OptimizationContinuousfunction PDF

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Evolutionary Computing

Unit I. Optimization problems

Prof. Miriam Pescador Rojas

Name: Reyes Romero Carlos Adrian Group: 3CM2

Exercise 1. Complete the table with python code and graphic gnuplot for functions below. Consider the examples.

Function 1
( ) ( ),

Instructions graphics
Python code
import math
def f1(x):
f = 0.65 – 0.75/(1+x**2) – (0.65*x*math.atan(1/x))
return f

Gnuplot commands
set terminal png size 400,400 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
set output 'f1.png'
f1(x) = 0.65 – 0.75/(1+x**2) – (0.65*x*atan(1/x))
set xrange [-5:5]
plot f1(x)
Function 2
( ) ( ) ( ) ,

Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math
def f2(x):
f = (1-x)**4-(2*x+10)**2
return f

Gnuplot commands
set terminal png size 400,400 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
set output 'f2.png'
f2(x) = (1-x)**4 - (2*x+10)**2
set xrange [-10:10]
plot f2(x)
Function 3
( ) , -10 < x < 10

Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math
def function3(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set term png
set xrange[-10:10]
set output 'f3.png'
plot f3(x)

Function 4
( ) ( ), -5 < x < 5
Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function4(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set term png

set xrange[-5:5]
set output 'f4.png'
plot f4(x)

Function 5
( ) ( ) , -1 < x < 1
Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function5(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set xrange[-1:1]
set output 'f5.png'
plot f5(x)

Function 6
( ) ( ), -6 < x < 6
Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function6(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set xrange[-6:6]
set output 'f6.png'
plot f6(x)

Function 7
( ) ( ) , -10 < x < 5
Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function7(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set xrange[-10:5]
set output 'f7.png'
plot f7(x)

Function 8
( ) ( ) , -2 < x < 2
Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function8(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set xrange[-2:2]
set output 'f8.png'
plot f8(x)

Function 9
( ) √ [ ]

Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function9(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
set xrange[-1:1]
set output 'f9.png'
plot f9(x)
Function 10
( )

Instructions Graphics
Python code
import math

def function10(x):
return f

Gnuplot commands
f10(x)=2.71**x- x**3
set xrange[-3:5]
set output 'f10.png'
plot f10(x)

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