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Do 1 REAR A WALTZ? Muste by Richard Rodgers Tyrie by Stephen Sondheta ook by Arthur Aasptation of book and additional Iyries by Jerry be ation ty based on characterizarions and script, Arthur Taurent's play; "he Time of the Cuckoo" cite: the garden of the Pensions Fioria, Venice, MUSICAL NUMBERS act Scene 1 "SOMEONE WOKE UP" "THIS HER AMERICANS" "PLANE, SONG” "HERE, WE ARE_ACALN" Reprise; "SOMEONE WOKE UP" scene 2 "SOMEONE LIKE YOU" BAROATNING? "TRINKING” Reprise: "HERE WE ARE ACAIN" SCENE 3 "NO UNDERSTAND” Reprise: "HERE WE ARE ACATS' TAKE, HE MONEE" ner 2 sce 1 "MOON TN ¥r wDOW" SCENE 2 “WE'RE GONNA AE, ALL RECHT" 10 T REAR A WALTZ?" star" scm 3 "PERFECTLY LOVELY court TRopetae:"N0. UNDERSTAND” (Leona's cry) Reprise:"STAY" Sceue & "LAST WARK AGRICANS” Trepetae: DO 1 HEAR A WALTZ? rant YOU $0 MUCH” Laurenes Kearns of ean. Pages 1 45 T19 115 15 a2 24-25 27-28 29-40 35-39 33 42-63 4406 50-82 55-55 57 56-61 a-65 6 6 n n ‘the sustcal DO T HEAR A WALTZ? was produced by Richard Rodgers in 1963. Te ts based on the Arthur Taurents play THE TIME OF [ME CUCKOO, which opened in New York City, October 15, 1952, ‘me cast LEONA SAMTSH., ..Widdle aged American vonan, working secretary, Unmarried “and touring Hurope for the first tine, STGWORA FIORTA,, .Practical Ttaltan woman, widowed and owner of hher own pensione in Venice, EDDIE YABGHR, American artist in his late 20's, Living in Rone but vacationing with he wife in Venice, JENNTFER YAEGER, ..Ateractive young woman vho has been married to Ther second husband for three years and insecure. DITH MCTLHENAY, ..A poattive Anertean woman in her 50's with @ ‘conservative outlook on life enjoying her Buropean tour. LIDYD MeTLHEWNY. ..Good husband and middte foreign culture class provider experiencing ‘for the firet tine in his Life. RENATO DI ROSST, .Middlewaged husband and good father vho owns ‘2 gift shop in Venice but seeks romantic love outside hie fantly. VITO DE R0SSI...A seventeen yoar old hoy who works in his father's Venetian gift shop, the messenger. GIOVANNA..-A matd at the pensione who understands and spesks very Little English, but has « good sense of humor. AUFREDO....A gondolter and Glovanna’ lover. VICTORTA HASLAM and FRIEND ,.,an English couple coming to stay st ‘the Pensione Floria, ‘The setting 12 the garden of the Fenstone Hioria, a Quiot oasis in the middle of Venice, Ttaly. ordered Sy a canal and one of the eity's many bridges provid~ dng access, there ea private world where a practical wonan dlepenses weleones and visdon. The tine ts the 1950's, when Couriete returned to Hurope after World var 11 Leow: Front: OT BEAR A WALTZ? ACT I~ Seene 1 (1m Venice, Italy, one late afternoon, on a small canal bridge, vepstage of the courtyard of the Pensfone Pioria, LEONA appears and sings.) SOMEONE WOKE, UP ONE INCREDIBLE DAY HAD AN IDEA AND WAS PROMPTED TO SAY LET'S BUILD A CITY, WHERE SHOULD rT RE? WOW ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THAT SEA?" SOMEONE SPILT COLORS ALL OVER THE PAGE. WHAT THEY BUILT STILL ASTONISHES BY.. [BRING UNIQUELY AQUATIC, EXOTIC, ENTICING. ..cHAOTIC. .. [ENCACTNG...17"S MAKING. ..wE CRY. (enters from ‘pensione) Buona Sera, Signorina. Cone ata? Just wonderful. Here two days end I've fallen in love. vith Venice SOME PEOPLE CRE AT VIENNA OR ROME. VENICE WAS MY