indirect sup- toms of eating disorders. In particular, a large
port for the sociocognitive model. For exam- proportion (perhaps 50 percent or more; see
ple, many standard therapeutic practices for Lilienfeld et al. 1999) of individuals with MPD
MPD appear to reward patients’ displays of in clinical samples meet diagnostic criteria for
multiplicity and encourage the emergence of borderline personality disorder (BPD), a con-
alters (Lilienfeld et al. 1999; Piper 1997). dition characterized by such symptoms as
Some of these practices appear to be highly unstable identity, dramatic and seemingly in-
suggestive. Frank Putnam (1989), for example, explicable mood swings, impulsive and self-
recommended using a technique known as the damaging behaviors (e.g., cutting oneself), and
“bulletin board,” which encourages MPD al- dramatic shifts in one’s attitudes toward peo-
ters to post notes to one another. Ross advo- ple (e.g., alternating between worshiping and
cated giving names to alters to affirm their ex- devaluing the same individual within a short
istence, and he used a technique known as the span of time). Advocates of the posttraumatic
150 | m u lt i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r

model typically maintain that the extensive amok). The episode is often followed by amne-
overlap between MPD and BPD actually re- sia for what transpired. Although the underly-
flects the fact that many BPD patients suffer ing commonalities among MPD, latah, amok,
from “latent” (undiagnosed) MPD. But an- and similar conditions (see American Psychi-
other and perhaps more plausible interpreta- atric Association 1994) remain to be clarified,
tion is possible. Specifically, individuals who the possibility that these conditions are super-
enter psychotherapy with multiple BPD fea- ficially different cross-cultural manifestations
tures may be seeking an explanation for their of the same underlying disorder is intriguing.
seemingly inexplicable instability in self-con- Finally, Spanos (1994) and other critics
cept, mood, and impulse control. A therapist (e.g., Lilienfeld et al. 1999) have challenged a
who repeatedly prompts such individuals with core assumption of the posttraumatic model,
suggestive questions (e.g., “Might there be a namely, the presumed relation between child
part of you to whom I haven’t yet spoken?”) or abuse and subsequent MPD. Almost all of the
encourages clients to search for dissociated al- findings on the child abuse–MPD association
ters may be especially likely to elicit reports of are based on retrospective memory reports
indwelling “identities” that can ostensibly ac- that have not been corroborated by objective
count for these individuals’ puzzling behaviors evidence (e.g., documented records of abuse).
(see Ganaway 1995). Because psychologists have long known that
A final important source of evidence in sup- retrospective reports are often subject to mem-
port of the sociocognitive model is the fact that ory distortion, such reports must be inter-
MPD is largely a culture-bound syndrome. preted with considerable caution. Rendering
Until quite recently, MPD was diagnosed al- these reports even more problematic is the fact
most exclusively in North America (Spanos that they typically derive from MPD patients
1994). Interestingly, however, MPD has re- who have been in psychotherapy for years. Be-
cently begun to be diagnosed with consider- cause many of these patients have been sub-
able frequency in certain European countries, jected to hypnosis and other suggestive proce-
such as the Netherlands, where several promi- dures that are known to increase the
nent MPD proponents have sparked public in- occurrence of false memories, their reports of
terest in the condition. In addition, several past child abuse should not be accepted with-
psychiatric disorders bearing intriguing simi- out external corroboration. These method-
larities to MPD have been observed in non- ological limitations do not refute the claim
Western countries. For example, some women that child abuse is associated with and perhaps
in Malaysia and Indonesia suffer from a condi- even causally related to MPD in certain cases.
tion known as “latah,” which is marked by But they indicate that the data supporting this
sudden and short-lived episodes of profanity, claim are less convincing than has often been
trancelike states, and command obedience (re- claimed. Interestingly, prior to the publication
sponding automatically to others’ suggestions), of Sybil in 1974, reports of past child abuse
followed by amnesia for the episode. Some among MPD patients were very rare. This in-
men in Malaysia and certain other countries triguing but often overlooked fact is consistent
(e.g., Laos) exhibit a condition known as with the possibility that the marked increase in
“amok,” which is marked by a period of in- child abuse reports among MPD patients is
tense brooding in response to a perceived in- largely a function of therapists’ use of sugges-
sult, followed by a dramatic outburst of uncon- tive procedures to recover memories of abuse.
trolled and extremely aggressive behavior At the present time, the data do not allow an
toward others (hence, the phrase running impartial observer to definitively choose be-
m u lt i p l e p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o r d e r | 151

tween the posttraumatic and sociocognitive tion of the Evidence.” Psychological Bulletin 120:
models of MPD. Nevertheless, the powerful 42–59.
convergence across several independent lines Lilienfeld, Scott O., Steven J. Lynn, Irving Kirsch,
of evidence provides compelling support for John F. Chaves, Theodore R. Sarbin, and George
many aspects of the sociocognitive model. In- Ganaway. 1999. “Dissociative Identity Disorder
and the Sociocognitive Model: Recalling the
deed, even many proponents of the posttrau-
Lessons of the Past.” Psychological Bulletin 125:
matic model now acknowledge that a certain
number of MPD cases are likely to be largely
Lynn, Steven J., Timothy G. Lock, Bryan Myers, and
iatrogenic in origin. It is conceivable that both David G. Payne. 1997. “Recalling the Unre-
models are at least partly correct. For example, callable: Should Hypnosis Be Used to Recover
perhaps an early history of child abuse leads Memories in Psychotherapy?” Current Directions
certain individuals to adopt a fantasy-prone in Psychological Science 6: 79–83.
personality style as a means of coping with this McHugh, Paul R. 1993. “Multiple Personality Dis-
trauma. This personality style may, in turn, in- order.” Harvard Mental Health Newsletter 10:
crease individuals’ susceptibility to suggestive 4–6.
therapeutic procedures, leading to the induc- North, Carol S., JoEllyn N. Ryall, Daniel A. Ricci,
tion of alters. This and even more sophisti- and Richard D. Wetzel. 1993. Multiple Personali-
cated models of MPD have yet to be subjected ties, Multiple Disorders: Psychiatric Classification
and Media Influence. Oxford: Oxford University
to direct empirical tests.
Nevetheless, the recent MPD epidemic im-
Piper, August. 1997. Hoax and Reality: The Bizarre
parts one clear and crucial lesson: beliefs can
World of Multiple Personality Disorder. North-
help to shape reality. Psychotherapists must vale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
therefore remain cognizant of the possibility Putnam, Frank. 1989. Diagnosis and Treatment of
that their therapeutic practices can inadver- Multiple Personality Disorder. New York: Guil-
tently exacerbate and perhaps even cause psy- ford Press.
chopathology. Ross, Colin A. 1997. Dissociative Identity Disorder:
Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treatment of
References: Multiple Personality Disorder. New York: Wiley.
Schreiber, Flora R. 1974. Sybil. New York: Warner
Acocella, Joan. 1999. Creating Hysteria: Women Books.
and Multiple Personality Disorder. San Francisco: Showalter, Elaine. 1997. Hystories: Hysterical Epi-
Jossey-Bass. demics and Modern Culture. New York: Columbia
American Psychiatric Association. 1994. Diagnostic University Press.
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th Spanos, Nicholas P. 1994. “Multiple Identity Enact-
ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Asso- ments and Multiple Personality Disorder: A So-
ciation. ciocognitive Perspective.” Psychological Bulletin
Ganaway, George K. 1995. “Hypnosis, Childhood 116: 143–165.
Trauma, and Dissociative Identity Disorder: To- Thigpen, Corbett H., and Hervey M. Cleckley. 1954.
ward an Integrative Theory.” International Jour- “A Case of Multiple Personality.” Journal of Ab-
nal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 43: normal and Social Psychology 49: 135–151.
127–144. Veith, Ilza. 1965. Hysteria: The History of a Disease.
Gleaves, David H. 1996. “The Sociocognitive Model Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
of Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Reexamina-
Near-Death Experiences
S U S A N J . B L A C K M O R E

hat is it like to come very close to Even though the boundary between life and

W death and survive? In 1975, physi-

cian Raymond Moody hit the best-
seller lists with Life after Life, claiming that
death is pushed back by improved techniques,
it is always possible to argue that the person
did not actually die and that the experiences
hundreds of near-death survivors had re- were part of life and not death. Of course, if
ported overwhelmingly pleasant experiences. there is life after death, these experiences
During these experiences, he noted, they may give a clue as to what it is like, but they
seemed to leave their bodies and view resusci- can never be definitive evidence that there is.
tation attempts from above; then they passed On the other hand, the experiences cannot
down a dark tunnel toward a brilliant light, be dismissed as either totally invented or hal-
met a “being of light” who helped them to lucinations caused by medical intervention or
evaluate and judge their own lives, and finally drugs. Moody simply collected cases as they
decided to return to life rather than go on came along, but research by Kenneth Ring,
into the peace and bliss of death (Moody conducted on 101 randomly selected sur-
1975). The near-death experiences (NDEs) vivors, soon confirmed that such reports are
were difficult to talk about for the survivors common. In that research, about 60 percent
but left them changed for the better—report- of the participants reported peace, one-third
edly less materialistic and with a reduced fear mentioned out-of-body experiences (OBEs),
of death. Reactions to these claims ranged one-quarter said they had entered the dark-
from the popular view that these experiences ness (or a tunnel), and rather fewer reported
must be evidence for life after death to out- experiences such as life review and the deci-
right rejection of the experiences as, at best, sion to return (Ring 1980). Near-death expe-
drug-induced hallucinations or, at worse, riences (NDEs) also appear to be widespread
pure invention. through many ages and cultures. Long before
Moody, there were similar descriptions of
deathbed experiences (when the patients did
go on to die) in the psychical research litera-
The State of the Evidence on ture (Barrett 1926; Osis and Haraldsson
Near-Death Experiences 1977), as well as isolated reports in the med-
ical literature (Dlin, Stern, and Poliakoff
Twenty years and much research later, it is 1974; Dobson et al. 1971; Druss and Kornfeld
clear that neither extreme is correct. On the 1967; MacMillan and Brown 1971). In addi-
one hand, the claim that the experiences are tion, there are both historical and contempo-
evidence for survival after death is untenable. rary accounts from many different cultures

n e a r - d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e s | 153

is no serious clinical emergency. This adds to

the general conclusion that you do not have to
be physically near death to have an NDE
(Gabbard, Twemlow, and Jones 1981; Owens,
Cook, and Stevenson 1990). Indeed, some as-
pects of the NDE, such as the out-of-body ex-
perience (see the “Out-of-Body Experiences”
entry in this encyclopedia) can occur at any
time and to perfectly healthy people (Black-
more 1982; Gabbard and Twemlow 1984; Ir-
win 1985). There are some differences be-
Drawing of tunnel with light at the end, as seen by tween the NDEs of those who are and are not
those in near-death experiences. (Dr. Susan close to death, but they are small compared to
Blackmore/Fortean Picture Library) the similarities (Owens, Cook, and Stevenson
(Blackmore 1993), and in our own culture, Second, the details of the NDE may vary
children also report similar experiences, al- with expectations about death. For example,
though their reports tend to be fragmentary Christians tend to see Jesus in the light, and
compared with those of adults (Morse et al. Hindus see the messengers of Yamraj coming
1986; Morse 1990). to take them away—and they often refuse to
go! (Osis and Haraldsson 1977). However, the
general pattern seems to be similar across cul-
tures, suggesting that religious expectations
Explanations for the Near-Death Experience are not responsible for the entire experience
or for most of its common features. If they
Although some modern stories may be inven- were, we might expect more pearly gates and
tions based on the widespread publicity about fewer tunnels. We might also expect those who
the phenomenon, it seems unlikely that people attempt suicide to have more hellish experi-
across so many other ages and cultures would ences, but they do not (Greyson and Stevenson
have invented similar stories. The question 1980; Ring and Franklin 1981–1982; Rosen
then becomes why the features are so often the 1975). Their NDEs are much like others and
same. Common theories include the effects of tend to reduce future attempts at suicide.
(1) expectation, (2) administered drugs, (3) en- All this suggests that, although expectation
dorphins, (4) anoxia (oxygen depletion) or hy- may change the details of NDEs, it cannot be
percarbia (excess carbon dioxide), (5) tempo- used to explain their occurrence entirely or
ral lobe stimulation, and (6) life after death. even to account for the similarities across ages
Each will be considered in turn. and cultures.

Expectation Administered Drugs

Expectation clearly has an effect on NDEs, The suggestion that the NDEs are created by
though there are two different aspects to this drugs administered to dying patients does not
factor. First, NDEs often happen to people hold up either. Many classic cases have been
who think they are dying when, in fact, there reported from drug-free patients and from
154 | n e a r - d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e s

people who were falling from mountains cluding the use of narcotics, did not report any
(Noyes and Kletti 1972) or involved in other NDEs (Morse et al. 1986). However, it is ques-
accidents in which no drugs were involved. tionable whether the effects of narcotics ad-
More specifically, research shows that patients ministered during critical illness are compara-
given anesthetics or painkillers have fewer or ble with those of endorphins. Karl Jansen has
more muted and less detailed NDEs than oth- argued that endorphins are not potent hallu-
ers (Greyson and Stevenson 1980; Osis and cinogens and suggested instead the involve-
Haraldsson 1977; Ring 1980). It seems likely ment of NMDA receptors (postsynaptic recep-
that it is the brain’s own drugs that are more tors for the excitatory neurotransmitter
important for the NDE than drugs adminis- glutamate) (Jansen 1989). Thus, it is still not
tered from outside. known just how far endorphins are implicated
in the NDE.

Anoxia or Hypercarbia
Daniel Carr (1981, 1982) first suggested that
endorphins could account for the NDE. En- The argument over the role of anoxia has been
dorphins are released under stress (including complex. Some attribute to anoxia all the fea-
both actual physical trauma and extreme tures of the NDE, though this reasoning is im-
fear—such as the fear of dying). They are plausible, since so many NDEs clearly occur in
known to block pain and to induce feelings of the absence of anoxia (e.g., when the person
well-being, acceptance, and even intense only thinks he or she is going to die).
pleasure, which might suggest they are respon- Others have argued that the cortical disinhi-
sible for the positive emotional tone of most bition associated with anoxia may be responsi-
NDEs. There is much controversy over the oc- ble for the tunnel and light experiences. Since
currence of “hellish” NDEs, with some re- the visual cortex is organized with many cells
searchers arguing that they are far more com- devoted to the center of the visual field and
mon than previously suspected (Atwater 1992; few to the periphery, random excitation will
Greyson and Bush 1992; Rawlings 1978). Oc- produce the effect of a bright light in the cen-
casionally, NDEs change from pleasant to hell- ter fading out toward darkness—in other
ish, as occurred in one seventy-two-year-old words, a tunnel effect (Blackmore and Tros-
cancer patient who was administered nalox- cianko 1988). More generally, it has been sug-
one. His pleasant NDE turned to horror and gested that it is the disinhibition (not the
despair as the friendly creatures morphed into anoxia per se) that is responsible for much of
the doctors treating him—suggesting that the the NDE (Blackmore 1993).
naloxone (a morphine antagonist) had blocked Anoxia in non-life-threatening situations
the endorphins that were providing the pleas- does cause odd experiences, such as the visions
ant feelings (Judson and Wiltshaw 1983). This and out-of-body experiences reported by pilots
is circumstantial, though, and Melvyn Morse trained in gravity-induced loss of conscious-
has argued that endorphins are not responsi- ness (Whinnery 1990). There are also sugges-
ble, suggesting that the neurotransmitter sero- tions of NDE-like experiences in children suf-
tonin plays a more important role. Of eleven fering from reflex anoxic seizures, though
children who had survived critical illnesses, most of these children are too young to de-
including coma and cardiac arrest, seven re- scribe their experiences (Appleton 1993;
ported NDEs, while twenty-nine age-matched Blackmore 1998).
controls, who had had similar treatments in- Against all this, others argue that the effects
n e a r - d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e s | 155

of anoxia are not like those of NDEs (for ex- Life after Death
ample, producing confusion rather than the
clear thinking of a typical NDE), though this is None of the previous mechanisms can account
complicated by the fact that different types entirely for the NDE, and many theorists argue
and speeds of anoxia cause different effects. that something beyond the brain is involved—
There is also one case of an NDE in a patient for example, that there is a soul or something
with measured, normal blood gases (Sabom else that leaves the body at death and that the
1982), although it has been argued that his NDE is a glimpse of what follows. Direct evi-
blood was taken from the femoral artery and dence for this explanation is impossible to ob-
that peripheral blood bases are not a reliable tain. However, there are claims that during
indicator of cortical blood gases (Gliksman and NDEs, people have been able to hear conver-
Kellehear 1990). sations and see the actions of people around
There may also be a role for hypercarbia, them and even observe things such as the be-
which has long been known to induce strange havior of needles on dials, all of which they
experiences such as lights, visions, and out-of- could not possibly have known about while in
body and mystical experiences (Meduna a comatose state (Sabom 1982). If such para-
1958). normal acquisition of information really oc-
curs, it is evidence that any naturalistic ac-
count of NDEs must be incomplete. But does it
Temporal Lobe Stimulation occur? Many of these claims are based purely
on anecdotal evidence, and very few have any
The temporal lobe is likely to be crucial in independent corroboration.
NDEs, since it is sensitive to anoxia and its For example, the most famous case involves
stimulation is known to induce hallucinations, a woman named Maria, who was taken to a
memory flashbacks, body distortions, and out- Seattle hospital after a severe heart attack and
of-body experiences (Halgren et al. 1978; Pen- then suffered a cardiac arrest. She later told
field 1955). The limbic system is also sensitive her social worker, Kimberley Clark, that as she
to anoxia and involved in the organization of was being driven into the hospital in an ambu-
emotions and memory, suggesting a possible lance, she had looked down from above and
link with the life review that sometimes occurs seen a tennis shoe on an inaccessible window
during NDEs. An interesting effect of endor- ledge. Clark then searched for the shoe and
phins is that they lower the seizure threshold apparently found it, just as Maria had de-
in the temporal lobe and limbic system (Frenk, scribed it. The problem with this case is that
McCarty, and Liebeskind 1978), so they might we have only Clark’s description to go on. Nei-
produce the same effects as anoxia. One neu- ther Maria nor anyone else involved gave an
robiological model of the NDE is based almost independent account of the original experi-
entirely on the notion of abnormal firing in ence or of the existence of the shoe, and Maria
the temporal lobe and associated parts of the herself is now untraceable and presumed dead.
brain (Saavedra-Aguilar and Gomez-Jeria Like so many other cases, this one does not
1989). Also, research looking for an “NDE- stand up under scrutiny. There are other simi-
prone personality” has led to the conclusion lar cases (Ring and Lawrence 1993). Yet skep-
that those most likely to have NDEs may have tics tend to reject the evidence as inadequate,
more unstable temporal lobes and show more whereas proponents think it is conclusive. Per-
“temporal lobe signs” than others (Ring 1984), haps the matter might be resolved by appropri-
though it is not clear how much of this associ- ate experiments, such as those using concealed
ation is a cause or an effect of the NDE. targets in operating theaters and recovery
156 | n e a r - d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e s

rooms. Some are presently under way, but no Blackmore, S. J. 1982. Beyond the Body. London:
successful results have yet been published. Heinemann.
The transformations reported in the lives of ———. 1993. Dying to Live: Science and the Near-
some individuals after near-death experiences Death Experience. London: Grafton.
are also taken as evidence of the NDE’s heav- ———. 1998. “Experiences of Anoxia: Do Reflex
Anoxic Seizures Resemble Near-Death Experi-
enly nature. However, simply facing up to
ences?” Journal of Near-Death Studies 17:
death can bring about a change in personal
values, and there is conflicting evidence about
Blackmore, S. J., and T. Troscianko. 1988. “The
whether an NDE is necessary for such an out- Physiology of the Tunnel.” Journal of Near-
come (Greyson 1990; Pope 1994). It has also Death Studies 8: 15–28.
been argued that during the NDE, the usual Carr, D. 1981. “Endorphins at the Approach of
model of self breaks down, and this brief expe- Death.” Lancet (February 14): 390.
rience of selflessness may bring about personal ———. 1982. “Pathophysiology of Stress-Induced
changes (Blackmore 1993). Limbic Lobe Dysfunction: A Hypothesis Relevant
In the end, it is probably a matter of per- to Near-Death Experiences.” Anabiosis: The
sonal preference whether to interpret the NDE Journal of Near-Death Studies 2: 75–89.
as a glimpse of the life beyond or the product Clark, K. 1984. “Clinical Interventions with Near-
of the dying brain. In either case, the NDE de- Death Experiencers.” In The Near-Death Experi-
ence: Problems, Prospects, Perspectives, edited by
serves serious research, and the dying, the re-
B. Greyson and C. P. Flynn, 242–255. Spring-
covering, and their relatives deserve to know
field, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
what we have learned. As Morse (1994) put it,
Dlin, B. M., M. D. Stern, and S. J. Poliakoff. 1974.
these experiences can help us to restore dig- “Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: The First Few
nity and control to the dying process. Just as Days.” Psychosomatics 15: 61–67.
NDEs reduce the fear of death in the people Dobson, M., A. E. Tattersfield, M. W. Adler, and
who have them, so they can help all of us to M. W. McNicol. 1971. “Attitudes and Long-Term
accept death as a positive aspect of life. In- Adjustment of Patients Surviving Cardiac Arrest.”
deed, the study of life at its last limits may tell British Medical Journal 3: 207–212.
us more about ourselves and our lives than it Druss, R. G., and D. S. Kornfeld. 1967. “The Sur-
does about death. vivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Psychiatric Study.”
Journal of the American Medical Association 201:
Originally published as an invited editorial review Frenk, H., B. C. McCarty, and J. C. Liebeskind.
in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1978. “Different Brain Areas Mediate the Anal-
1996, 89; 73–76. Copyright for original article by gesic and Epileptic Properties of Enkephalin.”
the Royal Society of Medicine. Science 200: 335–337.
Gabbard, G. O., and S. W. Twemlow. 1984. With the
Eyes of the Mind. New York: Praeger.
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Appleton, R. E. 1993. “Reflex Anoxic Seizures.” 1981. “Do ‘Near Death Experiences’ Only Occur
British Medical Journal 307: 214–215. Near Death?” Journal of Nervous and Mental
Atwater, P. M. H. 1992. “Is There a Hell? Surprising Disease 169: 374–377.
Observations about the Near-Death Experience.” Gliksman, M. P. H., and A. Kellehear. 1990. “Near-
Journal of Near-Death Studies 10: 149–160. Death Experiences and the Measurement of
Barrett, W. 1926. Death-Bed Visions. London: Blood Gases.” Journal of Near-Death Studies 9:
Methuen. 41–43.
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Greyson, B. 1990. “Near-Death Encounters with Osis, K., and E. Haraldsson. 1977. At the Hour of
and without Near-Death Experiences: Compara- Death. New York: Avon.
tive NDE Scale Profiles.” Journal of Near-Death Owens, J. E., E. W. Cook, and I. Stevenson. 1990.
Studies 8: 151–161. “Features of ‘Near-Death Experience’ in Relation
Greyson, B., and N. E. Bush. 1992. “Distressing to Whether or Not Patients Were Near Death.”
Near-Death Experiences.” Psychiatry 55: 95–110. Lancet 336: 1175–1177.
Greyson, B., and I. Stevenson. 1980. “The Phenom- Penfield, W. 1955. “The Role of the Temporal Cor-
enology of Near-Death Experiences.” American tex in Certain Psychical Phenomena.” Journal of
Journal of Psychiatry 137: 1193–1196. Mental Science 101: 451–465.
Halgren, E., R. D. Walter, D. G. Cherlow, and P. H. Pope, J. 1994. “Near-Death Experiences and Atti-
Crandall. 1978. “Mental Phenomena Evoked by tudes Towards Life, Death and Suicide.” Aus-
Electrical Stimulation of the Human Hippocampal tralian Parapsychological Review 19: 23–26.
Formation and Amygdala.” Brain 101: 83–117. Rawlings, M. 1978. Beyond Death’s Door. Nashville,
Irwin, H. J. 1985. Flight of Mind: A Psychological TN: Thomas Nelson.
Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. Metuchen, Ring, K. 1980. Life at Death: A Scientific Investiga-
NJ: Scarecrow Press. tion of the Near-Death Experience. New York:
Jansen, K. 1989. “Near Death Experience and the Coward, McCann and Geoghegan.
NMDA Receptor.” British Medical Journal 298: ———. 1984. Heading toward Omega: In Search of
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Experience.” Lancet (September 3): 561–562. Ring, K., and S. Franklin. 1981–1982. “Do Suicide
MacMillan, R. L., and L. Brown. 1971. “Cardiac Ar- Survivors Report Near-Death Experiences?”
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Meduna, L. J. 1958. Carbon Dioxide Therapy: A dence for Veridical Perception during Near-
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Moody, R. A. 1975. Life after Life. Atlanta, GA: Rosen, D. H. 1975. “Suicide Survivors.” Western
Mockingbird. Journal of Medicine 122: 289–294.
Morse, M. 1990. Closer to the Light. London: Sou- Saavedra-Aguilar, J. C., and J. S. Gomez-Jeria.
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D. C. Tyler. 1986. “Childhood Near-Death Expe- 205–222.
riences.” American Journal of Diseases of Chil- Sabom, M. B. 1982. Recollections of Death. London:
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Morse, M. L. 1994. “Near Death Experiences and Sabom, M. B. 1982. Recollections of Death. London:
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Dying from Falls.” Omega 3: 45–52.
Observer Effects and Observer Bias
D O U G L A S G . M O O K

undamental to the skeptical outlook is Why is the double-blind method valuable?

F a simple and familiar idea: we can and

do delude ourselves. Even if our con-
clusions are based on direct observations, we
First, if the physicians and attendants knew
which patients were receiving which treat-
ments, they might—perhaps quite uncon-
may still distort our observations so that they sciously—give more care and attention to the
lead us to form or maintain conclusions that patients receiving the new, experimental treat-
are simply wrong. There are many ways this ment than to the patients receiving the old
can happen, but two in particular occur so of- one. If so, then the greater care and attention
ten that they rate special treatment, and this might in themselves produce more improve-
article is devoted to them. First, we may dis- ment in the experimental group, making the
tort what happens: the problem of observer new treatment look more effective than it is.
effects. Second, we may distort how we see it This would be an example of observer effects.
happening: the problem of observer bias. To The clinicians, as observers of the patients, are
better understand what these ideas mean, also having unintended effects on them.
consider an instance that involves both types Second, knowledge of which patients are
of distortions. receiving which treatments could lead to bi-
ased evaluations of the patients. This could
happen in either or both of two ways. If the
clinicians expect the new treatment to be
The Double-Blind Experiment more effective, they could “see” what they ex-
pect to see and rate the experimental patients
The double-blind experiment is a staple of as more improved even if they really are not.
medical research. Suppose a team of physi- Then, too, the patients could have a similar
cians wants to evaluate a new way of treating bias in their observations of themselves, so
some disorder. The researchers treat a group that they also might “see” themselves as more
of patients with the new method, comparing improved than they really are. Both of these
that group with another group of patients outcomes would be cases of observer bias: the
treated the old way. (There are many varia- clinicians and/or the patients themselves are
tions on this theme, but this one will do.) If at seeing what they wish or expect to see, rather
all possible, they will conduct the experiment than what is really there to be seen.
as a “double-blind” study, which simply For all these reasons, the evaluation of a
means that neither the patients nor the re- new treatment procedure will routinely be
searchers who interact with them and evalu- conducted in a double-blind manner if possi-
ate them will know which patient is in which ble. The origin of the term is easy to see: the
group until the experiment is over. patient will not know which group he or she is

o b s e r v e r e f f e c t s a n d o b s e r v e r b i a s | 159

in (single-blind), and the physicians and other But one scientist, an experimental psycholo-
personnel who interact with and evaluate the gist named Oskar Pfungst, said, “Let’s do one
patient also will not know this (double-blind). more check.” Accordingly, he had one of the
Medical research is not the only arena in onlookers whisper into Hans’s ear, for exam-
which observer effects and observer bias are ple, “Seven.” Then another, different observer
problematic. They may operate in other kinds would whisper into the horse’s ear, “Plus
of scientific research, too, and they may oper- four.” Neither of the whisperers could hear
ate in our everyday observations—the informal the other. Therefore, none of the observers
“research projects” that we all use to form or knew the correct answer. Not until Hans told
support our beliefs. They can be sneaky and them—if he could. And he couldn’t. Under
fertile sources of self-delusion. So let us look at these conditions, after Hans was asked the
some further examples of how the problems question, he would go on tapping and tapping
may arise and of how we can combat them. indefinitely.
It seems that Hans had depended on uncon-
scious cuing by the observers. As long as the
audience knew what the correct answer was—
Observer Effects 7 + 4 = 11—they would wait until Hans’s
eleventh tap. Then they would lean forward
We may influence events to make them fit our alertly as if to say: “That’s the answer. Will he
preconceptions—whether or not they should stop now?” Those subtle movements were
and whether or not we intend it. As an exam- Hans’s cue to stop tapping.
ple, the story of Clever Hans, the mathematical So, yes, Hans was a very clever horse—but
horse (Spitz 1997; Stanovich 2001), is a classic he was not clever at arithmetic. He was clever
cautionary tale known to every researcher (see at reading humans and the unconscious cues
the “Clever Hans” entry in this encyclopedia). their movements gave him. The schoolteacher,
too, must have been giving him such uncon-
scious cues all along, though he neither knew
Clever Hans nor intended it.
Since his day, the “Clever Hans effect” has
The story takes place in Germany in the late been a standard phrase used to remind re-
1800s. A certain schoolteacher had a horse searchers—and the rest of us—of the danger of
named Hans, which had remarkable capabili- observer effects. An observer can give unin-
ties: Hans could do arithmetic! Ask him to add, tended cues that can affect what his or her
say, 7 and 4, and he would tap 11 times with his subjects do, and this can lead the observer, in
hoof and then stop. He was just as gifted at sub- all honesty, to self-delusion.
traction and even multiplication and division.
This schoolteacher was not a faker. He could
have made a pretty pfennig exhibiting his horse
in public, but he did not do so. Rather, he in- Facilitated Communication
vited scientists to study Clever Hans. They did,
and they came away convinced that Hans was Hans taught us a valuable lesson. Unfortu-
genuine. The schoolteacher was not feeding nately, not all of us have learned it. Unin-
him cues; in fact, the man could be out of sight tended effects on what we observe, resulting
altogether, and still Clever Hans could solve from unconscious movements or other uncon-
problems that were put to him by someone else. scious cuing, can cause our observations to
160 | o b s e r v e r e f f e c t s a n d o b s e r v e r b i a s

match our preconceptions even when other- one (without knowing it), then the child would
wise they would not. Examples range from type answers to the questions that the facilita-
Ouija boards and dowsing rods to the tragic tor had received.
story of “facilitated communication” (FC) in These findings are exactly parallel to the
autistic children (see Facilitated Communica- Clever Hans case. If the observers did not
tion entry in section 2). know the answer to the arithmetic problem,
Autism is a severe developmental disorder, Hans couldn’t tap it. If the facilitator did not
apparent in early childhood. It is characterized know what the child was hearing, the child
by a profound difficulty—indeed, what seems a couldn’t type it. Both Clever Hans and the
profound disinterest—in communicating with autistic children were performing in accor-
other human beings. In the late 1980s, an ex- dance with unconscious and unintentional
citing breakthrough was announced. It was re- cues given by the onlookers in one case, the
ported that in autistic children, a technique facilitators in the other.
called facilitated communication could reveal And if that is so, then it is also likely that the
a hidden ability to communicate. Autistic chil- stories of abuse, incest, and the like were not
dren could type coherent messages on a key- reports by the children but unconscious inven-
board if their hands and arms were supported tions by the therapists. At this writing, the use-
over the keyboard by a trained and sympa- less and dangerous FC fad is mercifully fading
thetic facilitator. In that way, seemingly un- away. But in the meantime, families were shat-
communicative children could tell us much tered by false accusations of parental abuse.
about themselves. Why did this happen? Like Clever Hans’s
The reports of success with this technique owner, the FC therapists were sincere and
were widely publicized, of course, and they led well-meaning. But they were also untrained in
to a great surge of optimism among both ther- research, and so they were unaware of how
apists and parents. But certain disturbing subtly and unintentionally we can influence
things came to light. Some autistic children what other humans do. Professionals who
would type messages that reported incest or were adequately trained in research would
abuse occurring in their homes. In some of have seen that the Clever Hans effect was a
these cases, children were actually removed danger, and they would have checked for it.
from their homes because of the abuses “un-
covered” by FC.
Fortunately, these dramatic claims were fol-
lowed up by more careful experiments. These Observer Bias
studies made it clear that FC is really the
Clever Hans effect all over again. The facilita- We don’t want to distort what happens, which
tors who supported the children’s hands were can occur with observer effects. But we also
unconsciously cuing the children as to what don’t want to distort how we see it happening,
keys to hit. How do we know this? By the same which introduces the problem of observer bias.
sorts of checks that exposed Clever Hans. In Most of us are aware that we may “see” what
one experiment, for example, questions were we expect to see and perhaps what we want to
read to the patient and to his or her facilitator see rather than what is “out there” to be seen.
through headphones. If the questions were the Despite this, we often underestimate the dan-
same for both, then the child would type out ger inherent in observer bias, and we may
the correct answers. But if the child heard one overlook this factor when we should not.
question and the facilitator heard a different Seeing what we expect to see can lead to dis-
o b s e r v e r e f f e c t s a n d o b s e r v e r b i a s | 161

tortions that would be funny if they weren’t so Patient or Applicant?

dangerous. Here’s a story told by James “The
Amazing” Randi, a stage magician and a well- Observer bias has been demonstrated many
known skeptic. He once appeared, in disguise, times by direct experiment. In one such exper-
as a guest on a talk show. There, he informed iment, panels of mental health professionals
his audience that while driving from New Jer- were shown a videotape of a younger man
sey into New York, he had seen a V formation talking to an older man about his feelings and
of objects flying toward the north overhead. experiences. Some of the clinicians were told
Within seconds, Randi said, the “station switch- that the young man was a patient; others were
board lit up like an electronic Christmas tree” told that he was a job applicant. After seeing
(quoted in Stanovich 2001, 69). One “eyewit- the videotape, the viewers were asked what
ness” after another called in to confirm Randi’s they thought about the young man: what kind
“sighting”—which was purely imaginary. He of person was he?
had made it all up. Nevertheless, observers The videotape was the same for all ob-
looked at the skies and saw what they expected servers, but the judges’ reactions were very dif-
to see—the little unidentified flying objects ferent, depending on what they thought they
(UFOs) that were not there. were seeing. Those who saw the “job appli-
cant” tended to describe him as “attractive,
candid, innovative, and realistic.” But those
N Rays who thought the young man was a patient saw
him as a “tight, defensive person,” whom they
Practicing scientists, too, are subject to ob- described as “frightened of his own aggressive
server bias. The classic example is the scientist impulses” (Langer and Abelson 1974, 7). Since
who has a pet theory and “sees” events that the tape was the same, these striking differ-
confirm it. The danger is that the scientist may ences can mean only that the judges’ observa-
“see” events or objects that simply are not tions were biased by their ideas as to what pa-
there, like Randi’s made-up UFOs. That this tients and job applicants are like or, perhaps,
can and does happen is shown by the follow- how they ought to behave.
ing cautionary tale. This, of course, was done as an experiment,
In 1903, a distinguished physicist, René to demonstrate the effect. Consider, though,
Blondlot, announced a new form of radiation that these professionals were seeing real pa-
that he had discovered, naming the new rays N tients on a daily basis. There is no reason to
rays for the University of Nancy, where he doubt that their perceptions of these very real
taught. The problem was that other scientists people were similarly affected by preconcep-
could not verify his findings. Something tions. (For a dramatic experimental demon-
clearly was wrong. Another physicist visited stration of this, see Rosenhan 1973.)
Blondlot’s lab, where, sure enough, he could
see no evidence of N rays—though Blondlot
and his coworkers insisted that they could. Fi- Subliminal Tapes
nally, the visitor secretly jiggered the appara-
tus so that it could not possibly produce any Subliminal tapes are said to have messages
rays at all. But his hosts, not knowing this, embedded in them that are too faint to hear
continued to see the rays that simply were not consciously because they are masked by noise
there. They saw what they expected to see or soft music. The claim is that the subliminal
(Hyman 1964). messages are registered by the unconscious, so
162 | o b s e r v e r e f f e c t s a n d o b s e r v e r b i a s

that their messages can affect us without our were actually hearing self-esteem tapes, and
awareness. half who thought they were hearing self-
Indeed, some years back, there was a con- esteem tapes were listening to memory tapes.
siderable flap about so-called subliminal ad- At the conclusion of the listening period, sub-
vertising. In a movie theater, very brief mes- jects who thought they had been listening to
sages—“Eat X” or “Drink Y”—were flashed on self-esteem tapes reported enhanced self-
the screen so briefly that people in the theater esteem—even if they had really been listening
were unaware of them—and sales of X and Y to memory tapes. And subjects who thought
soared. The only trouble is that this scenario they had been listening to memory tapes re-
never happened. The “researcher” who con- ported better memories—even if they had re-
ducted these studies later admitted publicly ally been listening to self-esteem tapes.
that he had made up the data in order to get In short, the subjects were deluding them-
research funding. selves twice. First, they thought they had im-
But in our own time, such subliminal stimuli proved when they hadn’t. And second, they
have come back, for example, as aids that can thought the tapes had done it, but the imagi-
teach foreign languages or improve memory or nary improvement was present where they ex-
self-esteem, all without our awareness and pected it to be, not where the tapes they had
without effort. The claims are backed up with heard should have caused it to be. The sub-
glowing testimonials by those who have tried jects were observing themselves with biased
these tapes. eyes and finding change where they expected
But do the claims hold up? A number of re- to find it.
search teams (e.g., Greenwald et al. 1991; What is common to all of the cases we’ve
Pratkanis 1992) have checked the effective- considered is just this: perfectly sensible peo-
ness of subliminal tapes, and they have ple deluded themselves. Their observations
checked something else as well: our capacity purportedly showed that Hans could do arith-
for self-delusion. In one such experiment, sub- metic, that autistic children could communi-
ject volunteers were given tapes claimed to en- cate by keyboard, that N rays existed, and that
hance either self-esteem (for half the subjects) subliminal tapes had improved memory or
or memory (for the other half). These were self-esteem—when none of these was true. In
commercially available subliminal tapes, and some cases, observers unintentionally influ-
subjects listened to them every day for a few enced what happened (observer effects). In
weeks, as instructed by the manufacturer. others, they distorted what they saw happen-
Memory and self-esteem were measured be- ing (observer bias).
fore and after this period. But remember that we all have preconcep-
What happened? Results showed that there tions. Like Professor Blondlot, we have our pet
was no consistent effect of either tape on theories, and, as in each of the cases men-
memory or self-esteem, as measured by objec- tioned, we may feel that our observations con-
tive tests. But the subjects thought there was. firm them. We may do well to consider the
They told the experimenters that their self- possibility that we are deluding ourselves and
esteem or their memories had, in fact, im- check it out.
proved over the course of listening to the tapes. But check it out how? The first thing to real-
However, there was a refinement to this ex- ize is that collecting testimonials is not
periment. For half the subjects in each group, enough. There will be no shortage of people
the tapes were mislabeled. Thus, half of those who will tell us, quite sincerely: “I saw that
who thought they were hearing memory tapes horse tap out a sum [or an autistic child type
o b s e r v e r e f f e c t s a n d o b s e r v e r b i a s | 163

out a message] with my own eyes!” Or “I saw check them out ourselves, others may be able
for myself how much my memory improved!” to do so. We can learn where to find the inves-
This, as we’ve seen, does not rule out the pos- tigations that do set up the necessary condi-
sibility that our excited informants are simply tions for evaluating claims. The references that
deluding themselves, seeing what they expect follow are a good place to start.
to see, or perhaps even causing to happen
what they expect to happen. But just such tes- References:
timonials are what blare at us from newsstands
and media screens. We should take them with Gilovich, T. 1991. How We Know What Isn’t So.
a healthy, salty dose of skepticism. New York: Free Press.
Greenwald, A. G., E. Spangenberg, A. Pratkanis, and
However, running through the prior exam-
J. Eskenazi. 1991. “Double-Blind Tests of Sub-
ples, we also notice that tests for self-delusion
liminal Self-Help Audiotapes.” Psychological Sci-
need not be elaborate. It may not be at all diffi-
ence 2: 119–122.
cult to make the observer “blind” as to what Hyman, R. 1964. The Nature of Psychological In-
the answer ought to be, as in the case of Clever quiry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Hans. Similarly, if people had listened to sub- Langer, E. J., and R. P. Abelson. 1974. “A Patient by
liminal tapes not knowing whether they were Any Other Name . . . Clinician Group Differences
memory or self-esteem tapes, their expectations in Labeling Bias.” Journal of Consulting and
could not have biased their evaluations. If Pro- Clinical Psychology 42: 4–9.
fessor Blondlot had checked for his N rays, not Mook, D. G. 2001. Psychological Research: The Ideas
knowing whether the apparatus was working or behind the Methods. New York: W. W. Norton.
not, he would have saved himself embarrass- Nisbett, R. E., and L. Ross. 1980. Human Inference:
Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment.
ment. And if people are asked simply, “What do
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
you see in the sky?”—not knowing what they
Pratkanis, A. R. 1992. “The Cargo-Cult Science of
“ought” to be seeing—it’s unlikely that Randi’s
Subliminal Persuasion.” Skeptical Inquirer 16:
UFOs over New Jersey would have been con- 260–272.
firmed by so many radio listeners. Rosenhan, D. L. 1973. “On Being Sane in Insane
Now, things are not always that easy. Some- Places.” Science 179: 250–258.
times it takes special conditions to check out Shermer, M. 1997. Why People Believe Weird Things:
the possibility of observer effects or observer Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions
bias—as, for instance, by mislabeling some of Our Time. New York: W. H. Freeman.
tapes or by arranging for a child to hear one Spitz, H. H. 1997. Unconscious Movements: From
thing and an adult facilitator another. These Mystical Messages to Facilitated Communication.
studies required full-scale experiments. And Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
each one set up an artificial set of conditions Stanovich, K. E. 2001. How to Think Straight about
Psychology. 6th ed. New York: Longmans.
that one would not encounter in ordinary life—
which also means that no amount of ordinary-
life observation would have shown what was Acknowledgments
really going on. We ourselves, busy with other Portions of this chapter are adapted from D. G.
things, may not always be able to set up the Mook, Psychological Research: The Ideas behind the
conditions for such an experiment. Methods (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001). The au-
What we can do, however, is (1) be aware of thor thanks Melody Browning-Mook, Dale Mar-
the two dangers, (2) check them out when we shall, and Shane Parkhill for helpful comments on a
can, and (3) remember that if we cannot easily preliminary version of the manuscript.
Out-of-Body Experiences
S U S A N J . B L A C K M O R E

n out-of-body experience (or OBE) is Spontaneous OBEs most often occur while

A an experience in which a person seems

to see the world from a location out-
side of the physical body. In other words,
resting, just before sleep, or when meditating.
However, they can occur at almost any time,
and occasionally, the person experiencing an
when you have an OBE, you feel as though OBE carries on with what he or she was doing
you have left the body and are able to see, (such as walking, driving, or even speaking)
feel, and move around without it. Note that apparently without interruption. Common
this definition treats the OBE as an experience factors that provoke OBEs include relaxation,
only. So, if you feel as though you are out of loss or disruption of the body image, and re-
your body, then you are, by definition, having duced sensory input. Most spontaneous OBEs
an OBE, whether or not anything has actually are very brief, lasting only a few seconds.
left the body. As John Palmer (1978, 19) Some begin with the experience of traveling
pointed out, “The OBE is neither potentially down a dark tunnel, often with a bright white
nor actually a psychic phenomenon. It is an or golden light at the end. Others begin with
experience or mental state, like a dream or rushing or whirring noises, odd vibrations, or
any other altered state of consciousness. It simply brief periods of blackout. The return
may be associated with psi [a general term from an OBE is usually gradual, but occasion-
covering all four forms of psychic phenom- ally, it is accompanied by a sensation of shock
ena, i.e., telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, or disorientation (Muldoon and Carrington
and psychokinesis, or the supposed mecha- 1929; Alvarado and Zingrone 1997).
nism underlying them], but it is not a psychic People who have OBEs (OBErs) often feel
phenomenon itself.” This broad definition al- as though they can travel anywhere and see
lows researchers to study the experience with- anything they wish. According to various oc-
out committing themselves to any particular cult traditions, the OBEr has another body or
theory of the OBE. a double, sometimes referred to as the “astral
Surveys show that about 15 to 20 percent body.” This double is usually something like a
of the population have had an OBE at some replica of the physical body, though less dis-
time during their lives (Blackmore 1982, tinct. At times, it is said to be ghostly or trans-
1996). Most of these people have had only parent and described as whitish or pale gray.
one or a very few OBEs, although a small per- In rare cases, the double is perceived to be
centage have many. Some people find the ex- connected to the physical body by a silver
perience frightening, but others value the cord. Experiences with a second body have
pleasant sensations and visions it entails; some been called “parasomatic” by Celia Green
even learn to induce the experience at will. (1968) and are contrasted with the more

o u t - o f - b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s | 165

common “asomatic” experiences in which the 1968; Gabbard and Twemlow 1984). However,
person feels as though he or she is just disem- OBErs score higher on measures of hypnotiz-
bodied awareness or a point of consciousness. ability and absorption—that is, they can more
Occasionally, the OBEr reports feeling more easily become absorbed in films, books, or fan-
like a bubble, a spot of light, or a patch of mist. tasies (Irwin 1985). OBErs are also more likely
During an OBE, vision and hearing are said to believe in the paranormal, to have various
to be more powerful and clearer than normal. kinds of psychic experiences, and to report fre-
Some people even get the impression that they quent dream recall and lucid dreams.
could see all around at once or hear anything Many popular techniques are available for
anywhere if they wished to; there is a sense of inducing the experience, most of which use
limitlessness. OBEs are like dreams in some imagery and relaxation as key components
ways—for example, the scenery and lighting (Blackmore 1982; Rogo 1983). Experimental
can be very strange, and the ordinary con- techniques have also been developed using
straints of the physical world do not seem to special sounds and visual displays, as well as
apply. However, unlike ordinary dreams, imagery exercises and relaxation. From the
OBEs feel very real, consciousness is clear, and early days of psychical research, hypnosis has
the experience is usually remembered very been used to induce OBEs or “traveling clair-
vividly afterward. In some ways, OBEs are voyance” (see Blackmore 1982; Alvarado
more like lucid dreams, that is, dreams in 1992). Drugs have been known to produce
which you know during the dream that you are OBEs, especially the psychedelics LSD, psilo-
dreaming. OBEs can also merge into mystical cybin, DMT and mescaline, and the dissocia-
experiences, and they form a central part of tive anesthetic ketamine, which often induces
the near-death experience (NDE). After OBEs, feelings of body separation, floating, and even
people say that their attitudes and beliefs are dying. However, there is no known drug that
changed, usually in positive ways. A psychi- can reliably induce an OBE.
atric analysis of hundreds of cases of OBEs There is no evidence to suggest that people
showed that for many people, their fear of who have OBEs are mentally ill in any way. In
death was reduced and their belief in survival their study of over 300 OBErs, Glen Gabbard
increased (Gabbard and Twemlow 1984). and Stuart Twemlow (1984) found that the
OBErs frequently interpret their experi- participants were generally well adjusted, with
ences as psychic, paranormal, or mystical. low levels of alcohol and drug abuse and no
Some claim that they could see not only their signs of psychotic thinking. Several other stud-
own bodies but also distant scenes, although ies have failed to detect any differences in var-
the experimental evidence to support these ious measures of psychopathology between in-
claims is weak. More rarely, they also claim to dividuals who do and do not have OBEs. Some
be able to influence distant events, but the people who have OBEs fear that they are ill or
frustration of being unable to influence things even going mad. They can often be helped
is more commonly reported. For example, simply by giving them information about how
OBErs at times try to touch people they see, common OBEs are and the circumstances un-
only to find that the people do not notice them der which they are most likely to happen. Oth-
at all; similarly, they may try to switch on ers fear that they will go out of their bodies
lights or move objects, only to discover that and not be able to get back. This fear does not
their hands go right through these objects. seem well founded. In both the occult and the
The occurrence of OBEs is not related to scientific literature, it is said that if the physi-
age, sex, educational level, or religion (Green cal body is touched or if attention is demanded
166 | o u t - o f - b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s

Out-of-body experience: astral body lying above physical body, connected to it by a cord. (Fortean Picture

in some way, the out-of-body experience will body presence has been discovered thus far
end. Indeed, it is generally hard to induce (Morris et al. 1978).
OBEs, and it takes much practice to keep them Experiments of the second type have tried to
going for long periods. detect paranormal vision or hearing during
To date, most experiments on OBEs have OBEs—that is, to determine whether people
fallen into one of three types. The first type, can really see and hear what is going on at a
involving attempts to detect the double during distance. In early experiments, mediums were
OBEs, began early in the twentieth century. asked to exteriorize their doubles and to smell
Photographs were taken of projected doubles, scents or view the actions of people at a dis-
and efforts were made to weigh the souls as tance, but the mediums usually could have
they left the bodies of people dying of tubercu- seen what was going on around them. More re-
losis; however, the studies were not well con- cently, target letters, numbers, or objects have
trolled, and the perceived effects disappeared been concealed from view in the laboratory,
when better methods were developed (for a re- and people who can have OBEs at will have
view of these studies, see Blackmore 1982). been asked to try to see them (for a review of
Recent studies have used magnetometers, these experiments, see Alvarado 1982). In one
thermistors, and ultraviolet and infrared de- well-known experiment, a subject correctly saw
tectors, as well as both human and animal sub- a five-digit number, but this type of success has
jects. Although there has been limited success never been repeated, and most other experi-
with animals, no reliable detector of an out-of- ments have had equivocal results. Case studies
o u t - o f - b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s | 167

include many claims that people can really see of the brain. Further, they cannot identify how
at a distance during OBEs, but the experimen- the astral body perceives the world without us-
tal evidence does not substantiate them. ing any sensory apparatus and without being
The third type of experiment has involved detected or why the astral world appears the
physiological monitoring of OBErs. No unique way it does. Also, studies have found that ex-
physiological state seems to be involved in the periences involving astral doubles are far from
out-of-body experience. In the few studies common and that reports of the silver cord are
done, the subjects were found to be in very re- extremely rare.
laxed waking states or in states resembling that A second kind of theory suggests that OBEs
on the very edge of sleep. It is certainly clear are imagination plus extrasensory perception
that OBErs were not in rapid-eye-movement (ESP). In principle, this theory might account
(REM), or dreaming, sleep. Therefore, OBEs for the claims of paranormal perception dur-
cannot be considered to be a kind of dream. ing OBEs without involving all the problems
Three main theories have been advanced in of other worlds and other bodies. However,
the attempt to explain the out-of-body experi- this is the weakest possible kind of theory,
ence. The first theory is based on the idea that since imagination is such a broad concept and
something leaves the body during the OBE. ESP is not well understood. In addition, it is
Most people who have an OBE find the expe- not easy to see how this theory could be tested,
rience so compelling and realistic that they which makes it useless as a scientific theory.
jump to the obvious conclusion that “they” The final type of theory holds that the OBE
have left their physical bodies. Many further is a purely psychological phenomenon, involv-
conclude that this “something” that has left ing no self, soul, spirit, or astral body that
does not depend on the body and can there- leaves the physical body. Several theories of
fore continue after physical death (although this kind have been proposed. They do not
this conclusion does not necessarily follow, necessarily preclude the possibility of ESP, but
since the physical body was alive at the time). they make no special provision for it.
The idea that we have doubles can be traced Psychoanalytic interpretations treat the
back to ancient Egypt and to Greek philosophy, OBE as a dramatization of the fear of death, an
and it can be found in folklore and mythology uncoupling of the bodily ego from the mental
from many cultures. It is also a part of many re- ego, regression of the ego, or a reliving of the
ligious doctrines. A popular modern version, trauma of birth. Carl Jung himself saw OBEs
based in the teachings of Theosophy, involves as part of the process of individuation, and
astral projection. It is suggested that we all others have used his ideas of archetypes in try-
have several bodies, of which the first three are ing to understand the OBE (see Alvarado 1992
the physical, the etheric, and the astral. The for a review of this approach). In 1978, Palmer
astral body is said to be able to separate from suggested that a loss of or change in the body
the physical body and move about on the as- image threatened the self-image and that the
tral plane without it. In life, the two bodies are OBE then occurred, through unconscious
connected by a silver cord, but at death, this mechanisms, as one of several possible ways of
cord is broken, freeing the consciousness. reestablishing personal identity. The ego
There are numerous problems with this and strives to reestablish the normal body image,
all similar theories. They cannot specify what and when this effort succeeds, the OBE ends.
the astral body consists of, in what sense it is Palmer added that some people could gain ego
conscious, or how this consciousness is related control over the process and so learn to have
to the obvious sensory and memory functions OBEs at will, providing access to deep, uncon-
168 | o u t - o f - b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s

scious material and latent psychic abilities. built in a bird’s-eye view (you remember
This theory relies heavily on psychoanalytic scenes as though looking down from above). If
concepts that have not stood up well to psy- such a memory image takes over as the cur-
chological research, generally being found to rent “model of reality,” an OBE occurs.
be either untestable or false. Sounds might be incorporated relatively easily
One popular idea likens the OBE to birth. into the bird’s-eye view, but anything that is
Superficially, there may be similarities be- likely to rebuild the normal body image, such
tween the tunnel and the birth canal or be- as movement or a touch on the body, will end
tween the silver cord and the umbilicus. How- the OBE. According to this theory, the OBE is
ever, the birth canal would look nothing like a entirely imagined, but because the new view-
tunnel to a fetus being pushed through it, the point has taken over completely, the experi-
light would more likely be red with blood ence feels totally realistic.
rather than bright white or yellow, and silver These psychological theories account for the
cords are, in any case, very rarely reported. conditions under which OBEs occur and ex-
Memory from childhood is also extremely lim- plain why the out-of-body world is rather like
ited and unlike adult memory. Birth theories the world of imagination, with transparent
predict that people born by cesarean section walls and the ability to move around at will
should not have either tunnel experiences or and to see in all directions. They also explain
OBEs, but in one study comparing people why apparently correct details are often mixed
born normally with those born by cesarean, with false ones, since the brain has simply put
the same proportion of each group had had together the best information it has.
tunnel experiences and the cesareans reported When psychological theories of the OBE
more OBEs. were first proposed, it was predicted that peo-
Harvey Irwin (1985) suggested that the OBE ple with vivid imagery would be more likely to
begins with a disruption of the normal body have OBEs. This expected result was not
sense, leading to somesthetic (bodily) sensa- found, but since that time, OBErs have been
tions of floating or flying. This is then trans- shown to be better at spatial imagery and at
lated, by synesthesia, into a complete experi- switching viewpoints in imagery; they also
ence of leaving the body, with visual, tactile, have superior dream-control skills and a
auditory, and other senses all being trans- greater tendency to dream in bird’s-eye view.
formed. The process requires attention to or Theories like these can potentially explain
absorption in the new experience and loss of all the phenomenology of the OBE without re-
contact with somatic sensations. This concept course to any other bodies or alternative reali-
would explain not only the conditions under ties. However, claims of paranormal events
which the OBE occurs but also the tendency during OBEs continue to be made, and though
for OBErs to score higher in tests of absorption. they are not incompatible with the psychologi-
Susan Blackmore suggested a theory based cal theories, they provide a challenge to any
on a change in perceptual perspective. We nor- purely materialist theory of human nature.
mally feel as though “we” are behind the eyes Only further research will determine whether
looking out, but this viewpoint requires good these claims are valid.
sensory input to be sustained. OBEs occur
when the normal self-image breaks down and This article was prepared for publication in A–Z
the brain attempts to reconstruct it from mem- Parapsychology, edited by Jane Henry, Routledge
ory and imagination. Memory images are often 2003.
o u t - o f - b o d y e x p e r i e n c e s | 169

References: London: Hamish Hamilton. A large collection of

cases, with analysis of different types.
Alvarado, C. S. 1982. “ESP during Out-of-Body Ex-
Irwin, H. J. 1985. Flight of Mind: A Psychological
periences: A Review of Experimental Studies.”
Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. Metuchen,
Journal of Parapsychology 46: 209–230.
NJ: Scarecrow Press. A scientific and psychologi-
———. 1992. “The Psychological Approach to Out-of-
cal overview of research and theories.
Body Experiences: A Review of Early and Mod-
Mitchell, J. L. 1981. Out-of-Body Experiences.
ern Developments.” Journal of Psychology 126: Northamptonshire, England: Turnstone. Simple
237–250. coverage of the research and theories.
Alvarado, C. S., and N. L. Zingrone. 1997. “Out-of- Morris, R. L., S. B. Harary, J. Janis, J. Hartwell, and
Body Experiences and Sensations of ‘Shocks’ to W. G. Roll. 1978. “Studies of Communication
the Body.” Journal of the Society for Psychical during Out-of-Body Experiences.” Journal of the
Research 61: 304–313. American Society for Psychical Research 72:
Blackmore, S. J. 1982. Beyond the Body. London: 1–22.
Heinemann. Overview of cases, theories, and sci- Muldoon, S., and H. Carrington. 1929. The Projec-
entific research. tion of the Astral Body. London: Rider and Co.
———. 1996. “Out-of-Body Experiences.” In Ency- Classic account, full of descriptions of experi-
clopedia of the Paranormal, edited by G. Stein, ences and the authors’ own theories.
471–483. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus. Palmer, J. 1978. “The Out-of-Body Experience: A
Crookall, R. 1961. The Study and Practice of Astral Psychological Theory.” Parapsychology Review
Projection. London: Aquarian Press. A classic de- 9: 19–22.
scription from an occultist’s point of view. Rogo, D. S. 1983. Leaving the Body: A Practical
Fox, O. 1962. Astral Projection. New York: Univer- Guide to Astral Projection. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
sity Books. Firsthand descriptions of extraordi- Prentice-Hall. Among the best of the many
nary experiences. “how-to-do-it” books.
Gabbard, G. O., and S. W. Twemlow. 1984. With the Rogo, D. S., ed. 1978. Mind beyond the Body: The
Eyes of the Mind. New York: Praeger. A study of Mystery of ESP Projection. Harmondsworth,
cases, with psychoanalytic interpretations. England: Penguin. A compilation of chapters by
Green, C. E. 1968. Out-of-the-Body Experiences. various experts, including some scientists.

hrenology was considered a science of head. There were about thirty organs/facul-

P mind and character divination based

on the shape of the head or skull.
Phrenologists believed that the brain was the
ties in phrenology; the number varied by
phrenologist and generally tended to increase
over time as new organs were “discovered” or
organ of the mind and that the mind con- added.
sisted of a number of distinct, inborn depart- Phrenologists believed that theirs was the
ments or faculties. Because they were consid- only true “science of mind,” which marked a
ered distinct, the faculties of the mind were difference between phrenology and other
thought to have their own discrete locations forms of divining character and personality.
or “organs” in the brain, and the size of an The phrenologist claimed privileged access to
organ, other things being equal, was consid- otherwise hidden knowledge about people,
ered a measure of its power or activity. As the but these claims were linked to the growing
skull was believed to take its shape from the authority of the natural sciences. Phrenologi-
underlying brain, the surface of the skull cal character readings and predictions based
could be read as an accurate mold of the on them could be seen to be “true” and may
shape of the brain and therefore of its mental still seem so by their vagueness and the flexi-
faculties. bility of the phrenological system to adapt to
The sizes of the phrenological organs were individual cases. For example, if a phrenolo-
usually determined by an examination with gist were presented with a convicted mur-
the hands and sometimes with calipers or a derer whose organ of Destructiveness (earlier
measuring tape. So, for example, if a person’s called Murder) was exceedingly small, the
head showed a large organ of Benevolence, murderous behavior could easily be explained
the phrenologist would conclude that this by appealing to the influence of other organs.
person was highly benevolent. If the area of However, with such a lax treatment of evi-
the head marked as Benevolence was com- dence and such a cavalier application of theo-
paratively small or if it presented an indenta- retical explanation, it was possible to claim
tion, the phrenologist would conclude that absolutely anything with phrenology. All
the person was “sordid, avaricious, mean, and phrenologists shared the all-too-common
totally insensible to charity” (Lundie 1844, 8). practice of trumpeting confirmatory evidence
The surface of the head that covers the brain as “proof” and explaining away contradictory
was mapped out to help the phrenologist lo- evidence. If the difference between science
cate the relevant areas of brain. Therefore, and pseudoscience is the degree to which this
phrenology was more about determining the practice is cultivated, then phrenology could
shape of the brain rather than just reading the rank along with palmistry or astrology as one

p h r e n o l o g y | 171

brain. And paleontologists who have made en-

docasts of the skulls of early hominids to de-
termine the shapes of their brains have sug-
gested that an enlarged node at Broca’s area is
evidence of language use. This is essentially
phrenology in a new guise. Size is taken as ev-
idence for power, and functions are believed to
reside in specifically bounded regions. Finally,
the once controversial belief that the mind is
in the brain is now common sense.
The science of phrenology was created by
the Viennese physician Franz Joseph Gall
(1757–1828) in the 1790s. Gall called his sys-
tem Schädellehre (doctrine of the skull) or
organology, and later, it was simply known as
“the physiology of the brain.” Contrary to
common legend, the system was not created by
Gall with the assistance of his German disciple
Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776–1832) but by
Gall alone. Spurzheim later took Gall’s system
to Britain in 1814, where the word phrenology
was coined the following year. Spurzheim in-
creased Gall’s twenty-seven faculties/organs to
Frontispiece to George Combe’s System of thirty-three, and British phrenologists soon
Phrenology, 1853. (Courtesy of author) added a few more. Spurzheim also changed
the character of Gall’s mental and physiologi-
of the most visible examples. In this sense, cal science, making it a moral science and a
phrenology could be compared to so-called philosophy of nature, which Gall, a respected
parapsychology today. physician and anatomist, never intended. For
Despite phrenology’s reputation as the epit- Spurzheim and later phrenologists, each fac-
ome of pseudoscience, most of its basic prem- ulty/organ had its proper area of function and
ises have been vindicated, though character abuses. Hence, the proper function of what
reading from the outside of the head has not. Gall called the organ of Murder was, according
For example, the principle that many func- to Spurzheim, morally acceptable self-defense.
tions are localized in the brain is now com- Spurzheim also arranged the phrenological
monplace (although many other functions are faculties/organs into a more scientific-sound-
distributed). Also, areas of the brain that are ing taxonomy of orders and genera.
more frequently used may become enlarged In Britain, Spurzheim’s phrenology was
with use, just as phrenologists asserted. This added to a native culture of scientific, gentle-
was recently seen in a study of the hippocampi manly societies, complete with meeting halls,
of London taxi drivers; the hippocampus is in- journals, and museums. These first phrenolo-
volved in remembering routes and pathways gists produced the now familiar phrenological
(Maguire, Frackowiak, and Frith 1997). In ad- plaster bust. The British phrenological bust
dition, some personality disorders correlate to differed from earlier diagrams of the organs,
specific diseased or damaged regions of the which had represented actual specimens—and
172 | p h r e n o l o g y

usually skulls—not lifelike heads. The phreno- that lingered into the twentieth century and
logical bust, by contrast, was a generalized whose vestiges are sometimes seen today.
model that represented an ideal “develop-
ment” of cerebral organs. References:
The first phrenological society was founded
Cooter, R. 1984. The Cultural Meaning of Popular
in Edinburgh in 1820, and throughout Britain,
Science: Phrenology and the Organization of
scores more appeared over the following two Consent in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cam-
decades. From Britain, the science spread to bridge: Cambridge University Press.
the United States, where the first society was ———. 1989. Phrenology in the British Isles: An An-
founded in Philadelphia in 1822. The most notated, Historical Biobibliography and Index.
important popularizer of the science after Metuchen, NJ, and London: Scarecrow Press.
Spurzheim was the Edinburgh lawyer George de Giustino, David. 1975. Conquest of Mind:
Combe (1788–1858). This first wave of Phrenology and Victorian Social Thought. Lon-
phrenological popularity had died away in don: Croom Helm.
Britain by the 1850s. However, a new U.S.- Maguire, Eleanor A., Richard S. J. Frackowiak, and
Christopher D. Frith. 1997. “Recalling Routes
based revival of the science began in New York
around London: Activation of the Right Hip-
in the 1840s under the leadership of the
pocampus in Taxi Drivers.” Journal of Neuro-
Fowler family. Although essentially all of the
science 17: 7103–7110.
Fowlers’ phrenology and philosophy was bor- Stern, M. 1971. Heads and Headlines: The Phreno-
rowed from Combe, their science was more logical Fowlers. Norman: University of Oklahoma
earthy and profitable and less scientifically Press.
pretentious than the earlier phrenology. The van Wyhe, John. “The History of Phrenology on the
Fowlers took phrenology back to Britain in the Web.” URL:
1860s and 1870s. It is this latter phrenology uk.
Piltdown Man (Hoax)
Famous Fossil Forgery


n December 18, 1912, newspapers the jaw hinges, was missing. A few scientists

O throughout the world blared sensa-

tional headlines: “missing link found—
darwin’s theory proved.” On that date, at a
questioned whether the skull and jaw really
belonged together, but most came around to
accepting Piltdown as authentic. To the pub-
geologic society meeting in southwestern lic, Piltdown became famous as “the Earliest
England, an amateur archaeologist named Englishman.”
Charles Dawson announced that he had Artists sketched Piltdown man’s brutish but
found the skull and jaw of a fossil ape-man in intelligent face, and statues of his presumed
a Sussex gravel pit—the long-sought “missing physique began to appear in museums. The
link” between apes and humans. Later, he re- local pub, The Lamb’s Inn, was renamed The
ported finding other bones and teeth in the Piltdown Man. In the United States some
same area. years later, a popular comic strip called “Peter
A lawyer and “antiquarian” hobbyist from Piltdown” appeared regularly in the Sunday
the country town of Lewes, Dawson had spent funnies—the cartoon ancestor of “Alley Oop”
years searching for fossils and stone tools in and “Fred Flintstone.”
the countryside near his home. Assisted by Several prestigious British anthropologists
workmen and later by the young French Je- put their names and reputations on the line in
suit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, he authenticating Piltdown. When Sir Arthur
claimed to have found pieces of a skull (cra- Keith, curator of the Hunterian Museum, was
nium) and jaw and stone and bone tools along challenged on his reconstruction, he gave a
with remains of various extinct mammals, in- dramatic demonstration: a known skull was
cluding the giant beaver, mastodon, and hip- smashed to pieces, and Keith correctly recon-
popotamus. Proudly, he proclaimed the bones structed its shape and cranial capacity from
were from a new species of human ancestor, some of the fragments. Among others who
which experts from the British Museum oblig- championed the authenticity of the “great dis-
ingly named Eoanthropus dawsonii, “Daw- covery” were the anatomists Arthur Smith-
son’s Dawn Man.” Woodward and Sir Ray Lankester, both of the
Remarkably, the skull appeared entirely British Museum of Natural History.
human, but the jawbone fragment looked Forty years later, in 1953, the famous bones
apelike. A good deal of interpretation was again made world headlines: “piltdown ape-
necessary, as the face, along with chunks of man a fake—fossil hoax makes monkeys out

174 | p i lt d o w n m a n

of scientists!” A geologist and chemist named and it provided the sought-after missing link
Kenneth Oakley and his colleagues (including that Darwin’s theory seemed to require. As for
J. S. Weiner) at the British Museum had ap- patriotism, British scientists had long been
plied new technology to the relative dating of jealous of the sensational fossil men found in
the bones, and the fraud was revealed. Levels Germany and France, and they strongly craved
of radioactive potassium fluoride at the site did an English ancestor of comparable age.
not match those of the bones, which were In addition, British anthropologist Sir
much younger. And the jaw was much younger Arthur Keith had theorized that a “big brain”
than the skull with which it was supposed to came first in human evolution and was the
belong. The skull and jaw could not possibly hallmark of humanity. Piltdown filled that bill,
have come from the same individual unless, as too. Because of that bias, Keith had scoffed at
one scientist put it, the man died but his jaw Raymond Dart’s discovery of a “man-ape” or
lingered on for a few thousand years. australopithecine in South Africa because it
Oakley and his colleagues concluded that had an ape-sized brain and humanlike teeth
someone had taken an old human cranium and jaws—exactly the opposite of Piltdown,
and planted it at the gravel excavation to- with its large braincase and apish teeth. Of
gether with a doctored mandible from a mod- course, Dart’s “Taung child” was to be the first
ern ape. The jaw had come from an orangutan of many African hominid fossils that eventu-
and was deliberately broken at the hinge to ally revolutionized paleoanthropology.
obscure its fit with the skull. All the bones had In their enthusiasm at the time, few scien-
been stained brown with potassium bichro- tists thought it strange that the ancestral ape-
mate to make them appear equally old. man should have been found about 30 miles
Why was the fraud so eagerly and readily from the home of Charles Darwin or that an
accepted? According to hoax expert Nick Yapp, odd, paddlelike bone implement found in the
a successful hoax usually props up cherished pit resembled nothing so much as a prehistoric
but questionable beliefs and expectations, and cricket bat—a bit too appropriate an artifact for
it often bolsters local pride or patriotism. Pilt- the “first Englishman.” The hoaxer could not
down man brilliantly met these criteria. The resist going over the top and tipping his hand,
skull appeared at a time when fossil humans or but the scientists had swallowed the story so
near humans were very few and far between, completely that they did not even choke at a
crude cricket bat carved from a mammoth
When Oakley’s group finally unraveled the
hoax during the early 1950s, there were
cheers and jeers. Creationists proclaimed that
it proved all evolutionary science is phony. An-
thropologists said the exposure proved their
discipline is self-correcting and eventually
roots out frauds. Advocates of the African aus-
tralopithecine fossils felt vindicated in their
view that hominids had small canines and
walked upright very early on and only devel-
oped expanded brains much later. A member
of the British Parliament proposed a vote of no
The Piltdown skull. (Author’s collection) confidence in the scientific leadership of the
p i lt d o w n m a n | 175

Sir Arthur Keith demonstrates his skill by correctly restoring a smashed skull whose cranial capacity was
known. A portrait of Charles Darwin gazes down from the wall. (Author’s collection)

British Museum. The motion failed to carry a young seminarian. Fans of Father Teilhard,
amid laughter, when another member of Par- of whom there are still many, were outraged.
liament reminded his colleagues that politi- The French paleontologist and evolutionist
cians had “enough skeletons in their own clos- suffered greatly at the hands of his order for
ets” to worry about. his forthright honesty. When he attempted to
The Piltdown hoax remains one of the most reconcile his two most deeply held beliefs,
intriguing mysteries in the history of science. evolution and Catholic doctrine, the church
Who was the culprit, and what was his motive? sent him as a missionary to China and forbade
For years, the finger of accusation pointed only him to publish or teach his unorthodox ideas.
at Dawson. His motive would have been the (Of course, during his exile, Teilhard was one
fame and attention he gained as discoverer of of the first to study and publish on the Homo
England’s most ancient inhabitant. As the erectus fossils that were discovered near Bei-
years went by, however, Piltdown has become jing, then Peking, and home of the famous
a perennial whodunit, with an increasing “Peking man.”) To this day, Teilhard’s support-
number of suspects added to the list of possible ers believe he was constitutionally incapable of
perpetrators. promoting a deliberate lie.
Harvard paleontologist and historian of sci- During the 1980s, anthropologist John
ence Stephen Jay Gould, for instance, believed Winslow accused Sherlock Holmes’s creator,
Dawson initiated the hoax as a prank, then en- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who lived only a few
listed the cooperation of his sometimes assis- miles from the Piltdown site, of being the
tant Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who was then hoaxer. A fanatic believer in Spiritualism,
176 | p i lt d o w n m a n

Doyle might have sought revenge by fooling that had belonged to Hinton stashed in the
the scientists who ridiculed his fervent belief bowels of the museum. It contained dozens of
in spirit-mediums and accused him of cre- rodent teeth that had been subjected to vari-
dulity in assessing evidence. ous stains and chemical treatments. At the bot-
According to this theory, E. Ray Lankester, tom of the trunk were ten carved pieces of
who later became director of London’s Natural hippopotamus and elephant teeth, colored in a
History Museum, incurred Doyle’s lasting similar manner to the Piltdown remains and
wrath for having been the first scientist to the alleged cricket bat. Gardiner is convinced
prosecute a spirit-medium for fraud in 1876, these were the products of tests Hinton had
an incident that Doyle always referred to as a performed before treating the Piltdown bones
“persecution” rather than a “prosecution.” to make them appear old. According to Gar-
Lankester, the nemesis of hoaxers, was himself diner, Hinton, a great expert on Pleistocene
completely taken in by Piltdown. Winslow has gravels, was then the only person on the scene
also suggested that perhaps Doyle wanted to who was sufficiently knowledgeable to plant
demonstrate how easily scientific experts the convincing assemblage of extinct beavers
would uncritically embrace flimsy evidence and mammoths along with the skull. “Dawson
that supported their own beliefs, even as they wasn’t clever enough to have correctly seeded
scoffed at the authenticity of his so-called the gravels, which were totally unfossilifer-
spirit photographs. Doyle played golf fre- ous,” says Gardiner. Hinton’s motive, he be-
quently near the Piltdown site and visited it lieves, would have been to get revenge on his
several times in the company of the scientists boss, Smith-Woodward, against whom he had a
who were involved, even offering to drive smoldering grievance.
them around the neighborhood in his motor- So far, there is still no proven solution to the
car. Like Teilhard, however, Doyle has many mystery. Many other possible candidates have
admirers who continue to maintain that his in- been offered, as have stories of mysterious
volvement in the hoax is unthinkably inconsis- tape-recorded accusations by aged survivors,
tent with his character, which was one of ex- apocryphal anecdotes about family recollec-
traordinary integrity. tions, and allegations of gross inaccuracy in ac-
Nevertheless, Doyle did have a prankster cepted accounts of the events. Some years ago,
side. His classic book The Lost World (the Charles Blinderman, in his 1986 The Piltdown
granddaddy of all dinosaur adventures) is full Inquest, furnished a detailed review of a roster
of tantalizing references to faked bones and of ten of the usual suspects. More recently,
photographs, and the frontispiece of the book John E. Walsh has reviewed the case in his
features the author himself in stage makeup as 1996 Unravelling Piltdown: The Scientific
the “gorilloid” Professor Challenger. But the Fraud of the Century and Its Solution, in which
case against the great storyteller has never he opts for a lone conspirator.
been proved. Sometimes, Doyle deceived peo- After extensive sleuthing at almost a cen-
ple for the fun of it, but (as far as we know) he tury’s distance, Walsh brings the case back to
always revealed the joke afterward. Perhaps, as its original prime suspect, Charles Dawson. Ac-
some have suggested, this is a mystery only cording to Walsh, Dawson left a trail of hoaxes
Sherlock Holmes could solve! over thirty-five years, along with some legiti-
Another candidate for “perp,” proposed by mate scientific work. At various times, Dawson
paleontologists Brian Gardiner and Andrew had reported finding in Sussex a cast-iron Ro-
Curran of the British Museum, was the geolo- man figurine, a prehistoric flint weapon hafted
gist Martin Hinton. Curran found a satchel to a crumbling wooden handle, the remains of
p i lt d o w n m a n | 177

a very ancient boat, a strangely shaped “Ro- ing their falseness, and when this is done, one
man horseshoe,” and a clock face ostensibly path toward error is closed and the road to
from the Middle Ages—none of which were truth is often at the same time opened” (Dar-
ever authenticated. If he was indeed the Pilt- win 1883, 606).
down mastermind, perhaps he took an accom-
plice into his confidence; there is certainly no References:
shortage of suspects. But Dawson also has sup-
Blinderman, Charles. 1986. The Piltdown Inquest.
porters (though few) who believe that he was
Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
duped himself and was not the perpetrator. Darwin, Charles. 1883. The Descent of Man and Se-
Though some might find it an amusing and lection in Relation to Sex. 2d ed. New York: Ap-
delightful historical puzzle, the Piltdown hoax pleton.
was no harmless prank. It consumed the ener- Spencer, Frank. 1990. Piltdown: A Scientific
gies of dozens of able men, destroyed the ca- Forgery. London: Oxford University Press.
reers of a few, and put science on the wrong ———. 1990. The Piltdown Papers, 1908–1955. Lon-
track for decades in its quest to understand don: Oxford University Press.
human evolution. Charles Darwin believed Walsh, John Evangelist. 1996. Unravelling Pilt-
that accepting shoddy evidence is much more down: The Science Fraud of the Century and Its
Solution. New York: Random House.
dangerous than adopting incorrect theories. In
Weiner, J. S. 1955. The Piltdown Forgery. Oxford:
his 1871 Descent of Man, he wrote: “False facts
Oxford University Press.
are highly injurious to the progress of science,
Yapp, Nick. 1992. Hoaxers and Their Victims. Lon-
for they often endure long; but false views, if don: Robson Books.
supported by some evidence, do little harm,
for everyone takes a salutary pleasure in prov-
Placebo Effect
G E O F F R E Y D E A N A N D I V A N W . K E L L Y

lacebo (pronounced plaSEEbo) is though endorphins seem to be involved in

P Latin for “I will please.” The placebo

effect is the positive effect produced
by treatments that should have no effect; for
any suppression of pain. Nor is there a single,
agreed-upon definition of the placebo effect;
in fact, discussion of the various definitions
example, a gelatin capsule filled with table has filled an entire chapter (Shapiro and
salt and given with the assurance that it will Shapiro 1997). It is sometimes not even clear
bring sleep will actually do so for about one whether a placebo effect has occurred at all—
person in three. Interest in the placebo effect some medical conditions get better sponta-
began around 1955, and by 1980, it was the neously, participants tend to be selected at
subject of nearly a thousand articles and low points in their well-being and thus seem
books. Many medical treatments, especially worse than they really are, or they may report
old ones, have been found to derive their improvements just to be well mannered, and
benefits from the placebo effect. In fact, so on. Tests that depend on participants not
when testing new drugs, the effect is so per- knowing whether a placebo is used can be
vasive that special strategies are needed to suspect; for example, in 27 studies involving a
cope with it. total of over 13,000 people, about two-thirds
A placebo treatment gives positive expecta- guessed correctly versus the 50 percent ex-
tions and a sense of control, and it is quite dif- pected by chance (one explanation is that side
ferent from no treatment. No actual under- effects from the genuine pills gave the game
standing of the treatment is required, only a away). But it is generally accepted that the ex-
belief that it will work. When a witch doctor pectations of therapist and client are impor-
asks the spirits for help, clients are given hope tant and that the response to the placebo can
and support even though the whole process vary from 0 percent to 100 percent depending
may be a fraud. This is the placebo effect. on the situation (Wall 1999). Other things be-
When an astrologer reads a birth chart, the ing equal, the more faith the patient has in
trappings are different but the effect on the the treatment, the better the chance that the
client is the same. In each case, what matters therapy will work.
is not validity but faith. Faith is more than just The placebo effect is not clearly related to
believing in something; it means having no individual variables such as gender, age, intel-
doubts at all. When doubts are absent, the ligence, and personality (with the possible ex-
client can immediately expect positive out- ception of anxiety), probably because the ef-
comes (Plotkin 1985). fect depends on too many variables to have a
Much about placebos is controversial. The simple relationship with any one. A link with
actual mechanism is not fully understood, al- suggestibility seems inevitable but has yet to

p l a c e b o e f f e c t | 179

be formally established (tests of suggestibility mistic, and empathetic, all of which determine
usually measure only gullibility, which is not the liking by clients much more than compe-
necessarily related to the kind of needs that tence does. When the liking is mutual, four
lead to placebo effects). times as many clients report an improvement
But the effect does depend on the situation, compared to when they dislike the therapist
that is, on our need for therapy and our per- (this could also mean that clients like their
ceptions; for example, war wounds cause less therapists because they are improving).
pain than the same wounds resulting from sur- What makes a good client? In psychother-
gery. The effect is increased by positive staff apy (the treatment of psychological problems
attitudes and appropriate surroundings and by psychological methods), the ideal client
decreased by negative attitudes or unpleasant- “must be suggestible. He should be able to
ness. Furthermore, the effect is increased for easily absorb dogmas and ideas of the most ab-
actual sufferers (who need relief) compared stract, even outlandish dimension. He should
with volunteers (who do not). In general, two be philosophically adaptable and able to ape
pills have more effect than one pill, and red the therapist’s value system and biases. The
pills are more stimulating than blue pills, but more he agrees with the therapist, the better
in individual cases, the effect of pill shape, his chances of being helped. This conditioning
size, and color depends on individual likes and process is at the core of all faith healing, magic
dislikes. The same applies to the actual treat- and religion” (Gross 1978, 48). In short, a
ment procedure. Thus, people unwilling to ac- good client is one who shares the therapist’s
cept emotional support directly may accept it beliefs, which clearly has some importance for
when suitably disguised, which is a point in fa- pseudoscience—if therapists take care to accept
vor of otherwise untenable systems such as tea only good clients, their beliefs (whether true
leaf reading. Many other variables that have or false) cannot fail to be reinforced.
not been fully explored, such as cost and per- An important factor for maintaining im-
ceived efficiency, may also play a role. provement after therapy is personal effort.
The active ingredients in a placebo treat- People who merely swallow placebo pills do
ment are no more than those shared by any worse than those who swallow pills and do ex-
therapy—a person in need, a consultant, an ex- ercises. Placebos also work if they promise not
planation for the condition, a healing ritual, getting better but getting worse; for example,
and an expectation of improvement. In other people given pills correctly described as “inac-
words, warmth, attention, and being told you tive” generally feel worse. Such placebos are
will feel better. To boost the placebo effect, sometimes called “nocebos” (Latin for “I will
choose a practitioner who is optimistic, has harm”). An extreme example of a nocebo is the
your confidence, and involves you in decision voodoo hex, where the victim allegedly dies of
making; if there is a choice of decisions, fright. In more general terms, when people
choose whatever you think will work best; and think sick, they get sick; thus, women who be-
if something worked in the past, use it again lieve they are prone to heart disease are four
unless there are good reasons not to (Brown times as likely to die as women equally at risk
1997, 80). but without such fatalistic beliefs, and people
What makes a good therapist? For many are several times less likely to experience side
therapies but not all (e.g., not behavior modifi- effects from real drugs if they don’t know
cation), the single most important factor may about them. Interestingly, side effects from
be whether the therapist and client like each placebo pills are reported by about one person
other. Good therapists tend to be warm, opti- in five, with the side effects being similar to
180 | p l a c e b o e f f e c t

those reported for the supposed medication; kind, namely, faith in faith itself rather than
for example, supposed antispasmodics produce faith in the existence of genuine effects. To
nausea, and supposed tranquilizers produce psychologists, this is clearly a more acceptable
sleepiness. Side effects also increase with client faith, but whether it can invoke as strong a
hostility, so they may indicate dissatisfaction placebo effect is a matter for research. It seems
with the treatment, or they may simply indi- unlikely to invoke as strong a following.
cate that the treatment is working (meaning
the placebo is having the same effect, and the References:
same side effects, as a real treatment). Not
Brown, W. A. 1997. “The Best Medicine.” Psychol-
much is known about the long-term effects of
ogy Today 30, no. 5: 57–60, 80, 82. A very read-
placebos versus real treatments.
able account. The author’s follow-up article,
The placebo effect suggests ways of turning
“The Placebo Effect,” Scientific American 278
to advantage approaches that might otherwise
(January 1998): 68–73, offers much sensible ad-
be dismissed as pseudoscience, for instance, by vice to doctors about maximizing placebo effects
alternately taking placebo pills and drug-con- in an ethically acceptable way.
taining pills. For mild disorders, the effect Gross, M. L. 1978. The Psychological Society: A Crit-
should be the same, but the cost would be less, ical Analysis of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psy-
as would the dependence on drugs, doctors, choanalysis and the Psychological Revolution.
and hospitals (Brown 1997, 60). In fact, many New York: Random House. Concludes that much
psychotherapies have appeared since the of the field borders on pseudoscience.
1970s that are little more than the placebo ef- Harrington, A., ed. 1997. The Placebo Effect: An In-
fect in disguise, for example, imagery, relax- terdisciplinary Exploration. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press. An anthology by ex-
ation, and self-hypnosis (Plotkin 1985, 251).
perts across many fields of interest.
In medicine, such an approach by doctors
Plotkin, W. B. 1985. “A Psychological Approach to
might be seen to imply deception or to involve
Placebo: The Role of Faith in Therapy and Treat-
real dangers if the placebo effect happened not ment.” In Placebo: Theory, Research, and Mecha-
to work. Nevertheless, it seems indefensible to nisms, edited by L. White, B. Tursky, and G. E.
use a negative tone (“we have no idea if a Schwartz, 237–254. New York: Guilford.
problem exists”) when a positive tone (“you Shapiro, A. K., and E. Shapiro. 1997. The Powerful
should soon feel better because we can find no Placebo: From Ancient Priest to Modern Physi-
problems”) produces notably better outcomes cian. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
(see Thomas 1987). Press. Focus is on medicine rather than psy-
Alternative therapists are better able to ex- chotherapy.
ploit the placebo effect because they tend to Thomas, K. B. 1987. “General Practice Consulta-
have great faith in their therapy, whether justi- tions: Is There Any Point in Being Positive?”
British Medical Journal 294: 1200–1202. Finds
fied or not, whereas conventional therapists
improvement rates of 64 percent for positive
are more cautious and are professionally
consultations versus 39 percent for negative con-
bound to reveal any limitations. But how to
encourage the faith on which everything de- Wall, P. D. 1999. “The Placebo and the Placebo Re-
pends if genuine effects are disclaimed? This is sponse.” In Textbook of Pain, 4th ed., edited by
the fundamental dilemma from which there is P. D. Wall and R. Melzack, 1419–1430. St. Louis,
no obvious escape. Of course, it could be ar- MO: W. B. Saunders. Dispels myths about the
gued that the faith involved would be of a new placebo effect.
Planetary Alignments

lanetary alignments occur when two or minimum, is the source of our light and

P more planets and the Sun and Moon

occasionally line up as seen from
Earth. Some wonder if the planets’ gravita-
warmth. In former times, when the planets
were unknowable lights in the sky that moved
in mysterious ways, it seemed reasonable to
tional forces are enhanced at such times and suppose that there was a link between their
if Earth is affected. In reality, the planets are motions and events on Earth. We humans are
so distant that their tidal forces on Earth are pattern-seeking animals, and our brains are
negligible. Planetary alignments can be pre- wired to find relationships—even when there
dicted in advance and are curiosities that can are none. Astrology was developed to give
be aesthetically pleasing when observable, but meaning to such imagined correspondences.
they have no effect on Earth or its inhabi- Jupiter appeared near Venus, and an earth-
tants. quake rocked the land only a week later—was
The solar system is flat, with the Sun at its it only coincidence? A miscarriage followed a
center and the planets circling it on concen- solar eclipse—was there a connection? Associ-
tric orbits. Earth lies in the plane of the solar ating astronomical occurrences with terres-
system, and we see the planets’ orbits edge- trial events seemed to help us understand the
on. As we look across space, the Sun seems to vagaries of nature. Eventually, we discovered
travel around the sky through the constella- that those puzzling moving lights in the sky
tions of the zodiac on a path called the eclip- are worlds that move according to the laws of
tic, while the planets (and the Moon) travel gravity, not through the intentions of some-
near the Sun’s path. They travel at different times malevolent gods, and thus that there is
speeds, so inevitably, the Sun, Moon, and no reason to fear their comings and goings.
planets must pass each other. When one Today, amateur astronomers enjoy watch-
planet passes another (or the Sun or Moon), ing planetary alignments for their novelty
the two are in “conjunction.” Occasionally, and, if the two objects are close enough, for
three or more planets gather together in what the beauty. The public imagines that the plan-
astronomers informally call a “massing” or ets are much closer to each other than they
“grouping.” The public calls all such gather- are in reality and that they exert significant
ings “alignments.” gravitational forces on each other when they
Historically, the sky has been the ultimate are aligned. Sensationalist books and films
source of mystery for humankind, and power- foster the misconception that enhanced tidal
ful forces have long been believed to dwell forces and unspecified “energy fields” trigger
there. Chief among those forces is the Sun, earthquakes or can even cause Earth to fall
which was worshiped as a god and which, at a over on its axis. Astrologers, psychics, pyramid

182 | p l a n e t a r y a l i g n m e n t s

experts, and prophesiers of apocalypse link rare alignment of planets (as seen from the
planetary alignments with historical mysteries Sun) that occurs once every 179 years would
such as the collapse of the Maya civilization or exert a strong tidal effect on the Sun, which
Noah’s flood, and they predict disaster of cos- would increase solar activity, which would
mic proportions when the planets align. The cause more sunspots, which would propel
broadcast media have a strong sensationalist more atomic particles toward Earth, which
element and often claim to present an “unbi- would disturb the normal circulation of
ased view so the viewer can decide,” spreading Earth’s atmosphere, which would cause sud-
unfiltered cries of doom and gloom quickly den major storms, which would cause abrupt
and widely. changes in Earth’s rotation, which would trig-
ger major quakes along faults (specifically, the
San Andreas) already subject to strain. The re-
ality was somewhat different. At their closest—
Recent Planetary Alignments on March 10, 1982, as seen from the Sun—the
planets spanned 95°, which is more than a
How often do the planets align, and what re- quarter of the sky and far from an alignment.
ally happens when they do? To explore these No chain is stronger than its weakest link, and
questions, we can look at recent planetary the “Jupiter effect” chain had several links
alignments, all of which were accompanied by that were suppositions at best. Nothing un-
predictions of cosmic catastrophe. usual happened on the predicted date.

February 5, 1962 May 5, 2000

The best planetary grouping in modern times In the book 5/5/2000, Richard Noone (1982,
happened on February 5, 1962. All five naked- 53) claimed that on that date, “for the first
eye planets plus the Sun and Moon were time in 6,000 years all the planets of our solar
massed within a circle 17° in diameter. The system will be arrayed in practically a straight
Moon passed directly in front of the Sun as line in space”—an alignment that would cause
seen from New Guinea and part of the Pacific the ice accumulated at the South Pole to upset
Ocean, where there was a total eclipse of the Earth’s axis and thereby initiate sudden and
Sun! The end of the world was predicted, but catastrophic floods and earthquakes. The au-
the news media were not so sensational in thor argued that the ancient Egyptians had
1962, and the alignment received much less warned us about this 6,000 years ago, adding
press than it would today. The alignment was that the same phenomenon happened to them,
especially feared in India, but the day turned too, which is why they built the Great Pyra-
out to be like any other. mid. Noone did not hint at how the planetary
alignment would cause Earth to self-destruct
in this book, which was really about “secrets of
March 10, 1982 the ancients.”
In contrast to the predictions advanced in
The Jupiter Effect, a book published in 1974, The Jupiter Effect, when there was no actual
claimed that a circuitous sequence of events planetary alignment, the planets did gather to-
would trigger earthquakes, especially in Cali- gether in May 2000, as was first predicted by
fornia, in 1982. The book’s thesis was that a the Belgian astronomer Jean Meeus in 1961.
p l a n e t a r y a l i g n m e n t s | 183

Illustration of aligned planets. (Antonio M. Rosario/The Image Bank)

On May 5, the five naked-eye planets plus the monthly. Groupings of four or more objects (or
Sun and Moon spanned just 25.9°. The Sun tight groupings of three) are comparatively
was part of the alignment, and the Moon and rare (De Meis and Meeus 1994). The Belgian
planets could not be seen. Twelve days later, astronomer Jean Meeus found that there are
on May 17, the five planets and the Sun (but 103 groupings between the years 3100 b.c.
not the Moon) spanned only 19.5°. There was and a.d. 2735 when the five naked-eye planets
widespread concern that such an alignment fit within a circle 25° or less in diameter,
would trigger a cosmic disaster, but, as always, which is an average of once every 57 years. Of
Earth emerged unscathed. these 103 groupings, the five planets fit within
a circle 10° in diameter on ten occasions (an
average of once every 584 years). The mini-
mum separation of the naked-eye planets
How Often Do the Planets Align? within this long time span was 4.3° on Febru-
ary 27, 1953 b.c. (Apparently, the Chinese cal-
Inevitably when discussing a planetary align- endar was reset to begin with the following
ment, someone asks, “How often does this new Moon on March 5.) The last three close
happen?” or “When will it happen again?” groupings were on a.d. April 30, 1821 (19.7°),
Alignments between two planets or a planet a.d. February 5, 1962 (15.8°), and a.d. May 17,
and the Sun and Moon (which, as mentioned, 2000 (19.5°). The next will be on September 8,
are properly called conjunctions) happen 2040 (9.3°). Most of these groupings include
roughly weekly. Loose groupings of three ob- the Sun and are not observable, but the 2040
jects are also common and happen almost grouping, which will also include the crescent
184 | p l a n e t a r y a l i g n m e n t s

Moon, will occur well to the east of the Sun Jupiter: 0.0000131
and will be spectacular at 7:30 p.m. Mars: 0.00000230
Mercury: 0.000000723
Saturn: 0.000000462
Uranus: 0.00000000735
Planetary Alignments and Earthquakes Neptune: 0.00000000213
Pluto: 0.000000000000139
Many people believe that when the planets
align, they have an effect on Earth. The as- The tidal force of one object on another is
sumption is that their gravity is focused and proportional to its mass and inversely propor-
magnified, increasing their tidal forces and tional to the cube of the distance between
triggering earthquakes. An understanding of them. The Moon has only 1/81 the mass of
gravity and tides shows that this is not so. Earth, but it exerts more than twice as much
Usually, the closeness of the alignment is tidal force as the Sun, which has 333,000
grossly overstated. The covers of both The times the mass of Earth but is about 400 times
Jupiter Effect and 5/5/2000 show the planets farther away than the Moon. Venus, which has
perfectly aligned and as close to each other as the same mass as Earth, exerts almost 10 times
billiard balls on a table. This common imagery as much tidal force on Earth as Jupiter, which
shapes the public perception. Generally, the has 318 times the mass of Earth but is 15 times
alignment is far less dramatic, but regardless of farther away than Venus. The book you are
how precisely the planets line up, we can eval- holding in your hands exerts 1 billion times as
uate the idea that planets cause earthquakes. much tidal force on your body as the planet
We can take two separate approaches in this Mars when Mars is at its closest.
regard. First, it is supposedly gravitational tidal Second, one could make lists of past earth-
forces that trigger earthquakes. The accompa- quakes and planetary alignments and compare
nying list shows the relative tidal force of each them to see if there is a correlation. This
planet on Earth when each planet is at its clos- would be, in principle, a simple task requiring
est. The Sun has 1 unit of tidal force on Earth; no theory and almost no knowledge—just pads
the Moon has a little more than twice the ef- of paper and lots of time. Seismologists record
fect of the Sun; and the other nine planets to- tens of thousands of earthquakes each year,
gether with all their moons add only another which is more than enough to do a proper sta-
1/5000 as much. If all the planets were to tistical sample. Anyone with time and access to
align perfectly, their gravity would raise a 2- a research library could look for a correlation
meter ocean tide by an additional 1/25 of a between tides and earthquakes, and the first
millimeter. The tidal forces of the planets are person to find such a correlation would be fa-
entirely negligible, and it makes no difference mous. Yet no one has yet found a convincing
to Earth whether they are aligned or not. relationship—probably because there is none.
Earthquakes are caused by motions within
Tidal Forces of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. We would like to predict them for obvi-
Planets on Earth ous reasons, but an appeal to the other planets
(derived from Thompson 1981, 220) or to astrology won’t help.
(The Sun’s tidal force equals 1.00) Times and circumstances of upcoming con-
Moon: 2.21 junctions are printed in popular astronomy
Sun: 1.00 magazines and can be downloaded from as-
Venus: 0.000113 tronomy sites on the World Wide Web. Be sure
p l a n e t a r y a l i g n m e n t s | 185

to go outside and watch those that are visible tronomical Association 104, no. 6 (December):
and enjoy one of nature’s more sublime spec- 293–297.
tacles as the grand gearwork of the cosmos oc- Gribbin, John, and Stephen Plagemann. 1974. The
casionally brings the planets into and out of Jupiter Effect. New York: Walker.
alignment. Meeus, Jean. 1961. “Compact Planetary Group-
ings.” Sky & Telescope 22: 320–321.
Noone, Richard. 1982. 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate
Disaster. New York: Harmony Books.
Schaefer, Bradley E. 2000. “Conjunctions That
De Meis, Salvo, and Jean Meeus. 1994. “Quintuple Changed the World.” Sky & Telescope 99: 28–34.
Planetary Groupings—Rarity, Historical Events, Thompson, L. C. 1981. “On the Trail of the Jupiter
and Popular Beliefs.” Journal of the British As- Effect.” Sky & Telescope 62: 220.
Polygraph and Lie Detection
M A R C E . P R A T A R E L L I

sing the polygraph to tell us who is ly- Special Agent Robert Hanssen, a veteran of

U ing and who is being truthful is one of

the most controversial yet challenging
enterprises facing social scientists, criminal in-
more than two decades of service and a mem-
ber of the FBI’s elite counterintelligence divi-
sion, had been secretly sharing highly classi-
vestigators, security personnel, the justice sys- fied information with the Russian KGB for
tem, and lawmakers. The controversy pits pro- over fifteen years. The FBI alleged that other
ponents of the polygraph, who believe they intelligence agents had lost their lives because
need every means available to detect decep- of the information Hanssen had provided, and
tive individuals, based solely on its functional- more important, that U.S. security had been
ity, against scientists or policymakers, who ar- compromised so extensively that the results
gue that any technology that supports our were incalculable. The criminal investigation
national security and influences judgments of Hanssen quickly led to an April 5, 2001,
about who did or didn’t commit a crime or hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
who can or can’t be trusted with sensitive in- whose members wanted to know not only why
formation must be theoretically and experi- Hanssen had gone undetected for so long but
mentally sound before it is implemented. also what internal security procedures were
There is general agreement among both the being relied upon by one of the most presti-
proponents and detractors of the polygraph gious criminal investigation agencies of the
that, in practice, it is both science and art. The federal government. The most notorious tech-
problem is that science is inherently an objec- nique in the FBI’s arsenal—as it is in many
tive enterprise bent on making logical and ra- other federal agencies, including the army,
tional interpretations of available data. In con- navy, and air force—was the polygraph.
trast, art and clinical skills involving human Less than a year before the Hanssen event,
beings are inherently fuzzy or subjective en- Wen Ho Lee, a scientist of Chinese descent
terprises clouded by subtle nuances and intu- working at the Department of Energy’s Los
itive or special, indescribable insights ac- Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico,
quired through much prior training and had been jailed, investigated, and released af-
experience; some refer to such special skills as ter many months of incarceration for al-
a gift. In either case, the ideal “lie detector” legedly leaking information to China about
would be one that commands the same kind details of the U.S. nuclear program. Adminis-
of scientific respectability that DNA technol- trators reacted by increasing security at nu-
ogy has earned since the early 1990s. clear facilities and announcing they would
During the spring of 2001, the U.S. Federal polygraph some 13,000 employees. The re-
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) discovered that sulting public outcry led to a million-dollar

p o ly g r a p h a n d l i e d e t e c t i o n | 187

Those who drafted and endorsed this measure

pointed to research that demonstrated the un-
reliability of the polygraph, including the fact
that it failed to detect deceivers (known as
false negatives) almost as often as it falsely im-
plicated innocent people (known as false posi-
tives). Not surprisingly, results of polygraph
examinations are also not admissible in court.
The EPPA, however, places limits only on
the private sector. Agencies and departments
of local, state, and federal governments and
certain federally contracted businesses have li-
cense to use it as needed. The principal areas
in which it is used include criminal investiga-
tions, routine personnel security screenings,
and preemployment screenings; thus, the FBI,
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and
other federal agencies require preemployment
polygraph exams as part of the battery of hon-
esty/integrity checks prior to being hired. Vari-
Suspect getting lie detector test, 1955.
(Bettmann/CORBIS) ous statistics suggest that better than 90 per-
cent of all polygraph examinations given are
for noncriminal investigations. The reason the
investigation by the National Academy of Sci- EPPA exempts government agencies is the im-
ences to evaluate the legitimacy of the poly- portant practical role the polygraph plays in
graph technique as a means of detecting spies enhancing national security, in forensic inves-
and their espionage. tigations, and as a purported deterrent to crim-
The academy’s investigation, like the Senate inal activity. Notwithstanding its pseudoscien-
Judiciary Committee hearing and other such tific nature (which will be discussed), nearly all
investigations, was a predictable reaction given professional polygraph examiners, as well as
both the history and the current state of poly- many government personnel working in na-
graph technology and the behavioral tech- tional security, criminal investigations, and
nique used to elicit confessions and assess other domains, will attest to its demonstrated
guilt. Although such hearings and investiga- usefulness in rooting out the occasional spy.
tions continue at present, one important issue (For example, Harold Nicholson of the CIA
has resurfaced in the ongoing polygraph con- produced a 97 percent probability of lying on
troversy: how scientific is the technique, and two critical questions in his polygraph exami-
in particular, how much of that technique is nation in 1995; subsequent FBI investigations
dependent on the subjective clinical skills of of Nicholson uncovered his regular pattern of
the polygraph examiner? foreign travel and large, unaccounted-for pay-
Problems with the polygraph test were ments to his personal bank account.) There is
judged significant enough to warrant passage little dispute that the polygraph is a useful tool
of the federal Employee Polygraph Protection in the criminal investigator’s arsenal for un-
Act (EPPA) in 1988, designed to protect U.S. covering criminal behavior. In addition, with
citizens from its use for employment purposes. less sophisticated individuals not trained in
188 | p o ly g r a p h a n d l i e d e t e c t i o n

counterintelligence and countermeasures patterns, heart rate, and blood pressure and
(which are designed to beat the polygraph), the presence of sweating are secondary mea-
the mere mention that the polygraph will be sures in that they must be preceded by some
used has helped to extract confessions. In a mental or emotional operation in the brain of
similar manner, the polygraph may also act as the examinee. Because the physiological activ-
a deterrent to future criminal behavior. Em- ity occurs subsequent to mental activity, it is
ployees are likely to be more honest given not a surprise to scientists that no unique lie-
their awareness that they will be screened pe- response pattern has ever emerged. Clearly, an
riodically. Moreover, awareness that a poly- informed examinee can compromise the poly-
graph examination is a routine part of the pre- graph test by any one of several techniques de-
employment process, as is customary with the signed to modify one’s thinking during the test
CIA, FBI, and other agencies, helps guarantee or by adding a physical reaction to the mental
that the candidate pool has high integrity. But operations during the test.
it is important to note that polygraph exams In practice, the trained polygraph examiner
are never the only tool used to validate em- attempts to make a determination about the
ployee integrity. examinee’s truthfulness during the test by
What is the basis for claims that the poly- carefully comparing the responses to “control”
graph is nothing more than junk science and or “comparison” questions with those to “rele-
that a myth surrounding its ability to ferret out vant” questions (Reid 1947). Relevant ques-
liars pervades much of society? The answer is tions are defined by the critical interests of the
complex and multifaceted because it involves a examiner or whoever is requiring the test re-
combination of the technological, physiologi- sults. For example, if an examinee is a suspect
cal, and psychological underpinnings of the in a kidnapping or, alternatively, is being con-
polygraph examination process. The earliest sidered for a position in the federal govern-
recognizable version of the polygraph was de- ment that would entail access to highly secret
veloped by William Marston, a psychologist in information, relevant questions to these two
the early 1900s (Marston 1917). Over the next different scenarios might be, respectively: “Did
few years, as the crude technology of electro- you remove the child from the Johnsons’
physiological recording advanced, the first home? or “Have you ever had contact with an
version of the present polygraph appeared. It agent of a foreign government?” Guilty or de-
measured three essential components of a per- ceptive individuals would, in theory, produce
son’s physiological reactivity. According to the- greater physiological reactivity in one or more
ory, this reactivity was derived from some de- of the three indicators mentioned earlier if
gree of psychological anxiety arising out of they responded “No” to a relevant question
guilt because the examinee was knowingly and because they might perceive a sense of guilt in
intentionally deceiving or concealing informa- their dishonest response. But one of the major
tion from the examiner (Abrams 1989). criticisms of the polygraph is that innocent
The conventional polygraph records respi- persons who are suspected of the same crimes
ration and heart rate, blood pressure, and skin might produce significant responses to the rel-
conductance (the sweating response). From evant question(s) because they are nervous or
these three autonomic indicators of bodily petrified that their reaction might suggest they
arousal, dozens of refined measures can be ex- are guilty or being deceptive when, in fact,
tracted—and therein lies one of the major, fun- they are not. For this reason, comparison (or
damental problems with the physiological ele- control) questions were developed. Individuals
ment of the polygraph. Changes in breathing are instructed to lie intentionally to benign
p o ly g r a p h a n d l i e d e t e c t i o n | 189

questions so that their deceptive or nervous the most popular questioning technique in use
physiological reactions can be compared both for criminal investigations and, more im-
against their reactions to relevant questions. portant, for the routine periodic security
Comparison questions in the Control Ques- screening exams given to many government
tion Test (CQT) are questions about behaviors employees and for the preemployment screen-
that most, if not all, individuals in society have ing exams given to job applicants.
committed at one time or another—for exam- Another exam that was popular in the rare
ple, “Have you ever lied to anyone?” or “Have cases when the criminal investigator could fur-
you ever failed to return something that wasn’t nish reliable factual information to the poly-
yours?” or “Have you ever exceeded the speed graph examiner was called the Guilty Knowl-
limit?” Polygraph researchers have suggested edge Test (GKT) (Lykken 1959). The essence of
that, in theory, the innocent person should be the questioning in the GKT was a multiple-
more concerned with their responses to these choice exam with questions much like the kid-
comparison questions than to the relevant napping question asked earlier. In the GKT, ex-
questions. But therein lies yet another prob- aminees were asked crime-relevant questions,
lem with the CQT approach. It is assumed that and the physiological signatures of the re-
certain questions will always elicit a deceptive sponses were later compared to responses to ir-
response. The assumption is that during an in- relevant truthful response questions such as “Is
terrogation, the subject will be fearful of ad- your name John Doe?” or “Were you born on
mitting to any criminal or immoral act and September 12, 1971?” A person who produced
therefore will lie to the investigator, even more physiological reactivity to the crime-rele-
though virtually every person has committed vant questions as compared to the irrelevant
the act in question (Ford 1995). questions was judged to be deceptive.
In response to the criticisms leveled at the
CQT, a somewhat more sophisticated version References:
of the test was elaborated by Charles Honts Abrams, S. 1989. The Complete Polygraph Hand-
and David Raskin (1988). Under their Di- book. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
rected Lie Control Test (DLCT), the examinee Ford, C. V. 1995. Lies, Lies, Lies: The Psychology of
is instructed not only to lie in response to con- Deceit. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric.
trol or comparison questions but also to actu- Honts, C. R., and D. C. Raskin. 1988. “A Field Study
ally think of a particular case when they had of the Validity of the Directed Lie Control Ques-
violated the issue being asked in the compari- tion.” Journal of Police Science and Administra-
son question. In this way, an examinee should tion 16: 56–61.
Lykken, D. T. 1959. “The GSR in the Detection of
be even more concerned about their lie re-
Guilty Knowledge.” Journal of Applied Psychol-
sponse to the comparison question than to
ogy 43: 385–388.
their truthful response to the relevant ques-
Marston, W. M. 1917. “Systolic Blood Pressure
tions. The benefit to using either the CQT or Symptoms of Deception.” Journal of Experimen-
DLCT is that the polygraph examiner needn’t tal Psychology 2: 117–163.
have any factual information or evidence re- Reid, J. E. 1947. “A Revised Questioning Technique
lating to a particular crime. This is why the in Lie Detection Tests.” Journal of Criminal Law,
most modern version of the CQT is currently Criminology, and Police Science 37: 542–547.
Prayer and Healing

hen a person becomes ill, it is virtu- medical doctors when they are ill and choose

W ally inevitable that a friend, family

member, or loved one will offer
prayers for a speedy recovery—but do such
prayer instead, either by themselves or with a
Christian Science “practitioner”—someone
who has a minimum of two weeks of instruc-
prayers really have any effect? Do those who tion in the use of prayer to conquer disease.
are prayed for recover more quickly and have If prayer is effective at curing illness, one
fewer complications? Although most skeptics would think that the life expectancy of Chris-
have their doubts, believers have begun using tian Scientists would be at least equal to that
the scientific method to test the efficacy of the of their non–Christian Science peers who re-
power of prayer, and they are claiming they sort to traditional Western medicine. Although
now have proof that prayer heals. the Christian Science church does not publish
One of the most significant achievements of (or even collect) any statistics about their suc-
the last millennium has been the shift from a cess rates, a clever study done in 1989 was
religious- and folklore-based system of medi- able to shed some light on this matter by com-
cine to a more scientific, evidence-based paring the mortality rates of those who had
model. For example, what once was believed graduated from Principia College, a Christian
to be the result of possession by demons is Science college in Illinois, between 1934 and
now recognized as a brain disorder called 1948 and those who graduated from the Uni-
epilepsy and can be treated with medication. versity of Kansas during the same years. The
The average U.S. citizen born in 1900 had a study found that even though Christian Sci-
life expectancy of only forty-seven years; life ence tenets forbid the use of alcohol or to-
expectancy today exceeds seventy-seven bacco, factors that should improve mortality
years. Smallpox, once responsible for 2 mil- rates, the male death rate was 25 percent
lion deaths a year, has been eradicated (ex- higher for Christian Scientists than for their
cepting possible terrorist sources). And the peers at the University of Kansas. The female
last crippling case of polio in the United States death rate was 15 percent higher (Simpson
occurred in 1979. Yet despite the obvious suc- 1989).
cess of these science-based medical advances, One of the first people to use rational, sci-
the belief that prayer alone can heal the sick entific inquiry to determine the effectiveness
persists. of prayer was Sir Francis Galton of Britain, in
The Christian Science religion, for exam- 1872. Galton framed his inquiry as a simple
ple, teaches that illness is an illusion and that statistical question: are prayers answered, or
prayer, by invoking natural spiritual laws, can are they not? “There are two lines of research,
dispel illness. Thus, Christian Scientists avoid by either of which we may pursue this in-

p r a y e r a n d h e a l i n g | 191

quiry,” he wrote. “The one that promises the and the other was not. The patients did not
most trustworthy results is to examine large know they were part of a study, and the exam-
classes of cases, and to be guided by broad av- ining physicians did not know to which group
erages; the other, which I will not employ in the patients were assigned. When the patients’
these pages, is to deal with isolated instances” progress was evaluated after several months,
(Galton 1872, 125). no significant difference between the groups
Galton compared the longevity of several could be found (Joyce and Welldon1965).
different groups to arrive at his conclusions. Probably the most cited study in this field
Since every person who attended the Church was done by Dr. Randolph Byrd and published
of England at that time prayed for the well- in 1988. Byrd divided patients on a cardiac
being of the royal family, he compared the unit of a major San Francisco hospital into two
royals’ life spans with those of members of groups and had Christian volunteers pray for
other well-to-do classes and found the sover- half of them. He tracked twenty-six different
eigns to have the shortest lives of the group. “problem” events during the study, such as the
He then went on to compare the life spans of need for medication for chest pain, the devel-
distinguished members of the clergy, whom he opment of pneumonia, or the need for a pace-
noted would be among the most prayerful peo- maker. Byrd claimed that prayer was effective
ple, with those of lawyers and medical doctors. in twenty-one of the twenty-six measured cate-
He found the clergy to have the shorter life gories (Byrd 1988). But was it really?
spans. Galton also looked at infant mortality Byrd admitted that he studied so many in-
rates, rates of psychiatric disturbance, and terrelated variables that his statistical analysis
even whether ships carrying missionaries, for was of limited value; in reality, only three of
whom many would be praying, had better out- the twenty-six variables showed a significant
comes than ships carrying slave traders. In result. The Byrd study also failed to adequately
every instance, he found that the prayers of control for preexisting conditions. That is, the
the faithful had no statistical effect on the out- control group had more admission diagnoses
comes (Galton 1872). of acute heart attacks, more cases of irregular
One of the most significant developments in heart rhythm, more heart valve disease, and
research techniques over the past century has even more patients admitted with cardiac ar-
been the use of the double-blind, placebo-con- rest. Yet despite their advantage over the con-
trolled study. In such a study, neither the sub- trol group, the prayed-for patients still needed
jects nor the researchers know who is receiv- more medication for heart pain, had more un-
ing the test treatment and who is receiving the stable heart pain, had a higher percentage of
placebo, or control, treatment until after the readmissions to the coronary care unit, and
study is complete. This research method signif- needed four times the number of temporary
icantly reduces the chance that a normal pacemakers and three times the number of
placebo response will be mistaken for a thera- permanent pacemakers as did the control
peutic response; it also reduces the likelihood group. Even though Byrd asked his volunteers
of researcher bias affecting the results. to pray specifically for a “rapid recovery and
One of the first uses of the double-blind for prevention of complications and death” for
method to investigate intercessory prayer their patients, his study found no significant
(prayer said on behalf of others) was con- difference between the groups in the length of
ducted at the London Hospital Medical Col- stay in the cardiac unit, the total days spent in
lege in 1965. Researchers assigned patients to the hospital, or the number of deaths during
two groups: one was prayed for by volunteers, the study.
192 | p r a y e r a n d h e a l i n g

At least one subsequent study attempted to

replicate Byrd’s experiment. On October 25,
1999, the Archives of Internal Medicine, a
peer-reviewed journal of the American Med-
ical Association, published a study on the effi-
cacy of remote, intercessory prayer on a group
of nearly 1,000 patients admitted to the car-
diac unit of a major hospital (Harris et al.
1999). The patients were divided into two
groups (depending upon whether their med-
ical record number was odd or even), with one
group receiving prayer and the other acting as
a control. The praying was done by Christian
volunteers in their own homes who knew only
the first names of the patients for whom they
were praying. Neither the patients nor their
doctors were informed that a study was occur-
ring. The authors claimed that the patients
who were prayed for had a significantly (11
percent) better outcome than those in the con-
trol group.
The authors of this study measured thirty-
three different variables during the course of Monk praying, Burma. (Eric Meola/The Image
the patients’ hospitalization but found no sig- Bank)
nificant differences between the prayer group
and the control group on any of these vari- higher rate of diabetics, and a 10 percent
ables. But in fact, the prayed-for patients had a higher rate of patients with chronic kidney
higher rate of readmission to the coronary failure. No preexisting conditions were simi-
care unit, a higher rate of pneumonia, longer larly overrepresented in the prayed-for group.
hospital stays, and even a higher mortality The increased chance of complications in the
rate. It was only after the researchers imposed control group due to these preexisting condi-
what they described as a global “hospital tions could easily account for the small differ-
course” rating scale on the data that they were ence noted between the groups on the “hospi-
able to discover a positive response in the tal course” rating scale.
prayed-for group. Also, a subsequent analysis In yet another attempt to prove the power of
of this study found that five serious preexisting intercessory prayer, Scott Walker, a physician
medical conditions were overrepresented in and an assistant professor of psychiatry at the
the control group in this study (Courcey University of New Mexico, tracked whether pa-
2000). Consequently, the control group started tients in his alcohol treatment program who
off with a 62 percent higher rate of patients were being prayed for had better outcomes
with acute pulmonary edema (which causes than those who reported no one praying for
the lungs to fill with fluid), a 31 percent higher them. Walker concluded that “compared with
rate of patients with heart valve disease, an 18 a normative group of patients treated at the
percent higher rate of patients who had a his- same facility, participants in the prayer study
tory of previous heart attacks, a 10 percent experienced a delay in drinking reduction.
p r a y e r a n d h e a l i n g | 193

Those who reported at baseline that a family in the prestigious British medical journal
member or friend was already praying for Lancet, Richard Sloan of Columbia University
them were found to be drinking significantly noted that the research linking prayer and
more at 6 months than were those who re- health “is weak, with significant methodologic
ported being unaware of anyone praying for flaws, conflicting findings, and a lack of clarity
them” (Walker et al. 1997, 85). and specificity” (Sloan, Bagiella, and Powell
Another thrust of recent prayer research has 1999, 664). He concluded that there is no evi-
been to document the health effects of self- dence at all that “religious activities, such as
prayer. Much of this research has been funded prayer or reading the Bible, play a role in im-
by the Templeton Foundation, a Christian or- proving health, despite their importance in
ganization whose stated goal is to encourage people’s spiritual lives” (Sloan, Bagiella, and
religious faith by using scientific research to Powell 2000).
show the positive effects of spiritual practice. As former editor of the Journal of the Amer-
When the funding organization has such an ican Medical Association, George Lundberg
overt agenda, one must examine the research has had the opportunity to review reams of re-
very critically. For example, one of Templeton’s search purporting to document the health
primary sponsored researchers, Harold Koenig benefits of spirituality, faith, and prayer, yet he
of Duke University, conducted a study of hos- remains thoroughly skeptical: “Evidence of re-
pitalized, medically ill, elderly men and fo- ligious faith producing healing is anecdotal
cused on the coping strategies these men used only,” Lundberg noted. “In the past 15 years,
for the depression that can arise from being di- not one of the articles submitted to the journal
agnosed with a serious illness. Koenig and col- describing the direct effects of spirituality,
leagues (1992) reported that those who used prayer or church attendance on staying well or
religious coping, including prayer, were less getting well has survived the journal’s peer re-
depressed on a subsequent admission to the view process” (Rubin 1998).
hospital. A more objective review of the data
from this study, however, would indicate that References:
those who expressed strong religious beliefs Byrd, R. C. 1988. “Positive Therapeutic Effects of
and used prayer as a coping mechanism were Intercessary Prayer in a Coronary Care Unit Pop-
being hospitalized with acute illnesses (such as ulation.” Southern Medical Journal 81, no. 7:
cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, respira- 826–829.
tory disease, and neurological dysfunction) at Courcey, K. M. 2000. “Medical Claims for Interces-
rates two to four times higher than those who sory Prayer Remain Elusive.” Scientific Review of
expressed “no religious preference.” By focus- Alternative Medicine 4, no. 2: 9–11.
ing on whether the subjects’ prayers simply Galton, F. 1872. “Statistical Inquiries into the Effi-
made them less depressed about their physical cacy of Prayer.” Fortnightly Review 12: 125–135.
illness, Koenig was able to avoid the more pen- Harris, W. S., M. Gowda, J. W. Kolb, C. P. Strychacz,
J. L. Vacek, P. G. Jones, A. Forker, J. H. O’Keefe,
etrating question of whether this group was ac-
and B. D. McCallister. 1999. “A Randomized,
tually more prone to physical and psychiatric
Controlled Trial of the Effects of Remote, Inter-
illness. Furthermore, he was unable to repli-
cessory Prayer on Outcomes in Patients Admitted
cate his finding of decreased depression in a to the Coronary Care Unit.” Archives of Internal
similar study done in 1998. Medicine 159, no. 19: 2273–2278.
Much of the research attempting to establish Joyce, C. R. B., and R. M. C. Welldon. 1965. “The
a link between prayer and health is similarly Efficacy of Prayer: A Double-Blind Clinical
flawed. In a review of the research published Trial.” Journal of Chronic Disease 18: 367–377.
194 | p r a y e r a n d h e a l i n g

Koenig, H. G., H. J. Cohen, D. G. Blazer, C. Pieper, Sloan, R. P., E. Bagiella, and T. Powell. 1999. “Reli-
K. G. Meador, F. Shelp, V. Goli, and B. Di- gion, Spirituality, and Medicine.” Lancet 353:
Pasquale. 1992. “Religious Coping and Depres- 664–667.
sion among Elderly, Hospitalized Medically Ill Sloan, R. P., and L. VandeCreek. 2000. “Religion
Men.” American Journal of Psychiatry 149: and Medicine: Why Faith Should Not Be Mixed
1693–1700. with Science.” Medscape, August 2.
Rubin, A. J. 1998. “Pills and Prayer.” Washington Walker, S. R., J. S. Tonigan, W. R. Miller, S. Corner,
Post, January 11. and L. Kahlich. 1997. “Intercessory Prayer in the
Simpson, W. F. 1989. “Comparative Longevity in a Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: A
College Cohort of Christian Scientists.” Journal Pilot Investigation.” Alternative Therapies in
of the American Medical Association 262: 1657– Health and Medicine 3: 79–86.
Pseudoscience and Science
A Primer in Critical Thinking

D . A L A N B E N S L E Y

n a commonly cited definition, critical ognize the need to examine and evaluate all

I thinking has been described as “reason-

able, reflective thinking that is focused on
deciding what to believe or do” (Ennis 1987,
of the relevant evidence—not just the positive
evidence that supports some favored claim or
theory but also the negative evidence that
9). As such, critical thinking is an approach to could refute it.
knowledge that emphasizes the importance of Those who practice a pseudoscience, such
reflecting on or thinking about the basis of as astrology or creationism, do not consis-
one’s beliefs. The critical thinker comes to be- tently follow the rules of good reasoning and
lieve that which is supported by good reasons are not careful in their use of evidence. They
or strong evidence. If people do not think often accept low-quality evidence in support
critically, they may fall prey to many exagger- of their claims and ignore evidence that does
ated, unfounded, and dubious claims made by not support the claims they advance. For ex-
those who practice pseudoscience. Pseudo- ample, many people who believe that we are
science is an approach that only appears to be visited by alien beings from other planets base
scientific; it is thought to differ from science their belief almost totally upon the informal
in important ways. Although critical thinking observations of people who claim to have
is often associated with those taking a scien- seen aliens and their spaceships. These anec-
tific approach and not with those taking a dotes or descriptions of personal experiences
pseudoscientific approach, it has sometimes are a weak kind of evidence because individ-
proven difficult to differentiate science from ual experiences are unique, unrepeatable
pseudoscience in practice. events that are subject to many kinds of error.
Using the definition of critical thinking just At the same time, these believers tend to ig-
given, scientific thinking can be framed as a nore the almost complete lack of physical evi-
kind of critical thinking and can be contrasted dence for alien visitation. Using careful, sys-
with the approach of pseudoscience. Like the tematic methods of observation, scientists
critical thinker, the scientist should seek good have been unable to verify alien visitation.
reasons supported by strong evidence in eval- Believers tend to ignore this negative, higher-
uating claims and hypotheses. Science espe- quality evidence.
cially values empirical evidence, that is, evi- A core assumption in the definition of criti-
dence based on carefully made observations. cal thinking is that it involves the use of crite-
Also, both critical and scientific thinkers rec- ria for deciding what to believe or do. A crite-

196 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e

rion is a standard, benchmark, or condition abide by the conventional rules and methods
that is used to weigh the truth or value of some that science establishes.
claim. The rules of logic may be thought of as Astrology is often taken as the classic exam-
criteria applied to evaluating the soundness of ple of a pseudoscience. Astrologers use mathe-
an argument. One such rule used by critical matics (rules for handling numbers) to calcu-
thinkers is that a conclusion should be consis- late horoscopes and so may appear to be doing
tent with evidence. Scientists often use a simi- science. In this case, they follow the rules of
lar rule in assuming that a theory must be con- mathematics and thus are using the criterion
sistent with observations relevant to it. In that a good horoscope is calculated accurately.
contrast, pseudoscience does not consistently The problem, however, is that these complex
rely upon the criterion that a theory be consis- calculations are made using incorrect assump-
tent with carefully and systematically obtained tions about the relationship between patterns
observations. in the planets and stars and a person’s time of
A scientific community also develops its own birth. There is no good evidence to support
criteria for deciding what makes a conclusion the astrological claim that one’s personality
sound and how to handle evidence. For exam- characteristics or future can be accurately pre-
ple, geologists use a method from physics dicted from the position of the stars and plan-
known as radiocarbon dating to decide the age ets (Kelly 1997).
of certain fossils. A radioactive form of carbon Scientists also sometimes make predictions
called carbon 14 is found in living things and from incorrect premises, but there is a big dif-
is part of their fossilized remains after they ference in the two approaches. Scientists sys-
have died. By tracking the constant rate of de- tematically check the outcome of their predic-
cay in the amount of carbon 14 in a fossil, sci- tions and by doing so find out when those
entists can measure its age back to about predictions are in error. And when their pre-
70,000 years. By comparing their observations dictions are not supported by observations, sci-
using carbon dating with the results from entists eventually reject a theory or change it
other methods for dating old objects, scientists to be consistent with observations. Thus, sci-
have determined that carbon-dating estimates ence is a dynamic approach to knowledge that
of age have a margin of error. So, for example, is self-correcting. In contrast, astrology has re-
scientists might estimate a fossilized bone from mained mostly unchanged for centuries de-
an early modern human to be 30,000 years spite evidence that its predictions are often in
old, give or take up to 8,000 years under ordi- error.
nary conditions. Some creationists who sup- Critical thinkers and scientists also use other
port a literal interpretation of the Bible and criteria, such as plausibility, to evaluate claims
believe the earth is only 6,000 years old object and to guide their inquiries. A claim is plausi-
to this margin of error. Instead, they say that ble if it seems reasonable, given other things
the method produces errors on the order of that are known. For example, given what is
tens of thousands of years and that, as a result, known about mechanics and the law of ther-
this method does not disprove their belief that modynamics, it is implausible that someone
humans originated only 6,000 years ago. could build a perpetual-motion machine that
When they do this, creationists have rejected would not create friction and run down. But
the use of a scientific criterion that a commu- despite the implausibility of this notion, people
nity of scientists has developed from physical have claimed they have built such machines,
evidence. In general, those who take a pseudo- though none have been able to convincingly
scientific approach often fail to accept and demonstrate that their machines do not run
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e | 197

down. It is important to note, however, that regard was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who, be-
applying the criterion of plausibility may not fore writing the Sherlock Holmes books, was
always lead to a sound conclusion. In the trained as a physician. Although his famous
1800s, landing a person on the moon must hero was known for his great powers of rea-
have seemed very implausible, but that very soning, Doyle himself was taken in by spirit
feat was accomplished in 1969. This example mediums who claimed they could contact his
illustrates how critical thinkers need to take dead relatives. He also believed in the Cotting-
into account what is known in deciding what ley fairies shown in the next figure. In 1917,
to believe or do. In contrast to pseudoscience, two young English girls, Frances Griffiths and
critical thinkers and scientists treat their be- Elsie Wright, reported that they had taken pic-
liefs, hypotheses, and theories as tentative and tures of fairies that visited them; Doyle tended
capable of revision based on the evidence. to believe the statements of Theosophists
Many people persist in believing paranor- (members of a group that believed in astrology
mal and pseudoscientific claims for which and Spiritualism) when they endorsed these
there is no good evidence. A recent study of supposed sightings.
college students’ beliefs has shown that 99.4 Doyle turned to photography experts to
percent of those surveyed expressed some be- check out the photos. When he asked workers
lief in one or more of the following: astrology, at Eastman Kodak to examine the first photo,
biorhythms, extrasensory perception (ESP)/ they reported that it did not appear to be a
psychokinesis, extraterrestrial visitation, fire hoax but added that they could produce such a
walking, out-of-body experiences, precogni- photo with their advanced techniques. Doyle
tion in dreams, reincarnation, spiritual com- did not seem to be overly troubled by this re-
munication with the dead through mediums, port or the fact that one of the girls, sixteen-
and tarot cards (Messer and Griggs 1989). As year-old Elsie, had artistic skill and worked in
noted in many of the articles in this volume, a photography shop. More recent expert
these phenomena have not been substantiated analysis of the first photo suggests that it was
by scientific evidence. People also adopt many contrived by Elsie using cutouts of fairy figures
commonsense or folk psychological beliefs that (Randi 1982).
are at odds with the findings of science. For That working scientists sometimes fail to
example, a good number believe that the think critically was shown in a study by
phases of the moon cause people to go crazy Michael Mahoney (1977), who asked reviewers
or behave abnormally, as reflected in the com- at a scientific journal to evaluate manuscripts
mon term lunatic. Yet a review of research on of articles that were identical except for their
the connection between changes in the moon results. He found that the reviewers gave
and various indicators of abnormal/deviant higher ratings to those articles with results that
behavior (such as admissions to mental hospi- supported their own favored theoretical posi-
tals and fights at hockey games) consistently tion as opposed to identical submissions that
show no correlation (Rotton and Kelly 1985). had contrary results. This suggests that scien-
Therefore, the critical thinker should reject tists who lack objectivity may fail to think crit-
the popular but unsupported belief in this re- ically about the evidence presented to them.
lationship between the moon and human be- Scientists sometimes even come to believe
havior (Bensley 1998). in pseudoscientific theories. An important ex-
Perhaps surprisingly, scientists and other ample of this involved the theory known as
scientifically trained individuals sometimes fail phrenology, which was developed in the nine-
to think critically. A striking example in this teenth century by the anatomists Franz Joseph
198 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e

Frances Griffiths with fairies, photographed by Elsie Wright at Cottingley Glen, West Yorkshire, July 1917.
Later admitted as hoax by Wright. (Fortean Picture Library)

Gall and Johann Spurzheim. Phrenology was psychologists do today. He also began with the
the mistaken notion that bumps and indenta- working assumption that the structures in the
tions on a person’s skull indicated that individ- brain accounting for these faculties could be
ual’s specific characteristics and abilities. Gall revealed in the surface features of the skull.
and his student Spurzheim were originally in Thus, Gall began with a scientific approach.
the mainstream of conventional science, and Phrenology, however, evolved into a pseu-
they wrote a significant book on anatomy that doscientific movement when Spurzheim began
was published in 1813. However, based on the to part ways from his more scientifically rigor-
informal observation of a schoolmate who had ous teacher. He announced that he intended to
good verbal memory and also protruding eyes, take a philosophical approach to faculties. In
Gall developed the more controversial phre- the years that followed, Spurzheim and other
nology hypothesis. Gall’s theory incorporated phrenologists added and subdivided faculties
elements from the more commonly accepted to make a long list of characteristics that al-
philosophical view that the mind was com- legedly correlated with the features of the
posed of faculties with the developing view skull, based on little or no empirical support.
that the brain was the site of the mind (Leahey The figure opposite shows a phrenological
and Leahey 1983). He initiated a careful re- map of the skull divided into many areas, each
search program using behaviors as indicators of which is associated with a specific charac-
of mental faculties to identify those that were teristic. Spurzheim and other phrenologists
supported by observations, much as scientific also began to accept as a principle the idea
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e | 199

that the skull reflected underlying faculties, side surface of the skull is relatively smooth
which was apparently only a working assump- and rounded to make room for relatively large
tion for Gall (Leahey and Leahey 1983). areas of brain. These facts were known at the
The phrenologists used sophisticated-looking time of the phrenologists but were apparently
equipment to measure the bumps and indenta- ignored.
tions on a person’s skull. From these observa- From the perspective of psychological sci-
tions and information about the person, they ence, phrenology was a very complex theory
would connect the bumps and indentations to with many untested assumptions. Psychology as
characteristics such as benevolence and self- a science was not founded formally until 1879,
esteem. and there was no comprehensive, scientifically
The problem with the phrenology that arose based theory of personality until the twentieth
after Gall was that it was pseudoscience. Al- century. Nevertheless, phrenologists proposed
though the equipment looks sophisticated, that many characteristics, such as cautiousness
there is no plausible reason to think that hav- and secretiveness, were related to skull fea-
ing measurements of the relatively small tures, even though these characteristics had
bumps and indentations on the surface of the themselves never been studied scientifically.
skull would have anything to do with the con- Science is a very careful, deliberate ap-
tour of the brain underneath. The brain is a proach to knowledge and explanation. As such,
gelatinous mass that can take on many forms. it does not propose complex, untested ideas to
Thus, the skull need not have bumps or inden- explain phenomena that may have simpler
tations to accommodate the rather small and and more empirically justified explanations. In
specific brain structures underneath, which contrast, practitioners of pseudoscience often
the phrenologists thought corresponded to the propose notions for which simpler explana-
many specific characteristics. In fact, the in- tions based on what is known would suffice.
For example, advocates of the existence of ESP
propose psychic ability as an explanation of
occasions when people seem to know things
they wouldn’t ordinarily be expected to know.
In many of these cases, the advocates fail to of-
fer the simpler, more plausible explanations
that are available. Thus, a person thought to
be showing psychic ability may actually be re-
ceiving information from someone else, be en-
gaging in trickery, or may just be making some
lucky guesses. All three of these explanations
are well documented, whereas unseen, non-
physical psychic abilities such as extrasensory
perception are not. Similarly, the phrenologists
accounted for human behavior based on elab-
orate sets of traits that were not supported by
The phrenological head, with locations of Another problem with phrenology as pseu-
propensities. From Nelson Sizer’s Heads and Faces, doscience was that the phrenologists did not
and How to Study Them, 1892. (Fortean Picture carefully measure individual characteristics.
Library) Rather, they often identified the characteristics
200 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e

that were thought to go with the bumps and with false evidence. When, however, creation-
indentations after the fact. Consequently, they ists propose that some unobservable entity
could not make accurate predictions about a such as God or Satan has made it so that no
person’s characteristics from the shape of that good observations can be made to study cre-
person’s skull. This is illustrated by an anec- ation, then they have made it impossible to
dote of how François Magendie, the great disconfirm or refute the hypothesis (Hines
nineteenth-century physiologist, tested Spurz- 1988). The conduct of science depends on be-
heim’s use of phrenological theory (Krech ing able to make observations, but creationists
1962). Magendie invited Spurzheim to his have rendered the question into a nonscien-
home to examine the preserved brain of the tific form.
brilliant French philosopher and mathemati- Yet another problem with pseudoscientific
cian Pierre Laplace. Unbeknownst to Spurz- claims and predictions is their vagueness. Crit-
heim, Magendie had substituted the brain of a ical thinkers and scientists strive for clarity in
mentally retarded man. Spurzheim admired their use of language. They make their predic-
the brain of the retarded person as if it had be- tions specific so that they can be tested, yield-
longed to Laplace, which clearly suggests that ing one outcome or another. In contrast, the
he was unable to use phrenology to make ac- predictions of psychics are notorious for their
curate predictions or diagnoses. Spurzheim vagueness. As a result, psychic predictions are
was unable to critically evaluate the surface susceptible to post hoc, or after-the-fact, ex-
features of the retarded person’s brain to rec- planations when they do not turn out to be
ognize that they were inconsistent with the correct. Scientists, too, must be careful to
features of a highly intelligent person as iden- make specific predictions that can be discon-
tified by phrenological theory. firmed. For example, philosophers and psy-
Another problem with pseudoscience is the chologists have criticized the psychoanalytic
tendency to form irrefutable or unfalsifiable approach of Sigmund Freud and his followers
hypotheses. For example, when proponents of as pseudoscience because it does not make
ESP are confronted with research evidence specific predictions and stick to them. They say
that does not support its existence, they often that psychoanalysis makes complex, often
claim that the presence of an experimenter metaphorical assumptions about how the mind
making observations causes “negative energy” works but without providing clear rules for
to be transmitted. The skepticism of the scien- how those assumptions apply. As a result, psy-
tists is thought to interfere with the sensitive choanalysis can be used to explain any phe-
psychic abilities of the subjects. As noted by nomenon after it occurs. Freud wrote volumi-
Keith Stanovich (1998), if scientists are not al- nously and used psychoanalysis to try to
lowed to make observations, it is impossible to explain everything from common slips of the
scientifically study ESP because the hypothe- tongue to religious beliefs. However, he did no
sis cannot be tested and possibly disconfirmed. experimental tests of his theory, preferring to
Similarly, when confronted with geologic evi- support that theory with after-the-fact cases
dence suggesting that fossils of living things and informal observations. In contrast, experi-
are millions and not thousands of years old, mental psychologists make specific predictions
creationists sometimes counter with the pro- in order to test their theories and hypotheses.
posal that God has made the world appear to Psychoanalysts might tout the ability of their
be much older than it actually is in order to theory to explain any event as a virtue, but
test the faith of people. Another variation of philosopher Karl Popper has said that this is
this rebuttal is that Satan is tempting people actually a weakness. When scientists make spe-
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e | 201

cific predictions that can be disconfirmed, they better theory comes along. Philosopher of sci-
add strength to a theory if the predictions turn ence Imre Lakatos (1970) argued that al-
out to support it (Popper 1959). For example, though scientists may appear to be uncritical
before the solar eclipse of 1919, Albert Ein- and irrational in the short run, they no longer
stein used his new theory of relativity to make seem so when we look at how they change
the specific and risky prediction that the im- their theories over the long run. When scien-
mense gravity of the Sun would bend the light tists first obtain the negative evidence, they are
coming from background stars. Although the not sure what these observations mean. Be-
results of testing this risky prediction could cause theories are general principles that are
have disconfirmed the theory of relativity, consistent with many observations, they take a
many physicists strengthened their belief in the conservative approach and do not reject the
theory when it was observed that the Sun did, entire theory at first but instead reject more
in fact, bend the light of the background stars. peripheral assumptions. Over time, scientists
In contrast to pseudoscience, science in- are rational in that the theories they move to-
volves thinking critically about the meaning of ward are more consistent with all of the evi-
systematic observations. But some philoso- dence. For Lakatos, the failure to quickly re-
phers of science have challenged this view, ject a theory with negative evidence serves as a
pointing to the irrational origins of modern practical strategy that helps scientists move to-
science. For instance, Sir Isaac Newton, who ward a sound theory over time. It is not a sign
did much to champion a rational approach to of dogmatism or of holding fast to a favored
experimental physics, also did many experi- theory regardless of the evidence.
ments on alchemy and wrote on that subject. Authorities in the area of critical thinking
Alchemy—a very old mystical approach in have often argued that the ability to think crit-
which various substances were mixed together ically involves acquiring the skills of reasoning
with the goal of producing gold—is inconsis- and good thinking along with the dispositions
tent with the basic principles of physical sci- and attitudes required to make use of those
ence and never actually yielded gold. The fact skills. Examples of critical-thinking skills are
that Newton did not merely dabble in alchemy the abilities to identify claims, to evaluate dif-
but conducted much alchemical research sug- ferent kinds of evidence, to identify assump-
gests that he was not taking a rational ap- tions, and to draw a sound conclusion from
proach in developing physical theory. evidence. Examples of critical-thinking dispo-
Another criticism of science is the fact that, sitions and attitudes are the tendency to be
in practice, scientists do not appear to think fair-minded, the tendency to be reflective, and
critically when they obtain negative evidence an attitude of skepticism toward claims made.
for a theory but do not reject it. For example, It seems clear that although someone might
when they conduct an experiment to test a possess the critical-thinking skills necessary for
prediction from a theory and observations do coming to a sound conclusion, that same per-
not support that theory, they often fail to reject son might not be disposed to use those skills.
the theory even though it has been shown to For example, a person might be able to reason
be inconsistent with observations. Instead, and understand evidence but not be skeptical,
they are likely to blame the failure on poor ex- that is, might not be inclined to question evi-
perimental method or some other problem in dence presented in support of a claim. Conse-
observation. They only reject the initial theory quently, someone may fail to think critically
after many failed attempts to obtain observa- because he or she lacks necessary skills, is not
tions consistent with it and often only after a inclined to use those skills, or both.
202 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e

This observation raises the question of ing skills and dispositions that persist even af-
whether people who believe in paranormal ter considerable education, special kinds of in-
and pseudoscientific claims might be deficient struction designed to address these problems
in critical-thinking skills or dispositions as may be required. Research on these instruc-
compared to nonbelievers. Research by Susan tional approaches has shown that some of
Blackmore and Tom Troscianko (1985) showed them do help students improve their ability to
that believers in ESP may be poorer at esti- think critically about scientific and pseudosci-
mating probabilities than nonbelievers. People entific claims and to reduce their belief in un-
who are inaccurate in estimating the probabil- supported claims. Alan Bensley (1998) devel-
ity of events may tend to overestimate the like- oped a method for teaching students how to
lihood of a coincidence or an unusual event. think critically about scientific and paranor-
This, in turn, may lead them to attribute a mal claims designed to achieve these ends. He
given event to ESP or some paranormal cause and Cheryl Haynes (1995) found that students
instead of to chance. Other research suggests in a class using the method significantly im-
that people with poor critical-thinking skills proved their ability to critically analyze a sci-
may come to believe paranormal claims de- entific discussion of a psychological question
spite the considerable amount of good evi- and increased their use of the critical-thinking
dence against such claims. James Alcock and language experts employ as compared to stu-
Laura Otis (1980) found that compared with dents in a similar class that was not getting the
believers in paranormal phenomena, nonbe- critical-thinking instruction. In a study of the
lievers had significantly higher scores on a test beliefs of students in other classes, Bensley and
of critical-thinking ability and significantly Tanya De Both (1998) found that students in
lower scores on a measure of dogmatism. In courses using the method changed their com-
this context, dogmatism is a disposition or atti- monsense beliefs about the mind and behavior
tude by which people hold strongly to their fa- to be more in line with scientific psychology.
vored opinion and are resistant to opposing Compared with others who received ordinary
views even when the evidence supports one. instruction, students who got the critical-
A recent study by Chris Roe (1999) further thinking instruction were more likely to
emphasized the importance of critical-think- change their minds about questions regarding
ing dispositions in approaching questions con- the effects of the moon on abnormal behavior
cerning the paranormal. Roe found no differ- and the ability of hypnosis to bring back for-
ence in the critical-thinking abilities of gotten memories; however, this research was
believers versus nonbelievers on a task in not specifically designed to examine changes
which they evaluated evidence for and against in belief in the paranormal.
ESP. However, he found that both believers Other research studies have more directly
and nonbelievers tended to rate the studies of- tested the effects of critical-thinking instruc-
fered against their position as having lower tion in terms of belief in the paranormal.
quality than those that were favorable to their Jerome Tobacyk (1983) reported that there
position, even though they were equal in qual- was a reduction in belief in paranormal phe-
ity. This result suggests that people’s prior be- nomena among students who had taken a
liefs and dispositions may be more important course especially designed to help them exam-
in the way they evaluate claims than their crit- ine claims of the paranormal. Similarly,
ical-thinking ability. Davina Mill, Thomas Gray, and David Mandel
Given that individuals such as college stu- (1994) found that students taking courses on
dents often show deficiencies in critical-think- research methods and statistics only improved
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d s c i e n c e | 203

their ability to think critically when they were Hines, Terence. 1988. Pseudoscience and the Para-
given special instruction in applying the meth- normal: A Critical Examination of the Evidence.
ods of science and in analyzing paranormal Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
claims. However, neither the traditional course Kelly, Ivan W. 1997. “Modern Astrology: A Cri-
work nor this special instruction reduced stu- tique.” Psychological Reports 81: 1035–1066.
Krech, David. 1962. “Cortical Localization of Func-
dents’ beliefs about the paranormal. Research
tion.” In Psychology in the Making, edited by L.
on the teaching of thinking has found that
Postman. New York: Knopf.
people who acquire thinking skills in one area
Lakatos, Imre. 1970. “Falsification and the Method-
often fail to use those skills in a different area. ology of Scientific Research Programmes.” In
This and other research not reviewed here Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, edited
suggest that it may be difficult for people to by I. Lakatos and A. Musgrave, 91–95. Cam-
acquire the thinking skills and dispositions bridge: Cambridge University Press.
needed to critically examine paranormal and Leahey, Thomas H., and Grace E. Leahey. 1983.
pseudoscientific claims. Furthermore, it may Psychology’s Occult Doubles: Psychology and the
be necessary to directly teach critical and sci- Problem of Pseudoscience. Chicago: Nelson Hall.
entific thinking to help students apply these Mahoney, Michael J. 1977. “Publication Prejudices:
skills and to acquire important critical-think- An Experimental Study of Confirmatory Bias in
ing dispositions such as having a questioning the Peer Review System.” Cognitive Therapy and
Research 1: 161–175.
attitude toward claims.
Messer, Wayne S., and Richard A. Griggs. 1989.
“Student Belief in the Paranormal and Perfor-
mance in Introductory Psychology.” Teaching of
Alcock, James E., and Laura P. Otis. 1980. “Critical Psychology 16: 187–191.
Thinking and Belief in the Paranormal.” Psycho- Mill, Davina, Thomas Gray, and David Mandel.
logical Reports 46: 479–482. 1994. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science
Bensley, D. Alan. 1998. Critical Thinking in Psychol- 26: 246–258.
ogy: A Unified Skills Approach. Pacific Grove, Paul, Richard W. 1993. Critical Thinking: What
CA: Brooks/Cole. Every Person Needs to Survive in a Rapidly
Bensley, D. Alan, and Tanya De Both. 1998. “The Changing World. 3d ed. Santa Rosa, CA: Founda-
Influence of Instructional Methods on Adherence tion for Critical Thinking.
to Commonsense Theories of Psychology.” Poster Popper, Karl R. 1959. The Logic of Scientific Discov-
presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the ery. New York: Basic Books.
American Psychological Society, May 23, Wash- Randi, James. 1982. Flim-Flam! Amherst, NY:
ington, DC. Prometheus Books.
Bensley, D. Alan, and Cheryl Haynes. 1995. “The Roe, Chris A. 1999. “Critical Thinking and Belief in
Acquisition of General Purpose Strategic Knowl- the Paranormal: A Re-evaluation.” British Jour-
edge for Argumentation.” Teaching of Psychology nal of Psychology 90: 85–98.
22: 41–45. Rotton, James, and Ivan Kelly. 1985. “Much Ado
Blackmore, Susan, and Tom Troscianko. 1985. “Be- about the Full Moon: A Meta-analysis of Lunar-
lief in the Paranormal: Probability Judgments, Il- Lunacy Research.” Psychological Bulletin 97:
lusory Control, and the ‘Chance Baseline Shift’.” 286–306.
British Journal of Psychology 76: 459–468. Stanovich, Keith E. 1998. How to Think Straight
Ennis, Robert H. 1987. “A Taxonomy of Critical about Psychology. 5th ed. New York: Longman.
Thinking: Dispositions and Abilities.” In Teach- Tobacyk, Jerome J. 1983. “Reduction in Paranor-
ing Thinking Skills, edited by J. B. Baron and mal Belief among Participants in a College
R. J. Sternberg, 9–37. New York: W. H. Freeman. Course.” Skeptical Inquirer 8: 57–61.

eincarnation is the belief that the tionist who believes in karma considers the

R souls of human beings inhabit a suc-

cession of physical bodies during their
existence. According to this doctrine, physical
experiences of this lifetime to be the result of
actions from previous lifetimes. In classic
Hindu tradition, a person strives to free him-
death is a transitional period in which a soul or herself from the restraints of past actions
ends its lifetime in one body and prepares to through meditation and self-denial. Libera-
begin a new life in another body. tion from the effects of karma will lead to per-
The concept of reincarnation existed to a sonal salvation and escape from the cycle of
limited extent in ancient Greek and Egyptian birth and rebirth (Flood 1996, 76).
cultures, but it did not become an essential Although Western supporters of reincarna-
component of a philosophical system until the tion frequently cite historical figures such as
development of Eastern traditions such as Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, Johann Wolfgang
Buddhism and Hinduism. Many historians of von Goethe, David Hume, and Thomas Henry
religion trace the first fully articulated rein- Huxley as fellow believers, very few distin-
carnation doctrines to the sramanas, or wan- guished Western thinkers have accepted the
dering ascetics, present in India and South idea. Franklin, Voltaire, Hume, and Huxley
Asia in the fifth and sixth centuries b.c. were skeptical of the existence of a soul inde-
(Smart 1998, 56). Emphasis on the ascetics pendent of the human body, and belief in a
and their teachings of samsara, or rebirth, en- soul is a prerequisite for belief in reincarna-
tered the philosophies of Buddhist and Jainist tion. Goethe seemingly expressed sympathy
religious movements. The influence of these for reincarnation in some of his writings, but
religions integrated reincarnation into the he also expressed contrary opinions on many
priestly religion that eventually became Hin- occasions and cannot properly be considered
duism, especially after the composition of a believer. Arthur Schopenhauer, the promi-
some of the later philosophical documents nent German philosopher and scholar of East-
known as the Upanishads (Olivelle 1998, ern philosophies, was one of the few notable
xxxiii). The concept is now widespread supporters of reincarnation in the West. Still,
throughout South Asia, and reincarnation is the truth of a doctrine cannot be determined
integral to classic Eastern religious texts such by simply listing its most famous supporters,
as the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Bha- and proponents of reincarnation often resort
gavad Gita. to such lists when their philosophical argu-
Reincarnation is sometimes but not always ments are weakest.
associated with the concept of karma, or the Since the late nineteenth century, reincar-
spiritual effect of past actions. The reincarna- nation has earned fairly significant popular

r e i n c a r n a t i o n | 205

acceptance as a component of alternative reli- spring must be present in one or both parents
gious movements. Edgar Cayce, the infamous if they were acquired through normal hered-
“sleeping prophet” who attracted attention for ity. In reality, many genes are recessive and
his reputed clairvoyant abilities, included rein- can be passed from parents to children without
carnation on the long list of paranormal phe- being activated. Genes also do not function in-
nomena in which he passionately believed. dependently but are stimulated or repressed
Reincarnation also earned the support of by environmental influences. As studies of
Madame Helena Blavatsky, the founder of a identical twins have shown, people with the
fringe religion known as Theosophy. An eclec- same sets of genes can develop talents to very
tic mixture of mystical traditions from all over different degrees if they are raised in different
the world, Theosophy taught that conscious- environments (Segal 1999, 314).
ness pervades all matter in the universe. Second, the attempt to explain novel or ex-
Blavatsky and her followers embraced reincar- traordinary data with theories such as reincar-
nation as an important argument against con- nation is inherently misguided. The fact that
temporary materialist philosophies that ques- scientists currently do not fully understand the
tioned the existence of souls and other cognitive or physiological basis for intellectual
supernatural entities (Washington 1998, 45). talent does not justify paranormal explana-
Despite numerous factual and philosophical tions. Since the human mind is extraordinarily
errors in the writings of Cayce and Blavatsky, complicated and powerful, there is no reason
both figures continue to be important influ- to consider anything other than strictly biolog-
ences on contemporary reincarnationists such ical and cultural factors to explain the abilities
as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Raymond of child prodigies. The reincarnationist claims
Moody. are merely “god of the gaps” arguments ad-
Reincarnationists cite various types of evi- vanced by those seeking to fill the holes in
dence as “proof” of their belief. A common ar- human knowledge with fantastic and mostly
gument involves cases of alleged child prodi- arbitrary explanations. As critics argue, a re-
gies who show an unusual amount of talent or incarnationist could just as feasibly apply his
intellectual ability at a very early age. One of or her argument to anyone with any type of
the most frequently cited examples is William special ability, be it Albert Einstein, Paul
Hamilton (1805–1865), who acquired vast McCartney, William Faulkner, or a talented
mathematical expertise and the ability to teenage track-and-field runner. Generally,
speak thirteen languages before his adoles- skeptics also contend that to suggest talent can
cence. Other common examples include com- only be explained through appeals to the su-
posers such as Felix Mendelssohn, Wolfgang pernatural is both unwarranted and demean-
Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Schubert, who ing to human potential.
produced sophisticated music while very Strange birthmarks on a person’s body are
young (Edwards 1996, 48–49). Supporters of another commonly cited “proof” of reincarna-
reincarnation claim that traditional genetic tion. Ian Stephenson, one of the most promi-
and cultural explanations of human learning nent contemporary reincarnationists, consid-
abilities cannot account for the talents of these ers birthmarks to be the strongest evidence in
prodigies, especially since they often display favor of the doctrine. He and many of his col-
abilities absent in both parents. However, this leagues find a correspondence between birth-
claim has serious shortcomings. First, the marks on living individuals and wounds or
premise of the genetic argument rests on the other markings on the bodies of deceased per-
false assumption that all features of an off- sons, and they claim the similarity of these
206 | r e i n c a r n a t i o n

marks is too strong to result from chance tion involves the inability of a person to distin-
alone. The only sensible explanation, in their guish between a current experience that re-
view, is that the deceased person has been sembles a past experience in some important
reincarnated in a new body, with the previous aspects. The uncanny feeling associated with
bodily markings intact. However, most of these the déjà vu experience fades as soon as the
alleged cases of physical similarities are based uniqueness of the current experience becomes
on anecdotal evidence, since it is usually im- more apparent. The second explanation is that
possible to inspect the body of the deceased the two hemispheres of the brain sometimes
person or to analyze a detailed photograph of process sensory information at slightly differ-
the body. Many of the alleged correlations are ent rates. A neural short circuit results, causing
invented retrospectively by family members the general impression of an experience to
who already believe in reincarnation. After a register in the memory before the conscious
child is born, family members believing in mind has fully analyzed it. Modern cognitive
reincarnation look for birthmarks on the child researchers have found significant evidence
and then try to recall a dead friend or relative that this theory explains a large number of
who had similar marks. This method of selec- déjà vu experiences. For instance, psychologist
tively reviewing data to verify preconceived Arthur Reber noted that patients with certain
ideas virtually guarantees errors in judgment types of brain damage frequently have déjà vu
and reasoning. Aside from these difficulties, experiences (Reber 1985, 183). This evidence
reincarnationists must also explain how the strongly suggests that these experiences are
presumably immaterial soul of a deceased per- physiological and psychological phenomena.
son can transmit physical characteristics to a Cognitive researchers consider déjà vu to be
new body. Since there is no logical way that a fully explicable in scientific terms and do not
nonphysical entity can cause changes on phys- endorse mystical explanations such as reincar-
ical bodies, such a transmission of characteris- nation.
tics must be extremely improbable, if not im- Since the 1950s, hypnotically induced
possible. This modus operandi problem of memories of past lives have been the most
conserving the physical traits of the dead con- widely discussed evidence for reincarnation.
tinues to defeat the best arguments of reincar- The process of using hypnosis to recover al-
nationists (Edwards 1996, 135). leged memories of previous lives is known as
Another category of evidence used to sup- past-life regression. While hypnotized, a sub-
port reincarnation concerns déjà vu, or the in- ject answers a series of questions and gradually
explicably strong feeling that a current event reveals the identity and nature of past lives.
has been experienced previously. Believers in This methodology is similar to the techniques
reincarnation consider déjà vu experiences to used by researchers in the recovered-memory
be spontaneous memories of events from past movement, in which therapists apparently re-
lives, and they maintain that science will never trieve details of long-repressed memories from
adequately account for them. Few reincarna- hypnotized subjects. Past-life regression and
tionists appear to have actually explored scien- other recovered-memory therapists falsely
tific explanations of déjà vu, since viable theo- consider human memory to be a faithful
ries have been available since the nineteenth record of actual events, requiring only the
century. Philosopher and psychologist William prompting of a skilled hypnotist to accurately
James, for example, suggested two possible ex- reveal the details of past experiences. But re-
planations for déjà vu in his classic text Princi- searchers such as Elizabeth Loftus have
ples of Psychology (1890). The first explana- demonstrated that memories are constructed
r e i n c a r n a t i o n | 207

rather than simply retrieved, and memories cation rights to the Bridey Murphy story. Re-
recalled through hypnosis are especially prone porters for Hearst’s Chicago American un-
to inaccuracies. Suggestive questions asked by scrupulously fabricated most of the details of
the therapist can cause a hypnotic subject to their “debunking” and opened the door for
hold distorted or completely false memories of later reincarnationists to uphold the validity of
past events (Loftus 1997, 72). In the 1990s, the Bridey Murphy case (Gardner 1957, 317–
documented cases involving false accusations 318). Subsequent investigators have shown
of sexual and physical abuse resulting from re- Tighe’s descriptions of persons and places in
covered memories further proved the unrelia- nineteenth-century Belfast to be incorrect, and
bility of hypnotherapy for accurate memory many of the supposed anecdotes about Bridey
retrieval. Murphy’s life probably resulted from subcon-
The most famous case of hypnotically in- scious recollection of stories told by Tighe’s
duced past-life regression concerned the case Irish friends and neighbors. These investiga-
of a young housewife named Virginia Tighe. tions have thoroughly disproved the Bridey
An amateur hypnotist named Morey Bernstein Murphy case, although ardent reincarnation-
conducted six hypnotic sessions with Tighe be- ists still cite it as incontrovertible evidence of
tween November 1952 and October 1953 and their doctrine.
allegedly regressed her to a previous life as a Several important philosophical problems
nineteenth-century Irish woman named also undermine the theory of reincarnation.
Bridey Murphy. While under hypnosis, Tighe The “population growth” objection, first found
described many details of her life as Murphy, in Treatise of the Soul by the early Christian
including descriptions of her birth in the small thinker Tertullian, points to a discrepancy be-
town of Cork in 1798, her marriage to a young tween the number of living souls and the num-
Protestant man named Joseph MacCarthy, ber of souls in early human history. Reincar-
their life together in Belfast, and her death in nationists are committed to the notion that
1864 (Bernstein 1956, 108–163). She also each human soul is eternal and has lived
spoke in an Irish brogue, captured on an audio countless lives as it has traveled from one hu-
recording of the sessions that was later re- man body to the next. However, the total pop-
leased as a best-selling album. Bernstein pub- ulation of people alive today is now greater
lished a serialized account of the case in the than it has been at any previous time in his-
Denver Post’s Sunday supplement in Septem- tory. In the first century c.e., only 200 million
ber 1954 before releasing his book The Search people were living on the planet, whereas
for Bridey Murphy in 1956. The book was an there are over 6 billion people alive today.
enormous success, and public interest in rein- Therefore, the overwhelming majority of peo-
carnation in the United States immediately in- ple living now could not be reincarnations of
creased. The popularity of Bridey Murphy people from the past, since the earliest popula-
subsided after a chain of newspapers owned by tions of humans were much smaller than the
William Randolph Hearst ran an exposé of the current population. Many souls of the living
case, claiming to debunk Bernstein’s conclu- are simply not accountable through the theory
sions in The Search for Bridey Murphy. Unfor- of reincarnation.
tunately, editors at the Hearst papers were mo- Other important objections concern the na-
tivated by factors other than a fondness for ture of the soul itself. Many reincarnationists
truth. They were mainly interested in discred- insist that the soul is a replica of a human per-
iting newspapers such as the Chicago Daily sonality and is capable of learning and chang-
News, which had obtained the enviable syndi- ing in analogous ways. However, if the soul
208 | r e i n c a r n a t i o n

really does change correspondingly with our millennia, and the appeal of its simplistic view
conscious personality, it follows that any good of life is not likely to disappear anytime soon.
or bad effects on the personality will also affect
the soul. In practice, reincarnationists hold the References:
arbitrary and indefensible belief that only pos-
Bernstein, Morey. 1956. The Search for Bridey Mur-
itive changes in a person’s personality are phy. New York: Doubleday.
transmitted to his or her eternal soul. Few Edwards, Paul. 1996. Reincarnation: A Critical Ex-
reincarnationists would maintain that brain amination. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
damage that adversely affects a person’s con- Flood, Gavin. 1996. An Introduction to Hinduism.
scious thought and personality also damages New York: Cambridge University Press.
the health of his or her soul, but that is exactly Gardner, Martin. 1957. Fads and Fallacies in the
what they must maintain if they apply their Name of Science. New York: Dover.
doctrine consistently. They cannot simultane- Hick, John. 1976. Death and Eternal Life. New
York: Harper and Row.
ously claim that the soul is unchanging and
James, William. 1890. Principles of Psychology.
changeable in order to save their theory from
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
its unpleasant consequences. There is also the Lamont, Corliss. 1990. The Illusion of Immortality.
troubling fact that people do not consciously New York: Continuum.
remember any of the details of past lives. This Loftus, Elizabeth. 1997. “Creating False Memories.”
implies a less-than-perfect continuity between Scientific American 277, no. 3: 70–75.
the identities of a soul from one lifetime to the Olivelle, Patrick, trans. 1998. Upanishads. Oxford:
next. Oxford University Press.
Logical considerations have prevented rein- Reber, Arthur. 1985. Dictionary of Psychology. New
York: Penguin Books.
carnation from earning the assent of most peo-
Segal, Nancy. 1999. Entwined Lives: Twins and
ple trained in critical thinking. Even some
What They Tell Us about Human Behavior. New
Eastern religious thinkers, such as the Hindu
York: Pantheon.
reformer Ram Mohan Roy (1772–1833), have Smart, Ninian. 1998. The World’s Religions. New
considered reincarnation incompatible with a York: Cambridge University Press.
system of rational ethics (Flood 1996, 252– Washington, Peter. 1998. Madame Blavatsky’s Ba-
253). However, the doctrine has survived for boon. New York: Schocken.

séance (pronounced SAY-ahnce) is a Both belief and skepticism were widespread.

A gathering to communicate with the

dead. A small party sits around a table
in a darkened room with a medium who calls
A common complaint among skeptics was
how trivial the content of alleged communica-
tion from the dead was. Yet several mediums
the spirits. After a sometimes considerable pe- became household names: Daniel Home,
riod of waiting, mysterious knocks are heard, Florence Cook, Leonora Piper, Eusapia
a nearby musical instrument sounds, the table Palladino.
turns and rises, spirits appear, or the medium Séances became so much a part of the cul-
goes into a trance and gives voice to messages ture of all social classes that Victorians in-
from the dead. Ouija boards were introduced evitably had strong opinions about them. The
in 1889 and rapidly became a popular part of novelist George Eliot was contemptuous and
séances. described séances as “either degrading folly,
There have always been those who claimed imbecile in the estimate of evidence, or else as
to communicate with the dead. However, the imprudent imposture” (in Haight 1955). The
rituals and conventions specific to séances poet Robert Browning penned a satire, “Mr.
stem from the wide publicity that table tap- Sludge the Medium,” and expressed concern
ping received starting in 1848 with the Fox that his poet-wife, Elizabeth Barrett Brown-
sisters, Katie and Margaret, of Rochester, New ing, believed in such nonsense. Others gave
York. Word of their story quickly spread to Spiritualism sufficient credibility to form the
England and throughout Europe. Séances be- American and British Societies for Psychical
came the rage. They were a form of popular Research. The influence of séances should not
entertainment before movies, radio, and tele- be underestimated; contemporary literary crit-
vision, and skeptics were invited to enjoy the ics note the tremendous impact of the occult
show (Oppenheim 1985). on many important writers (Surette 1993).
Séances remained popular even though Cultural historians are intrigued by the
most everyone knew that fraud was frequently popularity and credulity that séances com-
uncovered. Newspapers carried stories about manded for nearly 100 years even among the
secret compartments found in a medium’s well educated (Brandon 1983). Some have
cabinet, “spirits” that had been trapped scam- noted that, during the heyday of séances, the
pering across the floor, and mediums who medium was often a young woman and that
were caught in the act of changing costumes. many séances had an erotic cast (Owen 1990).
The Fox sisters eventually confessed that they During a time of rigid sex roles, the séance
had produced the mysterious tappings heard was, in part, an expression of Victorian am-
in their séances by popping their toe joints. bivalence about sexuality, and becoming a

210 | s é a n c e

medium was an appealing job option for some Oppenheim, J. 1985. The Other World: Spiritualism
women. and Psychical Research in England, 1850–1914.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Owen, A. 1990. The Darkened Room: Women,
Power, and Spiritualism in Late Victorian En-
Brandon, R. 1983. The Spiritualists: The Passion for gland. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
the Occult in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Cen- Press.
turies. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Surette, L. 1993. The Birth of Modernism: Ezra
Haight, G. S., ed. 1955. The George Eliot Letters. Pound, W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and the Occult.
Vol. 5. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 49. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Shamans and Shamanism

s used by anthropologists, the term much as an attempt to form a new spirituality,

A shamanism means any tribal or earth-

based religion or any religion that is
not part of the world’s “major” religions. But
thereby fitting well into the New Age.
Harner and the other would-be shamans
also make the same mistakes as New Agers in
as used by the New Agers, the concept of trying to homogenize tribal traditions world-
shamanism is a troubling mix of marketing wide and deny their diversity and important
angles, cultural biases, and outright fraud. differences by lumping several thousand be-
That’s why anyone calling him- or herself a lief systems together. Harner pretends one
“shaman” is commonly referred to as a can master elements that are supposedly com-
“shame-on” by American Indians. mon or universal to all (“core” shamanism, in
The modern movement of would-be his lingo). In fact, the supposed commonali-
shamans got its start in 1980 when Michael ties of shamanism are largely superficial or
Harner published The Way of a Shaman. even self-delusional. For example, many
Harner was seeking to avoid many of the pit- would-be shamans falsely claim the sweat
falls the New Age movement had fallen into, lodges used by some American Indian groups
such as exploitative leaders; unclear and un- are a “core universal shamanic” practice.
realistic goals; incoherent, contradictory, or They allege the Romans and Celts also used
nonsensical beliefs that were widely mocked sweat lodges. In fact, both those groups used
by most of the public; blatant abuse and ex- saunas with no spiritual aim or practice in-
ploitation of tribal peoples and beliefs; and a volved. Not even all American Indian groups
complete lack of credibility with either acade- use the sweat lodge.
mia or the public. In all of these goals, Harner Finally, Harner and the rest of the would-
and the rest of the shamanism movement be shamans are no different in exploiting both
have utterly failed. Many of the most disrep- tribal peoples and Western seekers of spiritual
utable New Age leaders, such as Lynn An- truths. Shame-ons exploit the former by de-
drews and Ed McGaa, sensed the marketing ceptively misrepresenting traditional beliefs
potential and simply adopted the shaman and trying to subjugate native, community-
pose. Harner’s methods were little different oriented beliefs to Western, egoistic individual
from the New Agers’ in his assumptions that needs. And they exploit the latter for purposes
one could easily and quickly learn methods of obtaining cash, boosting their own egos,
that actually take decades to master among and in some cases, sexual exploitation. Any-
tribal traditionalists. Even his “advanced” one seeking to understand the beliefs of tribal
seminars only last three days, and he is clearly peoples would be far better off reading the
engaged in a highly profitable enterprise as writings of respected native authors such as

212 | s h a m a n s a n d s h a m a n i s m

Vine Deloria Jr. and Wilma Mankiller rather Guarding Indian Cultural Spiritual Beliefs. URL:
than turning to the works of opportunists. (Accessed
on March 11, 2001).
References: Smith, Andy. “Readings on Cultural Respect.” URL:
Churchill, Ward. “Indigenous Knowledge Not for (Accessed on March 11, 2001).
Sale: Spiritual Hucksterism.” NativeNet. URL: Wallis, Robert J. “Journeying the Politics of Ecstasy: (Ac- Anthropological Perspectives on Neoshaman-
cessed on March 11, 2001). ism.” URL:
Cubbins, Elaine. “Native Web Site Evaluation.” Uni- fmuntean/POM6a2.html. (Accessed on March
versity of Arizona. URL: http://www.arizona. 11, 2001).
edu/~ecubbins/webcrit.html. (Accessed on Sep-
tember 29, 2001).
The Shroud of Turin

he Shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin the mid-fourteenth century by historians. It

T has undergone more scientific scrutiny

than any other religious artifact in his-
tory. It has been subjected to batteries of so-
was owned by a French knight, Geoffrey de
Charny, who built a special chapel in Lirey,
France, to house it. The first known exhibi-
phisticated tests and intense examinations by tion of the shroud was in this chapel in 1357,
highly respected academics and scientists, and and it attracted many pilgrims (and their
it has become a symbol both to those who money).
seek to unify religion and science and to those By 1389, the first of many scandals involv-
who see these two concepts as diametrically ing the shroud erupted. Pierre d’Arcis, the
opposed. Whatever tests are performed on the bishop under whose authority the Lirey
shroud, however, the research ultimately chapel fell, claimed in a letter to the pope that
proves just one thing—that even the most re- the dean of the church had “procured for his
spected scientists can be guilty of seeing only church a certain cloth cunningly painted,
what they want to see when matters of faith upon which by a clever sleight of hand was
come into play. depicted the twofold image of one man”
The shroud is a linen cloth some 14 1/2 feet (Nickell 1998, 17). The bishop went on to
long by 3 1/2 feet, made with an unusual type state that his predecessor had even received a
of weave called a 3-to-1 herringbone twill. In- confession from the artist who allegedly
deed, very few samples of this pattern from painted the cloth. Despite various orders and
any time period exist, and most of those that protestations from the bishop and even from
survive are made of silk. It possesses what ap- the king of France, the shroud continued to be
pears to be both the front and back images of exhibited as the genuine burial cloth of Jesus.
an adult male with long hair and beard, lying In 1502, the shroud was transferred to the
down with his hands crossed. The features on Royal Chapel in the castle at Chambéry.
the image are similar in style to medieval Thirty years later, it was nearly destroyed
Gothic art. Vivid red bloodstains appear in when the chapel burned down. The silver
various places, corresponding to accepted ac- reliquary in which it was stored melted, and
counts of the wounds of Jesus. The image is a only the efforts of the clergy and a local
sepia-yellow in color, but it does not have a blacksmith saved the shroud. Melted silver
sharp outline. To add to the odd effect, the burned a hole in one corner of the folded
image on the shroud, as was discovered by an cloth but fortunately did not damage the im-
early photographer, is actually very similar to age. Thereafter, the shroud was periodically
a photographic negative. exhibited and moved about, finally coming to
The shroud has been definitively traced to rest in the town of Turin, Italy, in 1578. It has

214 | t h e s h r o u d o f t u r i n

remained there ever since, except for a period Most tests using extremely sensitive equip-
when it was kept in a remote abbey for safe- ment and conducted by forensics experts de-
keeping during World War II. tected no trace of blood on the shroud image
Occasional accusations of forgery have areas. A series of tests performed by chemist
dogged the shroud, the most contentious of Alan Adler and biophysicist John Heller are
which began at the dawn of the twentieth cen- perhaps the most referenced, having been
tury. In 1898, an amateur photographer named among the few that found positive results.
Secondo Pia was granted permission to photo- However, none of the tests performed by this
graph the shroud. When he developed the pair were specific for blood, and none could
negative, he discovered that, instead of the provide similar results in the presence of the
usual oddly shaded inverted image, it showed same pigments detected by McCrone.
a very lifelike image of a man. The only way Much was made by the STURP members
this could have occurred, he believed, was if about the apparent realism of the blood flows
the image on the shroud was, in fact, a nega- and the anatomy. Some who believe the blood
tive itself. The challenges started immediately. came from a body wrapped in the shroud
Pia was accused of having overexposed the im- point to this as evidence. No explanation has
age during development; others alleged that been given, however, as to how such artisti-
the effect was the result of backlighting. It was cally perfect blood patterns were transferred to
not until 1931 that Pia’s work was verified by the cloth without smearing or blotching, par-
additional photography. ticularly given that Jewish custom required
Major scientific examination of the shroud that the body be washed prior to burial. An-
began in 1979. The Holy Shroud Guild, a other difficulty with explaining the blood as
Catholic organization that “promotes study having come from a genuine crucified body is
and devotion of the Shroud of Turin” (Holy that the blood itself is a very bright red, not
Shroud Guild 2001), arranged for a group of the dark black that would be expected of old
scientists to study the shroud using modern blood.
equipment. The scientists, led and organized The image itself has little distortion to it.
by two members of the Executive Council of Simple experiments can be done by placing
the guild, became known as the Shroud of some form of pigment on a bust or statue’s face
Turin Research Project (STURP). and laying a cloth over it like a shroud. When
STURP members examined the shroud for the cloth is pulled up, the image is badly dis-
five days with all means at their disposal. Sam- torted, with eyes appearing much wider than
ples of the shroud’s fibers and any contami- they actually are and a wide, flattened nose,
nants that may have been present were col- among other problems. If the shroud had been
lected using a special type of sticky tape, to be lying loosely on a body and had an image im-
examined later in a laboratory setting. These printed from contact, it would have such dis-
tapes were to become the source of much in- tortions. The image on the shroud appears as if
formation regarding the shroud. A large num- the cloth were relatively flat when the image
ber of these tapes were sent to microanalyst was made. Shroud investigator Joe Nickell has
Walter McCrone, who, upon examination, dis- shown through experimentation that such an
covered the presence of iron oxide and various image could have been produced using a rub-
other pigments common to the mid-fourteenth bing technique common in the mid-fourteenth
century. These pigments were present only on century, and Nicolas Allen has produced ac-
the areas of the shroud where there was either tual photographic negatives using materials
blood or part of an image. and knowledge available in the 1300s.
t h e s h r o u d o f t u r i n | 215

forgery hypothesis. If images of crucifixion in-

struments actually have been detected, the for-
gery hypothesis would be further supported,
for the middle of the fourteenth century saw
an interest in painting images of a crucified Je-
sus with the instruments about him. Some ar-
gue that this is evidence of the influence of the
shroud on modern art. However, this argu-
ment fails to take into account that the images
on the shroud are so faint as to be unde-
tectable without modern techniques. If the im-
ages were as relatively faded then as they are
now, as happens with the formation methods
suggested by those who support the 2,000-year
age of the shroud, medieval artists would have
been unable to see the images in order to imi-
tate them. If, however, the image has faded
with time, as is suggested by those who believe
the shroud is a painting, it is possible that the
items were once painted on in keeping with
the contemporary style but have since faded to
the point of being nearly undetectable.
The most conclusive tests were performed
after much discussion between scientists and
the shroud’s caretakers. Radiocarbon dating
was agreed to and conducted in 1988. Samples
of the shroud were sent to three laboratories to
Frontal view of the Turin Shroud image (reversed have their carbon 14 content examined. By
to negative as to appear positive; enhanced comparing the amount of this form of mildly
contrast). (Fortean Picture Library) radioactive carbon with the amount present in
modern-day materials, scientists could gener-
Alan Whanger developed a technique he ally determine (within 150 years) the age of
termed the polarized image overlay technique any formerly living material.
(PIOT) for detecting previously undetected The results of the tests all came back in
images on the shroud. With this method, close agreement: the linen used to make the
Whanger found what he believed to be coins shroud had been harvested somewhere be-
on the eyes and even the instruments of cruci- tween a.d. 1260 and 1390. These results were
fixion, including the spear, the sponge, the in line with both the historical and the artistic
scourge, and various other items generally as- information. However, the results of the tests
sociated with the crucifixion. The images are eventually came under attack. Several conspir-
detected by overlaying the slides of two im- acy theories arose, for which no evidence was
ages, one the “target” image and the other the ever provided. One Russian scientist attempted
image that is being sought. If the detection of to explain the results as having been skewed as
images of the crucifixion instruments is accu- a result of the fire of 1532, but his own results
rate, that finding lends further support to the could never be corroborated by other scien-
216 | t h e s h r o u d o f t u r i n

tists, and the veracity of his work was later Meanwhile, the microscopic analysis of the
brought into question. material indicated that there is at most 57 per-
In 1993, a researcher from the University of cent contamination.
Texas, Leoncio Garza-Valdez, showed that a
coating of difficult-to-remove material was
likely on the threads of the shroud. This mate-
rial would have grown there over the years be- Case, T. W. 1998. The Shroud of Turin and the C-14
cause of bacteria and fungi, which leave sub- Dating Fiasco: A Detective Story. Cincinnati, OH:
stances behind as they die off. Because the White Horse Press.
living organisms contain carbon, their pres- Holy Shroud Guild. URL:
ence could have affected the radiocarbon test (Accessed on May 20, 2001).
and suggested that the material was newer McCrone, Walter C. 1999. Judgement Day for the
Shroud of Turin. Amherst, NY: Prometheus
than it actually is. But, though it has been gen-
erally accepted that this material may be pres-
Nickell, Joe. 1998. Inquest on the Shroud of Turin.
ent, several other researchers have shown that
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
it is extremely unlikely that there was enough Whanger, Alan, and Mary Whanger. 1998. The
of the material to skew the results by over Shroud of Turin: An Adventure of Discovery.
1,200 years. Physicist Thomas Pickett showed Franklin, TN: Providence House Publishers.
by calculations that the weight of the “var- Wilson, Ian. 1998. The Blood and the Shroud: New
nish” would have to be twice the weight of the Evidence That the World’s Most Sacred Relic Is
sample if it were to throw the data off that far. Real. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Societies for Psychical Research

distinguished group of Cambridge Uni- eties parented additional societies around the

A versity scholars founded the first Soci-

ety for Psychical Research in 1882. Its
purpose was to scientifically examine the
world and are the grandparents of the numer-
ous psi institutes, associations, and centers
currently found on every continent.
séances, apparitions, table tapping, fairy pho- People have always been intrigued by
tographs, clairvoyance, telepathy, automatic ghosts, spirits, and mystical powers, but cul-
writing, and trance states that were mainstays tural historians have sought to explain the ex-
of Victorian culture. In its early years, the so- plosion of interest in the paranormal during
ciety had a number of distinguished presi- the second half of the nineteenth century.
dents: Prime Minister A. J. Balfour; physicists The majority of Victorian scientists and intel-
Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, and lectuals scorned the paranormal, yet a signifi-
John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh; philoso- cant number of them were open-minded (if
phers Henry Sidgwick, C. D. Broad, and often skeptical) and considered the alleged
Henri Bergson; psychologist William James; phenomena worthy of serious investigation.
physiologist and Nobel laureate Charles One factor was a negative reaction to Charles
Richet; and zoologist Sir Alister Hardy (Op- Darwin’s theory of evolution, which many
penheim 1985). The American Society for considered unproven and dangerous because
Psychical Research was founded three years it claimed to remove God’s design from the
later, in 1885. The most prominent scientist universe. There was widespread concern that
in the United States at the time, Johns Hop- a cold materialism was coming to dominate
kins astronomer Simon Newcomb, was the not only science but also culture. Telepathy
first president of the American society. and the spirit world, if true, would show how
Today, the American and British societies little scientists understood.
continue to occupy handsome Victorian Developments in nineteenth-century phys-
buildings in New York and London, to spon- ics were another factor. James Clerk Maxwell’s
sor research and lecture series, to publish 1873 unification into a single set of equations
journals, to run Web sites (http://www.aspr. the laws of seemingly disparate phenomena—
com,, and to maintain heat, light, motion, electricity, and magne-
library collections. Although they no longer tism—may have encouraged thoughts of relat-
include among their members the most ing even more distinct phenomena, namely,
prominent intellectuals and scientists of the mind and matter. In other words, if motion
day, the societies do continue to attract the changed into light and magnetism, why
occasional scientist with impressive academic couldn’t matter transform into spirit? Addi-
credentials. The British and American soci- tionally, the certainty of mechanical, Newton-

218 | s o c i e t i e s f o r p s y c h i c a l r e s e a r c h

ian physics was challenged toward the end of many members of the British Society for Psy-
the nineteenth century. A mysterious and un- chical Research, he was a longtime honorary
verified ether, considered necessary for light to member. Wallace declined invitations to be-
travel through, was said by physicists to per- come president of the British society.
meate space. The ether provided a readily The research conducted by the societies at
available example of a puzzling substance that the turn of the twentieth century was exhaus-
played a fundamental role in the nature of tive, though relatively crude as judged by con-
things. The discovery of non-Euclidean temporary standards of psychological research.
geometries, like evolutionary theory, cast In the late nineteenth century, neither the ease
doubt on ancient certainties. Some speculated with which false memories are implanted nor
that the paranormal only appeared abnormal the psychology of belief perseverance had
because humans lacked access to an unseen been explored. In other words, researchers
fourth dimension. The disruption of nine- gave sincere, earnest testimony more credence
teenth-century physics by the discovery of ra- than do modern research psychologists. And
diation (in 1895) and the electron (in 1897) some psychical research was supportive of
further heartened psychics. Within the context paranormal claims. In Phantasms of the Liv-
of times, it is not startling that Marie Curie, ing, 1,300 cases of allegedly veridical appari-
who received a Nobel Prize for her discovery tions or hallucinations (often of someone’s
of radium, and Sigmund Freud, who tantalized death) were investigated. Death records were
society with his theory of the unconscious, be- checked, and interviews were conducted. The
came members of the British Society for Psy- researchers claimed, based on a crude statisti-
chical Research. cal analysis, that the chance of so many first-
As prominent as any convert to Spiritualism hand, well-attested veridical visual phantasms
was Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913), the was trillions to one (Gurney et al. 1886). Nu-
brilliant naturalist who codiscovered natural merous séances were attended and reported
selection in the 1850s with Darwin. Within a on (only some favorably), but researchers did
decade, Wallace started attending séances and not go beyond inspecting the medium’s cabi-
quickly became a fervent believer in the exis- net, holding his or her hands during the pro-
tence of a spirit world. Darwin was greatly dis- ceedings, and watching the door. A typical in-
appointed when Wallace published an article vestigation took place at a location chosen by
in 1869 arguing that evolutionary theory the medium and with the medium’s selection
could not account for human consciousness. of props and lighting. Moreover, there was lit-
Wallace developed the striking view that evo- tle concern that phenomena be repeatable be-
lution governed bodies but not the uniquely cause investigators were all too willing to ac-
human form of consciousness. Writing decades cept that genuine psychic capabilities were
before the discovery of genetics, he rightly un- rare and unpredictable.
derstood that evolutionary theory was far from Only some psychical research supported
complete. He attempted to close genuine gaps paranormal claims. After reluctantly taking of-
in evolutionary theory with what he thought fice as the first president of the American So-
he saw at séances. Whatever Wallace’s reasons ciety for Psychical Research, Simon Newcomb
were for denying that the human mind assiduously pursued investigations of the para-
evolved biologically, his espousal of Spiritual- normal. Following two years of studying the
ism was well-known and widely discussed. Al- literature and attending séances, he concluded
though he did not share all the convictions that psychical research was a scientific dead
concerning the existence of spirits held by end (Moyer 1998). The most famous investiga-
s o c i e t i e s f o r p s y c h i c a l r e s e a r c h | 219

tion by the British society was its study of He- sky was widely publicized, Theosophy contin-
lena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of Theoso- ued to thrive and currently has a significant
phy (wisdom of the gods). Claiming that there influence on the New Age movement (Oppen-
was a close affiliation between mysticism and heim 1985, 174–178).
Buddhism, Blavatsky initiated a wave of inter- Was and is psychical research a pseudo-
est in Eastern religions among Westerners. She science? In the late nineteenth century, work
contended that the Mahatmas dictated her in that field was not mainstream science, but it
first book, Isis Unveiled, to her in 1877 was not beyond the pale. Though the research
through automatic writing. An international methods employed in that era now appear
sensation, Blavatsky was unusual in claiming flawed, they included serious efforts at verify-
paranormal powers while counseling against ing claims and controlling for fraud. On a con-
séances. The trouble with séances, according tinuum in which physics is the extreme of pure
to her elaborate cosmology, was that commu- science and alien abduction theory is at the
nication with the living might well hinder a pseudoscience extreme, the work of the early
soul’s migration to the next level of existence psychical societies is closer to pseudoscience
and eventual reincarnation. In 1885, the than it is to physics, but in historical context, it
British society funded a trip by Richard Hodg- was far from the extreme.
son to a site of alleged miracles in India. Over
the course of several months, Hodgson grew References:
increasingly skeptical. He exposed hidden
Gurney, E., F. W. H. Myers, F. Podmore, and Society
sliding panels in the temple and documented
for Psychical Research. 1886. Phantasms of the
the path of supposedly mysterious telegrams.
Living. London: Rooms of the Society for Psychi-
Hodgson revealed the trick behind letters that
cal Research, Trebner.
appeared to float down from the ceiling, and
Moyer, A. E. 1998. “Simon Newcomb: Astronomer
sources were found from which Theosophical with an Attitude.” Scientific American 279, no. 4:
wisdom had been copied. But then as now, fol- 88–93.
lowers were quite willing to believe their Oppenheim, J. 1985. The Other World: Spiritualism
leader was set up or merely caught on a bad and Psychical Research in England, 1850–1914.
day. Though the society’s exposure of Blavat- New York: Cambridge University Press.

piritualism is the belief that communi- explosion of Spiritualist demonstrations of-

S cation with the dead can occur through

a gifted intermediary called a medium.
Mediumship is expressed in two basic forms,
fered as proof of spirit contact.
Spiritualism blossomed as a religious re-
sponse to the crisis of faith that grew in the
the mental and the physical. Mental mediums mid-nineteenth century. It provided a new
claim to receive psychic vibrations that can reason to believe for people troubled by the
include mental images and messages from the evidences offered for Christianity. Mediums
dead. Related to this concept is a belief that claimed that they could produce scientific
some mediums can heal other individuals proof of life after death. Initially, participants
through spirit assistance. Physical mediums were required to believe in nothing. They
claim the ability to have spirits perform a were simply asked to become investigators
range of strange phenomena. In darkened charged with observing demonstrations pro-
rooms, physical mediums have been said to duced under so-called test conditions (Braude
levitate tables, materialize objects, present 1989, 4).
writing on sealed slate boards, produce eerie The movement began when two young sis-
voices through floating trumpets, and present ters, Margaret and Katie Fox, claimed that the
messages that many clients feel only the dead rapping sound heard in their house was pro-
could know. Since the beginning of the history duced by the spirit of a murdered peddler.
of Spiritualism, skeptics and former mediums Soon, neighbors came from all around to see
have reported fraud and deceit behind the the children and hear the sounds. At first,
techniques used to convince believers. simple yes-or-no questions were asked of the
Spiritualism was born in the United States spirit, but a regime was established before
in 1848 in the village of Hydesville, New long whereby the entire alphabet was labori-
York. Although talking with spirits was not a ously sounded out until a knock was heard,
new idea among the world’s cultures, it was thus spelling out words one letter at a time.
unique in the Christian world. Christian the- An older sister, Leah Fox Fish, arrived on the
ology had suppressed the idea of spirit com- scene with a keen sense for marketing this
munication by considering it a heresy. In the phenomenon. She began renting out halls
late 1700s, the writings of Emanuel Sweden- and charging admission to the demonstrations
borg and his description of the spirit world, (Brandon 1983).
along with Franz Anton Mesmer’s experi- Newspaper accounts of this spectacle
ments with hypnotism, primed an intellectual spread the story across the country. Soon,
fascination in the subject. In particular, it was people were experimenting in their own
the Victorian interest in science that led to an homes, hoping to hear the same rapping

s p i r i t u a l i s m | 221

sounds. Numerous men, women, and children were often Native American or from some ex-
from around the nation and across social lines otic land. While claiming to be in a trance
were identified as having a facility for commu- state, mediums would often adopt an accent
nicating with the dead. Within a few months, when speaking for these spirit guides.
visiting Americans spread Spiritualism to Eu- The dark room was the preferred ambiance
rope. Spiritualist churches sprang up in both for spirit contact, and the design of a séance
large and small cities. Years later, Margaret was perfect for creating a setting where the
Fox (1835?–1893) confessed that her medi- bizarre was experienced firsthand. Participants
umship was a fraud that began as a childhood arrived with the expectation that they would
prank and spiraled out of her control under witness the inexplicable. For those who were
the manipulation of her older sister, Leah; the mourning the loss of a loved one, the anticipa-
sisters produced their rapping sounds by pop- tion of receiving some message from the de-
ping their toe joints (Fox Kane 1985). Later in ceased made them especially gullible. The
life, as a penniless alcoholic, she recanted this dark room, along with the medium’s theatrical
confession and returned to supporting herself moaning and swaying, created a heightened
as a medium. sense of awareness, which the medium could
The French word séance, meaning “sitting,” manipulate to great psychological effect.
became the accepted name for meetings with More dramatic physical manifestations soon
mediums. The tedious letter-calling approach became the rage, as people sought tangible
was replaced with a number of creative com- proof of spirit contact. It became popular for
munication techniques. Some mediums found mediums to tie two schoolhouse slate boards
they could communicate with the spirit world together and await written messages inside.
if they were placed in a hypnotic trance. Origi- Companies sprang up that supplied this under-
nally, a hypnotist was used in this endeavor, ground industry with a range of trick appara-
but later, it became common for mediums to tuses. Some sold slates with false fronts or with
quickly place themselves into what they tools that enabled the medium to insert a small
claimed was a trance. A number of these indi- pencil between the slates.
viduals became known as platform speakers. Many mediums never needed to bother with
They often spoke at length of the beauty of the mechanical aids. Their sleight-of-hand skills
afterworld, commonly referred to as Summer- made it possible for them to perform the mira-
land, after the world described by the Spiritu- cles that the paying audience wanted to see.
alist Emanuel Swedenborg. Many of these Tricks of this sort included the materialization
speakers (and women in particular) often of “apports”—objects presented from the spirit
voiced the new, progressive ideals that were world, typically flowers or small trinkets. Some
produced during the Victorian age (Braude mediums specialized in producing spirit paint-
1989). A version of this type of performance ings, in which a blank canvas was switched for
still exists, but it is now called channeling. A one that was fully painted. Some photogra-
channeler claims to allow the spirit of an entity phers found they could charge higher rates
to speak through his or her body. when they included spirits in their portraits.
Channeling was certainly inspired by the These images were often created by making a
idea of spirit guides. Spiritualists claimed that double exposure or by having a confederate
spirit guides were teachers and the gatekeep- briefly step behind the person posing during
ers of spirit contact. Mediums often gave their the long exposure time. More than one spirit
clients detailed descriptions of messages that photographer was run out of town when it was
their spirit guides had for them. The guides discovered that the spirit in the portrait was
222 |

In 1935, the magician John Dunninger exposed the methods used by mediums. The illustration
shows the multiple uses for a telescopic, or “reaching” rod. (Dunninger, Joseph, 1935, Inside the
Medium’s Cabinet. New York, David Kemp)
s p i r i t u a l i s m | 223

actually someone still living. In fact, many spirit world were sometimes observed on the
mediums faced criminal prosecution for fraud ectoplasm.
and, in some communities, were charged with The “direct voice” of spirits was heard dur-
witchcraft. ing some séances, communicated through a
Some of the more dramatic occurrences of levitating tall cone of tin called a spirit trum-
physical mediumship occurred within cabi- pet. It was said that a voice box of ectoplasm
nets. Originally, these were literally full-size allowed the spirit to speak. Often, luminous
wooden boxes in which the medium was bands were attached to the trumpet so that its
placed. From a space at the top of the box, movement was visible in the dark. A number of
strange things were seen to dart about. It be- clever methods were employed to create the il-
came standard practice to have the medium lusion of the floating trumpet with its disem-
tied securely within the box to create the “test bodied voice. The medium could connect a
conditions” that would prevent any nefarious rubber tube to the trumpet and speak through
control of the objects in the box. Often, musi- it while moving the trumpet from side to side.
cal instruments and bells were placed in the A telescopic rod was sometimes used to move
cabinet, and when the doors to the box were around a detached luminous band. In this case,
closed, the sounds of the instruments were the whispered voices heard in the dark room
heard. Following the Civil War, the Davenport did not come from the trumpet. The illusion of
brothers turned their cabinet performance the source of the sound worked on the same
into a popular touring stage show. Long after principle as that used by ventriloquists. Medi-
he retired, Ira Davenport admitted to the rope ums took advantage of the fact that the source
escapes and other techniques that were used in of sound is difficult to determine in the dark.
his famed performances (Houdini 1972, 21). Sitters were warned that touching the ecto-
Later, the wooden cabinet was replaced plasm could seriously injure or even kill the
with a more portable curtain cabinet. This medium. In spite of the warning, many medi-
setup was often created by simply hanging a ums were exposed when sitters grabbed at the
couple of blankets or sheets across a rope in object floating in front of them. Sometimes, a
the corner of a room. The medium would sit custom-designed apparatus covered with glow-
within this enclosure, and the “sitters” were ing phosphorus was found as the culprit. At
often instructed to hold hands and sing hymns other times, a confederate was revealed as the
while they waited for something otherworldly ghostly presence. The gauzelike ectoplasm
to occur. When the medium claimed to enter a that extruded from the medium’s bodily ori-
trance state, ectoplasm would make its appear- fices was often discovered to be exactly that—
ance from behind the curtain. It was believed cotton gauze that was swallowed prior to the
that ectoplasm was a result of the spiritual séance and then regurgitated and shaped as
realm briefly converting itself into a physical needed.
manifestation. This mysterious spiritual en- Magicians delighted in reproducing the ef-
ergy was said to need a conduit—the medium— fects of mediums and would often dedicate a
and something to focus itself—the curtained portion of their shows to duplicating their
cabinet. The ectoplasm might take the shape mediums’ tricks. The famed magician and es-
of a full-size figure, often draped in a trans- cape artist Harry Houdini (1874–1926) de-
parent cover. Sometimes, it was found hanging voted the latter part of his professional life to
out of the mouth or nose of the medium. It exposing the fraud and deception in Spiritual-
could also come from other orifices, including ism. Early in his career, he had worked as a
the female genitals. Pictures of faces from the medium and had learned a number of the
224 | s p i r i t u a l i s m

tricks employed in the field. It was only after later. He found that the writers inflated se-
the death of his mother that he became in- lected elements and omitted key information
censed at the inherent cruelty of those claim- in their later retelling of the story (Podmore
ing to speak for the dead. Often wearing dis- 1963, 212). Further, they ignored seemingly
guises, he attended the séances of every insignificant happenings that were, in fact,
medium he could find. And every medium he keys to the deceptive techniques used by the
examined used deceptive means to create the medium. What was thought of as trivial or ir-
impression of spirit contact. relevant was eliminated from the memory of
Houdini became part of a distinguished the sitters. In one case, a second account of a
committee that investigated mediums for Sci- séance neglected to mention that the medium
entific American magazine. This was one of the was suffering from a cold, that he left the room
first times it was noted that a magician’s pres- to answer the door, and that the slate he was
ence was important to any investigative body using slipped twice from his hands. Of course,
researching paranormal claims. It was recog- the regular cough and sniffle of the medium
nized that although academics had extensive would have served as an effective cover for the
training in their chosen disciplines, being an snap of a spring lock. Dropping the slate on
expert in one field did not make one an expert the floor would have provided an opportunity
in methods of deception. As Houdini repeat- for substitution or some other trickery. And
edly demonstrated, even the brightest individ- leaving the room would have given the
uals could be easily deceived by a magician’s medium a chance to write out a message or
tricks. He was occasionally surprised when au- glance at an encyclopedia.
dience members insisted that his performances More recent experiments have shown that a
were the result of his psychic ability, even after belief in the paranormal leads to a heightened
he assured them that they had seen a magic level of inaccurate observation. In one study,
trick. researchers held fake séances at a convention
Spiritualism sparked scientific interest from for paranormal enthusiasts. Prior to the start of
the 1850s through the 1920s. A number of the experiment, the sitters were asked if they
distinguished scientists examined various believed that genuine paranormal activity
mediums, and many concluded that the effects might sometimes occur during a séance. The
that they witnessed were otherworldly. Inter- participants were made aware of several ob-
estingly, when these scientists became believ- jects in the room, some of which moved during
ers but later discovered fraud on the part of the séance. At the end of the session, they were
the medium, they accepted the excuse that the asked to complete a short questionnaire. The
medium, when tired, would perform fake experiment found that believers in medi-
demonstrations. However, their inability to ex- umship were more likely to report the move-
plain previous manifestations made them un- ment of objects that, in fact, had remained sta-
willing to change their position of acceptance. tionary (Wiseman 1997, 265). It is likely that
The memory of strange occurrences in the the many striking claims of Spiritualists are the
séance room made believers of many. And it result of this type of unconscious exaggeration.
was precisely the little-recognized fallibility of Not all mediums were fraudulent. In his
memory that led many sincere individuals to book The Psychic Mafia, M. Lamar Keene
recount events that were far from the truth. wrote of his experiences as a highly successful
One researcher in 1886 compared descriptive fraudulent medium from 1958 to 1971. Early
reports written shortly after a sitting with those in his career, Keene discovered that fraudulent
written by the same individual some weeks mediums classified their peers in three cate-
s p i r i t u a l i s m | 225

gories—“open eyes,” “shut eyes,” and “open- ever more specific during the reading (Hyman
to-yourself.” The open-eyes mediums knew 1977, 22). It seems clear that nonfraudulent
they were frauds and admitted it to others shut-eyes mediums use cold reading, but they
within the secret circle of other fraudulent do so without any consciousness of the tech-
mediums. The shut-eyes mediums genuinely niques they employ.
thought they could pick up psychic vibrations. Today, the demonstrations of physical phe-
They were never let in on the tricks of the nomena have nearly disappeared. Mediums
trade but were kept around because their ob- who perform physical phenomena usually only
vious sincerity was good for public relations. do so before closed groups of steadfast believ-
The open-to-yourself medium recognized that ers, in an obvious attempt to eliminate the em-
some mediums were fraudulent but kept quiet barrassing exposures of the past. One group in
about it because it strengthened the faith that England, the Noah’s Ark Society, holds physi-
others had in Spiritualism (Keene 1997). cal phenomena séances but only allows medi-
It is likely that many of the shut-eyes medi- ums to perform before its members. Skeptics
ums fit the pattern of the fantasy-prone per- are not welcome at these events, as it is claimed
sonality. Such individuals, thought to make up that their negative energy will adversely im-
about 4 percent of the general population, fan- pact a medium’s ability. The infamous Camp
tasize a large part of the time. They typically Chesterfield still advertises that mediums per-
“see,” “hear,” “smell,” “touch,” and fully ex- form trumpet and apport séances (http://www.
perience what they fantasize. For these indi-
viduals, their experiences seem fully real (Wil- After its last popular peak in the 1920s, in-
son and Barber 1983). terest in Spiritualism is on the rise. Although
Keene reported that a sophisticated network only a small number of Spiritualist churches
of information sharing allowed mediums to re- still exist, mediumship has captured the imagi-
veal startling information to their clients. nation of the popular culture. A number of
Keene worked at Camp Chesterfield in Indi- mediums have written best-selling books and
ana, a popular Spiritualist summer camp noted are active on the television talk show and lec-
for its physical mediums. There, he learned ture circuit. These mediums rely on cold read-
that the camp maintained a large, secret li- ing as the basis for their acts, although many
brary in the basement that held documenta- will use whatever information they can surrep-
tion on the camp’s clients. titiously gather prior to a reading (see Shermer
Most mediums can operate effectively with- 1999, 54).
out using any secret knowledge of their clients
by employing a technique called “cold read- References:
ing.” This is a method of fortune-telling that is
also used by astrologers, numerologists, and Brandon, Ruth. 1983. The Spiritualists: The Passion
readers of tea leaves. Essentially, the cold for the Occult in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
reader gleans information from deductive rea-
Braude, Ann. 1989. Radical Spirits: Spiritualism
soning and from his or her own unobtrusive
and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth Century Amer-
observations. The medium will often rattle off
ica. Boston: Beacon Press.
a combination of vague and specific statements Fox Kane, Margaret. 1985. “Spiritualism Exposed:
and look for a reaction. Eye movement, pupil Margaret Fox Kane Confesses to Fraud.” In A
dilation, the rhythm of breathing, the use of Skeptic’s Handbook of Parapsychology, edited by
hands, body posture, and even unguarded Paul Kurtz, 225–233. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus
comments will allow the medium to become Books.
226 | s p i r i t u a l i s m

Houdini, Harry. 1972. A Magician among the Spir- Search for God in an Age of Science. New York:
its. New York: Arno Press. W. H. Freeman.
Hyman, Ray. 1977. “Cold Reading: How to Con- Wilson, Sheryl C., and Theodore X. Barber. 1983.
vince Strangers That You Know All about “The Fantasy-Prone Personality: Implications for
Them.” Zetetic 1, no. 2: 18–37. Understanding Imagery, Hypnosis, and Parapsy-
Keene, M. Lamar. 1997. The Psychic Mafia. Buffalo, chological Phenomena.” In Imagery: Current
NY: Prometheus Books. Theory, Research and Applications, edited by
Podmore, Frank. 1963. Mediums of the 19th Cen- Anees A. Sheikh, 340–390. New York: Wiley.
tury. Vol. 2. New Hyde Park, NY: University Wiseman, Richard. 1997. Deception and Self Decep-
Books. tion: Investigating Psychics. Buffalo, NY: Pro-
Shermer, Michael. 1999. How We Believe: The metheus Books.
Stock Market Pseudoscience

echnical, or “chart,” analysis is any of rectly onto the price chart of a security in an

T a constellation of market trading

strategies that rely completely on the
historical price information of a security or
attempt to discover the timing of major mar-
ket moves; more complicated systems incor-
porate mathematical tools such as Fourier
group of securities to make predictions, with analysis, Fibonacci numbers, chaos theory,
no reference to underlying (so-called funda- and fractal geometry.
mental) information, such as supply and de- A hallmark of technical trading is that there
mand, economic indicators, or current events. is no room for subjectivity—the system makes
A chart is simply a graph of historical data, all the decisions, with no need for human
which may include any number of different judgment. The field is marked by unsubstanti-
pieces of information, such as opening prices, ated claims of success; a track record of failure
highs and lows of the day, and closing prices. and associated rationalizations; a lack of peer-
More sophisticated charts may include sec- reviewed studies showing any positive results;
ondary information calculated from the basic and a collection of logical, mathematical, and
price information. Examples include moving statistical fallacies. Although there are plenty
averages, momentum indicators, and relative of instances of technical traders having suc-
strength indexes (among many, many others). cess, there is no evidence that they are any-
Some charts include information about com- thing more than statistical artifact and the
monly traded prices and volume of trading in hidden use of standard, subjective, fundamen-
order to capture psychologically important tal analysis. Technical traders fail to realize
price levels. that the market would quickly overwhelm any
Once a chart is made, a system is designed truly successful system, rendering it useless.
to make predictions based on past behavior— According to the Managed Funds Associa-
for example, by identifying certain shapes and tion (MFA), the first technician in the field
features in the chart that have often been fol- was Richard Donchian, who developed the
lowed by major changes in “trend.” A statisti- initial “trend-following” systems in 1957.
cal analysis is commonly used to find a corre- These systems are intended to indicate that a
lation between one or more “signals” and market is moving into a prolonged period of
important changes in market behavior. Some directional price movement—either up or
systems attempt to make an analogy between down. Donchian’s first system used moving
market behavior and the behavior of some averages; in the simplest of systems, trend
physical system, such as the variations of lines are drawn directly onto the chart, and
ocean waves or the phases of the Moon. The important price levels are read off in a fairly
simplest systems consist of lines drawn di- straightforward manner. When the first of

228 | s t o c k m a r k e t p s e u d o s c i e n c e

Stock market traders. (Yellow Dog Productions/The Image Bank)

these levels is breached, a move to the next cation of chaos theory and fractal mathematics
level is indicated, and when the projected generally fall into this category. Astrologically
trend line is broken, a major change in direc- based systems have been growing in popularity
tion is indicated. in recent years, and the Market Technicians
Over the years, a plethora of derived indica- Association (MTA), a trade group, has recently
tors have been created, composite systems recognized these systems as valid forms of
have been developed to compare groups of se- technical analysis.
curities, and hand drawing has given way to Although it is illegal for investment profes-
computer-generated graphs, but the basic idea sionals to make exaggerated claims or guaran-
remains unchanged. The main theoretical jus- tees of profitability, purveyors of technical sys-
tification for these systems is that the indica- tems are largely exempt from regulation unless
tors give insight into market psychology, with they are actually offering to manage funds
the derived signal points showing price levels themselves. Most often, they are selling com-
of major significance to market players. puterized systems for identifying trading sig-
Another type of technical analysis (which nals, not actual trading advice. Claims (and
actually originated earlier than Donchian’s guarantees) that winning trades are produced
trend-following systems) is the attempt to more than 90 percent of the time or annual
model markets after periodic physical systems, returns of 1,000 percent or more are often ad-
analogous to ones found in nature. Gann vertised, but according to market regulators,
waves, Elliot waves, Fibonacci sequence–based the small investors or day traders who are
systems [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. . . . where f (n) = most likely to use these systems lose money
f (n–1) + f (n–2)], and the more recent appli- between 70 and 90 percent of the time.
s t o c k m a r k e t p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 229

It is common practice to attribute success to scribe them. There are several mathematical
well-designed and strictly followed systems, tools for this, such as cubic splines and
whereas failure is written off through rational- Fourier analysis. Although these tools can pro-
izations. The most frequent reason cited for duce equations to match sets of data points,
the failure of a system is the failure of the hu- they are useless for predicting future points
man trader to follow the system with absolute unless the data describe a function that is pe-
faith. Traders are constantly warned not to let riodic, like the orbits of planets around the
their emotions lead them astray. Other com- Sun. This periodicity has never been estab-
mon excuses are that the system itself is poorly lished for a financial market. Instead, most
designed or that the conclusions reached by economists believe that markets are chaotic
the trader about signals are incorrect. In these systems made up of many thousands of vari-
days of high-tech automation, it is getting ables, extremely and unpredictably sensitive
harder and harder to blame an individual sys- to any of them at any given time. There have
tem for failure while still maintaining the idea been attempts to apply chaos theory to mar-
that technical analysis itself is valid. kets, but this is yet another misapplication of a
Although some attempts have been made to much misunderstood technique. Chaos theory
draw a link between certain kinds of mathe- can help to illuminate the types of behavior
matical analysis and market behavior, econo- possible in a system, but it is useless for mak-
mists and mathematicians generally agree that ing actual predictions.
it is not possible to predict future market be- Technical analysis often consists of an at-
havior from past data. The literature of the tempt to fit an equation to a set of points by a
technical-analysis community reads like a fine-tuning process known as “back-testing”
combination of self-help manuals and get- and “optimization.” This effort allows the
rich-quick schemes, with just enough statistical technician to create an equation that fits the
analysis to provide a veneer of scientific- historical chart of a given market to any arbi-
sounding words. Typical titles include Self- trary degree of accuracy, but it establishes no
Reliant Investing; Mind over Markets: Power link to any future performance of the market.
Trading; Trading without Fear, How to Triple In fact, it can be shown that there are many
Your Money Every Year with Stock Index Fu- curves (actually, an infinite number) that can
tures; and Your Personal Computer Can Make be fit to a given finite set of points, but none of
You Rich in Stocks. them can be shown necessarily to make any
Attempts to model or make theories about a kind of predictions about future movements.
system based only on data collected about past Descriptions of the physical systems of the
behavior are not, in and of themselves, neces- market, though seeming to come from a firmer
sarily pseudoscientific. Johannes Kepler de- theoretical footing, are subject to the same pit-
rived his laws of planetary motion entirely falls, since the systems often have parameters
from data recorded at the laboratory of Tycho that can be fine-tuned. It is possible to tweak a
Brahe, and it was not until some years later physical-description system so much that the
that Isaac Newton, with the inverse square law original model is hardly recognizable. No
of gravity, confirmed Kepler’s empirical laws physical system has ever been established as
theoretically. Unlike markets, however, the directly analogous to any market.
laws of planetary motion are relatively simple Many technicians are aware of these prob-
periodic functions with few variables. lems and try to design systems without back-
It is always possible to take a given finite set testing and optimization. They make many at-
of data points and derive equations that de- tempts to find the best system for a market,
230 | s t o c k m a r k e t p s e u d o s c i e n c e

repeatedly testing new systems against histori- rent events, also known as “fundamental” in-
cal data. For instance, a simple system can be formation. The best “technical” traders may be
tested for buying and selling in response to “fundamental” traders in disguise.
certain external events, such as the phase of Another reason for apparent success is sim-
the Moon. The system can be tested for buying ple luck. With many thousands of traders using
on the day of the full Moon and then selling technical systems, some are bound to have a
on the day of the new Moon. This system can degree of success merely by chance. Traders
be compared to one that involves buying on need to be right only a little more than 50 per-
the day after the full Moon and selling on the cent of the time to be successful, and many can
day after the new Moon and then two days af- succeed in this way for years.
ter and three days after and so on. Some of Statistics on the success and failure of tech-
these combinations will produce profits when nical trading may themselves be misleading.
applied to historical data, some will produce For instance, it is widely claimed that nearly
losses, and some winning combination will all technical traders with three-year or longer
produce more profits than any other will. track records are winners, but this claim is bi-
Through this analysis, technicians can claim ased by the fact that traders with losing
that there is a weak correlation between any records rarely have the opportunity to develop
given market and the phase of the Moon, but long-term track records.
this is a misunderstanding of statistics. In fact, Finally, some of the predictions of technical
the same analysis can be made with any peri- analysis, particularly those in the shortest time
odic function (e.g., the phases of Venus, daily frame (minutes or hours rather than days,
temperatures, the migration of birds), but the weeks, months, or years), become self-fulfilling
correlation is merely a statistical artifact and is prophecies. Many traders have access to simi-
useless for making predictions. lar short-term technicals, and in the absence of
Despite these facts, the use of technical in- new fundamental information, these technicals
formation is extremely widespread in the fi- may have some power. If 500 traders in the
nancial markets, and more important, some bond futures pit in Chicago all believe that a
technicians have documented records of suc- certain price is significant, that price takes on
cess. The most important reason for apparent some temporary importance. In addition, some
success is that although subjective decisions markets have traded in patterns at certain
are supposed to be eliminated from technical times. For example, it has long been known
systems, “hidden” subjectivity does creep into that certain food and energy commodities
the process. First, technicians believe that no move in seasonal patterns, and traders who
system fits all market conditions and that the first noticed this were able to take advantage
trader must choose a system based on the type of that fact, but once information like this be-
of market currently observed. Markets may be comes widely known, the market tends to ac-
trending up or down; they may also be count for it in such a way as to make it impos-
“choppy,” slow, or in any number of other sible to make money from possessing the
states. Decisions about which system to use are information. A popular maxim is that one of
highly subjective, as are decisions about the the functions of a marketplace is to destroy in-
size of trades and when to cut losses or take formation—seasonals are an example of infor-
profits. All of these subjective decisions are in- mation that has long since been destroyed.
fluenced by the trader’s experience and Any other successful technical system would
knowledge about market conditions and cur- also quickly be eliminated.
s t o c k m a r k e t p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 231

References: Futures Association. Chicago: Chicago Mercan-

tile Exchange.
Kovachs, L. D. 1982. Advanced Engineering Mathe-
Rowntree, Derek. 1981. Statistics without Tears: A
matics. New York: Addison Wesley.
Primer for Non-Mathematicians. New York:
Northcote, Thomas. 1996. Major Events in the His-
Charles Scribner’s Sons.
tory of the Managed Futures Industry. Managed
Subliminal Perception and Advertising

ubliminal perception is visual or audi- these messages caused an increase in sales at

S tory information that is allegedly dis-

cerned below the threshold of aware-
ness and has the power to influence human
the concession stand. The results of his study
were never published, and in a 1962 inter-
view with Advertising Age, Vicary recanted his
behavior. Promoted in the late 1950s by findings as fraudulent. By that time, however,
James Vicary and popularized decades later the power of subliminal messages was already
through the books of Wilson Bryan Key, sub- being touted in Vance Packard’s book The
liminal advertising relies on persuasive tech- Hidden Persuaders, and governmental atten-
niques that are neither seen nor heard and tion and further research were being focused
are perceived only by the subconscious. Sub- on the possible uses of subliminal perception.
liminal messages can take the form of televi- Banned by the National Association of
sion or film images that appear on the screen Broadcasters in 1958, subliminal messages
for too short a duration to be consciously rec- were believed to be a danger to the public,
ognized, subauditory sounds that are buried and concern over the matter provoked
beneath layers of music, and words or images William Dawson, a Republican representative
embedded in pictures. In order for subliminal from Utah, to call for an investigation by the
perception to take place, three factors must be Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
present. First, the message must be deliber- Meanwhile, early tests in the realm of sublim-
ately and subtly inserted into some form of inal perception yielded definitive results
media. Then the information must be subcon- showing that the practice had little impact on
sciously perceived. Finally, the perception television viewers. WTWO, a television station
must influence the viewer or listener to act in Maine, inserted the message “If you have
upon the message. seen this message, write WTWO” in Septem-
The concept of using subliminal perception ber 1957 for 1/80 of a second every 11 sec-
to induce action gained attention in 1957 onds. The station received no additional mail
when Vicary, a market researcher, declared during the two-week trial. In February 1958,
that movie patrons in Fort Lee, New Jersey, another television station, the Canadian
increased their consumption of Coca-Cola by Broadcasting Company, attempted to get
18 percent and popcorn by 58 percent after viewers to use their phones during a broad-
being exposed to the messages “Eat Popcorn” cast by flashing the words “Telephone Now”
and “Drink Coca-Cola.” These phrases were 352 times in 30 minutes. Afterward, they con-
flashed on the screen during the film Picnic tacted 500 viewers, only 1 of whom experi-
for a duration of 1/3,000 of a second every 5 enced an urge to use the phone; others, un-
seconds, and Vicary claimed the presence of aware of what message they had received,

s u b l i m i n a l p e r c e p t i o n a n d a d v e r t i s i n g | 233

claimed to have felt hungry or thirsty during

the program.
Subliminal advertising gained further recog-
nition in the 1970s due to Wilson Bryan Key’s
book Subliminal Seduction. Key published the
work in 1973 and followed it up with addi-
tional texts on the subject, all of which ad-
vanced the claim that advertisers were engaged
in attempts to persuade consumers to purchase
goods through the use of hidden images, or
embeds. His work specifically detailed the use
of subliminally perceived erotic imagery and The word RATS appears in a frame in a
suggestive words. Among his most notorious Republican television ad that attacks Democratic
finds were the word SEX hidden in a number of nominee Al Gore’s Medicare plan. (Reuters
locations (including Ritz crackers) and sexual NewMedia Inc./CORBIS)
images embedded in photographs of ice cubes,
chicken nuggets, and a plate of clams. Key’s
ability to find licentious pictures in a multitude These self-help tapes marked a shift from
of seemingly innocent objects exemplifies the public wariness concerning the use of subcon-
human tendency to find patterns and make scious messages to the acceptance of employ-
meaning out of a series of random shapes and ing subliminal techniques for personal gain.
images. To train individuals to detect sublimi- These tapes claim to contain subliminal mes-
nal images such as clam-plate orgies and phal- sages that will help listeners overcome smok-
lic ice cubes, Key would have them prepare by ing addictions, lose weight, and improve mem-
identifying the images that materialized as they ory; retail outlets have also attempted to
stared at a sky filled with clouds. discourage shoplifters through broadcasting
The resurgence of a widespread belief in subliminal messages over public-address sys-
subliminal manipulation during the 1970s can tems. The subauditory messages in subliminal
be attributed, in part, to a growing distrust in recordings are so faint that they cannot be per-
authority. It was during this time that the Wa- ceived and are often accompanied by music or
tergate scandal was made public, and Ameri- nature sounds that drown out any audible
cans experienced increased suspicion in gov- message. In 1990, Anthony R. Pratkanis and
ernment, business, and the media. Similarly, his colleagues performed a study, supported by
public acceptance of the power of subliminal subsequent research, that concluded that lis-
perceptions in the 1950s was influenced by a teners given cassettes assumed to contain hid-
number of factors that played into apprehen- den messages perceived the tapes to have been
sions surrounding the Cold War. The movie effective regardless of whether or not they
The Manchurian Candidate, released in 1962, contained actual subliminal messages. In this
also fueled fears of mind-control and brain- case, the tapes produced a placebo effect in
washing techniques perpetrated on the Ameri- which the desired behavior was influenced by
can people in order to influence their behav- expectations rather than subliminal methods.
ior. By the 1990s, subliminal perception Fears and misconceptions surrounding the
entered the New Age as consumers sought potential of subliminal messages continue to
subliminal means of achieving self-help goals infiltrate our culture, and claims have been
through specially produced cassette tapes. made that sexual embeds are present in many
234 | s u b l i m i n a l p e r c e p t i o n a n d a d v e r t i s i n g

Disney films. These alleged subliminal images References:

include the semblance of male genitalia in a
Dixon, N. F. 1971. Subliminal Perception: The Na-
tower on the cover of The Little Mermaid and
ture of a Controversy. London: McGraw-Hill.
a cloud of dust that appears to spell out SEX in “FCC Information Bulletin on Subliminals.” Para-
the film The Lion King. Although these im- scope. URL:
ages, among others, may be attributed to play- 0497/sublimdb.htm. (Accessed on January 29,
ful graphic artists and therefore can be said to 2001).
have been deliberately included, they are also Haberstroh, Jack. 1994. Ice Cube Sex. Notre Dame,
readily apparent to the viewer and do not IN: Cross Cultural Publications.
require perception below the threshold of Key, W. B. 1973. Subliminal Seduction. Englewood
awareness. In addition, the images fail to pro- Cliffs, NJ: Signet.
duce a message provoking action and instead ———. 1980. The Clam-Plate Orgy. Englewood Cliffs,
appear to be either the work of animators NJ: Prentice-Hall.
seeking to leave their mark or a result of unin- Onion, Amanda. “Mind Games: Subliminal Ads
tentional patterns that resemble a coherent Mostly Ineffective, but Americans Think Other-
wise.” ABC News. URL: http://www.abcnews.
image. Even more recently, during the 2000
com. (Accessed on January 29, 2001).
presidential election campaign, the Republi-
Packard, Vance. 1957. The Hidden Persuaders. New
can Party was charged with using subliminal
York: Pocket Books.
techniques in a television commercial that fea-
Pratkanis, A. R. 1992. “The Cargo-Cult Science of
tured the word RATS following the phrase BU- Subliminal Persuasion.” Skeptical Inquirer 16:
REAUCRATS DECIDE. Whether or not the word 260–272.
was included intentionally to encourage the Pratkanis, A. R., and E. Aronson. 1992. Age of Pro-
voters to associate Democrats with rodents, paganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persua-
the image remained on the screen long sion. New York: W. H. Freeman.
enough to be perceived by the conscious mind “The Subliminal Scares.” Parascope. URL: http://
and therefore is not considered a subliminal
message. (Accessed on January 29, 2001).
Sun Sign Astrology
G E O F F R E Y D E A N , I V A N W . K E L L Y ,
A R T H U R M A T H E R , A N D R U D O L F S M I T

hese days, superstition is a boom in- Sometimes, the two types of columns overlap

T dustry and comes in many guises.

Some are strange and unfamiliar, but
everyone seems to know about sun signs, also
(“Ariens are born to win”).
Forecasts and their associated dial-a-horo-
scope phone lines are common in newspapers
called birth signs or star signs. Your sun sign (daily and weekly forecasts), women’s maga-
is the sun’s position in the tropical zodiac zines (monthly forecasts), and sun sign annu-
when you were born, and it is supposed to de- als (yearly forecasts). Delineations are almost
scribe your character, your abilities, and your as common, appearing in weekend supple-
relationships. Sun sign astrology is an over- ments, women’s magazines (“secrets of your
simplified astrology (see the “Astrology” entry man’s star sign”), and books. Typically, half of
in this encyclopedia) that became popular in the astrology titles on display in New Age
the 1930s. It generally requires only a birth bookshops are on sun signs; for example, re-
date regardless of year and is easy to com- cent titles include Sun Signs, Star Signs, Baby
mercialize, so it has become by far the most Signs, Cat Signs, Diet Signs, Fun Signs, Life
common kind of astrology in the Western Signs, Love Signs, Money Signs, Sex Signs,
world. It has no validity whatever—in sun sign and Success Signs.
astrology, the only thing that matters is
whether it sells.

Sun Sign Columns According to opinion polls, typically 50 per-
cent of the population read sun sign columns
In Western countries, most newspapers and at least sometimes, but only 5 percent take
almost all women’s magazines carry sun sign them seriously, so they are mostly seen as en-
columns, which pretend to tell those born un- tertainment. Nevertheless, 1 percent read
der each sun sign what their character or fu- them often and take them very seriously, like
ture is. There are two types of columns—fore- horoscope junkies unable to exist without
casts (“Aquarius, romance improves after the their daily fix. For such people, horoscopes
16th”) and delineations or attributes of each are anything but entertainment.
sun sign (“Taureans are stubborn”). Delin- Sun signs are a modern invention. If the
eations include compatibility (“Geminis and history of astrology is represented by a loaf of
Librans make beautiful music together”). bread, sun sign columns do not appear until

236 | s u n s i g n a s t r o l o g y

halfway through the last slice, forecasts being with astrology. We hear or read what our sun
generally unknown before the 1930s and de- sign is supposed to mean, compare it with what
lineations before the 1960s. Until then, the we see in ourselves, and proceed from there.
only sign that could be legitimately considered But look at the meaning of each sun sign from
on its own was the rising sign, which was the Aries through Pisces—assertive, possessive, ver-
original source of the word horoscope, from satile, sensitive, creative, critical, harmonious,
the Greek horoskopos, or watcher of the hour. secretive, adventurous, prudent, detached, im-
But sun signs rapidly became part of Western pressionable. (These meanings are sometimes
culture. Today, they are frequently used to expressed as I am, I have, I think, I feel, I com-
promote the sale of goods such as clothing, mand, I analyze, I balance, I desire, I see, I use,
jewelry, pillows, curtains, tableware, TV din- I know, I believe.) Because we are interested
ners, soft drinks, posters, calendars, stationery, only in our own sign, we fail to notice that
and especially women’s magazines (but not these traits are universal—everyone behaves in
men’s magazines) and sun sign books. A sun each of these ways at various times. Similarly,
sign supplement in a newspaper can boost no matter what our sign is, we can always find
sales by more than 10 percent. matching behaviors, so we will conclude
The mass marketing of sun signs has tied (wrongly) that sun sign astrology works. Fur-
them to fixed dates regardless of year; for ex- thermore, we tend to use only confirming
ample, Cancer’s dates are June 22 to July 22. strategies: if astrology says a person is extra-
But such dates are only approximations. If the verted, we tend to ask that person extraverted
calendar year exactly matched the solar year, questions (“Do you go to parties?”) rather than
the dates on which the sun changed sign introverted questions (“Do you read books?”).
would be exactly the same from one year to Because even introverts occasionally do ex-
the next. But because of the slight mismatch traverted things, the answers cannot fail to
that leads to leap years, the dates can be a day confirm astrology. So we will again conclude
off, which is why dates in sun sign books some- (wrongly) that sun sign astrology works.
times disagree. Those born near a cusp can
look up their exact sun sign in an astrological
ephemeris (a calendar of planetary positions),
in the tables given in some do-it-yourself as- Forecasts
trology books, or in some sun sign astrology
books, such as that by Sasha Fenton (1992) In contrast to delineations, sun sign forecasts
(see any astrology bookstore). Some as- bear no relation to any astrological tradition.
trologers say the attributes of each sun sign They can be derived in various ways, from
change abruptly at a cusp; others say the at- simple sign symbolism (so Leos can expect
tributes change gradually so that people born Leonian events) to planetary emphasis (so
near a cusp are a mixture. But because sun Mars currently in your sun sign might indicate
signs have no validity, the difference is of no a busy period). Or they can be pure invention,
consequence. which explains why many forecasts have no
discernible link with astrology (“The letter E is
important this week” or “Peace and tranquility
are worth a thousand gold pieces”). Regardless
Delineations of how they are derived, these forecasts attract
readers more by their style than by their as-
Sun sign delineations set out basic astrological trology, that is, by their capacity for conveying
tradition, and they tend to be our first contact maximum generality with maximum sincerity.
s u n s i g n a s t r o l o g y | 237

The Precession Argument Among astrologers, the verdict is less clear.

In fact, since the 1960s, violent arguments
The most common argument against sun signs over sun signs have periodically erupted in as-
is that, due to precession, they are moving fur- trological journals. The arguments invariably
ther and further away from the constellations repeat the same issues, ignore research find-
that gave them their names. So today’s Virgos ings, and therefore achieve nothing (Dean and
are actually Leos, and in due course, they will Mather 1996, 2000). Some astrologers see sun
be Cancerians, Geminis, Taureans, and so on, signs as valid and good publicity; others see
becoming Virgos again by roughly a.d. 26,000. them as nonsense and exploitation. Critics
But the argument is invalid. In Western astrol- point out that astrology can hardly be taken
ogy, the signs are measured in the tropical zo- seriously when astrologers themselves show
diac, not the sidereal zodiac of the constella- such a major division of opinion over such a
tions. Tropical signs begin at the vernal point basic issue.
(0 Aries), the first moment of spring, so it
makes no difference where the constellations
are. Nevertheless, if signs begin in springtime,
they should reverse in the Southern Hemi- Newspaper Disclaimers
sphere. But astrologers ignore this complica-
tion; for them, the signs do not reverse. So in In 1984, the U.S.-based Committee for the Sci-
Australia and Brazil and South Africa, suppos- entific Investigation of Claims of the Paranor-
edly wintry Capricorns are born in the heat of mal (CSICOP) urged newspapers and maga-
summer. Perhaps astrologers hope that nobody zines to label their sun sign columns with a
will notice. disclaimer saying they were for entertainment
only and had no basis in fact. The 1,200 U.S.
newspapers with horoscope columns were
slow to respond—by 1986, 0.5 percent had
Validity of Sun Signs adopted a disclaimer, rising to 5 percent by
1994 but no further by 2000. In 1987, no New
Does using sun sign astrology add validity to Zealand newspapers adopted the disclaimer
sun sign forecasts and delineations, as com- when urged to do so by scientists, but one did
pared to simply making them up? Or does it add the caveat “for entertainment,” and two
merely mislead readers into believing that major dailies did change the title of their
their “thought for the day” in a forecast or de- columns to “Stars for Fun.” This suggests that
lineation is more meaningful than one in, say, disclaimers will not be adopted unless brief
a desk calendar? The verdict of half a century and to the point.
of research is clear and consistent: sun sign as-
trology has no validity whatever (Fichten and
Sunerton 1983; Culver and Ianna 1988; Dean
and Mather 1996, 2000). Indeed, formal stud- Sun Signs and Self-Image
ies can be superfluous—columns have ap-
peared on the wrong day due to a filing error Interestingly, a weak but statistically signifi-
or because old columns were being recycled to cant link between sun sign and extraversion
save money, but readers noticed no difference. was reported in 1978, advance notice of which
And we need only look around us to see that was hailed by astrologers as “possibly the most
people absolutely do not come in just twelve important development for astrology in this
varieties. century” (Phenomena 1977). But the effect
238 | s u n s i g n a s t r o l o g y

disappeared when people unfamilar with sun ships in a positive and nonjudgmental way;
signs were tested, so the finding had a simple they help us talk about ourselves, thus creating
explanation—prior knowledge of astrology. Ask closeness; they require only a birth date and
Sagittarians (who are supposedly sociable and are easy to learn; they are perceived to be
outgoing) whether they like going to parties, mostly true; and they are highly available—
and their answer might be tipped by astrology only weather forecasts are more pervasive. Sun
in favor of yes rather than no. The bias may be signs are popular because they fill a need, are
unconscious and very slight, but it is there dead simple, and appear to work. They are
nonetheless. When combined with the findings also big business. No other system comes close.
of national opinion polls, the results suggest
that roughly one person in four believes suffi- References:
ciently in astrology to measurably shift their
Culver, R. G., and P. A. Ianna. 1988. Astrology: True
self-image in the corresponding direction.
or False? A Scientific Evaluation. Amherst, NY:
Prometheus Books. A clear and very readable
critique by astronomers, with much useful infor-
mation and the results of their own extensive sun
Popularity Revisited sign tests. Concludes that astrology (including
sun sign astrology) is neither scientifically sound
Why are sun signs, a mere fragment of astrol- nor scientifically useful.
ogy, so hugely popular, and why are they re- Dean, G., and A. Mather. 1996. “Sun Sign Columns:
membered when so much other information An Armchair Invitation.” Astrological Journal 38:
about ourselves is forgotten? The reason may 143–155. An expanded version is at URL:
lie in our search for personal identity, the way The au-
in which we see ourselves in the world. Mod- thors survey the history of sun sign columns, the
ern living is characterized by change, speed, results of tests, and the disagreeing views of as-
trologers as expressed in astrological journals. To
and a loss of spiritual values. In the old days,
try to advance the debate, they invite astrologers
our clues to finding a personal identity were
and interested scientists to submit new ideas for
taken from stable family and social settings.
testing sun sign columns.
Today, this stability is greatly reduced, and tra- ———. 2000. “Sun Sign Columns: Response to an In-
ditional clues may well be less important than vitation.” Skeptical Inquirer 24, no. 5: 36–40. An
clues provided by films, TV, celebrities, and expanded version is at URL: http://www.
the occult. Whatever we may think of sun The responses sug-
signs, they provide millions of people with a gest that the negative results achieved to date are
rich source of clues for constructing their unlikely to change. Perhaps the most telling re-
identities—names (nothing impersonal here), sponse is from Australian philosopher William
personality, lifestyle, romance, occupation, Grey, one of the few philosophers to have inter-
everything. Even if the clues are false, the be- acted with astrologers and to have initiated a na-
lief in their truth can make them true in their tional survey of belief in astrology: “Astrologers
have had plenty of opportunity to establish the
consequences, so they become a self-fulfilling
validity of sun sign astrology via double-blind
prophecy in the same way that a sound bank
tests. That they have not done so is most easily
can collapse if people believe it is unsound.
explained by the hypothesis that they cannot do
As well as providing clues for our personal so. Sun sign astrology is not knowledge but epis-
identity, sun signs have other attractive fea- temological hallucination” (p. 38).
tures. They address ourselves and our relation- Fenton, S. 1992. Sun Signs: Discover Yourself and
s u n s i g n a s t r o l o g y | 239

Others through Astrology. London: Aquarian. Occasionally, books appear that claim to validate
One of many similar books that describe at sun signs. But in every case, a critical examination
length how people born under each sun sign are has revealed mistakes and procedural blunders. A
supposed to look, love, work, and play. The au- best-selling example is:
thor is a British consulting astrologer who at the
time was the sun sign columnist for Woman’s Sachs, G. 1998. The Astrology File: Scientific Proof
Own. She describes her book as “probably the of the Link between Star Signs and Human Be-
simplest book I have ever written” (p. 11). The havior. London: Orion Books. The author uses
time and date of sun sign changes during samples of up to several millions of cases—sam-
1930–1993 are listed on pp. 226–228. ples so huge that even the most trivial of errors
Fichten, C. S., and B. Sunerton. 1983. “Popular (for example, in matching the sample to controls)
Horoscopes and the Barnum Effect.” Journal of becomes enormously inflated in statistical signifi-
Psychology 114: 123–134. Tests using 366 Cana- cance. So his conclusions are misleading. Other-
dian college students showed that daily and wise, the book is readable and well set out. Two
monthly sun sign columns were neither valid nor critiques that expertly reveal the book’s mistakes
in agreement. and procedural blunders appear in Correlation
Phenomena. 1977. Editorial comment. Phenomena: 17, no. 1 (1998): 41–49, and also at URL: http://
The Bulletin of Astrological News & Information
1, no. 1: 1.

ynchronicity is the name given by the phy. He also drew upon the philosophies of

S Swiss psychiatrist Carl G. Jung (1875–

1961) to the phenomenon of two or
more events that seem to be connected but
Gottfried Leibniz (1646–1716) and Johannes
Kepler (1571–1630).
Paranormal phenomena interested Jung
are not causally related; it is also called an from the beginning of his career. The work of
acausal connecting principle. Jung (1951) parapsychologist J. B. Rhine in the 1930s ap-
grouped synchronistic phenomena into three peared to prove the existence of extrasensory
categories: (1) the coincidence of a mental perception (ESP), which for Jung suggested
state (idea, feeling, image) with a simultane- an empirical basis for synchronicity. Discus-
ous external event that corresponds in some sions with physicist Wolfgang Pauli added to
meaningful way to the mental state; (2) the his conceptualization of synchronicity as a
same correspondence of a mental state and a necessary organizing principle of the universe
simultaneous external, meaningfully con- that was equal but in opposition to causality.
nected event, with the latter being outside of Jung’s theory was highly controversial from
the observer’s field of perception; and (3) a the first, and he often complained about being
meaningful coincidence of a mental state with misunderstood. Although he tried very hard
some future event. to present a strong case for synchronicity, his
To illustrate synchronicity, Jung (1951) told ideas were and are far from convincing to the
a story about a woman patient whose treat- skeptic. The main reason, from the scientific
ment had come to an impasse. During a ther- standpoint, is the difficulty or impossibility of
apy session, the woman told him about a any experimental confirmation that synchro-
dream she had in which someone had pre- nistic events are qualitatively different from
sented her with a golden scarab (the scarab ordinary coincidences. Another reason is that
beetle is an Egyptian symbol of rebirth). At synchronistic experiences are too open to a
that precise moment, Jung heard a tapping at variety of interpretations. Almost any coinci-
the window behind him, and when he went to dence can be a synchronistic event if the ob-
open it, a large beetle (a rose chafer) flew in. server thinks it is. Nevertheless, synchronicity
He caught it and handed it to her. The inci- continues to have great appeal in the New
dent broke the patient’s impasse so that treat- Age movement today (a search of the Internet
ment could proceed. will easily show this to be true) because of its
Jung believed that synchronicity had both a paranormal quality and because it postulates
philosophical and a scientific basis. He cited a hidden meaning to existence—a bond or
many historical antecedents of synchronicity connection between the psyche and the mate-
in alchemy, astrology, and Chinese philoso- rial universe—that can only be known by intu-

s y n c h r o n i c i t y | 241

horoscopes and actual marriages. Although he

found no significant statistical evidence of a
connection, he noted that in each of the three
batches, the most frequent arrangement of
planets was one of three that are important
marriage indicators according to astrology.
With the help of a statistician, Jung calculated
that the probability of such a thing happening
was so small as to be inconceivable (1 in
62,500,000), and therefore synchronistic. In
Jung’s words, “It is nothing but a chance result
from the statistical point of view, yet it is
meaningful on account of the fact that it looks
as if it validated [the case for astrology]” (Jung
1955, 1958).
C. G. Jung. (Fortean Picture Library) Unfortunately, the scientist is not permitted
to place any weight on experimental results
ition. But from the scientific point of view, syn- that appear to support something they in fact
chronicity is neither testable nor falsifiable do not. From the scientific standpoint, there is
and must be considered pseudoscience. no meaning to the coincidence. Furthermore,
Synchronicity is closely related to Jung’s the excitement about the particular chart con-
theory of the structure of the psyche. Accord- figurations that came out on top has a suspi-
ing to Jung, the deepest layer of the psyche, ciously post hoc quality (not uncommon in as-
shared by all humans, is the collective uncon- trology!). Jung was aware of all this, yet he
scious. This layer is structured by patterns of claimed that statistics are simply unable to ac-
instinctual behavior called archetypes. The ar- count for such exceptional cases; therefore, he
chetypes can never be observed directly or said, a new principle had to be devised.
made conscious; they function as a kind of One may ask why Jung, who considered
source code for outer manifestations such as himself an empiricist, was not content with
symbols, myth, and religion, among others. more objective studies of supposedly synchro-
Synchronistic phenomena occur when an ar- nistic phenomena, which would address the is-
chetype is “activated” or when it exercises a sue of “meaningfulness” from the standpoint of
particularly strong effect on conscious behav- the subject’s observable mental state. But given
ior or thought. This is most likely to happen Jung’s personal and philosophical background,
when the person is at a crisis state of some the nineteenth-century interest in Spiritualism
kind (as was the woman in the scarab story) or and the occult, and the state of neuroscience at
is emotionally preoccupied with something. the time, it is easy to see how he could find the
When this crisis or preoccupation is accompa- idea of synchronicity not only attractive but
nied by a corresponding lowering of the con- also necessary to his psychology.
sciousness threshold (as in a so-called trance
state), the stage is set for a synchronistic event.
To empirically test for synchronicity, Jung References:
analyzed the horoscopes of 400 married pairs, Bishop, Paul. 2000. Synchronicity and Intellectual
in three sets collected over time, to determine Intuition in Kant, Swedenborg, and Jung. Lewis-
if an “acausal connection” existed between the ton, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
242 | s y n c h r o n i c i t y

Faber, M. D. 1998. Synchronicity: C. G. Jung, Psy- Jung, vol. 8, The Structure and Dynamics of the
choanalysis, and Religion. Westport, CT: Praeger. Psyche, edited by Sir Herbert Read, Michael
Falk, Ruma. 1986. “On Coincidences.” In Science Fordham, and Gerhard Adler, 417–519. New
Confronts the Paranormal, edited by Kendrick York: Pantheon.
Frazier, 43–56. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. ———. 1958. “An Astrological Experiment.” In The
Gallo, Ernest. 1994. “Synchronicity and the Arche- Collected Works of Carl G. Jung, vol. 18, The
types.” Skeptical Inquirer 18, no. 4: 396–403. Symbolic Life, edited by Sir Herbert Read,
Jung, Carl G. 1950–1955. “Letters on Synchronic- Michael Fordham, and Gerhard Adler, 494–501.
ity.” In The Collected Works of Carl G. Jung, vol. New York: Pantheon.
18, The Symbolic Life, edited by Sir Herbert Jung, Carl G., and Wolfgang Pauli. 1955. The Inter-
Read, Michael Fordham, and Gerhard Adler, pretation of Nature and the Psyche. New York:
502–509. New York: Pantheon. Pantheon.
———. 1951. “On Synchronicity.” In The Collected Koestler, Arthur. 1972. The Roots of Coincidence.
Works of Carl G. Jung, vol. 8, The Structure and New York: Random House.
Dynamics of the Psyche, edited by Sir Herbert Mansfield, Victor, Sally Rhine-Feather, and James
Read, Michael Fordham, and Gerhard Adler, Hall. “The Rhine-Jung Letters: Distinguishing
520–531. New York: Pantheon. Parapsychological from Synchronistic Events.”
———. 1955. “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Art Matrix-Lightlink. URL: http://www.lightlink.
Principle.” In The Collected Works of Carl G. com/vic/rhine.html. (Accessed on June 2, 2001).
Therapeutic Touch

herapeutic Touch is a form of vitalism nant, and those beliefs suggested that the

T especially popular among nurses in

the United States during the last quar-
ter of the twentieth century. Weaving together
practice did not require physical contact.
Rapidly thereafter, the “touch” became meta-
physical, if not metaphorical.
mystical and pseudoscientific traditions from
the mid-twentieth, nineteenth, and even late
eighteenth centuries, nursing professor Do-
lores Krieger and Theosophist Dora Kunz de- Practicum
veloped the technique, commonly known by
its initials, TT. Utilizing “intentionality” for Therapeutic Touch practitioners were trained
healing, practitioners claimed to treat illness to perform the technique in three basic steps:
and relieve symptoms by passing their hands centering, assessment, and intervention.
over and around the body of a sick person, (Some teachers subdivided one or more of
rarely if ever touching it. From its initial in- these steps; others added some posttreatment
troduction in the mid-1970s, the practice of behavior.)
TT grew in acceptance and influence within Centering was a meditative act wherein the
U.S. nursing schools (and, to a lesser extent, in practitioner would focus on and form an “in-
the United Kingdom) until the mid-1990s, tention” to help and heal. This act was en-
when it was affected by some schismatic off- tirely inwardly directed and had no apparent
shoots and also was vigorously challenged by interaction with the person who was to be
skeptics and academics. TT went into drastic treated, though the expectation was that as a
decline immediately after the appearance of a result, the practitioner would be more “open”
1998 paper about it in the Journal of the to receiving and transmitting the healing en-
American Medical Association (JAMA) and is ergies that are supposedly all around us. The
not much heard of today, just a few years meditation was expected to benefit the practi-
later. tioner directly as well.
Though called Therapeutic Touch, the Assessment was an attempt to manually de-
practice rarely involved any physical contact termine the locale of a disturbance in a
apparent to the outside observer. The very client’s vital force (variously termed prana, qi,
earliest practice of TT did involve actual con- ki, or human energy field). By moving the
tact between practitioner and patient as a sort hands through the vital field, changes in “sen-
of laying on of hands. However, within a cou- sory cues” would reveal abnormalities in the
ple of years after being introduced in nursing, vitalistic nature of the subject. Such abnor-
the underlying vitalistic beliefs became domi- malities were usually described as a localized

244 | t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h

area of imbalance, congestion, or depletion of harnessed with training and translated into an
the vital force. actual therapeutic outcome. But after the
Intervention, or treatment, would necessar- JAMA article appeared, Krieger and many
ily follow successful assessment and adequate others began publicly to downplay the impor-
centering. In treatment, the hands were moved tance of assessment and intervention, and they
through the vital field again, this time with the refocused the practice of TT onto centering
intention of smoothing imperfections, remov- and intentionality. They paid a price for doing
ing blockages, or reenergizing depleted areas. so, however, by sacrificing their claims that TT
Some practitioners would even flick “excess was a scientifically valid therapy. Since inten-
energy” from their fingertips. At this stage, the tion to heal is fundamentally nonfalsifiable
practitioner purportedly became a conduit for (that is, an untestable concept), the epistemo-
healing energies. logical focus on it meant that TT became in-
For two decades following the introduction scrutable and irredeemably pseudoscientific.
of TT, practitioners viewed each phase of the
process as critically important. Trainers and
practitioners alike felt that they could sense
“something” while moving their hands around Claims for Healing
another’s body. The sensation was variously
described in terms like tingling, pulling, throb- As with so many other alternative therapies,
bing, hot, cold, spongy, and tactile as taffy. Us- Therapeutic Touch had a long list of sympto-
ing such subjective sensations, the practitioner matic conditions, illnesses, and disorders for
would try to diagnose medical problems in the which it was reputed to be effective. Indeed,
assessment phase. During the intervention that the list was so long and diverse it was fairly
followed, the practitioner was intentionally called a panacea. By 1998, it was claimed to
“repatterning” the vital field to bring its en- treat pain, nausea, diarrhea, headaches (both
ergy into “balance” throughout, which pur- tension and migraine), arthritis, inflammation,
portedly would stem disease and allow the fever, thyroid imbalances, decubitus ulcers,
body to heal itself. Belief in these sensations edematous legs, psychosomatic illnesses,
was at the core of TT practice before 1998. Alzheimer’s, AIDS, menstruation, premen-
But in that year, a widely publicized paper ap- strual syndrome, asthma, autism, stroke, coma,
peared in JAMA with research that revealed multiple sclerosis, Raynaud’s, measles, sundry
the incapacity of trained practitioners to sense forms of cancer and infection, and the effects
even the presence or absence of a person’s vi- of trauma. A couple of organs were said to be
tal field. That research suggested that assess- “insensitive” to treatment with TT (the pitu-
ment was illusory and that intervention proba- itary and pancreas—hence, the notable lack of
bly was as well. effectiveness with diabetes), but no one in the
According to Krieger, Kunz, and others, suc- TT practitioner community publicly specu-
cessful treatment through Therapeutic Touch lated on the reasons behind these exceptions.
always required a genuine intentionality to Because the principal mechanism of action
heal, and they thought that a strong enough was believed to be the body healing itself, it
intention to help or heal could overcome other was predictable that claims would be made
deficiencies in technique (such as failure to ac- that Therapeutic Touch would aid, stimulate,
curately assess). Every person was viewed as or enhance the body’s natural functioning. Re-
possessing an innate ability to form such inten- ports of this entailed reducing anxiety, pro-
tionality, and the ability was believed to be moting infant-parent bonding, increasing milk
t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h | 245

letdown during breast-feeding, seeding skin was not at all in that religious tradition. One
grafts, accelerating healing for wounds and must look elsewhere.
broken bones, comforting end-of-life care, and Because of the inseparability of Dora Kunz,
aiding “social communication.” Most dramatic onetime president of the American Theosophi-
was Krieger’s unsupported claim that TT had cal Society, and the development and promo-
restored vital signs to clinically dead infants by tion of Therapeutic Touch (which is sometimes
activating the “pendulum swing” of cellular referred to as the Krieger-Kunz method), an
proteins. obvious place to look for origins is in Theoso-
Clinicians often cite the placebo effect to ac- phist belief and history. Two vitalistic elements
count for reports of healing (though not for of Theosophy are particularly relevant to TT
the restoration of life) from practices such as praxis. First, under founder Madame Helena
Therapeutic Touch. TT, however, was unique Blavatsky and her immediate successor, Annie
in that its proponents claimed that the placebo Besant, Theosophy in the late nineteenth cen-
effect was irrelevant. The only belief system tury attempted to resurrect the animal mag-
supposedly at work was that of the practi- netism of Franz Anton Mesmer, after a century
tioner, not the patient. This was consistent of disrepute. Second, Blavatsky imported
with the dominant role of the healer’s inten- Hindu Spiritualism into Europe (and Besant
tionality propounded by Krieger and her col- did the same for the United States); its tradi-
leagues. tions included a life-force concept known as
Although it was often stated that Therapeu- prana. TT equated Mesmer’s magnetic fluid
tic Touch acted only beneficially (thanks to in- with prana (or what Krieger called “pranic
tentionality), a few proponents raised certain current”), and the assessment and intervention
cautions. For example, imparting too much en- phases of TT were remarkably similar to Mes-
ergy to an infant could cause hyperactivity; in mer’s practices for the treatment of hysteria.
adults, overtreatment could result in light- Centering was unquestionably a meditative
headedness, headaches, or accelerated growth practice patterned on an oriental model, some-
of tumors. Overall, though, both the effects times described as yogic. This fusion of East
and the risks of overtreatment were consid- and West (yin and yang, as it were) was very
ered quite small. Theosophical.
Another tradition adapted by Krieger and
others was the Chinese vitalism known as qi
(in Japan, ki). In traditional Chinese medicine
Etiology and Epistemology (TCM), healers attempt to direct qi through a
force of will. The interruption or, alternatively,
Therapeutic Touch has its antecedents and, in the enhancement of the flow of qi along de-
fact, owes much to vitalistic traditions world- fined meridians is at the heart of much TCM
wide. For political and cultural reasons, practice. (Acupuncture, for example, is predi-
Krieger introduced the practice to nursing as a cated upon this.) In spite of her Buddhist pref-
latter-day form of Christianity’s laying on of erences and prejudice toward things Indian,
hands, and she attempted to impute intention- even Krieger found the similarity of TCM to
ality as the mechanism for the miraculous TT practice too close to ignore, and she often
cures attributed to that religious practice. She talked in terms of meridians. However, never
succeeded in getting a number of nuns and too far from her roots (together with Kunz),
Catholic nursing orders to endorse and prac- she fit meridians into a Theosophical context,
tice TT, but in time, it became clear that TT conceptualizing TT’s meridians as passing in
246 | t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h

and out of energetic centers in the body like HEFs were constantly interacting with the sur-
lines of force emanating from the ends of a rounding environmental field (which included
magnet; they identified these centers as the HEFs of others). Adapting such ideas of-
chakras, the Vedic word for the foci of the life fered TT many entrées into nursing, but it was
force. a purely political path. In truth, Rogerianism
During the early years, Krieger actively had no more factual or empirical basis than
tried to disguise the mystical origins of Thera- did TT, and it had no more real basis for being
peutic Touch in order to get more willing ac- considered a scientific theory, much less an
ceptance of the practice in nursing and else- entire system (or science). That fact deterred
where. She and others proposed many neither Rogers nor her disciples (called Ro-
scientific-sounding explanations for TT’s gerians), including Krieger at the time, from
mechanism of action. The first proffered was using the label to promote their beliefs in vari-
oxygen uptake by hemoglobin (the word ous forms of “energetic” medicine. Right
prana, translated as “breath of life,” was through the 1980s, Krieger often cited Rogers
equated with oxygen), then the therapeutic as providing a rationale for TT, and she made
value of skin-to-skin contact (which was lost a special point of using the term HEF with the
when the noncontact version came along). general public. For her part, Rogers oddly was
Other concepts advanced were “electron lukewarm to the notion that TT was an exam-
transfer resonance,” stereochemical similari- ple of applied Rogerian science, but Rogerians
ties between hemoglobin and chlorophyll, in general embraced TT as their own, unre-
electrostatic potentials influenced by healer servedly so after Rogers’s death in 1994.
brain activity, and unspecifiable concepts from
quantum theory.
Though Krieger would later eschew all sci-
encelike explanations for Therapeutic Touch, History
overtly presenting the mysticism that underlies
the practice, scientific-sounding explanations The Theosophical version of the laying on of
such as those mentioned earlier seemed a ne- hands was introduced to nursing by Dolores
cessity at the beginning. Krieger found none Krieger at a workshop for credulous nurse re-
better than the beliefs and teachings of nursing searchers hosted by the American Nurses’ As-
theorist Martha Rogers. Rogers was dean of sociation (ANA) at their 1973 annual conven-
the New York University (NYU) School of tion. Before then, perhaps as early as 1965, it
Nursing at the time Krieger got her Ph.D. was a little-noted fringe activity engaged in by
there and while Krieger was on the teaching Theosophists at their retreat in Pumpkin Hol-
faculty. From that post, Rogers held sway over low, just north of New York City. Dora Kunz,
the largest and arguably most prestigious and who claimed to be a fifth-generation sensitive
influential of U.S. nursing schools; she used (that is, spirit medium or channeler), had been
her position to further her own philosophy of conducting “experiments” in the laying on of
nursing—the science of unitary man (later hands with a Hungarian expatriate by the
dubbed a more politically correct science of name of Oskar Estabany. Estabany was the
unitary human beings and more recently popular subject for many paranormal investi-
Rogerian science). In this “grand nursing the- gators in the 1960s, including Kunz and a new
ory,” she speculated that humans were actu- Ph.D. in nursing, Dolores Krieger. In 1971,
ally human energy fields (HEFs), and as such, Krieger and Kunz concluded they had found
a person’s body extended beyond the skin. an objective measure of Estabany’s abilities—
t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h | 247

serum hemoglobin counts—and Krieger was States and Canada, with new TT-related doc-
able to get the ANA to listen in 1973. It was the toral dissertations and master’s theses appear-
beginning of a long association between the ing wherever they went. For example, like a
ANA and Krieger’s followers. By early 1975, latter-day Johnny Appleseed, Janet Quinn
Krieger had a cover story on the newly re- went to the nursing faculties at the Medical
named “Therapeutic Touch” in the ANA’s flag- University of South Carolina and then to the
ship journal, the American Journal of Nursing University of Colorado Health Sciences Cen-
(AJN). ter; each school immediately became a center
Krieger immediately followed her 1973 pa- for TT activism, with grants, papers, disserta-
per with courses in the technique at NYU, tions, and theses flowing liberally.
playing off Martha Rogers’s theory of nursing. By the early 1990s, it could be fairly said
She renamed the practice Therapeutic Touch that Therapeutic Touch was entrenched in
because the term laying on of hands was con- nursing. One of the nursing profession’s largest
sidered an obstacle to acceptance by “curricu- periodicals, RN, was publishing favorable arti-
lum committees and other institutional bul- cles about TT practice on a regular basis. En-
warks of today’s society” (Krieger 1975b). With ergy-field disturbance was recognized by the
the 1975 AJN appearance, TT course offerings North American Nursing Diagnosis Associa-
were firmly established, and something of a tion, with TT as the only treatment available.
cultlike following arose at NYU, where a de- The Order of Nurses of Quebec declared TT
tractor labeled them “Krieger’s Krazies” (a la- was a bona fide nursing skill. One regulatory
bel immediately co-opted by Krieger herself board, the Colorado State Board of Nursing,
and turned to her advantage). even declared it to be part of “mainstream”
Another round of favorable articles ap- nursing. Continuing-education credits (CEUs)
peared in AJN during 1979, just as the first of a for nursing-license renewals were routinely
series of TT-related dissertations were being granted for courses in and about TT. The Na-
approved at NYU. These articles and disserta- tional League for Nursing, the erstwhile cre-
tions, along with a book by Krieger, revealed dentialing agency for nursing schools in the
that since at least 1976, a variant of Therapeu- United States, actively promoted TT with
tic Touch, called noncontact TT, had been ac- books, audiotapes, and videotapes. And the
tively pursued by Krieger and her “Krazies.” In American Nurses’ Association continued to
1982, one of these followers, Janet Quinn, got hold workshops in TT, complete with CEUs.
her Ph.D. with a seminal dissertation purport- By middecade, numerous hospitals and private
edly establishing with research that there was clinics nationwide and in the United Kingdom
no difference between the contact and noncon- offered TT as treatment, and some 43,000
tact forms of TT. After that time, the contact health professionals (mostly nurses) reportedly
version of TT faded from view and practice. had been trained in this area, with at least half
Throughout the 1980s, growth in the move- said to be actively practicing.
ment was the order of the day. Krieger and At its high-water mark, Therapeutic Touch
NYU landed research grants for investigations was being taught in at least 100 nursing
into Therapeutic Touch, all reporting its suc- schools at colleges and universities in 75 coun-
cessful application to a wide range of illnesses tries, sometimes at the graduate level. Master’s
and conditions. More books were to appear, and doctoral degrees were being granted regu-
first by Krieger and then by her disciples. larly on the basis of theses on TT. Some com-
Graduate students and new Ph.D.s fanned out munity colleges had frequent and extensive of-
into other nursing schools around the United ferings for introducing new laypeople and
248 | t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h

professionals alike to the technique; the latter as a vehicle to impose guildlike control over
were able to get continuing-education credits the practice of TT (even establishing testing
toward license renewals. It was practiced by and certification of her own, which she had
nurses in at least eighty hospitals in North previously eschewed). But it was to no avail;
America, some of which even went so far as to the genie was already out of the bottle.
establish a “Department of Energy.” The poli-
cies and procedures books of some institutions
recognized TT as a nursing intervention,
though often it was practiced without the per- Research
mission or even knowledge of attending physi-
cians. Krieger and Kunz established a trade Starting with the first public disclosure of
group, Nurse Healers and Professional Associ- Therapeutic Touch to the ANA and right
ates Cooperative (NHPA), which at one time through to the late 1990s, Krieger and Kunz
had more than 1,200 members. claimed there was scientifically valid evidence
Therapeutic Touch was as much a vehicle for the practice. Indeed, through 1997, there
for the promotion of Theosophy as anything were seventy-six reports of quantitative re-
else, and Krieger acted as an evangelist, re- search into TT over twenty-five years, little of
peatedly stating that TT could be learned and it in peer-reviewed journals (none in journals
practiced by anyone. This led her to resist the of the first rank, even within nursing). Of
imposition of standards that might act as im- these, twenty-four were self-identified as un-
pediments to TT’s ability to spread Theoso- supportive (statistically insignificant, small
phist philosophy. But not everyone who took samples, inconclusive, or results negative to
up TT had Theosophist leanings, and Krieger’s TT); included in that number were four failed
slackness in control inevitably led to copycats, attempts at replicating earlier experiments. As
heresies, and, as Krieger fought back, even for the remaining fifty-two reports, at most
schisms. An early Canadian follower, M. J. Bul- only one may have demonstrated independent
brook, joined with Krieger expatriate Janet confirmation of any prior study. All of the
Mentgen to start Healing Touch, an eclectic quantitative research was clinical studies. In
form of TT. Barbara Brennan coupled TT spite of the panacea-like claims for Therapeu-
practice with her beliefs in auras (equated tic Touch, clinical research actually fell into
with human energy fields), spirit guides (chan- just six broad categories: hematology, meta-
neling), and hara (intentionality) to create bolic change, analgesia, effects on practition-
Brennan Healing Science (also known as ers, and patients’ mental states. Just a handful
Hands of Light). Chiropractic, always on the of papers reported on any other areas.
prowl to exploit fads for practice building, Krieger’s first papers on her experiments in
even constructed their own version of TT the early 1970s purported to show statistically
(Touch for Health). that Therapeutic Touch elevated serum hemo-
Krieger at first tolerated all the apostasies, globin. The effect was deemed important be-
but she later regretted not dealing firmly with cause hemoglobin provides oxygen uptake for
them as competitors. She had unkind words to animal organisms, and prana is “intrinsic to
say about Healing Touch in particular, after the oxygen molecule.” (She explained this was
the latter beat out TT for exclusive certifica- similar to the role of chlorophyll for plants,
tion offerings by the American Holistic Nurs- which did not surprise her given their “bio-
ing Association. Krieger eventually attempted chemical similarities.”) Critics roundly at-
to use her established trade group, the NHPA, tacked the report and the experiment: the
t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h | 249

samples were too small and not randomized; Research design was a problem for all clini-
the statistical measures were inadequate and cal researchers of Therapeutic Touch. Ade-
used inappropriately; hemoglobin is a measure quate control for the placebo effect vexed
not of blood’s oxygen uptake but capacity; and every one of them. Heidt had “casual touch”
the comparison with chlorophyll was “inexpli- as a placebo, using pulse taking for her con-
cable.” Moreover, subsequent studies found no trol. The hands-off TT investigated by Quinn
significant relationship between TT and in- required something more imaginative. Her al-
creased hemoglobin values or transcutaneous ternative was simplicity itself: mimic TT with
oxygen blood gas pressure. Krieger defended the same hand motions but prevent the
her statistics against her contemporaneous placebo practitioners from forming the requi-
critics by attacking the Table of Random Num- site intentionality by having them count back-
bers because it had been developed for use in ward by sevens from 100. It immediately be-
the study of fertilizers, not human beings. “As came the standard placebo used in TT
any nurse knows,” she concluded, “human be- research. Within a few years, however, a series
ings are of a very different order of things” of failed replications had Quinn questioning
(Krieger 1975c). In due course, Krieger even- whether that approach actually worked. Still a
tually acknowledged the difficulties with the few more years after that, and another TT-
study, but she defended herself as doing “the Rogerian Ph.D., Thérèse Meehan, was dismiss-
best I could with the knowledge available” ing it altogether. Even so, nothing was ever
(Krieger 1993). proposed to replace it, and TT research proto-
In 1979, Patricia Heidt became the first of cols continued to use it.
Krieger’s Krazies to receive her doctorate from Beginning in the 1980s, grants flowed into
NYU with a dissertation showing TT’s calming TT research from public and private sources—
effect on anxious hospitalized patients. Though the National Institutes of Health, the Public
it, too, had its failings according to critics, it es- Health Service, the paranormalist Institute of
tablished academic respectability for the prac- Noetic Sciences, the eclectic Kellogg Founda-
tice; it is not coincidental that the area of re- tion, and the Department of Defense. The lat-
laxation was the most researched in TT. That ter awarded a notorious $335,000 grant for a
respectability was enhanced with the publica- burn-pain study that was tinged with scientific
tion of Janet Quinn’s dissertation in 1982, misconduct and ultimately yielded inconclu-
which had at least the appearance of replicat- sive results.
ing and confirming Heidt’s results on a similar The results of Therapeutic Touch research
population. were often disappointing and always contro-
Quinn’s dissertation was arguably the most versial. From the beginning, critics were con-
important publication for Therapeutic Touch stantly sniping at the small sample sizes, the
in its history. Using a similar condition and marginal statistical significances, the frequent
population as did Heidt, Quinn replaced the appearance of “pilot” studies, and the use of
laying-on-of-hands technique with the non- phenomenological “qualitative” research (es-
contact form of TT. The statistical analysis sentially anecdotes). In addition, all of the
yielded results strikingly similar to Heidt’s. In research investigated clinical effectiveness;
one stroke, apparently both TT’s efficacy was fundamental research into the underlying con-
established and the hands-off form of therapy cepts was never done. Without clear-cut evi-
was validated. There was also a third accom- dence to back up their claims, TT supporters
plishment: a placebo protocol had been intro- began cherry-picking from available studies.
duced for noncontact TT. One such episode involved a shadowy figure
250 | t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h

from California who, in 1989, claimed to have state senate committee held up reappoint-
discovered a promising effect of TT on the ments of board members for a month until it
healing of wounds, attributing the effect to secured a promise that the board would be
“subtle energies.” This claim was widely circu- more discreet in the future. Within a year, the
lated as the long-sought “proof” for both effi- board had repealed the continuing-education
cacy and underlying mechanism; Krieger even requirements that had been sustaining TT’s
joined the organization that published the pa- and Healing Touch’s professional visibility (the
per, the International Society for the Study of latter being headquartered in Colorado).
Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine This setback was quickly followed by a chal-
(ISSSEEM). It turns out the study was just the lenge to the teaching of Therapeutic Touch at
first in a series of related investigations, and it the School of Nursing at the University of Col-
ended in 1994 with the author declaring it orado. It survived, but a blue-ribbon investiga-
“inconclusive.” The first paper nonetheless tive committee delivered a devastating critique
continued to be enthusiastically cited by TT that stripped the academic veneer from the
proponents. practice: “There is not a sufficient body of
Eventually, even some prominent advocates data, both in quality and quantity, to establish
began to question what they were doing. In TT as a unique and efficacious healing modal-
1995, Meehan, who had widely published ity” (Claman et al. 1994).
about TT, dismissed the entire corpus of TT There was a lingering hope that these set-
research to that date: there was no convincing backs could be reversed nationally when the
evidence beyond placebo for relaxation or dean of Colorado’s School of Nursing (a vigor-
anxiety relief, the effects on pain were unclear ous TT supporter) became president of the
and needing replication, and the remaining National League of Nursing; it was hoped she
claims were mere “speculation.” She followed could insinuate TT into nursing-school curric-
her critique with a prophetic prescription: ula through the league’s accreditation func-
“The [academic] charge of pseudoscience tion. But she had to resign during a crisis in
strikes at the heart of nurses’ intellectual and which federal authorities were moving to strip
scientific integrity and, sadly, is not un- the league of that valued function.
founded. . . . The quest for truth about TT re- The coup de grace for Therapeutic Touch
quires that proponents . . . engage in exacting came on April 1, 1998. On that date, the Jour-
scholarship and force themselves to search for nal of the American Medical Association pub-
evidence to refute their beliefs and experi- lished a report on the experiments of an
ences. This requires courage and self-disci- eleven-year-old Colorado girl, Emily Rosa, on
pline. But it must be done” (Meehan 1995). TT. In a simple experiment first performed as a
fourth-grade science-fair project, Rosa placed
twenty-one TT practitioners behind a card-
board screen, with their hands extended
Eschatology through it; each subject was asked ten times to
identify which of their hands the experimenter
Therapeutic Touch’s web of influence began to was hovering over with her own. Statistically,
unravel in Colorado, where Janet Quinn had the subjects’ answers were no better than
been making substantial headway in having it guessing. TT practitioners were thus unable to
accepted by the nursing establishment. In re- show they could reliably detect the presence of
action to the Colorado Board of Nursing’s en- a human being in a controlled setting. An ex-
dorsement of TT as mainstream nursing, a haustive literature analysis was part of the pub-
t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h | 251

lished paper and revealed the thinness of the firmed the literature findings in the JAMA pa-
prior experimentation on TT, just as Meehan per and concluded, as she had before, that TT
had feared. The massive publicity attending the was “intrinsically interrelated” with placebo.
publication in such a prestigious journal was Coming when it did, Meehan’s critique helped
devastating. Hundreds of print articles, TV ap- mute the outraged reaction of TT advocates to
pearances, and radio interviews exposed both the JAMA affair.
TT and nursing to exceptionally unfavorable TT never fully recovered from the series of
coverage regarding their lack of scientific rigor. blows coming from Colorado. After the JAMA
The JAMA paper was followed in July by appearance, a small number of pending clini-
another lengthy review of Therapeutic Touch cal studies of TT were rushed into print, but no
research and practice by Meehan in the British experimental refutation of the Rosa study was
Journal of Advanced Nursing. While toning ever offered. (The Colorado-based ISSSEEM
down her 1995 rhetoric, she effectively con- squelched an attempt to do so from within its

Reiki healing at 1997 Festival of Mind Body Spirit, London. (Guy Lyon Playfair/Fortean Picture Library)
252 | t h e r a p e u t i c t o u c h

ranks.) The failings of prior research were gen- the New York State Nursing Association 6, no. 2
erally acknowledged through silence. Continu- (August): 6–10.
ing-education offerings in TT dropped precipi- ———. 1975c. “Response to Letter.” American Jour-
tously, as did courses in nursing schools. Nurses nal of Nursing 75, no. 8 (August): 1282.
throughout the country challenged the use of ———. 1993. “Research Backs Therapeutic Touch”
(letter). Bristol Press, April 21.
TT in their institutions, and it was quietly
Meehan, M. T. C. 1995. “Quackery and Pseudo-Sci-
dropped from policy and procedure books. De-
ence” (letter). American Journal of Nursing 95,
partments of Energy disappeared from hospi-
no. 7 (July): 17.
tals that had them. ———. 1998. “Therapeutic Touch as a Nursing Inter-
But while TT was apparently dying, vitalism vention.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 28, no. 1
in nursing was not. Reiki, a philosophically (July): 117–125.
identical practice originating in Japan, tries to North American Nursing Diagnosis Association.
fill the vacuum left by TT. Ironically, the only 1995. “Energy Field Disturbance.” In Nursing
thing that distinguishes Reiki from Therapeu- Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice, 6th
tic Touch is that it involves actual touch. ed., edited by L. J. Carpenito, 355–358. Philadel-
phia: Lippincott.
Quinn, J. F. 1982. “An Investigation of the Effects of
Therapeutic Touch Done without Physical Con-
Brennan, B. A. 1987. Hands of Light: A Guide to tact on State of Anxiety of Hospitalized Cardio-
Healing through the Human Energy Field. New vascular Patients.” Ph.D. diss., New York Univer-
York: Bantam. sity.
Claman, H. N., et al. 1994. Report of the Chancel- Rosa, L. A. 1994. “Therapeutic Touch: Skeptics in
lor’s Committee on Therapeutic Touch. Denver: Hand to Hand Combat over the Latest New Age
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Health Fad.” Skeptic 3, no. 1 (Fall): 40–49.
Heidt, P. R. 1979. “An Investigation of the Effects of Rosa, L. A., et al. 1998. “A Close Look at Therapeu-
Therapeutic Touch on Anxiety of Hospitalized tic Touch.” Journal of the American Medical As-
Patients.” Ph.D. diss., New York University. Later sociation 279, no. 13 (April 1): 1005–1010.
published in part as “Effect of Therapeutic Touch Sarner, L. W. 1998. “The ‘Emily Event’: Emily Rosa
on Anxiety Level of Hospitalized Patients.” Nurs- and the Therapeutic Touch Wars.” Skeptic 6, no.
ing Research 30, no. 1 (January–February 1981): 2 (Fall): 32–34.
32–37. Turner, J. G., et al. 1998. “The Effect of Therapeutic
Krieger, D. 1973. “The Relationship of Touch, with Touch on Pain and Anxiety in Burn Patients.”
Intent to Help or to Heal, to Subjects In-Vivo He- Journal of Advanced Nursing 28, no. 1 (July):
moglobin Values: A Study in Personalized Inter- 10–20.
action.” In Proceedings of the Ninth ANA Nursing Wirth, D. P. 1989. “The Effect of Non-contact Ther-
Research Conference, edited by the American apeutic Touch on the Healing Rate of Full Thick-
Nurses’ Association, 39–59. New York: American ness Dermal Wounds.” Subtle Energies 1, no. 1:
Nurses’ Association. 1–20.
———. 1975a. “Therapeutic Touch: The Imprimatur Wirth, D. P., et al. 1994. “Non-contact Therapeutic
of Nursing.” American Journal of Nursing 75, no. Touch and Wound Re-epithelialization: An Ex-
5 (May): 784–787. tension of Previous Research.” Complementary
———. 1975b. “Therapeutic Touch: An Ancient but Therapies in Medicine 2, no. 4 (October):
Unorthodox Nursing Intervention.” Journal of 187–192.

arly in the morning of June 30, 1908, it was not until 1927 that the first scientific

E in a remote region of Siberia about

1,000 kilometers (600 miles) north of
Irkutsk, an immense explosion occurred, cen-
expedition, led by L. A. Kulik, visited the re-
gion. Kulik expected to map out the ground
damage and collect meteorite specimens. In
tered about 8 kilometers (5 miles) over the this and successive expeditions, he and his
forest below. Trees were flattened across an successor, E. L. Krinov, did the former in great
area approximately 50 kilometers in diameter, detail. They discovered a large area where
about the same size as the greater urban area most trees had been blown down radially out-
of New York City. Trees near the epicenter of ward from an epicenter, with evidence for a
the event were ignited, and a forest fire cov- forest fire covering a central area about equal
ered the inner third or so of the area of devas- to that inside the Washington, D.C., Beltway.
tation. Sonic booms were heard as far away as But they failed to find any traces of meteoritic
1,000 kilometers; magnetic disturbances were material. And thus began the mystery.
recorded in the area; the barometric effect Briefly, the controversy can be summed up
from the explosion was felt worldwide; and a by the legal term habeas corpus ([you] have
seismic disturbance equal to a magnitude the body). All of the observed phenomena
4.5–5.0 earthquake was recorded. So sparsely corresponded to expectations for a giant me-
populated was this region that apparently no teor, except that no “body” could be found.
one was killed. There were enough witnesses After years of searching for meteoritic debris,
within a few hundred kilometers of the event Krinov and other Russian researchers came to
to establish that the cause of the explosion the conclusion that the Tunguska Cosmic
came from the sky—apparently a giant mete- Body (TCB) must have been a small comet
oroid slamming into the atmosphere from the rather than an asteroid. They reasoned that a
southeast. comet might be composed mostly of ice and
At the time, there was little controversy therefore would not leave physical traces in
over the nature of the event. The fact that the form of meteorites. It was generally ex-
“stones fall from the skies” was established a pected that if the offending body were made
century earlier, and by 1908, it was well ac- of stone, it would have left at least some frag-
cepted. It was logical to assume that this was ments behind, and none were found. Follow-
just an enormously larger-than-average mete- ing World War II, the “mystique” of Tunguska
oritic event. Unfortunately, these were trou- heightened. The atomic bomb demonstrated
bled times in Europe generally and in Russia that explosions with the energy of the event at
in particular, with World War I on the horizon Tunguska (now reckoned to be between 10
and the Russian Revolution soon to follow. So, and 20 megatons equivalent of TNT) could be

254 | t u n g u s k a

of artificial origin, and the flurry of flying merous iron meteorites scattered over an area
saucer reports beginning in 1947 led to specu- about 2 kilometers long and a few hundred
lation that Tunguska could have been the site meters wide. There can be no doubt of the na-
of an explosion of a nuclear-powered alien ture of this event. One might expect the simi-
spacecraft. larity between this and the prior event would
On February 12, 1947, another giant meteor have resolved the controversy over Tunguska,
struck, again in Siberia. This one, known as but instead, it only served to heighten the mys-
Sikhote-Alin after the nearby mountain range, tery because of the lack of a “body” at Tun-
was much smaller than the Tunguska event. guska.
Sikhote-Alin was first investigated only a few In more recent times, a couple of oddities of
days after the event, over 300 eyewitnesses modern physics have been added to the brew:
were interviewed, and a picture of the event suggestions that Tunguska was the impact of a
was drawn by a landscape artist who happened “mini–black hole” or the impact of an anti-
to be doing a painting of the scene at the time. matter “meteor.” To be sure, none of these
The documented characteristics of this event more far-out suggestions have been seriously
were very similar, although on a smaller scale, embraced by the scientific community. The se-
to Tunguska, with one exception—habeas cor- rious scientific controversy, such as it is, in-
pus: this time, they had the “body.” Sikhote- volves only the question of whether the cosmic
Alin was an iron meteorite fall, and it left nu- body that entered the atmosphere in 1908 was

Felled trees as seen by Kulik, 1928. (N. A. Strukov/Tunguska Page of Bologna University:
t u n g u s k a | 255

cluding the estimates of the path of the incom-

ing body, the visual and sonic phenomena,
tree-fall and burn patterns, and the results of
careful examination and sample collection
from the sites.
A few additional facts have emerged from
recent expeditions, perhaps most significantly
the identification of traces of meteoritic mate-
rial, including small dust grains embedded in
tree sap dating from the time of the event and
anomalous concentrations of the element irid-
ium in the peat bog that lies directly under the
explosion site, in a layer corresponding to the
time of the event. Excess iridium is associated
with cosmic impacts, most notably the one 65
million years ago that led to the extinction of
the dinosaurs. This evidence quite conclu-
sively argues that Tunguska was not an alien
spaceship crash or the impact of a black hole
or antimatter but instead a more ordinary ar-
rival of a small asteroid or comet. Unfortu-
nately, a comet, although containing some icy
Painting of the Sikhote-Alin fireball by observer, material, would also have plenty of cosmic
artist P. I. Medvedev. (NASA JSC photo S79-29470) dust, so the distinction between comet and as-
teroid is not resolved by this discovery.
a stony body (an asteroid) or an icy one (a In 1993, two scientific papers were pub-
comet). The debate over the nature of the lished that would seem to lay to rest the
Tunguska Cosmic Body has been carried out at comet-or-asteroid controversy. Christopher
great length, both in time and words. Most of Chyba and colleagues (1993) and Jack Hills
the early literature is in Russian. Krinov pub- and M. Patrick Goda (1993) reported similar
lished a lengthy article in English in 1963 and results based on computer calculations of the
a full book in 1966 describing the Tunguska detailed physics on the atmospheric entry of
and Sikhote-Alin events. Both are out of print high-speed projectiles. One can easily imagine
but may be found in university libraries. Roy the original purpose of such sophisticated
Gallant (1995) wrote a descriptive book for computer codes and how they came to be
young readers, which, unfortunately, is also openly available about that time. Both groups
out of print. A more recent summary of the of researchers concluded that a cosmic body,
current status of Tunguska research was pub- entering Earth’s atmosphere with about the
lished by N. V. Vasilyev (1998 and Web site). expected speed and bringing with it the
This article was the introductory piece to the amount of energy (10 to 20 megatons) known
proceedings of a scientific meeting devoted to to have been associated with the Tunguska
the study of the Tunguska event, held in event, would have to have the strength of a
Bologna, Italy, in 1996. These references pro- fairly hard stone. An object with the strength
vide a thorough description of the physical ev- of ice would blow up far too high in the atmo-
idence surrounding the Tunguska event, in- sphere, and an object of iron, like the Sikhote-
256 | t u n g u s k a

Alin meteoroid, would punch on through to deaths. Still larger impacts occur but less fre-
the ground, leaving a crater. Only hard stone quently. A giant impact of an asteroid or comet
fits the observed explosion height. Further- perhaps 15 kilometers (10 miles) in diameter
more, both groups found that the breakup of is now thought to have ended the reign of the
the incoming body, which would occur when dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The crater scar
the pressure of the atmosphere on the front has been found, about 200 kilometers in diam-
face of the object exceeded its strength, would eter and lying beneath later limestone sedi-
have been catastrophic and instantaneous; the ments, on the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula.
meteoroid would have “exploded” into small Based on the number of such large asteroids
particles only a few centimeters or smaller in known (we can see and track things this large
size. Such tiny pieces—mostly dust or the size with telescopes from Earth), such a huge colli-
of sand and none larger than gravel—would be sion should occur only about once in 100 mil-
easily lost in the swampy bog beneath the ex- lion years, which again is consistent with the
plosion site in the nearly twenty years from the last big one 65 million years ago. There is not
time of the event until the first expedition ar- much worry about such an event lying in our
rived to search for traces of the impacting ob- immediate future—we believe we have discov-
ject. As is often the case in scientific debates, ered and cataloged all the really big near-
these results have not fully settled the argu- Earth asteroids (NEAs). There is concern,
ment. With some exceptions, most Russian in- though, over NEAs just smaller than that, in
vestigators still cling to a preference for a the size range of one to a few kilometers in di-
comet-like TCB, whereas those in the West ameter. Some of these are not yet cataloged,
mostly favor an asteroid-like TCB. and global consequences could occur if one
Further progress on this issue may have to were to hit Earth. It is estimated that impacts
wait until we have better knowledge of the of this size occur about once in a million years
physical properties of comets. But the scien- and could cause climatic effects similar to a
tific debate over whether the TCB was a comet nuclear winter, including a global failure of
or an asteroid is a mere quibble for specialists agriculture for a year or two that would lead to
rather than a serious call for alternative, more massive famine worldwide. But such an event
bizarre explanations. Since the mid-1980s, we is a most extreme class of natural disaster, not
have become more acutely aware that we are only in terms of the numbers of fatalities it
living in a cosmic shooting gallery. There are could cause but also in terms of the low fre-
about a million asteroids the size of the TCB in quency of occurrence. For this reason, cosmic
orbits crossing Earth’s orbit around the Sun impacts are all but ignored by the public as
that are potentially capable of striking Earth. A compared to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
collision of that size is expected every several floods, and other natural disasters, despite the
hundred years; thus, the Tunguska event, fact that the death rate (the number of deaths
about 100 years ago, is not at all unusual. That per event divided by the average time between
it occurred over land for at least a few people occurrences) is comparable.
to see is a bit more unusual. For such an event Finally, at the bottom end of the scale, me-
to hit a heavily populated area would be even teoroids delivering kilotons of explosive en-
more rare, so it is not inconsistent with the his- ergy arrive all the time; events with the energy
torical record that no such massive catastrophe of the Hiroshima atomic bomb occur about
has ever been recorded. It is certain, though, once a year. Why do we see no fatalities from
that an explosion of 20 megatons of energy these events? We can thank our atmosphere
over a populated area could cause millions of for that. Even hard stony meteoroids of this
t u n g u s k a | 257

size explode high up in the atmosphere, so Hills, Jack G., and M. Patrick Goda. 1993. “The
usually not even a muted shock wave reaches Fragmentation of Small Asteroids in the Atmo-
the ground. The smallest stony body that can sphere.” Astronomical Journal 105: 1114–1144.
cause any ground damage at all is only slightly Krinov, E. L. 1963. “The Tunguska and Sikhote-
smaller than the TCB. Below about 5 mega- Alin Meteorites.” In The Moon, Meteorites and
Comets, edited by B. M. Middlehurst and G. P.
tons of energy, the explosion occurs so high in
Kuiper, 208–234. Chicago: University of Chicago
the atmosphere that no damage occurs at the
surface of Earth.
———. 1966. Giant Meteorites. Oxford: Pergamon
References: Vasilyev, N. V. 1998. “The Tunguska Meteorite
Chyba, Christopher F., Peter J. Thomas, and Kevin Problem Today.” Planetary & Space Science 46:
J. Zahnle. 1993. “The 1908 Tunguska Explosion: 129–150. (Condensed version is available at
Atmospheric Disruption of a Stony Asteroid.” Na- URL:
ture 361: 40–44. tmpt.html.)
Gallant, Roy A. 1995. The Day the Sky Split Apart. University of Bologna Physics Department Tunguska
New York: Atheneum Books. (See also http:// Homepage. URL: tunguska/.
Tutankhamun’s Curse

n 1922, Howard Carter and his patron, supernatural forces that should have been left

I George Herbert, fifth earl of Carnarvon,

made one of the richest archaeological
finds of the twentieth century—the treasure-
sleeping. But in the decades since, numerous
writers seeking rational explanations have
wondered whether more mundane forces may
filled tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun in have been awakened—bacteria or fungus,
Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. But did their dis- radon or radioactivity, or even poisons left as
covery bring the curse of the dead king down booby traps by ancient priests. Some of these
upon their heads? scenarios might sensibly explain a proportion
According to legend, an inscription over of the observed deaths, but others are as
the tomb’s outer door and a clay tablet found problematic as the curse itself. All presuppose
inside the antechamber were chillingly ex- there is, in fact, a phenomenon to be ex-
plicit: Death shall come on swift wings to who- plained. A careful examination of the legend
ever toucheth the tomb of Pharaoh. Psychic and the evidence suggests this is not so.
warnings were received from society fortune- Most of the canonical details display the
tellers; dire omens were arrogantly ignored. symptoms of urban legend, existing in a suspi-
And then, even as the tomb was opened, the cious number of variants or showing signs of
curse claimed its first victim—Carter’s canary having been “improved” in the telling. For ex-
was devoured by a cobra, the very creature ample, by trawling through curse-related Web
worn as a protective deity on the pharaoh’s sites and books, we find that Carter’s famous
brow. This warning, too, was ignored. canary died at various locales and at different
Scant weeks later, the curse claimed a sec- times—in the tomb, inside Carter’s study, out-
ond victim when Lord Carnarvon died side Carter’s dighouse, on the day the staircase
abruptly in Cairo. At the very moment of his was uncovered, on the day the tomb was
death, his beloved dog howled and fell dead opened, on the day Carnarvon died, and so
in England, and the electricity failed across forth. We also learn that the electricity fail-
Cairo. Nor was this the end—the sad fate of ure—not an uncommon occurrence in Cairo
Carnarvon (plus the dog and the canary) initi- anyway—was brief, was possibly limited to the
ated a tragic series of deaths among those im- hotel or (sometimes) hospital in which Carnar-
plicated in the tomb’s discovery, from heavily von died, and evidently took place some min-
involved archaeologists to peripherally in- utes after the earl’s death. Stories about
volved relatives and visitors. Carnarvon’s dog generally neglect to take ac-
What was the cause of these misfortunes? count of the time difference between Cairo
To the media and a sensation-seeking public, and England; some add instead of subtract two
it was clear the archaeologists had awakened hours, which only compounds the error.

t u t a n k h a m u n ’ s c u r s e | 259

The most compelling evidence—the series of Carter and his British security guard concocted
mysterious deaths—evaporates on examination. the story to discourage tomb robbers, but
Except for Carnarvon, who was chronically ill Carter’s obvious disgust with the curse and its
to begin with, few of the generally cited vic- believers makes this hypothesis less than likely.
tims had any direct business with Tutankha- Finally, there is the very un-Egyptian nature
mun; the media had a tendency to drag in any of the curse to consider. Very few funerary
deaths with even the remotest connection to maledictions have ever been found in Egypt,
the tomb, no matter how absurd or tenuous. At and those that have bear no resemblance to
the same time, most of the researchers inti- the popular modern idea of a mummy’s curse.
mately connected with the tomb clearance Strictly speaking, the canary story also fails in
lived decades past their involvement, some terms of Egyptian cultural logic: of the two
reaching ripe old ages. Of the two who first en- tutelary goddesses on Tutankhamun’s brow,
tered the tomb with Lord Carnarvon, for ex- vulture and cobra, it was the vulture who
ample, Carter himself lived until 1939 and should have acted as the pharaoh’s protector
Lady Evelyn Herbert until 1980. Douglas in that region of Egypt. Nor, in the light of
Derry, who literally dismembered Tutankha- what is known about ancient Egyptian atti-
mun’s mummy during autopsy—surely a curse- tudes, would Tutankhamun have any reason to
worthy act if ever there was one—died in 1969 curse Carter. On the contrary, the young
at the age of eighty-seven. A very few digni- pharaoh was fortunate in his discoverer. Carter
taries or nonarchaeologist visitors died of vari- preserved Tutankhamun’s treasures in a care-
ous causes soon before or soon after a junket ful, competent, and painstaking ten-year clear-
to the tomb; but the deaths of only a tiny ance, whereas many of his contemporaries
handful of visitors out of the many thousands might well have ripped through the tomb in
who drove Carter to distraction with their in- weeks. Furthermore, to the ancient Egyptians,
terruptions could imply that visiting the tomb crucial conditions for immortality were that
was actually good for one’s health. the name of the deceased be remembered by
Then there is the matter of the curse itself. the living and that the soul be able to recog-
Contrary to legend, no curse was inscribed nize its own image—and Carter did Tutankha-
over the door of the tomb; the much-quoted mun a great favor in both respects.
tablet did not exist and was most likely a jour- In Carter’s own words (1963, xxv), “The
nalistic invention. The “mummy’s curse” mo- sentiment of the Egyptologist . . . is not one of
tif, long a part of Western popular culture, ap- fear, but of respect and awe. It is entirely op-
pears to have been played up happily by the posed to the foolish superstitions which are far
media to keep public interest on the boil when too prevalent among emotional people in
the slow pace of Carter’s work did not provide search of ‘psychic’ excitement.”
enough dramatic copy to sell newspapers.
There may also have been an element of mal- References:
ice—Carter’s lack of “people skills,” in particu-
Carter, Howard. 1963. The Tomb of Tutankhamun.
lar, created resentment among the press and Vol. 2. New York: Cooper Square Publishers.
among certain archaeologists excluded from Frayling, Christopher. 1992. The Face of Tutankha-
the find (primarily Arthur Weigall, who was mun. London: Faber and Faber.
slighted by Carter both as an Egyptologist and Reeves, Nicholas. 1997. The Complete Tutankha-
as a journalist). It has even been suggested that mun. London: Thames and Hudson.

