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Pharmacokinetics of induced steroids in fish

(Dexamethasone and Prednisolone)


Haematology and serum biochemical study may provide valuable information about the physical
condition of individuals, making them a useful tool to differentiate healthy animals from affected
animals. In the present study, we observed haematological parameters (RBCs & WBCs count,
HGB, PCV% and MCV) and clinical biochemistry parameters (albumin, total protein, urea, uric
acid, cholesterol, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), aspartate aminotransferase
(ASAT) and creatine kinase).

We aimed to analyze pharmacokinetics of Prednisolone and Dexamethasone at normal

therapeutic doses. Total 42 Rohu (Labeorohita) (n=42) were divided into 3 groups kept in 3
aquariums, 14 fish were kept in each. Every group from these three was further divided into two
sub groups. One group from each sub group was kept for 10 days and other was for 20 days.
Two sub groups were kept as control and other four groups were treated with two steroids i.e.
Dexamethasone and Prednisolone. Dosage of steroids was given according to body weight i.e. in
the injection form.0.8 ml of prednisolone (diluted in distilled water in which 0.1 ml was
Prednisolone injection and remaining was distilled water) 0.5 ml of Dexamethasone was given to
fishes once a day for 10 days and 20 days.

Analysis of data reveals that Steroids (Prednisolone and Dexamethasone) had acute effects on
Rohu Fish haematological parameters. The haematological effects showed changes in RBCs
count and WBCs count, PCV%, HGB and MCV but prednisolone have no effect on
hematological parameters.

Serum biochemistry results revealed that there is significant effect of dexamethasone on different
organs like heart, liver and kidney due to changes in CK-NAC, total protein, albumin level, and
liver enzymes while prednisolone only effect total protein and albumin level in blood

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