CHOICE ¥OR VENTURE PROM HONE, HERE THERE'S GLASS THAT DAZZLES THE EYE. TUMPTING THE TOURIST TO . BARGAIN, ,,AND BUY. ‘A beautiful goblet in a window display winked at me. Have you purchased a souvenir already Mise Santsh? Already, Eighteenth century Venetian glaes, cookie. A delicate rose color with gold filigree. But the only one left, dam it. Y found it 4n a lovely Little ehop...Di Rose's gif... An, yos. Signor Di Rossi can be very pereuasive. es. doateat? He promised to look'for satching goblet, Which was a alee surprise. SOM PEOPLE CRY MIEN THEY'AR CAMISIT RY strePRIsE. SOME PEOPLE Cer WHEN THEY'RE SAYING GOODBYES. SOME CRY AT WEDDINGS, SOME AE THE HOON. CRIED PROMPTLY JUST BEFORE HOON. SOM; PEOPLE CRY WHEN THY SHE THEIR OLD PALS. Me, THA SUCKER FOR CHIMES AND CANALS. SEE I'M THRELLED BY A CONBOLA AIDE AND BY PIAZZA SAK MARCO WINGED LIONS, PUCCINI, THE DOGE'S PALAZZO. MWAT'S WHERE'T SPILLED'Mr GELATO AND CRIED. rroRtA Lowa EnpTE: FoRta: © Leow: enor: oma tot: pow: JENNIFER: pM FEMNTFER zowa: penne epte: JENNTFER: eowa: & (EDDIE apvears in pensions doarvay and overhears conversation.) Um sorry you lost your gelato...bai glad you Found your tay back to the pensione, Sone of ny guests get Lost da our maze of walkways. Ventee ts amazing. But after +o wrong turns...T have returned, Congratulations, We're 2 few bridges avay from the tourist track. Stgnorina Samish, have you not Me. Héward Yeager? tiayn't had the pleasure. Amerdean? (eins) St. Don't worry; there are sone Italians here. hy T Ltke Anerteans! (A very pretey American girl appears in the Joorvay ‘and comes into the garden.) ‘This week, that 19 all I have. This ds Jennifer Yeager. Steter or wife? Guess. ou. 1 wife, coreect! ( To EDDIE) Talght have known. You're too attractive. (To FIORIA) In Anerica, signora, all the attractive nen fare either narried or not interested, Or both. (To JENNIFER) You did ell, cookie. But so did he. You're ‘2 very pretty girl. e's afce fo hear that from a woman for a change. "Specially. over here. We've been Living in Rone for almost a year. ‘Than he cama ta Yonica on hntfday, meats ne —- and now he calles DF nolan back to Aneriea. You're not the reason, Anyway, he's not going back. “Wy nother Lives ehers, Look, 1 nead to stash sone of this tourists gear, and then T want to share something with you, It'll only take a minute. LTENNTFER 3 Well, actually =~ EDDIE: We have tine, Jennifer. LROWA: Oh, good! You won't go avay now? wore: Noe EOWA: You promisot EDDIE: We" Ll be here. EOWA: TTT he Tees than a minute. (Lnowa'starts to extt..then dares back to FIORIA.) Clovenna has everthing realy? PIORIA: everythings ready and watting..,.even Giovanna. UnoWa: —craete. (As LEOVA turns to extt, Me, sad ee. Herthenay enter) FIORTA: Prero. orp: auona sera. LEONA: Buona sera to you and don't leave, I'm coming right back wich asurprise! (And she exfee) PIORIA: That was Mies Samtah, Thia fx Mr. and Mea. Yeager ~~ Me. and Mr Me -- Tam afraid T cannot pronounce t. Liv: Netthenny. EDDIE 6 JENNIFER: Hello, OW: Actually, the derivation is kind of fascinating. (To FIORIA)” There's even an Ttalian Equivalent of EDITH: Lloyd , dear! (To the OTHERS ) I've been waiting 37 years to find sonething that doasn’t fascinate him. JEMUIFER: T think that's Just marvelous at his age! Lore: Thank you. FIONA: In Italy, age 4a an asset. That {9 vty