FO, the popular abbreviation for UFOs provide evidence that intelligent alien

U unidentified flying object, refers to

any object that, from a given ob-
server’s perspective, is presumed to have
beings have visited Earth.
Gallup public opinion polls in 1996 and
2001 found that between one-third and one-
floated or flown through Earth’s atmosphere half of U.S. adults—as many as 100 million
or outer space and is of uncertain nature and people in this country alone—believe UFOs or
origin. extraterrestrials (ETs) have visited Earth in
This definition implies several important some form. Perhaps it should not be very sur-
points. First, what appears to be “unidenti- prising that so many of us are willing to jump
fied” to an observer depends on what the ob- to the conclusion that alien intelligence lurks
server already knows. A UFO for one observer behind mysterious lights in the sky. After all,
may be an IFO—an identified flying object— it is usually impossible to disprove outright
for other observers, and the vast majority of such a belief, and few people have the time,
UFOs that have been scrutinized by qualified expertise, and resources that would be re-
investigators turn out to have rather mundane quired to solve any but the most implausible
explanations. Often, observers simply lack one UFO mysteries. Additionally, the public gen-
or more key pieces of information that other- erally is unaware of the great number of UFO
wise would permit identification of the UFO. cases that have been investigated scientifically
Second, the UFO label applies equally well by experts and subsequently shown to have
to sightings of objects on the ground, as long prosaic explanations. Nevertheless, this does
as the observer presumes that the object in not explain why so many individuals are will-
question is or was capable of flight. In other ing to make unwarranted inferences that in-
words, it would be appropriate to refer to voke unknown forces and alien beings.
what appears to be a crashed flying saucer as The published literature on UFOs and re-
a UFO even though it is not flying at the time. lated subjects is enormous, and this relatively
Finally, the UFO label produces a residual short examination must therefore be highly
category: it explains or gives meaning to an selective. Detailed accounts and case studies
object only in the trivial sense of declaring of UFO sightings are readily available else-
that the object is not a member of any other where (see References), and so, instead of
category of objects previously known to the making a futile attempt to review them in any
observer. Without further information, merely systematic way, this space is devoted to issues
sighting a UFO cannot provide any validation of particular relevance to a skeptical perspec-
of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) that tive on UFO claims.

U F O s | 261

Historical Overview rarely presumed that the objects came from

anywhere other than Earth. With the benefit
Undoubtedly, humankind has been noticing of twenty-twenty hindsight, it appears that
strange flying objects ever since we developed most of these sightings occurred under condi-
beliefs about what belongs “up there” and tions that were ripe for mass delusion. An era
what does not. Recorded history is replete with of rapid technological development was under
stories of anomalous objects sighted in the way, and the public was primed for wondrous
heavens. By today’s scientific standards, how- breakthroughs. Heavier-than-air flight was the
ever, these tales do not hold up as accurate ac- next frontier. Periodically, the mass media led
counts of real phenomena. It is impossible to the public to expect to see something in the
know the nature of the underlying phenomena skies, often by exaggerating prior sightings or
when many descriptions so obviously have by fabricating them completely. Moreover,
been colored by propaganda, popular fiction, nighttime viewing was the norm, and ambigui-
religious fervor, and folklore. ties produced by poor observational conditions
Despite the absence of any recorded UFO likely added even more fuel to the collective
sightings from antiquity, some ETH propo- imagination.
nents treat certain ancient human artifacts as UFO sightings since the late 1940s have a
evidence. For example, they claim it is impos- distinct character when contrasted with these
sible that the pyramids of Egypt and the Amer- earlier reports. The modern UFO era can be
icas could have been built by humans thou- said to have begun on June 24, 1947. On that
sands of years ago with only primitive date, pilot Kevin Arnold of Boise, Idaho, was
knowledge of engineering principles. ET pro- flying a small plane near Mount Rainier, Wash-
ponents neglect to point out that research ington, when he noticed a flash of light and
teams of archaeologists and engineers have de- nine disks appearing to be flying in a linear
vised construction techniques that were avail- formation. He later spoke to a reporter from a
able to the ancients and can account for the local newspaper in Oregon, describing the ob-
pyramids and other artifacts. The same may be jects as flying “like a saucer would if skipped
said of the “mystery” of how the large stone over water.” The Associated Press picked up
statues at Easter Island were raised from their the story, reporting the “saucer-like objects” as
original prone positions. Mystery-mongers also traveling at “incredible speed.” The “flying
point to the large animal shapes and “run- saucer” label stuck, and public interest has re-
ways” scratched into the Nazca Plains in Peru, mained high ever since, fed by a continuous
asserting that such structures could only be flow of stories in books, magazines, newspa-
used and appreciated by a culture with an ad- pers, television, and movies and on the Inter-
vanced technology supporting flight. Although net.
we cannot be certain of the reasons for the The most notorious UFO case in history be-
Nazca drawings, we do know that even the gan to unfold soon after Arnold’s sighting. Of-
largest figures could still be appreciated from ficers at Roswell Army Air Field issued a very
the ground and that they and others like them unusual press announcement to local radio
can be reproduced with very simple tech- stations and newspapers, which was quickly
niques for scaling up small drawings. picked up by the national media. The press re-
More recently, newspaper accounts from the lease stated that a flying disk had landed on a
latter nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, during the
described sporadic waves of sightings of first week of July 1947. It indicated that the
strange objects in the sky. However, observers disk was picked up by the Intelligence Office
262 | U F O s

of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air author of that work noted that “we have only a
Force, Roswell Army Air Field, and subse- highly speculative, highly tenuous link be-
quently loaned to higher headquarters. The tween anything seen in the sky and what was
events created only a short-lived public stir at found by Mac Brazel and, possibly, elsewhere
the time, but they achieved wide notoriety by the military (Pflock 1994, 61). Further, he
when resurrected by Charles Berlitz and stated, “It is beyond reasonable doubt that at
William Moore’s 1980 book The Roswell Inci- least the great majority of what was recovered
dent. from the debris field was the remains of a
Many books, articles, and television docu- Project Mogul flight” (Pflock 1994, 113). Al-
mentaries have been written about the sup- though it was top secret at the time, we now
posed Roswell UFO crash, most capitalizing on know that Project Mogul involved launching
some combination of four interwoven claims. arrays of specially constructed balloons that
The first claim is that UFOs were sighted in carried aloft electronic equipment for detect-
the vicinity of Roswell in July 1947. The sec- ing enemy weapons. In addition, he wrote,
ond is that prior to a restricted cleanup opera- “there is no proof . . . that there were bodies
tion, several people witnessed a “debris field” and that they were either alien entities or hu-
about 75 miles from Roswell on a ranch man- mans or other earthly creatures who had un-
aged by Mac Brazel. Some witnesses claim to dergone something horrible. Proof must await
have handled and even absconded with cer- more evidence” (Pflock 1994, 95). Although
tain tiny pieces of physical evidence from that the only evidence for alien bodies comes from
field, including a type of metallic foil, light disputable testimonies, the book’s author did
structural members, and monofilament strands admit to being “personally convinced” that
resembling fishing line. The third claim relates bodies and wreckage of some kind were re-
to first- and secondhand reports stating that moved. The author concluded, “It also seems
the bodies of several alien beings were recov- very likely that [military authorities] instituted
ered from a crash site several miles from the a cover story in what turned out to be a highly
debris field. Army officials ostensibly shipped successful attempt to keep Mogul under
the bodies to a secret location for examination. wraps” (Pflock 1994, 113). In sum, evidence
The fourth and final claim is that the U.S. gov- for the story of a crashed saucer and dead
ernment has persisted in covering up these aliens at Roswell is far poorer than one might
events for many years, repeatedly claiming expect based upon its contemporary portrayal
that the debris came from a downed weather in the mass media.
balloon. Media coverage of Roswell and other cases
It is unlikely that the public ever will know in the late 1940s paved the way for an upsurge
the whole truth about the Roswell incident. in UFO claims with extraterrestrial overtones.
For most people, however, belief in the Roswell By the early 1950s, many UFO reports had
crashed-saucer-and-dead-aliens claims de- connotations of alien involvement. This trend
pends less on what really happened than on surely was encouraged by several popular
the particular kinds of arguments and evi- books published in 1950 that claimed alien
dence to which one is exposed, as well as one’s life-forms were piloting flying saucers to Earth.
willingness to evaluate them critically. Con- By 1951, numerous newspapers and national
sider the conclusions of Roswell in Perspective magazines were publishing articles connecting
(Pflock 1994), probably the most thorough in- UFOs with alien visitors. The phenomenon has
vestigation of the Roswell incident to date. The continued unabated ever since.
Air force officers identify metallic fragments found by a farmer near Roswell, New Mexico, as pieces of a
weather balloon. This is the basis of the Roswell incident, the supposed crash of an alien spacecraft.
264 | U F O s

Kinds of UFO Claims its video image “blooming” brightly in the di-
rect sunlight. The change of direction was
Writers and researchers have offered a variety caused by the brief firing of a small rocket
of UFO typologies. The best known is the sim- thruster whose flash is readily visible in the
ple set of “close encounter” categories devised corner of the video image.
by astronomer J. Allen Hynek (see also Vallee Many CE-I claims are far more elaborate
1990). A close encounter of the first kind (CE- and detailed than mere blobs of light. Philip J.
I) is a basic UFO sighting with no physical evi- Klass devoted a chapter of his book UFOs: The
dence left behind. Most UFO sightings fall into Public Deceived to a particular type of object
this category. Close encounters of the second described by observers with a dizzying array of
kind (CE-II) involve physical evidence or adjectives, ranging from “like a giant jellyfish”
some form of interaction with the UFO. The to a seamless, silvery object with several tiers
debris field in the Roswell case is believed by of windows and flashing, multicolored lights.
many to be evidence of such an encounter. Fi- Credible witnesses have been plentiful, includ-
nally, a close encounter of the third kind (CE- ing pilots and other highly educated observers.
III) entails sighting or interacting with occu- Here is an excellent example of how a key
pants of the UFO. This category could include piece of information, such as a view from an-
seeing aliens through portholes in their other vantage point, could have transformed
mother ship, witnessing their bodies at a UFOs into IFOs: Klass’s chapter was about ad-
saucer crash site, or being subjected to a phys- vertising airplanes and helicopters seen at
ical examination by them following abduction night from oblique angles that prevent ob-
into their craft by a paralyzing beam of light. servers from reading the messages suspended
Within each of these categories, there is a in lights below them. Hundreds of these air-
vast array of claims of highly variable detail craft are in use in the United States, and they
and quality. Most CE-I sightings involve a account for a remarkable number of UFO
moving, featureless bright object against a reports.
dark sky. Countless such cases have been cap- Most proponents of the ETH recognize that
tured in photographs, films, and videos. The the great majority of UFO reports are attribut-
problem with all of them, however, is that they able to mundane objects such as unusual cloud
carry insufficient information to determine the formations, the planet Venus, weather bal-
objects’ true size, distance, and velocity. A dra- loons, conventional aircraft, orbiting satellites,
matic example of this size-distance error is a and meteors and space junk burning up on
video shot from a National Aeronautics and reentry. Venus in particular has produced a
Space Administration (NASA) space shuttle in number of fascinating UFO stories. Especially
1991, which has been broadcast nationally on a Moon-less night, our sister planet can
many times on a number of different television glow with a surprising luminosity. Seen
programs. The tape clearly shows a small through the trees from a moving automobile,
bright object moving slowly through the field for example, it may appear as a beacon from a
of view. It then suddenly changes direction spaceship tracking one’s vehicle on a parallel
and zips out of the picture. UFO proponents course.
have declared the object to be an alien craft of CE-II claims would go a long way toward
considerable size, moving at high speed, and establishing the extraterrestrial origins of
piloted by intelligent beings. NASA officials UFOs—if the physical evidence were truly
have a much simpler explanation: the object is compelling. Jacques Vallee is a central figure
an ice crystal drifting near the video camera, among UFO investigators, known for his de-
U F O s | 265

tailed and meticulous investigations. In his information that would provide evidence of
book Confrontations, he described a number of their extraterrestrial origins.
his investigations in various parts of the world, Alien abduction stories have become the
many of which involved the analysis of some most prevalent type of CE-III claim (and are
kind of physical evidence left in the wake of a sometimes given their own CE-IV classifica-
UFO sighting. On the surface, Vallee appeared tion), fueled by public fascination and the ac-
to approach his subject skeptically and meticu- commodating mass media. (See the “Alien Ab-
lously, time and again recognizing that his evi- ductions” entry in this encyclopedia for a
dence failed to offer proof of extraterrestrial more extensive treatment.) Typically, the ab-
origins either for UFOs or for the ostensive ar- ductee recalls having been taken aboard an
tifacts some claim they have left behind. How- alien spacecraft and subjected to a sinister and
ever, his lack of proof did not stop Vallee from highly invasive examination. Mysteriously, the
making wild speculations that apparently he aliens always manage to eliminate all evidence
had come to believe. He suggested that “we of incisions or other intrusions. The best
are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of known of these cases also assert that the aliens
consciousness independent of man but closely wiped out the abductee’s conscious memories
linked to earth” (Vallee 1990, 99). Moreover, of the event, and so, the entire experience is
in the same paragraph in which he warned suppressed until much later, when it emerges
against jumping to the conclusion that UFOs under hypnosis. If proponents are to be be-
represent advanced spacecraft from another lieved, then abduction by aliens must be de-
planet, he assured us that “they promise to be clared a worldwide public health problem be-
much more: a challenge to many of our con- cause they claim that literally millions have
cepts in physics, perhaps a clue to the exis- been abducted and mistreated, had their
tence of unknown dimensions beyond space- memories suppressed, and so remain inexpli-
time.” In other words, even though the cably traumatized by their experience.
physical evidence failed to demonstrate extra- Factors that make alien abduction stories so
terrestrial origins, Vallee preserved the ETH convincing to believers fall well short of the
via a conclusion that requires an even greater sort of evidence that would be scientifically
leap of faith. compelling. First, with no other physical evi-
Hundreds of CE-III claims were cataloged dence upon which to rely, the burden of proof
by Robert E. Bartholomew and George S. rests on the individual testimonies of those who
Howard in their UFOs and Alien Contact. claim to have been abducted. This is immedi-
These encounters fall into two major cate- ately problematic because extensive research
gories: alien contacts and alien abductions. has shown that eyewitness testimony—espe-
Contactees believe that aliens have communi- cially under emotionally charged conditions—is
cated with them—sometimes telepathically, highly unreliable. Second, the hypnotic state
sometimes through personal visits. Messages has proven to be especially conducive to elabo-
that contactees claim to have received from rate fantasizing, combining elements from
aliens tend to sound like lines from bad sci- prior experiences (such as watching a science-
ence-fiction movies. Sometimes, they are fiction movie) with cues from the hypnotist.
threatening (“Appear here tomorrow, or we The misconception is that hypnosis reveals
will take your family!”), and at other times, suppressed memories, but, in fact, it helps to
they are kindly (“I come in peace”). Never create false ones. Third, proponents point out
have the aliens left behind artifacts, forward- that there is an eerie sameness in the descrip-
ing addresses, technological insights, or other tion of aliens across cases. This is far from the
266 | U F O s

truth, especially in light of the wide variety of tions fail to provide satisfactory explanations
alien drawings that abductees have produced for all UFO sightings. This unexplained resid-
over the years. Even if it were true, it should ual is then treated as adding support to the
not be too surprising that an image such as a ETH, despite this also being an unwarranted
large-eyed, small-mouthed, four-footed hu- logical leap. History shows that, rather than a
manoid alien should appear in many drawings given object being the first true UFO of extra-
when such an image already has previously en- terrestrial origin, it is far more likely that some
tered the public’s consciousness through the crucial piece of information is missing or that
mass media. Finally, there are alternative ex- existing information was misinterpreted.
planations for many abduction experiences, es- One of the hallmarks of the scientific ap-
pecially those that occurred at night, that do proach is the doctrine of falsifiability. Simply
not invoke mysterious forces and entities. For put, if it is not possible, in principle, to test and
instance, it turns out that a common condition disprove a claim, then the claim is not scien-
known as sleep paralysis—a kind of dreamy, tific. However, there are a number of re-
semiconscious state—can account for virtually spected UFO investigators, known for their de-
all of the features of the alien abduction expe- tailed and thorough analyses of the available
rience (Blackmore 1998). evidence, who express their support for the
From the standpoint of mainstream science, ETH in the absence of clear findings that vali-
the lack of adequate evidence is a devastating date their position. Vallee, for instance, failing
problem for close-encounter claims. However, to find any physical evidence to support the
several additional issues pertaining to the ETH ETH, argued, as noted earlier, that “we are
have not been addressed to the satisfaction of dealing with a yet unrecognized level of con-
skeptics. These include problems caused by (1) sciousness.” Perhaps this is true, except that
logical flaws of some UFO arguments, (2) limi- there is no more evidence for this than for the
tations imposed by the physics of space travel, alternative explanation that UFOs are the psy-
and (3) human physiological and perceptual chic projections of playful farm animals.
limitations. Some of the social factors that can Another way to keep the ETH alive in spite
contribute to the creation and maintenance of of scant supportive evidence is by presuming
false beliefs will be considered here. that UFOs are “shy.” Robert Sheaffer (1998)
noted facetiously “their ability to select, on
those rare occasions when they ‘permit’ a clear
and detailed photograph to be taken, areas
Logic of UFO Arguments where there is one and only one photographer
ready to snap their picture.” He pointed out
Earlier, it was noted that “UFO” is a residual that in 1972, an unexpected, short-lived, gen-
category. People sometimes forget that just be- uine object from space appeared over areas of
cause you call something a UFO does not the western United States and Canada. Despite
mean you possess any information about the the sparse population in the viewing area,
object beyond the mere fact of its nonidentifi- there was an extensive body of photographic
cation. You still do not know what the object and motion picture evidence from different
actually is, tempting though it may be to take vantage points, allowing the object to be iden-
that logical leap and infer extraterrestrial in- tified—as a meteor. One also has to wonder
telligence. why aliens would ever care to expend so much
UFO supporters sometimes point to the fact effort on staying just at the fringes of human
that even the most comprehensive investiga- and technological discernibility.
U F O s | 267

Several other logical issues also bear men- from anywhere outside our solar system would
tion. First, when it comes to evidence, it is require either many thousands of years or else
never true that quantity can substitute for vehicles capable of traveling near the speed of
quality. This is why it matters little how many light. Such spacecraft would need prohibitive
eyewitness testimonies are gathered by propo- quantities of fuel to reach such speeds, even if
nents. There are simply too many ways that they had the technology to convert fuel into
eyewitnesses are known to err, which throws energy with perfect efficiency. Many other
into question all such accounts. Second, pro- problems would have to be solved as well, such
ponents of the ETH have been known to cite as developing a method to protect the space-
particular cases as supporting evidence long craft from the otherwise catastrophic effect of
after they have been soundly debunked, which high-speed collisions with dust particles.
is an obvious misuse of evidence. Third, many UFO proponents argue that aliens would
UFO cases invoke a variety of mysterious cor- have devised ways to circumscribe laws that
related phenomena presumed to be caused by only appear to be immutable to earthbound
the UFO. These have included the deaths of scientists. Some scientists have speculated that
animals or people, power failures, stalled vehi- objects entering “wormholes” in space could
cles, and other UFO sightings. However, with travel immense distances instantaneously. This
no prior constraint on what would constitute a assumes that one could first find a conve-
mysterious correlate, there almost always will niently located wormhole, that one’s vehicle
be something that one could dig up. But due to could withstand its tremendous gravitational
the lack of evidence to tie such events to the and tidal forces, and that one could know in
flying object, the correlation provides ab- advance where in the universe one would
solutely no added weight to the ETH. Finally, emerge. For now, wormholes exist only in the
by the logic of the theory of evolution by natu- realm of theory and so, in the absence of any
ral selection, there is no chance that the most- actual evidence, cannot bolster the extraterres-
sighted species of aliens would have evolved trial hypothesis for the origins of UFOs.
independently into forms that so closely re-
semble humans. The primate form evolved
only once on Earth, out of hundreds of mil-
lions of species over the course of hundreds of Perception and Psychology
millions of years. It is virtually impossible for
that form to evolve again here, let alone on Perception is a complex, multistage process,
some alien planet with an entirely different most of which transpires unconsciously. Vision
evolutionary trajectory. is the sensory mode that is most relevant to
UFO-related beliefs, and a large body of scien-
tific research attests to the feats and the foibles
of the human sense of sight. The bottom line
Physical Barriers in this research is that, despite the fact that we
have remarkable visual capabilities, there still
Some UFO claims, if they were true, would vi- are a great many ways that visual perceptions
olate the laws of physics. Such laws forbid the can mislead us. The problem with mispercep-
kind of electromagnetic propulsion system that tions is that rarely do we know when we are
some have suggested explains the stunning having them. Therefore, especially when view-
feats of which UFOs are said to be capable. ing unfamiliar objects under less-than-ideal
Scientists also point out that to reach Earth conditions, our confidence in what we have
268 | U F O s

observed is not a reliable indicator of the un- what we know and believe about the world,
derlying facts. Seeing may be believing, but even if that knowledge and belief are wrong.
that does not make it true. (Hines 1988, 167–168)
The size-distance error mentioned previ-
ously is but one of many potential sources of The fact that we are so adept at inferring
misperception. Among the others is the auto- patterns serves us well in most situations.
kinetic effect, whereby a stationary point of However, an expectancy effect occurs when
light against a dark background is seen to drift the anticipation of a certain pattern leads us to
or dart about. The apparent motion looks ab- perceive it whether or not it actually exists.
solutely real, but, in fact, it is due to uncon- That is why some early astronomers believed
scious eye movements. We see the movement they saw canals on Mars, why observers may
parallax effect when looking at objects at dif- feel certain that they saw windows on UFOs
ferent distances while we ourselves are in mo- that were later determined to be weather bal-
tion. Driving down the road, telephone poles loons or clouds, or why UFOs and ETs may
seem to move rapidly in the direction opposite seem inextricably linked.
our car’s motion, while the Moon seems to Terence Hines noted that memory also is
match our speed exactly. A surprising number constructive, and this fact is borne out by a
of UFO cases involve the claim of being large body of research on the unreliability of
“chased” by Venus and other objects that ap- eyewitness testimonies. The longer the lag be-
pear to track the observer’s motion because of tween the perception and the recollection, the
movement parallax. President Jimmy Carter’s greater the opportunity for the memory to be-
famous UFO sighting turned out to be a come embellished or otherwise altered. Con-
glimpse of Venus. The full Moon illusion ac- sider the implications of this truth for the
counts for the apparent but illusory size differ- Roswell alien corpse witnesses who waited
ences of the Moon at the horizon versus the some three decades before going public.
Moon high in the sky. The same effect can
make the bright disk of a planet appear unex-
pectedly large when “floating” low in the sky,
shining its “beam” through the trees. Social Psychological Factors
Perception and psychology are closely re-
lated in the sense that all of our conscious per- People have a profound effect on one an-
ceptions are based upon interpretations of the other’s behaviors and beliefs, making social in-
sensations that we experience. As one promi- fluence another potential source of belief in
nent skeptic pointed out: the ETH. Social psychologists have studied
various kinds of influence, such as obedience,
The great failure of the pro-UFO movement persuasion, and conformity—all of which have
has been its unwillingness to accept the fact the potential to induce a belief in the absence
that human perception and memory are not of any direct experience or evidence. In short,
only unreliable under a variety of conditions one may believe that ETs have visited Earth
(and these conditions are exactly those under because we perceive that others believe this.
which most UFOs are reported) but that per- Research on paranormal beliefs has shown
ception and memory are also constructive. how readily this can happen (Markovsky and
That is, perception is a function not only of Thye 2001). In a situation in which the judg-
the actual sensory stimulation that is picked ment is not clear-cut—as is often the case with
up by the eye or ear but also a function of UFO sightings—one stranger expressing the
U F O s | 269

view that a paranormal event occurred can be films such as ET and Close Encounters of the
sufficient to influence others. The effect is Third Kind. This emotional component is im-
even stronger when the influencer is believed portant for at least two reasons. First, rightly or
to be some type of expert or high-status per- wrongly (often wrongly), we use emotions to
son, even if he or she has no special skill rele- supplement or even to supplant rational judg-
vant to this particular type of situation. ment. That is, rather than suspending judg-
We cannot know for certain, but variations ment when evidence is lacking, people will fre-
on the kind of passive social influence just de- quently use their emotions as a guide. If it feels
scribed probably are a significant source of good to believe, then believe we shall. Second,
popular belief in the ETH. Seeing that others emotions are contagious and compelling.
believe without reservation can be sufficient to When a witness expresses emotions—appre-
influence those who otherwise may be indif- hension, excitement, awe—while relating a
ferent. However, more active forms of social close-encounter experience, members of the
influence undoubtedly have an even greater “audience” not only will perceive the story as
impact. Television documentaries, tabloid more truthful but also, to some extent, will
news stories, magazine articles, popular books, share the same emotional experiences. This
and even personal acquaintances seldom contagion effect also underlies the UFO panics
merely report unadorned facts about UFOs. reported in the nineteenth and early twentieth
More often, they aim to persuade the viewer/ centuries.
reader/listener that something extraordinary
has occurred.
Whether the attempt to persuade is done on
a person-to-person basis or on a mass scale, Organizational Involvement
among the most common techniques used are
sharpening and leveling. Sharpening means As the reference to panics implies, the UFO
emphasizing the gist of the message; leveling phenomenon entails much more than individ-
means leaving out information that seems ual observers pondering lights in the sky.
inessential. The effect often is to radically alter However, whereas a social panic is relatively
the impression of the event that others receive. unorganized and short-lived, certain aspects of
Facts that could serve as the key to unlocking popular interest in UFOs are far more struc-
the mystery are leveled because the person tured and enduring. In this regard, we find all
retelling the story found them uninteresting, the makings of a social movement, complete
whereas sharpening may enhance the mysteri- with organizations ranging from informal
ousness of the claim. Both phenomena are evi- clubs to government-sponsored investigatory
dent in television programs on UFOs in which panels to national associations. With some im-
the evidence from classic cases is carefully portant exceptions, these organizations pre-
sharpened through editing and investigations sume that UFOs are guided by intelligent ETs
that would have provided mundane explana- or at least that it is highly likely this is so. The
tions are leveled. broader societal effects of having organized in-
Finally, it is also worth noting how emo- terest groups include increasing the legitimacy
tional factors can play a role in the spread of of the ETH, disseminating UFO claims more
UFO-related beliefs. For many, the prospect of widely throughout the culture, and establish-
being visited by alien beings carries with it a ing mechanisms to make it easier for anyone to
sense of wonder and exhilaration—expressions feel more personally connected with the
of which were captured with great effect in search for evidence.
270 | U F O s

In the United States alone, local, state, and stage a surprise attack. The first eyewitness re-
national groups and affiliates interested in ports of approaching enemy bombers could
UFO investigations number in the hundreds. too easily be dismissed as prosaic UFO reports,
The Web site includes until the first atomic weapons begin to ex-
listings in forty additional countries. Hundreds plode” (Klass 1983, 21). Because a small
more UFO-related sites can be found by amount of information remained classified,
perusing the links available on these organiza- however, conspiracy theorists have remained
tions’ Web pages. Only a small number of or- unconvinced.
ganizations have achieved prominence, how- Two groups that now dominate the UFO
ever, usually based upon longevity, size, and cultural scene are the Mutual UFO Network
the involvement of researchers with scientific (MUFON), founded in 1969, and the Center
credentials. for UFO Studies (CUFOS), begun in 1973 by
Formed in 1952, the Aerial Phenomena Re- astronomer J. Allen Hynek. MUFON rose as
search Organization (APRO) was the first sig- NICAP fell apart and key disaffected members
nificant UFO interest group in the United switched allegiance. CUFOS has sought to ele-
States. Its members included a stable of aca- vate UFO investigation by limiting member-
demic consultants in a variety of disciplines. ship to established researchers; however,
Founders Coral and James Lorenzen were Robert Sheaffer (1996, 769) asserted that
quite convinced that UFOs were conducting “since Hynek’s death [in 1985], the scientific
mapping projects, and APRO pioneered the community has shown virtually no interest in
dissemination of stories of alien sightings. The the study of UFO reports.”
organization closed down in 1988. In 1956, Not surprisingly, the arm of the federal gov-
the National Investigations Committee on Aer- ernment most involved in UFO research has
ial Phenomena (NICAP) was established. This been the U.S. Air Force (USAF). Beginning in
UFO research organization was, for a time, the 1947 and for the next two decades, the USAF
largest in the country, with numerous chap- gathered data on thousands of UFO reports, its
ters. The group dissolved in the 1970s. activities conducted under the designations
Ground Saucer Watch (GSW) was founded Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue
in 1957 by brothers William H. and J. A. Book. With strong political pressure from in-
Spaulding. Although now apparently inactive, fluential UFO proponents, the USAF awarded
this small group made a splash in 1977 when it a grant to the University of Colorado for a “sci-
filed a suit under the Freedom of Information entific study of unidentified flying objects,” to
Act against the Central Intelligence Agency be conducted by a panel of experts headed by
(CIA). The group was convinced that the CIA physicist Edward U. Condon. Neither the air
was withholding secret information on govern- force nor the independent “Condon Report”
ment UFO investigations. The CIA complied published in 1969 found any positive evidence
with the suit as fully as possible under con- in support of the ETH. (Project Blue Book files
straints imposed by national security concerns, were released to the public in 1976 under the
and nothing at all extraordinary was revealed. Freedom of Information Act.) Nevertheless,
Philip Klass made a strong case that those con- several hundred cases remained unexplained
cerns had nothing to do with the ETH but for lack of adequate information. For those in-
rather related to the fear that “the USSR, with dividuals and groups willing to take the logical
its growing fleet of long-range bombers and its leap, these unexplained cases are sufficient to
newly acquired atomic bombs, could conceiv- fuel continued belief in the ETH and in gov-
ably exploit UFO-mania within the U.S. to ernment cover-ups.
U F O s | 271

UFO Culture to persist as a cultural phenomenon even if

proponents can amass no better evidence than
A case could be made that, beyond particular that existing today.
organizations formed around interest in UFOs,
the extraterrestrial hypothesis has found a sta- References:
ble niche in the ecology of public awareness. It
Bartholomew, Robert E., and George S. Howard.
is “locked in” in the sense that there is a criti-
1998. UFOs and Alien Contact: Two Centuries of
cal mass of believers and promoters, sufficient Mystery. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
to recruit new adherents and to sustain inter- Blackmore, Susan. 1998. “Abduction by Aliens or
est over time. Sociologist Erich Goode sees Sleep Paralysis?” Skeptical Inquirer 22, no. 3.
paranormalism and science as alternative cul- Center for UFO Studies. URL:
tures with fundamental differences in the way Condon Report. URL:
members view reality. Paranormalists take a Fund for UFO Research. URL: http://www.fufor.
commonsense approach to understanding phe- com.
nomena such as UFOs. That is, the evidence of Hines, Terence. 1988. Pseudoscience and the Para-
one’s own impressions and inferences is taken normal: A Critical Examination of the Evidence.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
as sufficient to form a belief: if it seems to be
Klass, Philip J. 1983. UFOs: The Public Deceived.
true, then it is true (for me, at least). Such
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
thinking functions well in day-to-day situations,
Markovsky, Barry, and Shane Thye. 2001. “Social
but science recognizes that common sense fails Influence on Paranormal Beliefs.” Sociological
under certain conditions, and UFO sightings, Perspectives.
stories about UFO sightings, and the UFO-ETH Mutual UFO Network. URL: http://www.mufon.
connection tend to fall neatly within those con- com.
ditions. In a culture in which commonsense Pflock, Karl T. 1994. Roswell in Perspective. Wash-
thinking is the norm and scientific thinking ington, DC: Fund for UFO Research.
the exception, it should come as no surprise Phillip Klass. URL:
that such a large proportion of U.S. adults pro- klassfiles.
fess belief in alien visitations to Earth. Robert Sheaffer. URL:
Both the scientific and the paranormal ori- ufo.html.
Sheaffer, Robert. 1996. “Unidentified Flying Ob-
entations have widespread bases of cultural
jects (UFOs).” In The Encyclopedia of the Para-
support in this country. Scientific literacy and
normal, edited by Gordon Stein. Amherst, NY:
paranormal beliefs fluctuate from decade to
Prometheus Books.
decade, but neither is going to go away in our ———. 1998. UFO Sightings: The Evidence. Amherst,
lifetimes. Because science views commonsense NY: Prometheus Books.
thinking as flawed and because those who em- Vallee, Jacques. 1990. Confrontations: A Scientist’s
ploy common sense do not feel a need for any Search for Alien Contact. New York: Ballantine
higher standards of evidence, UFOs are likely Books.
Undeceiving Ourselves
G E O F F R E Y D E A N , I V A N W . K E L L Y ,

hat a piece of work is man! How nothing was lost by avoiding it. Progress be-

W noble in reason! How infinite in

faculties!” said Shakespeare’s Ham-
let. And for simple everyday living, Hamlet
came dependent on pattern recognition, the
ability to make sense out of objects and peo-
ple and situations. The ability was so decisive
was right, otherwise we would not be here. that we became driven to seek patterns even
But in more complex situations such as decid- when none existed, as in seeing shapes among
ing the validity of pseudoscience X, Hamlet the stars. Then came language, which allowed
was wrong. In fact, “How poor in reason! How the beliefs (true or false) arising from experi-
limited in faculties!” would be nearer the ence to survive and thus influence future so-
truth. ciety. So here we are today, trying to cope
Blame it on evolution. We need more time with science and pseudoscience by using a
to adapt to modern living. If human existence brain designed for survival in a quite different
is represented by the height of a table, our en- world. Consider what this means for beliefs in
tire recorded history is no thicker than a thin general.
table mat; the two centuries of the Industrial
Revolution are almost invisible, a mere
postage stamp. We humans are designed for a
world that no longer exists, one where our Deceiving Ourselves
survival depended less on reason and more on
blind reaction. A movement in the tall grass The credulity that helps children survive also
might be a tiger or the wind, but running was helps them accept fantasies such as Santa
safer than reasoning. A man seeking the truth Claus. As time goes on, they avoid conflicting
by reason did not live long. beliefs by becoming more selective and by
There were other consequences. Children asking questions. As a result, most of us end
became programmed to learn quickly what- up with much the same beliefs as our parents
ever they were told. They had to learn—and and the community. What determines most of
learn fast—that fire burns and dogs bite, or our central beliefs is not our gender or intelli-
they would not survive. Adults became pro- gence or personality but our upbringing. Nev-
grammed to act on what seemed like a con- ertheless, when we get emotional, as in anger
nection even if none actually existed. If eating or fear, information can easily bypass the rea-
a certain plant was followed by illness, the soning parts of the brain. On a bad day, this
plant was avoided. The plant may not have can leave us with beliefs that we are com-
caused the illness, but in times of plenty, pelled to follow even though they make no

u n d e c e i v i n g o u r s e lv e s | 273

sense, such as compulsive hand washing or a ments by assumptions and similarities, we can
fear of open spaces. find connections where none actually exist,
Is truth relevant? We like to think so, but so- and we are much less bothered by worthless
ciety often sees truth or falsity as less important data than we ought to be. All of these things
than believing. Faith is respected, skepticism is are a legacy from our evolution. In fact, these
not. Disbelievers were once burned at the stake, things come so naturally that the liabilities
and religion can still lead to war. It is faith, not they entailed went largely unnoticed until peo-
reason, that kills, as happened at Jonestown in ple tried to make a computer model. The lia-
1978 when 900 people died due to faith in their bilities arise when we want to find real con-
leader. Is logic relevant? Again, we like to think nections and avoid mistakes, as when we first
so, but logic in everyday life is often unrealis- meet pseudoscience X.
tic. Nobody reasons logically to decide be- To find connections where none actually ex-
tween strawberry and vanilla ice cream. And ist, the only requirement is that our belief be
logic is often not justified anyway, simply be- established in advance (say, by reading about
cause most errors are of little consequence. it), regardless of whether the belief is true or
In short, we are programmed to believe al- false. Suppose we believe that redheads are
most anything. What matters most is not truth hot-tempered. If our subsequent experience of
or logic but content. Or, as Bertrand Russell redheads is not clear-cut but rather vague, as
said, what men want is not knowledge but cer- is most likely, our belief cannot fail to be con-
tainty. For most of us, life becomes very diffi- firmed—we will see vague behavior as hot-tem-
cult without the certainty provided by a belief pered and vaguely red hair as genuinely red.
system (any belief system). Thus, one of the Truth or falsity will not come into it. If it seems
few valid generalizations in social psychology preposterous that your judgment could be af-
is the “principle of certainty,” which says when fected by knowing the answer in advance, try
there is evidence both for and against a belief, making sense of this statement: “The trip was
most people show not low levels of certainty not delayed because the bottle shattered.” The
(which would be appropriate) but high levels statement will seem vague and meaningless.
of certainty either for or against (which is in- But try again, this time thinking about chris-
defensible). For them, it is better to be wrong tening a ship. The statement now seems crystal
than uncertain. clear, and your belief that it is about a ship will
seem amply confirmed. But the statement is
actually about dropping a bottle of Coke on a
hiking trip. So your judgment of a vague and
Effects of Complexity unclear behavior was determined not by truth
or falsity but by knowing the supposed answer
As things get more complex, as in pseudo- in advance.
science X, they generally get more uncertain. What if we have no prior beliefs? Here we
So we reduce uncertainty by slotting cases into can be led astray by another legacy from evo-
simplified pigeonholes. That is, in conformity lution, a potent learning process that occurs
with the principle of certainty, we opt for sim- whenever something we do (believing in X,
ple black or white rather than shades of gray. placing a bet) is followed by something else
When information is lacking, we still use (in- (feeling good, winning something). When the
vented) pigeonholes to fill in the gaps. We even time interval is short, learning is automatic,
remember via pigeonholes, thus distorting the and we can end up believing the two events
original. As a result, we tend to make judg- are related when they are not. Even worse, our
274 | u n d e c e i v i n g o u r s e lv e s

belief becomes very resistant to change if the Thus, 37 diseased patients showed the symp-
event pair happens intermittently rather than tom, and 33 did not.
all the time. Thus, intermittent winning at Are symptom and disease related in these
roulette encourages further bets because we data? The correct answer is no (in technical
see that losing does not deny winning, whereas terms, the correlation is –0.02). But 80 per-
fifty losses in a row persuades us to stop. Be- cent of the nurses said yes, 7 percent said no,
cause the event pair can happen intermittently and the rest gave up. When asked to explain
just by chance, we can end up believing all how they got their wrong answers, the major-
kinds of things that are actually false. ity of the nurses said the most common combi-
Our ability to make sense out of no sense is nation was yes/yes, therefore disease and
purely cognitive. It has nothing to do with symptom were related. They had ignored the
having a fantasy-prone personality, which is other combinations, which show the opposite—
characteristic of up to 4 percent of the popula- the symptom is slightly more prevalent among
tion. Such people hallucinate and fantasize those with no disease (17/30 = 0.57 versus
during a large part of their waking lives, but 37/70 = 0.53). Similarly, if asked whether red-
outwardly, they appear no different from any- heads are hot-tempered or if prayers are an-
one else. Indeed, as a group, they were not swered, hardly anyone considers even-
properly identified until 1983. Because they tempered brunettes or non-prayed-for
frequently confuse fantasy and reality, they answers. Yet no link can exist unless redheads
tend to have paranormal beliefs and tend to be differ from brunettes in the incidence of tem-
well represented among mystics, mediums, per and praying differs from not praying in the
channelers, aura readers, and those who be- incidence of answers. In short, no conclusions
lieve they have access to other realities. Com- are possible without data for all four combina-
parisons can be revealing; for example, the in- tions. So be suspicious when believers in pseu-
cidence of such people in the population is doscience X consider only yes/yes combina-
many times higher than the incidence of as- tions, for example, only predictions that come
trologers or ufologists. true.
It gets worse. Once we move from data on
paper to data drawn from memory, we become
subject to further judgment errors such as the
Judging Numbers following, largely because memory is a process
of reconstruction rather than retrieval:
As it happens, we are quite good at things that
require only counting. As marbles are drawn at Vividness—we focus on vivid things, ignore
random, we can estimate their average size or dull things
the proportion of red quite well. But once we Representativeness—we focus on similarity,
start looking for links, such as between size ignore actual occurrence
and color, our ability disappears. For example, Stereotypes—we use simplistic ideas, ignore
nurses were given the following data for a actual observations
symptom and a disease: Sample size—we ignore the huge sampling
uncertainty of tiny samples
Overconfidence—we tend to be
Disease Yes No overconfident in our judgments
Symptom Yes 37 17 Overload—we cannot juggle more than
No 33 13 about seven chunks of data at once
u n d e c e i v i n g o u r s e lv e s | 275

There are many other causes of judgment involvement. Hell hath no fury like a cher-
error. Furthermore, our judgment is not ished belief under attack. Which is more desir-
helped by the tedious effort required to avoid able: feeling secure or being right? How much
error as compared, say, to the notable lack of would it matter if your belief was wrong?
effort required to recognize faces, even though Beliefs versus Facts. Beliefs are just state-
the latter calculations are far more complex—a ments of opinion. You are free to agree or dis-
result of our perceptual system having devel- agree. But when something is observed again
oped first. We can easily become oblivious to and again, it is a fact. Facts are not beliefs. You
what really matters, so our judgment can be cannot simply dismiss them. To do that, you
wrong in ways we never suspect. The demands have to fault the way the observations were
of modern ideas have outrun our brains and made. To be a good observer requires training.
minds. Unaided human judgment is simply in- No single person can be a final authority.
capable of dealing effectively with large Being Critical. Ask believers in pseudo-
amounts of complex information. We need science X the following questions; the aim is
help. not to win but to learn. Why do you believe in
Now for the good news. We already have in X? This puts the burden of proof where it be-
place countermeasures against deceiving our- longs—on the claimant. What evidence would
selves. They did not come quickly or easily, but you accept as creating problems for your be-
they have been enormously successful. They lief? This is a potent question because it op-
are known as science. Or, as Nobel laureate poses the tendency to consider only confirming
Richard Feynman said, science is what we cases. Are there other explanations that could
have learned about how not to fool ourselves. produce the same belief? This too is a potent
Of course, not everyone can be a scientist, but question. Where did your idea come from? A
everyone can benefit from the following in- credible source means the idea may be plausi-
sights of science. ble even if the previous answers are unsatisfac-
tory. Why should we believe in X? This restates
the previous questions from our viewpoint.
No Information? Try to provide a plausible
Undeceiving Ourselves rival hypothesis. Thus, the “Draw-a-Person”
personality test has been largely abandoned
Barriers to Change. The problem is simple: we because the hypothesis “unusual person = in-
are generally unaware of our errors, and we ner conflicts” was displaced by the more plau-
are generally overconfident about our judg- sible hypothesis “unusual person = lack of
ments, so it will seem implausible that our rea- artistic ability.” If you cannot think of a rival
soning could be faulty. Especially if we are be- hypothesis, consider what might be the more
lievers in pseudoscience X—no pseudoscience plausible: X is true, or X is due to human judg-
can afford to tolerate genuine science and er- ment errors.
ror-free reasoning. We therefore have little in- Open Minds. If X is possible but you have no
centive to change. But change we must. evidence for or against, should you keep an
Incentives to Change. Remember that judg- open mind? The question is deceptive because
ment errors are pervasive even though most the word possible is ambiguous. It can mean
people are unaware of them. Unless a claim is barely possible (if you jump off a cliff, it is pos-
supported by a tally of confirming and discon- sible that a freak wind will save you), or it can
firming cases, you can assume that judgment mean seriously possible (if you jump off a cliff,
errors are alive and well. Consider emotional it is possible that you will die). Bare possibili-
276 | u n d e c e i v i n g o u r s e lv e s

ties are vastly more numerous than could ever crooked arguments, some dignified by Latin
be studied, so only serious possibilities deserve names, which can be reduced to just two, each
an open mind. But an open mind requires us with a remedy. The first is making an irrele-
to tolerate uncertainty, which most of us find vant point. Remedy: so what? The second is ig-
extremely difficult to do. Is the believer in X noring a relevant point. Remedy: specify.
really open-minded? Be aware that believers These remedies make a good first defense
use the open-mind idea to frustrate criticism. against crooked arguments and one-sided
It works like this: for them, no possibility is off opinions. Only X will save you (specify how). X
the rails, which (to them) confirms their open is everyone’s favorite (specify why). X is men-
minds, whereas requests for evidence are for tioned on TV (so what?).
closed minds only. But their call for open Being Informed. Human judgment processes
minds is no more than a call to abandon all are an important area of psychological re-
criticism; in effect, it provides the glue without search. By 1970, there were more than 400
which the pseudoscience might fall apart. published studies; today, there are thousands,
Data Snooping. If you snoop around in data including dozens of books of which the more
looking for something interesting, then your readable ones are listed under the “Further
judgment errors are bad news. Try the follow- Reading” section at the end of this entry. They
ing remedies. Graph the results so you can see provide a rich resource for readers wishing to
what is happening. Test the findings from half undeceive themselves.
of the sample on the other half. Compare your
results with those of similar or nearly similar
studies. Replicate on fresh data or, if fresh data
are unavailable, on random data. Now for the Bad News
Hostile Skeptics. Unfortunately, some skep-
tics are as intolerant of contrary views as any It seems self-evident that reading books and
committed believer. Their ploys tend to be as articles about undeceiving ourselves should
follows. They keep raising the standards of ev- improve our judgment skills. But the available
idence, or they find trivial flaws and claim they studies suggest that the improvement is small.
are fatal. Remedy: have them set the stan- It is easy to see why—human judgment is such
dards. They deny the case simply because it is a vast topic that what we learn may not fit any-
impossible or unlikely. Remedy: have them thing specific such as pseudoscience X. And
give reasons. They make false claims such as even if it does fit, we may still have trouble
“there are no cases of X,” when in fact there with it; it is not easy to set aside our believe-
are many cases. Remedy: be informed. They anything-if-it-feels-good legacy from evolu-
make accusations of incompetence or even tion. For example, it has been found that most
fraud. Remedy: demand evidence. Point out people have trouble even with basic reasoning,
that their argument is problematic if it leaves such as providing sound evidence for their
no room for people making honest mistakes. readily held opinions. So, despite our best in-
Different Agendas. In the paranormal area, tentions, merely reading the previous hints
skeptics tend to focus on whether X is true, may leave us little better off. Fortunately, this
like gravity, so its truth is everything. But be- is not the end of it, for what matters is not so
lievers tend to focus on whether X is meaning- much hints as practice, motivation, feedback,
ful or beneficial in some way, like Santa Claus, and being cautious.
so its truth may be of little consequence. Be- We learn motor skills such as swimming and
ware the difference. driving by practice and by learning from our
Crooked Arguments. There are dozens of mistakes. Swallowing water or hitting the curb
u n d e c e i v i n g o u r s e lv e s | 277

gives us instant feedback on what to avoid. Un- of our personality and habits of thought as we
deceiving ourselves is basically the same face each new problem” (p. 225).
process. Instead of moving our arms, we now Gambrill, E. 1990. Critical Thinking in Clinical
have to move ideas, but the crucial component Practice: Improving the Accuracy of Judgments
is no different—we learn by practice and by and Decisions about Clients. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass. How to reduce clinical errors in psy-
making mistakes, as when a doctor discovers
chology, medicine, and the helping professions.
that a supposed stomach cancer is actually an
Well organized and packed with information and
ulcer. So to succeed in undeceiving ourselves,
many examples. Each chapter has a summary. A
we need constant practice, clear concepts, and clinical practice is one that involves the treat-
clear feedback. A fuzzy concept means fuzzy ment of clients.
feedback, so any unclarity is bad news. Imag- Gilovich, T. 1991. How We Know What Isn’t So: The
ine trying to learn if swallowing water or hit- Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life.
ting the curb occurred at random. New York: Free Press. A nontechnical survey of
But pseudosciences are typically fuzzy and the cognitive, social, and motivational processes
full of unclarity. Worse, people can be highly by which even very bright people become con-
intelligent in some areas and highly prone to vinced of the validity of false beliefs. Readable
judgment errors in others. So how can we but rambling and poorly referenced.
achieve the required practice, motivation, Hogarth, R. M. 1987. Judgement and Choice: The
Psychology of Decision. 2d ed. New York: Wiley.
feedback, and caution? The answer is to follow
Emphasis is on business and management settings.
our reading of general works with the reading
Piatelli-Palmarini, M. 1994. Inevitable Illusions:
of works that specifically target pseudoscience
How Mistakes of Reason Rule Our Minds. New
X. Such works rarely sell well and may there- York: Wiley. A good, basic, nontechnical review
fore be hard to find, but they are becoming in- of the research on cognitive illusions and why we
creasingly available both in print and on the tend to be impervious to the corrections offered
Internet. Undeceiving ourselves was never by logic and evidence. Covers much the same
meant to be easy, but it has never been easier ground as Gilovich (1991) but is better written.
than now. Plous, S. 1993. The Psychology of Judgment and
Decision Making. New York: McGraw-Hill. Clear,
Further Reading: readable, fully referenced, the best of the recent
books on the topic. Includes twelve pages listing
The following works are readable and not techni-
all the judgment exercises used in the literature,
cally difficult, but they may be less helpful than
which allows you to compare your judgments
works that target a specific pseudoscience:
with those reported. If your interest is clinical
Dawes, R. M. 2001. Everyday Irrationality: How judgments, then Gambrill (1990) is better.
Pseudoscientists, Lunatics, and the Rest of Us Sys- Ruscio, J. 2002. “The Emptiness of Holism.” Skepti-
tematically Fail to Think Rationally. New York: cal Inquirer 26, no. 2: 46–50. A critique of holis-
Westview Press. A survey of everyday judgment tic claims. Conclusion: “Holism is an empty
errors that lead us astray. More technical than retreat from reality, a method by which pseudo-
Gilovich (1991) but readable and with good ex- scientists muddy rational thought, avoid clear
amples. and concise communication, and follow their
Flesch, R. 1962. The Art of Clear Thinking. New own idiosyncratic beliefs to justify doing what-
York: Collier. Very readable, with many tests and ever they please in the name of all that sounds
puzzles for improving thinking habits. Shows nice and feels good” (p. 50).
how dozens of crooked arguments can be re- Sutherland, S. 1992. Irrationality: Why We Don’t
duced to just two, each with a remedy (pp. Think Straight! London: Constable. Surveys
93–102). “Yes, clear thinking is rare. To ap- roughly 100 causes of irrational thinking. Non-
proach it . . . we must be ready to sacrifice some technical, very readable, abundant examples.
Witchcraft and Magic

itchcraft and magic are collectives form of rituals or ceremonies if one form is

W of practices such as rituals and

spells, which are employed to cause
or influence a desired outcome. Witchcraft is
the dominant focus of the ritual.
Image magic is based on the belief that an
image is linked to what it represents and that
not always separable from religious rituals anything done to the image will result in a
and is often heavily based on religious con- similar effect upon the original. Unmarked
cepts. Forces such as spirits, gods, and demons stuffed dolls in the shape of a human, known
are commonly attributed to acts of witchcraft, as poppets or voodoo dolls, are most com-
although modern-day practitioners of witch- monly used in image magic. The doll is con-
craft prefer using terms such as energy, will, sidered to represent a certain person and can
and desire. Witchcraft has been subject to dis- be used to bring benefit or harm to that per-
belief because of the fallibility of evidence in son. Recognized practices include wrapping
support of its claimed effects. Critics find cer- or binding the doll with cloth or rope in
tain explanations of witchcraft more credible hopes that the person will be physically, men-
than others; the psychological and sociologi- tally, or otherwise restrained from being able
cal effects of witchcraft are the only two fac- to do harm. Marks can be made upon the doll,
tors that both believers and nonbelievers indicating injuries or illnesses to be cured or
agree upon. The belief and practice of witch- created.
craft have affected history in numerous parts Amulets and charms are objects kept near a
of the world, and it is still being practiced in person or place to attract the desired or repel
various forms around the globe. the unwanted. Their power is believed to be
Witchcraft is a part of virtually all human mainly symbolic, either through drawing on
cultures, existing either within or alongside the influence of what they represent or re-
the culture’s native religion. Although the ex- minding the owner of their power. The com-
act practices differ among cultures and tradi- position and shape of the item are often spe-
tions, they all share similar structures. Acts of cific to the tradition. Familiar amulets in
witchcraft can be categorized as either ritual North American society include clovers, rab-
or folk magic. Folk magic includes image bit feet, horseshoes, and various religious
magic, amulet/charm magic, healing magic, symbols.
and ancestral veneration. Ritual magic, or Healing magic is used either as a replace-
ceremonial magic, is more formal and often ment for or a supplement to oral or topical
involves one or more forms of folk magic. medicines when an illness has a strong psy-
Folk-magic practices can sometimes take the chological or spiritual cause. Similar to faith

w i t c h c r a f t a n d m a g i c | 279

healing, it is meant to work without directly af- pacts to witchcraft because they are the only
fecting the biological or chemical attributes of effects that can be tested in controllable envi-
the subject. The systems of healing magic are ronments. But even in such environments, not
based on concepts such as energy flow and enough factors are controllable to produce ev-
spiritual unrest. Magical or religious rituals are idence with absolute certainty.
often employed for exorcism, psychological European societies in the Middle Ages were
therapy, or spiritual cleansing. highly superstitious and merged the new Chris-
Ancestral veneration involves praying to the tian theology of that era with pre-Christian
spirits of deceased family members and, in its practices. People believed in phenomena such
magical form, asking for their assistance in as poltergeists, spirits, and the Devil. Such su-
completing a deed or in divination. Divination perstitions were the backbone of the witchcraft
is the prediction of unknown and/or future practiced and understood by European soci-
events with the aid of tools such as tarot cards eties in that period. The majority of Europeans
or casting sticks, and it is commonly employed believed in the power and existence of witch-
by practitioners of witchcraft. craft, and historians have noted that this belief
Sacrifices in magical rituals have been doc- was enough to render witchcraft effective psy-
umented in several cultures throughout his- chosomatically. Others attribute the effects of
tory. Other offerings such as food and valu- seventeenth-century witchcraft to hysteria, in
ables are also commonly found in magical both the medical and colloquial sense.
rituals, especially when asking for the aid of The most common practices of witchcraft in
spirits or gods. Sacrifices and offerings have this period included amulet and image magic.
been used to encourage spiritual favor. The The most powerful witches were considered to
use of offerings in rituals has continued to this have been those who entered into a pact with
day, although the practice of sacrifice has di- the Devil and agreed to work for him in ex-
minished considerably. change for magical powers. All witchcraft was
Witchcraft has often been dismissed as considered immoral, and those who were sus-
groundless because the link between the al- pected of practicing witchcraft were perse-
leged influence on a problem and the desired cuted. If someone was accused of witchcraft
effect cannot be proven to exist by current sci- with supporting testimony, death was almost
entific methods or standards. Because witch- certain, for most attempts at proving innocence
craft recognizes that multiple causes can affect were futile, often interpreted as a lie to protect
a given outcome, practitioners often refute the witch. As a result of the persecutions, any
claims that witchcraft has no effect by stating actual practitioners either altered their rituals
that other factors may have prevented the de- in order to go unobserved or took their prac-
sired outcome. These other factors include a tices underground to avoid suspicion.
range of scientific and superstitious causes. As Contemporary historians are often critical of
the superstitious causes are highly fallible, Middle Age European testimonies about witch-
they are often dismissed as unsound, resulting craft because of the methods used during the
in the dismissal of witchcraft as a groundless witch persecution trials. It was common prac-
enterprise. tice to extract confessions through various
Practitioners recognize the psychological forms of torture, including the removal of fin-
and sociological impacts of witchcraft, but they gernails, the insertion of needles, and other
deny any claims that these are the only effects forms of forced mutilation. Historians have
of their practice. Critics, by contrast, will at- noted that under such circumstances, few
tribute only psychological and sociological im- would have withheld the confession the court
280 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d m a g i c

desired. Others were deprived of sleep and/or need, desire, and energy. Many will insist that
food, which inevitably led to delusions and the lack of any of these aspects will weaken the
weakened physical and psychological resis- power of the act. Most consider disbelief a lack
tance. Although these methods are currently of will because the practitioner does not will
viewed by most as inhumane and unscientific, the desired results to occur. Critics say that the
they were common and widely acceptable desire for magic to be real will often cause the
practices at the time. Today, the term witch practitioner to ensure the occurrence of the
trial is often used as a colloquial reference to expected outcome through nonmagical meth-
trials that use methods of torture and psycho- ods. Some practitioners agree but add that this
logical manipulation in order to extract the de- is actually part of the act of magic—or the en-
sired information or confession. tire act itself.
When Europeans first encountered witch- Practitioners of witchcraft and magic are still
craft outside of Europe, the practice was as- persecuted, even though the majority of them
sumed to be a savage custom of unenlightened maintain that they do not believe in the Devil
persons. Although European witches were per- and work only for positive change. This perse-
secuted, non-European witches were treated cution varies in degree of physical and psycho-
differently: efforts were made to dissuade them logical violence. Even in the late 1990s, there
from their practices and convert them to Chris- were cases in which schools in North America
tianity. Like their European counterparts, the prohibited students from wearing symbols con-
majority of these practitioners either altered nected to witchcraft. Practitioners of witchcraft
their practices or infused the new knowledge in other cultures are still being dissuaded from
with their existing practices. Because of the their practices by nonbelievers.
adaptability of the practitioners, the majority of
magical practices have survived to this day. References:
Currently, witchcraft is one of the central as-
Hansen, Chadwick. 1969. Witchcraft at Salem. New
pects of the neopagan religion Wicca. Whereas
York: G. Braziller.
the majority of modern practitioners in Euro- Pinch, Geraldine. 1994. Magic in Egypt. Austin:
peanized countries are Wiccan, some choose to University of Texas Press.
identify themselves only as witches or magi- Russell, Jeffrey Burton. 1972. Witchcraft in the Mid-
cians. Methods of witchcraft and magic vary dle Ages. London: Cornell University Press.
and still feature both ritual and folk magic. As Starhawk. 1999. The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the
explained by Wiccan practitioners, all acts of Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. New York:
magic include the basic requirements of will, HarperCollins.
D R . G E O R G E A . U L E T T , M . D .

cupuncture works!” Thus spake the ear acupuncture, acupressure, and Korean

A consensus panel of the National Insti-

tute of Health and the Office of Alter-
native Medicine in November, 1997, dutifully
hand acupuncture, to name a few. Without
exception all are based on magical theories
that have never been proven.
recorded by the nation’s press. But wait—the It is a sad commentary on science educa-
Chinese have known this for 3,000 years! The tion in this country when our citizens, aided
panel commented that, “The general theory by a sensation-seeking media, fall for such
of acupuncture is based on the premise that nebulous absurdities. China, where the meta-
there are patterns of energy called Qi . . . physical theories of acupuncture originated, is
throughout the body that are essential for op- now becoming scientifically sophisticated and
timal health.” Blockage of this energy is is moving away from these ancient pre-scien-
thought to cause disease. Further, the panel tific folkways. Recently the Chinese govern-
described acupuncture as “a family of proce- ment’s Central Committee, together with the
dures . . . which involves . . . penetration of Chinese Academy of Science, proclaimed it-
the skin . . . by thin, solid, generally metallic self an advocate of the scientific attitude and
needles.” in opposition to ignorance, superstition, and
In his opening remarks, Wayne Jonas, head pseudoscience. Naive beliefs in the unproven
of the Office of Alternative Medicine, empha- explanations of Qi are weakening and so-
sized the need for scientific rigor in investi- called “masters of Qigong” are being un-
gating this practice that is commonly frocked and subject to legal sanctions (Shen
described in unscientific terms. Given a scien- Zhenyu, 1997). In the U.S. however, Qigong
tific explanation, meaningful experiments lecturers are increasingly becoming a main-
could be conducted in the U.S. It is therefore stay at seminars on alternative medicine and
most unfortunate that the panel paid little acupuncture.
heed to the research findings reported by Dr. At the November 3–5, 1997, Bethesda Con-
Pomeranz of Canada and Professor JiSheng sensus Meeting, findings from China support-
Han of China, who clearly explained the en- ing an evidence-based explanation of the
dorphin mechanisms that have now replaced mechanism of acupuncture were presented by
the ancient theories of an imaginary, mystical the internationally recognized scientist Profes-
Qi. Thus, the panel missed a great opportunity sor JiSheng Han from Beijing Medical Univer-
to clarify for the public the confusion that sity. He made it very clear that useful clinical
now exists about use of the term “acupunc- acupuncture does not depend on belief in the-
ture,” for there are dozens of kinds of ories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and that
acupuncture, including: laser acupuncture, it has nothing to do with meridian theory,

284 | a c u p u n c t u r e

treating blockages of Qi, yin/yang balancing,

five element theory, or pulse diagnosis. Thirty
years of careful research from his laboratory,
with recent support from NIDA, has yielded
evidence that replaces concepts of Qi with YIN YANG
sound neurophysiological findings. To call this earth heaven
new practice “acupuncture” may appear some- moon sun
what misleading because “acu” means sharp winter summer
autumn spring
and “puncture” implies piercing the skin. This
female male
new treatment does neither but, like the fabled
cold hot
Chinese Phoenix bird, this method has arisen
inside outside
from the ashes of the now obsolete Traditional
dark light
Chinese Acupuncture (TCA). Although appro- small large
priately described as neuro-electric stimula- weak strong
tion, this method falls under the umbrella term lower upper
“acupuncture” because, increasingly in China water fire
and elsewhere, it is being accepted as a more night day
effective way of treating conditions for which right left
patients previously received TCA.
This new evidence-based acupuncture uses Table 1
specific parameters of electrical stimulation
and is done without needles. Its purpose is to
enhance the gene expression of endorphins thousand years ago ancient Chinese physicians
and other healing neuropeptides. This simple serendipitously stimulated the skin sensors for
technique can be taught to physicians in a sin- pain, touch, and temperature by using, respec-
gle brief session. Yet in some states today, tively, acupuncture needles, acupressure, and
physicians whose medical license permits sur- moxibustion. Together with herbs and a holis-
gery and other invasive treatments cannot tic approach to health care, this developed into
legally administer simple scientific acupunc- the complex system of Chinese medicine. The
ture treatments until they have received state theoretical explanations developed were mean-
certification following a mandatory several ingful to an agrarian people steeped in a folk-
hundred hours of training in the occult meta- lore replete with concepts of cosmology and
physical rituals of Chinese medicine. This numerology.
problem is one that should have been ad- The Nei Ching, Yellow Emperor’s Classic of
dressed at the Bethesda meeting. Instead, the Internal Medicine (2697–2597 BCE), de-
consensus panel suggested that certification scribed the essential metaphysics of Tradi-
examinations should also be offered in lan- tional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In this, an hy-
guages other than English. pothesized energy called Qi was thought to
travel throughout the body in conduits called
meridians. The main ones were 12 in number,
like the months of the Chinese zodiac, each
From Folklore to Fantasy representing a major organ system of the body.
In the Nei Ching, his minister explained to the
It is of interest to look at the history of how Yellow Emperor that there are on these chan-
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture arose. Three nels 365 hsueh or acupuncture points, “one
a c u p u n c t u r e | 285

Minor Yin Major Yang Small Intestine

Shrinking Yin Splendor Yang FIRE

Gallbladder Spleen-Pancreas
Liver Stomach
Major Yin Minor Yang

Figure 1

for each day of the year.” At such points Qi was

to be treated in order to supposedly relieve
blockages believed to be the cause of illness. Bladder Large Intestine
Kidneys Lung
The medical systems of all great civilizations
have had knowledge of such hyperalgesic
Figure 2
points but nowhere have they approached the
systemic perfection and complexity of Chinese
sinarterology (“meridian theory”). While mod- area, the “triple heater.” This allowed for a
ern medicine deals with material structures balance between the left and right wrists nec-
and tissues, classical Chinese medicine deals essary for pulse diagnosis. This is a method
with theoretical functions to which physically that claims the ability to discern six pulses on
demonstrated organs are only incidentally at- each wrist (Figure 3). These pulses represent
tached. six organs on the right wrist and six on the left
Treatment in TCM depends upon a knowl- wrist, detected by feeling 27 varieties of sensa-
edge of the complex philosophical laws gov- tion by deep or shallow palpation. Pulse diag-
erning the relationships of Yin and Yang (Table nosis is thought to indicate the location of
1). In health there is a wholeness or balance of blockages of Qi thus pointing to possible
these forces, for as one increases the other de- needling locations as points for treatment.
creases (Figure 1). Strength also varies with Through the centuries numerous changes
time of day and season of the year. These con- and additions further complicated the meta-
cepts influence the nature of the treatment and
the prescription of foods and herbal medicines.
Second only in importance to Yin and Yang are
the five evolutive phases or elemental sub-
stances: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. As
shown (Figure 2), the energy of these elements
moves among the associated organs in circular YANG YIN
fashion. Observing the direction of energy flow
termed the sheng and ko cycles, traditional SUPERFICIAL DEEP DEEP SUPERFICIAL

acupuncturists seek to tonify or sedate excesses Small Intestine Heart Lung Large Intestine

or deficiencies of Qi. Gallbladder Liver Spleen Stomach

The original ten organ systems relating to Bladder Kidney Pericardium Triple Warmer
the five elements later became 12 by a splitting Radial Artery
of the fire (heart) element into the “heart min-
ister” (pericardium) and a vaguely described Figure 3
286 | a c u p u n c t u r e

physical theories of TCM. There are two Apex

★ Tonsil
dozen forms of Qi flowing through an in- ★
creased number of meridians with acu- Toes Kan-
yang 1
Heel ★
points now believed to number near ★ Ankle
Uterus Helix
1,000. Among the several dozen types of Knee Fingers ★
Shen-men ★
acupuncture treatment are included a External
yang 2
★ ★
number of microsystems such as auricu- Sympathetic ★ Hip joint Wrist
lotherapy and Korean hand acupuncture. Sciatic
Buttock Lumbodynia
nerve ★ ★
These posit the unproven belief that Urethra ★ ★ Prostrate ★
Bladder Abdomen
miniature maps of the body such as on the Large intestine★
★ Sacral
Lower rectum Urethra ★
ear (Figure 4) or hand contain specific ★ Kidney
points representing individual organs of Appendix ★
External ear ★ Diaphragm Small intestine Pancreas Lumbar
the body. Needle stimulation of these ★ Duodenum ★
Esophagus ★ Thorax Helix 3
points is believed to directly affect the in- Apex of tragus ★ Mouth
Stomach Liver
Dorsal ★
Cardiac orifice Spleen
dividual organs so represented. In addi- Pharynx ✫
Trachea Lung ★ C
M Shoulder joint
Heart I

tion to various types of needle stimulation, External nose★ Bronchi Cervical ★

Toothache Tonsil
there is the use of colored lights, small Internal nose ✫ San Jiao ★ Thyroid
★ Clavicle
Adrenal★ Ping chuan ★
Sub cortex
magnets, and the burning of pellets of ★ ★ Brain stem
Hypertension ★

Artemis vulgaris, a procedure known as Internal secretion ✫Testes Temples ★ ★
Helix 4

✫ Occiput Appendix

moxibustion. Eye 1★ ★ ★ Ovary ★ Forehead
Eye 2 ★ ★ Tonsil 3
Despite its obscure metaphysical base, Palate Vertex Mandible ★
Tooth ★

Chinese Medicine advanced throughout anesthesia
★ ★
the ages on a par with and even exceeding ★ Eye Cheek Helix 5 Headache
Tooth anesthesia ✪
some of the advances of medicine in other Tonsil 4
Internal ear Sedation Back Pain

countries. The basic ancient metaphysics, ★ ✪ ✪

Helix 6 ★
Gastrointestinal Ulcer
however, remained unchanged despite re- ✪ ✪ ✪ Lumbago
markable advances in surgery, the discov- ✪ ✪ Cough
★ Frontal Points Heart
ery of vaccination and circulation of the ✪ Points on the Posterior Auricle
blood before such knowledge was avail- ✫ Frontal Concealed Points
able in the West. The pre-scientific mysti-
cal belief in meridians as channels for Qi Figure 4
is still widely accepted and pulse diagnosis
is practiced by those who ignore the
anatomical knowledge that blood from the medicine, the Emperor in 1888 had banned
heart is pumped equally to the left and right the teaching of acupuncture in the Royal Med-
radial arteries without passing near any 12 or- ical Academy. Acupuncture resurfaced again
gan systems. in the 1940s when, after the Communist Revo-
In the 1700s missionaries imported ideas of lution, Chairman Mao found himself faced
Western medicine to China, but as late as 1896 with a population of millions and only a hand-
soldiers still harbored such superstitions as fir- ful of Western-trained physicians. He solved
ing salvos to frighten the demons of the this problem by reinstituting a nationwide pro-
plague. The Boxer Rebellion (1900) marked a gram of Chinese folk medicine. The Barefoot
time of decline in the xenophobia that had ef- Doctor’s Manual became the bible by which
fectively isolated China from many discoveries thousands of Chinese “healers” were rapidly
of Western science. Impressed by Western trained to spread TCM throughout the coun-
a c u p u n c t u r e | 287

tryside. TCM worked well in China because it found that acupuncture was not a form of hyp-
was nationalistic and deeply embedded in the nosis and that while needle acupuncture with-
Chinese culture. out electrical stimulation was somewhat effec-
tive, the addition of electricity increased
effectiveness 100% (Figure 5; Parwatikar, et
al., 1979). From studies of the literature, I then
Electricity and Acupuncture became convinced that instead of the many
traditional acupuncture points, useful treat-
The use of electricity to strengthen the ment could be given using only anatomically
acupuncture response has a long history. At demonstrated motor points. I began an earnest
the inception of acupuncture, vigorous manip- search for a full scientific explanation of
ulation of heavy needles in fibrous tissue may acupuncture. Data from the laboratories of Dr.
well have demonstrated the known piezoelec- Pomeranz of Canada (Pomeranz and Stux,
tric effect and “pried off’’ a few electrons. It 1979), and Professor Han of Beijing (Han,
was not until 1765, however, that Gennai Hi- 1987), gave support for the publication in
raga of Envo, Japan reported the electrical 1982 of my book The Principles and Practice
stimulation of acupuncture needles. In France of Physiologic Acupuncture (Ulett, 1982). Un-
in 1825 Chevalier Sarlandiere described the fortunately, the AMA had been aware only of
application of an electric current from Leyden mysterious explanations of TCA and in 1974
jars applied to acupuncture needles inserted declared acupuncture to be “quackery.” This
for the treatment of rheumatic conditions. In alienated U.S. physicians who were not dis-
the 1950s the Chinese reported the use of posed to learn a questionable technique de-
electro-acupuncture in order to produce the spite the growing demand for it by their pa-
strongest possible analgesic effect for patients tients. Thus, the door was opened for the
undergoing surgical procedures. training of nonmedical persons to begin the
In 1971 President Nixon visited China. A practice of Chinese medicine under the name
New York Times reporter in his party, James of “acupuncture.” By 1995 there were report-
Reston, experienced pain relief from acupunc- edly over 20,000 “acupuncturists” in the U.S.
ture following emergency abdominal surgery. Many are chiropractors, but only a few are
On his return to the United States he described
the procedure in glowing terms that aroused
* =P < 0.01
wide interest, especially in patients seeking
10 mg Morphine I. M. –4 *
miracle cures for chronic diseases. China’s an-
cient system of medicine thus received favor- true motor points –4 *
able recognition and TCM became a profitable true motor points –2
export. Electroacupuncture:
false points –0.4
I had previously learned meridian theory Acupuncture: false points 0.3
acupuncture on a visit to Japan. This type of
Control Session –0.3
treatment helped some of my patients but I
was chary of its mystical metaphysical expla-
nations. There was some belief that acupunc-
+4 +3 +2 +1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5
ture was a form of hypnosis. Our lab had been
More Pain Less Pain
studying hypnosis and in 1972 we received an
NIH grant to compare the effect of acupunc-
ture and hypnosis on experimental pain. We Figure 5
288 | a c u p u n c t u r e

M.D.s or Doctors of Osteopathy. An increasing cause Chinese medicine follows a holistic ap-
number of acupuncturists have no medical proach it stresses the individuality of each pa-
training. Many of them are combining other tient. The papers presented at the conference
aspects of Oriental Medicine in their practice should have gone into detail about the manner
and hence a more accurate title would be of acupoints used for the treatment of each in-
“Oriental Medical Doctor” rather than “Li- dividual patient according to the ancient Chi-
censed Acupuncturist.” nese way of diagnosis. Also, it should have
been reported if there were pulse changes af-
ter treatment indicating whether Qi blockages
had been removed, or if there was a better bal-
The Evidence and the Effects ancing of Yin and Yang. Descriptions using
such concepts of TCM would, of course, have
The schizophrenic nature of U.S. thinking rendered any meaningful scientific evaluation
about acupuncture is much in evidence. A of treatment methodology impossible. The fail-
popular book on acupuncture by Stux and ure or inability of these presentations to de-
Pomeranz (1987), entitled Acupuncture: Text- scribe how traditional Chinese acupuncture
book and Atlas, is an example. Pomeranz is a was used clearly indicates that the integration
recognized scientist who has promoted the of traditional Chinese acupuncture into mod-
idea that the acupuncture effect is mediated by ern scientific medical practice is but wishful
endorphins. He announced at the Bethesda thinking. It is only by using factually sup-
meeting that there are 17 well-documented ported scientific parameters of treatment, such
lines of evidence supporting the fact that as were presented by Dr. Han, that it would be
acupuncture works by an endorphin mecha- possible to conduct meaningful research on
nism. In the first half of the book he gives re- acupuncture in the United States. Evidence-
search evidence for a scientific explanation of based acupuncture permits a description and
acupuncture. The remainder of the book control of variables that allow for replication
seemingly ignores these facts and describes and confirmation of research results by other
treatment methodology based on classical investigators.
TCM meridian theory.
Such inconsistencies were prominent at the
NIH consensus meeting. The panel’s report
that acupuncture is a useful treatment for a The Hidden Agenda
few specified medical conditions is tantamount
to saying at a medical meeting, “drugs are use- A hidden agenda item of the meeting was to
ful” but without giving any indication of what support a continuation of the “cult of Qi.” This
drug, what dosage, or how it should be admin- became obvious when persons known to be
istered. Lacking at the conference was a clear teaching courses in meridian theory acupunc-
description of the nature of the treatments ture discussed how 35 states have passed regu-
given in terms of the “doses” of acupuncture lations requiring hundreds of hours of TCM
and the guidelines followed for treating each training for acupuncture certification. Mem-
patient. If the clinical studies presented were bers of the American Association of Oriental
performed by “certified acupuncturists” who Medicine (AAOM) have now compiled a TCM
were consistent in their beliefs, they should curriculum of 2,500 hours proposed as a na-
have described their treatments with reference tional teaching standard. With the consensus
to curing the illnesses by unblocking Qi. Be- panel’s approval of acupuncture treatments,
a c u p u n c t u r e | 289

Electroacupuncture rabbit Transfusion rabbit


(gray area = infusion

of cerebrospinal fluid)

(gray area = period of


0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
time in minutes time in minutes

Figure 6

the AAOM’s hand is strengthened to impose clude among others, Beta-endorphin, enkeph-
their occult beliefs on all 50 states. What a alin and dynorphin. The gene expression of
travesty this would be in view of the fact that these neuropeptides has been demonstrated in
scientific, needleless electro-acupuncture is studies of samples of human spinal fluid taken
now a simple evidence-based technique that during acupuncture treatment. Specific fre-
can be taught to physicians in a single one-day quencies of stimulation have been found to
seminar. The AAOM’s mass training of “wanna- affect different neuropeptides. Two hertz stim-
be doctors” would continue the teaching of the ulation increases the gene expression of en-
shamanistic cult of Qi and provide yet another dorphins while 100 hertz increases dynor-
costly and confusing deception of the medical phins (Figure 7). The endorphin mediated
public. Patients would be denied the benefits effect of electro-acupuncture can be blocked
of receiving effective evidence-based scientific by naloxone. A cross tolerance between elec-
acupuncture treatments given by their own tro-acupuncture and morphine has been
family physicians and adminstered only where demonstrated. Parameters of electrical stimu-
medically appropriate. lation for maximum therapeutic effect were
To avoid such problems and to bring evi- delineated, and it was shown that needles are
dence based acupuncture within the domain no longer necessary; polymer conducting pads
of regular medical practice, the panel should on the skin surface are sufficient (Figure 8).
have given greater credence to the outstanding Dr. Han displayed the neuroelectric stimulator
scientific presentation by Professor JiSheng or HANS that he developed in his laboratory.
Han from Beijing College of Medicine. He de- He presented data derived from using this
scribed the results of 30 years of work from his stimulator for 30 minutes prior to surgery, that
laboratory. According to Han’s now inter- showed the amount of gas anaesthetic to be
nationally acclaimed findings, acupuncture reduced by as much as 50%. Using Han’s
works primarily through neurochemical mech- method, stimulation of effective motor points
anisms that have been demonstrated in both on the hand can greatly relieve the unpleasant
animals and humans (Han and Terenius, symptoms of withdrawal from drug addiction.
1982). Electrically induced acupuncture anal- My coworker has effectively used electrical
gesia can be effected by a transfer of spinal stimulation with the HANS stimulator in his
fluid from a treated to an untreated animal methadone clinic in Australia (Ulett and
(Figure 6). The neurochemicals involved in- Nichols, 1996). Han’s method is unlike the
290 | a c u p u n c t u r e

Frequencies of stimulation cussed by Drs. Pomeranz and Han that have

2 HZ 15 HZ 100 HZ been available in the literature for more than a
decade. It is the method of evidence-based
acupuncture that should have been used in
the research studies presented. The panel
Beta Dynorphin A should have pointed out to the public that in
endorphins Dynorphin B the U.S. many so-called “acupuncturists” are
Methionin-enkephalin simply practicing what is in essence a form of
Leucin-enkephalin pseudo-medicine. They neglect or are appar-
NEUROPEPTIDES ently unaware of the scientific facts now avail-
able that would allow them to move beyond
the occult theories and rituals of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. Should such persons wish
mu delta kappa to continue these irrational practices their li-
OPIOID RECEPTORS censure should indicate that they are practic-
ing mystical Oriental medicine. Only in this
way can the public identify practitioners of ev-
idence-based, effective, neuroelectrical acu-
ANALGESIA puncture from those whose treatments are
or insensitivity to pain
more likely to be of a placebo nature. With the
scientific data now available neuroelectric
Figure 7
acupuncture can be seen as an example of an
alternative practice that has become evidence-
placebo method of ear acupuncture for addic- based medicine. It is a procedure for eliciting
tion treatment widely used in the U.S. (Wells, the gene expression of healing neurohormones
et al., 1995). It is significant that the method of by the electrical stimulation of motor points. It
using unstimulated needles in the ear is rou- should be placed in the curriculum of all med-
tinely done within a treatment program resem- ical schools as a simple and readily taught use-
bling group therapy. Addictionologists seem to ful procedure that does not require any special
have somehow forgotten that Dr. Wen of Hong certification for physicians. The method is
Kong, who introduced acupuncture treatment simple and painless without the dangers that
for addiction, specified the necessity for elec- can occur with invasive techniques. I have for
trical stimulation (Wen and Cheung, 1973). Dr. years used Professor Han’s technique in my
Han’s method emphasizes that it is the manner clinical practice and have found it more effec-
of electrical stimulation rather than any spe- tive than the ritualistic mystical procedures of
cific placement of needles that is the essence TCM that I learned and practiced 25 years
of acupuncture treatment. ago. It has been effective for many types of
Han’s data in support of a scientific method musculoskeletal pain both acute and chronic,
of acupuncture were clearly presented at the for the relief of anxiety, addiction, and various
consensus conference. The conclusion of the psychosomatic conditions. Using my text, The
panel should not have been a weak endorse- Biology of Acupunture (Ulett and Han, 2002),
ment of the ancient Chinese acupuncture with its illustrated atlas of motor points, I teach
method for some selected conditions. Rather it this method to physicians and medical stu-
should have been a condemnation of the pre- dents. Media hype to the contrary, there is no
senters for ignoring the scientific advances dis- alternative to good medicine (Ulett, 1996).
a c u p u n c t u r e | 291

(gray area = length (gray area = length

of stimulation) 2 HZ of stimulation) 100 HZ Transcutaneous
percent of analgesic change

nerve stimulation
100 Electroacupuncture


(gray area = length

percent of analgesic change

150 of stimulation)



0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60

Figure 8

Modern evidence-based neuroelectric acu- Shen Zhenyu. 1997. “China’s Scientific Community
puncture should no longer be thought of as a Denounces Superstition and Pseudoscience.”
part of alternative medicine but rather as a Skeptical Briefs 7:11: 18.
useful scientific technique for inclusion as part Stux, G., and B. Pomeranz. 1987. Acupuncture: Text-
of the regular armamentarium of all practicing book and Atlas. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,
Ulett, G. 1982. Principles and Practice of Physiologic
Acupuncture. St. Louis: Warren H. Green.
Ulett, G. 1996. Alternative Medicine or Natural
Han, J. S. 1987. The Neurochemical Basis of Pain Healing. St. Louis: Warren H. Green.
Relief by Acupuncture. Beijing: Chinese Medical Ulett, G., and S. P. Han. 2002. The Biology of
and Technology Press. Acupuncture. St. Louis: Warren H. Green.
Han, J. S., and L. Terenius. 1982. “Neurochemical Ulett, G., and J. Nichols. 1996. The Endorphin Con-
Basis of Acupuncture Analgesia.” Annual Review nection. Glebe, Australia: Fast Books, Wild and
of Pharmacology and Toxicology 22:193–220. Woolley Pty. Ltd.
Parwatikar, S., M. Brown, J. Stern, G. Ulett, and I. Wells, E., R. Jackson, R. Diaz, V. Stanton. 1995.
Sletten. 1979. “Acupuncture, Hypnosis and Ex- “Acupuncture as an Adjunct to Methadone Treat-
perimental Pain. I. Study with Volunteers. ment Services.” American Journal of Addiction
Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics.” Res. Int. 4:198–214.
J. 3:161–190. Wen, H. S. Cheung. 1973. “Treatment of Drug Ad-
Pomeranz, B., and Stux, G. (Eds.) 1979. Scientific diction by Acupuncture and Electrical Stimula-
Basis of Acupuncture. New York: Springer Verlag. tion.” Asian Journal of Medicine 9:138–141.
Alternative Medicine v. Scientific Medicine
D R . H A R R Y K . Z I E L , M . D .

or the past four decades I have been 2. Mind-Body Control: Biofeedback,

F practicing what is known as allopathic

medicine, also called traditional or
conventional medicine. For the past century it
Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Support
Groups, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Meditation, Stress
Reduction, etc.
is this version of medical practice that has 3. Manual Healing: Osteopathic
been in vogue in North America and is seen manipulation, Chiropractic
today as the standard of medical care. The manipulation, Physical therapy,
medical methodology centers around a physi- Acupressure, etc.
cian who takes the patient’s chief complaint 4. Alternative Systems: Preventive
and health history, performs a physical exam- Medicine, Acupuncture, Acupuncture
ination, makes a provisional diagnosis, orders with Electric Stimulation, Homeopathy,
laboratory testing, requests referral if needed, Naturopathy, Chinese Medicine, etc.
outlines therapy, and prescribes medication
and/or surgery. This relationship is based on It’s a war out there. Both sides hold strong
scientific evidence that the proposed therapy opinions and clash over every aspect of heal-
is the optimal treatment. Medications pre- ing. Physicians practicing traditional allo-
scribed are sanctioned by the Food and Drug pathic medicine (TAM) feel they’ve done their
Administration. Outcome data are screened job when they make the diagnosis and pre-
and subjected to peer review through quality scribe the therapy. They might comment, “If
of care committees. Feedback to the physician my patient throws away my prescription once
of these outcome data with suggested recom- he’s left my presence, the patient has only
mendations, if any, for improvement in care himself to blame for his failure to get well.”
closes the information loop. On the other hand, the patient who discards
Over the past decade, however, there has the prescription might retort, “The doctor
been a sharp increase in what is called com- didn’t listen. I know that he had 10 minutes
plementary or alternative medicine (CAM) that set aside to see me and he’s under the gun to
is viewed as an accessory to or replacement of complete a tight appointment schedule, but
standard medical care. CAM care involves ad- how can I know that he really knows my
ditional, nonconventional modes of therapy. problem? How can I know that he is really
Examples fall into four distinct categories: doing his best for me?”
This noncompliant patient is today’s fastest
1. Diet, Nutritional, and Lifestyle Changes: growing group of unsatisfied people. Who are
Nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, these patients? The majority are white col-
exercise routines, etc. lege-educated women, age 25 and up. Their

a lt e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e v . s c i e n t i f i c m e d i c i n e | 293

annual family income exceeds $50,000. In percent of our maladies are self-limiting and
1997, the number of visits to CAM providers are cured by nothing more than tincture of
exceeded the number of visits to TAM time, the less the patient saw the doctor, the
providers. From 1990 to 1997, the number of better was his chance of recovery. Simply put,
visits to CAM providers increased by 47 per- early physicians were capable of doing more
cent, from 427 to 629 million visits. harm than good. Only the very fittest survived
Alarmingly, only 40 percent of patients who the ministrations of these early physicians.
utilize CAM inform their regular physician Into this grim medical culture came Samuel
that they are doing so. Dangerous drug inter- Hahnemann (1755–1843) who founded the
actions can result. For instance, when patients school of homeopathic medicine. Because it
who fail to tell their physicians that they are was safer not to go to the doctor, Hahnemann’s
taking herbs or megavitamins are then pre- concept that medication given in the most di-
scribed traditional coumadin anticoagulant lute amounts had the greatest therapeutic
medication, anticoagulant therapy regulation value really did save lives. When a poison was
is pushed in and out of therapeutic range. My- diluted to less than trace amounts and was ad-
ocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embo- ministered to an ill individual, the poison did
lus, hemorrhage from the kidneys, and other no harm and did not interfere with the body’s
complications may occur. natural healing process. This is homeopathy’s
In 1997 total payments to CAM providers greatest claim to success. Homeopathic physi-
reached $27 billion. This amount is similar to cians did not interfere with mother nature’s
the 1997 out-of-pocket payment for all physi- relentless attempt to restore good health.
cian services in the United States. The increase It is said that there is no greater fool than he
in CAM payments is mostly attributable to who fools himself. Homeopathic physicians
more people seeking CAM care, not increased were prime examples of this truth. Yet they did
visits per individual. So CAM care is catching satisfy the primary rule of all medicine, Pri-
on and high cost doesn’t appear to be an ob- mum Non Nocere, first do no harm. As such,
stacle. To understand the reason we must take homeopathy represented an advance in med-
a brief look at the history of health care in the ical care over the impediments to healing ad-
United States. ministered by early physicians.
The age of skepticism brought medicine’s
next major advance—allopathy. Anecdotes gave
way to experiments. Drugs given to study
A Brief History of Medicine groups had to show statistically significant bet-
ter results than placebos given to a control
Medical care in United States has evolved group in order for the drug to be accepted for
through several stages. At first health care was widespread public use. Ideally, which person
basically the art of giving tender loving care gets a real drug and which person gets a sugar
(TLC). Little in the way of technical skills, in pill should not be known to either the patient
contrast to today’s practice, was available. Ab- or the project manager (a double blind study).
scesses were incised and drained. Poultices Researchers test and retest results. Medical
were applied to festering wounds. Opium was knowledge is cumulative. As newer and better
given for pain. Decayed teeth were extracted. medications become available, they replace
Snake oil, cupping, bleeding, leeches, purges, earlier versions already in use.
nostrums, and potions (some poisonous) consti- Modern pharmaceutical companies market
tuted the early physician’s formulary. Since 85 a whole host of drugs upon which the TAM or
294 | a lt e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e v . s c i e n t i f i c m e d i c i n e

traditional physician draws to treat his pa- Eskinazi, D. P. “Policy Perspectives Factors that
tients. Diseases that carried death sentences at Shape Alternative Medicine.” JAMA, 280:
the turn of the century—pneumonia, tubercu- 1621–1623.
losis, diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart Ezzo, J., Berman, B. M., Vickers, A. J., Linde, K.
failure, and myocardial infarction—now can be “Policy Perspectives Complementary Medicine
and the Cochrane Collaboration.” JAMA, 280:
checked and cured, or controlled with effec-
tive medications. Anesthetics—local, regional,
Fontanarosa, P. B., Lundberg, G. D. “Editorial Alter-
and general—are available to facilitate ever
native Medicine Meets Science.” JAMA, 280:
more venturesome surgeries. When Cesareans 1618.
were first done without anesthesia, transfusion, Iserson, K. V. Book Review: Alternative Medicine
or antibiotics (before 1900), it was a rare and Ethics, edited by James M. Humber and
mother who survived. Today the mortality Robert F. Almeder (Biomedical Ethics Review).
from Cesarean is less than 5 per 10,000 Ce- JAMA, 280: 1633.
sareans (depending on the series reported). Jonas, W. B. Editorial Alternative Medicine: “Learn-
Never before in history has medicine had ing from the Past, Examining the Present, Ad-
the benefit of such extensive scientific testing vancing to the Future.” JAMA, 280: 1616.
and watchdog institutions as it has today. The Margolin, A., Avants, S. K., Kleber, H. D. “Policy
Food and Drug Administration oversees the Perspectives Investigating Alternative Medicine
Therapies in Randomized Controlled Trials.”
value of drugs and devices. Quality of care
JAMA, 280: 1626–1628.
committees supervise ongoing care at the local
Marwick, C. “Medical News and Perspectives Alter-
level. Investigative review boards give ap-
ations are Ahead at the OAM.” JAMA, 280:
proval for studies, and professional journals 1553–1554.
provide a means for peer review of study re- McPartland, J. M. Book Review: Alternative Medi-
sults. cine: What Works, by Adriane Fugh-Berman.
Then why are increasing numbers of pa- JAMA, 280: 1635.
tients abandoning traditional medicine and ———. Book Review: The Alternative Medicine Hand
turning up on the doorsteps of CAM? Why are Book: The Complete Reference Guide of Alterna-
they seeking alternative treatment? tive and Complementary Therapies, by Barrie R.
Casasileth. JAMA, 280: 1635–1636.
Mitka, M. “Medical News and Perspectives: FDA
Never Promised an Herb Garden—But Sellers
Special theme issue of the Journal of the American and Buyers Eager to See One Grow.” JAMA, 280:
Medical Association, November 11, 1998, Vol. 280, 1554–1556.
No. 18: Studdert, D. M., Eisenberg, D. M., Miller, F. H.,
Curto, D. A., Kaptchuk, T. J., Brennan, T. A.
Barnett, L. M. Book Review: Kindly Medicine: “Medical Malpractice Implications of Alternative
Physio-Medicalism in America, 1836–1911, by Medicine.” JAMA, 280: 1610–1615.
John S. Haller, Jr. JAMA, 1634–1635. Sugarman, J. “Policy Perspectives Physicians’ Ethi-
Eisenberg, D. M., Davis, R. B., Ettner, S. L., Appel, cal Obligations Regarding Alternative Medicine.”
S., Wilkey, S., Van Rompay, M., Kessler, R. C. JAMA, 280: 1623–1625.
“Trends in Alternative Medicine Use in the Udani, J. “Resident Forum Integrating Alternative
United States, 1990–1997. Results of a Follow-up Medicine Into Practice.” JAMA, 280: 1620.
National Survey.” JAMA, 280: 1569–1575. Uzych, L. Book Review: Complementary and Alter-
Ernst, Edzard. 1998. “Harmless Herbs? A Review of native Medicine: Legal Boundaries and Regula-
the Recent Literature.” The American Journal of tory Perspectives, by Michael H. Cohen. JAMA,
Medicine, 104: 170. 280: 1633–1634.
a lt e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e v . s c i e n t i f i c m e d i c i n e | 295

Special theme issue of Skeptic, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994: Ulett, G. 1996. Alternative Medicine or Magical
Healing. St. Louis: Warren H. Green.
Jarvis, W. “Homeopathy: A Position Statement by the
———. 1997. “Acupuncture’s Secrets Revealed: From
National Council Against Health Fraud.” 50–57.
Cult of Qi to Evidence-Based Acupuncture.”
Raso, J. “Chasing Shadows on a Pitch-Black Wall:
Skeptic, Vol. 5, No. 4: 46–51.
Spiritual Belief Systems Compete as Alternatives
Vincent C., Furnham, A. 1996. “Why Do Patients
to Scientific Health Care.” 58–69.
Turn to Complementary Medicine?” British Jour-
Rosa, L. “Therapeutic Touch: Skeptics in Hand to
nal of Psychology, 35: 37–48.
Hand Combat Over the Latest New Age Health
Wetzel, M. S., et al. 1998. “Courses Involving Com-
Fad.” 40–49.
plementary and Alternative Medicine Schools.”
JAMA, 280: 784–787.
Additional Journal Articles:

Astin, John. 1998. “Why Patients Use Alternative

Medicine.” JAMA, 279: 1548–1553.
Berman, B. M., Larson, D. B. 1992. “Alternative Barrett, S., and R. E. Gots. 1998. Chemical Sensitiv-
Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons.” US- ity: The Truth About Environmental Illness. Buf-
GPO: x. falo: Prometheus Books.
Eisenberg, D. M. 1997. “Advising Patients Who Seek Barrett, S., and W. T. Jarvis (Eds.). 1993. The Health
Alternative Medical Therapies.” Ann. Inter. Med. Robbers. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
127: 61–69. Cohen, Michael H. 1998. Complementary and Al-
Eisenberg D. M., et al. 1993. “Unconventional Med- ternative Medicine. Legal Boundaries and Regu-
icine in the United States. Prevalence, Costs, and latory Perspectives. Johns Hopkins University
Patterns of Use.” NEJM, 328: 246–252. Press.
Fugh-Berman, A. 1996. “Alternative Medicine: Ernst, Edzard. 1996. Complementary Medicine: An
What Works. A Comprehensive, Easy to Read Re- Objective Appraisal. Butterworth-Heinemann.
view of the Scientific Evidence, Pro and Con.” Featherstone, C. 1997. Medical Marriage. Findhorn
Odonian Press: 5. Press.
Gordon, N., et al. 1998. “Use of and Interest in Al- Helman, Cecil. G. 1994. Culture, Health, and Ill-
ternative Therapies Among Adult Primary Care ness. Butterworth.
Providers and Adult Members in a Large HMO Helms, J. 1995. Acupuncture Energetics. Medical
Setting.” WJM, Sept. Acupuncture Publishers.
Koes, B., et al. 1996. “Spinal Manipulation for Low Leslie, C. 1976. Asian Medical Systems. Univ. Cal.
Back Pain: An Updated Systematic Review of Press.
Randomized Clinical Trials.” Spine, 21; 24: Micozzi, M. 1996. Fundamentals of Complementary
2860–2873. and Alternative Medicine. Churchill Livingstone.
NIH Consensus Statement on Acupuncture. 1997. Mowry, D. B. 1986. The Scientific Validation of
Available by calling 888-NIH-CONSENSUS. Herbal Medicine. Keats Publishing.
NIH Office of Alternative Medicine. 1997. “Clinical Randi, J. 1989. The Faith Healers. Buffalo: Prome-
Practice Guidelines in Complementary and Alter- theus Books.
native Medicine: An Analysis of Opportunities Raso, J. 1994. Mystical Healing. Buffalo: Prome-
and Obstacles. Practice and Policy Guidelines theus Books.
Panel.” Arch. Fam. Med., 6.149–154. ———. 1996. “Alternative” Healthcare: A Comprehen-
Rosa, L., E. Rosa, L. Sarner, S. Barrett. 1998. “A sive Guide. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
Close Look at Therapeutic Touch.” JAMA, April Spencer, J. W., Jacobs, J. J. 1999. Complementary/
1, 279: 1005–1010. Alternative Medicine: An Evidence Based Ap-
Shekelle, P., et al. 1992. “Spinal Manipulation for proach. Mosby.
Low Back Pain.” Ann. Inter. Med., 192; 117: Tyler, V. 1993. The Honest Herbal. Pharmaceutical
590–598. Products Press/Hawthorn.
296 | a lt e r n a t i v e m e d i c i n e v . s c i e n t i f i c m e d i c i n e

———. 1994. Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of National Council Against Health Fraud Newsletter,
Phytomedicinals. Pharmaceutical Products P.O. Box 1276, Loma Linda, CA 92354.
Press/Hawthorn. Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. Subscrip-
tions: Prometheus Books, 59 John Glenn Dr.,
Journals: Amherst, NY 14228. 800/421-0351.
University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter,
Alternative and Complementary Therapies. Mary P.O. Box 420148, Palm Coast, FL 32142.
Ann Liebert, Publ.
Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Mary
Web Sites:
Ann Liebert, Publ.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Inno- (NIH, Office of Alternative
vision Communications. Medicine)
Consumer Reports, P.O. Box 53029, Boulder, CO (NIH, Consensus Develop-
80322. ment Program)
The Search for the Lost Continent


ave you heard the story of the lost

say that they came from planets beyond our
continent of Atlantis? Its people were own galaxy.
beautiful, tall, athletic, and rich be- They bred shorter inferior humans—us—as
yond compare. The buildings of its cities had slaves to attend to their every need. But be-
walls covered with gleaming gold and roofs cause their life was so easy they were bored.
set with sparkling many-colored gems. Its They set apart large areas of their continent
streets were flower-lined canals crowded with as national parks where the humans were al-
ships flying silken banners that shimmered in lowed to live. In these areas they staged vio-
the sun. But all was lost in a single horrible lent storms, earthquakes and volcanos for
day of earthquakes and gigantic waves when their amusement, caring little about the un-
the entire continent sank beneath the dark fortunate effects these disasters had on their
waves of the Atlantic ocean. slaves. Then one day their technology spun
Thousands of books and over a half million wildly out of control and the entire continent
internet web pages have described every as- was destroyed and sank beneath the sea with-
pect of Atlantean life. We can read about how out a trace.
they dressed, what they ate, what their art But slaves who had formerly escaped from
looked like, and what their music sounded the continent and settled elsewhere in the
like. We can read about their amazing tech- world remembered the culture of their mas-
nology now lost to modern humankind. ters and tried to recreate it where ever they
The Atlantis story as it is told today offers a lived. They became the founders of the an-
compelling explanation for the rise of civiliza- cient civilizations that we today know as the
tion. This wildly imaginative version is pieced Aztecs, the Mayans, the Incas, the Sumerians,
together from bits of a dozen different Web- the ancient Egyptians, and the ancient
sites: Chinese.

The citizens of Atlantis had blue blood which But no evidence of Atlantis has ever been
gave them skin of a beautiful violet color and found. Every mention of Atlantis can be
they often stood over 8 feet tall. They pos- traced back to a single source—the Greek
sessed advanced crystal technology that gen- philosopher Plato who first mentioned At-
erated unlimited free energy. Crystals of dif- lantis over 2,500 years ago. Plato wrote a few
ferent colors allowed them to completely pages describing the layout of the capital city
control the weather and cure every disease. and countryside and little else. The detailed
Their life span was over 800 years long. Some information that fills the books and Websites

298 | a t l a n t i s

is based on speculation, imagination, guesses, is just a way to make the moral lesson he was
and even psychic channeling. No one paid teaching more exciting and compelling.
much attention to Atlantis for a couple hun- Plato began his career writing plays. When
dred years after Plato. Plato’s own student, the he became a philosopher he invented a new
philosopher Aristotle, was quoted as saying form of writing that was like a short play,
that Plato made up the story to make a point. called a “dialogue.” In a dialogue, several peo-
Christian writers in the Middle Ages ignored ple who had different viewpoints argued about
Atlantis, considering it a pagan folk tale. philosophical questions like “What is the best
But about 2,000 years later, when Europe way to live an honorable life?” At the time, the
was shocked by the discovery of the American study of “philosophy” (which means love of
continents, a great excitement about Atlantis wisdom) also included questions about how
was kindled, and the possibility that it was the universe worked, so the characters in dia-
more than a story was taken seriously. Both logues might also ask questions like “How
professional and amateur scientists alike began were the stars created?” or “What happens to
to search for traces of the lost continent. an object when it burns?” Plato felt that pre-
A second surge of interest in Atlantis came senting several viewpoints was a way to pro-
in the 1800s when stories about Atlantis began mote a healthy mind and soul. He thought the
to be combined with quests for spiritual process of thinking was as important as the
knowledge. conclusion that you might reach, and that ex-
Today the lessons of the story of the destruc- ercising your mind was like going to the gym
tion of the corrupt pleasure-loving Atlanteans to exercise your body.
is more compelling than ever, because for the But the dialogue served as more than a way
first time in history we actually have the tech- to make philosophical discussion dramatic.
nology to destroy civilization either through Plato lived in a conquered city where writing
ecological disaster or nuclear war. about how society should be organized was
politically dangerous. Putting his opinions in
the mouths of different characters gave him a
measure of safety since no one could prove
Who Was Plato and What Did He Write which character was expressing his view.
in His Dialogue about Atlantis?
Plato was a philosopher who lived 2,500 years The Heroic Trinity
ago in ancient Greece. Since he is the single
source for the story, anyone searching for At- Plato was part of a group of three ancient
lantis has to start by looking carefully at what Greek philosophers known as the Heroic Trin-
Plato wrote, and understand the context in ity. The first of the hero philosophers was
which he wrote it. Plato’s teacher Socrates, Plato himself was the
But Plato was not writing history or geogra- second, and Plato’s student Aristotle was the
phy when he mentioned Atlantis. He was writ- third. Together they laid much of the founda-
ing about what the citizens in an ideal society tion of modern Western thought.
should be like. He used Atlantis as an example Socrates was a remarkable character. Be-
of what can happen when a society becomes cause he was disheveled and barefoot, a Greek
morally corrupt. Some people suppose that playwright once joked that he was a disgrace
Plato wanted his readers to believe that At- to shoemakers. Yet his powerful personality,
lantis was real, and others argue that the story quick wit, and keen insights into human na-
a t l a n t i s | 299

ture continue to inspire respect even today. great war. Critias says he knows a story that
Socrates tried to teach people to improve their “by some mysterious coincidence” fits Soc-
thinking by challenging their views. This even- rates’ idea exactly. He heard it when he was 10
tually created enemies and he was tried and from an aged poet. He has spent the night
sentenced to death by a vote of a committee of searching his memory, so that he could tell the
30 citizens. Plato recorded the brilliant (but whole story in detail.
unsuccessful) speeches Socrates made in his Critias begins: “Listen Socrates to a tale
own defense at his trial. which, though strange is certainly true, having
Aristotle was the first to analyze and classify been attested to by Solon.” (Solon was a fa-
things in a scientific manner. His influence mous Greek leader and historian.) Solon vis-
dominated scientific thought so completely for ited Egypt where priests told him that the
2,000 years that it eventually hindered scien- Greek Athenians knew nothing of their an-
tific progress because people were reluctant to cient history. They didn’t even know about the
accept new discoveries when they contradicted greatest deed the Athenians ever performed—
Aristotle. how the soldiers of Athens singlehandedly de-
feated a mighty empire located just outside the
“Pillars of Hercules.” The priests declared,
“Solon, your country shone forth, in the excel-
What Plato Wrote about Atlantis lence of her virtue and strength, among all hu-
man kind . . . when the rest fell off from her,
Plato says the Atlantis story is about “the great- being compelled to stand alone, after having
est action a people ever did.” From all the ex- undergone the very extremity of danger she
citement Atlantis has generated it would be defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and
reasonable to expect that these marvelous peo- preserved from slavery those who were not yet
ple would be the Atlanteans. But they are not. subjugated, and generously liberated all the
The story is actually about the “great and won- rest of us who dwell within the Pillars. But af-
derful deeds” done by the people of Athens terward there were violent earthquakes and in
long ago! Plato wanted to inspire his fellow a single day and night all sank into the earth
Athenians to value moral strength and become and the Island of Atlantis in like manner dis-
more like their noble ancestors because supe- appeared into the depths of the sea.”
rior morality allowed the soldiers of a single Then Timaeus speaks for most of the rest of
city—Athens—to defeat an entire continent. the dialogue about how the universe was
From a dramatic standpoint, the more powerful formed, and other matters not related to
and dangerous the Atlanteans were said to be, Atlantis.
the more important Plato’s moral instruction
would seem. The two dialogues that mention
Atlantis are named after their main speakers. The Critias Dialogue

The next day Socrates encourages Critias to

The Timaeus Dialogue tell his story in greater detail because, he says,
details are required if the story is to seem be-
Socrates begins the dialogue by reminding lievable. Critias promises to do just that.
Timaeus and Critias that he had asked them Critias explains that although the story is
the day before to come up with examples of from Egypt, the names in it are Greek because
how an ideal society might act fighting in a Solon carefully translated them. He says he has
300 | a t l a n t i s

Solon’s original manuscript, which he has

studied since childhood. (Which seems
to contradict his earlier account
about hearing the story from a poet
and trying to recall it from mem-
ory. Could this be a hint from Plato
that we should take what Critias
says with a grain of salt?)
Half of Critias’s speech discusses
how the gods founded ancient Greece,
and how the sea god Poseidon and his fam-
ily founded Atlantis.
At last Critias gets around to describing At- Diagram of Atlantean royal city
lantis. It was a sunny island, marvelously beau-
tiful, with rich forests for timber and a large
level central plain which was overflowing with litical organization of the god-kings. He de-
food crops, fruits, and flowers. The royal city scribes a bloody religious ritual where they
was designed as a series of circular canals, catch and sacrifice a bull. He tells how Zeus,
lined with splendid palaces of white, red, and the king of all gods, becomes annoyed because
black stone set in fabulous patterns, shimmer- the formerly noble Atlanteans have been cor-
ing with gold and the fiery glow of a valuable rupted by their great wealth. Zeus decided to
red metal called orichalch. In the very center punish them so he called all the other gods to-
of the circular canals stood a forbidden sanctu- gether in his house, “and when he had gath-
ary surrounded by a golden fence. Poseidon ered them there he said . . .”
himself had a huge temple completely covered The dialogue ends there, right in the middle
with silver, with a roof of ivory, decorated with of a sentence!
golden sculpture. A giant golden statue of Po-
seidon driving six winged horses, surrounded
by 100 sea nymphs riding on dolphins filled
the inner sanctuary up to the roof. Baths and Is It Possible That Plato Made Up Atlantis?
pools fed by hot and cold springs were sur-
rounded by gardens with every kind of beauti- Many people who search for a real Atlantis ar-
ful and fruitful tree imaginable. A racecourse gue that Plato couldn’t have made up the At-
was built on the ground between two of the lantis story because it contains too many real-
circular canals. And all of that was just the istic details.
royal palace . . . ! But Plato lived both an exciting and danger-
The rich climate allowed the Atlanteans to ous life. He grew up during “The Golden Age
raise a gigantic armed force. The area around of Athens”—one of the most amazing times in
the royal city provided 60,000 military offi- history when the arts flourished in a way that
cers, 10,000 chariots, 240,000 cavalry, has barely been equaled since. Plato was
120,000 hoplites, 600,000 archers, slingers, highly educated and likely read manuscripts
stone and javelin throwers, and 24,000 ships. like “On Marvelous Things Heard” which told
And this was from only 1 of the 10 divisions of a story about a lush island that had been dis-
the country! covered, like Atlantis, “outside the Pillars of
Critias then goes back to discussing the po- Hercules.” As Plato grew out of his teens the
a t l a n t i s | 301

Golden Age came to an end when his city suf- every parable he told starts with a statement
fered a bitter military defeat. Plato sailed sev- that it is true. He himself explained that “We
eral times to the island of Sicily and lived in may liken the false to the true for the purpose
Syracuse, a city of fabulous architecture with of moral instruction.”
splendid temples, a multi-level fort, and a cov- In Plato’s most famous dialogue, “The Re-
ered boat canal. He knew about the circular public,” he suggested that on rare occasions it
harbor at Carthage that was controlled from a might be okay to tell what he called a “noble
central island. He advised rulers and spent lie” to the lower classes for the purpose of cre-
time in prison when one relationship turned ating a stable social order. Lower classes would
bad. He watched a strange plague kill one out be told that the gods created the present social
of three people in Athens. order, making the rulers of gold, the military
classes of silver, and the common working
class from bronze. Plato was not a man who
Fighting Philosophers believed in total democracy for everyone. He
himself was upper class and he also might
Some modern authors misrepresent Plato’s At- have been suspicious of democracy because
lantis as a peaceful paradise of spiritual people his dear friend and teacher Socrates was con-
who had discovered the secret of eliminating demned to death by a democratically elected
war. But Plato said Atlantis was a gigantic mili- committee of citizens. (To his credit he felt that
tary power that attacked without reason. people of merit could rise above the class they
It is not surprising that soldiers were the he- were born into.)
roes of Plato’s story. Both Plato and his
teacher Socrates were elite hoplites—upper
class soldiers. The short squat Socrates was fa-
mous for his stamina and skill in battle. Plato
What Would Plato Think about
probably grew up hearing about the recent Today’s Atlantis Stories?
Greek victory over the Persians. During his
lifetime Athens won a war against the Plato would be shocked to find his villains
Carthaginians, lost an army in Sicily, and lost a transformed into heroes. And he would be sur-
war against a rival city Sparta. prised to hear that Atlanteans are now said to
Plato wrote about Atlantis when he was over possess superior wisdom, after he took pains to
70, at the end of a rich life that would have point out that they were destroyed because
given him plenty of material to draw upon. they made unwise choices.
The Atlantis story was probably a combination The idea of a Golden Age is so appealing
of legends and bits of history woven together— that it has overshadowed Plato’s original les-
whatever it took to create a memorable lesson. son. A Golden Age and hidden wisdom are at-
tractive because they are always located in the
past or future, a very convenient arrangement
for people who are dissatisfied with the pres-
Did Plato Expect People to Believe in Atlantis? ent, but don’t know what to do to improve it.
Plato’s life’s passion was to discover the best
Plato often used myths and legends to illus- way to organize society with the means avail-
trate a point. He expected his audience to rec- able in the here and now, so he would likely
ognize a parable (a story made up as a moral disapprove of belief systems which place solu-
or religious lesson) when they heard it. Almost tions out of reach in some mystical time.
302 | a t l a n t i s

At first the list of matches between Santorini

Evidence for and against Atlantis Being an and Atlantis is impressive. But some of these
Accurate Historical Account matches happen simply because Plato is de-
scribing a civilization like the one he lived in—
The Best Bet for a Real Atlantis dockyards, harbors, canals, chariots, hoplite
warriors, shepherds with flocks, and temples
Around 3,500 years ago a massive volcanic ex- for familiar gods.
plosion blew away the center of Santorini
Island in the Aegean Sea near Greece, leaving
a water-filled crater about 6 miles wide. In the Differences between Santorini and Atlantis
1960s on the islands that make up the crater’s
rim, archaeologists dug up the ruins of a luxu- • The size is wrong. Atlantis was a
rious city out of a layer of volcanic ash. continent, not a tiny island.
Could the disaster at Santorini have been • The location is wrong. Atlantis was in the
the source of the Atlantis myth? The Santorini Atlantic Ocean, not the Aegean Sea.
blast was one of the largest volcanic explosions • The date is wrong. Plato dated the
known. The earthquakes, destructive waves, Atlantis disaster thousands of years
extensive ash fall, darkened skies, crop failure earlier than the Santorini explosion.
and resulting starvation must have been terri- • The Minoans did not disappear after the
fying. It is possible that some memory of this Santorini disaster. Egyptian records show
event survived a thousand years of retelling normal trade continued with the Minoans
until Plato’s time. long after the Santorini explosion.

Plato did not have to depend on 1,000-year-

Similarities of Santorini to Atlantis old memories for the idea that a city could dis-

• Land disappeared in an SANTORINI ISLAND

earthquake and was replaced
by sea.
• The disaster destroyed an Crater wall
extends far below
enemy of Athens. Atlanteans the water line
had attacked Athens; and water-filled
Greek myths told of war THERA

between Minoans, the people

who had settled Santorini, and
the Greeks.
• Both Minoans and Atlanteans
were seagoing traders. eruptions
are buliding
• The Minoan island of Crete in new islands
in the
particular had a sophisticated crater.
culture with large palaces, just
Ruins of city
like Atlantis. of Akrotiri
destroyed in
• Both civilizations used rituals the blast
involving bulls in their
religion. Drawing of the modern Santorini and its crater
a t l a n t i s | 303

For example, the impossible numbers

Troy relating to the date, size of the army, and
GREECE Atalantë Is. land measurements in Plato’s story all
seem to be about ten times too large.
Solon might have created this error if he
Athens confused the Egyptian or ancient Greek
Helice symbol for a hundred with the symbol
for a thousand. If the numbers are all re-
duced by 1/10 they make more sense.
Some have gone too far trying to
Sparta make everything Plato said match some-
Santorini thing at Santorini. For example it has
Island Group (also
called Thera) been claimed that Atlantis’s ringed har-
location of the bor was located in the now submerged
“Pillars of CRETE
Hercules” center of the island, but there is no ar-
chaeological evidence of harbor ruins in
If Atlantis was inspired by Santorini, it
is reasonable to assume that some leg-
Map of Greece
ends might be mixed in with the facts, or
that several events have been combined
appear beneath the sea. In his own time two into one. Not every detail will have an expla-
cities near Athens were destroyed by giant nation.
waves, sinking coastal land, and earthquakes.
As a soldier he surely had heard that a year
before he was born, an earthquake and gigan- Arguments against Atlantis Being
tic waves destroyed ships and a military out- an Accurate Historical Account
post that the city of Athens built on the small
island of Atalantë. This area continues to expe- • Plato’s description was so exaggerated
rience a sinking coastline, the last sudden and spectacular that it was likely
sinking happening during a 1894 earthquake. imaginary.
When Plato was 55, an earthquake de- • There are no archeological ruins of cities
stroyed the city of Helice, only 40 miles from anywhere on earth from the time that
Athens. Parts of the coastline sunk enough to Plato claims Atlantis existed. Even if
submerge the trees that grew there. It was said Plato was off by a zero, say 900 years
that the waves that smashed into Helice swept rather than 9,000, there still are no
the city so clean that people who arrived to corresponding ruins anywhere, especially
bury the dead could find no one left to bury. in Greece and particularly in the Athens
The key to how well a claim that someone area itself. The earliest sophisticated
has found Atlantis holds up is what they do civilizations were established 5000 to
with the details that don’t match the theory. 6000 years ago.
The writers who have investigated the possi- • Egypt was supposedly conquered by
bility that Santorini could be Atlantis have of- Atlantis, but the Egyptians never wrote
ten taken such negative evidence carefully into anything about it. The historian
account. Herodotus actually met the same priests
304 | a t l a n t i s

that Solon supposedly spoke with, and he in many different ancient writings. These sto-
never mentioned hearing about Atlantis. ries did not seem to be copied from one an-
• Plato says the Atlanteans built a ditch other, which suggests that they preserved bits
that was 100 feet deep, 600 feet wide and of real memories. All mentions of Atlantis, by
an unbelievable 11,000 miles long. contrast, can be traced back to just one
Nothing even a fraction as large has been source—Plato.
• There are no known forces that could
destroy so large a land mass. True, parts
of continents rise and fall, but the process Where Was Atlantis?
takes millions of years. A comet or
asteroid could destroy a large area, but • Many people have found places on earth
no evidence has ever been found of all that seem to match descriptions of
the other civilizations that Plato said Atlantis, so Atlantis must have been real.
traded with Atlantis.
Plato was very clear about where Atlantis
was located. He said it was a large island as big
Arguments for Atlantis Being as Libya and Asia combined (ancient names
an Accurate Historical Account for north Africa and the middle east), in the
Atlantic Ocean opposite the “Pillars of Her-
• Some legendary cities have turned out to cules” (the Strait of Gibraltar). But no trace of
be real, so Atlantis could be real. a sunken city has ever been found under the
Atlantic outside of the Strait of Gibraltar.
The ancient Greek city of Troy is mentioned Strangely enough Plato goes on to state—as
in almost every book about Atlantis because it if his story explains a well-known fact—that
is a mythical city that turned out to be real. ships can no longer sail in the Atlantic Ocean
This raises the author’s hopes that Atlantis too because the sunken continent is too near the
might be found. Ubar, a wealthy incense trad- surface. Historians explain Plato’s lack of
ing post, was said to be lost beneath the desert knowledge about the real nature of the At-
sands of Saudi Arabia. The Koran, the holy lantic Ocean by pointing out that the Greeks of
book of the Muslims, said the people of Ubar Plato’s time knew almost nothing about the
were destroyed because they became cor- Atlantic because they were kept away from the
rupted by power and wealth. The city was said area by a powerful seagoing enemy, the
to have been swallowed up by the ground. Carthaginians. Plato’s mistake can be seen as
With the help of Space Shuttle radar, ruins another piece of evidence that his description
matching the story of Ubar were found—an in- of Atlantis was merely a fable.
cense trading city that had collapsed into a gi- But those who search for a real Atlantis
ant sinkhole. While no one can say for sure if point out that the term “Pillars of Hercules”
the ruins actually were Ubar (no inscription might not mean a specific place. It was often
with the actual name of Ubar was found), there used in a broad sense to stand for the limits of
is a good chance the site inspired at least some the known world. This allows them to locate
parts of the Ubar stories. Atlantis almost anywhere on the planet—and
But just because some legendary cities have some have even placed it on Mars, the Moon
a basis in fact doesn’t mean all legendary cities and, of course, in “outer space”!
are real. Troy and Ubar both were mentioned Next to Atlantis, the second most famous
| 305



By far the most popular Iceland

location for Atlantis is in the North Heligoland PLATO’S HOME

Atlantic Ocean. But after that al- British Isles
most anything goes.
English Channel Netherlands SANTORINI IS. Crimea
NW France Belgium (THERA)
Balearic Is. Corsica Caucasus
Swiss Alps
Catalonia Portugal Attica
Madeira Gades Sardinia Iraq Iran

Canary Is. Malta Crete Mesopotamia

Atlas Mts.
Verde Is. Ahaggar Mts. Egypt

The North Pole

Wisconsin Greenland Scandinavia

East Prussia and
the Baltic
Mt. Shasta Western PLATO’S
US ATLANTIS Mongolia Lemur
Bahamas Morocco Japan
or Mu
Mexico Sargasso North Africa India
Lemur Sahara Desert
or Mu Yucatan Antilles Ethiopia Sri
Colombia Venezuela
Nigeria Indian
Mid Atlantic Ridge

Bolivia Brazil

Lemur South China Sea
St. Helena South
or Mu Africa
Madagascar Australia

Antarctica—a very popular site according to internet polls
306 | a t l a n t i s

lost continent is Lemur, or Mu for short, said “Atlantis.” As late as 1769 maps were made
to have been located in the Pacific Ocean. that showed the Americas divided into 10 sec-
The large number of locations for the lost tions—one section for each of Poseidon’s 10
continents is the result of how easy it is for au- sons as described in Plato’s dialogue. If things
thors to find “evidence” that matches a detail had gone a little differently and the name had
or two mentioned by Plato. A pile of rocks, a stuck, Americans might be called Atlanteans.
word in a local language that starts with “A-T”
or a local legend that suggests a golden age,
plus a little imagination, and a lost continent is
declared found. The Mystical Search for Atlantis
By far the most popular location for Atlantis
is in the North Atlantic Ocean. But after that The myth of Atlantis has become a template
almost anything goes. for people searching for answers to life’s mys-
Ignatius Donnelly wrote a popular book in
1882 that inspired an entire movement: the
The Legacy of the Atlantis Story search for a mystical Atlantis. He was a
dreamer and an idealist. In 1857 he tried to
The antiquity of Plato’s Atlantis story has given found a utopian society in Minnesota, but it
legitimacy to the stories of a golden age and failed. He was elected to Congress and spent
perfect societies that it has spawned. Atlantis much of his time in Washington D.C. at the Li-
has been the inspiration for social movements brary of Congress researching his theory that
and religions. Atlantis was the original Garden of Eden. He
The name of the Greek god Atlas, after thought the gods of the Greeks and many
which the lost continent of Atlantis was named, other peoples were confused memories of the
lives on. The Atlas mountains of Morocco in real kings and queens of Atlantis. He said
northern Africa and the Atlantic Ocean are those who escaped the Atlantis disaster pre-
named after Atlas. In Plato’s story he was one served memories of it which later became the
of 5 sets of twin sons born to Poseidon, the sea story of Noah’s flood.
god who founded Atlantis. Poseidon divided Donnelly was responsible for popularizing
Atlantis into 10 kingdoms, one for each son, the “golden age” myth—the idea that Atlantis
and made Atlas chief king. (In other Greek sto- was a superior civilization that was the source
ries Atlas was instead the son of the Titans [gi- of all other civilizations.
ants], and Poseidon was his son-in-law.) Dif- Donnelly boasted that he presented his case
ferent stories explain how Atlas got his famous like a lawyer—he collected evidence that sup-
task of holding the heavens and the earth ported his arguments and ignored evidence
apart. In one he is tricked into it, in another it that didn’t. This was a serious mistake because
is a punishment. you can prove almost anything that way. Hun-
A book of maps came to be called an “atlas” dreds of Atlantis authors who followed Don-
because of the custom of illustrating an open- nelly’s example did just that and “proved”
ing page with a picture of Atlas holding up the hundreds of contradictory theories, and
earth, or holding up a sphere representing the “found” Atlantis almost everywhere.
heavens. Donnelly’s highly influential book Atlantis:
In the 1500s many maps labeled at least one The Antediluvian World (“antediluvian” means
of the newly discovered American continents “before the flood” [of the Bible]) has been
a t l a n t i s | 307

reprinted over fifty times, and can still be pur- and the last stage—root race number five. This
chased today. most advanced group was of course Blavatsky’s
In 1888 a colorful character, Madam He- own group—European whites or Aryans.
lena Petrovna Blavatsky, topped all other At- Blavatsky and her followers are often con-
lantis authors by claiming her six volume work sidered the founders of the modern occult,
titled The Secret Doctrine was originally dic- spiritualist and New Age movements which
tated in ancient Atlantis itself. combined western romanticism with eastern
Madam Blavatsky and her followers didn’t religious ideas. The blatantly racist root race
believe that human beings evolved from lower theories resurface in many modern New Age
primates. She claimed creatures became in- beliefs that suggest dark skinned people such
creasingly more human by evolving through as the Egyptians or Aztecs were too stupid to
five stages that she called the five “root races.” build their own civilizations and needed the
Her ideas reflected the strong racial prejudice help of space aliens or lighter skinned people.
of her day which considered non-Europeans Edgar Cayce was a famous psychic who pre-
inferior. dicted that Atlantis would rise from the ocean,
The first root race was a purely spiritual and most of the western United States would
creature. Next came a slightly more solid jelly- slide into the sea in 1968. His failed predic-
fish-like race. Stage three was an ape-like egg- tions did not inhibit other authors from mak-
laying “Lemurian” from a lost continent in the ing new predictions in the 1970s that the
Pacific. They had animal-like snouts, and two wicked state of California would snap off and
eyes on the sides of their heads, and one eye in plunge into the Pacific Ocean.
back. They lived during the time of the di- “Colonel” James Churchward thought At-
nosaurs. Being stupid they mated with ani- lantis was only a colony of the Great Continent
mals, producing the great apes. (Oops! of Mu which floated over most of the area that
Blavatsky didn’t know there were no apes dur- is now the Pacific Ocean. He said Mu sank
ing the time of the dinosaurs!) However, en- when the “gas pockets” that held up the conti-
lightened beings from Venus civilized the nent exploded, leaving only the tops of its
Lemurians, and by 70 million years ago they highest mountains above the water. These is-
had become quite human. lands are known today as Hawaii, Samoa,
Root race four included Atlanteans, and the Tahiti, and Easter Island. When Mu sank, mas-
dark-skinned human racial groups. Jewish sive worldwide earthquakes caused all civiliza-
people were halfway between root race four tion to collapse into savagery.
Conventional or Alternative Healing?

D R . S A M U E L H O M O L A , D . C .

hat should Chiropractic’s role be in While most people go to a chiropractor for

W the future of medicine? Should chi-

ropractors position themselves as
primary care physicians and take advantage
treatment of back pain, some go for the wrong
reasons. According to statistics offered by the
American Chiropractic Association, 94% of
of the current popularity of alternative medi- chiropractic patients are treated for neuro-
cine, or should they limit their practice and musculoskeletal conditions, 38% of which is
focus to the area where scientific evidence for back pain, 28% for neck pain, 14% for
has proven them most effective—relieving headache, 8% for problems with the extremi-
back pain? ties, and 6% for other neuromusculoskeletal
When back pain occurs, most people first conditions. The remaining 6% are treated for
think of a chiropractor. Chiropractic manipu- viscerosomatic conditions, such as asthma,
lation and massage are the most commonly gastrointestinal disorders, and hypertension.
used forms of care for back pain. Each year, Although many chiropractors claim that
20 million Americans (about one out of 13) spinal manipulation can improve health, most
use chiropractic services, most often for back people view chiropractors as back specialists.
pain. Back pain is the second most common RAND, an independent research organization,
reason expressed by patients for office visits to reported in 1991 that two-thirds of all patient
primary care physicians and the most com- visits for back pain are made to chiropractors,
mon reason for office visits to orthopedic sur- with chiropractors performing about 94% of
geons, neurosurgeons, and occupational med- all manipulation in the United States. A re-
icine physicians. Estimates of total direct and view of the literature supported the use of
indirect costs attributable to back pain are as spinal manipulation for acute back pain not
high as $60 billion annually in the United accompanied by neurological involvement or
States. In 1988, the cost of medical care for sciatic nerve irritation. RAND concluded that
back pain was estimated to be $8 billion an- spinal manipulation conferred a short-term
nually, with chiropractic care costing approxi- but significant benefit in pain relief.
mately $2.4 billion (paid by 5% of the popu- In 1994, the Agency for Health Care Policy
lation). In 1993, it was estimated that about and Research (AHCPR) released a study
7% of adults in this country received chiro- called Acute Low Back Problems in Adults.
practic treatment in the past year. Chiroprac- Like RAND, this agency reported that spinal
tic is the second most widely used form of al- manipulation is helpful for patients experi-
ternative health care. encing acute lower back problems without

c h i r o p r a c t i c | 309

radiculopathy or leg pain (sciatica) when used dotal evidence supporting chiropractic inter-
within the first month of symptoms. Both the vention, FCER is funding research that investi-
RAND and the AHCPR reports confirmed gates chiropractic treatment for the very ail-
what many Americans already knew—spinal ments that Dr. Homola recommends that we
manipulation helps relieve some types of back back away from: colic, dysmenorrhea, and ear
pain. infection.”
A second report released by RAND in 1996,
The Appropriateness of Manipulation and Mo-
bilization of the Cervical Spine, concluded that
there is sufficient evidence to indicate that cer- Definition by Consensus
vical spine manipulation or mobilization may
improve range of motion and provide short- Clearly positioning chiropractic as an unlim-
term relief for subacute or chronic neck pain ited form of primary care, the Association of
and muscle tension headache. The report Chiropractic Colleges, representing the 16
added, however, that 57.6% of reported indica- North American chiropractic colleges accred-
tions for cervical manipulation were consid- ited by the Council on Chiropractic Education,
ered inappropriate, with 31.3% uncertain. met in July of 1996 and reached a consensus
Only 11.1% could be labeled appropriate. The defining chiropractic:
rate of injury or stroke from cervical manipu-
lation was estimated to be 1.46 per one million Chiropractic is a health care discipline which
manipulations. emphasizes the inherent recuperative power
of the body to heal itself without the use of
drugs or surgery. . . . The purpose of chiro-
practic is to optimize health. The body’s in-
Seeking a Place in the Health-Care System nate recuperative power is affected by and in-
tegrated through the nervous system. . . .
Paradoxically, with all indications pointing to Chiropractic is concerned with the preserva-
acceptance and use of chiropractic as a method tion and restoration of health, and focuses
of treating back and neck pain, few chiroprac- particular attention on the subluxation.
tors claim to be back specialists. Most claim to
be primary care physicians, offering spinal ad- In 1997, the executive director of the FCER
justments to restore and maintain health by suggested that “If all the indicators are point-
correcting subluxated (misaligned) vertebrae. ing to greater interest in and demand for natu-
Using the chiropractic subluxation theory to ral health care on the part of the public,
treat a broad scope of ailments, the chiroprac- shouldn’t chiropractic position itself to take
tic profession is seeking validation as an alter- advantage of this trend?”
native healing method. A trend forecast for the chiropractic profes-
In 1996, the executive director of the Foun- sion, commissioned by the FCER and funded
dation for Chiropractic Education and Re- by the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance
search (FCER) stated that “It has long been Company, was published in 1996 by Trends
the position of FCER that to position chiro- Research Institute. The forecast offered sug-
practors as ‘back doctors’ would be disastrous gestions that would “Enable chiropractors to
for the future of the profession and would only overcome their over-specialized public image
serve to limit the choice of treatments avail- and become recognized by the general public
able to patients. Based on substantial anec- as primary care providers—providing a spec-
310 | c h i r o p r a c t i c

trum of valuable services capable of effectively cedures, their care of back pain is limited to
treating a variety of common health prob- uncomplicated problems that must be care-
lems.” The study recommended that chiro- fully selected if they are to treat the patient
practors focus upon weight management, vita- without the help of a medical practitioner.
min counseling, and chronic ailments that According to the back-care guidelines for-
tend to surface with age. “Weight manage- mulated by the Agency for Health Care Policy
ment,” the study concluded, “is a field of and Research of the U.S. Department of
tremendous potential.” Health and Human Services, spinal manipula-
With neuromusculoskeletal conditions com- tion is effective for patients during the first
prising 94% of the average chiropractor’s month of acute lower back symptoms that are
practice, it is puzzling to see the chiropractic not accompanied by leg pain caused by nerve
profession focusing its research on such condi- root involvement. And according to an article
tions as infantile colic and ear infection. It is published in the October 8, 1998, issue of the
even more puzzling to see the chiropractic New England Journal of Medicine, chiropractic
profession considering proposals to study manipulation was no more effective than the
weight management, vitamin counseling, and McKenzie method of physical therapy in treat-
chronic ailments in order to gain recognition ing patients with low back pain. Both of these
as primary care providers rather than build methods—manipulation and physical therapy—
upon established recognition for what they do had only marginally better outcomes than sim-
best—treating neck and back pain and other ply providing the patient with an educational
neuromusculoskeletal problems of mechanical booklet for self help. A subsequent study in the
origin. November 11, 1998, issue of the Journal of the
American Medical Association reported that
spinal manipulation is no more effective than
massage in relieving episodic or recurring ten-
Theory versus Reality sion headache.
Since there is a risk of stroke or injury from
Part of the contradictory behavior of chiro- cervical manipulation, such treatment should
practors and the misplaced priorities of the be used only when specifically indicated. Ac-
chiropractic profession can be explained by cording to RAND, only 11.1% of reported in-
the theory defining chiropractic. As indicated dications for cervical manipulation are consid-
by the 1996 consensus formulated by the As- ered to be appropriate. This means that most
sociation of Chiropractic Colleges, all chiro- cervical manipulation done by chiropractors
practic colleges still teach that correction of subjects the patient to unnecessary risk. In
vertebral subluxations plays an important role some cases, simple massage would be safer
in the preservation and restoration of health. than manipulation.
The public’s perception of chiropractic, how- While the treatment of back pain and other
ever, is such that few people (less than 7% of neuromusculoskeletal problems of mechanical
the population annually) go to a chiropractor origin forms the bulk of the average chiroprac-
for treatment of anything other than neck and tor’s practice, and can be treated safely and ef-
back pain and tension headache. fectively by a scientifically grounded and prop-
Yet, the chiropractor is far from being a fully erly limited chiropractor, a chiropractor’s
qualified back specialist. Since chiropractors diagnostic and treatment armamentarium is so
do not prescribe pain medication and cannot limited that they can function only as special-
perform surgical and invasive diagnostic pro- ists who must work with a narrow range of un-
c h i r o p r a c t i c | 311

complicated musculoskeletal problems. They Chiropractic as an Alternative Healing Method

must, or should, treat only those conditions
that do not require use of pain medication, or Although it appears that chiropractors have
those that require hospitalization for diagnosis much to offer in the use of spinal manipulation
and treatment such as patients who have se- and other physical treatment methods in the
vere pain, disease or infection, or patients who care of back pain and other musculoskeletal
have been incapacitated by severe injury. As conditions, there is no evidence to indicate
“back specialists,” chiropractors can effectively that the chiropractic profession is making any
treat only uncomplicated musculoskeletal effort to define itself as a limited medical spe-
problems for which manipulation and physical cialty—quite the contrary. Clinging to the fun-
therapy are appropriate treatment. damental definition of chiropractic (that ad-
An editorial in the October 8, 1998, New justing vertebral subluxations to remove nerve
England Journal of Medicine asks “What Role interference will restore and maintain health),
for Chiropractic in Health Care?” chiropractors continue to claim to be primary
care providers, entitled by law and by defini-
That spinal manipulation is somewhat effec- tion to treat a broad scope of human ailments.
tive symptomatic therapy for some patients This stand persists despite the fact that there
with acute low back pain is, I believe, no have been no appropriately controlled studies
longer in dispute. . . . What about the use of that establish that spinal manipulation or any
spinal manipulation for other musculoskeletal other form of somatic therapy represents a
problems? There is evidence from randomized valid curative strategy for the treatment of any
clinical trials that spinal manipulation may be organic disease.
efficacious for some patients with neck pain. Many chiropractors claim that chiropractic
However, neither the efficacy of manipulation manipulation is effective in the treatment of
relative to that of other therapies nor the cost asthma—a “shining example” of what chiro-
effectiveness of such therapy has been estab- practic can do in the treatment of disease. But
lished. Moreover, the use of cervical manipu- when researchers conducted a randomized,
lation arouses far greater concern about safety controlled trial of chiropractic manipulation in
than the use of lumbar manipulation. . . . the treatment of asthma, they concluded that
What is the role of chiropractic in health “In children with mild or moderate asthma, the
care? In 1979 Dr. Arnold Relman wrote an ed- addition of chiropractic spinal manipulation to
itorial for the Journal entitled “Chiropractic: usual medical care provided no benefit.”
Recognized But Unproved.” Nearly 20 years After 43 years of practice as a chiropractor, I
later there appears to be little evidence to sup- have concluded that it seems unlikely that re-
port the value of spinal manipulation . . . for search will support the use of chiropractic ma-
nonmusculoskeletal conditions. For this rea- nipulation in the treatment of organic disease.
son, I think it is currently inappropriate to Presenting chiropractic as an alternative to
consider chiropractic as a broad-based alter- medical care in the treatment of nonmuscu-
native to traditional medical care. However, loskeletal conditions may be a big mistake for
for some musculoskeletal conditions, chiro- the chiropractic profession. Chiropractors may
practic does provide some benefit to patients. be shooting themselves in the foot by claiming
The challenge for chiropractors is to demon- to be alternative primary care physicians. Ac-
strate that they can achieve this benefit at a cording to researchers at Yale University, an
cost that patients or health insurers are willing estimated 6.5% of the U.S. population in 1996
to bear. sought both conventional and unconventional
312 | c h i r o p r a c t i c

health care; 1.8% used only unconventional that demonstrates the safety, efficacy, and ef-
services; 59% used only conventional care; fectiveness of specific alternative medicine in-
and 32.2% used neither. This study reports terventions, uncritical acceptance of untested
less use of alternative medicine than estimated and unproven alternative medicine therapies
in previous studies. And it indicates that Amer- must stop. Alternative therapies that have
icans who try alternative medicine generally been shown to be of no benefit (aside from
use it to supplement or complement—not possible placebo effect) or that cause harm
replace—traditional medical care. should be abandoned immediately. . . .
Alternative medicine, while offering some For patients, for physicians and other
treatment methods that may have value, is health care professionals, and for alternative
generally thought of as encompassing a variety medicine practitioners—indeed, for all who
of popular but unproven and nonsensical heal- share the goal of improving the health of indi-
ing methods, such as homeopathy, foot reflex- viduals and of the public—there can be no al-
ology, aromatherapy, applied kinesiology, ternative.
therapeutic touch, Ayurvedic medicine, acu-
puncture, and 40 or 50 other questionable While alternative medicine is presently pop-
metaphysical healing methods sheltered under ular among the public, it is more of a fad than
the umbrella of alternative care. The Journal a science. It seems likely that as science inves-
of the American Medical Association, which tigates alternative healing methods, many will
devoted the entire November 11, 1998, issue be abandoned and public support for various
to studies of specific applications of unproven healing fads will diminish. Few chiropractors
healing methods, offered these editorial com- are able to view alternative health care as as-
ments about alternative medicine: tutely and objectively as Craig Nelson, D.C., an
associate professor at Northwestern Chiroprac-
There is no alternative medicine. There is only tic College, who offered this commentary in a
scientifically proven, evidence-based medicine recent issue of the Journal of the Neuromuscu-
supported by solid data or unproven medicine, loskeletal System:
for which scientific evidence is lacking. . . .
While acknowledging that many therapies The recent enthusiasm for AHC [alternative
used in conventional medical practice also health care] is largely a cultural rather than a
have not been as rigorously evaluated as they scientific phenomenon. While in the short
should be, we agree that most alternative med- term this cultural shift may provide some new
icine has not been scientifically tested. How- opportunities for the chiropractic profession
ever, for alternative therapies that are used by and others, the public’s present fascination
millions of patients every day and that gener- with AHC will have little effect on the long-
ate billions of dollars in health care expendi- term vitality and growth of our profession. The
tures each year, the lack of convincing and pendulum will likely swing (and this may al-
compelling evidence on efficacy, safety, and ready have begun) away from the current
outcomes is unacceptable and deeply trou- fashionability of AHC.
bling. We believe that physicians should be- A far more important and durable trend
come more knowledgeable about alternative than the current upswing in AHC is the recog-
medicine and increase their understanding of nition that health care providers must be held
the possible benefits and limitations of alter- accountable for the safety and effectiveness of
native therapies. . . . their practices. Orthodox methods of investi-
However, until solid evidence is available gation and research will be the basis by which
c h i r o p r a c t i c | 313

those practices are evaluated. The label, “al- and related problems does not belong in the
ternative health care,’’ will not excuse any company of alternative methods that are unre-
profession from the requirement to demon- ceptive to scientific inquiry. Since 94% of all
strate safety and effectiveness. spinal manipulation in the United States is
done by chiropractors, persons seeking spinal
Time may be running out for support of ir- manipulation as a treatment for back pain
rational alternative healing methods. With pa- must wade through a maze of nonsense to find
tience wearing thin, some medical observers a properly limited chiropractor. Physicians are
are speaking out. The editors of the New En- often faced with the dilemma of deciding
gland Journal of Medicine echoed their col- when and if they should refer a patient to a
leagues at JAMA: “It is time for the scientific chiropractor.
community to stop giving alternative medicine Legally and ethically, it is a physician’s re-
a free ride. There cannot be two kinds of med- sponsibility to be honest and objective when
icine—conventional and alternative. There is offering advice about treatment of any kind. It
only medicine that works and medicine that is not enough to say that because an alterna-
may or may not work. Once a treatment has tive treatment method is harmless it would be
been tested rigorously, it no longer matters okay to use it. If a patient is led to believe that
whether it was considered alternative at the an unproven healing method might be useful
outset. If it is found to be reasonably safe and in the treatment of illness, the patient might
effective, it will be accepted. But assertions, rely upon that treatment and delay use of a
speculation, and testimonials do not substitute proven treatment method.
for evidence. Alternative treatments should be An alternative treatment method should be
subjected to scientific testing no less rigorous used only if there is reason to believe that the
than that required for conventional treat- treatment might convey a specific benefit for
ments.” the illness being treated or can complement a
Until the chiropractic profession either proven treatment method. No physician can
proves or abandons the vertebral subluxation ethically endorse an unproven treatment
theory, it may continue to seek a free ride un- method that misleads the patient. A placebo
der the banner of alternative medicine. Since effect provided by misinformation based on a
it does not appear likely that any scientific evi- false theory can do more harm than good,
dence can be produced to support the chiro- contributing to indiscriminate use of inappro-
practic theory, failure of the chiropractic pro- priate treatment. A safe and useful placebo ef-
fession to define and limit itself to a method of fect is best obtained from complementary care
treating musculoskeletal conditions can only that is known to be based on a plausible theory
move it closer to the tenuous position of fringe that does not contradict the laws and princi-
healing methods that are unscientific and fad- ples of science.
dish, supported only by the whims of gullible While spinal manipulation used in the treat-
and fickle supporters of metaphysical theories. ment of some types of neck and back pain and
related neuromusculoskeletal problems is
plausible and can be supported scientifically,
there are many scientifically unsupportable
Ethical Responsibilities chiropractic treatment methods that chiro-
practors claim will restore and maintain
Appropriate use of scientific spinal manipula- health. Physicians cannot and should not rec-
tion in the treatment of neck and back pain ommend such treatment since the theory
314 | c h i r o p r a c t i c

underlying such treatment is not plausible and healthy skepticism while seeking reliable in-
there is no controlled research or evidence to formation on your own.
support the treatment.
Patients should understand that it is not in
their best interest for physicians to remain
silent about treatment methods that are false Angell M., J. Kassirer. 1998. “Alternative Medicine:
or misleading. A Seton Hall University Law The Risks of Untested and Unregulated Reme-
professor offered this advice for physicians dies.” N. Engl. J. Med., 339(12). Reprinted in
concerned about prescribing alternative heal- Skeptical Inquirer. 1999; 23(1): 58–60.
ing methods: Association of Chiropractic Colleges. 1996. “A Posi-
tion Paper on Chiropractic.” J. Manipulative
Physiol. Ther., 19(9): 633–637.
The physician-patient relationship requires
Baron J., P. Aker, E. Crowther, et al. 1998. “A Com-
the physician to be truthful with her patient.
parison of Active and Simulated Chiropractic
This duty of truthfulness circumscribes the
Manipulation as Adjunctive Treatment for Child-
provision of care that the physician has no sci- hood Asthma.” N. Engl. J. Med., 339(15):
entific basis for believing the therapy will help 1013–1020.
the patient. The very fact that it is a physician Bigos B., O. Bowyer, G. Braen, et al. 1994. “Acute
who prescribes the therapy will endow the Low Back Problems in Adults.” Rockville, MD:
treatment with a false sense of legitimacy. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
Physician assent to the pursuit of unproven al- AHCPR publication 95-0642.
ternative treatments will, like managed care Boozang K. 1998. “Western Medicine Opens the
coverage, affirm patients’ beliefs that innova- Door to Alternative Medicine.” Am. J. Law and
tive treatment offers them some real benefit, Medicine, 24(2, 3): 185–204.
Bove G., N. Nilsson. 1998. “Spinal Manipulation in
and perpetuate a system in which patients’ ig-
the Treatment of Episodic Tension-Type
norance results in their pursuit of care that
Headache.” J. Am. Med. Assoc., 280: 1576–1579.
they likely would not have elected had they
Cherkin C., R. Deyo, M. Battie, J. Street, W. A. Bar-
been better informed.
low. 1998. “A Comparison of Physical Therapy,
Chiropractic Manipulation, and Provision of an
Patients should learn to appreciate the Educational Booklet for the Treatment of Pa-
skepticism and the advice of a physician who tients with Low Back Pain.” N. Engl. J. Med.,
does not pull punches in analyzing treatment 339(15): 1021–1029.
methods that are contrary to the principles of Coulter I., E. Hurwitz, A. Adams, et al. 1996. The
physics, chemistry, or biology. Some of these Appropriateness of Manipulation and Mobiliza-
treatment methods are so nonsensical that tion of the Cervical Spine. Santa Monica, CA:
they are an insult to human intelligence. RAND.
Most consumers are fairly well informed Druss B., R. Rosenheck. 1999. “Association Be-
tween Use of Unconventional Therapies and Con-
these days, but few of us have the means, the
ventional Medical Services.” JAMA, 282:
ability, or the time to search the scientific liter-
ature. Most of us rely upon our doctor to be
Eisenberg D., R. Davis, S. Ettner, et al. 1998.
honest and objective when seeking advice in “Trends in Alternative Medicine Use of the
matters that involve our health. But you can- United States, 1990–1997: Results of a Follow-up
not and should not rely totally upon your doc- National Survey.” J. Am. Med. Assoc., 280:
tor in taking care of your body. You must make 1569–1575.
an effort to help yourself by maintaining a Eisenberg D. M., R. C. Kessler, C. Foster, et al. 1993.
c h i r o p r a c t i c | 315

“Unconventional Medicine in the U.S.” N. Engl. sumed to be Suffering From True Visceral Dis-
J. Med., 328(4): 246–252. ease.” J. Manipulative Physiol. Ther., 18(6):
Fontanarosa P., G. Lundberg. 1998. Editorial: “Al- 379–397.
ternative Medicine Meets Science.” J. Am. Med. Nelson C. 1998. “Understanding Alternative
Assoc., 280: 1618–1619. Healthcare.” J. Neuromusculoskeletal System,
Goertz C. 1998. ACA “Statistical Survey on Chiro- 6(3): 95–99.
practic Practice.” J. Am. Chiropractic Assoc., Seater S. 1996. “Letters to the Editor.” Chiropractic
35(11): 30–34. Technique, 8(2): 93–94.
Hawk C., M. Dusio. 1995. “A Survey of 492 U.S. Seater S. 1997. “Chiropractic, Primary Care, and
Chiropractors on Primary Care and Prevention- the Emerging Natural Healthcare Market.” J.
Related Issues.” J. Manipulative Physiol. Ther., Chiropractic Humanities, 7(1): 42–45.
18(2): 57–64. Shekelle P. 1998. Editorial: “What Role for Chiro-
Homola S. 1998. “Finding a Good Chiropractor.” practic in Healthcare?” N. Engl. J. Med., 339(15):
Archives of Family Medicine, 7(1): 20–23. 1074–1075.
Homola S. 1999. Inside Chiropractic: A Patient’s Shekelle P. G., A. H. Adams, M. R. Chassin, E. L.
Guide. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Hurwitz, R. B. Phillips, R. H. Brook. 1991. “The
Landmark Report on Public Perceptions of Alterna- Appropriateness of Spinal Manipulation for Low-
tive Care. 1998. Landmark Healthcare. Sacra- Back Pain: Project Overview and Literature Re-
mento, CA; January, 1. view.” Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 34, 6–9.
Nansel D., M. Szlazak. 1995. “Somatic Dysfunction Trends Research Institute. 1996. The New Millen-
and the Phenomenon of Visceral Disease Simula- nium Chiropractor: A Trend Forecast for the Chi-
tion: A Probable Explanation for the Apparent ropractic Profession. Des Moines, IA: FCER, 1.
Effectiveness of Somatic Therapy in Patients Pre-
Christian Science as Pseudoscience

“Anyone who is not shocked by Quantum Physics

doesn’t understand it.”
—Niels Bohr

“What did you do to the cat? It looks half dead.”

—Schrödinger’s wife

he Christian Science religion has long

ties as a rainbow [they don’t exist until they
suffered membership losses and criti- are observed]. Anything that suggests other-
cism for its stance on refusal of med- wise is an illusion. Here’s how it works: The
ical treatment. In recent years, however, the sheet of paper you’re holding is made up of
Christian Science Church has gained new mo- atoms, and these atoms are in turn made up
mentum from its interpretation of quantum of what we call “subatomic particles” (elec-
physics, a point of view supported by some trons, protons, neutrons, and others). But to
physicists sympathetic to the church. Since describe the behavior of these subatomic par-
most of its members hardly understand even ticles, we have had to accept the fact that they
classical physical science, let alone the are not things that are sitting there, in the pa-
“weirdness” posed by quantum theory (I per, to be observed by you or not, as you
should know since I was raised as a Christian choose. Rather, they can only be described as
Scientist), this coupling of religion with the potential things—they’re not actually in the
world of the subatomic is somewhat shocking. paper, any more than a rainbow is sitting out
In an unofficial Christian Science publication there in the sky. They provide the potential
circulated in the Los Angeles area, a recent for you to see a sheet of paper when you
article entitled “A Thought From Quantum choose to look at the paper—just as the light
Physics” was published by David Carico, a and raindrops provide the potential to see
Christian Scientist and physics professor at that which you will call a rainbow when you
the University of Santa Clara. Dr. Carico’s ar- choose to look in the sky. And since this ap-
ticle contained the following statement: plies to all subatomic particles, it also applies
by inference to all atoms, and by further in-
. . . according to physics these days . . . that ference to all matter. That’s pretty much it!
which we call “matter” and perceive as a Neat, huh?!? By the way—everything in the
solid substance, actually has the same proper- previous paragraphs is physics just as you

c h r i s t i a n s c i e n c e a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 317

might find it in a physics book. I have not fil- across the country to promote the “textbook”
tered any of it through Christian Science. of the religion, Science and Health with Key to
(Carico, 1998, emphasis in original). the Scriptures, as “a pioneer in the science of
the mind body connection.”
Of course, this particular angle on the at-
tempt to merge quantum physics and religion
is not exactly new. The best known attempt in
recent years is probably Fritjof Capra’s 1980 Enter Dr. Doyle, Physicist/Evangelist
book, The Tao of Physics. Capra’s book, in
turn, has spawned many imitators, even influ- The Christian Science Church has found a
encing Gary Zukav’s The Dancing Wu Li Mas- powerful ally for its interpretation of “reality”
ters, and some of Deepak Chopra’s writings in Dr. Lawrence Doyle. Dr. Doyle is self-
(see Skeptic Vol. 6, No. 2). But despite sharing described as “principal investigator for NASA’s
its roots in Eastern thinking (Gardner, 1993), SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Christian Science is actually an unlikely reli- program,” and the “senior astrophysicist at
gion to repackage quantum theory. For much NASA’s Ames Research Institute.” I verified his
of its history, the Christian Science church has credentials. Doyle also holds a position as visit-
rejected physics and other sciences as illusory, ing professor at Principia College in Illinois, a
and thus relatively unimportant. college run by the church, where he teaches
courses on the history of science (Doyle,
1992). In a lecture given on August 28, 1997,
in Long Beach, California, Dr. Doyle gave his
Christian Science and Its Doctrines brief and biased history of science, where
Mary Baker Eddy’s discoveries were high-
The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian lighted as “the culmination of all science.” In
Science’s formal name) was founded in 1866 Doyle’s words, “it is no accident that so many
by Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), a semi- scientific discoveries, including quantum me-
invalid, semi-illiterate who was a student of chanics, were discovered in rapid succession
Phineas Quimby, a homeopathic faith healer after Mary Baker Eddy published Science and
and a major player in the spiritualist move- Health and founded the Church.”
ment of the time. The Oxford Dictionary of Doyle has, in the past, stated his unusual
World Religions describes the doctrine of the view of the history of science in other works
church as sharing “with Eastern religions a be- and on interviews broadcast on National Pub-
lief that ignorance is at the root of human un- lic Radio. Eddy often compared herself to
ease—and thus of dis-ease: ‘All reality is in God Columbus and Copernicus, and Doyle follows
and his creation, harmonious and eternal. in this vein. After discussing the discoveries of
Therefore, the only reality of sin, sickness, or Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, and
death is the awful fact that unrealities seem Einstein, Doyle (1992) states: “In the latter
real to human, erring belief, until God strips half of the 19th century, Mary Baker Eddy dis-
off their disguise.’” Christian Science is best covered something, probably the most impor-
summed up in Ms. Eddy’s statement: “Both sin tant discovery in the whole history of science.
and sickness are in error, and Truth is their She made the discovery that reality is perfect,
remedy” (Gardner, 1993; Brenneman, 1990). and spiritual, and that what you see as the ma-
Ms. Eddy is promoted by the Church in a se- terial evidence is only a limited way of looking
ries of current lectures given at bookstores at what was really there.”
318 | c h r i s t i a n s c i e n c e a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

In a 1992 videotape produced by the Chris- steps a resolution of the issue by explaining
tian Science Church, entitled “Infinity and In- “Christian Science states that you are created
dividuality,” Doyle expanded on the place of each and every day!” When pressed, he asserts
the Christian Science Church, and its founder, that “this is not my field” (Doyle, 1997). Mary
in science. After describing how he places Baker Eddy never wrote on this subject, which
Mary Baker Eddy’s books in his “scientific li- may be why he is reluctant to offer an opinion.
brary,” Doyle concludes:

Among the amazing discoveries that I made

through my study of the Bible and Science Quantum Religion
and Health is an understanding of infinity, and
the significance of true individuality. It turns In his 1997 lecture, Doyle began by reading
out, you cannot add all of the finite things and Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of matter from
get to the infinite. Suddenly, I picked up the Science and Health:
Bible, and read where Jesus said “I and my fa-
ther are one.” That jumped out at me, and I MATTER. Mythology; mortality; another
suddenly comprehended, “Infinity, of course, name for mortal mind; illusion, intelligence,
is one! There can only be one all.” substance, and life in non-intelligence and
mortality; life resulting in death, and death in
Further insight into Doyle’s ideas can be life, sensation in the sensationless; mind origi-
gleaned from his own description of his scien- nating in matter; the opposite of Truth; the
tific training: opposite of Spirit, the opposite of God; that of
which immortal Mind takes no cognizance;
In addition to being trained in astrophysics, I that which the mortal mind sees, feels, hears,
had early training in metaphysics, in Christian tastes and smells only in belief. (Eddy, 1906)
Science Sunday school. I was taught that God
was Mind, Life, Love, Truth itself, Spirit itself, The Christian Science church each week
Soul, and that all these were ways of viewing closes Sunday services with the church’s State-
the one source of the universe. So, it’s only ment of Being, written by Eddy: “Matter is the
natural that as I do astrophysics, I would view unreal and temporal. . . . therefore, man is not
the universe from a spiritual perspective. Mary material, he is spiritual” (Eddy, 1906). One
Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of would hope, perhaps, that “the most important
Christian Science, was kind of unusual in discovery in the history of science” would be a
combining Christianity and Science. Chris- little more clear, and slightly less redundant.
tianity is the religion of unconditional love, But incredibly, for a physicist, Doyle goes fur-
and science is the study of unconditional ther, adopting these statements to conclude
truth. She said that love and truth were the “all matter is an illusion.” As he boldly stated
same thing, and were synonyms for God. in his lecture, “I am saying that Quantum
Physics proves that the moon only exists when
This unique view of science leads Doyle to you look at it!” This is a sly reference, which
some unique conclusions regarding other mat- was likely lost on Doyle’s audience, to Ein-
ters traditionally at the forefront of religion’s stein’s plaintive question to physicist Abraham
confrontation with modern science. Regarding Pais, asking if he “really believed that the
his stance on evolution, for example, Doyle moon only exists when you look at it” (Lind-
states that he “gets asked that a lot,” but side- ley, 1996).
c h r i s t i a n s c i e n c e a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 319

Doyle then goes on to extrapolate that since quantum object was in some definite but un-
matter only exists when you look at it, it is in known state, but was then disturbed by an act
fact “an illusion,” ergo, Christian Science is of measurement and is now in some other
proven. He also implied that, since matter is state. But the Copenhagen interpretation states
an illusion, material sickness, disease, etc., can otherwise, showing how measurement gives
be changed by substituting a “new reality” in definition to quantities that were previously
its place (Doyle, 1997). (Actually, to be most indefinite; there is no meaning that can be
consistent with Christian Science, just seeing given to a quantity until it is measured (Lind-
the “truth” of God’s creation would do, since ley, 1996). The familiar examples of superpo-
God never makes a mistake, and does not al- sition—the two-slit experiment, electrons prior
low “illusions” of imperfection to even exist.) to spin measurement, or photons prior to a
polarization measurement—apply to single
objects, individual quantum pieces. But, in
considering Christian Science’s assertions re-
The Reality of Reality garding the “matter” of larger systems—ones
composed of lots of photons, electrons, or
This, then, is the puzzle posed by the “weird- atoms—do they behave in the same way? Not
ness” of quantum physics upon which so many easily, it turns out, and only in superconduc-
in religious and new age circles seize. Accord- tors (Lindley, 1996).
ing to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, So is the moon not there when you look at
for example, you can’t measure the position of it? Does it take a “measurement” of some sort
a particle precisely without great uncertainty to force the moon to take on a real location in
about either its velocity, or vice versa (Feyn- space? Well, as Lindley and others have rea-
man, 1995). But, taking this to the extreme, if soned, the moon is there when no one’s look-
the existence of “reality” depends, for me, on ing. Under the decoherence argument, any ac-
my consciousness, and for you, on yours, how tivity, including the rain of solar photons upon
is it that we can agree on so much? As David the moon, or the constant jiggling of atoms
Lindley, a former theoretical astrophysicist at that make up the moon, forces enough of a
Cambridge University and the Fermi National physical process to constitute a “measure-
Accelerator Laboratory, and currently Associ- ment,” enough to get rid of superposed states.
ate Editor of Science News, stated in his book, No actual observation is required, and the
Where Does the Weirdness Go?: “It has been whole process carries on without any interven-
seriously suggested that human consciousness tion of human action (Lindley, 1996).
or perception is somehow the key to the mea- There are other solutions, of course. One of
surement problem . . . even a number of rep- the best known is that advanced by John Grib-
utable physicists (including Wigner as well as bin, author of In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat
his hardheaded mathematician friend John and Schrödinger’s Kittens and the Search for
von Neumann) have leaned in this direction— Reality. Gribbin describes the “many worlds”
more, perhaps, out of desperation than any- interpretation, embracing this possibility
thing else.” through the “transactional interpretation.”
So does this support the point of view of The solution to the well-known puzzle posed
Christian Science that matter is an “illusion”? by Schrödinger’s famous cat and its fate under
Well, as Lindley explains, it is somewhat mis- the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum
leading to say that “measurement affects the mechanics would be different under each al-
thing measured,” because that implies that a ternative system. Under decoherence, the cat
320 | c h r i s t i a n s c i e n c e a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

would only be in an inconsistent half alive/ physics, applying subatomic theory “by infer-
half dead state for a split second, when the in- ence to all atoms, and by further inference to
teraction of the atoms would force one state or all matter” (in Carico’s words), is not sup-
another. Under “many worlds,” new, branch- ported by the relationship between classical
ing universes would open for each possibility, physics and quantum theory.
finally forced into one “reality” when the Mary Baker Eddy deserves credit, perhaps,
measurement is made (Lindley, 1996; Gribbin, for breaking ground in advancing the role of
1995; Skeptic, V. 3, #4, 1995). women in religion, and in her early observa-
However, neither of these possible solutions tions regarding what science now knows as the
even comes close to “confirming” the tenets of placebo effect. But twisting quantum physics
Christian “Science.” In Christian Science, to support her theories not only misstates the
Schrödinger’s cat can never die, since nothing patient observations of physics, but gives ad-
is “real” except for what God created, which herents of her religion a false sense of security
doesn’t include the illusion known as death. in their view of the findings of science.
Poor cat—can’t even die with dignity in this
And what are we to make of Christian Sci- References:
ence’s published stance that “matter is un- Brenneman, R. 1990. Deadly Blessings: Faith Heal-
real”? Even physics professors who are Chris- ing on Trial. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
tian Scientists, such as Dr. Carico, have to Capra, F. 1980. The Tao of Physics. New York: Ban-
admit, contrary to Eddy’s writings, that, “Yes, tam.
matter is real,” in an attempt to shoe-horn Carico, D. 1998. A Thought from Quantum Physics.
Christian Science in through the back door of Los Angeles: LA Christian Science Student Soci-
quantum theory (Carico, 1998). One member ety Newsletter.
Doyle, L. 1992. Infinity and Individuality. Boston:
of the Mother Church told me that the new ex-
Christian Science Publishing Society.
planation is that “Matter is real. But standing
———. 1997. Christian Science Symposium. Long
behind every rock, every piece of matter, is the
Beach, CA.
idea of that rock or that matter. Both are cre- Eddy, M. B. 1906. Science and Health with Key to
ated by God” (Miller, 1998). the Scriptures. Boston: Christian Science Publish-
Richard Feynman concluded that “No one ing Society.
understands quantum theory” (Feynman, Feynman, R. 1995. Six Easy Pieces. Boston: Addi-
1995). But one last point from what we do son Wesley.
know is important. Subatomic particles, fol- Gardner, M. 1993. The Healing Revelations of Mary
lowing quantum physics, act within rigidly Baker Eddy: The Rise and Fall of Christian Sci-
prescribed limits. Scientific observers cannot ence. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
just “make up” any inference they like about Gribbin, J. 1984. In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat.
New York: Bantam Books.
an electron. It either has a “spin” to the left or
———. 1995. Schrödinger’s Kittens and the Search for
to the right, up or down. Once the measure-
Reality. Boston: Little, Brown.
ment is made, each person can agree on the
Lindley, D. 1996. Where Does the Weirdness Go?:
spin measurements, as fixed by the observa- Why Quantum Mechanics Is Strange, But Not As
tion. That’s it. Matter does not suddenly Strange As You Think. New York: Basic Books.
change, as in a dead person coming to life due Miller, R. 1998. Conversation with Margarita Miller,
to observation alone. The conclusions by the member, Christian Science Mother Church.
Christian Science Church regarding quantum March 31.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

G E R A L D M . R O S E N ,
R I C H A R D J . M C N A L L Y , A N D
S C O T T O . L I L I E N F E L D

hile strolling through a park one atric Association as a distinct mental disorder

W day, Francine Shapiro noticed that

certain of her troubling thoughts
suddenly lost their distressing qualities. Curi-
resulting from exposure to extreme, terrifying
events, such as combat and rape. People with
PTSD often feel “numb,” finding it difficult to
ous about what had happened, Shapiro re- experience positive emotions for loved ones,
generated the mental images and again found they are often hypervigilant and startle easily,
them no longer upsetting. Attending closely to and they typically “re-live” their terrible ex-
her behavior, she realized that her eyes had periences in the form of nightmares and re-
been spontaneously and rapidly shifting back current disturbing recollections of the
and forth. Suspecting that rapid eye move- trauma. This last PTSD symptom constituted
ments might possess hitherto untapped thera- the very phenomenon that Shapiro believed
peutic powers, Shapiro began informal tests eye movements might help. What better way
on her friends. She asked them to concentrate to test her discovery, therefore, than to apply
on a traumatic or disturbing memory and to the induction of eye movements to the treat-
track her finger visually as she moved it back ment of traumatic memories associated with
and forth in front of their eyes. Her friends PTSD?
reported feeling better and their memories Shapiro treated 22 PTSD patients in her
were no longer disturbing. dissertation study by asking them to recall a
Shapiro’s serendipitous observations in- traumatic memory and to follow her moving
spired her to conduct a formal study in fulfill- fingers with their eyes. She published her
ment of her doctoral dissertation in clinical findings in 1989 in the Journal of Traumatic
psychology at the California-based, never- Stress, reporting that a single session of “Eye
accredited, and now-defunct Professional Movement Desensitization” abolished the dis-
School of Psychological Studies. This was an tress associated with a traumatic memory in
opportune time to conduct such a study. Post- 100% of the patients. These results caught the
traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) had been attention of psychiatrists and clinical psychol-
recognized in 1980 by the American Psychi- ogists who were accustomed to spending

322 | e m d r

much more time desensitizing the traumatic ticles devoted entirely to EMDR. Clearly, this
memories of their patients. Shapiro concluded is a treatment method that warrants continued
that eye movements somehow accelerated the scrutiny.
desensitization process associated with tradi- Moving beyond popular expositions on
tional imaginal exposure techniques. Further, EMDR, we examine in detail the most recent
she claimed that clinicians could “achieve scientific evidence that bears on the method’s
complete desensitization of 75–80% of any in- efficacy, consider strategies employed by
dividually treated trauma-related memory in a EMDR’s proponents to deal with negative
single 50-minute session,” simply by reading findings, and note historical parallels between
her 1989 article. Shortly thereafter, Shapiro EMDR and other controversial treatments.
renamed her method “Eye Movement Desen- This scientific and historical analysis of EMDR
sitization and Reprocessing” or EMDR, a may help shed light on a variety of other po-
method that one enthusiast has claimed to be tentially pseudoscientific practices in the field
“the most revolutionary, important method to of clinical psychology. In this respect, EMDR
emerge in psychotherapy in decades.” Others serves as a useful object lesson in the study of
have declared EMDR to be nothing short of pseudoscience.
“amazing,” “profound,” and a “miracle” (see
Shapiro and Forrest, 1997).
Although several popular expositions of
EMDR have appeared (Gastright, 1995; The Spread of EMDR
Lilienfeld, 1996), the need to revisit this topic
is pressing when one considers that the EMDR Shortly after completion of her doctorate,
phenomenon thrives with unabated vigor and Shapiro founded the EMDR Institute, Inc. and
intensity, a full decade since its inception. promoted her admittedly experimental method
EMDR workshops are offered throughout the in weekend training workshops held through-
world on an almost weekly basis. EMDR has out the world. By 1990, the claim was made
been used to treat survivors of the Oklahoma that EMDR had evolved into a complex
City bombing, refugees in Bosnia and other ar- methodology, so that Shapiro’s original article
eas ravaged by war, and communities where could no longer suffice as an adequate descrip-
major natural disasters have occurred. EMDR tion of the method. Instead, a more costly two-
enthusiasts have a professional organization to day workshop was required to be “certified.”
promote their method—the Eye Movement De- By 1991, even more training was required and
sensitization and Reprocessing International a “Level II” workshop was mandatory for cer-
Association (EMDRIA), and new applications tification by the EMDR Institute, Inc. Thus, in
of the method now can be discussed at the an- the short span of two years, Shapiro had gone
nual international EMDRIA conference. The from her 1989 statement to an elaborate pro-
National Institute of Mental Health has re- prietary training model. These changes were
cently funded two major clinical outcome tri- reported to be motivated by clinical “experi-
als comparing EMDR with other treatments ence,” without any data to show that Level II
(e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy and training yielded better results than Level I, or
Prozac). Reflecting the major impact EMDR the written instructions from 1989. Despite
appears to be having in clinical psychology, the absence of data, clinicians were told that
the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, a leading using EMDR without appropriate training is
peer-reviewed academic journal, recently fea- dangerous, and training in authorized work-
tured a special issue (Spring, 1999) with 13 ar- shops became the minimum standard. By
e m d r | 323

1997, over 25,000 mental health professionals Playing Fair with Science
had accepted Shapiro’s dictum and completed
at least one of the workshops. Studies on EMDR have found scant empirical
One of us completed both Level I and Level support for the dramatic claims made by its
II training and experienced firsthand the re- enthusiasts. Most damaging are a number of
vival-tent fervor of EMDR enthusiasts (Rosen, recent well controlled studies that have consis-
1996). Shapiro spoke about an increasing tently failed to find evidence that eye move-
range of applications for EMDR, the possibility ments possess any therapeutic powers (see De-
of reversing cycles of violence in our society, Bell and Jones, 1997; Foa and Meadows, 1997;
and the use of EMDR in humanitarian efforts Lohr, Tolin and Lilienfeld, 1998; McNally,
throughout the world. EMDR trainers went to 1999a). Individuals who simply imagine a
Oklahoma City in the wake of the bombing, traumatic memory while staring straight ahead
and volunteered their services in war ravaged do as well as those who visually track the ther-
Bosnia. Shapiro raised the possibility that apist’s moving finger (Hazlett-Stevens, Lytle,
EMDR might help people combat cancer or and Borkevec, 1996). Other recent studies
other terminal illnesses. An announcement for have compared EMDR with more traditional
specialty workshops suggested the use of methods that expose clients to traumatic mem-
EMDR for everyday life issues, with such titles ories and desensitize anxiety. These studies
as, “Using EMDR to Help People Reach Their find EMDR no more, and sometimes less,
Peak at Work.” Dr. Shapiro’s vision of EMDR’s effective than the traditional methods of expo-
contribution to our mental health and the sure (Devilly and Spence, 1999; Muris, Merck-
world’s future seemed boundless. elbach, Van Haaften and Mayer, 1997). Find-
In addition to highly successful workshops, ings like these suggest that Shapiro borrowed
Shapiro began making headway in the aca- elements from extant methods, added the un-
demic and professional world of clinical psy- necessary ingredient of finger waving, and
chology. She received the 1994 Distinguished then took her technique on the road before
Scientific Achievement Award from the Cali- science could catch up.
fornia State Psychological Association, and she Shapiro’s general response to negative find-
gave invited lectures for the American Psycho- ings has been to cite numerous publications
logical Association, the European Association that demonstrate EMDR’s effectiveness and to
for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychothera- point out that a Committee within the Ameri-
pies, and other international associations. A can Psychological Association (APA) has recog-
Committee within the American Psychological nized the method as empirically supported
Association officially listed EMDR as “proba- and effective in treating civilian PTSD. Unfor-
bly efficacious for civilian PTSD” after two tunately, the Committee’s standards only re-
randomized clinical trials with traumatized quire that two studies demonstrate a method
civilians found the method better than no as more effective than no treatment. Anyone
treatment at all. These developments lent fur- familiar with the history of psychotherapy will
ther credence to the novel notion that eye understand that this is not a stringent require-
movements could assist in the cure of mental ment, since almost all psychological interven-
ailments. EMDR clearly represents a major tions instill a sense of hope, demonstrate a
event in the landscape of contemporary clini- placebo effect, and achieve effects greater than
cal psychology. Unfortunately, a careful analy- no treatment (Frank, 1973). Indeed, according
sis of published studies demonstrates that to the APA Committee’s criteria, both personal
something is terribly amiss. prayer and sugar pills should be considered
324 | e m d r

empirically supported treatments, as these in- finding of no difference between groups was
terventions have been found in multiple con- published, Shapiro was claiming that “alter-
trolled studies to be more effective than the nate forms of bilateral stimulation” could work
absence of treatment. More to the point, any just as well as eye movements. In other words,
treatment that adds an inert ingredient (such Pitman and his colleagues, some of the most
as eye movements) to an already developed prominent researchers in the field of PTSD,
treatment (such as exposure based therapies) had just wasted their time comparing EMDR
can meet the criteria. In this context, one can with itself!
view APA’s listing of Shapiro’s eye movement The shifting procedures and training re-
method as a reflection on the Committee’s quirements for EMDR have created a seem-
weak criteria, rather than a ringing endorse- ingly endless catchup game for scientists. How
ment of EMDR. can scientists test a method whose proponents
Shapiro also contends that studies failing to insist on treatment fidelity for the induction of
support EMDR have not employed the method eye movements, then state that alternate tap-
faithfully, whereas studies demonstrating posi- ping strategies are possible, next argue that
tive effects have had good “treatment fidelity.” various protocols must be followed, and then
This position assumes that EMDR is effective; switch the decision rules for those protocols?
there are critical procedural components to How can scientists know they have been prop-
which one must faithfully adhere; and treat- erly trained in a method when simple written
ment effects, though powerful, are not so ro- descriptions first sufficed, then a Level I work-
bust that violations in procedural integrity can shop was required, and then Level II training
be ignored. The argument sounds reasonable was the minimum standard? One can easily
at first; but, in fact, Shapiro has misused the comprehend how the strategy adopted by
concept of treatment fidelity by continually Shapiro and other EMDR enthusiasts has cre-
changing the procedures and levels of training ated a slippery slope where refuted hypotheses
which define faithful adherence to the method constantly change, and the data never catch
(Rosen, 1999). Thus, Shapiro originally up. Like the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s
claimed that simple written descriptions were Through the Looking Glass, scientists who in-
sufficient to learn the method. By the time vestigate the efficacy of EMDR are forced to
psychologists had implemented the 1989 writ- keep running just to stay in the same place.
ten instructions and found no difference be-
tween EMDR and a no–eye movement control,
it had become necessary to take Level I train-
ing. By the time Level I trained psychologists Lessons from History: Mesmer and Shapiro
were finding in controlled studies that EMDR
was not as effective as Shapiro had claimed, If Shapiro had merely described EMDR as a
they were accused of being only half-trained minor variant of existing desensitization tech-
because they had not taken the Level II work- niques using imagery, or if she had stopped to
shop. Then Roger Pitman and his colleagues at test the role of eye movements before market-
Harvard Medical School received Level II ing her method, we would not be writing this
training and compared the eye movements of article today. However, instead of following
EMDR with a control condition that employed this road in a manner consistent with the
finger tapping (Pitman, Orr, Altman, Longpre, tenets of science, Shapiro demonstrated strik-
Poire, and Macklin, 1996). By the time their ing entrepreneurial zeal and parlayed her
e m d r | 325

“discovery” into a spectacularly successful ods, and both have complained that disap-
commercial enterprise. This is not the first pointing results were attributable to poorly
time that a controversial method has been so trained researchers. Although the striking par-
promoted. In fact, the story of EMDR is eerily allels between Mesmer and Shapiro in no way
reminiscent of Franz Mesmer’s discoveries in impugn the scientific validity of EMDR, com-
the late 18th century, with McNally (1999b) parative analysis suggests that ingeniously pro-
documenting no fewer than 17 striking paral- moted “miracle cures” are likely to share
lels between the histories of the Mesmerism many properties.
and EMDR movements. Animal Magnetism Therapy and EMDR are
Consider, for example, that some scholars two historically salient treatments that have
hold that Mesmer creatively applied the scien- stirred great excitement, only to fail the tests of
tific concepts of his day in a sincere effort to time and science. There have been many oth-
alleviate human suffering, thereby establishing ers. A physician, James Walsh, wrote in 1923
the foundations of modern hypnosis. Others on “The Story of the Cures that Fail,” and
regard Mesmer as a cynical wheeler-dealer noted the importance of a patient’s faith in
whose contributions to hypnosis were nothing treatment. Dr. Walsh also observed that fad-
more than the happy side effect of his entre- dish techniques often parallel the latest devel-
preneurial zeal. Shapiro has similarly pro- opments in science. Thus, Mesmerism oc-
voked widely discrepant professional ap- curred at a time when early experiments on
praisals. Both Mesmer and Shapiro had their electricity had captured the imagination of the
therapeutic epiphanies while walking out- public. Likewise, references by Shapiro to “ac-
doors; Mesmer was on a retreat in the Alps, celerated information processing” and “neuro
Shapiro was strolling through a park. Like networks” echo computer metaphors common
Shapiro, Mesmer established a lucrative insti- today.
tute for providing training, and insisted that Historical lessons from cures that fail illus-
trainees sign a document promising they trate how novel treatments initially induce
would not impart their newly formed and high levels of expectancies, but often lose their
powerful skills to others. Both were charis- effectiveness over time. The history of failed
matic leaders who inspired the founding of therapies argues for caution and skepticism
professional societies to promote their thera- when bold new claims are made. Unfortu-
pies, and both offered pro bono treatment in nately, many of EMDR’s proponents have
the face of criticism that they were merely en- made the very errors that Dr. Walsh so pre-
gaged in profit-making. Both Mesmerism and sciently warned us about. The continued ac-
EMDR have been proclaimed useful for an as- ceptance and proliferation of EMDR among
tonishing range of ailments. Animal magne- psychologists also represent a fundamental
tism therapists touted the method for gout, shift of attitude toward the most basic assump-
blindness, deafness, scurvy, and paralysis in tions concerning burden of proof. Thus, before
addition to psychosomatic problems. EMDR it was demonstrated convincingly that eye
therapists claim their method is useful for movements mattered, thousands of profession-
paranoid schizophrenia, learning disabilities, als started taking expensive workshops and
eating disorders, grief, substance abuse, rage, waving their fingers. These psychologists, and
guilt, multiple personality disorder, cancer, the public, might consider a useful caution
and even AIDS. Both Mesmer and Shapiro provided by James Oberg and reiterated by
have challenged scientists to test their meth- Carl Sagan (1995): it is a virtue to keep an
326 | e m d r

open mind when evaluating new ideas, “just McNally, R. J. 1999a. “Research on Eye Movement
not so open that your brains fall out.” Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a
Treatment for PTSD.” PTSD Research Quarterly,
10 (1), 1–7.
McNally, R. J. 1999b. “EMDR and Mesmerism: A
DeBell, C. and R. D. Jones. 1997. “As Good as it Comparative Historical Analysis.” Journal of
Seems? A Review of EMDR Experimental Re- Anxiety Disorders, 13, 225–236.
search.” Professional Psychology: Research and Muris, P. H., H. Merckelbach, B. Van Haaften, and
Practice, 28, 153–163. B. Mayer. 1997. “Eye Movement Desensitization
Devilly, G. J. and S. H. Spence. 1999. “The Relative and Reprocessing Versus Exposure in Vivo: A
Efficacy and Treatment Distress of EMDR and a Single Session Crossover Study of Spider-Phobic
Cognitive-Behavior Trauma Treatment Protocol Children.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 171,
in the Amelioration of Posttraumatic Stress Dis- 82–86.
order.” Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 13, Pitman, R. K., S. P. Orr, B. Altman, R. E. Longpre,
131–158. R. E. Poire, and M. L. Macklin. 1996. “Emotional
Foa, E. B. and E. A. Meadows. 1997. “Psychosocial Processing During Eye Movement Desensitiza-
Treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A tion and Reprocessing Therapy of Vietnam Veter-
Critical Review.” Annual Review of Psychology, ans with Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.”
48, 449–480. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 37, 419–429.
Frank, J. D. 1973. Persuasion and Healing: A Com- Rosen, G. M. 1996. “Level II Training for EMDR:
parative Analysis of Psychotherapy. Baltimore: One Commentator’s View.” The Behavior Thera-
Johns Hopkins University Press. pist, 19, 76–77.
Gastright, J. 1995. “EMDR Works! Is That ———. 1999. “Treatment Fidelity and Research on
Enough?” Cincinnati Skeptic, 4, 1–3. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Hazlett-Stevens, H., R. A. Lytle, and T. D. Borkevec. (EMDR).” Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 13,
1996. “Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization 173–184.
in the Treatment of Cognitive Intrusions Related Sagan, C. 1995. The Demon-Haunted World: Science
to Memories of a Past Stressful Event.” Paper as a Candle in the Dark. New York: Random
presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the House.
Association for Advancement of Behavior Ther- Shapiro, F. 1989. “Efficacy of the Eye Movement
apy, New York, N.Y. November. Desensitization Procedure in the Treatment of
Lilienfeld, S. O. 1996. “EMDR Treatment: Less Traumatic Memories.” Journal of Traumatic
Than Meets the Eye?” Skeptical Inquirer, 20, Stress, 2, 199–223.
25–31. Shapiro, F., and M. S. Forrest. 1997. EMDR: The
Lohr, M. M., D. F. Tolin, and S. O. Lilienfeld. 1998. Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety,
“Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Stress, and Trauma. New York: Basic Books.
Reprocessing: Implications for Behavior Ther- Walsh, J. J. 1923. Cures: The Story of the Cures that
apy.” Behavior Therapy, 29, 123–156. Fail. New York: D. Appleton.
Do Extraordinary Claims Require
Extraordinary Evidence?
A Reappraisal of a Classic Skeptics’ Axiom

T H E O D O R E S C H I C K J R .

t has been said by skeptics on virtually

full proof; from the nature of the fact, against
every talk show, published in nearly all the existence of any miracles.
skeptics’ books, found on Skeptics Society Since miracles violate natural law, and
stationery, printed on T-shirts and buttons, since natural laws express regularities that
and has even appeared on a giant banner for are consistent with all past experience, the
a James Randi television special. “EXTRAOR- evidence in favor of miracles will never out-
DINARY CLAIMS REQUIRE EXTRAORDI- weigh the evidence in favor of natural law.
NARY EVIDENCE.” Paul Kurtz (1991, 50),
Carl Sagan (1979, 73), and Martin Gardner The conception of evidence upon which
(1983, 62), just to name a few, have turned this argument is based is what is known as an
this catchy phrase into a skeptical axiom. It “atomistic” one. According to Hume, evidence
stems from empiricist philosopher David comes in discrete packages (like an “atom”),
Hume’s essay Of Miracles (1777). There Hume each of which carries the same weight. In his
claims that we can never be justified in be- A Treatise of Human Nature, for example, he
lieving that a miracle occurred because, by tells us that “every past experiment has the
definition, the evidence for a miracle can same weight, and that ’tis only a superior
never be stronger than the evidence against it. number of them which can throw the balance
He writes (114–115): on any side” (1739, 136). As a result, Hume
believes that deciding between competing hy-
A miracle is a violation of the laws of na- potheses is merely a matter of toting up the
ture. . . . Nothing is esteemed a miracle, if it number of experiments in favor of each and
ever happen in the common course of na- determining which is the greater. “In all
ture. . . . There must, therefore, be a uniform cases,” he says, “we must balance the opposite
experience against every miraculous event, experiments, where they are opposite, and
otherwise the event would not merit that ap- deduct the smaller number from the greater,
pellation. And as a uniform experience in order to know the exact force of the supe-
amounts to a proof, there is here a direct and rior evidence” (1748, 111). For Hume, choos-

328 | d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ?

ing among competing claims is simply a matter nal world, for such sensations could exist even
of weighing the evidence. The more extraordi- if there were no external world. Moreover,
nary the claim—that is, the more of our past even if the existence of such sensations did en-
experience it conflicts with—the more evidence tail the existence of an external world, they
we need in order to accept it. would not entail the existence of a physical
We now know however, that considerations world, for such sensations could be caused by
of evidence alone are never enough to decide any number of things, such as an evil demon,
among competing claims because all empirical God, or an advanced neurophysiologist. Thus,
claims are under-determined by their evidence. the evidence of our senses, by itself, cannot
In other words, the truth of an empirical claim justify any claim about the external world. If
cannot be established solely on the basis of its evidential support were the only criterion of
evidence because no one empirical claim fol- rational choice, then the claim that our sensa-
lows from a body of empirical evidence, no tions are caused by physical objects would be
matter how large. For any set of empirical no more reasonable than the claim that they
data, any number of claims can be constructed are caused by an evil demon, and some accept
to account for it, just as for any set of points on this argument. But they are mistaken, for, as
a Cartesian coordinate system, an infinite we shall see, the justification of empirical
number of curves can be drawn through them. claims does not depend on sensory experience
Because competing claims may be equally well alone. There are additional criteria of rational
supported by the same body of empirical evi- choice.
dence, any choice among them must appeal to One criterion we often appeal to in deciding
factors other than evidential support. among competing claims is conservatism—how
Perhaps the best illustration of the eviden- well they fit with, or conserve, the established
tial under-determination of empirical claims is findings. Since the understanding yielded by
provided by the problem of the external world an explanation is a function of the degree to
described by Martin Gardner (1983, 12) this which it systematizes and unifies our knowl-
way: edge, any claim that contradicts previous find-
ings is suspect. But the fact that a claim clashes
Everything we know about the world is based with the received view cannot rule it out, for if
on information received through our senses. it did we would never make any intellectual
This world of our experience—the totality of progress. To give up a well-established claim
all we see, hear, taste, touch, feel, and smell—is we need good reasons. Contrary to what the
sometimes called our “phenomenal world. slogan in question would have us believe,
. . .” Charles S. Peirce invented a useful word however, we can have good reasons for accept-
for this phenomenal world. He called it the ing an extraordinary claim even if there is very
“phaneron.” Let us admit at once that there is little evidence in support of it, as witness the
no way to prove to a solipsist [one who be- claim of Einstein.
lieves that they are the only thing that exists in According to Newton’s theories of gravity
the universe] that anything exists outside his and motion, space and time are absolute, and
or her phaneron, if by “prove” you mean the energy and mass are conserved. According to
way you prove a theorem in logic or mathe- Einstein’s theory of relativity, however, space
matics. and time are relative, and neither energy nor
mass is conserved. So when it was first pro-
From the fact that there are certain sensa- posed, Einstein’s theory was extraordinary be-
tions, it does not follow that there is an exter- cause it lacked the virtue of conservatism.
d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ? | 329

Moreover, there was very little evidence to planations. But light bending could not be-
support it. The only fact that Einstein’s theory come reliable evidence for Einstein’s theory
could account for that Newton’s could not was until those alternatives failed, and then its
the precession of the perihelion of Mercury’s weight was independent of the history of its
orbit. Because Einstein’s theory could explain discovery.
more than Newton’s, it had greater scope than
Newton’s. But the evidence in its favor was by Thus, although Einstein’s theory was fruit-
no means extraordinary, especially early in its ful, its successful and surprising predictions
history. did not constitute extraordinary evidence in its
Scope, however, was not the only thing that favor.
Einstein’s theory had going for it. It also came What was it about Einstein’s theory, then,
to possess the virtue of fruitfulness, for it suc- that scientists found so compelling? For many,
cessfully predicted an unexpected phenome- it was its simplicity, that is, its relative lack of
non. The physicist Sir Arthur Eddington, an independent assumptions. Einstein himself
early convert to Einstein’s theory, realized that saw simplicity as the chief virtue of his theory:
if Einstein was right, space would be curved “I do not by any means find the chief signifi-
around massive objects (like the sun), and that cance of the general theory of relativity in the
the amount of the curvature could be mea- fact that it has predicted a few minute observ-
sured by observing light rays that passed close able facts, but rather in the simplicity of its
to such objects. In 1919 he mounted an expe- foundation and in its logical consistency”
dition to Africa to observe the sky during a to- (1930). In fact, when Einstein received Ed-
tal eclipse of the sun on May 29. He found that dington’s cable noting the eclipse results he
the position of stars whose light passed near told one of his students, Ilse Rosenthal-
the sun during the eclipse appeared to be Schneider (who had just asked him what if
shifted from their normal position by just the there had been no confirmation of the theory),
amount predicted by Einstein’s theory. “Then I would have been sorry for the dear
Some might consider this evidence to be ex- Lord—the theory is correct.” Other physicists
traordinary, for it was unexpected. But to do so shared this view, some going so far as to say
is to reject Hume’s atomistic theory of evi- that even if the first tests turned out negative,
dence. In Hume’s view, one experiment con- Einstein’s theory should not be rejected (Lind-
firming Einstein’s theory could not outweigh say and Margenau, 1936, 377). For these scien-
all of the experiments confirming Newton’s, tists, the depth of understanding afforded by
and hence could not be construed as extraordi- the theory more than made up for its lack of
nary evidence. Moreover, most scientists did supporting evidence. Newton himself explains
not consider the evidence provided by Edding- the importance of simplicity this way (Beck
ton’s eclipse experiment to be extraordinary. and Holmes, 1968, 188):
Stephen G. Brush (1989), for example, reports:
We are to admit no more causes of natural
[I]n the case of gravitational light bending things than such as are both true and suffi-
most scientists ascribed essentially no weight cient to explain their appearances. To this pur-
to the mere circumstance that the phenome- pose the philosophers say that Nature does
non was predicted before it was observed. . . . nothing in vain, and more is in vain when less
The eclipse results put relativity much higher will suffice. For Nature is pleased with simplic-
on the scientific agenda and provoked other ity, and affects not the pomp of superfluous
scientists to try to give plausible alternative ex- causes.
330 | d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ?

To explain the importance of simplicity, explanations that appeal to the truth of beliefs
however, it is not necessary to appeal to Na- about appearances over skeptical alternatives.
ture’s purposes or feelings. We need only rec-
ognize that the simpler a theory is, the more it Most extraordinary claims are put forward
systematizes and unifies our knowledge; and as explanations of something. Parapsycholo-
as a consequence the more it increases our un- gists, for example, claim that the existence of
derstanding. Our belief that there is a physical psi energy best explains the fact that people
world is justified because it meets the forego- sometimes score high on ESP tests; UFOlogists
ing criteria of adequacy better than any of its claim that the existence of alien spacecraft best
competitors; that is, it provides the best expla- explains the fact that people sometimes see
nation of our sense experience. Martin Gard- unidentified objects in the sky; and astrologers
ner (1983, 24–25) explains: claim that the existence of mysterious forces
emanating from the stars and planets best ex-
It is obvious that all we know about the world plains why people sometimes believe that their
outside of us is what we infer from what is in- horoscopes are accurate. Moreover, some ar-
side our skin, or rather inside our skull where gue that there is an extraordinary amount of
the sensory inputs are interpreted. But the confirming evidence for each of these hy-
regularities of those inputs, such as the pat- potheses. An observation confirms a hypothe-
terns of flying birds on our retinas, suggest the sis in relation to a set of background beliefs,
hypothesis that outside our eyes is a world in- however, if and only if what is observed is
dependent of our inner experience. This hy- more likely given the hypothesis and the back-
pothesis has enormous explanatory and pre- ground beliefs than it is given the background
dictive power. Moreover, it is a theory of beliefs alone (Mackie, 1969, 27).
extreme simplicity and therefore, by the prin- Thus, the hundreds of cases where people
ciple of Occam’s razor, preferable to more have scored above chance on ESP tests, the
complex explanations. thousands of cases where people have seen
unidentified objects in the sky, and the mil-
Epistemologist Alan Goldman (1988, 204) lions of cases where people believe their horo-
concurs: scopes are accurate, can be viewed as confirm-
ing instances of their respective claims. But
It is clear that other grounds on which we even with all this confirming evidence, these
generally prefer certain explanations to others claims are not rationally acceptable. Why? Be-
rule out skeptical alternatives as preferable. cause they do not provide the best explanation
Appeal to a demon who causes us to form false of that evidence. There are other explanations
beliefs about appearances by confusing our that are more conservative, more fruitful,
applications of phenomenal terms is highly more simple, and have greater scope. Since the
counterintuitive and leaves many questions adequacy of a claim is not determined by the
that naturally arise regarding more precise evidence alone, extraordinary claims do not
causal antecedents, the nature, origin, and necessarily require extraordinary evidence.
motives of this being, and so on, unanswered Many believe that the principle that ex-
and seemingly unanswerable. Accepting such traordinary claims require extraordinary evi-
beliefs as true, on the other hand, leads to ex- dence follows from Hume’s maxim: “That no
planatory chains that encompass our deepest testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle,
empirical theories. Thus, grounds of explana- unless the testimony be of such a kind that its
tory depth and fruitfulness lead us to prefer falsehood would be more miraculous than the
d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ? | 331

fact which it endeavors to establish” (1777, ing of our experiences is to see them as the re-
115–116; see also, Skeptic, Vol. 1, #2, 13, for a sult of natural processes. The principle that
further discussion of this maxim). This princi- should guide our thinking in this regard, then,
ple, however, is problematic, for it contradicts is this: Just because we cannot explain some-
Hume’s earlier claim that a belief in miracles thing does not mean that it is supernatural.
can never be justified. If we can never be justi- If we replace the “miracle” in Hume’s
fied in believing that a miracle has occurred, maxim with “extraordinary claim” it becomes:
we can never be justified in believing that one “No testimony is sufficient to establish an ex-
thing is more miraculous than another. The traordinary claim unless the falsehood of the
ability to assign degrees of miraculousness pre- testimony is more improbable than the claim
supposes the ability to identify miracles. With- itself.” What this maxim gives us is a necessary
out the latter we cannot have the former. Given condition for sufficient evidence. It tells us
Hume’s skepticism regarding miracles, then, that a body of evidence is sufficient for estab-
his maxim is not very helpful. lishing a claim only when the truth of the evi-
Hume is right in claiming that a belief in dence is more probable than the truth of the
miracles can never be justified. But he is claim. While this is certainly true, it does not
wrong in claiming that the reason for this is tell us when a body of evidence is sufficient.
that the amount of evidence for the lawfulness That is, it does not give us a sufficient condi-
of nature will always outweigh the amount of tion for sufficient evidence. The analysis of
evidence for a miracle. In his maxim, even theory choice developed here, however, gives
Hume himself seems to recognize that this us both necessary and sufficient conditions for
need not always be the case. The crux of the sufficient evidence. In this view, there is suffi-
matter is not the quantity of evidence avail- cient evidence to establish a claim (extraordi-
able, but the quality of the explanations of- nary or otherwise) when and only when either
fered. Supernatural explanations are simply the claim provides the best explanation of the
not as good as natural ones. Not only are su- evidence or the evidence provides the best ex-
pernatural explanations less conservative, planation of the claim. Since an explanation is
fruitful, and simple than natural ones, they best when it meets the criteria of adequacy
also have less scope. In so far as nobody has better than any other, we can agree with
any idea of what a supernatural force is or how Thomas Kuhn that, “It is vitally important that
it works, any appeal to the supernatural is an scientists be taught to value these characteris-
appeal to the incomprehensible. But we can- tics [the criteria of adequacy] and that they be
not explain the unknown by means of the in- provided with examples that illustrate them in
comprehensible. Supernatural explanations do practice” (1991, 261).
not improve our understanding of a phenome- It is not possible to quantify how well a claim
non. They simply mask the fact that we do not does with respect to any particular criterion of
yet understand it. adequacy. There is no simplicity scale, for ex-
When faced with a phenomenon we cannot ample, that can be used to assign a numerical
explain, it is always more reasonable to assume value of simplicity to a hypothesis. Nor is it
that we do not know the operative natural laws possible to rank the criteria in order of impor-
than to assume that its cause is supernatural. tance. At times we may rate conservatism more
Even St. Augustine recognized this: “A miracle highly than scope, especially if the hypothesis
happens not contrary to nature but contrary to in question is lacking in fruitfulness. At other
our knowledge of nature” (415, XXI, 8). Our times, we may rate simplicity higher than con-
only hope of coming to a rational understand- servatism, especially if the hypothesis has at
332 | d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ?

least as much scope as our current hypothesis. is unacceptable. As we have seen, we can have
Doing well with respect to any particular crite- strong grounds for accepting an extraordinary
rion of adequacy is neither a necessary nor a claim even if we do not have strong evidence
sufficient condition for being a good hypothe- for it.
sis. So it is doubtful that there can be an algo- The foregoing considerations indicate that
rithm for theory choice. Choosing among theo- extraordinary claims do not require extraordi-
ries, like making judicial decisions, is a process nary evidence. It can be reasonable to accept
that does not appear to be formalizable. an extraordinary claim in the absence of ex-
It might be thought that having judgments traordinary evidence as long as it provides the
of rational acceptability rest on qualitative fac- best explanation of the evidence available; that
tors like conservatism, scope, simplicity, and is, as long as it meets the criteria of adequacy
fruitfulness rather than on quantitative factors better than any other explanation. For exam-
like amount of evidence somehow undermines ple, a jury can legitimately convict someone on
the objectivity of theory choice. This is not the the basis of a few pieces of circumstantial evi-
case, however. Many distinctions that are not dence as long as the defendant’s guilt figures
quantifiable are nevertheless perfectly objec- into the best explanation of that evidence. A
tive. The point at which day turns into night or better slogan for skeptics, then, would be this:
a hirsute person becomes bald cannot be pre- Extraordinary claims require exemplary expla-
cisely specified. But the distinctions between nations.
night and day or baldness and hirsuteness are Most extraordinary claims are not only not
as objective as they come. There are certainly conservative (for they conflict with established
borderline cases that reasonable people can findings), they are also not simple (for they
disagree about, but there are also clear-cut postulate strange entities or complex conspira-
cases where disagreement would be irrational. cies). Their scope is usually very limited (they
It would simply be wrong to believe that a per- usually explain only one particular phenome-
son with a full head of (living) hair is bald. It non) and they often are not very fruitful (they
would be equally wrong to believe that a the- often do not successfully predict any new phe-
ory that did not meet the criteria of adequacy nomena). That is why it is normally unreason-
as well as its competitors was the better theory. able to accept them. But on those occasions
The skeptical axiom under question is com- when they do provide the best explanation of
pelling both in its catchiness and its seemingly something, their acceptance is eminently ra-
sound philosophical basis. Philosopher Paul tional.
Kurtz, for example, provides the following jus-
tification of the principle that extraordinary References:
claims require extraordinary evidence: “Where
a claim promises to overturn a whole body of Augustine. 1950 [415]. The City of God. Modern Li-
data and hypotheses which we now accept on brary. New York: Random House.
Beck, L. W. and Holmes, R. L. 1968. Philosophic In-
the basis of strong grounds, then before we ac-
quiry. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
cept it, we must have even stronger grounds to
Brush, S. G. 1989. “Prediction and Theory Evalua-
do so. . . . Thus before we can invoke miracu-
tion: The Case of Light Bending.” Science, 246:
lous or occult explanations that overturn well- 1124–1129.
established laws and regularities of experience Einstein, A. 1930. Forum Philosophicum I, 173.
and nature, we would need very strong evi- Quoted in Brush, op. cit.
dence” (1991: 49–50). While the first state- Gardner, M. 1983. The Whys of a Philosophical
ment is unexceptionable, however, the second Scrivener. New York: Quill.
d o e x t r a o r d i n a r y c l a i m s r e q u i r e e x t r a o r d i n a r y e v i d e n c e ? | 333

Goldman, A. 1988. Empirical Knowledge. Berkeley: Alan Musgrave, eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge
University of California Press. University Press.
Hume, D. 1902 [1748]. “Of Miracles.” In Enquiries Kurtz, P. 1991. The Transcendental Temptation.
Concerning the Human Understanding and Con- Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
cerning the Principles of Morals, 2nd ed., §10, ed. Lindsay, R. B. and Margenau, H. 1936. Foundations
by L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford: Clarendon Press. of Physics. New York: Wiley.
Hume, D. 1888 [1739]. A Treatise of Human Na- Mackie, J. L. 1969. “The Relevance Criterion in
ture, ed. by L. A. Selby-Bigge. Oxford: Clarendon Confirmation Theory.” British Journal for the
Press. Philosophy of Science. May 20.
Kuhn, T. 1970. “Reflections on My Critics.” Criticism Sagan, C. 1979. Broca’s Brain. New York: Ballantine
and the Growth of Knowledge. (Imre Lakatos and Books.
Facilitated Communication

he cliché that “there is nothing new — Anecdotal reports that seem to confirm

T under the sun” applies more than ever

to the mental health profession today.
We seem to be experiencing a myriad of new
the initial claims proliferate rapidly.
— Careful scientific evaluation to
determine the real effects of the
techniques to treat the developmentally dis- technique are not completed for some
abled, Facilitated Communication being one time, and can be made more difficult
of the most popular, yet in reality their un- than usual by the well-known and
derlying characteristics have been seen be- powerful effects of expectancies.
fore. These components make up the struc- — Some of these techniques have small
ture of what might be considered a social specific positive effects, or at least do
movement: minimal harm.
— Eventually they fall out of favor,
— Assertions that a new technique sometimes because they are discredited
produces remarkable effects are made in by sound research, sometimes simply
the absence of solid objective evidence, because experience reveals their lack of
or what little evidence there is becomes efficacy, but probably most often
highly overblown. because another fad treatment has come
— Excitement about a possible on the scene. Each retains some
breakthrough sweeps rapidly through adherents, however, and some go
the communities of parents, teachers, relatively dormant for a while only to
service providers, and others concerned emerge again.
with the welfare of individuals with
disabilities. Parallel phenomena occur in other areas,
— Eager, even desperate for something that such as treatments for AIDS, cancer, and vari-
might help, many invest considerable ous psychological problems. At present the
financial and emotional resources in the field of developmental disabilities (especially
new technique. autism) seems to be experiencing an epidemic
— In the process, effective or potentially of novel techniques, or “interventions,” as
effective techniques are ignored. they are called. Despite its parallels with
— Few question the basis for the claims other techniques, Facilitated Communication
about the new treatment or the (FC) has probably had a greater impact than
qualifications of the individuals making any other novel intervention in the history of
them. treatment for persons with disabilities.

f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 335

How FC Works average intelligence is locked away, awaiting

release. The neuromotor disorder is also pre-
How does FC work? If you have never seen it sumed to manifest itself in “hand function im-
in action it is quite a phenomenon to observe. pairments” that make it necessary for someone
Individuals with “severe communication im- else to stabilize the individual’s hand and arm
pairments” (e.g., severe mental retardation, for pointing, and to pull the pointing hand
autism) are assisted in spelling words by “facil- back between selections to minimize impulsive
itators” (teachers or parents) who provide or poorly planned responding. Candidates for
physical support, most often (at least initially) FC are also presumed to lack confidence in
by holding their hand, wrist, or forearm while their abilities, and so require the special touch
they point to letters on a keyboard or printed and emotional support of a facilitator to com-
letter display. Right before your eyes, a men- municate (i.e., a strap or device to hold the
tally disabled person that just previously had person’s arm steady will not work).
virtually no communication skills, suddenly FC thus has an almost irresistible appeal for
begins to spell out words, sentences, and whole parents, teachers, and other caring persons
paragraphs. Stories are told. Answers to ques- who struggle mightily to understand and com-
tions are given. A child that did not appear to municate with individuals who often do not
know the difference between a dog and an ele- respond or communicated in return. But the
phant can now be shown a series of pictures, very features that make FC so seductive, in
correctly identifying them one by one, as his combination with some other potent factors,
or her hand glides deftly over the keyboard, have made it a topic of heated debate between
pecking out the correct letters. The assump- believers and skeptics since its “discovery” in
tion, of course, is that most of the words Australia nearly two decades ago.
spelled in this fashion actually originate with
the disabled partner and not the facilitator.
On its face, FC can seem simple and benign,
and sometimes looks quite convincing. Its Beginnings Down Under
main proponents sometimes characterize FC
simply as a strategy for teaching individuals to It all began in the 1970s with Rosemary Cross-
point in order to access systems like synthetic ley, a teacher in an institution in Melbourne in
speech devices and keyboards to augment the Australian state of Victoria. She suspected
their communication. At the same time, how- that some of her young charges with severe
ever, they claim that it is a revolutionary cerebral palsy had far more ability than their
means of unlocking highly developed literacy, physical impairments allowed them to demon-
numeracy, and communication repertoires in strate. When she gave them hand or arm sup-
large numbers of individuals previously port to help them point to pictures, letters, and
thought to have severe learning difficulties. other stimuli, Crossley became convinced that
For all the world it looks like a mental miracle, several of the children revealed literacy and
the kind of stuff they make movies about, as in math skills that they had somehow developed
“Awakenings.” with little or no instruction, despite having
The theory is that many such individuals do lived most of their lives in an impoverished in-
not have cognitive deficits at all, but instead stitutional environment.
have a presumed neuromotor impairment that Right away there was controversy about the
prevents them from initiating and controlling technique that Crossley called Facilitated
vocal expression. Their average or even above Communication Training. Two people were
336 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

involved in creating the messages, and simple studies suggested that FC was susceptible to a
observation could not reveal how much each somewhat unusual kind of abuse: Allowing oth-
was contributing. Plus, many of the messages ers to impose their own wishes, fears, hopes,
Crossley attributed to these institutionalized and agendas on nonspeaking individuals.
individuals defied plausibility. “Facilitated” ac-
cusations of abuse and expressions of wishes
for major life changes (like leaving the institu-
tion) made it imperative to determine whether A Social Movement Is Born
communications actually originated with the
disabled individual or the facilitator. Matters At about that time Douglas Biklen, a special
were complicated by Crossley’s emerging sta- education professor from Syracuse University,
tus as a heroine to many in the deinstitutional- conducted a four week observational study of
ization movement. Eventually, after a series of 21 DEAL clients said to be autistic, who were
legal proceedings, a young woman with cere- reported to engage in high-level discourse
bral palsy with whom Crossley had developed with the help of facilitators. Professor Biklen
a special relationship through FC was released was already established as a leader in the “to-
from the institution to reside with Crossley. tal inclusion movement,” which seeks the full-
The institution was closed, and in 1986 Cross- time placement of all students with disabilities,
ley started (with government financial sup- regardless of their competencies and needs, in
port) the DEAL Centre (Dignity through Edu- regular classrooms. The report describing his
cation and Language) to promote alternative first qualitative study of FC, which Biklen said
communication approaches—principally FC— was begun “in an attempt not to test hypothe-
for individuals with severe communication im- ses but rather to generate them,” appeared in
pairments. Use of the method spread to pro- the Harvard Educational Review in 1990. He
grams in Victoria serving persons with various reported that the communication of the indi-
disabilities, accompanied by controversies viduals he observed (some of whom were be-
about communications attributed to FC users ing “facilitated” for the first time) was sophisti-
on the basis of subjective reports. cated in content, conceptualization, and
Sufficiently serious issues arose to provoke vocabulary, and contained frequent references
formal statements of concern from profession- to feelings, wishes to be treated normally and
als and parents in 1988, and a government- to attend regular schools, and society’s treat-
sponsored investigation in 1989. Despite Cross- ment of individuals with disabilities.
ley’s resistance to objective testing (on the basis This was in sharp contrast with the well-
that FC users refused to cooperate when their documented difficulties in social, play, cogni-
competence was questioned), some small-scale tive, and communication skills that constitute
controlled evaluations were conducted in the current diagnostic criteria for autism (not to
course of that investigation. When the facilita- mention that the diagnosis is difficult to make
tor’s knowledge about expected messages was and is applied to individuals with a wide range
well-controlled (more on this later), and the ac- of competencies and deficits in all those do-
curacy of messages was evaluated objectively, mains). In his seminal article, Biklen men-
the effect disappeared. The disabled individuals tioned the controversy over the Australian
were unable to communicate beyond their nor- findings, but asserted that informal “indicators
mal expectation. Instead, it appeared that the that communication was the person’s own
facilitators were authoring most FC messages, were strong enough, in my view, to justify the
apparently without their awareness. These early continuing assumption of its validity.”
f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 337

Some of the indicators he reported observ- train others, and to go out and try FC with dis-
ing were disabled individuals typing indepen- abled individuals. Thousands did. Soon FC was
dently or with minimal physical contact with being heralded as a means of “empowering”
the facilitator; content (spelling errors, unex- individuals with severe disabilities to make
pected word usage, etc.) that appeared to be their own decisions and participate fully in so-
unique to each individual; and facial expres- ciety. FC was rapidly becoming the Politically
sions or other signs that the individual under- Correct treatment of choice.
stood the communication. He also noted that Soon after publication of Biklen’s article,
facilitators often could not tell who was doing special education personnel and parents
the spelling and that they could be influencing around Syracuse, then throughout the U.S.
the FC in subtle ways without their awareness, and Canada, adopted FC enthusiastically.
and that this could be a problem. Finally, on Scores of children were placed in regular
the basis of his uncontrolled observations and classrooms doing grade-level academic work
the reports of Crossley and other facilitators, with “facilitation.” Decisions about the lives
Biklen decided that autism had to be redefined of adults with severe disabilities—living
as a problem not of cognition or affect, but of arrangements, medical and other treatments,
voluntary motor control. He returned from use of hearing aids, and so on—were based on
Australia to establish the Facilitated Commu- “facilitated” messages without any attempt to
nication Institute (FCI) at Syracuse University, verify authorship objectively. In many cases
and the North American FC movement was FC supplanted other communication modes,
underway. including vocal speech and augmentative
communication systems, that do not require
another person for message creation. Some
psychologists, speech pathologists, and others
The Movement Takes Off began giving I.Q. and other standardized tests
with “facilitation,” changing diagnoses and
Word of FC spread quickly with the help of program recommendations in accordance
several media reports of FC “miracles.” The with the “facilitated” results. Suddenly “re-
rate of information exchange increased geo- tarded” individuals were proclaimed to have
metrically, feeding the system and driving it average or above-average intelligence. “Facil-
forward. FC newsletters, conferences, and sup- itated” counseling and psychotherapy were
port networks contributed to the spread of as- promoted to help FC users deal with personal
tonishing success stories, along with examples problems. Colleges and universities offered
of prose and poetry attributed to FC authors. courses on FC. Millions of tax dollars were in-
The Syracuse FCI began training new facilita- vested in promoting its widespread adoption,
tors in earnest, in workshops that lasted from a with little objective evaluation of its validity or
few hours to two or three days. At least two efficacy.
New England universities became satellite pro-
grams of the Syracuse FC Institute, as did nu-
merous other private and public agencies that
provided training and support for facilitators. Enter Psi, Exit Science
Initiates (parents, paraprofessionals, and pro-
fessionals in several disciplines) were often Not surprisingly, the experience of accom-
told that the technique was simple and re- plishing a breakthrough and being part of a
quired no special training. They were urged to movement was a heady experience for many
338 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

facilitators. Some, however, reported wonder- tative studies suggesting that FC was highly ef-
ing all along whether the words being pro- fective in eliciting unexpected literacy skills
duced through FC were really coming from from large proportions of individuals with se-
their disabled partners. Others who had seri- vere autism, mental retardation, and other dis-
ous doubts about the method from the outset orders. Many of these individuals had received
found themselves under considerable pressure little instruction in reading and spelling, or if
from parents, peers, and employers to adopt instruction had been attempted many had not
the method wholesale and without question. appeared to learn very much. How, then, had
Reports that facilitators’ private thoughts were they developed age-level or even precocious
being expressed through FC led some to con- literacy skills? According to Biklen they ac-
clude that individuals with autism must have quired these skills from watching television,
telepathy—a view espoused by a professor of seeing their siblings do homework, and simply
special education at the University of Wiscon- being exposed to words pervading the environ-
sin, among others. ment. Or perhaps some had actually been
Facilitators were also imbued, explicitly and learning from instruction all along, but be-
implicitly, with a strong ideology that presents cause their speech was limited they could not
dilemmas for many who want to know who is demonstrate what they learned.
really communicating in FC. Some compo- How did they verify their claims? Biklen
nents of the ideology include: and his colleagues used participant observa-
tion and other methods employed by anthro-
— Assume competence. pologists, sociologists, and educators in field
— Don’t test. studies of cultures and social systems. The re-
— Prevent errors. search was strictly descriptive, not experimen-
— Expect remarkable revelations in the tal, and employed no objective measurement
form of hidden skills as well as sensitive or procedures to minimize observer bias. De-
personal information. spite their acknowledgement of the real possi-
— Use circumstantial, subjective data to bility of facilitator influence in FC, these stud-
validate authorship. ies did not control that critical variable.
— Avoid objective scrutiny. Late in 1991 a few parents of students at the
— Emphasize “facilitated” over spoken or New England Center for Autism, where I serve
other communications. as Director of Research, began pressing our
program to adopt FC. They asked us to make
Contradictory evidence from the controlled rather drastic changes in their children’s lives
evaluations that had been conducted in Aus- on the assumption that messages produced
tralia and those that emerged later in the U.S. with FC represented the children’s true wishes
were mentioned rarely, if at all, in FC training and competencies. Some were angry when we
materials and newsletters. When that evidence decided instead to use it only under conditions
was mentioned it was to criticize the evalua- of a small-scale experimental study employing
tion methods and the people who employed the kind of objective evaluation methods that
them, and to explain away the results by say- we try to apply to all techniques. At that time
ing essentially that FC could not be tested. In we could find nothing about FC in the re-
short, FC’s validity was to be accepted largely search literature, so we consulted respected
on faith. With this, science was abandoned. colleagues around the country. Some (in Cali-
Concurrently Biklen, Crossley, and their fornia, surprisingly enough) had not heard of
colleagues published further reports of quali- it yet. Others invoked a Ouija board analogy or
f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 339

Clever Hans effect, and suggested that FC ing to act. Often actions were initiated by so-
would be a short-lived fad. None knew of any cial service workers to terminate parental cus-
objective evidence about FC. To our chagrin, tody or guardianship. If the accused was a
we also encountered individuals with scientific school or program employee, they may have
training who were promoting the use of FC been suspended from their job or even fired. A
without considering the fundamental question long and trying ordeal was virtually guaran-
about authorship. teed for all involved. An investigation began.
Police interrogated the accused, and ques-
tioned the alleged victim through their facili-
tator. Other evidence was sought in the results
The Sexual Abuse Component of medical and psychological examinations of
the alleged victim, and interviews with others
The real possibility that “facilitated” words who may have had information about the al-
were those of the facilitators was not a cause leged events. A presumably independent facili-
for much concern as long as the process tator was sometimes called in to try to corrob-
seemed benevolent. Few wished to throw a wet orate the allegation, introducing another
blanket on the euphoria created by reports of complexity: There appear to be no established
a breakthrough. But almost from the begin- safeguards or objective criteria for ensuring
ning, strange things began to happen: Some that independent facilitators in fact have no
FC messages said—or were interpreted by facil- access to information about cases, nor for de-
itators to say—that disabled FC users had been ciding what constitutes corroborating “facili-
abused by family members or caregivers. Often tated” content.
the abuse alleged was sexual, and many allega- False allegations have devastating emotional
tions contained extensive, explicit, porno- and financial effects on the accused and their
graphic details. families, but leaving individuals in situations
So many social movements have a sexual in which they may be abused jeopardizes their
component in them, and FC is not different. physical and emotional welfare. It would seem
Production of sex abuse allegations usually set that extreme caution and stringent rules of ev-
in motion an inexorable chain of events. Be- idence should apply. A number of cases have
liefs about FC, the complexities inherent in arisen in which the only evidence was a “facil-
the method, and the fact that the alleged vic- itated” allegation, although there have also
tim may be seen as particularly vulnerable be- been reports of cases in which corroborating
cause he or she is disabled, now began to in- evidence or confessions were obtained. When
teract with the zealous pursuit that seems to an allegation is made through FC, two separate
typify investigations of sex abuse allegations. but related questions must be addressed: Who
School or program administrators were noti- made the allegation, and did the alleged events
fied, who in turn called in representatives of actually occur? Some courts and investigative
social services and law enforcement agencies. bodies in Australia, the U.S., and Canada have
If the accused was a family member with decided that the first question must be an-
whom the FC user resided, that person was ei- swered by controlled testing of FC under con-
ther required to leave the home or the FC user ditions where independent observers can ver-
was placed in foster care. If a parent was ac- ify when the facilitator does and does not have
cused, both parents often faced criminal information necessary to produce communica-
charges, one for perpetrating the alleged tions. If the FC user does not convey informa-
abuse, the other for knowing about it and fail- tion accurately and reliably under those condi-
340 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

tions, and there is no other solid evidence, the some calling him in to make sure fraud and
legal action is usually terminated. That has trickery were not involved, others because
been the outcome of testing in every case of they genuinely wondered if psychic power was
which I am aware, but by the time that deter- the cause. Randi’s skepticism of the phenome-
mination has been made the accused have non was not welcomed by FC supporters. The
been traumatized for the better part of a year first major American study was conducted by
and have spent tens of thousands of dollars de- psychologist Douglas Wheeler and colleagues
fending themselves. Solid corroborating evi- at the O.D. Heck Developmental Center in
dence would certainly answer the second Schenectady, NY, who wanted objective evi-
question—whether abuse occurred—but it does dence to convince skeptics that FC was valid.
not follow logically that it answers the ques- How do you do a controlled study of FC?
tion about who authored the “facilitated” alle- Recently I analyzed reports of 17 evaluations
gation. of FC that have appeared or have been ac-
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until a number of cepted for publication in peer-reviewed pro-
false “facilitated” allegations of sexual abuse fessional journals, and eight presented at sci-
came to light that FC began to be scrutinized entific conferences. The common and critical
closely. As issues about the validity and relia- ingredients were:
bility of FC were addressed in courtrooms all
over the U.S., critical and questioning stories 1. Consent for participation.
appeared in the print and electronic media. 2. Objective measures, i.e., use of
Concurrently (though somewhat slowly), re- independent, nonparticipating observers
sults from a rapidly growing number of con- or judges, “blind” to the conditions in
trolled evaluations began to be disseminated, effect, who recorded data and/or
and a few more skeptical voices were raised. evaluated the accuracy of FC output.
3. Maintenance of physical and emotional
support by the facilitator.
4. With only a few exceptions, facilitator/FC
How to Test FC user dyads who had been working
together with apparent success for a
The rationale for conducting controlled obser- considerable period before formal
vations to determine authorship in FC is evaluations were conducted.
straightforward: If the disabled FC user is ac- 5. Familiar, common communication
tually the source of the messages, then accu- contexts (e.g., typical academic and
rate and appropriate messages should be pro- language-development activities,
duced on virtually every opportunity when the discussing everyday events, naming or
facilitator has no knowledge of the expected describing familiar pictures or objects).
message. Some controlled evaluations of FC 6. Establishment of apparently successful
have been mandated by legal questions like FC in the evaluation context.
those just described, but a number were car- 7. Control of information available to the
ried out by clinicians, researchers, and pro- facilitator.
gram administrators who simply wanted an
objective empirical basis for making decisions The necessary control was established in a
about FC. Even James “The Amazing” Randi number of ways. In some studies, facilitators
was consulted in the early stages of testing, were simply asked to look at their partner and
f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 341

not the letter display, or were actually screened workers. The sample of FC users in these eval-
from the letter display. These kinds of tests uations also appeared representative, compris-
were suggested by the observation that many ing a total of 194 children and adults with
facilitators focus intently on the letters while autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and
their partners look at the letters infrequently, if related disorders.
at all. Others presented visual stimuli like pic- None of these controlled evaluations pro-
tures, objects, or printed materials only to the duced compelling evidence that FC enabled
FC user while the facilitator was screened from individuals with disabilities to demonstrate un-
seeing them. Alternatively, spoken questions expected literacy and communication skills,
were presented only to the FC user while their free of the facilitator’s influence. Many mes-
facilitator wore earplugs or headphones play- sages were produced over numerous trials and
ing masking noise. Several evaluations used a sessions, but the vast majority were accurate
procedure described as “message passing”: FC and appropriate to context only when the fa-
users were engaged in some familiar activities cilitator knew what was to be produced. The
in the absence of facilitators, who then used strong inference is that facilitators authored
FC to solicit descriptions of the activities. A most messages, although most reported that
couple of evaluations involved independent fa- they were unaware of doing so. Sixteen evalu-
cilitators, unfamiliar with the FC user, who so- ations found no evidence whatsoever of valid
licited information that was presumably un- productions. A total of 23 individuals with var-
known to the facilitator (e.g., the FC user’s ious disabilities in nine different evaluations
favorite food, a recent event in their life, names made accurate responses on some occasions
of family members, etc.). when their facilitators did not know the an-
swers, but most of those productions were
commensurate with or less advanced than the
individuals’ documented skills without FC.
The Results That is, they were primarily single words and
an occasional short phrase, produced on some
The most telling evaluations used double-blind trials by individuals whose vocal or signed
procedures, in which facilitators and their communication exceeded that level, some of
partners saw or heard different items on some whom had documented reading skills before
trials, and the same item on other trials. Nei- they were introduced to FC. For most of these
ther could tell what information their partner individuals, there was clear evidence that on
was receiving. Responses that corresponded to many other trials their facilitators controlled
information presented to the facilitator and the productions. The controlled evaluations
not to their partner provided direct evidence also demonstrated that most facilitators simply
that facilitators were controlling those FC pro- could not tell when and how much they were
ductions. Multiple tasks and control proce- cueing their partners, emphasizing the impor-
dures were used by several investigators. Facil- tance of systematic, controlled observations for
itators in all evaluations had been trained by identifying the source of “facilitated” mes-
leading proponents of FC, or by others who sages. The legal, ethical, and practical implica-
had had such training. They seemed represen- tions of these findings are obvious and serious.
tative of the general population of facilitators, Together with the legal cases and critical me-
including parents, paraprofessionals, teachers, dia reports, they have made it a little more ac-
speech pathologists, and other human service ceptable to voice skepticism about FC.
342 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

ing, except that conditions were arranged so

The Proponents Respond: that facilitators could not know all the ex-
Parallels with Psychics pected responses. Finally, if FC users simply
become too anxious to communicate when
Proponents of FC have criticized the con- challenged, one has to wonder how they are
trolled evaluations on several counts. The par- managing to perform in regular academic
allels of their responses to those received by classrooms, on I.Q. and other tests, in front of
James Randi when he tests psychics are star- TV cameras, and before large audiences at FC
tling. FC supporters, for example, argue that meetings. And how can they give “facilitated”
incorrect answers were due to lack of confi- testimony, under questioning by judges and at-
dence, anxiety, or resistance on the part of FC torneys (which is anxiety producing for any-
users, who “freeze up” or become offended one), as prosecutors in some sexual abuse alle-
when challenged to prove their competence. gation cases are now arguing is their right?
Likewise, psychics claim they cannot perform Another criticism of the controlled evalua-
in front of video cameras or in the presence of tions is that the facilitators were not familiar
skeptics who make them anxious. In the case with their partners, were inadequately trained,
of FC, if this were true—if testing per se de- or did not provide appropriate “facilitation.”
stroyed the FC process—participants in the That is simply not true. As indicated in the
controlled evaluations would not have re- summary above, the FC users’ preferred facili-
sponded at all, or would have produced inac- tators participated with them in most evalua-
curate responses throughout, not just when tions. The only exceptions were two studies
their facilitators did not know the answers. In- that assessed initial responsiveness to FC with
stead, many accurate words, descriptions, and facilitators and FC users who were “begin-
other responses were produced, but for the ners” when the evaluation started, and a
most part only when facilitators knew what couple of legal cases in which unfamiliar facil-
they were supposed to be. itators were involved (who nonetheless “facili-
Additionally, many evaluations took place in tated” successfully with the FC users before
familiar surroundings in which individuals had controlled testing began). Many facilitators
engaged in FC for numerous sessions, with were trained by leading proponents of FC.
their regular facilitators and letter displays. Most were encouraged to provide whatever
Sessions typically were not conducted or were physical and emotional support they wished
terminated if there were any signs of distress during the evaluation. If they were not “facili-
or unwillingness to continue. Few refusals tating” properly, few understandable commu-
were reported. Participants in most evaluations nications would have been produced. Quite
completed numerous trials and sessions over the opposite was true. There is a peculiar irony
extended periods of time. Most appeared coop- in this criticism, however, since proponents of-
erative, even enthusiastic, throughout. Several fer no specific guidelines or standards as to
evaluations were conducted in the context of what constitutes sufficient training and experi-
typical FC sessions, using the same types of ence for facilitators. Some facilitators have
materials and questions to which participants started using the method after reading an arti-
had appeared to respond successfully. Ques- cle, watching a videotape, or attending a brief
tions were no more confrontational or intru- workshop. When we began to take a look at
sive (perhaps less so) than those often asked in FC at the New England Center for Autism, for
regular FC sessions; in fact, many tasks were example, our three speech-language patholo-
identical to those recommended for FC train- gists were trained by Biklen in a two-day
f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 343

workshop. That appeared to be the norm at criticism is especially puzzling. By law, the
that time (late 1991). A further contradiction skills of individuals with special needs must be
is that there are reports throughout the de- evaluated on a regular basis, so most FC users
scriptive literature on FC that facilitators who have probably had a great deal of test experi-
were complete strangers had some individuals ence. The tasks used in most controlled evalu-
with severe disabilities “facilitating” sentences ations were like those used to teach and test
(more, in some cases) in their very first session. academic and language skills in classrooms
and training programs everywhere. In fact,
many were precisely the kinds of activities that
are recommended for FC training, on which
Implausibilities and Inconsistencies the FC users in the controlled evaluations had
been reported to perform very well. Again, if
An oft-cited criticism of the controlled evalua- inexperience with the tasks were a plausible
tions is that they required FC users to perform explanation, FC users should perform equally
confrontational naming tasks, which propo- poorly when their facilitators did and did not
nents consider inappropriate because individu- know the expected answers. That was not the
als with autism have global “word-finding” case in the controlled evaluations.
problems. This argument is implausible for Finally, FC proponents are inconsistent in
several reasons. First, many evaluations did not claiming that controlled testing undermines
require FC users to spell specific names; de- the FC user’s confidence, while in the next
scriptions, copying, multiple-choice options, breath they are quick to tout reports that some
yes/no responses, and answers to open-ended attempts at controlled evaluations have pro-
questions were just some of the other kinds of duced evidence of FC’s validity. In other
responses solicited. Second, there is no solid words, when the data contradict their claims,
evidence that such problems are exhibited by experiments are not valid; when the data sup-
individuals with autism. It can be difficult to port their claims, experiments are useful. A re-
distinguish words that an individual presum- port from Australia (referred to as the IDRP
ably knows but cannot produce from words report) said that three individuals with disabil-
that they simply do not know, even with indi- ities succeeded in “facilitating” the name of a
viduals who at one time had well-developed gift they were given in the absence of their fa-
language (e.g., neurologic patients). This would cilitators, but one was said to type his re-
seem to be even more difficult with individuals sponses independently, without FC. The report
with autism. Even if this rationalization applied provided no background information about
to individuals with autism, what accounts for the individuals, no details about the proce-
the results with the many FC users who did not dures, and described only one controlled trial
have autism? Additionally, at least three studies completed by each individual. Another exer-
documented spontaneous oral naming re- cise described in a letter to the editor of a
sponses by FC users with autism that were speech disorders journal claimed that four of
more accurate than their “facilitated” re- five students thought to have severe language
sponses. That certainly goes against the “word- delays performed remarkably better with FC
finding” hypothesis for those individuals. than without on a test of matching pictures to
Some FC proponents attribute negative spoken words. The facilitator wore head-
findings to the supposition that most FC users phones but was not screened visually from the
are not experienced with the kinds of tasks nearby examiner who was speaking the words,
presented to them in the controlled tests. This and no expressive communication was re-
344 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

quired of the FC users. At best, these exercises At the same time, however, we sensed some-
must be considered inconclusive, but they thing ominous in the rapidity and zeal with
have been cited widely by proponents as scien- which FC was being applied, the resistance to
tific validations of FC. The contradiction in- critical scrutiny, and the antiscience stance of
herent in arguing that controlled testing inter- many adherents. Even as the dark side of the
feres with FC while endorsing exercises like FC story began to unfold, relatively few in de-
these seems lost on them. The clear implica- velopmental disabilities who knew how to test
tion is that tests that appear to produce evi- the claims about FC experimentally wanted to
dence supporting beliefs about FC are good, get involved, perhaps thinking that the best re-
and tests that fail to do so are bad. sponse was to continue to do sound research in
their own areas. Others did not to want to be
seen as naysayers or debunkers.
Cummins and Prior, both with long histories
Silent Skeptics of involvement in treatment and research in
developmental disabilities, were among the
If FC is so obviously not the mental miracle first in Victoria to go public with their con-
supporters claim it is, why does the movement cerns about FC. Their expressions of skepti-
continue to grow? Why hasn’t the scientific cism and calls for caution were met with hos-
community made a significant public state- tility and personal attacks from FC proponents
ment against FC? A number of variables prob- in Australia, a scenario that has repeated itself
ably account for the initial and continuing re- in the U.S. That suggests another variable, in
luctance of many skeptics to speak up. First, my opinion one of the most potent: It was (is)
scientists in general are cautious about draw- not Politically Correct in many circles to sug-
ing conclusions without data. When FC first gest that FC might not be all it appears, or
hit the disability community in North America, even to call for objective evaluation to deter-
there were no objective data to be had. A re- mine if it is. Those who do are likely to be la-
joinder to Biklen’s first report by Australian belled heretics, oppressors of the disabled,
psychologists Robert Cummins and Margot inhumane, negative, jealous of others’ discov-
Prior was submitted to the Harvard Educa- eries, “dinosaurs” who cannot accept new
tional Review early in 1991. Their paper sum- ideas, and out for financial gain.
marized the results of controlled tests of the
validity of FC and the legal and ethical prob-
lems it had engendered in Australia. It was not
published until late summer 1992, and by that The FC Future
time the FC movement already had consider-
able momentum. Even then, many skeptics Needless to say, considerable attention and ac-
withheld judgment on the basis that the Aus- claim have accrued to the leaders of the FC
tralian data were limited. This was essentially movement, but as the data and the harms have
our reasoning at the New England Center for mounted, so has the criticism. Recent months
Autism—that some individuals with autism have seen a marked shift in media coverage
might write or type better than they could from the glowing reports of miracles that made
speak (we knew a few), and that if there were almost no mention of objective evidence (e.g.,
some merit to the claims about FC, it would be PrimeTime Live) to stories about families for
revealed through careful research using objec- whom FC has been anything but a miracle. A
tive methodology. documentary on the PBS investigative news
f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n | 345

program, Frontline, honed in on the implausi- thin air while both parties consciously try not
bility and lack of empirical support for to move the piece across the board, the facili-
Biklen’s initial claims, along with the emerging tators do not appear to be conscious that it is
evidence from experimental evaluations show- them generating the communication. Even
ing overwhelmingly that most FC is facilitator with the autistic child looking elsewhere, or
communication. not looking at all (eyes closed), the hand is still
The public position of Syracuse University rapidly pecking out letters as if it were a mira-
officials appears to be that Professor Biklen’s cle. Unfortunately there are no miracles in
notions are simply provoking the furor and re- mental health. All of us wish FC were true, but
sistance that all radical new ideas encounter. the facts simply do not allow scientists and
Perhaps that is the case; time and objective critical thinkers to replace knowledge with
data will tell. Time will most certainly be re- wish.
quired for the legal system to do its part in de-
termining the future of the FC movement. A References:
number of cases involving “facilitated” sexual Biklen, D. (1990) Communication unbound: Autism
abuse allegations are in process at this writing. and praxis. Harvard Educational Review, 60,
To my knowledge, there has been one convic- 291–315.
tion so far. Several individuals and families Biklen, D. (1992). Autism orthodoxy versus free
who have been cleared of false allegations speech: A reply to Cummins and Prior. Harvard
have filed damage countersuits against the fa- Educational Review, 62, 242–256.
cilitators, school and program administrators, Biklen, D. (1993). Communication unbound: How
and social service agencies involved. On Janu- facilitated communication is challenging tradi-
ary 10, 1994, a civil suit was filed in Federal tional views of autism and ability/disability. New
District Court for the northern district of New York: Teachers College Press.
Crossley, R. (1992a). Lending a hand: A personal
York seeking $10 million in damages on be-
account of the development of Facilitated Com-
half of a family who were among the first vic-
munication Training. American Journal of Speech
tims of FC allegations in the U.S. Among the
and Language Pathology, May, 15, 18.
ten defendants are Douglas Biklen and Syra- Crossley, R. (1992b). Getting the words out: Case
cuse University. studies in facilitated communication training.
Finally, if FC is not a mental miracle, is it Topics in Language Disorders, 12, 46–59.
sleight of hand? By this I do not mean there is Cummins, R. A., & Prior, M. P. (1992). Autism and
intentional deceit on the part of the facilita- assisted communication: A response to Biklen.
tors. Far from it. Most are genuine, honest, Harvard Educational Review, 62, 228–241.
caring individuals who wish the best for their Dillon, K. M. (1993). Facilitated Communication,
charges. Herein lies an explanation. The autism, and ouija. Skeptical Inquirer, 17,
power of a belief system to direct thought and 281–287.
action is overwhelming. A full and complete Green, G. (forthcoming). The quality of the evi-
dence. In H. C. Shane (Ed.), The Clinical and So-
explanation for the FC phenomenon is still
cial Phenomenon of Facilitated Communication.
forthcoming, but clearly there are parallels
San Diego: Singular Press.
with the ideomotor responses that direct dows-
Green, G. (1993). Response to “What is the balance
ing sticks and the Ouija board. As the facilita- of proof for or against Facilitated Communica-
tor gently directs the hand to begin typing, let- tion?” AAMR News & Notes, 6 (3), 5.
ters are formed into words and words into Green, G., & Shane, H. C. (1993). Facilitated Com-
sentences. Just as with the Ouija board where munication: The claims vs. the evidence. Har-
elaborate thoughts seem to be generated out of vard Mental Health Letter, 10, 4–5.
346 | f a c i l i t a t e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n

Hudson, A. (in press). Disability and facilitated com- Jacobson, J. W., & Mulick, J. A. (1992). Speak for
munication: A critique. In T. H. Ollendick & R. J. yourself, or . . . I can’t quite put my finger on it!
Prinz (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Child Psychol- Psychology in Mental Retardation and Develop-
ogy (Vol. 17). New York: Plenum Press. mental Disabilities, 17, 3–7.
Jacobson, J. W., Eberlin, M., Mulick, J. A., Schwartz, Mulick, J. A., Jacobson, J. W., & Kobe, R. H. (1993).
A. A., Szempruch, J., & Wheeler, D. L. (in press). Anguished silence and helping hands: Miracles
Autism and Facilitated Communication: Future in autism with Facilitated Communication. Skep-
directions. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Autism: Etiol- tical Inquirer, 17, 270–280.
ogy, Diagnosis, and Treatment. DeKalb, IL:
Sycamore Press.

omeopathy was devised by the Ger- have proved harmful. The ostensible value of

H man physician Samuel Hahnemann

(1755–1843) as a reaction to prac-
tices based upon the ancient humoral theory
homeopathic products can be more than a
placebo effect because some products have
contained effective amounts of standard med-
which he labeled “allopathy.” The term has ications or have been adulterated. Only about
been misapplied to regular medicine ever half of the 300 homeopaths listed in the Di-
since. The cardinal principles of homeopathy rectory of the National Center for Homeopa-
include that (1) most diseases are caused by thy are physicians. Others include natur-
an infectious disorder called the psora; (2) life opaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, dentists,
is a spiritual force (vitalism) which directs the veterinarians, nurses or physician assistants.
body’s healing; (3) remedies can be discerned Homeopathy’s appeal lies in its personal at-
by noting the symptoms that substances pro- tention to patients. Homeopathy is a magnet
duce in overdose (proving), and applying for untrustworthy practitioners who pose a
them to conditions with similar symptoms in threat to public safety. A perverse belief in the
highly diluted doses (Law of Similia); (4) “healing crisis” causes practitioners to ignore
remedies become more effective with greater adverse reactions, or to value them as “toxins
dilution (Law of Infinitesimals), and become being expelled.” The marketing of homeo-
more dilute when containers are tapped on pathic products and services fits the definition
the heel of the hand or a leather pad (poten- of quackery established by a United States
tizing). Homeopathy’s principles have been House of Representatives committee which
refuted by the basic sciences of chemistry, investigated the problem (i.e., the promotion
physics, pharmacology, and pathology. Home- of “medical schemes or remedies known to be
opathy meets the dictionary definitions of a false, or which are unproven, for a profit”).
sect and a cult—the characteristics of which The United States Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
prevent advances that would change Hahne- Act lists the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of
mann’s original principles. Most homeopathic the United States as a recognized compen-
studies are of poor methodological quality, dium, but this status was due to political influ-
and are subject to bias. Homeopathic product ence, not scientific merit. The FDA has not
labels do not provide sufficient information to required homeopathic products to meet the
judge their dosages. Although homeopathic efficacy requirements applied to all other
remedies are generally thought to be nontoxic drugs, creating an unacceptable double stan-
due to their high dilutions, some preparations dard for drug marketing. The Federal Trade

348 | h o m e o p a t h y

Commission has not taken action against the ancient Greek humoral theory which at-
homeopathic product advertising although it tributed disease to an imbalance of four hu-
clearly does not meet the standards of truthful mors (blood, phlegm, and black and yellow
advertising generally applied to drugs. Postal bile) and four bodily conditions (hot, cold,
authorities have not prosecuted mail-order wet, and dry) that corresponded to four ele-
product promoters that make unproven claims ments (earth, air, fire, and water). Physicians
for mail fraud. Three states have established attempted to balance the humors by treating
homeopathic licensing boards. Some of these symptoms with “opposites.” For instance,
have been administered by medical mavericks fever (hot) was believed to be due to excess
with a history of difficulties with former med- blood because patients were flushed; there-
ical licensing boards. fore, balance was sought by blood-letting in
order to “cool” the patient. Hahnemann
dubbed such practices “allopathy” (allos “op-
posite,” pathos “suffering”), and sought to re-
Recommendations place it with his “Law of Similia” that treated
“like with like.” Although medicine never ac-
The NCAHF advises consumers not to buy cepted the label of allopathy, homeopaths
homeopathic products or to patronize homeo- continue to misrepresent physicians as al-
pathic practitioners. Basic scientists are urged lopaths to make their differences appear based
to be proactive in opposing the marketing of upon conflicting ideologies rather than scien-
homeopathic remedies because of conflicts tific pragmatism. Medical writers often refer to
with known physical laws. Those who study medical doctors as “allopaths” but their use of
homeopathic remedies are warned to beware the term reflects an alternate definition of al-
of deceptive practices in addition to applying lopathy as “a system of medical practice mak-
sound research methodologies. State and fed- ing use of all measures proved of value in
eral regulatory agencies are urged to require treatment of disease” (Webster’s New Colle-
homeopathic products to meet the same stan- giate Dictionary). This definition is inconsis-
dards as regular drugs, and to take strong en- tent with its root words “allos” and “pathos.”
forcement actions against violators, including Its duplicity aids those who wish to misrepre-
the discipline of health professionals who sent medicine as ideologically allopathic (i.e.,
practice homeopathy. States are urged to abol- symptom suppression).
ish homeopathic licensing boards.