ve Ttalians éo not worry eorr: FrORTA: orp 6 EDT: Ye: about our husbands ae ve grow older. Where ts your husband, Stgnora? Dead! Killed in the war. Te this your first tine in Venice? EppTE: JENNIFER, poote: ow: uo: EDIT: tor: sorta: wom: JENNIFER: ior: orm: uot: TORU “JENNIFER: FIORIA: pote: ronrA: ours too. But ve Live in Rome. My husband's a painter. Tm a comercial artist, But ke many painters century, I've cone het to exerte, culture that prodyeed ite Well, we're just on a travel tour, with a planned itinerary, (Taking out paper) Thie wan today, since the 17th the art of taly and the "GAM; Breakfast. 9: Doge's Palace and Bridge of oighs. 10 AM; Sam Marco Cathedral; 10;30 to 12:30 TA. f Whats TA. 7 Independent activity. Wo have two hours of i¢ every day, That's when T make hin g0 shopping, It's our firet trip abroad you see, Lloyd Retired this year so we decided to have our littie fling while ve still ean, For Pete's sake Batth, England, France, Switzerland and now Italy. The tour has been hecete at tines. ut we've managed to stay on our feet. ind te'e cheap. \ Well here's’ s'Little tip, 'Relax while you view #11 the | wonderful art, | If T have to look at one sore painting... teya, (fo FIORIA) No disrespect intended ma'am, but to ne Venice fe fuse Land Park on waters Bravo. Only you people are so frank, so open ~— and so ready for everything. ("The last phrase spoken to Eddie.) What ie Eddie so ready fort T meant all you Asericans, Ulove having you here. Don't you say that to everybody? WO, This 4s the firet tine I have said that all summer. Sings: LAST WEEK THR GERMANS YOU CAN EREP THE CERWNS. ALHAYS CHEAP THE CERVANS, EVEN ON A TRIP. SWEET .. NOT THE GERIUNS, SWEAT ALOT, THE GERIANS. ‘PULL OF SMILES, THE GERMANS,. DON'T EXPECT A TIP, BUT THIS WEEK AMERICANS, OPEX-ARMED AMERICANS. 1 AM CHARMED AMERICANS, WELCoWe,, whucotE, WELCOME! LOVE AMERICANS, THE PLEASURE TS MINE! REMEMBER: NO BREAKPAST AFTER ALP PAST NINE. NEXT MEEK THE ENGLISH, YOU SHOULD SEE THE ENGLISH, ALL, THAT TEA THE ENGLISH, ( THIRSTY 1 SUPPOSE). oop ECGS THE ENGLISH ROTTEN LEGS THE ENGLISH. ALL THOSE TRETH THE ENGLISH. . ROWS AND ROWS AND ROWS! BUT THIS WEEK AUERICANS, MORE THAN KIND. AMERICANS, MUCH-MALIGNED AMERICANS, WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME T LOVE AMERICANS” AND ME HOME TS YOURS! T CAN'T BE RESPONSIBLE, SO LOCK YOUR DooRS. ‘THEN COME PARISTANS, FULL OF FOOD PARISTANS, ALWAYS. RUDE PARTSTANS LBVERY ONE A. SNEAK. PERFUMED PARISIANS (OVERGROOMED PARISTANS MIDDLE CLASS PARISIANS PAR MORE CHEEK THAN CHIC. BUT THIS WEEK AMERICANS (GENEROUS AMERICANS NEVER ~FUSS_ AMERICANS WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME, THANK YOU , AMERICANS FOR’ COMING 70 STAY. ( To GIOVANKA who 19 about to serve cheese) "Giovanna! Cretina? Tl formagsio ¢ per quests sera Ahanno gia pagato. Portalo via, stupida e vattene,”” HOW CHARMING MY GUESTS ARE FROM THE U. 5. As. NO ALCOHOLIC swEDES,, NO DOUBLE-DEALING RUSSIANS, AND THEIR DEAFENING DISCUSSIONS. NO ARCISSISTIC GREEKS (THEY'RE WORSE THAN THE_XTALTANS) WITH OVERBLOWN PirystquEs AND ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALL.TONS, No MILLTONATRE. BRAZILIANS WHO SOMEHOW NEVER PAY. . T MUCH PREFER THR MILLTONS FROM THE U.S. A. (And she exits into pensione.) tayo: epETH: pr: aor: oro: eprT: ert: upowa: uy: nova: JENNIFER: powas epole: Lpowa: JENNIFER: ‘unowa: erm: JFENNTFER: eDpte: SeNNEFER: aoa: (iho has been search sing his pockets) 08 Cod! act ‘The wales. Hoya, walt! Today was wy day to carry tt, Om, thank heavens! We'd better get to that tratterrta while we can ee{ll pay. ‘Teattorta dear! (THEY have started out but nov LEONA, her dress changed, shoulder bag in place, rushes out) vate! (Calting) Clovanna. (GOVAN Fvervbady sgt'a to have a veal ereat...oa me. Mareintst wate wate! On, Loyd. ¢ wisefetly) A girl after ay ovn heart. Mise Sasish, martinis have boon giving our budget a deficit. We thank (To Metthennye) Have a aeat. Yoagers? We should be on our way, Oh, don't go yet. Please. We can have one here, Jen. You ean have two aptec you know. Tin a professional bartender, Mot really! Well, rently tm a classy secretary. Hanoy to aey we've moving up cookie, In the old daya, it vas: How good 1s your shorthand? Today, te's "how dry 16 your martini?" Darling darting ary martinis. I really prefer uhiskey sours Drink what the lady 10 serving. Okay, (Downs her drink in one gulp) Can ve £0 now? (ashing over with the pitcher ) oh, he hasn't fintehed his, cookte, Keep him compeny. enters pusiving bar cart.) uo: worn: ona: mona: orm: rona: (Haing ) fateh, h Loyd, 1 vant to make tt tase. (dashing back t0 thes) Let a2 holp you. (Referring to the martini ) Tt's really a work of are. oraste. ow this kind of art I Like. T'11 bet you thought you had your 1ast good one on the boat. T wish we had...but we flew. So dia I, Like £22 Hated ie. So aid 1. (Sings) LLovD THLLS om... NEVER GO BY PLANE, 1 Te, Loto LYING 15 INSANE, EDITH: ME AGREE. WE WOULD RATHER DIE. ‘WE SEE A BROCHURE AND STON POR A TOUR AND WHAT 00 WE Do? we FLY, X think tt takes longer to get on the plane and off the runvay, than £t doss to get to Europe. EDIT: XT STARTS THR MINUTE YOU CHECK TM... DEDARTURE TIME 13. AP HOON. ‘A CUP OF TEA AND A SCHNECKEN AND QUICK! IT'S LEAVING Soow! ORE O'CLOCK AND yoU'RE AT THE GATE, ‘TWO O'CLOCK AND THE FLIGHE'S STILL LATE. . WIEN YOU FINALLY LEAVE, IT’S ztauT, ‘AND WHAT DO WE DO? WE'PLY, TLOYD: ME FLY... EDITH: UAT DO WE DO? wR PLR? Lowa: Hay a dividend? EDITH: IIL force ayselé. TLOWD: Honey have we tine! We really ought to 90..+ worm: JTENNTFER: snore: uy: teow: Then tuo8 (emTFER starts to 1 1 HATH PLANES. OWA: 1 AGREE, SYTTING THREE ABREAST YOU'RE LIKE MATE PLaves... NEVER GET A REST (to Lloyd ) WHAT ABOUT TOU? T WATE EVERY SINGLE one: {THE CROSSING KAS ROUGH, WHICH WASN'T ENOUGH, ‘THE FUN HADN'T YET BEGUN? you didn't have a cute steward on bosri selling Little hotties of booze. ‘THE SEAT WAS THROWING 1 BACK OUT DUT THERE T WAS WITH A 200K, ‘REN SUDDENLY THERE'S A BLACKOUT AND EVERYWHERE T LOOK IS A CLOSEUP OF DORTS DAY NINETY MINUTES OP DORIS DAY, ‘THERE WAS NOTHING 70 DO BUP'PRAY. . AND How Do WE CO? WE PLY! var HOW DO WE GO? WE FLY! fe, but LEONA, noticing, pours her a drink) JENVIFER: My sother won't even get off the ground. AMIE: Without her brooa. uw 6 ern SEMUIFER 2 1 WATE PLANES... Lmowa: 1 AGREE. Most OF ALL THE SowND YOU'RE LIKE ME RATE PLANT vmeee's YouR exer Hv ON Tax GKOUND (To JENIFER). WHAT D0 YoU THINK? cane STAWD PLANES. T HATE, EVEN MORE THAN THOSE, ‘Tue KIS IN THR AISLE SURROUNDING YOU WHILE THEIR PARENTS PRETEND 10 Doze. LEONA: don't think alrlines allow babies unleas they promise to cry. JENNIE! eoore: LEONA: Ah fe" Lior, eorTe & SRUEFER: ont ow! Eres & JERNTFER pre: ert: oh? THE KID I NOTICED THE FIRST WAS THE ONE MAO STOOD ON Mr FEET. ‘THE KID T RATED THE WORST WAS THE ONE WHO KICKED MY SEAT. THERE WAS ONE ON THE LEFT HO BIT THERE WAS OWE ON THE aXCHT wilO SPrT, WERE WAS ONE TN THE BACK T HIT, BUT WHAT DID WE DO?) WE FLEW? EEL WHAT DID WE DO? WE FLEW! ‘Oh I really couldn't have another. only water, HHPAB! O.K. 1 WATE: PLES... LEONA: 1 AGREE, NEVER CAN ADAPT. YOU'RE LIKE ME, HATE PLANES, , 1M THAT War ALHAYS FEEL, I'M TRAPPED (To mDDTE ) WHAT DO YoU SAY? CAN'T STAND PLANES, I MATE MOST OF ALL THE CHOW. To KNOW WHAT IS WAT Is DIFFICULT, BUT THINK T'VE' DISCOVERED HOW, BDDTE: You are Just about to fall asleep whon they shove a tray at you... EDIT: That ts 90 Erue. pte: THE SHINY STUFF 18 TOMATOES, THE SALAD LIES IM A GROUP, TUE PASTEY STUFF IS POTATORS, ‘TRE STUFF THAT MOVES IS SOUP, ANYTHING THAT IS SHITE 15 SWEET ‘AWTHING THAT TS BLDE, DON'T EAT... BUT WHAT DO We Do? WH FLY. wav? wWiaT DO WE D0? WE FLY! ( Spoken ) Why do we do te? Tean renenber Crosaing the channel Wate Chl T tell you ss ‘YOU won't believe ft 11. TLL have another... aut torn: Lowa: orn: Lowa: SeNTFER: row: nore: sore: eowa pte: SERNTFER: pore: JONNTRER: ‘ueowa: EorR: eoxa: 10 YOU'RE ZOOMING UP LIKE A COMET ‘YOUR FARS ARE STARTING 70 RING ‘YOUR NEIGHBOR'S STARTING TO OMIT ‘DIERE'S ICE ALONG THE WING, AS YOU WATT FOR YOUR PALMS’ 70 DRY ‘YoU CAN SHR YOUR WIOLE LIFE FLASH BY AND THEY TELL YOU 17'S FIM TO Fut! ‘YOUR CHANCE OF SURVEVAL'S SO REMOTE... ‘YOU'RE PAR BETFER OFF TO CUT YOUR THROAT [RUT WHO KAS THE TIME 10 TAKE A BOAT? $0 WHAT DO WE DO? WE FLY! Now ve really do need to 0, one nore for the canal! ne nore and T'11 be dn the canal, But T can't leave without nore powder on ay nose. (EDITH exits into pensione) ‘The martinis were great. Crazfe tanto, (Follows EDITH) Prego! (To EDDIE) Hoy! Ts that right? t's used for so many things T figure vhen in doubt, say Prego. (To JBN) Another for you? Leona, ve Just can't. e's coster with Just us. We're really late now and Harry's Bar 4a not nearby. Prego? Pretty Prezo? You're a great bartender, Thank you, (TEAGHR'S nove toward bridge.) Jdaytine. We're open all aight. Say. My book says Harry's Bar Sa'a nuat, Would dt be all right 1€ T'valked over with you? of course. } (Taking her bag) T always buy my guides dinner. Well, we're meeting sone friends, He's a Count! He's also another eteugeling artist hat ve're going to dinner with ther and maybe Later, hopefully do sone dancing at th LID. on, sure, ive ue a rain check? Of course. Well, buona sera, Or do you say "Ciao?" note: You say “efao" to family or close friends. Otherwise "buona seta” ...or "aeriverderet.” LRONA: —Arriverderet, signor, Arriverderci, sfgnora, BODTE § JENIFER: Arrtverdered. (They exit over bridze.) (Bells china, Off stage, ALFREDO softly calls..) ALFREDO: Gondola? BODIE: ton quocta aera, Alfredo. Hon fortunate, *ef Hiss incre Goforth (LRONA takos canera from her bag and snaps picture of Fondolaa off stare, and returns to garden to pour herself another drink, A young couple enters and crosses bridge. Alfredo appears and speaks to then.) Gondola? ‘YOUNG MAN: Eun po presto. Forse pity tarde. 