The Cardinal Principles of Homeopathy

The Psora and Vitalism
Homeopathy (derived from the Greek words
homoios “similar” and pathos “suffering”) is a Hahnemann believed that 7/8ths of all dis-
sectarian healing system devised by Samuel eases are due to an infectious disorder called
Hahnemann (1755–1843), a German physi- the Psora (itch). In the words of Hahnemann’s
cian who rejected the harsh medical practices “Organon”:
of his era which included bleeding, purging,
vomiting and the administration of highly This Psora is the sole true and fundamental
toxic drugs. Practices of the era were based on cause that produces all the other countless
h o m e o p a t h y | 349

forms of disease, which, under the names of Provings and the Law of Similia
nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, in-
sanity, melancholy, idiocy, madness, epilepsy, Hahnemann’s invention of homeopathy is re-
and spasms of all kinds, softening of the bones, ported to have originated with an experience
or rickets, scoliosis and chophouses, caries, in which he ingested a substantial dose of cin-
cancer, fungus haematodes, gout-asthma and chona bark (the source of quinine) used to
suppuration of the lungs, megrim, deafness, treat malaria. He noted that the symptoms he
cataract and amaurosis, paralysis, loss of sense, experienced were similar to those of malaria.
pains of every kind, etc., appear in our pathol- He reasoned that since the remedy produced
ogy as so many peculiar, distinct, and inde- symptoms in overdose similar to the condition
pendent diseases (Stalker, 1985). it was used to treat, this principle, his Law of
Similia, could be used to discern the value of
Hahnemann believed that diseases repre- various medicines. He called this process prov-
sent a disturbance in the body’s ability to heal ing a medicine. Promoters often misrepresent
itself and that only a small stimulus is needed homeopathy as treating the “causes” rather
to begin the healing process. He owed this to than merely the “symptoms” of disease, but its
his faith in vitalism, which holds that life is a reliance on the “proving” of remedies shows
spiritual, nonmaterial process and that the that homeopathy itself relies solely upon a
body contains an innate wisdom that is its own symptom treatment.
healing force. A British homeopath explained Hahnemann’s Law of Similia utilized the
its vitalism (Twentyman, 1982): primitive view of monism that “nature is a uni-
tary, organic whole with no independent parts”
Hahnemann . . . is . . . a child of the modern (Webster’s) with inherent principles that like is
age of natural science, an adept in the chem- like, like makes like, and like cures like.
istry of his day . . . But he can still hold a con- Monism is the basis of many ancient practices
viction that an immaterial vital entity animates (e.g., eating the heart of a lion for courage), and
our organism until death when the purely holds that if one object resembles another they
chemical forces prevail and decompose it. . . . are alike in essence (like is like); idolatry in
This vital entity which he characterizes as im- which carving a likeness of a god actually pro-
material, spirit-like, and which maintains in duces the god (like makes like); and folk medi-
health the harmonious wholeness of the or- cine practices such as snakeroot being good for
ganism, is in fact the wholeness of it, can be snakebite, because of their resemblance (like
influenced by dynamic causes. How does Hah- cures like). Hahnemann revived Paracelsus’
nemann attempt to clarify the idea? He draws Doctrine of Signatures, which declared that
attention to phenomena like magnetic influ- herbs would cure conditions or anatomical
ences, the moon and the tides, infective ill- parts they resembled (Garrison, 1929, 206).
nesses and perhaps most importantly the in- The homeopathic Law of Similia, however, is
fluence of emotions and impulses of will on unsupported by the basic sciences of physiol-
the organism (221–225). ogy, pharmacology and pathology.

Vitalism appeals to so-called “Holistic” or

“New Age” medicine devotees, who prefer a Law of Infinitesimal “Potentizing”
metaphysical view of life processes, and read-
ily accept homeopathy despite its scientific de- Hahnemann’s Law of Infinitesimals holds that
ficiencies. the smaller the dose of a medication, the more
350 | h o m e o p a t h y

powerful will be its healing effects. He taught eating for relief of indigestion proved that like
that substances could be potentized (i.e., their cures like, i.e., the Law of Similia. However,
“immaterial and spiritual powers” released to one does not obtain relief from indigestion by
make active substances more active, and inac- eating “potentized microdilutions” of the same
tive substances active). The process of potentiz- food that was originally ingested. Other at-
ing involved the sequential dilution of reme- tempts to validate homeopathy such as the
dial agents by succussion in which initial folksy value of “some of the hair of the dog
mixtures would be shaken at least 40 times, that bit you” to relieve a hangover also fail to
nine parts dumped, and nine parts of solvent withstand close scrutiny.
added and shaken again. This process was re-
peated as many times as desired. Tapping on a
leather pad or the heel of the hand was alleged
to double the dilution—a notion that contra- Homeopathy and Science
dicts the laws of physics. Remedies are diluted
to powers of ten and labeled with combinations Scientific medicine encompasses a collection
of Arabic and Roman numerals (e.g., 3X = of procedures, each of which must stand on its
1/1000, 4X = 1/10,000, 3C or 6X = own as safe and effective for a specific pur-
1/1,000,000, etc.). The fact that 19th-Century pose. History recounts examples of ancient
homeopathic remedies were dilute placebos healers doing the right thing for the wrong
made them preferable to the harsh concoctions reason. Some bored holes in skulls (trephin-
being applied by the humoral practitioners. ing) in order to liberate angry demons thought
According to the laws of chemistry, there is a to be causing head pain, and in the process re-
limit to the dilution that can be made without lieved intracranial pressure. This, however,
losing the original substance altogether. This does not validate the Demonic Theory. Also,
limit, called Avogadro’s number (6.023 x 1023), foul-smelling swamps were drained on the ba-
corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C sis of the miasmic theory, which taught that
or 24X (1 part in 1024). At this dilution there foul-smelling emanations from the Earth
is less than a 50% chance that even one mole- caused “bad air fever” (mal-air-ia). Further,
cule of active material remains. Hahnemann Asclepian priests scraped spear shavings into
himself realized that there was virtually no the spear-wounds of warriors believing that
chance that any of the original substance re- the weapon that caused a wound would help
mained at such high dilution, but explained it in its healing (like-cures-like). Copper sulfate
away in metaphysical terms. In addition to be- from the bronze spearheads may have inhib-
ing contradicted by common sense, homeopa- ited infection. Just as doing these right prac-
thy’s Law of Infinitesimals is invalidated by tices for the wrong reasons did not validate the
pharmaceutical dose-response studies. faulty theories upon which they were based,
Promoters claim that immunization and al- neither will the success of a “homeopathic”
lergy desensitization verify homeopathy be- remedy comprehensively validate homeopa-
cause they treat like with like, but neither thy’s theory, pharmacology, and metaphysics.
meets the additional requirements of homeo- Homeopathy clearly fits Webster’s dictionary
pathic theory and practice. Immunizations do definitions of a cult: “A system for the cure of
not alleviate symptoms or cure. Neither immu- disease based on dogma set forth by its prom-
nization nor allergy desensitization grows ulgator,” and a sect: “a group adhering to a
stronger with dilution, nor can they be “poten- distinctive doctrine or a leader.” Healing cults
tized.” Classical homeopaths proclaim that or sects cannot progress and retain their iden-
h o m e o p a t h y | 351

tity. Homeopathy is what Hahnemann said it is consistent with scientific dicta (based upon
was. To progress scientifically homeopathy the statistical null hypothesis) that (1) no prac-
would have to accept principles of pharmacol- tice can be deemed safe or effective until
ogy and pathology, which run counter to its proved to be so; and (2) the burden of proof is
“laws” of similia and infinitesimals, its potency upon proponents.
theory, and notions of the psora and vitalism. A more recent meta-analysis of 107 con-
By doing so, it would no longer be homeopa- trolled homeopathy trials appearing in 96
thy but biomedicine. published reports also found “the evidence of
clinical trials is positive but not sufficient to
draw definitive conclusions because most trials
Studies of Homeopathy are of low methodological quality and because
of the unknown role of publication bias.” They
Controlled studies involving homeopathic also concluded that there is a legitimate case
remedies appear to divide along political lines. for further evaluation of homeopathy, “but
While the results of most studies do not sup- only by means of well-performed trials” (Kleij-
port the use of homeopathic remedies, some nen, 1991).
ostensibly well-designed trials have yielded In 1988, a French scientist working at that
positive findings. Some of these, however, have country’s prestigious INSERM institute
been done by homeopaths, and their reports claimed to have found that high dilutions of
contain rhetoric that reflects bias strong substances in water left a “memory,” providing
enough to undermine confidence in the re- a rationale for homeopathy’s Law of Infinitesi-
searchers’ veracity. The best of these studies mals. His findings were published in a highly
should be repeated by objective investigators regarded science journal, but with the caveat
with independent analyses of the homeopathic that the findings were unbelievable, and that
formulations employed to assure that they have the work was financed by a large homeopathic
not been adulterated with active medications. drug manufacturer (Nature, 1988). Subse-
A comprehensive review of experimental re- quent investigations, including those by James
search in homeopathy was done by Scofield Randi, disclosed that the research had been in-
(1984). He concluded: “It is obvious from this appropriately carried out. The scandal resulted
review that, despite much experimental and in the suspension of the scientist. Careful
clinical work, there is only little evidence to analysis of the study revealed that had the re-
suggest that homeopathy is effective. This is sults been authentic, homeopathy would be
because of bad design, execution, reporting, more likely to worsen a patient’s condition
analysis and, particularly, failure to repeat than to heal, and that it would be impossible to
promising experimental work and not neces- predict the effect of the same dose from one
sarily because of the inefficacy of the system time to another (Sampson, 1989).
which has yet to be properly tested on a large The sectarian nature of homeopathy raises
enough scale. There is sufficient evidence to serious questions about the trustworthiness of
warrant the execution of well-designed, care- homeopathic researchers. Scofield appropri-
fully controlled experiments.” Scofield’s most ately stated: “It is hardly surprising in view of
encouraging statement for homeopaths was the quality of much of the experimental work
that “homeopathy has most certainly not been as well as its philosophical framework, that
disproved.” However, Scofield ignored the sci- this system of medicine is not accepted by the
entific process. It is the absence of proof, not medical and scientific community at large.”
the absence of disproof, that is important. This Two guiding rules required by skeptics of
352 | h o m e o p a t h y

pseudoscience should be applied to homeo- harmful. Perverse belief in the “healing crisis”
pathic research, to wit: (1) extraordinary can cause pseudomedical practitioners to mis-
claims demand extraordinary evidence; and judge adverse reactions as beneficial. Healing
(2) it is not necessary to prove fraud, rather, crisis is the theory that the body innately
the research must be done in such a manner knows what is best for it. There is a corollary
that fraud is not possible. belief that adverse reactions to “natural reme-
dies” are due to “toxins” being expelled, and
that the worse these are, the worse would have
Dubious Labeling been future diseases if not detoxified. Thus,
believers are not alarmed by adverse reactions,
Recent years have seen an explosion of prod- and are encouraged to continue treating. At
ucts labeled as “homeopathic.” Among them the same time, “allopathic” medicine is deni-
are raw animal glands, herbal concoctions, and grated as the “suppressing of symptoms that
mineral remedies. Although some are reruns represent the body’s natural healing pro-
of old-time homeopathic preparations, others cesses.” Kerr and Yarborough (1986) reported
appear to be merely pretenders with high dilu- a case of pancreatitis that developed in a pa-
tion their only homeopathic feature. For in- tient ingesting a homeopathic remedy pre-
stance, homeopathic raw bovine testicles may scribed by a chiropractor. According to the au-
be highly diluted, but in order to be truly thors, the manufacturer stated that 40–45% of
homeopathic they should have been “proved” persons taking the remedy experienced a heal-
and potentized. To have been proved, healthy ing crisis that included abdominal pain.
people should have been fed raw bovine testi- Although classical homeopathy employed nu-
cles in moderate doses and the side-effects an- merous extremely toxic substances in infinites-
alyzed. Gland products are not representative imal amounts, Kerr found that two of six
of the kinds of therapeutic substances home- homeopathic remedies ordered by mail con-
opaths have traditionally attempted to tained “notable quantities” of arsenic. NCAHF
“prove,” and it is unlikely that ingesting signif- doubts that homeopathic devotees would sys-
icant amounts of raw bovine testicles would tematically report adverse effects.
produce any side effects. Such products appear
to be intended to ward off regulatory enforce-
ment action by merely labeling them “homeo- Suspicious Effectiveness
pathic,” but such products do not meet the ba-
sic consumer protection principle of accurate Much has been made of the fact that a 24X di-
labeling. Standard drug labeling informs con- lution would no longer contain a single mole-
sumers about the quantity of active ingredients cule of the original substance, and reported
per dose; homeopathic labeling only informs benefits are generally attributed to the placebo
consumers about the number of serial dilu- effect. However, many homeopathic dosages,
tions of the remedy. although dilute, may contain enough of a sub-
stance to be effective. Homeopathic products
also may work because of adulteration. Morice
Questionable Safety (1986, 862–863) reported that a homeopathic
remedy called “Dumcap” appeared to be ef-
Although homeopathic remedies are generally fective in treating asthma. Although labeled as
thought to be nontoxic due to their high dilu- containing “nux vomica” (strychnine), arsenic
tions, some preparations have proved to be album (arsenic trioxide), Blatta onentalis
h o m e o p a t h y | 353

(cockroach extract), and stramoni folic (stra- data have been published supporting these es-
monium), analysis revealed that the product timates. In 1991–2, 36.9% of chiropractors re-
was adulterated with therapeutic levels of the ported using homeopathic remedies in their
antiasthma, steroidal drugs prednisolone and practices.
betamethasone. Studies of homeopathic
deemed unacceptable unless they have been
monitored to assure that they were prepared A Haven for Untrustworthy Practitioners
according to homeopathic principles, their
contents verified and dosage quantified, and Part of homeopathy’s appeal is the personal at-
secured to prevent tampering. As was stated tention paid to patients (Avina and Schneider-
above, simply labeling a product “homeo- man, 1978). In practice, classical homeopaths
pathic” does not guarantee that it does not emphasize taking 30 to 45 minutes with each
contain a pharmacologically active dosage of patient, paying careful attention to the emo-
an active substance (not all dilutions exceed tional state and administering only one rem-
Avogadro’s number). To validate a specific edy at a time. Classical homeopathy’s close
homeopathic remedy, replication by others personal attention to patients, benign reme-
who have no vested interest in the results is re- dies, and special appeal to a select clientele
quired. To validate homeopathic theory, make it seem innocuous if practitioners have
higher dilutions would also have to be shown the competence and good sense to recognize
to work better than higher concentrations. serious disorders and readily refer to other
Thomas Paine, a signer of the United States’ physicians. This, however, is not always the
Declaration of Independence, is credited with case.
establishing a principle for judging supernatu- Pseudosciences such as homeopathy, even if
ral phenomena. He asked, “Is it easier to be- relatively benign, are magnets for cranks and
lieve that nature has gone out of her course or charlatans. This poses a serious problem be-
that a man would tell a lie?” cause untrustworthy or incompetent practi-
tioners should not be granted the privilege of
administering health care. True believing
cranks may pose a more serious threat than
Homeopathic Services con men because of their devotion to home-
opathy’s ideology. Their sincerity may make
Census them more socially tolerable, but it can add to
their potential danger. Irrational health care is
The 1993 directory of the National Center for never harmless, and it is irresponsible to create
Homeopathy (Alexandria, VA) lists about 300 patient confidence in pseudomedicine. Al-
licensed practitioners. About half of these are though homeopathy may not pose a significant
physicians. The rest are mostly naturopaths, risk for a basically healthy patient, at some fu-
chiropractors, acupuncturists, veterinarians, ture time that same patient could face a situa-
dentists, nurses, or physician’s assistants. A tion where a life-or-death decision may swing
homeopathic marketing firm spokesperson be- on just such unwarranted confidence.
lieves that several hundred more consider Some practitioners do not practice in home-
themselves to be homeopaths, and that many opathy’s classical manner, but use its “benign”
conventional physicians utilize one or more reputation as a cover. A well-documented ex-
homeopathic remedies (National Board of ample occurred in Nevada. According to an ex-
Chiropractic Examiners, 1993). However, no pose by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, several
354 | h o m e o p a t h y

maverick MDs who had been in serious legal services precisely fits the definition of quack-
difficulty in other states descended on Nevada ery: “A quack is anyone who promotes medical
and managed to get the State Legislature to set schemes or remedies known to be false, or
up a homeopathic licensing board with them- which are unproven, for a profit’’ (Quackery,
selves in charge. However, none was actually 1984). Dr. Kenneth Milstead, then Deputy Di-
practicing homeopathy. Rather, using an unap- rector of the FDA Bureau of Enforcement,
proved electronic device they practiced “en- stated (Young, 1968):
ergy medicine.” When faced with the fact that
they had deceived the State Legislature, pro- It matters not whether the article is harmless
ponents stated that they had used the more fa- or whether it gives some psychosomatic relief;
miliar term “homeopathy” because they feared whether it is cheap or whether it has value for
that the legislators would not be able to grasp other purposes; whether it is produced by an
the new concept of “bioenergetics.” The obscure firm or whether it is produced by a
Nevada legislature rewrote the homeopathic “reputable” firm—the promotion of it is still
practice act in 1987, specifically stating that quackery.
Nevada homeopaths were limited to using sub-
stances prepared according to “the methods of
Hahnemannian dilution and succussion, mag-
netically energized geometric pattern as de- Regulators Fiddle while Consumers Are Burned
fined in the official homeopathic pharma-
copeia of the United States” (Hayslett, 1987). Federal Regulation
It is difficult to believe that a physician
could simultaneously sustain confidence in For many years homeopathic product market-
both homeopathy and scientific health care. It ing was quiescent, but with the health fad
is common for homeopaths to misrepresent boom of the 1970s and 1980s, promoters be-
regular medicine as misguided to justify their gan touting homeopathic remedies. In 1985
unusual practices. Of special concern to the FDA estimated that between 50 and 60
NCAHF is the substitution of homeopathic companies were marketing such products in
preparations for standard immunizations. In the United States (FDA, 1985). The 1938
1989, an Idaho naturopath was prosecuted for Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act contains a sec-
selling homeopathic “immunization kits,” tion that recognizes as “drugs” items listed in
which contained alcohol-and-water solutions the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United
and sugar pills. Defenders claimed that the States. This was mainly due to the efforts of
homeopathic immunization products would New York Senator Royal Copeland who was
“stimulate the immune system”; and that the the foremost homeopathic physician of his
FDA laboratory could not detect the active in- day. In 1938, safety was the main issue, and
gredients because they were so highly diluted the highly diluted homeopathic products
with sugar. seemed to pose no inherent danger. However,
in 1962, the Kefauver-Harris Amendment was
passed requiring that drugs be proved effective
Quackery before distribution. A legal fight loomed as to
whether or not homeopathic drugs were
NCAHF is primarily concerned with homeop- grandfathered by the law, but FDA did not
athy in the marketplace. It believes that mar- press the issue. Instead, it permitted products
keting unproven homeopathic products and aimed at common ailments to be marketed
h o m e o p a t h y | 355

over-the-counter (OTC), and restricted those Adopted February, 1994 by the National
aimed at serious ailments to prescription only. Council against Health Fraud.© All Rights
This “passed the buck” to the states that regu- Reserved, 1994
late the practitioners who write the prescrip-
tions, putting consumers at the mercy of mav- RECOMMENDATIONS
erick homeopathic physicians. It also sent a
signal to marketers that it was open season on To Consumers
consumers with regard to OTC homeopathic Be aware that homeopathic products and
products. The resulting marketplace growth services are marketed in a “buyer beware” sit-
increased the ability of trade groups to gain uation at present. Homeopathic products are
political support and made future regulatory not required to meet the standards of effec-
action more difficult. Homeopathic claims of tiveness of drugs. Homeopathic services are
efficacy are unsubstantiated and violate the poorly regulated. Physicians who practice ho-
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) advertising meopathy operate below the standards of re-
standards, but the FTC has not acted against sponsible medicine. Some have backgrounds
homeopathic advertising claims. Homeopathic that raise serious questions about their hon-
remedies sold or transported by mail are sub- esty. Be aware that in some states that have
ject to action by the U.S. Postal Inspectors, but homeopathic licensing boards the “foxes are
few such actions have been taken. guarding the chicken coops.” Consumers
should not entrust their health to physicians
or nonphysicians who practice homeopathy.
State Regulation
To Basic Scientists
Only Arizona, Connecticut, and Nevada have Homeopathy conflicts more with basic laws of
separate homeopathic licensing boards. At physics, chemistry and pharmacology than
least two of these have included in prominent with clinical medicine. Pharmacologists
roles maverick medical doctors who have been should be more proactive in opposing the
in legal difficulties as regular physicians. Some marketing of homeopathic remedies. Because
state licensing boards permit licensed medical homeopathic theories contradict known phys-
doctors to practice almost any kind of medi- ical laws, tests of homeopathic remedies re-
cine they wish. Others, rightly in NCAHF’s quire controls beyond those normally re-
opinion, require that health care be held to ra- quired of double-blind clinical trials including
tional and responsible standards. To its credit, additional measures to show that fraud was
the North Carolina Board of Medical Examin- not possible.
ers revoked the license of the state’s only prac-
ticing homeopath, concluding that he was To the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
“failing to conform to the standards of accept- (1) Require that labels of homeopathic prod-
able and prevailing medical practice.” This re- ucts indicate the precise amounts of ingredi-
sulted in a prolonged legal battle over the abil- ents in milligrams, micrograms, etc. (2) Re-
ity of a licensing board to impose standards of quire homeopathic products to meet the
practice on its constituency. The state legisla- efficacy standards of all other drugs.
ture eventually passed a law that limited the
board’s disciplinary power undermining the To the U.S. Federal Trade Commission
consumer protection aspects of responsible (1) Review advertising of homeopathic prod-
medicine. ucts in publications aimed at the public for
356 | h o m e o p a t h y

false and misleading claims. (2) Monitor and ketplace. NCAHF’s positions on consumer
take action against advertisements in trade health issues are based upon principles of sci-
publications used to indoctrinate salespeople, ence that form the basis of consumer protec-
who will in turn deceive consumers about the tion law. These require: (1) full disclosure in
value of homeopathic products. labeling and other warranties (no secret for-
mulas); (2) premarketing proof of safety and
To U.S. Postal Inspectors efficacy for products and services that claim
Prosecute distributors of homeopathic mail- to prevent, alleviate, or cure any disease or
order products that make unproven medical disorder; and (3) accountability for those who
claims for mail fraud. violate consumer laws. Its officers and board
members serve without compensation. For
To State Legislators more information, write: NCAHF, P.O. Box
Because homeopathy is scientifically indefen- 1276, Loma Linda, CA 92354-1276; fax:
sible: (1) Enact laws requiring that medical 909-824-4838.
products sold within your state meet the stan-
dards of accurate labeling, truthful advertis- References:
ing, and premarketing proof of safety and ef- Avina, Schneiderman. 1978. West J. Med. 128:
fectiveness. (2) Abolish state licensing boards 366–9.
for homeopathy. (3) Do not allow homeo- Barrett, Jarvis. 1993. The Health Robbers. Buffalo:
pathy in the scope of practice of any health Prometheus Books.
care provider. Board of Science and Education. 1986. Alternative
Therapy. British Med. Assoc.
To State Food & Drug Regulators FDA Consumer. 1985. March.
Garrison. 1929. History of Medicine. W. B. Saun-
Take prompt regulatory action against manu-
facturers, wholesalers, and retailers of home-
Hayslett. 1987. Las Vegas Review Journal. July 5.
opathic products who violate the law.
Kerr, Yarborough. 1986. New Engl. J. Med. 314:
(25): 1642–3.
To Medical Licensing Boards Kerr, J. 1986. Taxicol Clin. Toxicol, 24: 451–459.
(1) Discipline homeopathic practitioners for Kleijnen, Knipschild. 1991. Brit. Med. J. 302:
unprofessional conduct. (2) Prosecute non- 316–23.
physicians engaging in homeopathy for prac- Morice. 1986. The Lancet, April 12.
ticing medicine without a license. National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. 1993.
Job Analysis of Chiropractic.
The National Council against Health Fraud Nature. 1988. 333: 816.
is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency Quackery: A $10 Billion Scandal. 1984. U.S. House
that focuses upon health misinformation, of Representatives, 98th Congress, 2nd Session,
Comm. Publ. #98-435, May 31.
fraud and quackery as public health prob-
Sampson. 1989. Skeptical Inquirer, Fall.
lems. Its funding is derived primarily from
Scofield. 1984. The Brit. Homeo. J. 73: 161–226.
membership dues and newsletter subscrip-
Stalker, Glymour. 1985. Examining Holistic Medi-
tions. NCAHF unites consumers with health cine. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
professionals, educators, researchers, attor- Twentyman. 1982. Royal Soc. of Health J. 102 (5):
neys, and others who believe that everyone 221–225.
has a stake in the quality of the health mar- Young. 1968. The Medical Messiahs. Princeton.
The Search for Everlasting Life

S T E V E N B . H A R R I S

ince the 1960s when the late Joseph detract from basic survival efficiency. We

S Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand

Faces began to be read on college cam-
puses, and most especially since the Bill Moy-
know from recent psychological experiments,
for instance, that compared with objective as-
sessment, people with normal “healthy” men-
ers PBS interviews with Campbell (1988) tal outlooks consistently overestimate their
which made his work still more popular, many own abilities and strengths; whereas people
people have begun to look at mythology in a who are depressed are far more realistic in
new light. We all know, or thought we knew, such judgments. Why would human nature
what a myth was—one of those weird stories saddle us with a normal mental state which
that people in other cultures tell. Our stories, gives us an unrealistic view of the world? The
by contrast, were called “religion,” or “scrip- answer may lie in the fact that anxiety saps
ture,” and were not weird at all. In fact, Joseph strength and ruins performance (as many an
Campbell (tongue firmly in cheek) once de- Olympic athlete has discovered). Anxiety is so
fined myth as “someone else’s religion.” bad that sometimes it is worth a small cost in
Myth is not only religion, of course, but objectivity to be rid of it.
something more inclusive. Myth might A major function of myth (and of a large
broadly encompass such things as rituals and part of human culture) is to relieve anxiety by
beliefs, but most especially myth is the collec- answering unanswerable questions. Karl Marx
tion of primitive stories that we tell ourselves once said that religion is the opiate of the
in order to have a narrative psychological masses, but perhaps what he would have said
framework with which to deal with the world. today (given modern pharmacology) is that
In the largest sense, myth includes (but is not religion is the Valium of the masses. The same
limited to) any story which answers the diffi- can be said of superstition. Superstition, in
cult questions of life, such as: Who am I? fact, is also just another name for other peo-
Where did I come from? Where am I going? ple’s religion.
What is the far future going to be like? What Of course, there is also much art in myth.
is expected of me? Who are the heroes? Myths may not be factual, but that does not
What’s going to happen to me when I die? mean that in some sense they are not true. As
In life it is important to answer these ques- Professor Campbell reminds us, all metaphors
tions (even if the answer is insupportable fan- are (in the narrow sense) lies. After all, the
tasy), since excessive worry about them may moon is not really a ghostly galleon, tossed on

358 | i m m o r t a l i t y

cloudy seas. Myths are metaphors—metaphors admirable, is presently out of fashion in many
for something that cannot be said any other university English departments, but Camp-
way; they are stories that speak to a basic and bell’s paradigms seem to work best for the sci-
very old part of the human consciousness—the ence fiction themes we will cover.)
part of the consciousness that holds basic cul- Although the hero is often semi-divine, it is
tural programming. a feature of many hero tales that he be at least
Mythic stories (to adopt a technical meta- partly human, and thus mortal. It is important
phor) are a little like the programming in the to note that the rules of conduct are manifestly
“read-only memory” chips of a computer; they different for Gods; Gods are beyond morality
represent programming that is more or less in myth, and many of the Greek myths about
permanent. Once you are culturally pro- divine behavior (especially as retold later in
grammed the first time, you are stuck with it Latin) are as amoral as modern TV soap opera.
for good, and after that (i.e., after a certain Morality and the question of “The Good,”
age), any new cultural myths will sound for- however, are important for mortal humans
eign and alien to you. As any missionary can (who have only a limited time to learn from
attest, mythic re-programming is often not mistakes), and thus the tale of the mortal hero
completely successful because of this effect. is often a morality play. Hero tales are often
The same effect appears when people lose stories of the mortal human who manages, as a
faith later in life—we remember Bertrand Rus- hero, to make of himself something more.
sell’s famous thesis that Catholic atheists are Given this fact, one of the most popular and
quite different sorts of people than Protestant one of the oldest of the hero myths is that of
atheists. the hero who seeks the boon of immortality.
We will now examine how this myth is played
out in religion, science, and science fiction.

The Mortal Hero

Much of cultural programming is in stories, Resurrection and the Hero
and since the time of James Joyce’s introduc-
tion of the idea of the “monomyth,” it has We suspect that tales of resurrection have been
been argued that there are only a few basic around for as long as there have been people.
stories, and all good tales are variations on Neanderthal graves have been found with food
these. The basic love story, for example, in all and tools in them, and we are led inexorably to
its permutations, never seems to tire if told the idea that these things were included in the
well. There are also basic creation myths, in- grave because it was thought that the deceased
cluding a cycle of myths involving feminine might one day need them. From this we infer
forces and goddesses (as Robert Graves re- that Neanderthals had some form of language,
minds us) which seem to be important in artis- since it would seem impossible to communi-
tic inspiration. Finally, from the masculine cate something as abstract as “life-after-death”
side, there are stories of the hero, an often with a few grunts and barks. By this loose
semidivine and usually male adventurer who is chain of reasoning we can guess that even Ne-
on a quest or a journey, and who must win a anderthals had a culture, and that culture told
victory of some kind before returning home immortality stories.
with the power that he has won. (The tradi- The oldest written story known is a more
tional hero, being at once both masculine and than 5,000-year-old Sumerian tale of a hero in
i m m o r t a l i t y | 359

search of immortality—the story of Gilgamesh testimony of the New Testament literally must
the King. Heros are often semi-divine as well also admit that mythic folk-stories of the re-
as royal, and King Gilgamesh is 2/3 god and turn of a popular dead figure were then wide-
1/3 man. Gilgamesh’s human part presumably spread, just as they are now.
confers mortality on him, and in one of the Resurrected hero stories seem to occur in all
Gilgamesh tales he realizes that he is one day cultures. When the Roman Catholic church
going to die, and so starts out looking for the made it to the New World in the 16th century,
secret of life. After he finds immortality he some of the resurrection myths the natives
foolishly loses it, and thus Gilgamesh becomes were telling were so close to the Christian one
one of the first tragic heros. that some of the Jesuits listening to them were
Almost every culture has its tale of the di- convinced they were the work of the devil. A
vine but mortal hero in search of the gift of more Jungian view is that these archetypal sto-
immortality (although the hero is usually more ries are reflections of the way the human col-
successful than Gilgamesh), for example, Ado- lective unconscious is constructed; or, if you
nis, Tammuz, Dionysus, etc. One of the most prefer modern neurophysiology, the network-
important myths, however, is that of the ing of the neural architecture. In any case, if
Egyptian Osiris, a god who comes to Earth to we do not have a God-shaped place in our
be a teacher, and here gets assassinated and souls, we at least may have a resurrected-hero
dismembered (if heroes are fully divine, they myth in our psychological make-up.
are often still vulnerable). Later, after being
reassembled by his divine brother Horus,
Osiris goes on to become God of the Dead. His
sacred name is thereafter used in the ritual in Mal-resurrection and the Anti-hero
which the dead of Egypt make the journey
through the underworld to be immortally re- It is interesting to examine what happens
united with the breath of life. Egypt is the first mythologically when the resurrected individ-
society we know of to link the ideas of immor- ual is not a hero, and no official religious
tality and resurrection with human technol- process is involved. There has always been a
ogy—in this case the technology of mummifica- darker side to resurrection stories. It may be
tion—but the application of the technology was expected that Kings and demigods return from
ritualistic and thoroughly religious. death; but people do not always want the same
The biblical Pharisees believed in the resur- for their more mundane elderly relatives, par-
rection of the dead, and the myth of the resur- ticularly in areas of scarce land or resources.
rected hero was, according to the Gospel of Here we have a source of anxiety, with which
Matthew, present in Palestine in the time of Je- it is the social function of myth to deal. In
sus. According to Matthew (16:14), Jesus asks mythology, the newly dead (unless royal) are
the disciples who people are saying that he always dangerous unless properly dealt with,
(Jesus) is, and they reply in part that some and are apt to give trouble to the living in var-
people think that he is really John the Baptist. ious ways until they have completely decayed
John the Baptist had already been beheaded to safe bone. It has been popular in many cul-
by this time (Matt. 14), so the disciples are tures worldwide, in fact, to ritually treat a new
obliged to repeat the popular myth of a popu- corpse in various ways to insure that it stays in
lar hero getting killed and coming back to life the grave and does not become a revenant.
to work miracles. And all this is before the cru- Originally, many mal-resurrection stories
cifixion of Jesus. Thus, anyone who takes the and myths probably had their origin in misun-
360 | i m m o r t a l i t y

derstanding of what happens to an unem- as immortal personifications of mal-resurrec-

balmed human body after burial. Today we tion, both are recognizably literary grandchil-
know that the natural decay process some- dren of Mary Shelley. Long before Shelley and
times results in bloated corpses which look fat- the birth of science fiction, however, came cer-
ter, which may exhibit a discharge of blood tain developments in the science of resuscita-
from the mouth, and have skin changes which tion which made people think differently
appear more life-like, rather than less. Unso- about resurrection.
phisticated people, on seeing these changes, Historically, there is some suggestion of
apparently were apt to infer that the corpse mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in the Bible (II
had been out and about, and feasting on blood. Kings 4). Although the story appears a bit gar-
A collection of such stories later loosely in- bled, like the story of the resuscitation of the
spired an enduring personification of evil im- child before it in I Kings 17, both stories con-
mortality and resurrection—Stoker’s Dracula tain descriptive elements of chest compression,
(1897). and there is clearly something more than mys-
The walking mummy of the Karloff movie is ticism going on in the account. For centuries,
of course closely related to the vampire. In however, the Western world made little
mythic terms, resurrection from the dead is progress in the matter. In the middle ages,
possible, but without a standard religious when much of the advancement of medical
mechanism, or at least a royal or divine hero- science was in Moslem hands, Arabic medical
patron (such as Osiris or Jesus), such resurrec- books told of a little-known secret which had
tions in myth are evil, and can be expected to been passed down from midwife to midwife: if
produce monsters. In the case of the vampire one blew into the nostrils of a stillborn infant,
and the mummy, the result is a living dead sometimes it began breathing. We know that
man who is not the original person, but rather Arab physicians also did some experimenting
a transformed and murderous demon. In fic- with attempting to resuscitate corpses with
tion, as in myth, the general message to the bellows, but word of this work was not wide-
common public about coming back from the spread either.
dead is: “Do not try it without the religious Then, in the middle of the 15th century,
seal of approval.” everything was changed by the invention of
the cast-metal movable-type printing press.
Suddenly, written knowledge became rela-
tively cheap to own because the work to man-
Immortality through Resurrection ufacture it was now drastically less. Science,
and Resuscitation whose treasure-trove was a wealth of experi-
mental detail which did not lend itself well to
Before we return to mal-resurrection, we must oral tradition, was particularly benefitted by
consider a second theme—that of technology printing. In fact, partially linked to this impor-
and medical progress. The critical element in tant device was not only the Renaissance and
science fiction is the speculative impact of Reformation, but the Scientific Revolution.
technology on individuals and culture, and it is One of the earliest influential books of the
technical progress and its implications which Scientific Revolution was Andreas Vesalius’ at-
have, more than anything else, made the las of the human body, where (among many
mythic vampire and his cousins more immedi- other things) Vesalius describes techniques for
ate in our time. Dracula and The Mummy are resuscitating asphyxiated dogs with bellows.
rather late figures in the history of horror, and Similarly, Paracelsus, an alchemist and one of
i m m o r t a l i t y | 361

the great physicians of his age, was also said to tions by American scientist Benjamin Franklin
have attempted the resuscitation of a corpse and others that electricity might possibly be
using bellows, a trick he perhaps picked up used to “revivify” the human body. And so it
from Arabic medical writings. Physicians proved able to do in selected circumstances.
eventually learned that simple mouth-to- By 1788, a royal silver medal was awarded to
mouth resuscitation sometimes worked on re- Humane Society member Charles Kite, who
cently asphyxiated adults as well as it did on was by this time not only advocating the resus-
newborns. citation of victims in cardiac arrest with bel-
By the 1740s, several cases of successful lows and nasolaryngeal intubation, but had
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation had been re- also developed his own electrostatic revivify-
ported, the most famous of which was ing machine which used Leyden jar capacitors
Tossach’s 1744 report of the resuscitation of a in a way exactly analogous to the DC capacita-
clinically dead coal miner (no breath or heart- tive countershock of the modern cardiac
beat) who had been suddenly overcome after defibrillator.
descending into a burned-out mine. By the The enlightened state of the late 18th cen-
1760s, in the wake of such reports, a number tury as regards resuscitation was not to last.
of groups advocating the resuscitation of From the very first, dark images from the hu-
drowned persons had sprung up in Europe. In man psyche began to gather in resistance to
1774 a society was founded in London to the new ideas. Technology never intervenes in
promulgate the idea that “dead” people in a major way into human life without creating
some cases were not dead. Called, after a bit of new anxieties and a certain amount of social
experimentation, the “Society for the Recov- backlash. Resuscitation had its problems. To
ery of Persons Apparently Drowned,” it begin with, the discovery that “death” was not
quickly evolved into the Humane Society (still a sure and objective state did not exactly sit
later, with official patronage and funding, the well in the public mind. Charles Kite was of
Royal Humane Society, which it remains to the opinion that not even putrefaction was a
this day). The Humane Society advocated sure sign of permanent death, since it might
techniques which were highly advanced. also be due to advanced scurvy! The public
Three months after the society’s founding, as was wondering: if one could be mistaken for
an example, a society member had the oppor- dead, like Shakespeare’s Juliet, when one was
tunity to minister to a 3-year-old child named in fact resuscitatable, did that imply you could
Catherine Sophie Greenhill, who had fallen be buried alive? It did.
from an upper story window onto flagstones, The result of this realization was a psycho-
and been pronounced dead at the scene. The logical terror familiar from Edgar Allan Poe’s
society member, an apothecary named Squires, “The Premature Burial.” Poe, however, popu-
was on the scene within twenty minutes, and larizing the problem for early 19th-century
history records that he proceeded to give the America, was actually late to the controversy.
clinically dead child several shocks through In 18th-century Europe the fear of premature
the chest with a portable electrostatic genera- burial or dissection was not just the preoccu-
tor. This treatment caused her to regain pulse pation of macabre writers—whole classes of
and respiration, and she eventually (after a people were affected, albeit in different ways.
time in coma) recovered fully. Upper class persons took to fitting coffins and
The resuscitation of little Catherine Green- crypts with special signalling devices which
hill was probably the first successful cardiac could be used to alert the outside world in case
defibrillation, and it followed earlier sugges- the occupant should inexplicably revive. The
362 | i m m o r t a l i t y

lower classes had their own special problems, non of electricity early-on was transformed
too, since anatomical dissection (long a part of into a quack cure by the practice of “gal-
the punishment for heinous crimes because it vanism” (passing mild shocks through the
denied the malefactor an intact bodily identity body in an attempt to cure disease) and its rep-
or a grave) had now taken on a special mean- utation accordingly tarnished. Then, and per-
ing. To wit: it killed. haps even more devastatingly, the charming
new electricity was in turn transmuted into a
powerful and dangerous force by the giant al-
ternating current transformers of George West-
Resurrection in Science and Fiction inghouse (maligned from the first for their
deadliness in a rival Edison PR campaign) and
With scientific resuscitation, technology had fi- also by the newfangled American electric chair
nally intruded into the macabre. The horrific (1890). Technologies may suffer from social
potential of the new electromechanical resus- stigmas as well as people. Mary Shelley had
citative technology had its first fruitful literary originally not specified the method of the re-
influence on Mary Shelley, a teenager who in vivification of her monster, but Shelley’s group
late 1816 had first set out to write a ghost of literary friends (as she tells us) had been
story, but had instead ended up producing discussing galvanism a few hours before the vi-
Frankenstein (1818), a cautionary tale of the sion of the artificial monster came to her in a
technological resuscitation of a monster com- nightmare. By 1931, in the new electrified
posed of pieces of corpses by a medical experi- America, Dr. Frankenstein’s monster came into
menter. “Frightful it must be,” writes Shelley the movies electrically charged, and soon the
of her vision of the monster in an 1831 intro- electric chair was producing its own monsters
duction to the book, “for supremely frightful in the cinema (e.g., Boris Karloff’s The Walk-
would be the effect of any human endeavour ing Dead, 1936).
to mock the stupendous mechanism of the For more than a century after Shelley (and
Creator of the world.” Given the spirit of the indeed to this day) Frankenstein colored resus-
times Shelley’s story touched a public nerve as citation as it appears in science fiction. An ex-
though with one of the new electrical ma- ception is Edgar Allan Poe’s 1845 story “Some
chines, and Frankenstein’s monster was an in- Words with a Mummy,” which is social com-
stant sensation. In keeping with its archetypal mentary rather than horror. The mummy of
nature, the tale, completed while Shelley was the title is resurrected by galvanism, and is one
still only nineteen, remains her most famous of a race of ancient Egyptians who have per-
and enduring work. fected suspended animation, and have used it
After the Frankenstein sensation, something to travel rapidly through time at pleasure, as
strange happened. Shortly after the publica- tourists and revisionist historians. As such the
tion of Shelley’s famous story, the new medi- tale is one of the first positive fictional treat-
cine began to go out of favor, and the science ments of suspended animation.
of resuscitation began to suffer on both the Poe had an antecedent for the idea, for
technical and mythological fronts. It happened “Some Words with a Mummy” echoes some
for several reasons. Mouth-to-mouth resuscita- much earlier optimistic thoughts on the sub-
tion was discarded for bellows, which, in turn, ject by Dr. John Hunter (1728–1793) who had,
were discarded for technical reasons. Electrical in the year 1766, experimentally frozen live
resuscitation fared no better than mechanical fish in an attempt to prove the idea that hu-
“respiration” (ventilation). The new phenome- man beings might be able to see the far future
i m m o r t a l i t y | 363

by being intermittently frozen for long periods In the long-delayed and unnaturally rapid
(the fish died and Hunter soon abandoned the decay of Poe’s released hypnotic subject, we
idea). Another scientist to take an interest in recognize the traditional fate of staked vam-
suspended animation was Hunter’s transat- pires, those other escapees of traditional mor-
lantic contemporary Benjamin Franklin. tality. As in Rider Haggard’s She, Wilde’s Por-
Franklin not only foresaw advanced treatments trait of Dorian Grey, and Hilton’s Lost Horizon,
for aging as a result of science, but in a 1773 slowing or arrest of nature’s aging or dying
letter to his friend Jacques DuBorg, the inven- process in fiction often runs up a kind of cos-
tor wished that he might be preservatively em- mic credit card bill which may later become
balmed “with a few friends,” in order to see due all at once, with dire consequences. Such
eventually what might become of his beloved themes suggest a cultural psychological her-
America in the far future. Franklin thus is not itage which views death and decay as in-
only one of the first men to speculate about evitable forces which, like some bottled-up
seeing the future in such a scientific way, but natural flow or pressure, are apt to produce
he is also the first to see that such thoughts in- explosive and terrible results if held in abey-
evitably move one to want to take some of ance even temporarily.
your social network with you for company. To be sure, this kind of universal debt does
Poe’s story and the private 18th century views not accrue to the original monster in Shelley,
of Hunter and Franklin stand in contrast to the which does not age. In Frankenstein, rather,
much more common and much more alienat- the price which the monster pays for its artifi-
ing views of long delayed revival of individu- cial life is alienation and social ostracism (it is
als, a time-travel-to-the-future genre which horribly ugly). The monster also suffers neg-
perhaps can be said to begin with Washington lect and abandonment by its only “parent”—its
Irving’s dark and poignant “Rip Van Winkle” creator. With few exceptions, however, secu-
(1820), and which continues with H.G. Wells’ larly resurrected figures in fiction since the be-
time traveler and sleeper. ginning of the genre have usually paid a more
Poe’s other exploration of attempts to by- direct kind of price for their existences. The
pass the immediate effects of death, written at same is true of those who direct the reanima-
about the same time as “Some Words with a tion, as well, although the ignorant sometimes
Mummy,” is more typically macabre. In “The escape the ultimate price (as in W. W. Jacobs’
Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” (1845), the 1902 story “The Monkey’s Paw”).
Frenchman Valdemar dies while under a deep The next major comment on scientific rean-
hypnotic trance. So deep is the trance that, al- imation of the dead is from that gentle but
though heartbeat and breathing have stopped, slightly unhinged dropout from life, H. P.
Valdemar’s tongue still obeys commands—“I Lovecraft. Lovecraft’s first professional sale,
was sleeping, but now I am dead,” he states in “Herbert West, Reanimator” (1922), is his trib-
one of the most famous lines of the genre. For ute to Shelley, though it would be some time
seven months this state of suspended anima- in Lovecraft’s own writing before he would be
tion continues in Poe’s tale, with the dead able to explore the psychology of horror as
body (save for the horribly moving tongue) deftly as Shelley did. “Herbert West, Reanima-
locked in rigor mortis, but basically un- tor” is a straightforward story of a young med-
changed. Finally, at the end of the story, the ical student of a materialist bent who seeks to
experimenters decide to end the trance, and reanimate corpses by chemical means. He is
the hypnotized man turns, in less than a only partially successful—his reanimated be-
minute, into a “nearly liquid mass” of decay. ings are murderous, even if they were good
364 | i m m o r t a l i t y

people in life (one of the demonic monsters is convicted him—another scientific resurrection
a late kindly and philanthropic Dean of Medi- that failed to do anyone any good.
cine). Like Shelley, Lovecraft carefully never A positive view of scientific resuscitation
gives any of his reanimated corpses what it and life prolongation does not occur in the
takes to be human: those bodies that are movies until the great Robert Wise film The
whole behave as animals, and those which Day the Earth Stood Still (Twentieth Century-
have human intelligence and understanding Fox, 1951). This movie is the tale of a human-
are horribly mutilated. And like Shelley’s, Dr. like alien named “Klaatu” who visits Earth in
West’s resurrections, are mal-resurrections; a flying saucer (that looks remarkably like the
West, as creator of the beings, is inevitably de- “real” UFOs that began appearing soon after),
stroyed by them. accompanied by a giant robot named Gort.
While trying to deliver a warning to humanity,
Klaatu is killed by the army. In the film’s cli-
max Klaatu’s body is recovered by Gort, and
The Sociology of Resuscitation then resuscitated with the aid of machinery in-
and Resurrection side the saucer. Klaatu, now risen from the
dead, is free to deliver his message and ascend
Possibly for some escapist reason, in Love- to the heavens.
craft’s own heyday the Great Depression had The Day the Earth Stood Still not only deliv-
triggered a spate of American films about hor- ers a political message about the threat of nu-
ror, and in many cases their content was quite clear war, it presents deliberate and shameless
scientific and the lead scientist usually a biolo- biblical allegory—the resurrected hero myth
gist. (It was not until 1945 that the smock of recast in science fiction terms. Klaatu is to be
the mad scientist passed from biologist to understood as a Christ figure who is sent from
physicist. Recall that it is said the First World the heavens to warn mankind of its sins. (As a
War was fought by the chemists, the Second by particularly poignant touch his Earthly pseu-
the physicists.) Frankenstein starred Boris donym is “Mr. Carpenter!”) Although Klaatu’s
Karloff (1931), who also played the title role in coming is attended by wondrous events, his
The Mummy (1932). A few years later (after wish for a meeting with the political leaders of
the success of Universal’s Son of Frankenstein), the world is rejected. Like Christ among the
Columbia Pictures made a quintet of Karloff common folk, Klaatu now finds himself in the
horror movies (1939–42) with even more ex- home of an ordinary citizen. His uncommon-
plicit themes of scientific life-prolongation or ness is all too apparent, however; Klaatu’s
resuscitation. In The Man They Could Not teaching of the famous Einstein-figure Profes-
Hang (1939) Karloff plays a doctor who has sor Barnhardt (Sam Jaffe) is as much a per-
discovered a way to place humans into sus- sonal self-revelation as that of the boy Jesus in
pended animation with an artificial heart ma- the temple confounding the Rabbis. Eventu-
chine. In the script, the authorities mistake a ally Klaatu does go public, but being high
suspended man for dead (the “Juliet problem” priest of technology, he eventually demon-
again) and Karloff is sentenced to death for strates his power not by calming the water, but
murder. After he is hanged, a student uses the by calming and silencing the world’s machines
same machine to resuscitate him. The resusci- by neutralizing all electricity—the day the
tated Karloff is evil and vengeful, however, Earth stood still.
and soon sets about killing the people who In keeping with the allegory, Klaatu is fi-
i m m o r t a l i t y | 365

nally betrayed and murdered for his trouble script we find that the life conferred by the
by the very people that he came to warn. His saucer machine is good only “for a limited pe-
body is taken to a jail cell (in lieu of a tomb), riod,” which “no one can tell”—an obvious
and there guarded by soldiers. The cell is compromise with the censors. With these
opened by a mechanical servant in place of an changes, the Breen Board, apparently satisfied
angel, and there is finally the resurrection by that it had protected the public from the un-
Gort. (Patricia Neal is the Mary Magdalene fig- American idea of scientific immortality, with-
ure, asking the questions for us.) Eventually, drew its ban. The scene in which Klaatu ex-
message of warning delivered, Klaatu ascends plains that scientific resurrection is (in effect)
into the heavens. not all it is cracked up to be remains as a mon-
In many ways The Day the Earth Stood Still ument to popular resistance to the idea of cast-
is not a typical science fiction movie of its ing scientific progress in any form resembling
time. Alien beings from space are not seen in God.
this film as marauding monsters. Even more The Day the Earth Stood Still is considered
intriguing is the idea that high technology, as one of a handful of contenders for best science
manifested in space transportation, would nat- fiction movie ever made. This honor is at least
urally be expected to go hand in hand with partly a result of the film’s reworking of the
youth-prolongation (Klaatu is 78 but looks 35; old resurrection myth. The power of this par-
his people live twice as long as Earthlings). ticular theme may be gauged by the fact that
High technology is linked with advanced re- the record box-office opening movie of all
suscitation capability, but not with horror. This time, E.T.: The Extraterrestrial (Universal,
is archetypally a bit odd, and possibly in conse- 1982), pulls exactly the same psychological
quence historically it did not go without con- strings as The Day the Earth Stood Still (as
troversy. Screenwriter Edmund H. North’s does the even later “E.T. rip-off” Starman). In
script for the film (itself an adaptation of a E.T., we see the heavenly being visiting Earth
1940 Harry Bates short story titled “Farewell with magic life-restoring powers (the glowing
to the Master”) originally called for the alien finger). Again, there is an unenlightened gov-
Klaatu to simply be resuscitated by Gort and ernment sending squads of soldiers chasing af-
thereafter to go about his functionally immor- ter the visitor, who all the while is more con-
tal business. Unfortunately, the Breen Censor- tent to spend his time with common folk and
ship Board (an autocratic self-censorship children. Again we see the visitor’s death and
mechanism of the movie industry especially technological resurrection (the difference be-
active during the cold war years) was scandal- ing that in 1982 they had cardiac defibrilla-
ized at the idea of Gort the Robot bringing tion, which was included). And again there is
Klaatu to life, saying “Only God can do that!” the ascension to the heavens, this time to the
North’s protestation that the movie was sci- heavenly parents, since E.T. was only a child.
ence fiction and that the action in question in-
volved genuinely unearthly alien technologies
got nowhere. Eventually, a compromise was
worked out: Klaatu was to invoke deity (in the Cryonics: A Modern Prometheus
final script Klaatu asserts rather piously that
the power of life and death belongs only to the Horror writers seem to have a love of the cold,
“Almighty Spirit”); and he was also to issue a and both Shelley and Poe (The Narrative of
statement admitting mortality (in the final Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket) employ a
366 | i m m o r t a l i t y

frozen backdrop to good effect. Later authors space. This treatment (according to the story)
follow in the same tradition, and the first makes them functionally immortal, and is also
writer to go so far as to employ cryogenic used to excellent effect as a device for horror
preservation for monsters is H. P. Lovecraft. In as these Earthlings find themselves kidnapped,
Lovecraft’s novella In the Mountains of Mad- removed from their bodies as naked brains
ness (1931) an antarctic expedition unearths kept alive by machinery, and taken away into
frozen half-animal/half-vegetable creatures space by fungoid creatures from Pluto.
dating from an earlier age. In a scene which
has since become hackneyed (but Lovecraft
did it first!) a scientist dissects one creature
while the others are allowed to thaw, unat-
The Blurred Line between
tended. The result is carnage. Later it tran- Science and Science Fiction
spires that the monsters are an extinct intelli-
gent species who long ago created all life on Would the far future be worse than death? We
Earth. This created life includes not only the know that, in the real world, by 1935 Time
familiar forms that led to man, but also a race Magazine was featuring the predictions of a
of servant monsters which (as the story pro- Hollywood clinical chemist named Ralph S.
gresses) end up turning upon their creators, Willard, who was claiming to be able to freeze
Frankenstein-style. In Lovecraft, even the monkeys and resuscitate them. Willard pro-
monsters are troubled with monsters! posed to use the process on convicts in order
Lovecraft may have been not only the first to store them more cheaply, and even on job-
writer to consider the cold as a method of pre- less people (until times got better), would-be
serving horrific creatures, but also “dead” hu- suicides (until a cure had been found for de-
mans who refuse to be done with life. In “Cool pression), and on those curious about the fu-
Air” (1928), which obviously owes a great debt ture. Today we are certain that Willard was a
to Poe’s “Valdemar,” Lovecraft tells us of a humbug, but before he disappeared into the
physician-scientist who, because of a very cu- mists of science fiction history we saw him one
rious illness, must keep his rooms at all times more time, acting as technical consultant to a
at low temperature. The narrator befriends the Boris Karloff film entitled The Man with Nine
doctor, but eventually finds that his new ac- Lives (1940), co-written by the same man who
quaintance has not only begun to exhibit a wrote The Man They Could Not Hang. Again
strange odor, but (moreover) is requiring we see the scientist who is conducting experi-
lower and lower temperatures as time goes on. ments in human suspended animation. Again
Eventually the air-conditioning fails, and while there are the authorities who visit the lab of
the narrator is off trying to get a replacement the mad scientist, see a frozen man, and decide
part, the good doctor dissolves in the manner that a murder has occurred. This time, how-
of monsieur Valdemar. It turns out that he has ever, the scientist is able to take revenge be-
been clinically dead for 18 years, but has kept fore he can be sent to jail; his solution is to
himself preserved by means of the cold. lock himself and the visiting authorities (the
Does Lovecraft now generally get credit for coroner, the D.A., and the Sheriff) into a
the cryonics idea? One of Lovecraft’s stories freezer in the basement of his island labora-
(“The Whisperer in Darkness,” 1930) uses the tory, where all undergo cryonic suspension.
device of having creatures from another planet Ten years later the lab is re-discovered, and
remove human brains and place them into the suspendees all revived by another re-
mechanical supports for shipment across outer searcher. Again, the experience of resuscita-
i m m o r t a l i t y | 367

tion from sleep/death has turned scientist into tools today, but that we may have such tools
mad scientist (the mal-resurrection) and he tomorrow. Today’s “dead” people might be re-
begins to kill his fellow suspendees in a series suscitatable by the standards of the future.
of cryonics experiments. In the end the police Thus, we now probably conduct many autop-
arrive and put an end to him. sies on people who are, by the standards of the
The history of the real practice of cryonics is future, only very sick. If such people could be
less dramatic, at least at the beginning. Heed- delivered to the future reasonably intact and
less of Boris Karloff’s fate, a young soldier took undecayed (as by cryogenic preservation), and
up the idea of cryonics in the 1940s. While re- if future physicians were also able to repair the
covering from war wounds, Robert C. W. Et- damage which was caused by freezing, then it
tinger read “The Jameson Satellite,” and in would make sense to freeze people now who
1948 wrote a cryonics science fiction story had been pronounced “dead,” just in case
(The Penultimate Trump!) in which he first something could be done for them later. In
suggested the idea of a man dying of old age 1965, an early devotee of Ettinger suggested
deliberately being frozen to wait for advances that the process be called “cryonics,” and so it
in human rejuvenation technology. Ettinger came to be. The word is now in common use.
eventually went on to become a college The line between science and science fiction
physics teacher. Finally, in 1962, in a full became further blurred on December 15,
length book titled The Prospect of Immortality 1966, when Walter Elias Disney died of lung
(eventually re-published by Doubleday in cancer. Reporters who covered the death had
1964), Ettinger argued formally for a cryonics earlier in the day also happened to cover an-
program to begin in the non-fiction world. other press conference, coincidentally an-
By the early 1970s it was known that some nouncing the formation of the Cryonics Soci-
small crustaceans and worms, and even mam- ety of California (the first cryonics society on
malian embryos, could be cooled in liquid ni- the West coast). Somewhere in all of the melee,
trogen or helium to the point where all metab- the story surfaced that Disney himself had
olism stopped, and there stored as long as been frozen. Though it is almost certain that
anybody liked. Here was structure, but no there was nothing to the rumor, Disney appar-
function. Ettinger argued that because frozen ently once expressed interest in the concept of
organisms could be revived, “life” was not cryonics. What makes the story interesting is
something that had necessarily disappeared not so much the rumor’s truth or falsehood,
simply because things did not run. Ettinger’s but rather its astonishing power. It was a ru-
view of death was that organisms are like auto- mor of amazing vitality that went so far as to
mobiles; thus an organism which is not func- insinuate itself as fact into at least one biogra-
tioning may not be “dead” (in the sense of per- phy of Disney, even though there was not a
manence) if whatever caused the failure to shred of physical evidence to support it. To
function is repairable. The only criteria that this very day, the idea that the great animator
mattered in revival were the same criteria awaits “reanimation” somewhere in cold stor-
which one would employ in order to know age may still come up in casual conversation
whether one could repair a damaged automo- anywhere. In fact, this factoid is the only thing
bile: What was the original structure? Did that most people in this country “know” about
enough structure remain that one could infer cryonics.
what was, from what is? Did one have the tools In the Disney story we see that some of the
to effect such repairs? essential elements are present for a particular
Ettinger argued that we do not have such archetypal pattern. There is the element of
368 | i m m o r t a l i t y

(possible) resurrection and attempt to beat ered that (very much in the style of Lovecraft)
death. Plus there is the fact that Disney was a the revived one has returned without a soul,
hero to most Americans—a man who symbol- and is now utterly evil. When Richard Kobritz,
ized magic, wonder, imagination, kindness, the executive producer of Chiller, was asked
daring, love of children, and (not incidentally) how the writers had finally come up with the
great wealth. He had ruled over his own Magic plot for CBS (which wanted to do a horror
Kingdom, Castle, and Land. That a man with movie with a cryonics slant), Kobritz stated,
such personal power should make a try for the “Why, we just asked everybody we knew what
elixir of life was a story that fit well into the bothered them most about the cryonics idea.”
collective unconscious. There was simply Mythically, cryonics seems in some ways to
something about the tale that made it “go,” have been the recipient of a great deal of the
even as there also seems to be about modern backlash against life-extension and resuscita-
myths that such public heros as John F. tion caused by half a century of mal-resurrec-
Kennedy (King Arthur of his own Camelot) or tion horror films and stories.
Elvis Presley (The King of Rock and Roll) have Because of the unique world view of cryoni-
somehow managed to beat death and are off in cists, some actual encounters between real-
the wings somewhere, waiting to return. world authorities and cryonicists have played
The result of all this was that cryonics re- out as though scripted in a horror film. In late
ceived its maximum press from the Disney 1987, for instance, when an elderly woman in
death in December of 1966. When later a non- poor health died and was frozen at the Alcor
famous man actually did made arrangements laboratory in Riverside, there was an investiga-
to be frozen at “death,” and followed through tion into the death. In 1930s B-movie fashion,
with the process (January, 1967), the news and the Alcor laboratory was visited by police and
the LIFE Magazine story were overridden in coroners looking for a body which they con-
most of the country by the fatal Apollo space- sidered dead, but which cryonicists considered
craft fire. The first man ever frozen to cryo- in suspension and possibly still revivable. Early
genic temperatures was Professor James Bed- in 1988, several cryonicists went to jail briefly
ford of Glendale College, who remains for failure to produce the elderly woman’s
unchanged today, 25 years later, submerged in cryogenically preserved remains, which had
liquid nitrogen at 320 degrees below zero at been hidden by her son against the possibility
the laboratories of the Alcor Life Extension of autopsy. The action throughout was gener-
Foundation in Riverside, California. Since ally in keeping with the fine old “mad-scien-
1967, 62 people have followed Bedford’s tist” genre in which the crazy researcher sees
example. something more in the clinically dead body
In film, the fate of cryonically preserved than do the “proper” authorities. In the River-
people is generally bad. Individuals who are side case, the authorities never did get the re-
involuntarily cryonically suspended may be al- mains and finally had to close the case.
lowed to get away with only a severe case of Some of the “Juliet problem” of the modern
alienation (Caveman, 1984; Late for Dinner, Riverside cryonicists, of course, was inevitable,
1991), but it is clear that anyone who deliber- as we have seen from our fictional and histori-
ately attempts to cheat death is in for the full cal discussion. To the cryonicist, someone
Frankenstein treatment. In 1985, a made-for- whose heart has just stopped, but who has not
TV movie called Chiller (directed by Wes yet suffered brain decay, is not necessarily per-
Craven) featured a cryogenically suspended manently dead, but rather simply metaboli-
man who is revived, after which it is discov- cally disadvantaged (or if you will, “flexionally
i m m o r t a l i t y | 369

disabled,” or “thermally different”—choose threatening changes such as death, and such

your own politically correct term!). In any stories have come to be modified in the scien-
case, cryonicists do not consider fresh corpses tific age to allow humans to deal philosophi-
as “things,” but rather as sick people (indeed, cally with a limited amount of resuscitation.
“patients”). At present writing cryonics re- Along the way, however, there have been
mains legal in California, following a series of plenty of nightmares.
court battles between cryonics organizations In matters religious, moral, and philosophi-
and the State, culminating with a final appel- cal, a fundamentalist can be thought of as a
late court decision (June, 1992). The Califor- person who has little tolerance for ambiguity.
nia Board of Public Health had originally Fundamentalists in many spheres are often
taken the odd public position that cryonics was Aristotelians—binary thinkers who can see
illegal because there was no “cryonics” box to only black and white in a world of continuous
check on the standard paper form which the analog changes and shades of gray. In matters
State of California used to keep track of the of death, the role of the fundamentalist is
disposition of human remains. It soon became played by the vitalist, and by the legal views of
clear, however, that more philosophical and the modern State (legal thinking is usually bi-
perhaps visceral problems worried the State. nary/Aristotelian in positing that all actions
In one appeal before the court, for example, are intrinsically either legal or illegal). Such
the State attorney acting for the California De- people reject the ambiguity which is suggested
partment of Health Services asked: “Should by resuscitation or cryonics.
cryonically suspended people be considered It is my thesis that historically, many mal-
dead, or should a separate category of sus- resurrection stories have arisen as fundamen-
pended people be created? How should such talist or vitalist reactions to the ambiguity in
people be registered in official records? What death which has been gradually introduced by
happens to the estate and the assets of the science since the middle of the 18th century.
‘decedent’ after the decedent is put in cryonic From riots over dissections, to public worries
suspension? What would happen to such estate over being buried alive, to the difficult-to-
and assets if and when cryonic suspension is explain failure of resuscitative techniques to
successful and the decedent is restored to life? catch on in medicine for more than a century
Whose identity is the person to assume or be after they were invented, to modern attempts
assigned and what of the record of the person’s to suppress cryonics by the State of California,
death?” the anxieties and the stresses of vitalists have
shaped the way in which resuscitation from a
long period of clinical death might be viewed
by society.
Science, Religion, and Immortality In the literature of science fiction, from
Frankenstein to Poe to Lovecraft to Stephen
From almost the beginning of the Scientific King, scientific or secular resurrection and re-
Revolution, the emerging technology of resus- suscitation are rarely seen in a positive light.
citation began to suggest that the process by Occasionally, non-horror scientific resurrec-
which human beings go out of existence is as tion stories have had to fight censorship simply
much of a gradual and hard-to-define thing as because they failed to add enough of the
the process by which they enter it. From the Frankenstein voice (e.g., The Day the Earth
beginning of human culture a set of stories or Stood Still). So strong has the literary tradition
myths has allowed mankind to deal with of horror in scientific life-extension become
370 | i m m o r t a l i t y

since Frankenstein, in fact, that even tradition- to a nearby medical center in Salt Lake City
ally positive stories of resurrection have since and resuscitated with the aid of a heart-lung
been re-cast by modern authors in darker machine. Although she had been clinically
terms: the walking mummy, for instance, is a dead for over an hour, she recovered com-
re-working of ancient Egyptian religious belief pletely save for a slight residual tremor.
regarding a technological resurrection, and There is no reason to believe that an hour
even in Nikos Kazantzakis’ Last Temptation of represents the limit for resuscitation from hy-
Christ the traditional Lazarus tale has mutated pothermic clinical death. One authoritative
into a mal-resurrection. text believes that the ultimate limit even “in
As a society, we have tales of “out of body” the warm” may be as long as an hour, long
experiences that let us cope mythically with enough to put us in the realm of The Day the
short term resuscitations—most of these “just- Earth Stood Still. Experimental dogs have al-
so” stories involve having the soul jerked back ready been revived in good health from longer
and forth between the body and some kind of than four hours at the temperature of ice.
anteroom to Heaven (e.g., the popular film Even these figures are to be regarded as apply-
Flatliners). Such stories work well enough to ing only in the context of how far into the fu-
allow even vitalists to deal with the realities of ture our present knowledge of physiology will
everyday medicine. It is probable, however, let us reasonably peer. What the ultimate limit
that the mythic structure which lets us deal is, only the future can tell. It is in the hope
with such true-life situations is due shortly to that the limits are wide that a few cryonicists
come under more strain. Consider the follow- are frozen every month in the United States.
ing: Whatever the limit turns out to be, our spec-
On June 10, 1988, a two-and-a-half-year- ulative fiction and our myths must find some
old girl fell into a mountain stream of melting- way to explain it to us at the emotional level;
snow runoff near her home in Utah, was that is the reason we create them. Science fic-
quickly swept beneath the surface, and tion, in its ceaseless speculation about the
drowned. Her mother called rescue opera- boundaries of technology and human experi-
tions, who arrived and could not locate the ence, will surely play a pivotal role in how we
body, but managed to dam off the flow to the accept radical new resuscitation and life exten-
side stream which contained it. Over time the sion technologies, and how we live with them.
water level gradually fell, until eventually (an Science fiction, hopefully, will escape entirely
hour later) one of the girl’s arms was uncov- from the fundamentalists in this, and will re-
ered 60 feet downstream, where the body had main free to explore all possible answers and
wedged underwater near a rock. The little girl all possible questions. That may be difficult to
had been under water for 66 minutes; she was do, given mankind’s long history of telling sto-
retrieved cold and with eyes open—no pulse, ries in one particular way, but we owe it to
no heartbeat. Given CPR, she was transported ourselves to try.
The Liquefying “Blood” of St. Januarius

“The prejudice of credulity may, in some measure,

be cured by learning to set a high value on truth.”
—Isaac Watts, English theologian and author, 1674–1748

n the year c.e. 305, an Italian chap now turies, this popular wonder has been regularly

I known to the Catholic church as Saint

Januarius is said to have been martyred
by decapitation. We are told that an enterpris-
exhibited at the cathedral to the never-failing
astonishment of the public. So established is
the event that a group of local women are
ing bystander witnessing this festive event had specifically charged with leading the enthusi-
the foresight to bottle some of the resulting astic praying. In the ceremony, the reigning
blood and also to save the head of the unfor- archbishop reverently inverts the bottle, the
tunate fellow. congregation prays fervently, the process is
Much time elapsed after the martyr passed. repeated many times, and eventually the
Then, in 1337, just about the time when “blood” becomes a bright red, freely flowing
relics-of-the-saints were becoming very popu- liquid.
lar among competing archbishops (the infa- What are those “limited circumstances?”
mous Shroud of Turin popped up at that time Well, only the archbishop, they say, can cause
as well), the Cathedral of Naples announced the transformation; others are evidently not
that the head of Januarius and the vial of his worthy. The miracle only occurs on special
blood, recently rediscovered, were going on feast days. The liquefication, which never
display. (Mind you, the head was not actually fails, can take anywhere from a few minutes
shown. A silver urn said to contain it was to a few days to occur. Really? The unfortu-
shown, as it is even to this day. It seems no nate fact is that the substance in that reli-
one has ever troubled—or dared—to look in- quary has often liquefied during the process
side the urn. But then, faith is a wonderful of cleaning and polishing the device, while it
thing.) is being handled—by quite ordinary folks—on
It was 52 years later that the archbishop of any day of the year.
Naples disclosed another wonderful fact: un- Three Italian chemists recently became cu-
der certain limited circumstances, he said, the rious about this wonder. Doctors Luigi Gar-
red-brown congealed blood in its lavishly laschelli, Franco Ramaccini, and Sergio Della
mounted reliquary would miraculously liq- Sala looked into the remote possibility that
uefy if the congregationalist’s prayers were perhaps a hoax was afoot. Unable to directly
earnest enough. And, for the past six cen- examine the substance due to its sanctified

372 | t h e l i q u e f y i n g “ b l o o d ” o f s t . j a n u a r i u s

nature, the team had to content themselves miraculous nature of the original phenome-
with examining the very unsatisfactory evi- non. The answer is, of course, no. But all the
dence presented in various pamphlets on sale doubt could be nicely resolved if the present
at the cathedral. They saw that the church had archbishop of Naples would allow close exami-
permitted selected scientists to view the relic nation of the “blood” of Saint Januarius. I’m
by indirect means, resulting in an infuriatingly not holding my breath waiting for such per-
incomplete data set. Iron, an element present mission.
in hemoglobin, had been detected during the Remember that in 1978, when the Shroud
previous inadequate examination; the result- of Turin was finally properly tested, the claims
ing conclusion jumped to was that the sub- of the skeptics were firmly established to be
stance in the reliquary was indeed real blood, true. Of course, the results were denied by the
and any doubt that might have existed among Shroud fans, who had suddenly discovered
the faithful was banished. that carbon-dating does not apply to religious
The team of chemists was unsatisfied with relics. Were the “blood” of Saint Januarius to
the conclusion. They reasoned that if they be properly examined, no doubt similar new
could replicate the observed effect, there scientific discoveries would be announced.
might be some cause to doubt the validity of The remarkable fact about all such matters
the miracle. Using materials that were avail- is that the faithful persist in accepting them as
able locally from the slopes of nearby Mount miracles despite the absence of any supporting
Vesuvius, and utilizing procedures that were evidence, the questionable manner in which
well-known to medieval workers, the team they are produced, the fact that far more parsi-
eventually produced a liquid that in every way monious explanations are available, and/or
matched the liquid in the reliquary. It is the the strong evidence that a hoax exists. One de-
correct red-brown color, it coats the interior fender of the Shroud of Turin, the Reverend
surface of the container in the same way, it David Sox, for example, commented after the
gels solidly, liquefies, and becomes a translu- definitive investigation was completed that for
cent, bright blood red when jarred, shaken or him “‘Forgery’ and ‘authenticity’ are essen-
repeatedly inverted. It re-solidifies after a few tially meaningless terms.” Perhaps for you, sir;
hours if undisturbed. not for me.
Dr. Garlaschelli, who is presently at the de- A final observation on the Saint Januarius
partment of organic chemistry at the Univer- “miracle”: little advertised is the fact that in
sity of Pavia, has generously sent me samples the Naples area there have also been, in the
of his product to examine. I now use it as part past, similar liquefying-blood miracles claimed
of my lecture demonstration, and I often get for seven other saints! These have now been
angry reactions from audience members who dropped by the church, and Saint Januarius is
challenge me about whether the replication of the only one being promoted. Umm. . . .
a miracle by ordinary means disproves the
Psychoanalysis as Pseudoscience

n The Ghost in the Machine, Arthur Cult Characteristics

I Koestler describes the closed cognitivc
matrix that defines paranoid Conspiracy
Theories: (1) they claim to represent a univer-
In 1911 Freud disciple and psychoanalyst Eu-
gen Bleuler left the movement, concluding
sal truth, capable of explaining all phenom- “this ‘who is not for us is against us,’ this ‘all
ena; (2) they cannot be logically or empiri- or nothing,’ is necessary for religious commu-
cally refuted because all potentially damaging nities and useful for political parties. I can
information must be interpreted in terms of therefore understand the principle as such,
the theory; and (3) any criticism is met by a but for science I consider it harmful” (in Gay
counter-offensive that shifts the argument to 1987, 144–145). This observation by an in-
the subjective motivations of the critic. sider says a lot about what psychoanalysis had
Koestler concludes that such theories employ become—a cult-like religion.
“sophisticated methods of casuistry, centered The apex of the authoritarian, antiscientific
on axioms of great emotive power, . . . indif- institutional structure of psychoanalysis was
ferent to the rules of common logic” and be- the secret committee of handpicked loyalists
comc “a kind of Wonderland croquet, played sworn to uphold psychoanalytic orthodoxy
with mobile hoops” (263). described by Phyllis Grosskurth in The Secret
One usually thinks of conspiracy theories Ring: Freud’s Inner Circle and the Politics of
as being held by people who are poorly edu- Psychoanalysis (1991, 15):
cated, downwardly socially mobile, and/or
mentally maladjusted. A good example de- By insisting the Committee must be ab-
scribing these processes is Richard Hof- solutely secret, Freud enshrined the principle
stadter’s The Paranoid Style in American Poli- of confidentiality. The various psychoanalytic
tics, which details the history of Heartland societies that emerged from the Committee
America’s off-again on-again love affair with were like Communist cells, in which the
xenophobia and Conspiracy Theory. How- members vowed eternal obedience to their
ever, my purpose here is to examine the leader. Psychoanalysis became institutional-
moral and intellectual legacy of psychoanaly- ized by the founding of journals and the
sis and show how well it fits Koestler’s defini- training of candidates; in short an extraordi-
tion and therefore constitutes a very long- narily effective political entity.
lived and influential Conspiracy Theory—but
one tailored to the prejudices of elites and There were repeated admonitions for the
cosmopolitans rather than those of the “plain Committee to present a “united front” against
folks down home.” all opposition, for “maintaining control over

374 | p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

the whole organization,” for “keeping the rivalry as the “brothers” jockeyed for position
troops in line,” and “reporting to the com- as the “father’s” favorite), while Freud viewed
mander” (Grosskurth, 97). Consider Otto his close followers as his children, with power
Rank’s astonishing letter of 1924 in which he to interfere in their personal lives (Hale, 1995,
attributes his heretical behavior in questioning 29).
the Oedipal complex to his own neurotic un- Ernest Jones, Freud’s worshipful biographer
conscious conflicts, he promises to see things and the official head of the movement after
“more objectively after the removal of my af- Jung’s defection, “grasped the fact that to be a
fective resistance,” and is thankful that Freud friend of Freud’s meant being a sycophant. It
“found my explanations satisfactory and has meant opening oneself completely to him, to
forgiven me personally.” Grosskurth notes how be willing to pour out all one’s confidences to
“Freud seems to have acted as the Grand In- him” (Grosskurth, 48). Masson (1990, 152)
quisitor, and Rank’s groveling ‘confession’ suggests that “Jones believed that to disagree
could have served as a model for the Russian with Freud (the father) was tantamount to pat-
show trials of the 1930s.” Freud viewed the ricide (father murder).” When Sandor Fer-
entire episode as a success; Rank had been enczi, a central figure in the inner circle of
cured of his neurosis “just as if he had gone psychoanalysis during the 1920s, disagreed
through a proper analysis” (Grosskurth, 1991, with Freud on the reality of childhood sexual
167–168). abuse, Jones called him a “homicidal maniac”
The staunch Freud disciple Fritz Wittels (152).
(1924) decried the “suppression of free criti- Regarding Ferenczi, Grosskurth notes that
cism within the Society . . . Freud is treated as “(t)he thought of a disagreement with Freud
a demigod, or even as a god. No criticism of was unbearable . . .”; “There were occasions
his utterances is permitted.” He tells us that when he rebelled against his dependency, but
Freud’s Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie always he returned repentant and submissive”
is “the psychoanalyst’s Bible.” This is no mere (54–55). Similarly, Masson (1990) describes
figure of speech. The faithful disciples regard Kurt Eissler, the closest confidant of Anna
one another’s books as of no account. They Freud’s inner circle in the 1960s, by saying
recognize no authority but Freud’s; they rarely that “What he felt for Freud seemed to border
read or quote one another. When they quote it on worship.” He held one thing sacred, and
is from the Master, that they may give the pure hence beyond criticism: Freud” (121–122). It
milk of the word” (142–143). Freud “had little was common among the disciples to imitate
desire that [his] associates should be persons Freud’s personal mannerisms, and even among
of strong individuality, and that they should be analysts who did not know Freud personally,
critical and ambitious collaborators. The realm there were “intense feelings, fantasies, trans-
of psychoanalysis was his idea and his will, and ferences, identifications” (Hale, 1995, 30).
he welcomed anyone who accepted his views” Evidence for the essentially cult-like charac-
(134). The others were simply expelled. All of ter of psychoanalysis is the unique role of dis-
the major figures around Freud appear to have ciples who are able to trace themselves back to
been extremely submissive personalities who Freud in a direct line of descent. “The idea of
absolutely revered Freud as father figure. being a chosen disciple, privileged to have di-
Indeed, the members appear to have self- rect contact with the master, has survived and
consciously viewed themselves as loyal sons to is continued in the procedures of many of the
Freud the father-figure (complete with sibling training programs of the institutes” (Arlow &
p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 375

Brenner, 1988, 5). “The intensely filial rela- ern science. With Freud, however, there is
tionships to Freud of the first generation were continuing fealty to the master, at least within
gradually replaced by a highly emotional rela- an important subset of the movement.
tionship to a fantasied Freud, still the primal Besides Rank, other deviators—Fleiss, Adler,
founder, but also to organizations, to peers, to Jung, Ferenczi—were also diagnosed as suffer-
superiors in the institute hierarchy—above all— ing from a variety of psychiatric disorders and
to the training analyst, the training analyst’s as needing further psychoanalysis in order to
analyst, and, if possible, back to Freud and his see the light. Freud “never tired of repeating
circle became a determinant of psychoanalytic the now notorious contention that the opposi-
prestige” (Hale, 1995, 32). tion to psychoanalysis stemmed from ‘resis-
Unlike most sciences, there is a reverence tances’ ” arising from emotional sources (Ester-
for what one might term the sacred texts of the son, 1993, 216). He attributed Jung’s defection
movement—Freud’s writings—both in teaching to “strong neurotic and egotistic motives” (in
and in the current psychoanalytic literature. Gay, 1988, 481). Even Peter Gay, the psycho-
Arlow and Brenner (1988) note that Studies of analytic loyalist and historian of the move-
Hysteria and The Interpretation of Dreams are ment, writes that “These ventures into charac-
almost 100 years old, but continue to be stan- ter assassination are instances of the kind of
dard texts in psychoanalytic training programs. aggressive analysis that psychoanalysts, Freud
They also describe “the recurrent appearance in the vanguard, at once deplored and prac-
in the analytic literature of articles redoing, ticed. This . . . was the way that analysts
extending, deepening, and modifying Freud’s thought about others, and about themselves.”
early case histories” (5). Indeed, it is remark- The practice was “endemic among analysts, a
able to scan psychoanalytic journal articles common professional deformation” (1988,
and find how many of those references are to 481).
Freud’s work written well over 60 years ago. In This practice continues to this day. A com-
examining six issues of Psychoanalytic Quar- mon thread of the letters sent by the many ag-
terly from 1988–1989, I found 92 references grieved psychoanalysts in response to Frederick
to Freud in 33 articles. Only four had no refer- Crews’s critical articles in the New York Review
ences to Freud, and of these, one had no refer- of Books was that they were “composed in a
ences at all and one had only one reference. state of bitter anger by a malcontent with a vi-
The continued use of Freud’s texts in in- cious disposition” (293). Crews’ Freud bashing
struction and the continuing references to was typically explained in terms of botched
Freud’s work would not be conceivable in real transferences and Oedipal complexes gone
science. While Darwin is venerated for his sci- awry. Another recent case is that of Jeffrey
entific work as the founder of the modern sci- Masson (1990) who suffered similar question-
ence of evolutionary biology, studies in evolu- ings of his sanity for challenging the central
tionary biology only infrequently refer to his Freudian dogma of the Oedipal complex.
writings because the field has moved so far be- Psychoanalysis, unlike scientific theory, but
yond his work. The Origin of Species and The very much like certain religious or political
Descent of Man are important texts in the his- movements, has essentially been immune from
tory of science, but are not used for current attacks leveled at it either from inside or out-
instruction. Moreover, central features of Dar- side the movement. Insiders who dissented
win’s account, such as his views on inheri- from central doctrines were simply expelled
tance, have been completely rejected by mod- and often went on to found their own psycho-
376 | p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

analytically oriented sects, typically with the an idealization of the training analyst and loyal
same disregard for canons of scientific method support of the training analyst’s writings. Mas-
as the parent religion. There is a long line of son was more or less blackmailed into agreeing
such expelled dissenters in the history of psy- to include his own training analyst’s name on a
choanalysis, and the list continues to lengthen paper he was writing or be forced to reenter
with the recent expulsion of Jeffrey Masson. analysis. Masson comments that “Being in
Moreover, the central core of loyalists that has such an analysis is like growing up with a
always existed in psychoanalysis functions to despotic parent” (86), since the qualities it re-
preserve the image of Freud as a heroic scien- quires in the prospective analysts are meek-
tist to the point that many of Freud’s papers ness and abject obedience.
have been locked away from the prying eyes of I suggest that the inculcation of passive and
scholars for periods extending as far ahead as devoted followers via the aggression and
the 22nd century. thought control represented by psychoanalysis
has always been an important aspect of the en-
tire belief system. At a deep level, the funda-
mentally pseudoscientific structure of psycho-
Thought Control analysis implies that disputes cannot be
resolved in a scientific manner, with the result
The entire Freudian enterprise appears more that, as John Kerr (1992) notes, the only
and more like an authoritarian religious cult means of resolving disputes involves the exer-
than a scientific movement. Indeed, several cise of personal power. The result was that the
authors have pointed out that psychoanalysis movement was doomed to develop into a
has many features in common with brainwash- mainstream orthodoxy punctuated by numer-
ing (Bailey, 1960, 1965; Salter, 1996). Frank ous sectarian deviations originated by heretics
Sulloway (1979b) describes the indoctrination who were expelled from the movement. These
characteristic of training analyses in which any offshoots then replicated the fundamentally
objection by the analyst is viewed as a resis- irrational pseudoscientific structure of all
tance to be overcome. And even Shelly Orgel psychoanalysis inspired movements: “(E)ach
(1990), who remains a defender of the psycho- major disagreement over theory or therapy
analytic faith, writes of the feelings of many seemed to require a new validating social
contemporary analysts that their analysts had group, a psychoanalytic tradition that recent
behaved aggressively toward them, turning splits within Freudian institutes seem only to
them into devoted and passive followers of confirm” (Hale, 1995, 26). Perhaps the most
their highly idealized analyst. bizarre such offshoot was the movement initi-
Jeffrey Masson (1990) provides fascinating ated by Wilhelm Reich, well-covered in Joel
insight into psychoanalysis as thought control Carlinsky’s Skeptic (2:3) article “Epigones of
and aggression. Masson’s training analysis in- Orgonomy.”
volved a completely one-sided relationship in The problem continues. Crews (1995) de-
which the analyst had all of the power and in scribes recent scholarship on psychoanalysis
which the trainee was expected to put up with that shows not only that psychoanalysis was
any and all indignities. Leaving the training never more than a pseudoscience but that
analyst would have meant giving up psycho- Freud engaged in scientific fraud when devel-
analysis because the training analyst would oping his theories. Allen Esterson’s (1993) Se-
claim that the trainee was unfit for a career as ductive Mirage: An Exploration of the Work of
a psychoanalyst. The result of the analysis was Sigmund Freud demonstrates convincingly that
p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 377

Freud’s patients did not volunteer any infor- ing unscientific, religious nature of the entire
mation on seduction or primal scenes at all. enterprise. Indeed, Kurzweil (1989, 89) notes
The seduction stories which provide the em- that “In the beginning, the Freudians tried to
pirical basis of the Oedipal complex were in ‘prove’ the universality of the Oedipus com-
fact a construction by Freud who then inter- plex; later on, they took it for granted. Ulti-
preted his patients’ distress on hearing his con- mately, they no longer spelled out the reasons
structions as proof of the theory. Freud then for the pervasiveness of childhood sexuality
deceptively obscured the fact that his patients’ and its consequences in the cultural mono-
stories were reconstructions and interpreta- graphs: they all accepted it.”
tions based on his a priori theory. He also There is also increasing attention paid to the
retroactively changed the identity of the fan- ethical dimensions of psychoanalysis as Freud
cied seducers from nonfamily members (ser- himself practiced it. Freud seems to have been
vants, etc.) to the fathers that his Oedipal story remarkably indifferent to his patients’ suffer-
required. ing, but his ethical lapses extend far beyond a
Now 100 years after its inception, the theo- lack of empathy. Crews recounts the case of
ries of the Oedipal complex, childhood sexual- Horace Frink, an American psychoanalyst who
ity, and the sexual etiology of the neuroses re- was having an affair with a bank heiress. Freud
main without any independent empirical diagnosed Frink as a latent homosexual(!) and
validation and play no role whatever in main- advised him to divorce his wife and marry the
stream developmental psychology. From an heiress, with the stated aim of tapping into the
evolutionary point of view the idea that chil- heiress’ funds for a financial contribution to
dren would have a specifically sexual attrac- psychoanalysis. To make the plan work, the
tion to their opposite sex parent is highly heiress had to divorce her husband as well. All
implausible, since such an incestuous relation- of this came about, but the two abandoned
ship would result in inbreeding depression spouses were devastated and soon died, Frink’s
(MacDonald, 1986). The proposal that boys new wife sued for divorce, and Frink himself
desire to kill their fathers conflicts with the sank into depression and repeated attempts at
general importance of paternal provisioning of suicide.
resources in understanding the evolution of Then there is the case of Dora Bauer. Freud
the family (MacDonald, 1988; 1992a, b): Boys diagnosed the teenaged Dora as suffering from
who had succeeded in killing their fathers and hysteria for refusing to have a sexual relation-
having sex with their mothers would not only ship with a married man, Herr K., as a sort of
be left with genetically inferior offspring, they quid pro quo so that her father would con-
would also be deprived of paternal support tinue to have an affair with Herr K.’s wife.
and protection. Modern developmental studies Crews comments that “In short, a sexually and
indicate that many fathers and sons have very morally uninhibited [Dora] rounded into psy-
close, reciprocated affectional relationships chic trim by Freud, would have been of serv-
beginning in infancy, and the normative pat- ice to both her father and Herr K., the two
tern in Western societies is for mothers and predatory males who, unlike any of the
sons to have very intimate and affectionate, women in the story, basked in the glow of
but decidedly nonsexual relationships. Most Freud’s unwavering respect” (52). The Dora
domestic violence takes place betwen geneti- case is typical also in that the patient’s diagno-
cally related individuals (Daly and Wilson). sis was based entirely on preconceived ideas
The continued life of these concepts in psy- and circular reasoning in which the patient’s
choanalytic circles is testimony to the continu- negative emotional response to the psychoana-
378 | p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

lytic hypothesis was construed as evidence for Freud is an exemplar of the type of attitude
the hypothesis. that carries over into the RMT movement (in
Crews, 209):

The work keeps on coming to a stop and they

Recovered Memory Therapy keep on maintaining that this time nothing
has occurred to them. We must not believe
Another new wrinkle is that psychoanalysis has what they say, we must always assume, and tell
had a very pernicious effect on psychothera- them, too, that they have kept something
peutic practice, in particular the phenomenon back. . . . We must insist on this, we must repeat
of the Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT). At the pressure and represent ourselves as infalli-
the time when Crews’s articles originally ap- ble, till at last we are really told something. . . .
peared in the NYRB, Crews was content to
claim only a genealogical relationship between The therapist may suppose that the patient
psychoanalysis and RMT. He now documents a had experienced sexual trauma even without
much closer relationship between the two any external evidence or memory of the event.
movements. A significant number of psychoan- Recovered Memory Therapists, in the words of
alysts are now rejecting the orthodox psycho- one such practitioner, “must validate the pa-
analytic theory that claims of infantile sexual tient’s belief that abuse occurred, or risk reen-
abuse are illusory manifestations of Oedipal acting the role of denying parent, which may
desires. These renegade psychoanalysts are in have enabled the abuse in the first place”
fact now adopting Freud’s earlier seduction (Crews, 25). The technique ensures validation
theory of 1896 in which neurosis was concep- and indeed finds a moral rationale for insisting
tualized as the result of actual sexual abuse—a on validation. But it cannot provide even the
theory which Freud developed in the same beginnings of a search for truth.
manner as he developed the Oedipal story that The case of Eileen Franklin Lipsker, in the
replaced it: by making suggestions to patients news recently when her accused father was re-
and doggedly persisting in his explanation un- leased from jail, is particularly fascinating be-
til the patient acknowledged the truth of the cause Lipsker has recently “remembered” sev-
psychoanalytic explanation. Crews emphasizes eral other crimes that could not have possibly
that there is no end to the possible harmful so- occurred. Even before this turn of events,
cial and moral influences of such a theory in however, Lipsker had developed increasingly
the hands of its pseudoscientific practitioners, bizarre “memories” about her father, includ-
including bankruptcy, breaking up of families, ing a murder that no one else, including the
and imprisonment of family members. police, had heard about, and a supposed rape
Because of its belief in the reality of memo- by Eileen’s godfather that was aided by the fa-
ries of childhood sexual abuse, the RMT ther. The “memories” were gradually elabo-
movement must be viewed as a psychoanalytic rated as a result of the suggestions of a psy-
heresy. As with all of the previous psychoana- chotherapist and their veracity attested to by
lytic heresies, however, RMT shares a commit- Lenore Terr, a professor of psychiatry at the
ment to a methodology that results in self-vali- University of California–San Francisco. Terr
dation of theoretical claims. Unverifiable used the aura of science surrounding her aca-
phenomena have been at the very center of demic affiliation to convince the jury that an
psychoanalysis and its intellectual offspring expert like herself could distinguish authentic
from the beginning. The following quote from from nonauthentic repressed memories.
p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 379

Then there is the fantastic case of the In- to surface. And, as with any such political
gram family of Olympia, Washington, in which movement, it seems superfluous to note that
Paul Ingram confessed to a myriad of crimes big money is involved, in the case of RMT
whose memory he thought he had completely ranging from fees for therapy, the publication
repressed, including repeatedly raping both industry, and the litigation industry spawned
his daughters and one son, getting his daugh- by this movement.
ters to perform sexual favors for his friends,
torturing the girls, getting his wife to have sex
with animals, and murdering and cannibaliz-
ing babies at Satanic rituals. The truly remark- The Connection to the Left
able thing about this example is the willing-
ness of people to be convinced of the bizarre Much of Crews’s recent work on psychoanaly-
and impossible. sis and RMT was originally published in the
A condition that greatly facilitates people’s prestigious New York Review of Books
credulity is the belief among a significant num- (NYRB). The NYRB has long been a bastion
ber of professionals in psychology that such re- of the intellectual left and, as Crews notes,
pressed memories are commonplace. No fewer publication of such material in such a publica-
than five psychologists and counselors encour- tion is “almost like pet owners who had negli-
aged Ingram in his hallucinations. However, a gently or maliciously consigned their parakeet
skeptical psychologist finally asked Ingram to the mercies of an ever-lurking cat” (Crews,
about a completely fictitious accusation that 1995, 288). Publications like the NYRB have
Ingram had encouraged his children to have been instrumental in propagating psychoana-
sex while he watched. Sure enough, the next lytic and similar doctrines as scientifically and
day Ingram came up with a highly detailed re- intellectually reputable for decades, and there
pressed memory of watching his children have is the suggestion that had Crews published his
sex. Ingram, who pleaded guilty to the crimes, articles in a less visible and less politicized
after belatedly coming to believe in his inno- medium they could have been safely ignored
cence, is now serving 20 years in prison for six as has commonly been the practice over the
counts of child molestation. long history of psychoanalysis.
Like psychoanalysis itself, RMT has become There is a long and interesting association
a political movement bent on enforcing an of- between psychoanalysis and the political and
ficial orthodoxy. Indeed, given the history of cultural left. Support of radical and Marxist
psychoanalysis it is not in the least surprising ideals was common among Freud’s early fol-
that RMT would likewise be an authoritarian lowers, and leftist attitudes have been common
political movement. Judith Lewis Herman, a in later years among psychoanalysts (Hale,
leading proponent of RMT, claims that “Ad- 1995, 31; Kurzweil, 1989, 36, 284), as, e.g.,
vances in the field occur only when [women] among the groups in Berlin and Vienna during
are supported by a political movement power- the post–World War I era (Kurzweil, 1989;
ful enough to legitimate an alliance between 46–47); in the post revolutionary Soviet Union
investigators and patients and to counteract where all of the top psychoanalysts were Bol-
the ordinary social processes of silencing and sheviks and Trotsky supporters and were
denial” (Crews, 160). RMT has been behind among the most powerful political figures in
lengthening the statutes of limitations in some the country (Chamberlain, 1995); and in
states to periods of 30 years or more to provide America from the 1920s to the present (Torrey,
enough time for repressed memories of crimes 1992, 33, 93ff; 122–123). If Crews is correct in
380 | p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

his analysis of the institutional structure of psy- were an integral part of his war on culture—so
choanalysis as an authoritarian political move- much so that he viewed Totem and Taboo as a
ment—and he certainly is—one is left with the victory over Rome and the Catholic Church
conclusion that one of the century’s major in- (Rothman and Isenberg, 1974). In Freud’s eyes
tellectual and cultural forces was nothing more he was the Carthaginian general Hannibal
than a highly disciplined political movement fighting the evil Romans that to him repre-
masquerading as science. sented Western civilization. Peter Gay notes
Psychoanalysis has proved to be a veritable that Freud was proud of his enemies—the per-
treasure trove of ideas for those intent on de- secuting Roman Catholic Church, the hypo-
veloping radical critiques of Western culture, critical bourgeoisie, the obtuse psychiatric es-
beginning with Freud’s own Totem and Taboo tablishment, the materialistic Americans—so
and Civilization and Its Discontents. Crews proud, indeed, that they grew in his mind into
provides an excellent account of how Freud potent specters far more malevolent and far
tended to make dogmatic claims about the less divided than they were in reality. He
source of his patients’ unhappiness based on likened himself to Hannibal, to Ahasuerus, to
nothing more than his own suggestions. His Joseph, to Moses, all men with historic mis-
failure to follow even the minimum standards sions, potent adversaries, and difficult fates
of scientific or rational intellectual inquiry ex- (Gay, 1988, 604). Freud described this “Han-
tended to his cultural writings as well. Freud’s nibal fantasy” as “one of the driving forces of
wider speculations on human culture rest on a [my] mental life” (Sulloway 1979a).
number of extremely naive, prescientific con- In this regard, it is interesting to note that
ceptualizations of human sexual behavior and Totem and Taboo and Civilization and Its Dis-
its relation to culture. Particularly outrageous contents present the view that the restrictions
was Freud’s “primal horde” story of how over on sexual behavior, so apparent as an aspect of
many generations sons had killed their fathers Western culture during Freud’s life, are the
in order to mate with their mothers until Oedi- source of art, love, and even civilization itself.
pal guilt had forced them to repress this activ- Freud’s conceptions of the origins and func-
ity. The theory is not only completely specula- tion of sexual repression in Western societies
tive as it attempts to explain a nonexistent contain, as Peter Gay (329) notes, some of
phenomenon—the Oedipal complex—it also re- Freud’s “most subversive conjectures.” Neuro-
quires Lamarckian inheritance, a theory that, sis and unhappiness are the price to be paid
at least by the time of Civilization and Its Dis- for civilization because neurosis and unhappi-
contents (where the doctrine was reaffirmed), ness are the inevitable result of repressing sex-
had been completely rejected by the scientific ual urges.
community. Freud appears to have been well aware that
his conjectures were entirely speculative. Freud
was “amused” when Totem and Taboo was
termed a “just so” story by a British anthropol-
Freud’s Armageddon ogist in 1920, and stated only that his critic
“was deficient in phantasy,” apparently a con-
While Freud’s was a self-consciously specula- cession that the work was indeed fanciful.
tive theory, his speculations clearly had an Freud stated that “It would be nonsensical to
agenda. Rather than provide speculations strive for exactitude with this material, as it
which reaffirmed the moral and intellectual would be unreasonable to demand certainty.”
basis of the culture of his day, his speculations Similarly, Freud described Civilization and Its
p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 381

Discontents as “an essentially dilettantish foun- And the contrast between Freud and Darwin
dation” on which “rises a thinly tapered ana- as scientists could scarcely be more clear. Dar-
lytic investigation.” And Freud was well aware win spent years patiently collecting his data
that his attack on religion in The Future of an and was hesitant to publish his work, agreeing
Illusion was scientifically weak, describing it to do so only after another scientist, Alfred
by noting that “the analytic content of the Russel Wallace, came up with similar ideas.
work is very thin” (Gay, 330, 543, 524). Freud, on the other hand, conducted his career
Freud’s countercultural writings scarcely ex- more like a military general bent on conquer-
haust the mischief wreaked by psychoanalysis. ing an enemy, as Gay concluded (1987, 145):
The works of Herbert Marcuse, Norman
Brown, Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Lacan, Erich While Darwin was satisfied with revising his
Fromm, and a host of neoFreudians come to work after further reflection and absorbing
mind immediately, but this barely scratches the palpable hits by rational critics, while he
surface. Psychoanalysis influenced thought in a trusted the passage of time and the weight of
wide range of areas, including sociology, child his argumentation, Freud orchestrated his
rearing, criminology, anthropology, literary wooing of the public mind through a loyal
criticism, art, literature, and the popular media. cadre of adherents, founded periodicals and
In fact Freud’s ideas have often been labeled wrote popularizations that would spread the
as subversive. Indeed, “[Freud himself] was authorized word, dominated international
convinced that it was in the very nature of psy- congresses of analysis until he felt too frail to
choanalytic doctrine to appear shocking and attend them and after that through surrogates
subversive. On board ship to America he did like his daughter Anna.
not feel that he was bringing that country a
new panacea. With his typically dry wit he told Psychoanalysis has a lot to atone for. The
his traveling companions, ‘We are bringing contemporary upsurge of victims of RMT and
them the plague’” (Mannoni, 1971, 168). the long line of individual victims like Horace
Peter Gay terms Freud’s work generally Frink and Dora Bauer are only a small part of
“subversive” (1987, 140), his sexual ideology its moral wreckage. The fact that the NYRB
in particular “deeply subversive for his time” published Crews’s attacks on psychoanalysis
(148); and his Totem and Taboo as containing may be a vital sign that the life of psychoanaly-
“subversive conjectures” (327) in its analysis of sis as an underpinning of the intellectual left is
culture. Rothman and Isenberg (1974) con- weakening. The NYRB is only one of many el-
vincingly argue that Freud actually viewed the ements of the vast media and intellectual net-
Interpretation of Dreams as a victory against work that has supported psychoanalysis
the Catholic Church and that he viewed Totem throughout the century, but all signs are that
and Taboo as a successful attempt to analyze psychoanalysis has become an intellectual and
the Christian religion in terms of defense scientific embarrassment to all save the truest
mechanisms, primitive drives, and neurotic of true believers. The fact that its scientific
symptomatology. Gay notes that “while the im- stature has been utterly discredited in such a
plications of Darwin’s views were threatening prestigious forum and by someone who is sym-
and unsettling, they were not quite so directly pathetic to the cultural influences it has gener-
abrasive, not quite so unrespectable, as Freud’s ated suggests that psychoanalysis may well
views on infantile sexuality, the ubiquity of have lost its political punch.
perversions, and the dynamic power of uncon- But don’t expect either psychoanalysis or
scious urges” (144). RMT to die soon. Because they are fundamen-
382 | p s y c h o a n a ly s i s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

tally religious and political rather than scien- Grünbaum, Adolf. 1984. The Foundations of Psycho-
tific, such movements have a life of their own, analysis. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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as no longer serving the personal or political analysis in the United States: Freud and the
interests of their advocates. Americans, 1917–1985. New York: Oxford Uni-
versity Press.
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Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas. MacDonald, Kevin. 1986. “Civilization and Its Dis-
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Psychotherapy as Pseudoscience

housewife, unhappy with her life, de- of mental disorders such as Depression, Post

A cides to seek therapy to deal with her

loneliness and frustration. The thera-
pist arranges to see her weekly, discussing top-
Traumatic Stress Disorder, Shopoholism, or
Internet Addiction. Often an air of scientific
professionalism is achieved through the use of
ics ranging from her childhood memories and techniques with titles such as Hypnosis, Eye
her parents, to her isolated adult life and her Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
passionless marriage. A year later, she is still (EMDR), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or
unhappy with her life but she is “happy with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
her therapy,” claiming that finally someone But in the end are any of these treatments
listens to her and understands her problems. any more effective than talking with a friend
Has therapy worked? By her standard, it or just getting on with life? Do they do any-
has; she likes her therapist and she believes thing more than give the client a sense of self-
that her therapist understands her. Her thera- importance and worth, and an inner glow that
pist is happy with a reliable and talkative comes from being the center of attention?
client, who pays her bills and supports his Does therapy really make any difference? Is
practice. But has anything really changed? psychotherapy worth the money that individ-
The housewife remains isolated, her marriage uals, insurance companies and governments
is still passionless; her life is essentially no pay? Before we decide, let’s examine some in-
different from what it was when she began formation that the “Psychology Industry,” a
treatment. term which I will define shortly, would prefer
She and her therapist would likely argue to keep hidden from the public.
that her life is different because she thinks By way of background, I am a licensed psy-
about it differently and is on the road to re- chologist who has, undeniably, broken ranks.
covery. Some would say that, because she is Five years ago, I forced myself to step back
now more in touch with her feelings and is and take a cold hard look at my profession. I
working through her unconscious material, am still a psychologist by license but I am not
the therapy fees are dollars well spent. practicing. What I see being done under the
This example is just one of millions of psy- name of psychology is so seriously contami-
chotherapy cases that begin each year with nated by errors in logic, popular notions, and
people seeking help for mild and diffuse personal beliefs, and it is doing so much harm
forms of dissatisfaction with life, unfulfilled to people, that I find myself in this strange
goals, unrealized expectations, and unmet role of working to curb the pervasive influ-
dreams. Some cases are spiced up with the re- ence of my own chosen profession. Long ago I
covered memories of abuse, or the diagnosis lost any expectation that the necessary correc-

p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 385

tive actions would come from within the pro- I do not mean to suggest that psychotherapy
fession; so I find myself speaking most often is a premeditated scam. Most psychologists, I
now to people outside my profession—to think, genuinely believe that they are helping
philosophers, ethicists, the clergy, educators, people, a view supported by the professional
criminologists, and lawyers, hoping to find organizations and licensing bodies. Informa-
among them skeptics who are willing to think tion does exist that would cause them to ques-
critically about America’s love affair with psy- tion their assumption; however, most remain
chology. As Noam Chomsky observed: “One focused on selling their services, marketing
waits in vain for psychologists to state the limit their products, making a living and feeling
of their knowledge.” good about themselves. They ignore the data
Recently, addressing a conference on pro- and, thus, manage to maintain a belief, tanta-
fessional ethics, I discussed the relationship mount to a faith, in what they are selling.
between the consumer, or the client/patient,
and the service provider, or the psychologist. I
suggested that the Psychology Industry is sell-
ing consumers a bill of goods, that psychologi- The Psychology Industry
cal services are in many ways a scam, and that
psychological treatment is a modern psychic In the Fall of 1993 after spending an afternoon
version of snake oil. From the witches’ brews discussing what was happening in psychology
of ancient times to the traveling medicine with a colleague of mine, Sam Keen—the for-
shows, from copper bracelets to Kickapoo In- mer editor of Psychology Today—I half jok-
dian Oil, society has always had an abundance ingly asked whether he thought that psycholo-
of secret concoctions and panaceas to cure all gists might one day start questioning those
of its ailments. For instance, the discovery of beliefs and leaving the profession in the way
radium by the Curies began the Mild Radium that dissenting priests had, some time ago, be-
Therapy movement, particularly popular gun to leave the Church. He paused, thought
among American socialites, and precipitated a for a moment, and then replied: “Not a
lucrative trade in radium-based belts, hearing chance. There’s too much money in it.”
aids, toothpaste, face cream, and hair tonic. On one level this summarizes what I mean
Most popular of all was Radiothor, a glow-in- by the Psychology Industry. Over 30 years ago,
the-dark mineral water which carried prom- I walked into my first psychology class at
ises of a cure for more than 150 maladies. McGill University in Montreal. My professor,
Psychotherapy may well be nothing more Donald Hebb, was one of the most respected
than one of these concoctions. While snake oil neuropsychologists of the century. He was
had no effective agent, it did have sufficient fond of saying something which I have only re-
common alcohol to make people feel better cently come to appreciate. He kept insisting
until their ailments naturally went away. Simi- that psychology must be “more than common
larly, psychotherapy has no effective agent, but sense.” Psychologists are obliged to go beyond
people, like the woman described above, buy what people commonly believe, to test out no-
it, believe in it, and insist that it works because tions and see if they stand up under scrutiny.
it makes them feel better about themselves for He insisted on science—on investigation, on
a while. This change, if it can be called that, the continuous questioning of beliefs. For al-
may well be derived from nothing more than most three decades, I worked as a clinician,
the expression of concern and caring, and not trying to apply the knowledge from my disci-
from specialized treatment worthy of payment. pline. But psychology has changed. Humble
386 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

curiosity has given way to an arrogant cer- number of Americans who have become users.
tainty. It seems that psychologists have discov- In the early 1960s, only 14% of the U.S. popu-
ered that questions don’t pay, but answers do. lation (25 million of a total 180 million) had
What seemed once a responsible profession is ever received psychological services. By 1976,
now a big business whose success is directly the estimate had risen to 26%, by 1990 33%
related to how many people buy what it sells. (65 million of 250 million). In 1995 the APA
This is why I now speak of The Psychology stated that 46% of the U.S. population (128
Industry. When people think of industries, million) had seen a mental health professional.
they tend to think of automobiles, computers, Some predict that by the year 2000 users will
cosmetics, or entertainment; of easily identifi- be the majority, constituting perhaps as much
able products with price-tags, warranties, and as 80% of the population.
trademarks. Such industries are visibly defined While some might consider this to be evi-
by their products and by their boundaries. The dence of a profound national need of epidemic
Psychology Industry, being much broader, less proportions, it can equally, and more accu-
defined (or definable), is much harder to pin rately, be seen as an indication of the subtle
down. At its core, along with the traditional but highly effective marketing techniques used
mental health professions of psychology, psy- by the Psychology Industry to generate the de-
chiatry, psychoanalysis, and clinical social mand required to meet the ever-increasing
work, is a fifth psychological profession: psy- supply of psychologists. As Jerome Frank, in
chotherapy. No longer can clear distinctions his classic book on psychotherapy, Persuasion
be made between them; so, what I call the Psy- and Healing, observed decades ago (8):
chology Industry comprises all five of these
and it encompasses, as well, the ever-expand- Ironically, mental health education, which
ing array of psychotherapists and the coun- aims to teach people how to cope more effec-
selors and advisors of all persuasions, whether tively with life, has instead increased the de-
licensed, credentialed, proclaimed, or self-pro- mand for psychotherapeutic help. By calling
claimed. This view is consistent with that of attention to symptoms they might otherwise ig-
the American Psychological Association (APA): nore and by labeling those symptoms as signs
“The general public often has difficulty in un- of neurosis, mental health education can create
derstanding the differences between profes- unwarranted anxieties, leading those to seek
sional psychologists and other types of psy- psychotherapy who do not need it. The de-
chologists, between professional psychologists mand for psychotherapy keeps pace with the
and psychiatrists, between psychologists and supply, and at times one has the uneasy feeling
counselors, or between psychologists and a va- that the supply may be creating the demand.
riety of other professionals who deal with
emotional, health, and behavioral problems” While it is difficult to get an accurate read-
(Fox, 1994, 49). As well, this term acknowl- ing of the total number of psychologists be-
edges that around the edges of the industry are cause of their diversity and the lack of any ac-
others whose work, whether it involves writ- countability or control over who represent
ing, consulting, lecturing, or even movie-mak- themselves as psychologists or therapists, esti-
ing, relies on the Psychology Industry which, mates are that the number has risen by 2000%
in turn, benefits from their promotion of all since 1970. The following figures give some in-
things psychological. dication of the growth in one sector of the In-
Evidence of this current success and growth dustry licensed psychologists. There has been a
of the Psychology Industry can be seen in the steady increase in licensed doctoral psycholo-
p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 387

gists and an even more rapid growth in APA of psychotherapy: the couch, telling secrets,
membership. When these numbers are related reporting dreams, the psychotherapist saying
to U.S. Census population data to show the “Uh-huh.” Examining issues raised in the
number of licensed psychologists per 10,000 struggle between managed care and psycho-
population, the increase in supply is dramati- logical practitioners, it is safe to say that there
cally evident. These licensed psychologists, are two central issues:
however, constitute only one quarter of those
who refer to themselves as “psychologists” and 1. Money—funding is being limited both
less than five percent of the estimated total with regard to the length of treatment
number of the people who are actually selling and also to how much will be paid per
psychological services. Using this broader defi- session.
nition, there is at least one psychologist for 2. Control—psychologists are resisting the
every 250 people in America. imposition of case managers or assessors
What becomes immediately apparent is that who control and approve their services.
not only has supply kept up with demand, it
has, in fact, exceeded it, creating the need for The Psychology Industry is arguing for un-
greater marketing of psychological services limited funding and control, basing its position
and for the development of new “products” on two simple statements:
and the expansion of the markets. Figures
showing the gross income of the Psychology 1. Psychotherapy works!
Industry are impossible to come by, again be- 2. Long-term therapy works better!
cause of its diverse sales force. However, when
the data of the 1987 National Medical Expen- To evaluate these claims, I direct your atten-
ditures Survey, the most recent of its kind, are tion to two major studies addressing these
extrapolated to 1995, 88.2 million outpatient points, starting with their conclusions. One
psychotherapy visits were made by Americans study I will call the CR Study concluded:
for a total cost of 4.7 billion dollars. Consider-
ing that approximately half of the Psychology 1. Psychotherapy works: “our
Industry consists of psychologists who cannot groundbreaking survey shows that
receive third-party insurance payments, it is psychotherapy usually works.”
not unreasonable to assume that both of these 2. Long-term therapy makes a difference:
figures are much larger, probably in the region “Longer psychotherapy was associated
of 175 million visits at a total cost of $9 billion. with better outcomes.”
This figure accounts only for direct patient
services and does not include the cost for other The other study I will call the FB Study con-
services such as expert testimony in courts, cluded:
which is a major growth area for the Industry.
1. Psychological services may not work:
“Clinical services . . . very effectively
delivered . . . in a higher quality system
Psychotherapy of care that were nonetheless ineffective.
A very impressive structure was built on
Psychotherapy is the most visible and popular a very weak foundation.”
aspect of the Psychology Industry. When peo- 2. Longer term treatment isn’t better:
ple think of psychology, they generally think “more is not always better.”
388 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

Based on these summaries, which study do support group.” It was, in the usual style of
you think the Psychology Industry chooses to CR, a consumer satisfaction survey. It did not
publicize and promote? And why? Obviously, if ask respondents objective, factual questions
I were in the business (as I used to be) I would such as how much alcohol they drank before
want to tell everyone about the first, the CR going for help as compared to after, or how
Study, and hide the second, the FB Study. Let many fights they had then and are having now
us examine both with an eye to what is re- with their spouses, or how often they thought
vealed and what is concealed; or, as with snake of suicide then as compared to the past month.
oil, what is on the label and what is in the Nor did it seek independent verification of the
bottle. self-reports. Instead it asked readers how
much better they felt and how much they
thought therapy had helped them. It was these
responses that became distorted and translated
The CR Study into “convincing evidence that therapy can
make an important difference.”
CR stands for Consumer Reports, the magazine Despite the broad invitation, only approxi-
that talks about how satisfied consumers are mately 7,000 (3.9%) responded to the mental
with their vacuum cleaners and toasters. In health survey; of these, 4,000 (2.2%) reported
November 1994, it reported on a “candid, in- seeing a mental health professional, family
depth survey” of its readers regarding their doctor, or attending a support group; the re-
satisfaction with psychotherapy in an article maining 3,000 (1.6%) had talked to a friend,
entitled: “Mental Health: Does Therapy relative, or clergy. For reasons that they will
Help?” Martin Seligman, the psychologist who not make public, CR chose to ignore the expe-
was the consultant to the project and is now riences of this latter group of 3,000, and to at-
the President of the APA, described the results tend only to the 4,000, with particular empha-
in a companion article in the flagship journal sis on the 2,900 (1.6%) who saw mental health
of the APA, as sending “a message of hope for professionals.
other people dealing with emotional prob- Seligman admits that this response rate,
lems,” and as establishing a “new gold stan- which, for some reason, he elevates to 13%, is
dard” for the evaluation of psychotherapy ef- “rather low absolutely.” In fact, the response
fectiveness. Before accepting his endorsement, rate is only 2.2%, far lower than his figure and
let me just draw your attention to how the sur- a rate which CR even admitted to being “very
vey was done and how the results were inter- low.” As well, this small sample consisted of in-
preted. dividuals who were mostly middle class, well
The CR report and Seligman’s article were educated, predominantly female and with a
based on the results of a supplement to the median age of 46; thus, it was not representa-
1994 annual automobile survey sent to all tive of the United States as a whole or even of
180,000 subscribers. Readers were asked to the general CR readership. Seligman dismisses
respond “if at any time over the past three this sampling problem by “guessing” that it is
years [they had] experienced stress or other representative of those “who make up the bulk
emotional problems for which [they] sought of psychotherapy patients,” never giving fur-
help from any of the following: friends, rela- ther thought as to what this may mean both
tives, or a member of the clergy; a mental- for the data and about the upper middle class
health professional like a psychologist, coun- nature of psychotherapy. In most other cases,
selor, or psychiatrist; your family doctor; or a such a low return rate and skewed population
p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 389

would have rendered a study invalid, not ac- erage is calculated across disciplines, only 30%
ceptable for publication and, therefore, not of the people reported that treatment “made
warranting any further analysis or comment. things a lot better” with respect to their spe-
But these inherent problems did not stop cific problems. One is left wondering how is it
Consumer Reports, Seligman, or the Psychol- possible that 64% reported that their problems
ogy Industry from proceeding to draw sweep- were resolved when only 30% said that their
ing conclusions about the worth of psy- problems were improved? Remember that the
chotherapy. In reference to our two questions, APA and CR both say that psychotherapy
this is how they analyzed their meager data. helped 9 out of 10 people. Given that Selig-
man failed to identify these inconsistencies
when he declared the results to be “clear-cut”
Does Therapy Work? proof of effectiveness, he leaves one wonder-
ing how many other instances of misinforma-
Seligman’s authoritative answer to this ques- tion exist in his article, and in that of CR.
tion is yes: “The overall improvement rates Whether the figure is 30, 64, or 90 percent,
were strikingly high across the entire spectrum CR and Seligman assume that the reported im-
of treatments and disorders in the CR study.” provement in people’s feelings while they were
Both the CR article and the subsequent seeing a mental health professional was attrib-
marketing material from APA claim that nine utable to the psychotherapy. But can we accept
out of 10 people were helped at least “some- this assumption? If people are given an antibi-
what” by psychotherapy. But, for psychother- otic and their colds go away in a few weeks,
apy to work, one needs people with problems. can we conclude that the antibiotic cured the
Such is not the case here. Over half of the re- cold? We can’t because we know that most
spondents (58.2%) said that they felt “so-so,” people naturally get over a cold in a week or
“quite good,” or even “very good” before two. So too, we know that, like the common
treatment. Seligman apparently doesn’t scratch cold, the stresses and emotional upsets in life
his head at this point and wonder whether usually abate over time. Decades ago, the late
these people are therapy junkies. Rather he Hans Eysenck demonstrated that, over time,
views them as “being sick” and not knowing it, people show comparable improvement with or
referring to them as “‘subclinical’ in their without treatment. As well, the conclusion that
problems” and falling “one symptom short of a therapy made the people better disregards the
full-blown ‘disorder.’” From a common sense, well-known phenomenon of “regression to the
non-psychologized perspective, wouldn’t these mean” which takes into account the high
people be considered normal, “okay,” or even probability that people seek treatment at a
in “great shape”? And wouldn’t one wonder time when they feel particularly bad and that,
whether, for them, psychotherapy was more at a later point in time, they are likely to feel
recreational than therapeutic? And, if so, how better. As Dawes points out, if “people enter
does one really know whether treatment is therapy when they are extremely unhappy,
even appropriate, let alone whether it works? they are less likely to be as unhappy later, in-
To further add to the confusion, Seligman dependent of the effects of therapy itself.
states, in support of his claim that “therapy Hence, this ‘regression effect’ can create the il-
works,” that 64% of those receiving six lusion that the therapy has helped to alleviate
months or less of therapy reported that their their unhappiness, whether it has or not. In
problems were resolved. However, his own fact, even if the therapy has been downright
chart would seem to indicate that, when an av- harmful, people are less likely to be as
390 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

unhappy later as when they entered therapy” But wait a minute! Notice the Y axis, the
(Dawes, 1994, 44). vertical one that measures the improvement. It
To determine whether therapy was really ef- is truncated so that it begins at 190, not 0
fective for those in the CR survey, a compari- where you would expect it to start. The visual
son group is needed of people with similar effect is to lead us to think that the change is
problems who did not receive treatment. Such small at the beginning and significantly greater
a group did exist, but for unexplained reasons over time. However, if this chart is accurately
CR chose to ignore those 3,000 respondents drawn this dramatic effect disappears, showing
who spoke to friends, relatives, and the clergy. us that most of the “improvement” (80%),
Although both groups did describe their emo- whatever that might mean, actually takes place
tional state at the time they filled out the sur- in the first months; and further treatment of
vey, which would have given some indication up to two years and more contributes only a
of the effect of time, neither CR nor Seligman further 20%.
was willing, when repeatedly asked, to provide
any further information or clarification or
even to reveal whether these groups were sim-
ilar. On all occasions, they refused, claiming The FB Study
that this data was proprietary and would not
be analyzed or released. Seligman, in private FB stands for the Fort Bragg Demonstration
communication, has made conflicting com- Project, funded at a cost of $80,000,000 of
ments, on one occasion saying that he too public funds (Bickman, 1996; Bickman, et al.
would like to see the data, and on another at- 1995). Cast in such glowing terms as: “a na-
tempting to assure this author that there was tional showcase,” “a truly unique opportu-
nothing of substance to be found there. nity,” and “state of the art,” this study was in-
We are left wondering about Seligman’s role tended to show that “a continuum of mental
and why CR will not report on this crucial health and substance abuse services is more
data. If, in fact, professional treatment was su- cost-effective than services delivered in the
perior to lay help, would not both parties want more typical fragmented system” (DeLeon and
the public to know this, and if it is not more Williams, 1997, 551). Where the CR survey
effective, does not CR, and the APA, have the suffered from the multitude of methodological
responsibility to consumers to inform them problems and continues to be criticized for its
that people are no more satisfied by paid ser- numerous flaws, the only criticism lodged
vices than by ones that are free? against the FB Project was that it had not been
replicated, a weakness which was overcome by
the results of a similar study in Stark County,
Is Long-Term Psychotherapy Better? Ohio, with similar findings at the six-month
and two-year follow-ups.
The handling of the data with regard to this The FB Project offered in-patient and out-
question can best be addressed by comparing patient services to the more than 42,000 child
two graphs. The first one, from Seligman’s own and adolescent dependents in the Fort Bragg
article, visually suggests that the answer is ob- catchment area for more than five years, from
vious; the longer the therapy, the better the June 1990 to September 1995. This group of
outcome. Seligman, in fact, stated: “long-term children was from middle and majority (an es-
therapy produced more improvement than timated 68%) of the children who are covered
short-term therapy. This result was very ro- by private health insurance. And, most impor-
bust . . .” (Seligman, 1995, 968). tant, unlike the CR survey, the FB survey eval-
p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 391

uated treatment effectiveness and outcome, have no evidence for the effectiveness of
not relying merely on reports of consumer sat- innovative community-based treatments
isfaction. Instead of questionable retrospective such as home-based care or day
self-reports, this project relied on independent treatment” (Bickman, et al. 1997,
psychometric measures systematically taken 1543–1548).
both during and after treatment. This conclusion gains strength in
As such, the Project provided what psychol- light of the fact that there have been very
ogist Leonard Bickman, its senior researcher, few studies which have evaluated the
described as “a rare opportunity to examine effectiveness of treatment in real-world
both costs and clinical outcomes in a careful settings, and when these are analyzed,
and comprehensive evaluation of the imple- they show an average effect size very
mentation of an innovative system of care” close to zero (Weisz, et al., 1995,
which psychologists predicted would increase 688–701). In another major study
accessibility to treatment, improve results designed to seek out such evidence,
through individualized case management, and Bickman’s colleague, Bhar Weiss,
reduce overall costs. carefully examined the effect of two years
However, what it found was that, despite of traditional child psychotherapy as it is
better access, greater continuity of care, fewer typically delivered in out-patient settings.
restrictions on treatment, and more client sat- What he found was not the expected
isfaction, the cost was higher and the clinical benefits but rather no effect at all (Weiss,
results no better than those at the comparison 1997).
site: not at all what the Psychology Industry 2. Longer treatment results in higher costs
had either expected or wanted! Even though without corresponding significant results.
users expressed satisfaction about their treat- The Psychology Industry argues
ment, there was no concurrent evidence of ef- strenuously against the model that allows
fectiveness, supporting the opinion that “satis- others, such as Managed Care Systems, to
faction” is not a measure of effectiveness. In tell them what treatment they should
summarizing the significance of these results, provide or how long they should do it.
Bickman and others drew the following con- Yet, the Fort Bragg data shows that what
clusions: psychologists call their “experienced
clinical judgment” was not cost-effective
1. The assumption that clinical services are and led to a higher proportion of
in any way effective might very well be children being in treatment longer.
erroneous. Citing the lack of clinical “Six months after starting treatment,
outcomes as “the most unanticipated 41% at the Demonstration site were still
finding,” Bickman stated that “these receiving services compared to 13% at
results should raise serious doubts about the Comparison site,” even though most
some current clinical beliefs” about the of the limited change that did occur was
effectiveness of psychological services. evidenced in the first six months with
He continued that “although substantial greatly diminishing returns after that
evidence for the efficacy of time.
psychotherapy under laboratory-like Stating that “more is not always
conditions exists, there is scant evidence better,” Bickman attributes these
of its effectiveness in real-life community excessive costs to the unlimited access
settings. For children and adolescents, the of psychologists to funds. “The
picture is even more disappointing. We Demonstration costs were much higher
392 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

($7,777/treated child) than the signed to sell psychology to the American pub-
Comparison ($4,904/treated child) . . . lic. Ignoring that the APA’s own President,
The costs of treating the average child Seligman, was a consultant to the survey, the
were higher because of longer time spent individual at the Directorate stated that they
in treatment, greater volume of “refer to that study whenever (they) can be-
traditional services, heavy use of cause it is particularly credible because it was
intermediate services, and higher per- done by an independent party.” What about
unit costs” (Bickman, 1996, 694). the Fort Bragg Project? When asked, they
Feldman agrees, stating that “the study claimed that they knew nothing about it and
demonstrates that in an unmanaged expressed no interest, but added “in helping to
system of care when services and benefits educate the public, the CR study is best be-
become rich so do providers” (Feldman, cause it is written a lot more in consumer lan-
1997, 560). guage because it is written for a magazine read
by the general public. By disseminating to the
The Seligman and Consumer Reports posi- public the information that is published in a
tion that “longer is better” and that the public journal, it needs to be transformed in a way
is suffering when limits are imposed on the that would be easily readable by the average
length of therapy, is weakened by the data person out there. That’s the beauty of the CR
from the Fort Bragg Project. As Hoagwood, piece.” (Personal communication with the of-
from the National Institute of Mental Health, fice of the APA Practice Directorate.)
said when referring to this Project, “the belief As for the Fort Bragg Project, it will not be
that simply providing more services will lead touted, as the Consumer Reports survey is, in
to improved outcomes has been shown to be their public education campaign. It is unlikely
delusional” (Hoagwood, 1997, 548). that clinicians will reduce or limit their treat-
ment to conserve the scarce resources and lim-
ited insurance benefits. It is unlikely that it
will be referred to by practicing psychologists
The Psychology Industry’s Reactions when they speak of their worth or importance.
It is unlikely that it will affect the way psycho-
What is the reaction of the Psychology Indus- logical services are developed or funded. It is
try? If the Psychology Industry is scientifically unlikely that it will change the beliefs of those
and ethically motivated, then it would have to within the Industry for, although the Fort
address at least the flaws and numerous confu- Bragg study is well designed, well imple-
sions in the CR survey and the doubts raised mented, well analyzed, and produces results
by the Fort Bragg Project. On the other hand, that are about as clear-cut as can be imagined,
if it is motivated by profit, the strategy would it doesn’t support the current claims of the
be to ignore Fort Bragg and enthusiastically Psychology Industry. “In the end,” as Sechrest
endorse Consumer Reports. and Walsh put it, “what it comes down to is
While a senior executive in APA candidly whether professional psychology is going to be
identified the CR survey as a marketing and guided by its dogma or its data” (Sechrest and
political tool, a phone call to the APA evoked a Walsh, 1997, 536) or, put somewhat differently,
different reply from its Practice Directorate, whether it will use science to guide its action
responsible for promoting the practice of psy- or misuse science to sell its products.
chology and providing the public education I do not want you to infer that these are the
program, a multi-million-dollar initiative de- only two studies ever conducted or that the
p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 393

conclusions of the Fort Bragg project are being business which still flourishes despite no firm
expressed now for the first time. One of the proof that psychotherapy works. And psy-
first of the studies to address the issue of psy- chotherapy continues to be promoted despite
chotherapy effectiveness was conducted in the many well-conducted studies which find
1952 by the British psychologist Hans little evidence for its specific effectiveness, and
Eysenck. He compared the outcome for pa- even data that suggest that it could be harmful.
tients who had received eclectic psychother- Let me draw your attention to one of these,
apy with those of people who had received no a classic study which examined the results of a
treatment. The results for the first group indi- number of other studies. In a review of ther-
cated that 64% showed improvement, a find- apy factors that account for significant client
ing which initially seemed supportive of psy- progress, Lambert calculated the percent of
chotherapy, for it was presumed that these improvement that could be attributed to each
patients would have remained the same or be- of several variables (Lambert, 1986). He found
come worse if not treated. However, to every- that “spontaneous remission” (improvement of
one’s dismay, Eysenck then took a look at the the problem by itself without any treatment)
untreated group and discovered that 72% of accounted for 40%, an additional 15% of the
them had improved by the second year. (Curi- change resulted from placebo effects (which
ously, Eysenck’s figure of 64% improvement in he referred to as “expectancy controls,” that is,
the treated group is the same figure that Selig- that the patient expected to get better no mat-
man reported 45 years later as showing im- ter what was done), while a further 30% im-
provement from therapy. This leaves one won- proved as the result of common factors in the
dering if the data protected by CR’s claim of relationship, such as trust, empathy, insight,
proprietary rights also shows similar outcome and warmth. Only 15% of the overall improve-
with no treatment.) Despite the lack of any ment could be attributed to any specific psy-
specific treatment Eysenck’s second group chological intervention or technique. Based on
showed an overall 90% recovery in five years. these findings one could conclude that 85% of
In a subsequent, more extensive, study in clients would improve with the help of a good
1965, he concluded that psychotherapy was friend, and 40% without even that.
unessential to a patient’s recovery: “We have
found that neurotic disorders tend to be self-
limiting, that psychoanalysis is no more suc-
cessful than any other method, and that in fact The Noble Lie
all methods of psychotherapy fail to improve
on the recovery rate obtained through ordi- If these findings are true, then why is psy-
nary life experiences and nonspecific treat- chotherapy given so much credit? To answer
ment” (Eysenck, 1965). this I think that we need to return to our im-
Some have challenged these findings, claim- age of psychotherapy as snake oil. Like its
ing that they were unfair, or not sufficiently forerunner, psychotherapy can make people
controlled to be considered scientific. Whether feel satisfied, if sometimes only briefly, be-
or not these criticisms have weight, Eysenck’s cause they have been listened to and made to
studies served as a gauntlet challenging others feel important. Like snake oil salesmen, psy-
to more closely examine the claims of psy- chologists have a good sales spiel. Consider the
chotherapy. Thus began what Ellen Herman following statement by Kottler, the author of
(1995) has described as a sub-industry within On Being a Therapist and numerous other
psychology—the psychotherapy evaluation books on psychotherapy (108):
394 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

Telling clients that we can help them is as- fore be necessary, if not therapeutic. If lying to
suredly fuel; even if it is not strictly true. . . . a client, deliberately or unintentionally, is un-
By communicating confidence, however false ethical since it promotes deceit and deception,
it might feel, we establish hope and motivation perhaps it is just as unethical to be completely
in the client. We would lose clients very truthful.”
quickly if after every bungled interpreta- Whether expressed in terms of creating pos-
tion . . . we muttered “Oops, I blew that one.” itive expectations which are believed to be es-
We would never get a client to come back if we sential for a good therapy outcome, or foster-
were completely honest with them . . . the ing unconditional acceptance and positive
client may need to believe in this lie. regard, or giving unquestioning support to a
claim of abuse, the Noble Lie has become ac-
Some forms of deception and lying have al- ceptable in the Psychology Industry. It has
ways been a part of psychological practice, simply become an aspect of doing business.
sometimes in the form of suggestive therapies, When Dan Sexton, Director of the National
sometimes in the declarative but unfounded Child Abuse Hot Line, was questioned in this
statements of psychologists, and sometimes in regard, he responded (Sexton, 1989):
misleading advertising.
When confronted by moral objections to the I’m not a law enforcement person, thank God!
deception of patients, Pierre Janet, a contem- I’m a psychology person, so I don’t need the
porary of Freud’s, responded: evidence. I come from a very different place, I
don’t need to see evidence to believe . . . I
I am sorry that I cannot share these exalted don’t care what law enforcement’s perspective
and beautiful scruples. . . . My belief is that the is, that’s not my perspective. I’m a mental
patient wants a doctor who will cure; that the health professional. I need to find a way to
doctor’s professional duty is to give any rem- help survivors heal to the trauma that they
edy that will be useful, and to prescribe it in had as children and to help support other cli-
the way in which it will do most good. Now I nicians who are trying to help survivors and
think that bread pills are medically indicated victims of this kind of crime.
in certain cases and that they will act far more
powerfully if I deck them out with impressive For these, and many other psychologists, it
names. When I prescribe such a formidable doesn’t matter whether facts are true or
placebo, I believe that I am fulfilling my pro- whether what they say is honest, what matters
fessional duty (Janet, 1925, 338). is that the consumers believe them. Alan
Scheflin, a lawyer and law professor, in ad-
Janet’s (and Kottler’s) assumption was that dressing a conference on hypnosis and psy-
patients want and need to be treated as chil- chotherapy, went even further when he en-
dren by paternal and protective, if not always couraged psychologists to consider it their
honest, therapists, and that it is in the best in- ethical responsibility to intentionally deceive
terest of these patients to lie, for “there are their clients (Scheflin, 1995):
some to whom, as a matter of strict moral obli-
gation, we must lie.” The point I want to make is the assumption
Thus deception, justified in terms of benefit that implanting false memories is wrong I
to the user, has become an acceptable practice would like to raise the issue of whether we are
and a cornerstone of the Psychology Industry. right to say it is wrong. . . . When we get
For as Kottler wrote: “Certain lies may there- through the false memory issue perhaps we
p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 395

can start to debate the serious question . . . At best, psychotherapy may be the simple
that therapists are in fact social influence pur- provision of human caring, empathy, sense of
veyors and it is your job to use those tech- worth and source of optimism; the “purchase
niques. And hypnosis will lead the way into of friendship.” And, like other nostrums, sell-
the social influence literature. And then we ing it may require enthusiastic exaggeration,
can start to talk about the ethics of using false and unscrupulous deception.
memories therapeutically. While I leave you now to make your own
decision as to whether psychotherapy is the
Thus, to Scheflin and to the many psycholo- “snake oil of the 90s,” I want to draw your at-
gists who gave him a standing ovation, the end tention to Seligman’s own words of warning to
justifies the means even if the means is to mis- consumers, written some years before the CR
lead, deceive, and lie to the user, and to create study and his election to the presidency of the
a false history of her or his life. Perhaps an- APA. While he may now prefer to ignore his
other reason that Scheflin got such a rousing statement, it speaks loudly and clearly on this
round of applause was that he was promising matter (Seligman, 1994, 8):
psychologists that soon “there will be a point—
though there has not been one yet” when they Making up your mind about self-improvement
would find the power that “would make thera- courses, psychotherapy, and medication . . . is
pists more effective in treating the problems of difficult because the industries that champion
the patient” (Scheflin, 1994, 202). His mes- them are enormous and profitable and try to
sage was that the power to change people, to sell themselves with highly persuasive means:
create not only good memories but good (al- testimonials, case histories, word of mouth,
beit false) identities, was soon to be discov- endorsements . . . all slick forms of advertising.
ered; that although psychologists may feel in-
secure about their abilities, they need not References:
worry because the techniques to influence,
Bickman, Leonard. 1996. “A Continuum of Care:
persuade, and change people were being de-
More Is Not Always Better.” American Psycholo-
veloped. His message was encouraging to the gist, 51(7).
many psychologists who carry on their daily ———, Guthrie, P. R., Foster, E. M., Lambert, E. W.,
practice of professional deception, projecting Summerfelt, W. T., Breda, C. S., and Heflinger,
an image of themselves as confident and self C. A. 1995. Evaluating Managed Mental Health
assured so that their clients will be satisfied Services: The Fort Bragg Experiment. New York:
customers. Plenum.
The results of psychotherapy research are so ———, Summerfelt, William Thomas, and Noser,
equivocal and fraught with doubt that no one Kelly. 1997. “Comparative Outcomes of Emotion-
can honestly say even that it has a positive ef- ally Disturbed Children and Adolescents in a Sys-
tem of Services and Usual Care.” Psychiatric Ser-
fect, let alone say that more is better. As well,
vices, Dec. 48(12).
there are sufficient data to warrant the caution
Consumer Reports. 1995. “How Is Your Doctor
that in some, if not many, instances it may
Treating You?” February: 81–88.
even be harmful, actually increasing, prolong- ———. 1995. “Mental Health: Does Therapy Help?”
ing and even creating the problems it is November: 734–739.
thought to alleviate. The recent exposés of re- Dawes, Robyn M. 1994. House of Cards: Psychology
covered memory therapy may be showing and Psychotherapy Built on Myth. New York:
merely the tip of the iceberg of damaging Macmillan.
effects. DeLeon, Patrick H., and Williams, Janice G. 1997.
396 | p s y c h o t h e r a p y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

“Evaluation Research and Public Policy Forma- Kottler, J. 1987. On Being a Therapist. San Fran-
tion: Are Psychologists Collectively Willing to Ac- cisco: Jossey Bass Publ.
cept Unpopular Findings?” American Psycholo- Lambert, M. J. 1986. “Some Implications of Psy-
gist, 52(5). chotherapy Outcome Research for Eclectic Psy-
Dineen, Tana. 1998. Manufacturing Victims: What chotherapy.” International Journal of Eclectic
the Psychology Industry is Doing to People. Mon- Psychotherapy, 5(1), 16–44.
treal: Robert Davies Multimedia Publishing. Revel, Jean-Francois. 1991. The Flight from Truth.
Eysenck, Hans J. 1952. “The Effects of Psychother- New York: Random House.
apy: An Evaluation.” Journal of Consulting Psy- Scheflin, Alan. 1994. “Hypnosis 1994 and Beyond.”
chology, 16, 319–324. Hypnos, 21(4).
———. 1965. “The Effects of Psychotherapy.” Interna- ———. 1995. “Plenary Address at the Frontiers of
tional Journal of Psychiatry, 97–168. Hypnosis Conference.” The Fourth National As-
Feldman, Saul. 1997. “The Fort Bragg Demonstration sembly of the Federation of Canadian Societies of
and Evaluation.” American Psychologist, 52(5). Clinical Hypnosis, Banff, Canada, May.
Fox, Ronald E. 1994. “Training Professional Psy- Sechrest, L., and Walsh, M. 1997. “Dogma or Data:
chologists for the Twenty-First Century.” Ameri- Bragging Rights.” American Psychologist, 52(5),
can Psychologist, 49(3). 536.
Frank, Jerome D. 1961 (1973). Persuasion and Heal- Seligman, M. 1994. What You Can Change and
ing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy. Bal- What You Can’t. New York: Knopf.
timore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ———. 1995. “The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy:
Hagen, Margaret A. 1997. Whores of the Court: The The Consumers Reports Study.” American Psy-
Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of chologist, 50(12): 965–974.
American Justice. New York: Regan Books, Sexton, D. 1989. “Gaining Insights into the Com-
HarperCollins. plexity of Ritualistic Abuse. The Eighth National
Herman, Ellen. 1995. The Romance of American Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.” Tape
Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Ex- #28.
perts. Berkeley: University of California Press. Showalter, Elaine. 1997. Hystories: Hysterical Epi-
Hillman, James, and Ventura, Michael. 1992. We’ve demics and Modern Media. New York: Columbia
Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the University Press.
World Is Getting Worse. San Francisco: Harper- Smail, David. 1987. Taking Care: An Alternative to
Collins. Therapy. London: J. M. Dent and Sons.
Hoagwood, Kimberly. 1997. “Interpreting Nullity: Weiss, Bhar. 1997. “The Effectiveness of Traditional
The Fort Bragg Experiment—A Comparative Suc- Child Psychotherapy.” Unpublished report of the
cess or Failure?” American Psychologist, 52(5), Center for Mental Health Policy, Vanderbilt Uni-
548. versity.
Huber, Peter W. 1991. Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Sci- Weisz, J. R., Donenberg, G. R., Hans, S. S., and
ence in the Courtroom. New York: Basic Books. Weisz, B. 1995. “Bridging the Gap between Lab
Hughes, Robert. 1993. Culture of Complaint: The and Clinic in Child and Adolescent Psychother-
Fraying of America. New York: Oxford University apy.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychol-
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torical and Clinical Study. Translation by Eden Myths of Psychological Change. Boston: Little,
and Cedar Paul. Vol. II. New York: Macmillan. Brown and Co.
The Mystery of Their Origins


very year 2 million tourists travel to Why Do People Seem So Fascinated

E northern Africa to a limestone plateau
a few miles west of Egypt’s mighty Nile
river. There they gaze in wonder at ancient
by Pyramids?

ruins that have amazed people for almost The sheer size of the pyramids alone was
5000 years—the Pyramids of Giza. enough to attract attention and inspire won-
The ruins at Giza have been a tourist desti- der. For much of its history the largest of
nation since the time of the Roman empire. them, the Great Pyramid of Giza, was the
Interest in the pyramids and the culture of tallest structure in the world. In the ancient
ancient Egypt reached new highs in Europe world only the legendary lighthouse at Alex-
when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt andria was said to have been taller. It was not
with his army in 1789. Although his military until 4,500 years later in 1889, with the in-
objective failed, he had also brought with him vention of steel beam construction, that the
a small army of scholars, surveyors, and artists Eiffel tower of Paris, France, rose higher. The
to study the ruins of Egypt. The excitement Great Pyramid is still one of the most massive
their work produced in Europe inspired still structures ever built. Just how big was it? The
more research and exploration. One of the Great Pyramid was 480 feet high. It is said to
discoveries of the Napoleonic expedition was have been built from 21/2 million blocks of
the famed Rosetta stone that allowed the an- limestone, each averaging 21/2 tons (5,000
cient picture writing of the Egyptians to be pounds).
read for the first time in 1,500 years. The great age of the pyramids fascinates
The ability to read what the ancient Egyp- people, and lends a veneer of ancient wisdom
tians had to say about themselves provided the to any belief system that claims to share the
most accurate view of ancient Egyptian society knowledge of the civilization that built them.
that anyone had seen for many centuries. The pyramids were already 1,000 years old
Today ancient Egyptian culture continues during the time that the biblical story of
to fascinate us. Scholars studying the ruins Moses and the exodus from Egypt was
still make worldwide headlines with every thought to have taken place. They were al-
major discovery. Countless books, television ready 2,500 years old during the time of
documentaries, and even a number of block- Christ. It is not surprising they have always
buster films have featured ancient Egypt. been considered one of the wonders of the
There is even a pyramid (symbolizing durabil- world.
ity) printed on the back of every U.S. one dol- The fact that the pyramids are pure geo-
lar bill. metric shapes also seems to fascinate people.

398 | p y r a m i d s

The Great Pyramid from the top

If they had been built in the form of an enor- aspects of it can be described by mathematical
mous perfect cube, or a giant sphere, people formulas. Modern architects often use pure
would probably find them equally mysterious. shapes such as these when they want to ex-
A pure shape seems to have a hidden relation- press profound or futuristic themes.
ship to the rest of the universe because various Many people around the world have built
p y r a m i d s | 399

(Above center) A tower

in the sacred district of
the capital of Medieval
Sri Lanka. (Above right)
Mayan temple—Guatemala.
(Center left) Silbury Hill,
a 4500 year old artificial
(Bottom left) Aztec
(Above) Futuristic architecture at the “Pyramid of the Moon”
1939 New York World’s Fair —Mexico

pyramids for religious purposes, often with the This is simply not true. The concept of the
idea of building a platform to get closer to the pyramid developed slowly along with religious
heavens. Some people assume that all pyramid ideas about the afterlife. Once the idea was
builders must have gotten their idea from the perfected, the Egyptians did not continue to
same place. But it is a universal human intu- build gigantic pyramids. The largest of the
ition that gods are to be found in the sky. The pyramids were built during weather cycles that
pyramid shape is simply the most practical way generated large food surpluses. Cycles of
to build a high structure if your building drought made Egypt too poor to build large
method consists of piling up rocks or earth. monuments. Also, the Egyptian pharaohs
Even nature prefers a pyramid shape. When eventually lost faith in the ability of the fre-
erosion wears landforms down into mountains, quently robbed pyramids to protect their
a stable triangle shape is the result. mummies. They began to be buried instead in
We know from what they wrote that the hidden underground chambers.
Egyptians attached many symbolic meanings
to their pyramids.
Before Pyramids

A mound symbolized rebirth to the Egyptians

The Evolution of the Pyramid who saw fresh new plants sprout every year
from the muddy high ground that emerged
Did the Egyptians need help from space aliens from flood waters of the Nile river. The burial
to build the pyramids? Some authors say they mound eventually developed into a squarish
did. They claim that the largest of the pyra- structure called a “mastaba.” The mastaba was
mids appeared suddenly in a primitive culture a house for the spirit of the dead person to live
that had never built anything like them. in.

3. A two-layered mastaba.

2. X-ray view of a mastaba. Mastabas could

1. X-ray view of an early burial be quite elaborate with rooms and courtyards
mound. for the spirit.

4. The ruins of a royal burial site—a gigantic many-

roomed mastaba surrounds a stepped mound that
covers the tomb.

5. The Step Pyramid—The First Pyramid

The interior structure of the Step Pyramid
demonstrates the leap from a stepped
mastaba to a pyramid shape. It started
as a mastaba enclosed in a
courtyard. This was later
enlarged to a four-level
mastaba, and then it was rebuilt as a 6-level
mastaba. The rock under the Step Pyramid’s
courtyard is honeycombed with 400 rooms
connected by 3 1/2 miles of tunnels!

6. Sneferu’s Three Pyramids

The pyramid at Meidum—
Sneferu’s first pyramid, now
in ruins, was originally a
step pyramid. He later rebuilt it with straight sides
after he finished the Bent and Red pyramids.

7. The Bent Pyramid—Sneferu’s builders changed 8. The Red Pyramid—Sneferu learned from his
the steep angle of the sides when the pyramid mistakes and this is a carefully planned and well-
structure began to fail. built pyramid.
p y r a m i d s | 401

After Giza

Pyramids were built

for another 1000 years,
but none achieved the
fame of the ones at
Giza. Later pyramids
often had cores of
mudbrick or poor
quality stone. When
their outer shell of
protective limestone
9. Left to right: (Left) Menkaures’ small pyramid at Giza placed more emphasis
was stolen, they grad-
on its temple rather than the pyramid’s size. (Center) Khafre, the son of Khufu,
built the middle pyramid and the Sphinx, a lion statue with the head of a man. ually crumbled into
(Right) The Great Pyramid, built by Sneferu’s son Khufu, is the largest ever built unrecognizable blobs.
at 480 feet tall. Small pyramids be-
came popular as part
of private tombs two
The Giza Pyramids—They’ve Been Robbed! hundred years after the last royal pyramids
were built. For 800 years no royal pyramids
Almost every pyramid was soon robbed of the were built in Egypt. The practice was then re-
treasure put in its chambers for use in the af- vived by the Nubian King Piye, who ruled all
terlife. Pharaohs eventually lost faith in the of Egypt in the 25th dynasty. The Nubians
pyramid’s ability to protect their mummies, built almost 200 pyramids.
and they began to use hidden grave sites. The
pyramids were also eventually robbed of their 11. Private tombs
outer shell of high quality building stone. The
Giza pyramids had an inner core of stone, so
they kept their basic shape.

12. Nubian pyramids

10. The ruined mudbrick core of Amenemhet III’s

first pyramid hides an elaborate tunnel system.
402 | p y r a m i d s

Why the Egyptians Built the Pyramids dreds of priests took turns continuing the daily
rituals long after he died. An entire town was
The Pyramid Complex necessary to keep up this activity.
The pyramids were called “Houses of Eter-
When people in our culture hear that the pyr- nal Life” and they were built to ensure that
amids were “the tombs of the pharaohs” they the pharaoh would become immortal. Egyp-
often suppose that they were like our grave tians believed that if the pharaoh became im-
stones—a marker in a quiet place with an occa- mortal, all of the people that lived during his
sional visitor. reign would be immortal as well. This is a crit-
But the pyramid was only one part of a large ical point to understand. The promise of im-
group or “complex” of structures that served as mortality for the common people was probably
much more than a tomb. These structures were what led them to organize and channel nearly
a religious site where rituals were performed to all the surplus wealth of their society into
transform the dead Pharaoh’s body into a building pyramid complexes. During its con-
mummy, and to prepare him for a god-like ex- struction, a pyramid was the focal point of
istence in the afterlife. The Egyptian concept of Egyptian society. From the evidence so far un-
a ghost or soul was more elaborate than ours covered of complete towns surrounding some
and separate ceremonies were necessary for of the pyramid sites, it appears that these areas
each of the soul’s three distinct parts. To sup- also served as an administrative center or capi-
port a pharaoh’s activities in the afterlife, hun- tal of the country.
Egyptians named their pyramids in a way
that showed that the god-like characteristics of
QUEEN’S the pharaoh became associated with the struc-
BURIAL CHAMBER ture itself. Here are some examples of names
given to pyramids (the words in italics are the
names of pharaohs): Menkaure is Divine; Pure
ENTRANCE are the Places of Userkaf; The Perfection of
Pepi is Established; Pepi is Established and
Living; Amenemhet Lives.

Cracking a Real Code:

Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta Stone

CAUSEWAY In 1822 a Frenchman named Jean-François

Champollion played a major role in rediscov-
ering how to read the mysterious Egyptian pic-
ture-letters known as hieroglyphics.
VALLEY TEMPLE Hieroglyphics were difficult to decode be-
cause they were not a simple phonetic alpha-
bet like ours, nor were they written in a single
HARBOR direction. A good working knowledge of hiero-
glyphics required knowing 200 to 400 symbols
out of the approximately 3000 symbols avail-
A pyramid complex able. Some pictures stood for individual let-
p y r a m i d s | 403


kind of

PT O L I S “long-lived
M beloved of Ptah”

Greek K L EO P A T R A indicates a
female name

The Rosetta Stone and the Ptolemy and Cleopatra cartouches

ters. Others stood for whole words, phrases, or What Did the Pyramid Symbolize?
syllables. Other symbols were placed at the
end of a word to further define it. The pyramid shape was rich in religious mean-
Hieroglyphics could also be written in any ings for the ancient Egyptians. One of their
direction—up, down, left or right. The symbols earliest stories about the creation of the world
that show people or animals indicate in which involved a primeval mound that emerged from
direction the writing is to be read. You start bottomless waters. This is not a surprising cre-
from the direction the figures are facing. ation image for a people who were used to
Champollion cracked the code using the months of flooding, who waited for the land to
Rosetta stone because it had the same inscrip- reemerge, and for plants to be regenerated. An
tions carved on it in three languages. One sec- ancient sun god was said to have set this cre-
tion was hieroglyphics and another was ation in motion, so the pyramidal mound was
Greek—a language which Champollion could associated from earliest times with both the
read. He guessed that rounded boxes known as earth and sky.
cartouches within the hieroglyphic section Some Egyptologists think the pyramid shape
contained names. He suspected the cartouches itself also represented the sun’s rays as they
contained the name Ptolemy (spelled in Greek
as “Ptolemaios”) since that Pharaoh’s name
appeared many times in the Greek section.
Another inscription on another stone con-
tained a cartouche that he suspected spelled
out the name “Cleopatra.” Selecting the letters
that both names had in common—“L,” “O,”
“P,” and “T,” he looked to see if the hiero-
glyphic symbols matched. They did. That also
gave him clues as to what the other symbols
might be, and he was on his way to unraveling
a 1500 year old mystery. Sun’s rays over the pyramid
404 | p y r a m i d s

mid-July and slowly covered the entire river

plain with its smooth glass-like waters until
October. The fields were enriched as silt set-
tled out of the standing water.
The Nile provided a bountiful living that al-
lowed the Egyptians to take time out for spiri-
tual considerations such as concern for the
afterlife. They were able to organize the work-
force to build their monuments because their
society was already organized around the irri-
gation systems that were necessary to bring
Pyramid interior with text on walls flood water into their fields, hold the water,
and to drain it out again after it had dropped
are seen breaking through clouds. The sun’s its load of fertile silt.
rays were described as a ramp that the pha- The flood months also allowed the farmers
raoh used to ascend to heaven. This image spare time to work on the pyramids without
perfectly matches the concept of a pyramid as disrupting the harvest. The periods of Egyp-
a means by which a pharaoh is transformed tian history that are famous for magnificent
from an earthly to a heavenly being. cultural achievement—like the Fourth Dynasty
The Pyramid Texts are writing on the walls when the Giza pyramids were built—had long
and ceilings of the chambers inside some pyra- periods of stable and consistent flooding. For
mids. They explain the Egyptian concept of the most part the Nile performed reliably and
death and the afterlife, and the purpose of the gave the ancient Egyptians a comfortable life.
pyramid. They are some of the earliest reli- However, too many years in a row of low
gious writings known and include myths, flooding and dry fields brought starvation. Too
spells, hymns, and poems, as well as burial cer- much water left too long in the fields delayed
emonies. planting, which meant that crops did not form
seed before they were dried up by the hot
summer sun.
Historically, periods of floods that were too
The Nile and Its Pyramids high or too low are associated with periods of
social decline and collapse in ancient Egypt.
There are about 300 pyramids strung along
the length of the Nile river. They start at the
point where the Nile fans out before emptying
into the Mediterranean Sea, and continue up Ancient Theories
the Nile to the ancient black kingdom of Nu-
bia, where about 2/3 of them are found. The antiquity and great size of the Giza monu-
To understand ancient Egypt you have to ments lent authority to anyone who success-
understand what the Nile meant to the culture. fully claimed an association with their builders.
The Nile was a green ribbon of life cutting
through a barren desert landscape. The dense • One thousand years after they were built
population of ancient Egypt depended on the Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV claimed that as a
yearly cycle of floods rather than on rainfall to prince he had fallen asleep in the shade
water their crops. The Nile started to rise in of the Sphinx and it had spoken to him

p y r a m i d s | 405

MAIN CAIRO to tell him that he would someday be

OF EARLY King. Since his older brother was
actually first in line to be Pharaoh, he
needed this miracle story to reinforce his
claim to the throne.
• Two thousand years after the Giza
pyramids were built, a cult of priests still
worshiped the Pharaohs that built them
G •
as gods.
Two thousand six hundred years after
Y they were built, the Jewish historian

P Josephus mistakenly claimed that

Hebrew slaves had provided the labor.

T • In a blend of Greek, Egyptian and Middle

Eastern lore, it was claimed that an
ancient king or, in some versions, the
Greek god Hermes built the pyramids to
hide secret knowledge from the
unworthy and to protect that knowledge
from a great flood.
• In later centuries, the Arabs said fabulous
THE LAND OF objects were hidden inside—weapons that
KUSH never rusted, glass that could bend
without breaking, and a vase that always
poured water and never ran empty (a
marvel indeed to desert dwellers).
• Of course treasure was also said to be
NU BIA hidden there—objects made of rubies,
MAIN CONCENTRATION gold and precious stones—a rumor based
perhaps on the knowledge of real
treasure buried with mummies.
• Christian medieval Europe incorrectly
thought the Pyramids were the grain
storage bins of Joseph of biblical fame.

Modern Alternative Theories

OF THE Amazing stories about the pyramids are still
NILE told today. While these alternate theories dis-
agree about who planned the pyramids, they
all agree that it was not the ancient Egyptians.

Map of the Nile and its pyramids

406 | p y r a m i d s

They argue that the Egyptians were too “prim-

itive” to build the pyramids without help. The
theories usually center around the Great Pyra-
mid, which is said to contain advanced knowl- KING’S
edge hidden in its measurements—knowledge
that the Egyptians could not possibly have GRAND GALLERY

known about. ASCENDING

Oddly enough these alternative theories
came from the same historic event that in-
spired increased scientific knowledge of CHAMBER

Egypt’s past—Napoleon’s 1789 invasion. Two

camps of opposing viewpoints arose—those in Pyramidology analyzes the interior chambers of
the academic/scientific world, and those who the Great Pyramid. The floor of the Queen’s
sought alternative or spiritual explanations. chamber in the Great Pyramid meets the angled
floor of the ascending chamber at a point 33 1/2
Though many of the promoters of alterna-
inches before the end of the passage—this
tive theories rejected the discipline of science,
represents the date of the Crucifixion, exactly 33
they still liked to look scientific by using mea- 1/2 years after Christ’s birth. If this measurement
surements and mathematical calculations to is taken as the hypotenuse of a right triangle, the
“prove” their ideas. base of that triangle is 30 inches—the exact
number of years from Christ’s birth to his baptism.

The 1800s—Pyramidology
• The Great Pyramid of Giza was built by
Pyramidologists used elaborate measurements the devil. (This was the idea of Joseph T.
to discover hidden codes built into the halls, “Judge” Rutherford, a leader of the early
chambers and dimensions of the Great Pyra- Jehovah Witness movement, in The
mid. They tried to link every measurement to Watch Tower, Nov. 28, 1928 in response
events in Christianity in an attempt to prove to his predecessor Charles Taze Russell’s
that their unique interpretation of what the enthusiastic support for Pyramidology.)
Bible said was literally true. The two examples
of this kind of thinking below reached dramat-
ically different conclusions. Pyramidology and Racism

• Noah and his sons built the Great The pyramidology movement gained re-
pyramid of Giza under the guidance of spectability when British Royal Astronomer
God. It is really “the Bible written in Charles Piazzi Smyth declared that the mea-
stone.” Measurements of its chambers surements of the Great Pyramid contained not
and passages are a record of the past and only religious prophecy, but all mathematical
can also be used to predict the future, and geological knowledge conceivable.
Christ’s Second Coming, and the end of Of course the self-satisfied Victorians could
the world. (The Pyramidology movement not imagine the idol-worshipping brown peo-
was inspired by John Taylor’s book The ple of Africa building such a wonder. They de-
Great Pyramid: Why Was It Built and cided their own ancestors were the Israelis of
Who Built It, written in 1859.) the Bible who had invaded Egypt to build the
p y r a m i d s | 407

Great Pyramid under God’s direction. The idea Atlantis sank into the ocean) to build the
that the ancient Anglo-Saxons rather than the pyramids.
Jews were the Biblical God’s real chosen peo- • Egyptian priests used psychic power—now
ple is still used today by some white suprema- lost to our modern scientific mindset—to
cist groups to justify racism. move the great stones.

These current theories still depend upon

some of the old discoveries of pyramidology
The 1900’s Superior Civilization Theories that relate pyramid measures to astronomy,
geology, and mathematics. The famous best-
Theories of the 1900s also found hidden selling book Chariots of the Gods? claimed that
codes. The gods and kings of ancient stories the height of the pyramid multiplied by a bil-
were replaced with beings of superior intelli- lion equals the distance from the earth to the
gence who possessed advanced technology. sun, or 98,000,000 miles. (Actually the earth
Many of these theories sound like science fic- makes an oval path around the sun so the dis-
tion because they are often a reaction to the tance between them varies. That distance is
same rapid technological changes and social usually averaged as 93—not 98—million miles.)
anxieties that inspired Sci Fi itself. Another “proof” states that if you start at
These contemporary stories express modern the north pole and draw a line straight down
hopes and fears. They suggest the secret codes through the Great Pyramid to the south pole,
are warnings about the need to change our your line will travel over more land than any-
ways because of moral decay, the coming end where else on the globe. (Why placing a pyra-
of the world, nuclear war, or environmental mid on a line that can travel over the most
pollution. land mass of anywhere on earth is so signifi-
cant has never been explained.)
• A spaceship of defeated survivors of a But a favorite way to prove an advanced in-
galactic war escaped to our solar system telligence built the Great Pyramid is to point
and interbred with our primitive ape-like
ancestors to create a new species—us!
They provided us with pyramid building
technology—laser beams to cut huge
stones, anti-gravity machines to move
them, and radioactive paste to fuse them
together. (From Chariots of the Gods? by
Erich von Däniken in 1968.)
• Structures on Mars and Earth are a great
cosmic blueprint created by alien
civilizations. Mathematical relationships
connect Giza to an area on Mars called
Cydonia where there are pyramids and
the Sphinx-like face on Mars. (From The
Mars Mystery written by Graham
Hancock in 1998.)
• People from the lost continent of Atlantis Globe with line from pole to pole traveling through
used advanced technology (lost when Giza.
408 | p y r a m i d s

out that the distance around the base of the The Number Game
Great Pyramid divided by twice its height gives
a special number called “pi”—3.14. First of all The custom of manipulating numbers to dis-
just because a number is discovered in pyra- cover hidden meanings is called Numerology.
mid measurements doesn’t mean it was delib- It is so easy to come up with startling coinci-
erately hidden there. (This is explained below dences that “hidden” numerical relationships
in the section called “The Number Game.”) should not be used to prove the existence of
Also, pi was well known in ancient cultures, al- helpful space aliens or unknown advanced civ-
though they had a slightly less accurate num- ilizations. Finding these relationships is really
ber for it than we do. Babylonians used 3.125 a game of “Pick and Choose.”
for pi, and the ancient Egyptians used 3.1605. Mathematician Martin Gardner demon-
Technical stuff about pi (also written as the strated how easy it is to find a pattern within a
Greek letter “π”): bunch of unrelated numbers. He analyzed the
Washington Monument to see if he could “dis-
• The distance around the outside of any cover” the property of fiveness to it:
circle is about 3.14 times greater than the
distance straight through the center of Its height is 555 feet and 5 inches. The base is
that circle. This number was important 55 feet square, and the windows are set at 500
for ancient builders and surveyors who feet from the base. If the base is multiplied by
needed to be able to calculate the area of sixty (or five times the number of months in a
circles to compare them to square spaces. year) it gives 3,300, which is the exact weight
Pi fascinates people because it never of the capstone in pounds. Also, the word
comes out exactly even. Mathematicians “Washington” has exactly ten letters (two
love the game of finding ever more times five). And if the weight of the capstone is
accurate values for it. The last we heard, multiplied by the base, the result is 181,500—a
a computer calculated pi to over 51 fairly close approximation of the speed of light
billion decimal points. Many ancient in miles per second.
cultures used an even 3 for pi. Modern
engineers usually don’t need more than He then joked “it should take an average
7 decimal points, and scientists rarely mathematician about 55 minutes to discover
need more than 20. the above ‘truths.’ ”
• Some claim to get a 6-decimal figure You can find amazing “coincidences” by
for pi—3.141592—from Great Pyramid measuring your own home. On my first try I
measurements, but this is not as discovered that the length of my house times
amazingly accurate as it seems because 10,000 is the same as the distance to the sun
it was calculated from estimates of the divided by the number of days in a year! I
thickness of the pyramid’s missing outer started out by dividing the distance to the sun
layer and top. by the days in a year just because it sounded
• The 5th century Greek historian like an impressive (but actually meaningless)
Herodotus claimed a different astronomical fact. I instantly saw that it more
mathematical ratio was built into the or less matched the length of one side of my
pyramid—that the area of each lateral house, give or take a few zeros. So I added the
face equals a square whose sides are “times 10,000” to get a match! The secret of
as long as the pyramid is tall—this numerology is to just keep manipulating num-
coincidently produces a ratio close to pi. bers until you get amazing-sounding matches.
p y r a m i d s | 409

How the Egyptians Built the Pyramids

Alternate theory people say that archeologists
tell us the pyramids appeared suddenly in the
historical record with nothing to indicate that
anything came before them. They say no one
knows how the pyramids were built, and that
modern engineers failed when they tried to
build one. Egyptian drawing of a moving statue
But archeologists have tested different pyra-
mid building theories. Egyptologist Mark
Lehner successfully cut stone blocks and built surface could be covered with clay to make it
a small experimental pyramid in just 6 weeks. even more slippery.
He used ancient techniques, with only one ex- Alternate theory people also claim the Great
ception. To speed work, stonecutters were al- Pyramid is placed with a perfection primitive
lowed to use hand tools made of the more people could not have achieved on their own—
durable iron instead of softer copper tools like its base nearly perfectly level and square, and
the Egyptians used. its sides are precisely oriented toward North,
Remnants of ancient ramps taught archeolo- South, East, and West. The Egyptians, how-
gists how they should be contructed. The mod- ever, were a sophisticated, highly organized
ern experimental reconstruction of a pyramid society with specialists who had generations to
ramp shown below allowed a team of 20 men perfect the tools and mathematics required to
to easily drag a 2-ton stone on a wooden survey and level. Experience with the annual
sledge. To make the trackway, stone walls were Nile flood led them to develop these skills be-
built along each side of the ramp and the mid- cause fields had to be re-surveyed every year
dle was filled in with stones, clay, and gypsum when field boundaries were wiped out by mud.
(the same material used to make plaster of There are many simple ways to find north and
paris). Wooden planks were spaced along the achieve level surfaces that do not require ad-
roadbed and water was poured in front of the vanced technology.
sledge runners to help them slide. The road

The Square Level: a tool for creating a

level surface. When the feet of the “A” are
exactly level, the centerweight hangs
through the exact middle of the “A”.

Finding True North—Three Methods

If you have ever spent much time watching the

sky you know that as the hours pass, the sun
Reconstruction of a pyramid ramp and stars appear to move in an arc across the
410 | p y r a m i d s

the earth wobbles slightly on its axis, causing

the position of the stars to gradually shift over
long periods of time. Later pyramids vary
slightly from true north to the same degree that
these two stars have drifted away from exactly
circling true north, suggesting that this was a
method the Egyptians actually used.

Finding north How the Stones Were Cut and Moved

without Modern Machinery

sky from east to west—and the center point To lay a foundation for the claim that un-
around which they seem to rotate is north. known advanced civilizations or visitors from
space built the pyramids, alternate theory peo-
• To find north with a star: mark the point ple claim that the Egyptians couldn’t have cut
where a star rises in the east and the and moved the gigantic stones that make up
point where it sets in the west. North will the pyramids.
be exactly in the middle of these two The Egyptians left us many clues about how
marks. This measurement is very they worked. The pyramids were built on a
accurate if it is taken from inside a high limestone plateau to the west of the Nile partly
circular wall that creates a level artificial for spiritual reasons—the western horizon was
horizon. Observations are made through associated with passage to the afterlife. But the
a notch in a tall stick placed in the center plateau was also chosen because it provided
of the circle. The wall can be made both a firm foundation to build on, and quarry
perfectly level by building a dam of clay sites for the millions of limestone blocks
around the top of the wall to hold water, needed for the core of the structures. Canals
and trimming the top of the wall to the from the nearby Nile allowed barges of higher
water line. quality stone to be floated in—granite for the
• To find north from the sun’s movement: interior chambers and fine grained limestone
place a tall stick straight into the ground. for the outer casing.
Mark its shadow three hours before noon
and three hours after noon. North will be
in the middle of these marks.
• There was no single star that could be Copper drills, chisels, saws,
used to find true north during the time and awls were similar to
the Great Pyramids were built, but there today’s hand tools. Worn blades
like these were found in the
were two stars that circled the pole point.
rubble between the stones of
The Egyptians could have dropped a
the Great pyramid.
weighted line to find out when one star
lined up exactly above the other—this
would have given them true north.

But this last method was accurate only at the

time the Great Pyramids were built, because
p y r a m i d s | 411

with rounded
diorite tools

Two possible ramp styles

Notched granite in
ancient quarries

Remains of an ancient ramp

The ancient pyramid quarries are filled with blocks were placed at the very top of the pyra-
half-finished blocks, and abandoned and bro- mids. Some think wooden levers were used.
ken tools that show how the Egyptians worked. Others think that stones were moved into
Copper saws and chisels were used on the place with a system of spiral ramps.
softer limestone. Granite could be sawed with
the help of quartz abrasives or shattered by ap-
plying heat and then cold water. Granite was
also shaped by pounding with rounded tools Testing Pyramid Power Theories
made of an extremely hard stone called diorite.
While it’s hard for us to imagine cutting The pyramid shape is believed by some to at-
huge blocks of granite from quarries by slowly tract or generate special kinds of energy that
bashing out channels around them, the Egyp- can:
tians had both the time and manpower to work • sharpen razor blades • purify water • pre-
that way. Notches were cut in granite and used serve food • polish jewelry or coins • improve
to split the stone loose with wooden levers. wine • heal patients • mummify pets • stop ag-
ing • improve memory • keep milk fresh • ex-
tend shelf-life of medicines • improve sexual
Roads, Ramps and Levers desire • aid concentration • reduce stress &
tension • prevent rust • heighten charges of
Archeologists have discovered the remains of psychic energy • enhance meditation • mum-
roads used to drag stones from quarries to pyr- mify meat & eggs • preserve flowers • stimulate
amids. plant growth • increase relaxation • improve
Ramps that were used to raise stones up coffee • calm children • heal cuts, bruises &
onto pyramids are found still in place against burns • reduce toothache & headache pain •
abandoned projects. The beginning of the improve certain fruit juices.
Great Pyramid’s ramp was found at a nearby Our hypothesis is that pyramid power is a
limestone quarry. No one is sure how the folktale inspired by the fame of the well-
412 | p y r a m i d s

preserved ancient mummies, and the thrill of fresher, or which pennies are shinier. Record
supposing that you have re-discovered ancient the results of each test. By guessing, your judge
hidden knowledge unknown to science. should pick the pyramid plate about half the
If pyramid power really existed it would be time just by chance, even if there is no such
wonderful indeed. It would open up a whole thing as pyramid power. So to detect pyramid
new branch of science and inspire new tech- power the judge must consistently pick the
nology. But no scientific tests to date have pyramid plate more than half the time.
managed to detect it. When you present the plates to your judges,
It’s easy enough to test pyramid power your- secretly mark them so you don’t lose track of
self: which is which. It is very important that the
Construct a small four sided cardboard judges can’t tell which plate was covered by
pyramid, and get a cardboard box of about the which shape so they won’t be influenced by
same size. Place them side by side with an pro– or anti–pyramid power feelings. The
identical plate of perishable food under each judges should also be alone when they make
shape. Or perhaps you might want to try tar- their decision so that no one influences them
nished pennies to see if they become polished one way or the other. Having these two safe-
under the pyramid. (Pyramid power advocates guards against unintended cheating is an im-
recommend that one side of the pyramid be portant invention of science called the “double
placed facing due north, and that the pyramid blind” experiment. Both the person making
be kept away from devices like TV’s and ra- the judgement about which plate of food is
dios.) Leave the box and pyramid alone for a fresher, or which pennies are shinier, and any-
few days to give the power time to work. Run one else in the room should be blind as to
the experiment at least 10 times. This is very which plate was under the pyramid. The prob-
important—running an experiment too few lem with many experiments that pyramid
times could give you chance results. power believers have done is that they were
Each time you run the experiment have not double blind, and they didn’t run enough
someone judge which plate of food, if any, is trials to avoid chance results.
Satanic Ritual Abuse

ince the publication of my book Satanic about ritual child abuse. Going beyond de-

S Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary

Legend in June, 1993, I have had some
surprises. On the positive side, the book was
scription to analysis, it offers some insights
learned from the current satanic cult scare
about the origins of similar moral panics.
awarded the 1994 H. L. Mencken Award by Claims about satanic cult ritual child abuse
the Free Press Association, which is given (SRA) arise from the convergence of two dif-
yearly for books about individual rights and ferent moral panics: the child sexual abuse
abuses of power. On the negative side, my scare and the satanic cult scare. Sociologists
publisher and I were slapped with a million use the term “moral panic” to refer to a social
dollar lawsuit by two therapists whose activi- condition in which a great many people in a
ties in promoting the satanic cult scare I re- society over-react to a newly perceived threat
ported in the book. to their well-being from social deviants, even
My book investigated four social conditions though the actual threat is either non-existent
through which the satanic cult scare is mani- or greatly exaggerated (Goode and Ben-
fested: 1) false accusations of satanic cult rit- Yehuda, 1994). Unlike an episodic panic, such
ual child abuse made by adult psychotherapy as the “War of the Worlds” panic of 1938, a
patients and by very young children; 2) com- moral panic is long-lasting and gives rise to
munity over-reaction to the teenage pseudo- organizations, laws, and procedures to combat
satanism fad; 3) community rumor-panics in the perceived threat. Moral panics are usually
response to stories about secret, criminal sa- accompanied by moral crusades against the
tanic cults; and 4) censorship campaigns social deviants and their perceived “evil” in-
aimed at supposed satanic influences in chil- fluences in society. Examples of past moral
dren’s books and elementary school books. panics include the European witch-hunt, out-
The most harmful of these conditions has breaks of anti-Semitic persecutions, the white
been false accusations of ritual child abuse. slavery scare, and the 1950’s Red Scare in the
They have put innocent people in prison, sep- U.S.
arated children from their parents, destroyed
many good people’s reputations, and caused
bitter controversy.
This article offers a sketch of major devel- Public Opinion and Satanic Cults
opments over the last two years in the evolu-
tion of the satanic cult scare, with a focus Some scholars have suggested that public
upon the controversy surrounding claims opinion during moral panics goes through

414 | s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e

certain phases of development (Penrod, 1952). several mainstream and Christian religious
It begins with an emerging perception of the publications. The impact has been to stir con-
threat among scattered opinion leaders, who cern about wild allegations of satanic cult
try to spread an awareness of the threat to the crime. The gatekeepers of mass media ideas
general public. Then, in the second phase, had previously regarded SRA allegations as
there is an explosion of concern about the being the nonsense of TV talk-shows and
threat, expressed through the mass media, country “rednecks.” It would appear that crit-
which enables the concern to be shared by a ical analysis sells only after tabloid sensation-
wide audience. Eventually, the threat is de- alism has saturated the market for dramatic
fined as “real” by the largest possible number horror stories.
of receptive people. At that point, skepticism Probably the most widely influential piece
about the extent of the threat begins to sur- of investigative journalism was a two part arti-
face, resulting in resistance to fearful appeals cle by Lawrence Wright published in The New
and widening social controversy about the Yorker, in 1993, under the title “Remembering
over-reaction. Afterwards, the exaggerated Satan.” (Wright later published his work in a
concern withers away, except among a few book by the same title.) The piece focused on
marginalized zealots. the 1988–89 case of Paul Ingram in Washing-
The alarmist propaganda promoted by anti- ton State. Ingram was a very active fundamen-
satanist moral crusaders since the early 1980s talist Christian, deputy sheriff, and Republican
has been effective in constructing a phantom county chairman, who was accused by his two
threat from imaginary evil-doers. Widespread daughters of sexually abusing and torturing
grass-roots belief in the danger of satanic cult them during satanic cult meetings (and sacri-
crime continues to persist. A 1994 national ficing babies, as well). During five months of
survey reported in Redbook magazine (Ross, questioning by police, by his pastor, and by
1994) found that 70% of Americans “believe two psychotherapists, Ingram gradually de-
that at least some people who claim that they scribed vague “memories” of participating
were abused by satanic cults as children but with his wife and poker-playing buddies in a
repressed the memories for years are telling satanic cult, which for 17 years sexually abused
the truth.” Moreover, “32% say that the FBI his daughters in ritual group orgies. Ingram’s
and the police ignore evidence because they vague memories came forth after his pastor
don’t want to admit the cults exist.” told him that Satan was the deceiver of the
However, American public opinion about mind and that he might not be able to remem-
the threat from secret, criminal satanic cults ber sexually abusing his daughters due to Sa-
is currently in the process of growing increas- tan’s power over his mind.
ingly more receptive to skeptical analysis. My The psychotherapists employed question-
evidence for this perception is that there have able quasi-hypnotic procedures with Ingram
been an increasing number of mass media to aid recall of his “faulty” memory. These
pieces offering a skeptical examination of procedures included progressive relaxation,
claims about satanic cult crime, including rit- meditative Christian prayer, and visualization
ual child abuse. Over the last year or two, exercises. Ingram later recanted his elaborate
there have been several segments of television confessions of bizarre criminal activity, but too
documentaries and many popular magazine late to avoid being convicted and sentenced to
articles critical of accusations of satanic ritual 20 years in prison. His wife and poker-playing
abuse. More importantly, skeptical pieces of buddies were not prosecuted, but their lives
investigative journalism have appeared in were ruined.
s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e | 415

The Politics of Public Opinion child abuse and released from prison, after the
court determined that several children had
In the arena of competing claims about a po- simply made up accusations of satanic cult
tential threat to society, political authority is crime against them (Daily Mail Reporter,
often more important in providing credibility 1995).
for claims than is scientific authority, at least A government report from the Ministry of
in the short run of events. As I noted in my Justice of the Netherlands came to very similar
book, four states had passed laws against a va- conclusions, after a thorough investigation of
riety of “ritualistic” (satanic cult) crimes by SRA accounts in that country (Netherlands
1991, thereby lending credibility to the pur- Ministry of Justice, 1994). The report further
ported threat. Since that time, serious political suggested three complementary explanations
struggles have taken place in California and for the epidemic of false accusations. In some
Utah, as believer groups have lobbied state leg- cases, SRA accusations could be a replacement
islatures to recognize a threat from secret for other, genuine traumas (a “screen mem-
criminal satanic cults and pass special laws ory”). In addition, therapists and child protec-
against ritual child abuse. The Utah state legis- tion workers who strongly believe in the exis-
lature spent $250,000 for a task force investi- tence of satanic ritual abuse may inadvertently
gation of satanic cult crimes against children prompt these stories from their patients (“sug-
and could find no persuasive legal evidence to gestion effects”). Finally, SRA accounts may
support the claims. A similar government sup- also be a manifestation of the satanic cult ur-
ported task force in California came to similar ban (contemporary) legend; threat-filled ru-
conclusions. mor stories repeated so frequently and so
The case for skepticism about conspiracy widely that they are regarded, without ques-
theories concerning satanic cult ritual abuse tion, as being true.
was supported by two significant government
reports, one from the United Kingdom and the
other from the Netherlands, both countries
where the plague of satanic cult panic was The Conflict between Scientists and Therapists
brought by American sources. In 1994, an offi-
cial report from the U.K. Department of Law enforcement agencies and courts com-
Health came to the conclusion that there was monly rely upon the presumptive expertise of
no evidence to justify allegations of the ritual psychotherapists and child-protection social
abuse of children by secret satanic cults, in any workers in attempts to distinguish between
of the 84 cases it investigated in which chil- true and false accusations of sexual child
dren had been taken away from their parents abuse. What these professionals interpret as
(La Fontaine, 1994). The report noted that being indicators of true and false accusations is
“The alleged disclosures of satanic abuse by crucial in making arrests and obtaining con-
younger children were influenced by adults.” victions. Psychotherapists and child-protection
In addition, the report concluded that fear of social workers are increasingly thrust into the
satanic ritual abuse had been spread by the legal arena and attributed authority to influ-
evangelical Christians and by American and ence the determination of people’s guilt or in-
British professional ritual abuse “specialists,” nocence of crime, based upon their interpreta-
whose qualifications were never verified. As tions of psychological indicators. Whether or
recently as January, 1995, eight English men not they want that authority (and most do not
and women were cleared of charges of ritual seek it), these professionals have become
416 | s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e

agents of social control in the arena of sexual aided by the incredibly rapid growth of the
child abuse. False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Its
Believing therapists continue to promote membership consists mainly of middle aged
their claims in seminar training programs and older parents whose adult children have
about SRA and in popular culture books. (This accused them of child sexual abuse, based
is so in the U.S., as well as in other mainly upon memories “recovered” during psycho-
English-speaking countries.) The newly re- therapy. The FMS Foundation has played a
vised edition of the most widely sold popular crucial role in facilitating scientific communi-
self-help book about recovering from child cation between therapists and researchers who
sexual abuse, The Courage to Heal (1994), in- are skeptical about the sudden, sharp increase
cluded a special section on “Facing Sadistic in sexual abuse accusations supported only by
Ritual Abuse.” The influence of this book is long-lost memories. It has been very effective
shown in a national study of self-help books, in gathering scientific and legal information
which found that The Courage to Heal was the about the phenomenon of false memories and
most widely used and recommended book by disseminating that information to the mass
mental health workers for the topic of child media and to concerned professionals. Since
sexual abuse (Santrock, Minnett and Camp- its establishment in March, 1992, by a few
bell, 1994). Diverse kinds of “therapists” and families in Philadelphia, the FMS Foundation
“counselors” of varying amounts of education has been contacted by about 16,000 affected
and training continue to treat “survivors” of families and has grown to a paying member-
SRA. (However, skepticism appears to be in- ship of about 2,500 families plus 500 profes-
creasing most rapidly among those with the sionals. The FMS Foundation has a profes-
most advanced education.) Several investiga- sional advisory board of 44 psychotherapists
tive journalists have told me that a few mental and behavioral scientists (on which I was in-
hospitals and clinics are making a thriving vited to participate). An early survey of FMS
business out of treating “survivors” of SRA. parents found that about 18% were accused of
At the same time, there are significant signs SRA. A reasonable estimate of the number of
of changing opinion among therapists who families in the United States affected by SRA
previously “went public” about their belief in accusations is that they are in the thousands.
the existence of secret satanic cults which sex- Another important development is the
ually abuse children, causing multiple person- growth in the number of people who have re-
ality disorder and loss of memories of the tracted their memories of childhood sexual
abuse. Several very prominent therapists have abuse. About 300 retractors have contacted
been back-pedaling about their previous the FMS Foundation for help. Some of them
claims. (I will discreetly refrain from mention- have organized a support group with a
ing any names.) Now, they caution about “over- newsletter.
reacting” to the problem and suggest that the The struggle between SRA-believing thera-
threat may have been “over-estimated.” More- pists and skeptics is expressed in professional
over, a semantic shift can be found in the cur- journals and newsletter articles, in newspaper
rent claims of previous believers. They now interviews and, most importantly, in conflict-
use the term “ritual abuse” or “sadistic abuse” ing expert witness testimony in court. While
and speak about “cults,” avoiding the satanic conflicting opinion among therapists is great,
adjective. there is an even greater cleavage between psy-
Skeptical psychotherapists have finally chotherapists and behavioral science re-
found receptive audiences. They have been searchers. Few, if any, research psychologists
s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e | 417

and sociologists accept claims about the exis- children being abused in the name of God
tence of organized, secret satanic cult criminals. than in the name of Satan” (1994, 14). One
important specific finding was that the thera-
pists reported a total of 43 “repressed memory
cases,” cases in which adult patients had “re-
The Psychology of Belief covered” lost memories of satanic ritual abuse
in psychotherapy. Significantly, the therapists
It is axiomatic that science can’t prove the non- all reported that they believed their patients’
existence of something. Science cannot prove memory accounts, even though there was no
the non-existence of demons which take over corroborating evidence for the crime.
people’s souls, or aliens from UFOs who kidnap Rogers and Brodie (1993) carried out a
people and erase their memories, or past lives smaller survey of the beliefs of 53 child protec-
which influence our memories. Science can’t tion social workers from a county in southern
prove the non-existence of secretive yeti, or California, who held master’s degrees and had
big-foot creatures, or Loch Ness monsters. from three to 15 years of work experience.
Therefore we should not anticipate that any re- The survey found that 45% of the social work-
search finding will determine that secret, crimi- ers agreed with claims that: “satanic ritualistic
nal satanic cults do not exist. However, the abuse involves a national conspiracy or net-
logic of scientific evidence can be used to de- work of multi-generational perpetrators where
velop alternative interpretations to claims of babies, children and adults are sexually as-
truth based upon misperceptions of events. saulted, physically mutilated, or killed.” More-
The most important recent research study of over, they also found that: “Nearly half believe
SRA accusations is a large scale, national re- there are thousands of missing children in the
search project carried out by Gail Goodman, U.S. every year who simply disappear and
under the auspices of the National Center on their bodies are never recovered, who may
Child Abuse and Neglect (Goodman, et. a1. have been victims of SRA.” Concerning adult
1994). Goodman’s study investigated a large memories of SRA, Rogers and Brodie found
national sample of clinical psychologists, psy- that: “23% agreed that half or more of those
chiatrists and clinical social workers, asking who repress memories of childhood sexual
about experiences with child and adult pa- abuse may also be victims of SRA.”
tients who claimed to be victims of satanic rit- A scientific understanding of false memories
ual abuse and other religion-related child of SRA may be a key to understanding the so-
abuse. Unfortunately, there is insufficient cial dynamics which create false memories in
space here to present its many useful findings. general. As a sociologist who is studying psy-
In brief, the research could not find a single chotherapists, it seems to me that the social
case of alleged child sexual abuse where there psychology of belief is more central to an un-
was clear corroborating evidence for the exis- derstanding of false memories than is the psy-
tence of a well-organized inter-generational chology of individual memory.
satanic cult which tortured children and com-
mitted murders. On the other hand, the re-
search did find evidence that in isolated cases,
individual perpetrators did employ references The Legal Backlash against Psychotherapists
to Satan to intimidate child victims (Goleman
1994). The report concludes: “Our research A number of malpractice lawsuits have re-
leads us to believe that there are many more cently been brought against therapists by
418 | s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e

accused parents and/or retractors, many of and claim that their treatment was justified,
which involve accusations of SRA. These law- because the Schwiderski family were members
suits may help to determine the legal status of of a satanic cult.
the presumptive “expertise” of therapists in The legal battles over recovered memories
identifying child sexual abuse from “recov- are being fought on several other fronts. Some
ered” memories. About 50 retractors have accused parents have brought third-party law-
filed or are planning to file malpractice law- suits against their adult children’s psychother-
suits against their former therapists, according apists, without being joined by children who
to FMS Foundation sources. False memories of have retracted their memories. At this time,
satanic ritual abuse are surprisingly common about 25 such lawsuits have been filed or are
in these cases and occur in about 50% of being planned by parents, according to sources
them. The usual psychiatric diagnosis is multi- at the FMS Foundation. So far, one landmark
ple personality disorder, supposedly caused by case has been won by a parent: the Ramona
satanic cult torture and “mental program- case in Napa, California. (The Ramona case,
ming.” however, did not involve SRA allegations.)
One important case is that of a Houston, On the other side of the legal struggle, some
Texas, family which was torn apart by recov- adult children are bringing civil lawsuits or
ered memories of SRA. The case involves Den- criminal charges against their parents, based
nis Schwiderski, an executive in an oil com- upon “recovered memories” they continue to
pany (Waterhouse, 1994). His wife, Kathryn, believe. An FMS Foundation legal survey
became convinced that she was a member and found 432 families where a lawsuit against
victim of a satanic cult since her childhood parents was either threatened, or pending in
and that she sexually and physically abused court. Surprisingly, about one-third (N=149)
her own children. After seeking therapy for of these situations involve SRA accusations
depression, she was committed to long-term against parents, and in 76 of these SRA situa-
treatment in a Houston hospital for seven tions, accusations were also made against
years, where she was diagnosed as having mul- other people in addition to the parents. At the
tiple personality disorder, caused by repressed time of this writing, not a single SRA case has
memories of satanic ritual abuse. Her two been lost in court by the parents.
teenage daughters and a son were similarly di-
agnosed and also became convinced that they
were victims of SRA. The cult activity suppos-
edly included rape, torture, human sacrifice To Believe or Not Believe the Children
and cannibalism. Mr. Schwiderski was investi-
gated by a grand jury and the case was A second source of ritual abuse accusations is
dropped for lack of evidence. He and his wife those voiced by children. Beginning with the
divorced after he had spent $328,000 of his McMartin Preschool case and other similar
own funds on treatment for his family, in addi- cases in the early 1980s, there have been a
tion to three million dollars of insurance great number of people accused by children of
money. Now, she has recanted her memories bizarre acts of torture and sexual molestation.
and both she and Mr. Schwiderski, along with Most of the accused are child care workers, of-
one daughter, are suing the hospital and a col- ten young women. Many of these people have
lection of therapists for negligence and insur- been imprisoned on the sole basis of children’s
ance fraud. The defendants, some of whom are accusations. The most well-known example is
prominent therapists, stand by their diagnosis that of Margaret Kelly Michaels, who was ac-
s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e | 419

cused of repeatedly sexually abusing 19 chil- other people 10 years before in the famous
dren while she was working at a New Jersey Jordan, Minnesota case (Marcotty, 1994).
child care center. She spent five years in jail The deeper significance of all these legal
before her conviction was finally overturned cases is that they reveal the increasing intru-
by a New Jersey Court of Appeals in 1993. sion of para-medical, psychiatric expertise into
An important recent SRA case was the trial criminal investigations and into efforts to dis-
of Dale Akiki, a deformed and retarded adult tinguish between true and false accusations of
who was accused of sexually abusing and ritu- crime. Efforts to verify evidence of crime in re-
ally torturing children while he worked as a covered “repressed” memories, in personality
teacher’s aide at a San Diego church’s child symptoms of emotional trauma and in the un-
care center (Fine, 1994). The accusations corroborated accusations of children are all
came from more than a dozen children, aged manifestations of a much broader social change
three and four. The accusations arose during a in the nature of social control.
local satanic panic in the San Diego area, dur-
ing a period when a government-appointed
ritual abuse task force was active in publiciz-
ing concerns about secret satanic cults. Satanic What Can Be Learned about Moral Panics?
cult rumors spread wildly during the time that
the police were publicly investigating allega- The outline of a rational alternative to the sa-
tions against at least six families. The children tanic cult conspiracy theory is now clear. Iso-
who accused Akiki were subjected to intense lated cases were misperceived and distorted
questioning by parents and child protection through the lens of the contemporary legend
workers. After spending two and a half years in about satanic cults, creating a moral panic.
jail, Akiki was finally acquitted in November, The widely circulating satanic cult rumors dis-
1993. torted the judgment of believing child protec-
These kinds of cases are not rare. Other re- tion workers, psychotherapists and police.
cent cases where local satanic panics gave rise They influenced the false memories of many
to children’s accusations of satanic ritual abuse patients in psychotherapy, and were used in
and the arrest of innocent people include false accusations by some children. Paradoxi-
those in Martensville, Saskatchewan, and cally, the rumors are also used by a few child
Gilmer, Texas. The Edenton, North Carolina molesters to manipulate children.
case, featured on PBS-TV’s “Frontline” (1993) However, a key sociological question re-
program, began under similar circumstances. mains. What underlying social conditions en-
The conviction of the child care workers in abled false accusations of satanic ritual abuse
that case is now being appealed and a decision to spread so rapidly throughout society and to
by a three-judge panel is expected soon. become regarded as credible by some agents of
In some cases, accusing children, now grown the legal system? Any adequate explanation
into young adults, have belatedly confessed cannot be founded upon personality traits,
that they made up the stories in response to such as superstition, scientific ignorance, sug-
the intense questioning of child protection gestibility, or maliciousness. Collective behav-
workers and therapists. One such example is ior is a product of social dynamics and not a
that of Andrew Myers, who in 1994 admitted product of personality traits. The popular
to a reporter that he and a group of five other explanation of attributing moral panics to
children had lied about ritual sex abuse in ac- “contagious hysteria”—meaning a form of tem-
cusations made against his parents and 22 porary, collective psychopathology—simply
420 | s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e

trivializes these conditions as anomalies. The as being equally credible. However, when new
hysteria explanation ignores the fact that forms of authority begin to emerge and com-
moral panics are quite “norma1” (recurrent) pete for power over a jurisdiction, those new
events in social systems. authorities may be tempted to use the per-
Sociologists are interested in the social con- ceived threat to expand their power. They may
ditions which lead to the false labeling of peo- over-reach their expertise. The stage is set for
ple as social deviants and false accusations of the spread of false accusations.
crime. One extensive analysis of incidents of In the 20th century, the social authority to
false accusations found that three social condi- define and interpret deviant behavior has
tions increase the prevalence of false accusa- gradually shifted from religious and political
tions: (1) perception of a widespread threat; authorities to medical and “mental illness” au-
(2) competition for authority; and (3) faulty thorities (Conrad and Schneider, 1992; Con-
techniques of investigation (Klemke and rad, 1992). Past examples include the medical-
Tiedeman, 1990). I have added a fourth condi- ized definitions of alcohol abuse, illegal drug
tion: (4) ideological fervor. These conditions use, homosexual behavior and child abuse.
may help to explain why false accusations of One consequence is that increasingly, the pre-
ritual abuse have rather suddenly surfaced and sumptive “expertise” of medical and paramed-
spread. They are conditions which cause moral ical authorities (meaning therapists and chi1d
panics in general: protection social workers) is relied upon by
1. Perception of a Threat—A widespread other authorities: police, judges and juries.
perception of a threat to society from some In this context, the social legitimation of
kind of newly detected social deviants can eas- false accusations of SRA can be seen as a result
ily give rise to indiscriminate false accusations. of the expansion of paramedical-psychiatric
The newly perceived threat which has given authority into the domain of detecting crimi-
rise to false accusations of SRA is the wide- nals who sexually abuse children. Previously,
spread belief that child sexual abuse is much this was primarily the domain of legal authori-
more common than previously thought, and ties and their investigative methods.
that there exists, hidden in society, a great 3. Faulty Techniques—When authorities em-
many secret satanic cult criminals who sexu- ploy inadequate instruments for distinguishing
ally abuse children. between true and false accusations, false accu-
Although there is no evidence that well- sations are easily regarded as being credible.
organized, secret satanic cults exist, there is When ambiguous indicators are used to iden-
abundant evidence that sexual child abuse is tify criminals, the net is thrown widely, and an
much more common than had previously been accusation itself becomes enough evidence for
believed. However, this fact doesn’t negate the guilt. Then, when authorities replicate their
possibility that the potential threat from child errors again and again with their faulty tech-
molesters has been grossly over-estimated, niques, they are likely to believe that the repli-
causing a rush to judgement in cases of many cation confirms their diagnosis or conclusions.
falsely accused parents and child care workers. (The frequent replication of SRA accounts
2. Competition for Authority—Sociologists from patients is the main “evidence” which
recognize that authority figures play a key role believing therapists say convinces them.)
in defining forms of deviance and in providing Faulty techniques in the investigation of
legitimacy to claims about new threats to soci- child sexual abuse include the use of highly
ety. Institutional authorities do not automati- ambiguous lists of symptoms to identify child
cally regard all claims about threats to society sexual abuse; similarly ambiguous lists used to
s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e | 421

identify the long-range effects of child sexual people having either a fundamentalist Chris-
abuse in adult personality; faulty techniques to tian or a radical feminist ideology, as my re-
investigate accounts drawn from lost memories search and other reports have made clear. This
(“memory recovery” techniques designed to curious mixture has also fueled past moral
uncover “repressed” memories); and inade- crusades against prostitution, alcohol and
quate techniques to corroborate accusations of pornography. So it should not be surprising
crime based upon memory accounts. Simply that some fervent fundamentalists and femi-
put, scientific techniques for distinguishing be- nists can accept the same illusions. (Skeptics
tween true and false accusations of child sex- need to be careful not to paint all feminists
ual abuse have not yet been developed, even and Christian religionists with a broad brush.
though many therapists may claim that exper- Some feminists and some Christian traditional-
tise. A host of excellent books has recently ists have been particularly skeptical about
been published which document these faulty claims of satanic cult crime and have pub-
psychotherapy techniques and their harmful lished important pieces of critical analysis.
consequences, including those by Ofshe and See: Perrin and Parrott, 1993.)
Watters (1994), Pendergrast (1995), Wakefield Past moral panics have been facilitated by
and Underwager (1994), and Yapko (1994). social conditions very similar to the ones
Accusations of SRA are subject to these same which now account for the ritual child abuse
faulty techniques. Therapists who are confident witch hunt. During the anti-Communist “Red”
in these techniques are caught in a dilemma. scare of the 1950s, some national political au-
Either they must validate bizarre SRA accusa- thorities, such as Joseph McCarthy and J.
tions as credible, or regard them as being mere Edgar Hoover, encouraged a variety of para-
anomalies and downplay them. (Recognizing legal Communist hunter groups to search out
the existence of faulty techniques of investiga- and identify thousands of secret, “un-Ameri-
tion does not imply that police investigations of can subversives,” using ambiguous indicators
child sexual abuse are futile. Child sexual of subversive activity. Nationalistic anti-com-
abuse is a horrendous crime. Unfortunately, the munism fueled the search for inner enemies,
means for detecting it are highly fallible.) and even the professionalism of police agen-
4. Ideological Fervor—When authorities are cies was corrupted by it. The Stalinist-Commu-
motivated by ideological fervor, critical analy- nist purges of the 1930s grew out of similar
sis commonly falls by the wayside. Fervent ide- conditions, even though it can be said that top-
ologists usually have a vested interest in un- level authorities more directly orchestrated the
covering evil-doers in society. They are likely moral panic. Similar conditions facilitated the
to feel that false accusations in pursuit of their classic European witch hunts. There was wide-
ideological goals are unfortunate, isolated inci- spread fear of secret, conspiratorial witches,
dents. Some ideologists may even tolerate false who supposedly practiced black magic. Secular
accusations, out of worry that investigating witchfinders arose as specialized experts in de-
these incidents might discredit the whole fab- tecting witches, in competition with church
ric of their ideology. authorities. Ambiguous tests were used by the
Many of the agents of social control, clerics, witchfinders to detect witches, so that the ac-
police, therapists and child protection workers, cused were almost automatically found guilty
who have been most receptive to SRA stories, (Currie, 1986). The ideology of the orthodox
have been either fundamentalists or feminists. Christian religion fueled the Inquisition’s
Atrocity stories about satanic cult crimes are search for any kind of potential heretic (or
most likely to be believed and circulated by skeptic).
422 | s a t a n i c r i t u a l a b u s e

Skeptics are common targets during moral Organized and Ritual Abuse: Research Findings.
panics. The reasons are clear. They are critical United Kingdom Department of Health Report.
of appeals to fear from unsubstantiated threats. London (U.K.): HMSO Publications.
They question conventionally accepted author- Marcotty, J. 1994. “Ten Years After/The Legacy of
ity. They demand careful, rational techniques Jordan.” Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Oct. 16:
of investigation. And they are wary of ideologi-
Netherlands Ministry of Justice. 1994. Report of the
cal extremism of any kind, religious or politi-
Working Group on Ritual Abuse. Den Haag, The
cal, right or left. So skeptics, watch your step.
Netherlands: Direction of Constitutional and
Criminal Law. (English translation by J. W. Nien-
Bass, E. and L. Davis. 1994. The Courage to Heal Ofshe, R. and E. Watters. 1994. Making Monsters:
(Third Edition). New York: HarperCollins. False Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hys-
Conrad, F. and J. W. Schneider. 1992. Deviance and teria. New York: Scribners.
Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness. Pendergrast, M. 1995. Victims of Memory: Incest Ac-
Philadelphia: Temple University Press. cusations and Shattered Lives. Hinesburg, VT:
Conrad, P. 1992. “Medicalization and Social Con- Upper Access Books.
trol.” Annual Review of Sociology, 18: 209–232. Penrod, L. 1952. On the Objective Study of Crowd
Currie, E. 1986. “Crimes Without Criminals: Witch- Behavior. London (U.K.): H. K. Lewis & Co.
craft and its Control in Renaissance Europe.” Perrin, R. and L. Parrott. 1993. “Memories of Sa-
Law and Society Review, 3, 1:7–32. tanic Ritual Abuse.” Christianity Today. June 21:
Daily Mail Reporter. 1995. “Our Nightmare Year, 18–23.
Accused of Satanism and Chi1d Sexual Abuse.” Rogers, M. and L. Brodie. 1993. “Front Line
The Daily Mail. (U.K.) Jan. 13: 26. Providers in Investigation of Child Abuse: Per-
Fine, J. 1994. “Seeking Evil.” California Lawyer. sonal background, experience, knowledge base
July, 50–55 & 90–92. and attitudes of social workers regarding child
Frontline. 1993. “Prisoners of Silence.” PBS-TV, sexual abuse survivors and recovered memories.”
Oct. 19. Paper presented at the conference of the False
Goleman, D. 1994. “Proof Lacking for Ritual Abuse Memory Syndrome Foundation. (Available from
by Satanists.” New York Times, Oct. 31: A13. 17662 Irvine Blvd., Tustin, CA 92680.)
Goode, E. and N. Ben-Yehuda. 1994. Moral Panics: Ross, A. 1994. “Blame It on the Devil.” Redbook,
The Social Construction of Deviance. Cambridge, June: 86–89 & 110, 114, 116.
MA: Blackwell. Santrock, J., A. Minnett and B. Campbell. 1994. The
Goodman, G., with Q. Jianjian, B. Bottoms, and P. Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Books. New
Shaver. 1994. “Characteristics and Sources of Al- York: Guilford.
legations of Ritualistic Child Abuse,” Final Re- Victor, J. S. 1993. Satanic Panic: The Creation of A
port to the National Center on Child Abuse and Contemporary Legend. Chicago: Open Court.
Neglect. (Available from: Dr. Gail Goodman, De- Wakefield, H. and R. Underwager. 1994. The Return
partment of Psychology, University of California, of the Furies: An Investigation into Recovered
Davis, Davis, CA 95616.) Memory Therapy. Chicago: Open Court.
Klemke, L. and G. Tiedeman. 1990. “Toward an Waterhouse, R. 1994. “There’ll Be the Devil to
Understanding of False Accusation: The Pure Pay.” The Independent. (U.K.) Oct. 17.
Case of Deviant Labeling.” In: Deviant Behavior: Wright, Lawrence 1994. Remembering Satan. New
Readings in the Sociology of Norm Violations. Ed. York: Knopf.
by C. Bryant. New York: Hemisphere Pub., Yapko, M. 1994. Suggestions of Abuse: True and
266–285. False Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse. New
La Fontaine, J. S. 1994. The Extent and Nature of York: Simon and Schuster.
Science and God

odern science offers scant comfort the sky there. They believe that the world ex-

M for those who believe that God plays

an active role in the physical opera-
tions of the universe. Beginning some three
presses God’s inscrutable purposes.
These believers find that scientific knowl-
edge, cosmology, fundamental physics, chem-
centuries ago, researchers have gradually ex- istry, biology, anthropology, and psychology,
tended the realm of natural law and simulta- undermine their views on every front. Reli-
neously reduced the kingdom of supernatural gious knowledge, which professes absolute
powers. Today even the beginnings of life and truth, fails while science, which professes fal-
the beginnings of the universe, God’s tradi- libility, succeeds. Any open minded seeker
tional domains, are subjects of scientific study. must agree that tradition and revelation can-
One result of this extension of natural law not provide us with reliable guides to the nat-
is that some believers no longer claim that ural world.
God rules nature. God’s manifestations, they
might say, are not the forces and materials
upon which we may all stub our toes. God ex-
ists as spiritual ideas and feelings within our Physics and Biology Take over God’s Job
minds and hearts and appears to us through
our thoughts and actions. This makes God re- Until the rise of science in the 18th century,
sponsible for the good and the bad in human Westerners believed the biblical accounts of
behavior. I have no quarrel with these believ- God’s creation and operation of the world.
ers, although I see no way to tell if their views They believed that God was in the details.
are true or false. To me these ideas seem an Newton, an eccentrically religious man,
unneeded metaphor for the source of human taught us that the heavens and Earth were
character and behavior. one, governed by a single, marvelous, all-
How many still adhere to more traditional embracing law. God no longer managed the
views? There must be many. In various forms, flight of every butterfly. Instead, he estab-
these traditional believers hold that God cre- lished a law of beautiful simplicity and set the
ated the universe, as in the Genesis stories; or world free to run its course. To many believ-
that God runs the universe, minding every ers and to most scientists of Newton’s time,
sparrow fluttering in a tree; or that God inter- God had created and energized the world’s
venes in the natural world to adjust the other- marvelous mechanism but did not involve
wise smooth operation of natural law, saving himself in its daily operations. This clockwork
this baby here and striking that plane from universe was and still is profoundly unsatis-

424 | s c i e n c e a n d g o d

factory to those who prefer an interventionist while quantum mechanics brought the reach
god who can be induced to watch over and of scientific law to the tiniest objects. Let us
protect them. consider one of the amazing recent develop-
In any case, most thought that life funda- ments in astrophysics, cosmology, and funda-
mentally differed from the world’s gears, axles, mental physics that confirms the universal
pulleys, and grease. God, they believed, had reach of scientific knowledge.
instilled a spiritual essence in humans that dis- Using quantum theory, relativity, fluid dy-
tinguished their substances and souls from namics, and other sciences, astrophysicists
lower lifeforms and from inanimate matter. study the structure of stars. Unfortunately, we
The collapse of this élan vital doctrine began have only one relatively nearby example, if
in the 19th century. We can date this event to you consider 96 million miles nearby, and we
the 1820s with Wohler’s synthesis of urea. can only see its surface. Astronomy is an obser-
Life’s chemicals were just chemicals. Believers vational science, and the time scales over
retreated again. If God used the laws of physics which stars change are millions of times longer
and chemistry when he created life, at least he than the lives of astronomers and even of as-
must have designed its many forms. Ignoring tronomy. Astronomers are like naturalists
our appendixes, bad backs, and baldness, be- studying a forest and imagining from a week’s
lievers now asserted that the perfection of nat- observations of trees, young and old, the life
ural design reflected God’s all-embracing pur- cycles of all trees. Unlike the woodsmen, who
poses and the perfection of his methods. He can chop down the trees to look inside, as-
chose to make the okapi and the platypus, the tronomers can only look at stars from a dis-
mudfish and the bumblebee just so. How else tance. Connecting their ideas with experiments
could it have happened? and observations whenever they could, mod-
Darwin taught us how. His theory of natural ern researchers now understand the composi-
selection explained the mysterious fact of tion and life history of stars.
evolution and the riotous variety of life. Subse- Recently a supernova appeared in the Ma-
quent developments in biology have con- gellanic Clouds, smallish galaxies near our
firmed and extended the truths that Darwin Milky Way. Although astronomers see a few su-
proposed. Unknown and perhaps even un- pernovas each year in distant galaxies, this was
imaginable to Darwin, discoveries such as clas- the first close one since 1572. A supernova is
sical genetics and the genetic code have cor- the death of a large star. Its nuclear fuel ex-
roborated his proclamation of the unity of life. hausted, the star no longer resists the inward
We now know that humans barely differ from pull of gravity with thermal energy and radia-
chimpanzees and that our most prized accom- tion pressure. According to theory, in amazing
plishments, such as language and culture, are and rapid sequence the core collapses and ex-
merely one end of a continuum that extends plodes. An outward-bound shock wave blasts
from animals to us. away the now unsupported outer layers. Re-
bounding inward the shock wave crushes the
interior, which may collapse to form a neutron
star or a black hole. The entire event may last
Natural Law Rules Everywhere for All Time only minutes. This star-stuff maelstrom radi-
ates immense quantities of energy. For a few
Physics and astronomy, in the meantime, were days or weeks, a supernova may give off as
expanding their territory. Einstein’s theories much energy as an entire galaxy of 10 billion
extended Newton’s laws to universal scales normal stars. No astronomer was lucky enough
s c i e n c e a n d g o d | 425

to have been looking at this star at the mo- the same hundreds of thousands of light years
ment its light began to brighten. An observant away and must have been the same when that
astronomical observatory technician in Chile star exploded hundreds of thousands of years
noticed the new star while stepping outside, ago.
perhaps for a smoke.
Astrophysicists predict that a supernova’s
tremendous burst of light accompanies an
even larger burst of neutrinos, the ghost parti-
Science Pushes God’s Tasks
cles of physics. These particles, which have into the Distant Past
hardly any properties at all and which barely
interact with anything, must have zoomed off Beginning with the discovery of deep time by
in all directions with nearly the speed of light early 19th century geologists, scientists have
early in the immense collapse. The astrophysi- pushed to successively earlier epochs the mo-
cists’ calculations about collapsing stars ment when, as in the Sidney Harris cartoon
showed that the supernova must have emitted about a complicated mathematics proof, “. . . a
its neutrino blast before its light reached its miracle occurs.”
brightest. They called their colleagues at neu- In biology, this miraculous moment is the
trino observatories deep below the Earth’s sur- time, billions of years ago, when chemicals
face in the United States, Europe, and Japan. somehow crossed the line from just chemicals
Neutrinos are so elusive that these massive de- to living chemicals. In this matter lack of evi-
tectors, huge tanks of cleaning fluid or water, dence hampers us, and it may be that our evi-
must collect neutrino evidence for months. dence of this imperceptible and distant event
“Look in your tanks,” the astrophysicists said. will never be sufficient to eliminate all but one
“You have already made a great discovery.” theory. Even if we had been there, we might
They were right. Each of the observatories had not have been able to notice the slight differ-
detected a few 10s of neutrinos at about the ence between definitely dead chemicals and
same time. definitely alive chemicals. We would not have
Consider this achievement. Using theories seen anything spectacular enough to class as a
from nearly every part of physics, special and miracle.
general relativity, quantum mechanics, fluid Our problem is not that we have no ideas
mechanics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics, and so need a miracle. Our problem is that we
atomic physics, and elementary particles, sci- have too many good ideas and the right one
entists had predicted the events in a star’s may still not be among them. Even if, through
death throes. The stuff of the star transformed hard thinking and good experiments, we suc-
itself under extreme conditions and complex- ceed in creating life from inanimate chemicals,
ity never duplicated on Earth. If any of these how could we confirm that we had found what
theories had been in error by much, this pre- had happened on the early Earth?
diction would have failed. The supernova ex- In a sense, the creation of life may be easy.
plosion provided us with a test of virtually all We now have evidence of ancient algae from
of physics. This property of our theories—that more than 3.5 billion years ago. The Earth had
evidence from many sources combines and only become cool enough for liquid water to
confirms itself—is a major reason why working exist a few hundred million years before. So, to
scientists believe they are approaching the reach the stage of algae in the allotted time,
truth about nature. This also shows us that the life’s most primitive forms must have begun as
laws of nature known to us on Earth must be soon as liquid water became possible. Doing
426 | s c i e n c e a n d g o d

better than pond scum, on the other hand, horn sounds lower when the car moves away
must be difficult. It took more than two billion from us than it does when it stands next to us.
years for more complicated life to appear. Like raisins in bread baking in an oven, the
In physics, the miraculous moment is the galaxies are sailing apart from each other, and
Big Bang. The entire universe, all of every- the farther apart they are the faster they are
thing, even space and time themselves, ap- separating. Running the film backwards, so to
peared from nothing. How could this be? No speak, astronomers calculate that 10 or 20 bil-
one knows. Will we ever know? Until recently, lion years ago everything was in the same
most physicists thought not. The very condi- place. Distance measurements are among the
tions at the beginning—the so-called singular- most difficult and controversial in astronomy.
ity—seemed to destroy the validity of the That is why age estimates for the universe
known laws of physics. Not only were physi- have only one significant figure and the range
cists resigned to failure, they were distressed covers a factor of two. To be brief, astronomers
by the idea of a creation. It smelled too much have had to adjust their time scales every
like the Garden of Eden. decade or so. At first, the adjustments made
In his book God and the Astronomers, Dr. the universe older. You may have read the re-
Robert Jastrow cites distinguished physicists cent newspaper accounts to the effect that new
expressing their discomfort at the thought that measurements of the universe’s age show that
the universe had somehow sprung into exis- the universe is younger than its oldest stars.
tence. Although the Big Bang differed from Whatever the actual age turns out to be, this
the biblical story in every detail but the critical controversy does not contradict the idea that
one of creation itself, the religious took solace everything was once in one place, or, put an-
and some scientists despaired. Dr. Jastrow pic- other way, that every place was one place. The
tures the scientists climbing the mountain of dispute has to do with how fast to run the film
nature’s truths. Exhausted, they barely crawl backwards.
to the top. They are surprised to find a con- By the 1960s, when Dr. Jastrow wrote his
vention of theologians. “What took you so book, two other powerful lines of evidence had
long? We have been here all along.” persuaded astronomers that the Big Bang was
What is the Big Bang and what is the evi- real and that various proposals for an eternal
dence for it? In the 1920s astronomers discov- universe were unworthy. One of these lines of
ered that the color of the light sent to us from evidence was the discovery of the so-called
distant galaxies was redder than the light from three degree blackbody radiation. This faint
nearer ones. The more distant the galaxy the microwave radiation, which comes to us from
more the shift of light from short wavelengths intergalactic space, finds its only natural ex-
to longer wavelengths. The astronomers tried planation as the remnant radiation from the
many ways to account for this reddening. For exceedingly hot, dense early universe cooled
example, intergalactic dust can redden star by the expansion. A third line of evidence that
light in the same way that the eruptions of Mt. supports the Big Bang idea is that astronomers
St. Helen’s and Mt. Pinatubo reddened sun- can calculate from supposed conditions of the
sets. After the astronomers accounted for all earliest state the amount of primordial helium,
known reddening causes one remained: the lithium, and a few other light elements.
distant galaxies were moving away from us. These three pillars—cosmic expansion, rem-
This recession velocity lowers the light’s fre- nant background radiation, and primordial el-
quency in the same way that the pitch of a car ements—form the foundation of what is now a
s c i e n c e a n d g o d | 427

massively supported theory called the Big mentary particle theory, and our theory of the
Bang. During the past 30 years, the Big Bang universe as a whole, general relativity. The
theory has passed many scientific tests. Like ideas involved are speculative. This area of in-
carpenters laying in additional crossbracing, vestigation is still an exciting melee where
astronomers have solved problems posed by imagination counts as much as careful calcula-
the theory, and they have made predictions tion and observation.
subsequently confirmed. Over the years the I will try to explain some of these ideas to
Big Bang theory has withstood many storms. you, but do not quote me about this. Every-
And yet, from clouds looming over this tri- one’s ideas might be completely different next
umph of natural law a mocking voice still calls year. The significance of these ideas is not
out, “Where did it all come from? Explain whether they are right or wrong, but that the
that!” realm of the last miracle now seems within the
reach of science.
Quantum mechanics is our most fundamen-
tal theory about the microscopic world. This
Is Supernatural Intervention Necessary? powerful, deep, accurate, and beautiful theory
teaches us that the world of the tiny is radically
The remnant three degree microwave radia- different from the world of our everyday expe-
tion comes to us equally from all directions. rience. One remarkable difference is that tiny
This tells us that when the radiation last hit things have vague properties. Usually scientists
something, a few hundred thousand years after explain the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,
the beginning, the things that it hit were uni- which embodies this vagueness, by saying that
formly distributed throughout the young uni- you cannot measure a particle’s position and
verse. If this last opaque material were uni- velocity at the same time as accurately as you
form then astronomers could not explain how wish. Measuring one very carefully will disturb
gravitation could have produced the clumps the measurement of the other. This leaves
that later formed galaxies. They have been readers with the view that the particle has a
looking for nonuniformities in the radiation. particular position and velocity, but that the
Recently, they found them. Berkeley profes- scientists cannot measure it. A more truthful
sor George Smoot announced that, after many statement of the Uncertainty Principle would
years of searching, his detectors had measured be that a particle does not have a position or
tiny variations, less than one hundredth of one velocity. The scientist and the particle together
per cent, in the microwave background. He create the fuzzy position or velocity that the
proclaimed “We have seen the mind of God!” measuring instrument reports.
With this overblown metaphor Professor Forgive me for not going into the details.
Smoot, who probably does not believe that The upshot of this microworldly vagueness is
God created the universe, sent physicists’ eyes that “nothing” itself has properties. For if
rolling. For at almost the same time other “nothing” were exactly zero, it would violate
physicists have begun to find the tools and the the Uncertainty Principle that every tiny thing
language to ponder the uncaused formation of is vague. Physicists call this “nothing” the vac-
the universe from nothing. uum, and the vacuum has ghostly properties.
This extraordinary advance arises from a Particles and their antiparticle brethren spring
startling confluence of our theories of the mi- into existence and vanish again. They have to
croscopic world, quantum mechanics and ele- do this so quickly that we cannot directly see
428 | s c i e n c e a n d g o d

them. If we could see them, it would not be a about this, but we think that it must happen to
vacuum, but if they were not there the vacuum the stuff inside a black hole and we guess that
would be exactly “nothing” and it would vio- the universe must have been that small once.
late the vagueness rule. Students of quantum gravity think that, just as
Some of you may think that this is worse quantum particles flicker in and out of exis-
than theologians considering whether an om- tence from nothingness, so must quantum time
nipotent God can make an object too big for and space. What does it mean for a tiny bubble
God to move. The difference is that this fuzzy of space and time to come into existence? The
nothing has effects that we can compute and nothing of quantum relativity produces uni-
measure. A few decades ago, in a theoretical verses. It’s a little hard to talk about how big
and experimental tour de force, physicists cal- these bubbles are, since everything, including
culated and observed the Lamb shift, as it is space and time, are inside them, but most are
called. The properties of atoms are different by tiny and short lived. Some, however, in the
a tiny amount because of the fuzzy vacuum, so fuzzy way of quantum theories, are bigger and
we know that quantum things pop in and out last longer. The laws of physics themselves ap-
of existence. pear within the bubbles and may differ from
General relativity is our most fundamental one bubble to the next. Do not forget that we
theory about the entire universe, about gravi- are engaging in informed speculation.
tation, and about space and time. Einstein Even now, within black holes, irresistible
taught us that these things inextricably en- gravitation is crushing matter to the quantum
twine. General relativity is not a quantum the- nothingness from which universes can appear.
ory, and physicists believe that every theory at Perhaps, some physicists have speculated,
its base has to be a quantum theory. What hap- universes themselves evolve. Those that have
pens when you apply quantum mechanics to the right laws and properties to produce new
general relativity? No one today knows, but we universes remain. We are here because this
can make some guesses. particular universe has the right properties to
Space and time themselves must come in produce black holes and so must its ancestor
tiny indivisible chunks. Professor John Wheeler, universes. Evidently, to produce many black
a famous relativist, illustrated one of his papers holes a universe must be big enough and pow-
with a close-up of a sponge. “This is a picture erful enough to last long enough for it to be
of space-time at the smallest scales,” he wrote. possible that life can evolve somewhere
In popular speech the shortest possible time within it.
is a New York minute. It is the time that These wonderful speculations are different
elapses between a stoplight turning green and from metaphysics. They stand upon strong
the cabby behind you honking his horn. The theories and solid knowledge, but they are at
time is: 0.0000000000000000000000000000 the frontiers of human knowledge. Are they
00000000000005 seconds. Physicists call this true even there? No one knows, but unlike
the Planck time. What is a New York inch? It is revelation, these ideas are subject to critical
the distance light travels in a New York tests—experimental and observational confir-
minute, which is a number with 10 fewer ze- mation.
ros. If space and time come in chunks the One brief matter remains. Would a quantum
chunks are tiny. relativistic bubble universe have a cause? It
What happens to matter when it squeezes would not. Quantum events, such as the decay
into such tiny spaces and when things happen of a radioactive nucleus, the spontaneous cre-
at such short times? No one knows very much ation of elementary particles, or the measure-
s c i e n c e a n d g o d | 429

ment of a fuzzy quantum property, have no the creation of the universe, may not remain a
causes. The doctrine that quantum events have supernatural event for long. When science fi-
causes yet unknown to us is called the theory nally solves the origin of the universe, the last
of hidden variables. Albert Einstein, acknowl- reason for belief in the supernatural will van-
edged the accuracy of quantum mechanics, ish but the mystery will remain. Let us face the
but hoped someone would clear up the quan- facts with courage. The universe is without
tum world’s fuzziness. Amazingly, in the last cause and without purpose. This assertion
decade, experiments have shown us in a pow- throws many believers into a black funk.
erful and general way that to wish for hidden “What is life for?” they ask. “How can I live
variables is a forlorn hope. without knowing that my life has a purpose?”
Cause and purpose are not properties of the
universe like mass and momentum. They are
creations of the human mind. That fact is the
The Uncaused Universe source of our glory and of our despair. We are
responsible to ourselves, to our peers, and to
Dear reader, you have followed me a long way. future generations for the consequences of our
I have suggested to you that the last miracle, actions, insofar as we can foresee them.
Science and Its Myths
W I L L I A M F . M C C O M A S

or almost 25 years the National Science measurements. Those lacking any apprecia-

F Board has surveyed the American pub-

lic as part of its Science and Engineer-
ing Indicators study to determine the state of
tion of the nature of science at any of these
levels are classified as Level IV.
When the surveys were analyzed, those
interest in and awareness of fundamental is- with higher levels of education and with more
sues in the sciences and technology. The re- science and mathematics education were
sults of the most recent study were recently likely to be in the groups with the most so-
released with the conclusion that the “level of phisticated understanding about how science
interest in science and technology in the U.S. functions. Considering all of the 2000 adult
has remained relatively stable over the past respondents, two percent were at Level I, 22
16 years with approximately 40 percent of percent were at Level II, 13 percent were at
Americans expressing a high level of interest Level III and 64 percent were at Level IV.
in science . . .” (National Science Board, This finding is sobering. Even as measured by
1996). This finding is encouraging, but when this assessment of the basic nature of science
probing more deeply it becomes clear that elements contained in this study, over 60 per-
even though Americans may be interested in cent of the American public effectively has no
science, they have no clear idea how science knowledge of how science operates.
functions at a procedural level. As a science educator with almost 20 years
One element of the survey examined what of service both in high schools and universi-
individuals think about how science is con- ties, I do not find this conclusion surprising.
ducted. The study designers formulated a se- Even though the goal that students under-
ries of questions aimed at classifying respon- stand the nature of science is typically cited as
dents’ positions on a four-level hierarchy of equal in importance to acquiring science con-
understanding the nature of science. Those at tent (as outlined by the AAAS in 1993 and the
Level I understand that science is concerned National Research Council in 1996), it is clear
with the development and testing of theory. that students and adults simply do not appre-
Those lacking this degree of sophistication re- ciate even the most basic aspects of the opera-
garding science, but still having an awareness tion of science. The reasons are astoundingly
that experiments require a control group, simple.
would be classified as Level II. Individuals at Decades ago, educator and philosopher
Level III do not have the comprehension of Joseph Schwab (1962) criticized science in-
those in the higher two groups but still see struction by calling it the “rhetoric of conclu-
scientific findings based on a foundation of sions.” Then and now, science content is em-
careful and rigorous comparison with precise phasized to the exclusion of process both in

s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 431

texts and in science classes. Science teachers day’s American students. The major criticism
have no opportunity to learn how science leveled by Gould is that once this comparison
functions and, not surprisingly, do not empha- took hold, no one bothered checking its valid-
size that aspect of science to their students. ity or utility. Through time, one author after
Furthermore, those educators who would like another simply repeated the inept comparison
to share something of the pageant of science and continued a tradition making many sci-
with students can only turn to textbooks that ence texts virtual clones of each other on this
frequently underrepresent the process element and countless other points.
of science or, in many instances, actually mis- In an attempt to provide a more realistic
represent the way in which knowledge is gen- view of science and point out issues on which
erated in science. science teachers should focus, this article pre-
This article discusses many of the “myths of sents and discusses 15 widely held, yet incor-
science” that are common in science text- rect, ideas about the nature of science. There
books, in classroom discourse and in the is no implication that all students, or most
minds of adult Americans. At one level, myths teachers for that matter, hold all of these views
can be entertaining, but when fact and fiction to be true, nor is the list meant to be the defin-
blur, myths lose their entertainment value and itive catalog. Cole (1986) and Rothman (1992)
serve to block understanding. As a professor of point out additional misconceptions worthy of
science education at the University of South- consideration. However, years of science
ern California, I have discovered that such is teaching and the review of countless texts have
the case with the myths of science. substantiated the validity of the inventory pre-
Joseph Campbell (1968) proposed that the sented here.
similarity among many folk myths worldwide is
due to a subconscious link between all peoples.
As engaging as this notion is, no such link can
explain the myths of science. Misconceptions
Myth 1: Hypotheses Become Theories
about science are most likely due to the lack of Which in Turn Become Laws
philosophy of science content in teacher edu-
cation programs, the failure of such programs This myth deals with the general belief that
to provide and require real science research with increased evidence there is a developmen-
experiences for pre-service teachers, and the tal sequence through which scientific ideas
generally shallow treatment of the nature of pass on their way to final acceptance. Many be-
science in the pre-college textbooks to which lieve that scientific ideas pass through the hy-
teachers might turn for guidance. pothesis and theory stages and finally mature
As Stephen Jay Gould points out in “The as laws. A former president expressed his mis-
Case of the Creeping Fox Terrier Clone” understanding of science by saying that he was
(1988), science textbook writers are among not troubled by the idea of evolution because it
the most egregious purveyors of myth and in- was, in his words, “just a theory.” The presi-
accuracy. The “fox terrier” refers to the classic dent’s misstatement is the essence of this myth;
comparison used to express the size of the an idea is not worthy of consideration until
dawn horse, tiny precursor to the modern “lawness” has been bestowed upon it.
horse. This comparison is unfortunate for two The problem created by the false hierarchi-
reasons. Not only was this horse ancestor cal nature inherent in this myth is that theo-
much bigger than a fox terrier, but the fox ter- ries and laws are very different kinds of knowl-
rier breed of dog is virtually unknown to to- edge. Of course there is a relationship between
432 | s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s

laws and theories, but it is not the case that one equal in importance to theories, they rarely
simply becomes the other, no matter how much appreciate that all knowledge in science is ten-
empirical evidence is amassed. Laws are gener- tative, occasionally seeing “proof” in science
alizations, principles or patterns in nature, as identical to proof in mathematics. The issue
while theories are the explanations of those of tentativeness is part of the self-correcting
generalizations (Rhodes and Schaible, 1989; aspect of science but one that those who would
Homer and Rubba, 1979; Campbell, 1953). fault science frequently ignore. Creationists,
For instance, Newton described the relation- for instance, are quick to criticize science by
ship of mass and distance to gravitational at- pointing to the fossil tooth discovered in Ne-
traction between objects with such precision braska early in this century. Initially, the tooth
that we can use the law of gravity to plan space was considered to have come from a primitive
flights. During the Apollo 8 mission, astronaut human, but it was later found to be that of an
Bill Anders responded to the question of who extinct pig. Scientists made both the initial
was flying the spacecraft by saying, “I think mistake and the later correction, but those
Isaac Newton is doing most of the driving right who would like to fault science only discuss
now” (Chaikin, 1994, 127). His response was the error and never the resolution.
understood by all to mean that the capsule was Another aspect of this myth stems from the
simply following the basic laws of physics de- realization that there are different basic kinds
scribed by Isaac Newton centuries earlier. of laws—deterministic and probabilistic. Al-
The more thorny, and many would say more though both types of laws are as tentative as
interesting, issue with respect to gravity is the any scientific knowledge, the laws of the phys-
explanation for why the law operates as it ical sciences are typically deterministic in that
does. At this point, there is no well accepted cause and effect are more securely linked,
theory of gravity. Some physicists suggest that while the laws in biology usually have a proba-
gravity waves are the correct explanation, but bility factor associated with them. In the life
with clear confirmation and consensus lacking, sciences it is typical to see limitations placed
most feel that the nature of gravity still eludes on the application of laws. For example,
science. Interestingly, Newton addressed the Mendel’s laws of inheritance work only with
distinction between law and theory with re- single gene pairs and not even with all such
spect to gravity. Although he thought he had pairs. This issue has called some to question if
discovered the law of gravity, he refrained there are any laws in biology. My response
from speculating publicly about its cause: “I would be that there are laws in the life sci-
have not been able to discover the cause of ences, but the rules for their application are
those properties of gravity from phenomena, somewhat different from those applied in the
and I frame no hypothesis . . . it is enough that physical sciences.
gravity does really exist, and act according to
the laws which we have explained . . .” (1720,
Myth 3: A Hypothesis Is an Educated Guess
The definition of the term hypothesis has
Myth 2: Scientific Laws Are Absolute taken on an almost mantra-like life of its own
in science classes. If a hypothesis is simply an
This myth involves two elements. First, even if educated guess, as students typically assert, the
individuals understand that scientific laws are question remains, “an educated guess about
s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 433

what?” The best answer for this question must pothesis, d) make observations, e) test the hy-
be, that without a clear view of the context in pothesis and f) draw conclusions. Some texts
which the term is used, it is impossible to tell. conclude their list of the steps of the scientific
The term hypothesis has at least three defi- method with communication of results as the
nitions, and for that reason should be aban- final element.
doned and replaced, or at least used with cau- The universal scientific method is one of
tion. For instance, when Newton said that he science education’s most pervasive “creeping
framed no hypothesis as to the cause of grav- fox terriers.” The multi-step list seems to have
ity, he was saying that he had no speculation started innocently enough when Keeslar
about an explanation of why the law of gravity (1945a, b) prepared a list of a number of char-
operates as it does. In this case, Newton used acteristics associated with scientific research
the term hypothesis to represent an immature such as establishing controls, keeping accurate
theory. records, making careful observations and
As a solution to the hypothesis problem, measurements. This list was refined into a
Sonleitner (1989) suggested that tentative or questionnaire and submitted to research scien-
trial laws be called generalizing hypotheses tists for validation. Items that were highly
with provisional theories referred to as ex- ranked were put in a logical order and made
planatory hypotheses. Another approach part of the final list of elements associated with
would be to abandon the word hypothesis al- the investigation of scientific problems. This
together in favor of terms such as speculative list was quickly adopted by textbook writers as
law or speculative theory. With evidence, gen- the description of how science is done. In time
eralizing hypotheses may become laws and the list was reduced from 10 items to the six
speculative theories become theories, but un- mentioned above, but in the hands of genera-
der no circumstances do theories become laws. tions of textbook writers, a simple list of char-
Finally, when students are asked to propose a acteristics associated with scientific research
hypothesis during a laboratory experience, the became a description of how all scientists
term now means a prediction. As for those hy- work.
potheses that are really forecasts, perhaps they Another reason for the widespread belief in
should simply be called what they are, predic- a general scientific method may be the way in
tions. which results are presented for publication in
research journals. The standardized style
makes it appear that scientists follow a stan-
dard research plan. Medawar (1990) reacted to
Myth 4: A General and Universal the common style exhibited by research pa-
Scientific Method Exists pers by calling the scientific paper a fraud
since the final journal report rarely outlines
The notion that a common series of steps is the actual way in which the problem was in-
followed by all research scientists must be vestigated.
among the most pervasive myths of science Those who study scientists at work have
given the appearance of such a list in the in- shown that no research method is applied uni-
troductory chapters of many precollege sci- versally (Carey, 1994; Gibbs and Lawson,
ence texts. The steps listed for the scientific 1992; Chalmers, 1990 and Gjertsen, 1989).
method vary somewhat from text to text but The notion of a single scientific method is so
usually include: a) define the problem, b) pervasive that many students must be disap-
gather background information, c) form a hy- pointed when they discover that scientists do
434 | s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s

not have a framed copy of the steps of the sci- valid conclusion had been made. On a per-
entific method posted above each laboratory sonal level, this problem is of little conse-
workbench. quence, but in science the problem is signifi-
Close inspection will reveal that scientists cant. Scientists formulate laws and theories
approach and solve problems by using imagi- that are supposed to hold true in all places and
nation, creativity, prior knowledge, and perse- for all time, but the problem of induction
verance. These, of course, are the same meth- makes such a guarantee impossible.
ods used by all effective problem-solvers. The The proposal of a new law often begins
lesson to be learned is that science is no differ- through induction as facts are heaped upon
ent from other human endeavors where puz- other relevant facts. Deduction is useful in
zles are investigated. Fortunately, this is one checking the validity of a law. For example, if
myth that may eventually be displaced since we postulate that all swans are white, we can
many newer texts are abandoning or augment- evaluate the law by predicting that the next
ing the list in favor of discussing the various swan found will also be white. If it is, the law
methods of science. is supported (but not proved as will be seen).
Locating a black swan will cause the law to be
The nature of induction itself is another in-
Myth 5: Evidence Accumulated Carefully teresting aspect associated with this myth. If
Will Result in Sure Knowledge we set aside the problem of induction momen-
tarily, there is still the issue of how scientists
All investigators, including scientists, collect make the final leap from the mass of evidence
and interpret empirical evidence through the to the conclusion. In an idealized view of in-
process called induction. This is a technique duction, the accumulated evidence will simply
by which individual pieces of evidence are col- result in the production of a new law or theory
lected and examined until a law is discovered in a procedural or mechanical fashion. In real-
or a theory is invented. Useful as this tech- ity, such is not the case. The issue is far more
nique is, even a preponderance of evidence complex and interesting. The final creative
does not guarantee the production of valid leap from evidence to scientific knowledge is
knowledge because of what is called the the focus of the next myth of science.
“problem of induction.”
Induction was first formalized by Francis
Bacon in the 17th century. In his 1620 book,
Novum Organum, Bacon advised that facts be
Myth 6: Science and Its Methods
accumulated without bias to reach a conclu- Provide Absolute Proof
sion. The method of induction he suggested is
in part the principal way by which humans The general success of the scientific endeavor
traditionally have produced generalizations suggests that its products must be valid. How-
that permit predictions. ever, a hallmark of science is that it is subject
The problem is that it is both impossible to to revision when new information is presented
make all observations pertaining to a given sit- or new analyses conducted. Tentativeness and
uation and illogical to secure all relevant facts the concomitant lack of dogmatism are one of
for all time, past, present and future. However, the points that differentiate science from other
only by making all relevant observations forms of knowledge. Accumulated evidence
throughout all time could one say that a final can provide support, validation and substantia-
s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 435

tion for a law or theory, but never prove those and propose a law in response, but there is no
laws and theories to be true (see Homer and logical or procedural method by which the
Rubba, 1978; and Lopushinsky, 1993). pattern is suggested. With a theory, the issue is
The problem of induction argues against ab- much the same. Only the creativity of the indi-
solute proof in science, but there is another vidual scientist permits the discovery of laws
element of this myth worth exploring. In actu- and the invention of theories. If there truly
ality, the only truly conclusive knowledge pro- was a single scientific method, two individuals
duced by science results when a notion is falsi- with the same expertise could review the same
fied. What this means is that no matter what facts and likely reach identical conclusions.
scientific idea is considered, once disconfirm- There is no guarantee of this because the
ing evidence begins to accumulate, at least we range and application of creativity are a per-
know that the notion is untrue. Consider the sonal attribute.
example of the white swans again. One could Unfortunately, many of the methods used to
search the world and see only white swans, teach science actually work against the cre-
and arrive at the generalization that “all swans ative element. The majority of laboratory exer-
are white.” However, the discovery of one cises, for instance, are simple verification ac-
black swan has the potential to overturn, or at tivities. The teacher discusses what is going to
least result in modifications of, this proposed happen in the laboratory, the manual provides
law of nature. Finding yet another white swan step-by-step directions and the student is ex-
does not prove anything; its discovery simply pected to arrive at a particular answer. Since
provides some comfort that the idea has merit. this approach is the antithesis of the way in
Whether scientists routinely try to falsify their which science actually operates, such a por-
notions as has been recommended by philoso- trayal must seem dry, clinical and uninterest-
pher of science Karl Popper, and how much ing to many students. In her 1990 book,
contrary evidence it takes for a scientist’s mind They’re Not Dumb, They’re Different, Shiela
to change are fascinating issues. Tobias argues that many capable and clever
students reject science as a career because
they are not given opportunities to see it as an
exciting and creative pursuit. Science itself
Myth 7: Science Is Procedural may be impoverished when students who feel
More Than Creative a need for creative outlet eliminate it as a po-
tential career because of the way it is taught.
We accept that no single guaranteed method of
science can account for the success of science,
but realize that induction (the collection and
interpretation of individual facts providing the
Myth 8: Science & Its Methods
raw materials for laws and theories) is the Can Answer All Questions
foundation of most scientific endeavors. This
awareness brings with it a paradox. If induc- Philosophers of science have found it useful to
tion itself is not a guaranteed method for arriv- refer to the work of Karl Popper (1968) and
ing at conclusions, how do scientists develop his principle of falsifiability to provide an op-
useful laws and theories? erational definition of what counts as science.
Induction makes use of individual facts that Popper suggested that only those ideas that are
are collected, analyzed and examined. Some potentially falsifiable are scientific ideas.
observers may perceive a pattern in these data For instance, the law of gravity states that
436 | s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s

more massive objects exert a stronger gravita- Myth 9: Scientists Are Particularly Objective
tion attraction than do objects with less mass
when distance is held constant. This is a scien- Scientists are no different in their level of ob-
tific statement because it could be falsified if jectivity than are other professionals. They are
newly discovered objects operate differently careful in the analysis of evidence and in the
with respect to gravitational attraction. In con- procedures applied to arrive at conclusions.
trast, the core idea among creationists is that With this admission, it may seem that this
species were placed on Earth fully formed by myth is valid, but contributions from both the
some supernatural force. Obviously, there is philosophy of science and psychology reveal
no scientific method by which such a belief that there are at least three major reasons that
could be shown to be false. Since this special make complete objectivity impossible.
creation view is impossible to falsify, it is not Many philosophers of science support Pop-
scientific and the term “creation science” is an per’s (1963) view that science can advance
oxymoron. Creation science is a religious be- only through a string of what he called conjec-
lief and as such does not require that it be fal- tures and refutations. In other words, Popper
sifiable. Hundreds of years ago thoughtful the- recommends that scientists should propose
ologians and scientists carved out their spheres laws and theories as conjectures and then ac-
of influence and expertise and have since co- tively work to disprove or refute their ideas.
existed with little acrimony. Today, only those Popper suggests that the absence of contrary
who fail to understand the distinction between evidence, demonstrated through an active pro-
science and religion confuse the rules, roles, gram of refutation, will provide the best sup-
and limitations of these two important world port available. It may seem like a strange way
views. of thinking about verification, but the absence
It should now be clear that some questions of disproof is considered support. There is one
simply must not be asked of scientists. During major problem with the idea of conjecture and
one of the recent creation science trials, for in- refutation. Popper seems to have proposed it
stance, science Nobel laureates were asked to as a recommendation for scientists, not as a
sign a statement about the nature of science to description of what scientists do. From a philo-
provide some guidance to the court. Seventy- sophical perspective the idea is sound, but
two of these famous scientists responded re- there are no indications that scientists actively
soundingly to support such a statement; after practice programs to search for disconfirming
all they were experts in the realm of science evidence.
(Klayman, Slocombe, Lehman & Kaufman, Another aspect of the inability of scientists
1986). Later, those interested in citing expert to be objective is found in theory-laden obser-
opinion in the abortion debate asked scientists vations, a psychological notion (Hodson,
to issue a statement regarding their feelings on 1986). Scientists, like all observers, hold myr-
this issue. Wisely, few participated. Science iad preconceptions and biases about the way
cannot answer the moral and ethical questions the world operates. These notions, held in the
engendered by the matter of abortion. Of subconscious, affect the ability of everyone to
course, scientists as individuals have personal make observations. It is impossible to collect
opinions about many issues, but as a group, and interpret facts without any bias. There
they should remain silent if those issues are have been countless cases in the history of sci-
outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Science ence in which scientists have failed to include
as a discipline simply cannot conclusively particular observations in their final reports.
answer moral, ethical, aesthetic, social, and This occurs, not because of fraud or deceit, but
metaphysical questions. because of the prior knowledge possessed by
s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 437

the individual. Certain facts either were not are liable to be eliminated from consideration
seen at all or were deemed unimportant based as crackpot or poor science and thus will not
on the scientists’ prior expectations. In earlier appear in print.
discussions of induction, we postulated that Examples of scientific ideas that were origi-
two individuals reviewing the same data might nally rejected because they fell outside the ac-
not reach the same conclusions. Not only does cepted paradigm include the sun-centered so-
individual creativity play a role, but the issue lar system, warm-bloodedness in dinosaurs,
of personal theory-laden observation further the germ theory of disease, and continental
complicates the situation. drift. When the idea of moving continents was
This lesson has clear implications for sci- first proposed early in this century by Alfred
ence teaching. Teachers typically provide Wegener, it was vigorously rejected. Scientists
learning experiences for students without con- could not accept an idea for which there was
sidering their prior knowledge. In the labora- no explanatory mechanism and was so con-
tory, for instance, students are asked to per- trary to the traditional teachings of their disci-
form activities, make observations and then pline. Continental drift was finally accepted in
form conclusions. There is an expectation that the 1960s with the proposal of plate tectonics
the conclusions formed will be both self-evi- as a mechanism to explain how continental
dent and uniform. In other words, teachers an- plates move (Hallam, 1975 and Menard, 1986).
ticipate that the data will lead all pupils to the This fundamental change in the Earth sci-
same conclusion. This could only happen if ences, called a revolution by Kuhn, might
each student had exactly the same prior con- have occurred earlier had it not been for the
ceptions and made and evaluated observations strength of the prior paradigm.
using identical schemes. This does not happen It would be misleading to conclude a discus-
in science nor does it occur in the science sion of scientific paradigms on a negative note.
classroom. Although the examples provided do show the
Related to the issue of theory-based obser- contrary aspects associated with paradigm-fix-
vations is the allegiance to the paradigm. ity, Kuhn would argue that the blinders cre-
Thomas Kuhn (1970), in his ground-breaking ated by allegiance to the paradigm help keep
analysis of the history of science, shows that scientists on track. His review of the history of
scientists work within a research tradition science demonstrates that paradigms are re-
called a paradigm. This research tradition, sponsible for far more successes in science
shared by those working in a given discipline, than delays.
provides clues to the questions worth investi-
gating, dictates what evidence is admissible
and prescribes the tests and techniques that
are reasonable. Although the paradigm pro-
Myth 10: Experiments Are the Principal Route
vides direction to the research, it may also sti- to Scientific Knowledge
fle or limit investigation. Anything that con-
fines the research endeavor necessarily limits Throughout their school science careers, stu-
objectivity. While there is no conscious desire dents are encouraged to associate science with
on the part of scientists to limit discussion, it is experimentation. Virtually all hands-on expe-
likely that some new ideas in science are re- riences that students have in science class are
jected because of the paradigm issue. When re- called an experiment even if it would be more
search reports are submitted for publication, accurate to refer to these exercises as technical
they are reviewed by other members of the procedures, explorations, or activities. True
discipline. Ideas from outside the paradigm experiments involve carefully orchestrated
438 | s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s

procedures along with control and test groups and evaluate their work. When completing
usually with the goal of establishing a cause laboratory reports, students are frequently told
and effect relationship. Of course, true experi- to present their methods section so clearly that
mentation is a useful tool in science, but it is others could repeat the investigation. The con-
not the sole route to knowledge. clusion that students will likely draw from this
Many noteworthy scientists have used non- requirement is that professional scientists are
experimental techniques to advance knowl- also constantly reviewing each other’s experi-
edge. In fact, in a number of science disci- ments to check up on each other. Unfortu-
plines, true experimentation is not possible nately, while such a check-and-balance system
because of the inability to control variables. would be useful, the number of findings from
Many fundamental discoveries in astronomy one researcher which are checked by others is
are based on extensive observations rather vanishingly small. In reality, most scientists are
than experiments. Copernicus and Kepler simply too busy and research funds too limited
changed our view of the solar system using ob- for this type of review.
servational evidence derived from lengthy and It is interesting to note that when scientific
detailed observations frequently contributed experiments are repeated it is usually because
by other scientists, but neither performed ex- a scientific conclusion attacks the prevailing
periments. paradigm. In the recent case of cold fusion,
Charles Darwin’s investigatory regime was scientists worldwide dropped what they were
frequently more similar to qualitative tech- doing to try to repeat the findings provided by
niques used in the social sciences than to the Fleishman and Pons. In fairness, these two sci-
experimental techniques associated with the entists not only assailed the conventional wis-
natural sciences. Darwin recorded his exten- dom but did so in a press conference rather
sive observations in notebooks annotated by than in a peer-reviewed journal.
speculations and thoughts about those obser- The result of lack of oversight has recently
vations. Although Darwin supported the in- put science itself under suspicion. The pres-
ductive method proposed by Bacon, he was sures of achieving tenure, accruing honors,
aware that observation without speculation or and gaining funds do result in instances of out-
prior understanding was both ineffective and right scientific fraud, but fortunately such
impossible. Techniques similar to Darwin’s cases are quite rare. However, even without
have been widely used by scientists Goodall fraud, the enormous amount of original scien-
and Fossey in their primate studies. Scientific tific research published, and the pressure to
knowledge is gained in a variety of ways in- produce new information rather than repro-
cluding observation, analysis, speculation, and duce others’ work, dramatically increase the
library investigation, in addition to experimen- possibility that errors will go unnoticed.
tation. An interesting corollary to this myth is that
scientists rarely report valid but negative re-
sults. While this is understandable given the
space limitations in scientific journals, the
Myth 11: Conclusions in Science failure to report what did not work is a prob-
Are Reviewed for Accuracy lem. Only when those working in a particular
scientific discipline have access to all of the
Frequently, the final step in the traditional sci- information regarding a phenomenon, both
entific method is that researchers communi- positive and negative, can the discipline
cate their results so that others may learn from progress.
s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 439

Myth 12: Acceptance of New wonderful book, The Neanderthal Enigma

Scientific Knowledge Is Straightforward (1995), in which he discusses the evidence,
personalities, and politics that have directed
the conversation about which view should pre-
This misconception addresses the belief that vail. In many cases, the acceptance of a new
when a more accurate interpretation for the scientific idea might be as much a matter of
evidence is produced, it will immediately be the dynamics of personalities as the strength of
accepted by the scientific community. Nothing the arguments.
could be farther from the truth, as we have
seen in at least one previous myth. A new idea
that is not too far from the expectations of sci-
entists working in a particular field would Myth 13: Models Represent Reality
probably gain entry into scientific journals
without much trouble—particularly if it comes This may be one myth that is shared by both
from someone working in that field. However, scientists and lay persons alike and is related
if the idea is a significant breakthrough or rev- to the distinction between the philosophical
olution in Kuhn’s use of the term, particularly views of realism and instrumentalism. Realism
if it is counter-intuitive or comes from outside is a position that what science produces not
the discipline, its acceptance is by no means only works and permits the production of ac-
quick and easy. curate predictions but actually represents
The lesson to be learned from this myth is and/or describes nature as known by some
that science is at its heart a human activity. omniscient entity. Of course, one of the central
Humans are the producers of new knowledge limitations of science is that the true nature of
and also the arbiters of what counts as new reality can never be known because there is no
knowledge. While nothing like a vote takes omniscient entity to ask. Science developed, at
place when a new idea is proposed, the peer- least in part, to answer questions about the
review system acts as a gatekeeper to new natural world and get as close to “the truth” as
ideas. Those notions that cannot find a place possible, but no bell rings or light blinks to tell
in the journals will never have a chance to be scientists that they have found the truth. An-
accepted or denied. Even those new visions of other philosophical precept is that as long as
reality that do make it into the journals still scientific ideas function properly and are con-
have to pass what might best be called the sonant with all of the evidence it does not mat-
“conference test” if they are to be accepted. ter whether they correspond with reality or
Discrepant notions are the talk of professional not. The ideas are useful and descriptive and
conferences where they are debated not only that should be the end of it.
in the meeting halls but during dinner and With this distinction between realism and
over drinks. As an example, consider the cur- instrumentalism in mind, we can now turn to
rent debate about the origin of modern hu- the idea of a scientific model. Although no sur-
mans. One view suggests that modern humans vey has ever been taken on this issue, it seems
arose in various places around the world from logical that scientists do believe that they are
ancestral stock, while a competing story places not just producing useful ideas but that their
the origin of modern humans squarely in ideas and descriptions correspond to a reality
Africa from which they migrated to displace external to the scientists themselves. Certainly
the more primitive human forms living else- the average person believes this to be true. It is
where. The story is best told in James Shreeve’s doubtful that anyone seriously questions the
440 | s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s

model suggested by the kinetic molecular the- solve a technological challenge. In many ways
ory of matter which views atoms and mole- the distinction between pure and applied sci-
cules as tiny discrete balls that have elastic ence is not crucial, but it is interesting to ex-
collisions thus explaining whole ranges of phe- plore what motivates scientists to work on
nomena. Never mind that no one has ever their problems. Few scientists have the luxury
seen these tiny balls or witnessed their im- to pursue any goal they choose since most sci-
pacts. The model works, it permits both pre- entific work is funded by organizations with an
dictions and explanations, and therefore must agenda. This funding relationship is not neces-
be true. A realist would say that it is true, while sarily damaging, but the freedom experienced
an instrumentalist would say it does not matter by the pure scientists of the Elizabethan and
as long as there is something to be gained from Victorian Ages is long gone.
keeping the idea in mind.
The story may be apocryphal, but it is com-
monly repeated among science educators that
when students were once asked what color Myth 15: Science Is a Solitary Pursuit
atoms were, the answer was closely linked to
the textbook in use by those students. If the Most would likely accept the premise that sci-
book illustrated atoms as blue, then that was ence builds on prior work, but that essentially
the color students would assign to atoms when great scientific discoveries are made by great
asked. It would probably serve us well to think scientists. Even the Nobel prizes recognize the
of models as “useful fictions,” but it is doubtful achievements of individual scientists rather
that more than a few keep this warning in than research teams, therefore science must be
mind. After all, what got Galileo in trouble was a somewhat solitary and individual pursuit.
not that he adopted and supported a sun-cen- Sociologists of science who study scientists at
tered model, but that he taught that the model work have shown that only rarely does a scien-
was the truth. tific idea arise in the mind of a lone individual
which is then validated by that individual
alone and accepted by the scientific commu-
nity. The process is much more like a negotia-
Myth 14: Science and Technology Are the Same tion than the revelation of truth. Scientists
work in research teams within a community of
A common misconception is the idea that sci- like-minded investigators. Many problems in
ence and technology are much the same. In science are simply too complex for a single in-
fact, many believe that television, rockets, dividual to pursue alone due to constraints of
computers, and even refrigerators are science. time, intellectual capital, and funding.
However, one of the hallmarks of science is
that it is not practical, while refrigerators cer-
tainly are. The pursuit of knowledge for the
sake of knowledge alone is called pure science, Conclusions
while its exploitation in the production of a
commercial product is applied science. The message from the Science and Engineer-
Today, most investigators are working on ing Indicators Study and from an evaluation of
problems that are at least in part directed from these myths is simple. We must rethink science
outside their laboratories. Scientists typically education. Both students and those who teach
blend the quest of pure science in order to science must focus on the nature of science it-
s c i e n c e a n d i t s m y t h s | 441

self rather than just its facts and principles. Gjertsen, D. 1989. Science and Philosophy Past and
School science must give students an opportu- Present. New York: Penguin Books.
nity to experience science and its processes, Gould, S. J. 1988. “The Case of the Creeping Fox
free of the legends, misconceptions and ideal- Terrier Clone.” Natural History, 96(1): 16–24.
izations inherent in the myths about the na- Hallam, A. 1975. “Alfred Wegener and the Hypothe-
ture of the scientific enterprise. There must be sis of Continental Drift.” Scientific American,
2322: 88–97.
increased opportunity for both beginning and
Hodson, D. 1986. “The Nature of Scientific Obser-
experienced teachers to learn about and apply
vation.” School Science Review, 68242: 17–28.
the real rules of the game of science, accompa-
Homer, J. K. & Rubba, P. A. 1979. “The Laws Are
nied by careful review of textbooks to remove Mature Theories Fable.” The Science Teacher,
the “creeping fox terriers” that have helped 46(2): 31.
provide an inaccurate view of science and its ———. 1978. “The Myth of Absolute Truth.” The Sci-
nature. Only by clearing away the mist of half- ence Teacher, 45(1): 29–30.
truths and revealing science in its full light, Keeslar, O. 1945a. “A Survey of Research Studies
with knowledge of both its strengths and limi- Dealing with the Elements of Scientific Method.”
tations, will all students appreciate the true Science Education, 29(4): 212–216.
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Science and Religion

“The most common of all follies is

to believe passionately in the palpably not true.
It is the chief occupation of mankind.”
—H. L. Mencken

he relationship between science and thing as completely objective reporting, I will

T religion (S&R), and even the one be-

tween skepticism and religion, is
warming up. At least, that is the feeling one
advocate my own position as well.

gets from a cursory look at recent happenings,

from the publication of books and articles in What the Discussion Is and Is Not About
popular magazines about science “finding”
God, to the frantic activities of the Templeton Lest I be accused of being a “rabid atheist”
Foundation “for the furthering of religion.” let me make my position clear: I am an athe-
Two scientists—Paul Davies, and most recently ist in the sense of someone who does not
Freeman Dyson—received the one-million think there is any good reason to believe in a
dollar Templeton Prize for “progress in reli- supernatural entity that created and some-
gion,” the single largest cash prize in history. how supervises the universe. I do not know
S&R is not just warm, it’s hot! that such an entity does not exist, but until
Thus, the time is ripe for a skeptical analy- extraordinary evidence is provided to sub-
sis of the subject, which, to me, seems mud- stantiate such an extraordinary claim, I rele-
dled by two basic sources of confusion: (1) we gate God to the same realm as Santa Claus.
need to separate logical/philosophical argu- Rabid I am not, if by that one means an atti-
ments from those that are either pragmatic or tude of unreasonable adherence to a doctrine
concern freedom of speech; (2) we have to ac- more accepted than carefully considered. My
knowledge that there are many more possible interest in religion comes out of my personal
positions on the S&R question than are usu- journey into finding out how things really
ally considered, and that a thorough under- are. Since I am an educator who believes that
standing of the whole gamut is necessary to helping people think critically will result in a
make any progress. This article presents an better society, I must also react against other
analysis of both these sources of confusion people’s attempt to curtail my freedom of
and an attempt at a classification scheme of thought and speech.
the available positions. Since there is no such Let me briefly examine three components

444 | s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n

of the science and religion debate and attempt whelming majority of them do not believe in a
to separate them as clearly as possible. personal God (about 60% of general scientists
and a staggering 93% of top scientists), and the
1. The relationship between science and reason they become scientists is to pursue
religion is a legitimate area of questions for which science is a particularly
philosophical inquiry which must be good tool. Most of these questions are rather
informed by both religion (theology) more mundane than the existence of God.
and science. The result of this odd mix is that while most
2. S&R discussions, especially in the United prominent scientists do not believe in a per-
States, carry practical consequences that sonal God because of their understanding of
do not affect science and religion in an science and of its implications, they must come
equal manner. out in public with conciliatory statements to
3. Discussing S&R has repercussions on the the effect that there is no possible contradic-
cherished value of freedom of speech for tion between the two.
scientists, skeptics, and religionists. The resolution to Point 2 is that there is a
philosophical, if not scientific, contradiction
Point 1 is the only point that really should between science and religion (see below), but
be up for discussion, because it is the only one it is not in scientists’ interest to start an unholy
in which one can seriously engage in free in- war that they would lose (given the religious
quiry and reach general conclusions (regard- and political climate of the United States).
less of whether such conclusions will be shared Therefore, if asked, one could answer with the
by a majority). Unfortunately it is often con- universally convenient “no comment” and live
fused with Points 2 and 3 by both believers at peace with one’s conscience.
and nonbelievers. Point 3 is rarely raised directly within the
Point 2 boils down to the fact that attacks on S&R debate, but it clearly lurks behind some
religion are considered politically incorrect— of the responses one gets when talking or writ-
the remarks by Minnesota Governor Jesse Ven- ing about it. Let me make it as clear as possi-
tura resulted in his popularity dropping 28 ble: no self-respecting scientist or educator—
points overnight in a poll. Scientists are espe- believer or nonbeliever—would want to limit
cially aware of the fact that their research the freedom of speech or expression of any
funding depends almost entirely on public fi- party, including religionists or creationists.
nancing through various federal agencies such There is a fundamental, if rarely fully appreci-
as the National Science Foundation and the ated, distinction between openly criticizing a
National Institutes of Health. Since federal position, which is part of the very idea of free
funding is controlled by politicians, who in speech, and attempting to coerce people into
turn have a tendency to respond to every nu- believing what you think is true, or limiting
ance of their constituency as gauged by the their ability to believe and practice what you
latest poll (Jesse Ventura being an exception), think is not true. While religious fundamental-
it follows that no matter what your opinion as ists often do not respect this distinction, most
a scientist on matters of the spirit, it is wiser to religious progressivists, agnostics and atheists
stick to your job and avoid upsetting your do. It should therefore be clear that discus-
prince and benefactor. sions about science and religion, or evolution
This is all the more so because of two other and creationism, deal with free inquiry and
things we know about scientists: the over- education, and in no sense are meant to limit
s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n | 445

anybody’s free speech. Asking to limit what is thing is missing. One cannot reasonably talk
taught in a science classroom to what is perti- about the conflict between science and reli-
nent to that science is sound educational pol- gion unless one also specifies what is meant by
icy, not censorship. religion or God (usually there is less contro-
versy on what is meant by science, though
some philosophers and social scientists would
surely disagree). So what makes Shermer’s
The Many Facets of Science and Religion picture incomplete is the very important fact
that different people have different Gods. I am
In order to continue our discussion of the le- not referring to the relatively minor variations
gitimate philosophical, scientific, and religious of the idea of God among the major monothe-
aspects of the science and religion quagmire istic religions, but to the fact that God can be
we need a frame of reference to guide us. What one of many radically different things, and
I present here is an elaboration on a classifica- that unless we specify which God we are talk-
tion scheme proposed by Michael Shermer. ing about, we will not make any further
Shermer suggests that there are three world- progress.
views, or “models,” that people can adopt My tentative solution to the problem is
when thinking about science and religion. Ac- therefore presented in Figure 1. Here the
cording to the same worlds model there is only panoply of positions concerning the S&R de-
one reality and science and religion are two bate is arranged along two axes: on the ab-
different ways of looking at it. Eventually both scissa we have the level of contrast between
will converge on the same final answers, science and religion, which goes from none
within the limited capabilities of human be- (same worlds model) to moderate (separate
ings to actually pursue such fundamental worlds) to high (conflicting worlds). On the or-
questions. The conflicting worlds model asserts dinate is the “fuzziness” of the concept of God,
that there is only one reality (as the same which ranges from a personal God who inter-
world scenario also acknowledges) but that sci- venes in everyday human affairs to the con-
ence and religion collide head on when it cept of a Naturalistic God who acts only
comes to the shape that reality takes. Either through the laws of physics, to the most eso-
one or the other is correct, but not both (or teric position of deism characterized by a God
possibly neither, as Immanuel Kant might who created the universe but did not interfere
have argued). In the separate worlds model with it since, or even no God (nontheism).
science and religion are not only different These conceptions of God may take many
kinds of human activities, but they pursue forms. However, the common denominator to
entirely separate goals. Asking about the simi- the belief in a personal God is the idea that
larities and differences between science and (S)He intervenes in individual lives, performs
religion is the philosophical equivalent of miracles, or otherwise shows direct concern
comparing apples and oranges. “These are two for us mortals. A naturalistic God, on the other
such different things,” Shermer told Sharon hand, is a bit more detached: if (S)He inter-
Begley in Newsweek’s cover story “Science venes at all it is through the tortuous ways of
Finds God,” “it would be like using baseball the natural laws that (S)He himself designed
stats to prove a point in football.” for this universe. Finally, the God of deism
Using Shermer’s model as a starting point does not interfere, even indirectly, in human
for thinking about S&R, I realized that some- affairs, but simply answers the fundamental
446 | s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n
Naturalistic God Deism/Nontheism

should be useful to religion in order to aug-
Weak Anthropic (Gould, Shermer, Mayr,
Pazameta, Ruse, Scott)
ment our knowledge of God and matters spiri-
Big Bang God tual. And Templeton is putting his money
where his mouth is by funding several scien-
Skepticism tific projects (at the rate of hundreds of thou-
(Gardner, Novella
& Bloomberg)
sands of dollars each) as well as by awarding
Rationalism the Templeton Prize, which is financially
Strong Anthropic (soft: Allen, Plaevitz,
Theistic Science Raymo, Sagan) heftier than the Nobel.
(Tipler) (strict: Dawkins, Kurtz,
(Pigliucci, Pinker, Examples of the science-to-religion connec-
Provine, Stenger)
tion that Templeton envisions are illuminating.
His Foundation has given hard cash to Pietro
Personal God

Scientific Theism,
Neo-Creationism Pietrini of the National Institute of Neurologi-
(Behe, Dembski, Johnson,
Christian Apologetics Faith & Reason Discovery Institute) cal Disorders and Stroke to study “Imaging
(Templeton Foundation, (Pope)
Plantinga, Craig) Classical Creationism brain activity in forgiving people” ($125,000);
(Gish, ICR)
Lee Dugatkin of the University of Louisville
Same Worlds Separate Worlds Conflicting Worlds was awarded $62,757 for research on “Evolu-
Level of contrast between science and religion tionary and Judaic approaches to forgiving be-
havior.” Herbert Benson of Harvard was aided
in answering the question “Does intercessory
Figure 1
prayer help sick people?,” while Frans de Waal
of Emory University was given funds for study-
question of why there is something instead of ing “forgiveness” among primates.
nothing. Templeton’s efforts (but not necessarily
those of all the researchers who are receiving
his money) fall into what can be termed scien-
tific theism, that is, the idea that one can sci-
Big Bangs, Anthropic Principles, and entifically investigate the mind of God. This
Christian Apologetics particular position within the science and reli-
gion universe is actually a very old and
Figure 1 shows what personalities as diverse as revered one, having its roots in classical Chris-
physicists Paul Davies and Frank Tipler, con- tian Apologetics à la St. Thomas Aquinas and
servative Christian apologist Alvin Plantinga, continuing today through the efforts of indi-
and science-religion crusader John Templeton viduals like Plantinga and William Craig.
have in common, as well as where they differ. If, however, one believes in a more remote
Sir John Templeton is a British citizen native kind of God but wishes to retain the concept of
of Tennessee, and he has invested $800 mil- science and religion uncovering the same
lion of his personal fortune into furthering a truth, the choice is not limited to scientific the-
better understanding of religion through sci- ism. Two other positions are possible, depend-
ence. The Templeton Foundation has spon- ing on whether one subscribes to a naturalistic
sored a panoply of activities resulting in arti- or to a deistic God, the Strong Anthropic Prin-
cles, books, and conferences whose goal is to ciple and Weak Anthropic Principle, the latter
“discover spiritual information.” also known as the “God of the Big Bang.” Of
According to Sir John, science has made in- course, throughout this discussion the actual
credible progress in discovering truths about position of individuals within my framework
the natural world. Ergo, its powerful methods may be different from what I suggest here,
s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n | 447

either because the boundaries between cate- with Shermer’s “same worlds” scenario, it is
gories are fuzzy rather than well delineated, or clear that a scientist feels more and more com-
because I may have misunderstood particular fortable the more one moves toward the upper
individuals’ positions based on their writings. end of the ordinate in my diagram, that is, the
The Weak Anthropic Principle says that more fuzzy and distant the concept of God be-
there is very little variation in the known con- comes (notice that one can adopt a Strong An-
stants and laws of physics that could be toler- thropic Principle scenario and slip toward a
ated if the universe were to be a place friendly personal God at the same time, as indicated by
to life as we know it. As is, this is a rather triv- the arrow in the figure). This observation in
ial observation, but if one wants to read philo- and of itself, I think, points toward a funda-
sophical implications into it, then it is a small mental degree of discomfort between science
leap of faith to claim that the universe was cre- and religion.
ated because life had to exist. From here, there
is another small logical gap to the Strong An-
thropic Principle, which infers an intelligent
designer with a purpose behind the whole she- Gould, the Pope, and Huston Smith
bang. Several physicists and cosmologists have
played with different versions of the Anthropic When we examine the portion of the graph in
Principle, including Frank Tipler (one of the Figure 1 that falls in the area identified by
original proponents of the principle) and Paul Shermer as the domain of the “separate
Davies, whose exact position on the matter is a worlds” model, we deal with a range of charac-
bit more difficult to ascertain, but whose awk- ters that go from agnostic evolutionary biolo-
ward combination of a connection with the gist Stephen Jay Gould (Harvard) and nonthe-
Templeton Foundation and very careful specu- ist Eugenie Scott (National Center for Science
lative writings on cosmology puts him squarely Education) to the Pope himself, passing
in the upper left corner of my diagram. through the ambiguous position of the charis-
The anthropic principle is difficult to coun- matic Huston Smith, the acclaimed author of
ter on purely philosophical grounds, other The World’s Religions. Let’s see how this varia-
than it seems to be begging the question and tion is again accounted for by the different
somehow reverses the direction of causality (a concepts of God these positions reflect.
general cause is inferred from the observation Several scientists, philosophers, and skep-
of a particular result of that cause). Further- tics, including Shermer, Scott, Mayr, Pazameta,
more, it is not useful as a scientific hypothesis, and Michael Ruse, loosely fall into the position
since all it says is that we are here because we outlined by Gould as NOMA, or Non-Overlap-
are here. The Principle has, however, been ef- ping Magisteria (although Ruse is mildly criti-
fectively attacked on positive scientific grounds cal of some aspects of this position). NOMA
by showing that many more possible universes says that science deals with facts, religion with
could support some sort of life, an attack that morality; the first focuses on what is, the latter
has weakened the “improbable” argument on on what ought to be. Citing what in philosophy
which the Principle is based. A more fatal blow is known as the “naturalistic fallacy”—one can-
might come in the near future from super- not derive what ought to be from what is—
string theory, the current working hypothesis Gould concludes that science and religion are
for the reconciliation of the theories of relativ- forever separate. Another way to look at
ity and of quantum mechanics. NOMA has been articulated by Eugenie Scott
While all these positions are compatible when she pointed to the distinction between
448 | s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n

methodological and philosophical naturalism. so that we can better determine what ought to
According to Scott, science adopts naturalism be to further our own happiness, and science
as a convenient tool for conducting research, does a much better job at it than religion,
in a methodological sense. In order to deny the whose conclusions are derived from ancient
existence of God, however, one has to be a nat- authorities with little knowledge of nature and
uralist in the philosophical sense of the term, of human psychology and sociology. (3) It is
that is, one has to conclude that the physical certainly not true that morality (or, more prop-
world is all there is. Ergo, science cannot in- erly, ethics) is the sole domain of religion,
form us as to the existence of God, because since ethical philosophy has also been provid-
naturalism is not a scientific conclusion, but an ing us with a rational way of discussing our be-
assumption of the scientific method. If science haviors and their social impact.
does not have anything to say about God (and Scott’s distinction between methodological
obviously, says Scott, religion is incapable of and philosophical naturalism is certainly more
informing science about the natural world), valid than Gould’s Solomonic separation be-
then NOMA logically follows. tween science and religion. A full critique of
Scott’s reasoning is more sophisticated than her position is available online, but the gist of
Gould’s, though they share several points. The the counterargument has been clearly articu-
main commonality is the fact that NOMA de- lated by Will Provine. Essentially, you can’t
fenders are really using the concept of a rather have your cake and eat it too. Methodological
distant God detached from the everyday func- naturalism is not independent, but derived
tioning of nature, since even Gould (and cer- from philosophical naturalism. Therefore, nat-
tainly Scott, who makes a living out of uralism is an essential component of science
valiantly battling creationism) admits that a not just as a practical device, but because it is
personal God is in direct contradiction with part of the very fabric of the scientific method.
the scientific evidence. A naturalistic God is For example, when scientists apply either Oc-
marginally compatible with NOMA, but both cam’s razor (a preference for explanations that
Gould and Scott seem to be rather uncomfort- make use of a minimum number of necessary
able with that notion. theoretical constructs) or Hume’s dictum (a
I have criticized Gould’s position in detail preference for less “miraculous” explanations),
elsewhere and I will therefore only summarize they are practicing a particular philosophy.
my objections to NOMA here and then briefly Science cannot be divested of such philosophy
turn to Scott’s argument. As far as I can see without losing its nature. This point is seized
there are at least three points where NOMA upon by creationists such as Phillip Johnson,
fails: (1.) NOMA applies to the very special who accuse science of being a religion.
concept of God that a deist would feel comfort- Provine’s very reasonable rejoinder is that sci-
able with, not to what most people think of as ence does indeed make a leap of faith, but that
“God.” Hence, NOMA cannot heal the current such leap is infinitesimal compared to the leap
schism in our society between religionists and made by religionists. Furthermore, science’s
secularists, contrary to what Gould claims. (2.) leap—unlike religion’s—has produced tangible
The naturalistic fallacy can be challenged. For miracles, such as the laptop computer and a
one thing, why shouldn’t we use “what is” as doubled lifespan in the last century.
at least a rough guide to “what ought to be”? Moving down the God axis in Figure 1 we
At the very least we should treat this as an come to what I have termed “theistic science”
open question. Also, science can certainly in- (as opposed to scientific theism). It is not ex-
form us about the consequences of “what is” actly clear how well Smith fits into this cate-
s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n | 449

gory, but his position is the closest I could find the diagram in Figure 1 is a rather gray area
to represent the land between NOMA and the from which one can easily move to almost any
Pope (notice the diagonal arrow bridging the- other position by introducing one or more
istic science and scientific theism, which could qualifiers. If applied to evolution in particular,
represent two sides of the same coin). Smith theistic science translates into theistic evolu-
argues against scientism, an idea that can be tion, where evolutionary theory is by and large
defined in different ways. I would argue that correct (therefore science is on solid ground),
scientism is the concept that science can and but it includes the added twist that evolution is
will resolve every question or problem in any the (rather inefficient and clumsy) way God
realm if given enough time and resources. I works. This is what Barry Lynn (Americans
don’t think that even the most grant-hungry United for the Separation of Church and State)
professional researchers readily subscribe to it, may have meant when he concluded the 1997
but I know of individuals who seem to. PBS Firing Line debate for the evolution side
Smith, however, thinks of scientism (for ex- by suggesting that the Word (God) in the be-
ample in a lecture delivered at Oak Ridge, TN ginning may simply have been “Evolve!”
in 1998) as the idea that the scientific method The Pope’s position assumes the personal
is the best way to investigate reality. According God of Catholics but it includes an element of
to Smith there are other ways, including intu- fuzziness as well, and it is accompanied by an
ition and religious revelation. The important arrow pointing left in Figure 1 because one
point is that these alternatives are not avail- could think of it as a variation of the same
able within science, thereby excluding certain worlds model that does not go quite as far as
aspects of “reality” from scientific investiga- scientific theism à la Templeton. Pope John
tion. Smith is joined by Alvin Plantinga in the Paul II has expressed himself twice in the last
scientific theism corner, particularly evident in few years on the relationship between science
his request that the National Association of Bi- and religion. In a letter written to the Pontifi-
ology Teachers modify their definition of evo- cal Academy of Sciences, he first declared that
lution by dropping such philosophically (and Christians should not reject the findings of
politically) loaded words as “impersonal” and modern science, including evolutionary the-
“unguided” when referring to the process of ory. This is because, in his words, “Truth can-
natural selection. not contradict Truth” (which is why this posi-
While the area occupied by theistic science tion could be construed as leaning toward the
is borderline and intermixed with different de- left side of the diagram).
grees of scientific theism and NOMA (and I do However, the Pope drew a line at the origin
not know which specific mix Smith would pre- of the human soul, which of course had to be
fer), the general idea is that according to theis- injected directly by God. This creates a rather
tic science it is perfectly sensible to say that abrupt discontinuity because it introduces an
there is a God as well as a physical universe. arbitrary dualism within the process of human
The distinctive point of theistic science is that evolution, a stratagem with which science does
the God behind the universe works in very not sit very well, as Richard Dawkins pointed
subtle ways and entirely through natural laws, out. John Paul II’s more recently published
so that it is impossible (or at least very diffi- “Fides et Ratio” argues for the fact that sci-
cult) to infer his presence (unlike the case of ence and faith can be used to uncover parallel
the Anthropic Principle, where an intelligent realities for which each is best equipped, simi-
designer is the only possible conclusion). lar to what Gould states as the foundations of
As the reader can see, then, the center of NOMA. It is because of this position and the
450 | s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n

implied dualism that I situated the Pope to- cause they ironically tend to be seen by most
ward the center of the diagram. people as “too intellectual.”
Within the separate (or almost separate) Essentially, most neo-creationists (among
worlds, therefore, one can go from essentially whom there is quite a bit of variation) do not
no conflict between science and religion if no believe in a young Earth, accept micro-evolu-
god or a deistic God is considered, to a posi- tion (though recently so do some classical cre-
tion that is logically possible but increasingly ationists), don’t believe in the literal truth of
inconsistent with both Occam’s razor and the Bible, and don’t even call themselves cre-
Hume’s dictum. Depending on how much im- ationists—the preferred term for their version
portance one accords to the philosophical of things is “intelligent design” (some even go
foundations of science, this area of the Sci- so far as to avoid stating just who this intelli-
ence-Religion space can be more or less com- gent designer might be).
fortably inhabited by moderate scientists or While debunking classical creationism is
moderate religionists. nowadays not too trying an intellectual exer-
cise, neo-creationists are quite something else.
Behe’s book on “irreducible complexity”
makes the point that the molecular machinery
The Many Faces of Creationism of living organisms is so complex and necessi-
tates all of its parts working in synchrony that
The lower right corner of Figure 1 is charac- it must have been designed. A good rebuttal
terized by two positions whose exponents have has to span from David Hume’s devastating
a lot in common but who despise each other critique of the generalized version of the argu-
almost as much as they are opposed to every- ment from design to modern findings on the
thing else that populates the R&S conceptual evolution of specific biochemical pathways.
space. I am referring to “classical” creationism Dembski’s reasoning that intelligent design
as embodied, for example, by Duane Gish and can be inferred by excluding all other alterna-
his colleagues at the Institute for Creation Re- tive hypotheses on probabilistic reasoning en-
search, and to the “neo-creationism” move- tirely misses the more parsimonious explana-
ment well represented by Michael Behe tion of unintelligent design (i.e., natural
(1996), William Dembski (1998), Phillip John- selection) to account for biological history and
son (1997) and other associates of the “Discov- diversity. Finally, Johnson’s main thrust that
ery Institute.” science is really a philosophical enterprise
No matter what kind of creationist you are, with no better claim to reality than religion
you are very likely to believe in a personal can be dealt with by using Provine’s argument
God and in a fundamental conflict between about philosophical naturalism discussed
science and religion (or at least, so it seems above.
from the array of publications within both the
classical and neo-creationist camps). The main
difference between Gish’s group and Johnson’s
ensemble is that the latter is more sophisti- The Twin Souls of Skepticism
cated philosophically and makes a more slick
use of scientific terminology and pseudoscien- Last, but not least, let’s consider the two main
tific concepts. They are also much more politi- versions of modern skepticism, which have
cally savvy, though they do not enjoy the produced a lively debate within the skeptic
grassroots support of classical creationists be- community and which represent the forefront
s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n | 451

of rational thinking about science and religion. out of skeptical inquiry is that a believer can
I am referring to what in Figure 1 are labeled always come up with unfalsifiable ad hoc ex-
“scientific skepticism” and “scientific rational- planations of any inconsistency in a religious
ism,” positions associated with people such as belief. While this is certainly true, is this not an
Carl Sagan, Will Provine, and Richard equally valid critique of, say, skeptical inquiry
Dawkins (the fact that my name falls in one of into paranormal phenomena? After all, how
those fields merely reflects the influence that many times have we heard the “true believers”
these people have had on my thinking). saying that the reason a medium failed a con-
First, notice that both skeptical positions are trolled test is because of the negative vibra-
rather unusual, in that they span more than tions produced by the skeptic? Nicholas
one quadrant, diagonally in the case of scien- Humphrey, in his excellent Leaps of Faith,
tific skepticism, vertically for scientific ration- even reports that paranormalists have come up
alism. Scientific skepticism is the position that with a negative theory of ESP that “predicts”
skepticism is possible only in regard to ques- that the frequency of genuine paranormal
tions and claims that can be investigated em- phenomena is inversely proportional to at-
pirically (i.e., scientifically). For example, tempts at empirically investigating them! This
Novella and Bloomberg state that “Claims that sounds like religious believers’ attempts to
are not testable are simply outside the realm of save their cherished mythology.
science.” However, scientific skepticism imme- As much as one might question scientific
diately embarks on a slippery slope that the skepticism on the basis of more or less subtle
same authors acknowledge in their article. philosophical points, there is of course an-
They admit that “Testable religious claims, other, more practical side to this position,
such as those of creationists, faith healers, and which also makes for a convergence toward
miracle men are amenable to scientific skepti- NOMA. As Novella and Bloomberg honestly
cism,” so that religion is not entirely out of the admit, it is a matter of resources: “This single
scope of skeptical inquiry. issue, which is not central to our purpose,
Furthermore, they acknowledge that there could potentially drain our resources, monop-
is no distinction in principle between religion olize our public image, and alienate many po-
and any other kind of nonsense believed by all tential skeptics.” This is, unfortunately, very
sorts of people: “There is no distinction be- true. It is also true that the skeptic community
tween believing in leprechauns, alien abduc- cannot and should not require any article of
tions, ESP, reincarnation, or the existence of faith (such as unbelief in God) from any of its
God—each equally lacks objective evidence. members. However, we do require that there
From this perspective, separating out the latter are no sacred cows. Anything and everything
two beliefs and labeling them as religion— must be the subject of free inquiry and skepti-
thereby exempting them from critical analy- cal investigation. To allow otherwise, for prac-
sis—is intellectually dishonest.” That is, scien- tical or any other kind of reasons, is an intel-
tific skepticism converges toward scientific lectual travesty. On the other hand, what can
rationalism (see below) when one considers and should be admitted is that God and reli-
personal gods that intervene in everyday life, gion truly do represent only one facet of the
but moves toward a NOMA-like position if universe of interest to skeptics, and that skep-
God is defined in a distant and incomprehensi- tical analyses of the God question may or may
ble fashion. not be fruitful. Therefore, let us proceed with
One of the most convincing arguments ad- caution, but proceed nevertheless.
duced by scientific skeptics to keep religion Within the framework of scientific rational-
452 | s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n

ism one arrives at the belief in the nonexis- tific skepticism; as a somewhat rational human
tence of God, not because of certain knowl- being, I yearn for the wide horizons of scien-
edge, but because of a sliding scale of methods. tific rationalism.
At one extreme, we can confidently rebut the
personal Gods of creationists on firm empirical
grounds: science is sufficient to conclude be-
yond reasonable doubt that there never was a Different Beliefs for Different Folks
worldwide flood and that the evolutionary se-
quence of the Cosmos does not follow either of It should be obvious from this survey that
the two versions of Genesis. The more we there are many ways to slice the science-reli-
move toward a deistic and fuzzily defined God, gion question, certainly more than I have dis-
however, the more scientific rationalism cussed or can even think of. As mentioned at
reaches into its toolbox and shifts from empiri- the onset, the point is not to censure any par-
cal science to logical philosophy informed by ticular position, but rather to explore their dif-
science. Ultimately, the most convincing argu- ferences from a logical as well as a psychologi-
ments against a deistic God are Hume’s dictum cal perspective. In fact, it is almost as
and Occam’s razor. These are philosophical ar- interesting to debate the question as it is to
guments, but they also constitute the bedrock wonder why some people subscribe to one
of all of science, and cannot therefore be dis- point of view or to another (which is the main
missed as non-scientific. The reason we put point of Shermer’s 1999 book).
our trust in these two principles is because I have already stated my personal prefer-
their application in the empirical sciences has ence for scientific rationalism on the grounds
led to such spectacular successes throughout that it is highly compatible with the empirical
the last three centuries. evidence and makes very reasonable assump-
Admittedly, the scientific rationalist is on tions where the evidence is lacking. However,
less firm ground the more she moves vertically scientific skepticism, NOMA, and even some
up in Figure 1. But this is not a fatal blow be- very weak forms of the anthropic principle are
cause no reasonable skeptic asserts her posi- certainly difficult to definitely exclude, and
tions as definitive truths. All we are saying is enough intelligent people adopt them to pro-
“show us.” The main reason I prefer scientific vide some pause for reflection. The more we
rationalism to scientific skepticism (which is move from the upper right to the lower left
more akin to the philosophical position known corner of Figure 1, however, the more difficult
as empiricism and espoused by many English one’s position becomes to defend empirically
philosophers between the 17th and 19th cen- or rationally, all the way down to the innumer-
turies) comes down to a matter of which trade- able absurdities embedded in Christian apolo-
offs one is more willing to accept. Scientific getics.
skepticism trades off the breadth of its inquiry The two axes of Figure 1 define the degree
(which is limited) for the power of its methods of personality of the god one believes in and
(which, being based on empirical science, are the conflict one feels between that concept of
the most powerful devised thus far). Scientific god and the world as science uncovers it. As
rationalism, on the other hand, retains as such, this diagram defines a series of fuzzy,
much of the power of science as possible, but slowly intergrading areas of thinking that can
uses other instruments—such as philosophy help us both understand the relationship be-
and logic—to expand the scope of its inquiry. tween science and religion and the human
As a scientist I have been trained within scien- protagonists of this debate. Where you see
s c i e n c e a n d r e l i g i o n | 453

yourself and others in Figure 1 is bound to Larson, E. J. and L. Witham. 1997. “Scientists are
shape your life trajectory in this world and Still Keeping the Faith.” Nature 386: 435–436.
your interactions with other people. What Larson, E. J. and L. Witham. 1998. “Leading Scien-
happens beyond this world is anybody’s guess, tists Still Reject God.” Nature 394: 313.
but mine is: nothing. Ledo, M. 1997. Bible Bloopers: Evidence that De-
mands a Verdict, Too! A Skeptic Answers Josh Mc-
Dowell. Atlanta: AFS.
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Begley, S. 1998. “Science Finds God.” Newsweek, Letter to Skeptic 6(4), 28.
July 20, 46–52. Mayr, E. 1999. “The Concerns of Science.” Skepti-
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Dembski, W. A. 1998. The Design Inference. Cam- ligion.” Skeptical Inquirer 23(4), 32–36.
bridge University Press. Palevitz, B. A. and R. Lewis. 1999. “Short Shrift to
Gish, D. T. 1995. Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No! Evolution?” The Scientist 2/1, 11.
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search; Inquirer 23(4), 37–39.
Gould, S. J. 1997. “Nonoverlapping Magisteria.” Pigliucci, M. 1998. “A Case against God: Science
Natural History, March, 16–22. and the Falsifiability Question in Theology.”
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Method.” Science 284, 1257–1259. Two Views.” A review of Rocks of Ages by S. J.
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gion. Edinburgh: Gilbert Elliot. Pinker, S. 1999. “Whence Religious Belief?” Skepti-
Humphrey, N. 1996. Leaps of Faith. New York: Ba- cal Inquirer 23(4), 53–54.
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Academy of Sciences.” Reprinted in Quarterly 10.
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Religions Forgotten Truth. Harper, San Francisco.
Skepticism and Credulity
Finding the Balance between
Type I and Type II Errors


ené Descartes in his Meditations on never believe a falsehood. But of course we

R First Philosophy, William James in The

Will to Believe, and others have noted
that with respect to our intellectual lives we
would also believe no truths—and hence
would commit every Type I error possible.
Unable to eliminate the risk of error en-
have the distinct though related goals of ac- tirely, we would at least like to minimize it.
quiring true beliefs and avoiding false ones. But how? A single strategy to minimize error
Accordingly, we can err in two different ways. seems no easier to come by than a single strat-
We commit a Type I Error when we fail to be- egy to eliminate it. A suggestion comes from
lieve a truth; we commit a Type II Error when what, in fact, we do when confronted with
we believe a falsehood. Since we want to some specific candidate for belief—call it
avoid errors of both kinds, the ideal strategy proposition P. We are guided by a preliminary
would prevent the commission of either error. decision—often but not always a quick deci-
But there is no such perfect strategy. Nor can sion—about the cost of being wrong in either
we guarantee freedom from error by “playing of the two ways available. Not knowing
it safe”—by withholding our judgment on whether P is true or false, I ask myself which
some proposition. For if that proposition hap- would be worse on this occasion: failing to be-
pens to be true, we thereby commit a Type I lieve P if it were true (i.e., committing a Type
error. I error) or believing P if it were false (i.e.,
There is a simple strategy we could adopt to committing a Type II error). Sometimes one
avoid the commission of all Type I errors—be- and sometimes the other seems considerably
lieve everything! Believing everything, we “worse” or in some sense more costly, and we
would be sure to believe every truth. But of adjust our policy on that occasion accord-
course we would also believe every false- ingly.
hood—and hence would commit every Type II If we feel that it would be worse to commit
error possible. a Type I than a Type II error—worse to miss
Similarly, there is a strategy we could adopt the truth—then we allow ourselves to believe
to avoid the commission of all Type II errors— P on relatively slight evidence lest we fail to
believe nothing! Believing nothing, we would believe true P (willingly running the risk of

456 | s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y

believing false P). For example, Pascal says: “I dence who believe “at the drop of a hat.” They
would have far more fear of being mistaken, behave as if they regard Type I errors as worse
and of finding that the Christian religion was than Type II . . . as if in their desire to believe
true, than of being mistaken in believing it truths they are willing to accumulate a lot of
true” (Pascal, 85). That is, with respect to the false beliefs as well. These people are called
proposition “the Christian religion is true,” credulous or gullible. And we might gener-
committing a Type I error is far worse, he says ously think of credulity as a policy for mini-
(considering the prospect of eternal torment), mizing error generally—at least errors of the
than committing a Type II error (presumably more serious sort.
living a finitely long life of wasted virtue). Ac- On the other hand, there are folks who in
cordingly, Pascal recommends that we accept general have relatively high standards of evi-
Christianity without any supporting evidence dence—who display a reluctance to believe un-
at all. (Earlier in the text he gives the details of til overwhelmed by evidence. They behave as
what has become known as “Pascal’s Wager.”) if they regard Type II errors as worse than
If, on the other hand, we feel that it would Type I—as if they have, in the colorful phrase
be worse on some particular occasion to com- of William James, a “preponderant private
mit a Type II than a Type I error—worse to horror of becoming a dupe” (18). These peo-
hold a false belief—then we require a lot of ev- ple are called skeptical. And we might think of
idence before we assent, lest we believe false P skepticism as a policy for minimizing error
(willingly running the risk of not believing generally—at least errors of the more serious
true P). For example, we hope that the respon- sort. I shall address two types of thinking that
sible authorities approach in this spirit the help us distinguish between extreme skepti-
proposition “this new drug [pesticide, infant cism and extreme credulity, through the writ-
formula, . . .] is safe.” If they commit a Type I ings of René Descartes, William Clifford, and
error then profits may be lost. But if they com- William James. Skepticism, while not univer-
mit a Type II error—they believe that it is safe sally held, might seem to be the more re-
while it is not—lives are lost. Consumers would spectable stance of the two. People are not
prefer they make a Type I error until there is ridiculed for being skeptical as they are for be-
very strong evidence of its safety. ing gullible. Indeed skepticism has its advo-
The issue on any particular occasion, then, cates, while it would seem nobody recom-
is this: how much evidence must I have on be- mends gullibility. But this is a feature of our
half of P before I am willing to believe it; and particular age. In other times, it seems, the
how ready or reluctant am I to believe P? The credulous—at least people credulous with re-
greater I take the relative cost of a Type II over spect to the most important matters—were
a Type I error to be (i.e., the more reluctant I honored, while the skeptical were burned. So
am to believe), the more or stronger evidence I it might be interesting to survey some of the
require to overcome that reluctance. And con- things that have been said for and against
versely, the more costly I think a Type I error skepticism and gullibility respectively.
to be, the readier I am to believe P on rela- Because so much has been said about the
tively weak grounds. importance of keeping your standards of evi-
This analysis of what happens on a specific dence high, I shall address only two skepti-
occasion provides the basis for a distinction cisms that are specially important for this
between what might be called intellectual study. Descartes is important as an early mod-
“personality-types.” There are some folks who ern exponent of our distinction between two
in general have relatively low standards of evi- ways of erring. Clifford is important for his in-
s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y | 457

fluence on James, whose views we shall go on more candidates for our belief—thus continu-
to consider. ally reducing the number of Type I errors,
while still preventing the occurrence of Type
II errors entirely. (While this material is spread
through much of Meditations, the hard core of
Descartes and Clifford it is in the last few paragraphs of Meditation
Four and the first paragraph of Meditation
In an effort to establish a firm foundation for Five. Descartes says: “Even if I have no power
his ideas René Descartes, in his Meditations on to avoid [Type I] error in the first way . . . ,
First Philosophy (1640), sets out to find which which requires a clear perception of every-
if any propositions are indubitable. This he thing I have to deliberate on, I can avoid [Type
does by raising his standards of evidence as II] error in the second way, which depends
high as possible—he will not believe anything merely on my remembering to withhold judg-
that can be doubted, or anything that could be ment on any occasion when the truth of the
false. In the present terminology, he begins matter is not clear.”)
with the determination to commit no Type II Descartes’s position neatly fits our general
errors, even if that leaves him believing noth- picture of a skeptic. He proceeds from the very
ing. beginning of his Meditations precisely as if he
Certain propositions soon turn out to be in- regards Type II error—believing a falsehood—
dubitable and hence utterly believable on his as far worse than Type I error—missing a truth.
account: that he exists, that he is a thinking He is willing to forego indefinitely many truths
being, that God exists, and that God is not a rather than allow the slightest falsehood into
deceiver. The non-deceptive character of God the body of his beliefs. As time goes on, he will
then provides Descartes with a guarantee that assent to new propositions, but only after they
“whatever I perceive very clearly and dis- too have been brought to indubitability—i.e.,
tinctly is true” (87). Because God is not a de- each has met the very highest standards of evi-
ceiver, says Descartes, He has given us no dence. (In practice Descartes is not quite this
mental faculty the exercise of which could lead severe: he recognizes probabilities—proposi-
us into incorrigible error. But there could be tions that are good bets though not indu-
no stronger assurance of the truth of some- bitable. In these cases he acknowledges that it
thing than our clear and distinct perception of is prudent to behave as if they were true. But
it. So we could not correct our false assent to with respect to his philosophy, “the task now
something clearly and distinctly perceived. So in hand does not involve action but merely the
what is clearly and distinctly perceived cannot acquisition of knowledge” [79].)
be false. We should confine our belief to what In The Ethics of Belief (1877) William K.
is clearly and distinctly perceived, and thereby Clifford argues that “it is wrong always, every-
avoid all Type II errors. where, and for anyone, to believe anything
Of course by keeping our standards so high, upon insufficient evidence” (77). Though
we will commit a lot of Type I errors—we will clearly hostile to religious belief, he nonethe-
fail to believe a lot of truths. But Descartes less uses terms like “sinful” and “evil” for “be-
provides a recipe for reducing the number of lief . . . given to unproved and unquestioned
Type I errors. By critical refinement, we statements” (74), even if those statements are
should bring to clarity and distinctness of ap- true. We have a “duty to mankind . . . to guard
prehension more and more of our concepts, ourselves from such beliefs as from a pesti-
and thus bring to indubitability more and lence” (75). As an extreme skeptic Clifford de-
458 | s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y

mands that we keep our standards of evidence chosen the foolish things of the world to con-
very high, recognizing that in doing so we will found the wise . . .” (1 Corinthians 1: 19–27).
cut ourselves off from a lot of true beliefs. The lesson is unavoidable: to the natural
As bad as unjustified belief is, “a greater and mind, the Christian message is foolish, irra-
wider evil arises when the credulous character tional. This attitude is noteworthy in that the
is maintained and supported, when a habit of Psalmist says precisely that the atheistic posi-
believing for unworthy reasons is fostered and tion is the foolish one (14:1, 53:1). “Your
made permanent” (76). That character, that faith,” says Paul, “should not stand in the wis-
habit, is particularly to be found in “those sim- dom of men, but in the power of God” (2:5).
ple souls . . . who have been brought up from Some 40 years later, a similar attitude to-
the cradle with a horror of doubt” (77). For ward reason was put in the mouth of the risen
Clifford, credulity is the antithesis of his own Jesus himself. Many people have not read or
position. have forgotten the punchline to the story of
Doubting Thomas. Told that Jesus has risen
from the dead, Thomas says that he will not
believe it until he can see and feel Jesus’
Believing Because It Is Absurd wounded body. When Jesus presents himself to
Thomas and invites empirical investigation
It seems that the dominant Christian position Thomas says, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus’
today considers it legitimate or appropriate rejoinder is interesting: “Because thou hast
(though not necessary) for the believer to ex- seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they
ercise reason—i.e., to apply logic to the mate- that have not seen, and yet have believed”
rial of experience. This view holds that it is not (John 20: 28–29). Thomas is not blessed for
irrational to be a Christian, and perhaps even his belief, which however belated is at least
that the exercise of reason can lead one to, or justified; the Lord’s blessing is reserved for
support belief in, the main tenets of Christian- those with unjustified, groundless belief.
ity. Such is one familiar reading of Psalm 19:1: It is with this kind of scriptural backing that
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and Tertullian says, perhaps a hundred years after
the firmament sheweth his handiwork”—i.e., John’s gospel: all you need to do is believe
the observable world provides ample evidence what Jesus taught, however implausible. Once
of the existence and nature of God. But how- you have accepted Jesus’ teaching, close your
ever strong or old this attitude toward reason, mind to everything else and stop thinking.
there is a contrary attitude that goes back to “With our faith, we desire no further belief.
the very earliest Christian documents, where For this is our palmary faith, that there is
God’s wisdom reigns supreme: “It is written, I nothing which we ought to believe besides”
will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will (346). “[I]t is really better for us not to know a
bring to nothing the understanding of the pru- thing, because He has not revealed it to us,
dent. . . . Hath not God made foolish the wis- than to know it according to man’s wis-
dom of this world? For after that in the wisdom dom . . .” (354). In his History of Philosophy,
of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it Wilhelm Windelband concludes that “with
pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to Tertullian, the content of revelation is not only
save them that believe. . . . The foolishness of above reason, but also in a certain sense con-
God is wiser than men. . . . Not many wise men trary to reason. . . . The gospel is not only in-
after the flesh . . . are called: but God hath comprehensible, but is also in necessary con-
s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y | 459

tradiction with worldly discernment: credible must have “faith” in this sense. But James does
est quia ineptum est; certum est, quia impossi- not run his argument thus; his defense of
bile est—credo quia absurdum” (225). It is be- credulity does not depend on redefining the
lievable because it is foolish, it is certain be- word faith in this bizarre way. So we can disre-
cause it is impossible—I believe it because it is gard this definition.
absurd. James also alleges that the scientist must
hold on faith “the proposition . . . that the
course of nature is uniform. That nature will
follow tomorrow the same laws that she fol-
William James and Pragmatic Belief lows today is . . . a truth which no man can
know; but in the interests of cognition as well
The most elaborate and I think the strongest as of action we must postulate or assume it”
defense of credulity comes from William James (91). On this he is simply wrong: we need not
(1842–1910), one of America’s most distin- postulate or assume the uniformity of nature.
guished and influential philosophers and psy- We certainly hope that nature is orderly. Pro-
chologists. His position is laid out most fully in ceeding on that hope, we would soon discover
The Will to Believe (1896), but parts of it ap- that we were wrong if the laws of nature
pear in Reflex Action and Theism (1881), The changed or ceased. So this “justification of
Sentiment of Rationality (1882), and Is Life faith” also fails, since the uniformity of nature
Worth Living? (1895). (All citations below will is not a necessary article of faith.
be from the 1956 edition that includes all of James’ key argument is in The Will to Be-
these writings.) lieve, which I would urge everyone to read. It
James argues that under certain broad cir- is only 30 pages long (in my edition) and well
cumstances we are entitled to hold beliefs and worth the effort. But for those who have not
(most importantly) religious beliefs that are read the essay (and are willing to take my
absolutely groundless. He calls The Will to Be- word for it), I’ll summarize his argument. It is
lieve a “justification of faith . . . in religious based on a number of key definitions.
matters,” understanding faith as belief held An hypothesis is “anything that may be pro-
without rational support. Before examining his posed to our belief.” A live hypothesis is one
argument we must deal with two red herrings. “which appeals as a real possibility to him to
At a number of points James offers an odd whom it is proposed.” An option is a “decision
definition of faith. Faith, he says, is the adop- between two hypotheses.” A living option is
tion of “a believing attitude . . . in spite of the one “in which both hypotheses are live ones.”
fact that our merely logical intellect may not “If I say, . . . ‘Either call my theory true or call
have been coerced” (1956, 1–2). “Faith means it false,’ your option is avoidable. . . . You may
belief in something concerning which doubt is decline to offer any judgment as to my theory.
still theoretically possible; . . . faith is the But if I say, [‘Either accept my theory or
readiness to act in a cause the prosperous issue don’t’], I put on you a forced option, for there
of which is not certified to us in advance” (90). is no standing place outside of the alternative.
I find this odd because on this definition Every dilemma based on a complete logical
nearly all beliefs about matters of fact, includ- disjunction, with no possibility of not choosing,
ing the best-confirmed laws of nature, would is an option of this forced kind.” An option is
be held on faith. Surely that is the wrong way momentous when (a) the opportunity it repre-
to use the word faith. It is clear that we all sents is unique, (b) the stake is significant, and
460 | s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y

(c) the decision is irreversible. “For our pur- Type II error: believing falsely. “Dupery for
poses we may call an option a genuine option dupery, what proof is there [or could there be]
when it is of the forced, living, and momentous that dupery through hope [of being right: a
kind” (2–4). “When I say ‘willing [or pas- Type II error] is . . . worse than dupery
sional] nature’, . . . I mean all such factors of through fear [of being wrong: a Type I error]?”
belief as fear and hope, prejudice and passion, (27).
imitation and partisanship, the circumpressure James applies these principles to religious
of our caste and set” (9). James concludes: belief and the ultimate question of God’s exis-
“The thesis I defend is, briefly stated, this: Our tence. He first explains “the religious hypothe-
passional nature not only lawfully may, but sis”: “Religion says essentially two things.
must, decide an option between propositions, First, she says that the best things are the more
whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by eternal things, the overlapping things, the
its nature be decided on intellectual things in the universe that throw the last stone,
grounds . . .” (11). so to speak, and say the final word. ‘Perfection
The rest of his argument depends crucially is eternal,’—this phrase . . . seems a good way
on our earlier distinction between Type I and of putting this first affirmation of religion, an
Type II errors: “Believe truth! Shun error!— affirmation which obviously cannot yet be ver-
these . . . are two materially different laws; and ified scientifically at all. The second affirma-
by choosing between them we may end by col- tion of religion is that we are better off even
oring differently our whole intellectual life. We now if we believe her first affirmation to be
may regard the chase for truth as paramount, true” (25–26). In case you do not yet under-
and the avoidance of error as secondary; or we stand exactly what religion says, James adds:
may, on the other hand, treat the avoidance of “[The] feeling . . . that by obstinately believing
error as more imperative, and let truth take its that there are gods . . . we are doing the uni-
chance. . . . These feelings of our duty about verse the deepest service we can seems part of
either truth or error are in any case only ex- the living essence of the religious hypothesis”
pressions of our passional life” (18), since ra- (28).
tional grounds cannot be given for preferring First, James takes himself to be addressing
Type I to Type II errors or vice versa. only those who regard the option as living: if
In other words, there can be no rational the religious hypothesis makes no appeal
grounds for preferring either skepticism or whatsoever to your belief, there is no point in
gullibility. When evidence one way or the proceeding. Second, he says that the religious
other is unavailable (or evenly balanced), I am option is momentous: “We are supposed to
obliged to decide a forced option on passional gain, even now, by our belief, and to lose by
grounds—i.e., on other than intellectual or ra- our non-belief, a certain vital good” (26). So,
tional grounds—and hence I am fully entitled third, if the option is forced, it is genuine. Fur-
to use “the subjective method, the method of ther, it surely “cannot by its nature be decided
belief based on desire” (97). That is, I am enti- on intellectual ground.” So, if the religious op-
tled to believe something simply because I tion is forced, it legitimately may, because it
would like it to be true—or for any other rea- must, be decided on passional grounds—it
son. The skeptic would—and he notes that Clif- would be fully responsible to adopt (or reject)
ford does—recommend the suspension of judg- the religious hypothesis on whatever whim
ment in such a case. But to follow that advice might move us.
is to risk a Type I error: losing the truth and its James guarantees that the option is forced
attendant benefits—just as the believer risks a by posing it as he does: “either accept the reli-
s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y | 461

gious hypothesis or don’t.” Further he regu- then we have to reject James’s maneuver
larly alleges that the failure to accept the reli- as a rhetorical ploy with no probative
gious hypothesis is tantamount to outright re- force at all.
jection. To simplify the point, suppose that the 2. James insists that his authorization of
religious hypothesis were “There is a God.” He groundless belief applies only when an
wants us to regard the suspension of judgment option “cannot by its nature be decided
as tantamount to rejection—to regard the ag- on intellectual grounds.” On the other
nostic position as indistinguishable from athe- hand, “in our dealings with objective
ism. If he can do that, he may be able to lure nature we obviously are recorders, not
into the theist fold those who find outright makers, of the truth. . . . Throughout the
atheism distasteful. “It is often practically im- breadth of physical nature facts are what
possible to distinguish doubt from dogmatic they are quite independently of us . . .”
negation. . . . He who commands himself not (20). In such cases, James insists that the
to be credulous of God, of duty, of freedom, of only responsible thing to do is to seek out
immortality, may again and again be indistin- the relevant evidence and suspend
guishable from him who dogmatically denies judgment until its dictates are clear. But
them. . . . Who is not for is against. The uni- on a view of justification, with which I
verse will have no neutrals in these questions. am largely sympathetic, an allegedly
In theory as in practice, dodge or hedge, or substantive claim that cannot even in
talk as we like about a wise skepticism, we are principle be confirmed or disconfirmed is
really doing volunteer military service for one empty nonsense, and hence not a
side or the other” (109). James’s argument is candidate for my belief at all, since it
clever, charming, enticing. What is there to does not say anything. So for me at least—
say? I believe that there are at least three and, I would think, for any rational
things that together should remove whatever person—an option “that cannot by its
allure the argument might have. nature be decided on intellectual
grounds” cannot be a living option
1. Do not be tricked by his effort to exhibit because the hypothesis involved can
the suspension of judgment as virtual make no appeal to my belief, there being
rejection of the religious hypothesis. This nothing to believe. So for people like me
sleight-of-hand is accomplished by his at least, there can be no “genuine option
particular way of forcing the religious that cannot by its nature be decided on
option. But his is not the only way. I intellectual grounds”; so there can be
could also force the religious option by nothing for James’s permission to work
demanding of you: “Reject God or on.
don’t!” Sensing the inadequacy of the 3. Regarding God and religion, if a claim
evidence, you are unwilling to reject the “that cannot by its nature be decided on
God hypothesis, so you don’t. But that’s intellectual grounds” is literal nonsense
tantamount to theism! Who is not against James’s religious hypothesis is worse—it is
is for. The universe will have no neutrals sheer gibberish. I defy anyone to make
in these questions. This of course is sense of it:
preposterous. If by this simple trick of
logic I can simultaneously exhibit the First [religion] says that the best things
suspension of judgment in the absence of are the more eternal things, the
evidence as both theism and atheism, overlapping things, the things in the
462 | s k e p t i c i s m a n d c r e d u l i t y

universe that throw the last stone, so to hypothesis? Because this and the other clearly
speak, and say the final word. “Perfection intelligible formulations are clearly falsifiable
is eternal,”—this phrase . . . seems a good and clearly false. In the choice between what is
way of putting this first affirmation of false and what is unintelligible, the proponent
religion. . . . The second affirmation of of religious belief will (almost) always opt for
religion is that we are better off even now the unintelligible.
if we believe her first affirmation to be So my final criticism is that James’s religious
true. [The] feeling . . . that by obstinately option cannot be genuine because his religious
believing that there are gods . . . we are hypothesis cannot be live: it can make no ap-
doing the universe the deepest service we peal to my belief—or anyone’s.
can, seems part of the living essence of
the religious hypothesis. References:
Clifford, William K. 1947 (1877). “The Ethics of Be-
I think I know why he puts “the religious lief.” The Ethics of Belief and Other Essays. Lon-
hypothesis” in this untenable way. He must don: Watts & Co.
make sure that it “obviously cannot . . . be ver- Descartes, R. 1988 (1640). “Meditations on First
ified scientifically at all.” The more clearly Philosophy.” Descartes: Selected Philosophical
sensible the religious hypothesis is, the more Writings. J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff, D. Mur-
obviously susceptible it will be to rational in- doch (Trans.). Cambridge University Press.
vestigation, and hence the less eligible for James, W. 1956. The Will to Believe and Other Es-
groundless adoption. says in Popular Philosophy, and Human Immor-
The following clearly recognizable version tality. New York: Dover Publications.
Pascal, B. 1941 (1670). “Pensées.” W. F. Trotter
of a religious hypothesis is not gibberish: “The
(Trans). Pensées and The Provincial Letters. New
natural world was brought into existence
York: The Modern Library.
about 10,000 years ago by the will of the one
Tertullian (a.d. 160–230). 1966. Prescription against
eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent Heretics: Greek and Roman Philosophy after
Being, whose son Jesus died and arose from Aristotle. Jason L. Saunders (Ed.). New York: The
the dead about 2000 years ago.” That makes Free Press.
perfectly good sense: I’ve got a good idea of Windelband, W. 1958 (1892). A History of Philoso-
what the whole sentence and each part of it phy, Vol. 1: Greek, Roman, and Medieval. James
means. Why does James not use this or some H. Tufts (Trans.). New York: Harper.
similarly intelligible version of the religious
Thought Field Therapy
D A V I D X . S W E N S O N

t is beyond amazing. I have never seen care organizations provide coverage for cer-

I any treatment so powerful. . . . It is ex-

traordinarily powerful, in that clients re-
ceive nearly immediate relief from their suf-
tain alternative therapies, and 58% of na-
tional HMOs planned to do so by the end of
1998 (Blecher, 1997).
fering and the treatment appears to be Although Barnum had a name for them,
permanent.” So read testimonials on promo- what is leading fairly conventional therapists
tional brochures and websites for one of a to unquestioningly adopt unconventional
new cluster of unusual psychotherapies, methods and abandon much of the scientific
called “power therapies” due to their alleged inquiry on which their professions are based?
rapid and strong results. This paper will consider some of the forces
These treatments are becoming main- that lead therapists to use these approaches,
stream, as measured by their attraction of examine the assumptions that underlie the
thousands of licensed social workers, psychia- practice, and identify some of the flaws in the
trists, psychologists, and other health profes- practice that should be thoroughly researched
sionals to training workshops. These practi- before they are applied to clients. One of the
tioners return home to apply these techniques fastest growing appears to be Thought Field
and their accompanying beliefs on vulnera- Therapy (TFT), and it will be the focus of dis-
ble, traumatized people, and often charge cussion and representative of the other, simi-
large fees for it. In September, 1994, a federal lar approaches.
grant of $355,225 was given to the University
of Alabama, Birmington Burn Center to test
the use of Therapeutic Touch (TT) to manipu-
late the “human energy field” and heal in- Drivers of the Quick Fix
juries (Turner, 1994). The technique, which,
like other “energy” therapies, has no clear From the pay for service platform of the 1970s,
empirical support, claims to be taught at 75 the health care system has shifted to a highly
schools and universities, practiced at 95 regulated managed care platform in the 1980s
health facilities, and has been taught to more and 1990s. The result is a dramatic change in
than 48,000 health care professionals in 75 the management, cost, and delivery of ser-
countries (O’Mathna, 1998). The influence vices. Capitation (per head maximum cost per
has been strong enough to lead the North year) and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)
American Nursing Diagnostic Association to became the basis for reimbursement from the
list “energy-field disturbance” among its government. The payment was the same
other diagnostic categories. Many managed whether the patient stayed in the hospital for

464 | t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y

two days or two weeks. Health care had to find turnover—are also vulnerable to these claims.
ways to recover the lost dollars due to managed Although most professionals have had course
care, and health care became a business. One work covering research design, statistics, and
of the ways to cut costs was to limit the number the scientific method, a large part of their pre-
of sessions for which psychotherapy patients ferred activity is involved with treatment
could be reimbursed. This meant that mental rather than research. Many therapists are very
health centers and independent providers feeling oriented, they relate extremely effec-
needed to promote themselves based on short tively with clients, and they are often inter-
term and effective treatments, and provide high ested in experimenting loosely with new tech-
turnover in patients to maintain volume. niques. A poll of participants on the Internet
Enter the brief and short-term therapies. In Trauma Forum reflected the attitude: they
contrast to traditional psychotherapies of the were asked about the Tapas Acupuncture
past that allowed clients the luxury of having Technique (see below), and their opinion was
their problems discovered, uncovered, or al- reported as, “Well, it’s no wackier than TFT, so
lowed to emerge, these new therapies took why not try it?” (Wylie, 1996, 36).
clients at their word: whatever they presented
as the problem was all that would be treated. If
there were other problems, or the problem
changed, the case would require reauthoriza- The Power Therapies
tion for further treatment. Such approaches as
Ericksonian hypnosis, solution focused ther- The power therapies are so called owing to
apy, and crisis intervention became popular. It their claimed remarkable facility in resolving
was crisis intervention and the need for rapid severe or persistent emotional disorders and
treatment of trauma that became the launch- trauma. One could equally argue that most of
ing pad for the power therapies. them could have derived the name from their
Crisis intervention involves having brief but connection with bodily or spiritual energy sys-
intense contact with victims of crisis or trauma tems on which they rely for explanation (Pearl
for the purpose of calming them, reducing and Tayar, 1996; Stenger, 1998). The 1990s
risk, and returning them to their precrisis level has seen a plethora of unconventional and “al-
of functioning. Without effective intervention, ternative” approaches become popular—pro-
people make adjustments around the trauma moted widely without clear evidence of their
but often carry their symptoms with them in effectiveness other than by testimonials and
the form of posttraumatic stress disorder, pho- poorly designed studies.
bias, sleep disturbances, relationship prob- Some of the more unusual treatments are
lems, and the like. As many as 25% of the sur- based on the belief that the body’s energy sys-
vivors may develop more serious post tem has become blocked, toxified, weakened,
traumatic stress disorder as a consequence or otherwise disrupted, thereby causing symp-
(Wylie, 1996). Many of these people seek toms of physical and/or psychological nature.
counseling or support, but some have not Acupuncture and acupressure are best known,
found it effective. They become vulnerable to and though many aspects have been clearly
the power therapy claims of “immediate reso- debunked, evidence continues to emerge that
lution of the problem” and “permanent cure.” some healing mechanism may be involved. It
Therapists, eager to find powerful and effec- is on tradition and the possibility of such a
tive short term means to work with people— healing mechanism that the power therapies
both to end their suffering and to increase proliferate.
t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y | 465

• Thought Field Therapy (TFT) uses lowing disorders: trauma (effects of rape,
sequences of finger tapping on abuse, crime, war), phobias, anxiety, addic-
acupressure points, and combinations of tions, grief, physical pain, panic, obsessive-
sensory activities (repeating statements, compulsive disorders, eating disorders, depres-
counting, rolling the eyes, humming a sion, chronic anger, guilt, self sabotage, food
tune) while thinking of the distressing addictions, rejection, sexual problems, fi-
situation. bromyalgia, migraine headaches, and love pain
• Touch for Health (TH) or Applied (Callahan, 1998; Edwards, 1997). There is
Kinesiology (AK—which actually has no even a suggestion that it might cure cancer
relationship to the discipline of (Callahan and Callahan, 1996).
kinesiology) uses muscle testing (usually Some of these alternative approaches are
pulling down on an extended arm) to test also receiving acceptance from respected fig-
where in the body energy is blocked. It ures in psychotherapy and emergency services.
then uses acupressure to release and For example, Charles Figley, editor of Trauma-
balance the body’s energy. tology journal and a leading figure in interna-
• Therapeutic Touch (TT) is not touch at tional trauma services, has stated, “It is ex-
all, but a “manipulation of the body’s traordinarily powerful, in that clients receive
aura” by passing hands over the person’s nearly immediate relief from their suffering
body. This method has been widely used and the treatment appears to be permanent”
in the nursing profession. (Danzig, 1998). Several articles in the journal
• Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) have been devoted to case studies and discus-
appears to be a recent and briefer sion of the procedure. To the journal’s credit,
derivative of TFT that involves using they also featured a thorough critique of TFT
three fingers of one hand to apply gentle (Hooke, 1998). A comparison of TFT with
pressure to facial acupressure points, other power therapies was also published in
while the other hand supports the back the Family Therapy Networker—a major publi-
of the head. Positive statements may also cation read by family therapists—in which TFT
be used as well as asking where the was reviewed favorably.
problem is “stored” in one’s body or life.
• Ear Tapping Desensitization and
Remobilization (ETDR) is one of the
newest treatments on the alternative Thought Field Therapy
scene, and involves using one hand to tap
acupressure points on the ear. TFT development. A self-described “pioneer”
• Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was in cognitive and behavior therapies, Callahan
developed as a branch of TFT, and (1997) reports having developed TFT over the
involves tapping near the end points of past two decades. He notes that the sources
energy meridians. It has one tapping that led to his formulation of the treatment in-
sequence for all physical and emotional cluded the Chinese discovery of energy merid-
problems, in contrast to 10–15 sequences ians, and the later refinement of acupressure
in TFT. by George Goodheart, DC, a chiropractor who
promoted Applied Kinesiology or Touch for
These approaches claim to heal a host of di- Health. Callahan claims that the success that
verse physical and psychological conditions. propelled him into promoting TFT was the
Thought Field Therapy claims to heal the fol- “Case of Mary” (Callahan, 1997). This client
466 | t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y

had been suffering from severe phobia of wa- The TFT literature is replete with references
ter that had restricted her life and caused to popular scientists like David Bohm, Rupert
much discomfort. After several months of tra- Sheldrake, and Roger Penrose. In addition,
ditional cognitive and desensitization treat- several kinds of instruments claim to measure
ments, and noting that Mary felt sick to her the energy field, such as the “biometer”—a
stomach when near the water, Callahan felt in- “sophisticated form of galvanic skin response
spired to try tapping the acupressure points meter” that “registers resistance to negative
under her eyes associated with the stomach energy,” for only $795 (Long, 1998). Some
meridian. Immediately and miraculously, Mary supporters even say that “the energy system is
commented, “It’s gone . . . I don’t think I’m electro-mechanical, electro-optical, electro-
afraid of the water anymore.” Bolstered by this acoustic, electromagnetic and can be directly
success, Callahan set about to find points re- engineered just like VCRs and computers”
lated to other disorders and use these in his (Craig, ND). Applying concepts from particle
treatment of clients. This case has since be- physics to behavior does not deter TFT theo-
come a classic in TFT. rists, although the explanations become some-
what convoluted and abstract (Callahan,
Energetic assumptions. Foundational to NDb):
Callahan’s claims is the belief in and use of an
intangible bodily energy that perfuses the per- One can understand the relevance of the us-
son, travels along channels or meridians, and age of “active information” in that the mi-
may become blocked by physical or emotional crostate of the perturbations creates the macro
illness. The task of the therapist is to unblock state that the person feels when depressed, an-
these energy buildups, or “perturbations” as gry, anxious, etc. Psychotherapy is the trans-
Callahan refers to them. Some healers go to ex- formation (or subsumption) of this micro state
travagant means to explain and account for which results in the elimination of the nega-
these energy fields that they claim to manipu- tive emotion.
late (Bunnell, ND). Callahan borrows heavily
on three sources for his argument. He cites the Although this may be a nice metaphor,
longevity of acupuncture in Chinese medicine, there is no evidence that events in the micro
as well as the use of energy concepts in many world of particle physics are represented in the
ancient civilizations. He and other power ther- macro world of humans. Finally, Callahan de-
apists also cite the seminal work of Harold Sax- nies much of what is currently known in estab-
ton Burr, author of The Fields of Life (1972). lished neuropsychology by claiming, “the role
Burr, a researcher at Yale University School of of the amygdala . . . [deep brain structure
Medicine, claimed to have discovered “electro- known to regulate emotion] is not only not
dynamic energy fields” that surround all living fundamental in generating disturbing emo-
things. Finally, and with some strain, research tions, it is not even in the right ball park”
and opinion are cited from quantum physics (Callahan, 1998b). He prefers, instead, to at-
which postulate that “thought field is similar to tribute emotion to the energy field.
the concepts of a gravitational or electromag- In contrast to the claims of TFT, current re-
netic field in physics” (Schwartz, ND). They search has not confirmed the existence of hu-
play loosely with these ideas, claiming that man energy fields related to illness or in re-
since “matter and energy are interchangeable, sponse to treatment factors. For example, the
thoughts and feelings are influenced by the en- use of Applied Kinesiology (the foundation of
ergy in our bodies.” Callahan’s work) in assessing nutrient status
t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y | 467

found that it was no more useful than random childhood experiences, beliefs, or cognitive
guessing (Kenney, Clemens, and Forsythe, factors, and, thus makes it possible to effec-
1988). Other studies and reviews clearly state tively address the fundamental causes. These
that there is insufficient evidence to justify re- causal elements . . . are universal and applica-
liance on energy concepts as a modality for ble to all cultural groups and even very young
treatment (Basser, 1998; Richardson, 1986; children and animals. There is no treatment in
Prance, 1988; Skrabanek, 1984). Kirlian pho- psychology that comes close to the power of
tography, so often cited as “proof” of life en- treatment informed by CT-TFT Causal Diag-
ergy fields, has been found to be an artifact of nosis.
the photographic method and other factors
such as moisture, barometric pressure, and Although Callahan is not specific in his pop-
temperature (Carroll, 1998). ular literature about the details of this tech-
nique (one must order his tapes or attend his
Algorithms: the formulary for treatment. training), it appears that the advanced diag-
Callahan claims that perturbations in the nostic uses the muscle testing procedure used
thought field can be corrected by tapping spe- in Applied Kinesiology—Callahan’s founda-
cific sequences of acupressure points, or algo- tional discipline.
rithms. He claims to have discovered several
tapping sequences which reduce the symptoms Psychological Reversal (PR). When treat-
of a variety of conditions. Prior to tapping, ments do not work as rapidly as expected, TFT
clients are asked to rate their level of discom- has an explanation: the polarity of energy in
fort on a 10-point SUDS, or “Subjective Units the body has become reversed, thereby pre-
of Discomfort Scale.” The success of treatment venting treatments from working. As evidence
is determined by a reduction in this self report. of this “180 degree [reversal] . . . a person will
For example, a simple phobia can be treated say South when they mean North,” “up” when
by having the client thinking of or becoming they mean “down,” or experience “temporary
“tuned” to the fear, then tapping bilaterally dyslexia” (Callahan and Callahan, 1996). Pur-
under the eye, under the arm, on the collar- portedly the correction of PR approximately
bone, on the “gamut” spot on the back of each doubles the success rate (Callahan, NDb).
hand, and repeating the tapping sequence. A Clients who have addictive urges are in-
reduction in SUDS from 10 to 2 would be con- structed to perform the algorithm on them-
sidered a success. In other treatments designed selves about 20 times a day to avoid another
to “activate the left and right brain,” the tap- polarity reversal.
ping may be supplemented by asking the client
to roll the eyes, repeat phrases, hum brief The Apex Problem: When they don’t ap-
tunes, and count. Callahan (NDa) cautions that preciate the cure. Callahan apparently found
using the recipe-like algorithms will not result TFT in a sticky position when some clients
in as high a success rate as using the advanced would be “successfully treated” but “unable to
technique of “causal diagnosis,” however, see that therapy did the job.” Callahan con-
which: cluded that it was just too good to be true, and
they failed to see the obvious results, or “for-
. . . reveals the fundamental and deepest got” that they had the problem. As a compo-
causes of a problem, causes which are demon- nent of training, TFT therapists are prepared
strably more fundamental than the brain, the to accept that “we predict that the client will
amygdala, the nervous system, chemistry, early report improvement and further predict that
468 | t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y

he is not likely to credit the therapy for im- about $500 for a home study course, $3000
provement” (Callahan and Callahan, 1996). for six month phone support, and an astound-
Gary Craig, developer of EFT, suggests that ing $100,000 for full Voice Technology train-
good business marketing dictates that practi- ing (personal communication).
tioners present the unusual approach in a way
that “fits in with client beliefs,” thereby by-
passing their objections (Craig, NDb). Callahan
apparently concurs: when responding to a crit- TFT Evidence: Clinical vs. Empirical
icism that as many as half of people refuse the
unusual technique, he suggests that “It’s all in The claims of TFT are indeed miraculous
the presentation” (Callahan, NDb). compared to other forms of psychotherapy.
Callahan reports that the TFT algorithm for
TFT Training. That TFT has not been ac- anxiety “eliminates the addictive urge, regard-
cepted as a conventionally substantiated tech- less of the addictive substance, in about 90%
nique has not stopped people from eagerly of addicts” (Callahan, 1998, 22). One handout
seeking training. Callahan’s office estimates of testimonials distributed at a training work-
that over 3,000 professionals have been shop states that its success rate is anywhere
trained in the technique worldwide, 90% of from 80–97%! The same handout claims it is
whom have advanced degrees (Callahan, per- quick, painless, drug free, non-invasive, simple
sonal communication). Three levels of training to use, gives immediate relief, provides perma-
are offered: Level One Algorithm Training in- nent symptom resolution, can be taught to
volves two one-day training periods covering anyone, does no harm, does not require talk-
theory, phobias, trauma, addictions, anger, ing about problems, and is faster than the
stress, psychological reversal, depression, pain, more “traditional methods of long term ther-
peak performance, obsession, rage, panic at- apy [that] will no longer be accepted by either
tacks, and deep psychological reversal. Level the patient or insurance companies.” Quite a
Two Diagnostic Training involves muscle test- set of claims!
ing procedures derived from Applied Kinesiol- Most of the claims for the efficacy of TFT
ogy. Level Three is reserved for advanced are clinical—single case reports—or even client
training in “Voice Technology” that involves testimonials about the effects of treatment.
taking snippets of voice recordings from phone While these are interesting, they are not con-
conversations, and analyzing them for energy sidered strong scientific evidence because they
blockages. do not follow sound protocol for testing a
Callahan is reluctant to provide details of claim. This type of reporting is also the basis of
the equipment used, but denies that it is simi- a current controversy between clinicians and
lar to voice stress analysis, and states that the researchers (Baldwin, 1997). Callahan takes
particulars are proprietary (personal commu- pride in his open demonstrations of TFT effec-
nication). The levels of training have been tiveness, and he suggests other practitioners
packaged in several formats, including day- are reluctant to subject their treatments to this
long workshops as well as home training by level of public scrutiny. The stage for some of
audio and videotapes. One promotion for ini- his tests is literally that—a videotape is distrib-
tial training listed cost at $150 for a day, but uted in Level One training that shows his ap-
advanced training costs as much as $10,000, pearance on several popular television talk
though it has recently been repriced lower shows (e.g., Leeza Gibbons, CNN, Evening
(McWorter, 1998). Training by Callahan costs Magazine, Tom Snyder) working with volun-
t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y | 469

teers from the audience who presumably have and value are needed. Citing articles from the
a phobia. Unfortunately, the tapes do not show Journal of Consciousness (Bilodeau, 1996) and
him working with them in detail—they only Alternative Therapies (Keine and von Schon-
express their phobic complaint and then there Angerer, 1998), TFT practitioners argue that
is a brief scene in which they confront their the results of TFT are “so dramatic and obvi-
fears which he interprets as indicating some ous,” that traditional designs that involve con-
degree of success. trol and experimental groups, experimental
In a detailed examination of TFT, an article placebo, randomization, and double-blind are
in the journal Traumatology (Hooke, 1998) unnecessary. They state that the entire pattern
comments on the suggestive results, but or gestalt of the procedure as well as the inten-
strongly criticizes methodological weaknesses, tion of the practitioner produces an obvious
lack of control groups, and insufficient report- outcome, and proposing to study TFT using
ing of data and methodology. After reviewing traditional research and statistical methods is
the few studies that have been conducted and “ridiculous.” Callahan firmly states that his
interviewing TFT therapists and Callahan technique is not a function of placebo, distrac-
himself, Hooke concluded that the studies tion, demand characteristics, repetition, hyp-
have significant flaws that prevent conclusions nosis, affirmations, conditioning, additives, or
from being drawn about the efficacy of TFT. In symptom substitution (Callahan, NDc).
addition, he challenges the assumption of the In support of these claims, Callahan and
energy that is supposed to underly TFT and others have initiated a few studies of the effec-
the connections between that energy and the tiveness of TFT—not on the underlying mecha-
tapping methods. He suggests several alterna- nisms, however. Leonoff (1996) reports a
tive hypotheses that do not require these ex- nearly unheard of 97% success rate using the
traordinary assumptions about TFT, and cau- Voice Technology technique and that it was
tions clinicians to be judicious in using and replicated with an equal 97% success rate, in a
charging for an experimental technique. In a study by Callahan a decade earlier. In these
rebuttal to Hooke, Callahan gives some un- two studies, people called in to a popular radio
usual examples of sharks and platypuses using program and were treated by the therapists.
electro-sensing apparatus in their noses, as When asked about the characteristics of those
well as the finding of microgranules of mag- who might not be helped by TFT, Callahan
netite in the human brain, as evidence that stated that those numbers comprise “only one
bioenergy exists. Callahan also attempts to re- of one-hundred, and we could even reduce
fute some of the confounding information pro- that to less than one percent” (Callahan, per-
vided by TFT therapists who provided infor- sonal communication). Such studies obviously
mation to Hooke—at the very least, this have a nonrandom sample (talk show callers),
suggests that the TFT training is not moni- who only present self report, who operate un-
tored very well. der social pressure to perform or receive atten-
In spite of the challenges to research tion, and who have not had the nature of their
methodology in TFT, Callahan goes one step conditions determined.
further and questions whether conventional Perhaps one of the better studies conducted,
scientific methods and standards are appropri- a “controlled placebo double-blind study” on
ate for the study of TFT. In a Level One train- the effectiveness of TFT in treating acrophobia
ing handout titled “A new paradigm for deter- by Carbonell and Figley (ND), was not re-
mining causality,” it is proposed that new ported in detail, published in a peer reviewed
criteria for establishing scientific credibility journal, or given a complete citation in a TFT
470 | t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y

workshop handout. Reportedly, 49 college stu- ing workshop or conference, places certain
dents who had a fear of heights were identified pressures on people to show results. Control of
by self report and a screening measure. They this intervening influence does not appear to
were randomly assigned to control and experi- be seriously considered in the studies of TFT
mental groups. All subjects were treated for researchers.
psychological reversal, and then given a spe-
cific algorithm or a placebo algorithm. Inter-
estingly, both groups showed some improve-
ment, with the TFT group showing “statistically Conclusion
significant” improvement (Carbonell, ND).
Nonetheless, the control group’s improvement TFT and related power therapies are prolifer-
appears to challenge Callahan’s claim that sug- ating at a remarkable rate, driven by changes
gestion or placebo does not operate in TFT. In in the health care system, client needs, and
addition, the application of PR to the control therapist demands. While it is important to in-
group contaminates the design—they still re- novate in treatment and discover more effec-
ceived a treatment. tive modalities, it is critical to thoroughly re-
The use of self report in establishing a search the efficacy and mechanisms of these
SUDS level is a key component in TFT. All of new techniques.
the few studies reported use a change in SUDS An important aspect of a theory is that it
as major evidence of the efficacy of TFT. Self should be falsifiable. The structure of TFT
report, however, is notoriously amenable to in- suggests that it is designed to be unfalsifiable.
fluences of context, suggestion, charisma of the When disconfirming evidence is discovered, it
researcher, etc. Although “screening mea- is explained away by Psychological Reversal,
sures” (no statistics given on validity or relia- the Apex Problem, the client simply needing
bility of the instrument) were used to confirm more treatments, or saying the practitioner is
self report of the presence of discomfort, this not applying the technique properly or is con-
was not established by more thorough inter- founding it with additional techniques, or by
view, history taking, and diagnosis—conven- the client’s corrupting effective treatment by
tional means of establishing the presence, type, ingesting toxic substances that further disrupt
and severity of a disorder. In some of the radio the energy field. In some studies where clients
and television shows, volunteers merely had to apparently did not respond, there were no at-
claim that they had a phobia in order to partic- tempts noted to discover the reason. Allergies
ipate in the demonstration. There is clearly a to ingested foods or inhaled odors are also
need for better measurements of pre- and post- purported to be “toxins” that can unknow-
treatment behaviors before such treatments ingly reverse polarity, thereby reducing treat-
can be legitimately claimed to work. ment effects. In addition, TFT argues that
Many of the clinical examples, especially standard research criteria do not apply to their
those conducted on radio and television pro- methodology.
grams, are probably influenced by the “de- A more serious concern involves the ethics
mand characteristics” of the demonstration. of proliferating training and promotion for a
Demand characteristics refers to the implicit treatment before sufficient research has been
“demand” on the responder to meet the ex- conducted to establish it as legitimate and safe.
pectations of, or to please, the audience or Callahan noted that his claims have been in-
therapist. Performing for a popular audience, vestigated by the California Board of Psychol-
or even as a demonstration “client” in a train- ogy, but the concern was dropped when he
t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y | 471

provided a five minute cure to a driving phobia Blecher, M. B. 1997. “Gold in Goldenseal.” Hospital
that the investigator had (personal communi- Health Networks, 71, October, 50–52.
cation). Practitioners of TFT claim that the Bunnell, T. (ND). “A Tentative Mechanism for Heal-
procedure does no harm. However, distracting ing.” URL:
a client from other forms of treatment that may Bakissue/bunnell.htm
be more useful does not qualify as a beneficial Burr, H. S. 1972. The Fields of Life. New York: Bal-
effect. Placebos can also cause “nocebo” or un-
Callahan, R. J. (NDa). “Approved Curriculum Train-
toward effects by exacerbating preexisting con-
ing.” URL: html
ditions (Thorpe, 1994). In addition, a meta
Callahan, R. J. (NDb). “What is TFT?” URL: http://
learning (implicit learning occurring by way of
the method used) appears to expose the client Callahan, R. J. (NDc). “What TFT is Not: Fallacious
to a new world view—one operating by subtle, Explanations for TFT.”
invisible, yet powerful energies inside and out- Callahan, R. J. 1997. “Thought Field Therapy: The
side the body that influence thinking, emo- case of Mary.” Traumatology, 3(1), URL: http://
tional well being, and behavior. Such a world
view, instilled in a conventional person, may Callahan, R. J. 1998a. Thought Field Therapy: Algo-
unexpectedly lead to concerns about the na- rithms Level 1 Training Manual.
ture of reality. This is a secondary risk that has Callahan, R. J. 1998b. “Response to Hooke’s Re-
not been discussed in the literature or pre- view of TFT.” Traumatology, 3(2). URL: http://
sented as a concern in training.
Callahan, R. J., and J. Callahan. 1996. Thought
Although some of the results of TFT are in-
Field Therapy (TFT) and Trauma: Treatment
teresting and suggestive, the serious method-
and Theory. Indian Wells, CA: The Callahan
ological limitations, use of unconventional ex-
planations (e.g., energy) that have not been Carbonell, J. L. (ND). “An Experimental Study of
supported by research, flawed arguments, and TFT and Acrophobia.” URL:
minimizing or demeaning established research expstudy.htm
findings undermine proper evaluation. Given Carroll, R. T. 1998. “The Skeptics Dictionary.” URL:
the large numbers of clients on whom the
technique reportedly works, it is unfortunate kirlian.html
that well designed and controlled studies do Craig, G. H. (NDa). “A Physicist Speaks.” http://
not take advantage of these numbers. With the
current interest level, it is likely that more re- Craig, G. H. (NDb). “Re-evaluating the Apex Prob-
search will be conducted, hopefully with better lem.” URL:
attention given to design and peer review. htm
Danzig, V. 1998. “Thought Field Therapy: Training
Center of La Jolla.” URL: http://www.
Baldwin, D. V. 1997. “Innovation, Controversy, and Edwards, D. 1997. “Thought Field Therapy.” URL:
Consensus in Traumatology.” Traumatology, 3(1).
URL: _field_therapy.html
html Hooke, W. 1998. “A Review of Thought Field Ther-
Basser, S. 1998. “Acupuncture: The Facts.” The apy.” Traumatology, 3(2). URL: http://rdz.acor.
Skeptic, 13(2), 27. URL: http://www.skeptics. org/lists/trauma/v3i2art3.html Keine, H., and T. von Schon-Angerer. 1998. “Single-
Bilodeau, D. J. 1996. “Physics, Machines and the case Causality Assessment as a Basis for Clinical
Hard Problem.” Journal of Consciousness, 3(5/6). Judgment.” Alternative Therapies, 4(1), 41–47.
472 | t h o u g h t f i e l d t h e r a p y

Kenney, J. J., R. Clemens, and K. D. Forsythe. 1988. Acupuncture—Science or Myth?: A Review.”

“Applied Kinesiology Unreliable for Assessing Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 81(10),
Nutrient Status.” Journal of the American Di- 588–590.
etetic Association, 88, 698–704. Richardson, P. H. 1986. “Acupuncture for the
Leonoff, G. 1996. “Phobia and Anxiety Treatment Treatment of Pain: A Review of Evaluative Re-
by Telephone and Radio: Replication of Calla- search.” Pain, 24(1), 15–40.
han’s 1986 Study.” URL: Schwartz, R. A. (ND). “Thought Field Therapy
tft4std.html (TFT)?” URL:
Long, A. 1998. “Brief Power Therapies and the Bio- schwarz.m.html
monitor.” URL: Skrabanek, P. 1984. “Acupuncture and the Age of
sample3.html Unreason.” The Lancet, 1, 1169–1171.
McWorter, J. 1998. “Thought Field Therapy: A Stenger, V. J. 1998. “Reality Check: The Energy
Novel Treatment for Trauma.” San Diego Thera- Fields of Life.” CSICOP On-Line, June. URL:
pist Newsletter. URL: http://www.camft-sandiego.
org/thotfield.html html
O’Mathna, D. P. Spring, 1998. “Therapeutic Touch: Thorpe, B. 1994. “Touch: A Modality Missing From
What Could be the Harm?” The Scientific Review Your Practice?” Advanced Nursing Practice, 2,
of Alternative Medicine. URL: 10.
sram/harmtt.html Turner, J. G. 1994. “The Effect of Therapeutic
Pearl, S., and S. Tayar. 1996. “Alternative Medicine: Touch on Pain and Infection in Burn Patients.”
Science or Pseudoscience?” April. URL: http:// Tri-Service Nursing Research Grant #MDA 905-
aries. r/1800/alternative. 94-Z-0080 and Application #N94-020.
html Wylie, M. S. 1996. “Going for the Cure.” Family
Prance, S. E. 1988. “Research on Traditional Therapy Networker, July/August, 21–37.
Cultures in Collision on the Fringes of Science


n 1950, Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky pub- from the rest of society, and it illustrates barri-

I lished Worlds in Collision (WIC), a re-

markable book that challenged the fun-
damental tenets of a number of academic
ers to communication. Fortunately Velikovsky
dealt with ancient history, and the debates
that surrounded him had little practical signif-
fields. Velikovsky, a psychoanalyst living in icance. But next time we may not be so lucky.
New York, sought to replace the current para-
digms of physics, astronomy, geology, and
geophysics. He also challenged prevailing no-
tions of ancient history, anthropology, and The Fundamentals of Worlds in Collision
archeology. Generally, persons with such ideas
are dismissed as cranks and their work is ig- Velikovsky’s primary thesis was that ancient
nored, but Velikovsky’s book was published myths and legends described real events of a
by the prestigious Macmillan house and ac- cataclysmic nature that the Earth experienced
companied by laudatory endorsements. He in the millennia that preceded the rise of clas-
was described as “an international scholar” sical Greece. He concluded that cross-cultural
comparable to Newton, Darwin and Einstein, concordances among these legends demon-
and his book was “a magnificent piece of his- strated that these traumatic events were
torical scholarly research.” While scientists global in scale and the result of astronomical
denounced it, WIC rose to the bestseller lists. agents. He then identified the specific astro-
Thus began the “Velikovsky affair,” one of the nomical causes, which involved the ejection
most prominent 20th century examples of the of Venus from Jupiter and repeated near-col-
collision between the cultures of science and lisions among Venus, Mars and Earth—events
letters. Even after it became abundantly clear that changed the Earth’s rotation and orbit
that Velikovsky was wrong, many persons and precipitated global floods, volcanic erup-
condemned the scientific community for their tions, meteoric bombardment, and other ca-
hostile reaction toward him and his work. tastrophes. Finally, in an effort to explain this
The Velikovsky affair raises many issues aberrant planetary behavior, Velikovsky pro-
that are pertinent today—it illuminates pro- posed that electromagnetic forces are (or
found differences in assumptions and method- were) of critical importance in determining
ology that set scientists and their work apart planetary motions.

474 | v e l i k o v s k y

All this is presented in a book of 401 pages, the forces between sun and planets were pri-
amply stocked with scholarly-looking footnotes marily electrical the planets might be able to
and a long index. However, the style is popular jump from one orbit to another like the quan-
and has a curious old-world ring to it. Many of tum changes in the electrons of an atom. This
the references, for example in quoting transla- stunning non-sequitur seems to be a serious
tions from ancient middle-eastern languages, suggestion, not just a reversal of the common
are from 19th-century sources that have long pedagogical analogy that compares electron
since been superceded. WIC appears to have orbits to miniature planetary systems.
sprung fully developed from the brow of its Henry Bauer, whose book Beyond Veli-
creator. It is not an extension or a summary of kovsky is the definitive history and analysis of
previous work, because Velikovsky did not the subject, summarizes WIC thus: “Velikovsky
publish articles in professional journals. He displays a lack of understanding of chemistry,
had no collaborators, and he gives little credit physics, and astronomy . . . [He] is not only ig-
to such predecessors as Ignatius Donnelly, norant of the facts . . . his whole approach is
whose 1883 book Ragnarok has many similar- not that of the scientist . . . he does not weigh
ities to WIC. Further obscuring his purpose, his evidence . . . he does not adduce indepen-
Velikovsky asks the reader to “consider for dent tests of validity . . . [his] ideas about natu-
himself whether he is reading a book of fiction ral science are not worth taking seriously.” Yet
or non-fiction, whether what he is reading is “he discusses these subjects in a manner that
invention or historical fact.” would convey, to a layman, an apparent famil-
Many critics described the book as exceed- iarity with these fields.” It is this difference in
ingly well written, and certainly it had enthusi- response—the easy dismissal by scientists, while
astic readers. Yet to a scientist it seems vague, non-scientists found him to be plausible and
illogical, and obtuse. Velikovsky is inconsis- even compelling—that makes Velikovsky rele-
tent, for example, in describing the chemistry vant today to our understanding of the rela-
of the atmosphere of Venus and Mars in vari- tionship between scientists and the public.
ous places as “hydrocarbon,” “carbohydrate,”
“petroleum gases,” and “of the nature of car-
bon” (whatever that means). His many refer-
ences to electromagnetic phenomena, always Initial Responses
presented qualitatively (without numbers or
equations), are incomprehensible, as in the Worlds in Collision was extravagantly praised
following: “The cessation of the diurnal rota- at the time of its publication by authors Eric
tion could also be caused—and most effi- Larrabee in Harpers, John Lear in Colliers,
ciently—by the earth’s passing through a strong and Fulton Oursler in Readers Digest, among
magnetic field; eddy currents would be gener- others. Reviewers who questioned some parts
ated in the surface of the earth, which . . . of the book were able to find other sections
would slow down the earth or bring it to a ro- praiseworthy. No reviewer was expert in all the
tational stasis . . . if the interaction with the areas spanned by Velikovsky’s “interdiscipli-
magnetic field caused the earth to renew its nary synthesis.” Carl Sagan recalled that he
spinning . . .” etc. spoke to one “distinguished professor of semit-
One of the most mystifying passages is found ics” who told him that “ ‘the Near-Eastern and
in the final pages of WIC, where Velikovsky Biblical scholarship is of course nonsense, but
suddenly introduces the idea that the solar sys- I was impressed by the astronomy’. I had
tem is like an atom, and hypothesizes that if rather the opposite view.”
v e l i k o v s k y | 475

Although Velikovsky sought the overthrow There is no doubt that the scientific com-
of half a dozen different disciplines, it was only munity felt threatened by Velikovsky’s popu-
the astronomers who fought back, led by Har- larity, and they fought back within their own
low Shapley, the distinguished Director of professional sphere. Doubleday’s ads for WIC
Harvard College Observatory. Shapley, who were rejected by Science and Scientific Ameri-
had met Velikovsky and had seen an early can, and both refused to print rebuttals from
draft, privately pressured Macmillan to drop Velikovsky. (Both journals were following their
the book on the grounds that such a publica- usual policies against accepting ads for pseu-
tion would undercut the company’s credibility doscience or printing rebuttals to book re-
as an academic publisher. This threatened views.) These actions, and the astronomers’
boycott was successful, and Macmillan trans- outspoken attacks on WIC, have been widely
ferred the account to Doubleday, which had criticized—especially Shapley’s threat to
no textbook division. In defense of Macmillan, Macmillan. Velikovsky himself assumed the
it should be noted that the publisher did ob- mantle of an academic martyr as well as
tain several reviews from scientists in advance heretic, hounded by organized science. Bauer
of the publication of WIC. I have read three of later concluded that the astronomers “had
these reviews, and all of them said, in effect, acted unethically, and all [Velikovsky’s] critics
that the science was very probably wrong but would henceforth stand in danger of being
that the book was fun to read and would prob- tarred with the same brush . . . for suppressing
ably sell well. None of these reviewers advised ideas, assaulting academic freedom, acting
that WIC should not be published. dogmatically and in authoritarian fashion.”
Cecelia Payne-Gaposhkin, another senior Bauer believed that “literally inexcusable steps
astronomer at Harvard, wrote an early review had been taken to prevent an expression of
without having read the book. She asked, opinion.” Carl Sagan, one of Velikovsky’s most
rhetorically, “Is this scientific age so uncritical, outspoken critics, worried that “there is no ex-
so ignorant of the nature of evidence, that any cuse for any attempt to suppress new ideas,
considerable number of people will be fooled least of all by scientists committed to the free
by a sloppy parade of jargon . . . The road to exchange of ideas.”
fame and fortune is clear. Never mind logic;
never mind the precise meaning of words or
the results of exact research. Employ the vo-
cabulary of a dozen fields of learning. Use a Unethical or Realistic?
liberal sprinkling of Biblical phrases. . . .”
Other reviews were equally scathing, with sev- I believe these often-repeated accusations of
eral of the reviewers admitting to not having unethical behavior deserve reanalysis. There is
read the entire book, or even a substantial part ample evidence that Velikovsky was little more
of it. “The [scientific] statements are all so than a crank, something that was evident to
completely at variance with known principles the astronomers from even a cursory look at
. . . It is unnecessary to waste . . . space . . . his book. Except for its publication by a main-
pointing out the numerous errors.” “Sincere stream publishing house and wide praise by
musing of a man . . . unfamiliar with the de- non-academic reviewers, his work was not so
tails and general principles of the physical sci- different from the unsolicited manuscripts on
ences.” “The kindest judgement is to class him cosmology written by well-meaning laypersons
in the select army of hoaxters.” “The screwball without a whiff of understanding of relativistic
fringe.” theory that I and most astronomers receive
476 | v e l i k o v s k y

routinely. Even in the most freedom-loving so- The focus of debate shifted from WIC to “the
ciety, no one has a right to be published, let Velikovsky affair,” as noted by Alfred de Grazia
alone to be read, as witnessed by the many in American Behavioral Scientist: “The Veli-
book manuscripts or papers submitted and re- kovsky case has little to do with the correct-
jected in peer review every day. ness or otherwise of his theories. What is in
Let us also consider the charge that Veli- question is the entire reception system that sci-
kovsky’s academic freedom was threatened. ence uses in dealing with innovation . . . Who
Academic freedom is the right of university determines scientific truth? What is their war-
faculty and researchers to teach and carry out rant? How do they do so? . . . In the end, some
their research free from restrictions imposed judgement must be passed upon the behavior
by their institutions or government bodies. But of science and, if adverse, some remedies must
Velikovsky was not on any faculty—he lived in be proposed.”
the town of Princeton, New Jersey, but had no
association with Princeton University or any
other academic institution. He was always free
to submit papers to technical journals, but he Velikovsky Confirmed by NASA
chose not to do so, because he rejected on
principle the practice of peer review. Years Velikovsky might have quietly faded away in
later, he submitted a note to Science. As he the 1960s, were it not for discoveries that
himself described, “My answer . . . was re- seemed to confirm some of his predictions.
turned for rewriting after one or two reviewers Velikovsky supporter Lynn E. Rose wrote the
took issue with my statement that the lower at- following glowing testimony in Pensée: “Veli-
mosphere of Venus is oxidizing. I had an easy kovsky’s theory is by now a near-classic case of
answer to make . . . but I grew tired of the a successful empirical analysis. The theory was
prospect of negotiating and rewriting.” eminently open to testing, since it entailed a
The reception Velikovsky received from as- number of important consequences not yet
tronomers and other critics was what any non- verified, and many of these were incompatible
scientist might expect who strayed into areas with rival theories. Succeeding years witnessed
he did not understand. It seems to me that the verification of a great many of those conse-
one’s reaction on these issues depends on quences and the disconfirmation of none. By
one’s assessment of the true value of Veli- all the usual canons of sound methodology the
kovsky’s scholarship. If you believe that his theory should now be accepted as a successful
thesis could be correct or might stimulate one; that is, one that may be regarded as very
other work, then it is reasonable to upbraid his probably true.” Velikovsky himself wrote in
critics and call for dispassionate scholarly dis- 1974 that “My work today is no longer hereti-
course. But if you conclude that his ideas are cal. Most of it is incorporated in textbooks.”
nonsense, then no such dialogue is required, What a terrific story of a “comeback kid,” and
and issues of “fairness” and “academic free- what a satisfying deflation of the pompous de-
dom” are irrelevant. fenders of scientific orthodoxy. This was how
Irrelevant or not, accusations of unethical the story was played. But was it correct?
behavior by the scientific community colored Velikovsky’s claimed successes nearly all in-
all future discussion of Velikovsky. Some ral- volved planetary exploration. Surprisingly, ter-
lied to his support not because they thought restrial geology, to which he had devoted an
he was correct, but because they felt he had entire book (Earth in Upheaval), apparently
been denied a hearing by organized science. did not provide an appropriate testing ground.
v e l i k o v s k y | 477

The predictions most often cited were radio which he inferred that the clouds were heated
emissions from Jupiter, the high temperature primarily from below. He also predicted an ex-
and cloud composition of Venus, and the na- cess of radiated heat and an observable cooling
ture of the lunar surface. He received a big of the planet over time. Within a few years, ra-
boost when physicist V. Bargmann and as- dio astronomers had measured the surface
tronomer L. Motz agreed to his request that temperature of Venus and found a blistering
they write a letter to Science noting his predic- 400+ degrees C, a quite unexpected discovery.
tions concerning Jupiter, Venus and the terres- The surface source of the emission was con-
trial magnetosphere. They stated that “Al- firmed by Mariner 2 in 1962, and temperature
though we disagree with Velikovsky’s theories, was measured directly by Soviet landers begin-
we feel impelled . . . to establish Velikovsky’s ning in 1970. So far this seems like a vindica-
priority of prediction of these . . . points and to tion of Velikovsky. But there was no net excess
urge, in view of these prognostications, that his of energy radiated from the planet (since the
other conclusions be objectively re-examined.” thick atmosphere effectively contained the
Let’s look briefly at each of these predictions. high surface temperature). The total radiated
Within a few years of the publication of energy was in balance with absorbed sunlight,
WIC, researchers in the young field of radio and it did not decline over time. Further, the
astronomy identified Jupiter as a strong source high surface temperature had an alternative
of “non-thermal” radio emissions, later attrib- explanation from an atmospheric greenhouse
uted to energetic plasma in the magnetosphere effect.
of Jupiter. Velikovsky had predicted that The third topic dealt with the chemistry of
Jupiter might be a source of radio emission, Venus. Velikovsky predicted a hydrogen-rich
analogous to radio emission from the Sun and atmosphere (since Venus had been born out of
stars. He thought Jovian radio emissions could Jovian material), hydrocarbon clouds, and
originate in turbulent motions within a hot even “petroleum fires burning on the surface.”
electrically charged atmosphere, still seething This claim received inadvertent support in
from the expulsion of Venus. He thus claimed 1963 when a NASA publicist erroneously
this discovery as a confirming test of his the- stated that Mariner 2 had found evidence of
ory. In fact the emission is unrelated to the at- hydrocarbon clouds, a quite amusing story of
mosphere of Jupiter, but rather is due to human fallibility later recounted by Sagan.
Jupiter’s strong magnetic field and the ions The Velikovsky camp trumpeted success when
trapped within it. The presence of a hot inte- the hydrocarbon clouds were announced and
rior for Jupiter, discovered later (1969), does then steadfastly refused to believe the subse-
not seem to have been much discussed in the quent retraction. Some of his more paranoid
Velikovsky literature. supporters even accused NASA of fabricating
Even more widely advertised was Veli- the retraction solely to undercut Velikovsky.
kovsky’s successful prediction that Venus is The true composition of the clouds was not de-
“hot,” which he attributed to the recent vio- termined until 1973, more than a decade later.
lent birth of the planet together with its subse- They are made primarily of sulfuric acid parti-
quent close passages by the Sun, its intense cles, consistent with the oxidizing chemistry of
tidal interaction with Mars and Earth, and var- the atmosphere of Venus.
ious electrostatic discharges. This hot Venus is Finally, there were a number of predictions
not strictly speaking a prediction. In WIC Veli- about the Moon, all deriving from its role in
kovsky cited as evidence the observed absence close encounters between Earth, Venus and
of cooling of Venus’ clouds at night, from Mars. Velikovsky summarized these predic-
478 | v e l i k o v s k y

tions in an op-ed article in the New York Times virtually ceased more than 3 billion years ago,
on the eve of the Apollo lunar landings. He as- providing strong disconfirmatory evidence of
serted that the lunar surface and been molten his theory of recent planetary encounters.
3500 years ago, that the lunar craters were Does this analysis of Velikovsky’s discoveries
primarily formed by bubbles in the molten match the paean by Sidney Willhelm, who
crust, that the ray craters were the result of wrote that “Velikovsky’s correct diagnosis . . .
immense interplanetary discharges, and that can only mean that Velikovsky himself is the
the lunar surface today would show strong evi- foremost scientist of the twentieth century
dence of remanent magnetism and localized [and] among the foremost thinkers of all
radioactivity resulting from these discharges. time”? I think not, despite Velikovsky’s own
He even warned of danger to the astronauts self-evaluation in the peroration of his AAAS
from intense lunar radioactivity. In fact, the lecture in 1974 where he said “my Worlds in
surface of the Moon consists of ancient rocks Collision, as well as Earth in Upheaval, do not
that were last molten more than three billion require any revisions, whereas all books on
years ago. The small remanent magnetism is terrestrial and celestial science of 1950 need
an artifact of the lunar magnetic field of three complete rewriting. . . . None of my critics can
billion years ago when the lava solidified. erase the magnetosphere, nobody can stop the
There is no excess radioactivity, and the noises of Jupiter, nobody can cool off Venus,
craters are conclusively shown to be the result and nobody can change a single sentence in
of impacts. Yet Velikovsky claimed success my books.”
with his predictions, since Apollo had found
remanent magnetism, and he explained away
the dating of lunar samples as some undefined
consequence of the electric discharges. To his The AAAS Debate
death, Velikovsky believed that the lunar
craters were congealed lava bubbles. Thus, Thanks to his claims of successful predictions,
strangely, he could not accept the role of im- Velikovsky’s star was rising in the early 1970s.
pacts in shaping planetary surfaces, the one He received many invitations to lecture at uni-
true form of planetary-scale catastrophism that versities, even at his old nemesis, Harvard. He
has emerged from our exploration of the plan- also spoke at NASA’s Ames and Langley Re-
etary system by spacecraft. search Centers. Quite a number of faculty and
So what is the score? Velikovsky was correct students (mostly from the humanities and so-
about the high surface temperature of Venus cial sciences) took up his cause, and a journal
(although he never quantified his prediction, (Pensée) devoted to his ideas began publica-
saying only that “Venus is hot”), but appar- tion.
ently for the wrong reasons, since there was no Against this backdrop, Carl Sagan of Cornell
net energy excess. In the case of Jupiter’s radio University and other astronomers decided to
emissions, he correctly predicted a more im- devote a symposium at the 1974 AAAS meeting
portant role for electromagnetic effects than to Velikovsky. Sagan wrote that “I and some
was thought at the time, but the radio noise other colleagues in the AAAS have advocated a
from Jupiter is unrelated to the hot, electri- regular set of discussions . . . of hypotheses
cally charged atmosphere hypothesized by Vel- which are on the borderlines of science and
ikovsky. On the chemistry of Venus, he was which have attracted substantial public inter-
completely wrong, as he was also in his predic- est. The idea is not to attempt definitively to
tions for the Moon, whose geological activity settle such issues, but rather to illustrate the
v e l i k o v s k y | 479

process of reasoned disputation, and perhaps to cinct summary of his theory, with emphasis on
show how scientists approach a problem. . . .” his successful predictions. He received a stand-
Donald Goldsmith of SUNY Stony Brook, ing ovation for his proud assertion that not one
one of the symposium organizers, wrote that word of his writings needed revision. Sagan fo-
“the stated commitment of the AAAS to the cused on 10 tests of Velikovsky taken from
sharing of scientific ideas with the public, to- WIC. Their presentations are in proceedings
gether with the public interest in his theories, volumes.
provided sufficient reason to hold a sympo- Velikovsky’s supporters took little satisfac-
sium.” Owen Gingerich of Harvard, another or- tion in the outcome. They had come expecting
ganizer, later recalled: “I remember two rea- to hear a reasoned scientific discourse con-
sons for organizing it. First the Velikovsky ducted among equals. Instead they were hit
supporters were arguing that scientists were with Sagan’s debunking, aimed not at them
close-minded and unwilling to listen to their but at the general public. As Leroy Ellen-
good arguments, and we felt something should berger later wrote, “Sagan’s analysis of WIC
be done to defuse this claim by giving them a was not designed to appeal to the interested,
public platform. Secondly, and for me more informed layman who was interested in Veli-
important, my students were hearing a lot of kovsky, yet also amenable to a reasoned, valid
pro-Velikovsky news, and no respectable as- critique. Sagan’s analysis contained errors in
tronomers were willing to take the time of day physics that were never corrected.” Velikovsky
to explain to the general public why they didn’t himself accused the symposium organizers of
take his scenario seriously . . . I don’t think bias, with “no pursuit of scientific debate in
there was any effort to convert the hard-core mind. . . . The scientific and semi-scientific
Velikovskyites, but simply to make arguments press showed by its reports that it was orches-
available to a broad general public.” Velikovsky trated—the very sentences, and the very same
himself, however, took the invitation as a vic- errors of fact and number, appeared simulta-
tory. He wrote that “the astronomers are on the neously in many reviews.”
defensive. . . . They asked me to participate in Sagan intended his “10 problems” to pro-
the AAAS meeting. I did not ask.” vide a definitive answer to Velikovsky as well
The Velikovsky symposium was the most as an example of how scientists analyze new
popular event of the 1974 AAAS meeting, hypotheses. However, Velikovsky and his fol-
drawing a crowd of nearly 1500. Since the lowers considered Sagan’s paper to be an un-
principal speakers, Velikovsky and Sagan, both forgivable catalog of errors. It may be useful,
exceeded their time allocations, the sympo- therefore, to assess Sagan’s 10 problems from
sium was continued in a special evening ses- the perspective of 25 years later. In doing so, I
sion. Although there were seven speakers, at- will use two terms common in the space sci-
tention focused on Velikovsky and Sagan. ences. One is “back-of-the-envelope” or
Velikovsky, then in his late 70s, projected a “rough order of magnitude” estimates, abbre-
vigorous image, tall, imperious, and confident. viated ROM. These are simplified calculations
Sagan, little more than half as old, was equally to obtain a very approximate numerical solu-
articulate, confident, and charismatic. Their tion. Often a ROM estimate is sufficient to re-
papers and subsequent comments provide an ject an implausible hypothesis. Second is the
excellent overview of most of the astronomical concept of the “strawman”—a simplified ver-
areas of dispute between Velikovsky and “es- sion of an idea that is used as a first rough esti-
tablishment science,” but little on ancient his- mate. Both ROMs and strawman arguments
tory or archeology. Velikovsky presented a suc- appear extensively in Sagan’s critique.
480 | v e l i k o v s k y

Problem 1: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter. raised many valid objections to the idea that
Velikovsky had not explained how or when the tidal or electromagnetic forces could have
Venus-comet got loose on a planet-crossing or- stopped the Earth’s rotation, let alone start it
bit, but he did say it was ejected from the up again. These are among the principal flaws
Jupiter system. (Later he would suggest that in Velikovsky’s scenario.
Jupiter split apart as a result of interactions
with Saturn.) Sagan analyzed a strawman in Problem 4: Terrestrial geology and lunar
which Venus is ejected from Jupiter like a bul- craters. In Velikovsky’s theory, the Earth suf-
let shot from a cannon. He used a ROM calcu- fered extreme geological disruption from the
lation to show that the energy of such an ex- close passes of Venus and Mars. Sagan noted
pulsion is more than sufficient to melt the many contradictions between Velikovsky’s sce-
proto-Venus and probably to splatter it all over nario and the geological record. There was not
the solar system. Unfortunately, he used a a general eruption of terrestrial volcanoes a
slightly wrong value for the escape velocity few thousand years ago, mountains were not
from Jupiter. This did not invalidate his ROM thrown up, and the lunar surface was not
argument, but it undercut the credibility of the melted.
entire exercise for the non-science audience,
who usually expect calculations by scientists to Problem 5: Chemistry and biology of the terres-
be precise. trial planets. Sagan pointed out that Venus’s
oxidizing chemistry is inconsistent with its
Problem 2: Repeated collisions among the supposed Jovian origin and noted many other
Earth, Venus, and Mars. Velikovsky had as- problems in Velikovsky’s chemistry, such as
serted that multiple collisions occurred be- the composition of the Martian polar caps. Vel-
tween these three planets during roughly one ikovsky responded by quoting old astronomi-
millennium ending about 700 BCE. Sagan cal authorities in support, but that is beside
performed a ROM calculation of the probabili- the point, since these references had since
ties of repeated planetary near-encounters. been proved wrong.
Since Velikovsky provided no information on
the orbital dynamics that would make these Problem 6: Manna. Velikovsky concluded that
events happen, Sagan tested a strawman in manna (edible carbohydrates) fell on the Earth
which the events are stochastic (unrelated), from Venus, perhaps manufactured by mi-
showing that the odds against such a series of croorganisms out of the hydrocarbons of the
near-collisions are absurdly high (one in 1023). comet’s tail. Sagan set up a strawman in which
But Sagan did not consider coupled or reso- the Venus-comet shed manna over the entire
nant orbits, which would invalidate his straw- inner solar system, and he used a ROM calcu-
man. His is also a post hoc probability calcula- lation to show that the quantity of manna ex-
tion—after the fact, almost any specific ceeded the entire mass of the Earth—a reductio
sequence of events seems improbable, as Ve- ad absurdum. The exercise doesn’t prove
likovsky correctly stated in his rebuttal. much, since Velikovsky never postulated a
model to explain the production of manna, but
Problem 3: The Earth’s rotation. Velikovsky as- it went over well with audiences and Sagan,
serted that the Earth’s rotation changed dra- like Velikovsky, was a showman.
matically about 3000 years ago; in his pre-
ferred scenario it actually stopped, then began Problem 7: The clouds of Venus. Sagan, who
rotating again in the opposite direction. Sagan was one of the world’s experts on the atmo-
v e l i k o v s k y | 481

sphere of Venus, effectively demonstrated that system. Sagan pointed out that there is no evi-
Velikovsky’s ideas on this subject were com- dence that electromagnetic forces play any
pletely at odds with the facts, concluding “Vel- role in planetary dynamics, and that even if
ikovsky’s idea that the clouds of Venus are such other forces were at work it would be ex-
composed of hydrocarbons or carbohydrates is tremely difficult to change an elongated orbit
neither original or correct.” Velikovsky’s reply into a circle (and Venus has the most circular
stressed that hydrocarbon clouds had been orbit of any planet). These are sound argu-
suggested by others, but again this is beside ments, and neither Velikovsky nor his support-
the point—by 1974 we knew the clouds were ers provided a coherent theory to rationalize
sulfuric acid, although Velikovsky could not the planetary motions that were central to his
accept that fact. theory.

Problem 8: The temperature of Venus. Again My own judgment is that Sagan’s critique
Sagan was on solid ground, speaking as one of would have been stronger without Problems 1,
the originators of the greenhouse model for 2, 6, 9, and Appendix 3. But I can understand
the atmosphere of Venus. Velikovsky categori- his use of strawman models and ROM calcula-
cally rejected the greenhouse model as “con- tions. One of the frustrations of dealing with
tradicting the second law of thermodynamics” Velikovsky is his vagueness and lack of quanti-
and apparently believed it was a fabrication tative reasoning. In the absence of any specific
designed solely to repudiate his theory. He also scenarios or models from Velikovsky, Sagan
continued to assert, in contradiction to the as- substituted his own strawman versions and
tronomical data, that Venus emitted more en- showed how absurd they are. In their rebut-
ergy than it absorbed from the Sun. There was tals, Velikovsky and his supporters repeatedly
no contest here, with all the facts on Sagan’s said that Sagan had misrepresented their posi-
side. Unfortunately, Sagan added a quantita- tions, but they did not offer any real alterna-
tive appendix on the heating of Venus during a tives. Sagan wanted to illustrate scientific
close passage by the Sun that makes no sense thinking and show how hypotheses could be
to me and has been widely criticized, under- tested quantitatively. But this meant nothing to
cutting his temperature argument. Velikovsky. His supporters delighted in finding
minor errors in Sagan’s paper (and he made
Problem 9: The craters of Venus. Sagan noted quite a few), but they missed the big picture.
that the presence of craters on Venus (recently The AAAS debate and subsequent publica-
discovered by cloud-penetrating radar) contra- tion were successful from the perspective of the
dicted the claimed youth of Venus. This is at scientist-organizers, but they infuriated Veli-
best a weak uniformitarian sort of argument, kovsky’s supporters. Instead of serious scientific
based on an assumption of roughly constant discussion, Sagan aimed his presentation at
impact rates to form the craters. However, Vel- journalists and the public, seemingly delighting
ikovsky thought the craters resulted from re- in making Velikovsky look ridiculous. As a con-
cent interplanetary electrical discharges and sequence, the AAAS debate actually strength-
did not accept the idea of widespread impact ened the stature of Velikovsky among his sup-
cratering in the planetary system. Neither per- porters. From the AAAS meeting until his death
spective is very edifying. in 1979, Velikovsky presided over a number of
“scientific symposia” devoted to his work and
Problem 10: The circularization of the orbit of saw the publications of thousands of pages of
Venus and nongravitational forces in the solar “scientific papers” defending his theory.
482 | v e l i k o v s k y

During this period, Jim Warwick, the pio- and volcanic dust and sulfuric acid going back
neering radio astronomer from the University tens of thousands of years. There was no evi-
of Colorado, and I independently tried to con- dence of any volcanic or climatic catastrophes
nect with the Velikovskians. We both spoke at at or near the times proposed by Velikovsky
a Velikovsky Symposium held at McMaster from his interpretation of ancient myths. In
University in Canada in 1974. Warwick dis- 1984 Leroy Ellenberger, until then a disciple
cussed the source of Jovian non-thermal radio of Velikovsky, published a devastating sum-
emission, giving Velikovsky some credit for his mary of this evidence in Kronos, the Veli-
“prediction” but placing the issue in context. kovskian journal of the moment. From that
As he later wrote, “I tried to emphasize that time forward only the most fanatical and
someone in the early fifties or late forties who closed-minded of the Velikovsky circle could
surmised that a hot object (by hypothesis, continue to defend him as “the greatest scien-
Jupiter) might be a source of intense non-ther- tist of our time.”
mal radio waves was far out on a limb, but not
completely out of his gourd. For these remarks
I was almost scalped alive by the participants
of the symposium, though I felt I was being The Real Catastrophist Revolution in Science
generous to Velikovsky, almost to a fault.”
My McMaster paper focused on the predic- Ironically, the year of Velikovsky’s death, 1979,
tions from WIC that had been contradicted by saw the keystone work that heralded a new
the planetary exploration of the past quarter perspective on Earth history, one much more
century, especially those dealing with Venus open to catastrophist ideas. Already Gene
and the Moon. I was booed twice, once when I Shoemaker and other planetary scientists had
mentioned the greenhouse effect, another time established the important role of impact cra-
when I showed the most recent Mariner 10 tering in planetary history, while Stephen Jay
photographs of impact craters on Mercury. Gould and other biologists had published evi-
Velikovsky himself did not attend my talk and dence of punctuated equilibrium—a stepwise
was unwilling to speak to me. As a former stu- history of evolutionary change. In 1979 Luis
dent of Sagan’s, I was considered his stooge, and Walter Alvarez and their colleagues made
undercutting any credibility I might otherwise the critical identification of extraterrestrial
have had. material at the KT boundary—evidence that
Meanwhile, the definitive answer on Veli- the impact of a comet or asteroid about 15 km
kovsky was emerging from terrestrial science. in diameter had triggered the mass extinction
Rather than astronomers’ arguments about that ended the age of the dinosaurs. Within a
what might have happened to Venus or the few years the idea of short-term, catastrophic
Moon, direct information became available on changes in geological and biological history
our own planet’s history. First were data from had become acceptable, ending a century in
dendrochronology, the use of tree rings to de- which strict uniformitarianism held sway al-
termine past growing conditions (and hence most unchallenged. In this new perspective,
climate), which were extended back more than the course of biological evolution on Earth was
4000 years, into the period in which the Veli- critically linked with the planet’s astronomical
kovskian global catastrophes were supposed to environment.
have happened. Then the early 1980s saw Was this new acceptance of catastrophist
analyses of Greenland ice cores that provided ideas related to the Velikovsky debates of the
annual values for global average temperature previous 30 years? Presumably the scientists
v e l i k o v s k y | 483

who were now leading this revolution were 3. Did Velikovsky and his ideas influence
aware of Velikovsky and his theory. Had he in- your interest in research on more
fluenced them? Some of Velikovsky’s support- catastrophist concepts in Earth and
ers argued that he should be credited with planetary science, either positively or
success on the broad issues of a catastrophic negatively?
Earth history even if he was wrong in his Positive: 1 None: 16 Negative: 5
specifics. The suggestion was now made that
Velikovsky had been the prophet of this new 4. Do you think that Velikovsky and his
attitude toward planetary history. ideas had any significant influence on the
The opposite hypothesis is also possible— acceptance of catastrophist ideas in Earth
that Velikovsky with his crazy ideas tainted and planetary science over the past half-
catastrophism and discouraged young scien- century, either positive or negative?
tists from pursuing anything that might be as- Positive: 0 None: 14 Negative: 9
sociated even vaguely with him. Velikovsky
himself hinted at this interpretation in his George Wetherill (Carnegie Institution of
AAAS talk when he said “I may have even Washington geophysicist, authority on plane-
caused retardation in the development of sci- tary formation, dynamics, and evolution):
ence by making some opponents cling to their
unacceptable views only because such views I was a graduate student at the University of
may contradict Velikovsky.” Chicago at the time Worlds in Collision was
Rather than debate this issue on philosophi- published, and I was asked my opinion of it by
cal grounds, I decided to ask a group of scien- nonscientific students whom I knew socially. I
tists who have been leaders in establishing the browsed through a copy they showed me, and
new paradigms in which occasional violent learned enough about his ideas to explain why
events, such as asteroid impacts, play a signifi- I felt them to be of no scientific value . . . Veli-
cant role in planetary and biological history. I kovsky and his ideas had no influence at all on
sent my questions to 25 of these scientists, and my thinking about scientific phenomena.
received 23 answers. As noted in the table,
very few of them claimed any influence on Walter Alvarez (UC Berkeley geologist, orig-
their own scientific careers, but nearly half inator of the impact theory of the KT extinc-
thought that Velikovsky had an overall nega- tion, author of T Rex and the Crater of Doom):
tive effect by tainting catastrophist thinking
and holding it up to ridicule. [Velikovsky did not influence science] in any
Results of poll on possible influences of Vel- positive ways. I considered him part of the
ikovsky on main-stream science (23 of 25 re- problem we faced in getting a hearing for the
plying): KT impact hypothesis, because his ideas,
which were incompatible with the laws of
1. At the time you began your research in physics, had confirmed many geologists in
these areas, were you familiar with their view that people working on extraterres-
Velikovsky and his “theory”? trial causes for events in Earth history were
Yes: 18 No: 5 not doing good science.

2. At that time, had you read Worlds in David Raup (U Chicago paleontologist, au-
Collision? thority on mass extinctions and evolution, au-
Yes: 7 Partially: 8 No: 8 thor of Extinction: Bad Luck or Bad Genes):
484 | v e l i k o v s k y

[Velikovsky’s] reputation added to my general Norm Sleep (Stanford U geophysicist, au-

feeling of unease with catastrophism . . . [For thority on the impact frustration of life on
the field generally] I suspect his influence was early Earth):
substantial—but almost entirely negative.
His effect was, if anything, negative. . . . One of
Richard Muller (UC Berkeley physicist, orig- his followers was friends with an MIT student
inator of the Nemesis hypothesis, author of when I was there. The follower seemed to be a
Nemesis): true believer and kept citing things from the
Velikovsky book and demanding a conven-
As someone who was deeply involved in the tional explanation of poorly cited data that had
controversies at the time, I feel very strongly once puzzled some geologist. The reasoning
that having Velikovsky pave the path defi- went: if you can’t find a conventional perfect
nitely did not help! . . . It was an annoyance to explanation in two minutes that satisfies me,
answer some colleagues who would bring up then my crazy theory and only it must be right.
Velikovsky, and ask what I thought about him.
I tried reading some of his books at that point, Jack Hills (Los Alamos National Lab physi-
but found them so annoying (because of their cist, authority on planetary impacts and dy-
apparent disinterest in truth) that I never fin- namics):
ished more than about 5 pages.
I [first encountered] Worlds in Collision in the
Jay Melosh (U Arizona geologist, authority astronomy section of my public library in
on the physics of impacts, author of Impact 1958, when I was in the 8th grade. I opened it
Cratering): up at random and read a section where he had
Venus passing near the Earth to produce the
I was fully aware (and embarrassed) by his parting of the Red Sea and other nonsense. I
“theories” . . . Any influence was purely nega- spent no more than 15 minutes reading the
tive. I had to continually explain to audiences book. I put the book back on the shelf. I recall
that, although some of the recent work I was being very indignant that it should be in the
doing sounded a little like his ideas, there was astronomy section.
no connection and the time scales for the pro-
posed catastrophes are totally different. Don Yeomans (Jet Propulsion Lab planetary
scientist, authority on solar system dynamics,
Peter Ward (U Washington paleontologist, author of Comets):
authority on impacts and craters, author of
Rare Earth): Within the scientific community, I don’t think
his ideas were taken seriously enough to di-
I read parts of Velikovsky as a sophomore in rectly influence any research directions. How-
college. I remember not finishing it because I ever, his ideas were well known and endlessly
had a very good astronomy background and discussed within the popular press. . . . For me,
knew bunk when I read it. I was busy with the most memorable aspect of the Velikovsky
more important stuff, so I read parts, laughed, affair was the zeal with which those outside
and moved on. . . . I think it is so fringe that it the scientific community attacked scientists
had no effect on the positive “neocatas- who pointed out the absurdities in Velikov-
trophism” that is so useful to our science to- sky’s ideas. I remember being struck by how
day. strident amateur scientists were in railing
v e l i k o v s k y | 485

against what they perceived as the narrow- The flaw in this analysis arises from the or-
minded, elitist, scientific establishment. dering of these four theses, from the general to
the particular. That may be the way some
Michael Rampino (New York U geochemist, philosophers think, but it is not science. Sci-
authority on terrestrial impact cratering and ence beings with the particulars and gradually
extinctions): works toward more general statements, per-
haps ultimately arriving at widely accepted
My general feeling is that Velikovsky added laws or theories. The generalizations, however,
nothing positive to the debates on catas- depend on the validity of the particulars. In
trophism. No reputable astronomers or geolo- the case of WIC, the particulars are the leg-
gists took him seriously. His geology and plan- ends that describe synchronized global catas-
etary science were completely wrong, and I trophes and link these events to struggles be-
found that he used mostly out-of-date refer- tween planets/gods. If the global catastrophes
ences for geological “mysteries” that had long did not happen (as subsequently shown by
since been cleared up. I have found that some tree-ring and ice-core data), or if the connec-
scientists were impressed by the historical ref- tion between myths and actual planetary en-
erences, but agreed that the science was bunk, counters is false, then the entire structure col-
while historians criticized the history and lapses. The generalizations (theses 1 and 2) are
chronology, but thought that the “science” indefensible without the data to support them.
was exciting. He was primarily a negative fac- As we have seen, Velikovsky had no role in the
tor, often used to make the new catastrophism development of revolutionary, more catastro-
debates seem silly. [As a put-down], some sci- phe-tolerant paradigms for Earth science (such
entists would say to me, “That sounds very as the connection between asteroid/comet im-
Velikovskian.” pacts and mass extinctions), even though these
scientific revolutions were taking place at the
same time as the Velikovsky debates.
Science faces a major challenge in public
communication, especially when we try to go
Communication and Miscommunication beyond facts and explain how scientists think
and make choices. The wrangling between sci-
The most relevant aspects of Velikovsky from a entists and other scholarly communities over
21st century perspective are lessons concern- Velikovsky understandably confused the is-
ing communication and miscommunication. sues. Velikovsky took his case directly to his
Much of the fuel that maintained the Veli- readers, bypassing the normal processes of sci-
kovsky affair was rooted in fundamental differ- entific review and debate. The initial reaction
ences between natural science and social sci- of the astronomers was to condemn WIC as
ence, or more generally between science and not only wrong, but as something that should
letters. These groups did not speak the same not even have been published. Yet the book
language or adopt the same standards of evi- sold well and had many supporters. A good
dence. In general, scientists saw Velikovsky as case can be made that the derisive arguments
a crank and could not understand why others from authority presented by the astronomers
honored his scholarship, while those from the were counterproductive. There may be lessons
other culture could not understand how scien- here for our current confrontations with such
tists could reject his entire hypothesis on the popular pseudoscience topics as alien abduc-
basis of a cursory look. tions and creationism.
486 | v e l i k o v s k y

Let me mention three anecdotes to illustrate Part of his style can be attributed to the Eu-
the ineffectiveness of the scientific critiques in ropean scholarly tradition in which he grew
influencing public attitudes. I will start with a up. A Byelorussian Jew, he was educated in
personal story. I first read WIC in the early Moscow, worked for a time in Berlin, and was
1950s, when I was in Junior High School in prominent in the Zionist movement. As Bauer
Illinois. The book was shelved in our local writes, “he was of his time and of his place.”
public library under “science.” Neither the li- Bauer compares Velikovsky to some of his
brarian nor my science teachers had any idea (Bauer’s) teachers, also from middle Europe,
that this was not legitimate scholarship. Nearly who were men “of both the scientific and liter-
two decades later, when Leroy Ellenberger en- ary cultures” who represented “the hierarchi-
countered the book in 1969, he “got intrigued cal, authoritarian circumstances of continental
by the cover puffery and started to read it . . . scholarship, whose normal everyday self-pos-
nobody I knew was familiar with the book, and session and dignity of manners would seem to
when I checked out reviews and critiques in us, in our present place and at this distance in
the library I was not impressed by what I time, unwarrantably and unbearably arro-
found. Thus, I was ripe for picking.” Finally, gant.” I have had a similar experience in deal-
recall Harvard’s Owen Gingerich’s comment in ing with physicist Edward Teller, the “father of
1973 that “my students were hearing a lot of the H Bomb” and former Director of Liver-
pro-Velikovsky news, and no respectable as- more National Laboratory. Teller is equally
tronomers were willing to take the time of day imperious and authoritarian, and he is treated
to explain to the general public why they with abject deference by his former students
didn’t take his scenario seriously.” From these and protégés. These are all examples of a cul-
and other examples it seems that Velikovsky ture far removed from current American sci-
won the publicity wars. I wonder if it would be ence, with its informality, open exchange of
different today, where and other opinion, and encouragement of collaboration.
Internet sources make book reviews and other There are still those who praise Velikovsky
commentary more readily available. as a scholar even though they recognize that
Velikovsky was an effective speaker and ad- his theory of cosmic catastrophes was wrong.
vocate for his ideas. Much like some propo- Bauer writes that “The substance of his claims
nents of creationism today, he carefully con- includes much interesting and instructive ma-
trolled the “turf” on which he fought. terial about history, legend, human belief, reli-
Velikovsky ensured that the focus of any meet- gion; a great deal that can reasonably be be-
ings or presentations was on him and his the- lieved by any rational person who chooses to
ory. He made no contributions to regular sci- do so.” But I wonder: can someone who was so
entific conferences, and with few exceptions oblivious to his own ignorance of even the
he did not appear on the same platform with most basic fundamentals of the physical sci-
his critics. Even at meetings organized to pro- ences be trusted as a reliable source on history,
mote his theories, he did not engage in dialog legend, belief, and religion?
with the other presenters, but waited to make I am not competent to judge these matters,
his entrance as the acclaimed leader and but I will quote mid-eastern archeologist
keynote speaker. Viewing the universe William Stiebing of the University of New Or-
through the singular filter of his own theory, leans, one of the few non-astronomers to seri-
he devoted the last 30 years of his life to de- ously analyze Velikovsky’s scholarship. He
fending the inherent accuracy of what he had wrote that “a historian should find out as
written in the 1940s. much as possible about the background and
v e l i k o v s k y | 487

transmission of the sources he uses. Velikovsky could be manipulated into pseudoscience sce-
generally ignores this fundamental principle of narios.
responsible historical scholarship. . . . Prob-
lems with Velikovsky’s methodology and with Bill Hartmann (Planetary Science Institute
his interpretations of various texts are enough planetary scientist and artist, originator of im-
to cause almost all mythologists, anthropolo- pact theory for origin of the Moon, author of
gists, and ancient historians to reject his thesis. Moons and Planets):
. . . Whatever rewriting of ancient history may
be done as a result of future discoveries, it is a I was very interested in the controversy, which
safe bet that it will not resemble [Velikovsky’s] was still hot while I was in grad school, and in
scenario.” If Velikovsky was wrong in so many what Velikovsky said and did—and in the
particulars, how can his grand synthesis be of meta-question of how should he have known
much value either? he was on the wrong track.
It seems clear that physical scientists have a
great deal to learn about communicating with Brian Toon (U Colorado atmospheric physi-
our colleagues from other disciplines as well as cist, authority on the environmental effects of
with the public. In criticizing Velikovsky, the impacts):
astronomers in particular often came across as
intolerant and closed-minded. It was so obvi- Velikovsky influenced me by showing me how
ous to us that Velikovsky’s ideas were crackpot the public is so easily fooled by pseudoscience.
that we did not explain our reasoning to others
in a convincing way. By contrast, our col- Clark Chapman (South-West Research Insti-
leagues in the geological sciences simply ig- tute planetary scientist, authority on asteroids
nored him. I do not know which was the better and impact hazards, author of Cosmic Catas-
strategy. trophes):
Finally, however, I can agree with Bauer
that the process of confronting Velikovsky has I think that Velikovsky and his followers, and
been educational and sometimes constructive. their debates with people like [Morrison] and
We can all learn from mistakes as well as suc- Sagan, have been influential in sharpening the
cesses. I will close with four additional quotes understanding of distinctions between science,
from some of the pioneers in planetary catas- pseudoscience, and other non-scientific intel-
trophism: lectual disciplines as paths toward truth. This
Peter Schultz (Brown University planetary has been interesting, even valuable, and
geologist, authority on impact processes, editor wouldn’t have happened hadn’t Velikovsky
of Geological Implications of Impacts of Large and his followers been so determined to argue
Asteroids and Comets with the Earth): their case.

One effect of Velikovsky’s work was to force

me to take greater care to identify and clearly Acknowledgments:
distinguish between observations, interpreta- I gratefully acknowledge the detailed analysis of
tions, extrapolations, reasoned speculations, these issues published in 1984 by Henry H. Bauer.
and just plain pseudoscience. When you see His documentation provides an essential foundation
such ideas expressed to the extremes, you are to any analysis of Velikovsky. I also thank Leroy El-
better able to see the signs earlier on. And it lenberger for many years of stimulating discussion
forced me to be aware of how scientific studies and debate. Once a member of Velikovsky’s inner
488 | v e l i k o v s k y

circle, he later became a leading opponent. He has Rose, Lynn E. 1976. “The Censorship of Velikov-
helped me to try to look at these issues from the sky’s Interdisciplinary Synthesis,” in Velikovsky
other side and to appreciate how poorly the scien- Reconsidered. New York: Doubleday.
tific critics communicated with the public. Sagan, Carl. 1977. Scientists Confront Velikovsky, ed-
ited by Donald Goldsmith, Cornell University
References: Press.
Stiebing, William. 1984. Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic
Bargmann, V., and L. Motz. 1962. “Letter to the ed- Collisions, and Other Popular Theories about
itor.” Science 138: 1350. Man’s Past. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
Bauer, Henry H. 1984. Beyond Velikovsky: The His- Velikovsky, Immanuel. 1950. Worlds in Collision.
tory of a Controversy. University of Illinois Press. New York: Doubleday.
Bauer, H. H. 1995. “Velikovsky’s Place in the His- Velikovsky, Immanuel. 1977. “My Challenge to Con-
tory of Science.” Skeptic, Vol. 3, No. 4: 52. ventional Views in Science,” in Velikovsky and
de Grazia, Alfred. 1966. The Velikovsky Affair: The Establishment Science. Kronos Press.
Warfare of Science and Scientism. University Willhelm, Sidney. “The Velikovskian Upheaval: A
Books. Temporocentric Challenge,” in Velikovsky and
Ellenberger, Leroy. “Still Facing Many Problems.” Establishment Science, p. 60.
Kronos X:1, 1984, and X:3, 1985.
Witchcraft and the Origins of Science
D R . R I C H A R D O L S O N

hen Michael Shermer reviewed the anyone who believes in “science” will not be-

W second volume of my Science Dei-

fied (Skeptic 1992), he began with
an interesting passage from Robert Pirsig’s
lieve in such creatures of superstition as
ghosts, spirit phenomena, or “witches.” In-
deed, the first paragraph of the first chapter of
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance the first edition of Garvin McCain and Erwin
(1974) that I would like to use as an introduc- Segal’s immensely popular The Game of Sci-
tion to this essay on the status of beliefs in ence begins with the claim that we no longer
spirit phenomena and witchcraft during the believe in witches precisely because we be-
second half of the 17th century. In this pas- lieve in science:
sage, Pirsig’s protagonist explains to his son
why he does not believe in ghosts (1974, Why don’t you believe in witches? That ques-
38–39): tion may seem ridiculous but our ancestors,
who were probably as bright as we are, did
They are unscientific. They contain no matter believe in them, and acted accordingly. Why
and have no energy and therefore according are we so different and superior? The evi-
to the laws of science, do not exist except in dence for or against witches is no better than
people’s minds. Of course, the laws of science it was 400 years ago. For us, it is almost im-
contain no matter and have no energy either possible to believe in witches; for our ances-
and therefore do not exist except in people’s tors, it was equally difficult to deny their exis-
minds . . . It’s best to refuse to believe in ei- tence. Our new beliefs exist, in part, due to
ther ghosts or the laws of science. the development of “scientific attitudes” (Mc-
Cain and Segal, 1969, 3).
The reason this passage jars us into thought
is that it applies currently accepted criteria for Though this statement certainly reflects
what it means to be an object in the world, what most American intellectuals believe,
and uses those to reject the existence of there is a strange historical irony contained in
ghosts; then it plays a mind game on us by it and in Pirsig’s intentionally perverse argu-
somehow applying the same criteria to state- ment that if one doesn’t believe in ghosts, one
ments which everyone is presumed to assent shouldn’t believe in scientific laws either.
to and arguing that if we shouldn’t believe in What I want to argue is that beliefs in
ghosts, we shouldn’t believe in science either. witches, ghosts, and demons were heavily un-
The usual expectation among American in- der attack and on the wane in England at the
tellectuals—certainly among those who view very beginning of the 17th century before the
themselves as in the least bit skeptical—is that rise of what we would usually identify as mod-

490 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e

ern scientific attitudes. But witchcraft beliefs promote the reconversion of French Protestant
and beliefs in other spirit phenomena under- Huguenots to Catholicism by demonstrating
went a remarkable revival among British intel- the power of the true Catholic religion; and
lectuals during the period after the Restoration they seem to have had substantial success.
of James II to the throne in 1660; and this re- Understandably, these Catholics’ claims
vival of demonological beliefs was directly and were widely challenged by Protestant propa-
self-consciously attached to the rise of modern gandists; but ironically, they were also strongly
scientific attitudes among the men who were challenged by the French Catholic Crown as
members of the Royal Society of London. So at well; for during the 1580’s and 1590’s, public
least for a time it may be true to say that men exorcisms were stirring up religious passions
actually came to believe in witches as a result just at a time when the French Crown, through
of the development of scientific attitudes. In the Edict of Nantes, was trying to calm reli-
this case, the reverse of Pirsig’s argument was gious hostilities and establish official tolerance
taken with deadly seriousness by Joseph for Protestantism. As a consequence, in 1598,
Glanvill, who argued that if one believed in the Henry IV ordered the physician Michael
methods of modern science, one should also Marescot and a group of medical colleagues to
believe in ghosts and witches. It is probably investigate the popular claims to demonic pos-
also true (though here the issue is more com- session of one Marthe Brosier in the expecta-
plicated) that certain arguments in favor of tion that they could establish that her “posses-
witchcraft made mid-17th-century intellectuals sion” was either a mis-diagnosis of a natural
more favorably disposed to the new science disease such as epilepsy or hysteria, or that
than they would otherwise have been and that they could prove it to be a deliberate fraud.
a general belief in spirit phenomena, for which Marescot’s Discourse véritable sur le faict de
witchcraft stood as a symbol (Schafer, 1969, Marthe Brosier de Romorantin prétendue dé-
55–85). In order to explain how and why the moniaque appeared in 1599, to be translated
rise of modern science became tied to beliefs in immediately into English. The overall verdict
spirit phenomena in mid-17th-century En- of Marescot’s investigation was stated in a
gland, I think we need to discuss briefly a con- memorable line: “Nothing from the devil,
tinental phenomenon at the end of the 16th much counterfeit, a little from disease”
century, and look at the impact it had on early (Walker, 1981, 35).
17th-century English religious developments. Without totally denying the possibility of de-
monic possession, Marescot and his colleagues
were able to establish to their own satisfaction,
that of the king, and that of many readers, that
Early Criticism of Belief in Demonic Possession in one of the most celebrated cases of “posses-
sion,” an initially deluded and psychologically
A serious and concerted attack on beliefs in unbalanced woman had been exploited by her
witchcraft and demonic possession had been family and by a group of Catholic clergy, for
launched at the end of the 16th century in both financial gain and for the seditious pur-
connection with a series of spectacular exor- pose of stirring up anti-Huguenot sentiment.
cisms that were quite literally staged before In the process, Marescot reviewed a series of
thousands of witnesses in France between experimental tests for legitimate possession
1566 and 1599. The goal of the Catholic which had become widely accepted by the late
priests who carried out these exorcisms was to 16th century:
w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e | 491

1. possessed persons were supposed to be passions of the body of man, which in the com-
able to understand and speak languages mon opinion are imputed to the Divell, have
of which they had no prior knowledge; their true natural causes, and do accompany
2. possessed persons were supposed to be this disease (1603). In this work Jordan identi-
able to discern secrets and predict events fied almost all of those symptoms that had
of which they could have no natural been traditionally identified with demonic
knowledge—i.e., they had clairvoyance; possession and witchcraft—especially insensi-
3. possessed persons had abnormal bodily bility, convulsions, and fits brought on by the
strength and insensitivity to pain; and presence of particular persons or artifacts with
4. possessed persons expressed revulsion at symptoms of hysteria. Thus, by the early years
holy things, especially the reading of of the 17th-century there was a substantial
scripture or contact with holy water or medical literature which simultaneously de-
other blessed objects (Walker, 12). nied the existence of possession and attacked
virtually all of the traditional tests for its exis-
Under investigation by Marescot and four tence.
other physicians, it was shown that Marthe
Brosier could understand neither Latin nor
Greek, as her advocates had claimed; that she
had no reaction to holy water that was passed
Anglicans Attack Demonology
off as ordinary water, but that she convulsed to Defend Their Religious Interests
when she was given plain water that she was
told was blessed; that she showed no special Early 17th-century Anglican attitudes toward
clairvoyant powers; and that when she was demonic possession and witchcraft were
read passages from the Aeneid, expecting shaped primarily by the existence of this med-
them to be biblical passages, she showed dra- ical literature, in response to the Continental
matic signs of disturbance. Finally, though Catholic propaganda, and in response to a se-
during her fits Marthe could withstand the ries of cases in which both an English Jesuit
pain of the “deep pricking of long pins” in her priest, William Weston, and a Puritan preacher,
hands and neck without showing discomfort, John Darrell, claimed to have cast demons out
Marescot did find her responsive to normal of a number of possessed children between
sources of pain when not in convulsions; and 1585 and 1598 (Walker, 43–73). Weston’s ac-
he identified her reactions in this matter as tivities were commenced in 1585, but it was
typical of “melancholic” persons (Walker, not until 1602 that a formal inquiry was held
34–35, 38). regarding his exorcisms. Darrell’s castings out
Just a few years later, the English physician of devils began in 1596; but in 1598, he was
Edward Jordan, who was consulted in two tried in London, condemned for fraudulent
cases of supposed demonic possession, pub- practices and both deposed from the ministry
lished a treatise whose title discloses its major and sent to prison for at least a brief stay
conclusions: A briefe Discourse of a Disease (Walker, 64).
called the Suffocation of the Mother. Written In fact, Darrell’s case seems to have been
upon occasions which hath been of late taken part of a major anti-Puritan campaign by Arch-
therby, to suspect possession of an evil spirit, or bishop John Whitgift, his Bishop in London,
some such like supernatural power. Wherein it Richard Bancroft, and Bancroft’s chaplain,
is declared that diverse strange actions and Samuel Harsnett. Like the French Catholic
492 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e

exorcisms of the late 16th-century, Darrell’s (1603). Circumstances had conspired to give
spectacular success casting out devils was draw- middle-of-the-road Anglican apologists an op-
ing much favorable attention for his religion; portunity to simultaneously discredit both the
but Darrell’s demonics did most of the French Catholic and Puritan opposition by attacking
examples one better by using their clairvoy- their claims of dispossession. But in order to do
ance to name witches whom Darrell subse- so, the Anglicans had to act incidentally to un-
quently had arrested (Walker, 63). As a popular dermine belief in both demonic possession and
and visible Puritan, Darrell drew Whitgift and in witchcraft by almost completely accepting
Bancroft’s serious attention; and they appar- the medical views of Marescot, Jordan, and
ently decided to discredit him by trying him for their colleagues. One of their most important
fraud. According to evidence given by William converts was James I, who had defended beliefs
Sommers, the last of those he had dispossessed, in possession and witchcraft in his famous Dae-
Darrell taught several of his demonics how to monology of 1597, but who had turned into a
simulate their symptoms, and at least in one strong opponent of witch persecution by 1616
case, i.e., that of Sommers, he even suggested (Shapiro, 1983, 199). Technically, neither
the fraud to the victim (62–64). Sommers later Harsnett nor Deacon and Walker denied the
recanted his evidence and there were appar- possibility of witchcraft or dispossession, al-
ently any number of irregularities in the trial, though Harsnett probably doubted the exis-
including a refusal to allow Darrell to speak; so tence of either. What they did do was offer an
the “trial” was continued in a series of publica- explanation of how melancholia and hysteria
tions for the next five years. might cause persons to believe in both as well
The major Anglican arguments were pre- as a demonstration that in many cases, men
sented in Harsnett’s A Discovery of the Fraudu- like Weston and Darrell exploited those beliefs
lent Practices of John Darrell (1599) and in and used fraudulent techniques to delude peo-
John Deacon and John Walker’s Dialogical Dis- ple into believing in their power to exorcise or
courses of Spirits and Devils (1601–1602). In to dispossess persons who were possessed. The
The Trial of Maist Darrell (1599), the Puritans major concern which had held Harsnett and
responded by offering a largely scriptural de- others back from taking an even stronger
fense of their claim that possession was possible stance against belief in witchcraft and posses-
and that it could be eliminated by appropriate sion at the beginning of the 17th century was
prayers to God (Walker, 67–68). But they also laid out in the dedication of The Trial of Mr.
complained about the procedures used in Dar- Darrell:
rell’s trial and they argued (quite rightly at the
time) that the Anglican prosecutors of Darrell Atheists abound in these days and witchcraft is
were more interested in destroying Puritanism called into question. Which error is confirmed
than in eradicating Catholicism, otherwise they by denying dispossession and both these errors
would have tried Weston the Jesuit. To this confirm atheists mightily. . . . If neither posses-
claim, Whitgift and Bancroft responded by or- sion nor witchcraft (contrary to what has been
dering an investigation of Weston’s claims and so long generally and confidently affirmed),
Harsnett responded by publishing A Declara- why should we think that there are devils? If
tion of Egregious Popish Impostors, to withdraw no devils, no God (Walker, 71, 72).
the Harts of Her Majesty’s Subjects from the
Truth of Christian Religion Professed in Eng- Puritans thus warned the readers of Angli-
land, Under the Pretense of Casting out Devils can tracts that demonology and witchcraft
Practiced by Edmunds, Alias Weston, a Jesuit were proof against atheistic materialism.
w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e | 493

Demonic Power Becomes a Natural Phenomenon example, in the Sylva sylvarum, he argued that
the hallucinogenic effects of some ointments
In order to protect themselves from the claim produced a mistaken belief in real transvec-
that their attacks on possession and witchcraft tion (human flight) and metamorphoses; so
were simultaneously denials of the fallen angel that when women charged as witches con-
and of God, early 17th-century Anglican apol- fessed to being transformed into animals and
ogists insisted that the devil might indeed in- transported to witches’ sabbaths, they were
volve himself in human affairs, but that if he mistakenly reporting their hallucinations as
did, it must be through the use of natural reality.
rather than supernatural powers (Shapiro, For most of the first half of the 17th century,
200–204). In John Cotta’s words: while the twin threats of Puritanism and
Catholicism seemed more immediate and criti-
Though the divel indeed, as a spirit, may do, cal to the Anglican cause than philosophically
and doth many things above and beyond the based atheism, Anglican intellectuals contin-
course of some particular natures: yet doth he ued to express strong skepticism regarding
not, nor is able to rule or command over gen- specific claims of spirit phenomena and to in-
eral Nature, or infringe or alter her inviolable sist that what had traditionally been attributed
decrees in the perpetual and never inter- to supernatural influences was actually accom-
rupted order of all generations; neither is he plished through natural ones. This was partic-
generally master of universal Nature, but Na- ularly true because as Puritanism and dissent
ture [is] master and commander of him. For became ever stronger, popular attempts at
Nature is nothing else but the ordinary power witch persecution intensified, and established
of God in all things created, among which, the authorities became ever more fearful of the re-
divel being a creature, is contained, and there- ligious enthusiasm which underlay them.
fore subject to that universal power (Clark,
1984, 360).

One critical consequence of the “naturaliza-

Atheism Reverses Attitudes about
tion” of presumed demonic powers was that it Spirit Phenomena
brought the study of demonic activities clearly
within the realm of natural knowledge. Thus, The problem faced by Anglican religious fig-
Francis Bacon argued in De Argumentis Scien- ures changed dramatically with the publica-
tarium that well established “narratives of sor- tion of a series of frightening works by Thomas
ceries, witchcrafts, charms, dreams, divina- Hobbes. Philosophical materialism and athe-
tions, and the like” should be included as ism had been a minor, though growing, prob-
legitimate data in natural histories in order to lem in early 17th-century England. But the
establish “in which cases and how far effects publication of Hobbes’s Leviathan in 1651, De
attributed to superstition participate in natural Corpore in 1655, and A Physical Dialog, or a
causes” (cited in Clark, 355). Conjecture about the Nature of the Air in 1661,
Even though he remained formally open- deflected attention from Catholicism and Sec-
minded regarding the existence of witches and tarianism alike, and made Hobbesian Atheism
demons, when Bacon chose to discuss particu- the new chief target of moderate Anglican
lar issues, he, like other Anglicans, explained apologetic literature.
beliefs in witchcraft as arising out of the misin- Whether Hobbes was really an atheist is a
terpretation of natural phenomena. Thus, for topic on which scholars might differ—though
494 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e

just for the record, I believe he was—but no give a completely materialist account of all
one can doubt that he was a bitter enemy of natural philosophy. But in doing so he de-
what he called priestcraft—or the authority of parted from ancient atomism in a way that
religious persons. Hobbes believed that priests turns out to play a major role in linking witch-
had usurped power that rightly belonged to craft and the experimental philosophy of the
the secular sovereign. In order to justify his at- royal society.
tacks on priestcraft he turned to a set of argu- The ancient atomists had posited the exis-
ments that had been used by materialist tence of atoms and void space, claiming that
philosophers, such as the atomist, Epicuros, in atoms move freely through the void. Descartes,
antiquity. According to the ancient materialists however, defined Matter as that which has di-
and Hobbes, priests exploit a natural human mensions; and from this definition—which
fear of the unknown to convince people that Hobbes accepted—it followed that there can be
invisible powers and agents are at work in the no void; because any space, no matter how
world and that they (the priests) alone have small, has dimensions and therefore must con-
the power to intercede on people’s behalf to tain matter.
control these “spirits.” “Who,” wrote Hobbes, Note here for future reference, Hobbes uses
“that is in fear of ghosts, will not bear great re- precisely the same kind of argument to deny
spect to those who can make the holy water the possibility of spirits and to deny the possi-
that drives them from him” (cited in Shapin bility of empty space. The question of whether
and Shaffer, 1985, 96). Similarly, he wrote: empty space exists, like the question of
“By their demonology, and the use of exor- whether immaterial spirits exist, is not to be
cism, and other things appertaining thereto, answered empirically. Both questions are to be
the priests keep, or think they keep, the peo- answered by a purely rational analysis of defi-
ple in awe of their power and lessen the de- nitions.
pendence of subjects on the sovereign power Hobbes’s claim regarding spirits was, quite
of their country.” Since it was the false belief rightly, seen as an attack on almost all funda-
in spirits, made possible by ignorance about mental Christian beliefs, for it denied not only
the causes of events, that gave the clergy its the existence of demons and witches, but also
power, according to Hobbes, the most effective the immateriality and hence the immortality of
way to fight the power of the clergy was first, the human soul. And if this weren’t enough,
to demonstrate that spirits, or “incorporeal Hobbesian Materialism took on an additional
substances,” do not exist; and second, to troubling aspect during the later civil war pe-
demonstrate that all phenomena can, and in- riod when it was adopted by Richard Overton,
deed, must be explicable solely in terms of a notorious political radical and one of the
matter in motion. founders of the Levellers sect.
To undermine belief in immaterial spirits,
Hobbes developed a logical argument that de-
pended very heavily on ideas which owe their
existence to Aristotelian philosophy. The
Joseph Glanvill and
meaning of the term “substance,” he argues, is the Scientific Defense of Witches
derived from our experiences of physical bod-
ies or “corps.” The term “incorporeal sub- This now brings me to the central events of
stance” or “immaterial substance” is thus self- my story—events connected with a moderate
contradictory. To accomplish the second part Anglican apologist who became both a de-
of his goal, Hobbes purported to be able to fender and a member of the Royal Society of
w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e | 495

London in 1662—a man by the name of Jo- identify the disbelief in witches with the
seph Glanvill. Hobbesian attack on experimental philosophy.
Although Glanvill had a longstanding inter- The question of whether witches exist or not,
est in spirit phenomena stemming from his he argues, is a question of fact; and as such it
commitment to the Cambridge Platonist doc- can only be settled by appeal to authority or
trine of pre-existent souls, and though he had sensory evidence. There are thousands of eye-
begun his investigations into the appearances and ear-witnesses who have attested to “things
of apparitions as early as 1662, it was not until done by persons of despicable power and
1666 that he published the first version of his knowledge, beyond the reach of art and ordi-
often improved and expanded treatise on nary nature,” and these include not only “vul-
witchcraft, Some Philosophical Considerations gar” persons, but “wise and grave discern-
Touching on Witches and Witchcraft. A friend, ers . . . when no interest could oblige them to
Justice of the Peace Robert Hunt, had tried to agree together in a common lie.” Unfortu-
prosecute a coven of witches during 1664 in nately, he argues, no amount of empirical evi-
Somersetshire; but the local gentry were so dence could convince those who do not be-
skeptical that they mocked his efforts. In re- lieve in witches, “since those that deny the
sponse, Hunt, who knew of Glanvill’s interests, being of witches, do it not out of ignorance of
sent the depositions from the accused witches these heads of argument . . . but from an ap-
along with a description of the gentry’s repose prehension that such a belief is absurd, and
to Glanvill, and Glanvill responded with a the things, impossible. . . . Upon these pre-
refutation of the most common reasons for dis- sumptions they condemn all demonstrations of
belief (Jobe, 1981, 346–347). this nature, and are hardened against convic-
Glanvill begins by explaining what is at tion” (Glanvill, 1676, 3).
stake if the belief in witches should be aban- For Glanvill, then, the key issue was
doned. Borrowing his theme from the earlier whether one placed greater confidence in well
anti-Anglican defenders of Robert Darrell, he attested experiences or in metaphysical claims
writes: regarding the possibility of the existence of
certain kinds of entities. It is not reasonable,
He that thinks there is no witch, believes a he insists, “first to presume the thing impossi-
devil gratis, or at least upon inducements ble, and thence to conclude that the fact can-
which he is likely to find himself disposed to not be proved: On the contrary, we should
deny when he pleases. And when men are ar- judge of the action by the evidence, and not
rived at this degree of dissidence and infi- the evidence by our fancies about the action.
delity, we are beholden to them if they believe This is proudly to exalt our own opinions
either Angel or Spirit, Resurrection of the above the clearest testimonies and most sensi-
Body or Immortality of Souls. These things ble demonstrations of fact: and so to give the
hang together in a chain of connection, at lie to all mankind, rather than distrust the
least in these men’s hypotheses; and it is but a conceits of our bold imaginations” (Glanvill,
happy chance if he that has lost one link, 5–6). Given his belief in the limitations of hu-
holds another (Glanvill, 1676, 2). man reason and the inability of humans to
possess more than probable knowledge of any
The central doctrines of religion are thus causal account of any phenomenon, Glanvill
being endangered by those who do not believe says that humans have no right to insist upon
in witches. the impossibility of anything. The most they
Secondly, Glanvill immediately seeks to can legitimately claim is that they cannot con-
496 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e

ceive or imagine how the actions in question play into the hand of religious enthusiasts and
take place, and this inability to conceive “only philosophical charlatans. Instead, both sought
argues the weakness and imperfection of our to encourage “diffidence and backwardness of
knowledge and apprehensions; not the impos- assent” to any such claims and to encourage
sibility of those performances” (Glanvill, 7). the careful empirical investigation of all
Precisely the same kind of argument was be- (Boyle, 1772, vol. 1, ccxx—ccxxii).
ing carried on simultaneously between Robert As early as January 19, 1663, Glanvill had
Boyle and Thomas Hobbes regarding the evac- begun to investigate claims of spirit phenom-
uated space created by Boyle in his air pumps. ena when he and a gentleman friend traveled
Hobbes denied that the space could be empty to Tedworth in Wilshire, where a “drumming”
because he was committed to a conception of spirit was said to haunt the house of a Mr.
space derived from Descartes. According to Mompesson. The two men first interviewed the
this conception, matter, or body, is defined by servants and several neighbors, including two
extension, so that any extended region must local ministers of impeccable reputation, all of
contain matter, and a vacuum is literally im- whom had been present when the spirit made
possible. Boyle, whose notions of matter and noises or threw objects about the house. Then
space were derived from atomist notions, was they themselves experienced the noises that
unwilling to fight on Hobbesian ground. the spirit produced and tried to discover “if
Whether or not extension could exist without a there were any trick, contrivance, or common
material substance underlying, it was techni- sense of it,” but they could find nothing; so
cally an undecidable question and therefore Glanvill was persuaded that “the noise was
beyond the bounds of natural philosophy for made by some Daemon or Spirit” (Glanvill,
Boyle. The key question was whether well at- 1689, 329). Glanvill delayed publication of his
tested experiments justified the claim that the account of the “Drummer of Tedworth” at Mr.
evacuated region was empty of ordinary cor- Mompesson’s request until the strange phe-
puscles of air; and he and his allies were con- nomena ceased. (He was concerned that the
vinced that they did. spirit would become angered by the books!) In
The resolutions of the problem of how to 1668, however, it became the first of 28 differ-
decide whether witches exist and how to de- ent detailed accounts of spirits and witches
cide whether the receiver of an air pump which Glanvill published as appendices to his
could be evacuated were understood by all philosophical treatments of witchcraft and
parties to the 17th-century debates to be demons in order to reliably establish the evi-
clearly linked with one another. No one, least dence for their existence. Summarizing his ac-
of all Glanvill and Boyle, doubted that every count of the drummer, Glanvill lays out a
reader convinced by Glanvill’s arguments litany of criteria which such an account ought
about witches would also be driven toward ac- to have in order to be credible support for the
ceptance of Boyle’s arguments about the phe- belief in spirits:
nomenon of the air pump, and vice versa.
Neither Glanvill and his allies, nor Boyle [The phenomena] are strange enough to
and his allies, wanted to encourage credulity prove themselves effects of some invisible ex-
and a lack of critical analysis of experience or traordinary Agent, and so demonstrate that
experiments. To have argued that any individ- there are spirits, who sometimes sensibly in-
ual’s factual claims should be blindly accepted termeddle in our affairs. And I think they do it
would have been, in their common view, to with clearness of evidence. For these things
w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e | 497

were not done long ago or at a far distance, in nary events and apparitions, which possibly
an ignorant age, or among a barbarous people. might be improved to notices not con-
They were not seen by two or three only of the temptible, were there a cautious and faithful
Melancholic or superstitious, and reported by history made of those certain and uncommon
those that made them [to] serve the advantage appearances. At least it would be standing evi-
and interest of a party. They were not the pas- dence against SADDUCISM, to which the
sages of a day or night, nor the vanishing present age is so unhappily disposed, and a
glances of an apparition; but these transac- sensible argument of our Immortality (cited in
tions were near and are public, frequent, and Prior, 1932, 182).
of diverse years continuance, witnessed by
multitudes of competent and unbiased at- While the Royal Society offered no official
testors, and acted in a searching and incredu- response to Glanvill’s request, many members
lous age: Arguments enough, one would think, contributed directly to Glanvill’s collection of
to convince any modest and capable reason Spirit relations. Boyle sent a report of an Irish
(Glanvill, 1689, 338). Witch, whom he had investigated, and con-
firmed his first-hand support of an earlier ac-
From the comments of Samuel Pepys, who count of a demonic possession at Mascon in
had found the earlier versions of Glanvill’s France, for example. And John Beale sent him
Witchcraft essay “unconvincing,” it is fairly letters on the possible effects of witchcraft on
clear that the accounts of actual spirit events butter production. Perhaps more importantly,
increased the impact of his arguments, making many Royal Society members began to incor-
them, in Pepys’ view, “worth reading indeed” porate spirits into their laboratory world
(Cope, 1956, 14). Whatever other impact they (Schaffer, 1987, 55–85).
had, these “ghost stories” certainly made best It is not clear to me which group benefitted
sellers out of numerous editions of Glanvill’s more from the mutually supportive arguments
Saducismus Triumphantus and stimulated a of Anglican demonologists and experimental
whole tradition of dramatic and fictional treat- natural philosophers after 1666. On the one
ments of spirit phenomena. hand, Glanvill and his Anglican colleagues,
In the 1668 A Blow at Modern Saducism, such as Henry More, reached a far wider audi-
which saw the first appearance of Glanvill’s ac- ence; and many persons who welcomed
count of the drummer of Tedworth, Glanvill Glanvill’s “defence” of traditional Christian
also attempted to recruit the Royal Society to beliefs in the immortality of the soul were
help in investigations of spirits and thus in probably swayed toward a sympathy for exper-
support for the true religion: imental philosophy. On the other hand, exper-
imental philosophers, as a group, probably had
Did the Society direct some of its wary and lu- a more profound impact in legitimizing Glan-
ciferous enquiries towards the world of spirits, vill’s views among intellectuals. In any event,
believe we should have another kind of Meta- for at least a couple of decades after the
physics, than those [that] are taught by men Restoration, the belief in ghosts and witches—
that love to write great volumes and to be sub- which had begun to decline in the late 16th
tle about nothing? For we know not anything and early 17th century—returned as a serious
of the world we live in, but by experiment and and popular topic for polemical discussions;
the phenomena; and there is the same way of and those who argued in favor of beliefs in
speculating immaterial nature, by extraordi- spirit phenomena simultaneously drew argu-
498 | w i t c h c r a f t a n d t h e o r i g i n s o f s c i e n c e

ments from and promoted experimental sci- Restoration Science: The Glanvill-Webster Witch-
ence (Jobe, 1981, 343–356). craft Debate,” Isis, 72, 343–356.
McCain, Garvin, and Segal, Erwin M., 1969. The
Game of Science. Belmont, Brooks/Cole.
Pirsig, Robert M., 1974. Zen and the Art of Motorcy-
Boyle, Robert, 1772. The Works of the Honourable cle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values. New
Robert Boyle, ed., Thomas Birch. Six Volumes, York, William Morrow and Company.
2nd ed. London, J. & F. Rivington. Prior, Moody E., 1932. “Joseph Glanvill, Witchcraft,
Clark, Stuart, 1984. “The Scientific Status of De- and Seventeenth Century Science,” Modern
monology,” in Brian Vickers, ed., Occult and Sci- Philology, 30, 167–193.
entific Mentalities in the Renaissance. Cambridge, Shapin, Steven, and Shaffer, Simon, 1985.
Cambridge University Press. Leviathan and the Air Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and
Cope, Jackson I., 1956. Joseph Glanvill: Anglican the Experimental Life. Princeton, Princeton Uni-
Apologist. St. Louis, Washington University Stud- versity Press.
ies. Shapiro, Barbara, 1983. Probability and Certainty
Glanvill, Joseph, 1676. Essays on Several Important in Seventeenth-Century England. Princeton,
Subjects. London, S. Lownds. Princeton University Press.
Glanvill, Joseph, 1689. Saducismus Triumphatus: or, Walker, D. P., 1981. Unclean Spirits: Possession and
Full and Plain Evidence Concerning Witches and Exorcism in France and England in the Late Six-
Apparitions. London, S. Lownds. teenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries.
Jobe, Thomas Harmon, 1981. “The Devil in Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Witches and Witchcraft

ost Americans are comfortable with and economic non-conformists as well. It will

M the religious pluralism our Constitu-

tion guarantees and our society
seems to encourage. We routinely—and for the
be seen that charges of heresy, although
rooted in the devout faith that characterized
the medieval mind, were often employed as
most part disinterestedly—live and work daily weapons to further the interests of Europe’s
with people of many faiths. Such acceptance ecclesiastical and secular leaders. In the end,
of religious diversity has not always been the it is hoped that naturally skeptical readers
case, however, in the evolving European cul- will question claims to exclusive religious
ture that in many ways gave first expression to “truth,” a form of bigotry which has, it is sad
much of our own. Ever since the adoption of to note, been a frequent cause of mankind’s
Christianity as the official religion of the late inhumanity to man in history. At the same
Roman Empire, leaders of both church and time, it is also hoped that concepts like
state have sought to define and enforce their “heresy” and “exclusive truth” will be ex-
own versions of religious “truth” for all be- changed for those of “diversity” and “toler-
lievers. Those who have disagreed with such ance” in attitudes toward religion in our
“truths,” or who have opposed ecclesiastical modern world.
and political rulers on other, often non-reli- A classic example of the relativity of reli-
gious grounds, have frequently suffered de- gious truth in medieval Europe, the well-
nunciation and persecution as heretics. Even known case of Jeanne D’Arc (Joan of Arc),
in our own religiously diverse America of to- serves to illustrate the main premise of this ar-
day, some who believe differently from most ticle. Jeanne was a young French peasant girl
have also suffered various indignities, perhaps from Domremy in Lorraine whose claim to
as a result of the legacy that our nation has have heard the “voices” of SS. Michael,
inherited from Christian Europe. Catherine and Margaret won her an interview
It is the intent of this article to demonstrate with the Dauphin of France in 1428. After
that religious “truth” is a relative concept, convincing skeptical French leaders that her
that one person’s “truth” is another person’s voices had commanded her to lead armies
“error.” The idea that religious truth and er- against the invading English, she inspired sev-
ror are relative to one’s viewpoint can be eral French victories before her capture by the
clearly seen through an examination of the enemy in 1430. Jeanne’s captors naturally in-
culture of medieval Europe. From the 11th- terpreted her voices as demonic, especially
century onward, charges of “heresy” or theo- since they had been responsible for successful
logical error were used not only against reli- French attacks against English positions. They
gious dissenters, but against social, political declared that she had “fallen into diverse

500 | w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t

errors and diverse crimes of schism, idolatry, theological deviations from scripture alone.
invocations of devils and numerous others,” Grosseteste thus ignored repudiations of the
and so burned her at the stake in 1431 as a creeds, canon laws and the teachings of the
“relapse and heretic” (Pernoud, 230). A Papal early Church Fathers, all of which also formed
court, however, posthumously found Jeanne a large part of official Christian dogma. French
D’Arc innocent of all heresy in 1456, and she theologian John of Brevicoxa’s description of
was subsequently canonized a patron saint of heresy in 1375 was more inclusive:
France by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
This case graphically illustrates the problem [Heresy] consists of those assertions which are
that confronts modern historians of religion shown to be incompatible with holy scripture,
and heresy. Two hostile branches of the same or with apostolic doctrine not found in holy
15th-century Roman Church interpreted scripture, or with truths inspired by or re-
Jeanne’s voices differently, though each vealed to the Church, together with other
claimed at the time to have done so correctly. truths which one cannot rationally deny (Pe-
Both sides, in fact, believed that their own in- ters, 301).
terpretation was so “true” that the French
were willing to entrust their armies to her This definition, with its “other truths,” now
leadership while the English were quite will- identified heresy as any challenge to Church
ing to burn her alive. The point is that the teachings regardless of their basis in scripture.
heretic of the English was the saint of the Since medieval churchmen like Robert
French, and that religious truth and error are Grosseteste and John of Brevicoxa equated
relative to one’s point of view. Given the ambi- Christianity with all that was good and orderly
guities apparent in the case of Jeanne D’Arc, in European culture, they also viewed heresy
let us now examine the roots of Christian un- as a single, organized, monolithic attack on
derstandings of heresy as they evolved in the Christendom as a whole. This attitude domi-
European Middle Ages. nated clerical thinking on heresy in the Middle
Throughout the history of Christianity, Ages, and had its roots deep in the scriptural
heresy seemingly represented a far more sig- and traditional foundations of the Church.
nificant threat to the religious and political or- The New Testament was the theological cor-
der of Europe than did Judaism, Islam or even nerstone upon which Christianity rested, espe-
witchcraft. Heretics were considered danger- cially after an orthodox canon of Biblical
ous because, unlike Jews or Muslims who had books was agreed upon at the Council of
never been Christians in the first place, or Carthage in a.d. 397. New Testament gospels
witches who were supposed victims of super- and epistles contained many pronouncements
natural influences, heretics were thought to on religious dissent that survived to shape the
have consciously renounced Christian precepts attitudes and define the coercive policies of
for contrary religious beliefs. English Bishop later medieval officials. The parable of the
Robert Grosseteste of Lincoln attempted to de- banquet in Luke, for example, to which the
fine heresy in the early 13th-century when he host invited the poor and crippled in place of
wrote that “heresy is an opinion chosen by hu- his reluctant guests, advised readers to “force
man faculties, contrary to sacred scripture, people to come in to make sure my house is
openly held, and pertinaciously defended. full” (Luke 14: 15–24). This injunction was
Hairesis in Greek, choice in Latin” (Peters, 4, later interpreted to sanction coercive measures
167). This strict definition highlighted the neg- against non-conformists who remained outside
ative choice element of heresy, but limited it to the universal house of Christendom. The
w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t | 501

greatest number of New Testament warnings Hippo (a.d. 354–430), a former Manichaean
against heresy came from Pauline Epistles, ad- himself who underwent an emotional conver-
dressed to fledgling Christian congregations in sion to become one of the early Church’s most
the midst of theological dispute. The Pauline ardent apologists. His statement on heresy and
author cautioned that anyone following “a dif- universal Christian society, based upon the
ferent version of the Good News . . . is to be banquet parable in Luke 14 and on corporate
condemned” (Galatians 1: 6–10). He went on political theory, set a philosophical standard:
to sanction severe treatment of religious and
social deviants, for “the authorities are there If the Church . . . exercises, as she ought, the
to serve God; they carry out God’s revenge by power which she has received by a divine gift,
punishing wrongdoers” (Romans 13: 4–5). together with religion and faith, and if those
The Pauline writer prescribed “the raging fire who are found in the highways and hedges,
that is to burn rebels” (Hebrews 10: 26–8). He that is, in heresies and schisms, are compelled
was certain that good Christians would “do all to come in, she is not to be blamed for com-
you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit” be- pelling them, but they for waiting to be com-
cause “there is one Body, one Spirit” (Ephe- pelled. The banquet of the Lord is the unity of
sians 4: 3–4). These definitions of corporate the Body of Christ, not only in the sacrament
Christian society, with their accompanying di- of the altar, but also in the bond of peace
rectives against those who rejected it, did (1955, 166).
much to justify later persecutions in a Church
that owed a great deal of its early formation to Augustine invited governmental assistance
Pauline influence. against heretics, for “a devout emperor pre-
Patristic pronouncements and legal prece- ferred . . . by stringent religious laws to force
dents against heresy followed their Biblical an- those who carried the standard of Christ
tecedents in quick succession. Tertullian of against Christ to return to Catholic unity, un-
Carthage, the gifted second century Christian der stress of fear.” His main point was “not
apologist (and a Montanist “heretic” himself), whether anyone is being forced to do some-
was the first to identify the Greek term haire- thing, but what sort of thing he is being forced
sein as “choice which a man exercises either to to do, whether it is good or bad” (1955, 168).
establish [false doctrines] or to adopt them” The Bishop of Hippo claimed that all coercive
(Peters, 29–31). The first recorded execution means were justified if heretics could be in-
for heresy took place in a.d. 385. In that year duced to embrace his spiritual “City of God,” a
clerics in southern France delivered Priscil- “perfectly ordered and perfectly harmonious
lian, an ascetic priest who believed in both fellowship” of universal Christian faith. If dis-
good and evil Gods as a Manichaean dualist, senters remained contumacious, then Augus-
over to Emperor Maximius for beheading tine’s fellowship was just in its punishment,
(Sulpicius Severus, 252–4). This event also without guilt, of “those who do not belong to
represented the first cooperative act of the this City of God,” because “the unrighteous
Church and government alliance that would man’s grief in his punishment is more appro-
soon, in the medieval period that followed, use priate than his rejoicing in sin” (1863, 353,
accusations of heresy to justify conviction and 330).
then execution of religious, political and social These recommendations were preserved
non-conformists. and inscribed in late Roman legal practice
Perhaps the most influential theologian of when Emperors Theodosius II and Justinian
the Middle Ages was Bishop Augustine of commissioned their respective law codes in the
502 | w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t

5th- and 6th-centuries a.d. With the inclusion those who are heretics or are infamed of
of rather ferocious laws against heretics in heresy . . . [and] to proceed against them ac-
these legal collections, the coercive support of cording to our statutes recently promulgated”
the secular state now backed the religious (Peters, 197).
condemnations of the Church. It remained, With the creation of the Papal Inquisition,
however, for the Church itself to assemble its the Church possessed all the tools it needed to
own supporting body of canon laws on heresy, suppress disaffected elements in Christendom
for it fell to Europe’s spiritual leaders to deter- and secure its position at the top of European
mine what constituted heresy in the first society.
place. This process began in earnest once the What, indeed, frightened the medieval
Papacy and the Holy Roman Emperors re- Church enough to generate such repressive
stored amicable relations following the In- measures against individuals and groups which
vestiture Controversy of the 11th-century. were, after all, mostly fellow believers in
Spurred in part by a sudden increase in reli- Christ? Many modern scholars agree that ec-
gious dissent across Europe, the Church clesiastical leaders saw in heresy a unified,
moved quickly to define doctrine and develop monolithic threat to a Christian society that
methods by which it might detect the presence they dominated morally, politically and, in
of heresy. Gratian, a monk at Bologna, com- many ways, financially (Christie-Murray,
piled his Decretum in 1140 to collect the wis- 10–11). Churchmen in the Middle Ages en-
dom of the Fathers, the Church councils and joyed an elite position in society. Their moral
the popes in one compendium of canon law. injunctions rang out from cathedral and parish
Gratian defined heresy as freely chosen, obsti- pulpits every day. In the feudal system that
nately defended opinion held contrary to the dominated the European political and social
dogma of Church teaching (Tierney, 13). With scene for many centuries, high-ranking prel-
this very specific description in place, the ates served kings as vassals and advisors. Since
Third Lateran Council met in 1179 under the the Church owned between one-quarter and
aegis of Pope Alexander III to back Gratian’s one-half of the landed wealth in medieval Eu-
canon with coercive power. Realizing that the rope, bishops and abbots were important feu-
proper role of ecclesiastical authority was not dal magnates who wielded much political and
physical punishment, the council urged that economic clout in their communities and
secular rulers “vigorously oppose such pests kingdoms. It was therefore natural that such
and defend with arms the Christian people” important members of society should want to
(Peters, 169). This dangerous decree sanc- defend their elite position at all costs, and it
tioned the use of organized force against reli- was also natural that they should turn to their
gious non-conformists, a weapon soon utilized allies, the secular rulers of society, to help
by Pope Innocent III in 1208 when he called them do it.
the Albigensian “Crusade” against Cathar dis- Several modern historians have suggested
sidents in southern France. The final bulwark other, supporting explanations for this defen-
against heresy was added to canon law in sive Church posture. R. I. Moore believes that
1231 by Pope Gregory IX, whose decretal Ille medieval clerics, monopolizing power and
Humani Generis established the first central- wealth in their service to both Church and
ized agency—the Inquisition—to ferret out and king, deliberately inaugurated harsh persecu-
try suspected heretics. Gregory authorized the tion of all social outcasts, including not only
order of Dominican friars to be sent as judges heretics, but Jews and lepers as well. This al-
into different districts . . . to seek out diligently lowed them to focus social criticism away from
w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t | 503

their own privileged positions and thus to en- laws and established rigid dogmas to retain
sure continued popular obedience to their dic- their unifying cohesion, a process which often
tates (67, 113–6). Norman Cohn and Lester K. led to rejection and then persecution of non-
Little identified a medieval hierarchy that was conformists (350–4). This process was at work
anxious to retain its control over a society in in 11th-century Europe, when Christendom’s
the midst of an economic and political trans- unifying cultural tradition was being described
formation. As towns and their new merchant as a corpus Christi mysticum, or a universal
citizens appropriated more wealth and politi- and orthodox “body” of believers under the
cal power from the landed nobility after the leadership of Christ. Two centuries later, this
10th-century, dispossessed or “rootless” poor corporate association had evolved into a de-
lost their traditional economic ties and became scription of the Church hierarchy and its gov-
willing converts to radical ideas that criticized erning role in Christian society. The same tra-
the changing social order (Cohn, 14–5). Those dition was soon put to use by Europe’s
who benefitted from this new order—clerical emerging monarchies to assert their own sov-
administrators, urban entrepreneurs, royal bu- ereignty over cohesive “corporations” of obe-
reaucrats—generally remained loyal to official dient subjects (Kantorowicz, 195–201). Reli-
Church teachings. Those left behind by social gious and social misfits therefore stood outside
and economic changes, however—day laborers, the tradition-based orthodoxy of the Church
small-scale artisans and younger sons of the and royal governments, challenging the rule of
nobility—tended to wander into social disobe- the established hierarchy with their own ver-
dience and so became targets of repression as sions of “true opinion.” Such persons or
heretics (Little, 144–5). groups were often those who had also lost
Thus, those accused of heresy were seen to their social and economic identity in a chang-
challenge not only the doctrines and authority ing medieval world. Thus, they seemed to pose
of the Church, they also assailed the very soul a dangerous threat to all that Christian society
of medieval Europe in the context of a univer- represented, and so drew accusations of heresy
sally “orthodox” Christian culture. The term from its rulers.
orthodox comes to us from the Greek words There are many examples of groups in the
orthos, meaning “true,” and doxos, meaning Middle Ages that seemed—at least to anxious
opinion. It is generally used to describe offi- ecclesiastical officials—to pose such a cohesive
cially approved or, in some cases, the main- threat to universal Christendom. The Cathar
stream religious beliefs of a society or culture. heretics, mentioned briefly above, are one
Karl F. Morrison of Rutgers University has de- such group. The Cathari, so-called because of
scribed orthodoxy in terms of cultural tradi- the spiritual catharsis that seemed to accom-
tion, or the unique experience that gives any pany their austere simplicity, may have origi-
society its cohesion. Such cultural tradition re- nated in eastern Europe as descendants of the
quired that all members of the social group fourth century Manichaean dualists. They ap-
participate in its rituals and beliefs through peared in western Europe, possibly via mis-
consensus recording of, and adherence to, that sionary activity from Bulgaria, in the 11th-
tradition’s principles. As societies changed, and early 12th-centuries to terrify churchmen
however, tension arose between conservative who first encountered them. Cathars believed
and innovative elements that pulled at the cul- in two deities, a wicked God who had created
tural tradition and excluded some members of the inferior physical world and its concomitant
the social group from the shifting consensus. evil, and a good God, represented by a spectral
Societies in such transition typically enacted Jesus Christ, who taught rejection of earthly
504 | w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t

cares for spiritual purity. They maintained Guibert of Nogent was present during an ex-
their own priests, perfecti, who had received amination of heretics he called “Manicheans”
the consolamentum, or laying-on-of-hands pu- at Soissons in 1114. Although he claimed in
rification ritual. Cathar clerics lived ascetic his memoirs that these “heretics” denied the
lifestyles as they wandered and preached sacraments and practiced free sex, Guibert
throughout Europe. Because of their spiritual made no mention of dualist beliefs or perfecti
example, they apparently attracted a fairly clerics (Peters, 72–3). On another occasion,
wide following among dissatisfied Christians in King Henry II of England himself had a group
the Rhine valley and especially in southern of 30 foreign-born publicani (another name
France (Christie-Murray, 104–8). for Cathars) interrogated at Oxford in 1166.
Eleventh century clerics like Gerard of Although the leader of the suspected heretics,
Cambrai and Wazo of Liege, who first con- Gerard, claimed that his followers were
fronted the strange dualists in their dioceses, “themselves Christians, and reverent toward
called them “manichees” because their beliefs apostolic doctrine,” King Henry’s examining
so resembled those of the ancient heretics. officials still found them guilty of renouncing
Both Gerard and Wazo employed caritas, or sacraments, marriage and Church unity
caring dissuasion, to convince the suspects of (William of Newburgh, 131–3). The English
their “errors” (Wakefield and Evans, 82–93). priests did not, however, charge them with du-
As we have seen, however, potestas or coercive alist beliefs. Such casual mis-identifications as
measures were soon enacted and employed these tend to give modern researchers a dis-
against Cathar dualists who seemed increas- torted view of the size and threat of genuine
ingly organized and militant by the turn of the dualist dissent in Europe. Another interpretive
13th-century. With Cathars winning support problem involves the real motives for the Albi-
even among the nobility of southern France, gensian Crusade. Pope Innocent probably in-
and erecting defensive forts in the mountains, tended that the expedition concentrate on sup-
the Albigensian Crusade (named for the pressing the Cathars, but Robert E. Lerner and
Cathar stronghold of Albi) was launched other scholars have persuasively argued that
against them by Pope Innocent III between those who led the campaign had other ideas.
1208 and 1229 (Oldenbourg, 1–6). The real aims of King Philip IV of France, who
On the surface, this largely Church version supported the Crusade, and Simon de Mont-
of the Cathars and their movement seems to fort, who was its principal commander, were to
justify the harsh methods and awful butchery annex the semi-independent county of
that Pope Innocent’s crusade unleashed Toulouse to the French Crown and to carve out
against them. The Cathars did indeed seem or- feudal fiefdoms for themselves (Lerner,
ganized on a European-wide scale; coupled 192–3). It would seem, then, despite the very
with their military preparations, they must real presence of Cathar dissent in Europe, that
certainly have appeared to be the unified, the threat it represented may well have been
monolithic threat to Christian society that ec- exaggerated and that the Albigensian Crusade
clesiastical and secular leaders so feared. And was pursued for more than purely religious
yet, closer examination reveals some flaws in reasons. Such revelations as these cast doubts
this picture. The prospect of Cathar insur- upon any treatment of heresy that depended
gency became so real to medieval churchmen upon religious “truth” for its justification and
that any religious or social deviants, be they employed legal force as its means of execution.
dualists or not, were often identified in the Another example of medieval heresy that
prosecuting records as Cathars. For example, seemingly posed a larger and more cohesive
w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t | 505

threat to Christian society than it perhaps re- heresy commonly called Lollardy.” The Arch-
ally did involved the Lollards of England. The bishop of Canterbury formed an alliance with
Lollards were originally followers of Oxford king and Parliament to prosecute Lollard dis-
University theologian John Wyclif (1330–84). sidents throughout the realm and to “burn be-
Wyclif was condemned by English prelates in fore the people in a prominent place” any who
the late 1370s for his radical views on the might prove unrepentant (Statutes, 181–3,
sacraments, his denials of relics and pilgrim- 125–8).
ages, and his rejection of Church property and Once again, recalling the Cathars in south-
papal authority. He had powerful friends at ern France two centuries before, ecclesiastical
the court of King Edward III, and so escaped authorities seemed justified in their suppres-
heresy prosecution to retire to a country sion of potential Lollard conspiracy and revolt
parish and a peaceful death. Had his teachings in 15th-century England. Many modern schol-
remained within the academic confines of Ox- ars, however, question whether Lollards were
ford University, where a certain amount of the- organized or even in communication with one
ological debate was permitted, there would another at all, and so criticize Church and
probably have been little popular religious dis- Crown persecution of them as organized
sent to worry Church officials in 15th-century rebels. K. B. McFarlane has argued that, since
England. His ideas did not remain at Oxford, little record of Lollard contact survives the
however, but leaked beyond its protective 15th-century, their religious non-conformity
walls to thousands of semi-literate and illiter- was in fact a vulgarized, individualized, almost
ate artisans and peasants. They in turn modi- unrelated stepchild of the complicated scholas-
fied Wyclif’s complex theological precepts to tic theology of John Wyclif. As such, Lollards
suit their own understanding and serve their never represented a unified sect, nor did they
own economic and social agenda (Lander, pose the dangerous social and political threat
116–9). that English authorities imagined and worked
The Lollards, called “lollers” because they so hard to subdue (179–86). J. A. F. Thomson
reputedly mumbled continuous prayers to has also downplayed the Lollard menace to so-
themselves, lived in pockets all over the mid- ciety, especially after the failed Oldcastle revolt
lands and southern regions of England. They of 1414, which he claims was too small to have
aroused fear in churchmen because they had had any chance of real success (1–3, 249–53).
created a Wycliffite and therefore erroneous Why, then, did the English Church and Crown
version of the Bible, in vernacular English. feel it necessary to prosecute thousands and
Lollards were also thought to have taught burn hundreds of Lollards? It is true that lead-
heresy in schools, and even to have conspired ers in medieval Europe pictured the Christian
to overthrow the English Church and Crown. society over which they ruled as a cohesive,
When the Peasant Revolt erupted in East An- homogeneous polity. Any threatened division
glia and Kent in 1381, both ecclesiastical and of this polity therefore meant a schism in
secular authorities suspected that Wyclif’s rad- God’s perfect design for mankind and, having
ical ideas had somehow influenced the rebels been charged with carrying out the divine will,
(Aston, 273–6). Another abortive rising in churchmen and kings felt it their duty to extir-
1414 under suspected Lollard Sir John Old- pate heresy. It is also true, however, that Lol-
castle was all that Church and government lards represented a challenge to the authority
leaders needed to prove the existence of king- that those churchmen and kings commanded
dom-wide “rumors, congregations and insur- in society. If enough believers adopted Lollard
rections . . . by them which were of the sect of teachings as their own, Church and Crown
506 | w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t

stood to lose the power—and the landed wealth meet with the approval of the ecclesiastical au-
—that they largely monopolized throughout thorities. Such people were the 12th- and
medieval Europe. Although such motives were 13th-century Waldensians. In 1173 a Lyons
probably subconscious in the minds of ar- merchant named Valdes sought to imitate
guably devout Christian officials, they none- Christ by abandoning his wealth for a life of
theless added urgency to the need to portray wandering, preaching and begging. His follow-
and persecute scattered religious dissenters as ers spread out across southern Europe but, in
organized Lollard subversives. their zeal to bring more apostolic spirituality to
The Cathar and Lollard stories are two im- Christendom, they began to question Church
portant examples of religious reaction made land ownership, participation in warfare, and
more desperate by the perception of a politi- even the institution of the priesthood itself.
cal, social and economic menace. Other exam- This, of course, was too much for the leaders of
ples of “heretical” persecution, for reasons the Church. Pope Lucius III condemned the
other than threatened insurrection, abound in Waldensians as heretics in his bull Ad Abolen-
surviving medieval records. Sometimes, dam in 1184, and the sect was ruthlessly
charges of heresy were used by popes—the hunted down until only a few survived the
highest ecclesiastical authority in western Middle Ages by taking refuge in mountain re-
Christendom—as convenient legal weapons treats in northern Italy (Peters, 139–41). In
against purely political opponents whose reli- contrast to the Waldensians, the Franciscan or-
gious beliefs were perfectly orthodox. Such der fared much better. Francis of Assisi, a near
was the case when Pope Gregory VII (1073– contemporary of Valdes, also grew disen-
85) struggled for ten years against his nemesis, chanted with his father’s wealth and so chose to
Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV (1056–1106), imitate Christ as an itinerant preacher. Perhaps
over which of them would command greater possessed of better political instincts than
authority in European affairs. Their so-called Valdes, Francis wrote out a “rule” or code of
Investiture Contest saw Pope Gregory accuse conduct for his followers, and then submitted it
the Emperor, who had appointed his own to Pope Innocent III in 1210 for approval (Lit-
bishops according to centuries-old custom, of tle, 146–52). Thus the Franciscans, whose pro-
being “a promoter and partner of heresies.” gram was not radically different from that of
Henry IV had never denied any of the formal the early Waldensians, became a recognized or-
teachings of the Church, and so was not tech- der of friars that enjoyed the blessings, not the
nically a true heretic. On the other hand, Pope enmity, of the universal Church. The principal
Gregory actually forgave another, more clearly difference between the two movements was pa-
heretical individual, Berengar of Tours, who pal sanction, a clear indication of the fine line
had challenged the doctrine of eucharistic that divided today’s heretic from tomorrow’s
transubstantiation (Gregory VII, 140, 166 and saint in the medieval world.
170–1). In this case, heresy charges were em- Sometimes, the Church introduced its own
ployed by an anxious pope primarily to under- innovations in doctrine and, when religious
mine the political opposition of a powerful conservatives clung to old teachings, these
secular ruler. Gregory VII’s interpretation of once-orthodox believers were “left behind” as
heresy was thus arbitrary and relative to his heretics. This happened to a group of simple
own political purpose. peasants or rustici at Chalons-sur-Marne in
In other instances, people were accused of 1024. They were examined for heresy because
heresy when their honest attempts to reform they had refused to accept the official new
what they saw as Church worldliness did not “truth” of infant baptism and real presence in
w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t | 507

the Eucharist (Moore, 17). Other individuals, Church Fathers. His self-professed intent was
more social outcasts than doctrinal non-con- not to deny Church doctrine, but to “banish
formists, were also attacked as heretics. One fearful anxiety and all uncertainties” by recon-
such was Tanchelm of Utrecht, who reportedly ciling it with reason (Abelard, 270). Church
preached free love before a statue of the Virgin authorities disagreed with his approach, how-
Mary while soliciting donations in buckets at ever, and censured Abelard at a council at
Flemish roadsides. Peter of Bruys denounced Soissons in 1121 for his aberrant understand-
infant baptism and destroyed crosses, but his ings of the Trinity. No less a figure than
real offense seems to have been his suit of ani- Bernard of Clairvaux, a giant of 12th-century
mal skins and his fragrant need (even by me- piety and orthodoxy, followed this condemna-
dieval standards) to bathe. He was lynched by tion with one of his own at a debate with
an angry mob and burned to death in 1130 Abelard at Sens in 1140. But were Peter
(Christie-Murray, 101–2). Another group of Abelard’s writings really heretical, as his critics
“heretics,” the 11th-century Patarines of Mi- claimed? As we have seen, he believed that
lan, are more difficult to categorize. These re- they were not, a conclusion that was later sub-
formers actually allied themselves with Papal stantiated in the thought of the great 13th-
interests at a time when Gregory VII, Alexan- century theologian Thomas Aquinas. How,
der II and Urban II were attempting to clean then, did Abelard attract such hostility from a
up certain clerical abuses in the Church. They Church he professed to love and, indeed,
were declared heretics, however, by the arch- served as a Cluniac monk in his final years?
bishops of Milan and their aristocratic allies, The answer to this question may lie in
the traditional rulers of the town. The largely Abelard’s arrogance, which certainly infuri-
bourgeois Patarines were apparently trying to ated his professors and colleagues in the aca-
establish a merchant-dominated commune in demic community of Paris. He was, by most
Milan that would exclude archepiscopal and accounts, the brightest mind to have appeared
landed elements from power (Martines, in some time in the city. He may well have
16–19). Their “heresy” was thus more political generated ill-will among scholars who, then as
and economic in nature than it was theologi- now, were embarrassed when confused or
cal, while their condemnation as “heretics,” made to look bad by their students. The key to
given Papal approval of their activities, was Abelard’s “heresy” may also have been his il-
clearly subjective. It would seem once again, licit love affair with Heloise, a young woman
even within the Church itself, that the heretic whom he seduced and secretly married before
of one ecclesiastical faction sometimes proved he was found out by her outraged family. As a
to be the saint of another. cleric in the early stages of holy orders,
A final example will serve to illustrate the Abelard’s behavior on this occasion was not
relative nature of heresy, and indeed, of ortho- strictly forbidden, but it was certainly frowned
doxy, in medieval Europe. Many readers are upon by a Church that considered him incon-
probably familiar with the fascinating story of tinent and immoral (Gilson, 1–19). Thus, Peter
Peter Abelard. This great 12th-century theolo- Abelard’s intellectual ego and his uncontrol-
gian and scholastic philosopher himself fell lable passion were probably as responsible for
afoul of Church leaders and was condemned as the accusations of heresy he attracted as were
a heretic. Abelard’s most inflammatory treatise his innovative, if not technically deviant, pro-
was Sic et Non (Yes and No) which, through its nouncements on the Trinity and the Church
skillful use of syllogisms and dialectical proofs, Fathers. Later thought by many to have been
examined the veracity of the teachings of the the father of medieval scholastic philosophy,
508 | w i t c h e s a n d w i t c h c r a f t

Peter Abelard was a heretic because his origi- among unlettered believers, threatened to fo-
nality, his arrogance and his passion precluded ment popular revolt and topple the Christian
sainthood. clergy from the privileged positions they en-
It should be apparent from this discussion joyed. It therefore became critical that ecclesi-
that heresy was used as a weapon by both astical and secular rulers silence any form of
Church and secular rulers to suppress a wide theological—or social, political and economic—
variety of religious, social, economic and espe- disaffection so that they could preserve their
cially political dissent in medieval Europe. De- power and wealth in a united Christian world.
spite attempts to limit heresy in canon law to Although medieval Europe is in many ways
conscious rejections of orthodox doctrine, the far removed from our daily experience in
charge became a convenient means by which modern America, the tribulations of those
to condemn potentially disruptive enemies times force us to ask some important questions
and, because it was viewed as an offense about religion in our own culture. First, how
against God, to rally public support for such universally “true” is any form of belief when
condemnations. We have also seen that many its precepts serve more of humankind’s eco-
of those who were prosecuted and even exe- nomic and political agenda than God’s divine
cuted as heretics were in fact not religious plan? Second, how “wrong” can other believ-
non-conformists at all. In many cases, accused ers be if their faith brings them spiritual satis-
heretics did profess some variant form of faction and gives meaning to their lives? Are
Christianity, but these dissidents were usually there not many scriptures and many creeds
isolated as individuals or divided into small among us, all of which claim and indeed speak
cells with little or no unifying organization. truth to those who hold them sacred? Since
The cohesive “threat” that they seemingly surely one person’s heresy is another’s truth, it
posed to Christian society—the device used to seems that tolerance through open-minded
justify their persecution—was thus often exag- understanding is our best chance to avoid the
gerated. The harsh suppression of suspected religious bigotry that has so often been the
heretics may, in fairness, have been due to the reason for mankind’s worst inhumanity to man
wish of Europe’s leaders to perform their God- in the past.
given duty as defenders of Christian society. It
must be remembered that the medieval mind
was almost obsessively preoccupied with faith References:
and piety as the means toward everlasting sal- Abelard, Peter. 1974. The Letters of Abelard and
vation. Thus, any divergence from the “truth” Heloise. Translated and edited by Betty Radice.
of the teachings that guaranteed that salvation Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
was naturally considered dangerous “error.” Aston, Margaret. 1976. “Lollardy and Sedition,
Still, it has been argued by historians that 1381–1431.” Hilton, R. H., Editor. Peasants,
other, possibly subconscious motives inspired Knights and Heretics: Studies in Medieval English
the ruthlessness with which heretics were Social History. Cambridge: Cambridge University
hunted down and destroyed. Those who
Augustine of Hippo. 1863. De Civitate Dei. Leipzig:
flouted religious authority simultaneously un-
B. G. Teubner.
dermined the credibility of that authority
Augustine of Hippo. 1955. “Letter 185: Augustine
among the faithful throughout an otherwise to Boniface.” Fathers of the Church: A New
universally obedient Christendom. The doubts Translation XXX. New York: Fathers of the
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Christie-Murray, David. 1989. A History of Heresy. Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 950–1250. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Cohn, Norman. 1970. Pursuit of the Millennium. Ox- Oldenbourg, Zoe. 1990. Massacre at Montsegur: A
ford: Oxford University Press. History of the Albigensian Crusade, New York:
Gilson, Etienne. 1960. Heloise and Abelard. Ann Dorset Press.
Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Pernoud, Regine. 1988. Joan of Arc: By Herself and
Gregory VII. 1932. The Correspondence of Pope Her Witnesses. New York: Dorset Press.
Gregory VII. Edited and translated by Ephraim Peters, Edward, editor. 1980. Heresy and Authority
Emerton. New York: Columbia University Press. in Medieval Europe. Philadelphia: University of
Kantorowicz, Ernst H. 1957. The King’s Two Bodies: Pennsylvania Press.
A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology. Prince- Statutes of the Realm II. 1815. London: His
ton: Princeton University Press. Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Lander, J. R. 1969. Conflict and Stability in Fif- Sulpicius Severus. 1949. “St. Martin and the Con-
teenth Century England. London: Hutchinson demnation of Priscillian.” Fathers of the Church:
University Library. A New Translation VII. New York: Fathers of the
Lerner, Robert E. 1965. “The Uses of Heterodoxy: Church.
The French Monarchy and Unbelief in the Thir- Tierney, Brian. 1982. Religion, Law and the Growth
teenth Century.” French Historical Studies IV, of Constitutional Thought, 1150–1650. Cam-
No. 2. bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Little, Lester K. 1978. Religious Poverty and the Wakefield, Walter L., and Evans, Austin P., editors
Profit Economy in Medieval Europe. Ithaca: Cor- and translators. 1965. Heresies of the High Mid-
nell University Press. dle Ages. New York: Columbia University Press.
Martines, Lauro. 1979. Power and Imagination: William of Newburgh. 1884. Historia Rerum Angli-
City-States in Renaissance Italy. Baltimore: carum. Edited by Richard Howlett for Rolls Se-
Johns Hopkins University Press. ries. London: Longman and Company.
Moore, R. I. 1987. The Formation of a Persecuting
The Alien Archetype
The Origin of the “Grays”


n the aftermath of the Heaven’s Gate mass take shape. Space invaders were recurrently

I suicide, the task of debunking erroneous

and unwholesome notions of the “alien”
acquires a previously unanticipated level of se-
both “witnessed” and artistically represented
as hairless, with enormous, potent eyes, en-
larged craniums, and light complexions. The
riousness. By “alien” I mean the now-classic Gray may reveal little about any actual world
and ever-popular “Gray,” the alien archetype beyond Earth but a great deal about the imag-
that was depicted on the Heaven’s Gate web inative content of the human mind in the
site, and featured in nearly every film, televi- western world at this point in our history.
sion program, book and magazine article, from In the summer of 1996, NASA revealed
Communion to The X-Files, and even recently compelling evidence that Mars may once have
satirized on The Simpsons. While artistic and sustained life. In the spring of 1997, a mass
theatrical productions often use this image, suicide occurred at the Heaven’s Gate Temple
the Gray has been popularized even more by in California, inspired, at least to some degree,
those who wish to create the belief that aliens by a longing for communion with alien be-
actually exist (e.g., reported abductees and ings. The juxtaposition of these two events
peddlers of “autopsy” footage). Given the ab- shows that the spectre of extraterrestrial life
sence of any clarity or consistency in UFO looms forth both as an object of serious in-
folklore concerning the exact origins or mo- quiry and as a catalyst to morbid delusion.
tives of the Grays, the striking consistency be- In such an atmosphere, the task of dealing
tween purported eyewitness reports of their with the subject of extraterrestrial life de-
physical appearance is perhaps the greatest mands a level of seriousness previously un-
comfort to those preoccupied with proving needed. As the Heaven’s Gate example attests,
their authenticity. some characterizations of aliens formed in the
I would like to argue that the historical con- absence of any actual contact are far less
text of those who envision aliens is not only wholesome than others. To address the issue
crucial to establishing how they should look of life beyond Earth sensibly, we should de-
but is also quite plausibly the sole basis of pop- mystify some common conceptions of the
ular extraterrestrial stereotypes. Two centuries anatomy of extraterrestrials by exploring their
ago, aliens were often visualized as Native historical and cultural roots.
Americans or Blacks in both eyewitness recol- One particular image of the alien currently
lection and in straightforward fiction accounts. dominates popular culture in both abduction
In the past century, with the advent of Dar- testimonials and science fiction accounts. Dr.
winism, a new stereotype of the alien began to John E. Mack, professor of psychiatry at

514 | t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e

Harvard and well-known advocate of alleged endured since the cultures that accepted the
abduction victims, uses the widely known term Copernican model of the universe first began
Grays when referring to these alien visitors, to speculate about how extraterrestrials should
describing them as “by far the most common appear. One of the only assumptions lasting
entity observed” (Mack, 1995, 22). They are over the centuries is that the voyagers capable
typically pale, hairless, and genderless, with of making the trip must have lighter skin than
prominent eyes and enormous heads balanced the awe-stricken spectators who greet their ar-
on diminutive bodily frames. While there is no rival. From early modern Europe, representa-
hint of agreement concerning precise alien tive interplanetary fantasies include Francis
origins or motives, the consensus on their Godwin’s The Man in the Moone (1638) and
physical appearance in many separate reports Ralph Morris’ A Narrative of the Life and As-
is so broad that UFO enthusiasts often cite it as tonishing Adventures of John Daniel (1751). In
corroborative proof of authenticity. such narratives, first contact is achieved
Common sense calls for us to challenge through the genius and initiative of European
these testimonies from the get go: Why come aeronauts inspired by the exploits of Christo-
so far across the vast distances of interstellar pher Columbus and Sir Francis Drake (Adams,
space merely to gather, probe, and traumatize 1995, 71–73). Until the 1890s it was taken for
a few humans (although some believers put granted that the aliens would not come to
the number into the millions), and then why Earth, but instead be “discovered.” True to the
bother—ever so discreetly—to return them? Is Columbian legacy, they are envisioned in early
overexposure to Star Trek and X-Files a likely modern European fantasy narratives as Ameri-
culprit here, and don’t the abductions seem to can Indians or Africans (Adams, 1995, 70,
be straight out of the late night horror show? 73–81). Testimony about actual contact, it
Believers may counter such swipes with their should be emphasized, closely conformed to
own, inquiring: But what of the degree of con- fictional stereotypes. In 1758 Emanuel Swe-
currence among so many eyewitnesses? Since denborg, a foremost scientist and theologian of
this cannot be denied, why should it be ig- the Enlightenment (and founder of the Swe-
nored? They may also propose that Hollywood denborgian Church), chronicled aliens inhab-
is not inspiring a collective fantasy, but rather iting his own solar system which he encoun-
quietly employing knowledgeable researchers tered in a trance state reportedly bestowed
to assure the authenticity of sci-fi productions upon him by the grace of God (Adams, 1995,
like the historical consultants who inform the 78; Swedenborg, 1787, 1). Martians resembled
directors of the great epics. the dark-skinned races of his own world and
In demystifying the Gray the first issue to clothed themselves in tree bark (Adams, 79;
address is the matter of color. “Little green Swedenborg, 107). On Jupiter, the aliens lived
men” was the color of choice for some B- in conical tents (Adams, 80; Swedenborg, 63).
movie aliens, but serious believers all agree His eyewitness account bears the title “De tel-
that actual ETs lack skin pigmentation. Much luribus in mundo nostro solari, quae vocanter
closer to white than to charcoal, a Gray is by planetae,” or “The Earths in our universe
definition a traveler whose scientific compe- which are called planets.”
tence vastly surpasses humanity’s. In consider- Nineteenth century German racists not sur-
ing this, we should not ignore the European prisingly imagined that Martian invaders capa-
genealogy of modern science fiction, which ble of subduing the Nordic states must be
was once steeped in racial prejudice. more white than Europeans. In 1897, the year
Few consistencies in alien appearance have that H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds first ap-
t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e | 515

The geneaology of the Gray may be found in the Occultist Aleister Crowley claimed he had
earth’s historical or cultural past. (left to right) contacted Lam, an alien, and drew this picture of
A lega sculpture from the Congo (Thompson, 1974, him. Note the uncharacteristically small eyes
120). The familiar gray (Rosenblatt, 1996, 44). (Grant, 1980, 160–161).
Yoruba Earth cult brass figure from Nigeria
(Thompson, 1974, 70).

peared as a magazine serial, a book was pub- veiled Martian who knew the ranges of Earth’s
lished in Germany titled Auf Zwei Planeten or climactic conditions notes with apparent relief
Two Planets. Its author Kurd Lasswitz was an (Lasswitz, 1971, 323): “And how pleasantly
acclaimed science fiction writer in his own one can walk here in the sunshine without be-
country. While Wells’ invaders perish shortly ing burnt!”
after their arrival (from exposure to common A vast proportion of the aliens portrayed in
germs), Lasswitz’s aliens survive Earth’s mi- every form of mass media since the genre of
croorganisms and conquer the planet. Re- science fiction became popular have had light
garded as heroic imperialist problem-solvers skin. Those who currently perpetuate the im-
by the author, they are similar to humans, es- age in artistic endeavors or through other
pecially (not surprisingly) to Germans (Lass- forms of self-expression are by now almost
witz, 1971, 27; 55). They privilege Europeans certainly oblivious to the possible roots of this
in their global colony with coveted positions as conception in the social and political context
collaborators. The book contains revealing im- of the times when images of aliens first perme-
ages. The Martians have “large heads” and ated popular culture.
“large shining eyes.” Their hair is noteworthy Another prominent feature of the Gray is
solely because “nearly all” of them had “very the bulbous, hairless head. Not surprisingly,
light, nearly white hair” (Lasswitz, 1971, 16, this too is traceable to European history. One
25). (Blondness taken to the next level, per- of the first famous Europeans of the 20th cen-
haps?) Strolling down a German lane, a lightly tury to lay claim to privileged communication
516 | t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e

Science fiction writer Hugo Gernsback’s The concept that the Western skull’s supposed
imaginative conception of how an alien might look, rounder forehead shape and larger forehead size is
illustrating an article from December 1937 bearing directly correlated with preferred traits is
the title “Can We Signal Mars by Short Wave?” The illustrated in this comparison between Western
“Hugo” Awards for science fiction are named after skulls and skulls from groups considered more
Gernsback (Dick, 1993, 101). primitive. From George Combe’s Lectures on
Phrenology (Combe, 1854, 173; 185).

with aliens was occultist Aleister Crowley. cles in recent times, gained wide exposure and
Crowley claimed contact with Lam, an extra- appeal even before Darwinism and still main-
terrestrial being that he believed functioned as tains some credibility in the general populace
a “link” between Sirius and the Andromeda today. We have all seen the famous Time-Life
constellations (Grant, 1980, 281). He himself book “march of progress” diagram, repro-
drew Lam between 1918 and 1919 as a hu- duced countless times in numerous ways: as
manoid closely resembling a white man with a the incarnations of pre-human typologies “ad-
grossly expanded bald head (Grant, 1980, 95, vance” over time, the skull becomes more bul-
160, 281). The piercing eyes which gaze upon bous and prominent while the jaws and nasal
the viewer so knowingly, however, are far too passages recede. The body diminishes as the
small to match the current Gray model. Per- hair thins to reveal a typical Caucasian man.
haps this disparity accounts for the absence of Sculptures of Newton and Voltaire that em-
the portrait in the standard evangelistic bellished the Victorian drawing rooms of
UFOlogy tracts. Crowley’s world often seem to grossly accentu-
Just as it is no surprise that Swedenborg saw ate the prominence of the forehead. In marked
Indians, it is to be expected that an English- contrast to these white marble busts were liv-
man of the early 20th century would visualize ing displays of large muscular Blacks afflicted
Lam. Over the past few generations those im- with microcephalism presented as “missing
mersed in the culture of the West, whether links” in the 1860s by P. T. Barnum. As pur-
they reside in its bosom or view its images in ported evolutionary throwbacks, the latter
movie houses, are likely to have some familiar- would signify a virtual inversion of the Gray
ity with Darwinism. The idea that “bigger is ideal.
better” insofar as the brain is concerned, The celebration of the expanded cranium
though prone to some ridicule in scientific cir- has a long history in western history. Jean-
t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e | 517

Ancient representations of mythic spirit beings:

Vinca figures from the Balkans. Such spiritual art
dates back to the fifth millennium b.c.e. (Gimbutas,
1992, 63, 124).

Professor Cavor, an English adventurer from

H. G. Wells’s 1901 novel, The First Men in size and natural superiority. The moon was
the Moon, is captured by moon-dwelling populated by Selenites—humanoids of varied
Selenites. This story, as well as Wells’s
anatomies organized according to a caste sys-
better-known War of the Worlds, was first
tem in which cranial magnitude determined
published in popular magazines before the
turn of the 20th century. Illustrated by moral and political authority. After violent en-
lavish and imaginative paintings, they counters with brutish lower-caste cattle
provided prototypes in the public mind for herders, an earthling observes: “But presently
aliens more than a hundred years ago. The I came upon a body of Selenites led by two
illustrator of these particular aliens seems to who were curiously different, even in form,
have mixed traits of both high and low cast from any of those we had seen hitherto, with
moon-dwellers from Wells’s text.
larger heads and smaller bodies and much
more elaborately wrapped about.” The moon
Jacques Rousseau (Rousseau, 1915, 150), is ruled by a creature called the Grand Lunar,
Charles Darwin (Darwin, 1974, 452–3), Lewis surrounded by a retinue of worthy advisors
Henry Morgan (Morgan, 1967, 25), Friedrich with “swollen heads.” The Grand Lunar is in
Engels (Engels, 1990, 138), and Franz Boas certain respects the ultimate Gray. Having “no
(Boas, 1974, 232–3) would only commence a face,” his head is several yards long, reposed
list of influential thinkers who either unequiv- upon a tiny “shriveled” body. While Wells has
ocally affirmed a correlation between the little to say concerning the complexion of the
measure of brain size and the quality of the in- majority of the aristocratic Selenites and
tellect or at some point seriously toyed with places their eyes to the sides, comparing them
the notion as a significant issue worthy of seri- to hens, the Grand Lunar is described as
ous scientific consideration. The First Men in “white,” with “little eyes” that “stared down
the Moon, written by H. G. Wells in 1901, con- at” the narrator (Wells, 1901, 133, 140, 145,
formed to the expectations of its age by mak- 150–151).
ing a direct correlation between large cranial The connection between cranial size and
518 | t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e

A sixth-century In Asia sacred buddhist

Christ. Byzantine monuments known as
artists exaggerated the stupas dot the landscape.
eyes in portrayals of They are often painted
human subjects, with two large human
particularly in eyes which are
representations of unaccompanied by any
heroes and saints. other sensory organs.

An examination of the belief systems of the

past two centuries may suggest the origins of
the light skin color and large head, but it is not
as useful in explaining the size of the eyes.
While a Darwinian imagination would not
The eyes have it. African folk art often exaggerates likely posit minuscule eyes on any creature
eyes over other facial features when depicting the evolved beyond human capacities, to banish
spiritual. (Top left) Bakwele dance mask, Congo; ears, noses, and mouths from the visage would
(Top right) Dogan dance mask, Mali; (Middle left) make even less sense. While some insights into
Ashanti fertility doll, Ghana; (Middle right) Bakota
the riddle may be found in the modern history
reliquary, Gabon; (Bottom) Bapended masked
of the West, others are equally or best ad-
dancers, Congo. (Redrawn from Trowell, N.D., 23,
46, 50, 92, 152). dressed by turning to representations of spiri-
tually superior beings from the ancient world.
(Spiritual associations may also explain the de-
genius lost favor in the latter half of this cen- pictions of baldness, which may have been in-
tury. Quack anthropology and racist biology spired by Darwinism but also seems rooted in
were silenced by disgust and embarrassment more universal and global conceptions. “Wild
over the Nazi legacy. Among the topics of con- men” are universally by definition hirsute
cern for scientific professionals in Nazi Ger- beasts. Tonsuring is quite common in monastic
many was “the persistence of the ‘Cromagnon’ settings as a mark of spiritual advancement;
racial type in certain populations” (Proctor, note the practice at Heaven’s Gate.)
1988, 41). It is amusing to imagine that an ab- The idea that extraordinary beings should
ductee some day may claim to be spirited away see rather than hear, smell, touch, or taste is
by furry pin-headed aliens with compact one that is universal and widespread. All-seeing
brains that surpass bulkier models. But we presumes all-knowing—a capacity widely hoped
should not hold our breath. for in god-like beings. In Western culture, too,
t h e a l i e n a r c h e t y p e | 519

God is described as “all-seeing” rather than Combe, G. 1854. Lectures on Phrenology. New York:
“all-hearing.” A quest for terms that pertain to Fowlers and Wells.
the remaining four senses as powerful as the Dart, J., J. Rainey and L. Stammer. 1997. “Tract Of-
English words “visionary,” “illumination,” and fers Clues about Group’s Theology, Motives.” Los
“enlightenment” would entail quite a scav- Angeles Times, March 28. A: 1, 15.
Darwin, C. 1974 (1838). “Extracts from the B-C-D-
enger hunt. These associations of the visual
E Transmutation Notebooks.” In Darwin on Man:
with all-knowing god-like wisdom could pro-
A Psychological Study of Scientific Creativity.
vide an explanation for the tendency to depict
Howard E. Gruber (ed.). Paul Barrett (trans. and
spiritually superior beings with enlarged eyes. annotated). New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.
A wide variety of cultures depict gods or Dick, S. 1993. “The Search for Extraterrestrial In-
goddesses as hairless beings with huge eyes telligence and the NASA High Resolution Mi-
but no other distinct facial sensory organs. Ex- crowave Survey (HRMS): Historical Perspec-
aggerated eyes are found in such diverse tives.” Space Science Reviews. 64: 93–139.
sources as primitive African art, Byzantine mo- Engels, F. 1990 (1884). “The Origin of the Family,
saics, Buddhist sacred sites and prehistoric Private Property and the State.” In Karl Marx &
icons from the Balkans. Although they confirm Frederick Engels: Collected Works. (Vol. 26). New
nothing more than the certainty that many so- York: International Publishers.
cieties have accentuated the eyes of their di- Gimbutas, M. 1992. The Goddesses and Gods of Old
Europe. Berkeley: University of California Press.
vinities, one look at some of them would al-
Grant, K. 1980. Outside the Circles of Time. Lon-
most necessarily prompt an association with
don: Frederick Muller, Ltd.
the Gray (Thompson, 1974, 70, 120; Gimbutas,
Lasswitz, K. 1971 (1897). Two Planets. Carbondale:
1992, 63, 124, 126, 182). Southern Illinois University Press.
The alien as Gray, like the other parts of the Mack, John. 1995. Abduction: Human Encounters
alien abduction and UFO belief system, clearly with Aliens. New York: Ballantine Books.
has a terrestrial rather than extraterrestrial Morgan, L. H. 1967 (1877). Ancient Society. New
origin. It would be interesting to come back in York: World Publishing Company.
another century or two to read what historians Proctor, R. 1988. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under
have to say about the UFO/alien craze that the Nazis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
swept America in the latter half of the 20th Rosenblatt, R. 1996. “Classifying the Unknown:
century. Types of Alien Beings.” Fate. June: 44–7.
Rousseau, J. J. 1915 (1755). “Discours sur l’origine
et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les
hommes.” In The Political Writings of Jean-
Adams, J. 1995. “Outer Space and the New World in Jacques Rousseau. (Vol. 1). Cambridge: Cam-
the Imagination of Eighteenth-Century Euro- bridge University Press.
peans.” Eighteenth-Century Life. 19 (1): 70–83. Swedenborg, E. 1787 (1758). “De telluribus in
Boas, F. 1974 (1894). “Human Faculty as Deter- mundo nostro solari, quae vocanter planetae.”
mined by Race.” In The Shaping of American An- London: R. Hindmarsh.
thropology: 1883–1911. A Franz Boas Reader. Thompson, R. 1974. African Art in Motion. Berke-
George Stocking (ed.). New York: Basic Books. ley: University of California Press.
Booth, W., and W. Clailborne. 1997. “Group’s Trowell, M., and Neverman, H. (N.D.). African and
Leader among 39 Cult Suicides: Families Get Oceanic Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
News of Members Lost Many Years Ago.” Wash- Wells, H. G. 1965 (1901 Publishing Co.). The First
ington Post, March 29. A: 1, 9. Men in the Moon. New York: Airmont.
A Case Study in the Myth of the Miraculous Survival


“From a word to a word was I led.”

—Havamal (The Sayings of the High One),
from the Poetic Edda of Iceland. (The speaker is the god Odin.)

n the process of researching an upcoming period of time. This is further emphasized in

I book, I came across a passage in the

Gospel of John which indicated that the
author saw the end of the world as taking
that the form of the verb “to come” (er-
chomai) is present imperfect, meaning that “is
coming” is an exact translation. The word for
place in his own generation. Jesus says (John “now,” nun, also expresses immediacy. It is
5:25–29): not so much “now” as “right now.” The word
for the dead here is nekros, deriving from
Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, nekus, meaning a corpse. So the dead in ques-
and now is, when the dead will hear the voice tion are dead bodies. These bodies will experi-
of the Son of God, and those who hear will ence resurrection or anastasis, meaning liter-
live. For as the Father has life in himself, so ally to stand again (ana again + stasis stand),
he has granted the Son also to have life in either to life or krisis (judgment or damna-
himself, and has given him authority to exe- tion). So John has Jesus saying that the hour
cute judgment, because he is the Son of man. or fleeting period of time is coming and in fact
Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming is here right now, when dead bodies will come
when all who are in the tombs will hear his forth from their tombs and stand again at the
voice and come forth, those who have done sound of Jesus’ voice to face judgment.
good, to resurrection of life, and those who While each of these Greek words is impor-
have done evil to the resurrection of judg- tant in conveying the immediacy and physi-
ment. cality of the imminent last judgment—both of
which are somewhat less forceful in the En-
As is often the case, an examination of the glish translation—the word anastasis in partic-
key words in the original Greek clarifies the ular stood out for me since it is obviously the
meaning of the passage. The Greek word source of the name of the famous Princess
translated as “hour” is hora, which if it doesn’t Anastasia (1901–1918), who alone of all the
mean exactly an hour does mean a fleeting family of Czar Nicholas II is so often fabled to

a n a s t a s i a | 521

have survived the Bolshevik firing squad. A Not only is the legend of the miraculous
name which means “resurrection” or literally survival of a supposedly murdered royal scion
to “stand again” is naturally going to be popu- an ancient story, it has a precedent in Russian
lar among Christians, particularly those of the history, literature and music in the character
Eastern Orthodox persuasion, where Greek, of False Dmitry from the story of Boris
rather than Latin, was at least the initial litur- Godounov, which, ironically enough, provides
gical language. Thus it is not surprising that a prelude to the accession of the Romanov dy-
there are four popes and two Byzantine em- nasty. The story of Boris Godounov was im-
perors named Anastasius. Since Russia was mortalized in an epic poem by Alexander
Christianized by Greek Orthodox missionaries, Pushkin, which subsequently became the basis
several Russian names have Greek origins. of the opera by Modest Moussorgsky. Boris
Among these are Feodor (Theodore, Gr. theo- rose to power on the death of Ivan IV (“the
doros “gift of God”), Vassily (Basil, Gr. basilios Terrible”) in 1584. He was advisor to Feodor,
“king”) and, of course, Anastasia. It is my con- Ivan’s eldest surviving son, who was mentally
tention that the reason the princess bearing retarded. Even before Feodor died without
this name was chosen by those hoping for a leaving an heir, Ivan’s seven-year old son,
restoration of the Romanovs as the survivor of Dmitry, died in 1591. Though this seems to
the firing squad is based, consciously or un- have occurred as a result of an epileptic sei-
consciously, on the symbolism of her name. zure, it was rumored that he was murdered
There is no other reason for choosing her as and it was widely held that Boris, who was
the sole survivor. elected Czar by the Zemsky Sobor (privy coun-
One might argue that, if what we are dealing cil) on Feodor’s death in 1598 and who had
with here is myth rather than a tale that is at everything to gain by extinguishing Ivan’s line,
least possibly historical, the logical survivor had ordered the child’s assassination. At first
would be the Czarevitch Alexis. However, his popular, Boris had increasing problems be-
malady, hemophilia, made it so unlikely that cause of opposition from the boyars, com-
he would survive multiple gunshot wounds, pounded by crop failures in 1601–2. Many of
that one of his sisters had to be chosen. It is not the common people saw this as a sign of divine
surprising that the one chosen to have survived wrath for the supposed murder of Dmitry. In
being shot at close range by a firing squad, par- 1603 a young monk by the name of Grigory
tially burned, and subsequently buried hap- Otrepyev declared that he was Prince Dmitry
pened to be named “Resurrection.” That there and that he had in fact survived the “at-
must be a survivor, in spite of the horrendous tempted” assassination. Naturally, such a claim
odds against such a possibility, is demanded by was not welcomed by Boris, and Grigory was
myth as surely as it is militated against by real- forced to flee to Poland. There his tenuous
ity. In fact this story has been told over and claim was taken seriously, since it was to the
over from ancient times and is a powerful leg- benefit of Poland to recognize him as pre-
end. Anastasia’s mythic survival was assured tender to the Russian throne. He married Ma-
far more by the emotional needs it fulfilled rina Mniszech, the 15-year old daughter of one
than by the dubious protection the family jew- of the chief Polish nobles supporting his claim,
els, supposedly sewn into the bodices of the and returned to Russia with a Polish army in
princesses to conceal them, provided against a 1604. This force was swelled by various Rus-
hail of bullets. (The deflection of most of the sian malcontents, and though it was defeated,
bullets by the bejeweled bodices is the usual Boris died in 1605, and “Dmitry” was made
explanation of Anastasia’s survival.) czar.
522 | a n a s t a s i a

Of course, he had to give considerable terri- names can be converted into numbers and
torial concessions to the Poles, and a Polish numbers into names. The number 666, the
garrison was established in Moscow. Under the number of the beast, converts into “Neron
protection of Polish forces, the Roman Cath- Caesar.” In some early manuscripts the num-
olic church, intent on bringing Orthodox Rus- ber of the beast is 616, which gives us “Nero
sia under the sway of the Pope, sent Jesuit mis- Caesar” in the Greek alphabet.
sionaries into Russia to convert the people. Yet another assassinated prince whose death
This and other high-handed policies of the spawned pretenders was Bardiya, son of Cyrus
new czar provoked a violent reaction. The Je- the Great and brother of Cambyses. Cambyses
suits were murdered, and a period of anarchy succeeded Cyrus as ruler of the Persian Em-
called the “Time of Troubles” ensued. Moscow pire in 529 b.c.e. and had his brother Bardiya
was retaken, and Grigory was put to death in murdered before setting out to conquer Egypt
1606 in a coup led by Vassily Shuisky, who in 525. As brutal as such an act was, it was
was then elected czar. However, there were probably also quite prudent in that Bardiya
many in Russia opposed to Shuisky’s rule, and might well have taken the throne in Cambyses’
in 1607 another False Dmitry appeared, claim- absence. As it was, when Cambyses died on his
ing this time to have survived the coup. way back from Egypt in 522, a Mede noble by
Though he did not physically resemble Grig- the name of Gaumata claimed to be Bardiya
ory Otrepyev, the malcontents rallied around and seized the throne. Darius, Cambyses’ son-
him, and Marina even acknowledged him to be in-law, managed to murder Gaumata and lay
her husband. He was eventually killed by his claim to the throne in 519. Since he was only
own followers in 1610. But the very next year distantly related to the royal family, the legiti-
yet another False Dmitry appeared and held macy of this claim was tenuous at best, and
sway until he was captured and executed in Darius had to put down a series of revolts be-
Moscow in 1612. The general chaos, including fore he could become Darius I, ruler of the
the Polish military presence in Russia, wasn’t Persian Empire. Among those he had to dis-
ended until after the accession of Michael Ro- pose of was another false Bardiya, this time a
manov as Czar in 1613. Persian noble named Vahyazdata.
The story of False Dmitry echoes the history Thus it can be seen that Anastasia is among
of another interregnum, this one resulting the latest of murdered royal scions whose
from the assassination of Nero Caesar in c.e. death gave rise to legends of a miraculous sur-
68. This is the Nero redivivus legend, the be- vival. That she is not the last is evidenced in
lief that Nero either survived his assassination our own legends of the survival of John F.
or rose from the dead afterward and escaped Kennedy, Elvis Presley, and now it appears,
to the east where he was marshaling an army even Princess Diana. As trivial as Elvis sight-
of Parthians with which to invade the Roman ings may make the legend seem, the ancient
Empire. This superstition was strong enough lineage of the tale shows that it is a myth to be
that between c.e. 69 and 88 three different understood rather than merely dismissed out
pretenders posing as Nero attempted to seize of hand. The irrational hope that the king,
control of the Roman Empire. It was also a kingly line or beloved leader (or even cultural
probable source of much of the imagery of the icon) didn’t really die a premature sordid
Beast (the Antichrist), and particularly of the death but is waiting for the propitious moment
Number of the Beast, in Revelation. Since the in which to return, avenge his would-be de-
letters of the Greek alphabet, like those of the stroyers and dispense justice is related to the
Hebrew alphabet, have numerical values, myth of the sleeping king of old. This may be
a n a s t a s i a | 523

Arthur, who supposedly sleeps with his knights he bears a broken sword. The “Sword that was
at Avalon, or it might be Charlemagne or even Broken” has been carried by generations of
Frederick Barbarosa. In all these cases the Aragorn’s forbearers and cannot be reforged
great king of old did not actually die but in- until the one destined to regain the lost throne
stead lies in a death-like sleep in a cave sur- is given the proper sign. With the reforging of
rounded by his loyal retainers, waiting by di- the sword the king will reclaim his realm.
vine mandate for the time of his nation’s The sword that is either lost, broken or vir-
greatest peril, when he and his knights will tually unattainable is a motif which connects
awake, ride forth, deliver his land, and possi- the lost but rightful king to the myth of the
bly even reestablish Camelot. The emotional hero in general. Arthur proves that he is the
hold of such legends can be seen from the fact rightful heir to the throne of Uther Pendragon
that despite the failure of Charlemagne to by pulling the sword Excalibur from the
drive the Nazis out of France or that Britain stone, which none but the rightful king can
owed more to the R.A.F. than to Arthur in re- do. Likewise, in the Icelandic Volsunga Saga
pelling Hitler, the myths do not die. only Sigmund can pull the sword Nothung
Another variant of this myth is that the heir from the sacred oak, Branstock. And just as
to the rightful kingly line is in hiding and will the stone represents the earth, Branstock rep-
one day drive out the invader. Historically this resents Yggdrasil, the world tree or axis mundi
has a bit more validity than the legend of of Norse myth. At its roots lies the under-
miraculous survival. Alfred the Great (849– world; in its branches are the heavens and the
899) managed to go from hiding in the gods; and in its trunk is the world of human
swamps to overthrowing the Danes in 871, and beings. At the hero’s death Nothung is broken
Robert the Bruce was likewise able to deliver and must be reforged by Sigmund’s son Sig-
Scotland from the English invaders at the Bat- urd (the German Siegfried). In Greek myth
tle of Bannockburn in 1314. Both of these sit- Theseus, raised in Troezen in the Pelopon-
uations also recall the plight of David and his nesian peninsula, but son of King Aegeus of
outlaw band being pursued by King Saul. For Athens, must roll a great boulder away to gain
all that, the Stuart cause and that of the Scot- the sword and sandals that will establish his
tish Highlanders died on the field of Cullod- identity as the true son of Aegeus. Once again
den in 1746 with the final defeat of Bonnie the sword is symbolically held by the earth,
Prince Charlie (1720–1788). The myth of the which will only yield it up to the rightful heir.
king in hiding who rides out of obscurity to In all three of these myths we find the ele-
claim his rightful throne, drive out the vile in- ments of the kingly family that has lost power,
vaders, and revive the ancient realm was given the kingdom that must be reclaimed and the
new life by that greatest of all modern myth rightful heir emerging from obscurity. Since
makers, J.R.R. Tolkien, in The Lord of the the death of Uther Pendragon, Britain had
Rings trilogy, the final volume of which is aptly been divided into warring petty kingdoms.
named The Return of the King. In Tolkien’s Arthur reunites them and establishes Camelot.
modern epic, Aragorn, rightful heir of the The power of the Volsungs has been broken
kings of the west, wanders the land as the by a treacherous attack. Sigurd reforges the
ranger Strider. The other rangers are his broken sword his father had pulled from the
knights, and as their title implies, they provide world tree and regains the glory of the Vol-
protection from evildoers in the wild lands sungs. While Aegeus hasn’t lost his throne, he
that have grown up since the fall of the king- has been unable to procure an heir from two
dom of the west. When we first meet Strider, marriages. Theseus is conceived while Aegeus
524 | a n a s t a s i a

is visiting Troezen and, being drunk, ends up pregnate his mother. This was commonly
in the bed of a princess named Aethra, who given as the reason the pharaohs of Egypt
had originally been promised to another hero. could seemingly be descendants of mortal fa-
Thus the origin of Theseus, like that of Arthur thers, while in reality being the sons of a god.
(the product of Uther deceiving Igraine, wife The deity, usually Amon-Re, assumed the like-
of the duke of Cornwall), is through an illicit ness of the reigning pharaoh to engender the
affair. As a result both Arthur and Theseus are new crown prince, who as ruler of Egypt was
raised in obscurity—the same obscurity in required to have divine parentage. In the case
which the miraculous survivor exists until he of Moses the situation is seemingly reversed in
or she remembers that they are in reality that he is in reality the child of a people held
Bardiya, Nero, Dmitry or Anastasia. In the fi- in bondage and is raised in the Egyptian court.
nal case most women who claimed to be the However, as a prince of Egypt, he is fatherless,
Romanov princess, including Anna Anderson, and the Israelites are God’s chosen people,
the most famous pretender, said that amnesia while the Egyptians are destined to be over-
induced by the trauma of their near assassina- thrown as a demonstration of God’s power.
tion prevented them from pressing their Moses’ real royalty in this myth is his position
claims earlier. as a Levite, one who does indeed have a real
That the hero is commonly ignorant of his father, and who is as well the chosen deliverer
true parentage until it is revealed to him at pu- of his people. Another possible source of the
berty and that he is often raised by humble hero’s recognition at puberty that he is a per-
step-parents or as an illegitimate child was the son of different parentage from what he previ-
case with not only Arthur and Theseus, but ously thought may involve a source that is
with Moses, Sargon the Great, Perseus, Romu- more anthropological than psychological,
lus and Remus, and a host of others as well. namely the rite of passage from childhood and
This has been seen in psychoanalytic terms by ignorance into adulthood and revelation of the
Otto Rank and Sigmund Freud as a neurotic tribal secrets, at which time the newly initiated
rejection on the part of the hero of the low sta- adult often received a new name and as such a
tion of his true parents or his position of ille- new identity.
gitimacy. He claims instead the fantasy of a fa- While there is often a very pragmatic reason
ther who is a king or even a god. In the latter for the miraculous survivor to put forth his or
case, though Herakles (Hercules) is raised by her claim—in the case of the false Bardiyas,
his supposed parents, he is in reality the son of Nero redivivus and the False Dmitries the rule
Zeus. In the psychoanalytic view, the hero’s of a kingdom, in the case of Anastasia a con-
vain fantasy is that he will prove himself wor- siderable fortune held for the Romanovs in a
thy of his divine or kingly father, who will then Swiss bank—there are also powerful emotional,
recognize him as his true son. However, we psychological, anthropological and mythic/re-
might just as well turn the psychoanalytic ex- ligious forces which support these recurring
planation around and see it as a tale which had claims. The elements common to the myths of
to be invented by others for the lineages of the miraculous survival, the sleeping king and
great men, since their greatness obviously be- the hero in general are as follows:
trayed either kingly or even divine origins. For
example, eventually, even great philosophers 1. The central character is lost, disinherited,
were given this status. Thus, after his death, estranged from his kingly or divine
Plato was made the son of Apollo, who as- father, raised in obscurity and deceived
sumed the guise of Plato’s mortal father to im- as to his true position or placed under a
a n a s t a s i a | 525

spell, such as a deathlike sleep or its often provoked violent reprisals. Thus
modern variant, amnesia. when the Germanic war leader Arminius
2. Though they have been wronged and (Herman or “war man”), who had kept
denied their heritage, they are in fact the Romans from conquering Germany,
destined for greatness. This will be shown attempted to make himself king of the
by a supernatural sign, omen or the Cherusci, he was summarily assassinated.
passage of an ordeal: the recovery of the One of the likely reasons his claim to
lost or broken sword, the sign of the kingship was seen as invalid might well
burning bush, or even the recovery of a have been that he was a warrior. The
lost memory. sacred king was often forbidden to
3. Just as the central character begins the profane himself by shedding human
story in a state of ignorance and blood. The tension between the character
estrangement, so the kingdom or even of the sacred king who must not go to
the world itself is in a state of disorder war and the deliverer of the kingdom
for lack of the true king. Either a state of who must can be seen in the two titles
anarchy exists or an impostor, possibly claimed for Jesus by his followers. In
even an invader, sits upon the the throne: apocalyptic terms the “Son of God,” a
Sauron menaces Middle Earth; Uther’s title previously applied to the Davidic
kingdom is in shambles; the Volsungs are kings (see Psalms 2:7), was a war leader
in hiding and denied their rightful lands; who would drive out the invader and
the Danes have overrun Wessex; a restore the line of David to the throne of
fratricidal murderer rules Persia; Rome is Israel. Yet in such apocalyptic works as
in chaos; Boris Godounov has usurped the Book of Daniel or the non-canonical
the throne of the line of Rurik; the but extremely influential 1 Enoch, the
Bolsheviks rule with an iron fist. “Son of man” is a holy king without
That the world or at least the kingdom weapons who, because of his holiness,
is in chaos for want of the true king inherits the millennial kingdom after the
involves not only myth, but the ritual of apocalyptic destruction of evil and rules
sacred marriage, in which the king is it in peace.
symbolically married to the goddess who 4. In a grand climactic confrontation,
is the earth or at least the land through a possibly even an apocalyptic battle
ritual sexual union with a priestess between ultimate good and ultimate evil,
representing the goddess. That the true the king (or even the lost princess) will
king was reigning was evidenced by the return and set all things right. By now
fertility of the land. Thus, the crop many readers will have observed that the
failures in the reign of Boris Godounov elements of divine intervention to right a
which convinced the people that he was cosmic wrong by the restoration of the
unfit to rule tapped into a surviving rightful king, with justice held in
stratum of pre-Christian belief. The chaos abeyance until that ruler reclaims the
of the kingdom in the hero myth is a throne by way of a final battle, are
divine sign that the land awaits the true central to the Christian mythos. Jesus,
king. The sacred kings of this ancient the divine son, is born and raised in
belief system were often ceremonial, obscurity and humility while his enemy
their power being more symbolic than Herod seeks his death. The entire world
real. However, attempts to replace them is in a state of travail, awaiting the
526 | a n a s t a s i a

righting of old wrongs when Christ, the That the psychological elements of the hero
true king—variously characterized in myth might interact with the sense of injustice
terms of the warlike Son of God and the in Islamic nations should alert us to the poten-
holy Son of man—returns. And so we are tial danger in general posed by an appeal to its
brought back to John 5:25–29 with Jesus deep and powerful emotional roots. Consider
saying that the hour is coming when the some of the elements common to many totali-
dead will rise and stand again (anastasis) tarian regimes:
to face judgment.
1. The Charismatic Leader, or “the man on
That the miraculous survival, whether it be the white horse.” This is the hero himself
of Anastasia, JFK or even Elvis (“the King”), is or even the sacred king. Whether it be
part and parcel of the same mythos that is the Hitler, Stalin or Mao, he embodies the
source of the heroic quest in general and ruler who will set things right, often by
Christianity in particular not only establishes his mere presence. By bringing fertility to
its roots deep in the psyche and often beyond the land, the sacred king of ancient times
the reach of reason, it also has profound politi- was a cosmic functionary.
cal implications. For example, consider Islam. 2. The Organic State, in which all social
Like Christianity it was initially spread with functions are subsumed into state
messianic zeal, but unlike Christianity it did organizations. This is usually seen as a
not make even the pretense that conversion requirement to unify the social structure
should be by peaceful persuasion. Coercion to in order to mobilize the nation in service
compel right thinking is not seen by many of to the great cosmic goal (see # 4).
the pious as being anything but proper. It also, 3. The enemy within and the enemy
like Christianity, has a linear view of time, that without. Historically the enemy within
is that human history has a logical beginning, has been anything and everything from
middle and end, and that the end is divinely homosexuals, “liberals” and opposition
ordained. Now let us consider that many of the parties, to any ethnic group which either
Islamic states have a national view which mir- hasn’t been willing to assimilate (such as
rors that of the hero or miraculous survivor. the Gypsies) or hasn’t been allowed to
That is, they can reasonably see themselves as (such as the Jews). The enemy without is
wrongly deprived of their central position. Ge- whatever power opposes the totalitarian
ographically located on lands where civiliza- state.
tion had its origins and being descendants of 4. The Cosmic Goal: Whether it be the
the peoples who gave us not only our alphabet Thousand Year Reich, the eventual
but our numerical system as well, they see the “withering away of the state” or even the
world—which is clearly an unjust place—in the millennial kingdom, this is the
grip of largely secular powers, Johnny-come- justification and focus for the
lately foreigners and infidels who often support subordination of the individual and often
corrupt regimes. In other words, the same deep the basis for external aggression.
psychological motivations that gave us the hero
myth may well operate as the motivating force Let us consider all of these points together.
of a holy war. It is therefore important for us to The mythos of the totalitarian state is essen-
engage the Islamic world, to work to raise its tially as follows: We seek to fulfill a great goal,
standard of living and to encourage within it a world of ultimate good and justice. In order
democracy and the free flow of ideas. to reach it we must submerge our individual
a n a s t a s i a | 527

differences and all pull together under the tional humanism. Yet, as I noted above, the
guidance of our great leader. The only reason emotional appeal of the totalitarian ideal par-
we cannot immediately achieve our great goal allels that of myth and religion. It is thus
is that the world is an imperfect place, filled hardly the logical end point of rational secu-
with small minded people, some undermining larism. In any case the fact of the matter is that
our society within and others attacking it from in every country in Europe in which the fas-
without. Until these enemies are overcome, we cists took power in the 1930s they did so in
cannot achieve our cosmic goal. This mythos concert and coalition with religious conserva-
contains within it the noble quest which is tives. Thus the Catholic church supported, ei-
nothing short of the restoration of the cosmic ther implicitly or explicitly, Mussolini in Italy,
ideal, the profound sense of being a victim of Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, and Ante
injustice and, embodied in both the state and Pavalic in Croatia. Likewise, the Orthodox
the leader, a semi-divine father figure whose church supported Metaxas in Greece, and both
recognition is eagerly sought. This last aspect Protestants and Catholics supported the rise of
was noted by the late Wilhelm Reich, who, be- Adolf Hitler. Likewise, in Japan the role of the
fore he became entangled in his pseudoscien- emperor as the focus of national identity was
tific orgone therapy, had many profound psy- part and parcel of the national religion. Of
chological insights. In The Mass Psychology of course the dictatorships of Stalin and Mao
Fascism he noted that the fascist state repro- were largely anti-religious. Thus it would seem
duced in macrocosm the authoritarian patriar- that, while religious authorities can be used to
chal family. He argued that the lower middle back dictators—particularly those who crusade
class, from whom the Nazis gained their core against “Godless communism”—totalitarianism
support, would have been better served by the is less a function of relative belief or disbelief
political agenda of the Socialists, but that they in a god than of the modern technology of
voted for the Nazi Party based on an emotional mass media married to ancient mythic themes
appeal which bypassed reason. While Reich during periods of national crisis.
concentrated on the patriarchal family, the At the present time, the collapse of the So-
emotional appeal implicit in the totalitarian viet Union has deprived the Anastasia myth of
mythos is far broader in that it embodies those much of its power by removing the brutal, un-
elements common to the myths of the miracu- just usurper required by the hero myth. Anna
lous survivor, the hero and the sacred king. Anderson, the most famous of the Anastasia
(Indeed, as representative of the sacred king, pretenders, died in 1984, and DNA tests on a
the leader must triumph if the cosmos is to portion of intestinal tissue removed before her
function properly.) That is to say that the same death and subsequent cremation proved that
grand myth which provided the emotional ba- she could not have been Anastasia. In any
sis for the high ideals of the Arthurian cycle case, even had the Russian princess survived,
and the works of J.R.R. Tolkien also helped she would be 97 by now. The Romanov ro-
fuel the rise of the Third Reich. mance could conceivably be revived by a son
It is commonly noted by the apologists of re- of Anastasia, but such a pretender would not
ligion that, as bad as theocratic states such as be a miraculous survivor, and even in its pres-
Calvin’s Geneva or Cromwell’s England were, ent disordered state, Russia is hardly as sus-
secular states such as Nazi Germany and the ceptible now as it was in the Time of Troubles
Soviet Union have far surpassed them in dehu- to the appeal of that myth. Nevertheless, the
manizing brutality, the implication being that hero myth retains its power even in our largely
modern totalitarianism is the logical end of ra- secularized society, as evidenced by the popu-
528 | a n a s t a s i a

larity of the Star Wars movies. It is important hero’s lowly state on the deliberate frustration
to know and understand the dynamics of the of his rightful position by a malevolent person-
hero myth as a way of not only understanding age. Yet, once again there is as well an equally
the recurring variations of the miraculous sur- valid anthropological reason for the mythic
vivor but as well to know how to debunk in- character of the usurper. This is particularly
cipient dictators and others of their ilk. Yet, as evident in the myth of Osiris and Set, where
we have seen over and over again, rational ex- Set, representing death, kills Osiris the rightful
posure of the falsehood of cherished beliefs of- king. Horus, whose magical conception and
ten provokes a fierce defense rather than an imperiled infancy are not only classic hero
acceptance of the proof. Witness the response motifs but precursors of the Christian nativity
to the appearance of Emily Rosa on Larry myths, not only avenges his father’s death but
Mantle’s “Air Talk” show (KPCC 5/7/98). restores Osiris to life. But this is not the end of
Every one of those who called in supported the story, for the myth is cyclical. In fact the
therapeutic touch and had rationalizations for year is divided between the rule of Osiris and
why Emily’s simple and elegant experiment the rule of Set. In short the deity or hero rep-
didn’t really prove the pseudoscientific prac- resenting the sun or the grain must be de-
tice invalid. At least one caller was incensed. stroyed by his rival and be reborn seasonally
It would appear then that an emotional ba- for the world to function. Thus the usurper is a
sis for opposing the use of the hero myth in functionary of a dynamic, cyclic cosmic order.
the service of a totalitarian ideal must be In some variants of the Osiris myth Horus and
sought. To some degree this can be achieved Set are eventually reconciled. Thus, if under-
by encouraging people to be their own heroes, stood properly, the hero myth need not be a
rather than by subordinating themselves to an- dangerous source of neurosis and totalitarian-
other hero. However, I would attack the emo- ism. If, along with the appreciation of the
tional desire for closure as the prime defense power of myth, we can teach people to strive
against dictators, and I would do this by way of for improvement of the human condition
making people comfortable with the chaos and while still accepting imperfection and chaos, in
imperfection of the cosmos and the human short lack of final closure, as valid aspects of
condition. I would argue that a certain level of both the human condition and the cosmos it-
chaos is necessary for the dynamic functioning self, we can greatly diffuse the source of the to-
of the universe. In a state of crystalline perfec- talitarian mythos to which the myth of the
tion any change, any level of dynamism must miraculous survival belongs.
be viewed as evil. One argument against a per-
fect god is that he, she or it would have no rea- References:
son to create a universe, since the deity’s own
perfection would be sullied by the creation. Bury, J. B., S. A. Cook and F. E. Adcock, eds. 1970.
Viewing the deity as an artist, one driven to The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol III. Cam-
bridge and London: Cambridge University Press.
create, implies imperfection. Fortunately, the
Campbell, Joseph. 1964. The Masks of God: Occi-
idea of the cosmos as necessarily flawed is ac-
dental Mythology. New York: Penguin Books
tually implicit in the hero myth itself in the
U.S.A. Inc.
form of the usurper whom the hero must over- Ellis Davidson, H. R. 1964. Gods and Myths of
come. The oppression of the kingdom by the Northern Europe. Harmondsworth, Middlesex,
evil usurper can be seen in psychological terms U.K.: Penguin Books Inc.
as a neurotic failure to deal with a less than Graves, Robert. 1955. The Greek Myths. Harmonds-
ideal world and the focused projection of the worth, Middlesex, U.K.: Penguin Books Inc.
a n a s t a s i a | 529

Hastings, James, ed. 1934. Encyclopaedia of Reli- Reich, Wilhelm. 1942. The Mass Psychology of Fas-
gion and Ethics. 4th edition. Edinburgh: T. & T. cism. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Clark (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons). Strong, James. 1890. Strong’s Exhaustive Concor-
Helms, Randel. 1988. Gospel Fictions. Buffalo: dance of the Bible. Gordonville, TN: Dugan Pub-
Prometheus Books. lishers Inc.
Pushkin, Alexander (trans. Alfred Hayes). 1982. Tolkien, J. R. R. 1965. The Lord of the Rings. New
Boris Godounov. New York: The Viking Press. York: Ballantine Books Inc.
Ancient Astronauts
Zecharia Sitchin as a Case Study


n 1968, Erik von Däniken released his each case must be addressed separately. It is

I book Chariots of the Gods?, which

touched off a fire storm of debate between
his admirers and those who had found his
related to what UFO researcher Jacques Vallee
has called “The Ratchet Effect” (“most ama-
teurs of the paranormal never went back to a
claims wanting. To refresh your memory, its baseline of normal belief once they had be-
thesis was that Extraterrestrials had come to come convinced of a certain weird fact, even if
planet Earth in ancient times and have been it was later proven to be false,” 1991, 85).
remembered in myths and legends as well as This essay is not intended to be an exhaus-
from the architecture they allegedly left be- tive critique of everyone who has ever pro-
hind. posed the existence of ancient astronauts. It
Despite the fact that von Däniken has lost evaluates instead one author who seems to in-
much of his audience (at least in America), he spire a continued following even though von
still seems to have left an impression on the Däniken has faded.
public that has not faded. Although academics Out of all the people who have ever
have spent many hours showing the errors in claimed that aliens have been to planet Earth
von Däniken’s reasoning, the Ancient Astro- in the distant past, Zecharia Sitchin is the one
naut notion remains alive. Why? Well, for man who deserves the most attention. To date,
starters, critics have spent most of their time he has suffered little or no criticism (except
on von Däniken’s theory of ancient astronauts Oberg, 1978). In following the Ancient Astro-
and not on the general concept of extraterres- naut theory for many years (as well as being a
trial visitations. By this, I mean that although member of the Ancient Astronaut Society), I
Erik von Däniken popularized the idea, the have observed that Sitchin is cited time and
theory itself has largely been defined by a again by believers as the definitive “expert” in
number of other people. this field (there are now even “study groups”
Sadly the usual approach taken against the forming in the hope of the construction of
Ancient Astronaut theory is akin to dismissing “Sitchin Centers” to continue his legacy).
the “UFO’s are space aliens” theory by only In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin released the first
criticizing one of the many authors who have of his books, The 12th Planet. Subsequently,
promoted this viewpoint. The skeptical com- more books followed along the same theme,
munity is very familiar with old claims resur- including The Stairway to Heaven (1980),
facing with different packaging. This is why The Wars of Gods and Men (1985), The Lost

a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s | 531

Realms (1990), Genesis Revisited (1990), nomics and Political Science and graduated
When Time Began (1993), and Divine Encoun- from the University of London, majoring in
ters (1995). Taken together, Sitchin has chosen economic history. A leading journalist and edi-
to call his work “The Earth Chronicles.” Al- tor in Israel for many years, he now lives and
though all his books should be considered in writes in New York.” According to the program
evaluating his work, the first three are the of the Ancient Astronaut Society’s 16th an-
most important. niversary world conference, “Mr. Sitchin spent
Briefly, Sitchin believes that approximately nearly 40 years in gathering and synthesizing
450,000 years ago an alien race came to Earth the data (for his books). Mr. Sitchin is a mem-
from an as-yet-undiscovered 10th planet in ber of the Israel Exploration Society, the
our solar system. (The sun and moon were American Oriental Society, and the Middle
counted as 10 and 11, making this undiscov- East Studies Association of North America.” It
ered planet the “12th” planet. Sitchin displays should also be noted that Sitchin is one of a
pictures from the ancient Near East where 11 handful who can read the Sumerian language
or 12 orbs or “stars” appear in a circle. He and cuneiform script. This alone suggests long
then makes the claim that this, along with hours of study in ancient Near Eastern history
speculative references found in ancient scrip- and culture. It is no wonder that his work is
tures, represents the fact that ancient people trotted out by believers. He appears to be an
knew of all the planets we do now; see Oberg, educated man who has sided with them. His
1978, for a critique of Sitchin’s claims in re- opinions have weight and therefore deserve at-
gards to astronomy.) These beings came here tention. So with such credentials, what
to mine gold and other materials. Approxi- brought Sitchin to the conclusion that aliens
mately 250,000 years ago the aliens interbred had shaped much of human history?
with Homo erectus to create modern Homo Sitchin answers this by stating, “It was at
sapiens, to be used as slave labor in mines, on school in Tel-Aviv; we reached in our bible
farms, and in the homes of the aliens. As time studies Chapter VI of Genesis—the story of the
went on, the aliens began to give privileges to Great Flood or Deluge. It begins with several
humans as well as allowing them to run their enigmatic verses, undoubtedly the remnant of
own lives and affairs. a longer text, that describe the circumstances
During these events, an immense flood of on Earth prior to the Deluge. They tell us—in
biblical proportions occurred, Egyptian and the familiar King James translation”:
Near Eastern civilizations were established,
wars involving aliens and humans commenced when men began to multiply on the face of the
(where flying machines and a nuclear missile earth, and daughters were born unto them,
were involved), and the pyramids of Giza and that the sons of God saw the daughters of men
other monumental structures (including some that they were fair; and they took them wives
of those in the Americas) were built. of all which they chose. . . . There were giants
According to the blurb on the dust jacket of in the earth in those days, and also after that,
the hardcover edition of The 12th Planet, when the sons of God came in unto the
“Zecharia Sitchin was raised in Palestine daughters of men and they bear children to
where he acquired a profound knowledge of them, the same became mighty men who were
modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic of old, men of renown (Freer, 1987, iii).
and European languages, the Old Testament,
and the history and archaeology of the Near But Sitchin was studying the Bible in its
East. He attended the London School of Eco- original Hebrew and he noticed that the word
532 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

“Nephilim” literally meant, “Those who had GIR from the more accurate description of
come down” and not (as translated in the King “sharp-edged object” to the rather dramatic
James version of the Bible) “giants” (Freer, “blazing rockets”? It seems he was influenced
1987, iii). From this Sitchin began his quest to by the pictorial signs for each syllable.
find out who the Nephilim were, taking their According to Sitchin (Sitchin, 1976, 170),
presence in the Bible as a literal truth of exis- the pictorial signs for DIN and GIR, which
tence. resemble a multistage rocket ship, combined
Sitchin traced this word back to the names with the textual references to gods roaming
of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian gods. By and flying from heaven to Earth leads to the
concentrating on these and Near Eastern texts conclusion that they were indeed rocketships:
Sitchin concluded that the Nephilim were re- “Sumerian and Akkadian texts leave no doubt
ally an alien race that literally “came down” to that the peoples of the ancient Near East were
Earth thousands of years ago. certain that the Gods of Heaven and Earth
So let us begin where Sitchin did and see if were able to rise from Earth and ascend into
his claims bear out. Our starting point is in the the heavens, as well as roam Earth’s skies at
ancient Near East, with the Sumerian words will” (Sitchin, 1976, 128). Attentive readers
and pictographs they left behind to describe will notice that Sitchin interprets the DIN to
their gods. be two things at once: the “pure ones” (aliens)
According to Sitchin, if we trace back the and part of the multistage rocket. This despite
word Nephilim we come to the Sumerian his pointing out that the word and the picto-
equivalent of DIN-GIR. The first syllable, graph are supposed to represent one and the
DIN, according to Sitchin, means “righteous,” same thing! This shows that Sitchin is finding
“pure,” or “bright” (Sitchin, 1976, 169); the and using many unfounded meanings as well
second syllable, GIR, “was a term used to de- as creating double ones for each of these words
scribe a sharp-edged object” (Sitchin, 1976, and pictographs.
168). Expanding on this, Sitchin states that by All we can really say is that we are dealing
putting these syllables together, “DIN-GIR as with a “pure” or “bright” “sharp-edged ob-
‘gods’ or ‘divine beings’ conveyed the meaning ject.” All the other elements Sitchin applies to
of ‘the righteous ones of the bright, pointed the DIN-GIR, like making each word stand for
objects’ or more explicitly, ‘the pure ones of two things at once, are not justified. The picto-
the blazing rockets’” (Sitchin, 1976, 169). graph for DIN-GIR does not necessarily repre-
What is important here is how Sitchin came to sent a rocket ship from antiquity. This only oc-
his final translation. A literal translation of the curs through speculation.
word DIN-GIR should read (based on Sitchin’s It has been noted that DIN-GIR is some-
translation) “pure sharp-edged object” or what like the Egyptian word for god which is
“bright sharp-edged object.” This should lead Neter (Morenz, 1960, 19). It is clear that al-
one to the conclusion that the DIN-GIR was though many different interpretations have
one object. But Sitchin claims that DIN-GIR been given for Neter, none are absolute. How-
should be read as “pure ones of the blazing ever, the most likely explanation seems to be
rockets,” which insinuates two things: the that the Neter (complete with its own picto-
“pure ones” and the “blazing rockets.” This graph) could be nothing more than a sort of
part of Sitchin’s rendition does not justify his flag (Morenz, 1973, 9). This would then sug-
final translation. So why did Sitchin go from gest a clear sign of totemism, a sort of “ban-
the DIN-GIR being only one object to two? ner” which stood for each group of people who
And why did he choose to translate the syllable rallied around it. If DIN-GIR can be said to be
a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s | 533

similar in meaning to Neter, then it is possible aerial objects, we must also examine his inter-
that the word and its pictograph are of the pretation of the Sumerian word MU. Accord-
same sort. Only in this case, the “banner” ing to Sitchin, this word (equal to the Hebrew
would be a “bright” or “pure” sharp-edged word shem) should be properly translated as a
object somewhat akin to an obelisk or spear- “skyborne vehicle” (Sitchin, 1976, 139–167).
like construction. Sumerologist Samuel Noah He spills much ink telling the reader that the
Kramer states that the peoples of the ancient MU was described as “lights up as a fire” and
Near East thought of their gods as the assumed of an enclosure specifically created to “pro-
powers which operate behind the natural or- tect” the MU “which in a fire comes forth.” He
der of the world (Kramer, 1981, 77–78). Thus also quotes from a text which describes the
it is possible that the DIN-GIR was a totem goddess Inanna flying in her MU (Sitchin,
used to symbolically represent these assumed 1976, 42). He then shows how the word MU
forces and nothing more. evolved in later times to describe obelisk-type
Sitchin repeatedly argues throughout his structures and believes that the obelisks were
work that the aliens were anthropomorphic erected in memory of multistage rocket ships
and human-like in design. And it is true that that humans once saw when the aliens were
some cylinder seals reveal the gods in this type here. However, as with the DIN GIR, Sitchin
of form. But aside from the difficulties in ex- has not made a very strong case. We do not
plaining how two species, separated on differ- have to assume that just because the gods were
ent planets, came to be so similar (so similar said to have been flying in their MU’s or be-
that they were able to interbreed), the engrav- cause the MU’s looked like rocket ships (notice
ings which display the anthropomorphism of that an obelisk gives such an appearance) that
the gods are not the oldest forms. The majority they actually were. We must ask, how were the
of the oldest existing drawings show us the an- MU’s perceived to have been used by the an-
cient Near Eastern gods are more animalistic cients? Were they used in connection with rit-
in design. It was only in later times that the uals performed to create symbolic flights as
gods began to be drawn as erect-standing, two- shamans worldwide have been known to con-
armed, two-legged beings with a body and a duct? Or were they really technological won-
head (Jacobsen, 1976, 9). If the aliens were re- ders? The fact remains that until the spade of
ally the gods, and if they were human-like in an archaeologist uncovers the corroded re-
characteristics, then the oldest drawings mains of a buried rocket, a more mundane, or-
should bear this out. They do not. (Jacobsen thodox interpretation should be sought in con-
does state that in the early periods the human nection with the DIN, GIR, and MU.
forms may have been a competing characteri- We can now move on to some of Sitchin’s
zation of the gods. Regardless, this was not the other reworkings of the historical texts to re-
dominant form. Some may say that this is veal his other blunders. The biggest problem
purely a metaphorical way of expressing the with Sitchin’s work is that although he lists an
attributes of real historical beings. But the er- extensive bibliography at the end of his books,
ror in this thinking is easily discerned. By he rarely gives specific references to individual
claiming such, one would have already con- works when he quotes a particular text. I have
cluded that these beings did exist. But since we attempted to track down many of his refer-
are dealing with a multitude of forms, we must ences to see if his retelling of the tales matches
treat them as a whole when attempting to eval- what was actually written. For those that I
uate the religious aspects of the ancients.) have found, some of the texts that Sitchin uses
To fully understand Sitchin’s claims about seem to have been taken out of context, or
534 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

abbreviated, leading to a loss of the intended sun god Shamash. Shortly after, the eagle
meaning. breaks this part of the bargain and snatches
As with other Ancient Astronaut theorists the snake’s young to feed his own babies. Be-
Sitchin carefully selects evidence that matches cause of this crime, the eagle is punished by
his preconceived notions. He documents the being imprisoned in a deep pit until its natural
texts that seem to support his claims but fails death. The story then returns to the life of
to mention those that contradict them. For in- Etana. He pleads to Shamash, asking that the
stance, in The 12th Planet Sitchin argues that god help him procreate, for what concerns
the extraterrestrials genetically created mod- Etana most is his inability to have children.
ern humans for slave labor from the already This is where the two, seemingly independent,
existing Homo erectus. He quotes from various stories converge. Shamash tells Etana where
texts to show that the ancients believed that to find the entrapped eagle. With the eagle’s
the gods created man and then launches into help, Etana may journey to heaven to obtain
more word play as he substitutes modern tech- the “plant of birth.” As they travel higher and
nological terms for the descriptions of the ac- higher, the eagle repeatedly asks Etana to look
tions of the gods who performed this alleged back and see how the land and the sea look
feat of genetic engineering. What Sitchin fails smaller. As can probably be guessed, Sitchin
to mention is that many different versions of argues that the eagle was actually a spacecraft
how mankind came to be exist among the an- that took Etana to the god’s planet. His proof
cient sources. There is not one coherent belief seems to come from Etana’s observation, pre-
system working here. Religious scholar Mircea served in the texts, of how the land and sea
Eliade has noted, “There are at least four seem to grow smaller with distance (Sitchin,
Sumerian narratives that explain the origin of 1976, 161–163). What is most interesting is
man. They are so different that we must as- that Sitchin completely ignores the fact that
sume a plurality of traditions” (1978, 59). Not the eagle is never described as anything other
only do we have stories that humans were cre- than an actual eagle. No references appear in
ated by gods, we also have stories that suggest the Etana myth to indicate anything techno-
that humans sprouted from the Earth like logical. For instance, when Etana “boards” the
plants! Also, within the Babylonian creation eagle and prepares for flight, the eagle in-
story known as the Epic of Creation, also structs Etana and Etana follows. The eagle
known as the Enuma Elish, it is said that the states: “put your chest over my breast, put
god Ea (Enki) created humans from the blood your hands over the quills of my wings, put
of the god Kingu. In Sitchin’s discussion of the your arms over my sides.” And Etana follows,
Enuma Elish, he considers Kingu to be our “He puts his chest over its breast, put his
present day moon. hands over its feathers. . . .”
Additional texts reveal Sitchin’s short-com- It is not difficult to see that Etana suppos-
ings for lack of attention to detail. There is a edly travels into space on the outside of the ea-
tale from the ancient Near East entitled the gle! What about Etana’s observation of the ap-
Etana myth. It begins where the gods are pearance of the receding land and sea as he
looking for some human worthy of sitting on flew higher? Well, so what? The peoples of the
the throne of the city of Kish. A man by the ancient Near East were surely aware that as
name Etana is chosen for such an honor. The something moved further away, it appeared to
tale then takes a strange turn when an eagle be smaller. The writer (or writers) of the Etana
and a snake make an oath not to operate out- myth probably assumed (correctly) that the
side the rules and laws handed down by the same illusion would occur if one were to travel
a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s | 535

skyward. This observation of distance is no pletely changes where the Pharaoh was be-
proof of an actual journey to the sky. lieved to go after death. Sitchin’s claim that
Finally, Sitchin’s blatant “pick and choose” Pharaohs envisioned themselves boarding a
method is illustrated by his silence about the rocket ship to fly to space is also flawed. In Ut-
serpent’s role in the story, as well as the con- terance 508, it states, “O Re, I have laid down
flict between it and the eagle. The story must for myself this sunshine of yours as a stairway
be dealt with by examing all elements of it. under my feet on which I will ascend to that
And this story presents us with a very poetic mother of mine, the living Uraeus which
account of Etana and the snake-eagle oath should be upon me. . . .” Here Re is clearly
which is purely a mythological-poetic account, identified as the sun and the sun’s rays are
not a historical one. what the Pharaoh plans to use to get to him.
In Sitchin’s book The Stairway to Heaven, Where was the king believed to go among the
we see another example of his selective meth- stars? Part of Utterance 471 states, “and I
ods. Sitchin charts what he thinks was the (Pharaoh) ascend the sky, I will go aboard this
journey and final destination Egyptian bark of Re, it is I who will command on my
Pharaohs believed they would undertake after own account those gods who row him. Every
death. He uses the Egyptian writings and texts god will rejoice at meeting me just as they re-
and concludes that Pharaohs believed they joice at meeting Re when he ascends from the
would exit their tombs, travel east and then eastern side of the sky in peace. . . .” In other
proceed through an underground base made words, Re (the sun) is said to go from east to
up of 12 levels and end up aboard a rocket west, carried on a boat. It is this mythological
ship bound for the “Imperishable Star” (which boat that Pharaohs are said to have gone to,
Sitchin identifies as the aliens’ home planet). not another planet. These concepts are purely
In one instance Sitchin quotes Utterance 422 mythological and nothing more.
from the Egyptian Pyramid Texts. When I We should also note that despite Sitchin’s
checked this quote against the one found in interpretation, the 12 levels of underground
R. O. Faulkner’s book, The Ancient Egyptian passages through which Pharaoh supposedly
Pyramid Texts (which Sitchin lists in his bibli- traveled after death were most likely not a real
ography and which is known to be the best place. The main reason for this is that we
English translation of these writings), the ac- clearly have not uncovered such an immense
tual Utterance 422 is almost five times as long underground base nor have we found any
as Sitchin’s quote! He never reveals that he is rocket launch pads or anything of the sort.
abbreviating. From reading both versions, it This points out the most damaging flaw in
can be shown that Sitchin’s lack of attention to Sitchin’s theory—the lack of physical evidence.
detail damages his position. Within the origi- Not one trace of evidence exists anywhere in
nal Utterance 422, it is proclaimed to the king, the world for such a high technology in the not
“may he do what he was wont to do among the too distant past. Some have claimed that since
spirits, the Imperishable Stars.” Note that the all this supposedly happened a long time ago it
“Imperishable Stars” appears in plural form. is no wonder that this technology has probably
This would suggest that the king is to be eroded away or been destroyed by the natural
among the many Imperishable Stars (or the process of time and the deeds of men. How-
stars we see in the sky today) and not on any ever, Sitchin has argued in The 12th Planet
particular star. In fact, many of the Utterances that our alien visitors arrived here approxi-
speak of a plurality of Imperishable Stars. This mately 450,000 years ago and in his book The
detail, which Sitchin fails to document, com- Wars of Gods and Men, he argues that the
536 | a n c i e n t a s t r o n a u t s

aliens were still on Earth at the time of “proofs” of his thesis. The elements I have ex-
Alexander the Great, circa 333 b.c.e. Even if amined, specifically the lack of physical evi-
our visitors left around 300 b.c.e., that means dence to support Sitchin’s claims, demonstrate
that they were here for about 448,000 years! the pseudoscientific nature of his work.
Yet there is none of the “waste” one would ex-
pect to find from such a highly advanced civi-
lization residing on this planet for so long. By
comparison, we have only had a space pro- Anthes, Rudolf. “Mythology in Ancient Egypt.”
gram since the 1960s and hundreds of pieces 1961. In Kramer, Samuel Noah (ed.) Mythologies
of junk material remain in orbit around the of the Ancient World. New York: Doubleday.
Earth. We have only been a technological soci- Dalley, Stephanie (trans.). 1989. Myths from
Mesopotamia. New York: Oxford University
ety for about 100 years and we can see the
scars upon the planet from the extensive min-
Eliade, Mircea. (Willard R. Trask, trans.). 1978. A
ing, farming and building. If a technological
History of Religious Ideas, Vol. I. Chicago: Uni-
society existed on this planet for about versity of Chicago Press.
448,000 years and left a mere 2,000 years ago, Faulkner, R. O. (n.d.). The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid
we would know it from more than rock pyra- Texts. Oak Park: Bolchazy Carducci Publishers.
mids and legendary tales. Freer, Neil. 1987. Breaking the Godspell. Phoenix:
Some other fine points to note are Sitchin’s New Falcon Publications.
interpretations of various pictures and art from Harrold, Francis B., et al. 1995. “Cult Archaeology
the ancient sites. On page 93 of his book The and Creationism in the 1990’s and Beyond.” In
Stairway to Heaven he remarks that the pic- Harrold, Francis B. and Eve, Raymond A. (eds.).
ture labeled Figure 49 displayed on page 94 is Cult Archaeology and Creationism: Understand-
ing Pseudoscientific Beliefs about the Past. Iowa
that of the sun, sky, and the aliens’ home
City: University of Iowa Press.
planet. However, it probably better represents
Jacobsen, Thorkild. 1976. The Treasures of Dark-
the sun, sky and the moon instead. On page 35
ness. Westford: Murray Printing Company.
of The 12th Planet, in referring to Figure 15 Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1981. History Begins at
on page 36, Sitchin claims that this is a picture Sumer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
of “a man lying on a special bed; his face is Morenz, Siegfried. 1960. (Ann E. Keep, trans.).
protected by a mask, and he is being subjected Egyptian Religion. New York: Cornell University
to some kind of radiation.” There really is no Press.
proof that this is what is occurring. Not only Oberg, James E. 1978. “The 12th Planet book re-
that, but the picture does not suggest a “mask” view.” Skeptical Inquirer. Spring/Summer pp.
but suggests instead that the man lying on the 116–118.
table has two heads! Sitchin, Zecharia. 1976a. The 12th Planet. Santa Fe:
Although Zecharia Sitchin is an educated Bear & Company, Inc.
———. 1976b. The 12th Planet. New York: Avon
man in a different category from most authors
promoting the Ancient Astronaut theory, he
———. 1980. The Stairway to Heaven. New York:
still employs the same faulty logic as the rest.
Avon Books.
Sitchin’s work delves into astronomy, archae- ———. 1985. The Wars of Gods and Men. New York:
ology, anthropology, ancient history, geology, Avon Books.
genetics, biology, mythology, linguistics and ———. 1990. The Lost Realms. New York: Avon
more. I have chosen to deal particularly with Books.
Sitchin’s use of legend and myth and other Vallee, Jacques. 1991. Revelations. New York: Bal-
texts because he quotes them extensively as lantine Books.
Holistic Medicine
The Case of Caroline Myss


hilosopher Paul Kurtz, in his masterful back editions. Obviously, a large number of

P book The Transcendental Temptation,

identified two traits common to all
types of supernormal thinking: (1) All vari-
people like what Caroline Myss has to say.
Myss draws upon several strains of spiritu-
ality, including Roman Catholicism and Ju-
eties of magical thinking thrive when there is daism, but her teachings have three distinct
ignorance of the natural causes responsible characteristics. First, she uses a hypothetical
for a phenomenon; (2) This ignorance leads system of energy centers in the human body
the magical thinker to hypothesize the exis- to explain the development of disease, and to
tence of unknown, miraculous causes (1986, link each illness with a specific emotional is-
455). sue. Second, she maintains that her unaided
This type of thinking is especially prevalent intuition can provide detailed and accurate
in alternative medicine, where practitioners diagnoses of a subject’s illnesses, even if the
with poor understanding of physiology or subject is not physically present in the room
standards of medical evidence offer mystical with her. Third, she stresses a vague type of
explanations for diseases and therapies. The holism that champions the very duality it
defining traits of alternative, or holistic, mod- claims to transcend, and ultimately wishes for
els of health are their untestability, their the subservience of all other viewpoints to her
abundant use of metaphor in lieu of scientific own. This article will closely examine each of
evidence, and their belief in intuition as a these characteristics, and assess the merits of
means of obtaining medical knowledge. Myss’s teachings through the perspective of
Caroline Myss is currently one of the most conventional medicine.
prominent authors in this lucrative field.
Thanks to the success of her 1996 book
Anatomy of the Spirit, Myss has been virtually
impossible to ignore. She commands top dol- Chalking It up to Chakras
lar for her workshops and appearances, and
has promoted her teachings on Oprah. Her Caroline Myss bases most of her teachings on
most recent book, Why People Don’t Heal and her belief in seven energy centers, or chakras,
How They Can, has been an overwhelming located within the human body. In traditional
best-seller in both its hardcover and paper- Tantric practice, the chakras are represented

538 | h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e

as lotus flowers positioned along the spinal peats with mantra-like purpose, “our biogra-
cord. Specifically, the chakras are thought to phy becomes our biology.”
correspond with the following anatomical po- All of the above claims are completely un-
sitions: founded scientifically. First, the chakra system,
while undoubtedly a valuable component of a
1. First chakra—between the anus and cultural and religious practice, has no proven
genitals relationship with the anatomy or physiology of
2. Second chakra—lower abdomen the human body. Nothing resembling the en-
3. Third chakra—solar plexus ergy of the chakras has ever been detected, de-
4. Fourth chakra—chest cavity spite the exquisite sensitivity of modern instru-
5. Fifth chakra—throat ments. Myss tries to brush past this detail by
6. Sixth chakra—center of the forehead alluding to the mysterious nature of this en-
7. Seventh chakra—top of the head ergy, assuring us that “conventional medical
tests have no way of measuring energy loss”
The vertical arrangement of the seven (1996, 10). This waffling won’t do: Energy is
chakras represents a hierarchy of increasing energy, and if it has discernible physical ef-
spiritual awareness, and each chakra is fects, it should also be measurable.
thought to be activated by a particular set of To make matters worse, there is no agree-
emotions. For example, the energy of the first ment about how many chakras there are. The
chakra is activated by base feelings of tribal af- traditional kundalini yogic system recognizes
filiation, while the seventh chakra resonates to seven major chakras (Campbell, 1974, 331),
our quest for spiritual wisdom. However, nega- and this remains the most widely accepted
tivity can cause our chakras to lose energy. number. However, some mystics recognize
This, she says, is how we become sick. When other minor chakras, and some maintain there
we fail to be as positive and spiritually aware are other major ones as well. Myss takes the
as we should be, we withdraw energy “directly latter position. In Why People Don’t Heal and
from the basic energy level we need to run our How They Can, she claims to have learned of
physical bodies.” This depletion “is the mech- an eighth chakra external to the physical body
anism through which the physical body be- while doing intuitive readings during the
comes weakened” (Shealy and Myss, 1988, 1980s (Myss, 1997, 89). This begs the question
93). of why this bonus chakra wasn’t mentioned in
Not surprisingly, Myss also maintains that Anatomy of the Spirit, published in 1996. Why
imbalances in the chakras always manifest did Myss take so long to discover this chakra,
themselves as afflictions in very specific parts and even longer to incorporate it into her
of the body. Since the chakras themselves are teachings? One may also ask why she doesn’t
thought to respond to particular emotions, this mention the additional four external chakras
essentially assigns each illness a unique emo- recognized in some yogic systems (Dale, 1996,
tional cause. Myss dubs this model of the body 47). Is there an objective criterion Myss used to
the “human energy system.” In this system, exclude these chakras? If so, what is it?
heart attacks are caused by excessive guilt and If this inconsistency doesn’t trouble you,
fear, AIDS is attributed to having a “victim imagine what would happen if conventional
consciousness,” and syphilis is chalked up to medicine showed a similar absence of objec-
feelings of hostility toward oneself (Shealy and tive guidelines. Imagine, for instance, that
Myss, 1988). Thus, illnesses are the cumulative your physician couldn’t decide if you had one
history of our emotional lives or, as Myss re- kidney or two. Flabbergasted, you’d go to an-
h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e | 539

other doctor. What if he informed you that canon of medical thought. Here is her expla-
there is a third kidney floating outside your nation for blocked arteries (Shealy and Myss,
body? If you’re anything like me, you’d be out 1988, 161):
of there faster than you can say “muladhara
chakra.” Blocked arteries, as a rule, are created through
Even if we could agree how many chakras the warehousing of guilt feelings and fears
there are, there’s no guarantee that we’d un- related to disappointing the expectations of
derstand the origins of our illnesses any better. others. Guilt weighs heavily on a person’s con-
In much of her writings, Myss stresses that un- sciousness, and like cement being poured
resolved emotional issues often lead directly to slowly into someone’s body, eventually hard-
illness. “Refusing to let go of past events, ens.
whether positive or negative, means throwing
away some part of your daily energy budget. If This comes just two pages after Shealy de-
you start losing energy and don’t do anything scribes coffee and cigarette use, high fat diets,
about it, you’ll inevitably develop a weakness high density lipoproteins (HDLs) and other
in your physical body” (1997, 19). From this agents with at least partially understood causal
perspective, disease develops because of our mechanisms leading to blocked arteries. We
inability to accept life’s lessons—it is at least are not told what, if anything, these mecha-
partly our own creation. Yet, this emotional nisms have to do with Myss’s explanation.
model of illness fails to account for how a per- When discussing AIDS in another section of
son who’s perfectly content with life can sud- the same book, Myss speculates that “the AIDS
denly collapse from heart failure, or how a virus has spontaneously emerged into our
happy, innocent child can be diagnosed with global atmosphere in response to the massive
cancer. In situations like these, Myss assures us victimization of all forms of life, including the
it is simply the will of God, who wants us to planet itself” (1988, 200). She goes on to ex-
learn “certain lessons that our soul needs to plain, in a particularly ridiculous passage, that
discover” (1997, 28). But how do we know if the Earth itself is showing symptoms of AIDS.
an illness is our fault or God’s? Myss offers no Her reasoning goes like this: (1) AIDS usually
clear guidelines. Furthermore, unresolved results in diseases such as pneumocystis and
emotional issues can hardly explain how dis- Kaposi’s sarcoma which affect the lungs; (2)
ease develops in animals and plants. Only the Forests around the world are being destroyed;
conventional medical model can account for (3) Forests can be considered “the lungs of the
these anomalous data. earth;” (4) The “lungs of the earth” are thus
Myss also fails to explain—in terms other being destroyed; Therefore (5) the Earth has
than reckless metaphor—how her hypothetical AIDS. Conspicuous by their absence are any
human energy system is understandable in discussions of HIV, intravenous drug use, or
terms of our knowledge of modern medicine. any other known mode of contracting AIDS.
This deficiency is particularly apparent in The As these examples show, Myss makes almost
Creation of Health, her collaboration with Dr. no attempt to incorporate medical knowledge
Norman Shealy. In one chapter, Myss supplies into her chakra system, and seems unaware
“energy analyses” of illnesses to complement that this kind of synthesis is the only way she
Shealy’s traditional medical descriptions. But could possibly validate her theory. The burden
the two authors rarely find a tangible intersec- of proof is on Myss to demonstrate how her
tion; Myss cannot reconcile her system’s un- ideas improve on our established understand-
testable mystical claptrap with the established ing of illnesses, and how the chakras can add
540 | h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e

to the study of human physiology. Theories manufacturing or projecting these impres-

which provide no new information are useless. sions” (1996, 2). Why was Myss chosen to
Unless Myss can establish the objective exis- receive this magical ability? Here are her
tence of chakras, prove they have measurable thoughts on this question:
energy, and establish unambiguous mecha-
nisms for how this energy affects the body, her While I can teach you up to a certain point
ideas will remain empty of content. about how to become intuitive, I’m actually
not sure how I learned it myself. I suspect that
I became extremely intuitive as a consequence
of my curiosity about spiritual matters, com-
Energy Analysis: bined with a deep frustration I felt when my
The Power of Intuitive Diagnosis life didn’t unfold according to plan. On the
other hand, it’s equally possible that my med-
When you imagine you’ve developed a whole ical intuition was simply the result of some-
new model for explaining illnesses and the hu- thing I ate. Knowing how the gods work, I
man body, it’s only natural to offer a new would not find it surprising in the least (1997,
methodology for working with your model. For 5–6).
Myss, this new methodology takes the form of
intuitive diagnosis, an ability she claims to This passage, with its profound mixture of
have honed nearly to perfection over years of silliness (in considering her ability the possible
practice. result of something she ate) and arrogance (in
Myss alleges that, using nothing but pure in- claiming to be privy to divine knowledge), is a
tuition, she can “see” the energy shortages in a fine example of the intellectual value to be
person’s chakras and accurately diagnose their found in Myss’s books.
illnesses. She claims to have discovered this Myss claims to be most accurate in her diag-
ability in the autumn of 1982, while working noses when she has no information about the
at Stillpoint Books—a publishing company she medical subject except for her name and
co-founded to publish books about alternative birthdate. She explains that this method allows
medicine. Myss, mind you, didn’t actually be- her to “receive information that a more per-
lieve in all of that metaphysical hocus pocus; sonal connection would otherwise tend to
she was a skeptical materialist who “smoked block,” such as information about the spread
while drinking coffee by the gallon” and “de- of cancer in a subject’s body (Shealy and Myss,
veloped an absolute aversion to wind chimes, 1988, 85). She claims to accomplish this by
New Age music, and conversations on the ben- projecting “emotional energy” toward a pa-
efits of organic gardening” (1996, 1). tient by intensely concentrating on her name
Nonetheless, Myss could not hide her gifts and age.
from the world for much longer. Soon, she How accurate is Myss? It depends on what
discovered she had an uncanny ability to gain standard of evidence you demand. If you need
insights about the causes of her friends’ ill- almost no evidence you can embrace the state-
nesses. She describes them as being “like im- ment by her collaborator, Dr. Norman Shealy,
personal daydreams that start to flow as soon that she is 93% accurate (Shealy and Myss,
as I receive a person’s permission, name and 72). Those of us who need good reasons for
age. Their impersonality, the nonfeeling sen- believing medical statements, however, may
sation of the impressions, is extremely signifi- find Shealy’s statement—and the evidence it’s
cant because it is my indicator that I am not based on—a tad unconvincing.
h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e | 541

Let’s consider how Shealy “tested” his col- did she sometimes merely state a vague im-
league’s accuracy. According to Shealy, he pression couched in symbolism (e.g., “I see an
would speak to Myss on the telephone while energy blockage in the fourth chakra”)—with
he had a patient in his office. He allegedly Shealy translating into medical terms? Would
would inform Myss only of the patient’s name an unbiased physician have read Myss’s diag-
and age, record her impressions, and compare noses the same way Shealy did? And how
them against his own “traditional” medical di- many readings did Shealy base his accuracy
agnosis. estimate upon? Could he have subconsciously
There are valid reasons not to accept results kept a record of “hits” and ignored the
obtained using Shealy’s methodology. First, “misses”? These are not trivial questions; any
there did not seem to be any control for exper- reputable medical journal would require this
imenter bias. Shealy spoke to Myss during her information before even considering Shealy
process of intuitive diagnosis; we have no way and Myss’s claims for publication.
of knowing that he did not subconsciously In the absence of evidence for her abilities,
provide clues to lead Myss to the right answer. Myss tries to establish proof indirectly by
This possibility seems especially important to claiming a historical precedent for intuitive di-
control for because of indications that Shealy agnosis. She and Shealy discuss the emergence
believed in Myss’s alleged ability immediately of intuitive medicine through such pioneers as
upon meeting her at a conference in 1985, and Franz Mesmer and Edgar Cayce. We are told
he never seemed to question the validity of her that Mesmer—a German physician who
claims. “Norm never tested me from the posi- founded an odd pseudoreligion based on the
tion of wanting me to prove to him that this mysterious properties of “animal magnetism”
skill existed. He already knew it was possible in the late 18th century—“laid the foundations
to develop exceptional perceptual abilities, for psychiatry and psychology” and helped
and thus his interest in my work was from the later practitioners to learn the value of intu-
position of whether or not I could be accurate ition (1988, 62). Cayce, a would-be prophet
enough for his purposes” (Shealy and Myss, who thought himself the reincarnation of an
1988, 86). What “accurate enough for his pur- angel who graced the Earth before Adam and
poses” means is open to interpretation, espe- Eve (Randi, 1995, 42), is said to have “laid the
cially when the accuracy is determined by an groundwork for all intuitive diagnosticians to
experimenter who already assumes that the follow” by giving thousands of mystically di-
phenomenon under investigation exists, and vined diagnoses during his lifetime (66).
fails to control for his bias. How accurate The average person, reading about Mesmer
would Myss have been if Shealy had given her and Cayce for the first time in The Creation of
a written list of the patients and their ages, se- Health, would have no way of knowing that
questered her in a room until she decided on both men have been almost universally recog-
her diagnoses, and then compared her diag- nized as quacks. Mesmer was investigated in
noses with those made by impartial physi- 1784 in France by a Royal Commission con-
cians? Alas, we do not know, for no experiment taining, among others, Benjamin Franklin and
like this appears to have been performed. Antoine Lavoisier. The commission inge-
Second, we do not know what criterion of niously and conclusively demonstrated that
accuracy Shealy used to assess Myss’s abilities, “animal magnetism” did not elicit the physio-
or the total number of tests he performed. For logical effects Mesmer had claimed—the power
example, did Myss always give the specific di- of suggestion had done it all (see Mesmerism
agnosis of a patient (e.g., “blocked arteries”) or entry in section 5). Cayce, similarly, has been
542 | h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e

shown to have erred very significantly in many years, an age characterized by categorical
of his diagnoses, and his reputation was built thinking. “The Piscean age was a time of dual-
entirely through anecdotal evidence and the ism,” she writes, “when human consciousness
faith of true believers (Gardner, 1952). The divided in a powerful way into polarities, such
fact that Myss has foisted off this pair of known as those between Western and Eastern culture,
charlatans as genuinely important contributors church and state, body and spirit (in a split
to medical science does not speak highly of epitomized by Manicheanism), the science of
her scholarship—or her intentions. magnetics, even political polarities of left and
right” (Myss, 1997, xiv). However, the coming
millennium will mark the beginning of the
Age of Aquarius, and we’ll put an end to all of
Mindless Mergers: The Holistic Hodgepodge this typological silliness. “The energy of this
emergent age pulls us to create a culture in
Insignificant evidence and unrestrained specu- which spirit and energy have a higher priority
lation cannot stand on their own; the careful than matter and the body, and to understand
self-help guru must also provide a philosophy that the energy within our minds, bodies, and
comprehensive and uncritical enough to sup- spirits is the same as that of God or the greater
port even her wildest metaphysical musings. divinity” (Myss, 1997, xv). In this new system,
And what philosophy could possibly be as in- we’ll finally understand the body as an energy
timidatingly encompassing or as thoroughly system, and “healing will then be a much gen-
accepting of any and every vaguely pleasing tler process of delicately manipulating the
notion as New Age holism? etheric body through the use of crystals, sound
“Holism,” as usually described in popular and color” (Shealy and Myss, 1988, 370).
metaphysical books, is more than just the well- To the uncritical, all of this may seem as
known wisdom that “the whole is greater than harmless and pleasing as a Yanni album. How-
the sum of its parts.” Rather, the most com- ever, there are glaring deficiencies in Myss’s
mon and virulent strains of holism state that holistic philosophy. First, her historical justifi-
any distinction between the whole and its parts cation for considering the last 2000 years an
is unfathomable because we simply cannot ob- age of dualism is a gross oversimplification.
tain any real understanding about something And as far as “the science of magnetics” goes:
by taking it apart into smaller units and ana- It’s true that we’ve learned that all magnets
lyzing it. In other words, the traditional scien- maintain a type of “duality,” since every mag-
tific method of reductionism is a big no-no, net has a “north” and “south” pole. However,
and we are fools to think otherwise. We should the study of magnets also led the great physi-
simply accept the universe in all its glorious cist James Clerk Maxwell to show that light,
infinity, and realize that such an immense magnetism, and electricity were related elec-
whole cannot ever be truly subordinated to tromagnetic phenomena. This was a substan-
rational investigation. If we could overcome tial step toward unity in the laws of nature, not
the confinement of reason, we would see that dichotomy.
categories are meaningless, opposites are illu- Second, Myss’s holism is far too unselective
sory, and—as Myss is fond of saying—“all is to ever be of any scientific use. It seems as if
one.” Myss will incorporate just about anything into
Myss ushers in the new era of holism with her philosophy if it sounds pleasing enough
great enthusiasm, explaining that we’ve been and has sufficient superficial similarity to
living in the Age of Pisces for the last 2000 other components of her philosophy. For ex-
h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e | 543

ample, in Anatomy of the Spirit, she links the in terms of opposing pairs: “energy” versus
Christian sacraments to her chakras— “matter,” “mind” versus “body,” and “holistic”
apparently because (could you guess?) there medicine versus “allopathic” medicine. Myss
are seven of each. In both The Creation of generally holds the first term in each of these
Health and Why People Don’t Heal and How pairs in higher esteem, and predicts it will tri-
They Can, she assigns great value to astrology, umph over its assigned adversary. Her distinc-
a pseudoscience boasting a long and spectacu- tion between matter and energy is almost triv-
lar history of failure. What’s her reason for ially easy to discredit, since Einstein did all the
putting stock in such a worthless practice? work for us at the beginning of this century.
However, her other two dichotomies indicate
For me, astrological influences are authentic, important failures in logic.
but not as commonly thought of by people Myss clearly considers mind to be composed
who assume that astrology is a form of fortune of a different substance than the physical body,
telling. It is not. It is the study of the influ- but simultaneously seems to think that our
ences of the energies of the planets on the en- mind permeates every cell of our body, as new
tire system of life, including human life. That age physiologist Candace Pert has often stated
we are part of a whole is a given. That individ- (Myss, 1996, 35). This “mind” is considered
ual parts of that whole radiate certain qualities closely allied with “an energy field that ex-
is natural. Astrological influences do not con- tends as far out as your outstretched arms”
trol one’s life; they merely indicate potentials which acts as “an information center and a
and possibilities (Shealy and Myss, 365–366). highly sensitive perceptual system” (33). Thus,
the mind-body dichotomy is linked with the
So the stars influence us because we’re all “energy-matter” dichotomy Einstein so ele-
inseparable parts of a whole. Why, then, can’t gantly debunked long ago.
the magnet here on my desk fetch the can of This system is essentially identical to the du-
Foster’s I left upstairs on the counter? Because alistic theories of mind promulgated centuries
it’s too far away, you say, and my magnet ago by philosophers such as Descartes. How-
doesn’t exert enough force? But the planets ever, Descartes did not have access to the
and stars are also much too far away to exert a knowledge of neuroscience we have today. In
measurable gravitational force on us. Why the light of work by thinkers like Paul and Pa-
does Myss predict that planets and stars will tricia Churchland and Nobel Laureate Francis
influence us, but she doesn’t seem concerned Crick, we are beginning to understand the
that my magnet cannot retrieve my cold bever- mysteries of consciousness in terms of the rela-
age? This holism stuff is really confusing. tionships between neurons. In this perspective,
Third, the more Myss talks about holism, consciousness is an emergent property result-
the more she reveals the hopeless categoriza- ing from the functions of these neurons, and
tion in her own thinking. Myss has a rather there is no need to postulate a transcendental
novel conception of holism; she seems to think material as the underlying “stuff” of thought.
that her system is different from dualism be- Consciousness is a process, as Ian Stewart and
cause she ultimately forces all phenomena to Jack Cohen remind us, and can best be under-
be arbitrarily subordinated to a single philo- stood through a contextual analysis of its func-
sophical outlook. Yet, there is no such differ- tions (1998, 211). Emotions are an important
ence, because Myss is really a strict dualist who part of this context, but only when included in
ruthlessly imposes her self-made categories on testable hypotheses about the psychology and
the world. Much of her philosophy is phrased neurology of thought. Myss’s vague mystical
544 | h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e

notions clearly do not belong in this develop- tion for the work of holistic practitioners
ing model. (Shealy and Myss, 1988, 24).
The presented dichotomy between alterna-
tive and conventional medicine is even more Unfortunately, the reason so many of these
spurious, and potentially damaging. Myss holistic therapies aren’t “formally organized in
claims she has no dislike for conventional traditional academia” is that they are utterly
medicine, and repeatedly stresses her desire to without merit. Without some method of sepa-
see holistic medicine incorporated into main- rating effective therapies from useless thera-
stream practice, but she does not hide her pies and strict training standards from lax
preference to see the latter system subordi- standards, there is simply no way to perform
nated to the former. “Holistic and conven- medicine competently.
tional medicine take two different attitudes to- The best antidote for Myss’s brand of holis-
ward power: active and passive,” she tells us. tic doublespeak has been provided by Journal
On the same page she observes that “the lan- of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
guage of conventional medicine sounds more editors Phil B. Fontanarosa, M.D. and George
military than that of energy medicine: ‘The pa- D. Lundberg, M.D. In a special issue of JAMA
tient was attacked by a virus’ or ‘A substance dedicated to alternative medicine, the editors
contaminated the cell tissue, resulting in a ma- issued the following statement: “There is no
lignancy’ ” (1996, 48). The implication is clear: alternative medicine. There is only scientifi-
mainstream medicine is cold-spirited and trivi- cally proven, evidence-based medicine sup-
alizes the patient’s power to heal, while holis- ported by solid data or unproven medicine, for
tic medicine is gentle and celebrates autonomy which scientific evidence is lacking” (1998). It
in the face of sickness. doesn’t matter what the origin of a therapy is,
Myss also assures us that holistic medicine or whether we choose to think of it as “holis-
has its own methodology and standards, and tic” or “allopathic.” We are concerned only
should not be subject to the rigid appraisal af- with its effectiveness and safety.
forded mainstream medicine. This attitude directly contradicts the view-
point of holists like Myss, who continually
The traditional medical community, which in- stress that Western medicine is averse to “natu-
cludes physicians, nurses, psychiatrists and ral” remedies. However, a close look at the ev-
psychologists, has specific professional stan- idence clearly shows that the holists are
dards and requirements. Within the holistic wrong. Treatments derived from nature or
field, there are numerous forms of therapy passed down through folklore are subjected to
that do not require the same intense periods of the same experimental evaluations as treat-
education. The training needed to become a ments engineered in the laboratory, and his-
massage, color or polarity therapist, for in- tory records the careful integration of worthy
stance, is not as formal a process as is medical therapies. For instance, one of the most effec-
or nursing school training. That is not to say tive cancer treatments used today is derived
the work therapists do in these alternative from a plant found in Madagascar (Morell,
fields is not of immense value or that the 1999, 17). The heart medicine digoxin was ex-
training they receive is inadequate. The train- tracted from the foxglove plant, aspirin was
ing involved for several categories of holistic obtained from a compound in the bark and
therapies, however, is not as formally orga- leaves of willow trees, and antimalarial drugs
nized in traditional academia, and that differ- have been taken from the bark of the cinchona
ence is cause for much of the lack of apprecia- tree (Mestel, 1999, 74). And as bacteria de-
h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e | 545

velop increasing resistance to antibiotics, sci- in search of spiritual insights into the nature of
entists are searching every habitat from the healing. On May 4, 2000, she and some of her
ocean floors to the sediments of coastal man- faithful will travel on a “healing journey” to
grove forests for the next generation of anti- Peru to visit the Incan ruins, where they will
bacterial agents. “fully experience the healing nature” of these
Many alternative medicine practitioners, in- sacred sites. May I offer some advice for those
cluding Myss, seem unaware of the importance going? First, ask yourself this: If these sites had
naturally obtained remedies have held in the so much sacred, healing power, why aren’t
history of medicine. They imagine a kind of there still Incas there? Next, read a few books
warfare between themselves and the medical about the history of the Incas, and consider
establishment. They prefer to dig their the very likely possibility that their civilization
trenches, crouch out of sight, and make the oc- was destroyed by poor understanding of their
casional sneer at their adversary. As a result, environment’s capacity to support their popu-
many people are misled into unfair judgments lation density (Shermer, 1997, 76–77). Despite
about the attitudes of modern medicine, and their amazing cultural accomplishments, the
are compelled to uncritically accept the “alter- Incas’ religious beliefs and practices couldn’t
natives” offered by holistic practitioners. This provide the knowledge needed to keep their
situation should not and cannot continue. society intact.
Medicine is far too important to be turned into Is Caroline Myss really offering factually
a game of pernicious accusations in which the based claims, or is she simply appealing to
truth is obscured. The smokescreen of holism mysticism? What would the consequences be if
must be cleared, and alternative treatments mainstream medicine adopted her standards of
must be exposed to the light of critical evidence? The results, you may well conclude,
scrutiny. As the editors of JAMA concluded, would be disastrous; but that is a fate we are
“for patients, for physicians and other health empowered to avoid. We can counter mystical
care professionals, and for alternative medi- claims with objective evidence, and use mod-
cine practitioners—indeed, for all who share ern scientific inquiry to guide us through trou-
the goal of improving the health of individuals bled times. In fact, it is our responsibility to do
and of the public—there can be no alternative” so. To follow Myss and to forsake scientific
(Fontanarosa and Lundberg, 1998, 1619). knowledge for a haphazard system of unwar-
ranted speculations is to choose the road to

The Healing Power of Truth References:

Caroline Myss offers no tangible evidence to Appleton, Elaine. 1997. “Solo Flight: Medical Intu-
support any of her claims. Her hypothetical itive Caroline Myss Teaches Spiritual Healing.”
Natural Health. 27:1, 84–89.
energy system cannot be detected, her intu-
Campbell, Joseph. 1974. The Mythic Image. New
itive diagnostic abilities are unproven, and her
York: MJF Books.
holistic philosophy is riddled with inconsisten-
Chambers, Veronica. 1997. “Heal Thyself: New Age
cies and unsubstantiated judgments. I predict Author Caroline Myss Hits the Big Time.”
medical progress will continue quite nicely Newsweek, December 22.
without even the slightest help from Myss or Churchland, Patricia S., and Churchland, Paul M.
her ideas. 1998. On the Contrary: Critical Essays, 1987–
Myss, undaunted, will undoubtedly press on 1997. London: MIT Press.
546 | h o l i s t i c m e d i c i n e

Cohen, Jack, and Stewart, Ian. 1998. Figments of Morell, Virginia. 1999. “The Variety of Life.” Na-
Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind. New tional Geographic. 195:4, 6–32.
York: Cambridge University Press. Myss, Caroline. 1996. Anatomy of the Spirit: The
Crick, Francis. 1994. The Astonishing Hypothesis. Seven Stages of Power and Healing. New York:
New York: Touchstone. Harmony Books.
Dale, Cyndi. 1996. New Chakra Healing: The Revo- ———. 1997. Why People Don’t Heal and How They
lutionary 32-Center System. St.Paul: Llewellyn. Can. New York: Harmony Books.
Fontanarosa, Phil B., and Lundberg, George D. Randi, James. 1995. An Encyclopedia of Claims,
1998. “Alternative Medicine Meets Science.” Frauds and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernat-
Journal of the American Medical Association. ural. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
280:18, 1618–1619. Shealy, C. Norman, and Myss, Caroline. 1988. The
Gardner, Martin. 1952. Fads and Fallacies in the Creation of Health: The Emotional, Psychological
Name of Science. New York: Dover. and Spiritual Responses that Promote Health and
Kurtz, Paul. 1986. The Transcendental Temptation. Healing. Walpole: Stillpoint Publishing.
Buffalo: Prometheus Books. Shermer, Michael. 1997. “The Beautiful People
Mestel, Rosie. 1999. “Drugs from the Deep.” Dis- Myth: Why the Grass Is Always Greener in the
cover. 20:3, 70–75. Other Country.” Skeptic, Vol. 5, No. 1.
Police Psychics
Noreen Renier as a Case Study

G A R Y P . P O S N E R

n April 3, 1996, the skeletal remains According to press accounts, on March 24,

O of 76 year-old Norman Lewis, missing

for two years, were recovered from
the murky waters of a limestone quarry in the
1994, after telling his girlfriend that he would
be right back, the elderly Mr. Lewis drove off
from home, leaving behind his wallet and res-
tiny Florida town of Williston, located just piratory inhaler, and (along with his truck)
southwest of Gainesville. The April 5 Associ- was never seen or heard from again. In its
ated Press story, as headlined in the St. Peters- April 11, 1994, edition, the Ocala (Florida)
burg (Florida) Times, revealed: “Psychic tip Star-Banner quoted Williston Police Chief
leads to missing man’s body.” Although she Olin Slaughter as observing, “It’s like he fell
was not present during the search or recovery, off the edge of the earth.”
the “tipster” was Florida “psychic detective” After spending more than a year following
Noreen Renier, who boasts of a successful his- up on “hundreds” of leads and conducting
tory of assisting in hundreds of police investi- numerous land and aerial searches, all to no
gations into unsolved homicides and missing- avail, the Williston police, and the Lewises,
person cases. decided to enlist the aid of a psychic. Investi-
Before specializing as a “psychic detective,” gator Brian Hewitt suggested Noreen Renier,
Renier, age 60, was credited with having pre- having previously been impressed by a per-
dicted the 1981 assassination attempt on formance of hers. The Lewis family report-
President Ronald Reagan, and the assassina- edly provided the $650 fee for her services
tion of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat later (the police department was said not to have
that year. Through the years, she has had sufficient funds).
appeared on numerous national television On July 17, 1995, three weeks after Hewitt’s
programs including the Joan Rivers Show, initial phone call to her, Renier performed her
Geraldo, Sightings, and even the CBS news- “psychic” reading, at her home. Clutching one
magazine 48 Hours. In the classic textbook of Mr. Lewis’ possessions, she tuned into his
Practical Homicide Investigation, used by the “vibrations” and provided a number of spe-
FBI and many other police academies, the cific clues intended to help lead the police to
author identifies Renier as “a psychic and rec- his body. The Williston Pioneer (on April 4
ognized authority on the phenomena of extra- and June 27, 1996) quoted Chief Slaughter as
sensory perception.” saying that Renier indicated Lewis had trav-

548 | p o l i c e p s y c h i c s

eled “east from his home to an area where

there is . . . water in something like a pit.” The
Chiefland (Florida) Citizen (April 11, 1996)
quotes Slaughter: “She could see he was sur-
rounded by metal. . . . She could see a cliff
wall, and loose bricks, a railroad track, and a
bridge.” The numbers “45” and “21” were also
said to have been offered as helpful clues.
A subsequent look by the police into several
bodies of water proved as fruitless as the ear-
lier searches. But because of Renier’s reading,
the police called in a team of Navy divers from
Jacksonville to search one particular limestone
quarry among many scattered throughout the
area. Although about eight months elapsed be-
fore the team could arrive, on April 3, 1996,
with the assistance of a $70,000 detection de-
vice, the divers did indeed locate the missing
truck containing Lewis’ remains, submerged in
20 feet of murky water.
When the Williston police announced that
the case had been solved largely as a result of
Renier’s psychic clues, the story quite natu-
rally captured the attention of the media. In
addition to regional newspapers and television,
the Associated Press and national radio icon
Figure 1
Paul Harvey reported upon it, and the TV
show Sightings devoted a segment to it in No-
vember 1996. The “Williston Case” quickly Two months later, the police and I were in-
became the pinnacle of Renier’s storied career. terviewed for the show (in Williston), as was
Renier the following day (at her Orlando
home). By then, I had accumulated a number
of newspaper articles and maps and had come
Enter the Skeptic to an unexpected and provocative conclusion:
Norman Lewis’ remains appeared to have
My involvement in the Williston case began in been found not because the police had the
May 1996, when I received a telephone call Navy divers search the body of water best fit-
from a researcher for Towers Productions, ting Renier’s psychic clues, but because they
which was producing a series called The Unex- had the Navy search the wrong watery pit!
plained for the A & E Network. Their program Scanning my roadmap of Williston, I imme-
on “Psychic Detectives” (which first aired in diately noticed its most striking feature—a blue
January 1997) would feature several individu- body of water nearly in the heart of town, less
als, including Renier, and would specifically than one mile east of Mr. Lewis’ home. (Figure
cover Williston. My participation was re- 1) This limestone quarry, when approached
quested to insure a balanced presentation. from the west, is located adjacent to the inter-
p o l i c e p s y c h i c s | 549

THE WILLISTON AREA Buried railroad track

based on a 1969 U.S.G.S. map Quarry marked “abandoned”
on U.S.G.S. map
Lewis’ home Minor road
Major road
U.S. Route
Body of water State Route The Whitehurst pit

Railroad, siding, or old railroad grade
as shown on U.S.G.S. map

0 2 1
0 5 1

LCR 501

t Lin
Quarry The Eastern pit—
Quarry originally the
prime target after 121

the psychic’s reading

Lewis’ home 41

d. 45




Figure 2

section of U.S. 41 and State Route 121. Flip- “21”—had she offered “45” and “121,” some-
ping that map over I saw that the map on the one might have cynically accused her of hav-
opposite side reveals that U.S. 41 is also known ing researched the case and consulted a map!
in Williston as State Route 45. If Lewis had in- The U.S. Geological Survey’s “Williston
deed traveled east from his home to a watery Quadrangle” map, which I purchased at a
pit, as Chief Slaughter indicated Renier had Tampa map store, shows this clearly marked
seen in her psychic vision, he would have en- “Quarry” area in more detail. (Figure 2) Of
countered such a quarry just beyond the junc- note is the Seaboard Coast Line’s north/south
tion of State Routes 45 and 121. Renier’s two railroad track 3/4 of a mile east of the quarry’s
numerical clues were reportedly “45” and eastern circumference, with a branch directed
550 | p o l i c e p s y c h i c s

westward into the heart of the quarry area. pears to measure only about 1.6 miles on the
One of Renier’s clues was “railroad track.” U.S.G.S. map.
As I told the Towers producer, I cannot be Nor was her “railroad track” clue of any
certain if Renier’s clues were the result of value in deciding which of these two quarries
“psychic” power or some other, purely natural, to have the Navy divers search. Although the
process. But, I added, forget about “psychic” U.S.G.S. map clearly shows an “abandoned”
power for a moment and just employ “ordi- track traversing the Whitehurst quarry east/
nary” detective-style reasoning and common west, the police did not become aware of the
sense. Consider that the intensive ground and buried track until a portion of it was unearthed
aerial searches had turned up nothing. If Mr. after the divers had already been called in.
Lewis and his truck were somewhere within Nor did her “bridge” clue offer any assis-
the potential reach of the Williston police, tance in targeting this particular pit, or in
where could they possibly be? In the middle of helping narrow down the search area within
a densely wooded area? In an abandoned the 30-acre Whitehurst quarry. But, as WTVT-
building? (Either, perhaps, if only a body was TV 13 (Tampa) reported on April 19, 1996,
missing. But a truck?) Only one possibility even “Another clue that amazed [Chief] Slaughter
comes to mind—submerged in a body of water. was that the psychic saw a bridge nearby.
Chief Slaughter, it seems, had had the right Turned out [after the fact] that he’d passed it
idea all along, even if he was not consciously countless times and never saw it—on the access
aware of it. It did indeed appear “like [Lewis] road to the quarry—an old, wooden truck scale
fell off the edge of the earth”—and into a bot- that smacks for all the world of a bridge, if you
tomless, or at least very deep, watery pit. A take the time to stare at it.”
quick glance at the Williston roadmap revealed And as for her apparently precise State
an obvious potential site, as confirmed by the Route “45” clue, read on.
U.S.G.S. map.
One minor problem: The logical site, the
one that Renier’s clues seem tailored to—the
limestone quarry less than a mile east of Lewis’ “Hits” and Misses
home, at the junction of State Routes 45 and
121, serviced by a railroad track—was not In July 1996, a skeptical Tampa attorney made
where Lewis’ truck and remains were ulti- a Florida Public Records Act request of the
mately found! Rather, they were located in a Williston police department to provide him
different limestone pit, one nearly due north with a copy of its entire file on this case, which
of Lewis’ home and more than twice as far he then forwarded to me. Investigator Hewitt
away! The recovery site, known as the White- responded by sending copies of all the paper-
hurst pit, is also located adjacent to State work, which included two items of immediate
Route 45, but not Route 121. interest: a May 12, 1995, report (supple-
Renier’s “21” clue, in fact, played no benefi- mented on June 15) filed by Hewitt, and the
cial role whatsoever in assisting in the location “clues” jotted down by Hewitt from Renier’s
of Lewis’ body. Yet, this clue has been hailed July 17, 1995, “psychic” reading. In his two-
by the police as perhaps her most eerily pre- page May 12/June 15 report (I have corrected
cise of all. Why? Because, after Lewis’ body a few spelling errors), Hewitt notes that a
had been recovered, it was announced that he
had been found “2.1” miles from his home— handyman . . . had recently told [a client] that
even though, as the crow flies, the distance ap- [Lewis] had told him that if [Lewis] were not
p o l i c e p s y c h i c s | 551

able to take care of himself because of illness, copy of the [audio]tape is not presented to us
he would find a river or pit rather than the within seven (7) days.” Hewitt finally re-
[retired] sailors home. . . . Four days before his sponded by delivering what he termed “a copy
disappearance, [Lewis] told [the handyman] of the field audiotape [which] contains por-
that if his health were failing, he would never tions of the session with Noreen Renier.” To
be cared for by relatives or submit to the my dismay, upon playing the tape, it was evi-
sailors home, that there were too many pits dent that there was a cut/edit after nearly
and canals. . . . [The handyman later] arrived every sentence spoken by Renier (and often in
at the police station . . . and he related [to mid-sentence or mid-word). Further, the en-
Hewitt] the last conversation he had with Nor- tire tape runs for a mere five minutes and
man Lewis . . . indicating it [actually] took forty-three seconds. Yet, it does contain some
place approx. three weeks before his disap- “clues” worth discussing:
pearance. He stated Norman seemed agitated
and dissatisfied with . . . his life [including • “A lot of rocks. . . . Swallowed up [down
having] problems at the house with his girl- there in the water] but there’s hardness
friend, relating she did not make him feel higher up. . . . We have a lot of things that
needed. . . . Told [handyman] not to get old, go straight down. No one really knows
and made some reference to knowing every what’s down there because it’s so hazardous
rock pit in the county. . . . (Figure 3.) and dangerous and people don’t go down
there. . . . There’s a railroad track that goes
This “smoking gun” document had been through there.” [Did she know about the
previously unknown to me and to the A & E suicide threat? Or consult maps, as I did?]
producer. But it was now apparent that as a re- • “Let me have a starting place. . . . We want to
sult of his failing health and other personal get you in the quadrant from 9 to 12 . . .
problems (an early newspaper article had also into that pie-shaped area.” And from Hew-
described him as “despondent” over financial itt’s handwritten notes from Renier’s read-
matters), Lewis had threatened to commit sui- ing: “Where do you want me to start? At his
cide in a “river” or a “rock pit.” Further, word house. . . .” [Starting from Lewis’ house, his
of this had begun to spread through his tiny body was found in the 12:00 to 3:00 quad-
community and had become known to the po- rant, not “9 to 12.”]
lice two months prior to their session with Re- • “Speedometer is zero in front of the house.
nier. Might Renier have actually learned of . . . Maybe 4, maybe 5. If it’s 45 miles, if it’s
this, in advance, from the police? 4.5 miles. I want to go to my left. I want to
The Tampa attorney had also specifically re- go to 9. . . . I feel 45, 45 degrees. You know
quested any video/audiotapes of Renier’s read- how they have that little baby circle up
ing. After inquiring as to why only written there? [i.e., 45°]. . . . Looking for H and 45.”
records were released, Hewitt advised him that [This is the “45” clue being credited as a
an audiotape did in fact exist and would be “hit” because Lewis was found near State
provided. As for a videotape, Hewitt wrote: “As Route 45!]
I have advised you in several telephone con- • “Must be still somehow in the vehicle. I feel
versations, the only [video]tape contained in the metal very, very strongly.” [Renier had
the requested file . . . is of the recovery, which been told in advance that Lewis’ truck was
you indicated you did not want.” also missing.]
When even the promised audiotape failed to • “We’re not too far from an old bridge. Either
arrive, the attorney threatened a lawsuit “if a it’s been decayed or it’s broken or it’s not

Figure 3
p o l i c e p s y c h i c s | 553

used. . . . It’s called the old bridge or is an ters with no particular regard to mileage), and
old bridge.” [The old truck scale was the only numbers associated with “miles” are
nearby, although it was certainly not known “45” and “4.5.” Nor is there a “21” clue on
as “the old bridge.”] the edited videotape (yes, it did finally materi-
• “One point, or one-one point two. I see two- alize—see below).
two-I [the letter “I”]. I believe a very strong The “45 miles” clue is especially puzzling,
H, ‘Ha’-sounding or an H in it.” And from as Renier has been credited with correctly de-
Hewitt’s notes: “221 . . . 22 . . . 21 . . . 2I . . . termining that Lewis would be found a short
H . . . EML . . . E . . . 11.2” [Renier was distance from his home. From her Sightings
credited with an eerily accurate “hit” be- re-creation: “I’m driving for a short distance,
cause Lewis was supposedly found “2.1” and then something happens, and I see him in
miles from his home! But what about “45 the air, going downward.” And from the edited
miles” and “4.5 miles”?] videotape of her original reading:

Among the pages in the police file is a map “Norman’s house is here [gesturing to the
of Williston with a 90° (L-shaped) area from right with her right arm]. Here’s the road
11:00 to 2:00 (not “9 to 12”) drawn on it and [gesturing straight ahead with her left arm].
labeled “Noreen’s quadrant.” The point of We go this way [pointing straight ahead with
convergence of the two lines is correctly her left hand]. . . . But we don’t go very far
marked “Norman’s House,” and the quadrant that way, we’re going to veer off here [pointing
includes the northern Whitehurst pit where left with her left hand] . . . towards the river.
the body was found (at about 1:00) but not the And for some reason the river is down below
eastern pit that her clues appear to more [as if describing Lewis’ arrival at the pit/
closely fit (at about 3:30–4:00). quarry’s sheer cliff].”
In stark contrast to A & E’s balanced cover-
age of the case on The Unexplained, the Sci-Fi This passage on the videotape appears to be
Channel’s Sightings coverage included no a second “smoking gun,” this time with regard
skeptical input. The Sightings narrator asks, to the particular body of water to which Re-
but is not able to answer, the question: “Why nier’s directions actually lead. As I earlier indi-
did Norman disappear?” No mention is made cated, Renier’s clues (as I understood them
of Investigator Hewitt’s report, filed two even before receiving this video) seemed to
months prior to Renier’s “psychic” reading, re- lead not to the Whitehurst pit (located north of
garding Lewis’ “rock pit” suicide plan. But in Lewis’ home) where the body was ultimately
fairness to Sightings, the police had also with- found, but rather to another rock pit much
held this crucial information from the A & E closer to, and nearly due east of, his home.
producer. During my two visits to Williston, I viewed
In Renier’s re-created reading for the Sight- the former Lewis residence, located on N.W.
ings cameras, with her eyes closed, feigning a 7th Blvd. With the home on the right side of
trance-like state, she strays from her original the street, proceeding straight ahead (as per
reading so as to now specifically associate the Renier’s “psychic” vision) leads southeasterly
number “21” with miles: “Numbers—21. I feel for approximately one-third mile, at which
miles.” On the edited audiotape, there is no time the road curves left to a due east bearing,
mention of “21” in any context (although, as until N.W. 7th Blvd. ends at its intersection
shown earlier, “21” does appear in Hewitt’s with U.S. 41, approximately one-half mile
notes in the midst of a stream of numbers/let- from the Lewis home. Another quarter-mile or
554 | p o l i c e p s y c h i c s

so due east, dead ahead (no pun intended), is immediately following Renier’s reading. “They
the massive “eastern” rock quarry, the most didn’t think there was a [railroad] track [at
prominent feature on the Williston roadmap. Whitehurst].”
Summarizing Renier’s role in this case, the At the conclusion of the Sightings report,
Sightings narrator says, “Investigator Hewitt the narrator explained how Renier’s “22” clue
put all of Renier’s clues together, used some (remember that stream of numbers?) had also
gut instinct of his own, and came up with one been remarkably accurate: When Lewis’ body
word—‘Quarry.’” But we now know that Hewitt was recovered, “the calendar date on Nor-
had actually learned two months earlier of man’s diving watch was stopped on the num-
Lewis’ plans for ending his life in a quarry. ber 22.” For the record, he had disappeared
And in the edited video of Renier’s actual and presumably committed suicide on the
reading, she refers to the body of water not as 24th of March, 1994. As a clue to the location
a “pit” or “quarry,” but as a “river” (although of Mr. Lewis’ missing body, “22” was utterly
she appears puzzled as to why it goes “down” useless.
such a sheer cliff). The word “quarry” is heard
once on the videotape, not after Hewitt has a
chance to digest all of Renier’s clues and apply
his “gut instinct,” but in the midst of the ses- The Videotape’s Curious Arrival
sion, by an unidentified male questioner pres-
ent with Hewitt in Renier’s living room: “Now The ultimate arrival of the edited videotape
look at that quarry. As you’re looking at it and came as a complete surprise. When the audio-
looking at it from the entrance there. . . .” tape turned out to have been heavily and
Following Renier’s reading, did the police crudely edited, the attorney wrote back to
zero in on one quarry to which Noreen’s direc- Hewitt requesting “a complete copy of the
tions pointed? Hewitt says on Sightings that he audiotape.” Hewitt’s reply explained that the
“walked around probably 30 quarries” before tape “is the only audio tape I have regarding
deciding that the Whitehurst pit most closely Noreen Renier’s session [and] was expressly
matched the totality of Renier’s clues. Perhaps made [from a more lengthy original] for field
that was his reason for having the Navy divers use with regard to the location of Mr. Lewis.”
scour that one pit, which did result in Lewis’ Most curiously, the letter continued: “You are
body and truck being recovered. But his initial requesting additional material. . . . We are un-
rationale for concentrating on the Whitehurst der no obligation to provide you with any ma-
pit was described this way in his report filed six terial without prepayment. Therefore, with
days after Renier’s reading: “. . . the White- your payment of [an additional $14.00] . . . I
hurst pits are an obvious first impression . . . will forward to you the only remaining tape I
being the closest and the most accessible from have regarding this case.”
the Lewis residence.” (Although the “eastern” The attorney assumed that the “only re-
pit was fenced off by this time, it had been eas- maining tape” was a video of the recovery of
ily accessible when Lewis disappeared, and it is the truck and body, as Hewitt had previously
half as far from Lewis’ home as is Whitehurst.) indicated. Nonetheless, he decided to fork
As for this “eastern” pit, a person with some over the $14.00. Incredibly, a month later, he
inside knowledge of the police investigation received from Hewitt the videotape which, de-
(who allowed me to tape our conversation but spite having been edited down to about 14
requests anonymity) told me that this had minutes, still contained the “smoking gun”
been the “prime target for the investigation” segment.
p o l i c e p s y c h i c s | 555

In a letter accompanying the videotape, spond. And the City Attorney for the town of
Hewitt informed the attorney that he had Williston has sternly weighed in: “[Y]ou have
“filed for mediation with the State Attorney [already] received all public records in posses-
General’s office . . . to assure you [that] we are sion of the City relating to [this] investigation.”
in full compliance under the Florida Public
Records Act.” Through the mediator, the attor-
ney then posed several questions, including
these: “Why did the police department initially After-the-Fact Reasoning
deny having a videotape and thereafter send
us one?” “One map . . . depicts an area labeled Two final questions, fundamental to the very
‘Noreen’s quadrant.’ Who drew this quadrant nature of “psychic” phenomena, require con-
on the map?” [see earlier discussion]. “What is sideration. In my chapter on Renier for the
the personal relationship, if any, between De- book Psychic Sleuths (edited by Joe Nickell,
tective Hewitt and Noreen Renier?” Prometheus Books, 1994), I showed at the
This third question was prompted by two time how Renier (like the rest of the psychics
peculiar circumstances—the apparent initial profiled in the book) had yet to convincingly
withholding of information by Hewitt, and a demonstrate genuine “psychic” power under
stunning move by Renier: After living in Or- proper observing conditions. Has Renier now
lando for more than 20 years, she has now become the first psychic to successfully do so?
packed her bags and relocated to Williston! Or might her “success” in the Williston case be
Another question relates to an undated po- explainable in more mundane terms, perhaps
lice report, filed by Hewitt, which does not ap- as the result of a combination of factors such
pear to comport with Renier’s reading, at least as advance research, common sense/intuition,
as excerpted on the tapes. Writes Hewitt, “She feeding back information gleaned from the po-
picked out [L]CR 501 on local map which I lice themselves, and “retrofitting”—interpret-
provided, indicating it was the road Lewis had ing ambiguous clues, after the fact, as having
traveled after leaving his residence, in a been remarkably accurate and valuable “hits”?
northerly direction.” LCR 501 is the northern To those who believe in “psychic” power
extention of Lewis’ street, but according to the and other supernatural phenomena, the an-
video’s “smoking gun” segment, Renier actu- swers to these two questions no doubt remain
ally indicated that he headed south. “crystal ball” clear. And they remain equally
But the answers to these questions have not clear, though through quite another prism, to
been forthcoming. The mediator has written those skeptics of the paranormal who demand
back informing the attorney that the Public extraordinary proof of such extraordinary
Records Act does not compel Hewitt to re- claims.
Native American Myths as a Test Case


little less than 15 years ago, I was in- chaeologists as interlopers from the dominant

A vited to participate in a radio talk show

at a local station in Hartford, Connecti-
cut. I was a last-minute addition to a panel
culture, outsiders who exploited native peo-
ples for their own purposes. The common,
and often reasonable perspective of many In-
that included a local museum curator and dians was that archaeologists were scientists
three Native Americans. The curator’s mu- who studied Indian ancestors, but who had
seum housed a collection of ancient Indian little interest in and no accountability to the
artifacts including material related to at least descendants of the people who had produced
one human burial that was on display. The the cultures and sites upon which these scien-
curator originally had agreed to be the lone tists focused. Many Native Americans believed
spokesperson on the broadcast arguing for the that archaeologists had merely updated, to a
importance and legitimacy of the excavation, degree, the old racist saw: “The only good In-
analysis, display, and curation of archaeologi- dian is a dead (i.e., prehistoric) Indian.” Many
cal objects. However, sensing an “ambush,” Native Americans believed, often justifiably,
the curator had requested that an archaeolo- that archaeologists were concerned about
gist be included on the panel. I was available only the ancient ancestors of Indians, and
and agreed, perhaps naively, to participate. cared little or nothing about living native peo-
Like most of us conducting field archaeol- ples or those peoples’ perspectives of their
ogy of prehistoric sites in the United States, I own history. For many, as archaeologist Ran-
had been attracted to the discipline because dall McGuire (1997) points out, archaeology
of an abiding interest in the human past. Also, represented yet another instance in which
like most North American prehistorians, outsiders had appropriated something that
though I am not an Indian, I became an ar- belonged to Native Americans—their history:
chaeologist equally because of a fascination “. . . the archaeologist’s authority over Indian
with and intense admiration for the cultures pasts is simply one other aspect of their lives
of Native America. that has been taken from their control”
Knowing this, it was a terrible irony to me, (McGuire 1997, 65). Archaeologist Larry Zim-
that, even 15 years ago, the relationship be- merman goes even further, indicating that to
tween Native Americans and archaeologists some Native Americans, the pursuit of archae-
could be characterized as an uneasy and erod- ology is a kind of “scientific colonialism”
ing truce. Many Native Americans viewed ar- (1997, 108).

p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s | 557

I had agreed to participate in the radio forms to a commonly held stereotype, but does
panel for two fundamental reasons. I felt some this reflect the kind of archaeology conducted
level of general responsibility for the bad be- by anthropologically trained archaeologists in
havior of some members (by no means all or the late 20th century?
even a majority) of my discipline and I be- In fact, it does not. Certainly I could under-
lieved, innocently I suppose, that I could expi- stand the Indians on the radio panel objecting
ate my personal feeling of guilt and exonerate strenuously to the excavation of the bones of
my field of study if only I could explain my their immediate ancestors, but I have never
work and the work of most of my fellow arche- excavated a human burial and know of very
ologists. few archaeologists who have. The passage at
Unfortunately, my museum colleague had the federal level in 1990 of the Native Ameri-
foreseen the scenario of the radio panel cor- can Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
rectly. It was a set up; the goal all along had (NAGPRA) has resulted in the removal of large
been to exploit the growing controversy within collections of human remains and their associ-
Native American communities about archaeol- ated grave goods from museums and laborato-
ogy. No real dialogue took place. None had ries and has made excavation and curation of
been intended. The museum curator and I had the human remains of Native Americans all
been invited to serve as effigies of our disci- but impossible. State regulations are also in
plines. We were the representatives of evil place to control quite rigorously the excava-
western culture, ghouls of science who dese- tion of human remains. Archaeologists may
crated and then displayed the graves of Native debate the wisdom of this policy and many
Americans for fun and profit. may decry the inestimable loss to science that
As depressing as this was 15 years ago, the accompanied NAGPRA (Haederle 1997;
relationship between at least some Native Meighan 1994), while others feel that the obli-
Americans and some archaeologists has deteri- gation is to the sensitivities of the people most
orated, if anything, since that radio broadcast. directly concerned and not some idealized no-
It is a shame and is based more on political is- tion of “science” (Zimmerman 1994), but the
sues and less on any genuine conflict between argument is moot. These days, burials most of-
what archaeologists actually do and what some ten come to light only as the result of natural
natives find objectionable. erosion or construction, and most municipali-
ties have rules that tightly regulate the disposi-
tion of human remains so exposed. In many
places these rules were drawn up with sub-
Archaeologists as Desecrators of the Sacred stantial input from native peoples.
This is not to say that conflicts do not arise,
Archaeologists are sometimes depicted as ex- but, again, it seems that this occurs because of
ploiters and despoilers of native culture. There misunderstandings on both sides of the issue,
is a popular perception that archaeologists and such conflicts are exacerbated by the de-
spend much of their time looking for and then gree of animosity that has developed as a re-
desecrating tombs, looting them of their fabu- sult. For example, in an interview in the New
lous and sacred treasures placed there to ac- York Times (Johnson 1996), noted archaeolo-
company the deceased to the afterlife, all in gist Rob Bonnichsen recounted the following
the name of museums willing to spend huge horror story. Bonnichsen was excavating at the
sums of money for such objects. But is this re- 10,000 year old Mammoth Meadow site in
ally what archaeologists do? Certainly it con- Montana when, much to his surprise and de-
558 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s

light, human hair turned up in the most an- ing, however, the local Umatilla tribe de-
cient levels. I am aware of, at most, one other manded it be returned to them for reburial
example of human hair from a site of this age and they further demanded that no additional
in North America, and the potential for DNA analysis be conducted on this well-preserved
analysis must have been terribly exciting to the skeleton. The disposition of the skeleton is still
researchers. up in the air (it has spawned a court case), but
One might have reasonably assumed that in another instance, in Idaho, the Shoshone-
only an archaeologist or paleoanthropologist Bannoks allowed the radiocarbon dating of a
could get all that worked up over a handful of skeleton found in their historical territory—it
ancient hair. However, when word got out was 10,600 years old—but the tribe then ve-
about the hair, two local Indian tribes de- toed DNA analysis (Johnson 1996).
manded that the research stop and that the Neither the Umatilla nor the Shoshone-
hair be returned for reburial under the provi- Bannoks can prove any direct or intimate bio-
sions of NAGPRA! As of October 1996, the logical connection with these very ancient
hair was still in limbo, research on an impor- skeletons. The irony here is that with the
tant site had been held up for two years, but at analysis of mitochondrial DNA (if any is pre-
least the final regulations of NAGPRA now ex- served in the skeletons) it might be possible to
clude “portions of remains that may reason- prove that, indeed, these modern Indians are
ably be determined to have been freely given the lineal descendants of the individuals rep-
or naturally shed by the individual from whose resented, strengthening their demand for stew-
body they were obtained” (NAGPRA regula- ardship of the remains. Of course, this is a two-
tions, section 10.1 (d) (1)). In the Lewis Carroll edged sword—it might also turn out that the
world (or is it Franz Kafka?) of federal regula- modern Indians claiming stewardship are not
tions regarding archaeology, this new wording closely related to the ancient person, thereby
can be viewed as a major step forward. As at- reducing the strength of their claim. In the
torney Alan Schneider (1996) points out, now case of the Shoshone-Bannoks, for example,
archaeologists can legally hold on to and ana- the ancestors of these modern Indians proba-
lyze human hair, toenail clippings, and copro- bly migrated into their current territory less
lites (ancient, preserved feces) without the than a thousand years ago, so their connection
wrath of NAGPRA being visited upon them. to the person represented by the skeletal re-
Of course, it isn’t only hair, toenails, and the mains found in their modern territory is weak.
like that divides Indians and archaeologists. Many Indians, however, seem unconcerned
Not just the intentional excavation but even with such historical particulars, asserting kin-
the analysis of human remains exposed by nat- ship with and demanding control over any In-
ural processes has become a point of con- dian remains found in their modern territory.
tention. The most recent and unfortunate ex- From a scientific perspective, this makes no
ample of this is the so-called Kennewick sense. We end up with remarkable instances in
skeleton found in Washington state. Before which modern natives assert stewardship of
word got out about the remains, radiocarbon ancient bones of their ancestral enemies sim-
dating was performed and the bones turn out ply because those bones are now located
to be more than 9,000 years old. This date sur- within the recently demarcated boundaries of
prised researchers because the skeleton exhib- their reservation. Concern for the bones of im-
ited gross morphological characteristics more mediate ancestors might be understandable,
in line with a European rather than a Native but desiring control over the very ancient
American population. Subsequent to the dat- bones of individuals who were not immedi-
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s | 559

ately ancestral is perplexing. I count among could he have meant? Gnawed on deer bones?
my ancestors Germans, Russians, and Poles, Sherds of a shattered cooking pot? A spear
but I feel no great kinship with or reverence point snapped in two when it struck an ani-
for the bones of Upper Paleolithic people un- mal? Minuscule flakes shattered off a stone
earthed in those modern nations. core or a simple, sharp-bladed utilitarian tool?
Nevertheless, it is understandable from an These are the materials most commonly recov-
anthropological perspective how members of ered during archaeological excavations in
different segments of a beleaguered minority, North America; these are the “treasures” we
often treated as a monolithic group by the ma- most commonly unearth, not anything that
jority, might feel a broad solidarity with mem- can possibly be construed as “sacred.”
bers of their larger group, transcending eco- Beyond the mundane nature of the vast ma-
nomic, political, tribal, or even temporal jority of the material archaeologists regularly
boundaries. For example, we do not hear of excavate, it should be added that most of this
African Americans expressing solidarity only material has not been intentionally hidden
with other descendants of the particular away by ancient people but consists, instead, of
African tribes from which they can trace their objects that have simply been abandoned and
ancestors taken into slavery. Ordinarily, they that have, through any combination of entirely
draw their boundaries more broadly, to in- natural processes—alluviation, soil formation
clude all people in a similar circumstance—the through organic decay, etc.—simply been cov-
descendants of people taken into slavery, origi- ered up. The vast majority of what we excavate
nating anywhere on the African continent. It is is “garbage” in the literal sense; food remains,
not surprising, therefore, that Native Ameri- waste products from manufacturing processes
cans do the same, even claiming kinship with (for example, unusable flakes of stone pro-
and demanding stewardship of enormously an- duced when stone tools were made), or pieces
cient human remains that can be connected of tools that had broken, been used up, worn
only in the most tenuous way to any particular out, and then simply discarded.
modern tribe. When good science meets legiti- Those who assert that everything we exca-
mate emotionalism there seems little room for vate was sacred to ancient people have bought
compromise, with archaeologists and Indians into the romantic, popular media caricature of
possessed of fundamentally different and archaeologists mentioned above where we dig
equally defensible perspectives. The law now up mostly treasures intentionally hidden away
stands on the side of Native Americans and, under the ground for ceremonial reasons. In
like it or not, archaeology in North America reality, most of what we dig up is stuff ancient
has changed as a result. people cared so little about they simply tossed
Though archaeologists are adjusting to the it on the ground, in a trash pit, or on a pile of
restrictions of NAGPRA’s rules concerning hu- other garbage. Native Americans might have a
man remains, there is a broader and poten- reasonable argument when they complain that
tially more devastating issue. A low point in archaeologists care more for what trash can
the radio dialogue mentioned above had to tell them about Indian history than what their
have been when one panel member informed own oral history tells them. Most archaeolo-
me that everything buried in the ground had gists are convinced that garbage represents ob-
been placed there for a spiritual reason by his jective truth and that self-conscious histories—
ancestors, and I had no right to disturb these oral and written—often are far more subjective
“sacred objects.” If this were true, archaeology and biased. Nevertheless, the claim that we
faces extinction, but what “sacred objects” regularly and intentionally extract objects
560 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s

from the ground that the ancestors of modern ancestors of modern Native Americans origi-
Indians placed there with the intention that nated in northeast Asia and migrated across
these things remain buried is a gross exaggera- the Bering Land Bridge sometime toward the
tion and a distortion. This belief is untenable end of the Pleistocene epoch. They accom-
from either a scientific or emotionalist per- plished this during a period when sea level was
spective. What can sometimes result is the par- depressed as a result of the binding up of an
adox that material not sacred to a people in enormous quantity of the earth’s seawater in
antiquity becomes so in the present simply be- ice fields called glaciers that covered much of
cause archaeologists dug it up! How else can the higher latitudes and altitudes of North and
we explain the recent case in Florida where, South America, Europe and Asia. American
not pursuant to NAGPRA but following state Genesis represented a categorical rejection of
regulations, the excavated paleontological re- this scientific orthodoxy.
mains of an extinct elephant (a mastodon) It seemed to me that Indian support for
were “returned” to a local Native American Goodman’s thesis was yet another irony in an
group for reburial (as cited in Lepper 1996)? already spectacularly ironic situation since it
was based on an ignorance of what Goodman
had stated explicitly about the origins of Na-
tive Americans in his previous book. Though
Indian Origins Goodman made a major issue of disputing the
accepted Bering Land Bridge migration sce-
Just when I thought the radio panel discussion nario in American Genesis, and while the title
was proving to be a waste of everyone’s time, I of that book itself seemed to indicate it, he did
spotted a book brought along by one of the not explicitly support the claim that Indians
Native Americans. The book was titled Ameri- had originated in the New World, as the Native
can Genesis, written by Jeffrey Goodman American on the radio panel seemed to be-
(1981), a writer who advertised himself as an lieve. In fact, in a previous book (Psychic Ar-
academically trained anthropologist, fully chaeology), Goodman (1977) had been quite
armed with a Ph.D. explicit. Based on information provided to him
Trying to deflect the conversation from ar- by a self-proclaimed psychic, Goodman
chaeology and museums, I asked the others on claimed that New World native peoples had
the panel what they thought about Goodman’s not originated in the New World but, instead,
book—which, coincidentally, at the time I was had migrated from, of all places, the Lost Con-
in the process of reviewing (Feder 1983b) and tinent of Atlantis, thus creating a rather re-
also for which I was writing a detailed and markable nexus of pseudoscientific claims
scathing deconstruction (Feder 1983a). I was, about the human past.
again rather naively, shocked at the response: After the radio broadcast we all went our
“It’s a great book. Dr. Goodman recognizes separate ways. Goodman’s work lost much of
that we Indians didn’t come from somewhere its sheen—or, at least, its currency—and I heard
else. We’ve always been here. Not like you ar- little or nothing of him. Also, controversy
chaeologists. You think we are foreigners. You about the Bering Land Bridge migration sce-
claim we were latecomers.” nario seemed to disappear. Specific versions
Until that moment I had no idea that Good- and especially the timing of the migration or
man had garnered some interest among Indi- migrations certainly have been argued: was an
ans as the result of the major theme of Ameri- interior route across the land bridge more sig-
can Genesis. Archaeologists believe that the nificant than a coastal route; did the initial in-
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s | 561

flux of people occur around 12,000 years ago, jects any claim that the ancestors of modern
15,000 years ago, or before even 20,000 years American Indians came from somewhere else
ago? However, the general notion of a move- and proposes, instead, that, based on Native
ment of human beings from northeast Asia American creation stories, American Indians
across the land bridge into North America has have always been in the New World since the
not been disputed in the popular media or time of their creation.
professional journals in the last two decades. I One must understand Deloria’s rejection of
thought, or at least, hoped that this point of the almost certainly historically accurate land
contention between Indians and archaeologists bridge scenario within a broader historical
had been disposed of and that more important context. The belief that Native Americans must
issues could be discussed. Unfortunately, this have come from somewhere in the Old World
assumption and hope were in vain. The issue can be traced back to almost immediately after
of the origin of Native Americans has again be- it was recognized that Columbus had not made
come a topic of popular debate. And, interest- landfall on Cathay (China) or Cipangu (Japan).
ingly, not just where they came from but, even It must be admitted that this belief was based
more fundamentally, how we should approach on biblical exegesis and not on any particular
the question and, essentially, how we can scientific evidence or reasoning. In 1537 Pope
know anything about their past (including Paul III had decreed that “the Indians are
their origins) are now subject to debate. truly men and that they are not only capable
A recent book, Red Earth, White Lies: Na- of understanding the catholic faith but, ac-
tive Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact, cording to our information, desire exceedingly
by Indian activist, scholar, writer, and univer- to receive it” (as cited in Hanke 1937, 72).
sity professor Vine Deloria Jr., attacks archae- Therefore, as Spanish clerics Gregoria Garcia
ology rather viciously and in particular assails and Joseph de Acosta (see Huddleston 1967)
those who support the Bering Land Bridge pointed out in their works written barely one
scenario. It compounds the irony to report that hundred years after Columbus’s voyages, the
(if my small personal sample is representative) Indians must be traceable to one of Noah’s
many of us who went into archaeology in the three sons because all other people had been
1960s and 1970s read and applauded one of killed in the flood. Because the ark landed on
Deloria’s (1969) previous books, Custer Died “the mountains of Ararat” in southwest Asia,
for Your Sins. We likely are more sensitive to the descendants of Noah who were to become
the issues being discussed here at least in part the ancestors of Native Americans must have
because of having read it. In a recent com- traveled to the New World, either by ocean-
pendium of papers (Biolsi and Zimmerman going vessels (Garcia) or by traversing on foot
1997; see especially Grobsmith 1997), a num- a land connection between the Old and New
ber of anthropologists agree that the anthropo- Worlds (Acosta).
logical study of Native Americans as it is prac- Beyond simply accounting for Native Amer-
ticed today is partially a result of Deloria’s icans in a way that conformed to the Bible,
criticisms of the discipline in Custer. some 16th-century writers cited biological evi-
With the publication of Red Earth, White dence for an Old World source for the native
Lies, however, not just a few of us have taken peoples of the Americas. For example, Gio-
lately to scraping the remnants of our “Custer vanni de Verrazzano, an Italian navigator sail-
Died for Your Sins” bumper stickers off of our ing for France in 1524, made landfall at what
aging automobiles (see Whittaker [1997] for a is today the border of North and South Car-
review of Red Earth, White Lies). Deloria re- olina and then traveled north, looking for a
562 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s

sea route to the west and, it was hoped, a way At the same time that Europeans were at-
past the New World and to Asia. He entered tempting to trace the source of New World na-
Delaware Bay and the mouth of the Hudson tive peoples, there also was a great and trans-
River, sailed along Connecticut’s coast, entered parent desire to somehow diminish the
and explored Narragansett Bay, followed the legitimacy of the claim of these natives to the
shore of Cape Cod and then went home, un- lands of the Western Hemisphere. One way in
successful in his attempt to find a passage to which this was done was to deny the depth of
the west. Verrazzano spent several weeks ex- the antiquity of their presence here. As writer
ploring the interior of Rhode Island and had Robert Silverberg (1989, 48) puts it, it was
an opportunity to examine local natives “comforting to the conquerors” to believe that,
closely. He concluded: “They tend to be rather though the Indians may have had some tem-
broad in the face. . . . They have big black poral priority, they hadn’t really made it to the
eyes. . . . From what we could tell in the last New World all that long before Columbus.
two respects they resemble the Orientals.” One major challenge to this belief was the
Today, this kind of gross, morphological seemingly ancient ruins found in Central
comparison is no longer the only biological America and, especially, the remnants of a ge-
datum on which we base the assertion of a ographically extensive, technologically sophis-
connection between Asians and Native Ameri- ticated culture of “mound builders” who had
cans. For example, based on his analysis of been responsible for the construction of thou-
200,000 teeth, physical anthropologist Christy sands of burial tumuli and enormous, trun-
Turner (1987) has shown the clear affiliation cated pyramids of earth that were nearly ubiq-
of northeast Asians and Native Americans; uitous throughout the Ohio, Illinois, Missouri,
their teeth share far more in common than ei- and Mississippi River valleys. European
ther group’s teeth share with the dentition of thinkers responded to this challenge by deny-
Africans, Europeans, or native Australians. ing any cultural or biological connection
More recently, analysis of mitochondrial DNA between Indians and the mound builders, as-
(mtDNA) has reaffirmed what Turner’s analy- serting, instead, that the “Moundbuilder” civi-
sis of teeth indicated (Gibbons 1993; Stone lization had been the product of a greatly an-
and Stoneking 1993). These researchers have cient, pre-Indian migration of perhaps even
shown that four mtDNA variants are found Europeans to the New World. In this historical
among Native Americans. All four of these fantasy, the peaceful and complex Mound-
variants are found in Asia, and they are not builder culture had been wiped out before the
found in Europe, Africa, or Australia. arrival of Europeans in the 16th century, al-
So, how can Native Americans question most certainly by an only slightly pre-Euro-
these seemingly indisputable data and why pean influx of marauding, aggressive, and war-
would they want to? After all, what does it like savages. These latecoming savages were
matter that science can show that neither the the ancestors of, of course, American Indians.
ancestors of Native Americans nor anyone One can understand and empathize with a
else’s ancestors are truly “native” to the New negative reaction on the part of some modern
World—or, for that matter, to Europe, Asia, or Indians to the more recent scientific assertion
Australia? The hominid family and the species that Native Americans arrived here from some-
of anatomically modern Homo sapiens are na- where else in the measurable past. The claim
tive to Africa. We are all, ultimately, natives of that the native peoples of the New World came
Africa; everywhere else in the world, people from someplace else was viewed by the Native
are immigrants. So what? American on the radio panel and, I believe, is
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s | 563

viewed by Vine Deloria Jr. and many other origin myth as the single representative of cre-
modern Indians, as just another attempt in a ationism when, by the very argument of the
history of attempts to contradict or somehow creationists for fairness, we ought to be devot-
reduce the rightful native claim to the New ing equal time in our biology classrooms to
World. As Randall McGuire (1997, 77) puts it, Hindu, Navajo, Azande, Egyptian, Iroquois,
the archaeological view of Indian origins repre- etc., creation views as well.
sents, to many natives, the self-serving “view- There is, of course, a significant contradic-
point of the conquerors of the continent.” tion within Deloria’s variety of Native Ameri-
My response to this today is the same as it can creationism. Deloria is a Standing Rock
was 15 years ago. Modern archaeology shows Sioux and, I presume, the creation story he
that, by the most conservative of estimates, the personally accepts comes from his culture. Fair
ancestors of American Indians arrived in the enough. However, in the Outline of World Cul-
New World 13,000 years ago and, in all likeli- tures of the Human Relations Area Files
hood, made the trek across the Bering Land (HRAF), a broad but by no means exhaustive
Bridge 15,000 or, perhaps, 20,000 years ago. database of ethnographic studies covering the
That would be a minimum of 650 and as many world, about 250 separate and distinct native
as 1000 generations (at 20 years per genera- culture groups in North and Middle America
tion) of a human presence in the New World. are inventoried and close to an additional 250
By any definition, that would make quite firm separate and distinct culture groups in South
any hypothetical claim of ownership of the America are listed. The federal government of-
New World by American Indians. No archaeol- ficially recognizes more than 550 Indian tribes
ogist disputes this; American Indians were and native Hawaiian groups. Some linguists
here first, and their roots run very deep, orders argue that there were close to 1500 different
of magnitude deeper than Europeans. languages and dialects in the Americas aborig-
Deloria’s perspective on Native American inally, so one could argue that there may have
origins is unabashedly creationist, but not the been about that many cultural groups.
fundamentalist Christian variety that most of Examining the HRAF database for New
us are familiar with. This should not be sur- World origin stories or myths, we find literally
prising, and scientists have long seen this com- hundreds of very different stories concerning
ing. In debating creationists, scientists have of- the creation of people. To compound the prob-
ten pointed out the fact that the so-called lem, as a member of a tribal group, in Red
two-model approach of evolution on the one Earth, White Lies Deloria expresses solidarity
hand and creationism on the other is predi- with other tribal peoples elsewhere in the
cated on a false dichotomy. Of course, there is world. These tribal groups also have their own
no such thing as the “creation model,” because creation stories, adding further to the variety.
this presupposes that there is a single—i.e., Michael Shermer (1997, 129–130) presents a
Judeo-Christian—creationist view. As scientists taxonomy of some of these myriad creation
have constantly pointed out to creationists, stories: slain monster version, primordial par-
there are as many creationist perspectives as ents version, cosmic egg version, spoken edict
there are cultures that have pondered the ori- version, sea or water version, and even the no
gins of the universe, the world, life, and peo- creation/the world and people have always
ple—and very few cultures have not so pon- been here version. There is as much disagree-
dered. We have used this fact to argue against ment among these many stories as there is be-
a “two-model” approach in education, because tween any one of them and scientists adhering
this, in reality, establishes the Judeo-Christian to evolution in general and to the Bering Land
564 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s

Bridge migration scenario specifically in the Deloria’s apparent belief that each tribal or
case of Native Americans. traditional culture’s reality is different, yet
Under most prosaic patterns of thought and each is “valid” or correct, and that this is a
reasoning, one would assume that these stories useful and legitimate way to view the world.
can’t all be right. Either the scientific conclu- Much of this confusion can be traced to the
sion based on evidence and logic is correct, or fact that Deloria ignores the reality that myth
one of the origin myths based on faith and oral and science are two different things and ap-
history must be correct. Nevertheless, Deloria proach explanation in entirely different ways.
appears to take the opposite approach. In his As scientists, rationalists, and even Pope John-
view, only one of the explanations is wrong— Paul II have pointed out, the creation stories
that is, of course, the explanation given by sci- of religion instruct people in what their rela-
ence—and all of the others, regardless of the tion is to the “creator” and how, flowing from
fact that they are contradictory—are correct. that, they should live good and moral lives.
(Deloria rejects the assertion that the ances- The Lakota story of the ancestral Buffalo Peo-
tors of the American Indians migrated to the ple emerging from the Earth’s interior, no less
New World from Asia partially because none of so than Genesis, tells people “how one goes to
their origin stories say that they did so. Con- heaven,” but not literally “how heaven was
sidering that this migration likely involved a made” (Pope John-Paul II, referring to the
small number of people at least 13,000 years Bible, as cited in Lieberman and Kirk 1996).
ago, I am perplexed why this should be signifi- Maintaining that the Lakota creation story is
cant. For example, I doubt that many modern historical truth is no different from claiming
Parisians have had stories of painting the fabu- that Genesis is literally true and makes in-
lous images on the walls of Lascaux cave evitable an otherwise avoidable clash between
passed down in their families. Nevertheless, it religion and science.
is almost certainly the case that some of the di-
rect ancestors of some modern Parisians were
the actual Lascaux artists.)
Deloria recognizes this apparent flaw in his Is There a Future for the Science of the Past?
reasoning. In response, he is explicit about his
rejection of the notion of objective historical It is easy to be pessimistic about the future of
or scientific fact: “Tribal elders did not worry if American archaeology. The rift between myth
their version of creation was entirely different and science, between emotionalism and ration-
from the scenario held by a neighboring tribe. alism, seems so great, so fundamental, so defin-
People believed that each tribe had its own ing, that it would appear that there is very little
special relationship to the superior spiritual common ground possible on which both Indi-
forces which governed the universe. . . . Tribal ans and archaeologists can stand together.
knowledge was not fragmented and was valid However, there is at least some hope, of not
within the historical and geographical scope of only a rapprochement, but cooperation. Some
the people’s experience” (Deloria 1995, 51–2). natives have written in support of archaeologi-
Remember, Deloria sub-titles his latest book cal research, recognizing its contribution to
Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific the history of their tribes (see the volume ed-
Fact. Deloria is not merely accusing scientists ited by Swindler et al. 1997). Furthermore,
of making up myths about Native Americans there is a small, but dedicated cadre of anthro-
(though, certainly, he does this). More signifi- pologists and archaeologists who are, in fact,
cantly, he asserts that the very concept of sci- Native Americans. Those who find themselves
entific fact itself is a myth. So, we are left with straddling both worlds may be the discipline’s
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s | 565

best hope to communicate to Indian people which the archaeology they have sponsored
the significance, potential, and rationale of will be a major element.
what we do and for natives to communicate It might be suggested that at least part of the
their concerns to archaeologists. success of the relationship between the Pequot
For example, Dorothy Lippert (a Choctaw and archaeology rests in this simple fact: the
working on her Ph.D. in anthropology) has archaeology of the Pequot is something that
written in a wonderfully eloquent piece: “For the Pequot wanted, initiated, paid for, and
many of our ancestors, skeletal analysis is one control. In terms of access to sites as well as
of the only ways that they are able to tell us who signs the checks, the archaeologists neces-
their stories . . . these individuals have found sarily are accountable to them. This is a situa-
one last way to speak to us about their lives” tion unlikely to be repeated terribly often else-
(1997, 126). Though many Indians might dis- where in North America, but it is a clear
agree, Lippert feels “appropriate reverence” reflection of the significance of Indian control
for her ancestors can be maintained while sci- of their own past in the dispute between Indi-
entists study their physical remains to enable ans and archaeologists.
her ancestors to use their “voice made of
Even for the many natives who would dis-
agree with Lippert, the excavation, analysis, Conclusions
and curation of demonstrably non-sacred ob-
jects are possible in many circumstances. For Many Native Americans may find the pursuit
example, Rose Kluth and Kathy Munnell (both of archaeology unnecessary, redundant, trivial,
Chippewa) make an absolute distinction be- and, at best, a “necessary evil” for complying
tween burial and non-burial sites and agree with federal regulations (Johnson 1996). They
that: “Archaeological sites contain the history may view the results of our research as antago-
of our people, in different stages of their lives, nistic to their personally held religious beliefs.
according to the seasons of the year. I believe They may find insulting the very notion that
that useful information can be recovered from ancient trash may be more accurate than their
these types of sites that will be helpful and in- oral histories. Nevertheless, archaeology may
teresting to Native Americans” (1997, 117). survive anyway, only because, though they
Beyond this, some tribes have sponsored may feel they have no use for it, many Indians
their own programs of archaeological research do not find at least some of our activities to be
on their reservations. The Navajo, Zuni, and fundamentally objectionable. This may be the
Hopi are good examples. A particularly posi- best we can currently hope for. The suspicion
tive example of Indian recognition of the ben- some Native Americans feel about archaeology
efits of archaeology comes from Connecticut is thoroughly understandable, but this does
where the Pequot tribal nation initiated its not diminish the irony that the people whose
own archaeology program (McBride 1990). cultures archaeologists hope to illuminate and,
This tribe obtained federal recognition only in fact, celebrate may find the entire thing at
recently and with the enormous revenues gen- worst a desecration and at best a peculiar
erated by their wildly successful casino, sought waste of time.
to reconstruct their history and recognized the
value of archaeology in that pursuit. Archaeo-
logical excavations are nearly continuous on
Pequot reservation land and the tribe is cur- Biolsi, T., and L. Zimmerman, eds. 1997. Indians
rently building a state of the art museum in and Anthropologists: Vine Deloria Jr. and the
566 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m y t h s

Critique of Anthropology. Tucson: University of Lippert, Dorothy. 1997. “In Front of the Mirror: Na-
Arizona Press. tive Americans and Academic Archaeology.” In
Deloria Jr., Vine. 1969. Custer Died for Your Sins: Native Americans and Archaeologists: Stepping
An Indian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan. Stones to Common Ground. N. Swindler, K. E.
———. 1995. Red Earth, White Lies: Native Ameri- Dongoske, R. Anyon, and A. S. Downer, eds. Pp.
cans and the Myth of Scientific Fact. New York: 120–127. Walnut Creek, California: Altamira.
Scribners. McBride, Kevin. 1990. “The Historical Archaeology
Feder, Kenneth L. 1983a. “Absurdist Archaeology: of the Mashantucket Pequots, 1637–1900.” In
A Review of Jeffrey Goodman’s American Gene- The Pequots in Southern New England: The Fall
sis.” Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of and Rise of an American Indian Nation. L. M.
Connecticut 45:89–92. Hauptman and J. D. Wherry, eds. Pp. 96–116.
———. 1983b. “American Disingenuous: Goodman’s Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
American Genesis—A New Chapter in Cult Ar- McGuire, Randall. 1997. “Why Have Archaeologists
chaeology.” The Skeptical Inquirer 7(4):36–48. Thought the Real Indians Were Dead and What
Gibbons, A. 1993. “Geneticists Trace the DNA Trail Can We Do About It?” In Indians and Anthropol-
of the First Americans.” Science 259:312–313. ogists: Vine Deloria Jr. and the Critique of An-
Goodman, Jeffrey. 1977. Psychic Archaeology: Time thropology. T. Biolsi and L. J. Zimmerman, eds.
Machine to the Past. New York: Berkley. Pp. 63–91. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
———. 1981. American Genesis. New York: Berkley. Meighan, Clement W. 1994. “Burying American Ar-
Grobsmith, Elizabeth. 1997. “Growing up on Delo- chaeology.” Archaeology 47(6):64, 66, 68.
ria: The Impact of His Work on a New Genera- Schneider, Alan L. 1996. “Recent NAGPRA Devel-
tion of Anthropologists.” In Indians and Anthro- opments.” Current Research in the Pleistocene
pologists: Vine Deloria Jr. and the Critique of 13:9.
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eds. Pp. 35–49. Tucson: University of Arizona Things. New York: W. H. Freeman.
Press. Silverberg, Robert. 1989. The Moundbuilders.
Haederle, Michael. 1997. “Burying the Past.” Amer- Athens: Ohio University Press.
ican Archaeology 1(3):14–18. Stone, Anne C., and Mark Stoneking. 1993. “An-
Hanke, L. 1937. “Pope Paul III and the American In- cient DNA From a Pre-Columbian Amerindian
dians.” Harvard Theological Review 30:65–102. Population.” American Journal of Physical An-
Johnson, George. 1996. “Indian Tribes’ Creationists thropology 92:463–471.
Thwart Archaeologists.” New York Times. Pp. C1, Swindler, Nina, Kurt E. Dongoske, Roger Anyon,
C13. October 22. and Alan S. Downer, eds. 1997. Native Americans
Kluth, Rose, and Kathy Munnell. 1997. “The Inte- and Archaeologists: Stepping Stones to Common
gration of Tradition and Scientific Knowledge on Ground. Walnut Creek, California: Altamira
the Leech Lake Reservation.” In Native Ameri- Press.
cans and Archaeologists: Stepping Stones to Com- Turner, Christy G. 1987. “The Tell-Tale Teeth.” Nat-
mon Ground. N. Swindler, K. E. Dongoske, R. ural History. January, 6–10.
Anyon, and A. S. Downer, eds. Pp. 112–119. Wal- Whittaker, John C. 1997. “Red Power Finds Cre-
nut Creek, California: Altamira. ationism.” Skeptical Inquirer 21(1):47–50.
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“The Trial Is Over: Religious Voices for Evolution Vine Deloria Jr. and the Critique of Anthropology.
and the ‘Fairness’ Doctrine.” Creation/Evolution T. Biolsi and L. J. Zimmerman, eds. Pp. 92–112.
16(2):1–9. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Precolumbian Discoverers of America as a Test Case


ho discovered America? It seems archaeological site at L’Anse aux Meadows on

W like an innocuous question. We all

know that Columbus “discovered”
America, in the sense that Europeans first
Newfoundland which may have even been
Leif Ericsson’s own camp.
Unfortunately many other people who deny
heard about a New World through him. And the priority of Columbus are not thinking of
we all also know that the Indians were here either the prehistoric wanders who crossed
first, and thus they “discovered” America be- the Bering Land Bridge or Leif Ericsson. In-
fore anyone, if one considers migrating peo- stead, they credit the first discovery of the
ples discoverers. Americas to various peoples from the ancient
A 1992 CNN poll, however, revealed that and medieval eras, including: Egyptians,
only 20% of Americans thought that Colum- Phoenicians, Africans, Trojans, Carthaginians,
bus was the first to discover America. An Romans, Arabs, Irish, Welsh, Germans, Poles,
overwhelming majority of the respondents and various groups of Jews such as the wan-
(70%) thought that other people had pre- dering Hebrews, one or more of the Ten Lost
ceded Columbus in reaching the Americas, Tribes, and refugees from the Bar Kokhba re-
while 10% did not know. The problem is that volt. All of these people have been proposed
a question which simply asks—who first dis- as having crossed the Atlantic Ocean well be-
covered America?—is badly posed. Among that fore 1492. On the other side of the world var-
70% of people who deny Columbus’s priority ious Chinese, Japanese, Hindu, Polynesian,
in the discovery of the Americas are undoubt- and Mongol explorers, and travellers along
edly many people who possess a sophisticated with a lost fleet of Alexander the Great, all
understanding of the pre-Columbian history supposedly crossed the Pacific and found the
of the Americas. They are right. Columbus Americas prior to Columbus.
was not first. The prehistoric hunters who Numerous books and articles have been
were the ancestors of the Native Americans published which advocate one or more of
and crossed the Bering Land Bridge some these dubious theories of pre-Columbian con-
15,000 years ago were the true discoverers of tacts between the Old World and the Ameri-
the Americas. Furthermore, Leif Ericsson and cas. In 1990 the Foundation for Ancient Re-
other Norse seafarers reached the Americas in search and Mormon Studies published
the decades after 1000 ce (Common Era). The Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas
testimony of the Norse sagas has been con- across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliogra-
firmed by the discovery of a genuine Norse phy, edited by John L. Sorenson and Martin

568 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

Raish. This massive two volume work lists seeks to explain cultural change on the basis of
5,613 items and is not exhaustive. New works unilateral or reciprocal borrowing between
are being published all the time. Sadly, the different cultural groups that occurs as a result
vast majority of these works are poor pieces of of trade, migration, or conquest. All theories
scholarship in which the same errors of method that explain the rise of higher civilizations and
and fact keep appearing again and again, year their various cultural traits primarily on the
after year. It is a situation that professional an- basis of supposed contacts with the Old World
thropologists, archaeologists, and historians all are inherently diffusionist.
find to be quite discouraging. Furthermore, Anthropologists universally accept the phe-
these professional scholars often find their nomenon of diffusion as a partial explanation
own writings and opinions rejected and dis- for cultural change. Some advocates of diffu-
dained by these advocates of various pseudo- sionism, however, have been extreme in their
histories of the pre-Columbian Americas. The claims about the extent of cultural exchanges
distinguished anthropologist Robert Wauchope between different societies. As a result they
described the situation as follows: have been labeled hyper-diffusionists. Hyper-
diffusionists deny that parallel evolution or in-
Lay writers on these subjects [pre-Columbian dependent invention of tools or ideas took
contacts] have one great bias in common: they place to any great extent at all throughout pre-
all scorn, ridicule, and complain bitterly about history. They claim that humans were remark-
the professional anthropologists of American ably uninventive and that history never re-
museums and universities, whom they regard peats itself. During the early 20th century, the
variously as stupid, stubborn, hopelessly con- British anthropologist W. J. Perry and the
servative, and very frequently plain dishonest. anatomist Grafton Elliot Smith took hyper-dif-
fusionist theory to its ultimate extreme by trac-
It is a claim all too familiar to skeptics, who ing the origins of all higher civilizations
are frequently told by pseudoscientists that throughout the world back to one source—an-
those who oppose them are ignorant or fraud- cient Egypt. Both men wrote numerous books
ulent. At the same time, these very same peo- and articles postulating the influence of an-
ple profess to be following the strictest schol- cient Egyptian culture on various societies
arly standards in their own work. That claim is throughout the world. Though hyper-diffu-
not true. The following is a survey of the types sionist theories never dominated anthropologi-
of errors committed by the adherents of vari- cal and archaeological thinking, moderate dif-
ous pre-Columbian contact theories. While it fusionism did in the early 20th century.
covers most of the main ones, it is by no means Therefore, it is not surprising that various
comprehensive, let alone exhaustive. (See my fringe theories postulating visits to the New
book Legend and Lore of the Americas before World by one or another group from the Old
1492.) World (e.g., the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, Mon-
gols) found support in the rise of diffusionist
concepts. After all, Grafton Elliot Smith’s the-
ory that Egypt was the source of all other an-
cient civilizations was simply a somewhat more
Diffusionism Made Simple restrained version of Augustus Le Plongeon’s
earlier theories about the ancient Maya being
1. Diffusionism and Hyper-Diffusionism. Dif- the mother culture of world civilization in-
fusionism is an anthropological concept that cluding the Egyptians.
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 569

The development of radiocarbon dating af- similar to those of native Americans. What one
ter 1946, and its calibration using correlations “sees” in a statue, however, is hardly historical
with dendrochronology (tree-ring dating) dur- evidence of origin, since one can easily see
ing the 1960s, completely undermined the hy- what one wants or expects to see, especially in
per-diffusionist reconstructions of prehistory. such generalized forms as artwork.
These techniques revealed that cultures once 3. Supposed Pre-Columbian Diffusion of
thought to be the beneficiaries of cultural dif- Plants. If a cultivated plant of Old World ori-
fusion from ancient Egypt were actually as old gin could be traced to the Americas before
or older than the oldest Egyptians. Archaeo- 1492 or vice versa, it would be strong evidence
logical thinking was revolutionized. The inde- for human contact between the two hemi-
pendent invention of various cultural traits spheres. Many such claims are associated with
had obviously taken place far more frequently cotton, maize, and the sweet potato, but they
than diffusionists had supposed. But hyper- have proven in most cases to be fallacious.
diffusionists have refused to give up and con- There are over 20 species of cotton of which
tinue to revive the same flawed evidence, four are cultivated for their fibers. Two of the
demonstrating that they are really doing cultivated species are Gossypium arboreum
pseudohistory, not scientific history. and Gossypium herbaceum, which have 13
2. Pyramids and Statues. Egypt is famous chromosomes in their cells and are known as
for its pyramids but so is Central America with the Old World cottons. The other two species,
its great pyramids at Teotihuacán, Chichén Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium bar-
Itzá, and other places. A casual observer might dadense, possess 26 chromosomes and are
easily conclude that the ancient Egyptians and known as the New World cottons. Genetically,
Americans were in contact because these great the two cultivated New World cottons are hy-
structures look so much alike. Indeed, the gen- brids that contain the 13 chromosomes of an-
eral similarity of the pyramids, and the “ne- other wild species of New World cotton and
groid-like” features of the Olmec statues of the 13 chromosomes of the cultivated Old
Mexico, have led extreme Afrocentrists to con- World cottons. The wild New World cottons are
clude that black Africans (they also claim the not capable of producing useful fibers. But
Egyptians were all black) were the first to dis- when these two sets of chromosomes are com-
cover America. Unfortunately two basic prob- bined, a cotton plant is created that produces
lems make any Egyptian-American contacts lush clumps of useable fibers. Obviously some-
impossible. The first objection is chronology. how and sometime in the past the cultivated
Many centuries separated the Pyramid Age of Old World cottons came into contact with the
Egypt from the time when the pyramids of wild New World cottons and the result was the
Teotihuacán and Chichén Itzá were con- hybrid, cultivated cottons of the New World.
structed. Second, while the form of the pyra- The mystery is whether this process occurred
mids may be similar, the functions are totally naturally or was assisted by humans.
different. Egyptian pyramids primarily served The creation of the cultivated New World
as tombs while the American pyramids were cottons definitely took place a long time ago.
temples. Furthermore, archaeological research Archaeologists have found remains of cotton at
has reconstructed the independent evolution Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus River valley dating
of the pyramids in both regions, leaving no from 3,000 bce. In the Americas, cotton fabrics
room for diffusionist explanations. Finally, dating from 2,000–3,000 bce have been recov-
while features on Olmec statues do indeed re- ered from archaeological sites at the Tehuacán
semble those of African peoples, they also look Valley in Mexico. Obviously the creation of
570 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium bar- observation applies to Europe where maize
dadense took place in the distant past. So dis- first received notice in 1532 in a herbal writ-
tant, in fact, that human assistance by means of ten by Jerome Buck. From that point onward,
transoceanic contact between the Old World maize appeared regularly on the pages of Eu-
and the Americas seems very unlikely. Instead, ropean herbals and botanical works from the
natural means seem to have produced the cul- 16th century. No such mentions occurred in
tivated New World cottons. Scholars have de- European botanical works written during the
veloped two possibilities for how this process 14th and 15th centuries. This omission would
occurred. First, they suggest that the cultivated be highly suspicious if maize had already
Old World cottons Gossypium arboreum and reached Europe before 1492, which it appar-
Gossypium herbaceum had grown in the Amer- ently did not do. The literature concerning
icas at one time but became extinct sometime pre-Columbian maize in Africa is extensive, al-
before 1492. No archaeological evidence has though the chief exponent of that theory is the
yet been found to support this theory. Second, South African anthropologist M. D. W. Jeffreys.
they suggest that the unopened cotton bolls of Jeffreys believes that Arabic–Black African
the Old World cottons are capable of floating contacts with the Americas took place about
across the oceans. The prolonged exposure to 900 ce and after. But as Paul Mangelsdorf, the
salt water will not always destroy the seeds’ leading authority on the evolution and history
ability to germinate successfully. Either of these of maize/corn, has suggested, the ambiguities
scenarios brings Old World cottons into contact in the terminologies used by Jeffreys’ historical
with wild New World cottons so that hybridiza- sources appear to have caused a confusion be-
tion can take place. Neither depends on human tween maize and the similar sorghums that did
travellers to carry the seeds. grow in pre-Columbian Africa.
Maize, or corn as it is more commonly Mangelsdorf has also pointed out that the
known in North America, is almost universally most telling evidence for the post-Columbian
accepted by the scholarly world to have origi- introduction of maize into the Old World is the
nated in ancient America and later spread total absence of pre-Columbian corn cobs
throughout the world after Christopher outside of the western hemisphere. Pre-
Columbus’s voyage of 1492. At the same time, Columbian corn cobs are very commonly
many diffusionist writers have suggested that found in archaeological sites throughout the
maize actually originated in Asia or that it was Americas. They survive readily under many
of American origin but travelled to Africa, climates and conditions, but so far none that
Asia, and Europe before 1492, thus indicating can be convincingly dated to before 1492 have
the existence of pre-Columbian contacts be- been found in the Old World. Maize cannot be
tween the Americas and the Old World. George cited as evidence that pre-Columbian contacts
F. Carter, the distinguished geographer, has took place between the Old World and the
made such claims for pre-Columbian maize in Americas because no pre-Columbian maize
China. Extensive research into the voluminous appears to have existed in the Old World.
and detailed botanical literature of pre- There are two divergent claims regarding the
Columbian China, however, has failed to re- sweet potato as evidence for pre-Columbian
veal any evidence of the cultivation of maize contact between the Americas and the Old
before the early 16th century. The archaeolog- World. One theory is that the sweet potato
ical and historical record for South Asia also originated in Africa and was carried to the
has provided no indication of the existence of Americas. The other places the origin of the
maize in that region prior to 1492. The same sweet potato in the Americas but claims that it
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 571

was carried into Polynesia during the era be- Besides the physical presence of the sweet
fore European contact. potato in Polynesia, supporters of Polynesian-
The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is con- American contacts also cite linguistic evidence.
sidered by the vast majority of scholars to be a They claim that in the Lima region of Peru,
native of the Americas. It is a member of the the native Quechua word for sweet potato is
morning glory family of plants, and research kumar or kumal. The Polynesians know the
indicates that it evolved from a wild plant in sweet potato by variations of these Quechua
tropical Central America with the scientific words so that it is called uwala in Hawaii, ku-
name of Ipomoea trifida. In 1954, the botanist mara in New Zealand and Easter Island,
Elmer Drew Merrill speculated about a possi- umara in Tahiti, and unala in Samoa. Unfortu-
ble African origin for the sweet potato, al- nately, this impressive linguistic evidence is in-
though other botanists have either rejected his accurate. Kumar or kumal was not the
idea as unfounded or ignored it. That has not Quechua word for sweet potato. In reality, the
stopped some diffusionist writers from occa- Quechua word for sweet potato is apichu. Ku-
sionally using Merrill’s theory of an African mar does not refer to sweet potato anywhere
origin for the sweet potato to bolster their own along the coastal region of Peru. So, the best
ideas about African voyages to pre-Columbian linguistic evidence does not support the occur-
America. It should be remembered, however, rence of Polynesian-American contacts.
that the botanical and archaeological evidence Donald D. Brand, a geographer from the
overwhelmingly puts the original home of the University of Texas, has advanced a subtle the-
sweet potato in the Americas. ory that claims that the spread of the sweet po-
Except for a few Spanish landings in the tato occurred entirely during the post-
16th century, sustained European contact with Columbian times. According to his scenario,
Polynesia began in the 18th century with Ja- Spanish settlers carried the sweet potato home
cob Roggeveen’s discovery of Easter Island in to Spain. From there it reached Portugal in
1722, and Captain James Cook’s visits to the 1500. The Portuguese then carried it to their
Hawaiian Islands in 1778 and New Zealand in trading stations in India before 1505. From
1769. When the Europeans arrived, the natives there Asian traders—Persians, Arabs, and Hin-
of these islands were all cultivating the sweet dus—took the sweet potato into the Moluccas,
potato. Obviously the plant came from the or the Spice Islands. At that point, the sweet
Americas, but how and when did it get to Poly- potato entered a trading network connected to
nesia? Some people have suggested that a nat- Melanesia. After spreading quickly across these
ural transfer occurred in which a sweet potato islands, the sweet potato then reached Polyne-
seed or tuber floated from the Americas to the sia before any Europeans set foot on those
various Polynesian islands by accident. Most islands.
experts, however, feel that the sweet potato’s
seeds or tubers were not capable of floating
such vast distances across the Pacific Ocean.
Furthermore, prolonged exposure to salt water
would also destroy the fertility of the seeds and Flawed Methodologies
tubers. As a result, the presence of sweet pota-
toes in Polynesia would seem to indicate that 1. The Wordlist Game. In 1846 the future his-
Polynesian-American contacts similar to Thor torian Francis Parkman made the following
Heyerdahl’s Kon Tiki voyage occurred during observation while travelling on the great
the pre-Columbian era. plains:
572 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

The Indians raised in concert their cries of sounds that human beings can make to form
lamentation over the corpse, and among words. That number may be a large one but
[which was] . . . clearly distinguished those when compared to the vastly larger number of
strange sounds resembling the word “Hallelu- words in all the languages of the world that ex-
jah,” which together with some other acciden- ist or have existed, there will be many cases
tal coincidences, has given rise to the absurd where the same sounds have roughly the same
theory that the Indians are descended from meaning in two different languages even
the ten lost tribes of Israel. though there are no historical connections be-
tween those two languages. The similarity is
What seemed an “accidental coincidence” not merely a coincidence but one that has a
or “absurd” to Parkman, however, has seemed high probability of happening one way or an-
to be sound evidence to many, more credulous other. Truly significant connections between
theorists of pre-Columbian contacts between words in different languages can only be deter-
the Americas and the Old World. Algonquins mined by studying the etymology (the chang-
and Irish, Maya and Egyptians, or Peruvians ing history of a word’s usage) of the individual
and Polynesians are among the groups for words. When proper linguistic methods are ap-
which fallacious wordlists have been compiled. plied to the problem of pre-Columbian con-
Countless other lists of similar sounding words tacts between the Americas and the Old World
with similar meanings between one Native they invariably show that nothing significant
American language and another Old World took place.
language have appeared to prove various theo- 2. Inscription Mania and Illegitimate Epig-
ries of pre-Columbian contacts. raphy. Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions
Unfortunately the compiling of such word- left by ancient peoples. It is one of the major
lists is an overly simplistic form of comparative sources of information that historians use to
linguistics. Linguistic scholars consider the study the ancient Mediterranean world. Vari-
study of grammar to be the more reliable way ous ancient cultures in Central America, no-
to make comparisons between different but tably the Maya, also produced large numbers
possibly related languages. Grammatical struc- of inscriptions of use to epigraphers. Outside
tures tend to change slowly. In comparison, of Central America, the various cultures of Na-
the words used in any language change over tive Americans did not possess systems of writ-
time, often quite rapidly. If two languages con- ing and so would have left no inscriptions for
tained significant numbers of words borrowed epigraphers. Recently, however, the Harvard
from each other, it would indicate a fairly re- marine biologist and amateur archaeologist
cent contact. Otherwise, wordlists are fairly Barry Fell has theorized that various ancient
useless as evidence of contact in the more dis- Celtic peoples and other groups of Mediter-
tant past. ranean people colonized North America in the
It is possible to compile lists of similar pre-Christian era. He claims that numerous in-
sounding words with similar meanings for scriptions in the ancient Celtic script called
every language in the world with every other Ogam are scattered throughout New England
language in the world. These lists can be larger and other regions. He and his supporters are
or smaller depending on how generously one constantly on the lookout for such inscriptions
allows the words to sound alike or have similar and they claim to have been quite successful.
meanings. In the end, however, all these lists The problem is that Ogam script basically con-
really prove is that there are a limited number sists of combinations of straight lines. So what
of sounds (phonemes) or combinations of Fell and his supporters claim is an ancient
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 573

Celtic inscription looks like natural scratching years although not because of any particularly
and wear on rocks to mainstream archaeolo- sound reasons.
gists. Fell’s case is further compromised by his Some anthropologists have developed a the-
regarding such proven archaeological frauds as ory of limited possibilities to explain similari-
the Davenport Tablets as a genuine artifact left ties between different cultures as an alterna-
by his “ancient colonists.” Basically Fell and tive to diffusion. Basically, this theory states
other amateur epigraphers are guilty of seeing that the number of cultural choices may not be
what they want to see among the weathered large in some cases. Seemingly complex and
rocks of New England. Their unquestioning similar institutions and artifacts could develop
belief in the existence of these pseudo-inscrip- independently because the probabilities against
tions has been labeled “inscription mania” by it happening are not all that great. In the case
professional archaeologists. of patolli and pachesi, the dice or lots must
3. The Game: Patolli-Pachesi Parallels. A have at least two flat sides to be functional,
frequently discussed and superficially com- while the cross shape of the board is really
pelling evidence for pre-Columbian contacts quite a common and universal shape. Further-
between Asia and America is the similarities more, with cultures all over the world engaged
between the Aztec game of patolli and the in gaming, it is not surprising for similar games
Hindu game of pachesi. In both games the to appear independently. The anthropologist
players move pieces around boards with cross- John Charles Erasmus has cautioned against
shaped tracks divided into segments. The num- the facile calculating of possibilities or proba-
ber of moves a piece can make is determined bilities for the development of similar cultural
by throwing lots; the Hindus used cowrie shells traits. Large numbers of people at all times
while the Aztecs used beans. Similarities be- and all over the world are engaged in the
tween these and other games have been noted process of cultural evolution. That variable,
as early as 1724. Later in 1879 the great En- however, is seldom taken into consideration
glish anthropologist E. B. Tylor (1832–1917) when the probabilities of independent inven-
wrote a paper suggesting that patolli has actu- tion are discussed. Furthermore, patolli is the
ally been derived from pachesi as a result of only aspect of Aztec culture that shows any in-
ancient contacts between Asia and the Ameri- dication of possible Hindu contact. The ab-
cas. Tylor added the authority of probability to sence of other Mexican cultural traits of prob-
his argument in 1896 and stated that it was able Hindu origin is another strong evidence
highly improbable that two such similar games against any pre-Columbian contacts between
could have been invented independently. Mexico and India.
Tylor’s contemporaries, the American schol- 4. Coin Finds. Over the years, 41 docu-
ars Stewart Culin and Daniel Brinton, rejected mented reports have appeared of Old World
his conclusion that patolli came to ancient coins with pre-Columbian dates being found
America as a result of cultural diffusion from in the Americas, particularly North America.
Asia. They stressed that it was independently There may be others. These finds have been
invented in the Americas without any Asian in- used to argue for pre-Columbian visits by
fluences and went on to cite evidence of geo- Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Greeks,
graphical distribution and variations to bolster Romans, and Norse sailors although so far only
their contention. On the other hand, in the the Norse find has managed to stand up to
next generation of scholars A. L. Kroeber scholarly scrutiny.
(1876–1960), the doyen of American anthro- Lucio Marineo Siculo (1460–1533), a
pology, supported Tylor’s conclusions for many somewhat credulous Italian humanist, in 1533
574 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

reported the finding of a Roman coin from the the soil rather than having been dug up. The
time of Caesar Augustus in a gold mine in most common natural tendency for a coin on
Panama. He concluded that the presence of the ground would be slowly to sink down into
this coin proved that the Romans had reached the soil rather than to work its way up to the
the Americas before the Spanish. Gonzalo surface after it was buried. It is estimated that
Fernandez d Oviedo y Valdes touched on some one million Roman coins are in the coin
Siculo’s story in his Historia general y natural collections of the late 20th century United
de las Indias of 1535 and showed that it was States. Most of those were brought back from
ridiculous. Europe after World War II. Many of these Ro-
Significantly, no one found any more pre- man coins are only worth $10.00 or less and so
Columbian coins in the Americas until several are not looked after all that carefully. The pos-
Roman coins from the imperial era were found sibility of accidental losses is quite real, and
in the Fayetteville area of Tennessee between that appears to be what has happened in most
1818 and 1823. The early archaeologist Caleb of these 20th century finds of pre-Columbian
Atwater was immediately skeptical and sus- coins.
pected that the coins were deliberate plants. Jeremiah F. Epstein’s 1980 study of coin
The Tennessee antiquarian John Haywood, finds basically concluded that none of them
however, considered the find to be authentic. provide legitimate evidence for pre-Columbian
It is interesting that even Haywood reported contacts. One exception to his conclusion,
that after a Mr. Colter, a man known to possess however, is the Norse penny from the reign of
Roman coins, left Tennessee for Alabama in Olav Kyrre (1066–1093) of Norway found in
1823 that no more coins have ever been found Maine in 1957. Tests have established that it is
in Tennessee. Modern archaeologists generally genuine. But since no one now denies that the
agree with Atwater’s original assessment and medieval Norse reached Newfoundland, it is
think that the Tennessee coins were part of a not implausible that they visited Maine as well.
Only one other documented coin find took
place in the 19th century. It occurred in 1880
on an Illinois farm and involved the finding of Fake Artifacts
a Seleucid Greek coin from c. 173–64 bce.
Otherwise all of the remaining 32 coin finds 1. Kensington Rune Stone. This famous but
took place in the 20th century, and of that fraudulent Norse artifact was first discovered
number, 24 were found after 1945. With the in Minnesota in 1898 and still has supporters
exception of the Norse penny found in Maine, of its authenticity in spite of considerable de-
all of these coins appear to have been brought bunking scholarship to the contrary.
to the Americas after 1492. Some of the coins In 1898, Olof Ohman “discovered” the
have actually turned out to be forgeries such Kensington Rune Stone while clearing trees
as the three Bar Kokhba coins found at vari- from his farm in Douglas County, near the
ous places in Kentucky in 1932, 1952, and town of Kensington, Minnesota. It contained
1967. an inscription in runic characters, the ancient
Other genuine ancient coins have been lo- alphabet of Scandinavia. Unfortunately, the
cated in archaeological situations that indicate physical appearance of the inscription belied
they may be losses from modern collections its supposed antiquity; e.g., its cuts showed
rather than remains from the distant past. none of the weathering associated with a stone
Many coins have been found on the surface of carving over 300 years old. It has even been
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 575

suggested that the inscription was added after Holand remained undaunted. In 1932 he pub-
Ohman first unearthed the stone. lished his first book, The Kensington Stone,
The Rune Stone’s inscription told of a party which defended the stone’s authenticity. The
of Norse making its way through the wilder- stone travelled to the Smithsonian Institute in
ness during 1362 and suffering the loss of 10 1948 for further scholarly investigation which
of its members from attacks by hostile Indians. again produced negative results. Holand, how-
Such a find would have been of immense in- ever, continued to believe that the Kensington
terest to the Scandinavian immigrant commu- Rune Stone was a true medieval Norse artifact.
nity of the Upper Midwest. In 1898 they were The 1950s saw the beginning of a wave of
anxious to find proof of Norse precedence over scholarly publications denying the authenticity
Christopher Columbus in the European dis- of the Kensington Rune Stone. The two most
covery of America. The World Columbian Ex- devastating attacks came from books by ex-
position at Chicago during the 1890s had perts on Norse studies—Erik Wahlgren in 1958
aroused their ethnic ire. Scandinavian Ameri- and Theodore C. Blegen in 1968. Their studies
cans wanted to believe that the Kensington convincingly showed that the Kensington
Rune Stone was authentic so local support was Rune Stone was a fake. Blegen even suggests
strong. The scholarly reception of the Kensing- how Olof Ohman may have collaborated with
ton Rune Stone, however, was negative from his neighbor Sven Fogelbad to produce the in-
the start on the basis of anachronistic usages of scription. None of this scholarly activity has
both runic characters and Norse words. Even- managed to stop some true believers from con-
tually enthusiasm for the Rune Stone stalled tinuing to have faith in the Kensington Rune
and Ohman took it back to his farm where he Stone. For the vast majority of historians and
used it as a steppingstone. True believers in archaeologists, the Kensington Rune Stone is
the Scandinavian community, however, con- no more than one of the most persistent
tinued to claim the Kensington Rune Stone hoaxes in the history of American archaeology.
was genuine. 2. Paraiba Stone. In 1872, the most enig-
In 1907 Hjalmar R. Holand, a young re- matic of the supposed Phoenician artifacts in
searcher, came to Douglas County to gather the Americas came to light—the Paraiba Stone.
material on the Norwegian immigration to the A man named Joaquim Alves da Costa claimed
United States. During his researches, the locals to have found, “near the Paraiba” river, a bro-
told him about Ohman’s rune stone and a cu- ken stone which had an inscription in a
rious Holand went to see it. Rejecting earlier strange alphabet carved on it. After transcrib-
scholarly opinion, Holand decided it was a ing the inscription, Costa sent the copy to Rio
true Norse artifact and Ohman even gave it to de Janeiro for study. But Brazil had no experts
him. Starting in 1908, for the rest of his life, in ancient semitic languages. Instead the con-
Holand attempted to prove that the Kensing- scientious naturalist Ladislau Netto took up
ton Rune Stone was really a medieval Norse the assignment, learned Hebrew, and ulti-
inscription. He even got the Minnesota Histor- mately determined that the writing on the
ical Society so interested that when they issued stone was Phoenician and then translated it.
a report on the stone’s authenticity, they ig- His translation described how 10 Phoenician
nored additional scholarly opinions to the con- ships were blown by storms to the coast of
trary and pronounced it genuine. Efforts by Brazil in 534 bce. Immediately the French
Holand in 1911 to secure favorable judgments scholar Ernest Renan attacked the Paraiba in-
from European scholars met with failure as scription as a fake and others soon joined him.
they all considered the stone to be a hoax. But By 1885 the hapless Netto felt compelled to
576 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

publish a retraction of his original conclusions are tragic but all too common and they usually
and even suggested five possible suspects who occur quite innocently as the result of acci-
might have engineered the hoax. Meanwhile dents or neglect. Some historians, however,
Costa disappeared with the stone and no ac- have questioned whether the gaps in the Por-
credited scholar ever saw it first hand. Even tuguese records are all that random. They sug-
the original location of the find was in great gest that some design or policy may lie behind
doubt since Brazil had two different Paraiba the disappearance of some documents.
regions. During the 1960s, Cyrus Gordon, a The thesis of a deliberate and systematic
professor of semitic languages and an ardent Portuguese government policy of secrecy con-
diffusionist, revived the Paraiba Stone’s claims cerning overseas exploration is a product of
to authenticity. Basically, Gordon had asserted 20th-century historians. Jaime Cortesao, a
that the Paraiba inscription contains Phoeni- Portuguese historian, first formulated the the-
cian grammatical constructions that were un- sis in 1924. He contended that the surviving
known in 1872. Other equally qualified spe- Portuguese chronicles about overseas explo-
cialists in semitic languages disagree with his rations show definite signs of truncation and
conclusions and continue to declare the censorship.
Paraiba Stone to be a hoax. That judgment is If one is inclined to believe Cortesao, quite a
the opinion of archaeologists and prehistorians lot of information was suppressed, including a
in general. Portuguese discovery of America prior to
1448. Jaime Cortesao was not alone in his sup-
port for the existence of a policy of secrecy. In
Portugal the thesis has become a historical or-
Historical Fallacies thodoxy and a pillar of national pride. School
textbooks at all levels teach it as fact. Lisbon’s
1. Portuguese Policy of Secrecy or Silence. This city government has even decorated its
controversial historical thesis, formulated in Avenida de Liberdade with a mosaic inscrip-
the first quarter of the 20th century by various tion which reads “Descoberta da America 1472
historians, primarily Portuguese, states that Joao Vaz Corte-Real Descobridor da America.”
Portugal made many voyages and discoveries Outside of Portugal, historians, including
in the Atlantic Ocean, including the discovery Samuel Eliot Morison, generally reject Corte-
of the Americas sometime before 1492, but sao’s thesis of a policy of secrecy and its vari-
chose to keep those discoveries secret. ous claims of monumental but previously un-
Before the 19th century, the historical credited Portuguese achievements during the
record contains many gaps and breaks. This 15th century. Dissent exists even in the Por-
condition certainly applies to the surviving tuguese historical community where the re-
records from the Great Age of Discovery. None spected historian Duarte Liete attacked Corte-
of the original logs for Christopher Columbus’s sao’s theory as early as 1936. But in spite of all
four voyages survived, although a partial tran- the controversy, the thesis of a Portuguese pol-
script exists for the first voyage. John Cabot’s icy of secrecy still possesses enthusiastic sup-
voyages to North America in 1497 are practi- porters, and so continues to attract equally de-
cally without any contemporary documenta- termined opponents.
tion and the same situation applies to Bar- The basic complaint of skeptical historians
tolomeu Dias’s discovery in 1487 of the Cape concerning the policy of secrecy is the almost
of Good Hope. Such losses of primary sources complete absence of solid evidence for its exis-
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 577

tence. Historians admit that monarchs and suppression of information about various dis-
countries throughout history have attempted coveries, most notably a pre-Columbian dis-
to protect their overseas commerce by main- covery of America, has found little support
taining secrecy about the how and the where among historians.
of their sources. But ultimately these efforts 2. White God Legends. This group of Native
have failed. Supporters of the policy of secrecy American myths purportedly describes vague
reply that the lack of evidence is in itself evi- memories of pre-Columbian visitors from the
dence of the existence of a policy of secrecy Old World. Most of these legends supposedly
that was extremely effective. Of course, their relate to peoples from the ancient Mediter-
opponents, particularly Samuel Eliot Morison, ranean or Western European cultures. Some
find such an argument both circular and adherents of pre-Columbian contacts between
ridiculous. Ultimately Morison feels that Corte- the Old World and the Americas claim that
sao’s thesis requires the Portuguese to main- these same legends actually refer to visitors
tain their secrets apparently for the sake of se- from Africa or China, which would more accu-
crecy alone and often against their own best rately make them yellow or black god legends.
interests. He rightly argues that the Portuguese The Native American gods commonly iden-
government’s pursuit of a policy of secrecy tified as white gods are Quetzalcoatl, Kukul-
needs to make sense and be of benefit to the can, Itzamna, Votan, Viracocha, and Sume. Ac-
national interests. If Portugal already knew cording to various popular writers, all of these
about the Americas before 1492, why did Joao deities were bearded, white-skinned, departed
II abdicate virtually all of that new land to from the Americas with a promise to return,
Spain in the Treaty of Tordesillas? and established civilization and higher hu-
Another argument repeatedly brought to manitarian values during the time they ruled
bear against the existence of such a policy of over the various indigenous tribes and king-
secrecy is the well-documented and sustained doms. It is claimed that these legends of white
participation of a substantial number of for- gods are almost universal among the aborigi-
eigners in Portugal’s overseas explorations. nal peoples of both North and South America.
Martin Behaim of Germany and Christopher These legends supposedly aided the Spanish
Columbus of Genoa are simply the best known conquest of the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayas,
of a host of foreigners who served in Portugal’s the Chibchas, and various other peoples since
overseas ventures. With so many foreigners in- they mistakenly took the Spanish conquista-
volved in Portugal’s overseas enterprises, it dors to be their returning white gods.
would have been impossible to keep important Although there were many supposed white
discoveries a secret. Details of Portugal’s jeal- gods among the various groups of Native
ously guarded African trade leaked out with Americans, there are even more candidates to
amazing rapidity. Furthermore, little attempt serve as the inspiration for the white god leg-
was made to keep secret Bartolomeu Dias’s ends among the supposed pre-Columbian visi-
discovery of the Cape of Good Hope in 1487 tors to the Americas. The list includes St.
or Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India in 1497. Thomas, St. Brendan, Prince Madoc of Wales,
Why did the Portuguese let these important and even Jesus Christ.
discoveries become public knowledge if they The problem with all of these theories is
had such an effective policy of secrecy? Not that they are not based on original and au-
surprisingly, outside of Portugal, the thesis of thentic Native American legends. Most of the
the policy of secrecy and its accompanying so-called white gods are actually humans who
578 | p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a

filled the role of being culture-heroes. Like American myths simply makes the white god
the Greek culture-hero Prometheus who legends seem less and less credible.
brought civilizing fire to humanity, the Native
American culture heroes brought the benefits
of agriculture, writing, the calendar, and true
religion to their peoples. Generally these gods Why Pseudohistory?
are described as bearded but that is no proof
of their being white. Native Americans can Why do people continue to believe in dubious
sometimes grow beards, and these beards, such theories about pre-Columbian contacts be-
as the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II’s, were ob- tween the Old World and the Americas? One
served by the Spanish. The problem is that reason is that it is a common characteristic of
many versions of these legends have been con- human nature to have a fascination with the
taminated with post-Columbian additions by strange and fantastic and these theories are,
the Spanish. The whiteness of these white gods for the most part, very strange and utterly fan-
is not mentioned in the most authentic ver- tastic. They also claim to be based on lost or
sions of the culture-hero legends. Quetzalcoatl even suppressed knowledge which provides
is actually described as having a black or a yet a further source of fascination. There are
black and yellow striped face. It also appears hints and even outright claims of some sort of
that the white god’s departure from and prom- conspiracy to suppress such knowledge. Ulti-
ise to return to the Americas are usually post- mately pre-Columbian contact theorists and
Columbian additions. In the case of Quetzal- their adherents can believe that they are em-
coatl, some historians, such as Nigel Davies, battled intellectual heroes. Since it is difficult,
think that the belief that Hernán Cortés was if not impossible, to disprove a secret conspir-
the returned Quetzalcoatl was a delusion con- acy (it is, in essence, a nonfalsifiable claim),
cocted by the nervous Aztec emperor Mocte- adherents are fairly safe in their belief.
zuma II. There was no general belief among Sadly, there is also an element of racism in-
the Aztecs that Quetzalcoatl would return. herent in many of the theories of pre-
David Carrasco, a historian of religion, dis- Columbian contact. The 19th-century support-
agrees and instead claims that during its final ers of the theory of a lost white race of
years the Aztec empire lived in dread anticipa- moundbuilders were basically denying that the
tion of Quetzalcoatl’s return. But in the case of Native Americans possessed the ability to cre-
the other Native American gods—Votan, Vira- ate a higher civilization. But any modern the-
cocha, and Sume—the legend of the white gods ory that attributes the fundamental develop-
was a Spanish fraud. ment of higher civilization in the Americas to
Other problems with linking white god leg- visiting Egyptians, Hebrews, Phoenicians, Ro-
ends to historic persons or peoples are chrono- mans, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, or some
logical. Quetzalcoatl lived sometime during other ancient Old World peoples is also un-
the years 900–1100 ce, which eliminates most fairly downplaying the manifest creativity and
of the supposed ancient pre-Columbian visi- intelligence of the Native Americans. Such
tors, including Jesus Christ, as candidates for theories ignore a substantial archaeological
inspiring his legend. Furthermore, the white record which fully documents the achieve-
god legends, like most tales of pre-Columbian ments of the Native Americans. Too many the-
visitors to the Americas, lack a convincing orists of pre-Columbian contacts have their
foundation in the archaeological and docu- own racial or ethnic agenda which ignores the
mentary evidence. Close study of the Native legitimate achievements of the pre-Columbian
p s e u d o a r c h a e o l o g y : p r e c o l u m b i a n d i s c o v e r e r s o f a m e r i c a | 579

Native Americans and is insensitive to the feel- rise of higher civilization in the Americas.
ings of their descendants. Publication of two additional books is ex-
In spite of their logical and scholarly prob- pected at any time. Ivan Van Sertima, the au-
lems, theories about pre-Columbian contacts thor of They Came before Columbus: The
between the Americas and the Old World con- African Presence in Ancient America (Random
tinue to thrive, while books supporting those House, 1977), is supposed to be close to pub-
theories are steadily proliferating. Sloppy and lishing African Voyages before Columbus. Even
inappropriate methodologies and inadequate more imminent is Jim Bailey’s Sailing to Par-
or non-existent evidence have never stood in adise: The Discovery of America in 5,000 B.C.
the way of the concoction or the survival of (Simon & Schuster, forthcoming) which ap-
the most preposterous theories about pre- pears to extend the theories he first put for-
Columbian contacts. Just in the past few years ward in The God-Kings and the Titans: The
several new books concerning this realm of New World Ascendancy in Ancient Times (St.
pseudohistory have appeared or are scheduled Martin’s, 1973). But in spite of all the hype,
to appear. In 1992 two books appeared which these books are all plowing or will be plowing
surveyed the whole gamut of theories about the same old, tired, and infertile fields of evi-
pre-Columbian contacts: Patrick Huyghe, dence. It is truly a never ending story.
Columbus was Last: From 200,000 B.C. to
1492, A Heretical History of Who Was First References:
(Hyperion), and Gunnar Thompson, American
Nigel Davies, Voyagers to the New World (1979).
Discovery: The Real Story (Misty Isles Press).
Kenneth L. Feder, Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries:
Apparently the various theories of pre-
Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology (1990).
Columbian contacts can mutually coexist in
Ronald Fritze, Legend and Lore of the Americas be-
relative peace with each other, at least in the
fore 1492. (1993).
pages of these two tomes. Meanwhile in the Robert Wauchope, Lost Tribes and Sunken Conti-
same year R. J. Jairazbhoy published Rameses nents: Myth and Method in the Study of American
III: Father of Ancient America (Karnak House) Indians (1962).
which continues his earlier efforts to establish Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild
the role of travellers from ancient Egypt in the Side of North American Prehistory (1991).
Pseudoscience and the Paranormal

am in a very peculiar business. I appear what you did; thank you so much for com-

I on stages around the world as a conjurer.

The American term for it is magician. It’s
not a good expression because if you look in
ing.” And you say, “Well, it’s great to be here.
I’m happy that you were pleased with it.”
Then they say, “You know, the business with
the dictionary the strict definition of a magi- the bottles that multiplied. Obviously, that’s a
cian is one who uses magic. And magic, at trick. And the one where you did the thing
least by the definition I prefer from a leading with the rings and the ropes. That’s a trick
dictionary, is the attempt to control nature by too. But the one where you told the lady what
means of spells and incantations. Now, ladies word she’d chosen out of the newspaper—that,
and gentlemen, in my time, as you might of course, can’t be a trick.” I’d say, “Yes, that’s
have guessed, I have tried spells and incanta- a trick, too, but it’s disguised as a miracle of a
tions. No good. You can spell and incant all semi-religious nature.” And they wink at you
you want; the lady will still be on the couch, and they say, “Sure.” Then they walk away
waiting patiently to float into the air, or will and tell their friends afterwards, “Well, he
be imprisoned in the box with the saw blade won’t admit it, but we all know.”
descending upon her unprotected midriff, There is a hunger, a very strong hunger,
and in some danger of being severely within us all to believe there is something
scratched, if not worse! Spells and incanta- more than what the laws of nature permit. I’m
tions don’t work. You have to use skuldug- not just saying audiences that watch the magi-
gery. And let me make it very clear what the cian. I mean within us all. We’d like to have a
magical trade—the conjuring trade—is with a certain amount of fantasy in our lives, but it’s
precise definition. It is the approximation of a very dangerous sort of temptation to imme-
the effect of a true magician using means of diately assume that it must be supernatural or
subterfuge and trickery. occult or paranormal if we don’t have an ex-
The magician, in the American usage, is an planation for it. I can tell you that in my life
actor playing the part of a wizard. We are en- I’ve spent a great deal of time investigating
tertainers. I don’t think that there are many and observing and carefully noting and mak-
folks—but there are some out there by David ing use of psychology. I am not a psychologist;
Copperfield’s own admission to me—who still I have no academic credentials whatsoever, so
believe that they really can do the things they I come to you today absolutely unencumbered
purport to do. After a magical performance by any responsibilities of that nature. There is
we’ve all undergone the same experience, all no dean who will call me on the carpet tomor-
of us in the trade; you get people coming to row morning and say, “You shouldn’t have
you afterwards and saying: “I really enjoyed said that.” You see, I’m in the business of giv-

p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 581

ing opinions from an uninformed point of his skin? I’m going to postulate—just an idea—
view, except from the point of view of a skepti- that perhaps there is a secret chemical that has
cal person who knows how people’s minds been genetically engineered which is on the
work and often don’t work. surface of that paper so that when the Ph.D.
Historians of science have calculated that at candidate receives that roll of paper this
the current rate of scientific growth, in a cer- chemical is absorbed by the skin, goes into the
tain number of years scientists will consist of bloodstream and is conducted directly to the
every human being on earth, as well as all the brain. This is a very carefully engineered
animals—the donkeys, the burros, the whole chemical which goes directly—please don’t
thing. Well, my friend David Alexander re- laugh; this is science—goes directly to the
marked to me, in a cruel aside, that even today speech center of the brain and paralyzes the
certain parts of certain horses have become brain in such a way that two sentences from
scientists. And that is quite true; I have met then on, in any given language, are no longer
many of them and though they have Ph.D.s, possible to be pronounced by that person.
you’d hardly know it. I’ve just come back from Those two sentences are “I don’t know” and “I
a project that’s ongoing at the moment and was wrong.”
I’ve seen that principle at work. I must share I honestly don’t know about that; however,
with you another thing in passing. I have a my observations of the situation are that I have
theory; this is only a theory, and it is at present never heard any Ph.D. utter either one of
unproven. But observations so far tend to sup- those sentences. I have never heard them say,
port its possible validity, with my advance “I’d like to marry a lobster” either, but that
apologies to Ph.D.s in the room. I have a the- doesn’t mean they can’t say it. But those two
ory about Ph.D.s and the granting of the de- sentences never seem to pass their lips.
gree itself. I am outside the field, not an aca- I am being exceedingly facetious, of course.
demic, so as a curious observer I have many I have every respect not only for science, but
times seen films of, and in a couple of cases ac- for those who pursue the various disciplines of
tually attended, ceremonies where Ph.D.s are science. It takes a great deal of courage, appli-
created. They are created, you know. The cation, study, sacrifice, and in many cases,
Ph.D. itself is earned, of course, but then the some outrageous attacks on your integrity and
person who has passed all the tests and done your ability in order to maintain a point of
all the right things in the right way and has view in science which may or may not be pop-
been approved doesn’t become a Ph.D. until ular. I have been with many prominent scien-
one significant moment where a roll of paper, tists who have, from time to time, had to stick
usually with a red or a blue ribbon around it, their professional necks out, and sometimes
is pressed into his or her hand. At that mo- their necks get pretty badly beaten up in the
ment that person becomes a very special class process. It’s not an easy thing to speak against
of being known as Ph.D. what is generally accepted.
Now, I have noted at those ceremonies, and What then is generally accepted? I’m afraid,
perhaps you have observed it as well, that the due to the media impact on our civilization,
man who gives out those rolls of paper wears that a great number of things are easily swal-
gloves. Why? Why would he want to wear lowed because they are repeated so often.
gloves? Is the paper dirty? I don’t think so. Is They are endlessly presented to the public,
there something about that roll of paper, or and eventually make their way to the aca-
perhaps the ribbon, that he doesn’t want to demic community as well. Any number of
contaminate him, and he doesn’t want to touch times I have spoken to scientists who, when I
582 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l

ask them a critical question about some belief stop for itinerant magicians, conjurers, moun-
in some sort of parapsychological, supernatu- tebanks—various characters of ill repute who
ral or occult claim, have said, “You know, I would come by to visit for a while. One time I
hear a good deal about it and Professor so- came home after a couple of days away, very
and-so did make a statement about it. Perhaps, tired, and came in on my foster son, Alexis,
Professor so-and-so, based upon the small who was in the kitchen helping a couple of
amount of data which he has presently gath- magicians drink up the beer. I walked in and
ered, compared to what should be gathered, in said, “Guys, I’m very, very tired; I’m going to
order to establish a satisfactory statistical pic- bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
ture, an amount of data on which conclusions I guess they carried on until late that night.
could be drawn by one of the various statistical I fell asleep, woke up the next morning, came
pictures available to him, has come upon con- staggering into the kitchen in time to see them
clusions that are prematurely expressed. eating up more of my groceries in the form of
Therefore, furthermore, and moreover, on fur- breakfast at this time. I sat down, got a half
ther examination. . . .” That’s the academic’s cup of coffee into me and straightened up the
reply. When they ask me, I simply say, “In my table. Alexis looked at me and said, “What’s
layman’s non-academic opinion, I think that with you?” I said, “I think last night I might
Professor so-and-so is not rowing with both have actually had a classic example of the
oars in the water.” It’s simple, direct, and an O.B.E.” That’s the out-of-body experience. It
honest expression of my opinion. means that somehow you find yourself out of
I am presently faced with a situation, again your body and looking down on it or from a
unnamed, where I am going to have to show a distance. Alexis looked at me and said, “Sure.
number of dedicated, honest, hard-working You?” I said, “Yes, I have to be honest. It
people that they have made a colossal error of appears to me as if I did undergo such an ex-
judgment. I have to do this in a resounding perience.”
manner, simply because to not do so could re- “OK, give us a description,” they replied.
sult in a great deal of personal damage, grief, The two magicians at the table leaned closer
and considerable heartbreak and discomfort to over their bacon and eggs and wanted to hear
a great number of people who are already la- what I had to say. “Well, I remember waking
boring under certain disadvantages and bur- up in the middle of the night—I couldn’t get to
dens that they did not bring upon themselves. sleep at first because I was so tired, so I turned
I hate to be so mysterious about it, but it is an on the television. The program went on and on
ongoing work of investigation. I am not often and I eventually fell asleep. I remember wak-
involved in that serious a situation. Usually my ing up in the middle of the night, and I felt
circumstances are more open—I am looking that I was spread-eagled against the ceiling of
into an astrologer’s claims or into some sort of my bedroom, looking down at the bed. Alice,
pseudoscientific thing. But I always have to re- my black cat, was curled up in a ball in the ex-
member an experience that occurred to me. act center of the bed so that I had to be way
It is easy, when faced with an apparently su- over to one side. And I was, of course, trying
pernatural phenomenon, to say “I guess it’s a not to disturb the cat! As I was up against the
ghost” or “It must be paranormal,” or “It ceiling I noticed that the room was lit in sort of
could be poltergeists,” and we walk away from a grayish light. I looked down toward the tele-
it because we can’t or won’t look a little fur- vision set and saw nothing but static on the
ther into it. Some years ago, when I lived in screen and heard nothing but white noise.
New Jersey my house was a sort of a wayside What I saw was startling. I saw myself, in bed,
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 583

scrunched over to one side, a chartreuse bed- don’t have some convincing evidence to the
spread on it, with Alice the cat in the middle. I contrary, what’s to stop them from saying, “I’m
noted that as she opened her eyes they were absolutely certain I’ve had an out-of-body ex-
green. It almost looked like two holes punched perience?” There is no other explanation for it
through her head. She looked at me and went, except the possible and rather parsimonious
‘hmmph’ and went right back to sleep.” conclusion that they were either dreaming or
Now that was a very strong experience for had a hallucination. It might have been a bad
me. I really believed, from the evidence pre- pork chop, for all we know. Please consider
sented to me, that I had an out-of-body experi- that carefully, and don’t forget it, because it’s a
ence that matches the description that we’ve good example of how even the arch-skeptic
all heard about so many times. But, fortunately could possibly have been taken in.
for me, I’m not really dead-set against having I have had a number of small experiences
my belief structure disturbed or having new like that, including the déjà-vu type experi-
facts come in that would disturb my previous ences that so many people have had. (I love
convictions. And, fortunately, I am able to tell the line from the fellow who says, “I keep hav-
you what actually happened. Alexis looked at ing the same déjà-vu, over and over again.”)
me and said, “I’ve got two things to show you.” But I have resisted the temptation to merely
He went to the foot of the stairs and came up say, “Well, at last I’ve got proof of it.” I’m
with a big, transparent laundry bag. He had highly skeptical, but what is that skepticism
taken it half way down to the laundry room. based on? If you’re skeptical as well, have you
He brought it all the way up the stairs, and in- asked yourself, “Upon what do I base my skep-
side noted sheets, pillowcases, and the char- ticism?” Are you just plain ornery? Do you just
treuse bedspread. He said, “That’s been there not want to go along with the status quo? Do
since yesterday.” The bedspread hadn’t been you know some people who believe in it who
on the bed last night! I dashed to the bedroom are really pretty dense and you don’t want to
door, looked in, and the spread I used when join their group?
the other one was in the laundry lay on the You must have a reason, I think, for your-
bed. They looked nothing alike. Alexis then self and for others as to why you are skeptical.
called my attention to the patio, noting that he These things are not likely to be true; there-
had put Alice outside yesterday afternoon be- fore, you need proof of them. We’re not re-
cause one of the magician guests was highly al- quired to prove a negative; we can’t do that. I
lergic to cats. She had remained outside, very can’t prove telepathy doesn’t exist. I remem-
unhappily, through the night and into this ber getting a question years ago. A lady stood
morning. She could not have been curled up up in the audience and said, “Can you prove
in the middle of the bed last night. to me that ESP doesn’t exist?” I said, “No, I
It was a dream—a hallucination, if you will. I can’t.” She sat down with her arms folded and
had two very good pieces of evidence that it replied “Ah ha.” That was a victory for her. I
could not have happened. That’s important in went on to explain that I can’t prove a nega-
that if I did not have one or both of those tive. My question is, “Do you believe in it?”
pieces of evidence, I would now have to say to She said, “Absolutely.” I asked if she could
you that, to the best of my knowledge, I had an prove that it is so. She said, “Well, I’m quite
out-of-body experience. But, all the other out- convinced of it.”
of-body experiences we hear of, we have to “That’s not my question,” I responded. “Can
wonder. Those folks are not quite as skeptical you prove that it is so? You’re the one making
about the subject as I am, in most cases. If they the claim.” We skeptics, as Michael Shermer
584 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l

clearly pointed out, are not in the business of reindeer, though I’m not an expert on it. But
debunking. If I were in the business of de- based upon previous accounts of what rein-
bunking, and I’ve often had that label pinned deer can and cannot do, I think we are going
on me and I’ve always resented it and denied to end up with a pile of very unhappy and bro-
it—it means I would go into an investigation ken reindeer at the foot of the Empire State
convinced that “this ain’t so and I’m going to Building. And probably a couple of policemen
show you that it isn’t.” I’m not a lawyer; I will be standing by a squad car saying, “I don’t
don’t have an advocacy position to take. I go know, but here comes another one.”
into a situation as an investigator. To be per- What have we proven with this experiment?
fectly fair, I can’t prove a negative, but I go Have we proven that reindeer cannot fly? No,
into this thing prepared to be shown. Am I of course not. We have only shown that on this
prejudiced against it? Oh, yes! I have to admit occasion, under these conditions of atmo-
that. But if you’ve been sitting by a chimney spheric pressure, temperature, radiation, at
for 63 years on the evening of December 24 this position geographically, at this season, that
and a fat man in a red suit has never bounced these 1000 reindeer either could not or chose
down that chimney, you can say, “One hun- not to fly. (If the second is the case, then we
dred percent of my evidence shows me that certainly know something of the intelligence
this claim is not necessarily so. I cannot prove of the average reindeer.) However, we have
that it isn’t, but it’s not very likely to be true, not, and can not, prove the negative that rein-
based on what we know.” deer cannot fly, technically, rationally, and
The Santa Claus example may seem trivial philosophically speaking. People will often
and a little inappropriate, but it is actually a look at this example and say, “Well, how many
good metaphor for so many paranormal and reindeer would you have to test?” I’m not go-
pseudoscientific claims. Another is flying rein- ing to get into the statistics of the argument; I
deer. This one we can actually test. (Please will only tell you that you cannot prove a neg-
don’t tell the SPCA about this.) I don’t really ative. The other folks who claim that some-
want to do the experiment, but let’s walk thing is so are required to prove it. It is what
through it as if I were doing it. It’s a thought we call the burden of proof. In this case, if it’s
experiment. Let’s select, by some randomizing so it’s very easy to prove. Just show me one fly-
process, a thousand reindeer. We’ll number ing reindeer. Then they rationalize, saying,
them and get them all together in a reindeer “Oh, no. It’s only the eight tiny reindeer that
truck (I don’t know what you put reindeer in) live at the North Pole who can, and will, on
and take them to the top of the Empire State the evening of December 24, fly to do that spe-
Building in New York. We are going to test cific job.” In that case you have to throw up
whether or not reindeer can fly. You have your your hands and say, “Well, I don’t think your
reindeer all lined up, a video-camera operator hypothesis is very testable.” Don’t spin your
standing by, lots of pads of paper and pens at wheels!
work. The time is now ten past ten in the Thought experiments like this one only go
morning. OK, first experiment. Number one so far. As an example of a real experiment test-
reindeer, please, up to the edge. Camera go- ing unusual claims, I just came back from
ing? Good. Push. Uhh, write down “no.” Really Hungary where I was invited to Budapest by
NO! Number two. Push. I don’t know what the the Academy of Sciences. They are very con-
result of the experiment will be; I suspect cerned about the fact that now that many of
strongly what it will be, based upon my meagre these countries are freed from the burdensome
knowledge of the aerodynamics of the average and onerous yoke of Communism and have
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 585

the freedom to receive all kinds of scientific ladies.” He said that the following day, after
information in the form of journals and lec- the press conference, they were scheduled to
tures, nonsense comes in as well. The as- arrive. I could hardly wait.
trologers, the faith healers, the ESP artists, the One of the parapsychologists had suggested
people with the pendulums, the water that he could bring me some instrumentation
dowsers—they’re lined up and pouring across for detection of their magnetism. He promised
the border because they see a new market. that we’d take the two ladies down to the labo-
The scientists of Hungary were concerned ratory (hand in hand, clinging to one another,
about this. A well-known member of parlia- no doubt). I declined to go to the laboratory
ment who is also a well-respected brain scien- because the laymen reading the report in the
tist of international repute said to me, “Mr. newspaper wouldn’t understand “laboratory.”
Randi, have you seen any of the publicity on What are you going to do? Put a cyclotron on
the magnetic ladies?” I had. her ear? No. I equipped myself with a scien-
In case you’re not familiar with the mag- tific device and I went along. The device was
netic ladies of Hungary, I will relieve you of called a compass. It’s a scientific instrument
that ignorance immediately. You may have and an easy way to perform the test. If a
seen a picture that made all the wire services woman is magnetic, the compass is going to
in this country last year, of the magnetic man point right at her. The two ladies showed up. I
from (then) Leningrad. There was a picture of told my friend in advance that he must under-
a middle-aged man standing like this, naked stand that the claim is one thing; the event it-
from the belt up, with a flatiron stuck here, a self will often be something totally different. It
hammer there, nails, razor blades—all kinds of won’t be half as entertaining or amusing, or
metal clinging to his body. The caption said true, as the actual demonstration.
that he attracted these things. They just One lady literally did this: she took her
jumped, willy nilly, onto his body. He was wristwatch off her wrist and did this. [Randi
somehow magnetic. I’ll bet his wristwatch was put his watch on his forehead and it stays
a mess! Don’t bring him near your computers! there without falling.] “How do you explain
I can just imagine him going through a steel that?” she said. I looked at both ladies, who
door. Bam! Right into it! were wearing very greasy, high gloss makeup.
Well, I took that with the proverbial grain of It was obviously sticky, mixed with a little per-
salt about the size of a basketball, and just put spiration. She said, “We have no explanation
it in the scrapbook and forgot about it. But the for it.” I said I didn’t find it terribly difficult to
professor asked me about the magnetic ladies explain.
of Hungary, and he said, “Their reputation is The second lady had an even better demon-
such that objects, not necessarily metallic ones, stration. She took a small ceramic saucer from
cling to their bodies with such tenacity that a her purse, stuck it on her forehead, where it
strong man cannot tear them loose.” Now, wait remained. “And how do you explain that?” she
a minute! Suppose you have some instant glue, parroted the other woman. I pulled it off her
and we take a tennis ball and stick it on the forehead, and stuck it on the foreheads of the
lady’s neck, on the side. If a strong man can’t first four people standing on my right. It stuck
tear it off, he’s going to tear her skin off—or very effectively to the foreheads of all of them!
her head! Something has to give! My scientist Then we tested under controlled conditions.
friend and sponsor of this trip looked at me (By the way, the compass test failed miserably;
and said, “How can they make claims like it pointed to North, obstinately refusing to
this?” I said, “Well, show me the magnetic point at them.) I asked for soap and water and,
586 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l

through the interpreter, asked the first lady if I safe that was not touched by this gentleman
could wash her forehead to remove the until after the episode had taken place. It was
makeup and any perspiration that might be allegedly torn open at that time and it con-
there. She informed me that if she washed her tained the prediction.
forehead it wouldn’t work because water is ab- To explain this phenomenon I will take you
sorbed into the skin and water and electricity, into a different world, for just a moment, so
or magnetism, don’t mix. She denied that that you will understand something. Magicians
would be a satisfactory test, as did the second know how this young man could very easily
lady, and they left. “You’ve learned your first have done this trick. I won’t go into all the de-
lesson in the scientific investigation of unusual tails; you can imagine some of them yourself.
claims,” I told the Professor. “Don’t start to But the effect is exactly as described—a sealed
give theories on how it might work until signed envelope, put into a safe, later carefully
you’ve seen whether it meets the claims of the opened. Inside you either find a tape cassette
newspaper account, or is really something or a sealed letter with all kinds of security on
much less impressive.” it, signed, maybe genuinely notarized, as of the
To be fair to these women, I can see how day before. It contains the prediction. A mira-
that account might have ended up in a news- cle of a semi-religious nature? No, it’s a trick.
paper. I’m sure those ladies didn’t say to the It can be done by any good magician.
newspaper reporters, “A strong man can’t pull Now, let us return to article in the Daily
it away from me.” But a reporter is a human News, first edition. It came out in the after-
being and maybe his story doesn’t look all that noon. It had the story on page 3, and a box in
great when he writes that things cling to their the middle of it describing the mechanics of
bodies. Then perhaps he thinks: “Um, how how it had been locked up in a safe and it had
about ‘with such tenacity that a strong man a final paragraph which quoted the student at
can’t pull them loose’”? Now, he has a story! Duke University who made the prediction with
What I’m saying is that the media are as much this disclaimer: “It’s all part of the publicity for
to blame for the spread of nonsense and pseu- my magic show, which is happening tomorrow
doscience as the claimants themselves. For ex- night. Don’t take it seriously.” The second and
ample, a few years ago the New York Daily third editions of the Daily News had every-
News, on page three where they put the thing except that one sentence.
“heavy news” and sensational stuff, an- Another example of how the media distorts
nounced that a student at Duke University had claims comes from a young fellow who lived a
successfully in great detail described not only few doors down from me when I was living in
an aircraft accident 24 hours in advance of the Rumson, New Jersey. He was one of the local
event, he even gave the number of people who characters who did adventurous things like go-
would be killed. He was short by only two. He ing out on rafts and sailboats. I thought he was
even described the location of the crash in the a nice kid. One day on the front page of the
Canary Islands. That was picked up by news New York Times there was a little box showing
services and was featured on television pro- a map of the Bermuda Triangle with a Maltese
grams; it was on every newscast for quite some Cross on it. The headline read: “Rumson boy
time. It was received by the press as a genuine lost at sea in Bermuda Triangle.” I read the
example of prophecy, and the director of the short article, continued on another page,
program in which this was involved at Duke which said he had taken off in his one-man
University actually made a statement that he sailboat, sailed into the Triangle carrying a ra-
had a sealed envelope 24 hours before in his dio transmitter, and hadn’t been heard from
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 587

since. The Coast Guard was searching for him. ming. I’m going to tell you exactly what he
No sooner had I finished reading this and had said and see if your reaction is the same as
called some friends in New York to tell them mine. I recorded it on tape so I know exactly
about it, I went out to pick up the mail and to the words he said; this is not a case of interpre-
my shock there was this kid waving hello to tation or faulty recollection. He said, in speak-
me. He was perfectly all right! I said to him, ing to the audience:
“You’re in the Times this morning.” He said,
“Yeah, they picked me up late last night and There was a time, years ago, when I was
they brought me in. They want me to be ob- highly skeptical of any paranormal claims of
served in the hospital, but I feel perfectly all any kind. One of the things that convinced me
right. We had a bit of a storm; I lost the radio that there must be something to this is a
overboard and they finally picked me up very, strange experience that I personally went
very early, around 2:30 this morning and they through. It was wartime. I was at Berkeley,
flew me in.” California, and everybody was working over-
Though the first story made a big splash, the time. We worked until very late hours of the
followup never appeared in the New York night and the young lady who was my assistant
Times or any other paper of which I know. It’s at the time worked with me until very late this
still part of the mythology about the Bermuda one night. She finally went home; I went
Triangle. So far as we know, from reading ac- home. Then the very next day she came in, all
counts that were published in newspapers, that excited. She reported this event. It was
kid is still someplace out in a sailboat in the wartime; they did work overtime. They often
Bermuda Triangle or perhaps taken off to were very, very tired when they went home. It
Mars. You’ve got to learn that newspaper edi- was understandable they would fall into a
tors and reporters are subject to the same deep sleep and get as much sleep as they pos-
kinds of pressures that we all are. We all want sibly could during the night. She reported that
something successful. Often the choice is be- during this night she had suddenly sat bolt up-
tween a story and a non-story. We have to real- right in her bed, convinced that something
ize that we cannot depend on the media to al- terrible had happened. “I had a terrible sense
ways represent the facts as they actually are. of foreboding,” she said, but she did not know
That’s not a great deal of news to you, but you what had happened. “I immediately swung
must bear it in mind at all times. Be careful out of bed and went over to the window and
about accepting what appears in print; don’t looked outside to see if I could see anything
let them say to you, “They put it in the paper; that might have happened like an accident. I
it must be so,” or “Someone wrote a book on was just turning away from the window and
it. It must be so.” suddenly the window shook violently. I
Furthermore, books are often published couldn’t understand that. I went back to bed,
which, before they actually reach the stands woke up the next morning and listened to the
and are on sale, have been completely refuted radio.” A munitions ship at Port Chicago had
because they are based on false information. exploded. It literally took Port Chicago off the
Do they immediately withdraw them? No. I’ll map. It levelled the entire town and over 300
give you a good example. There’s a book people were killed. Whether it was an accident
called Learning to Use Extrasensory Percep- or sabotage, no one ever found out. She said
tion. It’s published by Charles Tart, a respected she had sensed the moment when all these
psychologist at University of California, Davis. people were snuffed out in this mighty explo-
I heard Dr. Tart give a talk in Casper, Wyo- sion. How would she have suddenly become
588 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l

terrified, jumped out of bed, gone to the win- tion was more likely to be true. But it is so typ-
dow, and then—from 35 miles away, the shock ical of the field! Again, I’m involved in some
wave had reached Berkeley and shook the stuff that I can’t tell you about, and I apologize
window? for that, where I have a number of prominent
scientists who are absolutely ignoring, refusing
Indeed, she remembered looking at the to look at very good evidence in this case that
clock to see what time it was—right to the I’m investigating. They can come up with ra-
minute. Well, when I heard this, I said to my- tionalizations for it that you wouldn’t believe,
self, “There’s something wrong here.” I see a unless you’ve been through this process be-
couple of smiles around the audience; maybe fore. It is incredible how they can ignore good
you’ve spotted the same thing I did. I had a ge- evidence to show that there is a prosaic, ra-
ologist friend sitting three or four seats away; I tional, and very probable explanation for what
handed him a note. He winked, smiled, got up they are observing.
and left the room. He came back in, handed it I want to close this presentation with some
to me, and it just said on it, “8 seconds.” What parallel examples of scientific claims that
question did I ask him? [Answer from audi- turned out to be so much nonsense. Let’s go
ence: What is the difference in time of propa- back to 1903 in France. You may have heard
gation over a distance of 35 miles of a shock of this; if not it really is something you should
wave through the air, compared to a shock look up. A prominent scientist—a physicist
wave through the ground? The difference is 8 named Rene Blondlot—startled the world of
seconds.] So 8 seconds before that window science with his announcement of the discov-
shook, she had been startled by the room itself ery of N-rays. A very well respected man who
shaking, not by the airwave, but by the had won many prizes in science and justifiably
groundwave. My theory is this: the ground- so, he was doing experiments by today’s stan-
wave which shook the bed startled her, she dards that were very simple—such as finding
swung out of bed, went over to the window, the speed of electricity in a conductor. It
looked outside, didn’t see anything, went to sounds easy today, but in those days it was a
turn away from the window and suddenly the very sophisticated experiment and not all that
pane shook in front of her. easily done. Blondlot was in his 70s at the time
The next morning I went to Professor Tart when he discovered N-rays, named after the
where he was having breakfast by himself. I town of Nancy, where he was head of the De-
had known him through correspondence and partment of Physics at the University of Nancy.
phone conversations but had never met him What were N-rays? N-rays were allegedly
personally. I went over, introduced myself, sat radiation exhibiting impossible properties
down for a moment and gave him this bit of emitted by all substances with the exception of
theory. I said there would be 8 seconds differ- green wood (wood not dried out) and anes-
ence in the time. He didn’t look up from his thetized metal. (Metal that had been dipped in
scrambled eggs for the longest time. Finally, ether or chlorophorm did not give out N-rays!)
when he did, he smiled and said, “Mr. Randi, Within a matter of six to eight months of the
that may be the explanation that you prefer.” I announced discovery of N-rays, 30 papers had
think he had just decided that he wasn’t going come in from all over Europe confirming the
to entertain that idea very solidly. But I don’t existence of N-rays. Reports were published in
know that he ever made that statement subse- journals despite the fact that there were many
quent to that, so maybe he did come to the laboratories reporting failure after failure in
conclusion that what I offered as an explana- replicating the results. Such acceptance was
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 589

understandable considering that X-rays, which whole incident blew up. Papers were with-
also exhibited unsuspected properties, were by drawn, those that were in the mail were re-
then firmly established. tracted, and N-rays disappeared from the
What Blondlot had was a basic spectroscope scene.
with a prism (not glass, but aluminum) on the How did this happen? How did over 30 pa-
inside, and a thread. The narrow stream of pers get published? Not because the scientists
N-rays was refracted through the prism and who wrote the papers were stupid. Not be-
coming out produced a spectrum on a field. cause they were lying. But because they were
The N-rays were reported to be invisible, ex- deceiving themselves. Irving Klotz made this
cept when viewed when they hit a treated observation in Scientific American:
thread (for example, treated with calcium sul-
fide). They moved the thread across the gap According to Blondlot and his disciples, then, it
where the N-rays came through and when it was the sensitivity of the observer rather than
was illuminated that was reported as the detec- the validity of the phenomena that was called
tion of the N-rays. into question by criticisms such as Wood’s, a
Before long N-rays were established as fac- point of view that will not be unfamiliar to
tual. Nature magazine was skeptical of the those who have followed more recent contro-
N-rays since laboratories in England and Ger- versies concerning extrasensory perception.
many were unable to find them. (Germany had
just discovered X-rays the decade before and By 1905, when only French scientists re-
the French were annoyed that they didn’t have mained in the N-ray camp, the argument be-
a ray.) Nature sent an American physicist gan to acquire a somewhat chauvinistic aspect.
named Robert W. Wood from Johns Hopkins Some proponents of N-rays maintained that
University to investigate. Now, I’ve been ac- only the Latin races possessed the sensitivities
cused of skulduggery in my time, but what (intellectual as well as sensory) necessary to
Wood did was brilliant. When no one was look- detect manifestations of the rays. It was alleged
ing he removed the prism from the N-ray de- that Anglo-Saxon powers of perception were
tection device and put it in his pocket. Without dulled by continual exposure to fog and Teu-
the prism the machine could not possibly work tonic ones blunted by constant ingestion of
because it was dependent on the refraction of beer.
N-rays by the aluminum-treated prism. Yet, Yet science does not always learn from these
when the assistant conducted the next experi- mistakes. Visiting Nancy recently and speaking
ment he found N-rays! He swore they were on the subject of pseudoscience, I discussed
there. this example and though I was in the city that
When the experiment was over Wood knew gave the name to N-rays, no one in the audi-
it was really over. He was prepared to make his ence had ever heard of them, or of Blondlot,
report, and when he went to replace the prism not even the professors from the University of
back in the machine, one of the other assis- Nancy!
tants saw him do this and thought he was actu- Now let’s go to modern Germany, after the
ally removing it, and he decided to show Wood fall of Communism, and compare N-rays to
up. Thinking Wood had removed the prism the newly discovered “E-rays.” They are actu-
(when he had actually put it back), he set up ally called Erdestrallen, or “Earth-rays,” but
the experiment, could find no lines, and I’ve gotten the media all over the world to call
opened the box to show that the prism was not them E-rays, a sort of parallel to N-rays. E-rays
there and to his dismay, there it was! The are even sillier than the N-rays. What are
590 | p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l

they? First of all they cannot be detected by born in the nineteenth century, the brainchild
any known means, except by water dowsers. of one Samuel Hannaman. Medicine was in its
They cause cancer. They supposedly come infancy. Poor people could not afford doctors
from the center of the Earth. The West Ger- and recovered more often than the aristocracy
man government spent over 400,000 marks, or who received all sorts of substances, which of-
about $200,000, to pay dowsers to go around ten killed them. Samuel Hannaman gave sick
to hospitals that were federally funded and poor people water, which was suppose to con-
federal office buildings to move beds and tain a curative agent. Since these people did
desks that were in the way of these deadly not go to doctors, they tended to survive, and
E-rays. I offered to go over for nothing and this supported his belief in the curative power
conduct a very simple two-part test: 1. Can one of his special water.
dowser find the same spot twice? and 2. Can The first principle of homeopathy is that an
two dowsers find the same spot once? I told extract of some substance in water will help
them about this and their response was, “We cure you. The second principle is that an at-
don’t need to do the experiment because we tenuated or diluted solution will work even
know dowsing works. It’s been around since better. How diluted were these? If you take a
the Middle Ages and the historical tradition solution and dilute it with 10 parts of water for
validates its truthfulness.” every one part of itself, you’ve got what is
I challenge all the dowsers in a similar way. called a “one solution.” If you take one part of
Since 94 percent of the Earth’s surface has wa- that and put it in 10 parts of water, now one
ter within drillable distance my challenge is to part in 100, it’s called a “two solution.” If you
find a dry spot! They don’t want to do it. Why? have a “five solution,” you have one part in
Because they only have a six percent chance of 100,000. When you get to “Avogadro’s limit”
success. Dowsing is an idiomotor reaction that there is a chance of there being one molecule
is very deceptive. It is an unconscious motion in the solution. One more dilution and you
that you cannot detect and it looks for all the have one chance in 10 of there being one mol-
world like some mysterious force. ecule in the solution. Well, the homeopathy
In a similar fashion, a few years ago I was in people start off with a solution of 10 to the
France investigating the results of experiments power of 50 (a one followed by 50 zeros)!
done by Jacque Benveniste on water with Since there are 10 to the power of 23 stars in
memory. He managed to get his article pub- the known universe, that’s what I call dilute.
lished in Nature, who put a disclaimer in the But that’s nothing. They go all the way to 10 to
middle of the paper that perhaps “vigilant the power of 1500!!!
members of the scientific community with a That is so diluted that I could not conceive
flair for picking holes in other people’s work of what 10 to the 1500 really means, so I
may be able to suggest further tests of the va- called Martin Gardner and asked for an exam-
lidity of the conclusions.” Nature sent a team ple with which to illustrate it. He called me
of investigators over to his laboratory, of which back and said that an equivalent is to take one
I was a part. (The other two were John Mad- grain of rice, crush it up in a teaspoon and dis-
dox and Walter W. Stewart.) We showed that solve that powder in a sphere of water the size
there were serious problems with the protocol, of the solar system, then repeat that process
as well as the fudging of data. When controls two billion times!! (The technical problems of
were tightened, the experimenter could not mixing such a solution are obvious!)
replicate the results. The critical point of homeopathy—the point
Then there is the theory of homeopathy of all this diluting—is that every molecule of
p s e u d o s c i e n c e a n d t h e p a r a n o r m a l | 591

water that comes into contact with the home- lieving anyway. Here’s a typical response, this
opathy water retains the memory of that spe- from a letter written by Boaz Robinzon of the
cial water! Thus a little substance can go a Faculty of Agriculture: “I want you to know
long way. I have a simple question from a lay- that no matter what the Nature investigating
man’s perspective. Since water has been committee has written, I am still confident that
around for “billions and billions of years,” in the phenomenon observed is a real and repro-
this process it must have come into contact ducible one and it is only a matter of time un-
with every organic and inorganic molecule on til we shall be proven right.”
Earth. That being the case, why not just give That’s a classic example of someone who
the patient ordinary tap water? does not wish to face reality. I’ve been going
In fact, these homeopathic waters are so di- around the world telling people to get real for
luted that the homeopathy doctors and scien- years. That’s the peculiar business that I’m in. I
tists can’t even tell the difference between the shouldn’t have to be in that business but some-
water with iron and the water with gold. Come one has to do it. Will it ever end? Probably not,
on folks, let’s get real. There is no evidence but perhaps with the efforts of the skeptics and
that this stuff works, yet people go right on be- scientists we can “dilute” it a little!
Psi and Psi-Missing
T O D D C . R I N I O L O A N D
L O U I S A . S C H M I D T

hen investigating group results of perception (ESP), while “negativism” and

W extrasensory performance, most re-

searchers find chance results (Kurtz,
1985, 508–9). However, a discrepancy exists,
“hostility” in the testing environment should
result in psi-missing (Schmeidler, 1966, 396).
In support of the test conditions hypothesis,
as some parapsychologists consistently find parapsychologists have identified variables
results that statistically vary from chance. believed to influence psi performance:
Consistent variations above chance (i.e., ex-
trasensory perception) and below chance 1. Participants with a belief in ESP (sheep)
(i.e., psi-missing) are both interpreted as evi- score above chance while skeptical
dence of a psi mechanism (Rhine, 1952, 91; participants (goats) score below chance
Schmeidler, 1966, 387). Most skeptics believe (Broughton, 1991, 109; Schmeidler,
this discrepancy exists not because of ex- 1943, 212; 1966, 389).
trasensory influence, but because of poor 2. Subjects who interact with a “positive”
experimental controls and/or improper ran- (e.g., friendly and supportive)
domization (Marks, 1986, 121; Hyman, experimenter show ESP while subjects
1994, 19). Currently, there exists no scientifi- who interact with a “negative” (e.g.,
cally credible evidence that demonstrates a abrupt and unfriendly) experimenter
psi mechanism (Krauss, 1998, 51). show psi-missing (Honorton, Ramsey,
In contrast, many parapsychologists attrib- and Cabibbo, 1975, 137–8).
ute the discrepancy in extrasensory perfor- 3. Experimenter attitude towards psi is
mance not to methodological issues, but to believed to alter performance
differences in “test conditions.” Test condi- (Schmeidler, 1997, 83). For example, a
tions are hypothesized to influence the out- psi-positive researcher is more likely to
come of parapsychological studies (Bem and index ESP while a skeptical researcher
Honorton, 1994, 14–15; Schmeidler, 1966, increases the chances of psi-missing
387). Bem and Honorton (1994) suggest that (Rhine, 1952, 108).
“psi performances should covary with experi- 4. A reduction in sensory input facilitates
mental and subject variables in psychologi- ESP (Bem and Honorton, 1994, 5–6)
cally sensible ways” (15). For example, “good while distractions in the testing
rapport” and a confident attitude in the test- environment have been associated with
ing environment should facilitate extrasensory psi-missing (Sharp and Clark, 1937, 136).

p s i a n d p s i - m i s s i n g | 593

5. Implementing scientific controls or nism exists), a psi-hostile testing environment

subjecting psi phenomena to observation should elicit psi-missing. If psi-missing can be
is hypothesized to sometimes cause reliably demonstrated with proper research
“stage fright” that results in psi-missing controls (i.e., double blind) and randomization
(Rhine, 1952, 108). by skeptics, this would strengthen the test con-
6. Marks (1986, 120) reports that some ditions hypothesis and help to explain the con-
parapsychologists have theorized that the sistent failure of skeptics to replicate above
readership of the journal (if skeptical) chance psi findings. In contrast, results consis-
can alter psi performance through tent with chance would question the validity of
backward causality. Therefore, a psi- the research used to support the test condi-
positive readership should increase the tions hypothesis.
chances of ESP while a skeptical
readership should increase the chances
of psi-missing.
While this literature is consistent with the
theory that test conditions alter psi perfor- Experiment 1 Participants
mance in predictable ways, support for the test
conditions hypothesis is often speculative, can Our subject pool of 100 females (Mean 21.4
be questioned on methodological grounds, and years; Standard Deviation 6.87) and 52 males
has not met the scientific standard of inde- (M 21.5 years; SD 4.21) met the a priori crite-
pendent verification. ria to participate (i.e., goats) in this study from
Note that the mentioned literature implies introductory psychology courses at Adams
that skeptics are not the appropriate experi- State College (Alamosa, Colorado). An addi-
menters to test for above chance claims of psi tional 45 students participated, but were ex-
(e.g., ESP). One reviewer of Bem and Honor- cluded because they believed they possessed
ton (1994, 14) worried that this emphasis ESP.
upon test conditions provides “an escape Procedures. Prior to the experiment, a
clause.” In other words, if a skeptic were to brand new set of regular playing cards was
replicate a parapsychological study and find no purchased. The cards were divided into five
variation from chance, results could be dis- piles of 10 cards each with 5 red and 5 black
missed due to inappropriate test conditions. cards in each pile. The five piles each were
While this literature implies that skeptics are shuffled thoroughly by an independent “goat”
not the ideal researchers to test for ESP, it also blind to the study, and subsequently placed
suggests that skeptics are appropriate to elicit into five opaque envelopes.
psi-missing. Thus, one way for skeptics to em- Also prior to the experiment, participants
pirically evaluate the test conditions hypothe- were asked (on a handout) if they believed
sis is for skeptics to test for psi-missing. they personally possessed any psychic ability.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate if Participants circled “yes” or “no.” Only those
test conditions can elicit a reliable reduction who indicated no (i.e., the goats) were in-
from chance (i.e., psi-missing) on a card-guess- cluded in any subsequent data analysis. Partic-
ing task. The test conditions implemented in ipants were instructed they would be required
this study incorporate the above parapsycho- to carry out two simultaneous tasks to evaluate
logical literature. If test conditions do alter psi- ESP ability. First, participants would perform
results in predictable ways (and a psi mecha- a mental counting task (i.e., an environmental
594 | p s i a n d p s i - m i s s i n g

distraction). Second, participants would guess many people claiming Extra Sensory
the color of the card (red or black) selected by abilities have been tested, nobody has yet
the experimenter from a pile of 10 cards (5 red claimed the reward.
and 5 black cards). The card was selected as
the experimenter simultaneously read num- The experiment began immediately after
bers at a slow and steady pace and shuffled these statements were read. The process of
cards. As the experimenter read the last num- reading numbers, shuffling cards, and select-
ber, the top card was placed face down and the ing a card for each trial was repeated five times
experimenter stated “Please guess the correct during the experiment. Only five seconds were
card and total the numbers.” Participants were given between each trial. During the experi-
told this process would be repeated 5 times. ment, at no time did either the experimenter
The numbers used for the mental arithmetic or the participants know the color of the card
tasks were randomly generated in length from selected (i.e., a double-blind format). To en-
four to ten total numbers. The numbers sure that no inadvertent cues were transmitted
ranged from 1 to 10 (randomly determined). to the participants, the experimenter shuffled
Random generation was implemented so par- and selected the cards behind a podium. The
ticipants could not accurately anticipate when use of new cards and the practice of simulta-
the mental arithmetic task would end. A prac- neously reading the numbers for the counting
tice example (8 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 9 + 1 “Please tasks ensured that the experimenter was also
guess the correct card and total the numbers”) “blind.” After the five trials were completed,
was given. No card was drawn for the practice answer sheets were collected and the experi-
trial. menter recorded the correct answers for the
No attempt was made to create a “warm” five trials.
experimental environment and the experi- Data Analysis. In order to ensure that par-
menter behaved in a cold, formal, and imper- ticipants were attending to the counting task, it
sonal manner. The experimenter also did not was determined in advance that only those tri-
believe in psi. The following statements were als in which participants had accurately to-
read by the experimenter immediately before taled the counting tasks would be included for
testing: statistical analysis. The data sheets were
“blindly” tallied and loaded into a spread-
1. After tens of thousands of experiments, sheet. The statistical analysis was limited to
no one has been able to convincingly one a priori test in order to control for statisti-
demonstrate Extra Sensory Perception cal errors (Riniolo and Schmidt, in press).
(ESP). Thus, the majority of psychologists Results. In response to the counting task,
agree that ESP does not exist. participants scored correctly an average of
2. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 4.08 (out of five). The criteria indicating psi-
has recently abandoned their psychic spy missing defined a statistically significant re-
program after spending millions of duction from 2.04 correct identifications (50%
dollars and classifying the project as of 4.08). A one sample t-test (one-tailed) was
“useless.” performed using a 95% confidence interval.
3. Currently, a 1.1 million dollar reward Group results indicated that participants
exists on the internet ( for (N=152) identified the card color correctly an
anyone who can demonstrate genuine average of 2.16 times. Results did not statisti-
ESP or any other psychic ability. While cally differ from what was expected by chance
p s i a n d p s i - m i s s i n g | 595

(95% confidence a chance result would fall be- deserve attention. First, our results are consis-
tween 2.0128 and 2.3162). tent with the non-existence of a psi-mecha-
nism. Simply put, test conditions cannot alter a
phenomenon that does not exist when proper
Experiment 2 Participants experimental controls and randomization pro-
cedures are implemented. However, because it
Our subject pool consisted of 124 females (M is impossible to disprove a negative, other in-
21.2 years; SD 1.59) and 32 males (M 21.5 terpretations are possible.
years; SD 1.98) from a large introductory psy- Specifically, perhaps the test conditions
chology course at McMaster University, On- were not sufficiently hostile to elicit psi-miss-
tario, Canada. Of these, 76 were excluded from ing, or our experiments lacked adequate statis-
data analysis because of a belief they person- tical power. This is unlikely as parapsycholo-
ally possess psychic abilities. gists have reported psi-missing using much less
Procedures. For the replication study, two “psi-hostile” conditions (e.g., Honorton, Ram-
minor modifications were made. First, Dr. sey and Cabibbo, 1975, 136–7) and with much
Schmidt implemented the replication, whereas less statistical power (e.g., Sharp and Clark,
Dr. Riniolo implemented the initial study. Sec- 1937, 136) than implemented here. For exam-
ond, the mental counting task was eased by re- ple, we analyzed the data provided by Sharp
ducing the length to randomly vary from 4 to and Clark (1937, 136, Table VI) using the same
7 numbers. statistical approach above. Results indicated
Results. Participants scored correctly an av- statistical evidence of psi-missing and ESP (de-
erage of 4.70 (out of five) on the counting task. pending on test conditions) with only four and
The criterion to indicate psi-missing for the 11 participants, respectively. This inconsis-
group average is a statistically significant re- tency raises the possibility that inadequate
duction from 2.35 correct identifications (50% methodology or random error was responsible
of 4.70). A one sample t-test (one-tailed) was for previous findings of psi-missing.
performed using a 95 confidence interval. In addition, others may argue that the pres-
Group results indicated that participants ence of skeptics (i.e., the authors) would not
(N=155) identified the card color correctly an facilitate psi-missing, but rather would inhibit
average of 2.32. Results did not statistically any demonstration of psi performance (both
differ from what was expected by chance above and below chance). This belief that
(CI95, 2.1792, 2.4531). some researchers are psi-conducive (can find
reliable variations from chance) and others are
psi-inhibitory (repeatedly find chance results)
is an endless cycle that makes psi “untestable”
Discussion (Blackmore, 1985, 429). After-the-fact expla-
nations to find a psi-inhibitory link responsible
The purpose of this paper was to empirically for chance results can be invoked endlessly.
evaluate if psi-hostile test conditions could More important, the scientific standard of in-
elicit psi-missing. Results were consistent with dependent verification of results is impossible.
chance expectation despite implementing mul- As psi-research has a long history of fraud
tiple variables previously identified by para- (Hansen, 1990, 25) and methodological error
psychologists as increasing the chances of psi- (Marks, 1986, 120–1), reliance upon a few
missing. Several interpretations of the results “psi-conducive” individuals to establish an ex-
596 | p s i a n d p s i - m i s s i n g

traordinary claim (i.e., a psi-mechanism exists) Broughton, R. S. 1991. Parapsychology: The Con-
is unacceptable. Perhaps the only consistent troversial Science. New York: Ballantine Books.
finding in parapsychological research the last Hansen, G. P. 1990. “Deception by Subjects in Psi
100 plus years is that irrespective of test condi- Research.” The Journal of the American Society
tions, when proper methods and randomiza- for Psychical Research, 84, 25–80.
Honorton, C., M. Ramsey, and C. Cabibbo. 1975.
tion procedures are used (by both believers
“Experimenter Effects in Extrasensory Percep-
and nonbelievers), participants score at chance
tion.” The Journal of the American Society for
expectation over repeated evaluations. Being
Psychical Research, 69, 135–149.
“psi-inhibitory” may simply reflect the experi- Hyman, R. 1994. “Anomaly or Artifact? Comments
menter’s ability to prevent bias from influenc- on Bem and Honorton.” Psychological Bulletin,
ing testing results. 115, 19–24.
Our results are inconsistent with the hy- Krauss, L. M. 1998. “May the Force Be with You.”
pothesis that test conditions can alter psi-per- Skeptical Inquirer, 22, 49–53.
formance in predictable ways. We are uncon- Kurtz, P. 1985a. “Spiritualists, Mediums, and Psy-
vinced of the validity of the test conditions chics: Some Evidence of Fraud.” In P. Kurtz
hypothesis that is often used post-hoc to dis- (Ed.), A Skeptic’s Handbook of Parapsychology
miss results inconsistent with a psi-mechanism. (177–223). Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
Unfortunately, there is a long and continuing ———. 1985b. “Is Parapsychology a Science?” In P.
Kurtz (Ed.), A Skeptic’s Handbook of Parapsy-
history of after-the-fact rationalizations for
chology (503–518). Buffalo, NY: Prometheus
failures to scientifically demonstrate paranor-
mal phenomena. For example, Kurtz (1985,
Marks, D. F. 1986. “Investigating the Paranormal.”
180–1) reports that when the Fox sisters could Nature, 320, 119–124.
not produce “rappings” during an empirical Rhine, J. B. 1952. “The Problem of Psi-missing.”
evaluation in 1851, they claimed the presence The Journal of Parapsychology, 16, 90–129.
of skeptics caused the spirits to retire. Re- Riniolo, T. C., and L. A. Schmidt. (In press).
cently, therapeutic touch practitioners at- “Searching for Reliable Relationships with Statis-
tempted to rationalize their failure by ques- tics Packages: An Empirical Example of the Po-
tioning the test conditions despite agreeing in tential Problems.” The Journal of Psychology.
advance that the experimental paradigm was Rosa, L., E. Rosa, L. Sarner, and S. Barrett. 1998. “A
fair (Rosa, Rosa, Sarner, and Barrett, 1998, Close Look at Therapeutic Touch.” Journal of the
American Medical Association, 279, 1005–1010.
1008). To our knowledge, there currently exist
Schmeidler, G. R. 1943. “Predicting Good and Bad
as many scientifically credible studies support-
Scores in a Clairvoyance Experiment: A Final
ing the test conditions hypothesis as there are
Report.” The Journal of the American Society for
for other psi phenomena—zero. Psychical Research, 37, 210–227.
———. 1966. “The Influence of Attitude on ESP
References: Scores.” International Journal of Neuropsychia-
Bem, D. J., and C. Honorton. 1994. “Does Psi Exist? try, 2, 387–397.
Replicable Evidence for an Anomalous Process of ———. 1997. “Psi-conducive Experimenters and Psi-
Information Transfer.” Psychological Bulletin, permissive Ones.” European Journal of Parapsy-
115, 4–18. chology, 13, 83–94.
Blackmore, S. 1985. “The Adventures of a Psi- Sharp, V., and C. C. Clark. 1937. “Group Tests for
inhibitory Experimenter.” In P. Kurtz (Ed.), A Extrasensory Perception.” The Journal of Para-
Skeptic’s Handbook of Parapsychology (425– psychology, 1, 123–142.
448). Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
Recovered Memory Therapy and
False Memory Syndrome
A Father’s Perspective as a Test Case


“I can’t believe that!,” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and
shut your eyes.”
Alice laughed. “there’s no use trying,” she said. “One can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age,
I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six
impossible things before breakfast.”
—Lewis Carroll,
Through the Looking-Glass

A few decades ago some bright agronomist from childhood incest. Maybe you have for-
imported a nifty Japanese vine called “kudzu” gotten it. Maybe that is why you are uncom-
to my native Georgia, hoping to halt erosion fortable at family reunions. Maybe. No, no,
and provide cheap cow fodder. The insidious that’s insane! Forget it, not Dad, not Mom!
kudzu, with its broad, shiny green leaves, now You try to dismiss the idea. But it won’t go
covers entire forests, swallowing trees whole. away. It takes root, sends out creepers, and
While cows may indeed eat the stuff, I suspect grows. Soon the mental kudzu is twining out
a few of them have been enveloped, too, along of your ears, sending roots down to your gut,
the way. I have come to regard the initial in- taking over your life. It’s true! Your worst
cest suspicion that fuels the repressed mem- fears were justified!
ory movement as being a kind of mental Given that our memories can fool us some-
kudzu seed—perhaps a perverse analogue to times, it is still hard to understand why or
Jesus’ parable of the sower and the seed. how people would want to believe that their
Repressed memories seem to grow in the parents committed such awful acts upon
same way. It does not take much—just a small them. Numerous types of “evidence” are used
seed, planted in your fertile brain by a televi- to provoke and “prove” the reality of re-
sion program, a book, a friend, or a therapist. pressed memories. These include hypnotic
Maybe, just maybe, all of your problems stem regression, sodium Amytal, dreams, visualiza-

598 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

tions, bodily pangs or marks, panic attacks, or been sexually abused myself as a child. “I
just general unhappiness. Once the seed is know what you did to my sister,” she wrote.
planted, once the idea takes hold, it does not “You have to recall what happened and deal
matter what method is employed. The results with this on your own.” She ended the letter
are almost foreordained. I should know. I am a by forbidding me to contact her.
victim of the “recovered memory” movement. I have not heard from my children in over
I am an accused parent. two years now. It breaks my heart, and I am
deeply concerned for them, especially after
conducting the research for my book Victims
of Memory. Though accused parents certainly
Lost Daughters suffer terribly, I have become convinced that
the real victims of memory are the children,
“Stacey” and “Christina” (my daughters have who have been sucked into a destructive belief
changed their surnames, and I have changed system that strips them of their identities,
their first names to protect their identities) are pasts, and families.
exceptionally attractive, intelligent, creative, In the rest of this article I will detail a few of
caring young women. Both have graduated the methods used to create such a belief sys-
with high marks from fine Ivy League schools. tem.
And both, through therapy, have recently re-
trieved “memories” of sexual abuse which
they think I inflicted on them. I do not know
exactly what I am supposed to have done, be- Hypnosis: Memory Prod or Production?
cause they will not tell me. In fact, they do not
communicate with me at all, and I am forbid- After Stacey wrote me that awful letter, I
den to call or write. thought that maybe I really had done some-
It all started five years ago, when Christina, thing horrible to my children and had re-
my youngest daughter, was in college and went pressed the memory myself. So I went to a
to a counselor. In therapy, she uncovered a re- hypnotist. Like most people, I thought that
pressed memory of being molested by my when you sank into a deep hypnotic trance,
housemate when she was nine years old. you could magically tap into your dormant
Within the next year, without accusing me, she subconscious, unlocking long-forgotten mem-
nonetheless cut off all contact. Then, in the fall ories. Fortunately, I went to an ethical hypno-
of 1992, she apparently “remembered” some- tist who did not lead me into believing I had
thing terrible I did to her, though she has committed incest on my children. She failed,
never directly confronted me. She told Stacey, however, to tell me how questionable memo-
who in turn entered therapy and wrote me a ries are when “uncovered” in hypnosis. I dis-
letter, which began: “I’m sorry if you aren’t covered that fact during my research.
ready for this letter, but it must be written. I From its inception, hypnosis has caused
have recently recalled some memories I have considerable controversy and spawned innu-
of you . . .” merable myths. One thing that experts agree
The letter was filled with what I now recog- on, however, is that memories retrieved under
nize as recovered memory jargon. I had vio- hypnosis are often contaminated mixtures of
lated her “boundaries” and made her and fantasy and truth. In many cases, outright
Christina my “surrogate wives.” I was “abu- “confabulations”—the psychologists’ term for
sive” and “manipulative,” and had probably illusory memories—result.
r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e | 599

The reason that memories retrieved under wood movies have reinforced this mythology,
hypnosis are suspect goes to the very defini- beginning with a spate of amnesia-retrieval
tion of the process, which invariably includes dramas, such as Hitchcock’s Spellbound, in the
the concept of suggestion. Clark Hull and 1940s. A good hypnotic subject therefore re-
A. M. Weilzenhoffer defined hypnosis simply as sponds to what psychologists call “social de-
“a state of enhanced suggestibility.” When a mand characteristics.” As psychologist Robert
subject agrees to be hypnotized, he or she tac- Baker puts it, there is a “strong desire of the
itly agrees to abide by the suggestions of the subject to supply the information demanded of
hypnotist. This state of heightened suggestibil- him by the hypnotist.” Psychiatrist Herbert
ity can work quite well if the goal is to stop Spiegel says it more graphically: “A good hyp-
smoking, lose weight, enhance self-esteem, re- notic subject will vomit up just what the thera-
duce perceived pain, or improve one’s sex life. pist wants to hear.”
But it is not an appropriate method for retriev- The hypnotist is often completely unaware
ing supposedly repressed memories, as psychi- that he is influencing the inductee, but what
atrist Martin Orne and psychologist Elizabeth psychologists term “inadvertent cuing” can
Loftus have repeatedly stressed in courtroom easily occur, often through tone of voice. “It is
settings. incredible,” wrote French psychologist Hip-
The hypnotized subject is not the only one polyte Bernheim in 1888, “with what acumen
who is deluded. The hypnotist who believes certain hypnotized subjects detect, as it were,
that he or she is delving for hidden memories the idea which they ought to carry into execu-
takes an active part in the shared belief sys- tion. One word, one gesture, one intonation
tem. Both hypnotist and subject are engaged puts them on the track.” Simply urging the
in a tacitly accepted mini-drama in which they subject to “go on” at a crucial point, or asking,
act out prescribed roles. “How does that feel to you?” can cue the de-
I am not trying to imply that “hypnosis,” sired response. A person who agrees to play
whether a real state or not, does not have a the role of the hypnotized subject is obviously
profound effect. The human imagination is ca- motivated to believe in that role and act it
pable of incredible feats, and herein lies the properly. This goes double for clients in psy-
potential problem. Similarly, the “guided im- chotherapy who are desperately seeking to lo-
agery” exercises that trauma therapists employ cate the source of their unhappiness. If the
to gain access to buried memories can be therapist has let them know, either subtly or
enormously convincing, whether we choose to directly, that they can expect to find scenes of
call the process hypnosis or not. When some- sexual abuse while under hypnosis or through
one is relaxed, willing to suspend critical judg- guided imagery, they are likely to do so.
ment, engage in fantasy, and place ultimate One of the characteristics of well-rehearsed
faith in an authority figure using ritualistic hypnotic confabulations is the over confidence
methods, deceptive scenes from the past can with which they are eventually reported. Such
easily be induced. memories tend to become extraordinarily de-
Hypnotism entails a powerful social mythol- tailed and believable with repetition. “The
ogy. Just as those “possessed” by demons be- more frequently the subject reports the event,”
lieved in the process of exorcism, most modern Martin Orne has written, “the more firmly es-
Americans believe that in a hypnotic state, tablished the pseudomemory will tend to be-
they are granted magical access to the subcon- come.” As a final caution, he warns that “psy-
scious, where repressed memories lie ready to chologists and psychiatrists are not particularly
spring forward at the proper command. Holly- adept at recognizing deception,” adding that,
600 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

as a rule, the average hotel credit manager is a my Dad and uncle were taking turns having
far better detective. sex with me. And I was just a little kid!” Such
dreams are taken as recovered memories and
are presumed to represent literal truth, even
though some events seem unlikely—in one
Dream Work well-publicized case, for instance, a daughter
recalled being raped by her mother, who was
Ever since Joseph saved Egypt by properly in- equipped with a penis.
terpreting the Pharaoh’s dreams—and proba- But if these dreams don’t necessarily stem
bly long before that—humans have sought from repressed memories of actual events,
deep meaning from the strange stories they where do they come from? From the same
picture in their sleep. In our dreams, anything place that spawns hypnotically guided fan-
is possible. We can fly, jump through time, tasies—the fertile and overwhelmed imagina-
read other people’s thoughts. Animals can talk, tion. Here is someone feverishly working on
objects appear and disappear quickly, one her memory recovery, reading books describ-
thing metamorphoses quickly into something ing horrible abuse, her life consumed with the
else. Sometimes our dreams are exciting, sexy, possibility that her father did something to
or soothing. Often, they are bizarre and fright- her. As Calvin Hall noted in The Meaning of
ening. What are we to make of them? Dreams, “It has been fairly well established
No one really knows, not even the most that some aspects of the dream are usually
renowned dream researchers who shake peo- connected with events of the previous day or
ple awake to ask what they’re experiencing immediate past.” It is not surprising that some-
when their REM (rapid eye movements) indi- one with an obsession about incest would
cate that they are in an active dreaming state. dream about it. Hall also warned that “dreams
Some interpreters, including Freud, have as- should never be read for the purpose of con-
serted with great authority that dream ingredi- structing a picture of objective reality,” but
ents symbolize certain objects, emotions, or therapists and patients eager for repressed
events. For example, a skyscraper represents a memories ignore such advice.
penis. In the second century, Artemidorus The role of expectation in all aspects of
used the same kind of logic. For him, a foot memory recovery is crucial. What we expect to
meant a slave, while a head indicated a father. see, we see, as Joseph Jastrow observed in his
The kinky ancient Egyptians apparently 1935 classic, Wish and Wisdom: “Everywhere,
dreamed frequently of sexual congress with once committed by whatever route, the pre-
various animals. One papyrus explained, “If an possessed mind finds what it looks for.” Eliza-
ass couples with her, she will be punished for a beth Loftus tells the true story of two bear
great fault. If a he-goat couples with her, she hunters at dusk, walking along a trail in the
will die promptly.” woods. Tired and frustrated, they had seen no
Modern trauma therapists also use sexual bear. As they rounded a bend in the trail, they
dreams as a form of interpretation. They tell spotted a large object about 25 yards away,
their clients to be particularly aware of any shaking and grunting. Simultaneously, they
night visions that could be interpreted as sex- raised their rifles and fired. But the “bear”
ual abuse. This is called “dream work.” Not turned out to be a yellow tent with a man and
too surprisingly, such dreams are often forth- woman making love inside. The woman was
coming. “Oh, my God!” the woman reports in killed. As psychologist Irving Kirsch notes, “re-
therapy. “It’s all true! In my dream last night, sponse expectancy theory” explains how
r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e | 601

“when we expect to feel anxious, relaxed, joy- floor. Floating in the air were green U-shaped
ful, or depressed, our expectations tend to pro- neon objects. Her father was standing next to a
duce those feelings.” At its extreme, such a large mirror over the sink, watching her.”
mindset can even lead to self-induced death, Eventually, Diane interpreted her dream as
as has been well-documented among tribes in follows:
which those under a powerful curse fulfill it by
wasting away and dying, unless some way to My father raped me in the evenings when I
reverse the curse can be found. was cleaning the kitchen. He would make me
Similarly, when we expect to have a particu- crawl around naked while he watched in the
lar type of dream, we tend to perform accord- mirror. I also believe the green neon things
ingly. As Jerome Frank notes in Persuasion are about a time he put a cucumber in me.
and Healing, patients routinely give their ther-
apists the dreams they want. “The dream the
therapist hears is, of course, not necessarily
the one the patient dreamed,” Frank explains, Sleep Paralysis
“since considerable time has usually elapsed
between the dream and its report. One study Another fascinating form of semi-dream,
compared dreams reported immediately upon which typically occurs in the twilight state be-
awakening with the versions unfolded before a tween waking and sleeping, accounts for many
psychiatrist in a subsequent interview. Any “repressed memories.” The psychological term
material the patient anticipated would not be is either a “hypnogogic” or “hypnopompic”
approved was not recalled.” In his classic 1957 state, respectively referring to the time just be-
text, Battle for the Mind, psychiatrist William fore sleep or prior to waking, but more com-
Sargant described an acquaintance who had monly it is just called “sleep paralysis.” During
entered first Freudian, then Jungian therapy. this curious in-between semiconscious state,
“His contemporary notes show that dreams he people often report chilling visions.
had under Freudian treatment varied greatly Robert Baker describes the phenomenon:
from those he had under Jungian treatment; “First, the hallucinations always occur just be-
and he denies having experienced the same fore or after falling asleep. Second, the halluci-
dreams before or since.” Sargant concluded: nator is paralyzed or has difficulty moving. . . .
“The increased suggestibility of the patient Third, the hallucination is usually bizarre. . . .
may help the therapist not only to change his Finally, the hallucinator is unalterably con-
conscious thinking, but even to direct his vinced of the reality of the entire event.” The
dream life.” vision’s content is often related to the
Therapist Renee Fredrickson certainly be- dreamer’s current concerns. In one study, as
lieves in such directives. “You can also prime many as 67% of a normal sample population
your dream pump, so to speak,” she writes in reported at least one experience of sleep paral-
Repressed Memories. “Before you go to sleep ysis, with its attendant hallucinations. Many
at night, visualize yourself as a little child. people experience sleep paralysis during the
Then suggest that your inner child show you day, particularly if they take afternoon naps.
in a dream what you need to know about the Those with narcolepsy—a relatively common
abuse.” Nor does the dream abuse have to be disorder characterized by brief involuntary pe-
obvious. Fredrickson describes how Diane re- riods of sleep during the day, with difficulties
ported a dream in which “she was on her resting at night—are particularly prone to these
hands and knees in a kitchen, washing the frightening hallucinations. The word “night-
602 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

mare” actually stems from sleep paralysis. A dence” of repressed memories also relates to
“mare,” or demon, was supposed to terrorize sleep—or its lack. In The Courage to Heal,
people—mostly women—by sitting on their Ellen Bass and Laura Davis quote one typical
breasts, making it difficult to breathe. Often, woman’s experience as she obsessed over pos-
the mare was a Satanic incubus or succubus sible repressed memories: “I just lost it com-
who also forced the frightened sleeper into pletely. I wasn’t eating. I wasn’t sleeping.”
sexual intercourse. The following is a 1763 de- Sleep deprivation is a well-established tech-
scription of the phenomenon: nique used in brain-washing. As sleep expert
Alexander Borbely writes, chronic lack of sleep
The nightmare generally seizes people sleeping blurs the borderline between sleeping and
on their backs, and often begins with frightful waking, “so that the kind of hallucinations that
dreams, which are soon succeeded by a diffi- often occur at the moment of falling asleep
cult respiration, a violent oppression on the now begin to invade the waking state as
breast, and a total privation of voluntary mo- well . . . the floor appears to be covered with
tion. In this agony they sigh, groan, utter indis- spider webs, faces appear and disappear. Audi-
tinct sounds [until] they escape out of that tory illusions also occur.” In addition, “when
dreadful torpid state. As soon as they shake off sleep deprivation experiments last more than
that vast oppression, and are able to move the four days, delusions can manifest themselves,
body, they are affected by strong palpitation, in addition to the disturbances of perception.
great anxiety, languor, and uneasiness. The participants grow increasingly suspicious
and begin to believe that things are going on
David Hufford has written an entire book behind their backs.”
about sleep paralysis, The Terror That Comes
in the Night. His 1973 interview with Caroline,
a young graduate student, sounds quite similar
to the reports of many “incest survivors.” Body Memories and Panic Attacks
When Caroline woke up one day, she reports,
“I felt like there was a man next to me with his People who are trying to recover repressed
arm underneath my back, and holding my left memories are often told that “the body re-
arm.” His smell was quite distinct, “all sweaty members what the mind forgets,” particularly
and kind of dusty.” When she tried to move, in cases of abuse suffered as a pre-verbal in-
he gripped her arm tighter. “Now if I move fant. These “body memories” can take the
again, he’s going to rape me,” she thought. form of virtually any form of physical ailment,
She tried to scream, but she could make no from stomach aches to stiff joints. Psychoso-
sound. “Then he was on top of me, and I tried matic complaints such as these have always
to look up to see who it was or something—I been common in Western culture and almost
could just see this—it looked like a white mask, invariably accompany general unhappiness
like a big white mask.” After several minutes and anxiety. Add to this the “expectancy ef-
of this horrible experience, Caroline “felt sort fect,” and it isn’t surprising that during the
of released, you know. And I—I could sit up, “abreaction” or reliving of an event, a woman
and I got the feeling there was nobody there.” might feel terrible pelvic pain, or a man might
In the 1990s, such experiences are frequently experience a burning anus.
interpreted as “flashbacks” or “body memo- Those in search of memories often submit to
ries,” and women are encouraged to visualize massages by experienced “body workers,” who
a face to fill in the blank mask. Other “evi- can trigger feelings either by light touch or
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deeper muscle manipulation. “An area of your This classic symptom—an inability to swallow
body may get hot or feel numb,” Renee and the feeling of being choked—is now one of
Fredrickson assures readers in Repressed Mem- the diagnostic symptoms for panic disorders.
ories. “Powerful emotions may sweep over you, For hundreds of years it was called, among
causing you to weep or even cry out.” It is cer- other things, globus hystericus, because it felt
tainly true that people can experience pro- as though a ball were rising from the abdomen
found, inexplicable emotions while they are and lodging in the throat.
being massaged, particularly if they are tense Many people who fear that they may have
and unhappy in general. When they let down been abused suffer repeated panic attacks at
their guards and relax, allowing intimate touch unexpected moments and, with their thera-
by a stranger, they often do weep. Given the pists’ encouragement, interpret them as re-
admonition to be on the look-out for any stray pressed memories surging forth from the sub-
sensation, many subjects have no difficulty lo- conscious. Yet these little-understood episodes
cating and interpreting various body memo- are extremely common. As psychologist David
ries. Fredrickson gives two examples: “She Barlow points out in his comprehensive text,
[Sarah] was undergoing a passive form of body Anxiety and Its Disorders, “Anxiety disorders
work involving laying on of hands when she represent the single largest mental health
had a slowly burgeoning sense of rage at her problem in the country, far outstripping de-
father for abusing her.” Later on, Sarah dis- pression.” In Western cultures, reports of this
covered that the “exquisite sensitivity” of her affliction are much more common among
toes was caused by her grandfather having women than among men, although that is not
shoved a wood chip under her toenail. so in Eastern countries. Recent surveys indi-
Some “body memories” take the form of cate that 35% of Americans report having ex-
rashes or welts that fit particular memory sce- perienced panic attacks. Unfortunately, those
narios. The mind can apparently produce re- seeking help for severe anxiety disorders are
markable and sometimes quite specific effects frequently misdiagnosed, seeing an average of
on the body. It has been demonstrated that 10 doctors or therapists before receiving ap-
hypnotic suggestion can actually remove warts, propriate help. As listed in the third revised
while some people can consciously control edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Man-
their pulse rates, respiration, or blood flow. In ual of Mental Disorders, familiarly known as
Michelle Remembers, Michelle Smith evidently DSM-III-R, the symptoms experienced during
possessed similar powers, producing a red rash panic attacks (four or more being sufficient by
on her neck that her psychiatrist interpreted as the official definition) sound like a check-list
a welt left by the devil’s tail. for what trauma therapists interpret as body
Nothing so dramatic need account for most memories:
“body memories,” however. One of the most (1) shortness of breath (dyspnea) or smoth-
common was recounted by A. G. Britton in her ering sensations; (2) dizziness, unsteady feel-
article, “The Terrible Truth.” She experienced ings, or faintness; (3) palpitations or acceler-
a choking sensation and interpreted that as ev- ated heart rate (tachycardia); (4) trembling and
idence that her father had forced his penis shaking; (5) sweating; (6) choking; (7) nausea
into her mouth when she was a baby. It turns or abdominal distress; (8) depersonalization or
out, though, that a constricted throat is one derealization (the feeling that you don’t really
nearly universal human reaction to fear and exist or that nothing is real); (9) numbness or
anxiety. In fact, the word “anxious” derives tingling sensations (paresthesias); (10) flushes
from the Latin word meaning “to strangle.” (hot flashes) or chills; (11) chest pain or dis-
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comfort; (12) fear of dying; (13) fear of going attention greatly increases sensitivity to bodily
crazy or of doing something uncontrolled. sensations and other aspects of internal experi-
Surprisingly, Barlow reports that “the over- ence. Furthermore, this sensitivity . . . quickly
whelming evidence is that many phobias and spreads to other aspects of the self, such as
the majority of fears are not learned through a self-evaluative concerns.” Barlow calls this
traumatic experience.” Instead, panic attacks process a “negative feedback cycle” which
appear to stem from contemporarily stressful leads to a chronic feeling of helplessness, de-
life situations and a fearful mindset—though pendence, and self-absorption. As Ann Sea-
biological factors and early childhood trauma grave and Faison Covington—two women who
may contribute to a predisposition to anxiety have overcome their panic attacks—write in
disorders. Psychologists Aaron Beck and Gary Free from Fears, “We can become frightened to
Emery give an example of a typical episode in- such a degree that we learn to monitor every
volving a 40-year-old man who, while on the twitch, every ache, and it is in that way that we
ski slopes, began to feel shortness of breath, often scare ourselves needlessly.”
profuse perspiration, and faintness. He One final point related to panic attacks
thought he was having a heart attack. In the seems quite puzzling. Attacks are often trig-
midst of this, he had a vivid image of himself gered by deep relaxation exercises such as
lying in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask. It those which induce hypnosis or guided im-
transpired that this man’s brother had just agery sessions. In one study, 67% of a group of
died of a heart attack, and he feared the same panic-disorder patients experienced three or
might happen to him. more symptoms while listening to a relaxation
Similarly, people who think they may have tape. As David Barlow notes, “relaxation is
repressed memories fear that they may be like surely the strangest of panic provocation pro-
others they know (or have read about or seen cedures.” He hypothesizes that it may be
on television). They, too, may be unknowing caused by a fear of losing control. Whatever
incest victims who will have flashbacks. For the reason, this finding certainly relates to
such people, panic attacks are often triggered therapy clients who are led to a “safe place”
when they become over-tired or over-stressed during deep relaxation exercises. It contributes
and spontaneously envision images of their to our understanding of why they might expe-
worst fears, which, in turn, provoke even more rience panic attacks during the process.
anxiety. “Once the fear reaction has started,”
Beck and Emery write, “it tends to build on it-
self.” These “autonomous” images then persist
“without the patient’s being able to stop The Contexts of Insanity
them,” and they seem utterly real, “as though
the traumatic episode were actually occurring In conclusion, a vicious cycle of social influ-
in the present.” ence, combined with a widespread belief in
After the first attack of this inexplicable fear, massive repression of sexual abuse memories,
a vicious cycle can commence in which the has produced an epidemic of Survivors. In the
very fear of another episode provokes it. This current situation, it is sometimes difficult to
would be particularly likely for a woman who ascertain who is fulfilling whose expectations.
is extremely stressed by the idea that she A woman enters therapy, already afraid that
might have been sexually abused and is her problems may stem from repressed memo-
minutely aware of every bodily and emotional ries. Her therapist plays into those fears, and
twinge. As David Barlow notes, “self-focused between the two of them, they find “evidence”
r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a f a t h e r ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e | 605

in the form of dreams, flashbacks, or body said she had no such memories, the therapist
memories. They see dysfunction everywhere, stated that many women completely forget in-
and when the client sinks into a hypnotic cest. “They have no idea, in fact. I mean, what
trance, she pictures horrifying events from her you’ve presented to me, Lee-Anne, is so classic
childhood. that I’m just sitting here blown away, actually.”
In 1993, a CNN reporter took a hidden Once a therapist labels someone an Incest Sur-
camera into a counseling session with a thera- vivor, everything the client says is perceived as
pist known to have convinced at least six other evidence to validate the diagnosis. And the
women that they were Survivors. The reporter client, having accepted the possibility that the
said that she had been “kind of depressed” for label might be accurate, quickly falls into the
a few months, and that her marital sex life had trap of seeing the same life problems as symp-
worsened. At the end of the first session, the toms of a childhood full of sexual abuse. Once
therapist suggested that she might have been that belief system is in place, “memories” are
sexually abused as a child. When the reporter not far behind.
Recovered Memory Therapy and
False Memory Syndrome
A Patient’s Perspective as a Test Case


ith the exception of my former As I look back, I wonder how it got this far.

W counselor, the names in my story

are real. My attorney’s name and
firm have been used with his permission.
How could a relationship with a therapist be-
come the sole focus of my life for four long
years? How could I have sold my soul to a
It was Monday, November 18, 1991. My ap- mere human being?—a man who, it turns out,
pointment was for 4:00 p.m. I arrived early as has untouched problems in his own life; a
I always do. Simpson & Dowd is a law firm in man so sick he needed me and other women
Dallas, Texas, specializing in mental health is- to stay “sick” in order for him to excel. I
sues. I was to meet with Skip Simpson, Attor- trusted this man with my innermost soul. I
ney at Law, along with a couple of other fami- shared my dreams with him, confessed my
lies who had been polluted by a perverse sins to him. “Steve” was my mother, my fa-
group of therapists. Here I was, meeting a ther, my brother, my sister, my best friend, my
family that I had heard for years were Sa- husband, boyfriend, decision maker, choice
tanists. Imagine my shock when I read their maker, teacher and pastor. He had become
story in a popular magazine—false accusa- everything to me. If Steve said it, it was so. My
tions, devastation, hurt, pain, humiliation, the life became so enmeshed and intertwined
separation from their only daughter, a daugh- with his life, my ability to think for myself dis-
ter they professed much love for, a daughter I appeared. I thought what he wanted me to
knew well. She was a woman in the same sort think. I believed what he wanted me to be-
of circumstances I was in, needing a reason lieve. I became what he wanted me to be-
why she felt so “abnormal.” She was a daugh- come. Skeptics might call this a “therapy
ter that I watched accuse these people before cult.” By any other name it was destructive.
the rest of the group, to her therapists, to any- How in the world did I allow therapy to be-
one who would listen, just as I had done. Now come the most important function in my life?
here I was with her parents in the office of an My ordeal began on Friday, December 20,
attorney, attempting to sort out the mess and 1985. Steve was supposed to be a specialist in
to help put an end to this senseless destruc- treating eating disorders and I had one in a
tion of the family system. big way. Since I was ten years old I would eat

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and then force myself to throw up. By the time therapy. Although much of the time Steve was
I got to Steve I was nearly 32 years of age. For staring, he also did something else. He was lis-
22 years I had been forcing myself to vomit. tening.
When I began therapy, I was binging and I was so hungry for someone to listen to me,
purging sometimes 15 to 20 times a day! I just listen. To hear what I had to say, no matter
would gain weight, lose weight, then gain what it was. Nobody had ever done that. If I
weight again. I abused laxatives, diuretics and felt something when expressing my feelings I
diet pills. I could not deal with feelings of any was used to hearing such answers as “You
kind. Any emotion would trigger a binge, then don’t really feel that way.” “That’s not the
a purge. Food was my best friend and my worst ‘right’ way to feel.” “You don’t really think
enemy. My parents did not know I had bu- that.” “If you think about those kinds of
limia. I did not even know it had a name until things, you’re gonna make God mad.” “He’s
1981. I read an article in the paper and it said ashamed of you, I’m ashamed of you, you
this disorder was coming out of the closet and should be ashamed of you.”
was a widespread problem. At first I was re- Now I had met a man, a parental figure, an
lieved because I had felt so alone and different authoritative figure who would listen to any-
from other people. Then I became frustrated thing I had to say and not once did he say,
because there seemed to be no one out there “You should be ashamed.” With this strategy
who knew how to treat it. he won my trust. I began seeing him every
Then I heard about Steve. He was supposed week, then twice a week. Steve would have me
to be the expert. I was told, “Steve will save close my eyes. He would make me keep them
your life.” “Steve is your answer.” “Go to him, closed throughout most of the session. Before
trust him, do whatever he says and you will get long I was saying anything and everything that
well.” God knows how badly I wanted to be came into my mind. There were thoughts,
well, how badly I wanted to feel “normal.” ideas, images, and feelings that I had never
I began my journey with Steve by sitting on shared with anyone until now. I never believed
the couch in his office and spending the next I was worth listening to. My heart was so
hour with him staring at me. He was over- empty and lonely, and for so many years the
weight and balding but seemed very confident only comfort I had found was in binging and
and sure of himself. He seemed to be looking purging and then binging and purging some
right into my soul. I was very uncomfortable. more. But now it appeared that someone who
What few things I was able to tell him did not could help me cared.
even seem to faze him. He seemed cold and In the beginning of my therapy, I brought
uncaring and unfeeling. I told him I did not with me some very real hurts and disappoint-
like him staring at me and he asked, “Why is ments. I had spent five years of my life with a
that?” man, loved him deeply, had his child and then
I snapped back at him, “Hell, I don’t know, I he was gone. Not only gone, but he discounted
just don’t like it.” After that he only seemed to what we had shared for five years. The loss of
stare harder. I left my session feeling confused this relationship alone had put me into a deep
but I was so desperate and determined to end depression for several years. Add to that recur-
this terrible disorder that had plagued my life ring female problems, financial difficulties,
since childhood that I was ready to do any- raising a child as a single parent and many
thing to get my life in order. “Trust him, be- other things that had my life out of control.
lieve him, he is your answer.” So, I put all my Steve was not concerned with those things. In
energy, all my money, everything into this four years of therapy, we never dealt with is-
608 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p a t i e n t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

sues that had occurred in my adult life. Steve awake. I had images of a young boy holding a
was not concerned with those and discounted pillow over the face of an infant. It was a terri-
their importance when I brought them up. He fying experience. I called Steve and he
said the pain was “deeper,” and that it had “walked” me through the “flashback.” After I
been buried, or “repressed.” According to was calmed down, he literally put me to sleep
Steve, my bulimia was “slow suicide.” To have on the phone. I went to see Steve the next day
such a “death wish” to the magnitude I had, and my session was very uncomfortable. Steve
Steve explained, I had to have repressed some- kept drilling me, “When are you going to ac-
thing so horrible and so traumatic that only a cept the fact that your brother tried to kill
lengthy therapy, hypnosis, and hard work were you?” I argued with him that this was not my
going to make me better. brother, it could not have happened in my
By this time, Steve controlled me. He had family. Over and over he said, “You’ll have to
bought my loyalty and dependence by giving accept the fact that your brother tried to kill
me the one thing that I was starving for—atten- you.”
tion. It was attention with absolutely no This flashback got Steve’s attention, as did
boundaries, but plenty of control. I called him all the others. The images in my head got
anytime I wanted to, day or night, and we more and more bizarre. I began going to ther-
talked as long as I needed it, unless he got mad apy more. I was going to the group room to
at something I said and hung up in my face. If write, a place where Steve said I would be
I showed any concern for my family, he got “safe.” Every flashback I had was judged to be
mad. He said I was hurting myself to protect actual, factual data from my past. Every dream,
them. If I was at home when I called him and I no matter how bizarre, was what had actually
was upset or crying, he would have me take a happened to me. The images grew. The scenes
broom and beat the hell out of my bed while became more and more horrific. Had all of
he listened on the phone. At times, I would this junk really been hidden in my mind? Were
voice concern that my six-year-old daughter these horrible scenes things that really took
was in the house and it might frighten her. He place in my family? Was this reality? What was
told me I was “showing her how to exhibit reality? I got caught up in a full circle of flash-
anger in a healthy way.” I found out years backs. They would reach out and snatch me up
later that this behavior terrified her. and engulf me in them at almost any moment.
Week after week, session after session, I cannot say where my logical mind was at this
through hypnosis and going deep within my- point. The flashbacks took control.
self, strange images began to appear. At first Steve told me to ask my doctor for a drug
they were images of this tiny blond with the called Xanax, a sedative. I did. I began taking
biggest and saddest eyes I have ever seen. them, as Steve put it, “to take the edge off.” I
Steve said it was my “little girl”—the child was swallowing them left and right. Soon I
within. It was as if I were sitting on a chair as needed two, then three, then more. I was play-
high as the ceiling watching her. Steve wanted ing Russian roulette with my life. I would take
me to reveal to him each and every image or a few too many pills and end up in the emer-
movement the “little girl” made. gency room and guess who I called? Steve.
My first “flashback “ came while I was home What was Steve giving me? The worse the
vacuuming the floor. I had been to therapy flashback, the more self-destructive I was, the
earlier in the day. All of a sudden, I broke out more attention I was getting from the main
into a sweat and I could not breathe. I was in a source for all things in my life. Steve kept
total panic. It was like a nightmare, only I was telling me, “You have to get worse before you
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get better.” Well, I was definitely getting worse. wooded retreat campground in East Texas.
I was overmedicating myself, vomiting more There were 77 women and one man in atten-
and more, my weight was climbing. I got no dance. They came to hear the “truth.” I
exercise, and my life seemed more out of con- wanted the world to come and hear Steve
trol than ever before. speak. If he said it I believed it.
In addition, no matter how many times I It was not long until the “repressed memo-
overmedicated myself or ended up in an emer- ries” of child abuse began to come up. The vi-
gency room, my doctor kept prescribing Xanax sions in my head were of severe physical and
to me. Not only Xanax, but numerous other sexual abuse. The images were so incredibly
pills. There were pills to help me sleep, pills to bizarre, yet they seemed so real. My picture of
relieve depression, pills to “mellow out my my family became distorted. Was it the drugs
rage.” If I had it there was a pill for it, and I the doctors had me on, was it television shows
took them all. My therapist would goad me, or traumatic events I had witnessed over the
make me angry and push me over the edge years, or was it actual memories? I did not
and then the doctor would step in and med- know, but Steve said they were fact and to
icate me so I would not be in such a rage. The deny them meant that I did not want to get
therapy group in the hospital (I was hospital- well. He said I was in denial, I was running, I
ized twice in a psychiatric hospital for 30 days was “protecting” my family, I was staying sick
each time) would get on a subject and harass to “cover up” for my family. He always had an
me until I was livid and then the nurse would answer. He was always right.
come get me and put me in a little room be- I was put into a group therapy situation.
cause I was angry. The nurses at the hospital This is where my therapy team grew to in-
said they had to take the “control” away from clude Steve’s partner, Dave. I did not want to
me; yet when I did what they said, I was go but Steve said I was just transferring the
tagged with being “over compliant.” My mind fear of my family onto the group. He said I
was apparently gone, although at the time I must go. At first we all just talked and I found
was convinced this was the only way I would a common ground with the other women.
ever get well. Then, slowly, right before my very eyes, the
I lost control on so many occasions and group emerged into a room full of “victims.”
Steve was the only one who could calm me We began as Eating Disorders (EDs), then on
down, make me “think right” again. I wanted to Sexual Abuse Victims (SA), then on to In-
more than anything in the world to be well, to cest Victims (where family members became
be “normal.” In spite of the still small skeptical the perpetrators), then there was Satanic Rit-
voice inside of me, doubting, questioning, and ual Abuse Victims (SRAs), and then on to Mul-
wondering, I trusted this man to know the tiple Personality Disorders (MPD). It was a
truth. That voice would soon fade over time. I veritable “disease-of-the-month” laundry list.
believed in him so deeply I began telling other All of the women systematically had similar
people, “Trust him, believe in him, he will flashbacks, uncovered repressed memories
make you whole.” I trusted him so completely, and severe abuse. It was eerie at times. Each
in fact, that in 1986 I spent five months coor- week we sat in a group and the stories were
dinating a retreat for women suffering from enough to make a strong stomach sick. One
bulimia. In that period, I spoke or corre- woman might have a flashback one week
sponded with over 350 people suffering from about her parents or someone else in the fam-
this disorder. I wanted them all to know about ily and then the next week another one would
Steve. The retreat was held in a beautiful have a similar memory come up. My mind
610 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p a t i e n t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

became so confused and tormented. It was not one I was exhausted. I believe if you constantly
long before my own flashbacks got even more fill your head with vile images, it will spit out
bizarre. There was “group sexual abuse,” a vile images. Being placed in that situation had
dead man hanging from a rope, killed by my my mind being filled with a constant flow of it.
grandfather, being sexually abused by animals, Drinking blood, killing babies, sexual abuse of
and much more. everything imaginable—incest, torture, mur-
Most of the time, members of the group der, you name it.
were advised to stay away from their families Out of the women in my particular Monday
and/or anyone who challenged their therapy. night group, nearly all of them have since real-
There was much anger aimed at all of the par- ized their “flashbacks” were not reality. Most
ents. If someone had some doubt that a flash- will not speak out. I am not sure if it is loyalty
back or memory was reality, Steve and Dave to Steve and Dave or maybe lack of courage,
would goad them, then the whole group would or an inability to stand up for something that is
join in, “You’re in denial,” “You want to stay right. Whatever the reason, it makes me angry
sick for your family,” “You don’t want to get because if they would come forward and be
well.” This type of input from people we outspoken, more people would come out of
trusted so very much and were so very de- this delusional state much more quickly.
pendent on kept us enmeshed in their treat- One woman who was one of my very fa-
ment program. vorites accused her family of being Satanist.
There were many times when a group mem- She “divorced” her parents, and her in-laws
ber was instructed to write her parents (the helped her through the toughest parts of her
perpetrators) very hostile and mean letters, di- therapy. She had some horrible flashbacks, in-
vorcing them, accusing them of terrible acts cluding of a baby, supposedly her twin, being
they believed they had done to them. These hung in a tree and one of herself severely
letters were coached by the group and group abused by most of her family members. She
leaders. They were always read out loud to the did question Steve and Dave about the fact
group to get support. In many cases, such as that her birth certificate had “single birth” on
mine, Steve said it would be too dangerous to it. Steve said that the coven had people who
send my mom a letter with accusations. Some took care of all of those things to cover up re-
were encouraged to send them and cut off all ality. Later on in her therapy when she seemed
ties with their families. In my case, because I to be doing well, she said she wanted to drive
lived so close to my parents and refused to to the nearby state her parents lived in and
move, Steve and Dave felt I was in more dan- talk to them about all of her “memories.”
ger than some of the others. Steve was livid in group and kept trying to talk
Once Steve instructed me to write my her out of going. “What about the coven?” he
mother and list every mean thing she had said. He was furious and yelled at her that her
done to me (that is, what I believed she had life was in danger. This beautiful, petite
done at the time). Then, he stood beside me woman said, “I don’t care, I’ve got to find out.”
reading every horrible word in the most hate- She went home to her parents, talked every-
ful, hostile tone imaginable. I was standing thing out and made peace with them. Shortly
there with balls of clay, throwing them against afterward, her mom died of a heart attack. I
the wall. The louder and meaner he read, the talked with her just recently and she told me
harder I threw those balls. It was a very in- when she went home that time there was ab-
tense session. This was supposed to release my solutely nothing to substantiate her claims of
repressed anger. After each session such as this Satanic Ritual Abuse. She said to me, “You
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know, I live with guilt each and every day of used to be. Steve and Dave would tell me,
my life about what I did to mom.” “The group is your ‘new family.’ Move away
My relationship with my family became ex- from your family of origin, divorce them, they
tremely troubled. My sister would not allow are dangerous, you will never get well living
my nephew to spend the night in my home. I near them.” They even wanted me to quit my
looked at my parents with suspicion. Steve had job with the police department because they
me believing my mother had been trying to said I was trying to shut my “little girl” up with
kill me for years. Not in an obvious attempt, the violence.
but in the things she would do for me. I was Desperate to be normal, feeling so abnor-
bulimic. If Mama bought us groceries and any mal, I was in a constant rage for years. I was
of them were easily ingested “binge foods,” furious with every single thing that had ever
Steve said it was to kill me. At one point, I took happened to me, or that did not happen to me.
some badly needed groceries back to her, My family members had become my enemies—
threw the bag and asked if she was trying to people placed on this earth to destroy me. I
kill me because there were some cookies and could not distinguish memory from reality.
chips in the bag. I looked at her with disgust. I Nothing seemed real anymore.
suspected her every move, her every motive. I To be sure, my parents made mistakes—
questioned every remark. I missed many fam- plenty of them. But, let’s be real. Is there any
ily functions and at the ones that I did attend, I human being, parent or child, who has not
was cold and suspicious of everyone there. made mistakes? I make them every day with
For years, I was consumed with suspicion, my daughter. I believe the key is to acknowl-
anger, fear, confusion. Could anyone in the edge them, ask for forgiveness, and move for-
world be trusted? Even my pastor, who was ward. I also believe it is important for our chil-
also my dear friend, became suspect when he dren to see us as human, not to continually
began “doubting” my therapy. I called him profess perfection. The question here in my
when I was admitted into the hospital in 1988 case is, were my parents intentionally trying to
and he was really upset. He said, “Pasley, you destroy me? Of course not. But this is precisely
don’t belong in a nut house and I will not sup- what my therapy team, my group family made
port this therapy any longer.” After that, Steve me believe.
began telling me that he was using me and My family’s response to accusations I made
wanted to keep me sick. I was losing everyone would not have mattered. If they said nothing,
and everything who meant anything to me. it was because they were guilty. If they cried
Police officers who were friends of mine innocence, they were trying to hide something.
that I worked with (I am an employee of a If they did not remember something the way I
large police department in Texas) would tell remembered it, they were in denial. There was
me I was turning into a “pill head.” One offi- always an answer. This was ingrained into
cer took my purse one night and dumped all of every conversation and thought I had. I was
the pills out into the trash. I became so en- told to read books about evil, sexual abuse,
raged, I jerked the phone out of the wall in the dysfunctional families, co-dependency, etc.
jail and threw it at him. I screamed, “I have to Some of the required reading was People of the
get worse before I get better. This therapy is Lie, Courage to Heal, Healing the Shame That
going to save my life.” He told me they were Binds You, On Becoming a Person, and The
quacks and after my money. Other officers told Child Within. I “lived” therapy seven days a
me I was not acting normally, I was not myself week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When I
any longer, and that they missed the person I was not at therapy, I was calling my therapist.
612 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p a t i e n t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

When I was not talking to my therapist, I was and a neighbor. The sexual abuse was vivid
thinking about my therapy. The entire ordeal and seemed so real. Ordinary objects terrified
consumed every ounce of energy I had and me because they were sexual abuse tools in my
every penny I could get my hands on. All of flashbacks. It started out with simple fondling
this was “necessary” for me to “get well.” or molestation; it ended with torture, torment
Steve repeatedly told me, “You have to get and indescribable pain.
worse before you get better.” I continued to I would emerge from one of these flash-
get worse believing this was progress. backs and feel such rage. At times, I believe I
One lesson from this experience is that we was homicidal. My nostrils would flare and I
can never underestimate what a desperate per- would throw things, rant and rave, chain
son will do. Any person, no matter how bright smoke, sometimes two cigarettes at one time,
or intelligent, if they are desperate enough, lock myself in the bedroom and pace back and
can fall into the same pit I fell into. I had forth. I used to scream and pray to God, “Why
worked in a jail for a large city in Texas since I did you let these things happen to me?” “What
was 19 years old. I knew the correct name for did I ever do to anyone to merit this kind of
every charge in the Texas Penal Code, the Pe- pain?” Confusion at this point was a way of life
nal Code number and the penalty class. I could for me.
tell you what kind of time you could get for My anger was constant. My therapy also in-
nearly every crime listed in our penal code. I cluded “rage reduction.” It consisted of throw-
could catch an error on an arrest report with a ing things like clay, bean bags, etc. I was rip-
simple glance, book a drunk in 30 seconds, ping phone books, beating with bataaka bats
and usually determine the elements of arrest if and screaming into pillows. I personally got
I chose to read the report. I mastered county more relief from breaking glass. I would drive
and city computers. I could research a crimi- down the street and throw coke bottles into
nal history and “find” just about anyone. I the ground. When they would shatter, it was
know literally hundreds of police officers, most like a sedative, temporarily. These things were
of their badge numbers, and most of them supposed to decrease my “repressed anger.” In
would do nearly anything for me. Before en- essence, the more anger I expressed, the mad-
tering this therapy situation, I had many com- der I got. I was in a constant state of rage. After
mendations and was nominated by my ser- a flashback, Steve would have me direct that
geant for Non-Sworn Employee of the Year. rage at Mama. He literally hated my mother.
After getting into therapy, I was still good at He would insult her, distorting everything that
what I did, but my work, the officers, my she said or did. Once, she wrote a check for my
daughter, everything took a back seat. By the therapy because I simply did not have the
time I left therapy, I had expended all of my money and he tore it up in my face. “I don’t
sick time, my vacation time and came close to want her money,” he said. (He then added it to
being fired over one of my stays in the hospi- my bill.) My mother knew better than to speak
tal. I was also on the verge of losing my home. against Steve. I would not tolerate that. He was
Was this progress? going to save me.
I believe the worst part of this type of ther- I spent four years with this therapy team.
apy is living through the flashbacks. It was After four years, I wanted to do more. I wanted
frightening and left me empty and drained. I to be more. I was at the point of feeling like I
would literally “feel” pain of the things I was would never get well. There was no hope for
seeing in my head. My mother became my sex- me, I was too far gone. I wanted to make the
ual abuser, then my brother and grandfather best of my life. I called Steve on December 20,
r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p a t i e n t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e | 613

1989, exactly four years after I had walked family and my daughter. There was pain, de-
into his office. I said I wanted to write a book spair, humiliation, fear, and frustration. It
about my experiences in the jail. I had con- caused me to be paranoid. I have had trouble
tacted an author of a book about police and trusting anyone. Professionals had me scared
felt sure he would help me get started. Steve to death, even ones there to help me. My
was quiet. I asked him if he thought I could do daughter and I had no financial security and
this. I waited, listening like a child waiting for nearly lost our home. I did not have a car that
approval from a parent. The words that fol- ran. All my energy, all my money, everything I
lowed tore into me, stinging me to the core of had went to them. When I woke up, my
my being. “You are not through with flash- daughter was 12 years old and I missed it. I
backs.” missed some of her most precious years while
Disenchanted. Angry. Frustrated. I termi- searching endlessly for the next “memory.”
nated my therapy. I grieved so much for them With the help of Skip Simpson, his law firm,
I had to enter therapy with another counselor my faith in God and the support of family and
to get through it. I went to her, telling her the friends, I have held these two men account-
same stories I had come to believe in therapy able for what they did to me and my daughter.
about my family. I spent the next 22 months They were responsible for unethical, unprofes-
still convinced these things had happened to sional treatment of me and my child. They in-
me. jured us and it will take a long time to undo
In October, 1991, I picked up an article on a the damage. On December 19, 1991, Skip filed
family who had been accused of horrible abuse a lawsuit on behalf of myself and my daughter,
by their daughter in therapy. I was at Kroger Jennifer. We sued them, in part, for creating
and never left the parking lot until I had read false memories, for giving me substandard
every single word. The daughter was in ther- care, for therapeutic negligence, and for fraud.
apy with me. I had listened to her pain and It was extremely hard to trust anyone, espe-
suffering. Now, I was getting another side to cially an attorney. It was quite a while before I
this picture. Steve and Dave insisted these peo- felt I could trust Skip but through his being
ple were Satanists—the cruelest, meanest peo- trustworthy, I am learning to trust again. Now,
ple in the world. They had committed inde- however, I do it with my thinking cap on. I
scribable acts on their children. What really have learned through all of this that no one,
interested me was that some of the “stories” I not one single person in this world, has all of
had heard from Steve and Dave were pre- the answers. One of the quickest ways to turn
sented differently than those in the article. me off is for someone to tell me “This is the
Could Steve and Dave maybe have lied to me? only answer, the only way.” I am now into crit-
Lied to us all? I was glued to the article. Then, ical thinking and proper skepticism. I look
after I read it, I drove home and read it again. I back now and see so many things that were
wanted to know these people. I wanted to meet just not logical. I will never again allow an-
them and see for myself that they were not re- other person to control my mind or my life.
ally what I had heard. In meeting them and On June 25, 1993, Skip Simpson called me
seeing the severe contrast to what I had heard, at work. He told me they were having a meet-
I was able to begin to discern my reality. They ing to possibly settle my case and for me to
had lied to me—the con job of all con jobs. stay by the phone. When the call came, I went
This therapy has snatched something from to his office. We talked and he gave me two
me that I can never get back. I lost years of my options for a settlement. We decided which
life where I was emotionally distant from my would be the best one for my particular situa-
614 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p a t i e n t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

tion and that of my daughter. He went down- sought out help and those who have taken an
stairs and moments later came back up. He oath to do no harm abused the trust placed in
said, “It’s over.” Tears were streaming down them and did, in fact, harm. They not only
my face. We hugged. I looked at this man who hurt the patient, they destroy the patient’s par-
had taken my case before he knew it was a na- ents, siblings, their own children, and virtually
tional problem, believed in me before I could anyone else who has been in their lives.
believe in myself, and I said, “You helped me My life now is only getting better because I
get my power back from those who took it am not into the blame game any longer. I am
from me. I have my mind back and for this, I no longer searching out “memories.” After
cannot thank you enough.” (As a condition of only one year with a good competent coun-
my settlement I cannot disclose the settlement selor, and two years working with an attorney
amount, the location where I was treated, or who refuses to treat me like a “mental pa-
the names of my counselors.) tient,” I have begun to rebuild my life. Skip
My life has changed so drastically this past Simpson had faith in me and recognized my
year. Since my case broke on the news I have strength before I could see it. I responded to
been talking with people all over the country him because he treated me like I had a brain.
who have lost children to this therapy, and He expected me to use it. The pain of what I
adults who have absolutely had their lives de- went through is still there; however, I now
stroyed and lost everything by being in it. I was take responsibility for my own life, for chang-
speaking in Illinois and we got picketed. The ing it the way I want it to be. I could sit forever
signs read, “We believe the children.” I would and worry about the past and what this one or
like to ask at what point do they believe the that one did or did not do, but the ultimate
children? Is it when they are insisting nothing choice for my life is mine to make. I now take
happened, or, after they place them with a so- that challenge.
cial worker, or therapist with an agenda, who If you have been affected by this type of
spends hours, days, weeks and months trying therapy, or are interested in further informa-
to get them to say what they want them to say? tion on the subject, please contact the False
What happened to me is not about sexual Memory Syndrome Foundation, 3401 Market,
abuse or child abuse by a parent. It is about Suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19104. 800/568-
therapeutic negligence and fraud. We must be- 8882.
gin to think critically about this situation. If we To obtain a copy of True Stories of False
do not do something to stop this, the family Memories by Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin
structure as we know it will be gone. Families Farmer, in which Laura Pasley’s story appears,
have been shattered and homes destroyed be- contact the SIRS Publishing Company: 800/
cause troubled, hurting, vulnerable people 232-7477.
Recovered Memory Therapy and
False Memory Syndrome
A Psychiatrist’s Perspective as a Test Case


housands of patients (mostly women) (RMT), a hodge-podge of techniques varying

T in the United States have undergone

or are undergoing attempted treat-
ment by psychotherapists for a non-existent
with each therapist. The purpose of RMT is to
enable the patient to recover into conscious-
ness not only wholly accurate recollections of
memory disorder. As a result, these same ancient sexual traumas, but also repressed
therapists have unwittingly promoted the de- body memories (such as physical pains) that
velopment of a real memory disorder: False occurred at the time of the traumas.
Memory Syndrome. To make sense of this un- In actuality, RMT produces disturbing fan-
fortunate situation, I need to offer a few defi- tasies which are misperceived by the patient
nitions. and misinterpreted by the therapist as memo-
Some psychotherapists believe that child- ries. Mislabeled by the therapist and patient
hood sexual abuse is the specific cause of nu- as recovered memories, they are actually false
merous physical and mental ills later in life. memories.
Some term this Incest Survivor Syndrome The vast majority of false memory cases de-
(ISS). There is no firm evidence that this is veloping from RMT are in women, which is
the case, since even where there has been why this article assumes patients to be female.
documented sexual abuse during childhood,
there are numerous other factors that can ex-
plain physical or emotional complaints that
appear years later in an adult. Initiation of Patients into RMT
These therapists believe that the children
immediately repress all memory of sexual A woman consults a psychotherapist for relief
abuse shortly after it occurs, causing it to van- of various emotional complaints. The thera-
ish from recollection without a trace. The pist informs her that she may have been mo-
price for having repressed memories is said to lested as a child and does not know it, and this
be the eventual development of ISS. could explain her symptoms. Some patients
Therapists attempt to “cure” ISS by engag- think this idea is absurd and go to another
ing patients in recovered memory therapy therapist; others accept the therapist’s sugges-

616 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p s y c h i a t r i s t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

tions and stay on. More than a few women — Hearing or reading about the “recovered
have heard about repressed memories from memories” of other women which can
talk shows or tabloids even prior to coming to serve as inspirations.
the therapist’s office, and may even make the — Amytal interviews (“truth serum”) and/or
appointment believing they too could be hypnosis (including “age regression”
“victims.” where the patient is told she is
Though the patient has no memories of temporarily being transformed into the
abuse, she becomes motivated for “memory way she was when she was five years old).
recovery” since she is told this will cure her — Telling the patient to review family
symptoms. The therapist will offer encourage- albums; if she looks sad in some of her
ment that “memories” will return. Suggestive childhood photos, she is told this is
dreams or new pains are interpreted by the further confirmation that abuse occurred.
therapist as proof that repressed memories are
The therapist may refer the patient to a
“survivor recovery group.” There she will
meet women who further encourage her to The Dark Side of “Recovery”
keep trying to remember. Attendance at these
support groups, as well as assigned reading in Patients start out RMT with the hope that
self-help books, surrounds the patient with things will be better once they recover their
validation for the therapist’s theories. repressed memories. But usually life becomes
The vast majority of women with FMS are far more complicated.
white, middle class, and above average in edu- The FMS patient will often become es-
cation. This corresponds to the profile of a typ- tranged from the “perpetrator” (most often
ical woman who enters long term psychother- her father). If the patient has small children,
apy, and who perceives such activity as an they will be off limits to “perpetrators” as well.
important way to solve life’s problems. Relationships with other family members be-
come contingent on their not challenging the
patient’s beliefs.
Therapists may urge parents to come for a
“family conference” in order to allow the pa-
Generating False Memories tient to surprise the “perpetrator” with a re-
hearsed confrontation. Family members are
Unlike courts of law which obtain objective ev- usually too shocked and disorganized to co-
idence where allegations of evil-doing are herently respond to accusations. The rationale
made, RMT solely directs the patient to attend for this scenario is that since “survivors” feel
toward her inner world for “proof” she was powerless, they need “empowerment.”
sexually abused. Such RMT techniques may FMS patients may file belated crime reports
include: with local law enforcement agencies and may
go on to sue “perpetrators.” Such lawsuits de-
— Meditation on fantasy production, such as mand compensation for bills from psychother-
pictures drawn in “art therapy,” dreams, apists and possibly other doctors who treated
or stream of consciousness journal adult medical problems that therapists some-
writing. how link to childhood traumas. Of course,
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there may be demands for “punitive dam- The Care and Maintenance of False Memories
ages.” Spouses of “perpetrators” (usually the
patient’s mother) may be sued as well for be- FMS involves a combination of mistaken per-
ing negligent, thus making householder’s in- ceptions and false beliefs. The fledgling FMS
surance into a courtroom piggy bank. Since patient is encouraged to “connect” with an en-
FMS patients sincerely believe they have been vironment that will reinforce the FMS state,
victimized, more than a few juries have given and is encouraged to “disconnect” from peo-
verdicts sympathetic to them. ple or information that might lead her to ques-
Preoccupied with the continuing chores of tion the results of RMT.
“memory recovery,” the FMS patient may The FMS subculture is victim-oriented.
come to ignore more pressing problems with Even though they have not undergone anti-
her marriage, family, schooling, or career. Of- cancer chemotherapy or walked away from
ten the time demands and expense of the ther- airplane crashes, FMS patients are told they
apy itself become a major life disruption. too are “survivors.” This becomes a kind of
Some patients during the course of RMT new identity, giving FMS patients the feeling of
develop “multiple personality disorder” a strong bond with other “survivors” of abuse.
(MPD). RMT therapists have claimed that Patients will often start attending “survivor”
they need to not only recover repressed mem- support groups, subscribe to “survivor”
ories, but also to uncover repressed personal- newsletters, or even attend “survivor” conven-
ity fragments; some women come to believe tions (sometimes with their therapists).
they are repositories of dozens of hidden per- They will read books found in “recovery”
sonalities (“alters”). “Alters” have their own sections of bookstores. The best known book,
names and characteristics, and may identify The Courage to Heal, is weighty, literate, and
themselves as men or even animals. An in- thus appears authoritative. Authors Laura
creasing number of psychiatrists and psychol- Davis and Ellen Bass have no formal training
ogists are coming to view MPD as a product of in psychology, psychiatry, or memory. This pa-
environmental suggestion and reinforcement, perback, modestly priced at $20, has sold over
since the diagnosis was hardly made prior to 700,000 copies.
ten years ago. One area where there is no con- Patients are told to shy away from dialogue
troversy: once MPD is diagnosed, therapy bills with skeptical friends or relatives, since this
become astronomical. will hinder their “recovery.” “Perpetrators”
Some FMS patients become convinced that who proclaim their innocence cannot be taken
their abuse was actually “satanic ritual abuse” seriously since they are “in denial” and inca-
(SRA), due to participation by relatives in a se- pable of telling the truth.
cret satanic cult. Some therapists believe SRA Aside from these social influences, people
is the work of a vast underground cult network by nature often resist seeing themselves as be-
in these United States. No evidence beyond ing in error. It can be terribly painful to ac-
“recovered memories” has ever been offered knowledge having made a big mistake, partic-
as proof that satanic cults exist at this claimed ularly when harmful consequences have
level of frequency. Therapists who lecture on resulted.
the topic have explained away the lack of evi- RMT exploits the tendency within each of
dence that such cults exist by claiming that no us to blame others for our problems, and to
defectors speak out due to iron-clad secrecy latch onto simple answers for life’s compli-
via brainwashing and terror. cated problems. RMT therapists suggest that
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aside from entirely ruining childhoods, child- Events that have slipped away from memory
hood sexual abuse can explain anything and cannot be recalled with the accuracy of a
everything that goes wrong during adulthood. videotape. Individuals forget not only insignifi-
RMT becomes the ultimate crybaby therapy. cant events in their entirety, but also signifi-
cant events. Some events (traumatic or not) are
recalled, but with significant details altered.
A study of children whose school was at-
How Memory Really Works tacked by a sniper showed that some who were
not on the school grounds later insisted they
In Freud’s theory of “repression” the mind au- had personal recollections of being in school
tomatically banishes traumatic events from during the attack. These false memories appar-
memory to prevent overwhelming anxiety. ently were inspired by exposure to the stories
Freud further theorized that repressed memo- of those who truly experienced the trauma.
ries cause “neurosis,” which could be cured if Memories can be deliberately distorted in
the memories were made conscious. While all adults by presenting a display of visual infor-
this is taught in introductory psychology mation, and later exposing subjects to verbal
courses and has been taken by novelists and disinformation about what they saw. This dis-
screenwriters to be a truism, Freud’s repres- information often becomes incorporated into
sion theory has never been verified by rigor- memory, contaminating the ultimate memories
ous scientific proof. that are recalled.
Freud, were he alive today, would be trau- To be sure, some who enter therapy were
matized to see how RMT has redefined his pet abused as children, but they have always re-
concept. While Freud talked of the repression membered this abuse. They do not need spe-
of single traumatic episodes, today’s therapists cial help in “memory recovery” to tell the
maintain that dozens of similar traumatic therapist what happened to them.
episodes occurring over years are repressed
with 100% efficiency.
The well known syndrome of Post Trau-
matic Stress Disorder shows us that verifiable
Why Recovered Memory Therapy
traumatic events, rather than disappearing Is Bad Therapy
from memory, leave trauma victims haunted
by intrusive memories in which the victim re- RMT purportedly is undertaken to help pa-
lives the trauma. For those who were in Nazi tients recover from the effects of sexual abuse
concentration camps or underwent torture as from childhood; however, at the onset of RMT
POWs in Vietnam, this can become a serious there is no evidence that such abuse ever oc-
lifelong problem. curred. Thus, instead of a therapist having
People forget most of what occurs to them, some evidence for a diagnosis and then adopt-
including some events that were pleasant or ing a proper treatment plan, RMT therapists
significant to them at the time. If an event is use the “treatment” to produce their diagnosis.
lost from memory, there is no scientific way to Some RMT therapists over-attribute com-
prove whether it was “repressed” or simply mon psychological complaints as signs of for-
forgotten. And there is no reason that memo- gotten childhood sexual abuse. In their zeal to
ries of sexual abuse should be handled any dif- find memories, these therapists overlook any
ferently than childhood memories of physical and all alternative explanations for the pa-
abuse or of emergency surgery. tient’s complaints.
r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p s y c h i a t r i s t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e | 619

RMT therapists ignore basic psychological gresses, with corresponding disruption in their
principles that all individuals are suggestible, personal lives. Few therapists will seek consul-
and that patients in distress seeking psy- tation in order to clarify the problem, assum-
chotherapy are particularly likely to adopt be- ing instead that it is due to sexual abuse hav-
liefs and biases of their therapist. ing been worse than anyone might have
Many RMT therapists have studied neither imagined.
basic sciences related to memory nor the diag-
nosis of actual diseases of memory. Their
knowledge is often based on a single weekend
seminar, as opposed to years of formal training Other Kinds of FMS
in any graduate program they attended to get
their licenses. Some individuals come to believe that they
Hypnosis and sodium amytal administration lived “past lives” as a result of having under-
(“truth serum”) are unacceptable procedures gone “past life therapy.” This phenomenon
for memory recovery. Courts reject hypnosis as generally develops in participants who are
a memory aid. Subjects receiving hypnosis or grounded in the New Age zeitgeist and already
amytal as general memory aids (even in in- open to “discovering” their past lives. They
stances where there is no question of sexual enroll in seminars which can run up to an en-
abuse) will often generate false memories. tire weekend and will involve some measure of
Upon returning to their normal state of con- group hypnotic induction and guided medita-
sciousness, subjects assume all their refreshed tions. This sort of FMS also involves continu-
“memories” are equally true. ing group reinforcement. In contrast to hor-
RMT therapists generally make no attempt rific images of sexual abuse, recollections of
to verify “recovered memories” by interview- “past lives” are generally pleasant and inter-
ing third parties, or obtaining pediatric or esting. Few participants will recall spending
school records. Some have explained that they prior lives in lunatic asylums or dungeons. The
do not verify the serious allegations that arise whole experience is assumed to be therapeutic
from RMT because their job is simply to help by helping participants better understand the
the patient feel “safe” and “recover.” situation of their present lives.
Many patients who have known all their A small number of individuals develop “re-
lives that they were mistreated or neglected by covered memories” of being abducted by
their parents decide as adults to be friends aliens from outer space. Almost always these
with the offending parents. By contrast, RMT individuals had some curiosity about this area
therapists encourage their patients, on the ba- and were hardly skeptics before they fell into
sis of “recovered memories,” to break off rela- an alien abduction FMS.
tionships with the alleged “perpetrators” as In contrast to women who are plagued with
well as other relatives who disagree with the concerns that they were sexually abused, these
patient’s views. This is completely at odds with varieties of FMS are of a much more benign
the traditional goals of therapists: to allow nature and do not disrupt personal functioning
competent patients to make their own impor- or family life. While some of these individuals
tant decisions, and to improve their patient’s suffer the ignominy of being perceived as
relationships with others. “kooks,” they may receive compensating
Patients undergoing RMT often undergo an group support from those who share their
increase of symptoms as their treatment pro- beliefs.
620 | r e c o v e r e d m e m o r y t h e r a p y : a p s y c h i a t r i s t ’ s p e r s p e c t i v e

A Word about the Future for clinical psychologists in California recently

tripled its rates without explanation; this has
Increasing numbers of women who claimed to led to speculation that the carrier is anticipat-
have recovered memories of sexual abuse have ing increasing numbers of lawsuits alleging
retracted their claims and now see themselves that psychologists caused FMS.
as having had FMS. This may spontaneously The False Memory Syndrome Foundation,
occur when women relocate to another locale formed in 1991, has been contacted by over
and lose contact with their prior therapists and 7,000 families in the U.S. and Canada who be-
support group. Without the “positive rein- lieve their grown children have FMS, and
forcement” from others to encourage false these families let their views be known to state
memory development and maintenance, some licensing boards and professional organiza-
women begin to doubt the veracity of what tions. Managed care administrators are starting
they had believed was true. While some re- to question megabills submitted by RMT ther-
main suspended in a twilight of doubt, others apists, some of whom see their patients
have fully recanted. through lengthy psychiatric hospitalizations.
These retractors may have a profound influ- Understandably, all of this has gained the at-
ence on getting women with an active FMS to tention of the American Psychiatric Associa-
re-evaluate their situation. While FMS patients tion and American Psychological Association,
learn from the FMS culture to dismiss critics who are setting up task forces to try to exam-
as either “perpetrators” or their apologists, the ine the whole phenomenon.
voice of a woman who says she is recovering Meanwhile, there is a large FMS subculture
from FMS is more easily heard. consisting of women convinced that their “re-
Although most influential among family covered memories” are accurate, therapists
counselors and social workers, RMT affected keeping busy doing RMT, and of authors on
the practices of some licensed psychologists the “recovery” lecture and talk show circuits.
and psychiatrists, some of whom were practic- In addition, there are some vocal fringes of the
ing in special “dissociative disorders units” in feminist movement that cherish RMT since it
psychiatric hospitals. These activities have is “proof” that men are dangerous and rotten,
gone on with little challenge, until recently. unless proven otherwise. Skeptical challenges
The number of women with FMS who have to RMT are met by emotional rejoinders that
become retractors is increasing. Some have critics are front groups for perpetrators, and
sued their former therapists for malpractice make the ridiculous analogy that “some peo-
(see Laura Pasley’s story in the previous en- ple even say the Holocaust did not happen.”
try), and others are weighing the possibilities RMT will eventually disappear, but it will
of doing so. One malpractice insurance carrier take time.
Evolutionary Psychology as Good Science

s “the fault, dear Brutus, not in our stars cynically) titled The Moral Animal, has held

I but in ourselves?” In our genes? Or in our

jeans? Why do some “bestride the narrow
world like a Colossus” while other “petty men
that “the uniquely malleable human mind, to-
gether with the unique force of culture, has
severed our behavior from its evolutionary
[most of us] peep about to find ourselves dis- roots; . . . [and] there is no inherent human
honorable graves”? Are not men, as Shake- nature driving events . . . our essential nature
speare suggested in Julius Caesar, at least is to be driven” (1994, 5).
sometimes “masters of their fates”? Or, as For example, Emile Durkheim, the patri-
Jack Nicholson’s “average horny little devil” arch of modern sociology, referred to human
asks about the differences between men and nature as “merely the indeterminate material
women, in the film version of Updike’s The that the social factor molds and transforms.”
Witches of Eastwick: He argued that even such deeply felt emo-
tions as sexual jealousy, a father’s love of his
Do you think God knew what he was do- child, or the child’s love of the father are “far
ing . . . or do you think it was just another of from being inherent in human nature.”
his minor mistakes—like tidal waves, earth- Robert Lowie, a founding father of American
quakes, floods. . . . When we make mistakes, cultural anthropology, argued that “the prin-
they call it evil; God makes mistakes, they call ciples of psychology are as incapable of ac-
it nature. counting for the phenomena of culture as is
gravitation to account for architectural
A mistake? Or did he do it on purpose? Be- styles.” Ruth Benedict, one of the founding
cause if it’s a mistake, maybe we can do some- mothers of American anthropology, and a
thing about it—find a cure; invent a vaccine; crusader against the theory of racial differ-
build up our immune system. ences (which was the norm in pre–World War
Throughout most of human history, the an- II days), wrote that “we must accept all the
swers to these questions have come from implications of our human inheritance, one of
myth or literature. Starting with the Enlight- the most important of which is the small
enment, however, the answers have usually scope of biologically transmitted behavior,
been couched in the allegedly “objective find- and the enormous role of the cultural process
ings” of either history or science. Since the of transmission of tradition.” (All quotes from
end of World War II, the “standard model of Wright, 1994.) B. F. Skinner founded the
social science,” as summarized by Robert school of behavioral psychology, dominant in
Wright in his very readable introduction to American psychology in the 1950s and 1960s,
evolutionary psychology, skeptically (if not on the bedrock assumption that human and

624 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

animal behavior could be accounted for in • Why do human females have such large
terms of rewards and punishments. breasts relative to our nearest primate
To all of this, evolutionary psychologists re- relatives the great apes?
ply with the gusto of a Wayne and Garth • Do dominant Alpha Males have all the
“NOT!” Human nature is real, it is important, fun and leave the most descendants, or
and it isn’t going to go away. Here is a sam- do “Sneaky Fuckers” beat them at their
pling of the sorts of questions evolutionary own game?
psychologists ask and attempt to answer: • Why do women have orgasms?
• Why do cute, lovable children so quickly
• Are we all naturally the same or naturally transmogrify into wild, ungrateful
different? teenagers?
• Is our mind all of one piece or is it • Why, as we grow old, do we feel, in the
composed of modules? words of retiring Supreme Court Justice
• Are we naturally moral and good and Thurgood Marshall, that we’re “just
only become evil through circumstance, fallin’ apart”?
or are we naturally evil and only made • Do men naturally form power pyramids
good through enforced circumstance? and hierarchies while women naturally
• Why are men and women so different? form cliques?
• Do men naturally want young and • Do we naturally partition the world into
beautiful women—and as many as they US v. THEM?
can get? • Does maternal instinct explain why
• Do women naturally want rich and moms usually act like moms, while dads
powerful men—and a bonded, all too often act like cads?
monogamous, caring relationship? • Do we naturally prefer those who
• Are men naturally turned on (maybe too physically resemble us and find them to
turned on) by the sight of a woman—or be more like us in other ways as well?
even a silhouette or cartoon of one?
• Do men like sex more than women do? Are such questions even scientifically mean-
If so, why? ingful or do they more properly fall in the
• Just how much does a man’s or woman’s realm of religion, literature, or politics? They
looks tell a member of the opposite sex are certainly great openers to liven up even
about them and their value as a potential the dullest party. But the new and emerging
mate? field of evolutionary psychology, building on
• Why do men get turned on by “lips like work from Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man
rubies, eyes like limpid pools, and skin and The Expression of Emotion in Man and
like silk”? And why do women spend so Animals, tells us that the answers to these age-
much time and money trying to achieve old questions, dear Brutus, are in our evolu-
and reinforce that appearance? tionary history and our genes. And they claim
• Why do human males have such large they’ve got the “bloody daggers” to prove it!
penises relative to our nearest primate This introduction cannot examine the evo-
relatives the great apes? lutionary argument on each of these points.
• Do some human groups, on average, Instead, it merely outlines the case and de-
have larger (and therefore less ape-like) scribes the type of evidence and the nature of
penises than other groups? If so, why? the arguments to be placed before you, the
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 625

skeptical jury. The references in the bibliogra- all living units, hence on all counts the most
phy provide a more complete “transcript.” The likely units of selection. One may say that
article that follows presents a case against evo- genes evolved to survive by reproducing, and
lutionary explanations of human behavior. they have evolved to reproduce by creating
and guiding the conduct and fate of all the
units above them” (38).
Implicit in this reasoning is the conclusion
From Survival of the Fittest that species and populations (races) are very
to Inclusive Fitness unlikely units of selection. Hence, all talk of
individuals doing things, especially dying, for
The fundamental theorem upon which evolu- the good of the species or the race appears im-
tionary psychology is based is that behavior probable if not downright impossible. But if
(just like anatomy and physiology) is in large that is the case, then how could any sort of co-
part inherited and that every organism acts operative behavior, of which there are as many
(consciously or not) to enhance its inclusive examples all around us as there are of compet-
fitness—to increase the frequency and distribu- itive behavior, have ever evolved?
tion of its selfish genes in future generations. Well, humans, like most complex species,
And those genes exist not only in the individ- don’t pass on their genes by simply dividing
ual but in his or her identical twin (100%), and producing exact replicas of themselves the
siblings (on average, 50%), cousins (on aver- way amoebas do. It takes at least two, not only
age, 25%) and so on down the kinship line. to tango, but to reproduce. While you need not
Thus, aid to and feelings for relatives make share any genes with your mate, you must
evolutionary sense. share some, but not necessarily all of them
This revision and extension of Darwinian with your relatives (except in the interesting
evolution, from “survival of the fittest” to in- case of an identical twin, who shares all your
clusive fitness, was worked out primarily by genes). Work out the arithmetic and it pro-
George Williams (in the US) and by William duces some interesting consequences in terms
Hamilton and John Maynard Smith (in the of whom you should help and when, as sum-
UK) in the 1960s, with some clever twists marized in Figure 1 (adapted from Alexander,
added by Robert Trivers (in the US) in the 1979). Rather than anything so simple as ei-
1970s. How efficiently can the Darwinian mill ther “every man for himself” or “all for one
grind? they asked. It largely depends on the and one for all,” Figure 1 shows that, like it or
type of grain fed in. Darwinian selection oper- not, you’re stuck in a complex, time-directed
ates most effectively if the units on which it is matrix of cooperation, competition, trust, and
working: deception with all your blood relatives and
even those you might think are blood relatives.
1. are more, rather than less, variable; Appropriately enough, you watch out for
2. have shorter, rather than longer, Number 1 first; your parents, children, and full
lifetimes; siblings next; and so on in order of decreasing
3. are more heritable, rather than genetic similarity. But given that time’s arrow
environmental. flies in one direction only, you have a better
chance of passing on your genes by helping
Richard Alexander (1979) has argued con- your children than by helping your aging
vincingly that “genes are the most persistent of parents.
626 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

t gre a t g
reat grandpa
rent An individual is most likely to
g re a
a t g r e grandparent
a t benefit from close relatives
g re
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the more likely a benefit is to occur
ta d

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Relationships other
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sibling &
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half twin unrelated
sibling persons
half fi


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Figure 1

Symons Says best way for a female to insure the survival of

the baby she has invested so much time and
What does evolutionary theory predict you effort in is to try and get that guy to meet his
should expect from your mates? The answer is monthly payments.
even more disconcerting. A corollary to the In The Evolution of Human Sexuality (27,
fundamental theorem is that the differences 1979), anthropologist Donald Symons provides
between males and females in humans, just as evolutionary psychology’s point-by-point reply
in most mammalian species, are readily ex- to “the horny little devil’s” soliloquy on men
plainable in terms of differential parental in- and women:
vestment. That is, the male contributions to
the reproductive process—lots of sperm and a 1. Intrasexual competition generally is
few minutes of light work—are plentiful and much more intense among males than
cheap, short and pleasurable; while the female among females, and in preliterate
contributions—eggs and months of pregnancy— societies competition over women
are rare and expensive, long, dangerous, and probably is the single most important
often painful. Given that, the best way for a cause of violence.
male to maximize his inclusive fitness is to . . . 2. Men incline to polygyny, whereas women
well, diversify his genetic portfolio; while the are more malleable in this respect and,
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 627

depending on the circumstances, may be Robin Fox argued in 1971 in The Imperial An-
equally satisfied in polygynous [one imal that if “we look at enough primates to see
male—multiple females], monogamous, or what we all have in common, we’ll get some
polyandrous [one female—multiple idea of what it was we evolved from. If we see
males] marriages. what we had to change from to get to be what
3. Almost universally, men experience we are now, it might help to explain what we
sexual jealousy of their mates. Women in fact are.”
are more malleable in this respect, but in
certain circumstances, women’s
experience of sexual jealousy may be
characteristically as intense as men’s. Of Belles and Balls
4. Men are much more likely to be sexually
aroused by the sight of women and the Figures 2 and 3 are adapted from Jared Dia-
female genitals than women are by the mond’s The Third Chimpanzee (73–74). They
sight of men and the male genitals. Such compare the relevant male and female
arousal must be distinguished from anatomy for humans and our nearest living
arousal produced by the sight of, or the relatives, the great apes.
description of, an actual sexual First look at the amount of sexual dimor-
encounter, since male-female differences phism in the four species. As Diamond notes,
in the latter may be minimal. “chimps of both sexes weigh about the same;
5. Physical characteristics, especially those men are slightly larger than women, but male
that correlate with youth, are by far the orangutans and gorillas are much bigger than
most important determinants of women’s females” (73). These are interesting facts from
sexual attractiveness. Physical comparative anatomy, but what do they have
characteristics are somewhat less to do with behavior? Throughout the animal
important determinants of men’s sexual kingdom, polygynous species (i.e., those in
attractiveness; political and economic which each dominant male breeds with multi-
prowess are more important; and youth is ple females) are sexually dimorphic. This
relatively unimportant. makes sense from an evolutionary point of
6. Much more than women, men are view. The only way a male can pass on his
predisposed to desire a variety of sex genes is to breed with a female, and to better
partners for the sake of variety. the odds, the more the merrier. But since there
7. Among all peoples, copulation is are only so many females to go around, from
considered to be essentially a service or day one males are in competition with other
favor that women render to men, and not males for those females. An arms race begins
vice versa, regardless of which sex in which males are selected for their ability to
derives or is thought to derive greater win out against other males for access to the
pleasure from sexual intercourse. females. And since nothing escalates like an
arms race, you end up with male gorillas and
To many, this sets a new standard in arguing orangs that are not only twice the size of the
for the inherent and therefore inescapable na- females, but armed with huge canines, and
ture of the double standard. What evidence is loaded with secondary sexual characteristics
there to support the argument that male- like crested heads and silver backs that are
female differences are so deeply rooted in our easily recognizable at a distance and help to
nature? Anthropologists Lionel Tiger and attract mates.
628 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

Figure 2 Figure 3

Chimps, on the other hand, show little sex- under very difficult economic conditions” and
ual dimorphism, less even than humans. The disappears quickly “when more usual condi-
gibbon (an ape, but not a great one) shows the tions are present” (Symons, 225).
least sexual dimorphism. Males and females To move on from gross anatomy to gross dis-
look identical at a distance and the gibbons’ course, if the male gorilla is so big and tough,
strict adherence to monogamy should win an how come he has such small balls? How does
award from the Moral Majority (though that evolutionary theory account for those differ-
would mean acknowledging man’s common ences in testicle, penis, and breast size? It may
primate ancestry and therefore ditching cre- be a tough climb to the top of the male gorilla
ationism). Going simply by the dope sheet of dominance pyramid, but once there, things
sexual dimorphism, an evolutionary handicap- become quieter. Until dethroned, you have vir-
per would bet the rent that Homo sapiens tually uncontested access to all the females, so
would, by nature, be mildly polygynous. And sex is no big thing. In fact, the dominant male
he’d walk away from the pay window a big with a harem of females “experiences sex as a
winner. A cross-cultural analysis of 853 soci- rare treat: if he is lucky, a few times a year”
eties revealed that 83% of them are polygy- (Diamond, 73). So just a little bit of sperm goes
nous. Polygyny occurs frequently, even when a long way to insuring the male gorilla’s inclu-
legally prohibited. There are an estimated sive fitness.
25,000 to 35,000 polygynous marriages in the For the minimally sexually dimorphic
US; a study of 437 financially successful Amer- chimp, things get a little dicier. Chimps do
ican men found that some maintained two sep- have power pyramids. Compared to the gorilla
arate families, each unknown to the other and the orang, their hierarchies are so com-
(Buss, 177–178). Polyandry (one female with plex that Frans de Waal entitled his study of
multiple males), on the other hand, is “virtu- them Chimpanzee Politics. Getting to the top
ally absent” among hunter/gatherers and con- and staying there calls more for the skills of a
fined to “agriculturalists and pastoralists living Machiavelli than of a Mike Tyson. Dominant
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 629

males have frequent though not exclusive ac- mean differences in penis size between various
cess to the females. Rather than simply their racial groups within the human species. His
bodies, it is their sperm that must compete letter to Skeptic (Vol. 3, No. 4, 22–25), with an
against those of their fellow dominants, as well accompanying table, summarizes his argu-
as those of the occasional “sneaky fucker.” ment that there is a “tradeoff” between cogni-
And all of this follows directly from one of the tive assets (brain size and IQ score) and repro-
triumphs of evolutionary biology—the Theory ductive assets (penis size and gamete
of Testicle Size. To wit, “species that copulate production). Both neurons and gametes are
more often need bigger testes; and promiscu- expensive and Rushton’s data are replicable,
ous species in which several males routinely but most evolutionary biologists and psycholo-
copulate in quick sequence with one female gists do not accept his interpretation.
need especially big testes (because the male Rushton’s work highlights two important
that injects the most semen has the best differences among evolutionary explanations
chance of being the one to fertilize the egg). of behavior. Evolutionary explanations of ge-
When fertilization is a competitive lottery, netic differences between individuals, and es-
large testes enable a male to enter more sperm pecially between groups of individuals, have
in the lottery” (Diamond, 72). an air of an earlier Social Darwinism which
Humans, according to evolutionary theory, many today find downright offensive. Which is
should therefore be intermediate between not to say that they are, for that reason, factu-
chimps and gorillas both in polygyny and in ally wrong. But most of today’s evolutionary
promiscuity—and the data fit the prediction. I psychologists are concerned with the univer-
leave it to the reader to speculate as to what the sals of human nature, not the differences.
evolutionary result would be if groups of reli- They argue that “genetic differences among
gious cultists (in which the leader tries to mo- individuals surely play a role, but perhaps a
nopolize the females) and outlaw biker gangs larger role is played by genetic commonalities:
(who after all gave us the term “gang bang”) by a generic, species-wide developmental pro-
were to each pursue their own evolutionary gram that absorbs information from the social
path, separate from the rest of human society. environment and adjusts the maturing mind
Diamond provides more hard anatomical accordingly.” They therefore believe that “fu-
data (75): ture progress in grasping the importance of
environment will probably come from think-
The length of the erect penis averages 1 1/4 ing about genes” (Wright, 9).
inches in a gorilla, 1 1/2 inches in an orang- And whereas Rushton and others, located
utan, 3 inches in a chimp, and 5 inches in a on the pro side of The Bell Curve controversy,
man. Visual conspicuousness varies in the argue for a unitary view of the mind (usually
same sequence: a gorilla’s penis is inconspicu- manifested in a single trait variously referred
ous even when erect because of its black color, to as intelligence, IQ, cognitive ability, or psy-
while the chimp’s pink erect penis stands out chometric g) on which all individuals (and
against the bare white skin behind it. The flac- even groups) can be measured and ranked
cid penis is not even visible in apes. from top to bottom (“alphabetically by height”
as legendary New York Yankee manager Casey
To date, however, there is no adequate evo- Stengel once put it), most of today’s evolution-
lutionary explanation of the between-species ary psychologists argue that evolution would
differences in penis size. J. P. Rushton has of- rather select for distinct mental modules. In
fered a very controversial explanation of the their view, evolution can give males a “love of
630 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

offspring” module, and make that module sen- (like ear lobes) and other cleavages (like toes
sitive to the likelihood that the offspring in in low-vamped shoes) such a turn-on.
question is indeed the man’s. But the adapta- And while we’re on the subject, what other
tion cannot be foolproof. Natural selection can female attributes turn men on? Gentlemen
give women an “attracted to muscles” module, prefer young, nubile women, with lips like ru-
or an “attracted to status” module, and . . . it bies, eyes like limpid pools, skin like silk,
can make the strength of those attractions de- breasts like a milch cow, and legs like a race
pend on all kinds of germane factors. . . . As horse. According to evolutionary theory, this is
Tooby and Cosmides say, human beings aren’t not the result of either Hollywood or Madison
general purpose “fitness maximizers.” They Avenue, but because all of these features have
are “adaptation executors.” The adaptations served as cues to a female’s health, reproduc-
may or may not bring good results in any given tive potential and sexual availability over the
case, and success is especially spotty in envi- course of human evolutionary history. Evolu-
ronments other than a small hunter-gatherer tion has built into every red-blooded male a
village (Wright, 106–107). desire to find “Pornotopia”—the fantasy land
In the view of most evolutionary psycholo- where “sex is sheer lust and physical gratifica-
gists, the modules may differ in effectiveness tion, devoid of more tender feelings and en-
from one individual to another, but given the cumbering relationships, in which women are
number of different modules, their effect is to always aroused, or at least easily arousable,
“average out” individual differences to the and ultimately are always willing” (Symons,
point where any attempt to “line everyone up” 171). The entire cosmetics, fashion, and
on a single dimension is as nebulous as Casey’s pornography industries are attempts to create
syntax. Pornotopia here on Earth.
Now let’s look at the females. “Human fe- Figure 4, adapted from Daly and Wilson
males are unique in their breasts, which are (1988), depicts human female reproductive
considerably larger than those of apes even value, calculated in terms of expected live
before the first pregnancy” (Diamond, 74). births among hunter/gatherers, as a function
Since the female gorilla and her baby are com- of female age. This curve parallels the curve
parable in size to their human counterparts, for men’s preferences in females as deter-
the bulk of the huge (by primate standards) mined in cross-cultural studies (Buss, 49–60;
human female breast consists of fat, not milk Symons, 187–200).
glands, and breast size varies greatly among Men naturally prefer young women because
human females without affecting their ability
to nurse young. Thus, the explanation cannot
be based on the need to nurse infants. Rather,
human female breasts are secondary sexual
characteristics that evolved to attract mates.
According to Desmond Morris (1967), this
took place along with the switch from front-to-
rear to front-to-front mating, the pendulous
shape and cleavage of the breasts mimicking
the pre-existing attractiveness of the female
buttocks. This also, according to the theory,
explains why men find other pendulous shapes Figure 4
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 631

they provide the most reproductive potential

for passing on the male’s genes. If anything,
males are biased toward selecting females be-
fore reproductive age in order to insure that
no other male has beaten them to the finish
line. From an evolutionary perspective, the
least wise thing a male can do is to divert his
hard-earned resources to rearing another
man’s child. Indeed, evolutionary psychologists
would argue that this is why cuckolds are uni-
versally held in such low regard.

Figure 5

Murder 1, Incest 0
of compensation for rights to female reproduc-
According to evolutionary theory, sex is a ser- tive capacity.
vice women provide to men in return for re- Even worse from the point of view of the
sources. Evolutionary psychologists Martin male and his family than failure by the female
Daly and Margo Wilson note that (188, em- to live up to her part of the contract is the
phasis theirs): thought that the male’s investment in re-
sources may be going into a competitor’s prod-
marriage is a contract not between husband uct. Figures 6 and 7 (adapted from Homicide
and wife, but between men, a formalized by Daly and Wilson) show that child abuse and
transfer of a woman as a commodity. And in- even murder are much more common for
deed when one examines the material and la- adoptive parents than for natural parents.
bor exchanges that surround marriage, it does While evolutionary theory predicts a certain
begin to look like a trafficking in women. In level of parent-child and sibling rivalry, its
our society, as in many, a father gives his predictions are contrary to another mainstay
daughter in marriage. Men purchase wives in of social science—the Freudian Oedipus Com-
the majority of human societies, and they of- plex. Under evolutionary theory, fathers have a
ten demand a refund if the bargain proves dis- strong vested interest in their son’s well-being;
appointing. Although the relatively rare prac- provided, of course, it is their son. As sons ma-
tice of dowry might be construed to mean that ture, they may in fact compete with their fa-
who pays whom is arbitrary and reversible, thers for status and for females (as daughters
dowry and bride-price are not in fact oppo- may compete with their mothers for males),
sites: A bride-price is given as compensation to but not for their own mother (or father). Many
the bride’s kin, whereas a dowry typically re- evolutionists argue that, given the decreased
mains with the newlyweds. viability of children born out of incest, selec-
tion has created an incest taboo, especially
Figure 5 (adapted from Daly and Wilson, against mother-son incest. The comparative
189) summarizes the exchange considerations ethnographic data support the existence of the
at marriage in a cross-cultural comparison of incest taboo, not the Oedipus complex
860 societies and emphasizes the universality (Alexander, 165; Wright, 315–316).
632 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

600 600

Victims per million child years

of "parent"-child co-residence
Natural parent Step parent
500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0




Age of child Age of child

Figure 6 Figure 7

They Say That Breaking up Is Hard to Do: between the second and third year of marriage
Fisher’s Divorce Law Says It Isn’t (362).
Fisher’s evolutionary explanation attributes
Evolutionary psychology provides explanations the universality of the divorce statistics to the
not only of why we pair up, but why we split “remarkable correlation between the length of
up. Conservative social critics have decried the human infancy in traditional societies, about
alarming increase in divorce in the US since four years, and the length of many marriages,
the 1960s, and variously attribute it to remov- about four years. Among the traditional !Kung,
ing Bible reading from the public schools, rock mothers hold their infants near their skin,
’n’ roll, TV and movies, liberal social welfare breast-feed regularly through the day and
programs, decriminalization of abortion, night, nurse on demand, and offer their breasts
women’s lib, and even the teaching of evolu- as pacifiers. As a result of this constant body
tion. The evolutionary perspective, on the contact and nipple stimulation, as well as high
other hand, leads one to see lifetime monog- levels of exercise and a low-fat diet, ovulation
amy as the exceptional result of an increased is suppressed and the ability to become preg-
level of social pressure rather than as the rule nant is postponed for about three years” (153).
for humans. She therefore concludes (154):
Anthropologist Helen Fisher has gathered
divorce data from 62 societies around the The modern divorce peak—about four years—
world (Figures 8 and 9). She finds that “hu- conforms to the traditional period between
man beings in a variety of societies tend to di- human successive births—four year . . . . Like
vorce between the second and fourth years of pair-bonding in foxes, robins, and many other
marriage, with a divorce peak during the species that mate only through a breeding sea-
fourth year” (360). She also finds that the di- son, human pair-bonds originally evolved to
vorce statistics for the US in 1986, well past last only long enough to raise a single depen-
the sexual revolution of the 1960s, fit the same dent child through infancy, the first four years,
pattern, with most divorces taking place unless a second child was conceived.
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 633
Divorces in 1986 (x 10,000) (total: 574,280)

5 them told with British accents

on Masterpiece Theatre, rather
4 than in the dialect of Rap or
the twang of Country & West-
3 Divorce peak: two years ern, but the archetypal themes
are the same and evolutionary
2 psychology tells us that they
will never go away.
1 But just how scientific are
*average these attempts to explain hu-
<1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25–29* 30–34* 35+* man behavior in evolutionary
Number of Years Married When Divorce Occurred terms? To what extent do the
questions we ask automatically
Figure 8 set up the answers we get? Af-
ter all, as Cassius taunted Bru-
tus, we are sometimes masters
Number of Counties/Areas/Ethnic Groups

of our own fate! To what ex-

35 tent are human nature and in-
30 dividual and group differences
25 scientifically meaningful con-
cepts, rather than the social
constructions of learning and
experience, political and eco-
nomic conditions? Is there any
5 scientific there there?
<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10–14 In Skeptic, vol. 4, no. 1,
Modal Number of Years Married When Divorce Occurred Harry Schlinger, a psychologist
at Western New England Col-
Figure 9 lege, critically analyzes evo-
lutionary theories and argues
that human behavior can be
Human, All Too Human
more scientifically and parsimoniously ex-
plained in terms of the verifiable laws of learn-
It may seem that either evolutionary psychol- ing, without recourse to evolutionary or genetic
ogy or the examples selected for this quick and arguments. Harmon Holcomb, a philosopher of
dirty summary are more suited to tabloid TV science at the University of Kentucky, skepti-
than to Skeptic magazine. Are we trying to in- cally examines the theories of evolutionary
crease circulation by slumming to the lowest psychology and finds that for the most part, at
common denominator of human behavior? this point, they are neither pseudoscience nor
Well, evolutionary psychology has an answer hard science, but protoscience, that is, science
for that one too. It is precisely because of our in the making. To graduate to the status of true
evolutionary history and the importance of science evolutionary psychology must put forth
maximizing inclusive fitness that humans in all hypotheses that are capable of being critically
cultures, throughout history, have found such disproven, rather than just reinforced or recon-
lurid tales so irresistible. Some may prefer firmed. He is a fair skeptic. Edward O. Wilson
634 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e

wrote on the cover of Holcomb’s book Sociobi- comic relief as anthropologist and long-time
ology, Sex, and Science, “Holcomb is now creationist observer, Tom McIver, takes us on
clearly the leading authority on sociobiology “A Walk through Earth History: All Eight
among philosophers of science” and (the Thousand Years” in his skeptical tour of the
book) “can and should be the standard refer- Institute for Creation Research’s museum.
ence on the subject.” Reviewing the papers So here then, ladies and gentlemen of the
presented at the 1996 meeting of the Human jury, is the issue at hand: Should we accept as
Behavior and Evolution Society, he shows a default hypothesis that human behavior, and
which research has reached the level of real the similarities and differences in behavior be-
science. Frank Salter of the Max Planck Insti- tween individuals and groups, are the result of
tute supplies a biological counterattack. He a complex interaction of the genes that reflect
critically examines sociology by taking us on a our evolutionary history as well as the environ-
skeptical browse through The Oxford Dictio- ment in which we find ourselves? Or should we
nary of Sociology, and finds that its studied opt for the statistically null hypothesis that any
avoidance of basic human nature amounts to invocation of genes and evolution to explain
little more than modern alchemy. human behavior must be proved beyond a rea-
Also in that issue of Skeptic, we matched sonable doubt? If nothing else, I think you will
pairs of interviews and book reviews. Lionel be forced to conclude, in the words of Nobel
Tiger and Robin Fox, two of the grand old men Prize Winner and co-discoverer of DNA James
of evolutionary theories of behavior, look back Watson, that “Charles Darwin will eventually
on what’s taken place in the field in the 25 be seen as a far more influential figure in the
years since they published their ground- history of human thought than either Jesus
breaking and controversial book The Imperial Christ or Mohammed.”
Animal. Skeptic advisory board member
Stephen Jay Gould, a longtime critic of exces-
sive appeals to evolution and genetics in the References:
explanation of human behavior, offers his Alexander, Richard. 1979. Darwinism and Human
thoughts on evolution, his own revision of Affairs. Seattle, WA: University of Washington
Darwinism, the problems with ultra-Darwin- Press.
ism, and the politics of science. Philosopher of Buss, David. 1994. The Evolution of Desire. New
science Michael Ruse, an expert on the nexus York: Basic Books.
between philosophy and biology, reviews one Daly, Martin, and Wilson, Margo. 1988. Homicide.
of the most controversial new books in this New York: Aldine.
field—Daniel Dennett’s Darwin’s Dangerous de Waal, Frans. 1982. Chimpanzee Politics: Power
Idea—which is very critical of those who would and Sex among the Apes. Baltimore: Johns Hop-
revise basic Darwinian explanations, such as kins.
Diamond, Jared. 1992. The Third Chimpanzee. New
Gould with his theory of punctuated equilib-
York: Harper.
rium. Skeptic publisher Michael Shermer also
Fisher, Helen. 1992. The Anatomy of Love: The
reviews Dennett’s book, though from a differ-
Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery, and Di-
ent perspective than Ruse, in his analysis of vorce. New York: Norton.
“Gould’s Dangerous Idea”—contingency, ne- Morris, Desmond. 1967. The Naked Ape. New York:
cessity, and the nature of history. And lest we McGraw Hill.
be accused of presenting only the evolutionary Rushton, J. P. 1995. Race, Evolution, and Behavior.
side of the argument, we conclude with some New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 635

Symons, Donald. 1979. The Evolution of Human Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the
Sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press. Generation of Culture. New York: Oxford.
Tooby, John, and Cosmides, Leda. “The Psychologi- Wright, Robert. 1994. The Moral Animal: The New
cal Foundations of Culture” in Barkow, Jerome; Science of Evolutionary Psychology. New York.:
Cosmides, Leda; and Tooby, John. 1992. The Vintage.
Evolutionary Psychology as Pseudoscience
H E N R Y S C H L I N G E R J R .

n 1902 Rudyard Kipling published a chil- claims reflect the results of serious science or

I dren’s book of stories and poems with the

curious title Just So Stories. They in-
cluded such natural curiosities as “How the
just more “pop sociobiology,” as Kitcher
(1985) calls it?
Most books on sociobiology appeared in the
Elephant Got Its Trunk,” “How the Rhinoc- decade between about 1975 and 1985.
eros Got Its Skin,” and “How the Leopard Got Barash’s 1977 Sociobiology and Human Be-
Its Spots.” The stories, of course, are pure fan- havior, Lumsden and Wilson’s 1983 Prome-
tasy, and “just so stories” has become a criti- thean Fire, and especially E. O. Wilson’s two
cal cliche for similarly fanciful tales that at- great works, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis
tempt to explain nature. The new field of (1975) and On Human Nature (1978), created
evolutionary psychology, while different in a new field of study of human behavior that
many respects from its predecessor sociobiol- forcefully challenged the hegemony of behav-
ogy, is still subject to the accusation of telling ioral psychology that had reigned so long. De-
just so stories. spite the existence of serious critical analyses
As a sampling from this new science, the of sociobiology (e.g., Bock, 1980; Futuyma,
following are headlines from recent articles or 1979; Gould, 1981; Kitcher, 1985; Sahlins,
reviews of various books appealing to evolu- 1976), in the past few years, there has been an
tionary explanations of human behavior: explosion of books offering evolutionary ex-
planations for a variety of human behaviors,
Cheating Husband: Blame It on His Genes? including intelligence, morality, mating, sex-
Is There a Gene for Compassion? ual preference, aggression, xenophobia, prej-
Is Prejudice Hereditary? udice, and even our tendency to seek out var-
A Scientist Weighs Evidence That the ious forms of nature, such as trips to zoos and
X Chromosome May Carry a Gene for visits to national parks. These books may be
Gayness. classified according to two distinct but related
IQ: Is It Destiny? arguments about the evolution of human be-
havior: (a) individuals and groups that differ
Headlines such as these are meant to cap- behaviorally in some way (e.g., IQ) do so be-
ture the attention and imagination of readers, cause of underlying genetic differences; and
and they usually do. They suggest that the (b) invariant, universal human traits (e.g.,
books to which they refer are going to offer morality, aggression) represent fixed expres-
serious scientific evidence for their claims of sions of the human genome (Futuyma, 1979).
an evolutionary explanation of much human Recent books that argue for genetic differ-
social and intellectual behavior. Do these ences between groups of humans with respect

e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 637

to such characteristics as intelligence include ture on learning shows overwhelmingly the

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Struc- powerful influence of the environment in
ture in American Life (1994) by Herrnstein shaping human behavioral similarities and dif-
and Murray, Race, Evolution, and Behavior ferences.
(1995) by Rushton, and The Decline of Intelli- In the present essay I describe the three
gence in America: A Strategy for National Re- types of evidence with supporting examples
newal (1994) by Itzkoff. Books that make the from both evolutionary positions on human
case that there are distinctly human behav- behavior and then critique them according to
iors—collectively called human nature—that certain methodological criteria. I argue that, in
reflect a uniquely human evolutionary history, most cases, a much more cautious and scientif-
include Homicide (1988) by Daly and Wilson ically defensible position on the origin of many
The Biophilia Hypothesis (1993) edited by human behaviors is that they are a function of
Kellert and Wilson, The Moral Animal (1994) individual environmental, and not evolution-
by Wright, The Evolution of Desire (1994) by ary, history.
Buss, Why We Get Sick: The New Science of
Darwinian Medicine (1994) by Nesse and
Williams, Eve’s Rib: The Biological Roots of
Sex Differences (1994) by Poole, The Science Evolutionary Logic
of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene and the
Biology of Behavior (1994) by Hamer and One of the hallmarks of the scientific method
Copeland, and The Adapted Mind (1992) by is the interpretation of phenomena that have
Barkow, Cosmides, and Tooby. not been subjected to experimental analysis.
Both arguments on the evolution of human Scientific interpretation is the use of already
behavior rely to varying degrees on a combi- established principles of science to explain
nation of three types of supporting evidence: novel instances of the subject matter. Hence,
the logical or mathematical use of Darwinian
1. Evolutionary logic supported by casual principles of selection to interpret human be-
observations or statistical data. havior could have a sound basis in science.
2. Behavioral analogies and comparisons The main questions are (a) whether the data
with animals. presented for interpretation are both valid and
3. Statistical analyses of data generated by reliable, and (b) whether the interpretations of
non-experimental research methods. human behavior as presented in recent books
and articles represent an appropriate exten-
Each of these types of evidence, while some- sion of Darwinian theory.
times compelling and frequently interesting, is Theorists from both positions on the evolu-
often flawed scientifically. This does not mean tion of human behavior cite examples of evo-
that the explanations themselves are wrong, lutionary logic and supporting data that are
only that the supporting evidence is insuffi- problematic. Theorists who emphasize genetic
cient. In many instances, an alternative and differences between groups of humans (races)
much more plausible approach to understand- have employed evolutionary logic to explain
ing human behavior is that rather than select- differences in intelligence (Herrnstein and
ing for specialized behavioral traits, human Murray, 1994; Itzkoff, 1994; Rushton, 1995a),
evolutionary history has selected for behav- brain and head size and aggressiveness (Rush-
ioral plasticity, or learning capacity (Futuyma, ton, 1995a), among other traits. Evolutionary
1979). Experimental evidence from the litera- psychologists have used evolutionary logic to
638 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

explain, among other things, why people kill sures in the cold Arctic environment where
one another (Daly and Wilson, 1988), why Mongoloids evolved. Presumably, higher re-
mothers who have just given birth seem to productive rates and lower rates of parental in-
mention their neonate’s resemblance to the fa- vestment are more favorable in hotter cli-
ther more than to themselves (Daly and Wil- mates, whereas the opposite is true in colder
son, 1982), why social rejection may produce climates. According to Rushton, this is the evo-
feelings of insecurity (Wright, 1995), and why lutionary basis for the differences in r-K re-
people seek out zoos and parks and easily de- productive strategies supposedly observed in
velop phobias to natural objects, like spiders humans.
(Wilson, 1993). The data cited by these theo- The first problem with Rushton’s analysis
rists consist of casual observation, personal re- concerns the reliability of the data offered to
flection, and anecdote, as well as statistics de- support his evolutionary logic. For example,
rived from non-experimental studies. To he provides a table of the relative ranking of
illustrate, consider an example of the use of races on diverse variables such as physical
evolutionary logic from each of the two posi- maturation rate, including age of first sexual
tions on the evolution of human behavior. intercourse and pregnancy; reproductive ef-
Rushton (1995a) uses evolutionary logic to fort, including relative frequency of two-egg
support his claim that human racial groups twinning and of intercourse; personality, in-
evolved under conditions where different en- cluding aggressiveness and impulsivity; brain
vironmental pressures selected for differences size; and intelligence (Rushton, 1995a,
in a wide range of physical and intellectual 1995b). The data for these rankings were gen-
characteristics. Rushton suggests that an r-K erated by non-experimental research methods
reproductive strategy analysis combined with where average differences between groups
information on human evolution can be used were often very small. Moreover, there is no
to understand important behavioral differ- scientific evidence, other than correlations, to
ences between Mongoloids, Caucasoids, and support many of Rushton’s assumptions, in-
Negroids, as he calls them. The r-strategies are cluding his assumption that brain size is func-
those with high reproductive rates, and the K- tionally related to cognitive ability.
strategies are those with high levels of parental Rushton often relies on statistical analyses
investment in offspring. According to Rushton of aggregated data to bolster his claim that
(1995a), “Mongoloid people are more K- small differences between groups are signifi-
selected than Caucasoids, who, in turn, are cant. Even if we assume that the data cited by
more K-selected than Negroids” (xiii). In other Rushton were derived from well-designed and
words, Mongoloids invest relatively more in well-controlled studies—a questionable as-
the care of their offspring than Caucasoids sumption—his evolutionary interpretation of
who invest relatively more in the care of their the data has several attendant problems. First,
offspring than Negroids. Rushton appeals to there is no way to test and thereby falsify his
evolutionary logic to explain the presence of claim that these characteristics represent evo-
these different r-K strategies in different hu- lutionary adaptations. Rushton’s evolutionary
man racial groups. Specifically, Rushton logic is not too dissimilar from that used by his
claims that the selection pressures in the hot sociobiological predecessors, as summarized
African savanna, where Negroids evolved, by Futuyma (1979). He has simply imagined
were far different in terms of the required re- that higher reproductive rates and lower rates
lationship between parental investment and of parental investment must have conferred
high reproductive rates than selection pres- differential fitness in different climates, com-
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 639

pared the predicted outcome with observa- advantageous for humans. The assumptions
tions from correlational studies, and then con- inherent in Wright’s argument can be stated as
cluded that these characteristics represent follows: (a) human evolutionary history has se-
adaptive genetic traits. A second problem with lected a genetic “program” that is somehow
Rushton’s hypothesis is that his extension of sensitive to environmental input called “social
the r-K reproductive strategy analysis (usually rejection,” (b) this genetic program is espe-
used to compare large differences between dif- cially sensitive to input early in an individual’s
ferent species) to the small variations between life, and (c) the behavioral response called in-
groups within the human species represents a security is essentially the same for all people to
“fatal scientific error” by assuming that behav- this input.
ioral differences between groups within one There are several obvious problems with
species can be accounted for by genetic differ- this example that are relevant to many such
ences (Tavris, 1995). It is not even clear that examples cited by evolutionary psychologists.
behavioral differences between individuals re- The first problem is with the validity of the be-
flect genetic differences or, if they do, to what havioral data. Wright simply assumes that inse-
extent (Futuyma, 1979). A third problem is curity, which is not objectively defined, is a
that Rushton’s concept of race, which reflects general human response to early social rejec-
that of Western culture—based on a few physi- tion, which is also not objectively defined.
cal features such as skin color, hair form, and Wright offers no evidence that his evolutionary
the epicanthal fold—is subjective (Futuyma, model is based on precise behavioral observa-
1979). And finally, any reliable differences in tions. Rather, his analysis is based on common
Rushton’s data are just as likely to be due to sense assumptions about human nature which
environmental variables as genetic ones. Still, have no scientific basis. A second problem
Rushton (1995a) boldly contends that his deals with Wright’s evolutionary interpretation
book will offer “new truths about racial group of the data. Even if such a reaction could be
differences.” precisely measured and were observed in most
Consider, now, an example of how evolu- humans as a result of a precisely defined set of
tionary logic might be used to interpret some environmental inputs, an evolutionary inter-
human characteristic from the perspective of pretation that it was adaptive is untestable be-
evolutionary psychology. Robert Wright, a sci- cause there is no crucial test that can falsify
ence journalist, writing in The New Yorker the hypothesis (Futuyma, 1979). Finally, an
(March, 1995), illustrates how evolutionary evolutionary explanation of the pattern of be-
psychologists would approach the explanation havior in Wright’s example may not be the
of some presumably universal human behav- most parsimonious one. For example, it might
ioral trait. Suppose, Wright asks, that social re- be that the reaction to rejection that we refer
jection early in a person’s life results in an en- to as “feelings of insecurity” might be a more
during insecurity. According to Wright, we general physiological response to the with-
should ask whether this pattern “might have holding or withdrawal of reinforcement fol-
had a genetic payoff during evolution” (71). lowing some behavior. The effect of such envi-
Presumably, our ancestors who faced such re- ronmental operations is to simultaneously
jection were less likely to reproduce unless produce physiological responses and to alter
they became more socially vigilant about the stimuli that define the situation such that
nourishing their social ties as a result of the in- they suppress the behavior under similar cir-
security. Insecurity as a response to social re- cumstances. These are the scientific principles
jection, then, may have been reproductively of operant extinction and punishment. The
640 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

“feeling of insecurity” may be a by-product of (1995a) employs an interesting kind of cross-

the withholding or withdrawal of reinforce- species analogy to make a case for the genetic
ment with no special selective advantage of its basis of human racial differences. First, he
own. points out that significant differences in learn-
ing ability between species are due to genetic
differences. Thus, mammals with larger brains,
such as chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, and
Cross-Species Comparisons spider monkeys, learn faster than mammals
with smaller brains, such as marmosets, cats,
A second type of evidence frequently used to gerbils, rats, and squirrels. Rushton then uses
support evolutionary explanations of human these comparisons to argue that within-species
similarities and differences consists of analo- differences in human brain or head size are
gies or comparisons between nonhuman and related to differences in intelligence, at least as
human behavior. It is common linguistic prac- measured by standardized IQ tests, and are
tice among humans, including scientists, to likewise related to genetic differences. Rush-
give names to things. When two or more forms ton’s ultimate point is that blacks have statisti-
of behavior are given the same name, it may cally smaller heads (and brains) than whites
see reasonable to assume that they are alike and that this correlates positively with differ-
functionally as well. Kitcher (1985) points out ences in intelligence between the two groups,
that because we have such a rich vocabulary at least as measured by standardized tests. It is
for describing human behavior, it is easy to use interesting to note that of the 32 studies sum-
this vocabulary to describe nonhuman behav- marized by Rushton on head size and intelli-
ior that resembles it. Once described in similar gence in humans, most found low correlations.
ways, it becomes easier to then move freely Rushton takes a reasonable between-species
from the nonhuman instance back to the su- example and extends it to an insupportable
perficially similar human instance and to as- within-species difference. Even if the measure-
sume that both result from similar processes. ments of brain size and intelligence can be de-
According to Kitcher (1985), “vulgar anthro- fended as reliable, Rushton’s explanation of
pomorphism” is the original sin of pop socio- the behavioral differences is not the most par-
biologists, in that they neglect “to investigate simonious one, especially when one considers
the kinship of forms of behavior that are su- the myriad differences in environments on av-
perficially similar” (185). Even if scientists dis- erage between black and white children. Be-
covered a genetic basis for a behavior in an fore genetic explanations of differences in
animal, which is rare, this does not mean that learning ability between individuals or groups
the human behavior that appears to be similar are proffered, environmental factors, such as
also has a genetic basis. As evolutionary biolo- nutrition, prenatal care, learning, and educa-
gists know, phenotypic similarity does not nec- tional opportunities, should be investigated if
essarily imply genotypic similarity. for no other reason than the variables are eas-
Social theorists, like Rushton, who empha- ier to test.
size genetic differences between groups of hu- Another example of questionable cross-
mans typically point to between-species differ- species analogizing by Rushton (1995a) con-
ences that are more than likely a function of cerns the r-K reproductive strategies described
differences in genes to make the case that previously. According to Rushton, the great
within-species differences in humans are also apes exemplify the extreme end of the K-
a function of differences in genes. Rushton strategy because they produce one infant every
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 641

five or six years and provide much parental sibling rivalry in humans. They argue that ge-
care. At the other extreme are oysters who ex- netic relationship should be important to soli-
emplify the r-strategy, producing 500 million darity and social conflict. In other words, the
eggs a year but providing no parental care. Al- closer the family relationship between two in-
though this scale is generally used to compare dividuals, the more solidarity and the less con-
the life histories of widely disparate species, flict should exist between them. Daly and Wil-
Rushton (1995a) applies it to the much son point out that such a theory has been
smaller variations within the human species. tested in female ground squirrels who discrim-
Although Rushton believes that all humans are inate between their full sisters and half sisters
K-selected relative to other species, he also be- when occupying adjacent territories as adults.
lieves that some humans may be more so than Full sisters will apparently help each other
others. He cites data showing that, compared whereas half sisters will exhibit more territo-
to white women, black women average a rial aggression. They then suggest that the
shorter period of ovulation and produce more same prediction can be made with regard to
eggs per ovulation which is evidenced by their human siblings; namely, that the intensity of
comparatively higher rate of two-egg twinning. sibling rivalry should reflect the likelihood of
His data also show that black women have common paternity. In other words, full siblings
comparatively lower intelligence than white should show less competition than half sib-
women as measured by standardized tests. lings. In their own words, “we might have
Rushton claims that the correlation between evolved specialized psychological mechanisms
IQ and biological variables related to repro- whose function is to assess the likelihood of
duction supports his view that the within- common paternity and to adjust the intensity
species variations in humans can be accounted of sibling competition accordingly,” and some
for in the same way that between-species vari- “psychologist should check it out” (1988, 11).
ations can. Even if the correlation can be Cross-species analogies, such as the one of-
proven to be valid, there are serious problems fered by Daly and Wilson (1988), are intrigu-
with Rushton’s cross-species comparison. First, ing, suggesting as they do that certain human
there is no biological justification for extend- characteristics that we seem to have in com-
ing an analysis of between-species differences mon with other species may be understood as
to within-species differences. Second, Rushton part of our deeper human nature. There are
provides no evidence other than correlations serious problems with such analogies, how-
that differences in IQ and certain biological ever. The first problem is that the similarity
variables between women represent adapta- between human and nonhuman behaviors is
tions resulting from natural selection. Third, subjective and is only suggested after it is be-
simply demonstrating a correlation between lieved that there may be a common genetic
two or more variables in no way clarifies basis for both. In other words, behavioral simi-
causal relations. larity is often in the eyes of the beholder. Who
Evolutionary psychologists, like their socio- is to say that territorial aggression among
biological predecessors, frequently employ ground squirrels is anything but superficially
cross-species analogies and comparisons to ar- similar to disagreements or fights among hu-
gue their case for the existence of universal man half-siblings? The causes of these similar
human characteristics. For example, Daly and behaviors could be completely different. A sec-
Wilson (1988) use an analogy with female ond problem is that even if the behavior of hu-
ground squirrels to show how the concept of man siblings could be compared to female
inclusive fitness may be used to understand ground squirrels, there is no independent
642 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

evidence for the existence of an evolved “psy- on a combination of anecdotal and statistical
chological mechanism” or any suggestion as to evidence to make their case that there are
how it would work to “assess the likelihood of species-specific behaviors in humans. More-
common paternity and to adjust the intensity over, in almost no case is direct genetic evi-
of sibling competition accordingly.” In the ab- dence used to support evolutionary theories of
sence of such a suggestion, based on some kind human behavior (see below). Since genes are
of objective scientific evidence rather than in- identified as playing a causal role in important
ferences, Daly and Wilson’s explanation is sim- similarities and differences between humans, a
ply hypothetical. true experimental test of the hypothesis would
Futuyma (1979) has pointed out several necessarily involve direct manipulation of
other problems with cross-species analogies. genes as independent variables. Such manipu-
For example, even if behavioral generaliza- lations are only carried out by geneticists and,
tions could be supported by reliable observa- for obvious reasons, they have been con-
tions, we are still left with the nagging question strained in such endeavors to working with
of whether behaviors between species that are relatively simple organisms, such as fruit flies
superficially similar are functionally similar; with extremely short gestation periods, where
that is, whether the same processes are re- the focus is more on structural than behavioral
sponsible for both. If we discover the genetic characteristics. Those who write about the ge-
bases of territorial aggression in female ground netic bases of human behaviors are typically
squirrels, does this mean that behaviors we re- not geneticists, however. And because they
fer to as “human sibling rivalry” also have a cannot make their genetic case experimen-
genetic basis? A simpler approach would be to tally, these evolutionary theorists must rely on
consider first whether other factors, such as data generated by non-experimental, usually
environmental ones, could produce the human correlational, research methods. There are
behaviors of interest. Such an approach might several problems with the ways in which some
lead us to ask, for example, whether there is as evolutionary theorists use correlative analysis.
much sibling rivalry between half-siblings who Validity and Reliability of the Data. The first
are raised together from birth or infancy and problem is, the validity and reliability of the
who are not aware of their genetic relationship methods used to generate the actual data are
to each other as there is between siblings who often questionable. E. O. Wilson (1993) states
know they are half-siblings. Other than the in- that one mode of testing an evolutionary hy-
teresting evolutionary theorizing that superfi- pothesis “is the correlative analysis of knowl-
cially similar behaviors in different species edge and attitudes of peoples in diverse cul-
may be functionally similar, evolutionary psy- tures” (34). Knowledge and attitudes, poorly
chologists offer no direct scientific evidence defined as they are, must be obtained from
that they are. surveys and questionnaires. Methodological
problems with such devices are well known
among researchers. For instance, there are nu-
merous ways in which researcher bias may af-
Correlative Analysis fect the outcome, such as the sampling proce-
dure used and the way in which questions on
It should be noted that social evolutionary the- surveys and questionnaires are worded. Even
orists typically do not conduct experiments, when safeguards are included, inferences to
nor do they, in most instances, cite experimen- larger populations (the ultimate goal of sur-
tal data. Rather, they rely almost exclusively veys or questionnaires) are questionable. Also,
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 643

as most good researchers know, the reliability the test—in a contrived context—the test taking
of verbal self reports is notoriously poor. situation (Schlinger, 1992). Alfred Binet knew
In addition to surveys and questionnaires, this when he developed the first modern intel-
evolutionary theorists may use psychological ligence test (although he eschewed the use of
tests to assess more general and presumably the term “intelligence” in favor of the more
universal characteristics of populations. Rush- descriptive and neutral “intellectual level”).
ton (1995a) provides an example of the use of The challenge for serious scientists is to ask
such a test. His thesis of racial differences is about the variables that affect the broad range
based on the assumption that there is “a core of behaviors we describe as intelligent; and
of human nature” or character traits “around only an experimental analysis can answer such
which individuals and groups consistently” dif- questions.
fer. To wit, he cites a study conducted in the The Use of Statistics. A second problem with
1920s by Hartshome and May called the the use of correlative analyses by evolutionary
“Character Education Enquiry” in which theorists concerns the complex statistical tests
11,000 elementary and high school students employed to “make sense” of the data gener-
were given a battery of 33 different tests of al- ated by surveys, questionnaires, psychological
truism, self-control, and honesty in various tests, and the like. The importance of correla-
contexts (home, school, church, etc.). Chil- tive analyses in making the argument for ge-
dren’s reputations with teachers and class- netic explanations of human behavior is un-
mates were also obtained and then correlated derscored in the following quotation by Sir
with the scores on the battery of tests. Francis Galton, which Rushton twice cited
Notwithstanding the problems with question- (1995a, b):
naires, the only behavior measured by such
tests is that of answering questions on the test. General impressions are never to be trusted.
The actual behaviors called “altruistic” or Unfortunately when they are of long standing
“honest” are not measured in the context they become fixed rules of life, and assume a
wherein one would normally call them altruis- prescriptive right not to be questioned. Conse-
tic or honest. This is not to say that we cannot quently, those who are not accustomed to
discern something of value with such tests, but original inquiry entertain a hatred and a hor-
only that the test may correlate poorly with the ror of statistics. They cannot endure the idea
behaviors of interest, and only a direct experi- of submitting their sacred impressions to cold-
mental approach can potentially yield a scien- blooded verification. But it is the triumph of
tific understanding of the behaviors. scientific men to rise superior to such supersti-
Of course, the most notorious type of test tions, to devise tests by which the value of be-
cited in the literature on evolutionary theories liefs may be ascertained, and to feel sufficiently
of human behavior is the IQ test. Volumes masters of themselves to discard contemptu-
have been written on problems with intelli- ously whatever may be found untrue.
gence tests, and I will not repeat them here.
Suffice it to say that one problem with such The most obvious problem with this quote
tests is what they purport to measure. Rather and the approach to the study of individual
than measuring some qualitatively distinct differences that it fostered is the equation of
structure or process as defenders of such tests statistics, in the absence of experimentation,
would have us believe, intelligence tests liter- with scientific practice. Although we may de-
ally measure only the correctness of a variety bate the role of inferential statistics in the
of learned behaviors—answers to questions on natural sciences, it is true that Galton’s quote
644 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

predated the application of the experimental ferent tests, or, worse, from different studies, is
method to the behavior of organisms by psy- fraught with so many methodological prob-
chologists (e.g., Skinner, 1938). Rushton lems as to render the results meaningless. For
(1995a) and Herrnstein and Murray (1994), example, aggregating data masks differences in
however, consider Galton to be the intellectual methodology (e.g., time, place, populations,
and scientific father of their genetic theories of sampling procedures, control procedures,
racial differences. Rushton calls Galton “the measurement tools, etc.). Aggregating data, es-
originator of scientific research on individual pecially from different studies, can only mean
differences” (1995a, 10). Herrnstein and Mur- that the results of any individual study were so
ray, who refer to the Galtonian tradition of in- equivocal that no conclusions could be drawn.
telligence testing as “the classic tradition,” Pooling data from different studies is only
claim: “By accepted standards of what consti- valid if the studies are methodologically inter-
tutes scientific evidence and scientific proof, changeable which, as I have implied, is a ques-
that classic tradition has in our view given the tionable assumption in the present case. Nev-
world a treasure of information . . .” (1994, ertheless, Rushton (1995a) describes instances
19). This is especially interesting coming from where low correlations between individual
a scientist such as Herrnstein whose own sci- tests were raised by aggregating data from
entific output consists almost exclusively of the many different tests as if this were sound sci-
use of within-subject experimental designs. entific practice.
Authors such as Herrnstein, Murray, and In criticizing formalized methods of re-
Rushton point out that while individual scores search and statistics, B. F. Skinner (1972) ad-
on behavioral or psychological tests, for in- vocated the use of the experimental method in
stance IQ tests, correlate poorly, the correla- the study of human behavior. Each approach
tions become much higher when scores are leads to a different strategy for dealing with
aggregated. The principle of aggregation, ac- measurement error. In contrast to the strategy
cording to Herrnstein and Murray (1994), is of aggregating scores from many individuals to
where the classic (Galtonian) tradition has the increase the statistical reliability of the mea-
most to offer. The rationale for aggregating surement device (e.g., IQ test) or the sensitivity
data is that “randomness in any one measure of the statistical method (e.g., t-Test), Skinner
(error and specificity variance) is averaged (1972) argued for refining direct experimental
out . . . leaving a clearer view of what a per- control over the behavior of individual sub-
son’s true behavior is like” (Rushton, 1995a, jects. In this way, the reliability of the inde-
19). Also, relationships between individual pendent variables is enhanced and sources of
tests or between scores on tests are more likely variability are eliminated before measurements
to emerge. Thus, aggregating data is supposed are made rather than after, as is the case when
to correct for any errors in the actual measure- researchers aggregate data. As Skinner (1972)
ment of the variable(s) in question. The con- wrote tongue-in-cheek, “No one goes to the
tradiction in this line of reasoning is that the circus to see the average dog jump through a
further away one gets from the behavior of the hoop significantly oftener than untrained dogs
individual, the less can be said about the indi- raised under the same circumstances . . .”
vidual. Herrnstein and Murray acknowledge (114).
that the practice of aggregating data does not Interpreting the Data. A third problem with
necessarily permit the prediction, much less the use of correlative analyses involves the in-
the understanding, of individual behavior. terpretation of the data. Demonstrating that a
More importantly, aggregating data from dif- correlation exists between two or more vari-
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 645

ables does not in any way clarify causal rela- ences and similarities between groups of hu-
tions, although it may hint at possible ones. mans do so to show what they already be-
There is an oft-cited dictum among re- lieve—that genetics plays a significant role in
searchers: “Correlation does not imply causa- such characteristics as intelligence, aggression,
tion” (Neale and Liebert, 1973). A correlation and reproductive behavior. Hubbard and Wald
between two or more variables is often due to (1994) have noted that “scientists only look
an unspecified process, or “third variable.” for genetic components in behaviors which
Those who argue for an evolutionary explana- their society considers important and probably
tion of human behavior appeal to a third vari- hereditary” (93). For instance, they point out
able—the human genome. Although it is theo- that even though European peoples read from
retically possible that some human social and left to right, whereas Semitic peoples read
intellectual behaviors represent fixed expres- from right to left, no one has suggested that
sions of the human genome, a better explana- these are inherent racial differences. As Fu-
tion for the behaviors in question is one in tuyma said (473):
which a different third variable is implicated—
the environmental histories of individuals. In The history of scientists’ pronouncements on
many of the examples cited by social evolu- human genetics and behavior is, to a distress-
tionary theorists, any one or more of the multi- ing extent, a history of the conventional socie-
tudinous environmental variables found in the tal attitudes on these subjects; science has
individual histories of the subjects studied may served more as a defense of the status quo
produce the reported correlations. Just as be- than as a force for change.
havioral similarities between individuals may
reflect genotypical similarity, they may just as
easily reflect environmental similarity. The
correlational evidence offered by evolutionary Genes
theorists is simply insufficient to distinguish
the biological from the environmental position. I have referred to the social theorizing dis-
The challenge for scientists is to tease apart cussed in this paper as evolutionary; and such
these possible determinants of behavior, and a conception implicitly recognizes that what
this cannot be accomplished using correla- has evolved due to natural selection is a partic-
tional methods. Only an experimental analysis ular genotype that is different from other pos-
can potentially reveal the variables of which sible genotypes. In short, evolutionary theories
human behavior is a function. Galton got it are genetic theories and, as such, we should
wrong. The “triumph of scientific men” occurs expect some supporting genetic evidence. Ac-
not when human behavior can be subjected to cording to Kitcher (1985), physical character-
statistical correlation, but rather when it can istics most susceptible to rigorous genetic
be subjected to direct experimentation. analysis are not those that social evolutionary
Whether one conducts experimental or cor- theorists find most interesting. For example, it
relational research in the first place reflects was recently reported that scientists at the Uni-
fundamental differences in the types of ques- versity of Basel in Switzerland have discovered
tions asked. And the types of questions asked the master control gene responsible for eye de-
reveal differences in the motivations of the re- velopment in fruit flies. The scientists have
searchers. Many authors who either conduct been able to manipulate the gene directly so as
and/or cite correlational research on the rela- to produce eyes in unusual places, like on the
tion between behavioral and genetic differ- legs and thorax. Human geneticists, by com-
646 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

parison, are relegated to studying genetic vari- the evolution of human intelligence as a func-
ation that produces deleterious effects, such as tion of the natural selection of the human
metabolic disorders and defects in color vision. brain. Itzkoff reasons that because so many
In other words, human geneticists are unable biochemical combinations are involved in the
to manipulate the actual genes and must wait growth and patterns of brain structure, slight
for natural genetic variation to produce out- variations can exist between close relatives and
comes that they can then investigate. The ge- large variations between relatively isolated
netic evidence most often cited by social evo- groups of humans. He concludes: “The brain
lutionary theorists comes from the field of evolved along a wide diversity of lines” pro-
behavior genetics. Contrary to their name, be- ducing differences in both “the quantity and
havior geneticists do not directly study genes. quality of intelligence” (23). He presents this
Rather, they are constrained to examining cor- rationale to support his claim that different
relations between poorly defined variables groups of humans (blacks and whites) come
such as scores on intelligence or other psycho- into the world with different genetic potentials
logical tests and family relationships. The reli- for intelligence. There are serious flaws in
ability of the observations and measurements Itzkoff’s reasoning, the most fatal of which is
reported by behavior geneticists is question- that there is simply insufficient evidence to
able because of the many methodological support his conclusions that normal variation
problems inherent in such research. For exam- in intelligence has a genetic basis. Moreover,
ple, several authors have pointed out problems his argument is based on the assumption that
with subject selection in research on separated there exists genetic variation within popula-
identical twins (e.g., Horgan, 1993; Hubbard tions of humans, and that selection has oper-
and Wald, 1993; Kamin, 1974; Lewontin, ated differently in different human groups
Rose, and Kamin, 1984). Moreover, the fact even though “there is insufficient evidence to
that conclusions about the differences in genes conclude that normal variation in human be-
must be based on family resemblance intro- havioral traits has a genetic basis” (Futuyma,
duces a well-known confound: Family mem- 1979). Finally, there is a broader principle of
bers resemble each other not only because genetics that is often not fully appreciated by
they share genes but also because they share many social evolutionary theorists, as Futuyma
environments. Despite the perception that be- notes (476):
havior geneticists have made impressive gains
in demonstrating the genetic bases for a wide One cannot say that a universal trait . . . is ei-
range of human conditions, such as aggression, ther genetic or environmental, for it is the ex-
homosexuality, intelligence, schizophrenia, pression of genes in a series of environments.
and alcoholism, there have been an equal Genetics provides no means of investigating
number of serious methodological critiques the inheritance of an invariant trait. Thus to
which, at the very least, temper the claims by postulate that it is genetic is to pose an
behavior geneticists (e.g., Byne, 1994; Horgan, untestable and meaningless hypothesis. The
1993; Kamin, 1974; Hubbard and Wald, 1993; only question one can legitimately ask is, Is
Lewontin, Rose, and Kamin, 1984). the trait highly canalized, or does it vary
Some social evolutionary theorists argue greatly under different environmental condi-
their case based on a flawed interpretation of tions, compared to other traits?
evolutionary and genetic logic. For example,
Itzkoff (1985), who is neither an evolutionary If certain behavioral traits, such as aggres-
biologist nor a geneticist, presents a case for sion, sibling rivalry, sex-role behavior, or intel-
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 647

ligence, were highly canalized, then, according analysis is needed to verify the reliability of the
to Futuyma, we would not expect them to be results. Internal validity is demonstrated time
modifiable by environmental factors. and time again by direct within-experiment re-
finement and control of objective independent
variables. External validity of these findings
has been consistently shown over the same 40-
Environment year period by successfully applying the scien-
tific principles discovered in the experimental
Contrary to most traditional conceptions of the laboratory to problem human behavior. For
environment, scientists who study the func- example, the Journal of Applied Behavior
tional relationship between the behavior of or- Analysis has produced almost 30 years of ex-
ganisms and environmental variables—behav- perimental research on human behavioral
ior analysts—define environment functionally problems, including compliance, crying, social
as all of the stimuli that enter into functional interaction, cooperation, aggression, walking,
relationships with an organism’s behavior at reading and writing. Perhaps more convincing,
any one time (Schlinger, 1995). Behavior ana- numerous experiments have shown that be-
lysts view the environment as consisting of en- haviors previously thought to be impervious to
ergy changes (stimuli) of various sorts that not environmental manipulation could be dramati-
only affect the sensory receptors of organisms cally altered via operant conditioning, includ-
but, more importantly, affect their behavior. ing psychotic behavior (Ayllon, 1963) mutism
Thus, the environment is not defined necessar- (Isaacs, Thomas, and Goldiamond, 1960),
ily by its structure prior to the study of behav- coma (Boyle and Greer, 1983; Fuller, 1949),
ior, but rather after functional relations have and a wide range of physiological functions,
been established by experimentation. In other such as diastolic and systolic blood pressure,
words, behavior analysts define environment Galvanic skin response, cardiac function, and
by how it functions to control behavior. The asthma (Shapiro and Surwit, 1976), to mention
environmental history of an individual repre- a few. Moreover, the neurophysiological bases
sents one category of ultimate behavioral cau- of basic learning processes have recently been
sation; the other being the evolutionary his- uncovered, thus strengthening their status as
tory of the species to which the individual scientific laws. For example, experimental evi-
belongs. dence now shows that individual neurons can
Over the last 50 years, scientists who study be operantly conditioned (Stein and Belluzzi,
learning have amassed volumes of testable, re- 1988; Stein, Xue, and Belluzzi, 1994). Such
peatable, experimental data demonstrating the experiments demonstrate that the laws of oper-
powerful influence of environmental manipu- ant conditioning discovered at the level of be-
lations on a wide range of behaviors. Several havior-environment have their basis in neuro-
scientific journals are devoted almost exclu- physiology.
sively to direct experimentation on the effects Although volumes could be written summa-
of the environment. The Journal of the Experi- rizing the findings of the experimental science
mental Analysis of Behavior, for example, has of behavior, suffice it to say that this is the only
produced almost 40 years of data, including di- “cold-blooded verification” of theory that one
rect and systematic replication experiments. In should accept. Although not every human be-
none of these instances are data aggregated in havior that we find interesting can be sub-
order to achieve criteria of significance. In fact, jected to experimental verification, a large cor-
in many experiments, little, if any, statistical pus of experimental findings on basic learning
648 | e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

processes is valuable in part because scientists havior analytic principles have been used
can extrapolate from that foundation to novel fruitfully to interpret a diverse group of studies
behaviors. This is the essence of scientific in- on language development in infancy
terpretation (Palmer, 1991; Schlinger, 1995). (Schlinger, 1995). The critical question re-
Some psychologists who espouse evolution- garding human language, or any complex hu-
ary theories of human behavior, however, cite man behavior for that matter, is whether plau-
non-experimental, and even non-quantitative, sible mechanisms or processes have been
approaches to the understanding of certain postulated. Operant learning principles consti-
human behaviors as evidence against a behav- tute a plausible process both for verbal and
ior analytic interpretation. For example, Cos- nonverbal behavior, if for no other reason
mides and Tooby (1987 and 1992) cite Chom- than they have already been shown experi-
sky extensively to make their argument that mentally to affect a wide range of human be-
behaviorist approaches to language have been haviors. Cognitive learning mechanisms, how-
falsified and, therefore, cannot account for the ever, are not plausible in part because they are
acquisition of human language. Their conclu- almost wholly inferred from the very behavior
sion is that evolutionarily adapted cognitive they are invoked to explain. Cognitive theo-
learning mechanisms constitute the only ade- rists cannot tell us what cognitive mechanisms
quate explanation of human language acquisi- look like or how they actually affect behavior.
tion. It is interesting that these citations consist
solely of rationalist argument and not scientific
experimentation and yet they are presented as
if they are scientifically conclusive. Behavior Nature-Nurture
analysts, in contrast, have not only provided
substantive rebukes of Chomsky’s critique of Perhaps it would be appropriate to conclude
behaviorist interpretations of language (Mac- with a word about nature-nurture, the phrase
Corquodale, 1970), but they have also argued first coined by Galton. The issue of the nature
persuasively that Chomsky’s own evolutionary or nurture of behavior is not as meaningless as
account of language is untenable when held to some might suppose, as Dobzhansky asked
Darwinian standards (Palmer, 1986; Dennett, (1964, 55): “To what extent are differences ob-
1995). served among people conditioned by the dif-
The susceptibility of human language to op- ferences of their genotypes and by the differ-
erant conditioning is no longer a debatable is- ences between the environments in which
sue. During the past 50 years the operant con- people were born, grew and were brought
trol of verbal behavior has been demonstrated up?”
numerous times, including experiments on the The question about the genesis of a given
operant conditioning of infant vocalizations behavior is an empirical question. The only
(Poulson, 1983; Whitehurst, 1972), the content truly scientific approach is to conduct experi-
of conversation (Azrin, Holz, Ulrich, and ments in an attempt to uncover functional re-
Goldiamond, 1961), fluent requests (Rosenfeld lations between behavior and its determinants.
and Baer, 1970), and grammatical forms, such The amount of data demonstrating the over-
as prepositional phrases (Lee, 1981) and plu- whelming effects of environment on behavior
ral morphemes (Guess, 1969). Experiments establishes the plausibility of environmental
have also verified Skinner’s (1957) hypothe- interpretations not only of behavioral similari-
sized functional verbal operants (see Oah and ties but also of behavioral differences between
Dickinson, 1989, for a review). Moreover, be- humans. Evolution has obviously played an
e v o l u t i o n a r y p s y c h o l o g y a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 649

important part in human behavior. But rather to many people, including the media, all of
than selecting for behavioral rigidity, it has se- whom are hungry for some evidence that
lected for behavioral plasticity (Dobzhansky, sheds light on our nature. Unfortunately, the
Ayala, Stebbins, and Valentine, 1977). As Fu- case is replete with evidential problems, and
tuyma concluded (491): will have to be retried if and when more sub-
stantial evidence can be obtained. Until then,
On balance, the evidence for the modifiability we should rely on what we know scientifically
of human behavior is so great that genetic con- about human behavior.
straints on our behavior hardly seem to exist.
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Memes as Good Science
S U S A N J . B L A C K M O R E

ithout the theory of evolution by A History of the Meme Meme

W natural selection nothing in the
world of biology makes much sense.
Without Darwin and neo-Darwinism, you
In 1976 Dawkins published his best-selling
The Selfish Gene. This book popularised the
cannot answer questions like Why do bats growing view in biology that natural selection
have wings? Why do cats have five claws? or proceeds not in the interest of the species or
Why do our optic fibres cross in front of our of the group, nor even of the individual, but
retinas? You can only fall back on appeals to in the interest of the genes. Although selec-
an imaginary creator. tion takes place largely at the individual level,
I am going to make a bold claim. Without the genes are the true replicators and it is
the theory of evolution by memetic selection their competition that drives the evolution of
nothing in the world of the mind makes much biological design. Dawkins, clear and daring
sense. Without memetics you cannot answer as always, suggested that all life everywhere in
questions like Why can’t I get that thought the universe must evolve by the differential
out of my mind? Why did I decide to write survival of slightly inaccurate self-replicating
this article and not another one? Who am I? entities, which he called replicators.
Without memetics you can only fall back on Furthermore, these replicators automati-
appeals to an imaginary conscious agent. cally band together in groups to create sys-
In this article I want to lay the groundwork tems, or machines, that carry them around
for a theory of memetics and see how far we and work to favour their continued replica-
can get. I shall outline the history and origins tion. These survival machines, or vehicles, are
of the idea, explore how it has been used, our familiar bodies—and those of cats, E-coli,
abused, and ignored, and how it has provided and cabbages—created to carry around and
new insight into the power of religions and protect the genes inside them. At the end of
cults. I shall then take on a meme’s-eye view the book Dawkins suggested that Darwinism
of the world and use this to answer five previ- is too big a theory to be confined to the nar-
ously unanswered questions about human na- row context of the gene. So he asked an obvi-
ture. Why can’t we stop thinking? Why do we ous, if provocative, question. Are there any
talk so much? Why are we so nice to each other replicators on our planet? Yes, he con-
other? Why are our brains so big? And, finally, cluded. Staring us in the face, though still
what is a self? drifting clumsily about in its primeval soup of

m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 653

culture, is another replicator—a unit of imita- includes all the words in your vocabulary, the
tion. He gave it the name meme, to rhyme with stories you know, the skills and habits you
dream or seem. As examples he suggested— have picked up from others and the games you
tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, like to play. It includes the songs you sing and
ways of making pots or of building arches— the rules you obey. So, for example, whenever
memes are stored in human brains and passed you drive on the right (or on the left in my
on by imitation. case here in England), eat a hamburger or a
In just a few pages Dawkins laid the founda- pizza, whistle Happy Birthday to You or Mama
tion for understanding the evolution of I Love You, or even shake hands, you are deal-
memes. He discussed their propagation by ing in memes. Memetics is the study of why
jumping from brain to brain, likened them to some memes spread and others do not.
parasites infecting a host, treated them as The greatest proponent of memetics since
physically realised living structures, and Dawkins has been the philosopher Dan Den-
showed how mutually assisting memes will nett. In his books Consciousness Explained
group together just as genes do. He argued (1991) and Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (1995)
that once a new replicator arises it will tend to Dennett expands on the idea of the meme as
take over and begin a new kind of evolution. replicator. In On the Origin of Species, Darwin
Above all he treated memes as replicators in (1859) explained how natural selection must
their own right, chastising those of his col- happen if certain conditions are met. If there
leagues who tended always to go back to bio- is heredity from parent to offspring, variation
logical advantage to answer questions about among the offspring, and not all the offspring
human behaviour. Yes, he agreed, we got our can survive—then selection must take place.
brains for biological (evolutionary and genetic) Individuals who have some useful relative ad-
reasons but now we have a new replicator that vantage “have the best chance of being pre-
has been unleashed and it need not be sub- served in the struggle for life” (Darwin, 1859,
servient to the old. In other words, memetic 127) and will then pass on this advantage to
evolution can now proceed without regard to their offspring. Darwin clearly saw how obvi-
its effects on the genes. ous the process of natural selection is once you
A few years later Douglas Hofstadter wrote have grasped it. Dennett describes evolution as
about viral sentences and self-replicating a simple algorithm—a mindless procedure that
structures in his Scientific American column when carried out must produce a result. You
“Metamagical Themas.” Readers replied, with need three things—heredity, variation and se-
examples of text using bait and hooks to en- lection—to make evolution inevitable. Evolu-
sure their own replication. They suggested vi- tion need not produce us, of course, or any-
ral sentences from the simplest instruction, thing remotely like us; for evolution has no
such as “copy me!”, through those with added plans and no foresight. Nevertheless, you must
threats (“I put a curse on you”) or promises get something more complex than what you
(“grant you three wishes”), to examples of vir- started with. The evolutionary algorithm is “a
ulent chain letters (Hofstadter, 1985). One scheme for creating Design out of Chaos with-
reader suggested the term memetics for the out the aid of Mind” (Dennett, 1995, 50). This,
discipline of studying memes. says Dennett, is Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. No
Yet memetics did not really take off. Why wonder people have been terrified of it, and
not? The basic idea is very simple. If Dawkins fought so hard against it. It is outrageously
is right then everything you have learned by simple and terrifyingly powerful.
imitation from someone else is a meme. This If evolution is an algorithm then it should
654 | m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

be able to run on different substrates. We tend sciousness, claims Dennett, is itself a huge
to think of evolution as depending on genes meme-complex, and a person is best under-
because that is the way biology works on this stood as a certain sort of ape infested with
planet, but the algorithm is neutral about this memes. If he is right then we cannot hope to
and will run wherever there is heredity, varia- understand the origins of the human mind
tion and selection; or as Dawkins puts it, a without memetics.
replicator. It doesn’t matter which replicator. If This makes it all the more fascinating that
memes are replicators then evolution will oc- most people interested in the human mind
cur. So are memes replicators? There is enor- have ignored memetics or simply failed to un-
mous variety in the behaviors human beings derstand it. Mary Midgley (1994) calls memes
emit; these behaviors are copied, more or less “mythical entities” that cannot have interests
accurately, by other human beings, and not all of their own; “an empty and misleading
the copies survive. The meme therefore per- metaphor.” In a 1996 radio debate, Stephen
fectly satisfies the conditions of heredity, varia- Jay Gould called the idea of memes a “mean-
tion and selection. Just think of jokes. ingless metaphor” (though I am not sure one
Millions of variants are told by millions of can actually have a meaningless metaphor!).
people. Only a few get passed on and repeated He wishes “that the term cultural evolution
and even fewer make it into the big time or the would drop from use” (1996, 219–220).
collections of classics. Scientific papers prolif- The word meme does not even appear in the
erate but only a few get long listings in the ci- index of many important books about human
tation indexes. Only a few of the disgusting origins and language (e.g., Donald, 1991; Dun-
concoctions made in woks actually make it bar, 1996; Mithen, 1996; Pinker, 1994; Tudge,
onto the TV shows that tell you how to wok 1995; Wills, 1993); nor is it in an excellent
things and only a few of my brilliant ideas collection on evolutionary psychology
have ever been appreciated by anyone! In (Barkow, Cosmides and Tooby, 1992); nor in
other words, competition to get copied is books about evolutionary ethics (Ridley, 1996;
fierce. Wright, 1994). Although there are many theo-
Of course memes are not like genes in many ries of the evolution of culture, almost all
ways and we must be very careful in applying make culture entirely subservient to genetic
terms from genetics to memetics. The copying fitness, as in E. O. Wilson’s (1978) metaphor of
of memes is done by a kind of “reverse engi- genes holding culture on a leash, or Lumsden
neering” by one person copying another’s be- and Wilson’s claim that “the link between
haviour, rather than by chemical transcription. genes and culture cannot be severed” (1981,
Also we do not know just how memes are 344). Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman (1981) treat
stored in human brains and whether they will “cultural activity as an extension of Darwinian
turn out to be digitally stored, like genes, or fitness” (362), and even Durham (1991)—the
not. However, the important point is that if only one to use the word meme—sticks to ex-
memes are true replicators, memetic evolution amples of cultural features with obvious rele-
must occur. Dennett is convinced they are and vance to genetic fitness such as color naming,
he explores how memes compete to get into as dietary habits and marriage customs.
many minds as possible. This competition is Perhaps Boyd and Richerson (1990) come
the selective force of the memosphere and the closest to treating the cultural unit as a true
successful memes create human minds as they replicator. However, they still view “genetic
go, restructuring our brains to make them ever and cultural evolution as a tightly coupled co-
better havens for more memes. Human con- evolutionary process in humans” (Richerson
m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 655

and Boyd, 1992, 80). As far as I can under- flourish in one another’s presence.” Meme-
stand them, no one except Cloak (1975) and complexes include all those groups of memes
Dawkins treats their unit of cultural exchange that tend to be passed on together, such as po-
as a true replicator. If there is a continuum litical ideologies, religious beliefs, scientific
from Gould’s outright rejection at one end, to theories and paradigms, artistic movements,
Dawkins and Cloak at the other, then most and languages. The most successful of these
scholars lie in between. They accept cultural are not just loose agglomerations of compati-
evolution but not the idea of a second replica- ble ideas, but well-structured groups with dif-
tor. When they say adaptive or maladaptive ferent memes specializing as hooks, bait,
they mean for the genes. When it comes to the threats, and immune systems. (Memetic jargon
crunch they always fall back on appeals to bio- is still evolving and these terms may change
logical advantage, just as Dawkins complained but see Grant’s “memetic lexicon,” 1990.)
his colleagues did 20 years ago. When I was about 10 years old I received a
Dawkins is clear on this issue when he says postcard and a letter that contained a list of six
“there is no reason why success in a meme names that instructed me to send a postcard to
should have any connection whatever with ge- the first name on the list. I was to put my own
netic success.” I agree. I am going to propose a name and address at the bottom and send the
theory of memetics that lies at the far end of new list to six more people. It promised me I
this continuum. I suggest that once genetic would receive lots of postcards. This was a
evolution had created creatures that were ca- fairly innocuous chain letter as these things go,
pable of imitating each other, a second replica- consisting just of a bait (the promised post-
tor was born. Since then our brains and minds cards) and a hook (send it to six more people).
have been the product of two replicators, not Threats are also common (send this on or the
one. Today many of the selection pressures on evil eye will get you) and many have far worse
memes are still of genetic origin (such as consequences than a waste of stamps. What
whom we find sexy and what food tastes good), they have in common is the instruction to “du-
but as memetic evolution proceeds faster and plicate me” (the hook) along with co-memes
faster, our minds are increasingly the product for coercion. These simple little groups can
of memes, not genes. If memetics is true then spread quite well.
the memes have created human minds and With the advent of computers, viral meme-
culture just as surely as the genes have created groups have much more space to play in and
human bodies. can leap from disk to disk among “unhy-
gienic” computer users. Dawkins (1993) dis-
cusses how computer viruses and worms use
tricks to get themselves spread. Some bury
Religions as Meme-Complexes themselves in memory only to pop up as a time
bomb; some infect only a small proportion of
Dawkins (1976) introduced the term co- those they reach, and some are triggered prob-
adapted meme-complex. By this he meant a abilistically. Like biological viruses they must
group of memes that thrive in each other’s not kill their host too soon or they will die out.
company. Just as genes group together for mu- Their final effect may be quite funny, such as
tual protection, leading ultimately to the cre- one that makes the Macintosh computer’s
ation of organisms, so we might expect memes loudspeaker say “Don’t Panic!,” but some have
to group together. As Dawkins (1993, 20) puts clogged up entire networks and destroyed
it, “there will be a ganging up of ideas that whole doctoral theses. My students have
656 | m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

recently encountered a virus in WORD 6 that cism, a gang of mutually compatible memes
lives in a formatting section called “Thesis”— that is stable enough to deserve a name. The
tempting you to get infected just when your heart of Catholicism is its major beliefs: a pow-
year’s work is almost finished. No wonder we erful and forgiving God, Jesus his son who was
now have a proliferation of anti-virus soft- born of a virgin and rose again from the dead,
ware—the equivalent of medicine for the info- the holy spirit, and so on. If these aren’t im-
sphere. plausible enough you can add belief in mira-
Internet viruses are a relatively new arrival. cles or the literal transubstantiation of wine
Last week I received a very kind warning from into blood.
someone I’ve never met. “Do not download Why should anyone believe these things?
any message entitled Penpal Greetings” it Threats of hell fire and damnation are an ef-
said—and went on to warn me that if I read fective and nasty technique of persuasion.
this terrible message I would have let in a Tro- From an early age children are brought up by
jan Horse virus that would destroy everything their Catholic parents to believe that if they
on my hard drive and then send itself on to break certain rules they will burn in hell for-
every e-mail address in my mail box. To pro- ever after death. The children cannot easily
tect all my friends, and the world-wide com- test this since neither hell nor God can be
puter network, I had to act fast and send the seen, although He can see everything they do.
warning on to them. So they must simply live in life-long fear until
Have you spotted the trick? The virus de- death, when they will find out for sure, or not.
scribed does not make sense; in fact, it does The idea of hell is thus a self-perpetuating
not exist. The real virus is the warning. This is meme.
a very clever little meme-complex that uses Did I say test the idea? Some religious be-
both threats and appeals to altruism to get liefs could be tested, such as whether wine re-
you—the silly, caring victim—to pass it on. It is ally turns into blood, or whether prayer actu-
not the first—Good Times and Deeyenda Mad- ally helps; hence the need for the anti-testing
dick used a similar trick—and it probably won’t meme of faith. In Catholicism, doubt must be
be the last. However, as more people learn to resisted, while faith is nurtured and respected.
ignore the warnings, these viruses will start to If your knowledge of biology leads you to
fail and perhaps that will let in worse viruses, doubt the virgin birth—or if war, cruelty and
as people start to ignore warnings they ought starvation seem to challenge the goodness of
to heed. So, Watch Out! God—then you must have faith. The biblical
What does this have to do with religions? story of Doubting Thomas is a cautionary tale
According to Dawkins, a great deal. The most against seeking evidence. As Dawkins puts it,
controversial application of memetics is un- “Nothing is more lethal for certain kinds of
doubtedly his treatment of religions as co- meme than a tendency to look for evidence”
adapted meme-complexes (Dawkins, 1976, and religions, unlike science, make sure they
1993; Miele, 1995). Dawkins unashamedly de- discourage it (Dawkins, 1976, 198). Also un-
scribes religions as “viruses of the mind” and like science, religions often include memes
sets about analysing how they work. They that make their carriers violently intolerant of
work, he says, because human brains are just new and unfamiliar ideas, thus protecting
what info-viruses need; brains can soak up in- themselves against being ousted in favour of a
formation, replicate it reasonably accurately, different religion—or none at all.
and obey the instructions it embodies. Finally the meme-complex needs mecha-
Dawkins uses the example of Roman Catholi- nisms to ensure its own spread. A kill the infi-
m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 657

del meme will dispose of the opposition. Go cluding the commandment itself. As a secular
forth and multiply will produce more children meme it might not succeed very well, since
to pass itself on to. So will forbidding mastur- kids would surely reject it if they thought it
bation, birth control, or interfaith marriages. If came straight from the parents. However, pre-
fear of going blind doesn’t work, there are sented as an idea from God (who is all power-
prizes in heaven for missionaries and those ful, all-seeing and punishes disobedience) it
who convert unbelievers (Dawkins, 1993; has a much better chance—a good example of
Lynch, 1996). Catholicism generally spreads memes ganging up. Dietary laws may thrive
from parent to child but celibate priests play a because they protect against disease, but may
role too. This is particularly interesting since also keep people in the faith by making it
celibacy means a dead end for the genes, but harder for them to adapt to other diets outside.
not for the memes. A priest who has no wife Moral codes may enhance effective coopera-
and children to care for has more time to tion and survival but may also be ways of pun-
spread his memes, including that for celibacy. ishing lapses of faith. Observing “holy days”
Celibacy is another partner in this vast com- ensures lots of time for spreading the memes,
plex of mutually assisting religious memes. and public prayers and grace at meals ensure
Dawkins (1993) gives other examples from that lots of people are exposed to them. Learn-
Judaism, such as the pointlessness of rabbis ing sacred texts by heart and setting them to
testing for the kosher-purity of food, or the inspiring or memorable music ensure their
horrors of Jim Jones leading his flock to mass longevity.
suicide in the Guyana jungle. Today he might In the long history of religions, most of them
add Heaven’s Gate to the catalogue. “Obvi- have spread vertically—that is, from parent to
ously a meme that causes individuals bearing child. Even today the best predictor of your re-
it to kill themselves has a grave disadvantage, ligion is your parent’s religion—even if you
but not necessarily a fatal one . . . a suicidal think you rationally chose the best or truest
meme can spread, as when a dramatic and one! Today, however, more and more new reli-
well-publicised martyrdom inspires others to gions and cults spread horizontally—from any
die for a deeply loved cause, and this in turn person to any other person. The two types use
inspires others to die, and so on” (Dawkins, different meme tricks for their replication. As
1982, 111). an example of the first type Lynch (1996) cites
Dawkins might equally have chosen Islam, a the Hutterites. They average more than 10
faith that includes the concept of the jihad children per couple, a fantastic rate that is pos-
(holy war), and has particularly nasty punish- sibly helped by the way they distribute
ments for people who desert the faith. Even to- parental responsibility, making each extra
day the author and heretic Salman Rushdie child only a slightly greater burden for its nat-
lives in fear of his life because many Muslims ural parents. Other religions put more effort
consider it their holy duty to kill him. Once into conversion, like the evangelical faiths
you have been infected with powerful memes which thrive on instant rewards and spiritual
like these you must pay a high price to get rid joy on conversion.
of them. In case I seem to be implying that people
Lynch (1996) explores in depth some tech- have deliberately manufactured religions this
niques used by religions and cults. “Honour way, that is not the case. Imagine in the long,
thy father and mother” is an excellent com- long history of human religious endeavour, all
mandment, increasing the chance that chil- the millions and millions of different state-
dren will take on beliefs from their parents, in- ments, ideas, and commandments that must
658 | m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

have been uttered at some time or another. 1. Why Can’t We Stop Thinking? Can you
Which would you expect to have made it to the stop thinking? If you have ever meditated you
present? The answer is, of course, the ones will know just how hard this is—the mind just
that just happened to have included clever seems to keep blithering on. If we were think-
tricks or come together with other ideas they ing useful thoughts, practising mental skills, or
could gang up with. The countless millions of solving relevant problems there might be some
other ideas have simply been lost. This is point, but mostly we don’t seem to be. So why
memetic evolution, and extinction. can’t we just sit down and not think? From a
genetic point of view all this extra thinking
seems extremely wasteful—and animals that
waste energy don’t survive. Memetics provides
Taking the Meme’s Eye View a simple answer. Imagine a world full of brains,
and far more memes than can possibly find
We are now ready to take the meme’s eye view. homes. Which memes are more likely to find a
Imagine a world full of hosts for memes (e.g., safe home and get passed on again? Imagine a
brains) and far more memes than can possibly meme that encourages its host to keep on
find homes. Which memes are more likely to mentally rehearsing it, or a tune that is so easy
find a safe home and get passed on again? It’s to hum that it goes round and round in your
that simple. head, or a thought that just compels you to
In doing this I try to follow some simple keep thinking it. Imagine in contrast a meme
rules. First, remember that memes (like genes) that buries itself quietly in your memory and is
do not have foresight! Second, consider only never rehearsed, or a tune that is too unmem-
the interests of the memes, not of the genes or orable to go round in your head, or a thought
the organism. Memes do not care about genes that is too boring to think again. Which will do
or people—all they do is reproduce themselves. better? Other things being equal, the first lot
Shorthand statements like memes want x or will. Rehearsal aids memory, and you are
memes try to do y must always be translatable likely to express (or even sing) the ideas and
back into the longer version, such as memes tunes that fill your waking hours. What is the
that have the effect of producing x are more consequence? The memosphere fills up with
likely to survive than those that do not. Third, catchy tunes, and thinkable thoughts. We all
memes, by definition, are passed on by imita- come across them and so we think an awful
tion. So learning by trial and error or by feed- lot. The principle here is familiar from biology.
back is not memetic, nor are all forms of com- In a forest, any tree that grows tall gets more
munication. Only when an idea, behaviour, or light. So genes for growing tall become more
skill is passed on by imitation does it count as common in the gene pool and the forest ends
a meme. Now, remembering these rules, we up being as high as the trees can make it.
can ask the question and see where it leads. 2. Why Do We Talk So Much? Imagine a
Imagine a world full of brains, and far more world full of brains, and far more memes than
memes than can possibly find homes. Which can possibly find homes. Which memes are
memes are more likely to find a safe home and more likely to find a safe home and get passed
get passed on again? Some of the conse- on again? Imagine any meme that encourages
quences are startlingly obvious—once you see talking. It might be an idea like talking makes
them. And some are frighteningly powerful. I people like you or it’s friendly to chat. It might
shall start with two simple ones, partly as exer- be an urgent thought that you feel compelled
cises in thinking memetically. to share, a funny joke, good news that every-
m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 659

body wants to hear, or any meme that thrives terested altruism.” I am more impressed by
inside a talkative person. Imagine in contrast charitable giving to people in faraway coun-
any meme that discourages talking, such as the tries who probably share as few of our genes as
thought talking is a waste of time. It might be anyone on Earth and whom we are unlikely
something you dare not voice aloud, some- ever to meet. And why do we turn in wallets
thing very difficult to say, or any meme that found in the street, rescue injured wildlife,
thrives inside a shy and retiring person. Which support eco-friendly companies, or recycle our
will do better? Put this way the answer is obvi- bottles? Why do so many people want to be
ous. The first lot will be heard by more people poorly paid nurses and counselors, social
and, other things being equal, simply must workers and psych techs, when they could live
stand a better chance of being propagated. in bigger houses, attract richer mates, and af-
What is the consequence of this? The memos- ford more children if they were bankers, stock
phere will fill up with memes that encourage brokers, or lawyers?
talking and we will all talk an awful lot. And Many people believe all this must ultimately
we do! be explained in terms of biological advantage.
A simpler way of putting it is this: people Perhaps it will, but I offer an alternative for
who talk more will, on average, spread more consideration: a memetic theory of altruism.
memes. So any memes which thrive in chatter- We can use our, by now, familiar tactic. Imag-
boxes are likely to spread. This makes me see ine a world full of brains, and far more memes
conversation in a new light. Is all that talking than can possibly find homes. Which memes
really founded on biological advantage? Talk- are more likely to find a safe home and get
ing takes a lot of energy and we talk about passed on again? Imagine the sort of meme
some daft and pointless things. Do these trivial that encourages its host to be friendly and
and stupid thoughts and conversations have kind. It might be a meme for throwing good
some hidden biological advantage? I think not. parties, for being generous with the home-
In fact, in this case memes seem to be working made marmalade, or just being prepared to
against genes. This sets the stage for a more spend time listening to a friend’s woes. Now
audacious suggestion. compare this with memes for being unfriendly
3. Why Are We So Nice to Each Other? Of and mean—never cooking people dinners or
course we aren’t always nice to each other, but buying drinks, and refusing to give your time
human cooperation and altruism are some- to others. Which will spread more quickly?
thing of a mystery—despite tremendous ad- The first type, of course. People like to be with
vances made in understanding kin selection nice people. So those who harbor lots of
and inclusive fitness, reciprocal altruism and friendliness memes will spend more time with
evolutionarily stable strategies (Wright, 1994; others and have more chances to spread their
Ridley, 1996; Skeptic, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 and 2). memes. In consequence many of us will end
Human societies exhibit much more coopera- up harboring lots of memes for being nice to
tion than is typical of vertebrate societies, and others. A simpler way of putting it is this: peo-
we cooperate with non-relatives on a massive ple who are altruistic will, on average, spread
scale (Richerson and Boyd, 1992). As Cronin more memes. So any memes which thrive in
puts it, human morality “presents an obvious altruistic people are likely to spread—including
challenge to Darwinian theory” (1991, 325). the memes for being altruistic.
Everyone can probably think up their own fa- Is this hypothesis testable? Well, research in
vorite example. Dawkins (1989, 230) calls social psychology reveals that people are more
blood doning “a genuine case of pure, disin- likely to adopt ideas from people they like
660 | m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

(Eagly and Chaiken, 1984). Whether this is a nut, but are they good enough? Let us not for-
cause or a consequence of the above argument get how mysterious this issue really is. Brains
is debatable. This memetic explanation pre- are notoriously expensive both to build and to
dicts that people should act in ways that bene- run. They take up about 2% of the body’s
fit the spread of their memes even at some cost weight but use about 20% of its energy. Our
to themselves. We are familiar with buying brains are three times the size of the brains of
useful information, and with advertisers buy- apes of equivalent body size. Compared to
ing their way into people’s minds for the pur- other mammals our encephalisation quotient
poses of selling products, but this theory pre- (the ratio of actual brain size to brain expected
dicts that people will pay (or work) simply to for the average animal of that body size) is
spread the memes they hold—because the even higher, up to about 25 (Jerison, 1973;
memes force them to. Missionaries, Mormons, Leakey, 1994; Wills, 1993). On many mea-
and Jehovah’s Witnesses come to mind. sures of brain capacity and behavioral com-
Many aspects of persuasion and conversion plexity humans stand out alone. The fact that
to causes may turn out to involve meme- such intelligence has arisen in an animal that
driven altruism. Altruism is yet another of the stands upright may or may not be a coinci-
meme tricks that religions have purloined. Al- dence but it certainly adds to the problem. Our
most all of them thrive on making their mem- pelvises are not ideally suited for giving birth
bers work for them and believe they are doing to huge brains and so childbirth is a risky
good. Of course, being generous is expensive. process for human beings—yet we do it. Why?
There will always be pressure against it, and if The mystery was deepened for me by thinking
memes can find alternative strategies for about the size of the biological advantage re-
spreading they will. For example, powerful quired for survival. In a study concerned with
people may be able to spread memes without the fate of the Neanderthals, Zubrow (Leakey,
being altruistic at all! However, that does not 1994) used computer simulations to determine
change the basic argument that altruism the effect of a slight competitive edge. He con-
spreads memes. cluded that a 2% advantage could eliminate a
You may have noticed that the underlying competing population in less than a millen-
theme in all these arguments is that the nium. If we needed only such a tiny advantage
memes may act in opposition to the interest of why do we have such a huge one? Several an-
the genes. Thinking all the time may not use swers have recently been proposed. For exam-
much energy but it must cost something. Talk- ple, Dunbar (1996) argues that we need large
ing is certainly expensive, as anyone who has brains in order to gossip, and gossip acts as a
been utterly exhausted or seriously ill will at- kind of verbal grooming to keep very large
test. And, of course, any altruistic act is, by def- bands of people together. Christopher Wills
inition, costly to the actor. I would say that this (1993) argues that the runaway evolution of
is just what we should expect if memes are the human brain resulted from an increasingly
true replicators. They do not care about the swift gene-environment feedback loop. Miller
genes or the creatures the genes created. Their (1993) proposes that our vast brains have been
only interest is self-propagation. So if they can created by sexual selection; and Richerson and
propagate by stealing resources from the Boyd (1992) claim they are needed for indi-
genes, they will do so. vidual and social learning, favored under in-
4. Why Are Our Brains So Big? Yes, I know creasing rates of environmental variation.
there are lots of good answers to this old chest- What these authors all have in common is
m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 661

that their ultimate appeal is to the genes. Like I would like to suggest that selves are co-
Dawkins’ bewailed colleagues, they always adapted meme complexes—though only one of
wish to go back to biological advantage. I pro- many supported by any given brain (Black-
pose an alternative based on memetic advan- more, 1996). Like religions, political belief
tage. Imagine early hominids who, for good bi- systems, and cults, they are sets of memes that
ological reasons, gained the ability to imitate thrive in each other’s company. Like religions,
each other and to develop simple language. political belief systems, and cults, they are safe
Once this step occurred memes could begin to havens for all sorts of travelling memes and
spread, and the second replicator was born. they are protected from destruction by various
Remember—once this happened the genes meme tricks. They do not have to be true. In
would no longer be able to stop the spread! fact we know that selves are a myth. Look in-
Presumably the earliest memes would be use- side the brain and you find only neurons. You
ful ones, such as ways of making pots or do not find the little person pulling the strings
knives, or ways of catching or dismembering or the homunculus watching the show on an
prey. Let us assume that some people would inner screen (Dennett, 1991). You do not find
have slightly larger brains and that larger the place where my conscious decisions are
brains are better copiers. As more and more made. You do not find the thing that lovingly
people began to pick up these early memes, holds all those beliefs and opinions. Most of us
the environment would change so that it be- still persist in thinking about ourselves that
came more and more necessary to have the way. But there is no one in there!
new skills in order to survive. A person who We now have a radically new answer to the
could quickly learn to make a good pot or tell question Who am I?, and a rather terrifying
a popular story would more easily find a mate, one at that. I am one of the many co-adapted
and so sexual selection would add to the pres- meme-complexes living within this brain. This
sure for big brains. In the new environment scary idea may explain why memetics is not
larger-brained people would have an advan- more popular. Memetics deals a terrible blow
tage and the importance of the advantage to the supremacy of self.
would increase as the memes spread. It seems
to me that this fundamental change in selec-
tion pressures, spreading at the rate of meme
propagation, provides for the first time a plau- The Future of Memes
sible reason why our brains are totally out of
line with all other brains on the planet. They The memes are out! For most of human his-
have been meme-driven. One replicator has tory memes have evolved alongside genes.
forced the moves of another. They were passed on largely vertically—from
5. Who Am I? We can now see the human parent to child—and therefore evolved at much
mind as the creation of two replicators, one us- the same rate as genes. This is no longer true.
ing for its replication the machinery created by Memes can leap from brain to brain in sec-
the other. As Dennett pointed out, people are onds—even when the brains are half a planet
animals infested with memes. Our personali- apart. While some memes hang around in
ties, abilities, and unique qualities derive from brains for weeks, months, or years before be-
the complex interplay of these replicators. ing passed on, many now spread in multiple
What then of our innermost selves—the real copies at the speed of light. The invention of
me, the person who experiences my life? the telephone, fax machine, and e-mail all
662 | m e m e s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

increase the speed of meme propagation. As the illusion that conscious agents are needed
high speed, accurate, horizontal copying of to understand the design of our minds.
memes increases we can expect some dramatic
developments in the memosphere.
First, the faster memes spread, the weaker is References:
the hold of natural (genetic) selection. This Barkow, J. H., Cosmides, L., and Tooby, J. (Eds.).
relative decoupling of genes and memes may 1992. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychol-
mean that more than ever before memes will ogy and the Generation of Culture. New York:
spread that are detrimental to their carriers. Oxford University Press.
We may be seeing this already with some of Blackmore, S. J. 1996. “Waking from the Meme
the dangerous cults, fads, political systems, Dream.” The Psychology of Awakening: An Inter-
copy-cat crimes, and false beliefs that can now national Conference on Buddhism, Science and
Psychotherapy, Dartington, Nov. 9.
spread so quickly. Second, we may expect
Boyd, R., and Richerson, P. J. 1990. “Group Selec-
memes to build themselves ever better vehi-
tion among Alternative Evolutionarily Stable
cles for their own propagation. Genes have
Strategies.” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 145:
built organisms to carry themselves. What is 331–342.
the memic equivalent? Artifacts such as books, Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., and Feldman, M. W. 1981.
paintings, tools, and aeroplanes might count Cultural Transmission and Evolution: A Quanti-
(Dennett, 1995), but they are feeble compared tative Approach. Princeton: Princeton University
with computers or the internet. Even these re- Press.
cent inventions are still largely dependent on Cloak, F. R. 1975. “Is a Cultural Ethology Possible?”
humans for their functioning, and on the Human Ecology, 3: 161–182.
genes those humans are carrying—after all, sex Cronin, H. 1991. The Ant and the Peacock. New
is the most popular topic on the internet. York: Cambridge University Press.
Darwin, C. 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means
Can the second replicator ever really break
of Natural Selection. London: Murray.
free of the first? It might if ever we construct
Dawkins, R. 1989 (1976). The Selfish Gene. Oxford
robots that directly imitate each other. Fortu-
University Press.
nately this is such a difficult task that it will ———. 1982. The Extended Phenotype. Oxford Uni-
not be achieved very soon and perhaps by then versity Press.
we will have a better understanding of memet- ———. 1993. “Viruses of the Mind.” In B. Dahlbohm
ics and be in a better position to cope with our (Ed.), Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying
new neighbors. Mind. Oxford: Blackwell, 13–27.
Dennett, D. 1991. Consciousness Explained. Boston:
Little, Brown.
———. 1995. Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. London: Pen-
Conclusion guin.
Donald, M. 1991. Origins of the Modern Mind:
Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cog-
I have shown how a theory of memetics pro-
nition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
vides new answers to some important ques-
Dunbar, R. 1996. Grooming, Gossip and the Evolu-
tions about human nature. If I am right, then
tion of Language. London: Faber & Faber.
we humans are the product of two replicators, Durham, W. H. 1991. Coevolution: Genes, Culture
not one. In the past century we have success- and Human Diversity. Stanford: Stanford Univer-
fully thrown off the illusion that a God is sity Press.
needed to understand the design of our bodies. Eagly, A. H., and Chaiken, S. 1984. “Cognitive The-
Perhaps in the next century we can throw off ories of Persuasion.” In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Ad-
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vances in Experimental Social Psychology, 17: Mithen, S. 1996. The Prehistory of the Mind. Lon-
267–359. New York: Academic Press. don: Thames and Hudson.
Gould, S. J. 1996. Full House. New York: Harmony Pinker, S. 1994. The Language Instinct. New York:
Books. Morrow.
Grant, G. 1990. Memetic lexicon: http://pespmc1. Richerson, P. J., and Boyd, R. 1992. “Cultural In-*memes.html heritance and Evolutionary Ecology.” In E. A.
Hofstadter, D. 1985. Metamagical Themas: Questing Smith and B. Winterhalder (Eds.), Evolutionary
for the Essence of Mind and Pattern. New York: Ecology and Human Behaviour, 61–92. New
Basic Books. York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Jerison, H. J. 1973. Evolution of the Brain and Intel- Ridley, M. 1996. The Origins of Virtue. London:
ligence. New York: Academic Press. Viking.
Leakey, R. 1994. The Origin of Humankind. Lon- Skeptic. 1996. Special Theme Issue: “Are We Slaves
don: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. to Our Evolutionary Past?” Volume 4, #1.
Lumsden, C. J., and Wilson, E. O. 1981. Genes, ———. 1996. Special Theme Issue: “Where Does
Mind and Culture. Cambridge: Harvard Univer- Morality Come From? Did Ethics Evolve?” Vol-
sity Press. ume 4, #2.
Lynch, A. 1996. Thought Contagion: How Belief Tudge, C. 1995. The Day before Yesterday: Five Mil-
Spreads through Society. New York: Basic Books. lion Years of Human History. London: Jonathan
Midgley, M. 1994. “Letter to the Editor.” New Sci- Cape.
entist, Feb. 12: 50. Wills, C. 1993. The Runaway Brain: The Evolution
Miele, F. 1995. “Darwin’s Dangerous Disciple: An of Human Uniqueness. New York: Basic Books.
Interview with Richard Dawkins.” Skeptic, 3: 4, Wilson, E. O. 1978. On Human Nature. Cambridge:
80–85. Harvard University Press.
Miller, G. 1993. Evolution of the Human Brain Wright, R. 1994. The Moral Animal. New York: Pan-
through Runaway Sexual Selection. Ph.D. Thesis, theon Books.
Stanford University Psychology Department.
Memes as Pseudoscience
J A M E S W . P O L I C H A K

n his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, idea of the meme seems to strike fear into

I Richard Dawkins introduced the term

“meme” to refer to a hypothetical unit of
imitation or information that is transmitted
even the most hardened evolutionist” (1996,
1). She shows (1997, and in the previous en-
try), in fact, that few books on evolution and
from person to person. In Dawkins’ and later culture even mention the word “meme,” much
memetic analyses of information processing, less delve into analyses based on memes.
cultural information is treated as being analo- In this article I will endeavor to explain
gous to genetic information—it exists in dis- why most scientists dismiss the meme and
crete self-replicating units that are subject to theories based on it. In short, it is because
environmental selective forces. These forces memetic analyses are very shallow and impre-
result in differential survival of memes, much cise compared to more traditional approaches,
as environmental forces result in differential and because proponents of such analyses are
survival of genes. In short, memetic theorists all too willing to offer untested, unsupported,
argue that cultural evolution is analogous to, or incorrect assertions as proof of the value of
but partially independent from, biological their approach. I suggest that hardened evo-
evolution. lutionists and social scientists are not fearful
Proponents of memetics have made a num- of memes. Rather, they are far more likely to
ber of extremely bold claims about the power be dismayed at the overzealous promotion of
of memetic analysis and the insights to be memes, the lack of supporting data or strong
gained by applying such an analysis to culture logical arguments, and the circularity of the
and the transfer of information. The memetic “answers” memeticists offer to challenging
approach has been called a new and revolu- questions concerning the origins and nature
tionary way of looking at culture and informa- of culture, the human mind, and information.
tion, and even a “paradigm shift” (Brodie, It is likely that these are the reasons that the
1996; Lynch, 1996). Memetics is viewed as the memetic approach has been largely dismissed
“missing link” that will allow researchers or ignored for the past 20 years. The problem
(specifically memeticists) to unify the social can be enumerated as follows:
sciences (Lynch, 1996). Finally, it has been ar-
gued that “without the theory of evolution by 1. Memeticists have not done an adequate
memetic selection, nothing in the world of the job of defining the meme, nor have they
mind makes much sense” (Blackmore, 1997, offered any examples of what a meme
43). Such a powerful approach should surely might be that withstand scrutiny.
be appreciated, yet even such a strong propo- 2. Memeticists have failed to show that
nent as Susan Blackmore noted that “the very memes are necessary to understanding

m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 665

culture. As a consequence they are tity consisting of information in some form.

unable to show that models based on According to Dawkins, the meme is “a unit of
biological selection are inadequate. cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation”
3. By largely ignoring the principles and (192), much like a gene is the unit of biologi-
data concerning information processing cal or hereditary transmission. This definition
from the social sciences, especially is, of course, quite imprecise, and Dawkins
psychology, memeticists have argued for recognized this. The extent to which memes
a highly inaccurate model of information are analogous to genes is not clear. For this
transfer, and a highly limited model of analogy to be effective, memes must be self-
the activity of the human brain. replicating and they must be so with the
4. Memeticists have offered inaccurate and chance for error, and certain memes must be
circular claims about what kind of more successful than others. While memes are
explanatory power is obtained by interested only in ensuring their transmission,
assuming the existence of memes. there also must be some memes that offer an
advantage to their hosts that is not reducible to
a biological reproductive advantage, possibly
an advantage that is actually reproductively
What Is a Meme? detrimental but memetically advantageous. In
other words, possessing a particular meme
The first major problem with meme-based ap- may lead one to engage in activities that lessen
proaches to understanding information pro- the chance of transmitting one’s genes to fu-
cessing and culture is that no one seems to be ture generations while increasing the chances
quite sure what a meme is. There is no direct that one will spread one’s memes.
evidence for the existence of any meme (i.e., The analogy between genes and memes has
no single meme has been isolated in the way been filled out or modified in various ways, so
that single genes have), nor does anyone know much so that proponents of meme theory have
what memes might be made of (i.e., there have directly contradicted each other. For example,
been no discoveries of meme-units analogous while Blackmore writes that “memes are not
to the four base pairs of DNA). This lack of di- like genes” (1996, 3), the Meme FAQ (fre-
rect evidence does not doom memetic analyses quently asked questions) at Meme Central
to failure, however. Darwin (1859) produced states that “memes are the basic building
his theory of evolution by natural selection blocks of our minds and culture, in the same
and Mendel performed a number of seminal way that genes are the basic building blocks of
experiments on genetic transmission long be- biological life” (Brodie, 1997, 2).
fore anyone knew what a gene was or what it Other memeticists have seemingly tried to
might be made of. Indeed, it was the rediscov- avoid deciding how exactly memes are or are
ery of Mendel’s experiments that changed the not like genes by instead trying to develop the
then current scientific belief that hereditary analogy to viral transmission (which seems to
information was carried in the bloodstream, be simply making the analogy less direct, given
and demonstrated that there were somewhat that viruses are composed mostly of genetic
discrete units of hereditary information. material). The Memetic Lexicon defines a
Given the lack of direct evidence for memes, meme as “a contagious information pattern
we are left with a wide assortment of analogies. that replicates by symbiotically infecting hu-
Memes were originally conceived of by man minds and altering their behavior, caus-
Dawkins (1976/1989) as a self-replicating en- ing them to propagate the pattern” (Grant,
666 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

Sandberg, and McFadzean, 1995, 2). Lynch entities and how they are similar to the other
(1996) does not offer much discussion of the known self-replicator (the gene).
meme-gene analogy, instead focusing on the Unfortunately, the attempt to get at what a
various ways to spread “thought contagions,” meme is by looking at the examples offered
while Dawkins (1993) and Brodie (1996) look also fails. Dawkins gives a number of examples
at memes as “viruses of the mind.” The more of memes: “tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes
precise treatments of the analogy (e.g., Daw- fashions, ways of making pots or of building
kins, 1993) focus on computer viruses, but arches” (1976/1989, 192). Most have followed
again suffer from the same problem as the Dawkins’ lead to the extent of quoting or para-
meme-gene analogy. How exactly are memes phrasing his examples (e.g., Blackmore, 1997;
like or not like viruses, computer or biologi- Grant et al., 1995; Speel, 1997). Here, to better
cal? One way that memes and viruses are ap- describe a poorly defined concept, we are
parently not alike is that not all memes are given a series of poorly defined terms. I doubt
detrimental to their hosts. Regardless of that Dawkins or any of those who have fol-
whether or not this is an accurate conception lowed his lead have an adequate definition of
of viruses, developers of this analogy (Brodie, “idea” or even of a “clothes fashion.” Dawkins
1996; Dawkins, 1993; Grant et al., 1995; recognized this problem to some extent in his
Lynch, 1996) have been forced to take special original chapter, writing, “I have said that a
pains to make the point that memes are often tune is one meme, but what about a sym-
beneficial to their hosts. This, however, leaves phony? Is each movement one meme . . . ?”
us in the unsatisfactory state of saying that (1976/1989, 195). It is still not clear what ex-
some memes are like viruses, including being actly a “tune” is, though. Dawkins further sug-
bad for you, and others are like viruses except gests that “if a single phrase of Beethoven’s
for not being bad for you. Ninth Symphony is sufficiently distinct and
At least one memeticist has tried to avoid memorable to be abstracted from the context
using analogies by defining a meme as “a sin- of the whole symphony . . . then to that extent
gle unit of thought” (Nehring Bliss, 1997, 1). it deserves to be called one meme” (195).
This definition, however, loses the benefits of While this example seems more precise, it in-
the analogies to genes and viruses. It does not troduces another difficulty. A chunk of infor-
include the concept of self-replication with er- mation is a meme to the extent that it is dis-
ror that is necessary for meme theory to have tinct and memorable. This would seem to
any force. Additionally, it is far from clear what suggest that, for the time being at least, we can
“thought” is and what one unit of it might be. only offer probabilistic examples of what a
Does any brain activity count as “thought,” or meme is, and that probabilistic example rests
must “thought” be conscious, whatever that is? on quite shaky ground, especially when one
Memeticists have largely failed to offer a pre- wants to provide evidence for a discrete entity.
cise, useful definition of the meme. Nor have A chunk of information must be sufficiently
they managed to fully develop either the anal- distinct and memorable, but to whom?
ogy with genes or with viruses in a manner Dawkins suggests that use as a call-sign of
that states which parts of the analogy hold and “European broadcasting station” might be suf-
which do not. This is an admittedly difficult ficient to determine if a chunk of information
task. A systematic series of controlled experi- is a single meme (195). But if memes are de-
ments will be necessary to fully establish fined in this manner, then what may be a
whether memes are genuine self-replicating meme to me or to a radio station manager may
m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 667

not be a meme to you. If I notice an idea in a furthermore that our knowledge of memetics
book that you do not, is that detail then a might help us better understand our new
meme or not a meme or both? I don’t think neighbors (1997, 49). Dawkins seems to sug-
Dawkins or anyone else wants to define memes gest that computer viruses are not quite
in a manner that seems to be largely based on memes yet (since they do not “strictly evolve”)
individual differences in attention or memory, but may become memes in the future (1993,
but his analysis suggests just that. How many 18). Vajk, however, has gone so far as to state
people, or which people, would have to notice that “hula hoops, pet rocks, and Frisbees” are
and remember a chunk of information for it to memes (1989, 7). Perhaps Vajk meant to refer
be sufficiently distinct and memorable to be a metonymically to the idea of the Frisbee but
meme? Perhaps for now memes can be like this is not very clear from his writing. Similar
pornography—we may not know exactly what questions arise about some of Dawkins’s fa-
memes are, but we know them when we see mous examples. Does “ways of making pots”
them. refer to the ideas about making pots or the ac-
Another important issue that remains un- tions that people perform in order to make
clear from the examples in the memetics liter- pots (given the unlikely assumption that one
ature is whether a chunk of information has to can distinguish among these in such a case)?
be in a human brain or not to be considered a Imprecision appears to be one of the hall-
meme. While using terms like “idea” and marks of memetic theory.
“thought” seems to imply a residence in the
human brain, this is not necessarily the case.
The Memetic Lexicon defines a meme as “dor-
mant” when it is currently without human Memetics and the Social Sciences
hosts, seemingly indicating that printed or tel-
evised (and so on) information counts as While considering the inadequate definition of
memetic, but that information in one of these terms and poorly thought out analogies and
forms is not as good in an important way examples found in the memetic literature, one
(Grant et al., 1995). Brodie (1996) and Lynch must keep in mind that this is a new field, and
(1996) also, at the very least, imply that the that precision and clarity may come in the fu-
human brain is the preferred meme habitat. It ture. We may wish to examine alternate ways
is not clear why, if memes are concerned only of justifying and supporting the memetic en-
with replicating themselves as much as possi- terprise. As noted above, memeticists have
ble, being transmitted from computer to com- made strong claims about the utility of
puter is not as good as being transmitted from memetic analyses. Recall Blackmore’s asser-
brain to brain. If memes are not concerned tion that “nothing in the world of the mind
with whether their human hosts live or die, as makes much sense” without memetic theory.
long as they are replicated (as the analyses This assertion implies two claims, as does
suggest), why would the human brain neces- meme theory in general. First, that more
sarily be the best place to be? Others recognize widely accepted approaches to the study of
this issue and suggest that memes do not nec- culture and information processing have in
essarily need human hosts. For example, some important ways shown themselves inca-
Blackmore (in quite a flight of science fiction) pable of reasonably accounting for what is ac-
suggests that one day robots may directly imi- tually happening in the world. Second, that
tate each other, and thus transmit memes, and memetics can supply the theoretical frame-
668 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

work to account for what is actually happening conventional approaches are inadequate. They
in the world. Note that the two claims are logi- have instead asserted this as if it were a fact
cally distinct: If it were demonstrated that and used this assertion to then assume the ex-
other approaches to the study of culture and istence of memes.
information processing were indeed lacking, it Memeticists have also largely focused their
would in no way necessarily imply that memes attention, when describing conventional ap-
exist and that meme theory is adequate to ex- proaches to studying culture and information
plain what these other models cannot. transfer, on evolutionary biology. Examining
Scientific investigation of culture and infor- the bibliography in a long work on memetics,
mation processing by humans is still in its in- for example Lynch’s (1996) Thought Conta-
fancy. Numerous attempts to examine and gion, will turn up book after book on the ap-
model how genes interact with the environ- plications of evolutionary theory to culture.
ment and influence cultural development have Blackmore’s (1997) list of references shows a
been made (e.g., Barkow, Cosmides, and Tooby, similar strong bias toward books on biological
1992; Cavalli-Sforza and Feldman, 1981; evolution and culture. There are, however, a
Richerson and Boyd, 1992). These works, as number of other fields concerned with human
their authors or editors acknowledge, are only culture and human information processing.
beginnings and are necessarily incomplete. We They are generally known collectively as the
clearly do not yet understand the full extent to social sciences, and any research that has been
which genes and environment can account for done in these areas over the past hundred
human culture and human brain activity. As years to elucidate and describe information
such is the case, it might seem premature to processing and culture has been largely ig-
many to postulate an entirely new class of nored by memeticists. This has, among other
replicating entities to account for the as-yet- things, led memeticists to argue for a highly
unknown inadequacies of the more widely ac- inaccurate model of information processing.
cepted approaches to the development of the Lynch (1996) contains the chapter “A Miss-
human brain and culture. Yet this has been the ing Link: Memetics and the Social Sciences”
method of memeticists from the very start. on how a memetic approach might fit in with
Dawkins writes, “we do not have to look for the established social sciences. However,
conventional biological survival values of traits Lynch’s review of the social sciences is far
like religion, music, and ritual dancing, though from complete and even somewhat disturbing.
these may also be present. Once the genes Lynch offers a few pages of superficial analysis
have provided their survival machines with about, for example, economics and memetics,
brains that are capable of rapid imitation, the or sociobiology and memetics, and so on.
memes will automatically take over” (1976/ These fields and nearly all that Lynch dis-
1989, 200). Dawkins postulates the existence cusses are interesting areas of inquiry, with
of a new class of entity, then assumes its exis- well-developed methodologies and well-
tence and decides that we can therefore ignore accepted findings. The exception is psychohis-
the effects of genes and biological evolution, tory. Some readers may be unfamiliar with
whatever they may be. It seems that we should psychohistory, and with good reason. Psy-
look for conventional survival values for reli- chohistory is not a social science. Psychohis-
gion, for example, before we decide that it tory is an idea from Isaac Asimov’s (1974)
makes any sense to look for non-conventional highly acclaimed Foundation science fiction
survival values. Dawkins and his later followers series. The basic premise is that in the far dis-
have failed to present any strong evidence that tant future humans will know enough about
m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 669

social change and history to predict, on a The idea that one can examine the transfer of
rather coarse scale, future events, similar to information without regard for the systems
the way we can currently predict the weather. sending and receiving it has been challenged
While Asimov’s books and the idea of psy- on a number of levels. Shuy (1993) argues,
chohistory are interesting and appealing, such based on his linguistic training and experience
an idea certainly does not belong on an equal as an expert linguistic witness at a number of
footing with economics or sociobiology. More trials, that such a position is a common misun-
disturbingly, Lynch writes that psychohistory derstanding jurors have about the way lan-
and memetics have “surprising similarities” guage works. Using examples from real crimi-
(38) in their concerns and scope, though nal trials, Shuy demonstrates that people have
Lynch sees psychohistory as a more wide-rang- the mistaken belief that they can examine ver-
ing theory. I will leave it to readers to consider bal testimony in the absence of context be-
further the implications of this failure to dis- cause all of the necessary information is con-
tinguish fact from fantasy. tained in the words spoken. This belief, Shuy
What is notably absent from Lynch’s review argues, has led to wrongful convictions a num-
and from the analyses of most memeticists is ber of times. Reddy (1979) argues that this in-
any mention of the research that has been accurate belief is based on the way the English
done in two fields that are directly concerned language has developed, and refers to the mis-
with human information processing and the taken idea that information is sent and re-
behaviors that result from the intake of infor- ceived unaltered by the acts of sending and re-
mation—cognitive and social psychology. Re- ceiving as the conduit metaphor.
searchers in these fields have been systemati- This model of information transfer has been
cally investigating how humans receive, shown false most powerfully by experimental
process, and transfer information (Hunt, psychologists studying human memory. Cogni-
1993). A cursory examination of some of the tive psychologists developed and rejected as in-
basic findings in these fields will show that, adequate models of memory that focused on
rather than unifying the study of the human the properties of information and ignored the
brain and culture, memetic theory is based on activities of the receiver and the context in
an inaccurate model of information process- which the information was received. They have
ing, is incapable of accounting for much of the also rejected as inadequate to explain the ex-
activity of the human brain, and can only con- perimental data models that focus solely on the
sider human thought in an extremely limited properties of the information and the process-
way. ing it is given at the time of reception (Craik
Meme theory is concerned with the way in- and Lockhart, 1972; Morris, Bransford, and
formation is transferred. To examine these is- Franks, 1977). Kolers and Roediger (1984), af-
sues, memeticists have chosen to focus on the ter examining numerous controlled studies on
information itself, treating humans as hosts human memory, conclude that it makes little
who may be active to a greater or lesser extent sense to consider information to be remem-
in transmitting the information. It is the lack of bered without considering the conditions and
emphasis on the actual activity of the human processes involved in receiving it and the con-
being with the information that dooms memet- ditions and processes involved in its retrieval
ics to failure. Memeticists have adopted the (which must be considered if information is to
view that information is independent of either be transmitted—information that can’t be re-
its source or of its receiver, and can be effec- membered can’t be passed on to others). Mem-
tively examined with little regard for either. ory researchers have shown in hundreds of
670 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

studies that the match between the conditions ing memory for sentences (Bransford and
in which a person receives information and the Franks, 1971), eyewitness testimony (Lindsay,
conditions in which that person attempts to re- 1990), and childhood events (for review, see
trieve the information has powerful effects on Loftus, 1997). Experimental research on hu-
the amounts and kinds of information remem- man memory has shown that people “remem-
bered. This is known as the principle of trans- ber” information that they never saw and
fer appropriate processing (Morris et al., 1977). events that never happened under a wide
The factors that affect memory include such number of conditions and with a variety of
seemingly non-memetic influences like testing methods. Payne et al. (1997) summa-
whether the receiving and remembering oc- rize their theoretical position on human mem-
curred under the same drug influence or not, ory: “the act of remembering involves the
whether they occurred in the same room or reperception of internal representations that
with the same experimenter, and so on (Tulv- are created from experiences with the
ing, 1983). Memetic approaches ignore the ex- world . . . these internal representations fre-
tent to which environmental factors influence quently are not separate and distinct from the
human memory and determine what informa- sensory and perceptual processes that give rise
tion will be remembered. They also ignore the to them” (59).
important consequences of the processing that This description of human memory, while
the human brain performs on information, echoing that of Kolers and Roediger (1984), is
which demonstrates the inadequacy of claim- clearly inconsistent with memetic ideas about
ing that we can separate information from its information processing. People do not receive
processing. information and transmit it to others without
Examining the research on false memories processing and altering it in a way that is both
will effectively demonstrate the difficulties of highly sensitive to the environmental condi-
separating information from information pro- tions at both the time the information is re-
cessing. Roediger and McDermott (1995) pre- ceived and the time it is remembered, and
sented participants with study lists of words highly dependent on the perceptual, atten-
that were associates of one nonpresented tional, and cognitive capabilities of those in-
word. For example, one list contained the volved at both times. Given the memory re-
words “bed,” “rest,” “awake,” and nine other search it is far from clear to what extent we
sleep-associated words, but the word “sleep” can meaningfully discuss information inde-
was never presented. During later free recall pendently of the activities of the people in-
tests, participants recalled the nonpresented volved in the process of transmitting it.
words (e.g., “sleep”) 40% and 55% of the time, Memeticists must demonstrate that they can
in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Similar account for the sensitivity of memory to the
results were found using word recognition factors identified by experimental psycholo-
tests, and participants were highly confident gists. They must also adequately deal with the
that the words they had recalled were on the numerous false memory phenomena, which
study lists. This finding of false memories us- are a powerful challenge to meme theory. Pre-
ing word lists has been replicated and ex- sumably the word “sleep” fits the vague crite-
tended by a number of researchers. (In fact, rion for meme-hood, given that, in this experi-
Roediger and McDermott’s study was a repli- mental paradigm, words are presented to
cation of Deese, 1959; for review, see Payne, participants one at a time, and participants are
Neuschatz, Lampinen, and Lynn, 1997.) Simi- expected to recall and rate their confidence in
lar false memory data have been obtained us- each individual word. Yet this word, recalled
m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 671

by about half of all people, was never seen. It 1993). One would think that this large body of
does not seem that we can reasonably view this research would form a much stronger starting
information as having been transmitted—who point for memetic analyses than would an
could have done so? In these and the other analogy to epidemiology. Yet, aside from a
cases, it is better to view the memory as having brief mention by Blackmore (1997), this work
been created. It is up to memeticists to chal- has been ignored by memeticists. Memeticists
lenge the dominant theory in experimental have neglected to consider virtually all of the
psychology—that all memories are created in a experimental data, from both social and cogni-
similar manner to the false memories through tive psychology, concerning information pro-
active reconstruction of past experiences that cessing, and the behaviors based on this infor-
are heavily dependent on environmental, per- mation processing, in favor of an inaccurate
ceptual, and cognitive factors whose impact model of information transmission (the con-
varies at different times. Cognitive psycholo- duit metaphor) and an untested and underde-
gists have developed powerful models of hu- veloped analogy with the distantly related field
man memory that challenge memetic theory; of epidemiology. The emphasis on these
it is up to memeticists to show that the experi- flawed analogies has also led memeticists to
mental data have been misinterpreted. adopt an extremely limited and incomplete
It is clear that accurate transmission of in- view of human mental activity, as examination
formation is difficult and highly sensitive to a of the research will show.
number of environmental and mental factors Cognitive psychologists regularly hypothe-
that have not been considered by memeticists. size and find evidence for thought processes
Unfortunately, in addition to ignoring decades that are largely or entirely unavailable to con-
of memory research, memeticists have also ig- scious introspection. For example, Allbritton
nored the best source concerning how people and Gerrig (1991) hypothesized that when
learn and act with information they are ex- people read stories with unfavorable outcomes
posed to on a more coarse-scaled behavioral (e.g., a bomb exploding) they are mentally
level. Lynch (1996) uses epidemiology as a generating alternate outcomes that affect their
model for the way information is transferred ability to recognize the actual outcome. These
from person to person on a relatively coarse alternate outcomes are not generated in any
scale (i.e., he is not concerned with perceptual, way of which readers are necessarily aware.
attentional, or the cognitive factors discussed These counterfactual alternatives express
above), extending the virus-meme analogy to themselves as a difference in reaction time to
methodology. Brodie (1996) and Dawkins recognize the actual outcome between items
(1993) pursue similar courses. It is not clear that had favorable or unfavorable outcomes.
why they do this. For the past 50 years, social This methodology is far from unusual in cog-
psychologists have studied specifically how nitive psychology. With regard to memetics,
people form and change attitudes and beliefs. one can then ask: Does subconscious mental
Hundreds of carefully controlled experiments activity (which comprises most of the activity
have been performed examining the factors of the brain; Baars, 1988) count as memetic in
that affect whether a person will be persuaded any way? It does not seem to. The Memetic
by information (or “infected” to use memetic Lexicon states that “an idea or information
terminology), how lasting that persuasion pattern is not a meme until it causes someone
might be, and whether the person will actually else to replicate it, to repeat it to someone else.
act in response to the information to which All transmitted information is memetic” (Grant
they have been exposed (Eagly and Chaiken, et al., 1995, 2). Ignoring the inconsistency of
672 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

this quotation (certainly information can be thoughts will be transmitted in any way, yet
transmitted without causing someone to repeat they comprise much of our brain activity (ex-
it; most information falls into this class), it im- cluding the vast amount of brain function de-
plies that the mental alternatives generated are voted to various autonomic and regulatory ac-
not memes, and similarly that most of the tivities). They are ephemeral, existing for a
mental activity that occurs in the human brain moment and disappearing, only to be replaced
is not memetic. However, difficulties with this by others. They are not memetic; nor is there
position arise when we consider that the con- any obvious way that some biological survival
sequences of these counterfactual thoughts value can be applied to them. (Though there
were demonstrated by Allbritton and Gerrig, may be. Unlike some theorists, I am unwilling
suggesting that they were then transmitted. to say that the absence of intuitive biological
Can these thoughts be called into existence as survival value implies that there is none.)
memes by the processes of measurement used However, these thoughts do have important
by Allbritton and Gerrig, even though no indi- consequences on behavior and cognition as
vidual thought has actually been transmitted? has been demonstrated by psychologists.
Cognitive psychology is based on methodolo- Memetic theory, even when fully devel-
gies of this kind, and has demonstrated the ex- oped, will not be able to account for these
istence of many kinds of thought processes thoughts, and this is a problem. Given the
through the measurement of behaviors in a strong evidence that the reading of a text is
manner that seems to be inconsistent with supplemented and modified by prior experi-
memetics. ences in accordance with the reconstructive
A brief excursion into introspection will nature of memory, it seems that memeticists
make it clear just how limited the memetic ap- will not be able to describe how a reader ob-
proach to information processing is. (I am tains information from reading a book (similar
aware of the general inadequacy of this concerns exist for films, conversation, observa-
method, but I believe it will do here. See Hunt, tional learning, and so on). Memetic theory
1993, for discussion of the role of introspec- will not prove able to unify the social sciences
tion in psychology.) While you are reading this when many of the concerns of social scientists
article, an incredible number of conscious and about information processing and transfer can-
unconscious thoughts are occurring, and most not be addressed by memetic analyses.
of these thoughts are entirely dependent on With regard to how information is transmit-
your individual circumstances. While you ted with potential mutation and is subject to
read, your attention wanders, and you con- selective forces leading to differential survival,
sider getting up for something to eat. While the writings of memeticists are about as vague
you read, you are inspired to think about the as their attempts to define the meme. It is also
text in a unique way, supplementing or modi- not clear to what extent we can meaningfully
fying your knowledge and experience of the discuss transmission of information (as op-
text based on your prior experience and posed to reconstruction of information).
knowledge (e.g., Bartlett, 1932/1977). For ex- Memeticists have also not done enough to dif-
ample, the earlier mention of Asimov’s (1974) ferentiate memetic transmission of informa-
work may have spurred you to remember your tion from non-memetic transmission. It is
childhood love of science fiction, or the word known that humans can transmit information
“foundation” may have caused you to remem- to each other that could not reasonably be
ber that your house is sinking and needs its considered memetic. For example Russell,
foundation repaired. Few to none of these Switz, and Thompson (1980) showed that hu-
m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 673

man menstrual cycles become synchronized Lynch (1996), for example, suggests that a
through olfactory cues. Presumably there is meme can be transmitted by giving its hosts
some variance in the degree to which people’s reproductive advantages. In particular, Lynch
menstrual cycles become synchronized, but we writes that: “the ‘baby doll for girls’ meme
would probably not want to say that this vari- replicates partly by training females to play the
ability is evidence for mutation and differen- domestic role that leads to more children. Par-
tial survival of any particular menstrual cycle. ents who give baby dolls to their daughters
It is up to memeticists to demonstrate that the thus have their memes imparted to more
information that they deal with is different, grandchildren” (56). This is quite an interest-
and this will prove difficult. Cognitive psychol- ing and controversial claim and Lynch unfor-
ogists have demonstrated that learning and re- tunately offers no evidence of the supposed
membering are sensitive to environmental and greater reproductive of women who were
perceptual factors, which are not considered in given dolls as children and those who were
memetic analyses, and that most human not.
thought is not likely to be memetic. They have One wonders why, if dolls make women
also shown evidence for the recall of informa- have more children, they would not do the
tion never transmitted. Memeticists must show same for men? Wouldn’t memes get spread
that, after accounting for these pieces of evi- more effectively (in particular a more general
dence and the psychological theories based on “give baby dolls to your kids” meme) if boys
them, there is some form of discrete informa- were encouraged to have dolls and thus be
tion left over that is subject to mutation (not more interested in domestic affairs? Wouldn’t
merely variability) and differential selection this shared set of interests in childrearing en-
(not based on perception, attention, or mental courage husbands and wives to interact more
reconstruction of experience). In other words, and thus exchange more memes with each
they must demonstrate that, contrary to cur- other? (Lynch also gives a similarly superficial
rent psychological models, all forms of infor- analysis of “hero dolls for boys.” What I hope
mation in the human brain are not like the in- is clear from my discussion is that these analy-
formation discussed above before they can ses amount to no more than memetic just-so
develop meaningful predictions and models of stories, and are, if anything, less believable
memetic transmission. than their oft-maligned gene-based equiva-
lents.) A second concern with this analysis is
the fact that the people who give their chil-
dren the most and nicest dolls—that is, the
What Is Memetics Used For? wealthiest segments of the population—have
the lowest birthrates. Birthrate is generally
Memeticists have mostly focused their efforts negatively correlated with wealth across cul-
at explaining how large-scale behavioral pat- tures, as the poorer peoples of the world tend
terns and complex beliefs are transmitted in an to have the most children and also (presum-
attempt to demonstrate the power of memetic ably) the fewest baby dolls (cf. Dasgupta, 1995;
approaches to information transmission. These Wattenberg, 1997). The final concern is that
examples show that memetic analyses of infor- Lynch is content to reduce a complex pattern
mation transmission are as simplistic and of behavior to a simple phrase and to act as if
flawed as their attempts to define memes and he has explained things. Buying dolls for one’s
their beliefs about the nature of information children involves interacting with the child to
processing. determine if the child wants a doll and which
674 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

one, traveling to a store in some manner, se- as-yet-undocumented meme. Second, meme
lecting and purchasing the doll, and so on. The theory, with its emphasis on the transmission
difficulty of performing these activities is of information, cannot account for the vast
highly variable, as are the particular circum- amount of human thought that is unconscious
stances of each doll-buyer. It seems likely that and untransmittable, and these thoughts are
the environment and a person’s past experi- whirring through our brains all of the time. If
ences will determine whether, when, and how memetics cannot account for these thoughts,
a person buys a doll. Memeticists may chal- or at least explain the relationship between
lenge this by arguing that regardless of the them and memes, it cannot offer an answer to
complexity of the overt behaviors, a person is Blackmore’s question. Finally, even if we ac-
really buying the doll because they have the cept Blackmore’s assertion that animals which
meme. Given the absence of evidence for waste energy do not survive, we still cannot ac-
memes this objection cannot be taken very se- cept Blackmore’s answer. Calling the energy
riously. Furthermore, even if memes exist, it waste “meme rehearsal” does nothing to solve
seems unlikely that the knowledge required this problem. These meme-infested animals
for a person to buy a doll is reducible to a sin- should just be rehearsing their memes and
gle meme. themselves to death. The only way an organ-
Blackmore (1997) makes a series of even ism can avoid this dire fate is if the memes it
more controversial and sweeping claims than possesses at least compensate for the loss of
the above claim by Lynch (1996), designed to energy due to their rehearsal—in other words
show how powerful “thinking memetically” is. the activities used in rehearsing memes (i.e.,
Blackmore asserts that the memetic approach thinking) must contribute to biological sur-
can be used “to answer five previously unan- vival. If this is the case—that all our thinking
swered questions about human nature” (1997, actually does have survival value whether it is
43). She first seeks to learn “why can’t we stop memetic or not—it seems unnecessary to refer
thinking?” It seems to her that much of the to memes in the first place to explain the value
time spent thinking is wasteful. Little of it of thinking.
seems to have any benefit for survival and is Blackmore then turns to examine the issue:
thus a waste of energy. Such thinking is mal- “why do we talk so much?” Again her answer
adaptive, Blackmore believes, writing that “an- is memes. We talk so much so that we can
imals that waste energy do not survive” (47). spread our memes. Again, Blackmore is as-
Blackmore’s answer to this quandary is to sug- suming such behavior is biologically maladap-
gest that it is memes that lead to this excessive tive, and, again, this assumption is not justified
thinking, that when we are doing (genetically) nor will labeling the wasteful activity “meme
needless thinking we are actually rehearsing transmission” provide an answer. There have
our memes, and that this rehearsal will result been numerous attempts to relate the emer-
in an increased likelihood of transmission. Our gence of language to biological factors. Black-
excess thought is for the benefit of our memes. more herself cites one such attempt. Dunbar
There are a number of problems with this (1993, 1996) has argued that language
analysis. The first is that we simply do not yet evolved as a way to reinforce social relation-
know which thought processes are adaptive ships when the band size of our ancestors be-
and which are not. We cannot yet label most came too large for the earlier grooming tech-
mental activities as biologically adaptive or niques to function effectively. While Dunbar’s
maladaptive, nor can we decide that any men- analysis is far from achieving general scientific
tal activity is beneficial to the survival of the consensus (see the commentary following
m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 675

Dunbar, 1993), it seems at least more plausible ses for why we are so nice to each other, why
than Blackmore’s assertion that it is memes our brains are so big, and why we think we
that make us talk. Blackmore offers nothing to have a self. In each case, of course, the answer
challenge Dunbar’s analysis. This is unfortu- is memes. Throughout her analyses, Black-
nate because Dunbar challenges the major more asks the reader to continually “imagine a
point Blackmore bases her argument on. world full of brains, and far more memes than
Blackmore writes that “we talk about some can possibly find homes.” This pattern of
pretty daft and pointless things” (47) that to thought, imagining all those memes struggling
her mind cannot possibly have any survival to survive in the limited human brain, she sug-
value. However, in Dunbar’s analysis, such gests, will allow us to answer the difficult ques-
talk, the gossip and so on, is used to reinforce tions. Blackmore does not, however, offer any
our social bonds, discouraging aggression, and evidence for why and how memes might actu-
promoting food sharing and mating. Perhaps ally be the cause of our thoughts, big brains,
these are the “hidden biological advantages” niceness, and so on. We are asked to take our
(47) Blackmore is missing? excessively big brains as evidence for the exis-
Blackmore’s (1997) analysis of why we talk tence of memes and are expected to accept
so much also conflicts, like so much in memet- memes as a reason for our big brains existing.
ics, with psychological theory and research. Blackmore, and other memeticists, are essen-
Blackmore presents an extremely competitive tially asserting that memes are out there, with-
model of the development of human language out evidence or even an adequate example,
and its current use—we don’t seem to care and without regard for the conflict with psy-
much what anyone else has to say because chological models. They then expect us to as-
we’re just waiting for our turn so that we can sume the existence of memes and insert that
transmit our memes. There is a growing body term as an answer to life’s mysteries.
of experimental evidence in psychology for a I hope that the above critique has shown
collaborative theory of language use (e.g., that memeticists have grossly overstated the
Clark, 1992). Numerous experiments have ex- power of a memetic approach to understand-
amined the ways that speakers work together ing information processing and culture. They
to decide what to call ambiguous objects. Par- have much work to do to convince the skepti-
allels to figuring out where to go to dinner, cal scientist of the value of the meme, much
how to put together a bicycle, and so on, less its existence. Memeticists should start by
should be obvious. According to Clark’s col- looking at the data from the social sciences
laborative theory, language is used by people and the models developed from them. They
so that they can attain a reasonable degree of need to show that they can account for the ob-
mutual understanding of their environments jections put forth in this paper based on those
and intentions in order to interact effectively. psychological models and on logical grounds.
Like Dunbar’s (1993, 1996) analysis of lan- Memeticists need to more clearly define the
guage development, Clark’s theory is based on kinds of information they are going to deal
the idea that language is an important way to with, and show that existing models are flawed
coordinate activity among people and to effec- when it comes to understanding this kind of
tively describe and manipulate each other and information. Then they must demonstrate that
the environment. Blackmore’s ideas about lan- the memetic approach can succeed where bio-
guage use and development seem far more logical or psychological approaches have
limited and far less likely. failed. Nothing presented in the memetics lit-
Blackmore (1997) offers three similar analy- erature thus far suggests that memeticists will
676 | m e m e s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

be able to accomplish this. Ill-considered ex- Dasgupta, P. S. 1995. “Population, Poverty, and the
amples, ignorance of relevant experimental re- Local Environment.” Scientific American, 272,
search, and exaggerated claims of explanatory 41–46.
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tion of Linguistic Ideas.” Cognitive Psychology, 2, Loftus, E. F. 1997. “Memory for a Past That Never
331–350. Was.” Current Directions in Psychological Sci-
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Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, The Qualitative Characteristics of False Memo-
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Race and I.Q. as
Good Science

he Bell Curve and the many commen- of human endeavor. Here is a liberal estab-

T taries on it have brought several is-

sues into an often uncomfortably
sharp focus. Though race is by no means the
lishment forcing racial testing for every con-
ceivable activity, and when a study comes
along which does exactly that for SATs and
most important of these, the historical bag- IQ, the authors are pilloried for being ob-
gage the term carries and the reality it sym- sessed by race.
bolizes require us to get past it before we are No one who has actually read The Bell
able to deal with more substantive matters. Curve could honestly document any such ob-
Yet that same baggage and those same reali- session. But, by the same token, no one even
ties often raise emotional barriers so powerful moderately conversant with the American so-
that they defy facts, reason, and logic. ciety of the last 20 to 30 years could deny the
Many commentators would have us believe accuracy of Krauthammer’s assertion that “it
that The Bell Curve is obsessed with race, and is the very liberals who so vehemently de-
thereby provide a prime exemplar of pots, nounce Murray who have been obsessed by
kettles, and blackness, evidenced in the fol- race.”
lowing quote from the sociologist Alan Wolfe: Further, it is these “very liberals” who deny
“Murray and Herrnstein may not be racists, that there is any significant genetic, biologi-
but they are obsessed by race. They see the cal, and evolutionary substance to race, and
world in group terms and must have data on argue that it is, in effect, nothing more than a
group membership.” This is an interesting social and cultural construct. This view is
charge, says Charles Krauthammer (1994), epitomized in a recent story in Time (January
“given the fact that for the last two decades it 16, 1995) that carries the subtitle: “A land-
is the very liberals who so vehemently de- mark global study flattens The Bell Curve,
nounce Murray who have been obsessed by proving that racial differences are only skin
race, insisting that every institution—universi- deep.” The reference is to The History and
ties, fire departments, Alaskan canneries— Geography of Human Genes, a recent, massive
must have data on group membership.” compilation and analysis of human gene fre-
It is the liberals who have oppressively in- quency data (Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994). The
sisted that we measure ethnic “over-” and story is an honest summation of that work—
“underrepresentation” in every possible field given that the genetic distances among hu-

r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 679

man races are minimal, and that sections 1.5 any doubt as to the placement of any individ-
and 1.6 of the book are entitled “Classical At- ual. Extending this look-see experiment to the
tempts to Distinguish Human ‘Races’” and whole of the human species would obviously
“Scientific Failure of the Concept of Human give us a substantial number of such geograph-
Races.” One looks in vain, however, in both ical groupings. The addition of direct genetic
the Time piece and the book on which it is evidence—from blood groups to DNA se-
based for any definition of the term “race.” quences—would provide further resolving
This omission is typical of race-debunking ef- power. But there is a real problem here that
forts. They never bother to define what it is goes well beyond ideology and political cor-
that they are debunking. So let’s start there. rectness.

The Reality of Human Races The Nature of Categories

We can begin this trip out of political correct- One might clarify the problem of defining
ness by noting that there is a substantial groups by reference to the issue of color cate-
amount of agreement on both a working defi- gorization. We know that speakers of various
nition of the term “race” and on the existence languages that have a term for “red” (and who
of races in species other than our own. Races also have a comparable number of basic color
are populations, or groups of populations, terms) will also show a remarkable degree of
within a species, that are separated geographi- agreement as to the range of the spectrum to
cally from other such populations or groups of which the term applies, and as to which hues
populations, and distinguishable from them on are better reds than others (Berlin and Kay,
the basis of heritable features. 1969). We look at a rainbow and we tend to see
We can agree that we are all members of a not continuity, but rather a small number of
single species—Homo sapiens—and that each of specific colors that we have no trouble naming.
us is also a unique individual. The most basic This example tells us that whatever may be go-
evidence that races exist is the fact that we can ing on with respect to cognitive processing of
look at individuals and place them, with some the visible light spectrum, we have no opera-
appreciable degree of accuracy, into the areas tional difficulties in at least this realm with the
from which they or their recent ancestors de- notion that categories do not have to be dis-
rive. The process involved is illustrated by a crete. Red does shade imperceptibly into or-
thought experiment where one imagines a ange, and orange into yellow, but we have no
random assortment of 50 modern humans and difficulty in agreeing as to where red becomes
50 chimpanzees. No one, chimp or human, orange, and orange, yellow. Thus, human cog-
would have any difficulty in reconstituting the nition can handle categories that are not dis-
original 50 member sets by simple inspection. crete. The flip side of that is that categories can
But the same would be true within our species be real without necessarily being enumerable—
with, say, 50 humans from Japan, 50 from and that is the critical matter for this article.
Malawi, and 50 from Norway. Again, by simple In other words, we can easily forget that cat-
inspection, we would achieve the same 100% egories do not have to be discrete. If this were
sorting accuracy. Granted, in the second ex- not so, then why should the notion of “fuzzy
periment fewer sorting characteristics were sets” have been seen as so revolutionarily pro-
available, but not nearly so few as to produce ductive? Races are fuzzy sets.
680 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

How Many Races Are There? blend into one another? Yes, they are supposed
to blend into one another. That’s what races
One of the most commonly asked questions do. Nature’s categories need not be discrete. It
about race is: “How many races are there?” I is not for us to impose our cognitive limitations
contend that this is the wrong question. “How upon Nature.
many” requires a precise integer as an answer—
3, 7, 15, whatever. But the nature of the cate-
gory “race” is such as to make such an answer
impossible, depending as it necessarily does on The Cause of Racial Separation
the degree of sorting accuracy required in a
context where the categories involved are not If all that is needed for racial differentiation is
discrete. Races, after all, are not species, since geographic separation and time, then why
all humans are fully interfertile. Therefore, have humans remained a single species? The
races must necessarily grade into one another. answer almost certainly lies in the fact of gla-
But they do not do so evenly. Even today, for cial cycles throughout the existence of our
example, to drive along the road north from genus. These have necessitated major move-
Aswan to Luxor (a hundred miles or so) is to ments of human populations at fairly frequent,
cross a portion of ancient boundary between, to if irregular, intervals throughout the million
use old anthropological terms, Caucasians and years or so that Homo has existed outside of
Negroes. These two large groupings have been sub-Saharan Africa and therefore been sus-
separated for millennia by the Sahara Desert. ceptible to differentiation into races. Thus,
The Sahara has caused the populations north there would have been periods of relative gla-
and south of it to evolve in substantial genetic cial stability (such as the last 10,000 years or
independence from one another. And that is all so) during which racial differentiation would
one needs for race formation—geographical have become more marked, and periods of
separation plus time. glacial movement, such as the retreat which
The race quantity answer depends on the began about 18,000 years ago, during which
degree of sorting accuracy with respect to indi- gene flow would have pretty much obliterated
viduals. If it is something close to 100%, then the previously developed racial boundaries.
the areas involved could become smaller and This logic also leads to the conclusion that
more distant from one another, with at least 20 most existing racial variation must have devel-
races easily recognized, or larger and less sep- oped since that last period of large-scale,
arated, in which case one would see the few world-wide gene flow; that is, over the last
“major” races that everyone has tended to see. 15,000 or so years. There is extensive evidence
If, however, the criterion were something at a number of disciplines—anatomy, linguis-
more like the 75% which has often sufficed for tics, biochemistry, archeology—which is consis-
the recognition of races in other species, then tent with such a scenario. The most straight-
obviously the number would be very large. In forward is the fact that Homo sapiens fossil
either case, if we use a straightforward defini- skulls found in areas currently populated by
tion of race, such as a population within a “Caucasians” and ranging in age from about
species that can be readily distinguished from 15,000 to 30,000 years are not more similar to
other such populations using only heritable those of modern “Caucasians” than they are to
features, then there can be no doubt of the ex- those of other major racial groupings.
istence of a substantial number of human The question of the antiquity of human
races. But, I hear you ask, don’t the races all racial lineages remains one of the most contro-
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 681

versial areas of human evolution. Basically two cance well beyond anything contemplated in
quite opposed views predominate, neither of recent years. But that might not be all. During
which takes the fact of glacial cycles into ac- the last 10,000 years human cultures have dif-
count. (1) Regional Continuity or Multire- ferentiated to a much greater extent with re-
gional Evolution. Homo erectus populations in spect to achievement than was the case previ-
different areas of the world are seen as having ously. Thus, not only might the time involved
appreciable direct genetic continuity with for raciation have been brief, but the selective
modern populations in those same areas. This demands on human cognitive capacities might
theory sees significant aspects of modern racial have differed regionally to a substantially
variability as having separate histories for the greater extent than could have been the case
high hundreds of thousands of years. (2) Out previously (see Sarich, 1995, for an extended
of Africa or African Eve. Homo sapiens have a discussion of these matters).
single, relatively recent (something around
100,000 years ago) origin in some limited area
and are characterized by some novel adapta-
tion which enabled them to expand out of that How Large Are Actual Racial Differences?
homeland, replacing the more primitive hu-
mans they found along the way. Racial differ- Current textbooks on human biology and hu-
entiation then followed. Most people in the man evolution go out of their way to deny ei-
field have tended to see #1 as implying much ther the reality, the significance, or both of
more significant racial differences because race in our species. Their efforts would ap-
they would have had longer to develop. This pear to be based in the hope that if we can
has also been a major factor contributing to its make races disappear, racism will follow. For
relative lack of support. example:
But, as the late Glynn Isaac (perhaps the
most influential archeologist involved in stud- Race: In terms of biological variation, a group
ies of early Homo) pointed out to me in a of populations sharing certain traits that make
Berkeley seminar many years ago, it is the Out them different from other groups of popula-
of Africa model, not that of regional continu- tions. In practice, the concept of race is very dif-
ity, which makes racial differences more func- ficult to apply to patterns of human variation.
tionally significant. It does so because the
amount of time involved in the raciation The first sentence is fine. But the second im-
process is much smaller, while, obviously, the plies that most human variation is not racially
degree of racial differentiation is the same— patterned. Which is certainly true. Most of the
large. The shorter the period of time required variation in our species, and in all other
to produce a given amount of morphological species, is found within and among individu-
difference, the more selectively important the als. But truth here has nothing to do with rele-
differences become. The Out of Africa model vance. No one argues that race is the only di-
in its earlier formulations envisioned perhaps mension along which humans vary genetically.
40,000 years for raciation of anatomically But, by the same token, there is more than
modern Homo sapiens. The current formula- enough heritable variation to produce human
tions would nearly triple that figure, and, thus groupings which conform to any generally ac-
reduce the implied significance of racial differ- cepted definition of the term “race.” This fact
ences. Obviously the model I outlined above tells us that a substantial amount of human
would do the opposite, increasing that signifi- variation is clearly racially distributed, and
682 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

leads to the question of how different from one and our two closest living relatives—gorillas
another human races are. and chimpanzees—are about equidistant from
The answer is, it depends on what you are one another at the DNA level with about 1.7%
looking at. At the level of morphology human sequence difference seen in each of the three
races are more strongly differentiated from comparisons. Yet, morphologically chimps and
one another than are any other mammalian gorillas are far more similar to one another
species. I first became aware of this fact when than either is to us. This must mean that there
considering the arguments in the anthropolog- has been much more morphological change
ical literature as to the place of the Neander- along our lineage than along those leading to
tals. There one would often see statements to the African apes since the three genera last
the effect that “Neandertals are too different shared a common ancestor some 4.5 million
from us to be part of our evolutionary history,” years ago (the amounts of sequence change at
but “too different” was never quantified. the DNA level are the same). The current
Quantifying it by using a standard set of mea- racial situation in our species is then entirely
surements, correcting for size and calculating consistent with the history of our lineage:
an average percent difference per measure- much morphological variation and change, lit-
ment, gave some substance to the claim. Nean- tle genetic variation and change.
dertals are, in fact, about twice as distant, on
the average, from various extant human popu-
lations as the latter are from one another. But
that exercise also demonstrated that (1) the Racial Differences in Athletic Ability
anatomical distances among some modern
races, for example, East Africans and Central Another tack has been to acknowledge racial
Siberians, were much larger than those be- differences, but then argue that they are gen-
tween Neandertals and the modern human erally small with respect to differences among
populations most similar to them, and (2) individuals within races, and, in any case,
racial morphological distances within our likely to be functionally irrelevant for any fea-
species are, on the average, about equal to the tures of particular importance for the species.
distances among species within other genera Consider the following example from sports.
of mammals, as, for example, between pygmy Every year perhaps 75 young men newly make
and common chimpanzees. I am not aware of NBA (National Basketball Association) teams.
another mammalian species where the con- Of these, about 60 will be Black, and 15 White.
stituent races are as strongly marked as they (I am here using four years as the average
are in ours. length of an NBA career, and the current
The genetic distances are, in contrast, very racial composition of the league as a source for
small, and the no-races-in-our-species protag- these figures. “Black” means, in this country,
onists (such as Cavalli-Sforza) have seized on that the individual has a substantial amount of
this fact to buttress their position. However, obvious recent sub-Saharan African ancestry.
one needs to put the data into an evolutionary “White” means no obvious ancestry other than
context to see what they really mean. The European.) These numbers mean that the
problem here lies in the fact that morphologi- chance for a Black to play in the NBA is about
cal evolution in our species has been ex- one in 4,500; the corresponding figure for a
tremely rapid, and this is not some sort of White is about one in 90,000. We can then ask
anthropocentric judgment. It can be demon- from how far out on their respective bell
strated through two simple observations. We curves these 75 are drawn. Recourse to a
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 683

z-score table tells us that 1 in 4,500 takes us nied that our brains had evolved. Gould spends
about 3.4 SD (standard deviations) from the the first two chapters telling us that brain size
mean; 1 in 90,000 is about 4.3 SD from the and intellectual performance have nothing to
mean. I submit that this almost one SD differ- do with one another, without once bothering
ence between populations in this suite of abili- to remind us that our brains have not always
ties based on a fundamental human trait is been the size they are today. Nor is that awk-
pretty substantial. In other words, it is simply ward fact mentioned anywhere else in the
not true that “bipedalism is such a critical as- book. You could never learn from it that in our
pect of the human adaptation that one would evolutionary lineage brain size had increased
not expect to see great differences from either from around 400cc to 1300–1400cc over the
the individual to individual level, or between last four million years. Why this omission?
populations.” Bipedalism is certainly a “criti- I think the answer is quite straightforward.
cal aspect of the human adaptation,” but it That part of Gould’s psyche concerned with
does not follow that therefore individual and basic evolutionary biology knew that those
group variation in what might be termed the large brains of ours could not have evolved
quality of the bipedal adaptation would have unless having large brains increased fitness
been reduced. Indeed, it seems to me that, if through minds that could do more. In other
anything, we might expect quite the opposite words, individuals with larger brains must
result. It took me a long time to figure this out, have been, on the average and in the long run,
and thus it might prove useful to others to re- slightly better off than those with smaller
count some of that process. The context is the brains. How advantaged? Dare one say it? By
relationship, if any, between brain size and being smarter. What else? If variation in brain
cognitive performance. size mattered in the past, as it must have, then
it almost certainly still matters. And if you are
going to argue that it does not, then you are
going to have to explain why it does not. I do
Racial Differences in Brain Size not think you can do this while maintaining
your intellectual integrity. Thus Gould just ig-
Discussing racial differences in athletic ability nored the demands of the evolutionary per-
can get you into trouble, as some sportscasters spective by denying, implicitly, that our brains
have discovered. Discussing racial differences had evolved. I find it of some interest that no
in brain size can be literally life threatening, as one has really challenged him on this point.
some psychologists have discovered. This issue The evolutionary perspective demands that
ultimately divided Charles Darwin from Alfred there be a relationship—in the form of a posi-
Russel Wallace. Darwin was entirely comfort- tive correlation—between brain size and intel-
able with the notion that the human mind had ligence. That proposition, I would argue, is not
evolved through natural selection, just as did something that need derive from contempo-
the human body. Wallace, on the other hand, rary data (although, as we will see, those data
to the end of his much longer life, insisted that do give it strong support). It is what we would
while our body had evolved, our mind must expect given our particular evolutionary his-
have been created. (See Michael Shermer’s tory; that is, it is the evolutionary null hypoth-
book, In Darwin’s Shadow: The Life and Sci- esis, and, thus, something to be disproven. It
ence of Alfred Russel Wallace.) A century later seems to me that a demonstration of no corre-
the very influential book The Mismeasure of lation between brain size and cognitive per-
Man by Stephen Jay Gould also, in effect, de- formance would be about the best possible
684 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

refutation of the fact of human evolution. It that natural selection cannot proceed unless it
took me a long time to figure out what really has genetic diversity, within a species, to act
ought to have been obvious: descent with on; and when our species is compared with its
modification by means of natural selection has nearest primate relatives, it is obvious that our
been, and continues to be, the reality. It should main selection pressure has been for an in-
be incumbent on those who would deny our crease in intelligence. Indeed, this change pro-
evolutionary history to show that our biology ceeded at an unprecedented rate (on an evolu-
is not involved. Otherwise there is an implicit tionary time scale): in the past three million
creationism present in those who persist in ig- years the brain size of the hominid line in-
noring the evolutionary perspective when they creased threefold. Such rapid selection for in-
try to explain some aspect of our behavior (all creased intelligence could not have occurred
too common in the social sciences). Brain size unless the selection pressure had a large sub-
is an effective proxy for behavior, and it re- strate of genetic variation to act on.
minds us that evolutionary processes and evo-
lutionary lineages are rather good data.
In other words, natural selection requires
genetically based phenotypic variation to work
Brain Size and Cognitive Performance:
on; thus throughout the period of change in Data Validate Theory
brain size, there must have been present a
substantial amount of genetic variation for Any suggestion on one’s part that people with
brain size, and, likely, the greater the advan- bigger brains are, on the average, smarter by
tage of larger brains, the greater the underly- virtue of those bigger brains leads the listener
ing genetic variation for brain size. I had long to doubt one’s intelligence, if not one’s sanity.
been frustrated by the canalization argument The general belief is that this inherently sexist
(the more important the characteristic, the less and racist notion died an ignoble death some-
variation) with respect to human intelligence, time in the last century. Its recent resurrection
my teaching experiences telling me that cogni- began with a 1974 article by Leigh Van Valen.
tive performance was one of our most variable In it he reviewed the literature and concluded
features. Yet at the same time I was unable to that the published correlations between brain
refute the logic of the argument. This lasted size and intelligence (as measured by standard-
until 1983 when I remembered Fisher’s Fun- ized tests) were unrealistically low because
damental Theorem of Natural Selection: “The they did not allow for the fact that external
rate of increase in the fitness of any organism measurements of head size were an imperfect
at any time is equal to its genetic variance in indicator of brain size. Correcting for this at-
fitness at that time.” tenuation indicated that the actual value was
This says it all. An earlier statement of the probably about 0.3. (The Mismeasure of Man
general argument was made by the late does not even mention Van Valen’s work.) A
Bernard Davis in 1976: subsequent large-scale study of Belgian army
recruits, which also used a much wider variety
Let me further emphasize that, even if no one of tests of cognitive function, gave figures con-
had ever devised a test for measuring IQ, we sistent with Van Valen’s analyses (Susanne,
could still be confident, on grounds of evolu- 1979). Since 1987, there have been several
tionary theory, that our species contains wide studies on this subject in which the brain size
genetic variance in intelligence. The reason is of living individuals was measured directly and
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 685

accurately using magnetic resonance imaging and (b) that the cluster of abilities measured
(e.g., Willerman et al., 1991; Andreasen, et al., by IQ tests constituted a reasonable anchor.
1993; Wickett et al., 1994). These suggest that Fast analogy: You could define length . . . as “a
Van Valen’s estimate was, if anything, conser- distance or dimension expressed in units of
vative—the consensus being in the area of 0.4 linear measure.” You could also define it as
or a bit more. Although, as argued above, a the thing that tape measures measure.
positive relationship was to be expected on the
basis of simple evolutionary considerations, the
actual correlations found are higher than just
about anyone would have predicted prior to Individuals and Groups
Van Valen’s pioneering effort.
A correlation of 0.4 means that of the aver- So far I have tended to go from group to indi-
age of 17 IQ points separating two randomly vidual and back again without addressing the
chosen individuals (within sex and popula- fact that any number of commentators on The
tion), about 7 IQ points would derive from the Bell Curve have argued that: (1) individual
differences in the sizes of their brains. The variation within groups is generally greater
same would hold for populations, and existing than variation between groups, and (2) the ex-
human populations can differ in their means istence of functionally significant genetic dif-
by as much as 2 SD in brain size. Thus, this ferences among individuals (with which most
variable alone could lead to close to a 1 SD of them apparently feel comfortable) does not
difference in mean intellectual performance necessarily imply such among populations
among them. With respect to the difference (with which they, along with most people, defi-
between American Whites and Blacks, the one nitely do not). But the obvious truth of these
good brain size study we have (Ho et al., 1980) two assertions in no sense justifies the object
indicates a difference between them of about lesson we are supposed to draw from them—
0.8 SD; this could correspond to a difference that therefore group variation is not something
of about 5 IQ points; that is, about one-third of that need particularly concern us. First, the
the observed differential. fact is group differences can be much greater
It should also be noted that these data than individual differences within them; for
strongly suggest that IQ tests are, in fact, mea- example, hair form in Kenya and Japan, or
suring something that has been significant in body shape for the Nuer and Inuit. And even
human evolution, given that performance on when the first assertion is correct, as it is for
them correlates so nicely with brain size. And most human characteristics, the differences
what of the common accusation of circularity between groups can, as already noted, be quite
that intelligence is what the tests test? As consequential. There is a much weaker case to
Daniel Seligman notes, in A Question of Intelli- be made for the relevance of the second asser-
gence (1992, 15): tion. While a qualification such as “does not
necessarily” makes it technically correct, the
[Herrnstein] said it was not at all intended as a statement as a whole implies that we should
put-down of IQ tests, certainly not as a com- expect a connection between individual and
plaint about circularity. It represented, rather, group variation to be the exception, rather
the perspective of a psychologist who believed than the rule.
(a) that “intelligence” needed to be anchored The evolutionary perspective begs to dis-
to some unambiguous operational definition agree. Consider again the example of brain
686 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

size. Within sex and population, the coefficient perhaps none cut so close to the bone as those
of variation (standard deviation/mean x 100) of Nathan Glazer in the October 31, 1994, is-
is about 10%, a value typical for mass or vol- sue of the New Republic (15–16):
ume characters. Two randomly chosen same-
sex individuals within a population would then The authors project a possible utopia in which
differ by about 12%, or about 150cc. But so individuals accept their places in an intellec-
can two populations. And this should not sur- tual pecking order that affects their income,
prise us. Remember that our brain has in- their quality of life, their happiness. It may be
creased in size some 1000cc in the last 3 mil- true that we do not commonly envy the intel-
lion years. This is often termed “an explosive lectual capacities of others—we allow Albert
rate of growth,” yet it works out to only 1/4 Einstein and Bobby Fischer their eminence—
drop per generation. It could have gone faster, though I think even at this level the authors
given what we know of individual variation underplay the role of envy and rancor in hu-
and heritability for the character. That it did man affairs. But how can a group accept an in-
not implies that the huge advantages con- ferior place in society, even if good reasons for
ferred by having more brain to work with must it are put forth? It cannot.
have been offset by (almost) equally large dis- Richard Wollheim and Isaiah Berlin have
advantages. In other words, the adaptation written: “If I have a cake, and there are ten
here is best seen as a very slow moving com- persons among whom I wish to divide it, then
promise involving small relative differences if I give exactly one-tenth to each, this will
between large forces. We should then have no not . . . call for justification; whereas if I de-
expectation that those advantages and disad- part from this principle of equal division I am
vantages would have balanced out in the same expected to produce a special reason.” Herrn-
way in different populations at differing times stein and Murray have a very good special
and in differing ecological and cultural cir- reason: smarter people get more and properly
cumstances. But this same argument will apply deserve more, and if there are more of them
to most aspects of individual variation. Given in one group than another, so be it. Our soci-
the number of characteristics in which func- ety, our polity, our elites, according to Herrn-
tional variation is present, the ways in which stein and Murray, live with an untruth: that
they will balance out in two populations evolv- there is no good reason for this inequality,
ing more or less independently of one another and therefore our society is at fault and we
are almost guaranteed to be different in the must try harder. I ask myself whether the un-
two. The balancing will take place at the level truth is not better for American society than
of individual phenotypes, and thus there is, in the truth.
general, going to be a direct, inescapable con-
nection between individual and group varia- And Bill Clinton, in a press conference of simi-
tion whenever evolutionary change is taking lar vintage, said:
I haven’t read it. But as I understand the argu-
ment of it, I have to say I disagree with the
proposition that there are inherent, racially
Harmful Truths or Useful Lies? based differences in the capacity of the Ameri-
can people to reach their full potential. I just
Of all the thousands of words in print about don’t agree with that. It goes against our entire
The Bell Curve, about its data and arguments, history and our whole tradition.
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 687

Are All Men Created Equal? ogy for a literal reading of “all men are created
equal.” Gould, for example, entitled one of his
The issue here is not so much about “inherent, essays “Human Equality Is a Contingent Fact
racially based differences in the capacity of the of History,” and summarized his argument as
American people to reach their full potential.” such (1985, 198):
It is about inherent, racially based differences
in the potentials themselves. The “entire his- Homo sapiens is a young species, its division
tory and our whole tradition” is, of course, en- into races even more recent. This historical
capsulated in our Declaration of Indepen- context has not provided enough time for the
dence, where Thomas Jefferson wrote: evolution of substantial differences. But many
species are millions of years old, and their ge-
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all ographic divisions are often marked and deep.
men are created equal, that they are endowed H. sapiens might have evolved along such a
by their creator with certain unalienable scale of time and produced races of great age
rights, that among these are life, liberty, and and large accumulated differences—but we
the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these didn’t. Human equality is a contingent fact of
rights, governments are instituted among men, history.
deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed. . . . The problems with this line of argument are
many. First, it is strange to have one of the in-
Which takes us back to Glazer, and the real ventors of the theory of “punctuated equilib-
need to ask “whether the untruth is not better rium” argue that human races cannot be very
for American society than the truth.” The un- different from one another because they are
truth in Jefferson is his first truth: “that all too young. Second, nowhere in the article does
men are created equal.” We know Jefferson Gould give us an example of a species in which
did not believe that to be literally true, or per- races are as strongly marked as ours. The rea-
haps more fairly, that he could not have be- son very likely is, as I have already noted, that
lieved it true unless one word were added to there isn’t any such species. Third, there are
his sacred text: “. . . all men are created equal, substantial racial differences present today—
in that they are endowed by their creator with however they may have come about. I have al-
certain unalienable rights. . . .” This addition ready discussed two of these: athletic perfor-
in no way detracts from the power of the text mance and brain size. Thus, Gould has it
(and only slightly from its rhythm), but does backwards. It is from the present that we ob-
provide the advantage of literal truth—under- tain most of our knowledge of the past, and
standing, of course, that, ever since 1859, “cre- not, as most paleontologists would have it, the
ator” has had to be read as “the evolutionary other way around. Finally, at least for our pur-
process.” Reading it that way also has the poses, there is a strong tendency just about
virtue of ultimately leading us to an under- everywhere to extend the “there are no signifi-
standing of why “the evolutionary process has cant racial differences” argument to one which
made all men equal” is no better than the says “there are no significant gene-based dif-
original text. Also note that last right—it is not ferences between individuals.” And as more
“happiness” but “the pursuit of happiness”— and more groups are seen as needing some
an opportunity, not a result. sort of official recognition, this extension be-
There have, in fact, been attempts to pro- comes more and more inevitable as society
vide a justification based in evolutionary biol- becomes more sensitive to various groups.
688 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

Nature, Nurture, and the Individual cause for human differences, I thought of my-
self as defending a truth as solidly established
The above extension is, and for a long time has as the heliocentric universe. Human nature, I
been, the prevailing point of view in the social believed, was constructed over time, not in-
sciences and humanities. If one takes a course herited from time. I had no trouble accepting
at U.C. Berkeley in, say, Anthropology 3 (In- Karl Marx’s famous remark that man made his
troduction to Social and Cultural Anthropol- own history, not entirely as he pleased, mean-
ogy), or Sociology 1 (Introduction to Sociol- ing that history may limit us at times, but biol-
ogy), one will hear an enormous amount about ogy has little to say about our social behavior.
individuals as constituents of groups, and pre- Today, in the thinking of citizens and social
cious little about individuals as individuals. scientists alike the deeply held assumption is
There will be little discussion of genes, evolu- that culture has severed for good the link be-
tion, or biology. It then goes almost without tween human behavior and biology. The con-
saying that you are not going to hear anything viction is that human beings in their social be-
about free will or personal responsibility. The havior, alone among animals, have succeeded
willful development of this situation in this in escaping biology. The irony is heavy here.
country is very nicely documented in Carl For that belief is accompanied by another
Degler (1991). His Preface begins (and I quote deeply held conviction: that human beings,
directly and at length because the statement is like all other living things, are the products of
so representative): the evolution that Charles Darwin explained
with his theory of natural selection. The irony
Like most white Americans of my sex and is almost palpable as Darwin entertained no
class (the son of a fireman) and my generation doubt that behavior was as integral a part of
(born in 1921) I came into a world that soon human evolution as bodily shape. And that is
made me a racist and a sexist. And then, like where Book III enters. It seeks to tell the story
most well-educated people of that generation, of how biological explanations have begun to
as I grew up I repudiated both race and sex as return to social science. . . . It is important to
explanations for differences in the behavior of recognize that this “return of biology” is not
human beings. Indeed, I spent a good deal of simply a revival of repudiated ideas, like
my youth and adulthood arguing by voice and racism, sexism, or eugenics.
in print against biology as a source of human
behavior, not only in regard to race and sex, The problem here is that a “return of biol-
but in other respects as well. How and why ogy” means a return to the idea that sex and
that sea change occurred in my thinking con- race will have consequences, and if you recog-
cerned me only peripherally. I knew there had nize this publicly, then you become, for many,
been a time when biology was thought to be a racist or a sexist. But the fact is, the evolu-
an important way of explaining why social tionary process cannot and does not produce
groups differed, why some people were con- equality either among individuals or groups.
sidered better than others. But that was an- Much of the furor surrounding The Bell
other time. In my new outlook it was a given Curve thus derives from a very real problem.
that the repudiation of biology had resulted Herrnstein and Murray are officially agnostic
from a penetrating, perhaps even lengthy sci- on the degree of genetic involvement in racial
entific investigation of biology’s inadequacy in differences in intellectual performance, give
accounting for the ways in which human gender differences one small paragraph on
groups differed. In ruling out biology as a page 275, and mention the implications of our
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 689

evolutionary history not at all—but all that does can be inferred from the title, and from the
not really help. The fact is that deep down all fact that he and his coauthors were willing to
too many of us are aware of the reality of state: “For all we know, the heritability (of IQ)
group differences, and of the virtual certainty may be zero. . . .” And, in its final paragraph:
that genes are somehow involved in producing
some of those differences. But, as Ernst Mayr We should recall that the title of the article by
pointed out in 1963: “Equality in the face of A. R. Jensen . . . was “How Much Can We
evident nonidentity is a somewhat sophisti- Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” The
cated concept and requires a moral stature of answer, from cross-racial and cross-class adop-
which many individuals seem incapable.” tion studies, seems unambiguous. As much as
Consider the treatment of E. O. Wilson after social organization will allow. It is not biology
the publication of his masterful Sociobiology that stands in our way.
in 1975. Or, a more recent example, the June,
1993 issue of Scientific American features a I submit that someone who could seriously
lengthy essay by John Horgan, one of their entertain the notions that the heritability for
staff writers, entitled “Eugenics Revisited,” any human performance measure could really
and teased on the cover as “The dubious link be zero, and that our biology places no limits
between genes and behavior.” This one was so on a human performance, has thereby re-
egregious—especially given the venue—that I moved himself from serious consideration as a
was moved to send a long letter to the editor, scholar of anything.
publisher, and other officials of the magazine.
I had no illusions that it would be publicly ac-
knowledged by them (and it wasn’t, though I
did get a letter from the editor Jonathan Piel). The Decline of Racism in Society
Scientific American continued in this vein in
its January and February, 1995 issues. In the From an evolutionary perspective freedom can
first, Tim Beardsley, one of their staff writers, only mean freedom of opportunity, which, in
authored a piece entitled “For Whom the Bell the context of this article, necessarily leads to
Curve Really Tolls,” and subtitled: “A tenden- the question of how we are to recognize it
tious tome abuses science to promote far-right among races and groups when we are living in
policies.” My thought is that you have to be a world where functionally significant, gene-
pretty far left to see any of Herrnstein and based, racial and other group differences may
Murray’s “messages” as “far right.” And well be the rule rather than the exception. It is
Beardsley apparently has no compunction here I think The Bell Curve makes its most
about penning flat-out lies, such as: “. . . nu- meaningful single contribution (323–4). There
merous studies have demonstrated that early we find the income data for young (average
childhood surroundings have a large role in age = 29) year-round workers of three
molding IQ scores—while very few studies racial/ethnic groups: White, Black, Latino—
have indicated a significant role for heredity.” with Latinos earning 86% and Blacks 77% as
Anyone who could write those last 10 words much as Whites. But when IQ is held constant
presumably would also describe our national (average = 100 for all three groups), both the
debt as composed of very few dollars. The Feb- Latino and Black figures climb to 98% of that
ruary issue then contains a review of The Bell for Whites. This result (which could be seen as
Curve by Leon Kamin, one of the authors of remarkable only if one accepts the “this is a
the 1984 book Not in Our Genes. His position racist society” mantra) tells us about the
690 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

degree of equality of opportunity in recent is rewarding performance (as any rational em-
American society, and yet only one commenta- ployer would). The connection with IQ, as
tor of the more than 100 I have read or heard Herrnstein and Murray point out (80–81), is
(including Murray and Herrnstein themselves) that it is the best single predictor of perform-
seems to have found it worthy of comment. ance—better than biographical data, reference
This was Daniel Seligman, himself the author checks, education, interview, or college grades.
of the highly readable and most informative And as to his final question? The cynic in me
1992 volume, A Question of Intelligence, who cannot help commenting “So what else is
titled his brief column in the December 12, new?” One does not really expect our media to
1994, issue of Fortune, “News Nobody report anything positive about this society,
Noticed”: does one?

Your servant has now read scores of reviews of

The Bell Curve. Most have fiercely criticized
the book’s thesis, which emphasizes the cen- The Rise of Racism on College Campuses
trality of IQ in lives and careers, and most
have dwelt insistently on race and the 15- No society has an unstained history. The treat-
point black-white IQ gap. But, oddly, we have ment of individuals of sub-Saharan African
yet to read a review noticing the racial news ancestry is without doubt our largest and
built into a table on page 324. In a rational deepest stain, and that history, as are all histo-
world, the news would be on the front ries, is beyond change. Given those truths, the
pages. . . . The news is about racial discrimina- worst thing we could do is to repeat that past
tion in America. As we all keep reading, blacks in the name of producing an equality of re-
earn a lot less than whites, even when you sults, by again allowing the treatment of an in-
compare workers of similar ages and educa- dividual to be influenced by that individual’s
tional backgrounds. This table confirms this race (or sex, or ethnicity, or any other group-
finding. But it points to something else one ing). Yet, increasingly over the past 30 years
has never before read: that when you control we have been doing just that.
for age and IQ, the black-white earnings gap My own direct experiences with such race-
just about disappears. . . . norming, quota-driven treatment of individu-
Obvious implication: At least so far as als has been at U.C. Berkeley, where, for the
younger workers are concerned, employers no last 10 years or so, a substantial percentage of
longer engage in irrational discrimination freshman admissions (up to about 40%) has
based on race. They discriminate based on been reserved for “underrepresented minori-
IQ—which is rational, given the avalanche of ties,” and where race, ethnicity, and sex have
data linking IQ to performance in many differ- become major factors in the hiring of new fac-
ent job markets. Fascinating question: How ulty. For students, what this has done is to pro-
can it be, in a world where racial discrimina- duce two populations separated by race/eth-
tion is (properly) an object of enormous con- nicity and performance who wind up, in the
cern, that we are ignoring powerful evidence main, in different courses and pursue different
of its decline? majors. That is only to be expected when the
SAT difference between the White and Asian
I would add that Seligman’s comment that students on the one hand, and Black and
employers “discriminate based on IQ” has to Latino students on the other, is about 270
be taken metaphorically. What they are doing points (1270 v. 1000; about 1 SD difference).
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 691

This is equivalent to about three to four years This current focus on “diversity,” if continued
of academic achievement, and U.C. Berkeley is and “successful,” can only have the effect of
no place to play catch-up. And, as far as any- rewarding individuals for making their pri-
one knows (there are no published studies on mary allegiances to certain defined groups,
the matter), no catching-up in fact takes place. and, thus, of tribalizing our society. It would
I wrote of this situation in 1990: require a mind completely closed to current
realities, never mind historical ones, to remain
The Berkeley administration has, in its admis- ignorant of the disastrous effects of tribaliza-
sions policies, especially over the past five tion. One therefore has to suspect that anyone
years or so, ignored certain unpalatable reali- supporting policies that tribalize is either ig-
ties, and given us an even more unpalatable norant, or simply playing the very effective
set of results. They have given us a situation political game of “divide and conquer.” The
where the association between race/ethnicity number of different roles to be played in a so-
and performance is real, obvious, and of ever- ciety increases as the complexity of a society
increasing strength. What we are getting at increases. Ours is a very complex society that
Berkeley is two communities, separable on will only become more complex in the future.
racial/ethnic grounds, and increasingly diver- The number of different roles to be played
gent from one another academically, socially, will thus increase, requiring a larger number
and in ethos—a result desired, presumably, by of allegiances for individuals within the soci-
no rational soul. It is, frankly, difficult to imag- ety, and selecting against those whose primary
ine policies more deliberately crafted or better allegiance is to a particular group—be it one
calculated to exacerbate racial and ethnic ten- based on biology (race, sex, age) or culture
sions, discourage individual performance (ethnicity, religion). If one of your roles is
among all groups, and contribute to the decay chemist, then one set of your allegiances is to
of a magnificent educational institution. the community of chemists and chemistry.
You are then a chemist, period—and not a fe-
The fact is that any group-based policies are male, or White, or Catholic, or old. To the ex-
bound to have effects of this sort. As I have al- tent that you do not look at it that way; that is,
ready noted, the evolutionary necessity of indi- to the extent that you see yourself as some sort
vidual variation is almost always going to lead of hyphenated chemist, you will necessarily
to group variation, and statistical realities re- reduce the effectiveness of your chemistry.
quire that group differences get exaggerated as And this is going to be true for each of the
one goes toward the ends of the bell curves in- other roles you will come to play. To the ex-
volved. Thus, when you look at group repre- tent that you see yourself as a hyphenated
sentations with respect to the high-visibility anything, your achievement in that “any-
pluses (e.g., high-paying jobs) and minuses thing” will tend to be reduced. And to the ex-
(e.g., criminality) in any society, one can virtu- tent that a society encourages and rewards in-
ally guarantee that they are not going to be dividuals for looking at themselves in such a
equal—and that the differences will not be triv- fashion, it necessarily reduces its total level of
ial. The problem is in recognizing and adapt- accomplishment.
ing to those realities, and not, as has so often
been the case with responses to The Bell There are certain harsh realities in life. One
Curve, denying them. I noted this in a letter to of these is that groups, whether age, sex, race,
a Berkeley Faculty Senate committee on ethnic, or whatever, are groups, and groups of
“diversity”: anything are very likely going to differ from
692 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e

one another. If they didn’t, then they wouldn’t I distrust all multiculturalism, liberal or con-
be groups, would they? I can then confidently servative. The Balkans amply demonstrate the
guarantee that when we measure performance perils of balkanization. My answer is simpler:
by groups, we are going to find group differ- Stop counting by race. Stop allocating by race.
ences in performance. Some part of those dif- Stop measuring by race. Let’s return to mea-
ferences will be nature-based, some part will suring individuals.
be nurture-based, some will be will-based. No It seems hopelessly naive to propose this to-
society has, or can have, the power to even day. But it was not naive when first proposed
things up. Societies are not omnipotent. They by Martin Luther King and accepted by a
can provide opportunity; they cannot mandate white society that was finally converted to his
individuals or groups making equal use of vision of color blindness. Instead, through
those opportunities, and, therefore, they can- guilt and intimidation, a liberal establishment
not make either individuals or groups come has since mandated that every study of
out even. Individual and group variation are achievement be broken down by race. “The
realities that they cannot will out of existence. Bell Curve” takes that mandate to its logical
They can try, and what happens then is, unfor- conclusion.
tunately, no secret: a temporary leveling-down Enough. As both Murray and Thomas Sow-
bought at enormous cost. They can in no sense ell explicitly state, knowing the group score
make groups equal. They cannot level up— tells you nothing about the individual. Well,
only down—and thus any such leveling is nec- we have seen the group score. Let’s go back to
essarily at the expense of individual freedom counting individuals. How many of Murray’s
and, ultimately, that society’s total level of ac- critics will agree to that?
Amen. Let’s go back to counting individuals.
And how do we encourage such behavior?
Simple. Just remove all reference to group
Ending Racism without Ending Race identity from both statutory and administrative
law. Period.
There would appear to be a substantial con-
sensus among some of the more “conserva-
tive” commentators on The Bell Curve as to its
policy implications, and, for better or worse, I Andreasen, N. C., M. Flaum, V. Swayze, D. S.
find myself in total agreement with them. O’Leary, R. Alliger, G. Cohen, J. Erhardt, and
Seligman, for example, closes his A Question of W. T. C. Yuh. 1993. “Intelligence and Brain
Intelligence with: “One major message of the Structure in Normal Individuals.” American
IQ data is that groups are different. A major Journal of Psychiatry 150:130–134.
Beardsley, T. 1995. “For Whom the Bell Curve Re-
policy implication of the data, I would argue, is
ally Tolls.” Scientific American 272:1:14–17 (Jan-
that people should not be treated as members
of groups but as individuals.” Herrnstein and
Berlin, B., and P. Kay. 1969. Basic Color Terms:
Murray give us the same message, but at much Their Universality and Evolution. Berkeley: Uni-
greater length, in their Conclusion (549–552). versity of California Press.
I opened with a quote from Charles Kraut- Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., P. Menozzi, and A. Piazza.
hammer. His conclusion says it better than I 1994. The History and Geography of Human
can: Genes. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
r a c e a n d i . q . a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 693

Davis, B. 1976. “Evolution, Human Diversity, and Seligman, D. 1992. A Question of Intelligence: The
Society.” In Zygon 11:2:80–95. IQ Debate in America. New York: Birch Lane
Degler, C. N. 1991. In Search of Human Nature. Press.
New York: Oxford University Press. ———. 1994. “News Nobody Noticed.” Fortune 12
Gould, S. J. 1981. The Mismeasure of Man. New December:255.
York: Norton. Smith, C. L., and K. L. Beals. 1990. “Cultural Cor-
———. 1985. “Human Equality Is a Contingent Fact relates with Cranial Capacity.” American Anthro-
of Evolution.” In The Flamingo’s Smile. New pologist 92:193–200.
York: Norton. Subramanian, S. 1995. “The Story in Our Genes.”
Hardin, G. 1959. Nature and Man’s Fate. New York: Time 145:2:54–55 (16 Jan 1995).
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Susanne, C. 1979. “On the Relationship between
Ho, K.-C., U. Roessmann, J. V. Straumfjord, and G. Psychometric and Anthropometric Traits.” Amer-
Monroe. 1980. “Analysis of Brain Weight.” ican Journal of Physical Anthropology 51:421–
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 424.
104:635–645. Van Valen, L. 1974. “Brain Size and Intelligence in
Horgan, J. 1993. “Eugenics Revisited.” Scientific Man.” In American Journal of Physical Anthro-
American 270:6:122–131 (June). pology 40:417–424.
Kamin, L. 1995. “Behind the Curve.” Scientific Wickett, J. C., P. A. Vernon, and D. H. Lee. 1994.
American 272:2:99–103 (February). “In Vivo Brain Size, Head Perimeter, and Intelli-
Krauthammer, C. 1994. “Liberals, Obsessed by gence in a Sample of Healthy Adult Females.”
Race, Can Hardly Complain.” The News & Ob- Personality and Individual Differences 16:
server (Raleigh, N.C.) 23 October 1994. 831–838.
Mayr, E. 1963. Animal Species and Evolution. Cam- Willerman, L., R. Schultz, J. N. Rutledge, and E. D.
bridge: Harvard University Press. Bigler. 1991. “In Vivo Brain Size and Intelli-
Sarich, V. M. 1995. Race and Language in Prehis- gence.” Intelligence 15:223–228.
tory. In press. For copies write: 555 Pierce, Unit
730, Albany, CA 94706.
Race and I.Q. as Pseudoscience

s I read The Bell Curve by Richard J. dence is criticized as statistically or method-

A Herrnstein and Charles Murray I was

reminded of a cartoon from the popu-
lar children’s television show Sesame Street.
ologically flawed. Unfortunately, the stringent
criteria that they apply to counterarguments
are abandoned when they present the evi-
As regular viewers of Sesame Street already dence in support of their favored conclusions.
know, every episode is brought to you cour- The authors shape their arguments like skilled
tesy of a number and letter. On those days word smiths. A factual statement like “some
when the star of the show is the letter “I,” we educational programs have not worked” is
are shown a group of hard-working cartoon gradually morphed into a misleading state-
characters whose job it is to polish a giant let- ment like “educational programs have not
ter “I” until it glistens like an expensive jewel worked,” and then, “educational programs
in the sunlight. In fact, this small army of let- cannot work,” a subtle change in wording that
ter polishers spend their entire day polishing occurs as the authors stray from their data.
the letter “I” because it is such an Important Can anyone seriously believe that Murray
and Interesting letter. In a similar manner, was shocked and dismayed when he found
Herrnstein and Murray also polish their “I”— that he had upset many people with his pro-
Intelligence—and its related measure, IQ, nouncements of racial inequality or the way
which assume the spotlight as the best predic- he used IQ data to support an ultra-conserva-
tors of socioeconomic class and a diverse tive political agenda? The authors have cre-
range of variables that cover the rest of the al- ated the perfect medium for a growing media
phabet from Abusive relationships to Xeno- frenzy with a very long book in which much of
phobia and Zealotry. the supporting evidence is relegated to a statis-
Commenting on The Bell Curve is a lot like tical appendix and extreme claims are suc-
trying to catch a ball of jello. The arguments cinctly summarized. The voracious appetite of
are slick and, like most skilled rhetoricians the media is whetted by controversies, sound
who are attempting to change how people bites, and simple explanations of complex sub-
think, the authors provide a veneer of fairness jects. Even lengthy and thoughtful articles are
to cover the flaws and biases in their message. condensed into a few words for newspaper
In this case, the veneer is thin—so thin that it headlines that are supposed to pique the
allows their hypocrisy and social agenda to reader’s interest. This is the stuff that sells
peek through. In making their points, the au- newspapers, keeps people tuned to the chatty
thors present, discredit, and then dismiss all banter that passes as television news, and sus-
opposing points of view. Contradictory evi- tains conversations in countless barber shops,

r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 695

bus stops, and kitchen tables. Despite Murray’s gage in philosophical musings about whether
protestations to the contrary, this is a book it is more important to be a good person or a
about race, and race is one topic in which we smart one, the authors do provide a definitive
are all self-proclaimed experts. Each of us has answer to a similar burning question. They ask
an opinion about racial similarities and differ- if it is better to be born intelligent or rich,
ences and a story to tell that shows how right which, for most of us, would seem to be a
our own opinions are. Cognitive psychologists rhetorical question or one in which the answer
who study stereotypes and prejudice have depends on individual values. According to the
known for a long time that strongly held beliefs authors, however, the correct answer is intelli-
are difficult to change, and that people cling to gent, and lots of intelligence is even better
their beliefs even when confronted with evi- than lots of money. But, what is intelligence,
dence that shows that these beliefs are wrong. and how can we tell who has more or less of it?
We are more likely to change our interpreta- Intelligence is one of the most controversial
tions of experience and our memory for events topics in psychology even though the concept
so that they fit our existing belief system than has a long history and the term is commonly
we are to abandon our beliefs. Perhaps books used in everyday language. If I asked you to
like this one should be sold with warning labels list the characteristics of an intelligent person,
in which readers are urged to be alert for mis- you would probably include terms like “rea-
leading statements, missing evidence, and bi- sons logically and well,” “keeps an open
ased interpretations—sort of a surgeon general’s mind,” “reads with high comprehension,” and
warning. The messages in The Bell Curve are at “can understand complexities.” In addition,
least as dangerous as cigarettes and alcohol. most people believe that they are about aver-
My response to Herrnstein and Murray’s age or above average in intelligence. It seems
thesis is organized around a brief summary of that Garrison Keillor’s mythical Lake Wobegon
seven main points that they make in their con- is not the only place where the laws of mathe-
troversial and massive tome, so that my com- matics are suspended so that everyone can be
ments and criticisms can be understood in in the top half of the distribution.
their appropriate context even by readers of Today’s most commonly used intelligence
this article who have not read their book. tests, the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler Intelli-
gence Tests, are normed so that the average
score is 100 and measures of how the scores
are spread out (standard deviations) are de-
Intelligence Is Important rived by transforming scores so that they con-
form to a mathematical formula. IQ scores
According to Herrnstein and Murray: greater than 100 indicate greater than average
This is a basic underlying assumption of the intelligence, and scores less than 100 indicate
authors’ argument. It is difficult to disagree less than average intelligence. Intelligence
with the statement that intelligence is impor- tests are based on the idea that the more ques-
tant, although I would have to add, “Important tions you answer correctly, the more intelli-
for what purpose?” Most of us would agree gent you are. Tests of intelligence are like
that it is also important to be a kind and loving other sorts of tests, and the scores depend on
person and that empathy and other socially all of the factors that affect performance on
desirable traits are at least equally important any other test—variables like the nature of the
for the betterment of society or individual test questions and the test takers’ motivation,
happiness. Although this is not the place to en- knowledge of the material, health, and willing-
696 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

ness to guess when unsure of an answer. The A major controversy among psychologists
scores that are obtained on intelligence tests concerns the existence of a general intelli-
are known as “intelligence quotients” (because gence factor called “g.” The question is
they used to involve forming a fraction or quo- whether it makes sense to think about people
tient) or, more informally, IQ scores. IQ is a as being generally “smart” or “dumb,” or is it
number that is obtained on a test that suppos- more accurate to think that people can be
edly measures intelligence—it is not a direct smart in some ways and not in others? If peo-
measure of intelligence. ple can be smart in some areas and not others,
Here are some examples that are similar to then a single score on an intelligence test will
questions on common intelligence tests: not be able to measure how intelligent they
are, but if people can be thought of as gener-
Verbal Test Items: ally smart or generally dumb, then a single
1. At what temperature does water freeze? number could assess the extent to which they
2. Who wrote The Republic? are intelligent. In order to answer this ques-
3. How many inches are in 3 1/2 feet? tion, the data from intelligence tests are ana-
4. Explain the meaning of “strange.” lyzed with mathematical procedures to deter-
5. Explain the meaning of “adumbrate.” mine whether a single factor, “g,” emerges or
6. Repeat a series of digits after the test whether the data are described more accu-
administrator recites them. For example, rately with multiple factors. Some of the dis-
repeat the following digits: “8175621.” agreements over the existence of a general fac-
tor of intelligence concern the mathematical
Performance Test Items: procedures, and other disagreements concern
1. Use wooden cubes painted red and white the way that intelligence is conceptualized.
to duplicate a design shown on cards. The measurement of intelligence is not separa-
2. Arrange a series of cartoons into a logical ble from the way it is conceptualized because
sequence. the mathematics that we use influences the
3. Assemble a jig-saw puzzle. way psychologists think about intelligence, and
the way we think about intelligence influences
Most psychologists believe that intelligence the mathematical procedures that we use.
is a multidimensional construct, although there Many of the controversies surrounding the
is much disagreement over how many different measurement of intelligence involve the math-
kinds of intelligence there are. One way of di- ematical analyses that are used in understand-
viding intelligence is to consider it as made up ing the data. This is one of the reasons why it
of fluid intelligence, the kind of intelligence is difficult to explain to the general public why
that you would use when you are dealing with a the experts cannot agree about intelligence.
novel task, like writing your first computer pro-
gram, and crystallized intelligence, the kind of
intelligence you would use when dealing with
information that you have already learned,
like finding the area of a pyramid when you
When Administered Properly, Intelligence Tests
know the formula. There are many other ways Are Fair and Valid Measures of Intelligence
to divide intelligence including verbal intelli-
gence, which involves the use of words and Although the authors have felled many trees to
language, and spatial intelligence, which in- make this point, I do not agree that their con-
volves the use of spatial displays like maps. clusion is fair or valid. IQ is a number on a
r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 697

test. The test questions reflect the sort of infor- lar reasoning (intelligence = academic success
mation that most people know and the intel- and academic success = intelligence) that
lectual activities that most people can perform. would not be indicative of intelligent thought.
IQ scores seem to predict academic success
equally well for all racial and ethnic groups, a
point that the authors make in several differ-
ent places in their book, but this does not Intelligence Is Mostly Inherited
mean that they measure intelligence equally
well. In addition, IQ scores can only account Of course, the authors prudently claim “we are
for a relatively small proportion of the vari- not so rash as to assert that the environment or
ance in academic or job success. Success de- culture is wholly irrelevant” (301); however,
pends on many other variables like motivation, they definitively conclude that “IQ is substan-
persistence, expectations, and education. The tially heritable” (105). This is an example of
influences of variables other than intelligence the sort of weasel language that I referred to
are quickly dismissed by the authors, a prac- earlier. I do not believe that the data support
tice that suggests that they are not important this sort of blanket conclusion. Intelligence is
when, in fact, they are. far too complex to decide that it is mostly any
All intelligence tests are culturally depen- one variable. It is clear to me that intelligence
dent, but all people are not equally exposed to is partly inherited, but it is not meaningful or
the “majority” culture. Suppose we called “in- possible to quantify the size of that part. Also,
telligence tests” by some other name, such as the role of the environment is not a linear one
tests of acculturation to middle-class American as we climb the IQ scale. Consider, for exam-
life. This could be a descriptive name for these ple, a profoundly retarded individual—some-
tests because the questions on the tests reflect one who scores below the cut-point designated
what most people in the standardization sam- as “educably retarded.” Many such individuals
ple knew and did not know at some point in cannot learn to feed themselves, to talk, or to
time. For example, we might expect an average use the bathroom; they need constant custo-
American adult in 1995 to know what a disk dial care, often with direct feeding through
drive is, but we would not have expected this their stomachs. In these rare instances, intelli-
sort of knowledge from average Americans in gence is unaffected by environmental vari-
1985. ables. By definition, they will not benefit from
It is a fact that approximately 50% of education. But, as we ascend the intelligence
African-Americans and other groups of ethnic curve, environmental variables become in-
minority children grow up in poverty. On the creasingly important. The most brilliant rocket
average, people who grow up in poverty do not scientist would not be functioning at a high in-
have the same experiences as people who do tellectual level if she never attended school or
not grow up in poverty. It is likely that fewer had an opportunity to learn to read or study
individuals from low income families will know science. Many of the items on intelligence tests
what a disk drive is than individuals from fam- are the sorts of items that are learned in
ilies with higher incomes. Even if the same test school. How can anyone conclude that formal
predicts academic success equally well for all and informal education doesn’t have a massive
test-takers, it does not measure intelligence effect on intelligence (for those who are at
equally well, unless we decide to define intelli- least near average and above in intelligence),
gence as synonymous with academic success. when we measure intelligence with informa-
This sort of definition leads to a type of circu- tion that is learned in school?
698 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

There are many other problems with the di- creased injuries, “illegitimate” births, welfare,
chotomization of nature and nurture and the higher birth rates, and crime. The opposites of
attempt to assign a proportional value to each these variables cluster with high intelligence
side of the nature-nurture equation. Nature and are shown at the upper (right) portion of
and nurture are not separable components be- the curve. The variables that cluster at the
cause biological propensities influence the en- low-intelligence end of the distribution are the
vironment that we seek, and through our in- usual indicators of low socioeconomic status.
teractions with the environment our biology The authors then conclude that low intelli-
changes. We now know that changes in the en- gence is the cause of the other variables in this
vironment cause changes in brain structures, cluster. They pronounce that: “Socioeconomic
and altered brain structures change how we status is . . . a result of cognitive ability” (286).
interact with the environment. Heredity and How can they know that being unintelligent
environment are like conjoined twins who caused poverty and not the reverse, or, at least,
share a common heart—they cannot be sepa- a more reciprocal relationship in which
rated. It is impossible to declare a winner in poverty and low intelligence operate jointly
the age-old tug-of-war between nature and and influence each other? Poor people differ
nurture. from rich people in many ways—they have
poorer health, poorer nutrition, and poorer
living conditions. Would it not make more
sense to reverse the causal arrow and hypothe-
Low Intelligence Causes a Wide Range of size that poverty and all of its associates (lack
of prenatal care, inadequate heat, ingestion of
Social Problems Such as Poverty, Injury, lead paint, poor diet, etc.) cause low intelli-
Crime, “Illegitimate” Births, and Idleness gence? The statistical procedures that the au-
thors used to establish which of these related
My response to this list of social ills is a less- variables was causal cannot be used to estab-
than-intelligent “Huh?” Let’s consider the evi- lish that low intelligence is the cause of the
dence and reasoning that the authors marshal other variables. The variables are at least in-
for this conclusion. Take some time to exam- teractive or possibly even unidirectional—in
ine the bell curve that is shown in Figure 1. the other direction.
It is apparent that its name is descriptive of
its bell-like shape. The large “hump” in the
middle shows that most people are around av-
erage in intelligence. The bell curve, which is Current Social Programs
more formally known as the normal curve, is
ubiquitous in the sciences with variables like
Like Welfare, Affirmative Action, and
height, weight, IQ, petal-size in flowers, crop Head Start Cannot Work
yields, length of pickles, and more—all showing
this distribution. Finally, I understand the reason for this book.
There is a cluster of variables that tend to Although the data that were used to support
occur together at the low (left) end of the in- their conclusions are from a fairly recent data
telligence curve. They include such “socially set, the arguments themselves have been made
undesirable” behaviors and characteristics as countless times before. There is nothing new
child abuse and neglect, poverty, low levels of in the Herrnstein and Murray treatise. The
education, unemployment, “idleness,” in- Bell Curve is a book about money and values
r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 699


Low Scores on High Scores on
“Middle Class Values” Index “Middle Class Values” Index

Child Abuse and Neglect • • High Quality Child Care

Injury-Prone • • Fewer Injuries
Poverty • • High Income
Unemployment • • High Levels of Employment
Welfare • • Tax Paying
Crime • • Low Crime Rates
“Idleness” • • Industrious
High Birth Rates • • Low Birth Rates
Single Parenthood • • Two-Parent Families
Poor Nutrition • • Good Nutrition
Poor Health Care • • Quality Health Care
Low Birth Weight • • Healthy Babies


Figure 1

and how we should be spending tax dollars so program that has reaped considerable social
that they reflect politically conservative values. benefits is education. Many studies have
Social programs like welfare are very expen- shown that education does improve thinking
sive, and many, maybe even most, have not abilities, and it is these very abilities that are at
worked well. Why? Are the disappointing re- the heart of any definition of intelligence. In
sults because we have made many mistakes in their usual style, the authors present some of
how we set up these programs? Were our ex- the data that show the beneficial effects of ed-
pectations too high? Did we set up the wrong ucation and then dismiss these data as unrepli-
contingencies or perhaps use insensitive mea- cated, suspicious, lacking control groups, sta-
sures of success? If so, then we should be able tistically flawed, etc. It is especially surprising
to find better ways to provide aid to the poor— that they arrive at this conclusion because the
ways that help more of them obtain jobs and senior author, Herrnstein, was a contributor to
move out of poverty. But, if social welfare pro- a major program to improve intelligence in
grams cannot work because the recipients are Venezuela. The Venezuela program has under-
too dumb or too idle or too criminal to benefit, gone careful scrutiny by international scien-
then why spend money on programs that are tists, including random assignment of subjects
either doomed to failure or actually increase to experimental conditions and “blind” scor-
the number on welfare by paying for out-of- ing so that experimenter expectations cannot
wedlock babies? (Herrnstein and Murray pre- influence the outcomes, and it clearly has
fer the term “illegitimate,” an old-fashioned yielded improvements in thinking skills for
term that blames the baby for its mother’s those who were involved in the program.
marital status. Their deliberate use of emotion- In understanding what is at the heart of the
ally laden terms like “illegitimate” makes my authors’ argument, it is important to distin-
skin crawl.) guish between data and the interpretation of
Although the authors reach an opposite data. This relationship is shown in Figure 2.
conclusion, it is clear that one kind of social Yes, poverty, crime, low intelligence, and
700 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

Figure 2
Misusing Data as a Shaky Foundation for Public Policy Recommendations
The data presented by Herrnstein and Murray are generally accepted as correct, although these authors slant the
way the data are presented (e.g., downplay the importance of environment). Their interpretation of the data is sub-
stantially influenced by their beliefs, which reflect their prejudices and stereotypes. Herrnstein and Murray’s rec-
ommendations for public policies are more dependent on their beliefs and the way they interpret the data than on
the data themselves. This figure shows how this is done.


IQ predicts academic Intelligence is a fixed Prejudice concerning Eliminate Affirmative

success (partially). quantity that remains groups. Stereotypes Action. End welfare for
fairly stable throughout life. about groups. dependent children.

African Americans score, Intelligence tests Poor women have babies Stop social programs that
on the average, lower than are fair and accurate as a way of making are designed to help poor
white Americans on stan- measures of intelligence. money from welfare. people achieve.
dardized intelligence tests.

Poverty, crime, high birth Low intelligence causes Social class is determined Make it easier to convict
rates, etc. co-occur with socially undesirable by intelligence. accused criminals.
low intelligence. behaviors.

Intelligence is, in part, Intelligence cannot be Need for “breeding” pro- End mandatory child
inherited. raised with education or grams that improve gen- support from unmarried
other experiences. eral level of intelligence. fathers.

Some social programs Intelligence is a unitary Immigrants reduce the Enact a competency test
have not raised intelli- concept (“g”) that can overall level of intelli- for immigrants as a
gence or produced be expressed with a gence in the U.S. criterion for immigration.
desirable outcomes. single number.

high birth rates occur together. These are the and only $31,001 for black males with a bach-
data, and they are not in question, although elor’s degree” (324). Most readers would inter-
the authors often present the data in mislead- pret these data as evidence of persistent dis-
ing ways. What is in question is the way these crimination in the labor market. After all, how
authors interpreted the data and the “cure” or else could you explain the finding that even
public policy recommendations that arise from when African-Americans and Whites have the
their interpretation. Their interpretation or same education, and other variables like sex
explanation of the data is influenced by their are held constant, African-Americans are paid
belief system, and their explanations and be- much less? The authors conclude that this dis-
liefs intervene between the data and the public parity in income shows how important the dif-
policy recommendations that are built on the ferences in intelligence really are. The bias in
data. There is good reason to believe that their their interpretation of these data is too obvious
interpretation of the data is “tainted” or not as to deserve additional comment.
pure or data-based as their academic affilia- Similarly, Herrnstein and Murray cite high
tions, thick statistical appendix, and scientific- drop-out rates for students who are admitted
sounding language make it seem. Consider this to college as a result of affirmative action pro-
quote from The Bell Curve: “The median earn- grams as evidence that these students lack the
ing of . . . workers in 1992 [was] $41,005 for intelligence to succeed in college, and there-
white male graduates with a bachelor’s degree fore affirmative action programs cannot work.
r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 701

Affirmative action admissions are almost al- body size, there is no sex difference. Following
ways first-generation students from low in- the publication of this book, I received an arti-
come households. Why don’t they consider cle from Richard Lynn, an Irish researcher, in
other explanations for the high drop-out rate which he says that his work shows that I am
of students admitted under affirmative action wrong. At first, I gave this rebuke very little
programs, like the fact that these students are thought because it is not unusual for re-
more likely to work while they are in college searchers to come up with different findings
and when they work, they work more hours and different conclusions, although his results
than their wealthier counterparts? Why don’t were at odds with those reported by virtually
they even consider the possibility that affirma- all of the other researchers in this field.
tive action students start college with deficits I then received a copy of the Lynn article
that are attributable to an inferior secondary with a letter from a psychologist whom I know,
education and social pressures that are not Philippe Rushton, who is notable for his the-
compatible with attending college? Wouldn’t ory that intelligence is inversely related to pe-
these facts be expected to increase drop-out nis size. He posits that those males with the
rates? Like other interpretations of data in The largest penises have the lowest intelligence,
Bell Curve, these conclusions do not ring true. and furthermore, there are racial differences
in both penis size and intelligence. According
to Rushton, the racial line-up in descending
Follow the Money order of intelligence is Asians, Caucasians, and
Africans, with the reverse order for penis size.
This Watergate maxim is a good one to follow (No, I don’t know how he collected his data,
here. In deciding whom to believe, it is impor- nor do I know how other ethnic groups fare in
tant to determine if the speaker or writer has this linear array.) This sort of theory is remi-
an ulterior motive in convincing you that a niscent of the penis-centered theories of Freud
certain conclusion is valid. For example, if the which posited a universal stage of develop-
patent holder on a miracle cream that claims ment for boys and girls that he named the
to “melt unsightly fat” told you that it was a phallic stage. The word “phallic” means “pe-
wonder product, you would be less likely to nis,” and Freud saw no reason why this stage
believe this claim than if you had heard it should have a different name when it referred
from an unbiased scientific source with no po- to female development. Rushton’s penis-cen-
tential for financial gain. The authors show a tric theory of intelligence suggests that some
particular bias to cite studies that were funded things never change since he proposes that we
by the infamous Pioneer Fund, which dis- can learn about the intelligence of both fe-
penses about $1 million annually to academics males and males in an ethnic group by refer-
who support the idea that intelligence is ge- ence to the male anatomy. Much of the con-
netically determined and that humans should temporary research funded by the Pioneer
be bred selectively for intelligence. I had a Fund is both racist and sexist. In fact, the
brief run-in with some of the academics whose founding fathers of this fund were also anti-
work they have sponsored. In my book enti- Semitic with strong ties to the Nazi movement
tled Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities (2nd and its goal to rid the world of Jews. There are
ed.), I summarized a large body of research on 23 separate references to Lynn in the bibliog-
brain size and concluded that although males raphy of The Bell Curve and 11 to Rushton.
have, on the average, larger and heavier Both of these critics of my work received high
brains, when these values are adjusted for praise by Herrnstein and Murray, and, like
702 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

other frequently cited researchers in The Bell standing of the points raised by Herrnstein and
Curve, received large amounts of money from Murray. I found her summary troubling as it
the Pioneer Fund. essentially agreed with Herrnstein and Mur-
The parallels between sexist and racist theo- ray’s conclusions. In fact, I agree with many of
ries became more apparent to me when I re- the statements made in The Bell Curve, but
ceived a copy of Rushton’s latest research, there are many others that I believe are wrong.
which was published after The Bell Curve went I did not sign the statement that appeared in
to press. Based on a study of helmet sizes used The Wall Street Journal, although 52 other
by the military, he concluded that African- psychologists did. I later learned that she is
Americans have smaller heads and therefore also supported by the Pioneer Fund. Although
smaller brains than Caucasians—a result that there is nothing morally wrong with being fi-
mirrors the one by Lynn that compared male nanced by people who share an author’s ideo-
and female brains. There are many problems logical point of view, it is troubling when all of
with these studies. Most importantly, brain the research that is funded in this manner
size, weight, and neural structures depend happens to support the ideology of the funding
upon life experiences. That is, our brains re- agency. If you understand the social and polit-
spond to our environment, so that we cannot ical agenda that has financed this work, the
know whether larger and heavier brains next conclusion made by Herrnstein and Mur-
caused different life experiences or the experi- ray should not surprise you.
ences caused differences in brain size and
weight. Many of the correlates of poverty, such
as inadequate nutrition, alcohol and other
drug use, lack of prenatal and pediatric health Recent Immigrants Are Less Intelligent
care, ingestion of lead-based paint and other
toxins, all have negative effects on brain devel-
Than Immigrants Who Came to
opment during the critical prenatal and in- the United States Earlier This Century
fancy periods when the brain is most vulnera-
ble. I do not know if the brain weight data are The reasons in support of this conclusion are
valid, but even if they are, lower brain weight so flimsy that I cannot present them in a
is more likely a consequence of poverty than meaningful way. The authors argue that recent
the reverse. In addition, there is absolutely no immigrants obtain special entry status because
evidence that heavy brains are found in they are related to citizens; whereas immi-
smarter people or that skull size is a good grants at the turn of the 20th century fled per-
measure of brain size. The leaps from the ac- secution and were more motivated to succeed.
tual data to the conclusions are irresponsible. Frankly, I cannot understand the logic in this
Soon after The Bell Curve was published, I argument. Why should we expect that recent
received a FAX and phone call from Linda immigrants from war torn and poverty stricken
Gottfredson, a professor at the University of areas of the world would differ in motivation
Delaware, who summarized what she believed or intelligence from those who fled persecu-
was the dominant professional view on intelli- tion earlier in the century? The political phi-
gence. She asked me to sign her summary losophy that the authors espouse is blatantly
statement to indicate my support. She ex- anti-immigration, which is as legitimate as any
plained that this was important so that the other political philosophy—except that this one
media and the public had a single summary is “dressed up” to look like a data-based con-
statement on intelligence to guide their under- clusion, which it is not.
r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 703

Herrnstein and Murray go on to argue that 6. Are the authors unbiased or do they have
the recent flood of immigrants, coupled with a vested interest in the outcomes of the
high birth rates among the low intelligence study?
portions of the population, have lowered the 7. Are appeals to emotion being used to
average intelligence of Americans. When the convince readers that the authors’
average intelligence of a country is lowered, it conclusions are correct (e.g., arguments
is less able to compete in world markets, it is against the person or name calling)?
less able to produce and use advanced tech- 8. What is missing? Would other
nologies, and other dire consequences result. explanations fit the data equally well
While this may seem to be a reasonable argu- or better?
ment, they also present data that show that the 9. Do the conclusions follow from the data?
average IQ scores have risen every decade, an 10. Are the stated and unstated assumptions
effect known as the Flynn Effect, named for acceptable?
the individual who first hypothesized this rise. 11. Are correlational data being used to make
I do not know how to interpret these inconsis- causal claims? (Random assignment of
tencies, except to say that they seem to be able subjects to groups is needed to make
to argue that average IQ is both rising and strong causal claims.)
falling, depending on what is more convenient 12. Can you identify fallacies in the
at the time. reasoning (e.g., false dichotomy)?
13. Are valid and reliable measures being
How to Make Reasoned Judgments used?
About Controversial Research 14. Are the results unusual? If so, why?
Why is the study controversial?
1. Read the original research, if possible. 15. Overall, what is the strength of the
Second-hand accounts often distort the support for the conclusions?
facts and make faulty inferences from
the original research.
2. Identify the conclusions—What do the
authors want you to believe and do? There Is Some Good News
3. Examine the data and other evidence
that are provided to support the Readers may be thinking that The Bell Curve
conclusions. Were tests of statistical forecasts a bleak future unless we stop welfare
significance used? Was the size of the programs and curtail immigration so that the
effect considered (e.g., was the difference intelligent portion (or the “over the hill” por-
between groups large enough to be tion on the right hand side) of the curve will
meaningful)? Was the sample sufficiently have higher birth rates and the less intelligent
large? Was it representative of the portion stops reproducing and entering the
population? country. Well, there is also good news. You and
4. Is the conclusion a matter of opinion I are not at fault! We are all in the “over the
(e.g., euthanasia is wrong) or a matter hill” gang, a group repeatedly referred to as
of fact (e.g., men are taller, on average, the “cognitive elite” because we are intelligent
than women)? enough to read their massive tome and rich
5. Do the authors have the expertise enough to spend $30 to buy it. We can look
needed to conduct and interpret the down on the poor unfortunates who live on the
study? other side of the intelligence hill from us, and
704 | r a c e a n d i . q . a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

like responsible parents we can decide to do good old days when the neighborhood cop was
the right thing and eliminate social programs. your friend were not so good for everyone.
The solutions that the authors offer have a African-American children never assumed that
very contemporary sound because they are the local police officer was their friend, espe-
now heard on Capitol Hill. It is not the politi- cially if they grew up in the segregated South.
cally conservative point of view that I am ob- Have the authors really thought through their
jecting to in this review—it is the misuse of data suggestion that fathers who are not married
and the blatant biases in the way the data are should not be required to pay child support—
interpreted in support of this point of view that so-called “deadbeat fathers”? This solution is
I find objectionable. Yes, we have difficult con- misogynist, anti-child, and fiscally foolish.
temporary problems with welfare and immi- How can this proposed policy discourage out-
gration, among others. Responsible social sci- of-wedlock births or save taxpayer dollars? It
ence data are needed to guide public policy on certainly will not provide males with incen-
these immensely complex issues, but the au- tives to use contraception, if they have no fi-
thors provide blatantly biased interpretations nancial responsibility for the children they fa-
that are closer to propaganda than responsible ther. How is this policy consistent with the
research. Social programs may very well be creation of a “valued place” for everyone?
doomed to failure for economic, social, or po- What will we gain as a society by getting those
litical reasons, but they are not doomed for the deadbeat toddlers off welfare—a move that vir-
reasons Herrnstein and Murray present. tually ensures that many of America’s children
They also offer other solutions. We can re- will be denied access to even the most basic of
turn to simpler times (541) when all people human needs like adequate nutrition, health
had a “valued place” in society (535). The au- care, and heat? I don’t know whether to cry
thors define a “valued place” as “other people for a society that sacrifices its young or rage in
would miss you when you were gone” (535). anger against the intelligent people who forgot
What does this sentimental dribble really to care about the rest of society. Herrnstein
mean? Slave masters missed their slaves when and Murray’s proposed solutions drip with
they were gone; does this mean that slaves had hypocrisy and offer simplistic cures for soci-
a “valued place” in society? The call for sim- ety’s most difficult ills. And for these solutions
pler laws seems like an excellent idea. In fact, I I don’t think that even Forrest Gump, the lov-
found myself nodding frequently with many of able role model for those in the low-intelli-
their recommendations until I realized that gence portion of the curve, would offer Herrn-
“simpler” laws really meant fewer rights and stein and Murray a piece of his coveted
safeguards for citizens. The nostalgia for the chocolates.
Race and Sports as
Good Science

f you can believe that individuals of re- ingly suggests that this growing on-field dis-

I cent African ancestry are not genetically

advantaged over those of European and
Asian ancestry in certain athletic endeavors,
parity cannot be explained by culture and en-
vironment alone.
Even a casual mention that there exist any
then you could probably be led to believe just meaningful genetic differences between races
about anything.” Or so says biological anthro- can ignite a firestorm. In a speech before the
pologist Vincent Sarich. To which professor of British Association for the Advancement of
sociology Harry Edwards, also of University of Science in 1995, Roger Bannister, the distin-
California/Berkeley, provides the antithesis: guished neurologist, retired Oxford dean, and
“What really is being said in a kind of under- the first man to break the four minute barrier
handed way is that blacks are closer to beasts in the mile, in 1954, was showered with
and animals in terms of their genetic and ridicule for venturing his opinion “as a scien-
physical and anatomical make up than they tist rather than a sociologist” that all athletes
are to the rest of humanity. And that’s where are not created equal. “I am prepared to risk
the indignity comes in.” political incorrectness,” he said, “by drawing
For the synthesis, turn to Gideon Ariel, Bio- attention to the seemingly obvious but under
mechanist, former U.S. Olympic Committee stressed fact that black sprinters and black
scientist, former Israeli Olympic athlete: “I athletes in general all seem to have certain
know that the American system is very sensi- natural anatomical advantages.”
tive to statements of black and white. But you That’s the explosive “N” word—natural.
cannot defy science. You cannot just say that “Nurture” alone cannot explain the remark-
day is night and night is day. These are facts.” able trends. Over the past 30 years, as sports
In fact, in running, basketball, football, and has opened wide to athletes from almost every
soccer—sports in which the social and eco- country, the results have become increasingly
nomic barriers to participation are very low, segregated. There are only 800 million blacks,
creating the most level of playing fields—the or one in eight of the world population, but
yawning performance gap between blacks and athletes of African origin hold every major
everyone else is nothing short of astonishing. world running record from the 100 meters to
Yet allegations of racism often quash the over- the marathon. In the United States, where
whelming scientific evidence which convinc- African Americans make up about 13% of the

706 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

population, almost 90% of professional basket- black” stretches back centuries. Fascination
ball players, 70% of the National Football about black physicality and black anger about
League, and more than a third of professional being caricatured as a lesser human being,
baseball is black. In Britain, with a black popu- closer to a jungle beast, have been part of the
lation of less than 2%, one in 5 professional dark side of the American dialogue on race,
soccer players is black. Blacks have also come with deep historical roots in hundreds of years
to dominate world boxing. of European colonialism. In the 19th century,
Why do blacks of West African ancestry white Europeans were enraptured by pseudo-
dominate sports in which the social and eco- sciences such as phrenology. Racial and ethnic
nomic barriers are lowest? groups were ranked by skull size that suppos-
Fifty years of anthropological and more re- edly proved that white males were intellectu-
cent physiological studies have documented ally superior. Jews, blacks, and other minori-
clear, if overlapping, biologically based differ- ties were targets of the most egregious
ences between athletes of different popula- generalizations, usually associated with physi-
tions. Scientists are just beginning to isolate cal characteristics and intellectual prowess.
the genetic links to those biologically based Since World War II, in an understandable
differences (though the fact that the biology is reaction to extremist race theories that pro-
grounded in genetics is unequivocal). That’s vided intellectual fuel for Nazism, anthropo-
the science. The politics is more precarious. logical orthodoxy has held that the very con-
Any suggestion of human differences is pub- cept of race is a meaningless social construct.
licly and politically seen as divisive or worse in Discussing “race science,” as it came to be
a country which sometimes gives lip service to called, became a taboo subject, publicly and
equal opportunity and where race remains a academically. The issue took on incendiary
festering sore. proportions in the early 1970s when it was
African Americans understandably are sus- publicly married to findings of race differences
picious about where this discussion can lead. in I.Q.
“People feel if you say blacks are better athlet- Growing up in the Sixties, it never occurred
ically, you’re saying they’re dumber,” Frank to me to judge blacks as less intelligent. And I
Deford, the respected author and sports re- celebrated with most liberal-thinking Ameri-
porter once noted. “But when Jack Nicklaus cans when Muhammad Ali redefined boxing
sinks a 30-foot putt, nobody thinks his IQ goes and when the raised black fist of the 1968
down.” Mexico City Olympians became a potent sym-
Athletic achievement has long been a Catch- bol of freedom. I entered the shark infested
22 for blacks. When an athlete lost a contest, it waters of this debate in 1987, when Los Ange-
encouraged racist notions that blacks were an les Dodger general manager Al Campanis had
inferior race, intellectually and physically. But been fired after commenting on national tele-
winning reinforced the equally pernicious vision that he believed that blacks didn’t have
stereotype that blacks were closer to animals the mental “necessities” to be a manager or
and therefore less evolved than whites or general manager. The following January,
Asians. That is the fate that befell Jesse Owens Jimmy “the Greek” Snyder, a prognosticator
after he shocked the 1936 Olympics, held in with CBS Sports, was fired and publicly
the capital of Hitler’s Germany. His four gold ridiculed after making an off-hand comment
medals were subtly devalued as a product of that slave owners had bred blacks to produce
his “natural” athleticism. the best physical specimens and that this con-
The racist stereotype of the “animalistic tributed to black success in sports. At the time,
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 707

I was producing for Tom Brokaw at NBC braced the proposal as provocative and re-
Nightly News. After much internal hand- sponsible. Perhaps that’s why I was so stunned
wringing, we decided that maybe we should by the consistently negative response it engen-
address the myths and stereotypes of blacks in dered from publishers, many of whom refused
sports—including the racial taboos. Perhaps di- to even read it—on “principle.” Again and
alogue could dissipate some of the noxious again, I heard: “This is a racist subject. By
poison. even suggesting that blacks may have a genetic
The end product was our 1989 documen- edge in sports, you are opening up the Pan-
tary, Black Athletes: Fact and Fiction. Before it dora’s box of intellectual inferiority.”
aired, it provoked intense reaction, dividing Finally, after more than a dozen rejections,
journalists, frequently along racial lines. A an independent-minded editor at Macmillan,
white columnist at Newsday called it “a step Rick Wolff, offered a contract for what was to
forward in the dialogue on race and sports” become Taboo. The turn of good fortune
while a black writer at the same daily wrote proved fleeting, however. Soon after, Mr. Wolff
that “NBC had scientists answer questions that moved to Warner Books. Though he wanted to
none but a bigot would conjure up.” Yet the take the book with him, Warner balked. “It
public, particularly African Americans, seemed was considered too dicey a subject, too contro-
far more receptive to the balanced treatment versial,” Wolff recalls. “Once the other editors
of a heretofore untouchable subject. Even heard it was about racial differences, they
Harry Edwards, a long-time critic of the sug- wouldn’t even let me present it at an editorial
gestion that there are any meaningful racial meeting.”
differences, would comment that “the NBC Unfortunately, Mr. Wolff’s eventual replace-
documentary opened the door to enlighten- ment as editor, Natalie Chapman, knew noth-
ment on a controversial subject.” Black Ath- ing about sports and was only vaguely sensitive
letes went on to win numerous awards includ- to the science and politics of race. Nonethe-
ing Best International Sports Film. less, I proceeded with an early draft, always
Over the next few years, the science of hu- staying in close contact with my advisory
man performance and our knowledge of hu- board and an expanding list of experts, who
man genetics barreled forward at breakneck were sent the evolving manuscript for feed-
speed. I became even more intrigued by the back.
genetics of human performance. At the urging By this time, I had grown quite confident of
of my literary agent, I circulated a book pro- my findings. Using DNA evidence, scientists
posal that offered to explore the issue in far were in the process of compiling maps of the
more depth. The timing, I believed, was op- waves of human migrations that have led to to-
portune. This was a chance to write a cutting day’s “races.” Although the move out of Africa
edge, popular but scholarly book that dis- by modern humans to Europe and Asia oc-
cussed genetics and the problematic social his- curred rather recently in evolutionary time,
tory of race. Sports would merely be an access scientists were nearly unanimous in their belief
point for a wide-ranging conversation. that even small, chance mutations can trigger a
As a measure of my commitment, I assem- chain reaction with cascading consequences,
bled a “board of advisors”—top biologists, an- possibly even the creation of new species, in
thropologists, exercise physiologists, and soci- relatively few generations. Economic ravages,
ologists, black and white, from all over the natural disasters, genocidal pogroms, and geo-
world, who offered to act as informal scholarly graphic isolation caused by mountains, oceans,
reviewers as the book took shape. They em- and deserts have deepened these differences.
708 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

As a result of evolution, every population mium. This region also turns out an extraordi-
group has some unique physical and physio- nary number of top field athletes—javelin
logical characteristics, many of which have a throwers, shot-putters, and hammer throwers.
genetic basis (Cartmill, 1988; Chakraborty et Athletes who trace their ancestry to western
al., 1993). Most of today’s genetic research fo- African coastal states, including British, Carib-
cuses on finding cures for diseases, more than bean and American blacks, are the quickest
3,000 of which are genetically based (Over- and best leapers in the world. Consequently,
field, 1995). For instance, blacks are predis- they almost completely monopolize the sprints
posed to carry genes for sickle cell anemia and up to 400 meters. No white, Asian, or East
susceptibility to colorectal cancer (Weber, African runners have broken 10 seconds in the
1999). Beta-thalassemia is most prevalent in 100m. The top two hundred times in the
Mediterranean populations. A form of diabetes 100m—all under 10 seconds—are held by ath-
has been linked to a gene most commonly letes of West African descent. All 32 finalists in
found among North American Indians. the last four Olympic men’s 100-meter races
So why do we so readily accept that evolu- were West African. The likelihood of that hap-
tion has turned out Ashkenazi Jews with a ge- pening based on population numbers alone is
netic predisposition to Tay-Sachs, or blonde 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001.
haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians, yet find Yet there are no—not one—premier middle or
it racist to suggest that blacks of West African long distance runners from this region in
ancestry have evolved into the world’s best Africa.
sprinters and jumpers? Studies have shown that athletes of West
In fact, highly heritable characteristics such African origin hit a biomechanical wall after
as skeletal structure, the distribution of muscle about 45 seconds of intense, anaerobic activity,
fiber types, reflex capabilities, lung capacity, when aerobic skills come into play. East
and the ability to use energy more efficiently Africans, who have small and slender ectomor-
are not evenly distributed across racial groups phic body types and are therefore hapless in
and cannot be explained by known environ- the sprints, dominate distance running (Ama et
ment factors (Entine, 2000; Samson and Yer- al., 1990; Saltin, 1973; Levesque, 1995; Si-
lès, 1988). Consider diving, gymnastics, and moneau, 1991; Levesque, 1994).
ice-skating, sports in which East Asians excel. Whereas the West African population
Asians tend to be small with relatively short evolved in the lowlands and remained rela-
extremities, long torsos, and a thicker layer of tively isolated, East African runners trace their
fat. “Chinese splits,” a rare maneuver demand- ancestry to the highlands. This region in Africa
ing extraordinary flexibility, has roots in this is also a genetic stew, with studies indicating a
anthropometric reality (Carter, 1982; Eveleth mixture of genes from invading Arabs and
and Tanner, 1990; Martin and Saller, 1959; Middle Easterners.
Himes, 1988; Behnke, 1974; Hirata and Kaku, Kenya, with 28 million people, is the athletic
1968; Hirata, 1979). powerhouse. At the Seoul Olympics in 1988,
Eurasian whites are the premier wrestlers Kenyan men won the 800, 1,500, and 5,000
and weight lifters in the world. Evolutionary meters, along with the 3,000-meter steeple-
forces have shaped a population with large, chase. Based on population percentages alone,
muscular upper bodies with relatively short the likelihood of such a performance is one in
arms and legs and thick torsos. These propor- 1.6 billion. The Kalenjin people of the Great
tions tend to be an advantage in sports in Rift Valley adjacent to Lake Victoria—who rep-
which strength rather than speed is at a pre- resent 1/2000th of the world population—win
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 709

40% of top international distance running hon- African American superiority in athletics,”
ors and three times as many distance medals as wrote Earl Smith, chairman of the department
athletes from any other nation in the world. of sociology and ethnic studies at Wake Forest
One tiny district, the Nandi, with only 500,000 University, a leading black scholar and author
people, swept an unfathomable 20% of major of several books on race and sports, and one of
international distance events. By almost any my board members. “All this beating around
measure, the Nandi region is the greatest con- the bush has to stop. This is a good book. I am
centration of raw athletic talent in the history quite excited with the arguments that are
of sports. It’s a potent example of the interact- raised.”
ing bio-cultural forces that shape great athletes. But Dr. Smith’s endorsement, along with re-
By this time, the draft of Taboo was taking views and letters of support from the president
shape. I sent it off to Macmillan and waited. of the Human Biology Association, the current
And waited. Eight months passed without a editor of the Journal of Human Biology, a US
word before I received the brush-off in a Olympic Committee scientist, prominent Afri-
brusque letter. “Much of the manuscript is can American anthropologists, and top athletes
smoothly and elegantly written, and most of it couldn’t crack the political status quo. As I was
is quite enjoyable to read,” wrote Chapman. learning, when it comes to race, “the cortex
“[But] while I admire the goals of the book, I shuts down.” No one would even read the
must regretfully inform you that [it] lacks suf- manuscript and give Taboo a chance.
ficient persuasiveness . . . to avoid being torn Public Affairs, another independent pub-
apart by critics, reviewers, and readers.” lisher with authors such as international finan-
Years of work were suddenly in mortal dan- cier George Soros, former Secretary of
ger. My agent embarked on a full court press Defense during the Vietnam war Robert Mc-
to find a new publisher, but to no avail. As be- Namara, and 60-Minutes commentator Andy
fore, most everyone treated the proposal (and Rooney, broke the log jam when an editor
now an early manuscript) as a skunk on the read it, loved it, and assumed the rights.
loose. Basic Books, a first-rate independent Yet even with a respected publisher behind
publisher affiliated with HarperCollins, ap- Taboo, the hysteria continues in some quar-
peared ready to publish Taboo until an African ters. In early January, just before the book was
American consultant nixed the book, without released, The New York Times Magazine in-
reading it, as “potentially racist.” One female formed me that it was killing plans to publish
editor lectured my agent about how insensitive an adaptation, calling the book’s thesis poten-
he was even to propose such an idea. Would tially “dangerous.” “Our reluctant decision to
she please read the book? he responded. “I drop the project is no reflection of my regard
don’t have time for such trash,” she retorted. for your work, which remains high,” wrote
Such intense personal reaction was all the Kyle Crichton, an editor who had championed
more dispiriting given the lengths to which I the article. “In brief, the whole subject worries
had gone to include, in a non-polemical way, my editor. . . .”
many diverse historical and ideological per- Taboo is now finally in the hands of the pub-
spectives. To a man and woman, the board and lic. Will it be as skittish about the contents as
reviewers were on record that they respected the publishing industry? Apparently not. As of
Taboo as fair and constructive, with racial the day I write this, Taboo has so far received
healing as one of its messages. almost unanimous if sometimes guarded praise
“You will be accused of spouting old fash- in more than three dozen reviews. Most have
ioned racism for even raising the issue of been raves. The only negative comments have
710 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

come from those journalists who consider ing to the old cultural argument that athletics
themselves “liberals.” For instance, writing in have been the only avenues of upward mobil-
the Chicago Sun-Times, columnist Rick ity that were truly open to them. He’s raised
Telander, apparently attempting to inject some the argument to new heights.”
“balance” into a review that generally praised A number of reviewers (every one white and
the book, wrote: “Reviews of Taboo have been supposedly liberal) apparently felt uncomfort-
as uptight as anything, with reviewers figura- able about being seen as praising a book that
tively holding the book the way an extermina- suggested that humans are indeed as diverse—
tor might hold a spraying skunk.” culturally and biologically—as multi-cultural-
To buttress this incendiary conclusion, ists claim. These white writers assumed, incor-
Telander writes: “‘Some Things Are Better rectly it turns out, that Taboo would provoke
Left Unsaid,’ is how USA Today titled its re- widespread anger among blacks.
view.” Minor problem: The title of the article Claiming that Taboo has provoked “racial
was 180 degrees the opposite: “Some Things ire,” Stan Hochman, an otherwise thoughtful
Not Better Left Unsaid.” In fact, USA Today columnist with the Philadelphia Daily News,
columnist Christine Brennan praised the book, wrote that “People of many hues say his sci-
writing “the dialogue that [Entine] almost cer- ence is flimsy, his conclusions are racist.” He
tainly will provoke is not the problem. It’s the cited Harry Edwards who, he wrote, claimed
solution.” that “Entine’s scientific data is an under-
Telander’s second citation is from a New handed way of saying that blacks were ‘closer
York Times column by Robert Lipsyte. “En- to beast . . . than they are to the rest of human-
tine’s research is ‘simultaneously silly and dan- ity.’” These were incendiary claims and grossly
gerous,’” quoted Telander. Oops. Lipsyte inaccurate in regard to both scientists and
wasn’t referring to me or my book, but to the African Americans.
issue: “Sports race science can be viewed as “Taboo is carefully researched and intellec-
silly and dangerous” is the real quote. The tually honest,” wrote Jay T. Kearney of the
Times actually praised Taboo as “consistently U.S. Olympic Sport Science Committee.
interesting, readable, provocative”—hardly a Michael Crawford, professor of genetics, for-
skunk like renunciation. mer editor of the Journal of Human Biology
Telander’s third example—he quoted a and current president of the Human Biology
Washington Post reviewer that Taboo “under- Association, wrote that “Taboo provides a won-
plays the political and cultural land mines un- derful opportunity to share a message of the
derlying the discussion”—is equally mislead- importance of human biological and cultural
ing. Paul Ruffins, a former editor of the diversity in its myriad forms. Any dialogue be-
NAACP’s Crisis magazine, actually admired tween different racial groups should start with
the book. “Because it bravely tackles the ex- the facts.”
haustive list of ideas that must be considered What about that slashing quote from Ed-
in any open-minded discussion of this topic, wards? The quote is actually lifted from Taboo
Taboo could well be the most intellectually de- itself. It is directed not against the book, which
manding sports book ever written,” Ruffins had not yet been written, but the misuse of sci-
wrote. “Taboo is an informed exploration of a ence in the service of racism—the nefarious
fascinating phenomenon. Entine marshals history that Taboo exposes. In fact, Edwards
such an impressive array of evidence that we has publicly called my research “enlightening”
should no longer be content to explain why and had offered to blurb the book.
blacks excel at certain sports by simply resort- What has been the reaction from others in
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 711

the black community? Intriguingly, the most ture and nurture fueling each other. Neverthe-
effusive comments have come from African less, it is critical to remember that no individ-
Americans. Earl Smith ended up writing the ual athlete can succeed without the ‘X-factor,’
introduction. The Journal of the African Amer- the lucky spin of the roulette wheel of genetics
ican Male is carrying two chapters in future is- matched with considerable dedication and
sues; its editor, Gary Sailes, wrote a blurb for sport smarts. “It’s the brain, not the heart or
the book in which he calls Taboo “Compelling, lungs, that is the critical organ,” Sir Roger
bold, comprehensive, informative, and enlight- Bannister told me. “But one would have to be
ening.” The black magazine Emerge, in its blind not to see a pattern here. I hope we are
March issue, called the book “thoughtful, thor- not at a time and place where we are afraid to
ough, and sensitive. . . . Taboo is a good read talk about remarkable events. I hope not.”
for anyone interested in the history of black Popular thought is now beginning to catch
athletes in the United States and world-wide.” up with scientific knowledge. The genetics
“Taboo is both provocative and informed,” revolution has decisively overturned the dated
wrote John C. Walter, professor of history in belief that all humans are created with equal
the American Ethnic Studies Department at potential, a tabula rasa, or blank slate, for ex-
the University of Washington, in a review in perience and culture to write upon. Acknowl-
the Seattle Times. “Entine has provided a well- edging human biodiversity may approach a
intentioned effort for all to come clean on the danger zone, but pretending that there are no
possibility that black people might just be su- slippery questions does not prevent them from
perior physically, and that there is no negative being asked, if only under one’s breath.
connection between that physical superiority Taboo is not so much a sports book as it is a
and their IQs.” thought-provoking look at what defines us as
What are we to make of this phenomenon in human. It debunks facile theories of race that
which some whites, so quick to crow about have been used for hundreds of years to justify
their own racial sensitivity, recklessly inject racism and even genocide. Most important, it
racial divisiveness into a debate in which most shatters stereotypes that blacks or whites or
African Americans see thoughtfulness? It’s ap- any racial group are innately “superior” or
parent that many blacks have become irritated “inferior.” This is a book about the rich diver-
to the point of anger by the patronizing cen- sity of life, free of the myths of “ranking” that
sorship and condescension of many journalists have plagued Western thought for centuries.
and academics. To date no one has yet criti- That’s the message of Taboo; for the most part,
cized Taboo for racial insensitivity or shoddy it is being heard.
science. “I am an editorial columnist,” wrote “Entine understands the reasons Blacks lash
Bill Maxwell of the St. Petersburg Times in a out against the determination theory, knows
personal note to me after his glowing column that whatever White America gives to Black
on Taboo. “I reviewed your book because I en- athletes in terms of athletic superiority, it takes
joyed reading it. It cut through all of the bull- from their mental abilities,” wrote Carolyn
shit. I am black.” White of Emerge magazine. “Great athletes,
Although the African biological edge is not dumb jocks. And the stereotype, suggests En-
great, at the level of an elite athlete, even a tine, is probably the single most important rea-
small advantage can be the difference between son people have problems debating the issue.”
a gold medal and finishing out of the money. Although it should never be far from any-
On-the-field trends create a cultural advantage one’s mind that white fascination with black
that forms a biosocial feedback loop, with na- physicality has long framed this issue, it’s more
712 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e

than clear that the stereotype that blacks make for celebration of our individuality rather than
better athletes than whites is neither wrong serving as fodder for demagogues.
nor racist. Censorship and the invocation of a
taboo on issues of human diversity, biological
and cultural, are not viable options. References:
“In human biology and clinical studies, as Ama, Pierre F. M. et al. “Anaerobic Performances in
well as in epidemiological research, it is im- Black and White Subjects,” Medicine and Science
portant to understand if age, gender, race, and in Sports and Exercise 22, 4 (1990), 508–511.
other population characteristics contribute to Behnke, Albert R. Evaluation and Regulation of
the phenotype variation,” wrote Claude Bou- Body Build and Composition (Englewood Cliffs,
chard, Laval University geneticist, obesity ex- N.J.: Prentice Hall: 1974), 359–386.
pert and exercise physiologist, in a recent arti- Bouchard, C. A., S. Leon, D. C. Rao, J. S. Skinner,
and J. H. Wilmore. “Response,” American Jour-
cle in the American Journal of Human Biology.
nal of Human Biology 10, 3 (1998), 279–280.
“Only by confronting these enormous public
Carter, E. L. (ed.). Physical Structure of Olympic
health issues head-on, and not by circumvent-
Athletes, Part I: The Montreal Olympic Games
ing them in the guise of political correctness, Anthropological Project (Basel, Switzerland: S.
do we stand a chance to evaluate the discrimi- Karger, 1982).
nating agendas and devise appropriate inter- Cartmill, Matt. “The Status of the Race Concept in
ventions. To disregard monumental public Physical Anthropology,” American Anthropolo-
health issues is to be morally bankrupt” gist 100 (September 1988), 651–660.
(Bouchard, 1988). Chakraborty, Ranajit, Ranjan Deka, and Robert Fer-
“Since the word race causes such discom- rell, “Letter to the Editor: Reply to Baer,” Ameri-
fort, ethnic groups is often substituted, but it is can Journal of Human Genetics 53 (1993), 531.
inappropriate,” adds Theresa Overfield, Uni- Entine, Jon. Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate
Sports and Why We Are Afraid to Talk about It
versity of Utah professor of anthropology and
(New York: Public Affairs, 2000), 246–271.
expert on the biology of health and illness.
Eveleth, P. B. and J. M. Tanner. Worldwide Variation
“Race is a characteristic used most effectively
in Human Growth, second edition (Cambridge:
to describe, rather than explain, health differ- Cambridge University, 1990).
ence. . . . Ignoring the differences between hu- Himes, John H. “Racial Variation in Physique and
mans is at least shortsighted and can be med- Body Composition,” Canadian Journal of Sports
ically harmful” (Overfield, 1995). Science 13 (1988), 117–126.
Human beings are different. Limiting the Hirata, K. I. Selection of Olympic Champions, Vols. I
rhetorical use of folk categories such as race, and II (Toyota, Japan: Chukyo University, 1979).
an admirable goal, is not going to make the Hirata, K. I. and K. Kaku. The Evaluating Method of
patterned biological variation on which they Physique and Physical Fitness and Its Practical
are based disappear. The question is no longer Application (Gifu City, Japan: Hirata Institute of
whether these inquiries will continue but in Health, 1968).
Levesque, M., M. R. Boulay, J. A. Simoneau. “Mus-
what manner and to what end. Science is a
cle Fiber Type Characteristics in Black African
skeptical endeavor. It is a method of interro-
and White Males before and after 12 Weeks of
gating reality, a cumulative process of testing
Sprint Training,” Canadian Journal of Applied
new and more refined explanations, not an as- Physiology 19 (1994), Supplement 25P.
sertion of dry, unalterable facts. It is a way of Levesque, Martin, M. R. Boulay, G. Thériault, C.
asking questions, not of imposing answers. The Bouchard, J. A. Simoneau. “Training-Induced
challenge is in whether we can conduct the Changes in Maximal Exercise of Short Duration
debate so that human diversity might be cause and Skeletal Muscle Characteristics of Black
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s g o o d s c i e n c e | 713

African and Caucasian Men,” unpublished man- Simoneau, J. A., C. K. Allah, M. Giroux, M. R.
uscript, 1995. Boulay, P. Lagassé, G. Thériault, C. Bouchard.
Martin, R. and K. Saller. Lehrbuch der Anthropolo- “Metabolic Plasticity of Skeletal Muscle in Black
gie II (Stuttgart: Fischer, 1959). and White Males Subjected to High-Intensity In-
Overfield, Theresa. Biologic Variation in Health and termittent Training,” Medical Science Sports and
Illness, second ed. (Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC, 1995), Exercise 23 (1991), S149.
1–2. Weber, Thomas K. et al. “Novel hMLH1 and
Saltin, Bengt. “Metabolic Fundamentals in Exer- hMSH2 Germline Mutations in African Ameri-
cise,” Medicine and Science and Sports 5, 3 cans with Colorectal Cancer,” Journal of the
(1973), 137–146. American Medical Association 281 (June 23/30,
Samson, Jacques and Magdeleine Yerlès. “Racial 1999).
Differences in Sports Performance,” Canadian
Journal of Sports Science 13 (1988), 110–111.
Race and Sports as

n “An Essay on Man,” the 19th century 2:17:42, (4) Simon Bor, 2:20:12, and (5)

I English poet and essayist Alexander Pope

elucidated the pitfalls of speculating on
ultimate causes derived from immediate
Christopher Cheboiboch, 2:20:41.
It was not the times of the top five finishers
that stood out in this year’s race, since they
events: were well below both world and course rec-
ords (understandable considering the condi-
In vain the sage, with retrospective eye, tions). What was startling was their country of
Would from th’ apparent what origin. All were from Kenya. Coincidence?
conclude the why, Hardly. Meaningful? To some, yes; to others,
Infer the motive from the deed, and show no; to science, maybe. That is the subject of
That what we chanced was what we meant the book I had just read, Jon Entine’s contro-
to do. versial Taboo: Why Blacks Dominate Sports
and Why We’re Afraid to Talk about It.
Pope’s wise words were in the back of my I will not dissemble and pretend that I was
mind as I began writing this essay on March 5, not aware of the controversy surrounding
2000, a miserably cold and rainy Sunday claims that blacks are better athletes than
morning, as I watched the elite runners in the whites due to heredity and being closer to the
Los Angeles Marathon—just a handful among origin of humanity in Africa. I’ve been an
the 23,000 weekend warriors who braved the athlete and sports fan all my life and recall
elements—cross the finish line. Although I the vitriolic reaction to Jimmy “the Greek”
have run the L.A. Marathon, and even once Snyder’s 1988 off-the-cuff remarks at a
completed a marathon after first swimming restaurant about black slaves being bred for
2.4 miles in the open ocean and riding a bike superior physicality (on Martin Luther King
112 miles in the Hawaiian Ironman triathlon, Day, no less, with a camera crew present):
I would not have given the results a second “The black is a better athlete because he’s
glance were it not for a book I had just read been bred to be that way. During slave trad-
that called my attention to a characteristic ing, the slave owner would breed his big
shared by the top five finishers. They were: woman so that he would have a big black kid,
(1) Benson Mutisya Mbithi, 2:11:55, (2) Mark see. That’s where it all started.” Blacks, Sny-
Yatich, 2:16:43, (3) Peter Ndirangu Nairobi, der explained, could “jump higher and run

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faster” because of their “high thighs and big ’49ers wide receiver Bernie Casey explained:
size.” “Think of what the African slaves were forced
I even saw live the now-infamous 1987 ABC to endure in this country merely to survive.
Nightline show (occasioned by a celebration of Black athletes are their descendants.” Even
Jackie Robinson’s shattering of the color bar- the liberal champion of cultural determinism,
rier in baseball) when Ted Koppel asked Los Jesse Jackson, in a 1977 CBS 60 Minutes seg-
Angeles Dodger baseball executive Al Campa- ment on his P.U.S.H. program for black school
nis why there were no blacks in upper man- kids, made a case for heredity over environ-
agement. Campanis said that blacks “may not ment when he stated (in response to sociolo-
have some of the necessities” for such posi- gists’ environmental explanations for blacks’
tions. “Do you really believe that?” Koppel re- poorer school performances) that “If we
joined. “Well, I don’t say all of them,” Campa- [blacks] can run faster, jump higher, and shoot
nis demurred, “but they certainly are short in a basketball straighter [than whites] on those
some areas. How many quarterbacks do you same inadequate diets . . .” then there is no ex-
have, how many pitchers do you have that are cuse. It is time, Jackson argued, for blacks to
black?” After continuing with his folk lesson in start living up to their potentials in the class-
sports physiology, Campanis noted why blacks room as well as the gym.
do not compete in elite swimming: “because With such comments from both blacks and
they don’t have buoyancy.” Whites are whites it is understandable why some blacks,
floaters, blacks are sinkers. such as the noted U.C. Berkeley sports sociolo-
Campanis’s attempts to explain himself gist Harry Edwards, respond so strongly, and
opened the gates into the largely unspoken but usually wrongly, going to the opposite extreme
pervasive attitudes held by many whites about of environmental determinism. On a March 8,
blacks, even whites who would not consider 2000, radio show I hosted with Entine, Ed-
themselves racist. “I have never said that wards, and Hoberman as guests, Edwards actu-
blacks aren’t intelligent, but they may not have ally made the argument that the only reason
the desire to be in the front office,” Campanis blacks dominate NBA basketball, despite more
continued. “I know that they have wanted to than equal opportunity for whites to make it to
manage, and many of them have managed. the top, was that at this period of time the
But they are outstanding athletes, very God- “black style” of basketball happens to be pop-
gifted and they’re very wonderful people. They ular instead of the “white style” prominent in
are gifted with great musculature and various the 1950s, and that neither “style” was in any
other things. They are fleet of foot, and this is way superior. My co-host Larry Mantle and I,
why there are a number of black ballplayers in both enthusiastic L.A. Laker fans, gave each
the major leagues.” Blacks are fast around the other a knowing glance of acknowledgement
bases, slow around the boardroom. that this was, of course, utter nonsense.
As University of Texas Professor John Somewhere between Edwards’s extreme en-
Hoberman explained in his 1998 book Dar- vironmental determinism and the Greek’s rad-
win’s Athletes, even many blacks embrace part ical biological determinism lies the truth about
of the thesis (to their cultural detriment, he the cause and meaning of black-white differ-
believes). Dallas Cowboys all-star player ences in sports. But the Campanis episode was
Calvin Hill, a Yale graduate, opined: “On the the most enlightening because these were not
plantation, a strong black man was mated with the remarks of a rabid bigot spewing racial ep-
a strong black woman. [Blacks] were simply ithets; rather, Campanis had spent decades in
bred for physical qualities.” San Francisco close proximity and in tight friendship with
716 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

some of the greatest black ballplayers of the Africans reigning over distances from 100 me-
20th century. So his comments were emblem- ters to 400 meters, and East and North
atic of the common attitudes shared by many, Africans prevailing in races from 800 meters to
perhaps most, lay people and sports enthusi- the marathon.
asts who know just enough to speculate in a But my first quibble with the debate is how
social Darwinian mode about how and why quickly it shifts from Kenyans winning mara-
blacks dominate in some fields but not others, thons or West Africans monopolizing the 100-
and what these differences tell us about the meter dash to, as stated in Entine’s subtitle,
human condition. “why black athletes dominate sports.” I under-
What do these differences mean? The an- stand a publisher’s desire to economize cover
swer depends on what it is you want to know. I verbiage and maximize marketability (the ac-
shall address this subject neither to embrace tual text of Taboo is, appropriately, filled with
the theory nor to debunk it; rather, the ques- qualifiers, caveats, and nuances), but the sim-
tion itself raises a number of other questions ple fact is that black athletes do not dominate
and problems in this field of research that sports. They do not dominate speed skating,
makes reaching grand and sweeping conclu- figure skating, ice hockey, gymnastics, swim-
sions problematic at best. ming, diving, archery, downhill skiing, cross-
country skiing, biathlons, triathlons, ping
pong, tennis, golf, wrestling, rugby, rowing, ca-
noeing, fencing, strong-man competitions,
From the Particular to the General: auto racing, motorcycle racing, and on and on.
Do Black Athletes Dominate Sports? In my own sport of cycling, in which I com-
peted at elite ultra-marathon distances (200
If you are a basketball, football, or track-and- miles to 3,000 miles) for 10 years, there are al-
field fan, the black-white differences are obvi- most no blacks to be found in the pack. Where
ous and real. You’d have to be blind not to see are all those West African sprinters at velo-
the gaping abyss any given day of the week on drome track races? Where are all those
any one of the numerous 24-hour a day sports Kenyans in long-distance road races or ultra-
channels. Further, there are quantifiable marathon events? They are almost nowhere to
within-race differences in some of these sports. be found. In fact, in over a century of profes-
Kenyans dominate marathon running, but sional bicycle racing there has been only one
you’ll likely never see one line up for the 100- undisputed black champion—Marshall W. “Ma-
meter dash. On the other hand, blacks whose jor” Taylor. And Taylor’s reign was a century
origins can be traced to West Africa own the ago! He started racing in 1896 and within
100-meter dash but will not likely soon be tak- three years he became only the second black
ing home the $35,000 automobile awarded to athlete to win a world championship in any
the L.A. Marathon winner. And it could be a sport, and this was at a time when bicycle rac-
long while before we see a white man on the ing was as big as baseball and boxing. Since
winner’s platform at either distance. As Entine there were few automobiles and no airplanes,
carefully documents, at the moment “every cyclists were the fastest humans on earth and
men’s world record at every commonly run were rewarded accordingly with lucrative win-
track distance belongs to a runner of African nings and more than 15 minutes of fame. Ma-
descent,” and the domination of particular dis- jor Taylor was the first black athlete in any
tances are determined, it would seem, by the sport to be a member of an integrated team,
ancestral origin of the athlete, with West the first to land a commercial sponsor, and the
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first to hold world records, including the pres- biking and Josh Weir on the road—only fur-
tigious mile record. He competed internation- ther call our attention to the dearth of blacks
ally and is still revered in France as one of the in cycling.)
greatest sprint cyclists of all time. The fact that Would blacks dominate cycling ceteris
outside cycling circles he is completely un- paribus? The problem is that all other things
known in America tells us something about the are never equal so it is impossible to say until
influence of culture on sports. the natural experiment is actually run. There
By the theory proffered by Entine and oth- is no reason why they should not, by the argu-
ers, there is no reason blacks should not be ments put forth by Entine, since track cycling
prominent in cycling since the physical re- is much like sprinting, and road cycling is sim-
quirements are so similar to running. The rea- ilar to marathon running in terms of the phys-
son they are not, in fact, is almost certainly ical demands on the athlete. But we simply do
cultural. Although there are no longer racial not know and thus it would be unwise to spec-
barriers (as witnessed by the wide range of col- ulate. For that matter, the ceteris paribus as-
ors and nationalities that fill out the pelotons sumption never holds true in the messy real
throughout Europe and the Americas), the world, so this whole question of race and
reason blacks are not in cycling is obvious, says sports is fraught with complications, making it
Dr. Ed Burke, a sports physiologist at the Uni- exceptionally difficult to say with much confi-
versity of Colorado in Boulder: “No money, no dence what these differences really mean.
publicity, no grass roots program. Why would
gifted American athletes, with so many lucra-
tive opportunities in other sports, choose cy-
cling?” In Europe working class fathers intro-
The Hindsight Bias: Did Evolution Shape
duce their sons to the sport at an early age Black Bodies Best for Running?
where they can be nursed through junior cy-
cling programs until they turn professional Tiger Woods may very well be the greatest
and permanently bootstrap themselves into the golfer of all time. Although he is not “pure”
middle classes. But there are not that many black, he is considered to be black by most
blacks in Europe, and in America no such so- people, especially the black community. Thus,
cial structure exists. Bottom line: in cycling he very well could inspire other blacks to go
culture trumps biology. into the sport. What if this were to happen on
(After Major Taylor, many cite the black such a scale that blacks came to dominate golf
sprinter Nelson Vails, since he took the silver as they have football and basketball? Would
medal on the track in the 1984 Olympics. But the explanation for this dominance be role
this is problematic because the East Germans modeling coupled to cultural momentum, or
boycotted that Olympics, and they were domi- would we hear about how blacks are naturally
nating the sport in those years, having thor- gifted as golfers because of their superior abil-
oughly trounced both Vails and the 1984 gold ity to swing a club and judge moving objects at
medalist, Mark Gorski, in the world champi- a distance due to the fact that they are closer
onships the year before. After Vails, Scott to the Environment of Evolutionary Adapta-
Berryman was a national sprint champion, and tion (or EEA, as evolutionary psychologists call
19-year old Gideon Massie recently won the the Pleistocene period of human evolution)?
Jr. Worlds on the track and is an Olympic In cognitive psychology there is a fallacy of
hopeful for 2004. The few other isolated thought known as the hindsight bias, which
cases—Shaums March in downhill mountain states that however things turn out we tend to
718 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

look back to justify that particular arrange- draw the same conclusions about basketball
ment with a set of causal explanatory variables that are made for track and field.
presumably applicable to all situations. Look- I also find it interesting that individuals with
ing back it is easy to construct plausible sce- a small percentage of “black” genes are always
narios for how matters turned out; rearrange classified in the “black” set, whereas whites
the outcome and we are equally skilled at find- are not accorded an equally broad latitude. In
ing new reasons why that particular arrange- other words, if we were to graph the range of
ment was also inevitable. skin tones in so-called blacks and whites as
Consider professional basketball. At the mo- two bell curves, the overall width of the black
ment blacks dominate the sport and it is curve would be much greater, and the stan-
tempting to slip into the adaptationist mode of dard deviation for the black curve would be
Darwinian speculation and suggest that the considerably greater than it would be for the
reason is because blacks are naturally superior whites. Why is this? The answer is clearly cul-
at running, jumping, twisting, turning, hang tural, I suspect, having to do with the eugenics
time, and all the rest that goes into the modern notion of a “pure” white race being contami-
game. Then it is only a step removed from sug- nated with the blood of other, lesser races. A
gesting, as does Entine and others do, that the fuzzy-logic solution to this problem is to have
reason for their above average natural abilities just one set with fractional numbers assigned.
is that since humans evolved in Africa where For example, just as we might label the early
they became bipedal, populations that mi- morning sky as .3 blue/.7 orange, the midday
grated to other areas of the globe traded off sky as .9 blue/.1 orange, and the sunset sky as
those pure abilities through adaptations to .2 blue/.8 orange, we could label Manute Bol
other environments—e.g., colder climates led as .9 black/.1 white and Dennis Johnson as .2
to shorter, stockier torsos (Bergmann’s Rule) black/.8 white. Better still, we could just not
and smaller arms and legs (Allen’s Rule)— label people by skin color at all.
thereby compromising the ability to run and Finally, the step from racial group differ-
jump. African blacks, however, are closer to ences on a basketball court to racial evolution-
the EEA and thus their abilities are evolution- ary differences in the Paleolithic is a signifi-
arily less modified. cant one, and it is here where the hindsight
For basketball, however, I would point out bias is especially obvious. Let’s go back in time
the remarkable range of skin tone one sees on and see how—not to the Paleolithic, but just to
the court. Are these black players all equally the earlier part of the 20th century. It may
“black” in this racial sense? I grant that races come as a surprise, especially to younger read-
may exist as fuzzy sets where the boundaries ers, to hear that at one time Jews dominated
are blurred but the interiors represent a type basketball. What sorts of arguments were made
we might at least provisionally agree repre- for their “natural” abilities in this sport? In the
sents a group we can label “black” or “white.” 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s basketball was an
But when I see a range of “black” skintone on east coast, inner-city, blue-collar immigrant
the court—from Manute Bol’s dark chocolate game largely dominated by the oppressed eth-
to Dennis Johnson’s sandy beige—I cannot nic group of that age, the Jews. Like blacks
help but question the validity of allowing a decades later, the Jews went into professions
single category to represent so many shades. and sports open to them. As Entine so wonder-
The fuzzy boundaries of the “black” set are so fully tracks this history in Taboo, according to
wide and the overlap with the “white” set so Harry Sitwack, star player of the South
great that it seems scientifically untenable to Philadelphia Hebrew Association (SPHA),
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“The Jews never got much into football or would we offer some equally plausible “natu-
baseball. They were too crowded [with other ral” reason for their governance?
players] then. Every Jewish boy was playing Does this mean that blacks are not really
basketball. Every phone pole had a peach bas- better than whites in basketball? No. I would
ket on it. And every one of those Jewish kids be shocked if it turned out that what we are
dreamed of playing for the SPHA’s.” witnessing is nothing more than a culturally
The reason why is obvious, right? Cultural dominant “black style” of play. But because of
trends and socio-economic opportunities set the hindsight bias I cannot be certain that we
within an autocatalytic feedback loop (where are not being fooled and that the reasons for
variables operate on each other to drive the the differences we witness today are far more
system forward) led more and more Jews to go complex than we understand.
into the game until they came to dominate it.
That is not what the scientific experts of the
day said. As Entine shows, according to the
wisdom of the time the Jews were just natu- The Confirmation Bias:
rally superior basketball players.
Writers opined that Jews were genetically
Why Asians Dominate Ping Pong and
and culturally built to stand up under the Why No One Cares—Sports in Black and White
strain and stamina of the hoop game. It was
suggested that they had an advantage because Why, it seems reasonable to ask, are we so in-
short men have better balance and more foot terested in black-white differences in sports?
speed. They were also thought to have sharper Why not Asian-Caucasian differences? Why
eyes, which of course cut against the other has no one written a book entitled Why Asians
stereotype that they suffered from myopia and Dominate Ping Pong and Why We’re Afraid to
had to wear glasses. And it was said they were Talk about It? The reason is obvious: because
clever. “The reason, I suspect, that basketball no one cares that Asians are the masters at
appeals to the hebrew with his Oriental back- ping pong. This is America, and what Ameri-
ground,” wrote Paul Gallico, sports editor of cans care about are black-white differences,
the New York Daily News and one of the pre- especially within high visibility activities. By
mier sports writers of the 1930s, “is that the way of analogy, no first-century Egyptian
game places a premium on an alert, scheming would have wondered if Cleopatra was black,
mind, flashy trickiness, artful dodging and but 20th-century Americans have debated that
general smart aleckness.” very question.
By the late 1940s Jews moved into other The confirmation bias holds that we have a
professions and sports and, Entine notes, “the tendency to seek confirmatory data that sup-
torch of urban athleticism was passed on to the port our already-held beliefs, and ignore dis-
newest immigrants, mostly blacks who had mi- confirmatory evidence that might counter
grated north from dying southern plantations. those beliefs. We all do this. Liberals read the
. . . It would not be long before the stereotype paper and see greedy Republicans trying to rig
of the ‘scheming . . . trickiness’ of the Jews was the system so that the rich can become richer.
replaced by that of the ‘natural athleticism’ of Conservatives read the same paper and see
Negroes.” If Jews were dominating basketball bleeding-heart liberals robbing the rich of
today instead of blacks, what explanatory mod- their hard-earned dollars to support welfare
els, in hindsight, would we be constructing? If, queens on crack. Context is everything and the
in 30 years, Asians come to control the game confirmation bias makes it very difficult for
720 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

any of us to take an objective perspective on horse breeders with millions of dollars at stake
our own beliefs. for a horse who could knock off a second or
Yes, there are black-white difference in two.
sports, and there may even be good physical The Kentucky Derby is the most prestigious
reasons for some of these differences. But, as of all thoroughbred races and has been run
noted above, the vast majority of sports are not since 1875 when, by the way, 13 of the 15
dominated by blacks. Why don’t we hear about jockeys were blacks. In fact, black jockeys
them? Because they don’t interest us, or they dominated the Derby for the first 30 years,
do not support our preconceived notions about winning half of all races. The first race was 1.5
the importance of black-white race questions. miles and was won in 2:37. In 1896 the dis-
Out of the literally hundreds of popular sports tance was lowered to its present length of 1.25
played in the world today, blacks dominate miles and was won by Ben Brush in a time of
only three: basketball, football, and track-and- 2:07. As evident in the table below (given in
field. That’s it. That’s what all the fuss is about. five-year increments with variation mostly ac-
(At 15 percent they don’t even dominate base- counted for by track surfaces being either
ball.) Why do we focus on those three? Be- “fast” or “slow”), since 1950 the horses are
cause we live in America where the black- just not getting any faster.
white issue has bedeviled our experiment in
democracy from the beginning, and where 1900 Lt. Gibson 2:06
basketball, football, and track and field are the 1905 Agile 2:10
big sports which pay the big bucks. 1910 Donau 2:06
I am not arguing that it is scientifically un- 1915 Regret 2:05
tenable or morally corrupt to focus on these 1920 Paul Jones 2:09
differences, but I am curious why those partic- 1925 Flying Ebony 2:07
ular differences are of such interest to some 1930 Gallant Fox 2:07
people. Is it nothing more than some people 1935 Omaha 2:07
like chocolate pudding and others tapioca? I 1940 Gallahadion 2:05
doubt it. I suspect the confirmation bias directs 1945 Hoop Jr. 2:07
our attention to differences most likely to sup- 1950 Middle Ground 2:01
port already held beliefs about race differ- 1955 Swaps 2:01
ences. This would explain why it is almost al- 1960 Ventian Way 2:02
ways the same people, regardless of the 1965 Lucky Debonair 2:01
particular trait or characteristic under study, 1970 Dust Commander 2:03
who are interested in looking at racial group 1975 Foolish Pleasure 2:02
differences, and why Americans are interested 1980 Genuine Risk 2:02
in black-white differences but not others, and 1985 Spend a Buck 2:00
why non-Americans have little or no interest 1990 Unbridled 2:02
in this difference question. 1995 Thunder Gulch 2:02
Let’s consider another case of evolutionary
adaptation for the ability to run, and of within- The greatest thoroughbred race horse of all
species differences in this ability—thorough- time, Secretariat, is the only horse to break the
bred race horses. Here we find rather discon- two minute barrier at 1:59.2. If million dollar
firming evidence that the underlying genetic purses and stud fees have not been able to
variability of thoroughbreds long ago ran out break the bounds of genetic variability, one
despite the vigilant efforts of highly motivated wonders just how much genetic variability
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 721

there is or just how much hypothesized adap- accounted for by genetics. In 1973 he con-
tations like changes in body build in response firmed his findings in another study that
to climate change could be achieved. showed that only 20–30 percent of the vari-
ance in aerobic capacity can be accounted for
by the environment—i.e., training can only im-
prove aerobic capacity by that amount.
Blood or Sweat? Randy Ice, the sports physiologist who has
The Nature-Nurture Debate in Sports been testing Race Across America cyclists for
the past 18 years, estimates that 60–70 percent
In the middle of the 1985 3,000-mile nonstop of the variability between cyclists in aerobic
transcontinental bicycle Race Across America I capacity is genetically determined. Others esti-
was pedaling my way across Arkansas when mate similar percentages for anaerobic thresh-
the ABC Wide World of Sports camera crew old, workload capacity, fast twitch/slow twitch
pulled up alongside to inquire how I felt about muscle fiber ratio, maximum heart rate, and
my third place position—way ahead of the many other physiological parameters that de-
main pack but too far behind to catch the termine athletic performance. In other words,
leaders. I answered: “I should have picked bet- the difference between Pee Wee Herman and
ter parents.” Eddy Merckx (the greatest cyclist of all time) is
The quote comes from the renowned sports largely due to heredity.
physiologist Per-olof Astrand and was made at Now, let’s be clear that no one—not Jon En-
a 1967 exercise symposium: “I am convinced tine on one end or, hopefully, Harry Edwards
that anyone interested in winning Olympic on the other—is arguing that athletic ability is
gold medals must select his or her parents very determined entirely by either genetics or envi-
carefully.” At the time I regretted repeating it ronment. Obviously it is a mixture of the two.
because I meant no disrespect for my always- The controversy arises over what the ratio is,
supportive parents. But it was an accurate self- the evidence for that ratio, and the possible
assessment for I had done everything I could evolutionary origins of the difference. What
do to win the race, including training over 500 surprised me in reading Entine’s book, and
miles a week in the months before, observing a other arguments for evolutionary origins of bi-
strict diet, employing weight training, utilizing ologically based racial group differences in
massage therapists and trainers, and more. My athletic ability, was the dearth of hard evi-
body fat was 4.5 percent, and at age 31 I was dence and the need to draw questionable in-
as strong and fast as I had ever been or would ferences and make sizable leaps of logic.
be. Nevertheless it was apparent I was not go- Although Entine’s book is promoted as if it
ing to win the race. Why? Because despite were a polemic for the hereditary position, he
maximizing my environmental nurture, the confesses that even in his best case examples of
upper ceiling of my physical nature had been the Kenyan marathon runners, we cannot say
reached and was still below that of the two rid- for certain if they are “great long distance run-
ers ahead of me. ners because of a genetic advantage or because
This vignette is symbolic of the larger discus- their high-altitude lifestyle serves as a lifelong
sion in sports physiology on the relative roles of training program.” It’s a chicken-and-egg di-
heredity and environment. In 1971, the exer- lemma, Entine admits: “Did the altitude recon-
cise physiologist V. Klissouras, for example, re- figure the lungs of Kenyan endurance runners
ported that 81–86 percent of the variance in or was a genetic predisposition induced by the
aerobic capacity, as measured by VO2 uptake, is altitude? Is that nature or nurture . . . or both?”
722 | r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

It is both. But proving a particular percent- Finally, while we can agree that different
age of each is tricky business. “Most theories, human characteristics are coded by differing
including those in genetics, rely on circum- genomic complexes—from simple to complex—
stantial evidence tested against common sense, we do not know enough genetics to say with
known science, and the course of history,” En- any confidence that, for example, the ability to
tine explains. “That scientists may yet not be run a 100-meter dash is coded by n genes, the
able to identify the chromosomes that con- ability to slam dunk in basketball is coded by
tribute to specific athletic skills does not mean 2n genes, and that the ability to negotiate a
that genes don’t play a defining role. . . .” complex gymnastic routine is coded by 8n
Clearly that is so. But the real debate is not if; genes. And this is just for physical abilities.
it is how, and how much. It is here where the Cognitive skills are another subject entirely,
science is weak and our biases strong. and we have even less knowledge on, say, how
What do we really know, for example, about spatial reasoning or verbal skills are geneti-
the genetic coding for running? On the one cally coded, or autocatalytically determined
hand it can be argued that this is a very simple through gene-cultural co-development.
activity compared to, say, a complex gymnas- All of this makes conclusions drawn about
tics routine. Even so, running ability depends racial differences in sports problematic. No
on a host of variables—fast twitch/slow twitch doubt some black-white differences in some
muscle fiber ratio, VO2 uptake capacity, lung sports are heavily influenced by genetics and
capacity, maximum heart rate, anaerobic might possibly even have an evolutionary basis
threshold figures (that determine the level one of origin. But proving that supposition is an-
can sustain work output), measures of strength other matter entirely. As it is, to be fair, for the
versus endurance, etc. We can estimate that extreme environmental position. Harry Ed-
these variables are half or three-quarters de- wards, for example, argued on my radio show
termined by genes, but we haven’t a clue as to that Kenyans are tenacious trainers, rising at
how they are coded, or even how genes and 5:00 a.m. every morning to run mountains at
environment interact in the development of high altitude. But that’s just the hindsight and
the ability under question. Autocatalytic feed- confirmation biases at work again, where we
back loops are powerful mechanisms in physi- examine the winner of a race to see what ingre-
cal, biological, and social systems, and we are dients went into the winning formula. It ignores
discovering them in nature-nurture interac- all the other hard-working jocks who also got
tions as well. Some genes are turned on or up every morning at 5:00 a.m. (oh don’t I re-
turned off by environmental stimuli. It may be member it so painfully well?) but didn’t take
possible that some human populations with a the gold. Or the other winners who slept in un-
genetically encoded ability to run fast never til 8:00 a.m. and went for a leisurely jog on the
have these genes turned on by the proper en- flats. Training alone won’t get you to the finish
vironment, or during a critical period of devel- line first. Neither will genetics. Neither will
opment. And perhaps other groups, like the luck. To be a champion you need all three.
Kenyans, have both the genetic propensity
plus the cultural drive, high-altitude training,
and so forth. Further, we have no idea if differ-
ent human groups code for such variables in Master of My Fate
different ways as they interact with their envi-
ronment; thus their autocatalytic feedback We are all products of an evolutionary history
loops may be different. We just do not know. of biological descent. Paraphrasing Astrand,
r a c e a n d s p o r t s a s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 723

our parents have been very carefully chosen ronmental factors as nutrition, training, coach-
for us—by natural selection. Yet as philosopher ing, and desire take effect. A may be more
Michael Ruse notes: “gifted” than B, but this does not mean he will
always or even ever beat B. If B performs at his
We are what we are because of our biology in best and A is only at 50 percent of his poten-
conjunction with the environment. Dogs are tial, then the genetic advantage is negated. In-
friendly; if you beat and starve them, they are heritability of talent does not mean inevitabil-
vicious. Scotsmen are as tall as Englishmen; if ity of success, and vice versa.
you feed them simply on oats they are runts. Why do some black athletes dominate some
As well-known, long-term study has shown . . . sports? For the same reason that some white
thanks to improved nutrition, the height and athletes dominate some other sports, and some
physique of the Scots has improved dramati- Asian athletes dominate still other sports—a
cally. combination of biological factors and cultural
influences. We do not know for sure how to
The philosopher Karl Schmitz-Moormann tease apart these variables, but we’ve got some
also explained that such statistical percentages reasonably good indications and Entine’s book
as those used in describing the relative influ- is a good place to start, as is Hoberman’s Dar-
ence of heredity and environment are descrip- win’s Athletes. What do the differences really
tive for large populations, not individuals. mean? My answer is a consilience of both posi-
Even the most complete knowledge of a per- tions: We are free to select the optimal envi-
son will not allow us to predict the precise fu- ronmental conditions that will allow us to rise
ture of this individual, because the laws for to the height of our biological potentials.
making such predictions are built around pop- In this sense athletic success is measured
ulations. Schmitz-Moormann calls this think- not just against others’ performances, but
ing “conditionalism.” He writes: “At all levels against the upper ceiling of our own ability. To
of the evolving universe statistics might be un- succeed is to have done one’s absolute best as
derstood as the description of freely evolving measured against the high mark of one’s per-
elements within more or less narrowly defined sonal range of possibilities. To win is not just to
ranges of possibilities created by past evolu- have crossed the finish line first, but to cross
tion. Instead of being determined, the universe the finish line in the fastest time possible
appears only to be conditioned on all levels.” within the allowable genetic reaction range.
The key element here is the range of possi- The poet William Ernest Henley expressed this
bilities. Behavior geneticists call it the genetic concept well in his stirring Invictus:
reaction range, or the biological parameters
within which environmental conditions may Out of the night that covers me,
take effect. We all have a biological limit, for Black as the pit from pole to pole,
example, on how fast we can ride a 40k time I thank whatever gods may be
trial or run a 10k. There is a range from lowest For my unconquerable soul.
to highest that establishes the parameters of It matters not how strait the gate,
our performance. In the diagram on the left, How charged with punishments the scroll,
athlete A has a higher genetic reaction range I am the master of my fate:
than athlete B. But there is overlap of the I am the captain of my soul.
ranges, and this is the key to where such envi-
Science Is at an End

n 1989, Gustavus Adolphus College in with student protests, he wrote an astonish-

I Minnesota held a symposium with the

provocative but misleading title “The End
of Science?” The meeting’s premise was that
ingly prescient book, now long out of print,
called The Coming of the Golden Age: A View
of the End of Progress. Published in 1969, it
belief in science—rather than science itself— contended that science—as well as technology,
was coming to an end. As one organizer put it, the arts, and all progressive, cumulative en-
“There is an increasing feeling that science as terprises—is coming to an end.
a unified, universal, objective endeavor is Most people, Stent acknowledged, consider
over” (in Selve, 1992). Most of the speakers the notion that science might soon cease to be
were philosophers who had challenged the absurd. How can science possibly be nearing
authority of science in one way or another. an end when it has been advancing so rapidly
The meeting’s great irony was that one scien- throughout this century? Stent turned this in-
tist present, U.C. Berkeley biologist Gunther ductive argument on its head. Initially, he
Stent, had for years promulgated a much granted, science advances exponentially
more dramatic and persuasive scenario than through a positive feedback effect; knowledge
the one posed by the organizers. Stent had as- begets more knowledge, and power begets
serted that science itself might be ending, and more power. Stent credited the American his-
not because of the skepticism of a few aca- torian Henry Adams with having foreseen this
demic sophists. Quite the contrary. Science aspect of science at the turn of the century.
might be ending because it worked so well. Adams’s “law of acceleration,” Stent
Stent is hardly a fringe figure. He was a pi- pointed out, has an interesting corollary. If
oneer of molecular biology; he founded the there are any limits to science, any barriers to
first department dedicated to that field at further progress, then science may well be
Berkeley in the 1950s and performed experi- moving at unprecedented speed just before it
ments that helped to illuminate the machin- crashes into them. When science seems most
ery of genetic transmission. Later, after muscular, triumphant, potent, that may be
switching from genetics to the study of the when it is nearest death. “Indeed, the dizzy
brain, he was named chairman of the neuro- rate at which progress is now proceeding,”
biology department of the National Academy Stent wrote in Golden Age, “makes it seem
of Sciences. Stent is also the most astute ana- very likely that progress must come to a stop
lyst of the limits of science I have encoun- soon, perhaps in our lifetime, perhaps in a
tered (and by astute I mean of course that he generation or two.”
articulates my own inchoate premonitions). In Certain fields of science, Stent argued, are
the late 1960s, while Berkeley was wracked limited simply by the boundedness of their

s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 725

subject matter. No one would consider human will be seen to degenerate into seemingly quite
anatomy or geography, for example, to be infi- ordinary, workaday reactions, no more or less
nite endeavors. Chemistry, too, is bounded. fascinating than those that occur in, say, the
“[T]hough the total number of possible chem- liver . . .”
ical reactions is very great and the variety of Unlike biology, Stent said, the physical sci-
reactions they can undergo vast, the goal of ences seem to be open-ended. Physicists can
chemistry of understanding the principles gov- always attempt to probe more deeply into mat-
erning the behavior of such molecules is, like ter by smashing particles against each other
the goal of geography, clearly limited.” (In with greater force, and astronomers can always
fact, many chemists think that goal was strive to see further into the universe. But in
achieved in the 1930s when the chemist Linus their efforts to gather data from ever-more-
Pauling showed how all chemical interactions remote regimes, Stent contended, physicists
could be understood in terms of quantum will inevitably confront various physical, eco-
mechanics.) nomic and even cognitive limits.
In his own field of biology, Stent asserted, Over the course of this century, physics has
the discovery of DNA’s twin-corkscrew struc- become more and more difficult to compre-
ture in 1953 and the subsequent deciphering hend; it has outrun our “Darwinian epistemol-
of the genetic code had solved the profound ogy,” our innate concepts for coping with the
problem of how genetic information is passed world. Stent rejected the old argument that
on from one generation to the next. Biologists “yesterday’s nonsense is today’s common
had only three major questions left to explore: sense.” Society may be willing to support con-
how life began, how a single fertilized cell de- tinued research in physics as long as it has the
velops into a multi-cellular organism and how potential to generate powerful new technolo-
the central nervous system processes informa- gies, such as nuclear weapons and nuclear
tion. When those goals are achieved, Stent power. But when physics becomes impractical
said, the basic task of biology, pure biology, as well as incomprehensible, Stent predicted,
will be completed. society will surely withdraw its support.
Stent acknowledged that biologists can in Stent’s prognosis for the future was an odd
principle continue exploring specific phenom- mixture of optimism and pessimism. He pre-
ena and applying their knowledge forever. But dicted that science, before it ends, might help
according to Darwinian theory, science stems to solve many of civilization’s most pressing
not from our desire for truth per se but from problems. It would eliminate disease and
our compulsion to control our environment in poverty and provide society with cheap, pollu-
order to increase the likelihood that our genes tion-free energy, perhaps through the harness-
will propagate. When a given field of science ing of fusion reactions. As we gain more do-
begins to yield diminishing practical returns, minion over nature, however, we may lose
scientists may have less incentive to pursue what Nietzsche called our “will to power”; we
their research and society may be less inclined may become less motivated to pursue further
to pay for it. Moreover, just because biologists research—especially if such research has little
complete their empirical investigations, Stent chance of yielding tangible benefits.
asserted, does not mean that they will have an- As society becomes more affluent and com-
swered all relevant questions. For example, no fortable, fewer young people may choose the
purely physiological theory can ever really ex- increasingly difficult path of science or even of
plain consciousness, since the “processes re- the arts. Many may turn to more hedonistic
sponsible for this wholly private experience pursuits, perhaps even abandoning the “real
726 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

world” for fantasies induced by drugs or elec- sought to fulfill this mandate—and to resolve
tronic devices feeding directly into the brain. his own inner conflicts over his role as a scien-
Sooner or later, Stent concluded, progress tist—by delivering a series of lectures. These
would “stop dead in its tracks,” leaving the lectures became The Coming of the Golden
world in a largely static condition that he Age.
called “the new Polynesia.” The advent of I told Stent that I could not determine, after
beatniks and hippies, he surmised, signaled finishing Golden Age, whether he believed the
the beginning of the end of progress and the new Polynesia, the era of social and intellec-
dawn of the new Polynesia. He closed his book tual stasis and universal leisure, would be an
with the sardonic comment that “millennia of improvement over our present situation. “I
doing arts and science will finally transform could never decide this!” he exclaimed, look-
the tragicomedy of life into a happening.” ing genuinely distressed. “People called me a
pessimist, but I thought I was an optimist.” He
certainly did not think such a society would be
in any sense utopian. After the horrors
A Trip to Berkeley wreaked by totalitarian states in this century,
he explained, it was no longer possible to take
In the spring of 1992 I traveled to Berkeley to the idea of utopia seriously.
see how Stent thought his predictions had held Stent felt his predictions had held up rea-
up over the years. Stent had moved to the U.S. sonably well. Although hippies had vanished
from Germany as a youth, and his gruff voice (except for the pitiful relics on Berkeley’s
and attire still bore traces of his origins. He streets), American culture had become in-
wore wire-rimmed glasses, a blue, short- creasingly materialistic and anti-intellectual;
sleeved shirt with epaulets, dark slacks and hippies had evolved into yuppies. The cold
shiny black shoes. Stent had obtained a doc- war had ended, although not through the
torate in chemistry at the University of Illinois, gradual merging of communist and capitalist
but upon reading Erwin Schrödinger’s book states Stent had envisioned. He admitted he
What Is Life?, he became entranced by the did not anticipate the resurgence, in the wake
mystery of genetic transmission. After studying of the cold war, of long-repressed ethnic and
at the California Institute of Technology under even tribal conflicts. “I’m very depressed at
Max Delbruck, Stent obtained a professorship what’s happening in the Balkans,” he said. “I
at Berkeley in 1952. In these early years of didn’t think that would happen.” Stent was
molecular biology, Stent said, “none of us also surprised by the persistence of poverty
knew what we were doing. Then Watson and and of racial conflict in the U.S., but he
Crick found the double helix, and within a few thought these problems would eventually di-
weeks we realized we were doing molecular minish in importance. (Aha, I thought. He was
biology.” an optimist after all.)
Stent began pondering the limits of science Stent was convinced that science was show-
in the 1960s partly in reaction to Berkeley’s ing signs of the closure he had predicted in
free-speech movement, which had challenged Golden Age. Particle physicists were having
the value of rationalism and technological difficulty convincing society to pay for their in-
progress and other aspects of civilization that creasingly expensive experiments, such as the
Stent held dear. The university appointed him multi-billion-dollar Superconducting Super-
to a committee to “deal with this, to calm collider. As for biologists, they still had much
things down,” by talking to students. Stent to learn about how, say, a fertilized cell is
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 727

transformed into a complex, multi-cellular or- Stent was similarly skeptical of the claims of
ganism, like an elephant, and about the work- investigators of chaos and complexity that with
ings of the brain. “But I think the big picture computers and sophisticated mathematics they
is basically over,” he said. Evolutionary biol- can transcend the science of the past. In The
ogy in particular “was over when Darwin pub- Coming of the Golden Age, Stent had discussed
lished The Origin of Species,” Stent said. the work of one of the pioneers of chaos the-
Stent was still convinced, in spite of all the ory, Benoit Mandelbrot. Beginning in the early
advances in neuroscience following the publi- 1960s, Mandelbrot had shown that many phe-
cation of Golden Age, that a purely physiologi- nomena are intrinsically “indeterministic”—
cal explanation of consciousness would not be they exhibit behavior that is unpredictable
as comprehensible or as meaningful as most and apparently random. Scientists can only
people would like; nor would it help us to guess at the causes of individual events, and
solve moral and ethical questions. In fact, they cannot predict them with any accuracy.
Stent thought the progress of science might Proponents of chaos and complexity were
give religion a clearer role in the future rather attempting to create effective, comprehensible
than eliminating it entirely, as many scientists theories of the same phenomena studied by
had once hoped. Although it cannot compete Mandelbrot, Stent said. He had concluded in
with science’s far more compelling stories Golden Age that these indeterministic phe-
about the physical realm, religion still retains nomena would resist scientific analysis, and he
some value in offering moral guidance. “Hu- saw no reason to change that assessment. Quite
mans are animals, but we’re also moral sub- the contrary. The work emerging from those
jects. The task of religion is more and more in fields demonstrated his point that science,
the moral realm.” when pushed too far, always culminates in in-
When I asked about the possibility that coherence. So Stent did not think that chaos
computers might become intelligent and cre- and complexity will bring about the rebirth of
ate their own science, Stent snorted in deri- science? “No,” he said with a rakish grin. “It’s
sion. He had a dim view of artificial intelli- the end of science.”
gence, and particularly its more visionary
enthusiasts. Computers may excel at precisely
defined tasks such as mathematics and chess,
he pointed out, but they still perform What Science Has Accomplished
abysmally when confronted with the kind of
problems—recognizing a face or a voice or We obviously are nowhere near the new Poly-
walking down a crowded sidewalk—that hu- nesia that Stent envisioned, in part because
mans solve effortlessly. “They’re full of it,” applied science has not come nearly as far as
Stent said of Marvin Minsky and others who Stent had hoped (feared?) when he wrote The
have predicted that one day we humans will Coming of the Golden Age. But I have come to
be able to “download” our personalities into the conclusion that Stent’s prophecy has, in
computers. “I wouldn’t rule out the possibility one very important sense, already come to
that in the 23rd century you might have an ar- pass. If one believes in science, one must ac-
tificial brain,” he added. “But it would need cept the possibility—even the probability—that
experience.” One could design a computer to science has passed its peak. By science I mean
become an expert in restaurants, “but this ma- not applied science but science at its purest
chine would never know what a steak tastes and grandest, the primordial human quest to
like.” understand the universe and our place in it.
728 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

Further research may yield no more great rev- million years, for reasons that may never be
elations or revolutions but only incremental, known, single-celled organisms bearing an in-
diminishing returns. genious molecule called DNA emerged on the
These are trying times for truth-seekers. still-hellish earth. These Adamic microbes
The scientific enterprise is threatened by gave rise, by means of natural selection, to an
technophobes, animal-rights activists, religious extraordinary array of more complex crea-
fundamentalists, and, most important of all, tures, including Homo sapiens.
stingy politicians. Social, political, and eco- My guess is that this narrative that scientists
nomic constraints will surely make it more dif- have woven from their knowledge, this mod-
ficult to practice science, and pure science in ern myth of creation, will be as viable 100 or
particular, in the future. Moreover, science it- even 1,000 years from now as it is today. Why?
self, as it advances, keeps imposing limits on its Because it is true. Moreover, given how far sci-
own power. Einstein’s theory of special relativ- ence has already come, and given the physical,
ity prohibits the transmission of matter or even social, and cognitive limits constraining fur-
information at speeds faster than that of light; ther research, science is unlikely to make any
quantum mechanics dictates that our knowl- significant additions to the knowledge it has
edge of the microrealm will always be uncer- already generated. There will be no great reve-
tain; chaos theory confirms that even without lations in the future comparable to those be-
quantum indeterminacy many phenomena stowed upon us by Darwin or Einstein or Wat-
would be impossible to predict; Kurt Gödel’s son and Crick.
incompleteness theorem denies us the possi-
bility of constructing a complete, consistent
mathematical description of reality. And evo-
lutionary biology keeps reminding us that we The Anxiety of Scientific Influence
are animals, designed by natural selection not
for discovering deep truths of nature, but for In trying to understand the mood of modern
breeding. scientists, I have found that ideas from literary
But by far the greatest barrier to future criticism can serve some purpose. In his influ-
progress in pure science is its past success. Re- ential 1973 essay, The Anxiety of Influence, the
searchers have already mapped out physical literary critic Harold Bloom of Yale University
reality, ranging from the microrealm of quarks likened the modern poet to Satan in Milton’s
and electrons to the macrorealm of planets, Paradise Lost. Just as Satan fought to assert his
stars, and galaxies. Physicists have shown that individuality by defying the perfection of God,
all matter is ruled by a few basic forces: grav- so must the modern poet engage in an Oedipal
ity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak struggle to define himself in relation to Shake-
nuclear forces. Scientists have also stitched speare, Dante, and other masters. The effort is
their knowledge into an impressive, if not ter- ultimately futile, Bloom said, because no poet
ribly detailed, narrative of how we came to be. can hope to approach, let alone surpass, the
The universe exploded into existence 15 bil- perfection of his forebears. Modern poets are
lion years ago, give or take five billion years all essentially tragic figures, late-comers.
(astronomers may never agree on an exact fig- Modern scientists, too, are late-comers, and
ure), and is still expanding outwards. Some 4.5 their burden is much heavier than that of po-
billion years ago, the detritus of an exploding ets. Scientists must endure not merely Shake-
star, a supernova, condensed into our solar sys- speare’s King Lear but Newton’s laws of mo-
tem. Sometime during the next few hundred tion, Darwin’s theory of natural selection,
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 729

Einstein’s theory of relativity. These theories rent scientific knowledge, to all the questions
are not merely beautiful; they are also true, left unanswered. But the questions tend to be
empirically true, in a way that no work of art ones that may never be definitively answered,
can be. Most researchers simply concede their given the limits of human science. How, ex-
inability to supersede what Bloom called “the actly, was the universe created? Could our uni-
embarrassments of a tradition grown too verse be just one of an infinite number of
wealthy to need anything more.” They try to universes? Could quarks and electrons be
solve what the philosopher of science Thomas composed of still smaller particles, ad infini-
Kuhn has denigrated as “puzzles,” problems tum? What does quantum mechanics really
whose solutions buttress the prevailing para- mean? (Most questions concerning meaning
digm. They settle for refining and applying the can only be answered ironically, as literary
brilliant, pioneering discoveries of their prede- critics know.) Biology has its own slew of insol-
cessors. They try to measure the mass of uble riddles. How, exactly, did life begin on
quarks more precisely or to determine how a earth? Just how inevitable was life’s origin, and
given stretch of DNA guides the growth of the its subsequent history?
embryonic brain. Others become what Bloom Superstring theory, which for more than a
derided as a “mere rebel, a childish inverter of decade has been the leading contender for a
conventional moral categories.” The rebels unified theory of physics, is a particularly
denigrate the dominant theories of science as striking specimen of ironic science. Often
flimsy social fabrications rather than rigor- called a “theory of everything,” it posits that
ously tested descriptions of nature. all the matter and energy in the universe and
Bloom’s “strong poet” accepts the perfec- even space and time stem from infinitesimal,
tion of his predecessors and yet strives to tran- string-like particles wriggling in a hyperspace
scend it through various subterfuges, including consisting of 10 (or more) dimensions. Unfor-
a subtle “misreading” of their work; only by so tunately, the microrealm that superstrings al-
doing can a modern poet break free of the legedly inhabit is even less accessible to hu-
stultifying influence of the past. There are man experimenters than the quasars haunting
strong scientists, too, those who are seeking to the edge of the visible universe. A superstring
misread and therefore to transcend quantum is as small in comparison to a proton as a pro-
mechanics or the big bang theory or Darwin- ton is in comparison to the solar system. Prob-
ian evolution. For the most part strong scien- ing this realm directly would require an accel-
tists have only one option: to pursue science in erator 1,000 light years around. That is why
a speculative, post-empirical mode that I call the physicist Sheldon Glashow, a Nobel laure-
ironic science. Like art, philosophy, literary ate at Harvard University, once likened super-
criticism, theology—the other ironic modes of string theorists to “medieval theologians”
discourse—ironic science can be neither defin- (1986, 7).
itively confirmed nor falsified. It offers not The practitioner of ironic science enjoys one
truth in the conventional sense but points of obvious advantage over the strong poet: the
view, opinions which are, at best, “interesting,” appetite of the reading public for scientific
which provoke further comment. It cannot “revolutions.” As empirical science ossifies,
achieve empirically verifiable “surprises” that journalists like myself, who feed society’s
force scientists to make substantial revisions in hunger, will come under more pressure to tout
their basic description of reality. theories that supposedly transcend quantum
The most common strategy of the strong sci- mechanics or the big bang theory or natural
entist is to point to all the shortcomings of cur- selection. Journalists have, after all, helped
730 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

superstring theory to win acceptance as a legit- ics, just as genetic engineering bolsters belief
imate extension of nuclear physics rather than in the DNA-based model of evolution.
mathematical smoke and mirrors, as Glashow What constitutes a surprise? Einstein’s dis-
has put it. Journalists have also created the covery that time and space, the I-beams of re-
popular impression that fields such as chaos ality, are made of rubber was a surprise. So
and complexity represent genuinely “new” sci- was the observation by astronomers that the
ences superior to the stodgy old reductionist universe is expanding, evolving. Quantum me-
methods of Newton, Einstein, and Darwin. chanics, which unveiled a probabilistic ele-
ment, a Lucretian swerve, at the bottom of
things, was an enormous surprise; God does
play dice (Einstein’s disapproval notwithstand-
The Star Trek Factor ing). The later finding that protons and neu-
trons are made of smaller particles called
If my experience is any guide, even people quarks was a much lesser surprise, because it
with only a casual interest in science will find merely extended quantum theory to a deeper
it hard to accept that science’s days are num- domain; the foundations of physics remained
bered. It is easy to understand why. We are intact.
drenched in progress, real and artificial. Every Learning that we humans were created not
year we have smaller, faster computers, sleeker de novo by God but gradually, by the process
cars, more channels on our televisions. Our of natural selection, was a big surprise. Most
views of the future are also distorted by what other aspects of human evolution—those con-
could be called the Star Trek factor. How can cerning where, when and how, precisely,
science be approaching a culmination when Homo sapiens evolved—are details. These de-
we haven’t invented spaceships that travel at tails may be interesting, but they are not likely
warp speed yet? to be surprising unless they show that scien-
To be sure, applied science will continue for tists’ basic assumptions about evolution were
a long time to come. Scientists can keep devel- wrong. We may learn, say, that our sudden
oping versatile new materials; faster and more surge in intelligence was catalyzed by the in-
sophisticated computers; genetic-engineering tervention of alien beings, as in the movie
techniques that make us healthier, stronger, 2001. That would be a very big surprise. In
longer-lived; perhaps even fusion reactors that fact, any proof that life exists—or even once ex-
can provide cheap energy with few environ- isted—beyond our little planet would constitute
mental side effects (although given the drastic a huge surprise. Science, and all human
cutbacks in funding, fusion’s prospects now thought, would be reborn. Speculation about
seem dimmer than ever). The question is, will the origin of life and its inevitability would be
these advances in applied science bring about placed on a much more empirical basis.
any “surprises,” any revolutionary shifts in our But how likely is it that we will discover life
basic knowledge? Will they force scientists to elsewhere? In retrospect, the space programs
revise the map they have drawn of the uni- of both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. represented
verse or the narrative they have constructed of elaborate displays of saber-rattling rather than
the universe’s creation and history? Probably the opening of a new frontier for human
not. Applied science in this century has tended knowledge. The prospects for space explo-
to reinforce rather than to challenge the pre- ration on anything more than a trivial level
vailing theoretical paradigms. Lasers and tran- seem increasingly unlikely. We no longer have
sistors confirm the power of quantum mechan- the will or the money to indulge in technologi-
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 731

cal muscle-flexing for its own sake. Humans, While it is never safe to say that the future of
made of flesh and blood, may someday travel Physical Science has no marvels even more
to other planets here in our solar system. But astonishing than those of the past, it seems
unless we find some way to transcend Ein- probable that most of the grand underlying
stein’s prohibition against faster-than-light principles have been firmly established and
travel, chances are that we will never even at- that further advances are to be sought chiefly
tempt to visit another star, let alone another in the rigorous application of these principles
galaxy. A spaceship that can travel one million to all the phenomena which come under our
miles an hour, an order of magnitude faster notice. It is here that the science of measure-
than any current technology can attain, would ment shows its importance—where quantita-
still take almost 3,000 years to reach our near- tive results are more to be desired than quali-
est stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri. tative work. An eminent physicist has
remarked that the future truths of Physical
Science are to be looked for in the sixth place
of decimals.
That’s What They Thought 100 Years Ago
Michelson’s remark about “the sixth place
The most common response to the suggestion of decimals” has been so widely attributed to
that science might be ending is the “that’s- Lord Kelvin (after whom the Kelvin, a unit of
what-they-thought-at-the-end-of-the-last-cen- temperature, is named) that some authors sim-
tury” argument. The argument goes like this: ply credit him with the quote. But historians
As the 19th century wound down, physicists have found no evidence that Kelvin made such
thought they knew everything. But no sooner a statement. Moreover, at the time of Michel-
had the 20th century begun than Einstein and son’s remarks physicists were vigorously de-
other physicists discovered—invented?—relativ- bating fundamental issues, such as the viability
ity theory and quantum mechanics. These the- of the atomic theory of matter, according to
ories eclipsed Newtonian physics and opened the historian of science Stephen Brush of the
up vast new vistas for modern physics and University of Maryland. Michelson was so ab-
other branches of science. Moral: Anyone who sorbed in his optics experiments, Brush sug-
predicts that science is nearing its end will gested, that he was “oblivious to the violent
surely turn out to be as short-sighted as those controversies raging among theorists at the
19th-century physicists were. time.” The alleged “Victorian calm in physics,”
Those who believe science is finite have a Brush concluded, is a “myth” (1969, 9).
standard retort for this argument: The earliest
explorers, because they could not find the edge
of the earth, might well have concluded that it
is infinite, but they would have been wrong. The Apocryphal Patent Official
Moreover, it is by no means a matter of histori-
cal record that late 19th-century physicists felt Other historians, as is their wont, disagree.
they had wrapped things up. The best evidence Questions concerning the “mood” of a given
for a sense of completion is a speech given in era can never be completely resolved. But the
1894 by Albert Michelson, whose experiments view that scientists in the last century were
on the velocity of light helped to inspire Ein- complacent about the state of their field has
stein’s theory of special relativity. Michelson clearly been exaggerated. Historians have pro-
stated (Physics Today, April 1968, 9): vided a definitive ruling, moreover, on another
732 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

anecdote favored by those reluctant to accept year, taxes our credulity and seems to presage
that science might be mortal. The story alleges the arrival of that period when human im-
that in the mid-1800s, the head of the U.S. provement must end.”
Patent Office quit his job and recommended But Ellsworth, far from recommending that
that the office be shut down because there his office be shut down, asked for extra funds
would soon be nothing left to invent. to cope with the flood of inventions he ex-
In 1995, Daniel Koshland, editor of the pected in agriculture, transportation, and com-
prestigious journal Science, repeated this story munications. Ellsworth did indeed resign two
in an introduction to a special section on sci- years later, in 1845, but in his resignation let-
ence’s future. In this section, leading scientists ter he made no reference to closing the patent
offered predictions about what their fields office; he only expressed pride at having ex-
might accomplish over the next 20 years. panded it. Jeffry concluded that Ellsworth’s
Koshland, a biologist at the University of Cali- statement about “that period when human im-
fornia at Berkeley, exulted that his prognos- provement must end” represented “a mere
ticators “clearly do not agree with that com- rhetorical flourish intended to emphasize the
missioner of patents of yesteryear. Great remarkable strides forward in inventions then
discoveries with great import for the future of current and to be expected in the future.” But
science are in the offing. That we have come perhaps Jeffry was not giving Ellsworth
so far so fast is not an indication that we have enough credit. Ellsworth was, after all, antici-
saturated the discovery market, but rather that pating the argument that Gunther Stent would
discoveries will come even faster” (1995). make more than a century later: The faster
There were two problems with Koshland’s that science moves, the faster it will reach its
essay. First, the contributors to his special sec- ultimate, inevitable limits.
tion envisioned not “great discoveries” but, for Consider the implications of the alternative
the most part, rather mundane applications of position, the one implicitly advanced by
current knowledge, such as better methods for Daniel Koshland. He insists that because sci-
designing drugs, improved tests for genetic dis- ence has advanced so rapidly over the past
orders, more discerning brain scans and the century or so, it can and will continue to do so,
like. Some predictions, moreover, were nega- possibly forever. But this inductive argument is
tive in nature. “Anyone who expects any deeply flawed. Science has only existed for a
human-like intelligence from a computer in few hundred years, and its most spectacular
the next 50 years is doomed to disappoint- achievements have occurred within the last
ment,” proclaimed the physicist and Nobel century. Viewed from an historical perspective,
laureate Philip Anderson. the modern era of rapid scientific and techno-
The second problem with Koshland’s essay logical progress appears to be not a permanent
was that his story about the commissioner of feature of reality but an aberration, a fluke, a
patents is apocryphal. In 1940, a scholar product of a singular convergence of social, in-
named Eber Jeffry examined the patent-com- tellectual, and political factors.
missioner anecdote in an article titled “Noth-
ing Left to Invent,” published in the Journal of
the Patent Office Society. Jeffry traced the story
to Congressional testimony delivered in 1843 The Rise and Fall of Progress
by Henry Ellsworth, then the Commissioner of
Patents. Ellsworth remarked at one point: In his 1932 book, The Idea of Progress, the his-
“The advancement of the arts, from year to torian J. B. Bury stated (italics in the original):
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 733

Science has been advancing without interrup- earlier times the claim that the Earth moves
tion during the last three or four hundred around the sun” (27).
years; every new discovery has led to new It was not surprising that modern nation
problems and new methods of solution, and states became fervent proponents of the sci-
opened up new fields for exploration. Hitherto ence-is-infinite creed. Science spawned such
men of science have not been compelled to marvels as The Bomb, nuclear power, jets,
halt, they have always found means to advance radar, computers, and missiles. In 1945 the
further. But what assurance have we that they physicist Vannevar Bush (a distant relative of
will not come up against impassable barriers? former President George) proclaimed in Sci-
ence: The Endless Frontier that science was “a
Bury himself had demonstrated through his largely unexplored hinterland” and an “essen-
scholarship that the concept of progress is only tial key” to U.S. military and economic secu-
a few hundred years old, at most. From the era rity. Bush’s essay served as a blueprint for the
of the Roman Empire through the Middle construction of the National Science Founda-
Ages, most truth-seekers had a degenerative tion and other federal organizations that
view of history: the ancient Greeks had thereafter supported basic research on an un-
achieved the acme of mathematical and scien- paralled scale. The Soviet Union was perhaps
tific knowledge, and civilization had gone even more devoted than its capitalist rival to
downhill from there. Those who followed the concept of scientific and technological
could only try to recapture some remnant of progress.
the wisdom epitomized by Plato and Aristotle. Of course, powerful social, political and eco-
It was such founders of modern, empirical sci- nomic forces now oppose this vision of bound-
ence as Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, René less scientific and technological progress. The
Descartes, and Gottfried Leibniz who first set cold war, which was a major impetus for basic
forth the idea that humans could systemati- research in the U.S. and the Soviet Union, is
cally acquire and accumulate knowledge over; the U.S. and the former Soviet republics
through investigations of nature. Most of these have much less incentive to build space sta-
Ur-scientists believed that the process would tions and gigantic accelerators simply to
be finite, that we could attain complete knowl- demonstrate their power. Society is also in-
edge of the world and then construct a perfect creasingly sensitive to the adverse conse-
society, a utopia, based on that knowledge. quences of science and technology—such as
(The new Polynesia!) pollution, nuclear contamination, and weap-
Only with the advent of Darwin did certain ons of mass destruction.
intellectuals become so enamoured with The disillusionment with science was fore-
progress that they insisted it might be, or seen early in this century by Oswald Spengler,
should be, eternal. “In the wake of the publi- a German schoolteacher who became the first
cation of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species,” great prophet of the end of science. In his
Gunther Stent wrote in his 1978 book The massive tome The Decline of the West, pub-
Paradoxes of Progress, “the idea of progress lished in 1918, Spengler argued that science
was raised to the level of a scientific proceeds in a cyclic fashion, with “romantic”
religion. . . . This optimistic view came to be so periods of investigation of nature and the in-
widely embraced in the industrialized na- vention of new theories giving way to periods
tions . . . that the claim that progress could of consolidation in which scientific knowledge
presently come to an end is now widely re- ossifies. As scientists become more arrogant
garded [to be] as outlandish a notion as was in and less tolerant of other belief systems,
734 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

notably religious ones, Spengler declared, soci- major mountain chains and rivers. There are
ety will rebel against science and embrace reli- still innumerable details to fill in, but the end-
gious fundamentalism and other irrational sys- less horizons no longer exist” (23).
tems of belief. Spengler predicted that the According to Glass, a close reading of Bush’s
decline of science and the resurgence of irra- Endless Frontier essay suggested that he, too,
tionality would begin at the end of this millen- viewed science as a finite enterprise. Nowhere
nium. did Bush specifically state that any fields of
Spengler’s analysis was, if anything, too op- science could continue generating new discov-
timistic. His view of science as cyclic implied eries forever. In fact, Bush described scientific
that science may one day be resurrected and knowledge as an “edifice” whose form “is pre-
undergo a new period of discovery. But sci- destined by the laws of logic and the nature of
ence is not cyclic but linear; we can only dis- human reasoning. It is almost as though it al-
cover the periodic table and the expansion of ready existed.” Bush’s choice of this metaphor,
the universe and the structure of DNA once. Glass commented, reveals that he considered
The biggest obstacle to the resurrection of sci- scientific knowledge to be finite in extent.
ence—human science, the quest for knowledge Glass proposed that the “bold title” of Bush’s
about who we are and where we came from—is essay was “never intended to be taken literally,
science’s past success. but supposed merely to imply that from our
present viewpoint so much yet remains before
us to be discovered that the horizons seem vir-
tually endless.”
No More Endless Horizons In 1979, in The Quarterly Review of Biology,
Glass presented evidence to back up his view
Scientists are understandably loath to state that science was approaching a culmination.
publicly that they have entered an era of di- Upon analyzing the rate of discoveries in biol-
minishing returns. No one wants to be recalled ogy, he found that they had not kept pace with
as the equivalent of those allegedly short- the exponential increase in researchers and
sighted physicists of a century ago. There is al- funding. “We have been so impressed by the
ways the danger, moreover, that such prophe- undeniable acceleration in the rate of magnifi-
cies will become self-fulfilling. But Gunther cent achievements that we have scarcely no-
Stent is hardly the only prominent scientist to ticed that we are well into an era of diminish-
violate the taboo against such prophecies. In ing returns,” Glass commented. “That is, more
1971, Science published an essay entitled “Sci- and more scientific effort and expenditure of
ence: Endless Horizons or Golden Age?,” by money must be allocated in order to sustain
Bentley Glass, a prominent biologist and the our progress. Sooner or later this will have to
president of Science’s publisher, the American stop, because of the insuperable limits to sci-
Association for the Advancement of Science. entific manpower and expenditure. So rapid
Glass weighed the two scenarios for science’s has been the growth of science in our own
future posited by Vannevar Bush and Gunther century that we have been deluded into think-
Stent and reluctantly came down on the side of ing that such a rate of progress can be main-
Stent. Not only was science finite, Glass argued, tained indefinitely.”
but the end was in sight. “We are like the ex- When I spoke to him in 1994, Glass con-
plorers of a great continent,” Glass proclaimed, fessed that many of his colleagues had been
“who have penetrated to its margins in most dismayed that he had even raised the issue of
points of the compass and have mapped the science’s limits, let alone prophesied its demise.
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 735

But Glass felt, then and now, that the topic is the University of Chicago, painted a bleak pic-
too important to ignore. Obviously science, as a ture for the future of physics. “Nothing we do
social enterprise, has some limits, Glass said. If is likely to arrest our decline in numbers, sup-
science had continued to grow at the same rate port, or social value,” Kadanoff declared. “Too
as it had earlier in this century, he pointed out, much of our base depended on events that are
it would soon have consumed the entire budget now becoming ancient history: nuclear
of the industrialized world. “I think it’s rather weapons and radar during World War II, sili-
evident to everybody,” he said, “that there con and laser technology thereafter, American
must be brakes put on the amount of funding optimism and industrial hegemony, socialist
for science, pure science.” This slowdown, he belief in rationality as a way of improving the
observed, was evident in the decision of the world.” Those conditions had largely vanished,
U.S. Congress in 1993 to cuts funds for the Su- Kadanoff contended; both physics and science
perconducting Supercollider, the gargantuan as a whole are now besieged by environmen-
particle accelerator that physicists hoped talists, animal-rights activists, and other anti-
would propel them beyond quarks and elec- scientific movements. “In recent decades, sci-
trons into a deeper realm of microspace. ence has had high rewards and has been at the
Even if society were to devote all its re- center of social interest and concern. We
sources to research, Glass added, science should not be surprised if this anomaly disap-
would one day still reach the point of dimin- pears” (9–11).
ishing returns. Why? Because science works; it Kadanoff, when I spoke to him over the
solves its problems. After all, astronomers have telephone two years later, sounded even
already plumbed the farthest reaches of the gloomier than he had been when he wrote his
universe; they cannot see what, if anything, essay. He laid out his worldview for me with a
lies beyond its borders. Moreover, most physi- muffled melancholy, as if he were suffering
cists think that the reduction of matter into from an existential head cold. But rather than
smaller and smaller particles will eventually discussing science’s social and political prob-
end, or may have already ended for all practi- lems, as he had in his essay, he focused on an-
cal purposes. Even if physicists unearth parti- other obstacle to scientific progress: science’s
cles buried beneath quarks and electrons, that past achievements. The great task of modern
knowledge will make little or no difference to science, Kadanoff explained, has been to show
biologists, who have learned that the most sig- that the world conforms to certain basic physi-
nificant biological processes occur at the mo- cal laws. “That is an issue which has been ex-
lecular level and above. “There’s a limit to bi- plored at least since the Renaissance and
ology there,” Glass explained, “that you don’t maybe a much longer period of time. For me,
expect to be able to ever break through just that’s a settled issue. That is, it seems to me
because of the nature of the constitution of that the world is explainable by law.”
matter and energy.” Of course, scientists still have much to learn
about how the fundamental laws generate “the
richness of the world as we see it.” Kadanoff
himself is a leader in the field of condensed-
Hard Times Ahead for Physics matter physics, which studies the behavior not
of individual subatomic particles but of solids
In 1992, the monthly journal Physics Today or liquids. Kadanoff has also been associated
published an essay entitled “Hard Times,” in with the field of chaos, which addresses phe-
which Leo Kadanoff, a prominent physicist at nomena that unfold in predictably unpre-
736 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

dictable ways. Some proponents of chaos—and “Scientific innovation is going to become

of the closely related field called complexity— more and more difficult as we push out further
have suggested that with the help of powerful and further from our home base toward more
computers and new mathematical methods remote frontiers. If the present perspective is
they will discover truths that surpass those re- even partly correct, the half-millennium com-
vealed by the “reductionist” science of the mencing around 1650 will eventually come to
past. Kadanoff had his doubts. Studying the be regarded among the great characteristic de-
consequences of fundamental laws is “in a way velopmental transformations of human history,
less interesting” and “less deep,” he said, than with the age of The Science Explosion as
showing that the world is lawful. “But now unique in its own historical structure as The
that we know the world is lawful,” he added, Bronze Age or The Industrial Revolution or
“we have to go on to other things. And yes, it The Population Explosion.”
probably excites the imagination of the aver- Rescher tacked what he apparently thought
age human being less. Maybe with good rea- was a happy coda onto his depressing scenario:
son.” Is this state of affairs permanent? I asked. Science will never end; it will just go slower
Kadanoff was silent for a moment. Then he and slower and slower, like Zeno’s tortoise.
sighed, as if trying to exhale all his world- Nor should scientists ever conclude that their
weariness. “Once you have proven that the research must degenerate into the mere filling
world is lawful,” he replied, “to the satisfaction in of details; it is always possible that one of
of many human beings, you can’t do that their increasingly expensive experiments will
again.” have revolutionary import, comparable to that
of quantum mechanics or Darwinian theory.
When I telephoned Rescher, he acknowl-
edged that his analysis had been in most re-
Whistling to Keep Our Courage Up spects a grim one. “We can only investigate na-
ture by interacting with it,” he said. “To do
One of the few modern philosophers to devote that we must push into regions never investi-
serious thought to the limits of science is gated before, regions of higher density, lower
Nicholas Rescher of the University of Pitts- temperature, or higher energy. In all these
burgh. In his 1978 book, Scientific Progress, cases we are pushing fundamental limits, and
Rescher deplored the fact that Stent, Glass, that requires ever more elaborate and expen-
and other prominent scientists seemed to sive apparatuses. So there is a limit imposed
think that science might be approaching a cul on science by the limits of human resources.”
de sac. Rescher intended to provide “an anti-
dote to this currently pervasive tendency of
thought” by demonstrating that science was at
least potentially infinite. But the scenario he The End of History
sketched out over the course of his book was
hardly optimistic. He argued that science, as a In Golden Age, Stent suggested that science,
fundamentally empirical, experimental disci- before it ends, may at least deliver us from our
pline, faces economic constraints. As scientists most pressing social problems, such as poverty
try to extend their theories into more remote and disease and even conflict between states.
domains—seeing further into the universe, The future will be peaceful and comfortable, if
deeper into matter—their costs will inevitably boring. Most humans will dedicate themselves
escalate and their returns diminish. to the pursuit of pleasure. In 1992, Francis
s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d | 737

Fukuyama set forth a rather different vision of itself. The lesson of contemporary philosophy,
the future in The End of History and the Last Fukuyama lectured me sternly, is that science
Man. Fukuyama defined history as the human is morally neutral, at best. In fact, scientific
struggle to find the most sensible—or least nox- progress, if unaccompanied by moral progress
ious—political system. By the 20th century lib- among societies or individuals, “can leave you
eral democracy, which according to Fukuyama worse off than you were without it.”
had always been the best choice, had only one When Fukuyama finally realized what I was
serious contender: Marxist socialism. After the suggesting—that science might provide a kind
collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, of unifying theme or purpose for civilization—
liberal democracy stood alone in the ring, bat- his tone became even more condescending.
tered but victorious. History was over. Yes, a few people had written him letters ad-
Fukuyama went on to consider the pro- dressing that theme. “I think they were space-
found questions raised by his thesis. Now that travel buffs,” he snickered. “They said, ‘Well,
the age of political struggle has ended, what you know, if we don’t have ideological wars to
will we do next? What are we here for? What is fight we can always fight nature in a certain
the point of humanity? Fukuyama did not sup- sense by pushing back the frontiers of knowl-
ply an answer so much as a rhetorical shrug. edge and conquering the solar system.’”
Freedom and prosperity, he fretted, might not He emitted another scornful little chuckle.
be enough to satisfy our Nietzschean “will to So you don’t take these predictions seriously? I
power” and our need for constant “self-over- asked. “No, not really,” he said wearily. Trying
coming.” Without great ideological struggles to to goad something further out of him, I re-
occupy us, we humans might manufacture vealed that many prominent scientists and
wars simply to give ourselves something to do. philosophers—not just fans of “Star Trek”—be-
Fukuyama did not overlook the role of sci- lieved that science, the quest for pure knowl-
ence in human history. Far from it. His thesis edge, represented the destiny of mankind.
required that history have a direction, that it “Hunh,” Fukuyama replied, as though he was
be progressive, and science, he argued, pro- no longer listening to me but had re-entered
vided this direction. Science had been vital to that delightful tract by Hegel he had been pe-
the growth of modern nation states, which saw rusing before I called. I signed off.
science as a means to military and economic Without even giving it much thought,
power. But Fukuyama did not even consider Fukuyama had reached the same conclusion
the possibility that science might also provide that Stent had in The Coming of the Golden
post-historical humanity with a common pur- Age. From very different perspectives, both
pose, a goal, one that would encourage coop- saw that science is less a byproduct of our will
eration rather than conflict. to know than of our will to power. Fukuyama’s
Hoping to learn the reason for Fukuyama’s bored rejection of a future dedicated to science
omission, I called him at the Rand Corpora- spoke volumes. The vast majority of humans,
tion, where he had obtained a job after The including not only the ignorant masses but
End of History became a bestseller. He an- also highbrow types such as Fukuyama, find
swered with the wariness of someone accus- scientific knowledge mildly interesting, at best,
tomed to, and not amused by, kooks. At first, and certainly not worthy of serving as the goal
he misunderstood my question; he thought I of all humankind. Whatever the long-term
was asking whether science could help us destiny of Homo sapiens turns out to be—
make moral and political choices in the post- Fukuyama’s eternal warfare or Stent’s eternal
historical era rather than serving as an end in hedonism, or, more likely, some mixture of the
738 | s c i e n c e i s a t a n e n d

two—it seems unlikely to be the pursuit of sci- nothing? In its effort to find The Answer to
entific knowledge. The Question, the universal mind may dis-
Gunther Stent left several loopholes open in cover the ultimate limits of knowledge.
his end-of-science scenario. Society might be-
come so wealthy that it will pay for even the References:
most whimsical scientific experiments—parti- Bloom, H. 1973. The Anxiety of Influence. New
cle accelerators that girdle the globe!—without York: Oxford University Press.
regard for cost. Alternatively, science could Bury, J. 1932. The Idea of Progress. New York:
achieve some enormous breakthrough, such as Macmillan, New York.
a faster-than-light transportation system or Bush, V. 1945. Science: The Endless Frontier. Reis-
intelligence-enhancing genetic engineering sued by the National Science Foundation (1990).
techniques that would enable scientists to Fukuyama, F. 1992. The End of History and the
transcend their physical and cognitive limits. I Last Man. New York: The Free Press.
would add two other possibilites to Stent’s list. Glashow, S., and P. Ginsparg. 1986. “Desperately
One is that scientists might discover that life Seeking Superstrings?” Physics Today, May.
Glass, B. 1971. “Science: Endless Horizons or
exists elsewhere, creating a glorious new era in
Golden Age?” Science, January 8, pp. 23–29.
comparative biology.
———. 1979. “Milestones and Rates of Growth in the
The other possibility—which Stent rejects
Development of Biology.” The Quarterly Review
but a surprising number of other scientists find of Biology, March, pp. 31–53.
compelling—is that one day we humans will Holton, G. 1993. Science and Anti-Science. Cam-
create intelligent machines that can transcend bridge: Harvard University Press.
our physical, economic and cognitive limits Jeffrey, E. 1940. “Nothing Left to Invent.” Journal
and carry on the quest for knowledge without of the Patent Office Society, July, pp. 479–481.
us. In my favorite version of this scenario, ma- Kadanoff, L. 1992. “Hard Times.” Physics Today,
chines transform the entire cosmos into a vast, October, pp. 9–11.
unified, information-processing network. All Koshland, D. 1995. “The Crystal Ball and the
matter becomes mind. This proposal is not sci- Trumpet Call.” Science, March 17.
ence, of course, but wishful thinking. It Rescher, N. 1978. Scientific Progress. Oxford: Basil
nonetheless raises some interesting questions,
Selve, R. Q. (ed.). 1992. The End of Science? Attack
questions normally left to theologians. What
and Defense. Lanham, MD: University Press of
would an all-powerful, cosmic computer do?
What would it think about? I can imagine only Stent, G. S. 1969. The Coming of the Golden Age: A
one possibility. It would try to answer The View of the End of Progress. Garden City, NY:
Question, the one that lurks behind all other Natural History Press.
questions, like an actor playing all the parts of ———. 1978. The Paradoxes of Progress. San Fran-
a play: Why is there something rather than cisco: W. H. Freeman.
Science Is Just Beginning

uestions about the origin of things— generation game is the way science gets at the

Q the universe, life, language, human

beings—have always held a strong
fascination for the intellectually in-
scheme of things. That way is to provide an-
swers to questions about the world around us
by invoking a set of rules (read: theory, for-
clined, perhaps because such one-time-only mula, algorithm, program). But not just any
events are difficult to study, thus providing a old rule will do. A scientific rule possesses
playpen for unbridled speculation and almost certain properties—public accessibility, clarity,
limitless armchair philosophy. Equally fasci- brevity, bias-free—and is generated by follow-
nating, it seems, are the no-time-only events ing a very definite procedure, the so-called
of how things will end. Recent Cassandras “scientific method.” So if science is indeed
publicly airing their angst over the incipient coming to an end, the only interpretation of
demise of something beloved range from this claim that seems to make any sense what-
Steven Weinberg dreaming of a final theory soever is that either there are no interesting
in particle physics (Dreams of a Final Theory, questions left to answer, or that it is flat-out
Pantheon, New York, 1992) to Francis impossible to produce a set of scientific rules
Fukuyama pondering the end of history (The by which to answer any question that still
End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, piques our curiosity. It stretches the imagina-
New York, 1992). The latest addition to this tion to suppose that anyone would take either
cast of doomsayers is journalist John Horgan, alternative seriously.
who ups the ante by trumpeting to the world A few years ago, I published a book (Para-
the imminent end of all science in a recently digms Lost, Morrow, New York, 1989) in
published book (The End of Science, Addi- which I looked at six of the major problems
son-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1996). Now what facing science today, trying to identify the
could such a temerarious claim actually competing answers, how they were generated,
mean? who held to them, and why. These Big Ques-
Contrary to many accounts, science is not a tions are:
noun or adjective by which we carve up the
landscape of knowledge, labeling areas like 1. How did life originate on Earth?
biology and chemistry “science,” while deny- 2. Are human social behavioral patterns
ing that label to fields of enquiry such as art, determined by our genes?
history, and literature. Rather, science is a 3. How do humans acquire language?
verb; it is a procedure of a very special type. 4. Is it possible to build a computing
What distinguishes it from religion, mysticism, machine that will think, just like you
poetry, and all the other players in the reality- and me?

740 | s c i e n c e i s j u s t b e g i n n i n g

5. Do there exist intelligent, extraterrestrial tled was just a little more genius—and a lot
life forms in the Milky Way galaxy? more hard work—on the part of Andrew Wiles
6. Does there exist an objective reality in wielding the traditional rules of mathemati-
independent of human observers? cal argumentation.
Even more philosophically interesting is the
I think that even Horgan, who states that 1976 answer offered by Kenneth Appel and
science is part of the “primordial human quest Wolfgang Haken to the famed Four-Color Con-
to understand the universe and our place in jecture. In contrast to conventional mathemat-
it,” would agree that these questions are an in- ical proofs, which are at least in principle sur-
tegral part of that quest, and that the well- veyable by the human mind, the Appel and
spring of deep and important questions is far Haken result affirming that no more than four
from having run dry. colors are needed to color any planar map was
Let me hasten to add that the last time I based upon the computational investigation of
looked (about a week ago), science was not nearly 2,000 individual cases. This examina-
much closer to offering a knockdown, airtight tion involved many hundreds of hours’ worth
set of scientific rules for answering any of of supercomputer calculations, and would re-
these questions than it was when my book was quire thousands of years of work by an army of
first published. But that in no way implies that mathematicians to thoroughly check every
such a set of rules does not exist. An analogy step. Many mathematicians rejected this
with similar Big Questions in mathematics is “proof,” as it did not play fair by the tradi-
helpful in elucidating this point. tional rules of the mathematician’s game.
By now it is a well-chronicled story how, in Twenty years later we find that this computa-
1931, Kurt Gödel stamped paid to David tional exercise was merely the tip of an iceberg
Hilbert’s cherished belief that any mathemati- that is now threatening to change the very
cal question could be definitively answered. rules of the games mathematicians play. The
Gödel’s result demonstrated the existence of same evolution of the rules of the game is just
forever unanswerable questions about num- as likely to occur in science as in mathematics.
bers. So unlike the real worlds of physics, biol- All that is needed is a Big Question requiring
ogy, chemistry and all the rest, here we have new concepts and new methods. Let me briefly
an area for which we can state unequivocally outline one.
that there exist questions that can never be an- A large number of the systems constituting
swered by following the rules of mathematics. the warp and weft of everyday life—a stock
Yet, strangely enough, I cannot ever recall see- market or a road-traffic network, for exam-
ing a book or article suggesting that mathe- ple—involve a medium-sized number of agents
maticians are losing any sleep over the end of (traders or drivers) interacting on the basis of
mathematics. In fact, until recently the unde- limited, local information. Moreover, these
cidable propositions underwritten by Gödel’s agents are intelligent and adaptive; their be-
results were regarded mostly as curiosities by havior and interactions with one another are
the mathematical community, although occa- determined by rules, just like those governing
sionally someone might start dreaming in print the behavior of planets or molecules. But un-
about one or another famous unsolved prob- like these lifeless objects, adaptive agents are
lem being one of them. In fact, the celebrated ready to change their rules in accordance with
Fermat Conjecture was thought of in just these new information that comes their way, thus
terms at one time, although we all know now continually adjusting to their environment so
that what it took for the Conjecture to be set- as to prolong their own survival. This is about
s c i e n c e i s j u s t b e g i n n i n g | 741

as good a definition as any I know as to what “chaoplexologists” like Kauffman in the emer-
constitutes a complex adaptive system (CAS). gence of fundamental new laws of complex
At present there exists nothing remotely close systems is so much wishful thinking. Reading
to a formalism (that is, a set of scientific rules) the transcripts of this debate is eerily reminis-
for even stating, let alone understanding, the cent of an imagined science-fiction dialogue I
questions surrounding the weird and won- once ran across between a human and a hu-
drous ways of such processes. man-like alien just in from the far corners of
A few years back, the Santa Fe Institute was Andromeda. In his intellectual ping-ponging
formed to serve as a center for the scientific with Horgan, Kauffman valiantly upholds (for
investigation of just these types of complex sys- the most part successfully, in my view) his be-
tems. But the methods of choice for these stud- lief in the endless levels of complexity one sees
ies are as different from the methods used in in the universe around us, complexities that
ordinary science as the use of the computer are well-chronicled in his At Home in the Uni-
was to resolve the Four-Color Conjecture. Sci- verse (Oxford, New York, 1995). Kauffman
ence, Santa Fe style, is based largely on the use makes his case by employing standards and
of detailed simulations that serve as silicon styles of argument familiar in the world of sci-
surrogates for real-world correlates like stock entific discourse. Horgan’s response, however,
markets or the immune system. The purpose makes one wonder if there might not really be
of these surrogates is to provide a laboratory a second Earth out there in Andromeda, where
for carrying out controlled, repeatable experi- people use terms like “law,” “discovery,” “fun-
ments of the sort that are too expensive, too damental,” and even “science,” more as they
impractical, too time-consuming, or just plain might be employed in a journal of deconstruc-
too dangerous to do on the real-world system tionist literary criticism or, perhaps, as they
itself. I have given a detailed account else- would be propounded by certain continental
where (Would-Be Worlds, Wiley, New York, in philosophers whose names I shall pass over
press) of how this use of the computer-as-a- with the silence of the grave.
laboratory promises to change the frontiers of Unlike many of today’s “endologists,” who
science in the coming century. So let me just hint darkly at the end of some field or other
say here that there is every reason to believe from their perspective as active researchers in
that computer laboratories will provide the the area under scrutiny, journalistic members
same kind of insight into the workings of of the “end-of-X” crowd have a predilection
CASes that the invention of the microscope for invoking outside authority figures to but-
gave to cell biologists or the telescope offered tress their woolly-headed claims. For some un-
to astronomers. And if history is any guide, this accountable reason, Nobel-prize-winning
tool is going to generate a plethora of as-yet- physicists seem especially popular in this re-
unstated Big Questions that will in turn serve gard. I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure
as the basis for the creation of a bona fide sci- that an eminent physicist, actively engaged in
ence of complex systems in the decades to promoting his field, is the first person I’d con-
come. sult if I were seeking a balanced, non-partisan
Perhaps not surprisingly, one of the princi- view of the future of physics. Notwithstanding
pal targets of Horgan’s broadsides against the this fairly obvious point, Horgan, for example,
survival of science is exactly this claim. In a re- cites with benign approval Richard Feynman’s
cent electronic debate on the World Wide Web remark that, “[This] is the age in which we are
with the imaginative theoretical biologist Stu- discovering the fundamental laws of nature,
art Kauffman, Horgan argued that the belief of and that day will never come again.”
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Let me appeal to the same shameless mans and the Horgans of the world. And it is
rhetorical trick in offering an antidote to Feyn- not whether science as we know it is coming to
man’s brand of misguided hubris in the words an end. I hope that by now you will agree that
of Lord Kelvin, former President of the Royal that question hardly deserves the attention of a
Society, and one of the preeminent physicists disciplined mind. Rather, the issue that merits
of the late 19th century. When told of the dis- considerably more attention than it has thus
covery of X-rays Kelvin solemnly intoned, far received is whether the real world may not
“X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” My friendly be just too complex for the human mind to
neighborhood radiologist will no doubt ponder fully comprehend. In other words, are there
this point with considerable pleasure on his limits to what we can ever hope to know by us-
next trip to the bank. And on his way from the ing the tools and techniques of what we call
bank to his summer home in the Swiss Alps, “science”? If such limits do indeed exist, I’m
perhaps he’ll also ponder another of Lord sure we’d all like to know about them. But un-
Kelvin’s pronouncements: “I can state flatly less these as-yet-unknown limits happen to en-
that heavier-than-air flying machines are im- compass every Big Question that we can con-
possible.” (I wonder if Lord Kelvin ever saw a ceive of asking about life, the universe, and
bird!) All this brings to mind the statement everything else, we would still be as far away
made by science-fiction writer Arthur C. from the end of science as we were at its be-
Clarke, an observation so pregnant with rele- ginning.
vancy that it’s now enshrined in the literature Just in case you haven’t noticed, heavier-
as Clarke’s First Law: “When a distinguished than-air flight is alive and well. Unfortunately,
but elderly scientist states that something is so, too, are lighter-than-air frothings about the
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he end of science. After the philosophical smoke-
states that something is impossible, he is very screens, pretentious blatherings, selective quo-
probably wrong.” tations, and rhetorical flourishes all fade away,
Let me conclude by noting that there is one like a trickle of water in the desert, what re-
genuinely interesting point struggling to mains is little more than a shapeless bit of in-
emerge from the debate between the Kauff- tellectual fluff, pure cotton candy for the mind.
The Science Wars
Deconstructing Science Is Good Science

D R . R I C H A R D O L S O N

“Men of science are now writing a book as fallible and as infallible,

as wise and as foolish, as learned and as greatly mistaken, as are the scriptures . . .
Newton will come to be as old in science as Moses, and, like the last pundit
philosopher, will be smiled at by posterity as a man who saw wonderful things,
but was walking in the thick darkness of the eighteenth century.”
—George Dawson, Sermons on Disputed Points, 1878

“Nay, it is come to this, that truth meets nowhere with stronger opposition,
than from many of those that raise the loudest cry about it, and would be taken
for no less than the only dispensers of the favors and oracles of heaven.
If any has the firmness to touch the minutest thing that brings them gain or credit,
he’s presently pursued with the hue and cry of heresy.”
—John Toland, Christianity Not Mysterious, 1696

have been hearing about, reading about, porary America—including the Vietnam War—

I or involved in a series of events during

the past two years that have encouraged
me to re-visit a set of issues that I had been
on science and technology.
The big problem for me then, as it remains
for me now, was that I could see a substantial
centrally concerned about during the late kernel of legitimacy in the claims that certain
1960s and early 1970s—contemporary rela- notions of rationality and objectivity associ-
tionships between the scientific and techno- ated with modern science and technology did
logical communities and their critics. During undermine important traditional values that I
the late 1960s, I was a newly minted Ph.D. in was and am unwilling to abandon. And it did
the history of science with an ABD in physics, seem that, for reasons I could not yet begin to
teaching at U.C. Santa Cruz, one of the na- understand, the destructive and exploitative
tional centers of counter-culture (now, “New potentials of new scientific knowledge often
Age”) thinking. I became disturbed at that seemed far easier to realize than the construc-
time by what seemed to me an unwarranted tive and liberating ones. At the same time,
tendency of some of my more radical col- though I was aware of some of the limitations
leagues to blame many of the ills of contem- in the extent of scientific knowledge, I was

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convinced—as I remain convinced—that most physicists now recognize as essential to any

scientists genuinely believe that they are en- truly legitimate comprehensive theory. The ca-
gaged in the pursuit of value-neutral and uni- pacity to hold simultaneously that scientific
versal knowledge of a nature which is oblivi- theories are fallible and transcendent is quite
ous to their interests, and that ultimately such marvelous. Apparently, as Einstein and
knowledge will be more beneficial than harm- Stephen Hawking have argued, physicists re-
ful to humanity. ally can see into “the Mind of God,” giving
The initial occasion for my return to this high energy physics the religious purpose that
topic (in one sense, I never left, because I have Jesse Helms insisted upon as a price for his
worked for years on historical attitudes toward Senatorial support for the Supercollider. At
science) was a conversation I had almost two the same time, they only get to see one small
years ago with Peter Degan, a historian of 20th and misleading bit at a time, so that complete
century physics with special interests in the in- enlightenment always demands the further in-
teractions between physics and religion. Peter vestment of the seeker’s time and somebody
had been asked to review two recent popular else’s money.
works by distinguished contemporary Ameri- The second event to get me riled was a ses-
can Nobel Laureate physicists—The God Parti- sion of the annual History of Science Society
cle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the held on October 26, 1995. Billed as a panel
Question? (1993) by Leon Lederman and discussion of the audiences for the History of
Dreams of a Final Theory (1992) by Steven Science, the conversation got off to an odd and
Weinberg. Both books seemed to be intended disturbing start when a faculty member from a
in substantial part to drum up support for the well known Northeastern institution claimed
since-cancelled Superconducting Supercol- that Paul Gross and Norman Levitt’s Higher
lider, and what particularly struck Degan was Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quar-
the authors’ open appropriation of theological rels with Science (see Jeffrey Shallit’s review in
and spiritual language in defense of their Skeptic, 3, No. 1, 98–100) received such a fa-
funding appeals. Degan observed (1994): vorable reception that the scientists from
“They portray the high-energy physicist as the whom encouragement for a position in Sci-
last hero of Western Civilization and the di- ence and Technology Studies (hereafter, STS)
vinely inspired bearer of high culture who was expected had withdrawn their support.
pursues humanity’s search for transcendent Another historian, who had served as a curator
truth and beauty. . . . Consequently, the high in a public museum devoted to science, then
Spiritual value of this enterprise makes the su- reported that he had not been allowed to in-
percollider an absolute funding priority and clude clips from the film Hiroshima, Nagasaki
justifies whatever amount of money is needed (which was compiled from footage shot by
for its construction” [Isis, 85 (1994): 738]. Japanese cameramen in the aftermath of the
Weinberg’s argument is particularly intrigu- two explosions) in exhibits on the atomic
ing because while it tries to claim a unique bomb because it reflected too negatively on
epistemic status for contemporary attempts to the scientists involved. Finally, another faculty
discover unified theories, it adopts the stance member argued that as historians of science
which George Dawson predicted in the mid- we had to recognize that our primary audience
19th century, explaining that Newtonian me- was science students and scientists, and that
chanics, of course, had to be superseded be- we should consequently pay less attention to
cause it failed to meet the demand for “logical meeting the intellectual demands of our peers
inevitability” which fundamental particle and more to keeping our audience happy and
d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s g o o d s c i e n c e | 745

supportive, lest our jobs disappear. (I am in notes that those who disagree with him in-
complete agreement that science studies types creasingly claim that he is “anti-technology”
should seek to serve audiences beyond them- and react “with great passion, anger, outrage,
selves and that in order to do so we need to and/or defensiveness.” One of his questions is
write in ways that are accessible to others and why so many people react to the criticism of a
that are not intended to provoke hostility. particular technology or scientific claim by la-
What I seemed to hear that disturbed me was beling the critic “anti-technology” or “anti-sci-
an implication that we should go out of our ence,” since in the parallel case, persons who
way to be uncritical.) criticize a particular law are not labeled “anti-
About a month after this event, I picked up law.” Second, he wondered about the basis for
my Winter, 1996, issue of Science, Technology, the intensity of emotion associated with resis-
and Human Values (Vol. 21, #1) to read an ac- tance to technology or science criticism. Both
rimonious exchange between Ron Gieryn and questions are of special importance to Sclove
Paul Gross over the character of the Smithson- for very personal reasons, because, as he
ian Institution’s “Science in American Life” writes, “maybe there is little point in pursuing
exhibit. Gieryn, representing the Social Studies public technology criticism if I’m doing it in
of Science community on the Advisory Board ways that are counterproductively pushing a
for the exhibit, became irate that the exhibit lot of folks’ emotional buttons. Perhaps if I un-
did not adequately acknowledge the insights derstood the ‘buttons’ better, I could learn to
regarding the social construction of scientific reframe my talks to make them more effec-
knowledge which have been developed within tive.” This posting elicited an outpouring of
Science Studies in recent years. Gross, on the impassioned responses from scientists and en-
other hand, was upset because he viewed the gineers as well as STS scholars and science and
exhibit as unbalanced in its extensive emphasis technology policy activists, most of which serve
on negative consequences of science and its better to illustrate the problems that Sclove
failure to adequately represent either the raises than to provide answers to his questions.
unique cognitive content of science or the “un- What unifies all of these episodes, it seems
precedented human adventure of science” to me, is that they are all symptoms of an in-
(119). Gross cited as his own chemist M. C. creasing polarization between scientists, engi-
Lafollette’s complaint about the reason for the neers, and the managers of technological en-
character of the exhibit: “. . . the lead curators terprises on the one hand, and students and
seemed so fearful of building a ‘pro-science’ consumers of science and technology on the
exhibit (which would have antagonized some other. Furthermore, it seems to me that there
of their colleagues) that they wound up creat- are at least two major and closely intertwined
ing a largely negative one” (118). sets of causes for the current tensions between
Finally, on December 15, 1995, Richard these two groups.
Sclove, whose Loka Institute sponsors FAST- First is the passing of the “Golden Age” of
net, an internet newsgroup oriented toward a research and development associated with the
more democratic politics of science and tech- Cold War. With a diminished military justifica-
nology, initiated a fascinating and disturbing tion for R&D expenditures, we are seeing a
exchange of views when he posted a series of substantial “downsizing” of both governmental
questions under the subject heading “Tech and corporate R&D programs in the name of
Criticism and Emotion.” Sclove has for some cost cutting. Whether these policies are wise in
time given talks and interviews regarding the the long run, even from a purely economic
social effects of particular technologies, and he perspective, is debatable. What is absolutely
746 | d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s g o o d s c i e n c e

certain is that they have created a real short it would be irrational for its members to do
term threat to the economic health of the sci- otherwise, according to the notion of rational-
ence and engineering communities, with ity prevailing among economists today, for to
physics being hit particularly hard. One symp- act rationally is merely to act in ways consis-
tom of the current hard times in the sciences tent with one’s perceived interests.
and engineering is the huge number of appli- The second cause is related to the first. At
cants for science positions in four year col- the same time that scientists and engineers are
leges—positions which serious professionally threatened by social and economic forces that
oriented scientists or engineers formerly are largely beyond their control, it is certainly
looked on with disdain. The last two such true that some members of the STS commu-
searches that I know of produced over 1000 nity really are openly and admittedly hostile to
and over 800 applicants, respectively, many science and technology (at least as they are
from senior scientists willing to accept entry currently practiced or implemented). The STS
level rank and pay. community provides one of the few identifi-
A second symptom is a tendency on the part able and reachable targets for the anxiety,
of scientists in particular—illustrated by the frustration, and anger which some scientists
works of Lederman and Weinberg—to try to feel about the very real threats to the status
justify scientific activities increasingly in non- and economic health of their disciplines. If
military and non-economic terms, drawing on one chooses to define science and/or technol-
longstanding Neo-platonic traditions associ- ogy sufficiently narrowly, it is possible to argue
ated with mystical elements in Christianity and legitimately that some of its members really
Judaism. (Margaret Wertheim has identified are “anti-science” and/or “anti-technology.”
this Neo-platonic or Pythagorean tradition In that case it can hardly be surprising that
used by Western scientists in an interesting some scientists and engineers are inclined to
way in her Pythagoras’ Trousers: God, Physics, blame current trends in academic STS for
and the Gender Wars [New York: Random some of their woes and to launch counterat-
House, 1995], but she has paid little attention tacks against such perceived slight.
to the social and economic conditions which None of what I have said so far is intended
have recently produced a renewed focus on to trivialize the arguments between certain sci-
this line of argument.) entists and certain STS figures, or to suggest
A third symptom is the completely under- that there are not important intellectual issues
standable tendency of many contemporary sci- at stake. Rather, it is intended to suggest why
entists and technologists to respond defen- some of these issues have become matters of
sively and violently to any perceived attack on intense public concern very recently, and why
the credibility, authority, or beneficence of the the parties to debates seem to be becoming in-
scientific and/or technological enterprises. Any creasingly strident and uncivil toward one an-
professional elite that perceives itself to be los- other. When we turn to the content of the con-
ing status and economic support—whether it flicts between those who speak on behalf of the
be the Anglican clergy in the 17th century in scientific/technological community and those
the chaotic aftermath of the English Civil War, who are often taken to be the spokespersons
or the scientific and technical community in for the STS community, that content seems to
the late 20th century in the chaotic aftermath hinge on a small number of basic foundational
of the Cold War—is likely to respond defen- principles, assumptions, and values. Among
sively and with all of the cultural resources these, one of the most fundamental seems to be
that it can muster to perceived attacks. Indeed, the question of commitment to some form of
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philosophical realism versus commitment to the generation of scientific knowledge or to

some form of social constructionism. act in ways that are neutral relative to realist/
Many, perhaps most, scientists believe—with social-constructionist claims.
Paul Gross—that scientific knowledge claims The realist/social-constructionist dichotomy
refer to some “real” natural world which ex- is related to a second issue connected with the
ists independent of scientists, and that anyone definitions of “science” and “technology.” At
who denies this claim is “anti-science.” On the heart of this issue is the question of how
the other hand, most students of STS believe extensive we believe employment of the terms
that the objects of scientific claims are “repre- science and technology should be. Do science
sentations” whose meanings are always nego- and technology include all the motives which
tiated within a specific social context. The underlie the creation of knowledge or artifacts
most extreme of these see no way to link such and the uses to which they are put (whether by
representations to any independent “reality,” the creators’ designs or otherwise)? Do they
so they conclude that there is no independent include all of the institutions within which
reality to be represented and that scientists knowledge and objects are made and used? Or
who claim otherwise are claiming an author- do they include only the sequences of knowl-
ity which does not belong to them. It seems to edge claims and artifacts or tools, without re-
me that any good skeptic must suspend belief gard for whom they were produced, how they
with respect to this issue. While plausibility were used, and how they have differentially af-
arguments may be developed on both sides, fected the lives of different groups of people?
nothing since the time of David Hume has Until relatively recently (the mid 20th cen-
happened to guarantee that humans have ac- tury), most studies of the scientific and techno-
cess to any reality underlying their experi- logical enterprises were done by scientists and
ences or that experience itself is possible out- engineers who tended to define science and
side the domain of customs and habits which technology as a special kind of knowledge and
are acquired in social settings. By the same to- as a sequence of inventions, with little regard
ken, we can have no knowledge that warrants to any social dimensions or contexts. George
the denial of some reality underlying experi- Sarton, for example, a physical chemist turned
ence, so any insistence upon pure social con- historian of science who founded the History
structivism seems as unwarranted as an insis- of Science Society, defined science as “system-
tence on pure realism. The trans-cultural atized positive knowledge, or what has been
applicability of many scientific knowledge taken as such at different ages and in different
claims suggests that there may at least be places” (1936, 5). In his famous A History of
some species-common forms of experience Mechanical Inventions, Albert Payson Usher
and cognition. Historians and sociologists of argued that it was best “to separate the history
science, however, have developed enough of the inventions from the discussion of their
case studies that demonstrate the cultural significance” (1954, ix).
specificity of many explanatory structures to In fact, neither Sarton, Usher nor any of
suggest that socio-cultural factors often play a their fellow travellers really thought that sci-
significant role in what representational sys- ence or technology could be completely sepa-
tems we construct and therefore in what we rated from all human context. Instead, they
count as legitimate science at any particular tended to argue that the communities of scien-
time and place. It would thus seem safest to tists and inventor-entrepreneurs are relatively
either admit that both culture-transcendent autonomous and that each is self-defined in
and culture-dependent factors play a role in terms of a set of commitments to unique con-
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stitutive values which are aimed at producing are wrong or that they are misguided. Above
objective knowledge or increasing the effi- all, in their minds, it does not mean that they
ciency of productive processes respectively. are anti-scientific. Many, such as the feminist
For those who define themselves as scientists philosopher Sandra Harding, are inclined to
in this way, the production of objective knowl- believe that a more egalitarian and inclusive
edge—or TRUTH—becomes the ultimate value, scientific community would be capable of pro-
with commitment to such subordinate values ducing a more nearly universal and objective
as honesty, independence of authority, disin- knowledge.
terestedness, openness of communications, It is a serious mistake, I think, to try to ask
etc., defining the moral worth of individuals. which group is more nearly “correct” about
With rare exceptions, most scientists and the nature of science or technology. How one
engineers continue to prefer to understand chooses to define these terms is to a substantial
their activities in these narrowly construed extent an ideological choice which is made
ways, with the consequence that they can in- largely because of commitments to certain val-
sulate themselves or deny responsibility for ues. That is, in the broadest sense of the word,
the social consequences of their activities, at the choice is made for political or ideological
least with those that might be considered neg- reasons. If it is a set of superstitions or an ide-
ative. (They are frequently willing to take ology that guides the leadership of the STS
credit for the positive ones in a move that is community in its interpretations of the scien-
psychologically understandable, but logically tific and technological enterprises—and it is—it
suspect.) After all, objective knowledge claims, is no less a set of superstitions or an ideology
being value-neutral, are available to all to use, that guides the scientific community’s vision of
and it is the users who must incur the blame itself. By the same token, each of these sets of
for any misuse. value commitments is likely to be equally “ra-
Modern STS is dominated by persons whose tional,” in the sense that each is as likely as the
primary interests and commitments are to an other to be consistent with the preferred ends
understanding of the broad social contexts and of its advocates.
consequences of science and technology. PLEASE NOTE: I am not suggesting that
These include the social considerations that the definitions of science and technology are
direct money and effort at certain problems arbitrary, any more than the claim that for
rather than others, as well as the social and some purposes light can be considered as ex-
economic consequences that follow from the hibiting particle-like characteristics while for
utilization of scientific knowledge or the im- other purposes it can be considered to have
plementation of technological systems to serve wave-like characteristics means that the defi-
particular interests in society. With rare excep- nition of light is arbitrary. What I am suggest-
tions most of these persons have a strong com- ing is that different purposes may be served by
mitment to social and economic equity and to considering science and technology narrowly
participatory democracy, with a concomitant as systems of propositions and aggregates of
suspicion of expertise. Moreover, they are in- artifacts respectively on the one hand, and as
clined to think that the search for a good life is socially and culturally embedded human activ-
a communal rather than an individual enter- ities on the other.
prise. Such people are, as Gross and Levitt What does all of this mean for those of us
quite rightly point out, largely members of the who seek to make intelligent decisions about
academic left, although contra Gross and issues on which scientists and technologists or
Levitt, that fact does not mean either that they members of the STS community have some-
d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s g o o d s c i e n c e | 749

thing to say, or who hope to say something ignoring a lot of details) many technology de-
worthwhile and not merely inflammatory bates [the same is true about science debates]
about contemporary science and technology? have more to do with ideology (or religion, if
One important answer is suggested by the fem- you like) than they have with rationality. That
inist “point of view” theorists. According to the may be why your right to open up a debate is
advocates of point of view theory, every party not respected. Your opponents simply do not
to every argument starts from some set of have the strength or ability to question their
value orientations that emerge out of the life own values and as a result, they spoil the de-
history of the participant. Moreover, all such bate instead.
sets are probably either equally rational, a- What can you do about it? I cannot think of
rational, or non-rational. Since to proceed any fail safe tactics. In the end we are dealing
without at least implicitly adopting some set of with psychology here. It is very much up to
values is impossible, we might all be better off your skill as a debater to clear away the de-
if we could “own,” or become aware of, our fenses of your opponent. But respecting the
own point of view and learn to respect—not rights of opponents to say what they want to is
necessarily agree with—the points of view a prerequisite to getting the same respect back.
taken by others. This stance was articulated in There is one final point I would like to
a particularly illuminating way in a “Response make: the reactions you meet can be seen
to Sclove” posted on FASTnet on January 2, from both sides of the technology debate.
1996, by Lars Kluver, director of the Danish Many industrialists meet the same kind of re-
Board of Technology, which has developed a actions from green-party “believers,” when
system of citizen-based “consensus confer- they try to initiate a constructive technology
ences” to assess the potential impact of new debate (which many industrialists do). One
technologies. Kluver reports the results of sur- type of reaction from the green people is:
veys done for the Danish Board of Technology “Why should I listen to your arguments—you
on attitudes toward biotechnologies: only want to make money anyway” (the “you-
are stupid,” or “you are left-wing” kind of ar-
A positive attitude to biotech is seen among gument again). Value-conservatism is a wide-
people who believe in economic growth, com- spread phenomenon.
petition, a strong army, and who generally
think technology is of the good. A negative or I am virtually certain that the only real pos-
skeptical attitude is found among people who sibility for carrying out constructive discus-
believe in social equality, a healthy environ- sions about science and technology policies
ment, and who generally question the benefits depends upon the growth of abilities among
of technology. Our general attitudes towards a people of all persuasions to question their own
technology, in other words, do not come from values. And of all people who can do this it is,
rational thinking, but rather from the values or at least it should be, the skeptics. I believe
we already have and try to live out—from our this ability is precisely what the skeptics
value-conservatism. To be short (and of course should be promoting. What do you think?
The Science Wars
Deconstructing Science Is Pseudoscience


n the process of answering my critics— bly powerful to that deployed by the sciences.

I particularly Richard Olson in his article

on the science wars (see previous entry)—I
wish to address the difference between
How could one hope to reveal the errors of a
flawed knowledge-system without having
some keener instrument at hand to dissect it?
knowledge and knowingness. It seems to me Quite obviously, no such thing has been in-
transparently obvious that acquiring and ex- vented. What serves in its place, however, is a
tending knowledge about the natural world is stubbornly entrenched species of knowing-
the real business of science, and that science ness, an attitude that gives itself permission to
has been astonishingly successful in doing this avoid the pain and difficulty of actually un-
over the past few centuries. Yet even among derstanding science simply by declaring in ad-
highly educated people this fact often breeds vance that knowledge is futile or illusory.
discontent. Much of this is understandable. A Knowingness is usually intertwined with
technocratic civilization of global dimensions cynicism. But cynicism is only palatable when
has been raised on the foundations laid down it makes itself one of its own targets. Know-
by science, and not all of its manifestations ingness has the annoying habit of letting itself
are admirable or reassuring. What is there to off the hook. It functions selectively, casting a
like about toxic waste or multi-megaton war- nasty shadow only in certain preferred direc-
heads? But while moral unease about the tions. In fact, knowingness can sometimes be
fruits of science makes some sense, it has allied with the grossest credulity. The UFO
been known to give rise to extravagant philo- buff who will swallow whole the most gro-
sophical positions. tesque tales of alien abduction pulls a very
Specifically there are those who claim to knowing attitude when you try to point out
have tamed the monster by declaring that that there is no evidence that a flying saucer
somehow it is all a fake; science isn’t “real” crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. You
knowledge, it’s just a “narrative.” It’s not ab- can’t fool him! He just knows that those devi-
stractly preferable to other systems of belief— ous government mandarins will go to incredi-
myth for instance—merely attached to a cul- ble lengths to keep the information hidden,
ture that is, for the moment, more powerful just as the militia member knows that the
than others. To make this strange doctrine BATF is trying to take away his fully auto-
even marginally plausible would seem to re- matic weapons so that the Zionist Occupation
quire an intellectual engine at least compara- Government can impose its New World Order.

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It isn’t always the case, however, that know- psychologist and a great dramatist. He under-
ingness is predicated on falsity or delusion. It stands people down to their core as only a very
may well be founded on a truth or a genuine few artists—Shakespeare, for one—do. Through
insight. The real problem with knowingness is his uncanny alchemy, he allows us to know
that it is fundamentally lazy. It looks for a what he knows about the pain of self knowl-
Royal Road to deep understanding, a method- edge. The contrast between the superficial
ology that excuses one from having to look nonsense of the ostensible plot and the deep
closely at details or take complexity and fine truth that is revealed through the music makes
distinctions into account. Thus, it rapidly be- that revelation all the more poignant.
comes formulaic, perfunctory, and extremely I’ll now fast-forward to the late 1980s when
closed-minded. Genuine knowledge, suffice it a trendy young director named Peter Sellars
to say, is a very different and vastly more de- mounted controversial productions of Mozart’s
manding creature. three great buffa operas, updating their set-
Let me offer my favorite example of the dis- tings to contemporary New York. Sellars was
tinction between knowledge and knowing- the perfect incarnation of what was then com-
ness—Mozart’s great opera Cosi fan tutte. The ing to be known as the postmodern sensibil-
plot is a shallow, brittle piece of fluff that has ity—in other words, a knowing smart-aleck de-
nothing to recommend it but its superficial termined to deconstruct the life out of
knowingness. It regards the perplexities of love everything he touched. For my money, his
with a smirk and a sneer. The idea is that two stagings were wretched; their musical inade-
young soldiers wager on the fidelity of their quacy alone doomed them. But what really
sweethearts with an embittered friend. They riled me was the director’s self-indulgent dis-
pretend to be called away to the battlefield. play of superficial knowingness. This was seen
Then each dons a disguse and woos the other’s at its worst in Sellars’ Cosi, which was set, if
mistress. Within a matter of hours the girls’ you can believe it, in a suburban diner, with all
vows of undying faithfuness wilt under a bar- characters depicted as borderline psychotics.
rage of flattery and hormones. The soldiers In numerous public statements, the director
then return as themselves to humiliate their smugly insisted that in seeing through the
lovers. For the sake of theatrical convention, comic exterior to the bitter inner reality, he
the disenchanted men agree to take back their was the first to understand the work deeply.
tarnished goddesses, for all women are the This was, of course, nonsensical as well as ar-
same and these no worse than any others. rogant. Sellars was hardly the first commenta-
Clearly this is a very silly affair. One 19th- tor to perceive the opera’s autumnal sadness,
century critic called it “too stupid for criti- merely the most vulgar and trivial. His know-
cism.” And yet, when Mozart’s music infuses it, ingness was self-defeating; in discarding the
this nasty trifle is transformed into a com- farce, he also threw away the exquisite subtlety
pelling human story. By some magic no critic and the shimmering mystery of the piece. By
can quite account for, the cardboard cutout presenting himself as smarter than Mozart, he
characters become fully realized human be- proved himself an uncomprehending ass.
ings and their seemingly absurd plight be- I mentioned Sellars and his mugging of
comes deeply moving. Not a word or action Mozart because it was through this disagree-
strays from the conventions of sex-farce, yet at able episode that I first became aware that
the end we are neither amused nor titillated, there was such a thing as postmodernism afoot
but saddened and thoughtful. Mozart is not in the land. Only later did it dawn on me that
only a great musical craftsman; he is a great the academy had been deeply drawn into this
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dreadful vortex, with faculty (senior and ju- nothing but the structure of x. By naming x,
nior) and graduate students by the thousands we supposedly name the social order (ordure)
clamoring frantically to be let into the club. It as it is, and always has been. An advanced lit-
was especially horrifying to realize that among erature department is the place where you can
the articles of faith required of postulants was write a dissertation on Wittgenstein and never
the dogma that only through this creed could have to face an examiner from the philosophy
one enlist in the struggle against the social and department. An advanced literature depart-
political evils of the world; only by getting ment is the place where you may speak end-
right with Foucault, Derrida, Lyotard, and lessly about gender and never have to face the
Kristeva could one truly oppose racism, sex- scrutiny of a biologist, because gender is just a
ism, homophobia, imperialism, ethnocentrism, social construction, and nature doesn’t exist.
and all the attendant evils wrought by the cap-
italist West. Since my politics are those of my This comment is gratifying in that it pretty
granddad—which is to say Debsian socialist—I much summarizes what I’ve long believed
was disconsolate that at the tail end of this about the weird course taken by lit-crits and
horrid century the grand tradition of the en- the like in recent years; it’s nice to hear it from
gagé intellectual had deliquesced into this a consummate insider. However, from my
slobber. To the extent that I could unkink the point of view, the antics of avant-garde English
prevailing rhetoric to see how its practitioners professors would merely have been part of the
thought they might accomplish something in passing scene, and really none of my business,
terms of real-world politics, the master-plan had not the infection spread to what used to be
seemed to be this: if enough professors com- a sober, intelligent, and valuable discipline:
mitted themselves to using bizarre, woolly, and the history, philosophy, and sociology of sci-
pretentious language in books, papers, and ence. What emerged from this contagion is
lectures, then the contours of the world would now usually called “science studies.” It hasn’t
shift, expelling all evils and inaugurating the by any means completely obliterated tradi-
reign of the just. This idea seemed pretty com- tional scholarship in the area, but it has be-
ical to me, although the joke was bitter, but it come the most aggressively self-promoting and
took many supposedly humanistic fields by publicly visible branch. It has risen to promi-
storm, particularly literary criticism and re- nence on the same current of enthusiasm for
lated subjects. Frank Lentricchia, a repentant “postmodernism’’ and for ostensible political
Duke English professor who was, until re- rectitude that has overwhelmed literature de-
cently, a highly placed courtier in this little partments. It shares many of the current dog-
empire, put it this way: mas of literary studies, and colludes closely
with academic manifestations of identity poli-
I believe what is now called literary criticism tics such as women’s studies. It overlaps what
is a form of Xeroxing. Tell me your theory and is nowadays called cultural studies, a tendency
I’ll tell you in advance what you’ll say about that has effaced traditional scholarship in a
any work of literature, especially those you number of areas, and it has absorbed many of
haven’t read. Texts are not read, they are pre- the radically relativistic attitudes that predom-
read. All of literature is x and nothing but x, inate in postmodern cultural anthropology.
and literary study is the naming (exposure) of The central doctrine of science studies is that
x. For x, read imperialism, sexism, homopho- science is “socially constructed’’ in a way that
bia, and so on. All of literary history is said to disallows traditional notions of scientific valid-
be a display of x, because human history is ity and objectivity. On this view, scientific the-
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ories are merely narratives peculiar to this cul- tists and ordinary people from their common-
ture and this point in its history. Their chief sensical distinction between truth and falsity as
function is to create stories about the world a better or worse match with an independent
consonant with dominant social and political reality, a distinction the constructionists be-
values. Thus, they are no more “true,” or even lieve is itself a western social construct.
more reliable, than the myths, legends, and
just-so stories of other cultures. All are equally No less than in the circle of alien-abduction
culture-specific. believers, knowingness rules the day for sci-
I can’t claim that every would-be scholar ence critics, with the curious corollary that
connected with the science studies movement knowledge—that infinitely more precious sub-
accepts this doctrine wholeheartedly in its stance—is tossed on the trash heap. “You can’t
most radical form. Yet it constitutes the in- dupe us!” cry the social constructionists,
eluctable background assumption of most the- thereby duping themselves beyond hope of re-
orizing and discussion. It is the ultimate trump demption.
card in debate, and such misgivings as may ex- Richard Olson’s essay is an attempt to de-
ist tend to be expressed with exaggerated cau- fend this rather indefensible cult as embody-
tion. To object too strongly is to invite the ing a kind of cracker-barrel, commonsensical
charge of collusion with Western intellectual skepticism. I sense that his heart isn’t com-
hegemony and with the impermissibly univer- pletely in the project, and that he’s rather un-
salistic claims of Western science and Western easily aware that some of what he proposes to
rationalism. Here, inviting comparison with defend can’t be defended but must be camou-
Lentricchia’s remarks on postmodern literary flaged instead. However that may be, his essay
studies, is a disillusioned assessment of post- reveals, in a number of ways, the intellectual
modern science studies by Meera Nanda, a constipation that results when mere knowing-
scholar in that area who is, by the way, a leftist ness takes the place of analysis and inquiry.
and feminist of nonwestern background: Since one of his points touches me personally,
more or less, I’ll begin with that one. Olson in-
Indeed, constructionists admonish us to give sists—and here he has a lot of company within
up such outmoded notions of truth as a corre- the science studies confraternity—that the rea-
spondence with a mind-independent reality. son his cartel has come under heavy criticism
Rather, they insist that truth and falsity of from scientists is this: the end of the Cold War
knowledge claims be treated “symmetrically,” has diminished both popular enthusiasm and
that is, true knowledge to be contingent on so- government backing for science; the era of the
cial factors to the same degree as falsehoods carte blanche is over. Chagrined scientists are
are. In this remarkable feat of cognitive egali- therefore looking for scapegoats, and their ire
tarianism, one cannot say that true knowledge has fastened upon the innocent science studies
is true and preferable because it transcends so- community, a clan of fellow scholars who are
cial interests and describes the world as it is, just doing their job.
for that would refute what sociologists set out This has a certain plausibility if cheap cyni-
to prove, namely, that all knowledge and not cism is your only benchmark. The problem is
just ideology is constituted by social interests that it’s simply untrue. Olson has been gener-
and power. . . . One not completely unintended ous enough to point out that Higher Supersti-
consequence of their epistemological anti- tion, the book I co-authored with Paul R.
realism is that constructionists have taken it Gross, was of some significance in triggering
upon themselves to try to wean working scien- the counter-reaction of the scientific commu-
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nity. Thus it follows from his thesis that Paul should not immunize them from intellectual
and I must have been particularly obsessed accountability.
with the post–Cold War shortfall in science While I’m on the subject of leftish politics
funding, and that this sent us hunting for and its connection with these issues, let me
scapegoats. But this isn’t so! Frankly, if some- point out that Olson has it backwards on a re-
one had bothered to ask me at the time I lated question. He specifically accuses my book
started writing on these issues what I thought of arguing that the practitioners of postmodern
the end of the Cold War implied for science science-critique must be in error simply be-
funding, I’d have answered that I expected at cause they are on the left. This is not only a
least a modest “peace dividend” for pure re- distortion, it’s an absurdity. I’m pretty much on
search in the basic sciences, even under a Re- the left myself—I even have a couple of scars to
publican administration. Alas, that’s not how prove it. What I really object to is the way a
things worked out, but it’s what I thought. claim of left sympathies is used as a perpetual
The simple truth is that I became a critic of Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card, something that al-
the radical science-studies movement because lows one to dismiss any criticism, however co-
it seemed so intellectually shallow and inde- gent, as the spite-work of diabolical reactionar-
fensible, and because its leading figures, a ies. If anyone bothers to check, it will be found
number of whom I had taken care to hear out, that many of the points made by Higher Super-
seemed to embody all the misplaced self- stition have also been made by Noam Chom-
regard and self-certainty that make postmod- sky, clearly no “rightist” and clearly no fan of
ernism so unappealing. In other words, the postmodern “theory” as it applies to science or
bumptious Peter Sellars and his unholy man- anything else. Olson sheepishly acknowledges
gling of Mozart were much more to the front that most of the science studies gendarmerie
of my mind than the funding policies of the has sort-of-leftish aims, but glosses this as
Pentagon, NASA, National Science Founda- merely implying an interest in socio-economic
tion, National Institute of Health, the Depart- equality and increased democracy. That’s not
ment of Energy, and so forth. Moreover, I can the problem. The problem is that the version
speak with some authority about the motives of leftist thought that dominates is a sectarian
of other people who have become involved on offshoot, and a weird one at that. Peruse the
my side of the issue. The “post–Cold War” hy- literature, and you will easily find that
pothesis doesn’t fit them either—for one thing, “democracy,” by these peculiar lights, is sup-
it’s pretty clear to us all that a coterie of leftish posed to mean that all “ways of knowing’’ are
professors, however fervent, doesn’t have a to be accorded equal epistemic dignity, with
hell of a lot of direct influence on high govern- the possible exception of scientific rationalism
ment policy or on popular opinion. Nor does it itself, which is naturally to be reviled as impe-
fit the mathematicians and physicists at the In- rialistic, sexist, homophobic, and so forth. It
stitute for Advanced Study in Princeton who seems to me that this view is not only silly, but
clobbered the proposed appointment of Bruno of no particular use to progressive causes, as I
Latour, a character deified by science studies understand them. It is, however, of some use to
trendoids. There, the issue was whether char- reactionary causes. The purveyors of biblical
latanry ought to be rewarded by tenure at the creationism, for instance, have their antennas
most prestigious scholarly institution in the up for useful bits of academic blather, and they
country. I’m perfectly happy to stipulate that have found a trove in the stock of catchphrases
disciples of science studies don’t have very that science studies has coined to pooh-pooh
much real-world political power. But that actual science. In fact, they may have found
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actual allies, to judge by the statements one corrigible modernist if I believe that Western
very prominent constructionist theorist has science has any democracy-enhancing poten-
made within my hearing. To cite another in- tial in the world.
stance, Meera Nanda has conclusively demon-
strated that the impact of postmodernism, rela- Could there be any more pointed instance
tivism, and anti-universalism on the Indian of smug, insular, airtight, infinitely conde-
intellectual left was devastating. It paralyzed scending knowingness? Here we have a pic-
the fight against religious obscurantism and its ture of sanctimonious science studies arro-
attendant reactionary, misogynist politics. Si- gance in full bloom. In my experience, it is
multaneously, it handed the Hindu fundamen- quite characteristic.
talist movements a heap of useful slogans to Olson cites Sandra Harding as someone who
deploy. One result has been the displacement is intent on “democratizing’’ science in order
of science and mathematics in many public to make it “capable of producing a more
schools by their “Vedantic” versions. The reac- nearly universal and objective knowledge.”
tion of the science studies community has been Perhaps he hasn’t read her with particular
telling, particularly in response to another out- care. What she says pretty much accords with
rage cited by Nanda. This concerns a powerful the constructionist dogmatics cited above; she
politician whose credulousness with respect to is horrified by the notion of universally valid
a superstitious practice called Vastu Shastra led knowledge. For a view of what she actually has
directly to the destruction of a poor commu- in mind when she speaks of “democracy” and
nity. Nanda relates: “objectivity,” I recommend her essay in Social
Text (no. 46/47). To wit:
I have tested this case on my social construc-
tionist friends here in the U.S. While they do Most models of the scientific future . . . imag-
see the injustice of the situation, they do not ine “one true science.” They do not imagine as
see why I am so exercised by the irrationality existing or desirable many different, and in
that led to it. We have our superstitions in the some respects conflicting representations of
West, they tell me. Did not Nancy Reagan con- nature. Yet this vision is beginning to emerge
sult astrologers? As for my suggestion that if in the new Northern [i.e., what is usually
we want justice, we must challenge the irra- called Western] science studies.
tionality of the ideas that lead to injustice, I
am told that there is no need for proving that No less than the constructionists cited by
Vastu Shastra is wrong and modern science Nanda, she enthusiastically recommends re-
correct. I am told that seeing the two cultur- garding all local knowledge systems, of which
ally bound descriptions at par with each other standard science is but one instance, as equally
is progressive in itself, for then neither can mature and equally valid. As to objectivity, she
claim to know the absolute truth, and this tra- seems to equate it with anything that serves
dition will lose its hold on people’s minds. I her political goals.
am told that this desire to prove that the tradi- Quite appropriately, perhaps, in that same
tional knowledge is an incorrect representa- issue of Social Text the mathematical physicist
tion of nature is a sign of a scientistic mind- Alan Sokal published his now-famous hoax.
set, a hangover from my training in biology, Sokal induced the postmodern luminaries who
that I must overcome it if I do not want to re- edit that journal to publish a heap of double-
engineer the society of my birth on techno- talk under the pretext that it was a real live
cratic lines. Finally, I am told that I am an in- scientist’s genuflection to the wisdom of post-
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modern sages. This illustrates the kind of trou- son himself, for instance, speaks of scientists,
ble a supposed intellectual can get into by let- science studies scholars, and the relations be-
ting mere knowingness do the work of careful, tween them. He assumes, ipso facto, that there
critical thought. The editors approved of are such things in the universe and that they
Sokal’s pretended sentiments (including his may be meaningfully described. Thus, he is,
fulminations against Gross and Levitt); they malgre lui, as much an ontological realist as
didn’t understand the math or the physics, but any physicist talking about quarks and leptons.
they liked the postmodern slogans that sur- We all are. Even a solipsist is a kind of strait-
rounded the technical stuff; they really didn’t ened realist. This is not to say that we all agree
understand the paper as a whole (you can’t—it on the same ontology or the same hierarchy of
makes no sense) but it sounded like the kind categories. Plainly we do not. The social con-
of thing they assume one is supposed to pre- structionists, when they’re not pretending to
tend to take seriously. They invited disgrace, be anti-realist, hold that the socially real is re-
and it descended on them in spades. Goody! ally the really real, and that the scientist’s real-
But the whole affair makes an important polit- ity is a figment. Thus they are realists after all,
ical point. Sokal is yet another opponent of albeit screwy ones.
postmodern science-critique who is himself a Olson does allude to real and perplexing
principled leftist. His prank brought dozens of philosophical questions. The ontological co-
such people out of the woodwork. Articles ap- nundrum is a deep one: to what extent may we
peared in adamantly left publications like the reify any of our theories about the world, even
Nation (Katha Pollitt), In These Times (Tom the most sophisticated, phenomenologically
Frank), and Z Magazine (Michael Albert), adequate theories? When, and with what justi-
praising Sokal’s stunt and largely siding with fication, may we assert that the objects that
him (and perforce with me) in the resulting seem natural in the context of these theories
doctrinal catfight. are the pristine entities underlying the real
It is either hopelessly naive or hopelessly universe? This problem has been around for
disingenuous on Olson’s part to imply that the millennia, and it is surpassingly deep. In this
quarrel between the science critics and “their” connection, one may evoke names like Plato,
critics follows the standard Right-Left cleav- Duns Scotus, William of Occam, Hume, Kant,
age line. It doesn’t—not even close. Poincaré, Mach, Bohr, Carnap, Ayer, Quine,
Let us also consider one of Olson’s more ab- Bohm, Margenau, and even Penrose and
stract philosophical points. At some length Ol- Hawking. The problem largely stands apart,
son defends, at least provisionally, the notion however, from problems of epistemology, espe-
of anti-realism. Here, philosophical muddle cially those addressed by the social construc-
clouds his efforts; he has confused the episte- tionists. Scientists, qua scientists, are basically
mological with the ontological. As the philoso- interested in phenomenological adequacy and
pher John Searle pointed out, ontological real- logical economy. Thus, a sensible theory of sci-
ism is a position virtually everyone takes entific epistemology must keep ontological
automatically, while anti-realism is incoherent. questions pretty much in the background.
For realism is not so much a formal doctrine as They are not relevant to the “social construc-
it is the unspoken ground of all discourse, all tion” debate. In any case, despite their claims,
attempts at communication. Any sincere de- the constructionists haven’t made much of a
clarative utterance is an attempt to give a true contribution to the ontological problem—about
account of something assumed to be real. Ol- the same, I’d say, as Barney the Purple Di-
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nosaur. Talking about it is, however, a pretty often more powerful than wise imposes on us.
good smokescreen for doubtful epistemology. But neither was it intended to minimize the in-
The besetting sin of social constructionism, tellectual strength and integrity of science, nor
and therefore of the science studies movement to “contextualize” it into a culture-bound tis-
that blazons forth social construction on all its sue of prejudices. In short, it was an enterprise
banners, is one of laziness. A few anemic tru- that required grown-ups. A funny thing hap-
isms about how everything we do as human pened, however. The infant discipline was
beings is “social” are cobbled together into a whisked out of sight while a phalanx of post-
vague General Theorem. A fatal knowingness modernist wiseacres put in its place a bizarre,
suffuses every corner of the enterprise. It li- misshapen, and antic creature, one which ex-
censes practitioners to talk endlessly about sci- hibited all the deformities of its cousins in lit-
ence without ever talking about science. Since erary studies, cultural anthropology, ethnic
one knows that scientific theories are mere studies, and so on, as well as some peculiar or-
transcriptions of social prejudices and social gans all its own.
processes, all one has to do is tell a just-so It may well be possible to return to the orig-
story about social imagery or the like. One inal intent and to create a discipline intellectu-
needn’t bother with the inner logic of the the- ally sound and with something important to
ory, or with the evidence directly bearing on it, contribute to the political, ethical, and even
since these are, by assumption, mere illusions. the esthetic, vision of our culture. Many schol-
This is a very forgiving methodology in prac- ars (perhaps including Olson himself) wish
tice; it seems to allow highly selective choice of this were so. Alas, the faddists are still in
evidence, procrustean treatment of such evi- charge, thanks largely to the imputation of de-
dence as is cited, special pleading and, when viation from political rectitude that awaits any-
all else fails, recourse to moralistic intimida- one who too skeptically challenges construc-
tion. Consequently, the “case studies” Olson tionist dogma. But questions are being raised
alludes to as illustrating social construction in and reluctant dragons prodded into battle. The
action are remarkably weak, and interesting caustic response of scientists has something to
only for what they tell us about the sovereign do with this. Nothing deflates a windbag like a
power of the bandwagon, even among sup- horselaugh (for which reason Alan Sokal’s
posed intellectuals with real Ph.D.’s. drollery may well accelerate the process con-
The version of science studies Olson is try- siderably). The adjustment may be painful for
ing to defend is really a changeling child. some young researchers who have been
When the idea was first formulated about 20 conned into thinking that they are on the cut-
years ago, the intention was to study the inter- ting edge of enormous intellectual revolution.
action between science and history, politics, Science studies—the responsible version
social circumstances, philosophy, ethics, reli- thereof—will enlighten, inform, and clarify in
gion, and art. This was a worthy undertaking many respects, but it almost certainly won’t
and a difficult one, requiring scholars at least produce earth-shattering epiphanies or mind-
moderately well versed in some branch of sci- bending paradoxes. I suspect that it will deflect
ence in addition to whatever other specialized the course of science itself only modestly
knowledge and methodology might be re- (though benevolently, I hope). To a generation
quired. It wasn’t intended to be slavishly ad- that hoped to turn the world upside down, and
miring of each and every scientist, nor to dis- was taught that the right jargon intoned in the
guise the difficult problems that a technology proper style could do so, this no doubt will
758 | d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

come as a disappointment. But perhaps matu- volves considerations which Professor Levitt
rity, together with an appropriately Darwinian identifies with the term knowingness—a stance
winnowing of the field and a desacralization of which “dispenses one from having to look too
smug smartasserie, will cushion the transition. closely at details or take complexity and fine
I certainly hope so. distinctions into account. Thus, it rapidly be-
Knowingness doesn’t work for scientists, comes formulaic, perfunctory, and extremely
not, at least, when they are practicing their closed minded.” It is not clear to me that any-
trade. Knowingness invites you to cut corners, one would want to disagree with Levitt’s an-
and when you do so, reality exhibits a most re- tagonism to knowingness, but just to be ab-
markable tendency to step right up and kick solutely clear, I happen to share his irritation
you in the tail. Knowingness simply gets in the with those who do not look closely and care-
way when it is knowledge you are after. Know- fully at details, who ignore complexity and fine
ingness won’t work for science studies either, distinctions, and who are proudly closed
not if one takes the long view. Olson’s essay, minded. Moreover, I am not really thrilled
like a number of other items, including the in- about those whose arguments contain funda-
famous issue of Social Text, erupts into view mental logical fallacies either.
right now because, after years of relative im- Because I do not pretend to the knowledge
munity, the science studies racket is under which Professor Levitt has about literary criti-
scrutiny by intellectuals in and out of science cism and Mozart, I would like to focus on the
who won’t be put off by the usual line of patter concept of knowingness in connection with
or soothed by the standard aphorisms. Like science studies in general and my position
any Mafia family when the indictments come with respect to radical social constructionism
down, science studies gets in touch with its in particular. Let me begin with an issue of
lawyers and protestations of affronted virtue logic which will move us onto broader con-
pour forth. Sorry. I don’t think that sort of cerns. Levitt asserts that because I suggested
thing will work here. These days, the Tree of that the impact of Higher Superstition was
the Hesperides does not thrive in the Groves of symptomatic of trends in the relationship be-
Academe, for they are choked by postmod- tween the scientific community and the
ernist smog; such pomology brings forth ap- broader public which are related to the
ples not golden, but variously crab, sour, and post–Cold War downturn in science funding,
just plain rotten. The word is out and it’s get- “it follows from [my] thesis that Paul and I
ting hard to unload the crop at any price. must have been particularly obsessed with the
Face it, guys, the jig is up. post–Cold War shortfall in science fund-
ing. . . .” I very carefully did not say anything
about the motives of the authors of Higher Su-
perstition, nor do I believe for one minute that
Olson Replies there is any legitimate logical strategy that can
allow one to infer the motives of any author by
I was deeply saddened to read Norman Levitt’s considering the way in which readers use that
response to my article because it seems to me author’s words. Indeed, one major theme of
to illustrate precisely the intensifying pattern my Emergence of the Social Sciences (Twayne,
of demonizing those who do not share every 1993) was that early works in the social sci-
one of our assumptions and values that Lars ences almost universally ended up serving in-
Kluver so effectively pointed out and which I terests diametrically opposed to those intended
sought to discourage. Usually this process in- by their authors.
d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s p s e u d o s c i e n c e | 759

Certainly Levitt is not alone in seeing logical Then, the views of these groups are further
implications where there are none. Radical so- distorted by taking passages out of context and
cial constructionists are as likely—perhaps interpreting them in ways that are at best un-
even more likely—to assume that because some charitable and at worst, intentionally perverse.
argument is used for a given purpose it was in- Consider, for example, Levitt’s use of the
tended for that purpose; and I do not applaud passage from Sandra Harding’s essay in Social
this tendency among social constructionists Text (no. 46/47), in which Harding suggests
any more than I do among their antagonists. that in her vision of the scientific future, there
In both cases, it seems to me to arise from an may be “many different, and in some respects,
unappealing kind of “knowingness.” This conflicting representations of nature.” From
brings me closer to a central claim of Levitt’s, this statement, Levitt infers that “she enthusi-
which is that my essay was “an attempt to de- astically recommends regarding all local
fend this rather indefensible cult [presumably knowledge systems, of which standard science
social constructionism, because that is the sub- is but one instance, as equally mature and
ject of the previous sentence].” At the risk of equally valid.”
being boring, let me repeat just part of two Not only does the Levitt statement not fol-
sentences from my earlier essay: “. . . any insis- low from the Harding passage which he cites,
tence upon pure social constructivism seems as it is contrary to any position I have read in any
unwarranted as an insistence on pure realism. of Sandra Harding’s works or heard her ex-
The transcultural applicability of many scien- press either in public or in private. I am cer-
tific knowledge claims suggests that there may tainly not prepared to agree with all positions
at least be some species-common forms of ex- that she might hold; but she is quite open in
perience and cognition.” It seems to me that saying that it would be absurd to try to use any
only by ignoring details and gross distinctions, knowledge system other than that of the mod-
let alone fine ones, can one claim that an argu- ern exact sciences if one’s goal is, for example,
ment which includes these lines is an attempt to send a rocket to Mars. What she does insist
to defend radical social constructivism. (For a upon—and here I am convinced that she is
brief positive statement of my position on this correct—is that local knowledge systems often
issue, please refer to my response to letters incorporate knowledge of local environmental
from John Thaler and John Toomay in Skeptic, conditions which are important for the health
V. 4, #3, 23–24). and sustainability of the local community,
This failure to acknowledge or perceive even if that knowledge is not articulated in the
complexity and fine distinctions, however, is same propositional form in which Western sci-
not primarily important in connection with my ence expresses its knowledge claims. Equally
position. It seems to me to be at the very heart to the point is the fact that though a few scien-
of Levitt’s strategy of lumping together a huge tists may hope for some eventual theory of
range of perspectives which he and Paul Gross everything, most of my scientific colleagues
openly admit share few characteristics except are inclined, like Harding, to accept and often
that they differ broadly from those of Gross emphasize the existence of different represen-
and Levitt. Nearly all persons who accept the tations of natural phenomena associated with
notion that cultures have any bearing on the different disciplines.
content of science in any degree are carica- I am inclined to agree completely with
tured by identifying their views with the most Levitt that it is “hopelessly naive or hopelessly
radical cultural constructionists, post-mod- disingenuous . . . to imply that the quarrel
ernists, academic feminists, and ecologists. between the science critics and their critics
760 | d e c o n s t r u c t i n g s c i e n c e i s p s e u d o s c i e n c e

follows the standard Right-Left cleavage implicated in many subjects over which peo-
line . . . ,” but then I was not the person who ple are willing to fight to the very death to im-
subtitled a book “The Academic Left and Its pose their wills on others.
Quarrels with Science.” I do believe that Even if we are totally convinced that West-
many, but not all, science studies students have ern science offers a knowledge system which is
left political leanings (many of which I share) more powerful in controlling the physical
and, like Levitt, I think that to imply that all world than any alternative, and even if we are
left-leaning academics quarrel with science is convinced of the undesirability of the gender
absurd. The only disagreement we seem to politics which attends the practice of Vastu
have on this issue is over which of us has en- Shastra, or the stunted intellectual life associ-
couraged (note, I did not say taken) the naive ated with those who promote biblical creation-
or disingenuous stance, and whether most left- ism, it is clear to me that we have neither an
leaning science studies professionals can rea- obligation nor a right to deny people the op-
sonably be said to quarrel with science be- portunity to make the “wrong” choice or to
cause they approach it from a perspective not denigrate them for doing so without trying to
shared by Norman Levitt. understand why they choose as they do. Legit-
There is a final extremely serious issue imate issues other than control of the physical
which sometimes seems to get confused with world, gender equity, or intellectual stimula-
the issue of the undoubted instrumental suc- tion may be at the heart of their choices. And I
cess of the modern Western sciences. This is- am certainly convinced that I would not want
sue is raised by Levitt’s discussion of Meera to live in a world in which I was not free to
Nanda’s critiques of science studies because of choose “wrongly” by someone else’s standards.
the aid and comfort they have supposedly On this issue it seems to me there is little to
given to “religious obscurantism and its atten- choose from between the extreme self-pro-
dant reactionary, misogynist politics.” It claimed defenders of science-as-we-know-it
brings us back to the fundamental question of and the extreme proponents of such move-
the degree of respect we are to offer to per- ments as eco-feminism or fundamentalist
sons whose basic values are different from our Christianity. That each group should try and
own. Do we really want a democratic world make its best case seems completely appropri-
culture in which other persons are free to ate to me, but that they should do so by de-
hold beliefs of which we do not approve? It monizing their opponents and by distorting
seems to me that this is fundamentally a their views seems to me to decrease the likeli-
moral, rather than an epistemic, question, al- hood that we can sustain a relatively free,
though it is clear that epistemology is deeply open, and non-coercive society.
“Mr. Bryan’s Address to the Jury in the Scopes’ Case.
The Speech Which Was Never Delivered.”
by William Jennings Bryan

Why Creationists Fear Evolution: other states are moving toward trying to pass
An Introduction to similar legislative proposals and creationists
continue with their bottom-up strategy of
William Jennings Bryan’s Last Speech electing school board members and influenc-
Showing Nothing Has Changed Since Scopes ing teachers and parents.
In my book Why People Believe Weird
Michael Shermer Things, I provided a thorough refutation of
creationist arguments. I thought we would al-
In the movie version of Inherit the Wind, low William Jennings Bryan to be the cham-
about the 1925 Scopes’ “Monkey Trial,” in pion of the “other side” that thinks belief in
the middle of William Jennings Bryan’s final the theory of evolution can actually lead to
moving speech he dramatically keels over immoral behavior, and that acceptance of the
dead in the courtroom, to the gasps of his theory has led to social ills. Bryan’s argument
faithful followers and the chagrin of his evo- in this speech is not an antiquated belief. On
lutionary opponents. The reality was perhaps the following page is an illustration of the
a bit less dramatic, but the real speech is “Evolution Tree,” in which evolution is shown
much more poignant (in the movie he is re- to lead to all manner of evil, including Com-
duced to reciting by heart the books of the munism, Nazism, Imperialism, Monopolism,
Bible). William Jennings Bryan’s last speech Humanism, Atheism, Amoralism, Scientism,
was never delivered, and he died two days Racism, Pantheism, Behaviorism, and Materi-
later rather unceremoniously. Bryan College alism; and “Evil Practices” including Promis-
in Dayton, Tennessee, still stands as a monu- cuity, Pornography, Genocide, Slavery, Abor-
ment to an age gone by. Or has it? tion, Euthanasia, Chauvinism, Infanticide,
Recent legislation in Tennessee, fortunately Homosexuality, Child Abuse, Bestiality, and
defeated, proposed that evolution be taught as Drug Culture. As a brief rebuttal to their cre-
a “mere” theory, and not as a fact of science, ationist tactic I wish to provide a short history
opening the door for other “theories” to be to the creationist history and a brief response
discussed in public school biology classes, to Bryan’s address.
such as the “theory” of special creation, aka For those not familiar with the history of the
“Scientific Creationism,” aka Genesis. A few trial, John T. Scopes was a substitute teacher

764 | c r e a t i o n i s m

“Evolution Tree” from the Pittsburgh Creation Society. (R. G. Elmendorf)

who volunteered for the ACLU to be a test case Louisiana was challenged and defeated by a
to challenge Tennessee’s “anti-evolution” law. 7–2 vote of the justices; see my 1991 “Science
It was the intention of the ACLU to take the Defended, Science Defined” in Science, Tech-
case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. nology, & Human Values, V. 16, #4; reprinted
The most famous defense attorney of the day— in Why People Believe Weird Things).
Clarence Darrow—provided legal counsel for Most people think that Scopes, Darrow, and
Scopes, and Bryan served as defender of the the scientific community scored a great victory
faith for the prosecution. Scopes was found in Tennessee. H. L. Mencken, covering the
guilty and fined $100 by Judge Raulston, but trial for the Baltimore Sun, summarized it and
Tennessee law required that all fines above $50 Bryan this way: “Once he had one leg in the
must be set by a jury. Because of this technical- White House and the nation trembled under
ity the defense was not able to appeal the case his roars. Now he is a tinpot pope in the Coca-
and it never was taken to the U.S. Supreme Cola belt and a brother to the forlorn pastors
Court (though in 1987 an “equal time” law in who belabor half-wits in galvanized iron tab-
c r e a t i o n i s m | 765

ernacles behind the railroad yards. . . . It is a program of “scientific breeding, a system un-
tragedy, indeed, to begin life as a hero and to der which a few supposedly superior intellects,
end it as a buffoon.” self-appointed, would direct the mating and
But, in fact, this was no victory for evolu- the movements of the mass of mankind” (to
tion. Bryan died, but he had the last laugh, as quote from the speech). Bryan feared for his
the controversy stirred by the trial made oth- faith and his country, and it was obvious to
ers, particularly textbook publishers and state him who the enemy was: Darwinism and evo-
boards of education, reluctant to deal with the lutionary theory.
theory of evolution in any manner. Judith Gra- Forget Duane Gish’s demand for one transi-
biner and Peter Miller conducted a compari- tional fossil, his obsession with the Bom-
son study of high school textbooks before and bardier Beetle, or his claim that evolution vio-
after the trial, concluding: “Believing that they lates the second law of thermodynamics. These
had won in the forum of public opinion, the arguments are secondary matter. What really
evolutionists of the late 1920s in fact lost on disturbs Gish and the creationists, as it did
their original battleground—teaching of evolu- Bryan, is the implication of evolution for
tion in the high schools—as judged by the con- ethics and religion, and the following speech is
tent of the average high school biology text- an excellent summary of their fear that some-
books [which] declined after the Scopes trial.” how a belief in evolution undermines morality.
A trial that seems comical in retrospect was re- How do we answer this fear? The study of evo-
ally a tragedy, as Mencken concluded: lutionary ethics and the application of secular
morality show how one can construct a mean-
Let no one mistake it for comedy, farcical ingful existence and a moral life without reli-
though it may be in all its details. It serves no- gion. A brief response to Bryan and the cre-
tice on the country that Neanderthal man is ationists might include the following points:
organizing in these forlorn backwaters of the
land, led by a fanatic, rid of sense and devoid 1. The use or misuse of a theory does not
of conscience. Tennessee, challenging him too negate the validity of the theory itself.
timorously and too late, now sees its courts Marx once claimed he was not a Marxist.
converted into camp meetings and its Bill of Darwin would undoubtedly be spinning
Rights made a mock of by its sworn officers of in his grave if he knew the uses of his
the law. theory in the 20th century to justify all
manner of ideologies. The fact that Hitler
The speech that follows was vintage Bryan implemented a eugenics program does
and should be read not just as a historical doc- not negate the theory of genetics.
ument and slice of fundamentalist Americana, Theories are neutral; the use of theories
it should toll a warning bell on the logic of is not. They are two different things.
faith and the power of rhetoric to move masses 2. The creationists’ list of social problems—
against reason and science. As Gould shows in promiscuity, pornography, abortion,
“William Jennings Bryan’s Last Campaign” (in infanticide, racism, etc.—obviously existed
Bully for Brontosaurus, Norton, 1991), Bryan’s long before Darwin and the theory of
skepticism about evolution took a dramatic evolution. To blame Darwin for our own
turn after the First World War when he be- social and moral problems is to misdirect
came aware of the use of social Darwinism to us from a deeper analysis and true
justify militarism, imperialism, eugenics, and understanding of these complex social
“paralyzing the hope of reform” through its issues.
766 | c r e a t i o n i s m

3. The social evils that creationists fear May It Please

have been with us since the birth of
civilization. Organized religion has the Court,
had thousands of years to solve these
problems. To blame science and and Gentlemen
evolutionary theory for moral
shortcomings is to admit that 6,000 years of the Jury
of religion has failed to do the job.
4. It is not the goal of science to replace W i l l i a m J e n n i n g s B rya n
faith and religion with evolutionary
theory. The theory of evolution is a
scientific theory, not a religious doctrine. Demosthenes, the greatest of ancient orators,
It stands or falls on evidence alone. in his “oration on the crown,” the most famous
Religious faith, by definition, depends of his speeches, began by supplicating the fa-
on belief when evidence is absent or vor of all the gods and goddesses of Greece. If,
unimportant. To fear the theory of in a case which involved only his own fame
evolution is an indication of a and fate, he felt justified in petitioning the
shortcoming in one’s faith. If creationists heathen gods of his country, surely we, who
had true faith in their religion it should deal with the momentous issues involved in
not matter what scientists think or say. this case, may well pray to the ruler of the uni-
The fact that creationists have tethered verse for wisdom to guide us in the perfor-
themselves to science, even calling mance of our several parts in this historic trial.
themselves “creation scientists,” means Let me in the first place, congratulate our
that they feel their faith is not enough. cause that circumstances have committed the
They want proof. But proof of God is not trial to a community like this and entrusted
possible, as the last 700 years of attempts the decision to a jury made up largely of the
to do so have shown (from Aquinas on). yeomanry of the state. The book in issue in
5. The scientific attempt to understand this trial contains on its first page two pictures
human psychology and moral contrasting the disturbing noises of a great city
development, and the application of with the calm serenity of the country. It is a
evolutionary theory to the origin and tribute that rural life has fully earned.
evolution of ethical behavior, are in their I appreciate the sturdy honesty and inde-
infancy. Religion has had 6,000 years, pendence of these who come into daily contact
science less than 100. This 10 order-of- with the earth, who living near to nature, wor-
magnitude difference in time is ship nature’s god and who, dealing with the
significant. How much greater will our myriad mysteries of earth and air, seek to learn
understanding of humanity be 6,000 from revelation about the Bible’s wonder
years from now if science is applied to working God. I admire the stern virtues, the
human affairs, no one can say, but given vigilance and the patriotism of the class from
the relative difference in the rate of which the jury is drawn, and am reminded of
cumulative knowledge between science the lines of Scotland’s immortal bard, which,
and religion we should be optimistic for when changed but slightly, describe your
the future. Religion may provide hope country’s confidence in you:
for some people. But only science has
proven it can deliver the hopeful goods. O, Scotia, my dear, my native soil!
c r e a t i o n i s m | 767

For whom my warmest wish to heaven is It need hardly be added that this law did not
sent, have its origin in bigotry. It is not trying to
Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil force any form of religion on anybody. The
be blest with health, and peace, and sweet majority is not trying to establish a religion or
content. to teach it—it is trying to protect itself from the
And, Oh, may heaven their simple lives efforts of an insolent minority to force irreli-
present gion upon the children under the guise of
From luxury’s contagion, weak and vile teaching science. What right has a little irre-
Then, howe’er crowns and coronets be rent sponsible oligarchy of self-styled “intellectu-
A virtuous populace may rise the while, als” to demand control of the schools of the
And stand, a wall of fire, around their much United States, in which 25,000,000 of children
loved isle. are being educated at an annual expense of
nearly $2,000,000,000?
Let us now separate the issues from the mis- Christians must, in every state of the union,
representations, intentional and unintentional, build their own colleges in which to teach
that have obscured both the letter and the Christianity; it is only simple justice that athe-
purpose of the law. ists, agnostics and unbelievers should build
This is not an interference with freedom of their own colleges if they want to teach their
conscience. A teacher can think as he pleases own religious views or attack the religious
and worship God as he likes, or refuse to wor- views of others.
ship God at all. He can believe in the Bible or The statute is brief and free from ambiguity.
discard it; he can accept Christ or reject him. It prohibits the teaching, in the public schools,
This law places no objections or restraints of “any theology that denies the story of divine
upon him. And so with freedom of speech, he creation as taught in the Bible,” and teaches,
can, so long as he acts as an individual, say “instead, that man descended from a lower or-
anything he likes on any subject. der of animals.” The first sentence sets forth
This law does not violate any rights guaran- the purpose of those who passed the law. They
teed by any constitution to any individual. It forbid the teaching of any evolutionary theory
deals with the defendant, not as an individual, that disputes the Bible record of man’s cre-
but as an employee, an official or public ser- ation and, to make sure that there shall be no
vant, paid by the state, and therefore under in- misunderstanding, they place their own inter-
structions from the state. pretation on their language and specifically
The right of the state to control the public forbid the teaching of any theory that makes
schools is affirmed in the recent decision in the man a descendant of any lower form of life.
Oregon case, which declares that the state can The evidence shows that defendant taught,
direct what shall be taught and also forbid the in his own language as well as from a book
teaching of anything “manifestly inimical to outlining the theory, that man descended from
the public welfare.” The above decision goes lower forms of life. Howard Morgan’s testi-
even farther and declares that the parent not mony gives us a definition of evolution that
only has the right to guard the religious wel- will become known throughout the world as
fare of the child, but is in duty bound to guard this case is discussed.
it. That decision fits this case exactly. The state Howard, a 14-year-old boy, has translated
had a right to pass this law, and the law repre- the words of the teacher and the textbook into
sents the determination of the parents to guard language that even a child can understand. As
the religious welfare of their children. he recollects it, the defendant said “a little
768 | c r e a t i o n i s m

germ of one cell organism has formed in the the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’’ Now,
sea; this kept evolving until it got to be a pretty just as it has been in the past, and they there-
good sized animal, then came on to be a land fore oppose the teaching of guesses that en-
animal, and it kept evolving, and from this was courage Godlessness among the students.
man.” Neither does Tennessee undervalue the
There is no room for difference of opinion service rendered by science. The Christian
here, and there is no need of expert testimony. men and women of Tennessee know how
Here are the facts, corroborated by another deeply mankind is indebted to science for ben-
student, Harry Helton, and admitted to be true efits conferred by the discovery of the laws of
by counsel for defense. White, superintendent nature and by the designing of machinery for
of schools, testified to the use of Hunter’s civic the utilization of these laws. Give science a fact
biology, and to the fact that the defendant not and it is not only invincible, but it is of incal-
only admitted teaching evolution, but declared culable service to man.
that he could not teach it without violating the If one is entitled to draw from society in
law. Robinson, the chairman of the school proportion to the service that he renders to so-
board, corroborated the testimony of Superin- ciety, who is able to estimate the reward
tendent White in regard to the defendant’s ad- earned by those who have given to us the use
missions and declaration. These are the facts; of steam, the use of electricity, and enable us
they are sufficient and undisputed; a verdict of to utilize the weight of water that flows down
guilty must follow. the mountainside? Who will estimate the value
But the importance of this case requires of the service rendered by those who invented
more. The facts and arguments presented to the radio? Or, to come more closely to our
you must not only convince you of the justice home life, how shall we recompense those who
of conviction in this case, but, while not neces- gave us the sewing machine, the tractor, the
sary to a verdict of guilty, they should convince threshing machine, the tractor, the automobile
you of the righteousness of the purpose of the and the method now employed in making arti-
people of the state in the enactment of this ficial ice? The department of medicine also
law. opens an unlimited field for invaluable service.
The state must speak through you to the Typhoid and yellow fever are not feared as
outside world and repel the aspersions cast by they once were. Diphtheria and pneumonia
the counsel for the defense upon the intelli- have been robbed of some of their terrors, and
gence and the enlightenment of the citizens of a high place on the scroll of fame still awaits
Tennessee. The people of this state have a high the discoverer of remedies for arthritis, cancer,
appreciation of the value of education. The tuberculosis and other dread diseases to which
state constitution testifies to that in its demand mankind is heir.
that education shall be fostered and that sci- Christianity welcomes truth from whatever
ence and literature shall be cherished. The source it comes, and is not afraid that any
continuing and increasing appropriations for truth from any source can interfere with the
public instruction furnish abundant proof that divine truth that comes by inspiration from
Tennessee places a just estimate upon the God Himself. It is not scientific truth to which
learning that is secured in its schools. Christians, therefore, can be scientific unless it
Religion is not hostile to learning; Christian- is true.
ity has been the greatest patron learning has Evolution is not truth; it is merely an hy-
ever had. But Christians know that “the fear of pothesis—is millions of guesses strung together.
c r e a t i o n i s m | 769

It had not been proven in the day of Darwin; peared and has never changed; neither can it
he expressed astonishment that with two or be shown that anything else has materially
three million species, it had been impossible to changed.
trace any species to any other species. It had
not been proven in the days of Huxley, and it
has not been proven up to today. It is less than
four years ago that Professor Bateson came all Man a Special Creation
the way from London to Canada to tell the
American scientists that every effort to trace There is no more reason to believe that man
one species to another had failed—every one. descended from some inferior animal than
He said he still had faith in evolution, but there is to believe that a stately mansion had
had doubts about the origin of species. But of descended from a small cottage. Resemblances
what value is evolution, if it cannot explain the are not proof, they simply put us on inquiry.
origin of species? While many scientists accept As one fact, such as the absence of the ac-
evolution as if it were a fact, they all admit, cused from the scene of the murder, outweighs
when questioned, that no explanation has all resemblances that a thousand witnesses
been found as to how one species developed could swear to, so the inability of science to
into another. trace any one of the millions of species to an-
Darwin suggested two laws, sexual selection, other species, outweighs all the resemblances
and natural selection. Sexual selection has upon which evolutionists rely to establish
been laughed out of the class room, and natu- man’s blood relationship with the brutes.
ral selection is being abandoned, and no new But while the wisest scientists can not prove
explanation is satisfactory even to scientists. a pushing power, such as evolution is supposed
Some of the more rash advocates of evolution to be, there is a lifting power that any child
are wont to say that evolution is as firmly es- can understand. The plant lifts the mineral up
tablished as the law of gravitation, or the into a higher world, and the animal lifts the
Copernican theory. The absurdity of such a plants up into a world still higher. So, it has
claim is apparent when we remember that been reasoned by analogy, man rises, not by a
anyone can prove the law of gravitation by power within him, but only when drawn up-
throwing a weight into the air, and that anyone ward by a higher power.
can prove the roundness of the earth by going There is a spiritual gravitation that draws all
around it, while no one can prove evolution to souls toward heaven, just as surely as there is a
be true in any way whatever. physical force that draws all matters on the
Chemistry is an insurmountable obstacle in surface of the earth towards the earth’s center.
the path of evolution. It is one of the greatest Christ is our drawing power; he said, “I, if I be
of the sciences; it separates the atoms—isolates lifted from the earth, will draw all men unto
them and walks about them so to speak. If Me,” and his promise is being fulfilled daily all
there were in nature a progressive force, an over the world.
eternal urge, chemistry would find it. But it is It must be remembered that the law under
not there. consideration in this case does not prohibit the
All of the 92 original elements are separate teaching of evolution up to the line that sepa-
and distinct; they combine in fixed and perma- rates man from the lower form of animal. The
nent proportions. Water is H2O, as it has been law might well have gone farther than it does
from the beginning. It was here before life ap- and prohibit the teaching of evolution in lower
770 | c r e a t i o n i s m

forms of life; the law is a very conservative in the animal world. The fishes are numbered
statement of the people’s opposition to an anti- at 13,000, the amphibians at 1,400, the rep-
Biblical hypothesis. The defendant was not tiles at 3,500, and the birds at 13,000, while
content to teach what the law permitted; he, 3,500 mammals are crowded together in a lit-
for reasons of his own, persisted in teaching tle circle that is barely higher than the bird
that which was forbidden for reasons entirely circle. No circle is reserved for man alone.
satisfactory to the law makers. He is, according to the diagram, shut up in
Many of the people who believe in evolution the little circle entitled “mammals,” with
do not know what evolution means. One of the 3,499 other species of mammals. Does it not
science books taught in the Dayton high seem a little unfair not to distinguish between
schools has a chapter on “The Evolution of man and lower forms of life? What shall we say
Machinery.” This is a very common misuse of of the intelligence, not to say religion of those
the term. People speak of the evolution of the who are so particular to distinguish between
telephone, the automobile, and the musical in- fishes and reptiles and birds, but put a man
strument. But these are merely illustrations of with an immortal soul in the same circle with
man’s power to deal intelligently with inani- the wolf, the hyena, and the skunk? What must
mate matter; there is no growth from within in be the impressions made upon children by
the development of machinery. such a degradation of man?
Equally improper is the use of the word In the preface of this book, the author ex-
“evolution” to describe the growth of a plant plains that it is for children, and adds that “the
from a seed, the growth of a chicken from an boy or girl of average ability upon admission
egg, or the development of any form of animal to the secondary school is not a thinking indi-
life from a single cell. All these give us a circle, vidual.” Whatever may be said in favor of
not a change from one species to another. teaching evolution to adults, it surely is not
Evolution—the evolution involved in this proper to teach it to children who are not yet
case, and the only evolution that is a matter of able to think.
controversy anywhere—is the evolution taught The evolutionist does not undertake to tell
by defendant, set forth in the books now pro- us how protozoa, moved by interior and resi-
hibited by the new state law, and illustrated in dent forces, sent life up through all the various
the diagram printed on page 194 of Hunter’s species, and can not prove that there was actu-
Civic Biology. ally any such compelling power at all. And yet,
The author estimates the number of species the school children are asked to accept their
in the animal kingdom at 518,900. These are guesses and build a philosophy of life upon
then divided into 18 classes, and each class in- them. If it were not so serious a matter, one
dicated on the diagram by a circle, propor- might be tempted to speculate upon the vari-
tioned in size to the number of species in each ous degrees of relationship that, according to
class and attached by a stem to the trunk of evolutionists, exist between man and other
the tree. It begins at protozoa and ends with forms of life.
mammals. It might require some very nice calculation
Passing over the classes with which the av- to determine at what degree of relationship the
erage man is unfamiliar, let me call your atten- killing of a relative ceases to be murder and
tion to a few of the larger and better known the eating of one’s kin ceases to be cannibal-
groups. The insects are numbered at 360,000, ism. But it is not a laughing matter when one
over two-thirds of the total number of species considers that evolution not only offers no sug-
c r e a t i o n i s m | 771

gestion as to a creator but tends to put the cre- bly gave rise to a group of fishes, as lowly or-
ative act so far away to cast doubt upon cre- ganized as the lancelot; and from these the
ation itself. And, while it is shaking faith in canoids, and other fishes like the lepidosiren,
God as a beginning, it is also creating doubt as must have been developed. From such fish a
to heaven at the end of life. very small advance would carry us on to the
Evolutionists do not feel that it is incumbent amphibians. We have seen that birds and rep-
upon them to show how life began or at what tiles were once intimately connected together;
point, in their long drawn out scheme of and the monotrematata now connect mam-
changing species man became endowed with mals with reptiles in a slight degree. But no
hope and promise of immortal life. one can at present say by what line of descent
God may be a matter of indifference to the the three higher and related classes, namely,
evolutionists, and a life beyond may have no mammals, birds and reptiles, were derived
charm for them, but the mass of mankind will from the two lower vertebrate classes, namely,
continue to worship their Creator and con- amphibians and fishes.
tinue to find comfort in the promise of their In the class of mammals the steps are not
Saviour that he has gone to prepare a place for difficult to conceive which led from the an-
them. Christ has made of death a narrow, star- cient monotremata to the ancient marsupials;
lit strip between the companionship of yester- and from these to the early progenitors of the
day and the reunion of tomorrow, and evolu- placental mammals. We may thus ascend to
tion strikes out the stars and deepens the the lemuridae; and the interval is not very
gloom that enshrouds the tomb. wide from these to the simiadac. The simiadae
If the results of evolution were unimportant, then branched off into two great stems, the
one might require less proof in support of the new world and the old world monkeys; and
hypothesis, but before accepting a new philos- from the latter, at a remote period, man, the
ophy of life, built upon a materialistic founda- wonder and glory of the universe, proceeded.
tion, we have reason to demand something Thus we have given to man a pedigree of
more than guess; “we may well suppose” is not prodigious length, but not, it may be said, of
a sufficient substitute for “thus saith the noble quality.
If you, your honor, and you, gentlemen of Darwin, on page 171 of the same book, tries
the jury would have an understanding of the to locate his first man, that is, the first man to
sentiment that lies back of the statute against come down out of the trees, in Africa. After
the teaching of evolution, please consider leaving man in company with gorillas and
these facts: First, as to the animals to which chimpanzees, he says: “But it is useless to
evolutionists would have us trace our ancestry. speculate on this subject.” If he had only
The following is Darwin’s family tree, as you thought of this earlier, the world might have
will find it set forth on pages 180–181 of his been spared much of the speculation that his
“Descent of Man.” brute hypothesis has excited.
On page 79 Darwin gives some fanciful rea-
The most ancient progenitors in the kingdom sons for believing that man is more likely to
of vertebrata, at which we are able to obtain have descended from the chimpanzee than
an obscure glance, apparently consisted of a from the gorilla. His speculations are an excel-
group of marine animals, resembling the lar- lent illustration of the effect that the evolution-
vae of existing asidians. These animals proba- ary hypothesis has in cultivating the imagina-
772 | c r e a t i o n i s m

tion. Professor J. Arthur Thomson says that the in what is called a personal God was firm as
“idea of evolution is the most potent thought that of Doctor Puzey himself.”
economizing formula the world has yet It may be a surprise to your honor, and to
known.” It is more than that; it dispenses with you, gentlemen of the jury, as it was to me, to
thinking entirely and relies on the imagination. learn that Darwin spent three years at Cam-
On page 141 Darwin attempts to trace the bridge studying for the ministry.
mind of man back to the mind of lower ani- This was Darwin as a young man, before he
mals. On pages 118 and 114 he endeavors to came under the influence of doctrine that man
trace man’s moral nature back to the animals. was from a lower order of animals. The change
It is all animal, animal, animal, with never a wrought in his religious views will be found in
thought of God or religion. a letter written to a German youth in 1879,
Our first indictment against evolution is that and printed on page 277 of volume 1 of the life
it disputes the truth of the Bible account of and letters above referred to. The letter begins:
man’s creation and shakes faith in the Bible as
the word of God. This indictment we prove by I am much engaged, an old man, and out of
comparing the process described as evolution- health, and I can not spare time to answer
ary with the text Genesis. It not only contra- your questions fully, nor indeed can they be
dicts the Mosaic record as to the beginning of answered. Science has nothing to do with
human life, but it disputes the Bible doctrines Christ, except insofar as the habit of scientific
of reproduction according to kin—the greatest research makes a man cautious in admitting
scientific principle known. evidence. For myself, I do not believe that
there ever has been any revelation. As for a fu-
ture life, every man must judge for himself be-
tween conflicting vague probabilities.
Evolution Incompatible with Faith
Note that “science has nothing to do with
Our second indictment is that the evolutionary Christ, except insofar as the habit of scientific
hypothesis carried to its logical conclusion, research makes a man cautious in admitting
disputes every vital truth of the Bible. Its ten- evidence,” stated plainly, that simply means
dency, naturally, if not inevitably, is to lead that “the habit of scientific research” makes
those who really accept it, first to agnosticism one cautious in accepting the only evidence
and then to atheism. Evolutionists attack the that we have of Christ’s existence, mission,
truth of the Bible, not openly at first, but by teaching, crucifixion, and resurrection, namely
using weasel-words like “poetical,” “symboli- the evidence found in the Bible.
cal,” and “allegorical” to search out the mean- To make this interpretation of his words the
ing of the inspired record of man’s creation. only possible one, he adds “for myself, I do not
We call as our first witness Charles Darwin. believe that there ever has been any revela-
He began life as a Christian. On page 39, vol- tion.” In rejecting the Bible as a revelation
ume l, of the life and letters of Charles Darwin, from God he rejects the Bible’s conception of
by his son, Francis Darwin, he says, speaking God, and he rejects also the supernatural
of the period of 1828 to 1831, “I did not then Christ of whom the Bible, and the Bible alone,
in the least doubt the strict and literal truth of tells. And, it will be observed, he refuses to ex-
every word in the Bible.” On page 412 of vol- press any opinion as to a future life.
ume 2, of the same publication, he says, “when Now let us follow with his son’s exposition
I was collecting facts for ‘The Origin’ my belief of his father’s views as they are given in ex-
c r e a t i o n i s m | 773

tracts from a biography written in 1876. Here tic, he says that “the mystery of the beginning
is Darwin’s language as quoted by his son: of all things is insolvable by us”—not by him
alone but by everybody. Here we have the ef-
During these two years (October, 1838, to Jan- fect of evolution upon its most distinguished
uary, 1839) I was led to think much about re- exponent; it led him from an orthodox Chris-
ligion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite tian, believing every word of the Bible and in a
orthodox, and I remember being heartily personal God, down and down to helpless and
laughed at by several of the officers (though hopeless agnosticism.
themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as But there is one sentence upon which I re-
an unanswerable authority on some point of serve comment—it throws light upon its down-
morality. When thus reflecting I felt compelled ward pathway: “Then arises the doubt, can the
to look for a first cause, having an intelligent mind of man, which has, as I fully believe,
mind, in some degree analogous to man; and I been developed from a mind as low as that
deserved to be called an atheist. This conclu- possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted
sion was strong in my mind about the time, as when it draws such grand conclusions?”
far as I can remember, when I wrote the “Ori- Here is the explanation; he drags man down
gin of Species.” It is since that time that it has to the brute levels, and then, judging man by
very gradually, with many fluctuations, be- brute standards he questions “‘whether man’s
come weaker. Then arises the doubt, can the mind can be trusted to deal with God and im-
mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, mortality.’”
been developed from a mind as low as that How can any teacher tell his students that
possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted evolution does not tend to destroy his religious
when it draws such grand conclusions? faith? How can an honest teacher conceal from
I can not pretend to throw the least light on his students the effect of evolution upon Dar-
such abstruse problems. The mystery of the win himself? And is it not stranger still that
beginning of all things is insolvable by us; and preachers who advocate evolution never speak
I, for one, must be content to remain an of Darwin’s loss of faith, due to his belief in
agnostic. evolution? The parents of Tennessee have rea-
son enough to fear the effect of evolution upon
When Darwin entered upon his scientific the mind of their children. Belief in evolution
career he was “quite orthodox and quoted the can not bring to those who hold such a belief
Bible as an unanswerable authority on some any compensation for the loss of faith in God,
point of morality.” Even when he wrote “Ori- trust in the Bible and belief in the supernatu-
gin of Species,” the thought of “a first cause, ral character of Christ. It is belief in evolution
having an intelligent mind, in some degree that has caused so many scientists and so many
analogous to man,” was strong in his mind. It Christians to reject the miracles of the Bible,
was after that time that “very gradually, with and then give up, one after another, every vital
many fluctuations, his belief in God became trust in Christianity. They finally cease to pray
weaker.” He traces this decline for us and con- and sunder the tie that binds them to their
cludes by telling us that he can not pretend to Heavenly Father.
throw the least light on such abstruse prob- The miracle should not be a stumbling
lems—the religious problems above referred to. block to anyone. It raises but three questions:
Then comes the flat statement that he “must First, could God perform a miracle? Yes, the
be content to remain an agnostic,” and, to God who created the universe can do anything
make clear what he means by the word agnos- he wants to do with it. He can temporarily sus-
774 | c r e a t i o n i s m

pend any law that he has made or he may em- it impossible to avoid the sharpest pang of
ploy higher laws that we do not understand. which my nature is susceptible.
Second: Would God perform a miracle? To
answer that question in the negative one would Do these evolutionists stop to think of the
have to know more about God’s plans and pur- crime they commit when they take faith out of
poses than a finite mind can know and yet the hearts of men and women and lead them
some are so wedded to evolution that they deny out into a starless night? What pleasure can
that God would perform a miracle merely be- they find in robbing a human being of “the
cause a miracle is inconsistent with evolution. hallowed glory of that creed” that Romanes
If we believe that God can perform a mira- once cherished, and in substituting the “lonely
cle and might desire to do so, we are prepared mystery of existence” as he found it? Can the
to consider with open mind the third question, fathers and mothers of Tennessee be blamed
namely: Did God perform the miracles for trying to protect their children from such a
recorded in the Bible? The same evidence that tragedy?
establishes the authority of the Bible estab- If any one has been led to complain of the
lishes the truth of miracles performed. severity of the punishment that hangs over the
Now let me read of one of the most pathetic defendant, let him compare this crime and its
confessions that has come to my notice. George mild punishment with the crimes for which a
John Romanes, a distinguished biologist, some- greater punishment is ascribed. What is the
times called the successor of Darwin, like Dar- taking of a few dollars from one in day or
win, was reared in the orthodox faith, and like night in comparison with the crime of leading
Darwin, was led away from it by evolution. one away from God and away from Christ?
For 25 years he could not pray. Soon after He who spake as never man spake, thus de-
he became an agnostic, he wrote a book enti- scribes the crimes that are committed against
tled, “A Candid Examination of Theism,” pub- the young: “It is impossible but that offenses
lishing it under the assumed name “Physicus.” will come: but woe unto him through whom
In his book he says: they come. It were better for him that a mill-
stone were hanged about his neck and he be
And for so much as I am far from being able to cast into the sea than he should offend one of
agree with those who affirm that the twilight these little ones.”
doctrine in the “new faith” is a desirable sub- Christ did not overdraw the picture. Who is
stitute for the waning splendor of “the old” I able to set a price upon the life of a child—a
am not ashamed to confess that with this vir- child into whom a mother poured her life and
tual negation of God the universe to me has for whom a father has labored? What may a
lost its soul of loveliness; and although from noble life mean to the child itself, to the par-
hence the precept “work while it is day” will ents and to the world?
doubtless but gain an intensified force from And, it must be remembered that we can
the terribly intensified meaning of the words measure the effect on only that part of life
that “the night cometh when no man can which is spent on earth; we have no way of
work,” yet when at times I think, as think at calculating the effect on that infinite circle of
times I must, of the appalling contrast between life which existence here is but a small arc.
the hallowed glory of that creed which once The soul is immortal and religion deals with
was mine, and the lonely mystery of existence the soul; the logical effect of the evolutionary
as now I find it—at such times I shall ever feel hypothesis is to undermine religion and thus
c r e a t i o n i s m | 775

affect the soul. I recently received a list of the beliefs still accepted, more or less perfunc-
questions that were to be discussed in a promi- torily, in the average home of the land, and
nent eastern school for women. The second gradually abandon the cardinal Christian be-
question in the list read: “Is religion an obso- liefs.” This change from belief to unbelief he
lescent function that should be allowed to at- attributed to the influence of the persons “of
rophy quietly, without arousing the passionate high culture under whom they studied.”
prejudice of outworn superstitions?” The real The people of Tennessee have been patient
attack of evolution, it will be seen, is not upon enough; they acted none too soon. How can
orthodox Christianity or even upon Christian- they expect to protect society, and even the
ity, but upon religion—the most basic fact in church, from the deadening influence of ag-
man’s existence and the most practical thing in nosticism and atheism if they permit the teach-
life. ers employed by taxation to poison the mind of
James H. Leuba, a professor of psychology the youth with this destructive doctrine? And
at Bryn Mawr college, Pennsylvania, published remember, that the law has not heretofore re-
a few years ago a book entitled, “Belief in God quired the writing of the word “poison” on
and Immortality.” In this book he relates how poisonous doctrines. The bodies of our people
he secured the opinions of scientists as to the are so valuable that the druggists and physi-
existence of a personal God and a personal im- cians must be careful to properly label all poi-
mortality. He issued a volume entitled, “Amer- sons; why not be as careful to protect the spiri-
ican Men of Science,” which he says, included tual life of our people from the poisons that
the names of “practically every American who kill the soul?
may properly be called a scientist.” There is a test that is sometimes used to as-
There are 5,500 names in the book. He se- certain whether one suspected of mental infir-
lected 1,000 names as representative of the mity is really insane. He is put into a tank of
5,500, and addressed them personally. Most of water and told to dip the tank dry while a
them, he said, were teachers in schools of stream of water flows into the tank. If he has
higher learning. The names were kept confi- not sense enough to turn off the stream he is
dential. Upon the answer received, he asserts adjudged insane. Can parents justify themselves
that over half of them doubt or deny the exis- if, knowing the effect of belief in evolution, they
tence of a personal God and a personal immor- permit irreligious teachers to inject skepticism
tality, and he asserts that unbelief being greatest and infidelity in the minds of their children?
among the most prominent. Among biologists, Do bad doctrines corrupt the morals of stu-
believers in a personal God numbered less dents? We have a case in point. Mr. Darrow,
than 31 per cent while unbelievers in a per- one of the most distinguished criminal lawyers
sonal immortality numbered only 37 per cent. in our land, was engaged about a year ago in
He also questioned the students in nine col- defending two rich men’s sons who were on
leges of high rank and from 1,000 answers re- trial for as dastardly a murder as was ever
ceived, 97 per cent of which were from stu- committed. The older one, “Babe” Leopold,
dents between 18 and 20, he found that was a brilliant student, 19 years old. He was an
unbelief increased from 15 per cent in the evolutionist and an atheist. He was also a fol-
Freshman class up to 40 to 45 per cent among lower of Nietzsche, whose books he had de-
the men who graduated. On page 280 of this voured and whose philosophy he had adopted.
book, we read “the students’ statistics show Mr. Darrow made a plea for him, based upon
that young people enter college, possessed of the influence that Nietzsche’s philosophy had
776 | c r e a t i o n i s m

exerted on the boy’s mind. Here are extracts less cautious and more free from the fear of
from his speech: public opinion. He does not possess the virtues
which are compatible with respectability with
Babe took to philosophy. . . . He grew up in being respected, nor any of these things which
this way; he became enamored of the philoso- are counted among the virtues of the herd.
phy of Nietzsche. Your honor, I have read al-
most everything that Nietzsche ever wrote. A Mr. Darrow says: That the superman, a cre-
man of wonderful intellect; the most original ation of Nietzsche, has permeated every col-
philosopher of the last century. A man who lege and university in the civilized world.
made a deeper imprint on philosophy than
any other man within a hundred years. In a There is not any university in the world where
way he has reached more people, and still he the professor is not familiar with Nietzsche,
has been a philosopher of what we might call not one. . . . Some believe it and some do not
the intellectual cult. believe it. Some read it as I do and take it as a
He wrote one book called “Beyond Good theory, a dream, a vision, mixed with good and
and Evil,” which was a criticism of all moral bad but not in any way related to human life.
precepts, as we understood them, and a trea- Some take it seriously. . . . There is not a uni-
tise that the intelligent was beyond good and versity in the world of any high standing
evil; that the laws for good and the laws for where the professors do not tell you about Ni-
evil did not apply to anybody who approached etzsche and discuss him or where the books
the superman. He wrote on the will to power. are not there.
I have just made a few short extracts from If this boy is to blame for this, where did he
Nietzsche that show the things that he get it? Is there any blame attached because
(Leopold) has read, and these are short and al- somebody took Nietzsche’s philosophy seri-
most taken at random. It is not how this would ously and fashioned his life upon it? And there
affect you. It is not how it would affect me. is no question in this case but what that is
The question is, how it would affect the im- true. Then who is to blame? The university
pressionable, visionary, dreamy mind of a would be more to blame than he is; the schol-
boy—a boy who should never have seen it—too ars of the world would be more to blame than
early for him. he is. The purposes of the world . . . are more
Quotations from Nietzsche: “Why so soft, oh to blame than he is. Your honor, it is hardly
my brethren? Oh why so soft, so unresisting fair to hang a 19 year-old boy for the philoso-
and yielding? Why is there so much disavowal phy that was taught him at the university. It
and abnegation, in your heart? Why is there so does not meet my ideas of justice and fairness
little faith in your looks? For all creators are to visit upon his head the philosophy that has
hard and it must seem blessedness unto you to been taught by university men for 25 years.
press your hand upon millenniums and upon
wax. This new table, ah, my brethren, I put In fairness to Mr. Darrow, I think I ought to
over you; become hard. To be obsessed by quote two more paragraphs. After this bold at-
moral consideration presupposes a very low tempt to excuse the student on the ground that
grade of intellect. We should substitute for he was transformed from a well-meaning
morality the will to our own end and conse- youth into a murderer by the philosophy of an
quently to the means to accomplish that. A atheist, and on the further ground that his phi-
great man, a man whom nature has built up losophy was in the libraries of all the colleges
and invented in a grand style, is colder, harder, and discussed by the professors—some adopt-
c r e a t i o n i s m | 777

ing the philosophy and some rejecting it—on entrusted to its care. But, go a step farther,
these two grounds, he denied that the boy would the state be blameless if it permitted the
should be held responsible for the taking of universities under its control to be turned into
human life. He charges that the scholars in the training schools for murder? When you get
universities were more responsible than the back to the root of this question, you will find
boy, and that the universities were more re- that the legislature not only had a right to pro-
sponsible than the boy, because they furnished tect the students from the evolutionary hy-
such books to the students, and then he pro- pothesis, but was in duty bound to do so.
ceeds to exonerate the universities and schol- While on this subject, let me call your atten-
ars, leaving nobody responsible. Here is Mr. tion to another proposition embodied in Mr.
Darrow’s language: Darrow’s speech. He said that Dickey Loeb,
the younger boy, had read trashy novels, of the
Now I do not want to be misunderstood about blood and thunder sort. He even went so far as
this. Even for the sake of saving, the lives of to commend an Illinois statute which forbids
my clients, I do not want to be dishonest and minors reading stories of crime. Here is what
tell the court something that I do not honestly Mr. Darrow said:
think in this case. I do not think that the uni-
versities are to blame. I do not think they We have a statute in this state, passed only last
should be held responsible. I do think how- year, if I recall it, which forbids minors read-
ever, that they are too large and that they ing stories of crime. Why? There is only one
should keep a closer watch, if possible, upon, reason; because the legislature in its wisdom,
the individual. thought it would have a tendency to produce
But you can not destroy thought, because these thoughts and this life in the boys who
forsooth, some brain may be deranged by read them.
thought. It is the duty of the university as I
conceive it, to be the greatest storehouse of If Illinois can protect her boys, why can not this
the wisdom of the ages, and to have its stu- state protect the boys of Tennessee? Are the
dents come there and learn, choose. I have no boys of Illinois any more precious than yours?
doubt but that it has meant the death of many, But to return to the philosophy of an evolu-
but that we can not help. tionist, Mr. Darrow said:

This is a damnable philosophy, and yet it is I say to you seriously that the parents of
the flower that blossoms on the stalk of evolu- Dickey Loeb are more responsible than he,
tion. Mr. Darrow thinks the universities are in and yet few boys had better parents.
duty bound to feed out this poisonous stuff to
their students, and when the students become Again he says:
stupefied by it and commit murder, neither
they nor the universities are to blame. I protest I know that one of two things happened to this
against the adoption of any such a philosophy boy: That this terrible crime was inherent in
in the state of Tennessee. A criminal is not re- his organism and came from an ancestor or
lieved from responsibility merely because he that it came through his education and his
found Nietzsche’s philosophy in a library training after he was born.
which ought not to contain it. Neither is the
university guiltless if it permits such corrupt- He thinks the boy was not responsible for any-
ing nourishment to be fed to the souls that are thing; his guilt was due, according to this phi-
778 | c r e a t i o n i s m

losophy, either to heredity or environment. pulsive doctrine was ever proclaimed by man;
But let me complete Mr. Darrow’s philosophy if all the biologists of the world teach this doc-
based on evolution. He says: trine—as Darrow says they do—then may
Heaven defend the youth of our land from
I do not know what remote ancestor may have their impious babblings.
sent down the seed that corrupted him, and I
do not know through how many ancestors it
may have passed until it reached Dickey Loeb.
All I know, it is true, and there is not a biolo- We Must Not Forget God
gist in the world who will not say I am right.
Our third indictment against evolution is that
Psychologists who build upon the evolution- it diverts attention from pressing problems of
ary hypothesis teach that man is nothing but a great importance to trifling speculation. While
bundle of characteristics inherited from brute one evolutionist is trying to imagine what hap-
ancestors. This is the philosophy which Dar- pened in the dim past, another is trying to pry
row applied to his celebrated criminal case. open the door of the distant future. One re-
“Some remote ancestor”—he does not know cently grew eloquent over ancient worms, and
how remote—“sent down the seed that cor- another predicted that 75,000 years hence
rupted him.” You can not punish the ances- everyone will he bald and toothless. But those
tor—he is not only dead, but, according to the who endeavor to clothe our remote ancestors
evolutionists, he was a brute and may have with hair and those who endeavor to remove
lived 1,000,000 years ago. And he says that all the hair from the heads of our remote descen-
the biologists agree with him—no wonder so dants ignore the present with its imperative
small a percent of the biologists, according to demands. The science of “how to live” is the
Leuba, believe in a personal God. most important of all the sciences. It is desir-
This is the quintessence of evolution, dis- able to know the physical sciences, but it is
tilled for us by one who follows that doctrine necessary to know how to live. Christians de-
to its logical conclusion. Analyze this dogma of sire that their children shall be taught all the
darkness and death. Evolutionists say that back sciences, but they do not want them to lose
in the twilight of life a beast, name and nature sight of the rock of ages while they study the
unknown, planted a murderous seed and that age of the rocks; neither do they desire them
the impulse that originated in that seed throbs to become so absorbed in measuring the dis-
forever in the blood of the brute’s descendants, tance between the stars that they will forget
inspiring killings innumerable, for which mur- Him who holds the stars in his hand.
derers are not responsible because coerced by While not more than two per cent of our
a fate fixed by the laws of heredity. It is an in- population are college graduates, these, be-
sult to reason and shocks the heart. That doc- cause of enlarged powers, need a “heavenly vi-
trine is as deadly as leprosy; it may aid a sion,” even more than those less learned, both
lawyer in a criminal case, but it would, if gen- for their own restraint and to assure society
erally adopted, destroy all sense of responsibil- that their enlarged powers will be used for the
ity and menace the morals of the world. A benefit of society and not against the public
brute, they say, can predestine a man to crime, welfare.
and yet they deny that God-incarnated flesh Evolution is deadening to spiritual life of a
can release a human being from his bondage multitude of students. Christians do not desire
or save him from ancestral sins. No more re- less education, but they desire that religion
c r e a t i o n i s m | 779

shall be entwined with learning so that our vironment during all the days of their youth;
boys and girls will return from college with and yet they were different.
their hearts aflame with love of God and love of If Mr. Darrow is correct in the theory ap-
fellow men, and prepared to lead in the altruis- plied to Loeb, namely, that his crime was due
tic work that the world so sorely needs. The cry either to inheritance or to environment, how
in the business world, in the industrial, even in will he explain the difference between the
the religious world—is for consecrated talents— elder brother and the wayward son? The evo-
for ability plus a passion for service. lutionist may understand from observation, if
Our fourth indictment against the evolu- not by experience, even though he can not ex-
tionary hypothesis is that, by paralyzing the plain why one of these boys was guilty of every
hope of reform, it discourages those who labor immorality, squandered the money that the fa-
for the improvement of man’s condition. Every ther had laboriously earned, and brought dis-
upward-looking man or woman seeks to lift grace upon the family name; but his theory
the level upon which mankind stands, and does not explain why a wicked man underwent
they trust that they will see beneficent changes a change of heart, confessed his sins and
during the brief span of their own lives. Evolu- begged forgiveness, and because the evolu-
tion chills their enthusiasm by substituting tionist can not understand this fact, one of the
aeons for years. It obscures all beginnings in most important in the human life, he can not
the midst of endless ages. It is represented as a understand the infinite love of the Heavenly
cold and heartless process, beginning with Father who stands ready to welcome home any
time and ending in eternity, and acting so repentant sinner, no matter how far he has
slowly that even the rocks can not preserve a wandered, how often he has failed, or how
record of the imaginary changes through deep he has sunk in sin.
which it is credited with having carried an Your honor has quoted from a wonderful
original germ of life that appeared sometime poem written by a great Tennessee poet, Wal-
from somewhere. Its only program for man is ter Malone. I venture to quote another stanza
scientific breeding, a system under which a few which puts into exquisite language the new
supposedly superior intellects, self-appointed, opportunity which a merciful God gives every-
would direct the mating and the movements of one who will turn from sin to righteousness:
the mass of mankind—an impossible system.
Evolution, disputing the miracle and ignoring Tho’ deep in mire wring not your hands and
the spiritual in life, has no place for the regen- weep,
eration of the individual. It recognizes no cry I lend my arm to all who say “I can.”
of repentance and scoffs at the doctrine that No shamefaced outcast ever sank so deep,
one can be born? But he might rise and be a man.
It is thus the tolerant and unrelenting en-
emy of the only process that can redeem soci- There are no lines like these in all that evo-
ety through the redemption of the individual. lutionists have ever written. Darwin says that
An evolutionist would never write such a story science has nothing to do with the Christ who
as the Prodigal Son; it contradicts the whole taught the spirit embodied in the words of
theory of evolution. The two sons inherited in Walter Malone, and yet this spirit is the only
the same parents, and through their parents hope of human progress. A heart can be
from the same ancestors, proximate and re- changed in the twinkling of an eye, and, a
mote. And these sons were reared at the same change in the life follows a change in the
fireside and were surrounded by the same en- heart. If one heart can be changed, then a
780 | c r e a t i o n i s m

world can be born in a day. It is the fact that tion would formerly have succumbed to small-
inspires all who labor for man’s betterment. It pox. Thus the weak members of civilized soci-
is because Christians believe in individual re- ety propagate their kind. No one who has at-
generation and in the regeneration of society tended to the breeding of domestic animals
through the regeneration of individuals that will doubt that this must be highly injurious to
they pray: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be the race of man. It is surprising how soon a
done in earth as it is in heaven.” Evolution want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to
makes a mockery of the Lord’s prayer! the degeneration of a domestic race, but, ex-
To interpret the words to mean that the im- cepting in the case of man himself, hardly a
provement desired must come slowly through one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals
unfolding ages—a process with which each to breed.
generation could have little to do—is to defer The aid which we feel impelled to give to
hope, and hope deferred makes the heart sick. the helpless is mainly an incidental result of
the instinct of sympathy, which was originally
acquired as part of the social instincts, but
subsequently rendered in the manner previ-
Evolution Demoralizing & Deadly ously indicated, more tender and more widely
diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy,
Our fifth indictment of the evolutionary hy- even at the urging of hard reason, without de-
pothesis is that if taken seriously and made the terioration in the noblest part of nature. . . .
basis of a philosophy of life, it would eliminate We must therefore, bear the undoubtedly bad
love and carry man back to a struggle of tooth effects of the weak surviving and propagating
and claw. The Christians who have allowed their kind.
themselves to be deceived into believing that
evolution is a beneficent, or even a rational, Darwin reveals the barbarous sentiment that
process have been associating with those who runs through evolution and dwarfs the moral
either do not understand its application or dare nature of those who become obsessed with it.
not avow their knowledge of these implicators. Let us analyze the quotation just given. Dar-
Let me give you some authority on this subject. win speaks with approval of the savage custom
I will begin with Darwin, the high priest of evo- of eliminating the weak so that only the strong
lution, to whom all evolutionists bow. will survive and complains that “we civilized
On pages 149 and 150, in “The Descent of men do our utmost to check the process of
Man,” already referred, he says: elimination.” How inhuman such a doctrine as
this! He thinks it injurious to “build asylums
With savages, the weak in body or mind are for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick.” Or
soon eliminated and those that survive com- to care for the poor. Even the medical men
monly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We come in for criticism because they “exert their
civilized men, on the other hand, do our ut- utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the
most to check the process of elimination, we last moment,” and then note his hostility to
build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed vaccination because it has “preserved thou-
and the sick; we institute poor laws; and our sands who, from a weak constitution, would,
medical men exert their utmost skill to save but for vaccination, have succumbed to small-
the life of every one to the last moment. There pox.” All of the sympathetic activities of civi-
is reason to believe that vaccination has pre- lized society are condemned because they en-
served thousands who from a weak constitu- able “the weak members to propagate their
c r e a t i o n i s m | 781

kind.” Then he drags mankind down to the He admits Nietzsche was “gloriously wrong,”
level of the brute and compares the freedom but he affirms that Nietzsche was “gloriously
given to man unfavorably with the restraint right in his fearless questioning of the universe
that we put on barnyard beasts. and of his own soul.”
The second paragraph of the above quota- In another place the author says:
tion shows that his kindly heart rebelled
against the cruelty of his doctrine. He says that Most of our morals today are jungle products.
we “feel impelled to give to the helpless,” al-
though he traces it to a sympathy which he And then he affirms that:
thinks is developed by evolution; he even ad-
mits that we could not check this sympathy It would be safer, biologically, if they were
“even at the urging of hard reason, without more so.
deterioration of the noblest part of our na-
ture.” “We therefore bear,” what he regards as Now, after these two samples of his views, you
“the undoubtedly bad effect of the weak sur- will not be surprised when I read you the fol-
viving and propagating their kind.” Could any lowing:
doctrine be more destructive of civilization?
And what a commentary on evolution! He Evolution is a bloody business, but civilization
wants us to believe that evolution develops a tries to make it a pink tea. Barbarism is the
human sympathy that finally becomes so ten- only process by which man has ever organi-
der that it repudiates the law that created it cally progressed and civilization is the only
and thus invites a return to a level where the process by which he has ever organically de-
extinguishing of pity and sympathy will permit clined.
the brutal instincts to again do their progres- Civilization is the most dangerous enter-
sive work. prise on which man ever set out. For when
Let no one think that this acceptance of you take man out of the bloody, brutal, but
barbarism, as the basic principle of evolution, beneficent hand of natural selection you
died with Darwin. Within three years a book place him at once in the soft, daintily gloved,
has appeared whose author is even more but far more dangerous hand of artificial
frankly brutal than Darwin. The book is enti- selection.
tled “The New Decalogue of Science,” and has And unless you call science to your assis-
attracted wide attention. tance and make this artificial selection as effi-
One of our most reputable magazines has cient as the rude methods of nature, you bun-
recently printed an article by him defining the gle the whole task.
religion of a scientist. In his preface he ac-
knowledges indebtedness to 21 prominent sci- This aspect of evolution may amaze some of
entists and educators, “nearly all of them doc- the ministers who have not been permitted to
tors” and “professors.” enter the inner circle of the iconoclasts whose
One of them who has recently been elevated theories menace all the ideals of civilized soci-
to the head of a great state university read the ety. Do these ministers know that evolution is
manuscript over twice and made many valu- a “bloody business”? Do they know that bar-
able suggestions. The author describes Nietz- barism is the only process by which man has
sche, who, according to Mr. Darrow, made a ever organically progressed, and “that civiliza-
murderer out of Babe Leopold, as the bravest tion is the only process by which he has ever
soul since Jesus. organically declined”?
782 | c r e a t i o n i s m

Do they know that the bloody, brutal hand into the national policy of the superstate aim-
of natural selection is beneficent and the artifi- ing at world power.
cial selection “found in civilization is danger- And what else but the spirit of evolution can
ous”? What shall we think of the distinguished account for the popularity of the selfish doc-
educators and scientists who read the manu- trine, “each one for himself, and the devil take
script before publication and did not protest the hindmost,” that threatens the very exis-
against this pagan doctrine? tence of the doctrine of brotherhood?”
To show that this is a worldwide matter, I In 1900—25 years ago, while an interna-
now quote from a book issued from the press tional peace congress was in session at Paris,
in 1918, seven years ago. The title of the book the following editorial appeared in L’Univers:
is “The Science of the Power,” and its author,
Benjamin Kidd, being an Englishman, could The spirit of peace has fled the earth because
not have any national prejudice against Dar- evolution has taken possession of it. The plea
win. On pages 46 and 47 we find Kidd’s inter- for peace in past years has been inspired by
pretation of evolution: faith in the divine nature and the divine origin
of man; men were then looked upon as chil-
Darwin’s presentation of the evolution of the dren of one father and war therefore was frat-
world as the product of natural selection in ricide. But now that men are looked upon as
never-ceasing war, as a product that is to say, children of apes, what matters it whether they
of a struggle in which the individual efficient were slaughtered or not?
in the fight for his own interests was always
the winning type—touched the profoundest When there is poison in the blood, no one
depths of the psychology of the west. knows on what part of the body it will break
The idea seemed to present the whole order out, but we can be sure that it will break out
of progress in the world as the result of a unless the blood is purified.
purely mechanical and materialistic process One of the leading universities of the south
resting on force. In so doing it was a concep- (I love the state too well to mention its name)
tion which reached the springs of that heredity publishes a monthly magazine entitled, “Jour-
born of the unmeasured ages of conquest out nal of Social Forces.” In the January issue of
of which the western mind has come. Within this year a contributor has a lengthy article on
half a century the “Origin of Species” had be- “Zoology and Ethics,” in the course of which
come the Bible of the doctrine of the omnipo- he says:
tence of force.
No attempt will be made to take up the matter
Kidd goes so far as to charge that “Nietzsche of the good or evil of sexual intercourse
recited the interpretation of the popular Dar- among humans aside from the matter of con-
winism, delivered with the fury and intensity scious procreation, but as an historian it might
of genius.” And yet Nietzsche denounced be worth while to ask the exponents of the im-
Christianity as the “doctrine of the degener- purity complex to explain the fact that without
ate,” and mercy as “the refuge of weaklings.” exception the great herds of cultural afflores-
Kidd says that Nietzsche gave Germany the cence have been those characterized by a
doctrine of Darwin’s efficient animal in the large amount of freedom in sex relations and
voice of his sermon, and that Bernhardi and that those of the greatest cultural degradation
the military textbooks in due time gave Ger- and decline have been accompanied with
many the doctrine of the superman translated greater sex repression and purity.
c r e a t i o n i s m | 783

No one charges or suspects that all or any Science has taught him to go down into the
large percentage of the advocates of evolution water and shoot up; to go up into the clouds
sympathize with this loathsome application of and shoot down from above, thus making the
evolution to social life, but it is worth while to battlefield three times as bloody as it was be-
inquire why those in charge of a great institu- fore; but science does not teach brotherly love.
tion of learning allow such filth to be poured Science has made war so hellish that civi-
out for the stirring of the passions of its lization has but to commit suicide; and now we
students. are told that newly discovered instruments of
Just one more quotation: “The Southeastern destruction will make the cruelties of the late
Christian Advocate” of June 25, 1925, quotes war seem trivial in comparison with the cruel-
five eminent college men of Great Britain as ties of war that may come in the future.
joining in answer to the question: “Will civi- If civilization is to be saved from the wreck-
lization survive?” age threatened by intelligence not consecrated
Their reply is that “Greatest danger to our by love, it must be saved by the moral code of
civilization is the abuse of the achievements of the meek and lowly Nazarene. His teachings
science. Mastery over the forces of nature has and His teachings alone can solve the prob-
endowed the twentieth century man with a lems that vex the heart and perplex the world.
power which he is not fit to exercise. Unless The world needs a saviour more than it ever
the development of morality catches up with did, and His is the only name under Heaven
the development of technique, humanity is whereby we must be saved. It is this name that
bound to destroy itself.” evolution degrades, for carried to its logical
Can any Christian remain indifferent? Sci- conclusion, it robs Christ of the glory of a vir-
ence needs religion to direct its energies and to gin birth, of the majesty of His deity and mis-
inspire with lofty purpose those who employ sion, and of the triumph of His resurrection. It
the forces that are unloosed by science. Evolu- also disputes the doctrine of the atonement.
tion is at war with religion because religion is It is for the jury to determine whether this
supernatural, it is therefore the relentless foe attack upon the Christian religion shall be per-
of Christianity which is a revealed religion. mitted in the public schools of Tennessee by
Let us, then, hear the conclusion of the teachers employed by the state and paid out of
whole matter. Science is a magnificent mate- the public treasury.
rial for force, but is not a teacher of morals. It This case is no longer local; the defendant
is perfect machinery, but it adds no moral re- ceases to play an important part.
straints to protect society from the misuse of The case assumes the proportions of a battle
the machine. It can also build gigantic intellec- royal between unbelief that attempts to speak
tual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders through so called science and the defenders of
for control of storm tossed human vessels. the Christian faith, speaking through the legis-
It not only fails to supply the spiritual ele- lators of Tennessee.
ment needed, but some of its unproven hy- It is again a choice between God and Baal.
potheses rob the ship of its compass and thus It is a renewal of the issue in Pilate’s court.
endanger its cargo. In that historic trial—the greatest in history—
In war, science has proven itself an evil ge- force, impersonated by Pilate, occupied the
nius, it has made war more terrible than it throne.
ever was before. Man used to be content to Behind it was the Roman government, mis-
slaughter his fellowman on a single plane—the tress of the world, and behind the Roman gov-
earth’s surface. ernment were the legions of Rome.
784 | c r e a t i o n i s m

Before Pilate stood Christ, the apostle of be heard throughout the world; it is eagerly
love. awaited by a praying multitude.
Force triumphed, they nailed Him to the If the law is nullified there will be rejoicing
tree and those who stood around mocked and where ever God is repudiated, the Saviour
jeered and said, “Christ is dead.” But from that scoffed at and the Bible ridiculed. Every unbe-
day the power of Caesar waned and the power liever of every kind and degree will be happy.
of Christ increased. If, on the other hand, the law is upheld and
In a few centuries the Roman government the religion of the school children protected,
was gone and its legions forgotten; while the millions of Christians will call you blessed, and
crucified and risen Lord is the greatest fact in with hearts full of gratitude to God will again
history and the growing figure of all time. sing that old song of triumph:
Again love and force meet face to face and
again, “What Shall I Do With Jesus” must be Faith of our fathers, living still,
answered. A bloody doctrine, evolution de- In spite of dungeon, fire and sword,
mands, as the rabble did 1,900 years ago, that Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy,
He be crucified. Whene’er we hear that glorious word:—
This can not be the answer of the jury rep- Faith of our fathers—holy faith,
resenting a Christian state and sworn to up- We will be true to thee till death.
hold the laws of Tennessee. Your answer will
David Hume’s “Of Miracles”
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 1758

Introduction found “very contrary to all rules of candour

and fair-dealing, and a strong instance of
Michael Shermer those polemical artifices, which a bigotted
zeal thinks itself authorized to employ,” as he
The importance of skeptical publications in wrote in an “Advertisement” to the final pub-
this New Age resurgence of interest in mira- lication!
cles and various claims of the paranormal In Section XII, “Of the Academical or
cannot be overstated. Yet it is equally impor- Sceptical Philosophy,” Hume distinguished
tant to remember our historical antecedents between “antecedent skepticism,” such as
and how they analyzed and critiqued such Descartes’s method of doubting everything,
claims in their own time. One of the greatest that has no “antecedent” infallible criterion
skeptics of the Modern Age is the Scottish for belief; and “consequent skepticism,” the
philosopher David Hume (1711–1776), whose method Hume employed that recognizes the
work, An Enquiry Concerning Human Under- “consequences” of our fallible senses, but cor-
standing, is a classic in skeptical analysis. The rects them through reason: “A wise man pro-
book was originally published anonymously portions his belief to the evidence.” Wiser
in London in 1739, as A Treatise of Human words could not be chosen for a skeptical
Nature, but, in Hume’s words, “fell dead-born motto.
from the press, without reaching such distinc- For the modern skeptic, Hume’s Section X,
tion as even to excite a murmur among the “Of Miracles,” provides a generalized, when-
zealots.” (An author’s biggest fear is not being all-else-fails analysis of miraculous claims.
panned; it is being ignored.) That is, when one is confronted by a true be-
Hume blamed his own writing style and re- liever whose apparently supernatural or para-
worked the manuscript into An Abstract of a normal claim has no immediately apparent
Treatise of Human Nature in 1740, and again natural explanation, Hume gives us an argu-
in 1748, as Philosophical Essays Concerning ment that even he thought was so important
the Human Understanding. The work still (and Hume was not a modest man) that he
gained Hume no recognition, so in 1758 he placed his own words in quotes and called it a
brought it out in a final version as An Enquiry maxim. I think it is so useful an argument that
Concerning Human Understanding, which it bears repetition, as Hume’s Maxim:
comes down to us today as his greatest philo-
sophical work. Ironically, when Hume finally The plain consequence is (and it is a general
did achieve fame and position, his critics often maxim worthy of our attention), “That no tes-
attacked his earlier works, a practice Hume timony is sufficient to establish a miracle, un-

786 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

less the testimony be of such a kind, that its dence, then, for the truth of the Christian reli-
falsehood would be more miraculous than the gion is less than the evidence for the truth of
fact which it endeavours to establish.” our senses; because, even in the first authors
When anyone tells me that he saw a dead of our religion, it was no greater; and it is evi-
man restored to life, I immediately consider dent it must diminish in passing from them to
with myself whether it be more probable, that their disciples; nor can any one rest such con-
this person should either deceive or be de- fidence in their testimony, as in the immediate
ceived, or that the fact, which he relates, object of his senses. But a weaker evidence can
should really have happened. I weigh the one never destroy a stronger; and therefore, were
miracle against the other; and according to the doctrine of the real presence ever so
the superiority, which I discover, I pronounce clearly revealed in scripture, it were directly
my decision, and always reject the greater mir- contrary to the rules of just reasoning to give
acle. If the falsehood of his testimony would our assent to it. It contradicts sense, though
be more miraculous than the event which he both the scripture and tradition, on which it is
relates; then, and not till then, can he pretend supposed to be built, carry not such evidence
to command my belief or opinion. with them as sense; when they are considered
merely as external evidences, and are not
So to honor Hume’s Maxim, and to give the brought home to every one’s breast, by the im-
reader the full context of Hume’s analysis, we mediate operation of the Holy Spirit.
present below the entirety of Section X “Of Nothing is so convenient as a decisive argu-
Miracles.” ment of this kind, which must at least silence
the most arrogant bigotry and superstition,
and free us from their impertinent solicita-
tions. I flatter myself, that I have discovered an
argument of a like nature, which, if just, will,
Section X. with the wise and learned, be an everlasting
check to all kinds of superstitious delusion,
Of Miracles. and consequently, will be useful as long as the
world endures. For so long, I presume, will the
D av i d H u m e accounts of miracles and prodigies be found in
all history, sacred and profane.
Though experience be our only guide in rea-
Part I soning concerning matters of fact; it must be
acknowledged, that this guide is not altogether
THERE is, in Dr. Tillotson’s writings, an argu- infallible, but in some cases is apt to lead us
ment against the real presence, which is as into errors. One, who in our climate, should ex-
concise, and elegant, and strong as any argu- pect better weather in any week of June than in
ment can possibly be supposed against a doc- one of December, would reason justly, and con-
trine, so little worthy of a serious refutation. It formably to experience; but it is certain, that
is acknowledged on all hands, says that he may happen, in the event, to find himself
learned prelate, that the authority, either of mistaken. However, we may observe, that, in
the scripture or of tradition, is founded merely such a case, he would have no cause to com-
in the testimony of the apostles, who were eye- plain of experience; because it commonly in-
witnesses to those miracles of our Saviour, by forms us beforehand of the uncertainty, by that
which he proved his divine mission. Our evi- contrariety of events, which we may learn from
d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ” | 787

a diligent observation. All effects follow not cause and effect. I shall not dispute about a
with like certainty from their supposed causes. word. It will be sufficient to observe that our
Some events are found, in all countries and all assurance in any argument of this kind is de-
ages, to have been constantly conjoined to- rived from no other principle than our obser-
gether: Others are found to have been more vation of the veracity of human testimony, and
variable, and sometimes to disappoint our ex- of the usual conformity of facts to the reports
pectations; so that, in our reasonings concern- of witnesses. It being a general maxim, that no
ing matter of fact, there are all imaginable de- objects have any discoverable connexion to-
grees of assurance, from the highest certainty gether, and that all the inferences, which we
to the lowest species of moral evidence. can draw from one to another, are founded
A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief merely on our experience of their constant
to the evidence. In such conclusions as are and regular conjunction; it is evident, that we
founded on an infallible experience, he ex- ought not to make an exception to this maxim
pects the event with the last degree of assur- in favour of human testimony, whose connex-
ance, and regards his past experience as a full ion with any event seems, in itself, as little nec-
proof of the future existence of that event. In essary as any other.
other cases, he proceeds with more caution: Were not the memory tenacious to a certain
He weighs the opposite experiments: He con- degree; had not men commonly an inclination
siders which side is supported by the greater to truth and a principle of probity; were they
number of experiments: to that side he in- not sensible to shame, when detected in a
clines, with doubt and hesitation; and when at falsehood: Were not these, I say, discovered by
last he fixes his judgement, the evidence ex- experience to be qualities, inherent in human
ceeds not what we properly call probability. All nature, we should never repose the least confi-
probability, then, supposes an opposition of dence in human testimony. A man delirious, or
experiments and observations, where the one noted for falsehood and villany, has no man-
side is found to overbalance the other, and to ner of authority with us.
produce a degree of evidence, proportioned to And as the evidence, derived from witnesses
the superiority. A hundred instances or experi- and human testimony, is founded on past expe-
ments on one side, and fifty on another, afford rience, so it varies with the experience, and is
a doubtful expectation of any event; though a regarded either as a proof or a probability, ac-
hundred uniform experiments, with only one cording as the conjunction between any partic-
that is contradictory, reasonably beget a pretty ular kind of report and any kind of object has
strong degree of assurance. In all cases, we been found to be constant or variable. There
must balance the opposite experiments, where are a number of circumstances to be taken into
they are opposite, and deduct the smaller consideration in all judgements of this kind;
number from the greater, in order to know the and the ultimate standard, by which we deter-
exact force of the superior evidence. mine all disputes, that may arise concerning
To apply these principles to a particular in- them, is always derived from experience and
stance; we may observe, that there is no observation. Where this experience is not en-
species of reasoning more common, more use- tirely uniform on any side, it is attended with
ful, and even necessary to human life, than an unavoidable contrariety in our judgements,
that which is derived from the testimony of and with the same opposition and mutual de-
men, and the reports of eye-witnesses and struction of argument as in every other kind of
spectators. This species of reasoning, perhaps, evidence. We frequently hesitate concerning
one may deny to be founded on the relation of the reports of others. We balance the opposite
788 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

circumstances, which cause any doubt or un- I should not believe such a story were it told
certainty; and when we discover a superiority me by Cato, was a proverbial saying in Rome,
on any side, we incline to it; but still with a even during the lifetime of that philosophical
diminution of assurance, in proportion to the patriot. The incredibility of a fact, it was al-
force of its antagonist. lowed, might invalidate so great an authority.
This contrariety of evidence, in the present The Indian prince, who refused to believe the
case, may be derived from several different first relations concerning the effects of frost,
causes; from the opposition of contrary testi- reasoned justly; and it naturally required very
mony; from the character or number of the strong testimony to engage his assent to facts,
witnesses; from the manner of their delivering that arose from a state of nature, with which
their testimony; or from the union of all these he was unacquainted, and which bore so little
circumstances. We entertain a suspicion con- analogy to those events, of which he had had
cerning any matter of fact, when the witnesses constant and uniform experience. Though
contradict each other; when they are but few, they were not contrary to his experience, they
or of a doubtful character; when they have an were not conformable to it.
interest in what they affirm; when they deliver But in order to encrease the probability
their testimony with hesitation, or on the con- against the testimony of witnesses, let us sup-
trary, with too violent asseverations. There are pose, that the fact, which they affirm, instead
many other particulars of the same kind, which of being only marvellous, is really miraculous;
may diminish or destroy the force of any argu- and suppose also, that the testimony consid-
ment, derived from human testimony. Suppose, ered apart and in itself, amounts to an entire
for instance, that the fact, which the testimony proof; in that case, there is proof against proof,
endeavours to establish, partakes of the ex- of which the strongest must prevail, but still
traordinary and the marvellous; in that case, with a diminution of its force, in proportion to
the evidence, resulting from the testimony, ad- that of its antagonist.
mits of a diminution, greater or less, in propor- A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature;
tion as the fact is more or less unusual. The and as a firm and unalterable experience has
reason why we place any credit in witnesses established these laws, the proof against a mira-
and historians, is not derived from any connex- cle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire
ion, which we perceive a priori, between testi- as any argument from experience can possibly
mony and reality, but because we are accus- be imagined. Why is it more than probable,
tomed to find a conformity between them. But that all men must die; that lead cannot, of itself,
when the fact attested is such a one as has sel- remain suspended in the air; that fire consumes
dom fallen under our observation, here is a wood, and is extinguished by water; unless it
contest of two opposite experiences; of which be, that these events are found agreeable to the
the one destroys the other, as far as its force laws of nature, and there is required a violation
goes, and the superior can only operate on the of these laws, or in other words, a miracle to
mind by the force, which remains. The very prevent them? Nothing is esteemed a miracle, if
same principle of experience, which gives us a it ever happen in the common course of nature.
certain degree of assurance in the testimony of It is no miracle that a man, seemingly in good
witnesses, gives us also, in this case, another health, should die on a sudden: because such a
degree of assurance against the fact, which they kind of death, though more unusual than any
endeavour to establish; from which contradic- other, has yet been frequently observed to hap-
tion there necessarily arises a counterpoize, pen. But it is a miracle, that a dead man should
and mutual destruction of belief and authority. come to life; because that has never been
d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ” | 789

observed in any age or country. There must, miraculous event established on so full an evi-
therefore, be a uniform experience against dence. For first, there is not to be found, in all
every miraculous event, otherwise the event history, any miracle attested by a sufficient
would not merit that appellation. And as a uni- number of men, of such unquestioned good-
form experience amounts to a proof, there is sense, education, and learning, as to secure us
here a direct and full proof, from the nature of against all delusion in themselves; of such un-
the fact, against the existence of any miracle; doubted integrity, as to place them beyond all
nor can such a proof be destroyed, or the mir- suspicion of any design to deceive others; of
acle rendered credible, but by an opposite such credit and reputation in the eyes of
proof, which is superior. mankind, as to have a great deal to lose in case
The plain consequence is (and it is a general of their being detected in any falsehood; and
maxim worthy of our attention), ‘That no testi- at the same time, attesting facts performed in
mony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless such a public manner and in so celebrated a
the testimony be of such a kind, that its false- part of the world, as to render the detection
hood would be more miraculous, than the fact, unavoidable: All which circumstances are req-
which it endeavours to establish; and even in uisite to give us a full assurance in the testi-
that case there is a mutual destruction of argu- mony of men.
ments, and the superior only gives us an assur- Secondly. We may observe in human nature
ance suitable to that degree of force, which re- a principle which, if strictly examined, will be
mains, after deducting the inferior.’ When found to diminish extremely the assurance,
anyone tells me, that he saw a dead man re- which we might, from human testimony, have,
stored to life, I immediately consider with my- in any kind of prodigy. The maxim, by which
self, whether it be more probable, that this we commonly conduct ourselves in our rea-
person should either deceive or be deceived, sonings, is, that the objects, of which we have
or that the fact, which he relates, should really no experience, resemble those, of which we
have happened. I weigh the one miracle have; that what we have found to be most
against the other; and according to the superi- usual is always most probable; and that where
ority, which I discover, I pronounce my deci- there is an opposition of arguments, we ought
sion, and always reject the greater miracle. If to give the preference to such as are founded
the falsehood of his testimony would be more on the greatest number of past observations.
miraculous, than the event which he relates; But though, in proceeding by this rule, we
then, and not till then, can he pretend to com- readily reject any fact which is unusual and in-
mand my belief or opinion. credible in an ordinary degree; yet in advanc-
ing farther, the mind observes not always the
same rule; but when anything is affirmed ut-
terly absurd and miraculous, it rather the
Part II more readily admits of such a fact, upon ac-
count of that very circumstance, which ought
In the foregoing reasoning we have supposed, to destroy all its authority. The passion of sur-
that the testimony, upon which a miracle is prise and wonder, arising from miracles, being
founded, may possibly amount to an entire an agreeable emotion, gives a sensible ten-
proof, and that the falsehood of that testimony dency towards the belief of those events, from
would be a real prodigy: But it is easy to shew, which it is derived. And this goes so far, that
that we have been a great deal too liberal in even those who cannot enjoy this pleasure im-
our concession, and that there never was a mediately, nor can believe those miraculous
790 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

events, of which they are informed, yet love to all ages, have either been detected by contrary
partake of the satisfaction at second-hand or evidence, or which detect themselves by their
by rebound, and place a pride and delight in absurdity, prove sufficiently the strong propen-
exciting the admiration of others. sity of mankind to the extraordinary and the
With what greediness are the miraculous ac- marvellous, and ought reasonably to beget a
counts of travellers received, their descriptions suspicion against all relations of this kind. This
of sea and land monsters, their relations of is our natural way of thinking, even with re-
wonderful adventures, strange men, and un- gard to the most common and most credible
couth manners? But if the spirit of religion events. For instance: There is no kind of report
join itself to the love of wonder, there is an end which rises so easily, and spreads so quickly,
of common sense; and human testimony, in especially in country places and provincial
these circumstances, loses all pretensions to towns, as those concerning marriages; inso-
authority. A religionist may be an enthusiast, much that two young persons of equal condi-
and imagine he sees what has no reality: he tion never see each other twice, but the whole
may know his narrative to be false, and yet neighbourhood immediately join them to-
persevere in it, with the best intentions in the gether. The pleasure of telling a piece of news
world, for the sake of promoting so holy a so interesting, of propagating it, and of being
cause: or even where this delusion has not the first reporters of it, spreads the intelli-
place, vanity, excited by so strong a tempta- gence. And this is so well known, that no man
tion, operates on him more powerfully than on of sense gives attention to these reports, till he
the rest of mankind in any other circum- find them confirmed by some greater evi-
stances; and self-interest with equal force. His dence. Do not the same passions, and others
auditors may not have, and commonly have still stronger, incline the generality of mankind
not, sufficient judgement to canvass his evi- to believe and report, with the greatest vehe-
dence: what judgement they have, they re- mence and assurance, all religious miracles?
nounce by principle, in these sublime and Thirdly. It forms a strong presumption
mysterious subjects: or if they were ever so against all supernatural and miraculous rela-
willing to employ it, passion and a heated tions, that they are observed chiefly to abound
imagination disturb the regularity of its opera- among ignorant and barbarous nations; or if a
tions. Their credulity increases his impudence: civilized people has ever given admission to
and his impudence overpowers their credulity. any of them, that people will be found to have
Eloquence, when at its highest pitch, leaves received them from ignorant and barbarous
little room for reason or reflection; but ad- ancestors, who transmitted them with that in-
dressing itself entirely to the fancy or the af- violable sanction and authority, which always
fections, captivates the willing hearers, and attend received opinions. When we peruse the
subdues their understanding. Happily, this first histories of all nations, we are apt to imag-
pitch it seldom attains. But what a Tully or a ine ourselves transported into some new world;
Demosthenes could scarcely effect over a Ro- where the whole frame of nature is disjointed,
man or Athenian audience, every Capuchin, and every element performs its operations in a
every itinerant or stationary teacher can per- different manner, from what it does at present.
form over the generality of mankind, and in a Battles, revolutions, pestilence, famine and
higher degree, by touching such gross and vul- death, are never the effect of those natural
gar passions. causes, which we experience. Prodigies, omens,
The many instances of forged miracles, and oracles, judgements, quite obscure the few nat-
prophecies, and supernatural events, which, in ural events, that are intermingled with them.
d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ” | 791

But as the former grow thinner every page, in nent rank and distinction in Rome: nay, could
proportion as we advance nearer the enlight- engage the attention of that sage emperor
ened ages, we soon learn, that there is nothing Marcus Aurelius; so far as to make him trust
mysterious or supernatural in the case, but that the success of a military expedition to his delu-
all proceeds from the usual propensity of sive prophecies.
mankind towards the marvellous, and that, The advantages are so great, of starting an
though this inclination may at intervals receive imposture among an ignorant people, that,
a check from sense and learning, it can never even though the delusion should be too gross
be thoroughly extirpated from human nature. to impose on the generality of them (which,
It is strange, a judicious reader is apt to say, though seldom, is sometimes the case) it has a
upon the perusal of these wonderful histori- much better chance for succeeding in remote
ans, that such prodigious events never happen countries, than if the first scene had been laid
in our days. But it is nothing strange, I hope, in a city renowned for arts and knowledge.
that men should lie in all ages. You must The most ignorant and barbarous of these bar-
surely have seen instances enough of that barians carry the report abroad. None of their
frailty. You have yourself heard many such countrymen have a large correspondence, or
marvellous relations started, which, being sufficient credit and authority to contradict
treated with scorn by all the wise and judi- and beat down the delusion. Men’s inclination
cious, have at last been abandoned even by the to the marvellous has full opportunity to dis-
vulgar. Be assured, that those renowned lies, play itself. And thus a story, which is univer-
which have spread and flourished to such a sally exploded in the place where it was first
monstrous height, arose from like beginnings; started, shall pass for certain at a thousand
but being sown in a more proper soil, shot up miles distance. But had Alexander fixed his
at last into prodigies almost equal to those residence at Athens, the philosophers of that
which they relate. renowned mart of learning had immediately
It was a wise policy in that false prophet, spread, throughout the whole Roman empire,
Alexander, who though now forgotten, was their sense of the matter; which, being sup-
once so famous, to lay the first scene of his im- ported by so great authority, and displayed by
postures in Paphlagonia, where, as Lucian tells all the force of reason and eloquence, had en-
us, the people were extremely ignorant and tirely opened the eyes of mankind. It is true;
stupid, and ready to swallow even the grossest Lucian, passing by chance through Paphlago-
delusion. People at a distance, who are weak nia, had an opportunity of performing this
enough to think the matter at all worth en- good office. But, though much to be wished, it
quiry, have no opportunity of receiving better does not always happen, that every Alexander
information. The stories come magnified to meets with a Lucian, ready to expose and de-
them by a hundred circumstances. Fools are tect his impostures.
industrious in propagating the imposture; I may add as a fourth reason, which dimin-
while the wise and learned are contented, in ishes the authority of prodigies, that there is
general, to deride its absurdity, without in- no testimony for any, even those which have
forming themselves of the particular facts, by not been expressly detected, that is not op-
which it may be distinctly refuted. And thus posed by an infinite number of witnesses; so
the impostor above mentioned was enabled to that not only the miracle destroys the credit of
proceed, from his ignorant Paphlagonians, to testimony, but the testimony destroys itself. To
the enlisting of votaries, even among the Gre- make this the better understood, let us con-
cian philosophers, and men of the most emi- sider, that, in matters of religion, whatever is
792 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

different is contrary; and that it is impossible these miraculous cures. The story may be seen
the religions of ancient Rome, of Turkey, of in that fine historian; where every circum-
Siam, and of China should, all of them, be es- stance seems to add weight to the testimony,
tablished on any solid foundation. Every mira- and might be displayed at large with all the
cle, therefore, pretended to have been force of argument and eloquence, if any one
wrought in any of these religions (and all of were now concerned to enforce the evidence
them abound in miracles), as its direct scope is of that exploded and idolatrous superstition.
to establish the particular system to which it is The gravity, solidity, age, and probity of so
attributed; so has it the same force, though great an emperor, who, through the whole
more indirectly, to overthrow every other sys- course of his life, conversed in a familiar man-
tem. In destroying a rival system, it likewise ner with his friends and courtiers, and never
destroys the credit of those miracles, on which affected those extraordinary airs of divinity as-
that system was established so that all the sumed by Alexander and Demetrius. The his-
prodigies of different religions are to be re- torian, a cotemporary writer, noted for can-
garded as contrary facts, and the evidences of dour and veracity, and withal, the greatest and
these prodigies, whether weak or strong, as op- most penetrating genius, perhaps, of all antiq-
posite to each other. According to this method uity; and so free from any tendency to
of reasoning, when we believe any miracle of credulity, that he even lies under the contrary
Mahomet or his successors, we have for our imputation, of atheism and profaneness: The
warrant the testimony of a few barbarous Ara- persons, from whose authority he related the
bians: And on the other hand, we are to regard miracle, of established character for judge-
the authority of Titus Livius, Plutarch, Tacitus, ment and veracity, as we may well presume;
and, in short, of all the authors and witnesses, eye-witnesses of the fact, and confirming their
Grecian, Chinese, and Roman Catholic, who testimony, after the Flavian family was de-
have related any miracle in their particular re- spoiled of the empire, and could no longer
ligion; I say, we are to regard their testimony give any reward, as the price of a lie.
in the same light as if they had mentioned that Utrumque, qui interfuere, nunc quoque memo-
Mahometan miracle, and had in express terms rant, postquam nullum mendacio pretium. To
contradicted it, with the same certainty as they which if we add the public nature of the facts,
have for the miracle they relate. This argu- as related, it will appear, that no evidence can
ment may appear over subtile and refined; but well be supposed stronger for so gross and so
is not in reality different from the reasoning of palpable a falsehood.
a judge, who supposes, that the credit of two There is also a memorable story related by
witnesses, maintaining a crime against any Cardinal de Retz, which may well deserve our
one, is destroyed by the testimony of two oth- consideration. When that intriguing politician
ers, who affirm him to have been two hundred fled into Spain, to avoid the persecution of his
leagues distant, at the same instant when the enemies, he passed through Saragossa, the cap-
crime is said to have been committed. ital of Arragon, where he was shewn, in the
One of the best attested miracles in all pro- cathedral, a man, who had served seven years
fane history, is that which Tacitus reports of as a doorkeeper, and was well known to every
Vespasian, who cured a blind man in Alexan- body in town, that had ever paid his devotions
dria, by means of his spittle, and a lame man at that church. He had been seen, for so long a
by the mere touch of his foot; in obedience to time, wanting a leg; but recovered that limb by
a vision of the god Serapis, who had enjoined the rubbing of holy oil upon the stump; and
them to have recourse to the Emperor, for the cardinal assures us that he saw him with
d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ” | 793

two legs. This miracle was vouched by all the of unquestioned integrity, attested by witnesses
canons of the church; and the whole company of credit and distinction, in a learned age, and
in town were appealed to for a confirmation of on the most eminent theatre that is now in the
the fact; whom the cardinal found, by their world. Nor is this all: a relation of them was
zealous devotion, to be thorough believers of published and dispersed every where; nor
the miracle. Here the relater was also cotempo- were the Jesuits, though a learned body, sup-
rary to the supposed prodigy, of an incredulous ported by the civil magistrate, and determined
and libertine character, as well as of great ge- enemies to those opinions, in whose favour the
nius; the miracle of so singular a nature as miracles were said to have been wrought, ever
could scarcely admit of a counterfeit, and the able distinctly to refute or detect them. Where
witnesses very numerous, and all of them, in a shall we find such a number of circumstances,
manner, spectators of the fact, to which they agreeing to the corroboration of one fact? And
gave their testimony. And what adds mightily to what have we to oppose to such a cloud of wit-
the force of the evidence, and may double our nesses, but the absolute impossibility or mirac-
surprise on this occasion, is, that the cardinal ulous nature of the events, which they relate?
himself, who relates the story, seems not to give And this surely, in the eyes of all reasonable
any credit to it, and consequently cannot be people, will alone be regarded as a sufficient
suspected of any concurrence in the holy fraud. refutation.
He considered justly, that it was not requisite, Is the consequence just, because some hu-
in order to reject a fact of this nature, to be man testimony has the utmost force and au-
able accurately to disprove the testimony, and thority in some cases, when it relates the battle
to trace its falsehood, through all the circum- of Philippi or Pharsalia for instance; that
stances of knavery and credulity which pro- therefore all kinds of testimony must, in all
duced it. He knew, that, as this was commonly cases, have equal force and authority? Suppose
altogether impossible at any small distance of that the Caesarean and Pompeian factions had,
time and place; so was it extremely difficult, each of them, claimed the victory in these bat-
even where one was immediately present, by tles, and that the historians of each party had
reason of the bigotry, ignorance, cunning, and uniformly ascribed the advantage to their own
roguery of a great part of mankind. He there- side; how could mankind, at this distance,
fore concluded, like a just reasoner, that such have been able to determine between them?
an evidence carried falsehood upon the very The contrariety is equally strong between the
face of it, and that a miracle, supported by any miracles related by Herodotus or Plutarch,
human testimony, was more properly a subject and those delivered by Mariana, Bede, or any
of derision than of argument. monkish historian.
There surely never was a greater number of The wise lend a very academic faith to every
miracles ascribed to one person, than those, report which favours the passion of the re-
which were lately said to have been wrought in porter; whether it magnifies his country, his
France upon the tomb of Abbé Paris, the fa- family, or himself, or in any other way strikes
mous Jansenist, with whose sanctity the people in with his natural inclinations and propensi-
were so long deluded. The curing of the sick, ties. But what greater temptation than to ap-
giving hearing to the deaf, and sight to the pear a missionary, a prophet, an ambassador
blind, were every where talked of as the usual from heaven? Who would not encounter many
effects of that holy sepulchre. But what is more dangers and difficulties, in order to attain so
extraordinary; many of the miracles were im- sublime a character? Or if, by the help of van-
mediately proved upon the spot, before judges ity and a heated imagination, a man has first
794 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

made a convert of himself, and entered seri- No means of detection remain, but those
ously into the delusion; who ever scruples to which must be drawn from the very testimony
make use of pious frauds, in support of so holy itself of the reporters: and these, though al-
and meritorious a cause? The smallest spark ways sufficient with the judicious and know-
may here kindle into the greatest flame; be- ing, are commonly too fine to fall under the
cause the materials are always prepared for it. comprehension of the vulgar.
The avidum genus auricularum, the gazing Upon the whole, then, it appears, that no
populace, receive greedily, without examina- testimony for any kind of miracle has ever
tion, whatever sooths superstition, and pro- amounted to a probability, much less to a
motes wonder. proof; and that, even supposing it amounted to
How many stories of this nature have, in all a proof, it would be opposed by another proof;
ages, been detected and exploded in their in- derived from the very nature of the fact, which
fancy? How many more have been celebrated it would endeavour to establish. It is experi-
for a time, and have afterwards sunk into ne- ence only, which gives authority to human tes-
glect and oblivion? Where such reports, there- timony; and it is the same experience, which
fore, fly about, the solution of the phenome- assures us of the laws of nature. When, there-
non is obvious; and we judge in conformity to fore, these two kinds of experience are con-
regular experience and observation, when we trary, we have nothing to do but subtract the
account for it by the known and natural prin- one from the other, and embrace an opinion,
ciples of credulity and delusion. And shall we, either on one side or the other, with that as-
rather than have a recourse to so natural a so- surance which arises from the remainder. But
lution, allow of a miraculous violation of the according to the principle here explained, this
most established laws of nature? subtraction, with regard to all popular reli-
I need not mention the difficulty of detect- gions, amounts to an entire annihilation; and
ing a falsehood in any private or even public therefore we may establish it as a maxim, that
history, at the place, where it is said to happen; no human testimony can have such force as to
much more when the scene is removed to ever prove a miracle, and make it a just foundation
so small a distance. Even a court of judicature, for any such system of religion.
with all the authority, accuracy, and judge- I beg the limitations here made may be re-
ment, which they can employ, find themselves marked, when I say, that a miracle can never
often at a loss to distinguish between truth and be proved, so as to be the foundation of a sys-
falsehood in the most recent actions. But the tem of religion. For I own, that otherwise,
matter never comes to any issue, if trusted to there may possibly be miracles, or violations of
the common method of altercation and debate the usual course of nature, of such a kind as to
and flying rumours; especially when men’s admit of proof from human testimony; though,
passions have taken part on either side. perhaps, it will be impossible to find any such
In the infancy of new religions, the wise and in all the records of history. Thus, suppose, all
learned commonly esteem the matter too in- authors, in all languages, agree, that, from the
considerable to deserve their attention or re- first of January 1600, there was a total dark-
gard. And when afterwards they would will- ness over the whole earth for eight days: sup-
ingly detect the cheat, in order to undeceive pose that the tradition of this extraordinary
the deluded multitude, the season is now past, event is still strong and lively among the peo-
and the records and witnesses, which might ple: that all travellers, who return from foreign
clear up the matter, have perished beyond countries, bring us accounts of the same tradi-
recovery. tion, without the least variation or contradic-
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tion: it is evident, that our present philoso- all men of sense, not only to make them reject
phers, instead of doubting the fact, ought to the fact, but even reject it without farther ex-
receive it as certain, and ought to search for amination. Though the Being to whom the
the causes whence it might be derived. The miracle is ascribed, be, in this case, Almighty, it
decay, corruption, and dissolution of nature, is does not, upon that account, become a whit
an event rendered probable by so many analo- more probable; since it is impossible for us to
gies, that any phenomenon, which seems to know the attributes or actions of such a Being,
have a tendency towards that catastrophe, otherwise than from the experience which we
comes within the reach of human testimony, if have of his productions, in the usual course of
that testimony be very extensive and uniform. nature. This still reduces us to past observation,
But suppose, that all the historians who and obliges us to compare the instances of the
treat of England, should agree, that, on the violation of truth in the testimony of men, with
first of January 1600, Queen Elizabeth died; those of the violation of the laws of nature by
that both before and after her death she was miracles, in order to judge which of them is
seen by her physicians and the whole court, as most likely and probable. As the violations of
is usual with persons of her rank; that her suc- truth are more common in the testimony con-
cessor was acknowledged and proclaimed by cerning religious miracles, than in that con-
the parliament; and that, after being interred a cerning any other matter of fact; this must di-
month, she again appeared, resumed the minish very much the authority of the former
throne, and governed England for three years: testimony, and make us form a general resolu-
I must confess that I should be surprised at the tion, never to lend any attention to it, with
concurrence of so many odd circumstances, whatever specious pretence it may be covered.
but should not have the least inclination to be- Lord Bacon seems to have embraced the
lieve so miraculous an event. I should not same principles of reasoning. ‘We ought,’ says
doubt of her pretended death, and of those he, ‘to make a collection or particular history
other public circumstances that followed it: I of all monsters and prodigious births or pro-
should only assert it to have been pretended, ductions, and in a word of every thing new,
and that it neither was, nor possibly could be rare, and extraordinary in nature. But this
real. You would in vain object to me the diffi- must be done with the most severe scrutiny,
culty, and almost impossibility of deceiving the lest we depart from truth. Above all, every re-
world in an affair of such consequence; the lation must be considered as suspicious, which
wisdom and solid judgement of that renowned depends in any degree upon religion, as the
queen; with the little or no advantage which prodigies of Livy: And no less so, every thing
she could reap from so poor an artifice: All that is to be found in the writers of natural
this might astonish me; but I would still reply, magic or alchimy, or such authors, who seem,
that the knavery and folly of men are such all of them, to have an unconquerable appetite
common phenomena, that I should rather be- for falsehood and fable.’
lieve the most extraordinary events to arise I am the better pleased with the method of
from their concurrence, than admit of so sig- reasoning here delivered, as I think it may
nal a violation of the laws of nature. serve to confound those dangerous friends or
But should this miracle be ascribed to any disguised enemies to the Christian Religion,
new system of religion; men, in all ages, have who have undertaken to defend it by the prin-
been so much imposed on by ridiculous stories ciples of human reason. Our most holy religion
of that kind, that this very circumstance would is founded on Faith, not on reason; and it is a
be a full proof of a cheat, and sufficient, with sure method of exposing it to put it to such a
796 | d a v i d h u m e ’ s “ o f m i r a c l e s ”

trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure. To I desire any one to lay his hand upon his heart,
make this more evident, let us examine those and after a serious consideration declare,
miracles, related in scripture; and not to lose whether he thinks that the falsehood of such a
ourselves in too wide a field, let us confine book, supported by such a testimony, would be
ourselves to such as we find in the Pentateuch, more extraordinary and miraculous than all
which we shall examine, according to the prin- the miracles it relates; which is, however, nec-
ciples of these pretended Christians, not as the essary to make it be received, according to the
word or testimony of God himself, but as the measures of probability above established.
production of a mere human writer and histo- What we have said of miracles may be ap-
rian. Here then we are first to consider a book, plied, without any variation, to prophecies; and
presented to us by a barbarous and ignorant indeed, all prophecies are real miracles, and as
people, written in an age when they were still such only, can be admitted as proofs of any
more barbarous, and in all probability long af- revelation. If it did not exceed the capacity of
ter the facts which it relates, corroborated by nature to foretell future events, it would be ab-
no concurring testimony, and resembling those surd to employ any prophecy as an argument
fabulous accounts, which every nation gives of for a divine mission or authority from heaven.
its origin. Upon reading this book, we find it So that, upon the whole, we may conclude,
full of prodigies and miracles. It gives an ac- that the Christian Religion not only was at first
count of a state of the world and of human na- attended with miracles, but even at this day
ture entirely different from the present: Of our cannot be believed by any reasonable person
fall from that state: Of the age of man, ex- without one. Mere reason is insufficient to con-
tended to near a thousand years: Of the de- vince us of its veracity: And whoever is moved
struction of the world by a deluge: Of the arbi- by Faith to assent to it, is conscious of a contin-
trary choice of one people, as the favourites of ued miracle in his own person, which subverts
heaven; and that people the countrymen of all the principles of his understanding, and
the author: Of their deliverance from bondage gives him a determination to believe what is
by prodigies the most astonishing imaginable: most contrary to custom and experience.
“Report of the Commissioners Charged by the King to
Examine Animal Magnetism, Printed on the King’s Order
Number 4 in Paris from the Royal Printing House”
by Benjamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier

Introduction I kept that challenge in the back of my

mind for the next five years, awaiting the time
Michael Shermer when we would have the space to allocate for
the resurrection of this “key document” (it
In 1991, about the time we were creating and runs 18 pages, making it the third longest
organizing the Skeptics Society and Skeptic piece we have ever run). It is not a waste of
magazine, I read an essay by Stephen Jay space because the history of skepticism and
Gould entitled “The Chain of Reason Versus the skeptical movement should be tracked
the Chain of Thumbs,” in Bully for Bron- and recorded as any field should be, and this
tosaurus (1991, W. W. Norton). It is the story is the first scientific investigation that we
of an 18th-century scientific investigation of know of into what would today be considered
an extraordinary claim—mesmerism—commis- a paranormal or pseudoscientific claim. No
sioned by King Louis XVI of France and con- one else has taken up Gould’s challenge, so in
ducted by such scientific luminaries as Ben- the pages to come we present you with this
jamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier. The delightful piece of science and reasoning, with
result of that investigation was the Report of thanks to Steve Gould for providing a copy
the Commissioners Charged by the King to from the original in Harvard’s Houghton Li-
Examine Animal Magnetism, “Printed on the brary, and to my friend and colleague Charles
King’s Order Number 4 in Paris from the Salas and his wife Danielle for the translation;
Royal Printing House” in 1784, just five years both write and speak fluent French (plus
before the demise of the ancien régime. Charles is an intellectual historian of the
Gould called the report “an enduring testi- period).
mony to the power and beauty of reason,” a The historical context for the report is given
“key document in the history of human rea- in great detail by the renowned intellectual
son,” and said that “it should be rescued from historian Robert Darnton, in his 1968 book
its current obscurity, translated into all lan- Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment
guages, and reprinted by organizations dedi- in France (Harvard University Press). The Ger-
cated to the unmasking of quackery and the man physician Franz Anton Mesmer was the
defense of rational thought” (188–189). “discoverer” of animal magnetism, and he has

798 | m e s m e r i s m

ever since been remembered whenever we are Lavoisier, one of the founders of modern
“mesmerized” by something that seems to draw chemistry, lived there. The others on the Com-
us to it like a magnet. The analogy is appropri- mission were respected scientists and medical
ate, for Mesmer reasoned that just as an invisi- doctors, including Dr. Guillotin, inventor of the
ble force of gravity binds the planets together, device that would cut off Lavoisier’s head,
and an invisible force of electricity flows along with many others, over the course of the
through various substances, and an invisible next decade of revolutionary mayhem.
force of magnetism draws iron shavings to a The problem for the Commission, as the re-
lodestone, so an invisible force—animal mag- port reveals, is that animal magnetism is invisi-
netism—flows through living beings. To Mesmer ble. No problem, so is gravity. They would test
these forces were actually manifestations of a its effects on objects, which was the basis for
single fluid flowing throughout the universe, Mesmer’s claims of curative power. (James
the blockage of which can cause disease. Cure Randi is fond of stating that it doesn’t matter
comes through releasing the blockage (similar whether there is a scientific basis to astrology,
to what is claimed for Chi power, acupuncture ESP, and other psychic forces; the only thing
and acupressure, therapeutic touch, and other that matters is if they actually work, which
modern nostrums). Mesmer’s technique in- they don’t.) The problem was that “cures” take
volved facing the patient, touching fingers, and too long for an experiment and may be caused
staring for prolonged periods into her eyes. By by other conditions anyway (Franklin sus-
most accounts Mesmer was, well, rather mes- pected that Mesmer’s patients were cured by
merizing, especially to his female patients, who staying away from medical doctors!). Mesmer,
would shake, groan, scream, and even faint (is however, did not take the test; his top student,
this beginning to sound familiar to those who Charles Deslon, took his place, which subse-
have ever witnessed a faith healing?). quently led to Mesmer disputing the findings.
Group healings involved everyone surround- The experimenters began by trying to magne-
ing a “baquet,” or vat, filled with “magnetized” tize themselves—joined by rods, rope, and
water and placed in the center of the room. thumbs with Deslon giving proper instruc-
“Magnetized” rods protruding from the vat tion—to no effect. They then tried seven people
were grabbed by the patients who, with their from the lower classes and compared their re-
other hand, held each other’s thumbs between sults against seven people from the upper
their thumb and forefinger and squeezed at the classes (recall the importance of class in pre-
appropriate time to allow the magnetism to revolutionary France). Only three, all from the
flow evenly through the group. To ensure lower classes, experienced anything signifi-
proper conductivity in this “mesmeric chain,” cant, so the Commission concluded it was due
Mesmer looped a rope around them (without to the power of suggestion.
knots, for this might impede flow). To test the null hypothesis that magnetism is
Mesmerism became all the rage, triggering a really just a placebo effect, Franklin and
skeptical response by the medical establish- Lavoisier devised a test whereby some subjects
ment, which, along with other concerned sci- would be deceived into thinking they were re-
entists, persuaded King Louis XVI to establish a ceiving the experimental treatment (magne-
Royal Commission to test Mesmer’s claims. (In tism) when they really were not, while others
the film Jefferson in Paris, the vat and rods are did receive the treatment and were told that
depicted, along with a skeptical Thomas Jeffer- they had not. The results were clear: the ef-
son.) Franklin, the world’s leading authority on fects were due to the power of suggestion only.
electricity, was in Paris as a U.S. representative; To reinforce this conclusion, Franklin had
m e s m e r i s m | 799

Deslon magnetize a tree in his garden. The ex- looking for a natural explanation for an appar-
perimental subject—allegedly “sensitive” to the ently supernatural phenomenon.
magnetic effect but not told which tree was af-
fected—then walked around the garden hug-
ging trees until he declared he had sensed it.
He collapsed in a fit in front of the fourth tree,
but it was the fifth one that was “magnetized.” Report of the
Undaunted, Deslon claimed that all trees carry
some magnetism and therefore the test was in- Commissioners
valid (not unlike the excuses of failed water
dowsers and other modern mystics). In test af- on Mesmerism
ter test, Deslon failed. One woman was blind-
folded and told that Deslon was “influencing” Translation by Danielle and Charles Salas
her, causing her to collapse in a mesmeric
“crisis.” He wasn’t. Another woman could sup-
posedly sense “magnetized” water. Lavoisier On March 12, 1784, the King appointed Physi-
filled several cups with water, only one of cians chosen from the Paris Faculté, Messieurs
which was “magnetized.” After touching an Borie, Sallin, d’Arcet, Guillotin, to examine &
unmagnetized cup she collapsed in a fit, upon report on Animal magnetism practiced by
which Lavoisier gave her the “magnetized” Monsieur Deslon; & as requested by these four
one, which “she drank quietly & said she felt Physicians, His Majesty has appointed five of
relieved. Therefore the cup & magnetism the Members of the Royal Academy of Sci-
missed their marks, because the crisis was qui- ences to conduct this examination with them:
eted rather than exacerbated.” Q.E.D. Messieurs Franklin, le Roy, Bailly, de Bory,
The Commission concluded that “nothing Lavoisier. As M. Borie died at the beginning of
proves the existence of Animal-magnetism the Commissioners’ work, His Majesty chose
fluid; that this fluid with no existence is there- M. Majault, a Doctor from the Faculté, to re-
fore without utility; that the violent effects ob- place him.
served at the group treatment belong to touch- The agent that M. Mesmer claims to have
ing, to the imagination set in action & to this discovered, which he has made known under
involuntary imitation that brings us in spite of the name Animal magnetism, is, as he charac-
ourselves to repeat that which strikes our terizes it himself & according to his own words,
senses.” In other words, the effect is mental,
not magnetic. a universally spread fluid; it is the means of a
The control of intervening variables and the mutual influence between celestial bodies, the
testing of specific claims, without resort to un- earth, & living bodies; it is continuous so as
necessary hypothesizing about what is behind not to permit any vacuum; it is incomparably
the “power,” is the lesson modern skeptics subtle; it is capable of receiving, spreading, &
should take from this historical masterpiece. communicating all the sensations of move-
The other historical lesson is clear as well— ment; it is sensitive to flux & reflux. The phys-
true believers remain unaffected by contradic- ical body feels the effects of this agent; &,
tory evidence, in the 18th century as well as when it insinuates itself into the substance of
today. So why bother testing? Because the vast nerves, it affects them immediately. One rec-
majority of people are neither true believers ognizes particularly in the human body, prop-
nor skeptics, but just intellectually curious and erties similar to those of the magnet. One dis-
800 | m e s m e r i s m

tinguishes two diverse & opposed poles. The M. Deslon pledged with the Commissioners,
action & property of Animal magnetism may 1. to ascertain the existence of Animal magne-
be transmitted from one body to another, ani- tism; 2. to make known their findings; 3. to
mate & inanimate: This action operates from a prove the usefulness of these findings & of An-
distance, without the help of any intermediary imal magnetism in the cure of diseases.
body; it is increased when reflected by mir- Having been introduced to the theory &
rors, communicated, spread, & increased by techniques of Animal magnetism, it was time
sound; this property may be accumulated, to learn about the effects. The Commissioners
concentrated, transported. Although this fluid visited (& all of them more than once) the
is universal, all animated bodies are not place where M. Deslon had his practice. In the
equally susceptible. There are some, albeit middle of a large room they saw a circular vat,
few, in whom the polar property is so strong made of oak & raised a foot or a foot & a half,
that their mere presence destroys all the ef- called a baquet. The covering of this vat has
fects of this fluid in other bodies. many holes from which protrude bent, flexible
Animal magnetism may itself cure nervous metal rods. The patients are arranged in rows
disorders & be a medium for curing others; it around this vat, one rod to a person which be-
improves the action of medications; it induces cause it is bent may be applied directly to the
& guides crises in such a way that disorders afflicted area of the body; the patients are
can be understood & mastered. In this way, the chained together by a rope looped around
Physician knows the state of health of each in- their bodies; sometimes a second chain is cre-
dividual & determines with certainty the ori- ated by touching hands, which is to say, the
gin, nature, & progress of even the most com- thumb is pressed between a neighbor’s thumb
plicated of diseases; he prevents their spread & & index finger, & squeezed; the sensation re-
reaches a cure without ever exposing the pa- ceived from the left is sent through the right, &
tients to dangerous effects or unfortunate con- it circulates all around.
sequences, regardless of age, temperament & There is a pianoforte in the corner on which
sex. Nature offers in Magnetism a universal different tunes with various movements are
means of healing and protecting people. played; sometimes the sounds of voice &
singing are added.
Such is the agent that the Commissioners All those who magnetize hold a metal rod
have been charged to examine & whose prop- ten to twelve inches long.
erties are attested to by M. Deslon, who en- M. Deslon declared to the Commissioners,
dorses all of M. Mesmer’s principles. This the- 1. that this rod conducts magnetism; this rod
ory is the basis of a paper read May 9 at the has the advantage of concentrating magnetism
home of M. Deslon in the presence of the in the tip, & making the emanations more
Lieutenant General of Police & the Commis- powerful. 2. Sound, in accordance with M.
sioners. In the paper it is claimed that there is Mesmer’s principle, is also a conductor of
but one nature, one disease, one remedy; & magnetism, & to communicate the fluid to the
this remedy is Animal magnetism. In instruct- pianoforte, it is enough to bring the metal rod
ing the Commissioners about the theory & ac- closer; the person in contact with the instru-
tion of magnetism, this Physician also taught ment also provides some fluid, & magnetism is
them practical exercises, indicating where the transmitted through sound to near-by pa-
poles are, how patients are to be touched & the tients. 3. The rope wrapped around the pa-
manner in which this magnetic fluid is to be tients is intended, like the chain of thumbs to
trained upon them. augment the effects through communication.
m e s m e r i s m | 801

4. The inside of the vat is made so as to con- Sometimes the expectorations contain streaks
centrate magnetism. It is a large basin from of blood; there is a young male patient, in par-
which magnetism is spread through the metal ticular, who spit out blood in abundance.
rods dipped within it. These convulsions are characterized by quick,
The Commissioners used an electrometer & involuntary movements of limbs & the entire
a non-magnetic, metal needle to check that the body, by a tightening of the throat, by the
vat did not contain any electrical or charged twitching of the hypochondria & epigastric
matter; & upon the declaration of M. Deslon area, by blurred & unfocused vision, by pierc-
regarding the composition of the inside of the ing shrieks, tears, hiccups & excessive laughter.
vat, they agreed that no physical agent capable They are preceded or followed by a state of
of contributing to the reported effect of mag- languor & dreaminess, of a kind of prostration
netism was present. & even sleepiness. The slightest unexpected
A large number of patients arranged in sev- noise causes shivers; & it has been noticed that
eral rings around the vat receive magnetism si- the change of tone & measure in the pieces
multaneously therefore through these means: played on the pianoforte had an influence on
through the metal rods that transmit the mag- the patients—a faster movement, for example,
netism from the vat; through the rope inter- agitated them more & renewed the intensity of
twined about the body, & by the union of their convulsions.
thumbs communicating that of their neigh- There is a padded room, intended primarily
bors; through the sound of the pianoforte, or for patients racked by convulsions, a room
through a pleasant voice that spreads it named des Crises; but M. Deslon does not
through the air. Patients are directly magne- deem its usage necessary, & all patients, re-
tized as well by passing the finger & the metal gardless of condition, are gathered together in
rod in front of the face, on top of or behind the the group treatment rooms. Nothing is more
head, & on afflicted areas, always maintaining astonishing than the spectacle of these convul-
the distinction of the poles; sight, staring at sions; without seeing it, it cannot be imagined:
them, activates the effects. But above all pa- & in watching it, one is equally surprised by the
tients are magnetized by the laying of hands & profound repose of some of these patients &
the pressure of fingers on the hypochondria & the agitation that animates others; the various
lower abdominal areas; the contact often reactions that are repeated, the fellow-feeling
maintained for a considerable time, sometimes that sets in. One sees patients specifically
a few hours. searching for others & while rushing towards
Patients then display a variety of reactions each other, smile, speak with affection & mutu-
depending on the different states they find ally soothe their crises. All submit to the mag-
themselves in. Some are calm, quiet, & feel netizer; even though they may appear to be
nothing; others cough, spit, feel slight pain, a asleep, his voice, a look, a signal pulls them out
warmth either localized or all over, & perspire; of it. Because of these constant effects, one
others are agitated & tormented by convul- cannot help but acknowledge the presence of a
sions. These convulsions are extraordinary in great power which moves & controls patients, &
their number, duration, & strength. As soon as which resides in the magnetizer.
a convulsion begins, many others follow. The This convulsive state is improperly called
Commissioners have seen some lasting for Crisis in the theory of Animal magnetism: in
more than three hours; convulsions are ac- this doctrine, the crisis is considered healthy,
companied by murky & viscous expectorations like those brought about by Nature or by the
drawn out by the violence of the exertions. skillful physician to facilitate the cure of dis-
802 | m e s m e r i s m

eases. The Commissioners will adopt this term tial bodies influence us; the Commissioners
hence forward in this report, & when they thought that they should first set aside this
make use of the word crisis, they will always mighty influence, to consider only the part of
mean the state of either the convulsions or the this fluid diffused upon the earth without
lethargy produced by the processes of Animal bothering with whence it comes, & to ascertain
magnetism. the action it has upon us, around us & before
The Commissioners noticed that out of the our eyes, before considering its relations with
number of patients in crisis, there were always the Universe.
many women & few men; that these crises took The most reliable way to ascertain the exis-
one to two hours to build; & that as soon as one tence of Animal-magnetism fluid would be to
was established, all the others would start suc- make its presence tangible; but it did not take
cessively soon after. This having been re- long for the Commissioners to recognize that
marked upon, the Commissioners soon came to this fluid escapes detection by all the senses.
the conclusion that group treatment rooms Unlike electricity, it is neither luminescent nor
could not be the setting for their experiments. visible. Its action does not manifest itself visi-
The multiplicity of effects is a first obstacle; one bly as does the attraction of a magnet; it is
sees too many things at once to see particular without taste or smell; it spreads noiselessly &
things clearly. Moreover, distinguished patients envelops or penetrates you without your sense
who come to the treatment for their health of touch warning you of its presence. There-
could be bothered by the questioning; being so fore, if it exists in us & around us, it does so in
carefully observed could inconvenience or dis- an absolutely undetectable manner. Among
please them; the Commissioners themselves those who profess magnetism, there are some
would be hindered by their concern for discre- who claim that it may occasionally be seen
tion. They then decided that their constant at- emanating from the tips of fingers serving as
tendance not being necessary to the treatment, conductors or who believe that they feel its
it sufficed that a few of them should come from passage when the finger is moved back & forth
time to time to confirm the preliminary general in front of the face & over the hand. In the first
observations, to make new ones if necessary, & instance, the visible emanation is only that of
to report to the assembled commission. perspiration which becomes easily visible
The effect of group treatment having been when magnified under a solar microscope; in
observed, the next task was to unravel the the second, the feeling of cold or coolness that
causes & to search for proofs of the existence & one feels, a feeling more noticeable the
the utility of magnetism. The question of exis- warmer one is, is caused by the finger disturb-
tence is primary; the question of utility is not ing the air which is always colder than body
to be addressed until the first has been fully temperature. On the other hand, if the finger
resolved. Animal magnetism may well exist is brought close to the skin of the face, which
without being useful but it cannot be useful if is colder than the finger, & left there, one is
it does not exist. made to feel a sensation of heat, which is com-
In consequence, the principal purpose of municated body heat.
the Commissioners’ examination & the essen- It is also claimed that this fluid has an odor
tial goal of their first experiments had to be to & that it is detectable when the finger or con-
make certain of that existence. This purpose ducting rod is held under the nose; it is even
was still very broad & needed to be simplified. said that these sensations are different under
Animal magnetism embraces the whole of Na- the two nostrils depending on the polar posi-
ture; it is said to be the means by which celes- tioning of the finger or rod. M. Deslon has ex-
m e s m e r i s m | 803

perimented upon several Commissioners; the tame Nature, it is to help it in its operations.
Commissioners have repeated the experiment Nature heals the sick, said the Father of Medi-
upon several subjects; none has felt this differ- cine; but sometimes it meets obstacles that hin-
ence in sensation between one nostril & the der its course, obstacles that needlessly con-
other: & if by paying close attention, some sume its strength. The Physician is Nature’s
odor is recognized, it is in the case of the iron Minister; attentive observer, he studies its
rod, that is of the rod itself warmed & rubbed, course. If that course is steady, sure, level &
& in the case of the finger, that of the emana- without deviations, the Physician observes it in
tion of perspiration, an odor often mixed with silence & is careful not to disturb it with reme-
that of iron with which the finger is imprinted. dies at best useless; if this course is hampered,
These effects have been mistakenly attributed he facilitates it; if it is too slow or too fast, he
to magnetism, they all belong to known, natu- accelerates it or slows it down. He sometimes
ral causes. limits himself to regulating diet to fulfill his
In addition, M. Deslon never emphasized goal; sometimes he uses medications. The ac-
these fleeting sensations; he didn’t think it tion of medication in the human body is a new
necessary to have to produce them as proofs; force that combines with the great force that
&, on the contrary, he has expressly declared sustains life: if the remedy follows the same
to the Commissioners that he could only prove paths already opened by this force, it is salutary
the existence of magnetism through the action & useful in expelling disease; if it tends to open
of this fluid, creating changes in animate bod- contrary paths & divert this inner action, it is
ies. This existence becomes even more difficult harmful. However, it must be agreed that this
to ascertain through demonstrable effects very real effect, salutary or harmful, may often
whose causes are not unequivocal; through escape common observation. The physical his-
authenticated facts upon which mental cir- tory of mankind offers very peculiar phenom-
cumstances have no influence; finally through ena in this regard. We see that the most differ-
proofs capable of impressing & convincing the ent diets have not prevented the attainment of
mind, the only proofs that could satisfy en- old age. We see men seemingly stricken by the
lightened Physicians. same disease who are healed while following
The action of magnetism on animate bodies opposite diets, & while taking entirely different
may be observed two different ways; either by remedies; Nature is therefore powerful enough
prolonged action & its curative effects on the to maintain life in spite of a bad diet & to tri-
treatment of diseases, or by its temporary ef- umph over both the disease & the remedy. If it
fects on the economy of the human body & by has this power to resist remedies, all the more
the observable changes it produces. M. Deslon reason that it has the power to operate without
insisted that the first of these methods be prin- them. The experience of their effectiveness,
cipally & almost exclusively used. The Com- therefore, always carries some degree of uncer-
missioners did not believe they had to do so & tainty; in the case of magnetism, there is an ex-
here are their reasons: tra degree of uncertainty: the question of its ex-
Most diseases are seated inside the body. The istence. For, how can one ascertain, by the
long experience of a great many centuries has treatment of diseases, the action of an agent the
made the symptoms that precede & character- existence of which is in dispute when one can
ize these diseases well-known. That same expe- doubt the effect of medications the existence of
rience has indicated their method of treatment. which is not in question?
What is it in this method that is the goal of the The cure cited the most in favor of the exis-
Physician’s effort? It is neither to oppose nor tence of magnetism is that of M. le Baron de
804 | m e s m e r i s m

* * * , of which both the Court & the city have alone & without the help of medical treatment
been informed. We will not enter herein to a cures a great number of patients. If magnetism
discussion of the facts; we will not examine were inefficacious, using it to treat patients
whether the remedies previously used may would be to leave them in the hands of Nature.
have contributed to that cure. On the other In trying to ascertain the existence of this agent,
hand, we acknowledge that the state of the pa- it would be absurd to choose a method that, in
tient was grave &, on the other, the ineffective- attributing to the agent all of Nature’s cures,
ness of all the means of ordinary medicine; would tend to prove that it has a useful & cura-
magnetism was used & M. le Baron de * * * tive action, even though it would have none.
fully recovered. But could not a natural occur- The Commissioners are in agreement on
rence alone have been responsible for this re- this with M. Mesmer. He rejected the cure of
covery? A woman of the people & very poor, diseases when this way of proving magnetism
living at Gros-caillou, was struck in 1779 by a was proposed to him by a Member of the
malevolent fever of well known characteristics; Académie des Sciences: it is, said he, a mistake
she consistently refused any help, asking only to believe that this kind of proof is irrefutable;
that a water pitcher by her bedside be kept nothing conclusively proves that the Physician
full. She stayed quietly on her bed of straw, or Medicine heals the sick.
drinking water all day & doing nothing else. The treatment of diseases, therefore can
The sickness progressed, passed successively only furnish results that are always uncertain
through its different stages, & ended with com- & often misleading; this uncertainty could not
plete recovery. be evaded, & all cause of illusion offset, except
Mademoiselle G *** living at the Petite- by an infinity of cures & perhaps the experi-
sécuries of the King had two glands on the ence of a few centuries. The purpose & impor-
right breast that worried her very much; a sur- tance of the Commission require means more
geon advised her to use Painter’s water, an ex- prompt. The Commissioners have had to con-
cellent dissolving agent, stating that, if the rem- fine themselves to purely physical proofs, that
edy did not succeed within a month, the glands is, to the temporary effects of the fluid on the
would have to be removed. The frightened Animal body, by stripping these effects of all il-
young lady consulted M. Sallin who deemed lusions possibly mixed up with them, & mak-
the glands treatable. M. Bouvart, consulted ing sure that they cannot be due to any cause
later, gave the same opinion. She was encour- other than Animal magnetism.
aged to seek entertainment & distractions be- They set out to experiment on isolated sub-
fore beginning treatment; fifteen days later, she jects, who were willing to participate in a vari-
suffered a violent coughing crisis at the Opera ety of experiments imagined by the Commis-
& expectorated so abundantly that she had to sioners; & who, some through their naivete,
be brought back home; in four hours she spit others through their intelligence, would be
out three pints of phlegm; one hour later M. able to give a truthful & exact account of what
Sallin examined the breast & could no longer they experienced. These experiments will not
find any trace of the glands. M. Bouvart, who be presented here chronologically but in the
was called the next day, verified the felicitous order of the facts that they ought to clarify.
effect of this natural crisis. If Mlle. G *** had The Commissioners resolved to begin by ex-
taken Painter’s water, then Painter’s water perimenting upon themselves, & to submit
would have had to be credited for the cure. themselves to the action of magnetism. They
Observations over the centuries prove & were very curious to experience through their
Physicians themselves recognize, that Nature own senses the reported effects of this agent.
m e s m e r i s m | 805

They therefore submitted themselves to these tions, & be in all cases the only, or at least the
effects with the determination not to be an- first, judges of what they would be observing.
gered by the injuries or upsets to their health In consequence, a separate room & particu-
known to be produced by magnetism, putting lar vat were set aside for them at M. Deslon’s,
themselves in a position to resolve this impor- & once a week they sat there; they stayed for
tant question on the spot by means of their two to two & a half hours at a time, the iron
own evidence. But in submitting themselves to rod resting on the left hypochondrium, &
magnetism in this way, the Commissioners had themselves surrounded by the rope of commu-
to take a necessary precaution. There is no in- nication, & from time to time making the chain
dividual, even in the best of health who, if he of thumbs. They were magnetized, either by
listened to himself attentively, would not feel M. Deslon or a disciple sent in his place, some
within himself an infinity of the movements & for a longer time & more often than others, &
variations of either warmth or very minor pain these should have appeared to be the most
in various areas of the body; these variations sensitive; they were magnetized, sometimes
which can occur at any time are independent with the finger & iron rod held & moved over
from magnetism. It may not be inconsequen- various parts of the body, sometimes by apply-
tial to bring & sustain attention upon oneself in ing hands & finger pressure to either the
this way. There are so many connections, by hypochondria or on the pit of the stomach.
whatever means, between the will of the soul & None of them felt a thing, or at least, noth-
body movements that it is impossible to gauge ing that could be attributed to the action of
the effect of attentiveness, which seems only to magnetism. A few of the Commissioners have
be a sequence of intentions directed towards robust constitutions; others have weaker con-
the same object with perseverance & without stitution & are subject to discomforts: one of
interruption. When one considers that the will these felt a slight pain in the pit of the stom-
moves the arm at pleasure, how can one be ach, following strong finger pressure there.
certain that the attention focused upon an in- This pain lasted all day & the next day, accom-
terior part of the body cannot excite slight panied by a feeling of fatigue & uneasiness. A
movements there, bring warmth there, & make second felt a slight irritation of the nerves,
modifications so as to produce new sensations which he is susceptible to, on the afternoon of
there? The first concern of the Commissioners one of the days he was touched. A third, en-
was necessarily not to pay too much attention dowed with a greater sensitivity, & especially
to what was happening inside themselves. If an extreme instability in the nerves, felt more
magnetism is a real & powerful agent, it does pain & more intense irritations; but these
not require to be thought about to be manifest; slight mishaps are the consequence of inces-
it must, so to speak, force itself upon the atten- sant & ordinary variations in the state of health
tion & make itself noticeable even by a mind &, consequently, foreign to magnetism, or they
disturbed by design. follow from the pressure exerted on the stom-
But in deciding to make experiments upon ach. The Commissioners only mention these
themselves, the Commissioners unanimously minor details out of a desire for scrupulous ac-
agreed to make them amongst themselves curacy; they report them because they have
without allowing any stranger other than M. imposed on themselves the rule of always
Deslon to magnetize them or other persons of telling the truth in all things.
their own choosing; they also promised each The Commissioners could not help but be
other not to magnetize in group treatment, so struck by the difference between group treat-
that they could freely discuss their observa- ment & private treatment at the vat. Calm &
806 | m e s m e r i s m

silence in one, movement & agitation in the peared. When the right eye, the sicker of the
other; there, multiple effects, violent crises, the two, was magnetized, he felt nothing; he felt
normal state of body & spirit interrupted & the same pain in the left eye, & nothing else-
troubled, Nature overstrung; here the body where.
without pain, the spirit without trouble, Nature The woman Charpentier, knocked to the
conserving its equilibrium & natural course, in ground against a wooden beam by a cow two
a word, the absence of all effects; one cannot years ago, suffered various after effects: she
find this great power so astonishing in the lost her eyesight, then recovered it partially,
group treatment; magnetism without energy but has stayed in a habitual state of infirmity;
appeared to be devoid of all sensible action. she claimed to have had two prolapses, & an
The Commissioners, who at first went to the abdomen of such sensitivity that she cannot
vat only once a week, wanted to test whether bear to tie her skirt belts; this sensitivity is a
continuity might produce something; they matter of nerves being irritated and set into
went three days in a row, but their lack of sen- motion; the slightest pressure on the abdomen
sibility was the same & they obtained no result can get this motion underway &, by the corre-
whatsoever. This experiment, done & repeated spondence of nerves, produce effects through-
on eight subjects at a time, a few of whom have out the whole body.
habitual discomforts, suffices to conclude that This woman was magnetized like the others,
magnetism has little or no effect on a state of by application & finger pressure; this pressure
health, & even on a state of slight infirmity. It was painful to her; then as the finger was di-
was resolved to experiment on really sick sub- rected towards the area of prolapse, she com-
jects, & they were chosen from the class of plained of a headache; with the finger placed
commoners. in front of her face, she said she was short of
Seven patients were brought in Passy at the breath. With repeated movements of the finger
home of M. Franklin; they were magnetized in from high to low, she had quick movements of
front of him & in front of the other Commis- the head & shoulders such as one has when
sioners by M. Deslon. feeling surprise mixed with fear, & similar to
The widow Saint-Amand, an asthmatic with those of a person whose face has been
swollen abdomen, thighs & legs; & the woman splashed with drops of cold water. It seemed
Anseaume, who had a lump on her thigh, felt that she felt the same movements with her
nothing; little Claude Renard, a child of six eyes closed. Fingers were placed under her
years, scrofulous, almost emaciated, with a nose while her eyes were closed & she said she
swollen knee & a crooked leg with an almost thought that she was going to faint if that con-
unmovable joint, an interesting child & more tinued. The seventh patient, Joseph Ennuyé
reasonable than his age would dictate, also felt felt similar effects, but to a much lesser degree.
nothing, & also Geneviève Leroux, nine years Out of these seven patients, four felt nothing
old, subject to convulsions & a disease some- & three felt some effects. These effects were
what similar to what is called chorea sancti worthy of the Commissioners’ attention & war-
Viti. François Grenet felt some effects; his eyes ranted a scrupulous exam.
are diseased, especially the right one with To enlighten themselves & fix their ideas on
which he can hardly see & where there is a this matter, the Commissioners decided to ex-
large tumor. During the magnetization on the periment with patients from other circum-
left eye, by bringing the thumb closer & mov- stances, patients chosen from high society who
ing it back & forth at close range & for a long could not be suspected of ulterior motives &
time, he felt pain in the eyeball & tears ap- whose intelligence would permit them to dis-
m e s m e r i s m | 807

cuss their own sensations & report on them. had accompanied M. Deslon felt the effects of
Mmes. de B* * & de V * * , Ms. M * * & R * * magnetism, as they usually did during group
were admitted to the Commissioners’ private treatment, but Mme. de B * * , M. Franklin, his
vat; they were asked to observe what they felt, two parents, his secretary, an American officer,
but without giving it too much attention. M. felt nothing, even though one parent of M.
M * * & Mme. de V * * were the only ones to Franklin was convalescing, & the American of-
feel something. M. M * * has a cold tumor over ficer sick at the time with a low grade fever.
the entire knee joint & his patella is painful. These different experiments furnish facts
After having been magnetized, he declared he worthy of being collected & compared, & from
felt nothing anywhere in his body except when which the Commissioners have been able to
the finger was moved in front of the bad knee; draw conclusions. Out of fourteen patients, five
he thought he then felt a slight warmth at the seemed to have felt effects, & nine none at all.
place where he usually has pain. Mme. de V**, The Commissioner who had the migraine & ice
suffering from a nervous condition, was many cold feet felt no relief from magnetism, & his
times on the point of falling asleep while being feet were not warmed. Therefore this agent
magnetized. Magnetized without interruption does not have the property, attributed to it, of
for one hour & nineteen minutes, most often communicating heat to the feet. Magnetism is
by the laying of hands, she felt only some agi- also heralded as indicating the type & espe-
tation & uneasiness. These two patients came cially the seat of disease through the pain that
only once to the vat. M. R** sick from an unre- the action of this fluid inevitably brings there.
solved liver congestion, following from an ob- This advantage would be precious; the fluid,
struction improperly healed, came three times indicator of disease, would be a great tool in
& felt nothing. Mme. de B** suffering obstruc- the hands of the physician, often confounded
tions sat constantly with the Commissioners, by equivocal symptoms; but François Grenet
she felt nothing; & it must be said that she sub- only had sensation & some pain in the eye that
mitted to magnetism with perfect calm, which was less sick. Had the other eye not been red &
stemmed from a great incredulity. swollen, one would have believed it to be un-
Various patients were tested on other occa- damaged judging by the effect of magnetism.
sions but not around the vat. One of the Com- M. R* * & Mme. de B* * , both sick with ob-
missioners struck by migraine was magnetized structions, & Mme. de B* * quite seriously, hav-
by M. Deslon for half an hour; one of the ing felt nothing, would not have been made
symptoms of this migraine is excessive cold- aware of either the seat or the type of their dis-
ness in the feet. M. Deslon brought his foot ease. & yet, obstructions are diseases claimed to
close to that of the patient, the foot was not be especially susceptible to the action of mag-
warmed, the migraine lasted its usual length, & netism; because according to the new theory,
the patient after sitting down by the fireplace free & fast circulation of this fluid through the
felt the salutary effects that heat has always nerves is a way to clear up channels & destroy
provided, without having felt during the day or obstacles, that is to say, the blockages that it
the next night any of the effects of magnetism. meets. At the same time it is said that magnet-
Even though inconveniences prevented M. ism is the cornerstone of health. If M. R* * &
Franklin from being in Paris & witnessing the Mme. de B* * had not felt discomforts & suffer-
experiments, he was himself magnetized by M. ing inseparable from the obstructions, they
Deslon, who visited him at his home in Passy. would have firmly believed that they were in
The gathering there was numerous; all those the best state of health in the world. The same
present were magnetized. A few patients who should be said of the American officer:
808 | m e s m e r i s m

magnetism, heralded as an indicator of disease, before a large assembly composed in part of

has therefore entirely missed its mark. physicians, where a new treatment is adminis-
The heat that M. M* * felt on the patella is tered which the patient is persuaded will pro-
too subtle & too fleeting to lead to any conclu- duce amazing results. Let us add that the pa-
sion. We may suspect that it comes from the tient’s cooperation is paid for, & that he
cause described above, that is, from too much believes that it pleases us more when he says
attention paid to observing oneself: the same he feels effects, & we will have a natural expla-
attention would find similar feelings at any nation for these effects; at the least, we will
other moment when magnetism was not in have legitimate reasons to doubt that the real
use. The drowsiness felt by Mme. de V* * prob- cause of these effects is magnetism.
ably comes from the invariability & boredom Moreover, one can ask why magnetism had
of the same situation; if she has had a certain these effects on those people who knew what
light movement, we know that the nature of was done to them, who may have believed they
nervous conditions depends heavily on the at- had an interest in saying what they said,
tention paid to them; it is enough to think whereas it had no hold over little Claude Re-
about them or to hear about them to regener- nard, over this delicate organization of child-
ate them. It can be judged what will happen to hood, so fickle & so sensitive! The reason & in-
a woman whose nerves are very jittery, & who genuity of this child guarantees the truth of his
is magnetized for an hour & nineteen minutes, testimony. Why did this agent produce no ef-
during which time she has no other thought fect upon Geneviève Leroux, who was in a per-
than that of her habitual ailments. It would petual state of convulsions? Her nerves were
have not been surprising had she suffered a certainly jittery, why did magnetism not mani-
more considerable nervous crisis. fest itself, either by augmenting or diminishing
Of the effects that could appear to have to her convulsions? Her indifference & impassibil-
do with magnetism, only those on the woman ity lead to the conclusion that she felt nothing,
Charpentier, on François Grenet & on Joseph because the lack of reason did not permit her
Ennuyé remain. But then in comparing these to judge that she should have felt nothing.
three particular cases to all the others, the These facts permitted the Commissioners to
Commissioners were surprised that these three observe that magnetism has seemed to be
patients from the lower class were the only worthless for those patients who submitted to it
ones who had felt something, while those of a with a measure of incredulity; that the Com-
higher class, more enlightened, more able to missioners, even when those with jittery nerves
give account of their feelings, felt nothing at deliberately focused their attention elsewhere,
all. No doubt François Grenet felt pain in his having been armed with philosophical doubt
eye & cried because the thumb was brought so that ought to accompany every examination,
close to it; the woman Charpentier complained did in no way feel the impressions felt by the
that when her stomach was touched, the pres- three lower-class patients, & they must have
sure corresponded to the prolapse; & this pres- suspected that these impressions, even suppos-
sure may have produced a part of the effects ing them all to be real, followed from an antici-
that this woman felt; but the Commissioners pated conviction, & could have been an effect
suspected that these effects had been aug- of the imagination. From this has resulted an-
mented by mental circumstances. other plan of experiment. From now on, their
Let us take the standpoint of a commoner, research is going to be directed toward a new
for that reason ignorant, struck by disease & object; it is a question of disproving or confirm-
desiring to get well, brought with great show ing this suspicion, of determining up to what
m e s m e r i s m | 809

point the imagination can influence feelings & pressionable; the occasion was favorable for
establishing whether it can be the cause of all shedding light on the matter. The sensitivity of
or part of the effects attributed to magnetism. the woman being well established, it was only
Next the Commissioners heard about the a question of protecting her from her imagina-
experiments done at the home of the Dean of tion, or at least of getting it out of the way. The
the Faculté by M. Jumelin, Doctor of Medi- Commissioners proposed to blindfold her so
cine; they requested to see these experiments that they could observe the nature of her sen-
& they met with him at the home of one of the sations while experimenting without her
Commissioners, M. Majault. M. Jumelin de- knowledge. She was blindfolded & magne-
clared that he was not a follower of M. Mesmer tized; whereupon the phenomena no longer
or of M. Deslon, that he had learned nothing corresponded to the places where the magne-
from them about Animal magnetism; & from tism was directed. Magnetized successively
what he had heard said on the subject he con- over the stomach & the back, the woman felt
ceived principles & carried out proceedings. heat in her head, pain in her right leg, her left
His principles consist of regarding Magnetic eye & left ear.
Animal fluid as a fluid circulating in the body, The blindfold was removed, & M. Jumelin
& which emanates from it, but which is essen- having applied his hands on the hypochon-
tially the same as that which produces body dria, she said she felt heat; then after a few
heat; a fluid that like all others, tending to- minutes she said she was going to faint &, in
ward equilibrium, passes from the body which fact, did. When she recovered, she was again
has the most to the body which has the least. used as a subject, she was blindfolded, M.
His methods are equally different from those Jumelin was moved aside, the room was made
of M. Mesmer & M. Deslon; he magnetizes as silent & the woman was made to believe that
they do using the finger & the metal rod as she was magnetized. The results were the
conductors, & by the laying of hands, but with- same, even though nothing was done to her
out making any distinction between poles. from near or afar; she felt the same heat, the
First, eight men & two women were magne- same pain in her eyes & ears; she also felt heat
tized & felt nothing; finally a woman who is in her back & loins.
the door-keeper at the home of M. Alphonse le After a quarter of an hour, M. Jumelin was
Roy, Doctor of Medicine, having been magne- signaled to magnetize her over her stomach,
tized on her forehead, but without contact, she felt nothing, the same thing with her back.
said she felt heat while M. Jumelin was moving Sensations diminished instead of increasing.
his hand, & with the tips of his five fingers next The headache remained, the heat in the back
to the woman’s face, she said she felt as if a & loins came to an end.
moving flame were coming from it; magne- One sees that there have been effects pro-
tized on the stomach, she said she felt heat duced & that these effects are similar to those
there; magnetized on the back, she said she felt by the three patients mentioned above. But
felt the same heat there: she declared further- the former & the latter were obtained by dif-
more that she felt warm all over & had a ferent methods. It follows that the methods of
headache. proceeding play no role whatsoever. The
The Commissioners, seeing that out of method of Ms. Mesmer & Deslon & an opposite
eleven persons subjected to the experiment method give the same results. The distinction
only one was sensitive to the magnetism of M. between the poles, therefore, is chimerical.
Jumelin, thought that this person felt some- One can observe that when the woman
thing only because she was doubtless more im- could see, she placed her sensations precisely
810 | m e s m e r i s m

on the magnetized area; whereas when she ciously agreed to participate. It would be
could not see, she placed them haphazardly & pointless to object that M. Jumelin’s method is
in areas far from those being magnetized. It bad; for at this moment it was not magnetism
was natural to conclude that these sensations, being put to the test but the imagination.
true or false, were determined by the imagina- The Commissioners agreed to blindfold the
tion. We became convinced of this when we subjects being tested, to not magnetize them
saw that this woman, having rested, not feeling most of the time, & to skillfully question them
anything & being blindfolded, felt all the same in such a way as to lead them to answers. The
effects even though she was not magnetized; point was not to induce error, only to mislead
but the demonstration was completed when, their imaginations. Indeed, when not being
after a fifteen minute experiment and her magnetized, the sole response ought to be that
imagination probably tired & cooled off, the they feel nothing; & when they are being mag-
effects diminished instead of increasing at the netized, it is the heartfelt sensation that ought
very moment she was really being magnetized. to dictate their response, & not the manner in
If she fainted, that is a mishap that happens which they are questioned.
frequently to women when they are bothered The Commissioners, having accordingly
by clothes that are too tight. The laying of moved to the home of M. Jumelin, began by
hands on the hypochondria may have pro- putting his servant to the test. A specially de-
duced the same effect in an excessively sensi- signed blindfold, the same that was used in all
tive woman; but this cause is not even needed subsequent experiments, was placed over his
to explain what happened. It was very hot, the eyes. This blindfold was composed of two rub-
woman no doubt felt strong emotions in those ber crowns, the concave side of which was
first moments as she prepared to submit to a filled with eiderdown; all this was enclosed in
new, unknown experiment, & after such a pro- two pieces of cloth sewn into a round shape.
longed effort, it is not out of the ordinary to These two pieces were attached to one an-
feel weak. other; they had cords that tied behind. Placed
This swooning, therefore, has a natural & over the eyes, they left a gap for the nose so
known cause, but the sensations she experi- that the subject could breathe freely without
enced when not magnetized, can only be the being able to see a thing, not even daylight,
effect of the imagination. The same results through, above, or under the blindfold. These
were obtained in similar experiments made by precautions having been taken to secure the
M. Jumelin at the same place, on the following comfort of the subjects & the certainty of the
day, in the presence of the Commissioners, on results, M. Jumelin’s servant was persuaded
a blindfolded man & a woman with eyes un- that he was magnetized. He then felt an almost
covered; it was clear that their answers were overwhelming warmth, stirrings in his ab-
determined by the questions that were posed. domen, his head became heavier; little by little
The question indicated where the sensation he began to nod & appeared on the point of
ought to be; instead of directing the magne- falling asleep. All of which proves, as we said
tism towards them, it was only their imagina- earlier, that this effect is due to the situation,
tion that was being heightened & directed. A to boredom, & not to magnetism.
child of five years, magnetized afterwards, felt Magnetized next with eyes uncovered, he
only the heat generated beforehand in play. feels tingling in his forehead when the metal
These experiments appeared important rod is brought close to it; blindfolded again, he
enough to the Commissioners to be repeated feels no tingling when the rod is brought close;
in order to shed new light & M. Jumelin gra- & when it is not, & he is questioned whether
m e s m e r i s m | 811

he does not feel something on his forehead, he ciples & methods of magnetism, anyone who
declares he feels something there moving back stops beside it ought to feel the effect of this
& forth across it. agent to some degree; there are some who
M. B * * , an educated man, particularly in even lose consciousness or feel convulsions.
the field of medicine, blindfolded, offers the We spoke of this to M. Deslon who replied that
same spectacle; feeling effects when there is no the experiment ought to succeed so long as the
action taking place, often feeling nothing subject was very sensitive, & we came to agree-
when there is. These effects were such that ment with him to conduct this experiment in
even before being magnetized in any way, but Passy, in the presence of M. Franklin. The ne-
believing he had been for ten minutes, he felt cessity that the subject be sensitive made the
a warmth in his loins that he compared to the Commissioners think that in order to make the
warmth of a stove. It is obvious that M. B** experiment decisive & unquestionable, it must
had a strong sensation because to describe it, be made on a person chosen by M. Deslon, a
he had to resort to such a comparison; & this person whose sensitivity to magnetism had al-
sensation was entirely due to the imagination, ready been proved. M. Deslon consequently
which alone was acting upon him. brought with him a young man of about
The Commissioners, especially the Physi- twelve; in the garden orchard, an isolated apri-
cians, conducted numerous experiments on cot tree, fit to conserve the magnetism that
different subjects whom they magnetized would be impressed upon it, was marked. M.
themselves, or whom they led to believe had Deslon was led to it by himself so he could
been magnetized. The Commissioners magne- magnetize it, the young man staying in the
tized randomly with opposite poles or like house in the presence of someone who did not
poles in either sense, & in every instance, they leave his side. One would have wished that M.
obtained the same results; there was not in all Deslon not be present during the experiment,
those experiments any variation other than but he declared that it could miss the mark if
that of the degree of imagination. he did not direct his cane & his attention to
They were therefore convinced by facts that that tree to amplify the action. It was reluc-
the imagination on its own can produce various tantly decided to keep M. Deslon as far away
sensations & make one feel pain, heat, even a as possible & to place the Commissioners be-
substantial amount of heat in all parts of the tween him & the young man in order to ensure
body, & they have concluded that for many the that he could make no signals & attest to the
imagination plays a necessary role in the effects fact that no information was exchanged. These
attributed to Animal magnetism. But one must precautions, in an experiment that is to be au-
agree that the practice of magnetism produces thentic, are necessary without being offensive.
in animated bodies changes more pronounced The young man was then brought in, blind-
& upsets more substantial than the ones which folded & made to stand in front of four trees
have just been reported. So far none of the sub- that had not been magnetized, & asked to hug
jects who believed that they were magnetized them each for two minutes as prescribed by M.
were moved to the point of having convulsions; Deslon himself.
it therefore was a new type of experiment to M. Deslon, present & at some distance,
test, if by shaking the imagination alone, one pointed the cane at the tree that was really
could produce crises similar to the ones taking magnetized.
place at the group treatment. At the first tree, the young man, questioned
This idea then led to several experiments. after one minute, declared that he was perspir-
When a tree has been touched following prin- ing profusely; he coughed, spit & said he felt a
812 | m e s m e r i s m

slight pain on the head; the distance to the tients with him & choose from amongst the
magnetized tree was approximately twenty- poor being treated those who would be the
seven feet. most sensitive to magnetism. M. Deslon
At the second tree, he felt giddy with the brought two women; & while he was busy
same pain on the head; the distance was thirty- magnetizing M. Franklin & several people in
six feet. another apartment, these two women were
At the third tree, the dizziness increases & separated & placed in two different rooms.
the headache as well; he says he thinks he is One of them, the woman P**, has leukoma;
getting closer to the magnetized tree; it was but as she is able to see a little, her eyes were
then about thirty-eight feet away. covered with the blindfold described above.
Finally, at the fourth non-magnetized tree, She was persuaded that M. Deslon had been
& at about twenty-four feet from the magne- brought in to magnetize her; silence was in-
tized one, the young man had a crisis; he lost sisted upon, three Commissioners were pres-
consciousness, his limbs stiffened & he was ent, one to question her, the other to take
carried to a nearby lawn where M. Deslon gave notes, the third to represent M. Deslon. They
him first aid & revived him. acted as if they were addressing M. Deslon,
The result of this experiment is totally con- asking him to begin, but the woman was not
trary to magnetism. M. Deslon tried to explain magnetized at all; the three Commissioners re-
what happened by saying that all trees are nat- mained quiet, occupied only in observing what
urally magnetized & that their own magnetism was going to happen. After three minutes, the
was strengthened by his presence. But in that patient started to feel a nervous shiver; then in
case, anyone sensitive to magnetism could not succession she felt pain in the back of her
chance going into a garden without incurring head, in her arms, pins & needles in her hands,
the risk of convulsions, an assertion contra- that’s the expression she used; she stiffened,
dicted by everyday experience. M. Deslon’s clapped her hands, got up from her chair,
presence did nothing more than it had in the tapped her feet: the crisis was well defined.
coach in which he arrived with the young man, Two other Commissioners in the next room
who sat across from him & felt nothing. Had with the door closed heard the clapping of
the young man not felt anything, even under hands & tapping of feet &, without seeing any-
the magnetized tree, it could have been said thing, were witnesses to this loud affair.
that he was not sensitive enough, at least on Those two Commissioners were with the
that day: but the young man fell into a crisis other patient, a Mlle. B**, suffering from a
under a non-magnetized tree; consequently, it nervous ailment. With her eyes left uncovered,
is an effect which has no physical cause what- her sight was unimpeded; she was seated in
soever, no outside cause, & which can have no front of a closed door & persuaded that M.
cause other than the imagination. The experi- Deslon was on the other side in the process of
ment is therefore absolutely conclusive: the magnetizing her. It was barely a minute of sit-
young man knew he was being led to a magne- ting there in front of that door before she be-
tized tree, his imagination was struck, succes- gan to feel shivers. A minute after that she
sively heightened, & at the fourth tree it rose to started to chatter even though she felt gener-
the degree necessary to produce the crisis. ally warm; finally, after the third minute, she
Other experiments support this one, & yield fell into a complete crisis. Her breathing was
the same result. One day the Commissioners racing, she stretched both arms behind her
met in Passy at M. Franklin’s with M. Deslon, back, twisting them strongly & bending her
having requested the latter to bring some pa- body forward; her whole body shook. The
m e s m e r i s m | 813

chatter of teeth was so loud that it could be not at all magnetized were presented to her;
heard from outside; she bit her hand hard the second cup started to affect her, & at the
enough to leave teeth marks. fourth, she fell completely into a crisis. It can
It is well to observe that these two patients be said that her actual state was that of a ner-
were not touched in any way; not even their vous crisis that had begun in the anteroom &
pulses were felt so that it could not be said that began again on its own; but what is crucial is
magnetism had been communicated to them, that having asked for a drink, it was given to
& nonetheless the crises were full blown. The her in the cup magnetized by M. Deslon him-
Commissioners, who wanted to know the effect self; she drank quietly & said she felt relieved.
of the workings of the imagination & appreci- Therefore the cup & magnetism missed their
ate what role it could have in the crises of marks, because the crisis was quieted rather
magnetism, obtained all that they had wanted. than exacerbated.
It is impossible to see the effect of these work- Sometime later, while M. Majault was exam-
ings more overtly or in a more evident way ining her leukoma, the magnetized cup was
than in these two experiments. If the patients brought close to the back of her head & held
have claimed that their crises are stronger there for twelve minutes; she noticed nothing
during treatment, it is because the shaking of & felt no effect whatsoever, she was even
nerves is catching & in general everyone’s own calmer than at any other time because her
individual emotion is increased by the specta- imagination was distracted & occupied by the
cle of similar emotions. eye examination being made.
We had an opportunity to test the woman The Commissioners were told that this
P** a second time & to realize the extent to woman, left alone in the anteroom, suffered
which she was ruled by her imagination. We renewed convulsions when approached by sev-
wished to conduct the experiment of the mag- eral persons who had nothing to do with mag-
netized cups: this experiment consists of netism. It was pointed out to her that she was
choosing from amongst a number of cups one not being magnetized; but her imagination was
that is magnetized. The cups are presented one so excited that she replied: if you were not do-
after the other to a patient sensitive to magne- ing anything to me, I would not be in the state
tism; he ought to have a crisis or at least sense I am in. She knew she had come to be the sub-
some effect when the magnetized cup is pre- ject of experiment; someone’s approach, the
sented; he ought to be indifferent to all the least noise drew her attention, awakening the
others that are not. It is only necessary that, as idea of magnetism & renewing the convulsions.
recommended by M. Deslon, the direct pole be In order to act powerfully, the imagination
presented so that the person handling the cup often needs to be stimulated in different ways
does not magnetize the patient, & that no ef- simultaneously. The imagination responds to
fect other than the cup’s magnetism be in- all the senses; its reaction must be propor-
volved. The woman P** was summoned to M. tional to the number of senses that move it &
Lavoisier’s Arsenal where M. Deslon was pres- the feelings received: this is what the Commis-
ent; she started falling into shock in the ante- sioners realized following an experiment that
room, before having seen either M. Deslon or they are about to describe. M. Jumelin had
the Commissioners; but she knew she should told them of a young lady, age 20, whose
be seeing him, & that is a striking effect of the speech he had removed by the power of mag-
imagination. netism; the Commissioners repeated this ex-
After the crisis had abated, the woman was periment at his house, and the young lady
led to the site of the experiment. Several cups agreed to it & agreed to be blindfolded.
814 | m e s m e r i s m

First we tried to obtain the same result with- power over us; but they have this power be-
out magnetizing her; but whether she felt or cause they stir the imagination, & in a manner
believed she felt the effects of magnetism, we more or less exaggerated according to the
were unable to stimulate her imagination strength of that imagination. It is therefore
enough for the experiment to succeed. When sight that gets all the work of magnetism un-
she was really magnetized with eyes blind- derway; & the effect is so powerful, its origins
folded, we were not more successful. The so deep, that a woman newly arrived at M.
blindfold was removed; then the imagination Deslon’s, coming out of a crisis & meeting the
was stimulated by sight as well as by hearing, gaze of the disciple of Deslon who magnetized
the effects were more noticeable; but even her, stared at him for three quarters of an hour.
though her head began to droop, even though For a long time she was hounded by this look;
she felt pressure at the base of the nose & she kept seeing before her that same eye intent
many of the symptoms that she had felt the on watching her; & she constantly carried it in
first time, she did not however lose her ability her imagination for three days, whether asleep
to speak. What she asked for was done, & in or awake. One sees all that can be produced by
three fourths of a minute she became mute; an imagination able to preserve the same im-
only a few inarticulate sounds could be heard pression for such a long time, the same impres-
despite the visible efforts of the throat to push sion, that is to say, able to revive by its own
out sounds & those of the tongue & lips to power the same feeling for three days.
enunciate. This state lasted only a minute: one The experiments just reported are consistent
can see that finding itself in precisely the same & also decisive; they authorize the conclusion
circumstances, the seduction of the mind & its that the imagination is the real cause of the ef-
effects on the organs of speech were the same. fects attributed to magnetism. But the support-
But it was not enough that the spoken word ers of this new agent will perhaps reply that
alerted her to the fact that she had been mag- the identity of the effects does not always
netized, it was necessary that the sense of sight prove the identity of the causes. They will al-
make a stronger impression capable of stirring low that the imagination may excite these im-
the imagination; it was necessary also that it be pressions without magnetism; but they will
a known gesture to revive her ideas. It seems maintain that magnetism can also excite them
that this experiment shows wonderfully how without the help of the imagination. The Com-
the imagination works, being heightened by missioners could easily destroy this assertion
degree & requiring extra outside help in order by using reason & the principles of Physics:
to be stimulated more effectively. first & foremost, new causes are not to be pos-
This power that sight has over the imagina- tulated unless absolutely necessary. When the
tion explains the effects that the doctrine of effects observed can have been produced by
magnetism attributes to it. It is preeminently an existing cause, already manifested in other
sight that has the power to magnetize; signs & phenomena, sound Physics teaches that the ef-
gestures employed are ordinarily useless, the fect observed must be attributed to it; & when
Commissioners were told, unless the subject one announces the discovery of a cause hith-
has already been taken hold of by being erto unknown, sound Physics also demands
glanced upon. The reason is simple; it is in the that it be established, demonstrated by effects
eyes where the most expressive traits of the that cannot be attributed to any known cause,
passions are, & it is there that all that is most & that can only be explained by the new cause.
important & most seductive in character is un- It would thus be up to the followers of magne-
folded. Therefore, the eyes must have a great tism to present other proofs & to look for ef-
m e s m e r i s m | 815

fects that were entirely stripped of the illusion ination alone produces all the effects attrib-
of the imagination. But as facts are more con- uted to magnetism; & when the imagination
clusive than reasoning & provide more striking does not act, there are no more effects.
evidence, the Commissioners wanted to put to But one objection can be made to this ex-
the test what magnetism would be when the periment; that Mlle. B** could have been ill
imagination was not at work. disposed & found herself less sensitive at that
An apartment with adjacent rooms & a com- time to magnetism. The Commissioners antici-
municating door was prepared. The door was pated the objection & consequently conducted
removed & replaced by a frame, covered with the following experiment. As soon as one
two layers of paper. In one of these rooms was ceased to magnetize through the paper, the
one of the Commissioners there to write down same Physician-Commissioner moved to the
all that would happen, & a lady introduced as other room; it was easy to induce Mlle. B** to
being from the provinces & in need of a seam- be magnetized. He then commenced magne-
stress. Mlle. B**, a seamstress who had already tizing her, being careful, as in the preceding
been used during the experiments in Passy & experiment, to stand at a distance of one & a
whose sensitivity to magnetism was known, half feet from her, to use only the gestures &
was asked to come over. When she arrived, all movements of the index finger & the metal
was arranged so that there was only one chair rod, for had he applied his hands & touched
where she could sit & this chair was situated in her hypochondria, it could have been said that
the embrasure of the communicating door magnetism had acted through this closer con-
where she found herself as in a nook. tact. The only difference between these two
The Commissioners were in the other room, experiments is that in the first, he magnetized
& one of them, a Physician trained to magne- with opposite poles, following the rules,
tize & having already produced effects, was put whereas in the second, he magnetized with di-
in charge of magnetizing Mlle. B** through rect poles & backwards. Acting in this way, by
the paper frame. It is a principle of the theory the theory of magnetism, no effect at all
of magnetism that this agent passes through should have been produced.
wooden doors, walls, etc. A paper frame could However after three minutes, Mlle. B** felt
not be an obstacle; moreover, M. Deslon has ill at ease & short of breath; then followed in-
positively established that magnetism passes terspersed hiccups, chattering of the teeth, a
through paper; & Mlle. B** was magnetized as tightening of the throat & a bad headache; she
if she had been in the open & in his presence. anxiously stirred on her chair; she complained
For a half-hour, from a distance of a foot & a about lower back pain; she occasionally
half, she was magnetized with opposite poles, tapped her feet rapidly on the floor; she then
following all the procedures which had been stretched her arms behind her back, twisting
taught by M. Deslon, & which the Commission- them strongly as in Passy; in a word, a com-
ers saw practiced at his home. During all this plete & perfectly characteristic convulsive cri-
time, Mlle. B** was conversing cheerfully; sis. She suffered all this in twelve minutes
asked about her health, she answered freely whereas the same treatment employed for
that she felt quite well: in Passy she had fallen thirty minutes found her insensitive. The only
into a crisis after three minutes; here she en- thing added here is the imagination; it is
dured magnetism for thirty minutes without therefore to it that these effects are due.
any effect. It is just that here she did not know If the imagination started the crisis, it is also
she was magnetized, & in Passy she believed the imagination that made it stop. The Com-
that she was. One sees therefore that the imag- missioner who magnetized her said it was time
816 | m e s m e r i s m

to finish; crossing his two index fingers, he agent, excite the muscular action of the intes-
presented them to her; & it is well to observe tine & sometimes results in evacuations. Na-
that by this he was magnetizing her with direct ture seems to indicate, as by instinct, this ma-
poles as he had done so far; nothing therefore neuvering to hypochondriacs. The practice of
had changed, the same treatment should have magnetism is nothing more than this very ma-
continued the same impressions. But the in- neuvering; & the purges which it can produce
tention was enough to calm the crisis; the heat are facilitated further in the magnetic treat-
& headache dissipated. The areas that hurt ment by the frequent & almost habitual use of
were attended to one after the other, while an- a real purgative, diluted cream of tartar.
nouncing that the pain would disappear. In But when this movement principally excites
this way, the voice, by directing the imagina- the irritability of the colon, this intestine pre-
tion, caused the pain in the neck to stop, then sents other phenomena. It swells more or less,
in succession the irregularities in the chest, & sometimes to a considerable volume. It then
stomach & arms. It took only three minutes; communicates to the diaphragm such an irri-
after which Mlle. B** declared that she no tation that this organ enters more or less into
longer felt anything & was absolutely back in convulsions & this is what we call crisis in the
her natural state. treatment of Animal magnetism. One of the
These last experiments along with several Commissioners has seen a lady subject to a
done at the home of M. Jumelin have the dou- kind of spasmodic vomiting repeated several
ble advantage of simultaneously demonstrating times a day. The efforts produced only a
the power of the imagination & the nullity of cloudy & viscous fluid similar to that vomited
magnetism in the effects produced. by patients in crisis during the practice of
If the effects are even more marked & crises magnetism. The convulsion had its seat in the
seemingly more violent during group treat- diaphragm; & the region of the colon was so
ment, it is because several causes concur with sensitive that the slightest touching of that
the imagination to multiply & magnify the ef- area, a strong disturbance of the air, the sur-
fects. The process begins with staring to take prise caused by an unexpected noise, sufficed
hold of the mind; touching & applying hands to stimulate the convulsion. Thus this woman
soon follow; & it is appropriate here to develop had crises without magnetism due solely to the
an exposition of the physical effects. irritability of the colon & the diaphragm, &
These effects are more or less substantial; women who are magnetized have their crises
the lesser are the hiccups, stomach upsets, due to the same cause & by this irritability.
purges; the more substantial are convulsions The laying of hands on the stomach has
which are called crises. The place where touch- physical effects equally remarkable. The appli-
ing occurs is the hypochondria, at the pit of the cation is made directly upon this organ. Some-
stomach, & sometimes on the ovaries when it is times compression there is strong & continu-
women who are touched. Hands, fingers press ous, sometimes light & repeated; sometimes
& more or less squeeze these different areas. vibrations are transmitted to this part by rotat-
The colon, one of the large intestines, runs ing the metal rod; lastly, thumbs are sometimes
across both regions of the hypochondria & the passed along there quickly & successively one
epigastric area that separates them. It is placed after the other. These maneuvers quickly bring
directly under the tegument. It is therefore on to the stomach an irritation strong & more or
this intestine that touching takes place, on this less lasting depending on whether the subject
sensitive & very irritable intestine. Movement is more or less sensitive & irritable. Compress-
alone, repeated movements without any other ing the stomach predisposes it to this irritation.
m e s m e r i s m | 817

This compression allows it to act on the di- viscera of the lower abdomen; & that is how
aphragm, & to communicate to it the impres- we can make sense of physical disorders pro-
sions it receives. It cannot become irritated un- duced by the imagination. A sudden chill occa-
less the diaphragm is irritated, & from there, as sions colic, fear causes diarrhea, sadness gives
by the action of the colon, result the nervous rise to jaundice. The history of Medicine con-
symptoms we have just talked about. tains infinite examples of the power of the
With sensitive women, if one has put pres- imagination & the influence of the soul. The
sure on the two hypochondria without making fear of fire, a violent desire, a strong & lasting
any movement, the stomach tightens & these hope, a crisis of anger return the use of legs to
women faint. This is what happened to the a man crippled by gout, to a paralytic; an in-
woman magnetized by M. Jumelin; & what of- tense & unexpected joy dissipates a quartan
ten happens without any other cause when the fever two months old; a strong attentiveness
clothes of women are too tight; there is then brings a halt to hiccups; accidental mutes re-
no crisis, because the stomach is squeezed cover speech following a strong emotion of the
without being irritated, & because the di- soul. History shows that this emotion suffices
aphragm remains in its natural state. These to recover speech, & the Commissioners saw
same maneuvers practiced on the ovaries, that striking the imagination was enough to
aside from the effects that are particular to cause its loss. The action & the reaction of the
them, produce the same symptoms even more physical upon the mental & of the mental
powerfully. The influence & the power of the upon the physical have been demonstrated
uterus on animal economy is well known. since observation has been part of Medicine,
The intimate relation between the colon, that is, from its origin. Crises arise from touch-
the stomach & the uterus with the diaphragm ing & from the imagination.
is one of the causes of the effects attributed to Tears, laughter, coughs, hiccups, & in gen-
magnetism. The lower abdominal regions, sub- eral all the effects observed during what are
jected to various touches, respond to a differ- called the crises of the group treatment arise
ent plexus that constitutes a veritable nervous therefore from either the functions of the di-
center, by means of which, aside from all other aphragm disturbed by physical means, such as
systems, it very likely excites a sympathy, a touching & pressure, or from the power of the
communication, a correspondence between all imagination so gifted for acting upon this or-
parts of the body, an action & a reaction such gan & disturbing its functions.
that the sensations excited in this center shake If it were objected that touching is not al-
the other parts of the body; & vice versa such ways necessary for these effects, the reply
that a sensation felt in one part gets the ner- would be that the imagination may possess
vous system going, which often transmits this enough resources to manufacture everything
impression to all the other parts. by itself—especially the imagination acting in a
This explains not only the effects of mag- group treatment, doubly excited therefore by
netic touching but also the physical effects of its own movement & that of the surrounding
the imagination. It has always been observed imaginations. We have seen what it produced
that the affections of the soul make their first in the experiments made by the Commission-
impression on this nervous center, which leads ers on isolated subjects; one can judge of its
to the common saying that one has a weight on multiplied effects on patients brought together
the stomach & that one feels suffocated. The in the group treatment. These patients are as-
diaphragm joins in, from which come sighs, sembled in a tight place, relative to their num-
tears & laughter. Next a reaction is felt on the ber: the air is warm, although care is taken to
818 | m e s m e r i s m

renew it; & it is always more or less laden with who when separated were healed of the con-
mephitic gas the action of which particularly vulsions they suffered from when together.
affects the head & the nervous system. If there Thus we meet again with magnetism, or
is music, it is another means of acting upon rather with the theatrical play of the imagina-
nerves & of stimulating them. tion, in the army, in large gatherings like that
Several women are magnetized simultane- around the vat, acting by different means, but
ously & at first feel only effects similar to those producing the same effects. The vat is sur-
noted by the Commissioners in several of their rounded by a new crowd of patients: sensa-
experiments. They have recognized that even tions are continuously communicated & re-
during the group treatment, it is more often turned; in the end the exercise wears out the
only after two hours that the crises begin. Lit- nerves; they become irritated & the woman
tle by little, impressions are communicated & who is most sensitive gives the signal. At that
reinforce each other, as one may notice at the- point the cords, all pulled to the same degree
atrical spectacles where the impressions are & in unison, respond, & the crises multiply;
greater when there are many spectators, & es- they mutually reinforce each other; they be-
pecially in the places where one is at liberty to come violent. At the same time, the men wit-
applaud. This indication of particular emo- nessing these emotions share them to the de-
tions establishes a general emotion which each gree of their nervous sensibility, & those whose
shares to the extent to which he is susceptible. sensibility is greater & more easily affected fall
It is this that one observes also in armies on into a crisis themselves. This great affectability,
the day of battle, when the enthusiasm of in part natural & in part acquired, in men as
courage as well as the panic of terror spread well as women, becomes habitual. Having felt
with so much rapidity. The sound of the drum these sensations once or several times, it is
& of the military music, the noise of the can- only a question of recalling their memory to
non, the musket fire, the cries, the disorder stimulate the imagination to the degree neces-
rattle the organs, give to the mind the same sary to create the same effects. This is some-
movement & heighten imaginations to the thing always easy to do by placing the subject
same degree. In this drunken unity, one im- in the same circumstances. Then there is no
pression manifested becomes universal; it en- need for group treatment, one has only to
courages a charge or determines flight. The touch the hypochondria, to pass the finger &
same cause gives birth to revolts; the imagina- the metal rod in front of the face; the gestures
tion governs the multitude: men gathered in are known. It is not even necessary that they
numbers are more taken by their senses, rea- be employed, it suffices that patients, eyes
son has less hold on them; & when fanaticism blindfolded, believe that the gestures are being
presides over these assemblies, it gives rise to repeated, that they are persuaded they are be-
the Tremblers of the Cevennes. ing magnetized; the ideas awake, the sensa-
It is in order to stop such disturbances which tions reproduce themselves, the imagination
can spread so easily that gatherings are forbid- employing familiar means, & taking the same
den in seditious towns. The mind is every- paths, makes the same phenomena reappear.
where influenced by example. Mechanical imi- It is this that happens to the patients of M.
tation brings the physical into play: by isolating Deslon, who fall into crisis without a vat, &
individuals, one can quiet their minds; by sep- without being excited by the spectacle of
arating them, one can stop convulsions, natu- group treatment.
rally always contagious: we have a recent ex- Touching, imagination, imitation, these then
ample of this in the young girls of Saint-Roch, are the real causes of the effects attributed to
m e s m e r i s m | 819

this new agent, known under the name Animal men esteemed for their merit, their knowledge,
magnetism, to this fluid said to circulate in the & even genius, such as Paracelsus, Vanhelmont,
body & to spread from individual to individual; Kirker, etc., it should not be surprising if today,
such is the result of the experiments by the persons who are educated, enlightened, if even
Commissioners, & the observations that they a great number of Physicians have been taken
made on the methods employed, & on the ef- in. The Commissioners admitted only to the
fects produced. This agent, this fluid does not group treatment where there is neither time
exist, but as chimerical as it is, the idea of it is nor the ability to conduct decisive experiments
not new. A few authors, a few physicians from could themselves have been led into error. The
the last century have expressly dealt with it in freedom to isolate the effects was necessary in
several works. The curious & interesting re- order to distinguish the causes; one must like
searches of M. Thouret prove to the group that them have seen the imagination work, partially
the theory, the processes, the effects of Animal in some way, to produce its effects separately &
magnetism, proposed in the last century, in detail, so as to conceive of the accumulation
closely resembled those being taken up again of these effects, to get an idea of its total power
in this one. Magnetism therefore is only an old & take account of its wonders. But such exami-
error. This theory is being presented today nation requires a sacrifice of time, & much fol-
with a more impressive apparatus, necessary in low-up research which one does not always
a more enlightened century; but it is not for have the leisure to pursue for the purpose of
that reason less false. Man seizes, abandons, instruction or satisfying one’s own curiosity, or
takes up again the error that gratifies him. which one does not have even the right to un-
There are errors which will be eternally dear dertake unless one is like the Commissioners
to humanity. How many times has astrology charged by the King’s orders, & honored with
not reappeared upon the earth! Magnetism the group trust.
draws us to return to it. The desire has been to M. Deslon does not stray from his principles.
link it to celestial influences so as to make it He declared at the committee meeting held at
more captivating & attract men with the dou- the home of M. Franklin on June 19 that he
ble hopes that touch them most, the hope of believed he could in fact lay down the princi-
knowing their futures, & the hope of prolong- ple that the imagination had the greatest part
ing their days. in the effects of Animal magnetism; he said
There is reason to believe that the imagina- that this new agent may be only the imagina-
tion is the most important of the three causes tion itself, the power of which is so great that it
that we have just assigned to magnetism. We is little understood: at the same time he certi-
have seen by the experiments cited that it suf- fies that he has constantly been cognizant of
fices on its own to produce crises. Pressure, this power in the treatment of his patients, &
touching appear therefore to serve it as prepa- he certifies also that several have been healed
rations; it is through touching that the nerves or remarkably relieved. He has remarked to
are unsettled, imitation communicates & the Commissioners that the imagination di-
spreads the sensations. But the imagination is rected in this way toward the relief of human
this terrible, active power that produces the suffering, would be a great blessing in the
great effects one observes with astonishment in practice of Medicine; & persuaded of the truth
the group treatment. These effects are astonish- of the imagination’s power, he invited them to
ing in the eyes of everyone, while the cause is study its workings & effects at his home. If M.
obscure & hidden. When it is considered that in Deslon is still attached to the first idea that
the last centuries these effects have captivated these effects are due to the action of a fluid
820 | m e s m e r i s m

that is communicated from person to person himself with repairing the damage it has nec-
through touching or under the direction of a essarily produced; but at the group treatment
conducting agent, it will not take him long to of magnetism, crises repeat themselves every-
recognize with the Commissioners that all that day, they are long, violent; the situation of
is needed is one cause for one effect, & that be- these crises being harmful, making a habit of
cause the imagination is sufficient, the fluid is them can only be disastrous. How can one
useless. No doubt we are surrounded by a fluid conceive that a woman whose chest is affected
that belongs to us, imperceptible perspiration may without danger have bouts of convulsive
forms around us an atmosphere of vapors coughing, of forced expectorations; & by vio-
equally imperceptible; but this fluid acts only lent & repeated efforts, tire & perhaps tear the
like the atmospheres, can only be communi- lung where one has so much difficulty bring-
cated in infinitely small quantities through ing balm & soothing? How can one imagine
touching, is not directed either by conductors, that a man, whatever his disease, in order to
or by sight, or by intention, is not at all spread cure it must fall into crises where sight appears
by sound, nor reflected in mirrors, & is in no to be lost, where limbs stiffen, where with furi-
way admitting of the effects attributed to it. ous & involuntary movements he batters his
It remains to examine whether the crises or own chest; crises that end with an abundant
the convulsions produced by the processes of spitting up of mucus & blood! This blood is
this so-called magnetism, in the gathering neither polluted nor corrupted; this blood
around the vat, can be useful in healing or re- comes from vessels torn by the efforts & from
lieving the sick. No doubt the imagination of whence it comes contrary to the wish of Na-
patients often has an influence upon the cure ture. These effects therefore are real afflictions
of their maladies. The effect is only known & not curative ones; they are maladies added
through a general experiment & was not deter- to the disease whatever it may be.
mined by positive experiments but it does not These crises still have another danger. Man
appear that we can doubt it. It is a well-known is constantly controlled by habit; habit modi-
adage that in medicine faith saves; this faith is fies Nature by successive degrees, but it dis-
the product of the imagination: the imagina- poses it so strongly that it often changes it en-
tion therefore acts only through gentle means; tirely & makes it unrecognizable. Who can tell
through spreading calm through the senses, whether that crisis-state, at first impressed
through reestablishing order in functions, in upon the will, will not become habitual?
reanimating everything through hope. Hope is Whether this habit, thus acquired, would often
the life of man; what can give him the one reproduce the same incidents against one’s
contributes to him the other. But when the will, & almost without the help of the imagina-
imagination produces convulsions, it acts tion, which would be the lot of an individual
through violent means; these means are al- subjected to these violent crises, physically &
most always destructive. In a few very rare morally tormented by their unhappy impres-
cases, they can be useful; there are some des- sion, whose days would be divided between
perate cases where all must be disturbed in or- apprehensiveness & pain, & whose life would
der to be put in order anew. These dangerous be only a lasting torture? These afflictions of
upsets may only be used in Medicine the way the nerves, when they are natural, are the
poisons are. It must be necessity that dictates scourge of Physicians; it should not be the
their use & economy that controls it. This need place of art to produce them. This art is disas-
is momentary, the upset must be unique. Far trous, disturbing the functions of animal econ-
from repeating it, the wise physician busies omy, pushing Nature to deviate, & multiplying
m e s m e r i s m | 821

the victims of its disordering. This art is espe- unanimously concluded, on the question of
cially dangerous in that not only does it aggra- the existence & utility of magnetism, that noth-
vate nervous disorders by bringing the acci- ing proves the existence of Animal-magnetism
dents back to mind, by making them fluid; that this fluid with no existence is there-
degenerate into habits, but if this malady is fore without utility; that the violent effects ob-
contagious, as one may suspect, the practice of served at the group treatment belong to touch-
provoking nervous convulsions, & exciting ing, to the imagination set in action & to this
them publicly during the treatments, is a involuntary imitation that brings us in spite of
means of spreading them in large cities; & ourselves to repeat that which strikes our
even of afflicting the generations to come be- senses, & at the same time, they feel obliged to
cause the ills & habits of parents are transmit- add, as an important observation, that the
ted to their posterity. touchings, the repeated action of the imagina-
The Commissioners, having recognized that tion in producing crises can be dangerous; that
this Animal-magnetism fluid cannot be per- the witnessing of these crises is equally dan-
ceived by any of our senses, that it had no ac- gerous because of this imitation which Nature
tion whatsoever, neither on themselves, nor on seems to have made a law; & that, conse-
patients submitted to it; having certified that quently, all group treatment in which the
pressure & touching occasion changes rarely means of magnetism will be used, can in the
favorable to animal economy & perturbations long run have only disastrous effects.
always distressing in the imagination; having In Paris, this August eleven one thousand
finally demonstrated by decisive experiments seven hundred & eighty four.
that the imagination without magnetism pro- Signed B. Franklin, Majault, le Roy,
duces convulsions, & that magnetism without Sallin, Bailly, d’Arcet, de Bory, Guillotin,
imagination produces nothing; they have Lavoisier
What Ever Happened to N-Rays?
Robert Wood’s 1904 N-Ray Letter
in Nature

ditor’s note: This essay is the third in a ation was certainly not an unprecedented

E series of classic historical pieces in

skeptical and pseudoscience literature.
Following William Jennings Bryan’s never-
event at the start of the 20th century. Several
other types of radiation had been reported in
the dozen or so years previously (including
delivered “Address to the Jury in the Scopes x-rays). But none would be more controver-
Case” on “The Most Powerful Argument sial than n-rays.
against Evolution Ever Made” and Benjamin N-rays were supposedly a form of radiation
Franklin’s and Antoine Lavoisier’s investiga- exhibited by any number of substances, with
tion of Mesmerism for King Louis XVI of the bizarre exceptions of green wood and
France. Here we republish Robert W. Wood’s “anesthetized” metal (metal soaked in ether
famous letter in Nature that blew apart the or chloroform). Within less than a year of its
chimerical search for n-rays, with an intro- announced “discovery,” no fewer than 30 pa-
duction by psychologist and skeptical investi- pers were published confirming the existence
gator Terence Hines. of the new rays. Other laboratories, however,
using more sophisticated methods were un-
able to replicate the findings. Blondlot’s
measuring instrument was a spectroscope
with an aluminum-coated prism and thread
A Classic in Skeptical History on the inside. The n-rays were refracted by
the prism and spread out into a spectrum. The
Terence Hines only way to see the normally invisible n-rays
was to cause them to hit a treated thread (e.g.,
In early 1903, the news of the discovery of a one coated in calcium sulfide). Moving the
new type of radiation in France spread thread across the gap between the prism and
through the international physics community. n-ray source caused the thread to become il-
Rene Blondlot, one of the most famous physi- luminated and this is what was reported as a
cists in the world, had made the discovery at “detection.”
the University of Nancy. He named the new In 1903 Nature sent Johns Hopkins Univer-
radiation n-rays in honor of the university sity physicist Robert W. Wood, who was at-
and city. The discovery of a new form of radi- tending a scientific conference in Britain, to

w h a t e v e r h a p p e n e d t o n - r a y s ? | 823

Nancy, France, to investigate. During a series that he made his observations. But everyone in
of experiments, when the lights were out, the field knew.
Wood secretly removed the prism from the
spectroscope, after which n-rays were still de-
tected, clearly an impossible result since the
prism was supposedly critical for refracting the
rays. In short, what Wood’s little experiment The n-Rays
proved was that n-rays didn’t exist. Blondlot’s
use of a purely subjective methodology, as op- B y R o b e rt W. W o o d
posed to an objective one, led him to believe in
Nature, September 29, 1904, pp. 530–531
the reality of the new rays, as it did in several
other laboratories, mostly in France. (There
may have been some nationalistic bias here The inability of a large number of skillful ex-
since the Germans had discovered x-rays). perimental physicists to obtain any evidence
Wood was an extraordinary individual whatever of the existence of the n-rays, and
whose wide-ranging areas of interest included the continued publication of papers announc-
many in physics, as well as non-traditional ar- ing new and still more remarkable properties
eas such as investigating spiritualistic mediums of the rays, prompted me to pay a visit to one
and the use of scientific methodology in crime of the laboratories in which the apparently pe-
detection. Following his visit to Blondlot’s lab- culiar conditions necessary for the manifesta-
oratory, Wood reported his findings in the Sep- tion of this most elusive form of radiation ap-
tember 29, 1904, issue of Nature, then, as it is pear to exist. I went, I must confess, in a
today, one of the leading scientific publications doubting frame of mind, but with the hope
in the world. This letter, reprinted here, is a that I might be convinced of the reality of the
classic in skeptical literature. After its appear- phenomena, the accounts of which have been
ance in Nature, it was quickly published in read with so much scepticism.
French in the Revue Scientifique (Vol. 2, Oct. After spending three hours or more in wit-
22, 1904, 536–538) and in German in the nessing various experiments, I am not only un-
Physikalische Zeitschrift (Vol. 1, 1904, 789– able to report a single observation which ap-
791). peared to indicate the existence of the rays,
The letter seems to have had quite an effect. but left with a very firm conviction that the
According to M. Nye, whose excellent history few experimenters who have obtained positive
of the n-ray affair should be consulted for fur- results have been in some way deluded.
ther details (“N-rays: An Episode in the His- A somewhat detailed report of the experi-
tory and Psychology of Science.” Historical ments which was shown to me, together with
Studies in the Physical Sciences, 1980, 125– my own observations, may be of interest to the
156), “only one confirming account of n-rays many physicists who have spent days and
was presented to the [French] Academy” in the weeks in fruitless efforts to repeat the remark-
following years. Thus, Wood’s letter signaled able experiments which have been described
the beginning of the end of the n-ray episode. in the scientific journals of the past year.
The debate would simmer on for a few more The first experiment which it was my privi-
years and Blondlot, who retired in 1909, con- lege to witness was the supposed brightening
tinued his n-ray quest, but to no avail. of a small electric spark when the n-rays were
It is worth noting that nowhere in Wood’s concentrated on it by means of an aluminum
letter did he specify at which laboratory it was lens. The spark was placed behind a small
824 | w h a t e v e r h a p p e n e d t o n - r a y s ?

screen of ground glass to diffuse the light, the very sure that if a series of experiments were
luminosity of which was supposed to change made jointly in this laboratory by the origina-
when the hand was interposed between the tor of the photographic experiments and Profs.
spark and the source of the n-rays. Rubens and Lummer, whose failure to repeat
It was claimed that this was most distinctly them is well known, the source of the error
noticeable, yet I was unable to detect the would be found.
slightest change. This was explained as due to I was next shown the experiment of the de-
a lack of sensitiveness of my eyes, and to test viation of the rays by an aluminum prism. The
the matter I suggested that the attempt be aluminum lens was removed, and a screen of
made to announce the exact moments at wet cardboard furnished with a vertical slit
which I introduced my hand into the path of about 3 mm. wide put in its place. In front of
the rays, by observing the screen. In no case the slit stood the prism, which was supposed
was a correct answer given, the screen being not only to bend the sheet of rays, but to
announced as bright and dark in alternation spread it out into a spectrum. The positions of
when my hand was held motionless in the path the deviated rays were located by a narrow
of the rays, while the fluctuations observed vertical line of phosphorescent paint, perhaps
when I moved my hand bore no relation what- 0.5 mm. wide, on a piece of dry cardboard,
ever to its movements. which was moved along by means of a small
I was shown a number of photographs driving engine. It was claimed that a move-
which showed the brightening of the image, ment of the screw corresponding to a motion
and a plate was exposed in my presence, but of less than 0.1 of a millimeter was sufficient to
they were made, it seems to me, under condi- cause the phosphorescent line to change in lu-
tions which admit of many sources of error. In minosity when it was moved across the n-ray
the first place, the brilliancy of the spark fluc- spectrum, and this with a slit 2 or 3 mm. wide.
tuates all the time by an amount which I esti- I expressed surprise that a ray bundle 3 mm.
mated at 25 per cent, which alone would make in width could be split up into a spectrum with
accurate work impossible. maxima and minima less than 0.1 of a mil-
Secondly, the two images (with n-rays and limeter apart, and was told that this was one of
without) are built of “installment exposures” the inexplicable and astonishing properties of
of five seconds each, the plate holder being the rays. I was unable to see any change what-
shifted back and forth by hand every five sec- ever in the brilliancy of the phosphorescent
onds. It appears to me that it is quite possible line as I moved it along, and I subsequently
that the difference in the brilliancy of the im- found that the removal of the prism (we were
ages is due to a cumulative favoring of the ex- in a dark room) did not seem to interfere in
posure of one of the images, which may be any way with the location of the maxima and
quite unconscious, but may be governed by minima in the deviated (!) ray bundle.
the previous knowledge of the disposition of I then suggested that an attempt be made to
the apparatus. The claim is made that all acci- determine by means of the phosphorescent
dents of this nature are made impossible by screen whether I had placed the prism with its
changing the conditions, i.e., by shifting the refracting edge to the right or the left, but nei-
positions of the screens; but it must be remem- ther the experimenter nor his assistant deter-
bered that the experimenter is aware of the mined the position correctly in a single case
change, and may be unconsciously influenced (three trials were made). This failure was at-
to hold the plate holder a fraction of a second tributed to fatigue.
longer on one side than on the other. I feel I was next shown an experiment of a differ-
w h a t e v e r h a p p e n e d t o n - r a y s ? | 825

ent nature. A small screen on which a number nosity of the spark. The spark, however, varies
of circles had been painted with luminous greatly in intensity from moment to moment,
paint was placed on the table in the dark and the manner in which the exposures are
room. The approach of a large steel file was made appears to me to be especially favour-
supposed to alter the appearance of the spots, able to the introduction of errors in the total
causing them to appear more distinct and less time of exposure which each image receives. I
nebulous. I could see no change myself, am unwilling also to believe that a change of
though the phenomenon was described as intensity which the average eye cannot detect
open to no question, the change being very when the n-rays are flashed “on” and “off”
marked. Holding the file behind my back, I will be brought out as distinctly in photo-
moved my arm slightly towards and away from graphs as is the case on the plates exhibited.
the screen. The same changes were described Experiments could easily be devised which
by my colleague. A clock face in a dimly would settle the matter beyond all doubt; for
lighted room was believed to become much example, the following: Let two screens be
more distinct and brighter when the file was prepared, one composed of two sheets of thin
held before the eyes, owing to some peculiar aluminum with a few sheets of wet paper be-
effect which the rays emitted by the file ex- tween, the whole hermetically sealed with wax
erted on the retina. I was unable to see the along the edges. The other screen to be exactly
slightest change, though my colleague said the same, containing, however, dry paper.
that he could see the hands distinctly when he Let a dozen or more photographs be taken
held the file near his eyes, while they were with the two screens, the person exposing the
quite invisible when the file was removed. The plates being ignorant of which screen was used
room was dimly lit by a gas jet turned down in each case. One of the screens being opaque
low, which made blank experiments impossi- to n-rays, the other transparent, the resulting
ble. My colleague could see the change just as photographs would tell the story. Two ob-
well when I held the file before his face, and servers would be required, one to change the
the substitution of a piece of wood of the same screens and keep a record of the one used in
size and shape as the file in no way interfered each case, the other to expose the plates.
with the experiment. The substitution was of The same screen should be used for two or
course unknown to the observer. three successive exposures, in one or more
I am obliged to confess that I left the labora- cases, and it should be made impossible for the
tory with a distinct feeling of depression, not person exposing the plates to know in any way
only having failed to see a single experiment of whether a change had been made or not.
a convincing nature, but with the almost cer- I feel very sure that a day spent on some
tain conviction that all the changes in the lu- such experiment as this would show that varia-
minosity or distinctness of sparks and phos- tions in the density on the photographic plate
phorescent screens (which furnish the only had no connection with the screen used.
evidence of n-rays) are purely imaginary. It Why cannot the experimenters who obtain
seems strange that after a year’s work on the results with n-rays and those who do not try a
subject not a single experiment has been de- series of experiments together, as was done
vised which can in any way convince a critical only last year by Cremieu and Pender, when
observer that the rays exist at all. To be sure doubt had been expressed about the reality of
the photographs are offered as an objective the Rowland effect?
proof of the effect of the rays upon the lumi- R. W. Wood, Brussels, September 22
Scientific Study of
Unidentified Flying Objects

Introduction volving evolutionary biology: the extra-terres-

trial inhabitants of UFOs are invariably de-
Michael Shermer scribed as remarkably similar to terrestrial
primates—bilaterally symmetrical with two
The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears, fingers and
Objects was conducted at the University of toes, a nose and a mouth. The probability of
Colorado between 1966 and 1968, with such creatures being anything like primates,
physics professor Edward U. Condon as its let alone humans, is so remote as to not be
primary investigator. It is commonly known as worthy of further consideration. Of the hun-
the “Condon Report” or the “Colorado Pro- dreds of millions of species to have roamed
ject Report.” The publication represents the the earth over the past three billion years,
largest single scientific project ever under- only gorillas, orangutans, chimps, bonobos,
taken in relation to the UFO question. The and humans have survived as living great
Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects apes, and only one species—us—has reached a
was originally copyrighted in 1968 by the Re- level of intelligence and culture to achieve
gents of the University of Colorado, a body space flight. Is it really possible that the evo-
corporate. It was subsequently published in lution of life on some other planet would so
reports of the United States Air Force and resemble ours as to produce another primate-
other governmental agencies and was pub- like creature? No.
lished commercially by Bantam Books, but is There is an additional problem, and that is
currently out of print. the question of technological evolution. I first
Because of the historical importance of this addressed this question in my January 2002
document, the National Capital Area Skeptics, column in Scientific American, in an essay en-
with the permission of the Regents of the Uni- titled “Shermer’s Last Law.” It is based on the
versity of Colorado, republished the Scientific famous three “laws” of the science fiction
Study of Unidentified Flying Objects on their writer Arthur C. Clarke:
web page. Under the direction of Jim Giglio,
who worked for more than a year to bring this Clarke’s First Law: “When a distinguished
document to the web, and with the permis- but elderly scientist states that
sion of the National Capital Area Skeptics, we something is possible he is almost
present these excerpts—the first two sections certainly right. When he states that
of the publication—as a slice of twentieth- something is impossible, he is very
century history related to UFOs. probably wrong.”
My own skepticism about the UFO phe- Clarke’s Second Law: “The only way of
nomenon stems from a simple observation in- discovering the limits of the possible is

s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 827

to venture a little way past them into the communicate with us. ETI would be to us as
impossible.” we would be to this early hominid—godlike.
Clarke’s Third Law: “Any sufficiently Science and technology have changed our
advanced technology is indistinguishable world more in the past century than it changed
from magic.” in the previous hundred centuries. It took
10,000 years to get from the cart to the air-
This last observation stimulated me to think plane, but only 66 years to get from powered
more on the impact the discovery of an Extra- flight to a lunar landing. Moore’s Law of com-
Terrestrial Intelligence (ETI) would have on puter power doubling every eighteen months
civilization. To that end I have immodestly continues unabated and is now down to about
proposed Shermer’s Last Law (I don’t believe a year. Ray Kurzweil, in The Age of Spiritual
in naming laws after oneself, so as the good Machines, calculates that there have been
book warns, the last shall be first and the first thirty-two doublings since World War II, and
shall be last): Any sufficiently advanced ETI is that the Singularity point may be upon us as
indistinguishable from God. early as 2030. The Singularity (as in the center
God is typically described by Western reli- of a black hole where matter is so dense that
gions as omniscient and omnipotent. Since we its gravity is infinite) is the point at which total
are far from the mark on these traits, how computational power will rise to levels that are
could we possibly distinguish a God who has so far beyond anything that we can imagine
them absolutely, from an ETI who has them in that they will appear near infinite and thus,
relatively (to us) copious amounts? Thus, we relatively speaking, be indistinguishable from
would be unable to distinguish between ab- omniscience (note the suffix!).
solute and relative omniscience and omnipo- When this happens the world will change
tence. But if God were only relatively more more in a decade than it did in the previous
knowing and powerful than us, then by defini- thousand decades. Extrapolate that out a hun-
tion it would be an ETI! Consider two observa- dred thousand years, or a million years (an eye
tions and one deduction: blink on an evolutionary time scale and thus a
1. Biological evolution operates at a snail’s realistic estimate of how far advanced ETI will
pace compared to technological evolution (the be, unless we happen to be the first space-far-
former is Darwinian and requires generations ing species, which is unlikely), and we get a
of differential reproductive success, the latter gut-wrenching, mind-warping feel for just how
is Lamarckian and can be implemented within godlike these creatures would seem.
a single generation). 2. The cosmos is very big In Clarke’s 1953 novel Childhood’s End, hu-
and space is very empty (Voyager I, our most manity reaches something like a Singularity
distant spacecraft, hurtling along at over (with help from ETIs) and must make the tran-
38,000 mph, will not reach the distance of sition to a higher state of consciousness in or-
even our sun’s nearest neighbor, the Alpha der to grow out of childhood. One character
Centauri system that it is not even headed to- early in the novel opines that “science can de-
ward, for over 75,000 years). Ergo, the proba- stroy religion by ignoring it as well as by dis-
bility of an ETI who is only slightly more ad- proving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated,
vanced than us and also makes contact is so far as I am aware, the nonexistence of Zeus
virtually nil. If we ever do find ETI it will be as or Thor, but they have few followers now.”
if a million-year-old Homo erectus were Although science has not even remotely de-
dropped into the middle of Manhattan, given a stroyed religion, Shermer’s Last Law predicts
computer and cell phone, and instructed to that the relationship between the two will be
828 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

profoundly affected by contact with ETI. To thing, the federal government should do about
find out how we must follow Clarke’s Second the UFO reports it receives from the general
Law, venturing courageously past the limits of public. We are inclined to think that nothing
the possible and into the unknown. Ad astra! should be done with them in the expectation
This is best done, in my opinion, through that they are going to contribute to the ad-
the SETI program, the Search for Extra-Ter- vance of science.
restrial Intelligence using radio telescopes in This question is inseparable from the ques-
the hopes of detecting a signal from an ETI, tion of the national defense interest of these
rather than a close encounter of the third reports. The history of the past 21 years has
kind. Thus, I agree with the final conclusion of repeatedly led Air Force officers to the conclu-
the Condon report, as summarized in “Section sion that none of the things seen, or thought
I Conclusions and Recommendations”: to have been seen, which pass by the name of
UFO reports, constituted any hazard or threat
We believe that the existing record and the re- to national security.
sults of the Scientific Study of Unidentified ...
Flying Objects of the University of Colorado, It has been contended that the subject has
which are presented in detail in subsequent been shrouded in official secrecy. We conclude
sections of this report, support the conclusions otherwise. We have no evidence of secrecy con-
and recommendations which follow. cerning UFO reports. What has been miscalled
As indicated by its title, the emphasis of this secrecy has been no more than an intelligent
study has been on attempting to learn from policy of delay in releasing data so that the
UFO reports anything that could be consid- public does not become confused by premature
ered as adding to scientific knowledge. Our publication of incomplete studies of reports.
general conclusion is that nothing has come The subject of UFOs has been widely mis-
from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years represented to the public by a small number of
that has added to scientific knowledge. Careful individuals who have given sensationalized
consideration of the record as it is available to presentations in writings and public lectures.
us leads us to conclude that further extensive So far as we can judge, not many people have
study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in been misled by such irresponsible behavior, but
the expectation that science will be advanced whatever effect there has been has been bad.
It has been argued that this lack of contri-
bution to science is due to the fact that very
little scientific effort has been put on the sub-
ject. We do not agree. We feel that the reason
Scientific Study of
that there has been very little scientific study
of the subject is that those scientists who are
most directly concerned, astronomers, atmo-
spheric physicists, chemists, and psychologists,
Flying Objects
having had ample opportunity to look into the
matter, have individually decided that UFO
D r . E dwa r d U . C o n d o n
s c i e n t i f i c d i r e c to r
phenomena do not offer a fruitful field in
which to look for major scientific discoveries. Conducted by the University of Colorado
... under contract No. 44620-67-C-0035
The question remains as to what, if any- with the United States Air Force
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 829

Section II Summary of the Study spheric physics. The universities should be

chosen to provide good geographical distribu-
1. Origin of the Colorado Project. The de- tion, and should be within convenient distance
cision to establish this project for the Scientific of a base of the Air Force Systems Command
Study of Unidentified Flying Objects stems (AFSC).
from recommendations in a report dated B. At each AFSC base an officer skilled in
March 1966 of an Ad Hoc Committee of the investigation (but not necessarily with scien-
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board set up un- tific training) should be designated to work
der the chairmanship of Dr. Brian O’Brien to with the corresponding university team for
review the work of Project Blue Book. Details that geographical section. The local represen-
of the history of work on UFOs are set forth in tative of the Air Force Office of Special Investi-
Section V, Chapter 2. (See also Appendix A.) gations (OSI) might be a logical choice for this.
The recommendation was: C. One university or one not-for-profit or-
It is the opinion of the Committee that the ganization should be selected to coordinate
present Air Force program dealing with UFO the work of the teams mentioned under A
sightings has been well organized, although above, and also to make certain of very close
the resources assigned to it (only one officer, a communication and coordination with the of-
sergeant, and a secretary) have been quite lim- fice of Project Blue Book.
ited. In 19 years and more than 10,000 sight- It is thought that perhaps 100 sightings a
ings recorded and classified, there appears to year might be subjected to this close study, and
be no verified and fully satisfactory evidence that possibly an average of 10 man days might
of any case that is clearly outside the frame- be required per sighting so studied. The infor-
work of presently known science and technol- mation provided by such a program might
ogy. Nevertheless, there is always the possibil- bring to light new facts of scientific value, and
ity that analysis of new sightings may provide would almost certainly provide a far better ba-
some additions to scientific knowledge of sis than we have today for decision on a long
value to the Air Force. Moreover, some of the term UFO program.
case records at which the Committee looked These recommendations were referred by
that were listed as “identified” were sightings the Secretary of the Air Force to the Air Force
where the evidence collected was too meager Office of Scientific Research for implementa-
or too indefinite to permit positive listing in tion, which, after study, decided to combine
the identified category. Because of this the recommendations A and C so as to have a sin-
Committee recommends that the present pro- gle contracting university with authority to
gram be strengthened to provide opportunity subcontract with other research groups as
for scientific investigation of selected sightings needed. Recommendation B was implemented
in more detail than has been possible to date. by the issuance of Air Force Regulation 80-17
To accomplish this it is recommended that: (Appendix B) which establishes procedures for
A. Contracts be negotiated with a few se- handling UFO reports at the Air Force bases.
lected universities to provide scientific teams In setting up the Colorado project, as al-
to investigate promptly and in depth certain ready stated in Section I, the emphasis was on
selected sightings of UFO’s. Each team should whether deeper study of unidentified flying
include at least one psychologist, preferably objects might provide some “additions to sci-
one interested in clinical psychology, and at entific knowledge.”
least one physical scientist, preferably an as- After considering various possibilities, the
tronomer or geophysicist familiar with atmo- AFOSR staff decided to ask the University of
830 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

Colorado to undertake the project (see Pref- here defined as the stimulus for a report made
ace). Dr. J. Thomas Ratchford visited Boulder by one or more individuals of something seen
in late July 1966 to learn whether the Univer- in the sky (or an object thought to be capable
sity would be willing to undertake the task. A of flight but when landed on the earth) which
second meeting was held on 10 August 1966 the observer could not identify as having an
in which the scope of the proposed study was ordinary natural origin, and which seemed to
outlined to an interested group of the admin- him sufficiently puzzling that he undertook to
istrative staff and faculty of the University by make a report of it to police, to government of-
Dr. Ratchford and Dr. William Price, execu- ficials, to the press, or perhaps to a representa-
tive director of AFOSR. After due delibera- tive of a private organization devoted to the
tion, University officials decided to undertake study of such objects.
the project. Defined in this way, there is no question as
The contract provided that the planning, di- to the existence of UFOs, because UFO reports
rection and conclusions of the Colorado proj- exist in fairly large numbers, and the stimulus
ect were to be conducted wholly indepen- for each report is, by this definition, an UFO.
dently of the Air Force. To avoid duplication of The problem then becomes that of learning to
effort, the Air Force was ordered to furnish the recognize the various kinds of stimuli that give
project with the records of its own earlier work rise to UFO reports.
and to provide the support of personnel at AF The UFO is “the stimulus for a report . . .”
bases when requested by our field teams. This language refrains from saying whether
We were assured that the federal govern- the reported object was a real, physical, mate-
ment would withhold no information on the rial thing, or a visual impression of an ordinary
subject, and that all essential information physical thing distorted by atmospheric condi-
about UFOs could be included in this report. tions or by faulty vision so as to be unrecogniz-
Where UFO sightings involve classified missile able, or whether it was a purely mental delu-
launchings or involve the use of classified sion existing in the mind of the observer
radar systems, this fact is merely stated as to do without an accompanying visual stimulus.
more would involve violation of security on The definition includes insincere reports in
these military subjects. In our actual experi- which the alleged sighter undertakes for what-
ence these reservations have affected a negligi- ever reason to deceive. In the case of a delu-
ble fraction of the total material and have not sion, the reporter is not aware of the lack of a
affected the conclusions (Section I) which we visual stimulus. In the case of a deception, the
draw from our work. reporter knows that he is not telling the truth
The first research contract with AFOSR pro- about his alleged experience.
vided $313,000 for the first 15 months from 1 The words “which he could not identify”
November 1966 to 31 January 1968. The con- are of crucial importance. The stimulus gives
tract was publicly announced on 7 October rise to an UFO report precisely because the
1966. It then became our task to investigate observer could not identify the thing seen. A
those curious entities distinguished by lack of woman and her husband reported a strange
knowledge of what they are, rather than in thing seen flying in the sky and reported quite
terms of what they are known to be, namely, correctly that she knew “it was unidentified
unidentified flying objects. because neither of us knew what it was.”
The thing seen and reported may have been
2. Definition of an UFO. An unidentified an object as commonplace as the planet Venus,
flying object (UFO, pronounced OOFO) is but it became an UFO because the observer did
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not know what it was. With this usage it is clear countered in this study. While the existence of
that less well informed individuals are more a few mentally unbalanced persons among
likely to see an UFO than those who are more UFO observers is part of the total situation, it
knowledgeable because the latter are better is completely incorrect and unfair to imply
able to make direct identification of what they that all who report UFOs are “crazy kooks,”
see. A related complication is that less well in- just as it is equally incorrect to ignore the fact
formed persons are often inaccurate observers that there are mentally disturbed persons
who are unable to give an accurate account of among them.
what they believe that they have seen. Individuals differ greatly as to their ten-
If additional study of a report later provides dency to make reports. Among the reasons for
an ordinary interpretation of what was seen, not reporting UFOs are apathy, lack of aware-
some have suggested that we should change its ness of public interest, fear of ridicule, lack of
name to IFO, for identified flying object. But knowledge as to where to report and the time
we have elected to go on calling it an UFO be- and cost of making a report.
cause some identifications are tentative or We found that reports are not useful unless
controversial, due to lack of sufficient data on they are made promptly. Even so, because of
which to base a definite identification. A wide the short duration of most UFO stimuli, the re-
variety of ordinary objects have through mis- port usually can not be made until after the
interpretation given rise to UFO reports. This UFO has disappeared. A few people tele-
topic is discussed in detail in Section VI, Chap- phoned to us from great distances to describe
ter 2. (The Air Force has published a pamphlet something seen a year or two earlier. Such re-
entitled, “Aids to Identification of Flying Ob- ports are of little value.
jects” [USAF, 1968] which is a useful aid in Early in the study we tried to estimate the
the interpretation of something seen which fraction of all of the sightings that are re-
might otherwise be an UFO.) ported. In social conversations many persons
The words “sufficiently puzzling that they could tell us about some remarkable and puz-
undertook to make a report” are essential. As a zling thing that they had seen at some time in
practical matter, we can not study something the past which would sound just as remarkable
that is not reported, so a puzzling thing seen as many of the things that are to be found in
but not reported is not here classed as an UFO. UFO report files. Then we would ask whether
they had made a report and in most cases
3. UFO Reports. In our experience, the would be told that they had not. As a rough
persons making reports seem in nearly all guess based on this uncontrolled sample, we
cases to be normal, responsible individuals. In estimate that perhaps 10% of the sightings that
most cases they are quite calm, at least by the people are willing to talk about later are all
time they make a report. They are simply puz- that get reported at the time. This point was
zled about what they saw and hope that they later covered in a more formal public attitude
can be helped to a better understanding of it. survey (Section III, Chapter 7) made for this
Only a very few are obviously quite emotion- study in which only 7% of those who said they
ally disturbed, their minds being filled with had seen an UFO had reported it previously.
pseudo-scientific, pseudo-religious or other Thus if all people reported sightings that are
fantasies. Cases of this kind range from slight like those that some people do report, the
disturbance to those who are manifestly in number of reports that would be received
need of psychiatric care. The latter form an ex- would be at least ten times greater than the
tremely small minority of all the persons en- number actually received.
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At first we thought it would be desirable to Mt. Rainier, Washington. He reported seeing a

undertake an extensive publicity campaign to group of objects flying along in a line which he
try to get more complete reporting from the said looked “like pie plates skipping over the
public. It was decided not to do this, because water.” The newspaper reports called the
about 90% of all UFO reports prove to be things seen “flying saucers” and they have
quite plausibly related to ordinary objects. A been so termed ever since, although not all
tenfold increase in the number of reports UFOs are described as being of this shape.
would have multiplied by ten the task of elimi- Soon reports of flying saucers were coming
nating the ordinary cases which would have to in from various parts of the country. Many re-
be analyzed. Our available resources for field ceived prominent press coverage (Bloecher,
study enabled us to deal only with a small frac- 1967). UFOs were also reported from other
tion of the reports coming in. No useful pur- countries; in fact, more than a thousand such
pose would have been served under these cir- reports were made in Sweden in 1946.
cumstances by stimulating the receipt of an The details of reports vary so greatly that it
even greater number. is impossible to relate them all to any single
Study of records of some UFO reports from explanation. The broad range of things re-
other parts of the world gave us the strong im- ported is much the same in different countries.
pression that these were made up of a mix of This means that a general explanation peculiar
cases of similar kind to those being reported in to any one country has to be ruled out, since it
the United States. For example, in August 1967 is utterly improbable that the secret military
Prof. James McDonald of Arizona made a 20- aircraft of any one country would be undergo-
day trip to Australia, Tasmania and New Zea- ing test flights in different countries. Similarly
land in the course of which he interviewed it is most unlikely that military forces of differ-
some 80 persons who had made UFO reports ent countries would be testing similar develop-
there at various times. On his return he gave ments all over the world at the same time in
us an account of these experiences that con- secrecy from each other.
firmed our impression that the reports from Defense authorities had to reckon with the
these other parts of the world were, as a class, possibility that UFOs might represent flights of
similar to those being received in the United a novel military aircraft of some foreign power.
States. Therefore we decided to restrict our Private citizens speculated that the UFOs were
field studies to the United States and to one or test flights of secret American aircraft. Cog-
two cases in Canada. (See Section III, Chapter nizance of the UFO problem was naturally as-
1.) This was done on the practical grounds of sumed by the Department of the Air Force in
reducing travel expense and of avoiding diplo- the then newly established Department of De-
matic and language difficulties. The policy was fense. Early investigations were carried on in
decided on after preliminary study had indi- secrecy by the Air Force, and also by the gov-
cated that in broad generality the spectrum of ernments of other nations.
kinds of UFO reports being received in other Such studies in the period 1947–52 con-
countries was very similar to our own. vinced the responsible authorities of the Air
Force that the UFOs, as observed up to that
4. Prologue to the Project. Official interest time, do not constitute a threat to national se-
in UFOs, or “flying saucers” as they were curity. In consequence, ever since that time, a
called at first dates from June 1947. On 24 minimal amount of attention has been given to
June, Kenneth Arnold, a business man of them.
Boise, Idaho was flying a private airplane near The year 1952 brought an unusually large
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 833

number of UFO reports, including many in the come from a more detailed study of some of
vicinity of the Washington National Airport, the reports than was considered necessary
during a period of several days in July. Such a from a strictly military viewpoint. This recom-
concentration of reports in a small region in a mendation eventuated in the setting up of the
short time is called a “flap.” The Washington Colorado project.
flap of 1952 received a great deal of attention The story of Air Force interest, presented in
at the time (Section III, Chapters). Section V, Chapter 2, shows that from the be-
At times in 1952, UFO reports were coming ginning the possibility that some UFOs might
in to the Air Force from the general public in be manned vehicles from outer space was con-
such numbers as to produce some clogging of sidered, but naturally no publicity was given to
military communications channels. It was this idea because of the total lack of evidence
thought that an enemy planning a sneak attack for it.
might deliberately stimulate a great wave of Paralleling the official government interest,
UFO reports for the very purpose of clogging was a burgeoning of amateur interest stimu-
communication facilities. This consideration lated by newspaper and magazine reports. By
was in the forefront of a study that was made 1950 popular books on the subject began to
in January 1953 by a panel of scientists under appear on the newsstands. In January 1950
the chairmanship of the late H. P. Robertson, the idea that UFOs were extraterrestrial vehi-
professor of mathematical physics at the Cali- cles was put forward as a reality in an article
fornia Institute of Technology (Section V, entitled “Flying Saucers are Real” in True
Chapter 2). This panel recommended that ef- magazine written by Donald B. Keyhoe, a re-
forts be made to remove the aura of mystery tired Marine Corps major. Thereafter a steady
surrounding the subject and to conduct a cam- stream of sensational writing about UFOs has
paign of public education designed to produce aroused a considerable amount of interest
a better understanding of the situation. This among laymen in studying the subject.
group also concluded that there was no evi- Many amateur organizations exist, some of
dence in the available data of any real threat them rather transiently, so that it would be dif-
to national security. ficult to compile an accurate listing of them.
Since 1953 the results of UFO study have Two such organizations in the United States
been unclassified, except where tangential rea- have a national structure. These are the Aerial
sons exist for withholding details, as, for exam- Phenomena Research Organization (APRO),
ple, where sightings are related to launchings with headquarters in Tucson, Arizona, claim-
of classified missiles, or to the use of classified ing about 8000 members; and the National In-
radar systems. vestigations Committee for Aerial Phenomena
During the period from March 1952 to the (NICAP) with headquarters in Washington,
present, the structure for handling UFO re- D.C., and claiming some 12,000 members.
ports in the Air Force has been called Project James and Coral Lorenzen head APRO, while
Blue Book. As already mentioned the work of Keyhoe is the director of NICAP, which, de-
Project Blue Book was reviewed in early 1966 spite the name and Washington address is not
by the committee headed by Dr. Brian a government agency. Many other smaller
O’Brien. This review led to the reaffirmation groups exist, among them Saucers and Unex-
that no security threat is posed by the exis- plained Celestial Events Research Society
tence of a few unexplained UFO reports, but (SAUCERS) operated by James Moseley.
the committee suggested a study of the possi- Of these organizations, NICAP devotes a
bility that something of scientific value might considerable amount of its attention to attack-
834 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

ing the Air Force and to trying to influence problems of medical and social psychology de-
members of Congress to hold hearings and in serve more attention than we were able to give
other ways to join in these attacks. It main- them. They fell distinctly outside of the field of
tained a friendly relation to the Colorado proj- expertise of our staff, which concentrated
ect during about the first year, while warning more on the study of the UFOs themselves
its members to be on guard lest the project than on the personal and social problems gen-
turn out to have been “hired to whitewash the erated by them.
Air Force.” During this period NICAP made Among those who write and speak on the
several efforts to influence the course of our subject, some strongly espouse the view that
study. When it became clear that these would the federal government really knows a great
fail, NICAP attacked the Colorado project as deal more about UFOs than is made public.
“biased” and therefore without merit. Some have gone so far as to assert that the
The organizations mentioned espouse a sci- government has actually captured extraterres-
entific approach to the study of the subject. In trial flying saucers and has their crews in se-
addition there are a number of others that cret captivity, if not in the Pentagon, then at
have a primarily religious orientation. some secret military base. We believe that such
From 1947 to 1966 almost no attention was teachings are fantastic nonsense, that it would
paid to the UFO problem by well qualified sci- be impossible to keep a secret of such enor-
entists. Some of the reasons for this lack of in- mity over two decades, and that no useful pur-
terest have been clearly stated by Prof. Gerard pose would be served by engaging in such an
P. Kuiper of the University of Arizona (Appen- alleged conspiracy of silence. One person with
dix C). Concerning the difficulty of establish- whom we have dealt actually maintains that
ing that some UFOs may come from outer the Air Force has nothing to do with UFOs,
space, he makes the following cogent observa- claiming that this super-secret matter is in the
tion: “The problem is more difficult than find- hands of the Central Intelligence Agency
ing a needle in a haystack; it is finding a piece which, he says, installed one of its own agents
of extraterrestrial hay in a terrestrial haystack, as scientific director of the Colorado study.
often on the basis of reports of believers in ex- This story, if true, is indeed a well kept secret.
tra-terrestrial hay.” These allegations of a conspiracy on the part
of our own government to conceal knowledge
5. Initial Planning. A scientific approach to of the existence of “flying saucers” have, so far
the UFO phenomenon must embrace a wide as any evidence that has come to our attention,
range of disciplines. It involves such physical no factual basis whatever.
sciences as physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, The project’s first attention was given to be-
and meteorology. Since the primary material coming familiar with past work in the subject.
consists mostly of reports of individual ob- This was more difficult than in more orthodox
servers, the psychology of perception, the fields because almost none of the many books
physiology of defects of vision, and the study and magazine articles dealing with UFOs
of mental states are also involved. could be regarded as scientifically reliable.
Social psychology and social psychiatry are There were the two books of Donald H. Men-
likewise involved in seeking to understand zel, director emeritus of the Harvard College
group motivations which act to induce belief Observatory and now a member of the staff of
in extraordinary hypotheses on the basis of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
what most scientists and indeed most laymen (Menzel, 1952 and Boyd, 1963). Two other
would regard as little or no evidence. These useful books were The UFO Evidence (1964), a
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compilation of UFO cases by Richard Hall, and Such expectations were found to be in vain.
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Nearly all UFO sightings are of very short du-
E. J. Ruppelt (1956), the first head of Project ration, seldom lasting as long as an hour and
Blue Book. In this initial stage we were also usually lasting for a few minutes. The ob-
helped by “briefings” given by Lt. Col. Hector servers often become so excited that they do
Quintanilla, the present head of Project Blue not report at all until the UFO has gone away.
Book, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, astronomical con- With communication and travel delays, the
sultant to Project Blue Book, and by Donald field team was unable to get to the scene until
Keyhoe and Richard Hall of NICAP. long after the UFO had vanished.
Out of this preliminary study came the This was, of course, a highly unsatisfactory
recognition of a variety of topics that would re- situation. We gave much thought to how it
quire detailed attention. These included the could be overcome and concluded that this
effects of optical mirages, the analogous anom- could only be done by a great publicity cam-
alies of radio wave propagation as they affect paign designed to get the public to report
radar, critical analysis of alleged UFO photo- sightings much more promptly than it does,
graphs, problems of statistical analysis of UFO coupled with a nationwide scheme of having
reports, chemical analysis of alleged material many trained field teams scattered at many
from UFOs, and reports of disturbances to au- points across the nation. These teams would
tomobile ignition and to headlights from the have had to be ready to respond at a moment’s
presence of UFOs. Results of the project’s notice. Even so, in the vast majority of the
study of these and other topics are presented cases, they would not have arrived in time for
in this section and in Sections III and VI of direct observation of the reported UFO. More-
this report. over, the national publicity designed to insure
more prompt reporting would have had the ef-
6. Field Investigations. Early attention was fect of arousing exaggerated public concern
given to the question of investigation of indi- over the subject, and certainly would have
vidual cases, either by detailed critical study of vastly increased the number of nonsense re-
old records or by field trip investigation of cur- ports to which response would have had to be
rent cases. From this study we concluded that made. In recruiting the large number of field
there was little to be gained from the study of teams, great care would have had to be exer-
old cases, except perhaps to get ideas on mis- cised to make sure that they were staffed with
takes to be avoided in studies of new cases. We people of adequate scientific training, rather
therefore decided not to make field trips to in- than with persons emotionally committed to
vestigate cases that were more than a year old, extreme pro or con views on the subject.
although in a few cases we did do some work Clearly this was quite beyond the means of
on such cases when their study could be com- our study. Such a program to cover the entire
bined with a field investigation of a new case. United States would cost many millions of dol-
At first we hoped that field teams could re- lars a year, and even then there would have
spond to early warning so quickly that they been little likelihood that anything of impor-
would be able to get to the site while the UFO tance would have been uncovered.
was still there, and that our teams would not In a few cases some physical evidence could
only get their own photographs, but even ob- be gathered by examination of a site where an
tain spectrograms of the light of the UFO, and UFO was reported to have landed. In such a
make radioactive, magnetic, and sound mea- case it did not matter that the field team arrived
surements while the UFO was still present. after the UFO had gone. But in no case did we
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obtain any convincing evidence of this kind al- seem at first to be worthy of full field investi-
though every effort was made to do so. (See gation could be disposed of in this way with
below and in Section III, Chapters 3 and 4.) comparatively little trouble and expense. Each
Thus most of the field investigation, as it case presented its own special problems. No
turned out, consisted in the interviewing of hard-and-fast rule was found by which to de-
persons who made the report. By all odds the cide in advance whether a particular report
most used piece of physical equipment was the was worth the trouble of a field trip.
tape recorder. After careful consideration of these various
The question of a number of investigators factors, we decided to operate with two-man
on a field team was an important one. In most teams, composed whenever possible of one
work done in the past by the Air Force, UFO person with training in physical science and
observers were interviewed by a single Air one with training in psychology. When the
Force officer, who usually had no special train- study became fully operational in 1967 we had
ing and whose freedom to devote much time to three such teams. Dr. Roy Craig describes the
the study was limited by the fact that he also work of these teams in Section III, Chapters 1,
had other responsibilities. When field studies 3, and 4. Reports of field investigations are
are made by amateur organizations like APRO presented in Section IV.
or NICAP, there are often several members
present on a team, but usually they are persons 7. Explaining UFO Reports. By definition
without technical training, and often with a UFOs exist because UFO reports exist. What
strong bias toward the sensational aspects of makes the whole subject intriguing is the pos-
the subject. sibility that some of these reports cannot be
Prof. Hynek strongly believes that the teams reconciled with ordinary explanations, so that
should have four or more members. He rec- some extraordinarily sensational explanation
ommends giving each report what he calls the for them might have to be invoked. A fuller
“FBI treatment,” by which he means not only discussion of some misinterpretations of ordi-
thorough interviewing of the persons who nary events by Dr. W. K. Hartmann is given in
made the report, but in addition an active Section VI, Chapter 2.
quest in the neighborhood where the sighting A great many reports are readily identified
occurred to try to discover additional wit- with ordinary phenomena seen under unusual
nesses. Against such thoroughness must be circumstances, or noted by someone who is an
balanced the consideration that the cost per inexperienced, inept, or unduly excited ob-
case goes up proportionately to the number of server. Because such reports are vague and in-
persons in a team, so that the larger the team, accurate, it is often impossible to make an
the fewer the cases that can be studied. identification with certainty.
The detailed discussions in Section III, This gives rise to controversy. In some cases,
Chapter 1 and in Section IV make it clear that an identification that the UFO was “probably”
the field work is associated with many frustra- an aircraft is all that can be made from the
tions. Many of the trips turn out to be wild available data. After the event no amount of
goose chases and the team members often feel further interviewing of one or more witnesses
as if they are members of a fire department can usually change such a probable into a cer-
that mostly answers false alarms. tain identification. Field workers who would
We found that it was always worthwhile to like to identify as many as possible are natu-
do a great deal of initial interviewing by long rally disposed to claim certainty when this is at
distance telephone. A great many reports that all possible, but others who desire to have a
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 837

residue of unexplained cases in order to add two high school boys had launched a polyeth-
mystery and importance to the UFO problem ylene hot-air balloon.
incline to set impossibly high standards of cer- Locally that was the end of the story. But
tainty in the evidence before they are willing there is a sequel. A man in Florida makes a
to accept a simple explanation for a report. practice of collecting newspaper stories about
This dilemma is nicely illustrated by a ques- UFOs and sending them out in a mimeo-
tion asked in the House of Commons of Prime graphed UFO news letter which he mails to
Minister Harold Wilson, as reported in various UFO journals and local clubs. He gave
Hansard for 19 December 1967: currency to the Castle Rock reports but not to
the explanation that followed. When he was
Unidentified Flying Objects. Question 14. Sir chided for not having done so, he declared
J. Langford-Holt asked the Prime Minister that no one could be absolutely sure that all
whether he is satisfied that all sightings of the Castle Rock reports arose from sightings of
unidentified flying objects which are reported the balloon. There might also have been an
from service sources are explainable, what in- UFO from outer space among the sightings. No
quiries he has authorized into these objects one would dispute his logic, but one may with
outside the defense aspect, and whether he propriety wonder why he neglected to tell his
will now appoint one Minister to look into all readers that at least some of the reports were
aspects of reports. actually misidentifications of a hot-air balloon.
The Prime Minister: The answers are “Yes, As a practical matter, we take the position
except when the information given is insuffi- that if an UFO report can be plausibly ex-
cient,” “None” and “No.” plained in ordinary terms, then we accept that
explanation even though not enough evidence
Obviously there is a nice bit of semantics may be available to prove it beyond all doubt.
here in that the definition of “when the infor- This point is so important that perhaps an
mation is sufficient” is that it is sufficient when analogy is needed to make it clear. Several
an explanation can be given. centuries ago, the most generally accepted
Discussions of whether a marginal case theory of human disease was that it was caused
should be regarded for statistical purposes as by the patient’s being possessed or inhabited
having been explained or not have proved to by a devil or evil spirit. Different diseases were
be futile. Some investigators take the position supposed to be caused by different devils. The
that, where a plausible interpretation in terms guiding principle for medical research was
of commonplace events can be made, then the then the study and classification of different
UFO is regarded as having been identified. kinds of devils, and progress in therapy was
Others take the opposite view that an UFO sought in the search for and discovery of
cannot be regarded as having been given an means for exorcising each kind of devil.
ordinary identification unless there is com- Gradually medical research discovered bac-
plete and binding evidence amounting to cer- teria; toxins and viruses, and their causative
tainty about the proposed identification. relation to various diseases. More and more
For example, in January 1968 near Castle diseases came to be described by their causes.
Rock, Colo., some 30 persons reported UFOs, Suppose now that instead, medicine had
including spacecraft with flashing lights, fan- clung to the devil theory of disease. As long as
tastic maneuverability, and even with occu- there exists one human illness that is not yet
pants presumed to be from outer space. Two fully understood in modern terms such a the-
days later it was more modestly reported that ory cannot be disproved. It is always possible,
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while granting that some diseases are caused team can arrive. With each telling of the story
by viruses, etc. to maintain that those that are it is apt to be varied and embellished a little.
not yet understood are the ones that are really This need not be from dishonest motives. We
caused by devils. all like to tell an interesting story. We would
In some instances the same sort of UFO is rather not bore our listeners if we can help it,
observed night after night under similar cir- so embellishment is sometimes added to maxi-
cumstances. In our experience this has been a mize the interest value of the narration.
sure sign that the UFO could be correlated It is not easy to detect how a story has grown
with some ordinary phenomenon. under retelling in this way. Listeners usually
For example, rather early in our work, a will have asked leading questions and the story
Colorado farmer reported seeing an UFO land will have developed in response to such sug-
west of his farm nearly every evening about gestions, so that it soon becomes impossible for
6:00 p.m. A field team went to see him and the field team to hear the witness’s story as he
quickly and unambiguously identified the told it the first time. In some cases when the
UFO as the planet Saturn. The nights on witness had been interviewed in this way by
which he did not see it land were those in local UFO enthusiasts, his story was larded
which the western sky was cloudy. with vivid language about visitors from outer
But the farmer did not easily accept our space that was probably not there in the first
identification of his UFO as Saturn. He con- telling.
tended that, while his UFO had landed behind Another kind of difficulty arises in inter-
the mountains on the particular evening that viewing multiple associated witnesses, that is,
we visited him, on most nights, he insisted, it witnesses who were together at the time that
landed in front of the mountains, and there- all of them saw the UFO. Whenever several in-
fore could not be a planet. The identification dividuals go through an exciting experience
with Saturn from the ephemeris was so precise together, they are apt to spend a good deal of
that we did not visit his farm night after night time discussing it afterward among themselves,
in order to see for ourselves whether his UFO telling and retelling it to each other, uncon-
ever landed in front of the mountains. We did sciously ironing out discrepancies between
not regard it as part of our duty to persuade their various recollections, and gradually con-
observers of the correctness of our interpreta- verging on a single uniform account of the ex-
tions. In most cases observers readily accepted perience. Dominant personalities will have
our explanation, and some expressed relief at contributed more to the final version than the
having an everyday explanation available to less dominant. Thus the story told by a group
them. of associated witnesses who have had ample
We sought to hold to a minimum delays in opportunity to “compare notes” will be more
arriving at the site of an UFO report, even uniform than the accounts these individuals
where it was clear that it was going to be im- would have given if interviewed separately be-
possible to get there in time actually to see the fore they had talked the matter over together.
reported UFO. Once an observer made a re- One of the earliest of our field trips (Decem-
port, the fact of his having done so usually be- ber 1966) was made to Washington, D.C. to in-
comes known to friends and neighbors, local terview separately two air traffic control oper-
newspapermen, and local UFO enthusiasts. ators who had been involved in the great UFO
The witness becomes the center of attention flap there in the summer of 1952. Fourteen
and will usually have told his story over and years later, these two men were still quite an-
over again to such listeners, before the field noyed at the newspaper publicity they had re-
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 839

ceived, because it had tended to ridicule their 8. Sources of UFO Reports. Usually the
reports. Our conclusion from this trip was that first report of an UFO is made to a local police
these men were telling in 1966 stories that officer or to a local news reporter. In some
were thoroughly consistent with the main cases, members of UFO study organizations
points of their stories as told in 1952. Possibly are sufficiently well known in the community
this was due to the fact that because of their that reports are made directly to them. In spite
strong emotional involvement they had re- of the very considerable publicity that has
counted the incident to many persons at many been given to this subject, a large part of the
times over the intervening years. Although it public still does not know of the official Air
was true that the stories had not changed ap- Force interest.
preciably in 14 years, it was also true for this Even some policemen and newsmen do not
very reason that we acquired no new material know of it and so do not pass on the UFO re-
by interviewing these men again. (See Section port. In other cases, we found that the anti–Air
III, Chapter 5.) Force publicity efforts of some UFO enthusi-
On the basis of this experience we decided asts had persuaded observers, who would oth-
that it was not profitable to devote much effort erwise have done so, not to report to the Air
to re-interviewing persons who had already Force. We have already commented on the fact
been interviewed rather thoroughly at a previ- that for a variety of reasons many persons who
ous time. We do not say that nothing can be do have UFO experiences do not report
gained in this way, but merely that it did not promptly.
seem to us that this would be a profitable way Ideally the entire public would have known
to spend our effort in this study. that each Air Force base must, according to
In our experience those who report UFOs AFR 80-17, have an UFO officer and would
are often very articulate, but not necessarily have reported promptly any extraordinary
reliable. One evening in 1967 a most articulate thing seen in the sky. Or, if this were too much
gentleman told us with calm good manners all to expect, then all police and news agencies
of the circumstances of a number of UFOs he would ideally have known of Air Force interest
had seen that had come from outer space, and and would have passed information along to
in particular went into some detail about how the nearest Air Force base. But none of these
his wife’s grandfather had immigrated to ideal things were true, and as a result our col-
America from the Andromeda nebula, a galaxy lection of UFO reports is extremely haphazard
located 2,000,000 light years from the earth. and incomplete.
In a few cases study of old reports may give When a report is made to an Air Force base,
the investigator a clue to a possible interpreta- it is handled by an UFO officer whose form of
tion that had not occurred to the original in- investigation and report is prescribed by APR
vestigator. In such a case, a later interview of 80-17 (Appendix A). If the explanation of the
the witness may elicit new information that report is immediately obvious and trivial—
was not brought out in the earlier interview. some persons will telephone a base to report a
But we found that such interviews need to be contrail from a high-flying jet that is particu-
conducted with great care as it is easily possi- larly bright in the light of the setting sun—the
ble that the “new” information may have been UFO officer tells the person what it was he
generated through the unconscious use of saw, and there the matter ends. No permanent
leading questions pointing toward the new in- record of such calls is made. As a result there is
terpretation, and so may not be reliable for no record of the total number of UFO reports
that reason. made to AF bases. Only those that require
840 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

more than cursory consideration are reported We have already mentioned the existence of
to Project Blue Book. Air Force officers are flaps, that is, the tendency of reports to come
human, and therefore interpret their duty in clusters at certain times in certain areas. No
quite differently. Some went to great lengths quantitative study of this is available, but we
not to submit a report. Others took special de- believe that the clustering tendency is partly
light in reporting all of the “easy” ones out of a due to changing amounts of attention devoted
zealous loyalty to their service, because the to the subject by the news media. Publicity for
more “identifieds” they turned in, the higher some reports stimulates more reports, both be-
would be the over-all percentage of UFO re- cause people pay more attention to the sky at
ports explained. When in June 1967 Air Force such a time, and because they are more likely
UFO officers from the various bases convened to make a report of something which attracts
in Boulder some of them quite vigorously de- their attention.
bated the relative merits of these two different In the summer of 1967 there was a large
extreme views of their duty. UFO flap in the neighborhood of Harrisburg,
Many people have from time to time tried to Pa. This may have been in part produced by
learn something significant about UFOs by the efforts of a local NICAP member working
studying statistically the distribution of UFO in close association with a reporter for the local
reports geographically, in time, and both fac- afternoon newspaper who wrote an exciting
tors together. In our opinion these efforts have UFO story for his paper almost daily. Curiously
proved to be quite fruitless. The difficulties are enough, the morning paper scarcely ever had
discussed in Section VI, Chapter 10. an UFO story from which we conclude that one
The geographical distribution of reports editor’s news is another’s filler. We stationed
correlates roughly with population density of one of our investigators there during August
the non-urban population. Very few reports with results that are described in Case 27.
come from the densely populated urban areas. Many UFO reports were made by the public
Whether this is due to urban sophistication or to Olmsted Air Force Base a few miles south of
to the scattering of city lights is not known, but Harrisburg, but when this base was deacti-
it is more probably the latter. vated during the summer UFO reports had to
There apparently exists no single complete be made to McGuire Air Force Base near Tren-
collection of UFO reports. The largest file is ton, N.J. This required a toll call, and the fre-
that maintained by Project Blue Book at quency of receipt of UFO reports from the
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Other Harrisburg area dropped abruptly.
files are maintained by APRO in Tucson and For all of these various reasons, we feel that
NICAP in Washington. The files of Project the fluctuations geographically and in time of
Blue Book are arranged by date and place of UFO reports are so greatly influenced by soci-
occurrence of the report, so that one must ological factors, that any variations due to
know these data in order to find a particular changes in underlying physical phenomena
case. Proposals have been made from time to are completely masked.
time for a computer-indexing of these reports In sensational UFO journalism the state-
by various categories but this has not been ment is often made that UFOs show a marked
carried out. Two publications are available tendency to be seen more often near military
which partially supply this lack: one is The installations. There is no statistically significant
UFO Evidence (Hall, 1964) and the other is a evidence that this is true. For sensational writ-
collection of reports called The Reference for ers, this alleged but unproven concentration of
Outstanding UFO Reports (Olsen, n.d.). UFO sightings is taken as evidence that extra-
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 841

terrestrial visitors are reconnoitering our mili- which of the cases reported to us would be
tary defenses, preparatory to launching a mili- handled with a field trip (See Section III,
tary attack at some time in the future. Even if a Chapter 1.)
slight effect of this kind were to be established
by careful statistical studies, we feel that it 9. Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis. The idea
could be easily accounted for by the fact that that some UFOs may be spacecraft sent to
at every base men stand all night guard duty Earth from another civilization, residing on
and so unusual things in the sky are more another planet of the solar system, or on a
likely to be seen. Moreover civilians living planet associated with a more distant star than
near a military base are more likely to make a the Sun, is called the Extra-terrestrial Hypoth-
report to the base than those living at some esis (ETH). Some few persons profess to hold a
distance from it. stronger level of belief in the actuality of UFOs
AFR 80-17a directed UFO officers at each being visitors from outer space, controlled by
base to send to the Colorado project a dupli- intelligent beings, rather than merely of the
cate of each report sent to Project Blue Book. possibility, not yet fully established as an ob-
This enabled us to keep track of the quality of servational fact. We shall call this level of be-
the investigations and to be informed about lief ETA, for extraterrestrial actuality.
puzzling uninterpreted cases. Such reporting It is often difficult to be sure just what level
was useful in cases whose study extended over of belief is held by various persons, because of
a long period, but the slowness of receipt of the vagueness with which they state their
such reports made this arrangement not com- ideas.
pletely satisfactory as a source of reports on For example, addressing the American Soci-
the basis of which to direct the activity of our ety of Newspaper Editors in Washington on 22
own field teams. A few reports that seemed April 1967, Dr. McDonald declared: “There is,
quite interesting to Air Force personnel caused in my present opinion, no sensible alternative
them to notify us by teletype or telephone. to the utterly shocking hypothesis that the
Some of our field studies arose from reports UFOs are extraterrestrial probes from some-
received in this way. where else.” Then in an Australian broadcast
To supplement Air Force reporting, we set on 20 August 1967 McDonald said: “. . . you
up our own Early Warning Network, a group of find yourself ending up with the seemingly ab-
about 60 active volunteer field reporters, most surd, seemingly improbable hypothesis that
of whom were connected with APRO or these things may come from somewhere else.”
NICAP. They telephoned or telegraphed to us A number of other scientists have also ex-
intelligence of UFO sightings in their own ter- pressed themselves as believers in ETH, if not
ritory and conducted some preliminary inves- ETA, but usually in more cautious terms.
tigation for us while our team was en route. The general idea of space travel by humans
Some of this cooperation was quite valuable. from Earth and visitors to Earth from other
In the spring of 1968, Donald Keyhoe, direc- civilizations is an old one and has been the
tor of NICAP, ordered discontinuation of this subject of many works of fiction. In the past
arrangement, but many NICAP field teams 250 years the topic has been widely developed
continued to cooperate. in science fiction. A fascinating account of the
All of these sources provided many more development of this literary form is given in
quickly reported, fresh cases than our field Pilgrims through Space and Time—Trends and
teams could study in detail. In consequence we Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fiction (Bai-
had to develop criteria for quickly selecting ley, 1947).
842 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

The first published suggestion that some proposition of such great import, responsible
UFOs are visitors from other civilizations is scientists adopt a cautiously critical attitude to-
contained in an article in True, entitled “Flying ward whatever evidence is adduced to support
Saucers are Real” by Donald E. Keyhoe it. Persons without scientific training, often
(1950). confuse this with basic opposition to the idea,
Direct, convincing and unequivocal evi- with a biased desire or hope, or even of will-
dence of the truth of ETA would be the great- ingness to distort the evidence in order to con-
est single scientific discovery in the history of clude that ETA is not true.
mankind. Going beyond its interest for science, The scientists’ caution in such a situation
it would undoubtedly have consequences of does not represent opposition to the idea. It
surpassing significance for every phase of hu- represents a determination not to accept the
man life. Some persons who have written spec- proposition as true in the absence of evidence
ulatively on this subject, profess to believe that that clearly, unambiguously and with certainty
the supposed extraterrestrial visitors come establishes its truth or falsity.
with beneficent motives, to help humanity Scientifically it is not necessary—it is not
clean up the terrible mess that it has made. even desirable—to adopt a position about the
Others say they believe that the visitors are truth or falsity of ETA in order to investigate
hostile. Whether their coming would be favor- the question. There is a widespread miscon-
able or unfavorable to mankind, it is almost ception that scientific inquiry represents some
certain that they would make great changes in kind of debate in which the truth is adjudged
the conditions of human existence. to be on the side of the team that has scored
It is characteristic of most reports of actual the most points. Scientists investigate an unde-
visitors from outer space that there is no cor- cided proposition by seeking to find ways to
roborating witness to the alleged incident, so get decisive observational material. Sometimes
that the story must be accepted, if at all, solely the ways to get such data are difficult to con-
on the basis of belief in the veracity of the one ceive, difficult to carry out, and so indirect that
person who claims to have had the experience. the rest of the scientific world remains uncer-
In the cases which we studied, there was only tain of the probative value of the results for a
one in which the observer claimed to have had long time. Progress in science can be painfully
contact with a visitor from outer space. On the slow—at other times it can be sudden and dra-
basis of our experience with that one, and our matic. The question of ETA would be settled in
own unwillingness to believe the literal truth a few minutes if a flying saucer were to land on
of the Villas-Boas incident, or the one from the lawn of a hotel where a convention of the
Truckee, Calif. reported by Prof. James Harder American Physical Society was in progress,
(see Section V, Chapter 2), we found that no and its occupants were to emerge and present
direct evidence whatever of a convincing na- a special paper to the assembled physicists, re-
ture now exists for the claim that any UFOs vealing where they came from, and the tech-
represent spacecraft visiting Earth from an- nology of how their craft operates. Searching
other civilization. questions from the audience would follow.
Some persons are temperamentally ready, In saying that thus far no convincing evi-
even eager, to accept ETA without clear obser- dence exists for the truth of ETA, no prediction
vational evidence. One lady remarked, “It is made about the future. If evidence appears
would be so wonderfully exciting if it were soon after this report is published, that will not
true!” It certainly would be exciting, but that alter the truth of the statement that we do not
does not make it true. When confronted with a now have such evidence. If new evidence ap-
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 843

pears later, this report can be appropriately re- years, or about one-millionth of the Earth’s
vised in a second printing. age. Technological development is even more
recent. Moreover the greater part of what we
10. Intelligent Life Elsewhere. Whether think of as advanced technology has only been
there is intelligent life elsewhere (ILE) in the developed in the last 100 years. Even today we
Universe is a question that has received a great do not yet have a technology capable of put-
deal of serious speculative attention in recent ting men on other planets of the solar system.
years. A good popular review of thinking on Travel of men over interstellar distances in the
the subject is We Are Not Alone by Walter Sul- foreseeable future seems now to be quite out
livan (1964). More advanced discussions are of the question (Purcell, 1960; Markowitz,
Interstellar Communications, a collection of 1967).
papers edited by A. G. W. Cameron (1963), and The dimensions of the universe are hard for
Intelligent Life in the Universe (Shklovskii and the mind of man to conceive. A light-year is
Sagan, 1966). Thus far we have no observa- the distance light travels in one year of 31.56
tional evidence whatever on the question, so million seconds, at the rate of 186,000 miles
therefore it remains open. An early unpub- per second, that is, a distance of 5.88 million
lished discussion is a letter of 13 December million miles. The nearest known star is at a
1948 of J. E. Lipp to Gen. Donald Putt (Ap- distance of 4.2 light-years.
pendix D). This letter is Appendix D of the Fifteen stars are known to be within 11.5
Project Sign report dated February 1949 from light-years of the Sun. Our own galaxy, the
Air Materiel Command Headquarters No. Milky Way, is a vast flattened distribution of
F-TR-2274-IA. some 1011 stars about 80,000 light-years in di-
The ILE question has some relation to the ameter, with the Sun located about 26,000
ETH or ETA for UFOs as discussed in the pre- light-years from the center. To gain a little per-
ceding section. Clearly, if ETH is true, then spective on the meaning of such distances rela-
ILE must also be true because some UFOs tive to human affairs, we may observe that the
have then to come from some unearthly civi- news of Christ’s life on Earth could not yet
lization. Conversely, if we could know conclu- have reached as much as a tenth of the dis-
sively that ILE does not exist, then ETH could tance from the Earth to the center of our
not be true. But even if ILE exists, it does not galaxy.
follow that the ETH is true. Other galaxies are inconceivably remote.
For it could be that the ILE, though exis- The faintest observable galaxies are at a dis-
tent, might not have reached a stage of devel- tance of some two billion light-years. There
opment in which the beings have the technical are some 100 million such galaxies within that
capacity or the desire to visit the Earth’s sur- distance, the average distance between galax-
face. Much speculative writing assumes implic- ies being some eight million light-years.
itly that intelligent life progresses steadily both Authors of UFO fantasy literature casually
in intellectual and in its technological develop- set all of the laws of physics aside in order to
ment. Life began on Earth more than a billion try to evade this conclusion, but serious con-
years ago, whereas the known geological age sideration of their ideas hardly belongs in a re-
of the Earth is some five billion years, so that port on the scientific study of UFOs.
life in any form has only existed for the most Even assuming that difficulties of this sort
recent one-fifth of the Earth’s life as a solid could be overcome, we have no right to as-
ball orbiting the Sun. Man as an intelligent be- sume that in life communities everywhere
ing has only lived on Earth for some 5,000 there is a steady evolution in the directions of
844 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

both greater intelligence and greater techno- are probably accompanied by planets at the
logical competence. Human beings now know right distance from their Sun to provide for
enough to destroy all life on Earth, and they habitable conditions for life as we know it.
may lack the intelligence to work out social That is, where stars are, there are probably
controls to keep themselves from doing so. If habitable planets. This belief favors the possi-
other civilizations have the same limitation bility of interstellar communication, but it
then it might be that they develop to the point must be remembered that even this view is en-
where they destroy themselves utterly before tirely speculation: we are quite unable directly
they have developed the technology needed to to observe any planets associated with stars
enable them to make long space voyages. other than the Sun.
Another possibility is that the growth of in- In view of the foregoing, we consider that it
telligence precedes the growth of technology in is safe to assume that no ILE outside of our so-
such a way that by the time a society would be lar system has any possibility of visiting Earth
technically capable of interstellar space travel, in the next 10,000 years.
it would have reached a level of intelligence at This conclusion does not rule out the possi-
which it had not the slightest interest in inter- bility of the existence of ILE, as contrasted
stellar travel. We must not assume that we are with the ability of such civilizations to visit
capable of imagining now the scope and extent Earth. It is estimated that 1021 stars can be
of future technological development of our seen using the 200-inch Hale telescope on
own or any other civilization, and so we must Mount Palomar. Astronomers surmise that
guard against assuming that we have any ca- possibly as few as one in a million or as many
pacity to imagine what a more advanced soci- as one in ten of these has a planet in which
ety would regard as intelligent conduct. physical and chemical conditions are such as
In addition to the great distances involved, to make them habitable by life based on the
and the difficulties which they present to in- same kind of biochemistry as the life we know
terstellar space travel, there is still another on Earth. Even if the lower figure is taken, this
problem: If we assume that civilizations anni- would mean there are 1015 stars in the visible
hilate themselves in such a way that their ef- universe which have planets suitable for an
fective intelligent life span is less than, say, abode of life. In our own galaxy there are 1011
100,000 years, then such a short time span stars, so perhaps as many as 108 have habit-
also works against the likelihood of successful able planets in orbit around them.
interstellar communication. The different civi- Biologists feel confident that wherever
lizations would probably reach the culmina- physical and chemical conditions are right, life
tion of their development at different epochs will actually emerge. In short, astronomers tell
in cosmic history. Moreover, according to pres- us that there are a vast number of stars in the
ent views, stars are being formed constantly by universe accompanied by planets where the
the condensation of interstellar dust and gases. physical and chemical conditions are suitable,
They exist for perhaps 10 billion years, of and biologists tell us that habitable places are
which a civilization lasting 100,000 years is sure to become inhabited (Rush, 1957).
only 1/100,000 of the life span of the star. It An important advance was made when Stan-
follows that there is an extremely small likeli- ley L. Miller (1955) showed experimentally
hood that two nearby civilizations would be in that electrical discharges such as those in natu-
a state of high development at the same epoch. ral lightning when passed through a mixture
Astronomers now generally agree that a of methane and ammonia, such as may have
fairly large number of all main-sequence stars been present in the Earth’s primitive atmo-
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 845

sphere, will initiate chemical reactions which Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
yield various amino acids. These are the raw are so far from the Sun that they are too cold
materials from which are constructed the pro- for life to exist there.
teins that are essential to life. Miller’s work has Although it has long been thought that
been followed up and extended by many oth- Venus might provide a suitable abode for life,
ers, particularly P. H. Abelson of the Carnegie it is now known that the surface of Venus is
Institution of Washington. also too hot for advanced forms of life, al-
The story is by no means fully worked out. though it is possible that some primitive forms
The evidence in hand seems to convince bio- may exist. Some uncertainty and controversy
chemists that natural processes, such as light- exist about the interpretation of observations
ning, or the absorption of solar ultraviolet of Venus because the planet is always en-
light, could generate the necessary starting veloped in dense clouds so that the solid sur-
materials from which life could evolve. On this face is never seen. The absorption spectrum of
basis they generally hold the belief that where sunlight coming from Venus indicates that the
conditions make it possible that life could ap- principal constituent of the atmosphere is car-
pear, there life actually will appear. bon dioxide. There is no evidence of oxygen or
It is regarded by scientists today as essen- water vapor. With so little oxygen in the at-
tially certain that ILE exists, but with essen- mosphere there could not be animal life there
tially no possibility of contact between the resembling that on Earth.
communities on planets associated with differ- Although it is safe to conclude that there is
ent stars. We therefore conclude that there is no intelligent life on Venus, the contrary idea
no relation between ILE at other solar systems is held quite tenaciously by certain groups in
and the UFO phenomenon as observed on America. There are small religious groups who
Earth. maintain that Jesus Christ now sojourns on
There remains the question of ILE within Venus, and that some of their members have
our solar system. Here only the planets Venus traveled there by flying saucers supplied by
and Mars need be given consideration as possi- the Venusians and have been greatly refreshed
ble abodes of life. spiritually by visiting Him. There is no obser-
Mercury, the planet nearest the Sun, is cer- vational evidence in support of this teaching.
tainly too hot to support life. The side of Mer- In the fantasy literature of believers in ETH,
cury that is turned toward the Sun has an av- some attention is given to a purely hypotheti-
erage temperature of 660°F. (Mercury rotates cal planet named Clarion. Not only is there no
in 59 days and the orbital period is 88 days, so direct evidence for its existence, but there is
there is a slow relative motion.) Since the orbit conclusive indirect evidence for its non-exis-
is rather eccentric this temperature becomes tence. Those UFO writers who try not to be to-
as high as 770°F, hot enough to melt lead, tally inconsistent with scientific findings, rec-
when Mercury is closest to the Sun. The oppo- ognizing that Venus and Mars are unsuitable as
site side is extremely cold, its temperature not abodes of life, have invented Clarion to meet
being known. Gravity on Mercury is about the need for a home for the visitors who they
one-fourth that on Earth. This fact combined believe come on some UFOs.
with the high temperature makes it certain They postulate that Clarion moves in an or-
that Mercury has no atmosphere, which is con- bit exactly like that of the Earth around the
sistent with observational data on this point. It Sun, but with the orbit rotated through half a
is quite impossible that life as found on Earth revolution in its plane so that the two orbits
could exist on Mercury. have the same line of apsides, but with Clar-
846 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

ion’s perihelion in the same direction from the The computations revealed further that if
Sun as the Earth’s aphelion. The two planets, Clarion were there it would reveal its presence
Earth and Clarion, are postulated to move in indirectly in a much shorter time. Its attraction
their orbits in such a way that they are always on Venus would cause Venus to move in a dif-
opposite each other, so that the line Earth- ferent way than if Clarion were not there. Cal-
Sun-Clarion is a straight line. Thus persons on culation shows that Venus would pull away
Earth would never see Clarion because it is from its otherwise correct motion by about 1
permanently eclipsed by the Sun. second of arc in about three months’ time.
If the two orbits were exactly circular, the Venus is routinely kept under observation to
two planets would move along their common this accuracy, and therefore if Clarion were
orbit at the same speed and so would remain there it would reveal its presence by its effect
exactly opposite each other. But even if the or- on the motion of Venus. No such effect is ob-
bits are elliptical, so that the speed in the orbit served, that is, the motion of Venus as actually
is variable, the two planets would vary in observed is accurately in accord with the ab-
speed during the year in just such a way as al- sence of Clarion, so therefore we may safely
ways to remain Opposite each other and thus conclude that Clarion is nonexistent. (These
continue to be permanently eclipsed. calculations assume Clarion’s mass roughly
However, this tidy arrangement would not equal to that of the Earth.)
occur in actuality because the motion of each In his letter of transmittal Dr. Duncombe
of these two planets would be perturbed by the comments “I feel this is definite proof that the
gravitational attractions between them and the presence of such a body could not remain un-
other planets of the solar system, principally detected for long. However, I am afraid it will
Venus and Mars. It is a quite complicated and not change the minds of those people who be-
difficult problem to calculate the way in which lieve in the existence of Clarion.”
these perturbations would affect the motion of We first heard about Clarion from a lady
Earth and Clarion. who is prominent in American political life
At the request of the Colorado project, Dr. who was intrigued with the idea that this is
R. L. Duncombe, director of the Nautical Al- where UFOS come from. When the results of
manac office at U.S. Naval Observatory in the Naval Observatory computations were told
Washington, D.C., kindly arranged to calculate to her she exclaimed, “That’s what I don’t like
the effect of the introduction of the hypotheti- about computers! They are always dealing
cal planet Clarion into the solar system. The death blows to our fondest notions.”
exact result depends to some extent on the lo- [So we need consider Clarion no further.]
cation of the Earth-Sun-Clarion line relative Mars has long been considered as a possible
to the line of apsides and the computations abode of life in the solar system. There is still
were carried out merely for one case (see Ap- no direct evidence that life exists there, but the
pendix E). question is being actively studied in the space
These calculations show that the effect of research programs of both the United States
the perturbations would be to make Clarion and Soviet Russia, so it may well be clarified
become visible from Earth beyond the Sun’s within the coming decade.
limb after about thirty years. In other words, At present all indications are that Mars
Clarion would long since have become visible could not be the habitation of an advanced
from Earth if many years ago it were started civilization capable of sending spacecraft to
out in such a special way as has been postu- visit the Earth. Conditions for life there are so
lated. harsh that it is generally believed that at best
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 847

Mars could only support the simpler forms of Schiaparelli, an Italian astronomer, observed
plant life. and mapped some surface markings on Mars
An excellent recent survey of the rapidly in- which he called “canali,” meaning “channels”
creasing knowledge of Mars is Handbook of in Italian. The word was mistranslated as
the Physical Properties of the Planet Mars “canals” in English and the idea was put for-
compiled by C. M. Michaux (NASA publication ward, particularly vigorously by Percival Low-
SP-3030, 1967). A brief discussion of Ameri- ell, founder of the Lowell Observatory of Flag-
can research programs for study of life on staff, Arizona, that the canals on Mars were
Mars is given in Biology and Exploration of evidence of a gigantic planetary irrigation
Mars, a 19-page pamphlet prepared by the scheme, developed by the supposed inhabi-
Space Science Board of the National Academy tants of Mars (Lowell, 1908). These markings
of Sciences, published in April 1965. have been the subject of a great deal of study
The orbit of Mars is considerably more ec- since their discovery. Astronomers generally
centric than that of the Earth. Consequently now reject the idea that they afford any kind
the distance of Mars from the Sun varies from of indication that Mars is inhabited by intelli-
128 to 155 million miles during the year of gent beings.
687 days. The synodic period, or mean time Mars has two moons named Phobos and
between successive oppositions, is 800 days. Deimos. These are exceedingly small, Phobos
The most favorable time for observation of being estimated at ten miles in diameter and
Mars is at opposition, when Mars is opposite Deimos at five miles, based on their bright-
the Sun from Earth. These distances of closest ness, assuming the reflecting power of their
approach of Mars and Earth vary from 35 to material to be the same as that of the planet.
60 million miles. The most recent favorable The periods are 7h39m for Phobos and
time of closest approach was the opposition of 30h18m for Deimos. They were discovered in
10 September 1956, and the next favorable August 1877 by Asaph Hall using the then new
opposition will be that of 10 August 1971. At 26-inch refractor of the U.S. Naval Observa-
that time undoubtedly great efforts will be tory in Washington. An unsuccessful search for
made to study Mars in the space programs of moons of Mars was made with a 48-inch mir-
the U.S.S.R. and the United States. ror during the opposition of 1862.
Some of the UFO literature has contended I. S. Shklovskii (1959) published a sensa-
that a larger than usual number of UFO re- tional suggestion in a Moscow newspaper that
ports occur at the times of Martian opposi- these moons were really artificial satellites
tions. The contention is that this indicates that which had been put up by supposed inhabi-
some UFOs come from Mars at these particu- tants of Mars as a place of refuge when the
larly favorable times. The claimed correlation supposed oceans of several million years ago
is quite unfounded; the idea is not supported began to dry up (Sullivan, 1966, 169). There
by observational data (Vallee and Vallee, 1966, is no observational evidence to support this
138). idea. Continuing the same line of speculation
Mars is much smaller than Earth, having a Salisbury (1962), after pointing out that the
diameter of 4,200 miles, in comparison with satellites were looked for in 1862 but not
8,000 miles. Mars’ mass is about one-tenth the found until 1877, then asks, “Should we attrib-
Earth’s, and gravity at Mars’ surface is about ute the failure of 1862 to imperfections in ex-
0.38 that of Earth. The Martian escape velocity isting telescopes, or may we imagine that the
is 3.1 mile/sec. satellites were launched between 1862 and
At the favorable opposition of 1877, C. V. 1877?” This is a slender reed indeed with
848 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

which to prop up so sensational an inference, Viezee of the Stanford Research Institute (Sec-
and we reject it. tion VI, Chapter 4).
Coming to the observer himself, Menzel
11. Light Propagation and Visual Percep- stressed in consulting visits to the Colorado
tion. Most UFO reports refer to things seen project that more ought to be known about de-
by an observer. Seeing is a complicated fects of vision of the observer. He urged care-
process. It involves the emission or scattering ful interviews to determine the observers’ de-
of light by the thing seen, the propagation of fects of vision, how well they are corrected,
that light through the atmosphere to the eye of and whether spectacles were being worn at the
the observer, the formation of an image on the time the UFO sighting was made. Besides the
retina of the eye by the lens of the eye, the defects of vision that can be corrected by spec-
generation there of a stimulus in the optic tacles, inquiry ought to be made where rele-
nerve, and the perceptual process in the brain vant into the degree of color blindness of the
which enables the mind to make judgments observer, since this visual defect is more com-
about the nature of the thing seen. mon than is generally appreciated.
Under ordinary circumstances all of these Problems connected with the psychology of
steps are in fairly good working order with the perception were studied for the Colorado proj-
result that our eyes give reasonably accurate ect by Prof. Michael Wertheimer of the De-
information about the objects in their field of partment of Psychology of the University of
view. However, each step in the process is ca- Colorado. He prepared an elementary presen-
pable of malfunctioning, often in unsuspected tation of the main points of interest for the use
ways. It is therefore essential to understand of the project staff (Section VI, Chapter 1).
these physical and psychological processes in Perhaps the commonest difficulty is the lack
order to be able to interpret all things seen, in- of appreciation of size-distance relations in the
cluding those reported as UFOs. description of an unknown object. When we
The study of propagation of light through see an airplane in the sky, especially if it is one
the atmosphere is included in atmospheric op- of a particular model with which we are famil-
tics or meteorological optics. Although a great iar, we know from prior experience approxi-
deal is known about the physical principles in- mately what its size really is. Then from its ap-
volved, in practice it is usually difficult to parent size as we see it, we have some basis for
make specific statements about an UFO report estimating its distance. Conversely, when we
because not enough has been observed and know something about the distance of an un-
recorded about the condition of the atmo- known object, we can say something about its
sphere at the time and place named in the size. Although not usually expressed this way,
report. what is really “seen” is the size of the image on
Application of the knowledge of atmo- the retina of the eye, which may be produced
spheric optics to the interpretation of UFO re- by a smaller object that is nearer or a larger
ports has been especially stressed by Menzel object that is farther away. Despite this ele-
(1952; Menzel and Boyd, 1963). A valuable mentary fact, many people persist in saying
treatise on atmospheric effects on seeing is that the full moon looks the same size as a
Middleton’s Vision through the Atmosphere quarter or as a washtub. The statement means
(1952). A survey of the literature of atmo- nothing. Statements such as that an object
spheric optics with emphasis on topics rele- looks to be of the same size as a coin held at
vant to understanding UFO reports was pre- arm’s length do, however, convey some mean-
pared for the Colorado project by Dr. William ingful information.
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Another limitation of normal vision that is seem to shrink and move away from the ob-
often not appreciated is the color blindness of server as it does so. If one light goes on while
the dark-adapted eye. The human eye really another is going off, it may appear as if the
has two different mechanisms in the retina for light that is going off is moving to the place
the conversion of light energy into nerve stim- where the other light is going on.
ulus. Photopic vision is the kind that applies in Autokinesis is another property of the eye
the daytime or at moderate levels of artificial which needs to be understood by persons who
illumination. It involves the cones of the are interested in looking for UFOs. A bright
retina, and is involved in color vision. Scotopic light in a field of view which has no reference
vision is the kind that comes into play at low objects in it, such as a single star in a part of
levels of illumination. It involves the rods of the sky which has very few other stars in it,
the retina which are unable to distinguish col- will appear to move when stared at, even
ors, hence the saying that in the dark all cats though it is in reality stationary. This effect has
are gray. The transition from photopic to sco- given rise to UFO reports in which observers
topic vision normally takes place at about the were looking at a bright star and believed that
level of illumination that corresponds to the it was rapidly moving, usually in an erratic
light of the full moon high in the sky. When way.
one goes from a brightly lighted area into a
dark room he is blind at first but gradually 12. Study of UFO Photographs. The popu-
dark adaptation occurs and a transition is lar UFO literature abounds with photographs
made from photopic to scotopic vision. The of alleged strange objects in the sky, many of
ability to see, but without color discrimination, which are clearly in the form of flying saucers.
then returns. Nyctalopia is the name of a defi- Some of these have been published in maga-
ciency of vision whereby dark adaptation does zines of wide circulation. The editors of Look,
not occur and is often connected with a Vita- in collaboration with the editors of United
min A dietary deficiency. Press International and Cowles Communica-
If one stares directly at a bright light which tions, Inc. published a Look “Special” in 1967
is then turned off, an afterimage will be seen; that is entirely devoted to “Flying Saucers,”
that is, the image of the light, but less bright which contains many examples of UFO pic-
and usually out of focus, continues to be seen tures.
and gradually fades away. Positive afterimages Photographic evidence has a particularly
are those in which the image looks bright like strong appeal to many people. The Colorado
the original stimulus, but this may reverse to a study therefore undertook to look into the
negative afterimage which looks darker than available photographs with great care. Chapter
the surrounding field of view. Afterimages 2 of Section III gives the story of most of this
have undoubtedly given rise to some UFO work and Chapter 3 of Section IV gives the de-
reports. tailed reports on individual cases.
The afterimage is the result of a temporary It is important to distinguish between pho-
change in the retina and so remains at a fixed tographic prints and the negatives from which
point on the retina. When one then moves his they are made. There are many ways in which
eyes to look in a different direction, the after- an image can be added to a print, for example,
image seems to move relative to the surround- by double-printing from two negatives. Nega-
ings. If it is believed by the observer to be a tives, on the other hand, are somewhat more
real object it will seem to him to have moved difficult to alter without leaving evidence of
at an enormous velocity. A light going out will the fact. We therefore decided wherever possi-
850 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

ble to concentrate our study of photographic of the shadows appearing in the picture, he
case upon the negatives. This was not, of could show conclusively that actually picture
course, possible in every instance examined. B was taken earlier than picture A, and that
A barber whose shop is in Zanesville, Ohio, the time interval between the two pictures was
but whose home is in the suburb of Roseville, more than an hour, rather than being less than
has made a widely publicized pair of UFO two minutes as claimed.
photographs. He did not attempt to exploit The photographic evidence contained in the
them in a big way. He merely exhibited them negatives themselves is therefore in disagree-
for local interest (and stimulation of his bar- ment with the story told by the man who took
bering business) in the window of his shop. the pictures. Two letters written to him by the
There they remained for more than two Colorado project requesting his clarification of
months until they were discovered by a big the discrepancy remain unanswered.
city newspaperman from Columbus, Ohio, We made arrangements with Merritt for his
who arranged to sell them to the Associated services to be available for photogrammetric
Press. They were distributed in February 1967 analysis of other cases. These methods require
and have been often printed in various maga- a pair of pictures showing substantially the
zines after their original presentation in many same scene taken from two different camera
newspapers. locations. Unfortunately this condition is sel-
Early in the project we became acquainted dom met in UFO photographs. Only one other
with Everitt Merritt, photogrammetrist on the pair came to our attention which met this cri-
staff of the Autometrics Division of the terion. These were the much publicized pic-
Raytheon Company of Alexandria, Virginia. tures taken on 11 May 1950 near McMinnville,
He undertook to do an analysis of the photo- Ore. (Case 46). But in this case the UFO im-
graphs. A pair of prints was supplied to Merritt ages turned out to be too fuzzy to allow worth-
by NICAP. while photogrammetric analysis.
Each of the pair shows the home of the pho- Other photographic studies were made for
tographer, a small bungalow, with a flying the Colorado project by Dr. William K. Hart-
saucer flying over it. The flying saucer looks mann (Section III, Chapter 2).
like it might be almost as large as the house in Hartmann made a detailed study of 35 pho-
its horizontal dimension. The photographer tographic cases (Section IV, Chapter 3) refer-
says that he was leaving home with a camera ring to the period 1966–68, and a selection of
when he chanced to look back and see the 18 older cases, some of which have been
saucer flying over his home. He says he widely acclaimed in the UFO literature. This
quickly snapped what we call picture A. photographic study led to the identification of
Thinking the UFO was about to disappear be- a number of widely publicized photographs as
hind a tree, he ran to the left about 30 feet and being ordinary objects, others as fabrications,
snapped picture B, having spoiled one expo- and others as innocent misidentifications of
sure in between. He estimated that there was things photographed under unusual condi-
less than a two minute interval between the tions.
two pictures, with A followed by B. On p. 43 of the Look Special on “Flying
Merritt studied the negatives themselves by Saucers” there is a picture of an allegedly
quantitative photogrammetric methods, and “claw-shaped” marking on the dry sand of a
also did some surveying in the front yard of beach. Some of the dark colored moist sand
the Roseville home, as a check on the calcula- making up the “claw mark” was shipped to
tions based on the photographs. From a study Wright-Patterson AFB and analyzed. The liq-
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uid was found to be urine. Some person or an- The claimed indirect physical evidence of
imal had performed an act of micturition the presence of an UFO is of the nature of ef-
there. fects produced at a distance by the UFO. Ac-
A report by Staff Sergeant Earl Schroeder counts of sounds, or the lack of sounds, associ-
which says “Being a native of this area and ated with UFOs, even though reports of visual
having spent a good share of my life hunting observation indicated speeds of the UFO far in
and fishing this area, I believe that the so- excess of the velocity of sound were common.
called ‘monster’ (if there was such) could very Whenever a terrestrial solid object travels
well have been a large black bear.” His report through the atmosphere faster than the speed
also notes that “during the week of July 26 the of sound, a sonic boom is generated. The argu-
local TV stations showed a program called Lost ment has been advanced that the absence of a
in Space. In this program there were two mon- sonic boom associated with UFOs moving
sters fitting their description controlled by a faster than cutoff Mach (see Section VI, Chap-
human being.” ter 6) is an indication of their being a product
Summarizing, the investigation report says, of a technology more advanced than our own
“There was food missing from the picnic table because we do not know how to avoid the gen-
which leads to the belief that some animal was eration of sonic booms. Another category of
responsible for the black shape portion of the indirect physical effects is those associated
total sighting. There are numerous bears and with claims that UFOs possess strong magnetic
raccoons in the area.” fields, vastly stronger than those that would be
Another photograph presented in the Look produced by the strongest magnets that we
Special is of a pentagonal image, though called know how to make.
hexagonal. Photographic images of this kind There are many UFO reports in which it is
arise from a malfunctioning of the iris of the claimed that an automobile’s ignition failed
camera and are quite commonplace. It is hard and the motor stopped, and in some cases that
to understand how the editors of a national il- the headlights failed also, and that after this
lustrated magazine could be unfamiliar with happened, an UFO was seen nearby. Usually
this kind of camera defect. such reports are discussed on the supposition
that this is an indication that the UFO had
13. Direct and Indirect Physical Evi- been the source of a strong magnetic field.
dence. A wide variety of physical effects of Reports of both direct and indirect physical
UFOs have been claimed in the UFO litera- evidence were studied by various staff mem-
ture. The most direct physical evidence, of bers of the Colorado project, principally by Dr.
course, would be the actual discovery of a fly- Roy Craig, whose account of these studies is
ing saucer, with or without occupants, living or contained in Chapters 3 and 4 of Section III.
dead. None were found. Claims which we stud- These studies resulted mostly in lack of sub-
ied as direct evidence are those of the finding stantiation of the claims that have been made.
of pieces of material which allegedly came Claims of terrestrial magnetic disturbances at
from outer space because it is a product of a various Antarctic bases were either uncon-
different technology, so it is said, than any firmed or seemed to be closely related to a
known on earth. Another kind of direct evi- practical joke that was played on a base com-
dence studied was allegations that disturbance mander.
of vegetation on the ground, or of the soil was During the period of field study of this proj-
due to an UFO having landed at the place in ect only one case of automobile engine mal-
question. function came to our attention. There was
852 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

some ground for skepticism about the report laboratories in Brazil. The results of the analy-
in that it was made by a diabetic patient who sis are given in great detail in the first of the
had been drinking and was returning home Lorenzen books (1962), the full account occu-
alone from a party at 3:00 a.m. pying some forty pages. The claimed result of
Some laboratory tests showed that engine these studies was that the laboratory work
failure due to the action of an external mag- showed the metallic magnesium to be purer
netic field on the car’s ignition coil would re- than any ever made by man on Earth. There-
quire fields in excess of 20,000 gauss, at the fore it could not have been a product of
coil. Owing to the magnetic shielding action of earthly technology, therefore it came from an
the sheet steel in the car body, the strength of extraterrestrial source.
the field outside the car would have to be con- Mrs. Lorenzen kindly supplied one of the
siderably greater than this. But magnetic fields magnesium specimens to the Colorado project.
of such intensity would alter the state of mag- We arranged to have it studied by the method
netization of the car itself. of neutron activation analysis in a laboratory
The process of forming car bodies by cold- in Washington, D.C. The result, which is pre-
forming the sheet steel introduces some quasi- sented in detail in Chapter 3 of Section III,
permanent magnetization into all car bodies. was that the magnesium metal was found to be
Since all of the bodies of a given make in a much less pure than the regular commercial
given year are usually made with the same metal produced in 1957 by the Dow Chemical
molds on the same presses they are all magne- Company at Midland, Michigan. Therefore it
tized in the same pattern. need not have come from an extraterrestrial
In the case in question we found that the source, leaving us with no basis for rational
car body that had been subjected to the pres- belief that it did.
ence of the UFO was magnetized. The pattern
of magnetization quite closely resembled that 14. Radar Sightings of UFOs. The public
of a car of the same make and year that was became generally aware of radar at the end of
found a thousand miles away in a used car lot World War II when the story of its important
in Boulder, Colo. From this we can infer that use in that war was told, after having been
the car that was supposedly near the UFO, had kept secret for some 12 years. A good non-
not been subjected to a strong magnetic field, technical account of this development is given
otherwise this would have permanently in R. M. Page, The Origin of Radar (1962).
changed the state of magnetization of the body The word radar is an acronym for RAdio
of the exposed car. Detection And Ranging. Basically, most radar
In the area of direct physical evidence, systems operate in the following way. A trans-
probably the most interesting result of investi- mitter sends out short pulses of electromag-
gation was the analysis of a piece of metallic netic energy at regular intervals. These are
magnesium which was alleged to have come sent out through an antenna designed to radi-
from an UFO that exploded over a stretch of ate a narrow beam within a small angle of its
tidal water at Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil in main direction. This beam of pulses travels
1957. This was one of several pieces of magne- outward at the speed of light. If it encounters
sium from the same source that had been sent an obstacle, which may be a metallic object
to the society editor of a Rio de Janeiro news- like an airplane, a rain storm, or a bird or a
paper at the time. flock of birds, it is partially scattered in all di-
Later one of the pieces was subjected to rections from the obstacle. In particular a part
elaborate chemical analysis in government of the beam is scattered back toward the trans-
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mitter. When it arrives back at the transmitter erators learn to make valid inferences about
it is received and indicated or displayed in var- the nature of the object detected from other
ious ways, depending on the special purpose things that they know about the general situa-
for which the system was designed. By the fact tion together with the magnitude of the re-
of there being a returned signal at all, the turned signal.
function of detection is accomplished. By the It is important also to recognize that the
time delay involved between the transmission propagation of the outgoing and the back-scat-
of the outgoing signal and the return of the tered pulses is ordinarily assumed to be recti-
back-scattered signal, the distance of the scat- linear and at the normal speed of light. But the
tering object is inferred, thus accomplishing actual propagation is affected by temperature
the function of ranging. and humidity difference in the air path along
To get a beam of sufficiently narrow distri- which the radio pulse travels. This can give
bution in angle as to enable inferring from rise to anomalous propagation that is analo-
what direction the scattered signal was re- gous to but in detail not identical with the ef-
turned, the antenna must have a diameter of fects which give rise to mirages in the propa-
the order of ten times the wavelength of the gation of light through such an atmosphere.
radio waves which it uses. Usually the radar set operator does not know
In the period since 1945 the technology has enough about the actual atmospheric condi-
had an enormous development so that nowa- tions to make allowance for effects of this kind
days there are elaborate networks of land and and, if they happen to be pronounced, can be
ship based radar systems, as well as radar sys- led to make erroneous decisions. Another
tems carried by most airplanes, which have be- point is that, although the antenna sends out
come vitally necessary to the safe operation of most of its energy in a single narrow beam,
civil and military aircraft. In addition to the small amounts of energy go out in several
use of radar in connection with navigation, it other directions, known as sidelobes, so that a
has become a valuable tool in meteorological large or a nearby object in the direction of a
work in that distant rain storms can be de- sidelobe can give rise to a received signal that
tected by radar. Also the trails of ionized air is indistinguishable from a small or distant ob-
left by meteors can be detected and studied by ject in the direction of the main beam.
radar, providing for the first time the means The overall radar system is a rather compli-
for observing meteors in the daytime. cated set of electronic equipment which can
There are many popular misconceptions malfunction in various ways giving rise to in-
about radar. It is important at the outset to re- ternally generated signals which the operator
alize that the returned radar signal does not will tend to regard as reflections made by out-
give a sharply focused image or picture of the side obstacles which are in reality not there.
obstacle that has been detected. What one gets Usually the returned radar signals are dis-
when it is displayed on a cathode-ray screen is played on the screen of a cathode ray tube and
simply a diffuse blob of light indicating that observed visually by the operator. On this ac-
something is there, in the direction the an- count, subjective judgments of the operator
tenna is pointed (with some exceptions) and at enter into the final determination of what is
the distance indicated by the time delay be- seen, how it is interpreted and how it is re-
tween transmission and reception of the back- ported. The data obtained from radar systems
scattered pulse. Of course, a large airplane are thus not as completely objective as is often
gives a more intense signal than a flock of assumed. In some few instances subjectiveness
small birds at the same range, and skilled op- is somewhat reduced by the fact that the cath-
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ode ray screen is photographed, but even rial of this kind would be needed in order to
when this is done there is a subjective element deal with a larger proportion of all of the re-
introduced at the stage where a human ob- ported UFO radar cases.
server has to interpret the photograph of the In view of the importance of radar to the
radar screen. safe operation of all aircraft, it is essential that
Radar operators do report unidentified tar- further research be done leading to the more
gets from time to time and so there exists a precise knowledge possible of anomalous
category of UFO cases in which the unidenti- propagation of radar signals. However, it is felt
fied flying object was seen on a radar screen. that this can best be done by a direct attack on
In a few cases there is a close correlation be- the problem itself rather than by detailed field
tween an unknown thing in the sky seen visu- investigation of UFO cases.
ally and something also displayed on radar.
However in view of the many difficulties as- 15. Visual Observation made by U.S. Astro-
sociated with unambiguous interpretation of nauts. The popular UFO literature makes
all blobs of light on a radar screen it does not occasional reference to UFOs seen by the U.S.
follow directly and easily that the radar reports astronauts in the space program operated by
support or “prove” that UFOs exist as moving the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
vehicles scattering the radio pulses as would a tration. We do not know of similar reports by
metallic object. The Colorado project engaged Soviet astronauts but they may well have seen
the services of the Stanford Research Institute similar things.
to make a general study of the functioning of In flights conducted between 12 April 1961
radar systems from the point of view of the re- and 15 November 1966, thirty U.S. and Rus-
lation of their indications to UFOs. The study sian astronauts spent a total of 2,503 hours in
which was carried out resulted in the produc- orbit. The Colorado project was fortunate in
tion of Section VI, Chapter 5, by Dr. Roy H. that Dr. Franklin Roach, one of the principal
Blackmer, Jr. and his associates, R. J. Allen, investigators, has worked closely with the as-
R. T. S. Collis, C. Herold and R. I. Presnell. tronaut program in connection with their vi-
Studies of specific UFO radar reports and sual observations and so was already quite fa-
their interpretation are presented in Section miliar with what they had seen and also was
III, Chapter 5 by Gordon Thayer. Thayer is a able to conduct further interviews with several
radio propagation specialist on the staff of the of them on the basis of close personal acquain-
Environmental Science Services Administra- tances already established.
tion in Boulder. In his chapter, Thayer pre- Roach presents a detailed account of what
sents a detailed analysis of some 35 cases, some they saw as related to the UFO question in
of which are visual, others radar, and some are Section III, Chapter 6. Nothing was seen that
both. Both optical and radar phenomena are could be construed as a “flying saucer” or
treated together because of the similarity in manned vehicle from outer space. Some things
the wave propagation problems involved. were seen that were identified as debris from
In his summary of results he says: “. . . there previous space experiments. Three sightings
was no case where the meteorological data that are described in detail remain quite
available tended to negate the anomalous unidentified and are, Roach says, “a challenge
propagation hypothesis . . .” However, Thayer to the analyst.”
points out that adequate meteorological data Roach emphasizes that the conditions for
for a thorough interpretation is often lacking simple visual observation of objects near the
so that a great deal more observational mate- satellite are not as good as might be naively
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supposed. As he describes them, “The condi- done for us by the Opinion Research Corpora-
tions under which astronauts made their ob- tion. Findings of the earlier studies and of the
servations are similar to those which would be study made for us are presented in Chapter 7
encountered by one or two persons in the of Section III.
front seat of a small car having no side or rear The first two studies indicated respectively
windows and a partially covered, very smudged that 90% and 94% of the American adult pub-
windshield.” Moreover, the astronauts were lic had heard of flying saucers. The first of
kept occupied with other observations and ac- these results, taken within months of the origi-
tivities during their flight and so did not have nal June 1947 sightings at Mt. Rainier indi-
extended periods of time in which to concen- cates the extraordinary interest which the sub-
trate on visual observation of their surround- ject aroused from the outset. The 1966 survey
ings. Most of the available visual observations indicated that 96% of the adult public had
therefore have to be regarded as a by product heard of flying saucers.
rather than a primary purpose of the program In the 1966 poll people were asked,
in which they were engaged. “Have you, yourself, ever seen anything you
The conclusion is that nothing definite re- thought was a ‘flying saucer’?”
lating to the ETH aspect of UFOs has been es- The result was that 5% of the 96% who had
tablished as a result of these rather sporadic heard of them answered yes to this question.
observations. The sample was designed to be representative
of the American population, 21 years of age
16. Public Attitudes Toward UFOs. Opin- and older, of whom there are some 100 mil-
ion polls are widely employed nowadays to lion. This is the basis of the oft-quoted statistic
measure public attitudes on various important that five million Americans have said that they
and trivial issues. It is natural therefore to ap- think they have seen a flying saucer.
ply the same method to a determination of In the same 1966 poll, 48% said they
public attitudes toward various phases of the thought the things called flying saucers were
UFO question. “something real,” and 31% said that they were
Studies of this sort are not studies of the “just people’s imagination.” The question does
UFOs themselves, but an attempt at determi- not distinguish between various kinds of “real”
nation of what the American public thinks things, such as weather balloons, aircraft,
about UFOs. Some UFOs either do or do not planets, mirages, etc., so the result by no
come from outer space, and the fact of the means indicated that 48% believe they are vis-
matter would not be determined by finding out itors from outer space. That question was not
what the opinion of the American people included in the 1966 poll.
about it may be. Nevertheless we considered The 1966 poll asked whether the person in-
that public attitudes do play a role in policy terviewed thinks “there are people somewhat
formation in America, and therefore it was ap- like ourselves living on other planets in the
propriate to carry on some work in this area. universe.” The question thus bears solely on
In 1947, 1950 and 1966 brief surveys of ILE, not on whether such intelligences do in
public attitudes on UFOs or flying saucers fact visit the Earth. Of the 1,575 interviewed
were conducted by the American Institute of 34% thought yes, 45% thought no, and 21%
Public Opinion, popularly known as the had no opinion.
Gallup poll. Arrangements were made by the There were no statistically significant re-
Colorado project for a more detailed study to gional differences between East, Midwest,
be made during the spring of 1968. This was South and West with regard to the proportion
856 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

of the population which had heard of, had lieve in ILE with having had a personal expe-
seen, or believed in the reality of flying rience of having seen an UFO. The results are:
saucers. However, as to belief in ILE, the exis-
tence of people on other planets, this belief % Believing % Believing
was held by only 27% of southerners, as com- UFOs Are Real in ILE
pared with 36% of easterners, 37% of mid- Sighters 76 51
westerners and 36% of westerners. The lower Non-sighters 46 34
proportion of southerners who believe in ILE
is statistically significant, that is, outside the As before, causal relations are unexplored;
range of chance variation due to finite size of we do not know whether seeing is believing, or
sample. Although statistically significant, it is believing is seeing.
causally unexplained. In the 1968 study conducted for the Col-
Significant variation with age is shown in orado project by the Opinion Research Corpo-
responses to belief in the reality of flying ration, 2,050 adults over 17 years of age, living
saucers, and to belief in intelligent life on in private households in the continental
other planets. About 50% of persons under 60 United States were interviewed. In addition
believe in the reality of flying saucers as com- teenagers in the same household with an adult
pared with about 33% of persons over 60. On who was interviewed were also interviewed to
the other hand, a significantly smaller propor- give a sample of their views. Separate studies
tion of those under 50 believe in ILE, than do of opinions held by college students were con-
those over 50. On both of these points, the de- ducted. These are reported in Section III,
cline in the number of “believers” among Chapter 7.
older people is mostly due to the increase of In the 1968 survey, 3% of adults replied af-
those having “no opinion” rather than to an firmatively to “Have you, yourself, ever seen
increase of the number of “non-believers.” an UFO?” This parallels the 5% who answered
Here again the poll gives no basis for conclu- affirmatively in the 1966 Gallup poll to the
sions as to the reasons for these differences. similar question, “Have you ever seen any-
As to dependence on sex, 22% of men or thing that you thought was a ‘flying saucer’?”
women have no opinion as to the “reality” of One might think that the smaller number in
flying saucers. Significantly more women than 1968 could be explained by perhaps less fa-
men believe in their reality: miliarity of the public with the term UFO than
with the term flying saucer. This seems hardly
% Real % Imaginary likely, however, in that the question was part
Men 43 35 of a total interview in which the meaning of
Women 52 26 the term UFO would have become clear from
the general context of other questions in the
The poll showed that increased amount of interview. It seems to us therefore that this poll
formal education is associated with an in- actually indicated a smaller percentage of
creased tendency to believe in the reality of sighters than the earlier one.
flying saucers. Perhaps this result says some- An important finding is that 87% of those
thing about how the school system trains stu- who said that they had seen an UFO, also de-
dents in critical thinking. clared that they had reported it to no one,
An interesting correlation is found between other than to family or friends, that is, to no
tendency to believe in UFO reality, and to be- one by which it would have received official
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 857

attention. Thus only about one-eighth of sight- could not be given priority over other investi-
ings were reported anywhere, and not all of gations. This decision was buttressed by the
these were reported to the Air Force. Hence if evidence that we rapidly gathered, pointing to
all sightings were reported to the Air Force, the fact that only a very small proportion of
this result indicates that the number of reports sighters can be categorized as exhibiting psy-
received would be more than eight times as chopathology and that, therefore, there is no
many as are now being received. From the reason to consider them any more suitable for
small fraction who did report to the Air Force, study than psychotic or psychoneurotic indi-
it seems a fair inference that most of these viduals who belong to any other statistical
non-reporting sighters did not think that what class of the population as a whole (see Section
they saw constituted a security hazard. VI, Chapter 3).
In contrast, 56% of the non-sighters de-
clared that they would report it to the police if 18. Instrumentation for UFO Searches. As
they saw an UFO. We find this rather large dis- remarked earlier, the short duration of most
crepancy between the promised reporting be- UFO sightings, the delays in reporting them
havior of the non-sighters and the actual re- and the delays caused by communication and
porting behavior of the sighters quite puzzling. travel, make it essentially impossible that in-
vestigators can bring physical observing equip-
17. Other Psychological Studies. Consider- ment to a report site quickly enough to make
ation was given to a variety of modes of con- UFO observations in that way. There is an-
ducting psychological and psychiatric research other way that is often proposed for getting
into the UFO phenomenon. The possibility better observational data than is now avail-
that an “experimental UFO” might be able; namely, to set up a permanently manned
launched and reports of its sighting studied network of observing stations at various places
was given serious consideration and rejected in the country to observe such UFOs as might
on three grounds: In view of the fact that this come within their range.
was a government-sponsored, university-based Such a network of stations might be set up
study, it was felt that experiments in which the solely for the purpose of UFO study, or it
public might regard itself as having been vic- might be established in conjunction with one
timized by what amounted to a hoax were un- of the networks of stations which exist for
wise. Such experiments also might give rise, other astronomical or meteorological pur-
we thought, to the erroneous notion that the poses. This latter alternative, of course, would
study regarded UFO phenomena solely as the be much less expensive than the former, or
result of misinterpretation of natural or man- could give a greater coverage for the same ex-
made phenomena. Finally, we were advised by penditure.
some of our experts in the psychological disci- We gave considerable attention to the possi-
plines, that a “mock-up” UFO would intro- bilities and difficulties in this direction (Sec-
duce unknown variables that would render in- tion VI, Chapter 9). At first we hoped that
conclusive any results derived from the some definite results could be obtained by
conduct of experiments with it (see Section VI, such cooperation with existing stations in a
Chapter 10). way that would make results available for this
Turning to the realm of psychiatry, we de- report.
cided to refrain from mounting a major effort An all-sky camera was operated during most
in this area on the ground that such a study of August 1967 at Harrisburg, Penna. during
858 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

an UFO flap in that locality (Case 25) but no We prepared a listing of reported UFO sight-
interesting results were found on some 9,000 ings since 1965 that fell within the geographic
photographs. It would be quite expensive to limits of this network and through the kind co-
operate a network of such cameras on a rou- operation of the Smithsonian Institution ob-
tine basis all over the United States. The likeli- tained the records of the network for the times
hood of interesting images being recorded and locations of these sightings. About half of
would be very small. Because of the short du- the sightings were so lacking in specific infor-
ration of an UFO appearance a proper plan for mation that, Frederick Ayer reports (1229)
use of the all-sky camera would involve fre- “even if an object had been recorded by the
quent processing and examination of the film, film it would have been impossible to correlate
otherwise the presence of an UFO would not it with the sighting.” About one-third of the
be recognized until long after it had disap- sightings could not be traced on the film be-
peared. This would greatly increase the cost of cause of overcast skies. Some 18% of all the
operation of such a network. UFO sightings were identified on the net-
Another suggestion that is often made is to work’s records with a fair degree of probabil-
make UFO studies in connection with the ity. Nearly all of these were identified as astro-
radar networks operating in this country for nomical objects. Some consideration was given
air traffic control under auspices of the Fed- to the costs and likelihood of success of adapt-
eral Aviation Agency. Consideration was given ing the Prairie Network instruments to UFO
to this possibility and it was concluded that it searches without interfering with their primary
is quite out of the question to burden this net- purpose. We think that something might be
work with additional duties of any kind. The done along this line at reasonable expense, but
air traffic control operators are now heavily we do not make a positive recommendation
burdened with the work of safely guiding civil that such a program be undertaken because of
and military aviation. During the summer of the inconclusiveness of the information that
1968 especially, the heavy overloads that we believe would be gathered.
sometimes exist on the system were empha- Another existing program that was studied
sized by troublesome traffic delays in the for unrecognized UFO records was that of
neighborhood of several of the nation’s major scanning the night sky for study of air glow
airports. It would be quite out of the question from the upper atmosphere, and of zodiacal
to ask the air traffic controllers to assume the light. Detailed study was made of two records
responsibility of watching for UFOs in addition obtained from a station on the Hawaiian Is-
to their primary responsibilities. It would like- lands. One of these remains unidentified but is
wise be impracticable for a separate group of thought to be related to an artificial satellite
personnel to be installed at these stations to for which no information is readily available.
watch the same radars for UFOs. The other was definitely identified as a sub-
The Prairie Network is a group of camera orbital missile launched from Vandenberg AFB
stations operated in the mid-west by the on the coast of southern California. Mr. Ayer
Smithsonian Institution in connection with the concludes that “because of their relatively ex-
Harvard Meteor Program. Its primary purpose tensive sky coverage, scanning photometers
is to detect and record meteor trails in such a can be considered useful instruments in the
way as to guide a search for actual meteoritic conduct of UFO searches.” This, however, is
bodies that strike the earth’s surface. The field not to be construed as a recommendation that
headquarters of this network is at Lincoln, Ne- a network of scanning photometer stations be
braska. established for this purpose.
s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s | 859

Consideration was also given to the adapt- less attention being paid to UFO phenomena
ability to UFO search purposes of radars of the than is being done at present.
type used by the Weather Bureau, and the We hope that the critical analysis of the
radar station of the Radar Meteor Project of UFO situation among scientists and govern-
the Smithsonian Institution located near Ha- ment officials that must precede the determi-
vana, Illinois. nation of official policy can be carried out on a
Although frequent claims are made in the strictly objective basis.
UFO popular literature of magnetic distur- Attacks on the integrity of various individu-
bances due to the presence of UFOs, a consid- als on either side of this controversy ought to
eration of various official magnetometer rec- be avoided. The question of an individual’s in-
ords produced no evidence of an effect of this tegrity is wholly distinct from the issue of what
kind that, in our judgment would warrant the science should do in the future about UFOs.
setting up of an observational program to look In the Congress of the United States concern
for UFOs by their alleged magnetic effects. about the UFO problem from a defense view-
point is the province of the House Committee
19. Conclusion. In our study we gave con- on Armed Services. Concern about it from the
sideration to every possibility that we could point of view of the nation’s scientific research
think of for getting objective scientific data program comes under the House Committee
about the kind of thing that is the subject of on Science and Astronautics. Here there seems
UFO reports. As the preceding summary to be a valid situation of overlapping jurisdic-
shows, and as is fully documented in the de- tions because the UFO problem can be ap-
tailed chapters which follow, all such efforts proached from both viewpoints.
are beset with great difficulties. We place very A particular interest in the UFO problem
little value for scientific purposes on the past has been shown by Congressman J. Edward
accumulation of anecdotal records, most of Roush of Indiana, who is a member of the
which have been explained as arising from House Committee on Science and Astronau-
sightings of ordinary objects. Accordingly in tics. He performed a valuable service by ar-
Section I we have recommended against the ranging for the holding of a “Symposium on
mounting of a major effort for continuing UFO Unidentified Flying Objects” in Washington on
study for scientific reasons. 29 July 1968 (see references). As pointed out
This conclusion is controversial. It will not by one of the symposium participants, Prof.
be accepted without much dispute by the UFO Carl Sagan of the department of astronomy of
amateurs, by the authors of popular UFO Cornell University, the presentations made in
books and magazine articles, or even by a that symposium incline rather strongly to the
small number of academic scientists whose side of belief that large-scale investigations of
public statements indicate that they feel that the UFO phenomenon ought to be supported
this is a subject of great scientific promise. in the expectation that they would be justified
We trust that out of the clash of opinions by what some speakers called “scientific pay-
among scientists a policy decision will emerge. dirt.”
Current policy must be based on current We studied the transcript of this symposium
knowledge and estimates of the probability with great care to see whether we would be led
that further efforts are likely to produce fur- thereby to any new material related to this
ther additions to that knowledge. Additions to study. We did not find any new data.
knowledge in the future may alter policy judg- Several of the contributors to that sympo-
ments either in the direction of greater, or of sium have become trenchant advocates in the
860 | s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f u n i d e n t i f i e d f ly i n g o b j e c t s

past several years of a continuing major gov- Markowitz, William. “The Physics and Metaphysics
ernment investment in an UFO program. Sev- of Unidentified Flying Objects,” Science, 157
eral have long urged a greater degree of (1967), 1274–79.
congressional interest in this subject. The sym- Menzel, Donald H. Flying Saucers, Cambridge:
posium of 29 July afforded them an occasion Harvard University Press, 1952.
Menzel, Donald H., and Lyle G. Boyd. The World of
on which with the utmost seriousness they
Flying Saucers, New York: Doubleday, 1963.
could put before the Congress and the public
Miller, Stanley L. “Production of Organic Com-
the best possible data and the most favorable
pounds under Possible Primitive Earth Condi-
arguments for larger government activity in tions,” Journal American Chemical Society, 77
this field. (1955), 2351–61.
Hence it is fair to assume that the state- Olsen, T. The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sight-
ments presented in that symposium represent ing Reports, Ridenwood, Maryland: UFOIRC,
the maximum case that this group feels could Inc.
be made. We welcome the fact that this sympo- Page, R. M. The Origin of Radar, Garden City, New
sium is available to the public and expect that York: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1962.
its data and arguments will be compared with Purcell, Edwin. “Radioastronomy and Communica-
those in their report of this study by those tion through Space,” Brookhaven Lecture Series
whose duty it is to make responsible decisions No. 1, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New
York, 16 November 1960.
in this area.
Ruppelt, B. J. The Report on Unidentified Flying Ob-
We have studied this symposium record with
jects, New York: Doubleday and Company, Ace
great care and find nothing in it which re-
Books, 1956.
quires that we alter the conclusions and rec- Rush, J. H. The Dawn of Life, New York: Doubleday
ommendations that we have presented in Sec- & Co., Inc. 1957 (also Signet Library of Science,
tion I, nor that we modify any presentation of New American Library, N.Y. 1962).
the specific data contained in other sections of Salisbury, Frank B. “Martian Biology,” Science, 136
this report. (1962), 17–26.
Shklovskii, I. S. Artificial Satellites of Mars and Rid-
dle of the Martian Satellites, Moskow: Komso-
mal’skaya Pravda, 1 May and 31 May 1959,
Bailey, J. O. Pilgrims through Space and Time— English translation, FTD-T[-62-488-1], Wright
Trends and Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fic- Patterson AFB, 18 May 1962.
tion, New York: Argus Books, 1947. Shklovskii, I. S., and Carl Sagan. Intelligent Life in
Bloecher, T. E. Report of the UFO Wave of 1947, the Universe, San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966.
Washington (?), 1967. Sullivan, Walter. We Are Not Alone, New York: Mc-
Cameron, A. G. W. Interstellar Communication, New Graw-Hill Book Co., 1964, New York: New
York: Benjamin, 1963. American Library (paperback edition), 1966.
Hall, Richard H. The UFO Evidence, Washington: U.S. Ninetieth Congress, Second Session, Hearings
NICAP, 1964. before the Committee on Science and Astronau-
Keyhoe, Donald E. “Flying Saucers Are Real,” True, tics, 29 July 1968. Symposium on Unidentified
1950. Flying Objects, Washington: Govt. Print. Off.,
Lorenzen, Coral B. The Great Flying Saucer Hoax, 1968.
New York: William-Frederick Press, 1962. Vallee, Jacques, and Janine Vallee. Challenge to Sci-
Lowell, Percival H. Mars and Its Canals, New York: ence—The UFO Enigma, Chicago: Henry Regnery
The Macmillan Company, 1908. Co., 1966.
Let Us Reflect
Thoughtful Inquiry on Twenty-Five Years of Skepticism


kepticism dates back to the ancient Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke,

S Greeks, well captured in Socrates’ fa-

mous quip that all he knew was that he
knew nothing. Skepticism as nihilism, how-
Thomas Jefferson, and many others. Im-
manuel Kant in Germany and David Hume in
Scotland were skeptics’ skeptics in an age of
ever, gets us nowhere, and thankfully, almost skepticism, and their influence continues un-
no one embraces it. The word skeptic, in fact, waned to this day (at least in academic philos-
comes from the Greek skeptikos, for “thought- ophy and skepticism). Closer to our time,
ful”—far from modern misconceptions of the Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley were
word as meaning “cynical” or “nihilistic.” Ac- skeptics par excellence, not only for the revo-
cording to the Oxford English Dictionary, lution they launched and carried on, respec-
skeptical has also been used to mean “inquir- tively, against the dogma of creationism but
ing,” “reflective,” and, with variations in the also for their stand against the burgeoning
ancient Greek, “watchman” or “mark to aim Spiritualism movement that was sweeping
at.” What a glorious meaning for what we across the United States, England, and the
skeptics do! We are thoughtful, inquiring, and Continent. (Darwin worked quietly behind
reflective, and in a way, we are the watchers the scenes, whereas Huxley railed publicly
who guard against bad ideas—consumer advo- against the movement, bemoaning it in one of
cates of good thinking who, through the the great one-liners in the history of skepti-
guidelines of science, establish the mark to cism: “Better live a crossing-sweeper than die
aim at. and be made to talk twaddle by a ‘medium’
Since the time of the Greeks, skepticism (in hired at a guinea a seance.”) In the 1900s,
its various incarnations) has evolved along Bertrand Russell and Harry Houdini stand
with other epistemologies and their accompa- out as representative of the skeptical thinkers
nying social activists. The Enlightenment, on and doers, respectively, of the century’s first
one level, was a century-long skeptical move- half, and in the first year of its second half,
ment, for there were no beliefs or institutions Martin Gardner’s Fads and Fallacies in the
that did not come under the critical scrutiny Name of Science launched what we think of
of such great thinkers as Voltaire, Denis today as “the skeptics.”

862 | e p i l o g u e

We are at an appropriate time for reflection in the interstices of fringe culture, Hubbard
with this two-volume encyclopedia on science, has been canonized by the Church of Scientol-
pseudoscience, and skepticism. I date the ogy and deified as the founding saint of a
modern skeptical movement to 1950, with the world religion.
publication of an essay by Gardner in the Anti- In the first chapter of In the Name of Sci-
och Review entitled “The Hermit Scientist.” ence, Gardner picked up where he left off, not-
The essay is about what we would today call ing that “tens of thousands of mentally ill peo-
pseudoscientists, and it was Gardner’s first- ple throughout the country entered ‘dianetic
ever publication of a skeptical nature. It reveries’ in which they moved back along their
launched a lifetime of critical analysis of fringe ‘time track’ and tried to recall unpleasant ex-
claims, and in 1952 (at the urging of his liter- periences they had when they were embryos.”
ary agent, John T. Elliott), Gardner expanded More than fifty years later, Scientology has
the article into a book-length treatment of the converted those reveries into a worldwide cult
subject under the title In the Name of Science, of personality surrounding L. Ron Hubbard
with the descriptive subtitle An Entertaining that targets celebrities for membership and
Survey of the High Priests and Cultists of Sci- generates hundreds of millions of dollars in
ence, Past and Present. Published by Putnam, tax-free revenue as an IRS-approved “reli-
the book sold so poorly that it was quickly re- gion.”
maindered, and it lay dormant until 1957, Today, UFOs are big business, but in 1950,
when it was republished by Dover. It has come Gardner could not have known that the nas-
down to us as Fads and Fallacies in the Name cent flying-saucer craze would turn into an
of Science, still in print and arguably the skep- alien industry, but it was off to a good start:
tic classic of the past half century. “Since flying saucers were first reported in
What caught the attention of a youthful 1947, countless individuals have been con-
Martin Gardner half a century ago? The “her- vinced that the earth is under observation by
mit scientist” who worked alone and was usu- visitors from another planet.” Absence of evi-
ally ignored by mainstream scientists: “Such dence then was no more a barrier to belief
neglect, of course, only strengthens the convic- than it is today, and believers proffered the
tions of the self-declared genius,” Gardner same conspiratorial explanations for the
concluded in his original 1950 paper. “Thus it dearth of proof, as Gardner explained: “I have
is that probably no scientist of importance will heard many readers of the saucer books up-
present the bewildered public with detailed braid the government in no uncertain terms
proofs that the earth did not twice stop for its stubborn refusal to release the ‘truth’
whirling in Old Testament times, or that neu- about the elusive platters. The administration’s
roses bear no relation to the experiences of an ‘hush-hush policy’ is angrily cited as proof that
embryo in the mother’s womb” (referring to L. our military and political leaders have lost all
Ron Hubbard’s dianetics theory that negative faith in the wisdom of the American people.”
engrams are imprinted in the fetus’s brain From his perspective in 1950, Gardner was
while in the womb). even then bemoaning the fact that some be-
Gardner was, however, half wrong in his liefs never seem to go out of vogue, as he re-
prognostications: “The current flurry of dis- called H. L. Mencken’s quip from the 1920s
cussion about (Immanuel) Velikovsky and that “if you heave an egg out of a Pullman car
Hubbard will soon subside, and their books window anywhere in the United States you are
will begin to gather dust on library shelves.” likely to hit a fundamentalist.”
While Velikovskians are a quaint few surviving Gardner cautioned that when presumably
e p i l o g u e | 863

religious superstition should be on the wane, it site was certainly a motivating factor in my
is all too easy “to forget that thousands of high choice of a college, the primary reason I went
school teachers of biology, in many of our there was that I was a born-again Christian
southern states, are still afraid to teach the the- who took his mission for Christ seriously. I
ory of evolution for fear of losing their jobs.” thought I should attend a school where I could
Today, Kansas and other states enjoin the fight receive some serious theological training, and
as the creationist virus spreads northward. I did. I took courses in the Old and New Testa-
I devote an entire chapter in my book The ments, Jesus the Christ, and the writings of
Borderlands of Science to Martin Gardner and C. S. Lewis. I attended chapel twice a week (al-
his seminal work, but suffice it to say here that though, truth be told, attendance was required
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science has for all students). Dancing was not allowed on
been a cherished classic read by legions of campus (the sexual suggestiveness might trig-
skeptics and scientists, and it laid the founda- ger already-inflamed hormone production to
tion for a bona fide skeptical movement that go into overdrive), and we were not allowed
found its roots in the early 1970s. There has into the dorm rooms of members of the oppo-
been some debate (and much quibbling) about site sex.
who gets what amount of credit for the found- Despite the restrictions, it was a good expe-
ing of the Committee for the Scientific Investi- rience because I was a serious believer and
gation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) thought that was the way we should behave
and its journal, Skeptical Inquirer (much of anyway. But somewhere along the way, I found
this played out in the pages of Skeptic maga- science, and that changed everything (al-
zine in our interviews with the major players). though not overnight). I was thinking of ma-
This is not the place to present a definitive his- joring in theology, but then I discovered that a
tory of the movement, but from what I have Ph.D. required proficiency in several dead
gleaned from first- and secondhand sources, languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and
Gardner, magician James Randi, psychologist Latin). Knowing that I was not especially good
Ray Hyman, and philosopher Paul Kurtz at learning live languages, let alone dead ones,
played key roles in the foundation and plan- I went into psychology and mastered one of
ning of the organization, with numerous oth- the languages of science: statistics. There (and
ers, such as Phil Klass and Marcello Truzzi, in in research methodology courses), I discovered
important supporting roles. that many problems can be solved by estab-
The founding of the Skeptics Society by my- lishing parameters to determine whether a hy-
self, Pat Linse, and Kim Ziel Shermer in 1992, pothesis is probably right (i.e., rejecting the
then, was also not without precedent and his- null hypothesis at the .01, or 99 percent, level
torical roots, and though the history of this or- of significance) or definitely wrong (i.e., not
ganization has yet to be written, it is clear that statistically significant). Instead of the rhetoric
without the likes of Gardner, Randi, Hyman, and disputation of theology, there were the
and Kurtz, there would be no Skeptics Society logic and probabilities of science. What a dif-
and no Skeptic magazine. And what an experi- ference this difference in thinking makes!
ence it has been. By the end of my first year of a graduate
Twenty-five years ago, I was twenty years program in experimental psychology at the
old and in my third year of college at Pepper- California State University, Fullerton, I had de-
dine University, a Church of Christ–based in- converted out of Christianity and removed my
stitution located in Malibu, California, and silver ichthus, replacing what was for me the
overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Although the stultifying dogmas of a 2,000-year-old religion
864 | e p i l o g u e

with the worldview of an always changing, al- fakes, perhaps they all were (and if not fakes,
ways fresh science. The passionate nature of at least self-deceived). Herein lies an impor-
this perspective was enthused most emphati- tant lesson. There is little to no chance that we
cally by my evolutionary biology professor, can convince True Believers of the errors of
Bayard Brattstrom, particularly in his after- their thinking. Our purpose is to reach that
class discussions at a local bar that went into vast middle ground between hard-core skep-
the wee hours of the morning. This is where tics and dogmatic believers—people like me
the action was for me. who thought that there might be something to
About that time (1975–1976), Uri Geller these claims but had simply never heard a
showed up on my radar screen. I recall Psy- good counterexplanation. There are many rea-
chology Today and other popular magazines sons why people believe weird things, but cer-
published glowing stories about him, and re- tainly one of the most pervasive is simply that
ports were afloat that experimental psycholo- most people have never heard a good explana-
gists had tested the Israeli psychic and deter- tion for the weird things they hear and read
mined that he was genuine. My adviser—a about. Short of a good explanation, they ac-
strictly reductionistic Skinnerian behavioral cept the bad explanation that is typically prof-
psychologist named Doug Navarick—didn’t be- fered. This fact alone justifies all the hard
lieve a word of it, but I figured there might be work performed by skeptics toward the cause
something to the Geller phenomenon, espe- of science and critical thinking. It does make a
cially in light of all the other interesting re- difference.
search being conducted on altered states of Fast-forward ten years. My first contact with
consciousness, hypnosis, dreams, sensory dep- organized skepticism came in the mid-1980s
rivation, dolphin communication (John C. through the famed aeronautics engineer and
Lilly), and the like. I took a course in anthro- human-powered flight inventor Paul Mac-
pology from a woman who researched sha- Cready. I originally met Paul through the In-
mans of South America and their use of mind- ternational Human Powered Vehicle Associa-
altering plants. It all seemed entirely plausible tion (IHPVA), as he was interested in designing
to me, and, being personally interested in the these vehicles and I was interested in racing
paranormal (the Ouija board consistently blew them (I had a ten-year career as an ultra-
my mind), I figured that this was rapidly be- marathon cyclist). One day, he phoned to in-
coming a legitimate subfield of psychological vite me to a lecture at the California Institute
research. After all, Thelma Moss had a re- of Technology being hosted by a group called
search laboratory devoted to studying the the Southern California Skeptics (SCS). This
paranormal, and it was at the University of was an offshoot of CSICOP and one of many
California, Los Angeles (UCLA), no less, which groups that had spontaneously self-organized
had one of the most highly regarded psychol- around the country throughout the 1980s.
ogy programs in the country. The lectures were fascinating, and because of
Enter James “the Amazing” Randi. I do not my affiliation with Paul, I got to meet some of
recall exactly when or where I first encoun- the insiders in what was rapidly becoming the
tered him. I believe it was on the Tonight Show “skeptical movement.” Paul was a friend of
when he was demonstrating how to levitate ta- such science megastars as Richard Feynman,
bles, bend spoons, and perform psychic sur- Stephen Jay Gould, and Murray Gell-Mann,
geries. He didn’t convince me to become a and with the likes of Randi and the magicians
full-fledged skeptic overnight, but he got me Penn and Teller affiliated with the movement,
thinking that if some of the psychics were it seemed like it was a happening place to be.
e p i l o g u e | 865

In 1987, CSICOP hosted a convention at the splurge for a skeptical publication of that qual-
Pasadena Civic Center that featured Carl ity, she would provide the appropriate artwork
Sagan as the keynote speaker, and he was so and typography. Since Pat is a professional
inspiring that I decided to return to graduate artist who was working for movie studios gen-
school to complete my doctorate. erating film posters, she was more than capa-
By the end of the 1980s, however, the ble of backing up her offer, which I accepted.
Southern California Skeptics folded, and the Our original cover was to feature Randi, and
skeptical movement came to a grinding halt in Pat produced a striking portrait of him. But
the very place that so desperately needed it. In just before publication, Isaac Asimov died, so
1991, I completed my Ph.D., was teaching Pat generated a new cover portrait, and that
part-time at Occidental College, and was nos- became the cover of volume 1, number 1, of
ing around for something different to do. I had what we came to call Skeptic magazine. (My
just published a paper in a science history originally planned title—The Journal of Ratio-
journal on the Louisiana creationism trial; it nal Skepticism—was voted down by Pat and my
featured the activities of SCS members who wife, Kim Ziel Shermer, who reasoned that
had organized the amicus curiae brief that was shorter is better. They were right.)
signed by seventy-two Nobel laureates (Murray Allow me to close this epilogue with a quote
Gell-Mann encouraged his fellow Nobelists) from one of my favorite skeptical books, Paul
and was submitted to (and read by) the U.S. Kurtz’s The Transcendental Temptation and his
Supreme Court. One of SCS’s former volun- discussion of the meaning and goals of skepti-
teer staff members, Pat Linse, heard about the cism. It is an admonition we should all bear in
paper, tracked me down, and dropped by to mind, a passage to be read once a year:
pick up a reprint of my article.
During that visit, she expressed her frustra- The skeptic is not passionately intent on con-
tion—and that of many others—that skepticism verting mankind to his or her point of view
in southern California had gone the way of the and surely is not interested in imposing it on
Neanderthals. Subsequent meetings with her others, though he may be deeply concerned
and others inspired Kim, Pat, and me to jump- with raising the level of education and critical
start the skeptics movement again by launch- inquiry in society. Still, if there are any lessons
ing a new group and inviting James Randi for to be learned from history, it is that we should
our inaugural lecture in March 1992. The be skeptical of all points of view, including
event was a smashing success, as well over 400 those of the skeptics. No one is infallible, and
people crammed into a 300-seat hall to hear no one can claim a monopoly on truth or
the amazing one astonish us all with his wit, virtue. It would be contradictory for skepti-
wisdom, and magic. cism to seek to translate itself into a new faith.
With that successful event, we were off and One must view with caution the promises of
running. I starting planning a newsletter, but any new secular priest who might emerge
when Pat saw a sample copy of a bicycle maga- promising a brave new world—if only his path
zine I was publishing—Ultra Cycling magazine to clarity and truth is followed. Perhaps the
(the publication of the Ultra-Marathon Cycling best we can hope for is to temper the intem-
Association and Race across America, which I perate and to tame the perverse temptation
had cofounded in the early 1980s), which was that lurks within.
64 pages long, perfect-bound, and with a duo-
tone coated cover—she said that if we could Amen, brother!

John Adams (The Alien Archetype: The Ori- mal. She is the author of The Adventures of a
gin of the “Grays”) is a professor of history at Parapsychologist, Beyond the Body, Dying to
Alabama A & M University. He has written an Live, and The Meme Machine. She is one of
article titled “Outer Space and the New World the best known and most highly regarded
in the Imagination of Eighteenth-Century Eu- skeptical investigators in the world today.
ropeans.” He teaches courses in ancient and
modern world civilizations, British history, Jon Blumenfeld (Stock Market Pseudo-
and Asian history, and has written a book on science) is Connecticut chapter chairman of
the dynamics between science fiction in early the New England Skeptical Society, and is a
modern Europe and attitudes toward race and regular contributor to its quarterly newsletter,
ethnicity among early Copernicans. The New England Journal of Skepticism. He
has ten years of experience as a bond trader
D. Alan Bensley (Pseudoscience and Science: and commodity trading advisor and is cur-
A Primer in Critical Thinking) is an associate rently an interest rate strategist for the United
professor of psychology at Frostburg State States’ fixed income derivatives trading unit
University in Frostburg, Maryland. He is the of a large European bank.
author of the textbook Critical Thinking in
Psychology: A Unified Skills Approach and Chris Bonds (Synchronicity) teaches music at
has done extensive research on the improve- Wayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska. His
ment of thinking skills. His research and interests include music, psychology, the para-
teaching interests are in research methods, normal, and the theory of evolution.
sensation and perception, and cognition and
critical thinking. Rebecca Bradley (Tutankhamun’s Curse) has
a doctorate in archeology, specializing in the
John Berger (Handwriting Analysis and Nile Valley. Her other personas include fan-
Graphology) is an expert on handwriting tasy writer (The Gil Trilogy), horror writer,
analysis and graphology and a long-time in- and disaster voyeur.
vestigator of unusual claims.
Maarten Brys (Bermuda Triangle) studied
Susan J. Blackmore (Memes as Good Sci- the philosophy of science. He’s a member of
ence, Out-of-Body Experiences, Near-Death SKEPP and SKEPSIS, two skeptical organi-
Experiences) is a senior lecturer in psychol- zations in Belgium and the Netherlands, and
ogy at the University of the West of England he is interested in finding scientific explana-
and a long-time researcher on the paranor- tions for apparently paranormal phenomena.

868 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

Tim Callahan (Anastasia: A Case Study in the philosophy of education. His recent work in-
Myth of the Miraculous Survival) is the reli- cludes “Dewey and the Splintered Vision”; en-
gion editor for Skeptic magazine and a long- cyclopedia entries, “Richard Rorty” and
time contributor to skeptical and humanist “Chauncey Wright”; and reviews of websites
publications. He is the author of Bible Pro- devoted to the classical pragmatists Peirce,
phecy: Failure or Fulfillment? and his latest James, and Dewey. He is currently a member
book is The Secret Origins of the Bible. His re- of the local school board and is working to
search interests are in comparative mythology, meaningfully integrate computers into the K-
creationism, environmental issues, and biblical 12 curriculum.
Brad Clark (Spiritualism) has studied spiritu-
Steuart Campbell (Ball Lightning) is a sci- alism and the spiritual movement in the
ence writer from Edinburgh, Scotland, whose United Kingdom and America.
work has appeared in the New Humanist and
Skeptic. He is also the author of The UFO Mys- Kevin Courcey (Prayer and Healing) is a reg-
tery Solved and The Rise and Fall of Jesus. istered nurse who has practiced for 22 years.
He has spent 15 years as a psychiatric nurse
Al Carroll (Shamans and Shamanism) is in and six years in phone triage answering ques-
the Ph.D. program in American Indian history tions about medical problems ranging from
at Arizona State University. He received his lacerations to fevers to chest pain. He has also
master’s degree from Purdue University. He is chaired an 800-nurse bargaining unit and
a Native American activist and co-founder of been a board member of the Oregon Nurses
New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans (NAFPS), a Association. He is a member of Freedom From
watchdog organization devoted to warning the Religion Foundation and is active in the Cor-
public about frauds impersonating as Native vallis Secular Society in Oregon.
American medicine people. His research inter-
ests include Native American veterans, the Chris Cunningham (The Shroud of Turin) is
modern practice of Native American beliefs, interested in applying science to miracles and
and Native American/New Age conflict. to claims of the paranormal.

John Casti (Science Is Just Beginning) is exec- Geoffrey Dean (Astrology, Placebo Effect, Un-
utive editor of the journal Complexity, a fellow deceiving Ourselves) coedited with Arthur
of the Santa Fe Institute in Santa Fe, New Mather Recent Advances in Natal Astrology: A
Mexico, and a professor at the Technical Uni- Critical Review 1900–1976, the first book-
versity of Vienna. He is the author of Search- length critical review of scientific research into
ing for Certainty, Paradigms Lost, Complexifi- astrology. He and Mather have been collabora-
cation, and other science books. tors since 1975 on critical articles, debates,
surveys, and prize competitions for research in
Drew Christie (Séance, Societies for Psychical astrology. Dean is a freelance technical writer
Research) is a professor of philosophy at the and editor in Perth, Western Australia.
University of New Hampshire, where he
teaches environmental philosophy, logic, phi- Perry DeAngelis (Cults, Dowsing) is the exec-
losophy of law, and social and political philos- utive director of the New England Skeptical
ophy. His research interests also encompass Society. His interests are in field investigations
American pragmatism (old and new) and the of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.
c o n t r i b u t o r s | 869

Tana Dineen (Psychotherapy as Pseudo- his controversial book Taboo: Why Black Ath-
science) is a licensed psychologist with three letes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to
decades of clinical experience. Early in her ca- Talk about It. His next two projects focused on
reer she became concerned about the growing genetics: Jewish Genes examines the effort to
influence of mental health “experts” on soci- identify medical cures for diseases that dispro-
ety, which lead her to write her controversial portionately effect specific populations, in-
book: Manufacturing Victims: What the Psy- cluding the social and political tempest stirred
chology Industry Is Doing to People. by such research; and Creating Superboy (and
Girl), which looks at the impact of genetic en-
Clayton J. Drees (Witches and Witchcraft) is gineering on human performance in athletics
associate professor of history and chair of the and elsewhere.
history department at Virginia Wesleyan Col-
lege in Norfolk, Virginia. He teaches courses Garrett G. Fagan (Alternative Archaeology) is
on the medieval and early modern periods in associate professor of classics and ancient
Europe and has published two books, Author- Mediterranean studies and history at Penn
ity and Dissent in the English Church (1997) State University. Aside from the phenomenon
and The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Re- of pseudoarchaeology, his research interests lie
newal (2001). mainly in Roman history. His first book
Bathing in Public in the Roman World was
Dan Dugan (Anthroposophy and Anthropo- published in 1999.
sophical Medicine) is well known in the field
of audio engineering as the inventor of the au- Kenneth Feder (Ancient Astronauts, The Mars
tomatic microphone mixer. His patented Face: Extraterrestrial Archaeology, Pseudo-
equipment is used in thousands of churches, archaeology: Native American Myths as a Test
courtrooms (including the U.S. Supreme Case) is a professor of anthropology at Central
Court), and on television shows, including The Connecticut State University. He is the director
Late Show with David Letterman and Holly- of the Farmington River Archaeological Project
wood Squares. In addition to engineering, Dan and the author of several books including: The
has a lively interest in philosophy, particularly Past in Perspective: An Introduction to Human
skepticism, the philosophy of science, and cur- Prehistory; A Village of Outcasts: Historical Ar-
rent controversies about scientific paradigms chaeology and Documentary Research at the
and alternative medicine. Lighthouse Site; and Frauds, Myths, and Myster-
ies: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology.
Chris Duva (Anomalous Psychological Experi-
ences) is an assistant professor of biological Robert A. Forde (Hypnosis) is a chartered
psychology at Eastern Oregon University and psychologist and over the last 30 years has
an adjunct faculty member at Capella Univer- worked in prisons and police services. He is
sity. His research interests include false mem- now in private practice in North Somerset,
ory, brain damage-induced amnesia, and the England, specializing in forensic and health
physiological basis of drug addiction. psychology. His special interests are research-
ing suggestibility (especially in police inter-
Jon Entine (Race and Sports as Good Science) views), psychological trauma, and malingering.
wrote and produced a widely acclaimed 1989
NBC television special with Tom Brokaw on Ronald Fritze (Pseudoarchaeology: Pre-
black athletes. This led to the publication of columbian Discoverers of America as a Test
870 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

Case) is a professor of history at Lamar Univer- Contributions to Education and Training, and
sity in Beaumont, Texas. He received his Ph.D. the Outstanding Professor Award from Califor-
from Cambridge University and is one of the nia State University (state-wide).
authors of Reference Sources in History, Reflec-
tions on Western Civilization, and Reflections Alan Harris (Tunguska) is a former scientist at
on World Civilization. He is also editor of The NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Historical Dictionary of Stuart England. Pasadena, California, and is now a senior re-
search scientist with the Space Science Insti-
Diego Golombek (Biorhythms) is professor of tute. His research specialty is studying small
physiology and a researcher at the National bodies of the solar system such as satellites, as-
University of Quilmes (where he heads the teroids, comets, and meteors. His long-time in-
Chronobiology Lab), the University of Buenos terest lies in studying the risks of cosmic im-
Aires, and the National Research Council pacts on the Earth.
(Buenos Aires, Argentina). He has published
extensively on circadian rhythms and general Steve B. Harris (Immortality: The Search for
science topics. Everlasting Life) is an internist and experi-
mental physiologist who is particularly inter-
Gina Green (Facilitated Communication) was ested in issues of life extension and the philos-
director of research at the New England Cen- ophy of science. He is a long-time member of
ter for Autism and Associate Scientists in the the Skeptics Society’s editorial board, and is
behavioral sciences division of the E. K. chief of research at Critical Care Research,
Shriver Center for Mental Retardation. She Inc., a southern California biotech company
has written extensively on facilitated commu- that is developing advanced resuscitation tech-
nication and was one of the first scientists to nologies.
submit facilitated communication to scientific
analysis. The book she most recently edited is Michael Heap (Ideomotor Effect [the “Ouija
Behavioral Intervention for Young Children Board” Effect]) is a freelance clinical and
with Autism: A Manual for Parents and Profes- forensic psychologist in Sheffield, England,
sionals. and chairman of the Association for Skeptical
Enquiry. He has a special interest in hypnosis
Diane Halpern (Race and I.Q. as Pseudo- and is the coauthor of Hypnosis in Therapy
science) is director of the Berger Institute for and Hartland’s Medical and Dental Hypnosis
Work, Family, and Children and professor of and the coeditor of Hypnosis: Current Clinical,
psychology at Claremont McKenna College. Experimental and Forensic Practices, and Hyp-
She is the author of several hundred journal notherapy: A Handbook and Hypnosis in
articles and many books, including Thought Europe.
and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical
Thinking and Sex Differences in Cognitive John Hochman (Recovered Memory Therapy
Abilities. Her teaching and research have been and False Memory Syndrome: A Psychiatrist’s
recognized with many awards including the Perspective as a Test Case) is a practicing psy-
2002 Outstanding Teaching Award from West- chiatrist in Los Angeles, California. He special-
ern Psychological Association, the American izes in the evaluation and treatment of victims
Psychological Foundation Award for Distin- of cultic entities and/or undue influence; the
guished Teaching, the American Psychological theoretical study of cult phenomena, psychia-
Association Award for Distinguished Career try and the law; post-traumatic stress disor-
c o n t r i b u t o r s | 871

ders, and multiple personality disorder, of Simon Jones (Uri Geller) has written articles
which he is skeptical. He is a consultant and and interviews related to paranormal claims
expert witness in courtroom cases involving and fringe beliefs. His award-winning inter-
abuse allegations, coercive persuasion, and view with Uri Geller can be found online at:
psychotherapy cult involvement.

Samuel Homola (Chiropractic: Conventional Professor Ivan W. Kelly (Astrology, Placebo

or Alternative Healing?) retired in 1998 after Effect, Undeceiving Ourselves) chairman of the
43 years of full-time practice as a chiropractor. Astrology Subcommittee of the United States-
He is the author of 12 books, including Inside based Committee for the Scientific Investiga-
Chiropractic: A Patient’s Guide. He has written tion of Claims of the Paranormal, and author
numerous articles for magazines and journals, or coauthor of over one hundred scientific or
including “Finding a Good Chiropractor,” philosophical articles. He is professor of edu-
published in Archives of Family Medicine. cational psychology at the University of Sas-
katchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, and is espe-
John Horgan (Science Is at an End) was a cially interested in philosophical aspects of
senior writer at Scientific American from 1986 science.
to 1997 and is now a freelance writer whose
work has appeared in the New York Times, Steven Korenstein (Electromagnetic Fields
Time, the Washington Post, Science, the Lon- and Cell Phones) holds a master’s degree in
don Times, the New Republic, Discover, Slate, environmental and occupational health and
and elsewhere. His books include The End of works as a hazardous substances scientist for
Science (1996), The Undiscovered Mind the California Environmental Protection
(1999), and Rational Mysticism (2003). Agency in the department of toxic substances
control. He has recently published a study on
Satyam Jain (Magnetic Therapy) is a resident the health of children in the Journal of Envi-
in psychiatry at Brown University and a re- ronmental Health. His research interests in-
search fellow in psychiatry at Creighton Uni- clude the effects of exposure to environmental
versity Medical. toxicants at the community level.

William Jarvis (Homeopathy) is a professor at David J. W. Lauridsen Jr. (Fairies, Elves, Pix-
Loma Linda University with dual appoint- ies, and Gnomes) is currently a technical ana-
ments in the schools of medicine and public lyst and web developer for Qwest Communica-
health and a secondary appointment in the tions. He holds a bachelor’s degree in
school of dentistry. He is a consumer health communications from Ohio State University
education specialist and is involved in a wide and is an increasingly ardent skeptic. An avid
variety of activities related to this field. He is private pilot, David is excited by the philoso-
president of the National Council Against phy of science and would like to expand the
Health Fraud, a nonprofit voluntary health teaching of critical thinking skills to today’s
agency that combats health misinformation, youth.
fraud, and quackery. He is also a member of
the American Cancer Society’s National Com- Bernard Leikind (Science and God) is a sen-
mittee on Questionable Methods of Cancer ior editor of Skeptic magazine. He lives in
Management and the California attorney gen- Encinitas, California, and works for a San
eral’s Task Force on Health Fraud. Diego area software company. Previously, he
872 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

worked as a physicist for General Atomics and Kentucky University and a master’s in library
as a plasma physics and fusion energy re- science from Kent State University. He writes
searcher at UCLA. He achieved notoriety letters and essays constantly and reads every
through his investigation and explanation of issue of both Skeptic and Skeptical Inquirer
firewalking, a stunt that he foolishly per- (which he indexes) cover to cover.
formed many times. In one imaginative and as-
tonishing experiment, he demonstrated that Steven Jay Lynn (Multiple Personality Disor-
raw steaks have the same mental powers as der) is professor of psychology at the State
human firewalkers. His research interests also University of New York at Binghamton. He ed-
include unusual atmospheric phenomena and ited a book series on trauma, memory, hypno-
other unexplained anomalies. sis, and dissociation for the American Psycho-
logical Association; was consulting editor for
Norman Levitt (The Science Wars: Decon- the Journal of Abnormal Psychology; and was
structing Science Is Pseudoscience) is a profes- guest editor for Current Directions in Psycho-
sor of mathematics at Rutgers University in logical Science. He is on the editorial board of
New Brunswick, New Jersey. He specializes in Scientific Review of Mental Health Practices
geometric topology. He is the coauthor with and is a fellow of the American Psychological
Paul R. Gross of the controversial book Higher Association, the American Psychological Soci-
Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quar- ety, the American Association of Applied and
rels with Science, and The Flight from Science Preventive Psychology, and the Society for
and Reason. Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. He has
published more than 200 books, articles, and
Ricki Lewis (Dietary Supplements) is the au- chapters in the areas of hypnosis, memory,
thor of Human Genetics: Concepts and Appli- sexual abuse, risk prevention, dissociation and
cations, coauthor of three other textbooks for fantasy, and forensic psychology.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, and a con-
tributing editor to The Scientist. She has a Kevin MacDonald (Psychoanalysis as Pseudo-
Ph.D. in genetics and is affiliated with the science) received his Ph.D. in personality de-
TIGR Center for the Advancement of Ge- velopment at the University of Connecticut. He
nomics. is a professor of psychology at California State
University–Long Beach. His research empha-
Scott O. Lilienfeld (EMDR, Multiple Person- sizes evolutionary perspectives in personality,
ality Disorder) is associate professor of psy- child development, and ethnic relations. He is
chology at Emory University, founder and edi- the author of Social and Personality Develop-
tor-in-chief of the journal, The Scientific ment: An Evolutionary Synthesis, A People
Review of Mental Health Practice, and past That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and Its
president of the Society for a Science of Clini- Discontents, Sociobiological Perspectives on
cal Psychology. His research interests include Human Development, and Parent-Child Play.
the causes and assessment of personality disor-
ders, anxiety disorders, and dissociative disor- Barry Markovsky (UFOs) is professor and
ders, and the problem of pseudoscience in chair of the department of sociology at the Uni-
clinical psychology and allied disciplines. versity of South Carolina. In addition to his in-
terest in how social factors influence paranor-
Andrew O. Lutes (Animal Mutilations) has a mal beliefs, he has published research on social
bachelor’s degree in history from Northern power, status processes, perceptions of justice,
c o n t r i b u t o r s | 873

social influence, group solidarity, social net- iety and traumatic stress disorders. McNally
works, and methods for theory construction. served with the American Psychiatric Associa-
tion’s subgroup on post-traumatic stress disor-
Juan Carlos Marvizon (Meditation) is assis- der for the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and
tant professor in the department of medicine, Statistical Manual.
UCLA. He is an author of thirty research pa-
pers on neurotransmission and the physiology Jean Mercer (Attachment Therapy) has a
of pain, contributes to Skeptic magazine, and Ph.D. in psychology from Brandeis University.
moderates the Skeptic Forum (http://forums. She is professor of psychology at Richard He has Stockton College and president of the New
practiced different forms of meditation for 25 Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health.
years. His interests are on topics related to the Together with Larry Sarner and Linda Rosa,
brain and the mind, including acupuncture, she recently completed a book on a death
meditation and consciousness caused by attachment therapists, and has pub-
lished several related journal articles.
Arthur Mather (Astrology, Undeceiving Our-
selves) coedited with Geoffrey Dean Recent Frank Miele (Evolutionary Psychology as
Advances in Natal Astrology: A Critical Review Good Science) is senior editor of Skeptic mag-
1900–1976, the first book-length critical re- azine and author of Jensenism and Skepticism.
view of scientific research into astrology. He His interviews of the major figures in and in-
and Dean have been collaborators since 1975 troductions to the IQ, evolutionary psychology,
on critical articles, debates, surveys, and prize and environmental debates are featured regu-
competitions for research into astrology. larly in Skeptic (and include E. O. Wilson,
Mather is in charge of technical training proj- Richard Dawkins, Charles Murray, Jerry
ects in Livingston, Scotland. Brown, Lionel Tiger, and many others.) He is
also a technical writer in the silicon valley.
William F. McComas (Science and Its Myths)
is an associate professor of science education Robert L. Miller (Christian Science as Pseu-
at the Rossier School of Education of the Uni- doscience) is a trial attorney in southern Cali-
versity of Southern California where he is also fornia, and runs a law firm called Robert
the founding director of the Program to Ad- Miller & Associates. He holds a Juris Doctor
vance Science Education. He teaches courses degree from Western State University College
in educational research, issues in science edu- of Law and has written articles for various
cation, and advanced science teaching meth- newspapers and magazines on a variety of sub-
ods. He maintains an active research program jects.
focusing on the improvement of laboratory in-
struction, evolution education, the impact of Richard Milner (Piltdown Man [Hoax]), con-
the philosophy of science on science teaching, tributing editor of Natural History Magazine at
and science learning in museums and field the American Museum of Natural History, is
sites. the author of The Encyclopedia of Evolution:
Humanity’s Quest for Its Origins. A historian of
Richard J. McNally (EMDR) is professor of science and anthropology, he also wrote the
psychology in the department of psychology at acclaimed one-man musical Charles Darwin:
Harvard University. He is the author of more Live & In Concert, which he performs all over
than 165 publications, mostly concerning anx- the world.
874 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

Phil Molé (Carlos Castenada, Holistic Medi- School of Medicine, president of the New Eng-
cine: The Case of Caroline Myss) has a bache- land Skeptical Society and editor of the New
lor’s degree in chemistry from DePaul Univer- England Journal of Skepticism. His interests
sity, where he minored in biology and are in medical fraud and skeptical philosophy.
mathematics. He earned a master’s in public
health from the University of Illinois at Richard Olson (Witchcraft and The Origins of
Chicago, and works at an environmental con- Science, The Science Wars: Deconstructing
sulting company in Elmhurst, Illinois. He is a Science Is Good Science) is professor of his-
regular contributor to Skeptic magazine. tory and Willard W. Keith Fellow in humani-
ties at Harvey Mudd College and the 2002–
Douglas G. Mook (Observer Effects and Ob- 2003 Hennebach Visiting Professor in human-
server Bias) is professor of psychology emeritus ities at the Colorado School of Mines. His pub-
at the University of Virginia, where he taught lications include Science Deified (vol 1, 1982;
courses in research methodology for a number vol. 2, 1990) and The Emergence of the Social
of years, and is now adjunct professor at Cooper Sciences (1993). He is currently working on a
Union College. He is author of Motivation: The reference volume on science and religion in
Organization of Action, and Psychological Re- the Christian West: 1450–1900 and is series
search: The Ideas Behind the Methods. editor for a fourteen volume reference series
on science and religion of which that work will
John L. Moore (Cryptozoology) is studying bi- be a part.
ology and geology at the University of Utah.
He was formerly the associate editor of The Laura Pasley (Recovered Memory Therapy
Cryptozoology Review, and his research inter- and False Memory Syndrome: A Patient’s Per-
ests include invertebrate paleontology and ar- spective as a Test Case) worked for the Dallas
chaeology. police department, retiring in January 1999
following a 25 year career. She was the first
David Morrison (Velikovsky: Cultures in Col- person to sue a therapist for inducing false
lision on the Fringes of Science) is a NASA re- memories and creating an unhealthy depend-
search space scientist and was one of Carl ence. Her story was published in the book
Sagan’s first doctoral students at Harvard Uni- True Stories of False Memories.
versity. His research interests include near-
earth asteroids and how to detect them, as well Mark Pendergrast (Recovered Memory Ther-
as Immanuel Velikovsky and his influence on apy and False Memory Syndrome: A Father’s
astronomy and the sciences. Perspective as a Test Case) is an independent
scholar and author living in Vermont. His
John Mosley (Planetary Alignments) is an as- books include Victims of Memory, For God,
tronomer at the Griffith Observatory in Los Country and Coca-Cola, and Uncommon
Angeles where he supervises the educational Grounds. He is working on a history of mirrors.
programs. He has produced 50 public plane-
tarium shows, including the Star of Bethlehem. Massimo Pigliucci (Science and Religion) is
He specializes in amateur astronomy and as- assistant professor in the departments of
tronomical computer software. botany, ecology, and evolutionary biology at
the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. His
Steve Novella (Cults, Dowsing) is an assistant research focuses on the ecology and evolution
professor of neurology at Yale University of genotype-environment interactions. He is
c o n t r i b u t o r s | 875

the author of several textbooks, as well as a ( and he lectures all over the
book on creationism entitled Evolution Denial. world. His books, such as Flim Flam! and The
Faith Healers, have been published in English,
James W. Polichak (Memes as Pseudoscience) Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German,
has a Ph.D. in experimental psychology at Italian, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, and Nor-
SUNY Stony Brook where his research focused wegian.
on the comprehension of noun phrases and on
auditory attention. He writes about science Todd C. Riniolo (Psi and Psi-Missing) is an
and education and their impacts on people’s assistant professor of psychology at Medaille
daily lives. College in Buffalo, New York. His research in-
terests include quantitative issues in psy-
Gary P. Posner (Police Psychics: Noreen Re- chophysiological research, the history of psy-
nier as a Case Study) practiced internal medi- chology, and teaching of psychology. His work
cine for 15 years. He founded the Tampa Bay has appeared in publications such as Psy-
Skeptics in 1988 and is editor of its newsletter. chophysiology, Infant Behavior and Develop-
He is a consultant to the Committee for the ment, Teaching of Psychology, and Skeptic.
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Para-
normal and is a member of the Board of Sci- Lance Rivers (Alien Abductions) is an assis-
entific and Policy advisers of the American tant professor of English at Lake Superior
Council on Science and Health. State University in Sault Sainte Marie, Michi-
gan, where he chairs the School of English and
Mark Pratarelli (Polygraph and Lie Detec- Speech’s Writing Studies Committee. He has
tion) is associate professor of psychology at presented conference papers nationally on the
Colorado State University–Pueblo, the director misuse of scientific theories in literary and
of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, and composition studies, especially postmodern
author of Niche Bandits. His research interests misreadings of chaos theory. His research in-
include memory, language and the brain, as terests include the intersection between sci-
well as the evolution of human behavior. ence and the study of composition, the rheto-
ric of reports of the paranormal, and alien
Jon Puro (Feng Shui) is a computer program- abduction narratives as folklore.
mer, freelance writer, and classical pianist and
composer. He lived in Japan for over five years Russell Robinson (Earthquake Prediction) is
studying Japanese language and culture, and a senior seismologist at the New Zealand Insti-
his research interests include Asian culture tute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences. He
and history, philosophy, and the sociological holds a Ph.D. in geophysics from Stanford
and psychological implications of religious be- University and has published over 40 scientific
lief systems. papers. His research interests are in earth-
quake forecasting, seismicity and geologic
James Randi (The Liquefying “Blood” of St. structure of the New Zealand region, and com-
Januarius, Pseudoscience and the Paranormal) puter modeling of seismicity.
74, is a MacArthur Prize winner, a professional
magician who has now turned his attention to Ben S. Roesch (Cryptozoology) is a B.Sc
the examination of paranormal, supernatural, (Hons.) marine biology student at the Univer-
and occult claims. He is president and founder sity of Guelph and was formerly the editor of
of the James Randi Educational Foundation The Cryptozoology Review. His research inter-
876 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

ests include deep-sea biology, shark biology, terpopulational variation having developed
and environmental and comparative physiol- within the last 15,000 to 20,000 years.
ogy and biochemistry.
Larry Sarner (Therapeutic Touch) is a mathe-
Gerald M. Rosen (EMDR) practices clinical matician, cryptographer, and voting-machine
psychology in Seattle, Washington and holds a inventor who resides in Loveland, Colorado.
joint appointment as clinical associate profes- He cofounded the Front Range Skeptics and
sor in the departments of psychology and psy- the National Therapeutic Touch Study Group,
chiatry at the University of Washington. He re- is a member of the National Council Against
ceived Level I and Level II training in EMDR Health Fraud, and is coauthor of Your Very
from Dr. Shapiro, and has been writing com- Last Chance: How Attachment Therapists
mentaries and reviews on the method ever Killed Candace Newmaker.
since. He has authored more than 50 scientific
publications. Thomas F. Sawyer (Clever Hans) is professor
of psychology at North Central College in
Rebecca Rush (Subliminal Perception and Naperville, Illinois. He received his Ph.D.
Advertising) teaches world studies and geogra- from Bowling Green State University. He
phy at Lockport Township High School. In ad- teaches the following courses in psychology:
dition, she has worked as a film researcher on science of behavior, statistics, research design
numerous historical documentaries and is also and experimentation, drugs and behavior, sen-
an advocate for media literacy. sation and perception, physiological psychol-
ogy, and history and systems of psychology. His
Charles Salas and Danielle Salas (Mes- research interests include: time perception;
merism: “Report of the Commissioners drug legislation/policy in the US; and behav-
Charged by the King to Examine Animal Mag- ioral genetics.
netism,” by Benjamin Franklin and Antonie
Lavoisier). Charles is research project analyst Theodore Schick Jr. (Do Extraordinary
at the Getty Research Institute for the History Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?: A
of Art and the Humanities. He received his Reappraisal of a Classic Skeptics’ Axiom) is a
Ph.D. in modern intellectual history from the professor of philosophy at Muhlenberg College
Claremont Graduate University. Both he and in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He has published
his wife, Danielle Salas, are particularly inter- articles on epistemology, philosophy of sci-
ested in eighteenth-century French studies. ence, and philosophy of mind. He is coauthor
of How to Think About Weird Things.
Vince Sarich (Race and I.Q. as Good Science)
has been a faculty member in the department Henry Schlinger Jr. (Evolutionary Psychol-
of anthropology at U.C. Berkeley since 1966. ogy as Pseudoscience) is a professor of psy-
He is best known for his work in molecular chology at Western New England College in
dating in which he found that the accumula- Springfield, Massachusetts. He is the author of
tion of immunological differences among albu- A Behavior Analytic View of Child Develop-
mins occurred as a regular function of time. ment and coauthor of Psychology: A Behav-
His current research centers on racial varia- ioral Overview. He has also published numer-
tion within the human species in which he ous theoretical articles on intelligence and
suggests that while the species may be rela- artificial intelligence, the role of verbal behav-
tively old, races are young with most of the in- ior in learning, and child development.
c o n t r i b u t o r s | 877

Louis A. Schmidt (Psi and Psi-Missing) is an has a small private practice in forensic and or-
assistant professor of psychology at McMaster ganizational psychology.
University in Ontario, Canada. His research in-
terests include socioemotional development in George A. Ulett (Acupuncture) has an M.D.
infants and children, and developmental psy- and Ph.D. and has held professorships at the
chophysiology. Missouri Institute of Mental Health, Washing-
ton University School of Medicine, St. Louis
Rudolf Smit (Astrology) is secretary of the late University School of Medicine, and was Chair-
professor H J Eysenck’s Committee for Objec- man of the Department of Psychiatry at the
tive Research into Astrology, founding editor University of Missouri Medical School. He is
of what is now Astrologie in Onderzoek [As- the author of over 270 scientific articles and
trology under Scrutiny], and editor 1992– books. He studied traditional Chinese acu-
1999 of Correlation, the journal of research puncture in the 1960s, received the first NIH
into astrology. Until late 2000 he was editor grant to study acupuncture (1972) and has
and translator for one of the Netherlands’ used the neuroelectric acupuncture method
leading scientific institutes. in his medical practice for many years. His
1992 book Beyond Yin and Yang: How
Jorge Soto (Crop Circles) is a chemist by Acupuncture Really Works, has been revised
training, and an astronomer hobbyist. He did and updated. His latest book is The Biology of
his graduate studies at Caltech (1983) and Acupuncture.
postgraduate studies at UCLA, both in chem-
istry. Jorge started to work at Dow Chemical in John van Wyhe (Phrenology) wrote his doc-
1988 and moved to Midland, Michigan in toral dissertation on the role of phrenology in
1993. Throughout his career, he has been in- the creation and spread of naturalism in nine-
volved in various projects related to making teenth-century Britain. He is currently a sen-
plastics, which have lead to numerous patents. ior research fellow at the National University
of Singapore and a researcher at the depart-
Bob Steiner (Cold Reading) is a CPA and ma- ment of history and philosophy of science at
gician; was the national president of The Soci- Cambridge. His general research interests in-
ety of American Magicians, of which he is clude eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
chair of the Occult Investigation Committee; a British and German intellectual/cultural his-
fellow of The Committee for the Scientific tory, as well as evolutionary thought, under-
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal standings of brain functions, science and reli-
(CSICOP); a member of Professionals Against gion, nature, and philosophies of materialism.
Confidence Crime; an associate of the Inner He has published extensively on phrenology.
Magic Circle (London); and served on the
board of directors of The National Council Jeffrey S. Victor (Satanic Ritual Abuse) is a
Against Health Fraud. Among his nine pub- professor of sociology at a branch of the State
lished books is Don’t Get Taken! University of New York. He has published a
book on human sexuality and many articles on
David X. Swenson (Thought Field Therapy) is rumor-panics and other sociological topics. He
a licensed psychologist in Wisconsin and Min- is the author of Satanic Panic: The Creation of
nesota, and a diplomate in forensic psychology. a Contemporary Legend. He also studies the
He teaches management courses at the College repressed memory movements, as well as the
of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnosota, and alien abduction movement.
878 | c o n t r i b u t o r s

Daniel R. Wilson (Magnetic Therapy) is pro- basis of paranormal beliefs. He is also a mem-
fessor and chairman of psychiatry and profes- ber of the Ancient Astronaut Society.
sor of anthropology at Creighton University
Medical Center in Omaha. His research inter- Roahn H. Wynar (Faster-Than-Light Travel,
ests include evolutionary epidemiology, psy- Laundry Balls) is an atomic physics researcher
chopharmacology, and forensic psychiatry. in the physics department at the University of
Washington in Seattle. His interests include
Bill Wisdom (Skepticism and Credulity: Find- laser cooling and trapping and fundamental
ing the Balance between Type 1 and Type 2 symmetries.
Errors) is emeritus professor of philosophy at
Temple University in Philadelphia, where for Julie Yau (Witchcraft and Magic) is a freelance
more than thirty years he has taught formal writer and artist residing in Toronto. Her re-
logic, the philosophy of science, the philoso- search interests include cultures and behaviors
phy of religion, and topics in the history of of the masses, and issues pertaining to the
philosophy. He is the coauthor of a textbook in body. She is currently compiling research for a
formal logic and metatheory, and has given book on the fear of death.
lectures and published articles in the theory of
knowledge, philosophy of religion, skepticism, Harry Ziel (Alternative Medicine v. Scientific
and formal logic. Medicine) is emeritus clinical associate profes-
sor, Department of Ob/Gyn at the University of
Eric Wojciehowski (Ancient Astronauts: Southern California School of Medicine. He
Zecharia Sitchin as a Case Study) is a proba- served as the director of Ob/Gyn at Kaiser
tion agent with the Michigan department of Hospital, Los Angeles, from 1980–1991, as
corrections currently working in the city of residency director from 1970–1980, and as
Detroit. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psy- medical education director from 1962–1970.
chology and has spent many years studying He is a graduate of Harvard and attended the
mythology, religion, history, and the general University of Pennsylvania medical school.

Abduction (Mack), 7 African Americans, intelligence Mars face, 136–139

Abduction Enigma (Randle, testing as cultural testing, origin of the archetypal
Estes, and Cone), 8 697 “gray” alien, 513–519
Abductions, by aliens. See Alien Agency for Health Care Policy pyramidology and, 407–408
abductions and Research (AHCPR), See also Extraterrestrials;
Abelard, Peter, 507–508 308–309, 310 UFOs
Abelson, P. H., 845 Agricola, Georgius, 93 Allen, Nicolas, 214
Abuse: physical, sexual, and Agriglyphs, 68 Allen’s Rule, 718
emotional, 345 AHCPR. See Agency for Health Allopathy, 294–295, 347, 348
false memory syndrome and Care Policy and Research Alpha block, 144–145
accusations of sexual AIDS, holistic cause and Alternative archaeology, 9–16,
abuse, 598–605 treatment of, 539 261, 556–566. See also
leading to multiple Air Talk (radio program), 528 Archaeology
personality disorder in Airports, ancient lines as, 19 Alternative medicine v. scientific
children, 147–148, 150 Akiki, Dale, 419 medicine, 292–296. See
psychotherapeutic abuse of Albigensian Crusade, 504 also Medicine and
patients through RMT, Alcubierre Warp Drive, 107 alternative medicine
606–614 Alexander, Richard, 625 Altschuler, John, 23
revealed through FC, Alexander III, 502 Alvarez, Luis, 482
339–340 Alfred the Great, 523 Alvarez, Walter, 482, 483
satanic ritual abuse, 413–422 Alien abductions, 3–8 Alzheimer’s disease, 133
Acausal connecting principle alien archetype, 513–514 American Behavioral Scientist
(synchronicity), 240–242 versus alien contacts, 265 magazine, 476
Acupressure, 464–465 anomolous psychological American Genesis (Goodman),
Acupuncture, 283–291, 464 experiences, 25 560–561
Acupuncture: Textbook and Atlas Bermuda Triangle and, 52 American Journal of Nursing,
(Stux and Pomeranz), 288 Recovered Memory Therapy 247
Adams, Henry, 724 claims, 619 American Psychiatric
Adams, John, 513–519 Alien Abductions: Creating a Foundation, 620
Advertising Modern Phenomenon American Society for Psychical
subliminal, 232–234 (Matheson), 8 Research, 217
sun signs, 236 The alien archetype—origin of Amnesia, associated with
Aerial Phenomena Research the “grays,” 513–519 multiple personality
Organization, 270, 833, Aliens disorder, 146
836 faster-than-light travel, 106 Amok, 150
Aesculapius, 122 humanoid nature of, 826 Amulets and charms, 278, 279

880 | i n d e x

Anastasia, 520–529 Anthropology Arnold, Kenneth, 832

Anatomy of the Spirit (Myss), black domination of sports, Arnold, Kevin, 261
537, 543 705–706 Arthritis treatment, 90
Ancestral veneration, 279 Carlos Castañeda’s writings, Arthur, King of England, 523
Ancient astronauts, 17–22 58 Artificial intelligence, 727, 738
Ancient Astronauts: Zecharia Native American origins, Asimov, Isaac, 668–669
Sitchin, 530–536 560–564 Asteroids, 253–257
Ancient civilizations Piltdown man, 173–177 Astral bodies, 164–165, 167
alternative archaeology, 9–16 pre-Columbian discoverers of Astral projections, 106
ancient astronauts, 17–21 the Americas, 567–579 Astrand, Per-olof, 721
Atlantis, 297–307 racial separation, 680–681 Astrology, 35–41
dowsing, 93 shamans and shamanism, alternative archaeology,
reincarnation, 204 211–212 13–14
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid struggles over Native holistic medicine and, 543
Texts (Faulkner), 535 American remains, planetary alignments,
Anders, Bill, 432 557–560 181–185
Anderson, Anna, 527 Anthroposophy and as pseudoscience, 196
Andreasson, Betty, 4–5 anthroposophical stock-market pseudoscience
Andrews, Lynn, 211 medicine, 31–34, 88–89 and, 228–230
Animal magnetism Anti-realism, 756 sun sign astrology, 235–239
Franklin and Lavoisier’s Anxiety and Its Disorders Astronauts
report, 797–821 (Barlow), 603 ancient, 17–22, 261
history of hypnosis, 122 The Anxiety of Influence visual observation of UFOs,
parallels to EMDR discovery, (Bloom), 728–729 854–855
325 Ape-men, 73 Zecharia Sitchin’s theory,
quackery proof, 541 Apex problem, 467–468 530–536
therapeutic touch and, 245 Appel, Kenneth, 740 Astronomy
Animal mutilations, 23–24 Applied Kinesiology (AK), catastrophic events theory,
Animals 465–467 482–483
black athletes’ comparison to, Arago, François, 48 Feng shui, 109, 111
705, 706 Archaeology Mars face, 136–140
Clever Hans, the performing alternative archaeology, 9–16, planetary alignments,
horse, 60–62, 159, 160 261 181–185
cryptozoology, 71–78 ancient astronauts, 17–22 pyramid building and,
deaths associated with Mars face, 136–140 409–410
Tutankhamun’s curse, mystery of the pyramids, science and God, 424–427
258–259 397–412 Velikovsky’s Worlds in
dietary supplements derived Native American myths, Collision, 473–474,
from, 86–87 556–566 476–478, 480–482
earthquake prediction, pre-Columbian discoverers of AT. See Attachment Therapy
96–97 the Americas, 567–579 At Home in the Universe
Feng shui and, 111 Architecture, Feng shui, (Kauffman), 741
Anomalous psychological 111–112 Atheism
experiences, 25–30 Archives of Internal Medicine, Darwin on, 773
Anoxia, as cause of near-death 192 demonic possession,
experiences, 154–155 Arcis, Pierre d’, 213 493–494
The Antediluvian World Ariel, Gideon, 705 witchcraft and science,
(Donnelly), 306–307 Aristotle, 298–299 493–494
i n d e x | 881

Athletes, racial differences Behe, Michael, 450 Black Athletes: Fact and Fiction
among, 682–683, 705–706, Beliefs (TV show), 707
714–723 errors in acquiring, 455–462 Blackmore, Susan, 168,
Atlantis, the search for, 297–307 versus facts, 275 652–663, 664, 667,
Native American origins in, The Bell Curve (Herrnstein and 674–675
560 Murray), 678–692, Blacks, 514, 714
Piltdown man as survivor of, 694–704 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 11,
10 Benedict, Ruth, 623 31
superior civilization theory, Benson, Herbert, 446 claims to knowledge of
407 Benveniste, Jacque, 590 Atlantis, 307
Atmospheric explosions, Berger, Karl, 48 history of therapeutic touch,
253–257 Bergmann’s Rule, 718 245
Atomic bombs, 256–257 Bering Land Bridge, 560–564 reincarnation, 205
Attachment Therapy, 43–47 Berlin, Isaiah, 686 on séances, 219
Augustine of Hippo, 501 Berlitz, Charles, 262 Blegen, Theodore C., 575
Autism, facilitated Bermuda Triangle, 52–53, Bleuler, Eugen, 373
communication and, 586–587 Blinderman, Charles, 176
159–160, 335–339 The Bermuda Triangle (Berlitz Blondlot, René, 161, 588–589,
Automatic writing, 129 and Valentine), 52–53 822–823
Ayer, Frederick, 858 The Bermuda Triangle Bloodstains: Shroud of Turin,
Mystery—Solved (Kusche), 214
Back pain, 308–309, 310 52–53 Bloom, Harold, 728–729
Bacon, Frances, 434 Bernard of Clairvaux, 507 A Blow at Modern Saducism
Bailey, Jim, 579 Bernstein, Morey, 207 (Glanvill), 497
Baker, Robert, 601–602 Besant, Annie, 245 Blue Book, Project, 270, 829,
Ball lightning, 48–51 Betz, H. D., 94 833, 835, 839–840
Balloons, as UFOs, 262 Beyond Velikovsky (Bauer), 474, Boas, Franz, 517
Bancroft, Richard, 491–492 475 Body memories, 602–603
Bannister, Roger, 705, 711 Bickman, Leonard, 391–392 Bonding, 43–47
Bar Kokhba revolt, 567, 574 Bicycle racing, 716 Bonnichsen, Rob, 557–558
Barber, Texas, 125–126 Big Bang, 426–427 Borderline personality disorder,
Bardiya, 522 Bigfoot, 73 149–150
Barlow, David, 603, 604 Biklen, Douglas, 336–337, 338 Bouchard, Claude, 712
Barry, James, 48, 50 Biodynamic agriculture Bowlby, John, 44–46
Bartholomew, Robert E., 265 (biodynamics), 32 Boyle, Robert, 496
Basketball, 717–718 Biological determinism, 715, Brain analysis, through
Bass, Ellen, 602, 617 721–722 phrenology, 170–172
Battle for the Mind (Sargant), Biological evolution, 18 Brain size
601 Biology. See Genetics in alien depictions, 516–518
Bauer, Dora, 377 Biorhythms, 54–56 meme-based theory of,
Bauer, Henry, 474, 475, 486, 487 Biotechnology, 749 660–661, 675
Baylor College of Medicine, 133 Birth, out-of-body experience racial differences in,
Beale, John, 497 as, 168 683–684, 684–685, 702
Beardsley, Tim, 689 Birthmarks, as proof of social evolutionary theory, 646
Beck, Aaron, 604 reincarnation, 205–206 Brainwashing
Bedford, James, 368 Birthrate, socieconomics and cults, 79–84
Behavior. See Evolutionary meme theory, 673–674 psychoanalysis as, 376
psychology BL. See Ball lightning sleep paralysis and, 602
882 | i n d e x

Brand, Donald D., 571 Castle Rock, Colorado, 837 debunking therapeutic touch,
Brazel, Mac, 262 Catastrophic events theory, 250–251
Breasts, species size differences, 482–483 electromagnetic field
630 Cathar heretics, 503–504 exposure, 99
Brennan, Christine, 710 Cayce, Edgar false memory syndrome,
Brinton, Daniel, 573 archaeological views, 10–11 598–605
Britton, A. G., 603 Atlantis, 307 indications of reincarnation,
Brosier, Marthe, 490–491 intuitive diagnosis attributed 205
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, to, 541–542 satanic ritual abuse, 417–419,
209 reincarnation, 205 420–421
Browning, Robert, 209 Celebrity endorsements, 88–89 welfare policy, 703–704
Brush, Stephen G., 329, 731 Cell phones, 98–100 Chiller (film), 368
Bryan, William Jennings, 763, Celtic tribes, as discoverers of China
765, 766–784 the Americas, 572–573 acupuncture, 283–291
Buddhism, 31, 141–145, 204 Center for UFO Studies, 270 Feng shui, 108–112
Bulimia, 606–607 Central Intelligence Agency graphological traits, 119
Burke, Ed, 717 (CIA), 187, 270, 834 traditional Chinese medicine,
Burr, Harold Saxton, 466 Cerebral palsy, 335–336 245
Bury, J. B., 732–733 Cereologists, 67 Chiropractic: Conventional or
Bush, Vannevar, 733 Certainty principle, 273 Alternative Healing,
Byrd, Randolph, 191 Chakras (energy centers in the 308–315
body), 537–540 Chomsky, Noam, 648, 754
Cabinets, mediumship of, 223 Chambéry, France, 213 Chopra, Deepak, 317
Callahan, R. J., 465–471 Champollion, Jean-François, Christian Science as
Callahan, Tim, 520–529 402–403 pseudoscience, 190,
CAM. See Complementary or Channeling, 106, 221 316–320
alternative medicine Chaos theory, 229, 727 Christianity
Cambyses, 522 Chapman, Clark, 487 Anastasia legend, 520–521
Camp Chesterfield, Indiana, 225 Chapman, Natalie, 707, 708 belief versus skepticism,
Campanis, Al, 706, 715–716 Character reading through 458–459
Campbell, Joseph, 357, 431 phrenology, 170–172 Darwin and, 772–774
Canals, on Mars, 136, 847 Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved demonic possession and
Canary, death by curse, 258–259 Mysteries of the Past (von exorcisms, 490–491
Cancer treatments, 85–86, 87, Däniken), 17, 407, 530 heresy and witchery, 501–509
88–89 Charny, Geoffrey de, 213 Jeanne D’Arc’s heresy,
Capra, Fritjof, 317 Chart analysis, 227 499–501
Carico, David, 316, 320 Chevreul’s pendulum, 128 the liquefying “blood” of St.
Carnarvon, George Herbert, Earl Ch’i. See Qi (Chinese vitalism) Januarius, 371–372
of, 258–259 Childhood’s End (Clarke), 827 as meme complex, 656–657
Carpenter, William, 94 Children miraculous survival myth,
Carter, George F., 570 abuse leading to multiple 526
Carter, Howard, 258–259 personality disorder, origins of Native Americans,
Carter, Jimmy, 268 147–148, 150 561
“The Case of the Creeping Fox attachment therapy, 43–47 Pascal’s Wager, 456
Terrier Clone” (Gould), autism and facilitated pyramidology, 406
431 communication, 160 resurrection stories, 359,
Casey, Bernie, 715 credulity of, 272–273 364–365
Castañeda, Carlos, 57–58 cults, 82 Shroud of Turin, 213–216
i n d e x | 883

therapeutic touch and, 245 Progress (Stent), 724, 726, Costa, Joaquim Alves da,
William Jennings Bryan on, 736–737 575–576
768–770, 783–784 Committee for the Scientific Cotta, John, 493
witchcraft and magic, 279 Investigation of Claims of Cottingley fairies, 101–103, 197
Church-state separation, in the the Paranormal, 237 The Courage to Heal (Bass and
schools, 767–768 Communication Davis), 416, 602, 617
Churchward, James, 307 alien contactees, 265 Craig, Gary, 468
Chyba, Christopher, 255 facilitated communication, Craig, Roy, 836, 851
CIA. See Central Intelligence 334–346 Crawford, Michael, 710
Agency hieroglyphics and the Rosetta Creatine, 88
Civilization and Its Discontents stone, 402–403 The Creation of Health (Myss),
(Freud), 380–381 meme theory, 658–659, 539, 541, 543
Civilizations. See Ancient 674–675 Creationism, 763–784
civilizations; Lost Ouija boards, 127–129 cryptozoology and, 76–77
civilizations séances as, 209–210 the many faces of, 450
Clarion (hypothetical planet), Communion: A True Story myths in science, 432
845–846 (Strieber), 6 Native American origins,
Clark, Kimberley, 155 Complementary or alternative 563–564
Clarke, Arthur C., 826–827 medicine (CAM), 292. See postmodernists and, 754–755
Clarke’s First Law, 742 also Medicine and science and God, 423,
Clever Hans, 60–62, 159, 160 alternative medicine 425–426
Clifford, William, 456–458 Complex adaptive system, 741 science versus pseudoscience,
Clinton, Bill, 686 Complexity theory, 727, 736 196, 200
Close encounters, 264–266 Computer viruses, 655–656 Credulity, skepticism and,
Coadapted meme-complex, 655 Conditionalism, 723 455–462
Coelacanths, 75, 77 Condon, Edward U., 270, Crews, Frederick, 375, 376, 378,
Cognitive performance, brain 826–860 379
size and, 684–685 Condon Report, 270 Crichton, Kyle, 709
Cohen, Jack, 543 Confidence (con) game, 63 Crime
Cohn, Norman, 503 Confirmation bias, 719–721 IQ influence on, 698
Coincidences, 240–242 Confrontations (Vallee), 265 police psychics, 547–555
Coins, 573–574 Conjurers, 113–115 polygraph and lie detection,
Cold reading, 63–66, 80, 225 Consciousness, 543–544 186–189
Cold War, 745–746, 753–754, Consciousness Explained solving through hypnosis,
758 (Dennett), 653 124–125
Collaert, Adriaen, 74 Conservatism criterion, 328–329 Critias, 299–300
Color blindness, effect on UFO Conspiracy theories, 373 Critical thinking, 195–203
sightings, 848–849 based on knowingness, 750 criticism of Velikovsky’s
Colorado Project Report. See Colorado Project, 834 Worlds in Collision, 474
Scientific Study of Mars face, 136 deconstructing science as
Unidentified Flying Objects satanic ritual abuse, 415 pseudoscience, 750–760
(1968) Shroud of Turin, 215–216 evaluating controversial
Columbus, Christopher, 567, Consumer Reports, 388–390, research, 704
576–578 392 extraordinary evidence for
Combe, George, 172 Copeland, Royal, 354 extraordinary claims,
Comets, 253–257 Cornish sea monster, 72 327–333
The Coming of the Golden Age: Cortesão, Jaime, 576, 577 Hume’s “Of Miracles,”
A View of the End of Cosí fan tutte (opera), 751 785–796
884 | i n d e x

Critical thinking (continued) Cummins, Robert, 344 Death

science and God, 423-429 Curie, Marie, 218 associated with
science and its myths, Curran, Andrew, 176 Tutankhamun’s curse,
430–441 Curses, 258–259 258–259
science and religion, Cutlery, bending, 113–115 effect of prayer and healing
443–454 Cydonia region, of Mars, on, 190–191
skepticism and credulity, 136–137 immortality, 357–370
455–462 medical history, 294–295
undeceiving ourselves, Daly, Martin, 631 out-of-body experiences and,
272–277 Darrell, John, 491–492 167
Crop circles, 67–70 Darrow, Clarence, 764–765, pyramids as burial mounds,
Crossley, Rosemary, 335–336, 775–781 399, 400, 401–402
338 Dart, Raymond, 174 reincarnation, 204–208
Crowley, Aleister, 515–516 Darwin, Charles as result of attachment
Crusades, 504 on accepting shoddy therapy, 44
Cryonics, 365–370 evidence, 177 spiritualism and life after
Cryptozoology, 71–78 brain size, 517, 683 death, 220–226
Culin, Stewart, 573 on fact versus theory, ix Debunking
Cults, 79–84 versus Freud, 381 of Blavatsky and Theosophy,
cold reading, 63–66 investigatory techniques, 438 219
homeopathy as, 347, science and God, 424 explaining UFO reportings,
350–351 status of work over time, 375 836–839
psychoanalysis as, 373–376 Victorian scientists’ criticism facilitated communication,
RMT as cult, 606–614 of, 217 342–344
satanic ritual abuse, 413–422 William Jennings Bryan on, the liquefying “blood” of St.
Cultural evolution. See 769, 771–774, 780–781 Januarius, 371–372
Evolutionary psychology Darwin’s Athletes (Hoberman), mediums and spiritualists,
Cultural issues 715 221, 223–224
anomalous psychological Darwin’s Dangerous Idea Randi on, 583–584
experiences, 25–26 (Dennett), 653 therapeutic touch’s
blacks in sports, 717 Data versus theory, ix debunking by 11-year-old
constructionist view of Davenport, Ira, 223 girl, 250–251
science, 750–760 Davies, Nigel, 578 UFOs, 265–266, 850–851,
deconstructing science, 747 Davies, Paul, 446 851–852
diffusionism, 568–571 Davis, Bernard, 684 Declaration of Independence, 687
intelligence tests, 696–697 Davis, Laura, 602, 617 The Decline of the West
meme-based evolutionary Dawkins, Richard, 451, (Spengler), 733–734
theory, 654–655, 668–673 652–658, 665–668 Decoherence theory, 319–320
multiple personality disorder, Dawson, Charles, 173, 175, Deconstruction, 750–760
150 176–177 Deer, 76
mythology, 357–358 Dawson, George, 744 Deford, Frank, 706
Native American myths, The Day the Earth Stood Still Degan, Peter, 744
556–566 (film), 364–365 Degler, Carl, 688
Velikovsky’s background De Grazia, Alfred, 476 Déjà vu, 206
contributing to his style, De Re Metallica (Agricola), 93 Delineations, astrological, 235,
486 DEAL Centre (Dignity through 236
witchcraft and magic, Education and Language), Deloria, Vine, Jr., 212, 561,
278–280 336 563–564
i n d e x | 885

Dembski, William, 450 Drug use hero myths, 359

Demonic possession, 490–500 Carlos Castañeda, 57–58 the mystery of the pyramids,
Demosthenes, 766 cult recruitment, 81 397–412
Dendrochronology, 482 dietary supplements, 89 planetary alignments as
Dennett, Dan, 653–654 influencing near-death reason for pyramid
Derry, Douglas, 259 experiences, 154 construction, 182
Descartes, René, 456–458, 543 out-of-body experiences and, Tutankhamun’s curse,
The Descent of Man (Darwin), 165 258–259
177, 375, 771–772, 780 Dualism, the age of, 542–544 Einstein, Albert
Deslon, Charles, 798–801, 803, Dugatkin, Lee, 446 faster-than-light travel, 104,
805, 807, 811–813, 819 Dunbar, R. I. M., 674–675 107
Developmental disabilities, Duncombe, R. L., 846 matter-energy dichotomy, 543
334–335 Durkheim, Emile, 623 paraphrased by Christian
Diamond, Jared, 627–631 Scientist, 318
Dietary supplements, 85–92 Ear Tapping Desensitization and relativity theory as an
Diffusionism, 568–571 Remobilization, 465 extraordinary claim,
Dinosaur extinction, 482 Earthquake prediction, 95–97 328–330
meteor collision, 255, 256 Earthquakes, planetary science and God, 428–429
Dinosaurs alignments and, 182, testing relativity, 201
cryptozoology, 72–73, 77 184–185 Einstein-Rosen-Poldovsky
Directed Lie Control Test, 189 Easter Island, 261 paradox, 107
Disney, Walt, 367–368 Ectoplasm, 223 Eissler, Kurt, 374
Disney films, 234 Eddington, Sir Arthur, 329 Electricity
Dissociative identity disorder, Eddy, Mary Baker, 317, 320 acupuncture and, 287–288
146–151 Education resuscitation, 361, 362
Divination, 93–94, 109–110, in acupuncture, 288–290 Electromagnetic fields
279 Bryan on church-state crop circles, 68
Divorce, according to relations, 767–768 Velikovsky’s traumatic events
evolutionary theory, EMDR, 322–323 explanation, 473–474
631–632 FC in public school programs, Electromagnetic fields and cell
DNA, 87, 558, 562 337 phones, 98–100
Donchian, Richard, 227–228 Scopes trial, 764–765 Eliot, George, 209
Donnelly, Ignatius, 15, 306–307, therapeutic touch, 247–248 Ellenberger, Leroy, 479, 482,
474 thought field therapy, 468 486, 487–488
Double-blind experiment, value of social programs, Ellsworth, Henry, 732
158–159, 191, 341 698–701 Elves, 101–103
Dowsing, 93–94, 128, 590 Waldorf schools and Elvis sightings, 522–523
Doyle, Lawrence, 317, 318, 319 anthroposophy, 32–33 EMDR. See Eye movement
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 102, Edwards, Harry, 705, 707, 715, desensitization and
175–176, 197 722 reprocessing
Dreams Egyptology Emerge magazine, 711
alien abductions, 3–8 alien construction of the Emergence of the Social Sciences
anomolous psychological pyramids, 261 (Olson), 758
experiences, 25, 28 ancient astronauts and, 20–21 Emery, Gary, 604
false memory syndrome, ancient astronauts theory, Emotional Freedom Technique,
600–601 535 465
lucid dreaming, 29, 165 Atlantis and, 299–300, Employee Polygraph Protection
Drees, Clayton, 499–509 303–304 Act (EPPA), 187
886 | i n d e x

The End of History (Fukuyama), Ethics genetic basis for race theory,
736–737 Freud’s lapses in, 377–378 681–682, 707–708
Endorphins, 154, 155, 288–290 psychotherapeutic abuse of human equality, 687
Energy patients through RMT, inclusive fitness theory and
acupuncture, 283 606–614 Darwinian selection,
Feng shui, 108–112 psychotherapists’ lack of, 385, 625–627
holistic medicine and 393–395 meme-based theory,
chakras, 537–540 reactions to Velikovsky’s 652–655, 658–661
holistic medicine’s intuitive publication, 474–476 racial differences in brain
diagnosis, 540–542 thought field therapy, size, 683–684
pyramid power theories, 470–471 reasoning and logic
411–412 The Ethics of Belief (Clifford), capabilities, 272
therapeutic touch, 243–252 457–458 William Jennings Bryan on,
thought field therapy, Ettinger, Robert C. W., 367 768–784
463–472 European history, role in alien Excitomotor activity, 94
Engels, Friedrich, 517 depictions, 514–516 Exorcisms, 490–491
An Enquiry Concerning Human Eurythmy, 31 Explosions, 253–257
Understanding (Hume), 785 Evidence, 196 External word problem, 328
Entertainment extraordinary claims, Extinct species, 74–75
Geller, Uri, 113–115 327–333 (Do) Extraordinary Claims
séances as, 209 lack of evidence in UFO Require Extraordinary
Spiritualism, 221, 223–225 sightings, 266–267 Evidence?, 327–333
stage hypnotists, 122–123 myth of hierarchical nature of Extrasensory perception (ESP),
Entine, Jon, 714, 716, 718–719, scientific hypotheses, 25
721–722 431–432 cold reading, 63–66
Environmental determinism, myths about science and the as a factor in out-of-body
647–648, 715, 721–722 scientific method, experiences, 167
Ephedra, 90 431–432, 434 as pseudoscience, 199, 200
Epigraphy, 572–573 The Evolution of Human psi mechanism, 592–596
EPPA. See Employee Polygraph Sexuality (Symons), synchronicity and, 240
Protection Act 626–627 Extraterrestrial actuality (ETA),
Epstein, Jeremiah F., 574 Evolution Tree, 764 841–843
Erasmus, John Charles, 573 Evolutionary psychology as Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis
E-rays, 589–590 pseudoscience, 636–649 (ETH), 841–843
Escape artists, 223 Evolutionary psychology as Extraterrestrials
Eskdale, James, 122 science, 623–635 ancient astronauts, 17–22,
ESP. See Extrasensory Evolutionary theory, 217–218 530–536
perception alien evolution, 267 animal mutilations, 23–24
Espionage, 186–189 anatomy and behavior, humanoid nature of, 826–828
Estabany, Oskar, 246–247 627–631 intelligent life elsewhere
Esterson, Allen, 376–377 applied to extraterrestrials, (ELI), 843–848
E.T.: The Extraterrestrial (film), 826–827 Mars face, 136–139
365 blacks in sports, 715, 717–719 See also Aliens; UFOs
ETA. See Extraterrestrial Christian Science perspective, Eye movement desensitization
actuality 318 and reprocessing (EMDR),
Etana myth, 534–535 versus creationism, 763–784 321–326
ETH. See Extra-terrestrial Freud’s Oedipal complex and, Eyes, in alien depictions,
Hypothesis 377 518–519
i n d e x | 887

Eysenck, Hans, 389, 393 The First Men in the Moon Frankenstein (Shelley), 362, 364
(Wells), 517 Franklin, Benjamin, 363, 541,
Facilitated communication, 61, Fish, Leah Fox, 220–221 797–821
94, 128, 159–160, Fisher, Helen, 632 Fraud
334–346 Fisher’s Fundamental Theorem Darrell’s exorcisms, 491–492
Fairies, elves, pixies, and of Natural Selection, 684 homeopathy, 354
gnomes, 101–103 5/5/2000 (Noone), 182, 184 psychotherapy as, 393–394
Faith Five Agents, Theory of, 109 RMT from a patient’s
importance for health Fliess, Wilhelm, 54 perspective, 606–614
treatment, 325 Flood stories, 530, 531–532 Frazer, James, 111
lethal nature of, 273 Flying saucers, origin of name, Fredrickson, Renee, 601, 603
placebo effect in medical 832. See also UFOs Freemasonry, 31
treatments, 178–180 “Flying Saucers are Real,” 833, Freud, Anna, 374
prayer and healing, 190–194 842 Freud, Sigmund
reincarnation, 204–208 Flynn effect, 703 demigod status among
Shroud of Turin, 213–216 Folklore and folk traditions psychoanalysts, 373–376
skepticism versus credulity, fairies, elves, pixies, and dream interpretation, 600
455–462 gnomes, 101–103 enhancing memory through
William Jennings Bryan on Feng shui, 108–112 hypnosis, 123–124
evolution and, 772–778 as pseudoscience, 197 Fliess and, 54
witchcraft and magic, witchcraft and magic, interest in psychic
278–280 278–280 phenomena, 218
False Dmitry, 521–522 Food and Drug Administration “phallic stage” theory, 701
False Memory Syndrome. See (FDA), 133, 134, 347–348, psychoanalysis as political
Recovered Memory 354–355 culture, 379–380
Therapy and False Memory Forecasts, astrological, 235, repression theory, 618
Syndrome 236–237 scientific fraud perpetrated
False Memory Syndrome Forensics. See Crime by, 376–378
Foundation, 416 Fort Bragg Demonstration Frink, Horace, 377
Faraday, Michael, 48 Project, 390–392 Frontline (news program), 345,
Faster-than-light travel, Fortune telling 419
104–107 cold reading, 63–66, 80, 225 FTC. See Federal Trade
Faulkner, R. O., 535 I Ching, 109–110 Commission
FC. See Facilitated Tutankhamun’s curse, Fukuyama, Francis, 736–737,
communication 258–259 739
FDA. See Food and Drug Fossils, forged, 173–177 The Future of an Illusion
Administration Foundation (Asimov), 668–669 (Freud), 381
Federal Bureau of Investigation Foundation for Ancient
(FBI), 186, 187 Research and Mormon Gall, Franz Joseph, 171,
Federal Trade Commission Studies, 567–568 197–199
(FTC), 133, 347–348, Four-Color Conjecture, 740 Gallico, Paul, 719
355–356 Fox, Katie, 209, 220–221, 596 Gallup polls, 260, 855–857
Fell, Barry, 572–573 Fox, Margaret, 209, 220–221, Galton, Sir Francis, 190–191,
Feng shui, 108–112 596 643–644
Ferenczi, Sandor, 374 Fox, Robin, 627, 634 Galvanism, 362
Fermat’s Conjecture, 740 Fracture therapy, 133–134 The Game of Science (McCain
Fermi Paradox, 17–18 Francis of Assisi, 506 and Segal), 489
Feynman, Richard, 320, 741 Frank, Jerome, 386, 601 Games and toys, 573
888 | i n d e x

Gardiner, Brian, 176 Glazer, Nathan, 686 Gregory IX, 502

Gardner, Martin, 54, 328, 330, Glucosamine, 90 Gregory VII, 506
408, 590 Gnomes, 101–103 Gribbin, John, 319–320
Garlaschelli, Luigi, 371–372 God and the Astronomers Griffiths, Frances, 101–103, 197
Garvin, Jim, 139 (Jastrow), 426 Gross, Paul R., 744, 745,
Garza-Valdez, Leoncio, 216 Goda, M. Patrick, 255 753–754, 755, 759
Gauquelin, Michel, 40 Gödel, Kurt, 740 Grosskurth, Phyllis, 373–374
Gay, Peter, 375, 380–381 Godounov, Boris 521 Ground Saucer Watch, 270
Geckos, 75–76 Goethe, Wolfgang von, 204 Grudge, Project, 270
Geller, Uri, 113–115 Goethean science, 32–33 Guibert of Nogent, 504
Genetics The Golden Bough (Frazer), 111 Guillotin, M., 798, 799
black domination of sports, Goldman, Alan, 330 Guilty Knowledge Test, 189
706, 707–708 Goldsmith, Donald, 479
blacks in sports, 714–723 Goode, Erich, 271 Habeas corpus, 253–257
categorizing races, 679–680 Goodheart, George, 465–466 Hahnemann, Samuel, 293, 347,
cross-species comparisons Goodman, Gail, 417 348, 349–350, 590
supporting evolutionary Goodman, Jeffrey, 560–561 Haken, Wolfgang, 740
theory, 640–642 Gordon, Cyrus, 576 Hall, Calvin, 600
evolutionary psychology, Gottfredson, Linda, 702 Hall, Richard, 835
623–634 Gould, Stephen Jay Hallucinations
evolutionary theory, 645–647 brain size, 683 anomolous psychological
intelligence as genetic trait, human equality, 687 experiences, 27–28
684, 697–698 meme-based genetic theory, near-death experiences, 152,
meme-based theory, 654 155
652–655, 658–661 mesmerism, 797 sleep paralysis, 601–602
pre-Columbian plant myths in science, 431 stage hypnotists and, 123
cultivation, 569–571 on observation and viewpoint, Halpern, Diane, 694–704
racial separation, 680–681 xii Hamilton, William, 205, 625
Geology, Velikovsky’s theory of, Piltdown Man hoax, 175 Han, Ji Sheng, 283–284,
480, 482 science and religion, 447–448 289–290
Geomancy, 111 on William Jennings Bryan, Hancock, Graham, 15
Gerard of Cambrai, 504 765 Hands, laying on of, 243
Gernsback, Hugo, 516 Government regulation and Handwriting analysis and
The Ghost in the Machine involvement graphology, 116–120
(Koestler), 373 dietary supplements, 86–87 Hansard, 837
Gieryn, Ron, 745 post Cold–War downsizing, Hanssen, Robert, 186
Giglio, Jim, 826 745–746 Harder, James, 842
Gilgamesh, 358–359 UFO sightings, 261–262, 264, Harding, Sandra, 748, 755, 759
Gingerich, Owen, 479, 486 270 Harner, Michael, 211
Gingko biloba, 90 Grabiner, Judith, 765 Harsnett, Samuel, 491, 492
Gish, Duane, 450, 765 Grand Alignment, 96 Hartmann, William K., 487, 850
Giza, pyramids at, 13, 14, Graphology, 116–120 Harvard Meteor Program, 858
397–412 Graphotherapy, 119 Haywood, John, 574
Glaciation, racial separation and, Gratian, 502 Healing, 25
680–681 Gravitational law, 432, 435–436 animal magnetism, 800–821
Glanvill, Joseph, 494–498 Greece, ancient, 298–301, 348 Feng shui, 112
Glashow, Sheldon, 729 Greenhill, Catherine Sophie, through hypnosis, 122, 123
Glass, Bentley, 734–735 361 Mesmer and, 798
i n d e x | 889

power therapies, 463–472 Hinton, Martin, 176 Houdini, Harry, 223–224

prayer and, 190–194 Hiraga, Gennai, 287 Howard, George S., 265
pyramid power theories, Hiroshima, Nagasaki (film), 744 HRAF. See Human Relations
411–412 The History and Geography of Area Files
therapeutic touch, 243–252 Human Genes, 678–679 Hufford, David, 602
witchcraft and magic, History of Philosophy Human energy fields, 246,
278–279 (Windelband), 458–459 465–467
See also Medicine and History of Science Society, 744 Human Relations Area Files
alternative medicine Hoagland, Richard, 136–137 (HRAF), 563
Healing Touch, 248 Hoaxes Hume, David
Health issues Cottingley fairies, 101–103 on extraordinary claims,
dietary supplements, 85–92 crop circles as, 67–70 330–331
electromagnetic fields and deconstructing science, on the nature of evidence,
cell phones, 98–100 755–756 327–328
meditation, 142–143 Fox sisters’ séances, 209 “Of Miracles,” 785–796
See also Healing; Medicine fraudulent practices of science and religion, 450
and alternative medicine mediums, 221, 223–224 Hume’s dictum, 448, 785–786
Heaven’s Gate tragedy, 513 Kensington Rune Stone, Humphrey, Nicholas, 451
Hebb, Donald, 385 574–575 Hunt, Robert, 495
Heidt, Patricia, 249 Piltdown man, 173–177 Hunter, John, 362–363
Heisenberg Uncertainty Roman coins in the Americas, Hutterites, 657
Principle, 427 574 Huyghe, Patrick, 579
Heloise, 507 Shroud of Turin as, 214 Hynek, J. Allen, 264, 270, 835,
Henley, William Ernest, 723 Hobbes, Thomas, 493–494, 496 836
Henry IV, Holy Roman Hoberman, John, 715 Hypercarbia, 155
Emperor, 506 Hochman, John, 615–620 Hypnogogic sleep, 6, 28
Henry II of England, 504 Hochman, Stan, 710 Hypnopompic sleep, 6, 28,
Herbert, Lady Evelyn, 259 Hodgson, Richard, 219 601–602
Heresy, 499–503 Hofstadter, Douglas, 653 Hypnosis, 121–126
Herman, Judith Lewis, 379 Hofstadter, Richard, 373 acupuncture as, 287
Hero myth, 520–527 Holand, Hjalmar R., 575 alien abductions, 3–4, 5, 7,
Herrnstein, Richard J., 644, 694, Holcomb, Harmon, 633–634 265–266
695 Holding therapy, 43 as evidence for reincarnation,
Herron, Alan, 23 Holism, 542–545 206–207
Heuvelmans, Bernard, 71 Holistic medicine, 537–546 false memory syndrome,
Hewitt, Brian, 547, 550–551, Homeopathy, 32, 293, 347–356, 598–600
554–555 590–591 hypnotic trance of mediums,
Hidden animals (cryptozoology), Honts, Charles, 189 221
71–78 Hooke, W., 469 multiple personality disorder,
Hieroglyphics, 402–403 Hoover, J. Edgar, 421 149
Higher Superstition (Levitt and Hopkins, Budd, 5–6 RMT use of, 608, 619
Gross), 744, 753–754, 758 Horgan, John, 689, 739, 740, Hypotheses, scientific, 431–433,
Hilgard, Ernest, 125 741 459–462
Hill, Betty and Barney, 4 Horoscopes, 235–236, 241
Hill, Calvin, 715 Horse racing, 720 I Ching (Book of Changes),
Hills, Jack, 255, 484 Horses: Clever Hans, the 109–110
Hindsight bias, 717–719 performing horse, 60–62, Ice, Randy, 721
Hinduism, 142–143, 204 159, 160 Ice rings, 69
890 | i n d e x

The Idea of Progress (Bury), evolutionary psychology and, John Paul II, 449–450
732–733 641, 643–644 Johnson, Phillip, 448, 450
Ideomotor effect, 94, 127–129. inclusive fitness and Johnston, Harry, 75
See also Facilitated evolutionary psychology, Jokes, replication and
communication 629–630 distribution of, 654
ILE. See Intelligent life as inherited trait, 697–698 Jonas, Wayne, 283
elsewhere measuring intelligence, Jones, Ernest, 374
Illusionists, 113–115 695–697 Jones, Gwilym S., 74
Illusions: ball lightning, 48–49 as predictor of performance, Jordan, Edward, 491
Image magic, 278, 279 689–690 Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Immigrants. See also New World racial differences in brain 251
Immigrants, IQ and, 702–703 size, 683–684, 684–685, Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
Immortality: The Search for 702 322
Everlasting Life, 357–370, Intelligent life elsewhere (ILE), Journal of the American Medical
502 843–848 Association, 244, 250, 312,
Impact cratering, 482–483 Internet, computer viruses, 544
The Imperial Animal (Tiger and 655–656 Judgment skills, 272–277
Fox), 627 The Interrupted Journey (Fuller), Jung, Carl G., 167, 240–241, 375
Impersonations, 521 4 Jupiter, non-thermal radio
In the Mountains of Madness Intuitive diagnosis, 540–542 emission, 477–478, 482
(Lovecraft), 366 IQ. See Intelligence Quotient The Jupiter Effect, 182, 184
In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents Iridium layer, 255
(Heuvelmans), 73 Irwin, Harvey, 168 Kadanoff, Leo, 735–736
Incest Survivor Syndrome (ISS), Isaac, Glynn, 681 Kamin, Leon, 689
615 Iscador, 88–89 Karloff, Boris, 364
Inclusive fitness, 625–627, Islam, miraculous survival, 526 Karma, 204
627–631 Kauffman, Stuart, 741
Indigenous peoples: shamans Jackson, Jesse, 715 Kearney, Jay T., 710
and shamanism, 211–212 Jacobs, David M., 7 Keen, Sam, 385
Induction, problem of, 434, 435 Jainism, reincarnation, 204 Keene, M. Lamar, 224–225
Ingram, Paul, 379, 414 Jairazbhoy, R. J., 579 Keith, Arthur, 173, 174
Inherit the Wind (film), 763 JAMA. See Journal of the Kelvin, William Thompson,
Inkblot archaeology, 18–19, American Medical Lord, 48, 731, 742
137 Association Kennewick skeleton, 558
Innuendo, as scientific method, James, William, 206, 456, Kensington Rune Stone, 574–575
14–15 459–462 Key, Wilson Bryan, 232–233
Inscriptions, 532 Janet, Pierre, 394 Keyhoe, Donald B., 833, 835,
Kensington Rune Stone, Jansen, Abraham, 119 842
574–575 Japan, acupuncture, 287 KGB, 186
Paraiba stone, 575–576 Jastrow, Joseph, 600 Kidd, Benjamin, 782
INSERM institute, 351 Jastrow, Robert, 426 Kilburn, Steven, 5–6
Institute for Advanced Studies Jeanne D’Arc, 499–500 Kipling, Rudyard, 636
(Princeton University), 754 Jefferson, Thomas, 687 Kipsker, Eileen Franklin, 378
Instrumentalism, 439–440 Jeffery, Eber, 732 Kirsch, Irving, 600–601
Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Jeffreys, M. D. W., 570 Kite, Charles, 361
694–704 Jews, in professional basketball, Klass, Philip J., 264, 270
brain size and cognitive 718–719 Klissouras, V., 721
performance, 684–686 John, Gospel of, 520 Klotz, Irving, 589
i n d e x | 891

Kluth, Rose, 565 Lee, Wen Ho, 186–187 Lunar phases, 197
Kluver, Lars, 749 Leeper, Ed, 99 Lundberg, George, 193
Knowledge, versus knowingness, Leguat, François, 74 Lynn, Barry, 449
750–760 Lehner, Mark, 409 Lynn, Richard, 701
Kobritz, Richard, 368 Lemuria, 11, 306, 307
Koenig, Harold, 193 Lentricchia, Frank, 752 Mack, John E., 7–8, 513–514
Koestler, Arthur, 373 Levitation Macmillan Publishers, 475
Koppel, Ted, 715 under hypnosis, 121–122 Maddox, John, 590
Koshland, Daniel, 732 ideomotor effect, 127 Magendie, François, 200
Kottler, J., 393–394 during meditation, 141–142 Magic. See Witchcraft
Krauthammer, Charles, 678, 692 Levitt, Norm, 744 Magill, Ron, 23
Krieger, Dolores, 243, 245, Lewis, Norman, 547–555 Magnetic fields, 98–100
246–247, 248–249, 250 Lie detection, 186–189 holism and, 542
Krinov, E. L., 253 Life after death. See Death holistic medicine, 543
Kroeber, A. L., 573 Life after Life (Moody), 152 “liquid magnetism” in
Kronos journal, 482 Lifton, Robert, 79–80 laundry balls, 130
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth, 205 Lightning, 48–51 magnetic ladies of Hungary,
Kuhn, Thomas, 331, 437 Lindley, David, 319 585–586
Kuiper, Gerard P., 834 Lippert, Dorothy, 565 magnetic therapy, 132–135
Kulik, L. A., 253 Lipsyte, Robert, 710 Mesmer’s “animal
Kunz, Dora, 243, 245, 246, 248 The Liquefying “Blood” of St. magnetism” concept, 122,
Kurtz, Paul, 332, 537 Januarius, 371–372 797–821
Kurzweil, Ray, 827 Lirey, France, 213 UFO sightings and, 851–852
Kusche, Lawrence, 52–53 Literary criticism, 752 Magnetic therapy, 132–135
Little, Lester K., 503 Mahoney, Michael, 197
Lake monsters, 72 Loch Ness monster, 72, 77 Maize, introduction to the New
Lam (extraterrestrial being), 516 Loftus, Elizabeth, 206, 599, 600 World, 570
Lancet journal, 193 Lollards, 505–506 Malone, Walter, 779–780
Language Look magazine, 850–851 Mal-resurrection, 359–360,
Biblical translation leading to The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 363–364
ancient astronaut theory, 523 The Man They Could Not Hang
531–534 Lorenzen, Coral and James, 270, (film), 364
function of, 675 833, 852 The Man with Nine Lives (film),
pre-Columbian explorers to Los Alamos National Laboratory, 366
the New World, 571, 572 186–187 The Manchurian Candidate
Lankester, Ray, 173, 176 Lost civilizations (film), 233
Larrabee, Eric, 475 Atlantis, 10, 297–307, 407, Mandelbrot, Benoit, 727
Lasswitz, Kurd, 515 560 Mangelsdorf, Paul, 570
Latah, 150 Lemuria, 11, 306, 307 Manichaean Christianity, 31,
Latour, Bruno, 754 pyramidology and, 407–408 503–505
Laundry balls, 130–131 The Lost World (Doyle), 176 Mankiller, Wilma, 212
Lavoisier, Antoine, 541, Louis XVI, King of France, 122, Manna, 480
797–821 797 Mantle, Larry, 715
Leakey, Louis, ix Lovecraft, H. P., 363–364, 366 Marescot, Michael, 490–491
Leakey, Mary, ix Lovelock, James, 48 Marriage, according to
Leaps of Faith (Humphrey), 451 Lowell, Percival, 136, 847 evolutionary theory,
Lear, John, 475 Lowie, Robert, 623 631–632
Lederman, Leon, 744, 746 Lucius III, 506 Mars, life on, 845, 846–847
892 | i n d e x

Mars effect, 40 resuscitation, 360–362 Metal bending, 113–115

The Mars Face: Extraterrestrial therapeutic touch, 243–252 Meteoroids, 253–257
Archaeology, 136–140 thought field therapy, Meteors, as UFOs, 266
Mars Global Satellite, 137–138 463–472 Michaels, Margaret Kelly,
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, See also Healing; Hypnosis 418–419
138–139 Meditation, 141–145 Michelson, Albert, 731
Marston, William, 188 Meditations on First Philosophy Midgley, Mary, 654
Martians, 513–514 (Descartes), 457 Miele, Frank, 623–635
The Mass Psychology of Fascism Mediumship, 220 Military. See Government
(Reich), 527 Meehan, Thérèse, 249, 250, 251 regulation and
Masson, Jeffrey, 375, 376 Meeus, Jean, 182–183 involvement; U.S. Air Force
Mastaba (burial mound), 399, Melosh, Jay, 484 Miller, Peter, 765
400 Memes as good science, Miller, Stanley L., 844–845
Mathematics, 740 652–663 Miracles
Maxwell, Bill, 711 Memes as pseudoscience, Hume’s “Of Miracles,”
Maxwell, James Clerk, 98, 664–677 785–796
217–218 Memory, 48–49 the liquefying “blood” of St.
Maya civilization, 19, 182 constructing versus revealing, Januarius, 371–372
Mayr, Ernst, 689 265–266 William Jennings Bryan on,
McCain, Garvin, 489 enhancing through hypnosis, 773–774
McCarthy, Joseph, 421 123–125 The Mismeasure of Man (Gould),
McCrone, Walter, 214 false memory syndrome, 683, 684
McDonald, James, 832, 841 597–605 Missing Time (Hopkins), 5–6
McFarlane, K. B., 505 influencing belief in Mistletoe, as cancer treatment,
McGaa, Ed, 211 spiritualism, 224 88–89
Medical examinations and alien judgment errors in retrieval, Mokele-mbembe, 73
abductions, 4–5, 265 274–275 Monism, 349
Medicine and alternative meme theory and, 669–671 Monogamy, 626–627, 628
medicine satanic ritual abuse, 414, Monsters, cryptozoology, 71–78
acupuncture, 283–291 415–416 Moody, Raymond, 152, 205
alternative versus scientific, See also Recovered Memory Moore, R. I., 502
292–296 Therapy Moore, William, 262
anthroposophy and Mencken, H. L., 765 The Moral Animal (Wright), 623
anthroposophical Mendel, Gregor, 665 Moral neutrality, of science, 737
medicine, 31–34, 88–89 Mental health. See Psychology; Moral panic, 413–414, 419–422
chiropractic, 308–315 Psychotherapy More, Henry, 497
healing through hypnosis, Mental mediums, 220 Morgan, Lewis Henry, 517
122, 123 Mentgen, Janet Morison, Samuel Eliot, 576, 577
holistic medicine, 537–546 Menzel, Donald H., 834, 848 Morrison, Karl F., 503
homeopathy, 347–356 Mercury, life on, 845 Moseley, James, 833
magnetic therapy, 132–135 Meridian theory. See Movies
multiple personality disorder, Acupuncture mal-resurrection stories, 360,
146–151 Merritt, Everitt, 850 362, 364–365
placebo effect in medical Mesmer, Franz Anton, 122, 220, resurrection and immortality,
treatments, 178–180 245, 325, 541, 797–798 365–368
prayer and healing, 190–194 Mesmerism, 797–821 UFOs and close encounters,
psychoanalysis as Meta learning, as side effect of 269
pseudoscience, 373–383 alternative treatments, 471 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 751
i n d e x | 893

Mu. See Lemuria Native American Graves Nero, 522

Muller, Richard, 484 Protection and Netto, Ladislau, 575–576
Multiple personality disorder, Repatriation Act Neuro-electric stimulation,
146–151, 617 (NAGPRA), 557–559 acupuncture as, 284,
Mummies, 258–259 Native Americans 289–290
Munnell, Kathy, 565 archaeological-cultural New Age movement
Muntjacs, 76 relations, 564–565 Carlos Castañeda, 57–58
Murphy, Bridey, 207 Carlos Castañeda’s alleged Feng shui, 112
Murray, Charles, 644, 694 interaction with, 57–58 shamans and shamanism,
Mutual UFO Network, 270 disputes over origins of, 211–212
Myers, Andrew, 419 560–564 synchronicity and, 240–241
Myss, Caroline, 537–546 early alien scenarios, 514 New England Journal of
Mystics Native American myths as Medicine, 310, 311, 313
cold reading, 63–66 pseudoarchaeology, New World
cults, 79–84 556–566 diffusionism theory, 568–571
meditation, 141–145 shamans and shamanism, 211 pre-Columbian theories of
Myths and mythology White God legends, 577–578 discovery, 567–568,
as descriptions of actual Natural selection. See 571–574
events, 473–474 Evolutionary theory New York Review of Books, 379,
immortality and, 357–360 Naturalism 381
science and its myths, Feng shui, 108–112 The New Yorker magazine, 414
430–442 methodological versus Newcomb, Simon, 217, 218
survival stories, 520–529 philosophical naturalism, Newmaker, Candace, 44
used to justify ancient 447–450 News media
astronaut theory, 530–536 Nature magazine criticism of facilitated
White God legends, 577–578 Benveniste’s memory water, communication, 344–345
590 debunking Bridey Murphy,
NAGPRA. See Native American Geller, Uri, 114–115 207
Graves Protection and N-Rays, 589, 822–825 distorting paranormal claims,
Repatriation Act Nature versus nurture 586–587
Nanda, Meera, 753, 755, 760 black domination of sports, horoscopes, 235–239
Napoleon I, 397 705–713, 714–723 magnetic ladies of Hungary,
NASA. See National Aeronautics evolutionary theory, 645–649 585–586
and Space Administration intelligence quotient, race and IQ, 694–695
National Academy of Sciences, 697–698 sun sign astrology, 235
187 race and IQ, 688–689 Tutankhamun’s curse, 259
National Aeronautics and Space Nazca Desert, Peru, 13, 19, 261 UFO reportings, 261, 262,
Administration (NASA) Nazi Germany, 518 839, 840–841
life on Mars, 513 NBC Nightly News (TV Newsweek magazine, 445
Mars face, 136–137 program), 707 Newton, Sir Isaac, 201,
support of Velikovsky, 477 The Neanderthal Enigma 328–330, 423, 432
UFO photographs, 264 (Shreeve), 439 NICAP. See National
National Investigations Near-death experiences, 25, 28, Investigations Committee
Committee on Aerial 29, 152–157, 165 on Aerial Phenomena
Phenomena (NICAP), 270, Nei Ching, Yellow Emperor’s Nicholson, Harold, 187
833–834, 836, 840 Classic of Internal Nickell, Joe, 214
National Science Foundation Medicine, 284–285 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 58,
(NSF), 733 Nelson, Craig, 312 775–777, 781, 782
894 | i n d e x

Nightline (TV program), 715 Oldcastle, Sir John, 505 Payne-Gaposhkin, Cecelia, 475
NIH-OAM, 133 Olson, Richard, 489–498, Pendergrast, Mark, 597–605
Nile river, 404 743–749, 750–760, 753 Pendula
Nixon, Richard, 287 Omunhundro, John, 19–20 Chevreul’s pendulum, 128
Noah’s Ark Society, 225 Open-eye mediums, 225 used in hypnosis, 124
Nocebo effects, 471 Open-to-yourself mediums, 225 Penis size
Non-Overlapping Magisteria Orgel, Shelly, 376 inclusive fitness theory and,
(NOMA), 447–448 The Origin of Species (Darwin), 627–629
Noncontact therapeutic touch, ix, 375, 653, 773 IQ and, 701
247 Orne, Martin, 599–600 Pensee magazine, 476
Noone, Richard, 182 Osiris, 528 The Penultimate Trump!
Norse peoples, 567, 574–575 Ouija boards, 94, 127–129 (Ettinger), 367
Not in Our Genes (Kamin), 689 Oursler, Fulton, 475 Pepys, Samuel, 497
Novum Organum (Bacon), 434 Out-of-body experiences (OBEs), Perception, 48–49, 267–268
N-Rays, 161, 588–589, 822–825 164–169 Perpetual motion machines,
Numerology, 408 anomolous psychological 196–197
Nutrition and dietary experiences, 25, 28 Perry, W. J., 568
supplements, 85–92 Randi’s depiction of, 582–583 Personality
resuscitation and immortality, influencing anomalous
Oakley, Kenneth, 174 370 psychological experiences,
Oates, Joyce Carol, 58 Overfield, Theresa, 712 26–27
Oberg, James, 325–326 Owens, Jesse, 706 interpreting through
Objectivity handwriting, 116–120
Franklin and Lavoisier, Pacal, Maya king, 19 reading through phrenology,
797–821 Pachesi, 573 170–172
myths in science, 436–437 Palm readers, 65 Uri Geller’s popularity as
N-Rays, 822–825 Panic attacks, 602–604, 608 function of, 115
O’Brien, Brian, 829, 833 Papal Inquisition, 502 Persuasion and Healing (Frank),
Observation, use in critical Paracelsus, 360–361 386, 601
thinking Paradigms Lost (Casti), 739–740 Pert, Candace, 543
facilitated communication, The Paradoxes of Progress Peru, patterns at Nazca Desert,
336–339, 340–341 (Stent), 733 13
science versus pseudoscience, Paraiba Stone, 575–576 Peter of Bruys, 507
196 The Paranoid Style in American Pfungst, Oskar, 60, 159
spiritualism and séances, 224 Politics (Hofstadter), 373 Ph.D.s, Randi on, 581
Observer bias, 158–163 Parasomatic experiences, Phoenician artifacts, 575–576
Occam’s razor, 127, 448 164–165 Photographs
Occult practices, 40–41 Parkman, Francis, 571–572 ball lightning, 50
Octopuses, giant, 74 Pascal, Blaise, 456 Cottingley fairies, 197
Oedipal complex, 376–377, 378, Pasley, Laura, 606–614 creating “spirit” photographs,
380 Past life therapy, 619 221, 223
“Of Miracles” (Hume), 327, Past-life experiences, 25 cryptozoology, 71–78
785–796 Patarines of Milan, 507 fairies, 101–103
Ogam script, 572–573 Patent commissioner, apocryphal Mars face, 136–139
Ohman, Olof, 574–575 statement of, 732 out-of-body experiences, 166
Okapi, 75 Patolli, 573 Shroud of Turin’s similarity
Oklahoma City bombings, 322, Pauli, Wolfgang, 240 to, 213–214
323 Pauling, Linus, 725 UFOs, 264, 266, 849–851
i n d e x | 895

Phrenology, 100, 170–172, Polichak, James W., 664–677 Pre-Columbian Contact with the
197–200, 706 Politics the Americas across the
Physical mediums, 220 black domination of sports, Oceans, 567–568
Physics Today journal, 735 706 Prehistoric animals,
Pi (number), 408 deconstructing science, cryptozoology, 71–78
Pia, Secondo, 214 750–760 Price, William, 830
Pickett, Thomas, 216 Fukuyama’s questions about Principles of Psychology (James),
Pictograms, 532 the future of, 736–737 206
crop circle formations, 68 heretical persecution, Prior, Margot, 344
Kensington Rune Stone, 499–509 Prodigies, as proof of
574–575 immigration-IQ relationship, reincarnation, 205
Paraiba stone, 575–576 702–703 Project Mogul, 262
Pietrini, Pietro, 446 IQ-based social policies, Prophecy, 586, 587–588
Piltdown man, 10, 173–177 703–704 The Prospect of Immortality
Pioneer Fund, 701–702 justifying social programs’ (Ettinger), 367
Pirsig, Robert, 489 value based on IQ Provine, Will, 451
Pitman, Roger, 324 measurement, 698–701 Pseudoarchaeology. See
Pixies, 101–103 psychoanalysis and, 379–380 Alternative archaeology
Placebo effect, 178–180 satanic cults, 415 Pseudoarchaeology: Native
EMDR studies, 323–324 Polyandry, 626–627, 628 American Myths, 556–566
healing through therapeutic Polygamy, 626–627 Pseudoarchaeology:
touch, 245 Polygraph and lie detection, Precolumbian Discoverers
homeopathy, 352–353 186–189 of America, 567–579
mesmerism, 798 Polygyny, 628 Pseudoscience and Science: A
subliminal messages, 233 Pope, Alexander, 714 Primer in Critical
therapeutic touch, 249, 251 Popper, Karl, 200–201, 435 Thinking, 195–203
thought field therapy, Population growth objection, to Pseudoscience and the
469–470 reincarnation, 207 paranormal, 580–591
Planchette. See Ouija board Portuguese Policy of Secrecy of Psi and Psi-Missing, 592–596
Planetary alignments, 96, Silence, 576–578 Psora, 347, 348–349
181–185 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psyche, structure of the, 241
hypothetical planet Clarion, 618 Psychic Archaeology (Goodman),
845–846 Postmodernism, 751–753 560
magnetism and holistic Posttraumatic model, of multiple The Psychic Mafia (Keene),
medicine, 543 personality disorder, 224–225
Velikovsky’s traumatic events 147–148 Psychic manifestations and
explanation, 473–474 Posttraumatic stress disorder manipulations, 63–66
See also Astronomy (PTSD), 321 cults, 79–84
Plant cultivation, pre- Postural sway, 127 dowsing, 93–94
Columbian, 569–571 Potentizing, 347, 349–350 Native American origins
Plantinga, Alvin, 446, 449 Power pyramids, 628–629 described by psychics, 560
Plasma vortex phenomena, 67 Power therapies, 464–465 police psychics, 547–555
Plato, 297–303, 304 Prairie Network, 858 pseudoarchaeology, 10–11
Poe, Edgar Allan, 361, 362–363 Prana, 245, 246, 248 as pseudoscience, 200
Polarized image overlay Pratkanis, Anthony R., 233 séance, 209–210
technique, 215 Prayer and healing, 190–194 spiritualism, 220–226
Police psychics: Noreen Renier, Precognition, earthquake Psychical research, societies for,
547–555 prediction, 95–97 217–219
896 | i n d e x

Psychoanalysis as pseudoscience, Central America, 562, 569 Radiocarbon dating, 215–216

373–383 Mars landforms, 137 Radium therapy, 385
Psychohistory, 668–669 planetary alignments as Ragnarok (Donnelly), 474
Psychological reversal (PR), 467 reason for constructions, Ram Mohan Roy, 208
Psychology 182 Rampino, Michael, 485
anomalous psychological pyramidology, 406–407 RAND report, 308–309
experiences, 25–30 Randi, James, 798
attachment therapy, 43–47 Qi (Chinese vitalism), 111–112, facilitated communications
cults, 79–84 245, 283–291, 285, studies, 340
evaluating intelligence, 696 288–290 homeopathy, 351
evolutionary psychology, Quackery, homeopathy as, 354 imaginary UFO sighting, 161
623–635, 636–649 Quantum mechanics, 107, the liquefying “blood” of St.
eye movement desensitization 316–320, 424–425, Januarius, 371–372
and reprocessing, 321–326 427–429, 466, 725 pseudoscience and the
facilitated communication, The Quarterly Review of paranormal, 580–591
334–346 Biology, 734 Rank, Otto, 374
holistic medicine, 537–546 Quetzalcoatl, 578 Raskin, David, 189
hypnosis and, 121–122, 123 Quimby, Phineas, 317 Ratchford, J. Thomas, 830
meme theory and information Quinn, Janet, 247, 249, 250 Rationalism, scientific, 450–452
transmission, 671–673 Quintanilla, Hector, 835 Raup, David, 483–484
multiple personality disorder, Realism, 439–440
146–151 Race, defined and categorized, Rebirthing, in attachment
out-of-body experiences, 306–307, 679–680, therapy, 43–44
164–167 681–682 Recovered Memory Therapy and
placebo effect in medical Race and IQ as Good Science, False Memory Syndrome,
treatments, 178–180 678–692 378, 597–605
polygraph, 186–189 Race and IQ as Pseudoscience, a father’s perspective,
psychology industry, 385–387, 694–704 597–605
392–393 Race and Sports as Good a patient’s perspective,
UFO studies, 267–268, Science, 705–713 606–614
848–849, 857 Race and Sports as a psychiatrist’s perspective,
witchcraft and magic, 279 Pseudoscience, 714–723 615–620
Psychotherapy Racism satanic ritual abuse, 418–421
RMT, 378–379, 598–605, affirmative action and group- Red Earth, White Lies (Deloria),
606–614 based discrimination 561, 563
satanic ritual abuse, 415–418 policies, 690–692 Redbook magazine, 414
thought field therapy, blacks in sports, 705–713, The Reference for Outstanding
463–472 714–723 UFO Reports, 840
Psychotherapy as pseudoscience, early alien scenarios, Regression, as evidence for
384–396 514–515 reincarnation, 206–207
Pulsating electromagnetic field IQ and performance, Reich, Wilhelm, 527
therapy, 133–134 689–690, 694–704 Reiki (Japanese therapeutic
Pushkin, Alexander, 521 pre-Columbian contact touch), 252
Putnam, Frank, 149 theories, 578–579 Reincarnation, 204–208
Pyramids, the mystery of, pyramidology and, 403–407 Reindeer, flying, 584
397–412 Radar sightings, of UFOs, Relativity, Einstein’s theories of,
alien construction of, 261 852–854 104–107, 201, 328–330,
ancient astronauts and, 20–21 Radiation, 822–825 428
i n d e x | 897

Religion and spirituality therapeutic touch and, 245 R-K strategies of reproduction,
alien abductions, 5 witchcraft and magic, 638, 640–642
Anglican attack on 278–280, 499–509 RMT. See Recovered Memory
demonology, 491–492 See also Creationism Therapy and False Memory
anomalous psychological Renan, Ernest, 575–576 Syndrome
experiences, 25–26 Renier, Noreen, 547–555 RN journal, 247
anthroposophy and The Report on Unidentified RNA, 87
anthroposophical Flying Objects (Ruppelt), Roach, Franklin, 854–855
medicine, 31–34 835 Robert the Bruce, 523
Carlos Castañeda, 57–58 Repressed Memories Robertson, H. P., 833
Christian Science as (Fredrickson), 601, 603 Rogerian science, 246
pseudoscience, 316–320 Reproduction Rogers, Martha, 246
Darwin’s religious life, evolutionary psychology and, Roman in the Americas, 573–574
772–774 623–634, 640–642 Romanes, George John, 774
demonic possession and r-K strategies, 638 Rommel, Kenneth, 23
exorcism, 490–491, 493 Rescher, Nicholas, 736 Rorschach archaeology, 18–19,
Feng shui as, 110 Research methodology 137
God and Extra-Terrestrial criticism of Velikovsky’s, Rosa, Emily, 250–251, 528
Intelligence, 827–828 486–487 Rose, Lynn E., 476
holistic medicine, 537–546 double-blind experiments, Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse, 329
Hume’s “Of Miracles,” 158–159, 191, 341 Rosetta stone, 397, 402–403
785–796 EMDR studies, 323–324 Rosicrucianism, 31
immortality, 357–370 evaluating social programs Roswell, New Mexico, 261–262,
the liquefying “blood” of St. based on IQ measurement, 264
Januarius, 371–372 698–701 Roswell in Perspective (Pflock),
meditation, 141–145 evolutionary psychology, 262
as meme complex, 655–658 642–645 The Roswell Incident (Berlitz
miraculous survival myth, holistic medicine, 540–541 and Moore), 262
520–521, 526 mesmerism, 798–821 Roush, J. Edward, 859
mythology, 357–358 N-Rays, 822–825 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 517
near-death experiences, placebo effect, 178–180 Ruffins, Paul, 710
152–156 pre-Columbian discoverers of Ruppelt, E. J., 835
postmodernism and, 755 the New World, 571–574 Ruse, Michael, 634, 723
prayer and healing, 190–194 psi mechanism, 593–596 Rushdie, Salman, 657
psychoanalysis as cult, supporting Extra-terrestrial Rushton, J. Philippe, 629,
373–378 hypothesis without 636–649, 701
pyramid culture, 402, evidence, 266–267 Russia, 253–257, 520–529
403–404 therapeutic touch, 248–250,
reincarnation, 204–208 250–251 Sacrifices and offerings, 279
satanic ritual abuse, 413–422 thought field therapy, Sadducism, 497
science and God, 423–429 468–470 Sagan, Carl
science and religion, 443–454 See also Scientific method ancient astronaut hypothesis,
science as religion, 744–746 Response expectancy theory, 18
Shroud of Turin, 213–216 600–601 caution with new ideas,
skepticism versus credulity, Resuscitation, 360–362 325–326
457–462 Rhetoric, as scientific method, science and religion, 451
spiritualism as answer to, 15 on Velikovsky, 475, 478–481
220–226 Riniolo, Todd C., 592–596 Sailes, Gary, 710–711
898 | i n d e x

St. Januarius, 371–372 Science and God, 423–429 myths about scientific laws,
St. John’s wort, 85, 89, 90–91 Science and Health with Key to theories, and hypotheses,
Salas, Charles, 797 the Scriptures (Eddy), 431–441
Salas, Danielle, 797 317–318 psychoanalysis’s lack of,
Salter, Frank, 634 Science and Its Myths, 430–442 373–376
Santa Fe Institute, 741 Science and Religion, 443–454 skepticism and credulity,
Santorini, Greece, 302–303 Science and Technology Studies 455–462
Saola, 76 (STS), 744–749 See also Research
Sargant, William, 601 Science Is at an End, 724–738 methodology
Sarich, Vincent, 678–692, 705 Science Is Just Beginning, Scientific Progress (Rescher), 736
Sarton, George, 747 739–742 Scientific Study of Unidentified
Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Science magazine, 475, 476, Flying Objects (1968),
Contemporary Legend 734 826–860
(Victor), 413 Science, Technology, and Human astronauts’ observations,
Satanic ritual abuse, 413–422, Values journal, 745 854–855
610–611, 617 Science: The Endless Frontier atmospheric effects
Saucers and Unexplained (Bush), 733, 734 influencing UFO sightings,
Celestial Events Research The Science Wars: 848–849
Society (SAUCERS), 833 Deconstructing Science early Air Force studies,
Scheflin, Alan, 394–395 Is Good Science, 832–834
Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 136, 743–749 early planning, 834–835
847 The Science Wars: extra-terrestrial Hypothesis
Schlinger, Henry, Jr., 633, Deconstructing Science (ETH), 841–843
636–649 Is Pseudoscience, field investigations, 835–836
Schmidt, Louis A., 592–596 750–760 intelligent life elsewhere
Schmitz-Moormann, Karl, 723 Scientific American journal (ELI), 843–848
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 204 “Eugenics Revisited,” 689 observational equipment,
Schrödinger, Erwin, 319–320 Hofstadter’s self-replication 857–859
Schroeder, Earl, 851 structures, 653 origin of the Colorado
Schultz, Peter, 487 Houdini’s association with, Project, 829–830
Schwab, Joseph, 430 224 physical evidence of UFOs,
Schwiderski, Dennis, 418 N-rays, 589 851–852
Schwiderski, Kathryn, 418 rejection of Velikovsky, 475 psychological studies, 857
Science technological evolution and public attitudes toward UFOs,
deconstructing science, UFO theory, 826–828 855–857
743–749, 750–760 Scientific creationism. See radar sightings of UFOs,
Glanvill’s scientific defense of Creationism 852–854
witches, 494–498 Scientific method study of UFO photographs,
influence on psychical alternative archaeology, 849–851
research, 217–218 11–15 UFO defined, 830–831
versus pseudoscience, applied to homeopathy, 351 UFO reportings, 831–832,
195–203 critical thinking, 195–203 836–841
Randi on, 580–591 Darwin’s approach to, ix–x Sclove, Richard, 745
supplanting astrology, evaluating effectiveness of Scopes, John T., 764–765
35–36 psychotherapy, 388–390 Scott, Eugenie, 447–448
versus Velikovsky, 485–487 “exemption” of religious Sea serpents, 72–73
William Jennings Bryan on, relics from, 372 Sealed envelopes, reading
768–769, 775 Freud’s lack of, 376–378 contents of, 113–115
i n d e x | 899

Séance, 209–210 Freud’s view of sex as politics, dreams, 3–8, 25, 28, 29, 165,
Blavatsky on, 219 380–381 600–601
ideomotor effect of Ouija Oedipal complex, 376–377 out-of-body experiences,
boards, 127–129 séances, 209–210 164–169
inspection by psychical subliminal advertising, 233, sleep paralysis, 27–28, 266,
research societies, 218 234 601–602
rise of spiritualism, 220–221 Shamans and shamanism, Sleight-of-hand, 221, 223–224
The Search for Bridey Murphy 57–58, 211–212 Sloan, Richard, 193
(Bernstein), 207 Shapiro, Francine, 321–326 Smith, Earl, 709, 710
Search for Extra-Terrestrial Shapley, Harlow, 475 Smith, Grafton Elliot, 568
Intelligence (SETI), 828 Sharks, 75 Smith, Huston, 447, 449
The Secret Ring: Freud’s Inner Sheaffer, Robert, 266, 270 Smith, John Maynard, 625
Circle and the Politics of Shealy, Norman, 539, 540–541 Smithsonian Institution, 745,
Psychoanalysis Shelley, Mary, 362 858
(Grosskurth), 373–374 Shermer, Michael, 445, 563 Smith-Woodward, Arthur, 173
Seduction theory, 378 “Shermer’s Last Law,” 826–828 Smoot, George, 427
Seductive Mirage: An Shklovskii, I. S., 847–848 Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 403–407
Exploration of the Work of Shoemaker, Gene, 482 Snyder, Jimmy “the Greek,”
Sigmund Freud (Esterson), Shreeve, James, 439 706, 714–715
376–377 The Shroud of Turin, 213–216, Social programs, 698–701
Segal, Erwin, 489 371, 372 Social psychological factors,
Seismology, earthquake Shut-eye mediums, 225 influencing ETH belief,
prediction, 95–97 Siberia, 253–257 268–269
Self-delusion, 161–163 Siculo, Lucio Marineo, 573–574 Social Text, 755–756, 758
The Selfish Gene (Dawkins), Sightings (TV program), Societies for psychical research,
652–653, 664 553–554 217–219
Self-prayer, 193 Sign, Project, 270 Sociobiology (Wilson), 689
Seligman, Daniel, 685, 690 Signatures, Doctrine of, 349 Sociocognitive model, of
Seligman, Martin, 388–389, Sikhote-Alin meteor, 254–256 multiple personality
392, 395 Similarity, Law of, 111, 347, disorder, 148–149
Sellars, Peter, 751 348, 349 Socrates, 298–300
Senate Judiciary Committe, Simpson, Skip, 606, 613–614 Sokal, Alan, 755–756
186–187 Singularity point, 827 Somers, Suzanne, 88–89
Sensorimotor activity, 94 Sitchin, Zecharia, 530–536 Souls. See Religion and
SETI. See Search for Extra- Sitwack, Harry, 718–719 spirituality
Terrestrial Intelligence 60 Minutes (TV program), 715 Sox, David, 372
Sex Differences in Cognitive Sizemore, Chris, 147 Spanos, Nicholas, 148, 150
Abilities (Halpern), 701 The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Spaulding, William H, and J. A.,
Sexton, Dan, 394 Pseudoscience, 763 270
Sexual abuse. See Abuse, Skepticism and credulity, Spengler, Oswald, 733–734
physical, sexual, and 455–462 Sphinx, 13, 14
emotional; Recovered Skinner, B. F., 644 Spinal manipulation. See
Memory Therapy Slaughter, Olin, 547–548 Chiropractic
Sexual dimorphism, 627–631 Sleep, Norm, 484 Spiritualism, 220–226
Sexual issues Sleep paralysis, 27–28, 266, demonic possession,
evolutionary psychology 601–602 490–500
and inclusive fitness, Sleep phenomena Glanvill’s investigations into
625–627 alien abductions, 3–8 witchcraft, 494–498
900 | i n d e x

Spiritualism (continued) Stress The Tao of Physics (Capra), 317

psychical research societies, Eye movement desensitization Tapas Acupressure Technique
218 and reprocessing, 321–326 (TAT), 465
witches and witchcraft, factor in psychological Tart, Charles, 587–588
489–490, 499–509 anomalies, 28 Taylor, Marshall W. “Major,”
Spirituality. See Religion and Strieber, Whitley, 6–7 716–717
spirituality Strong Anthrophic Principle, The Teachings of Don Juan: A
Split personality. See Multiple 446–447 Yaqui Way of Knowledge
personality disorder STS. See Science and (Castañeda), 57–58
Spoons, bending of, 113–115 Technology Studies Technology
Sports, black domination of, Stumpf, Carl, 60 alien construction of the
705–713, 714–723 Subconscious mind pyramids, 261
Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar, 171, affecting handwriting, ancient man’s alleged
198–200 116–120 inability to produce, 19–21
Sramanas (wandering ascetics), N-Rays, 824–825 introduced by ancient
204 power of suggestion, 805–821 astronauts, 18
The Stairway to Heaven Subliminal perception and laundry balls, 130–131
(Sitchin), 535, 536 advertising, 232–234 limits on alien spaceships,
Stanford-Binet intelligence test, Subliminal Seduction (Key), 233 267
695 Subliminal stimuli, 161–162 resurrection and immortality
Star Trek factor, 730–731 Suggestion, power of, 805–821 through resuscitation,
Star-alignment argument, Sulloway, Frank, 376 360–362
13–14 Sumerian language, 531–534 versus science, 440
Statistical analysis Summerland, 221 technological evolution and
brain size and cognitive Sun sign astrology, 235–239 extraterrestrials, 826–828
performance, 684–686 Superconducting Supercollider, Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 173,
evolutionary psychology 735, 744 175
theory, 643–644 Superstition, 279–280, 357 Telander, Rick, 709–710
of intelligence tests, 695–696 Superstring theory, 729 Teller, Edward, 486
IQ-social ills relationship, Survival stories, 520–529 Teltscher, Alfred, 55
698 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 220, Templeton, John, 446
racial differences in athletic 221, 514 Templeton Foundation, 193
ability, 682–683 Sweet potato, introduction to the Templeton Prize, 446
stock market predictions and, New World, 570–571 Tensegrity, 58
227 Swoboda, Hermann, 54 Terr, Lenore, 378
Steiner, Rudolf, 31–34, 88–89 Sybil (Schreiber), 147, 150 The Terror that Comes in the
Stent, Gunther, 724–727, 733, Symons, Donald, 626–627 Night (Hufford), 602
736–737, 738 Symposium on Unidentified Tertullian, 207, 458
Stephenson, Ian, 205–206 Flying Objects, 859–860 Thayer, Gordon, 854
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 146 Synchronicity, 240–242 Theism, scientific, 446–447,
Stewart, Ian, 543 Synesthesia, 25, 28, 29 448–449
Stewart, Walter W., 590 Theory versus data, ix
Stiebing, William, 486–487 Taboo: Why Blacks Dominate Theosophy
Stock market pseudoscience, Sports and Why We’re debunking by Hodgson, 219
227–231 Afraid to Talk about It out-of-body experiences, 167
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll (Entine), 707–711, 714, reincarnation, 205
and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 716, 718–719 roots of therapeutic touch,
146 Tanchelm of Utrecht, 507 245, 246–247
i n d e x | 901

science versus pseudoscience, TT. See Therapeutic touch Vails, Nelson, 717
197 Tunguska, 253–257 Vallee, Jacques, 264–265, 266,
Therapeutic touch, 243–252, Turin, Italy, 213–216 530
463, 465 Turner, Christy, 562 Values, science and, 698–701,
The Third Chimpanzee Tutankhamun’s curse, 258–259 743–749
(Diamond), 627–631 The 12th Planet (Sitchin), Van Sertima, Ivan, 579
Thompson, Gunnar, 579 530–531, 534, 536 Van Valen, Leigh, 684–685
Thomson, J. A. F., 505 Two Planets (Lasswitz), 515 Vastu Shastra, 755, 760
Thought field therapy, 463–472 Tylor, E. B., 573 Velikovsky at fifty, 473–488
The Three Faces of Eve, book Ventura, Jesse, 444
and film, 147 The UFO Evidence (Hall), Venus
Tibbets, Krystal, 44 834–835, 840 hypothetical planet Clarion,
Tidal motion UFOs, 260–271 846
earthquake prediction, 96 alien abductions, 3–8 life on, 845
tidal forces changing with Bermuda Triangle and, 52 UFO illusions involving, 268
planetary alignments, 184 crop circles, 67–68 Velikovsky’s theories on,
Tiger, Lionel, 627, 634 defined, 830–831 477–478, 480–481
Tighe, Virginia, 207 resurrection stories in film, Verrazzano, Giovanni de,
Timaeus, 299–300 364–365 561–562
Time, faster-than-light travel, Tunguska as alien landing, Vesalius, Andreas, 360–361
104–107 254–255 Vicary, James, 232
Tipler, Frank, 446 See also Scientific Study of Victor, Jeffrey, 413–422
Tiwanaku, Bolivia, 13 Unidentified Flying Objects Vietnam, 76
Tolkien, J. R. R., 523 (1968) Viking orbiter, 136
Tomb excavation, 557–560 UFOs and Alien Contact Vision, effect on UFO sightings,
Toon, Brian, 487 (Bartholomew and 848–849
Totem and Taboo (Freud), 380, Howard), 265 Vitalism, 243–252, 347, 349
381 UFOs: The Public Deceived Voices, during séances, 223
Touch for Health (TH), 465 (Klass), 264 Von Däniken, Erich, 17, 137, 530
Traditional allopathic medicine Unconscious mind Von Osten, Wilhelm, 60–62
(TAM), 292 structure of the psyche, 241
Traditional Chinese subliminal stimuli, 161–162, De Waal, Frans, 446
acupuncture, 284 232–234 Wahlgren, Erik, 575
Transcendental meditation, Undeceiving ourselves, 272–277 Waldensians, 506
141–145 The Unexplained (TV program), Waldorf education, 31, 32–33
The Transcendental Temptation 548 Walker, Scott, 192–193
(Kurtz), 537 Unidentified flying objects. See Wallace, Alfred Russel, 218, 381,
A Treatise of Human Nature UFOs 683
(Hume), 327–328 Unitary man, science of, 246 Wallach, Van, 74
Treatise of the Soul (Tertullian), U.S. Air Force Walsh, James, 325
207 early UFO reportings and Walsh, John E., 176
Trend-following systems, studies, 832–834 Walter, John C., 711
227–228 Roswell, New Mexico, Ward, Peter, 484
The Trial of Maist Darrell, 492 261–262, 264 Warwick, Jim, 482
Trigrams, 109–110 UFO research projects, 270 Watches, restarting broken, 114
Trivers, Robert, 625 See also Scientific Study of Water
True magazine, 833, 842 Unidentified Flying Objects dowsing, 93–94, 128, 590
Truth serum, 616, 619 Usher, Albert Payson, 747 Feng shui, 111
902 | i n d e x

Water (continued) Why People Don’t Heal and Wolheim, Richard, 686
memory retention in, How They Can (Myss), Wood, Robert W., 589, 822–825
590–591 538, 543 Woods, Tiger, 717
Watson, James, 634 WIC. See Worlds in Collision Worlds in Collision (Velikovsky),
Wauchope, Robert, 568 Wicca, 280 473–474
Wazo of Liege, 504 Wiles, Andrew, 740 Wormholes, 107, 267
Weak Anthrophic Principle, The Will to Believe (James), 459 Wright, Elsie, 101–103, 197
446–447 Willard, Ralph S., 366 Wright, Lawrence, 414
Wechsler Intelligence Test, 695 Willhelm, Sidney, 478 Wright, Robert, 639
Weigall, Arthur, 259 Williams, George, 625 Writing, automatic, 129
Weinberg, Steven, 739, 744, 746 Wilson, E. O., 633–634, 642, Wyclif, John, 505
Wells, H. G., 517 689
Wertheim, Margaret, 746 Wilson, Harold, 837 X-rays, 742
Wertheimer, Michael, 848 Wilson, Margo, 631
Wertheimer, Nancy, 99 Windelband, Wilhelm, 458–459 Yapp, Nick, 174
Westinghouse, George, 362 Winslow, John, 175–176 Yaqui teachings, 57–58
Weston, William, 491–492 Wish and Wisdom (Jastrow), 600 Yeomans, Don, 484–485
Wetherill, George, 483 Witchcraft and magic, 278–280 Yeti, 73
Whales, beaked, 76 Witchcraft and the origins of Yin-Yang School, 108–112, 285
Whanger, Alan, 215 science, 489–498 Yoga, 141–145, 538
Wheeler, Douglas, 340 Witches and witchcraft, 499–509 Yogananda, Swami, 141
Wheeler, John, 428 The Witches of Eastwick (film),
Where Does the Weirdness Go 623 Zaslow, Robert, 46
(Lindley), 319 Wittels, Fritz, 374 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
White, Carolyn, 711 Wojciehowski, Eric, 530–536 Maintenance (Pirsig), 489
White God legends, 577–578 Wolfe, Alan, 678 Zodiac signs, 235–239
Whitgift, John, 491–492 Wolff, Rick, 707 Zoroastrianism, 31
About the Editors

Stephen Jay Gould: “Michael Shermer, as

head of one of America’s leading skeptic or-
ganizations, and as a powerful activist and es-
sayist in the service of this operational form of
reason, is an important figure in American
public life.”
Dr. Shermer received his B.A. in psychol-
ogy from Pepperdine University, M.A. in ex-
perimental psychology from California State
Univesity–Fullerton, and his Ph.D. in the his-
tory of science from Claremont Graduate Uni-
versity. Since his creation of the Skeptics So-
ciety, Skeptic magazine, and the Skeptics
Lecture Series at Caltech, he has appeared on
such shows as 20/20, Dateline, Charlie Rose,
Tom Snyder, Donahue, Oprah, Sally, Lezza,
Unsolved Mysteries, and other shows as a
skeptic of weird and extraordinary claims, as
well as on documentaries aired on A & E, Dis-
Dr. Michael Shermer is the founding pub- covery, and The Learning Channel.
lisher of Skeptic magazine, the director of the
Skeptics Society, contributing editor and Pat Linse is an award winning illustrator spe-
monthly columnist for Scientific American, cializing in film industry art. Long active in
and the host of the Skeptics Lecture Series at the skeptical movement, she is one of the
Caltech. He is the author of In Darwin’s founders of the Skeptics Society, Skeptic mag-
Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel azine, and Jr. Skeptic magazine, of which she
Wallace; The Borderlands of Science: Where is publisher and editor-in-chief. As Skeptic’s
Sense Meets Nonsense; Denying History; How art director, she has created most of the illus-
We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of trations for both Skeptic and Jr. Skeptic. She
Science; and Why People Believe Weird is coauthor of the first Baloney Detection Kit
Things. He is also the author of Teach Your and is presently working on a Baloney Detec-
Child Science and coauthored Teach Your tion Kit series of books for teaching children
Child Math and Mathemagics. According to science and critical thinking.


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