6 (\ftar watching the young couple, she seats to her lass) Clee cooks (PIORIA enters with snacks, Hopefully unseen by FTORTA, GTOVAWA follows and runs to ALFREDO aow standing near bridge.) enw RIORTA: Mlae Samish. ‘LEONA: Oh, I'm Leona. PIORIA: Leona. oma: wrowra: 4 Little something to go with your martin. ow do you say. a nibble? .,..or nosh? LEONA: Finger food, Unsmmm. PIORIA: There will be antipasto Later, T thought you might Like to shave dinner out here. LEONA: Oh, yoo! TE 4 dan’e Coo auch erouble for Gtovanna. FIORIA: Not at all. Just doa't let her rush you. FIORIA: (Gathering up glasses) She ts slow only until the evening. She has a gondolier friend...Alfredo. ALL day long she 1s, serely recuperating fron the night before, LEOKA: should be so sick! (FTORIA erits into the penstone} (A young vonin enters on, bridge singing: Ia 1a 1s 1a 1a. ‘A young man follows whistling the sane phrase, beginning HERE UE ARE AGAIN". ALFREDO and GTOVANA cater and joln 4n on the harmony. FIORIA enters from pension.) ALFREDO: Buona sera, Flori FIORIA: Buona sera, Alfredo. (Young couples continue singing) Getage) Ost SunDeN TH FALL OF RURNTHE THE SOPT SEDUCTIVE LIGHT ‘THe JOINMNG OP HANDS AT EVENING AVTICIPATES THE NIGHT. (to Leon) 1S TT WELL WEE Your LEONA: Qh, yee. (Orchestra and young people sing La La's and flirt. EDITH AND LLOYD enter from pensfone observing the ‘young couples.) ALFREDO: Buona gora. (To MeTLHENNTS) EDITH: Buona eera. (See LLOYD continuing to stare at couple) Ura! (oinge) YOUNG LOVERS COME OUT AT EVRITNG 30 PRINP AND PREEN Aso FUSS LLOYD: YOUNG LOVERS COME OUD AT EVENING EDIT & LLOYD: RENTNDING US OF US. PIORIA: 8 TT WELL, WITH YoU? ERITH: Lovely. Lown! The weather's great for August. rons ‘The surrounding sea heloe to keep us cool. Gen T tenpe you with appetizer? oto: sure. EDIT: Just a nfbble oF two would be atce, Grchestra continues vamp £11 LEONA's varse snien aie sings to hey gin bottle.) LEONA: HERE WE ARE AGAIN... PRAISING PRETTY WEATHER. WATCMING PRETTY PEOPLE. ..COLY CLOSE TOGETHER, THEY DOM'T HAVE TO SAY MUCHWHEN ARMS ARE. ALL ENTWINED. ‘THAT'S THE KIND OF COZY CLOSENESS...1 HAVE YET 10 FIND. HERE WE ARE AGAIN. WHAT'LL WE. DO LATER? BE LINE PRETTY PEOPLE, BE MORE THAN SPECTATOR? PRETTY PEOPLE, TWO BY 1W0, THAT'S AS TT OUGHT TO BE. AND BERE WE ARE AS USUAL. .CILBEY"S AND HE. SS FroRIA: cals to GtOFRA) Glovanna? (GTOVANA returns co Kitchen, AT game Line Me. Tihenays stroll out to Bridge. TLOPD adairing CIOVAMNA aa they worm GOK at THE EvEnENC oto: YeAM, 11'S Loveyy NDITH: —-BEAUTEFUL, EVENING EDIT: HOW T LOVE EVENING Luorp: 1 suppose so worm DON'T YoU LOVE EVENING? LOYD: —yowEy PLEASE, Chey extt over bridge) Lzoxa: FroRIA: ‘upon: ProrrA: LeowA: ProRIA: Torta: Leow: ProRTA: Lowa: Stgora, in a penstong, doesn't everyone have thefr meals fa? Most prefer deaf-pensione, so they can have lunch or dinner out. Usually dinner, There 18 a popular cafe nearby that visitors ‘enjoy Since they offer a menu of-- romantic gondola rides as well. ae delicious ravioli, We often hear the gondoliere entertaining. on ye Tonight, unfortuanately, T ayself am dining with an old friend. A diplonat io your governaent « Now don't you worry atout me, Signora. I do fine on ay own. Tike this trip, Ivae auorosed to take {¢ with ay two best friends. Aedrean couple! Then at the Last sinute, they had to cancel but that didn'e stop ne! I'm here and I'm going to see it all! After dinner, t's going to take in the band concert in the pdazes. Unfortunately, chere is no concert tonight. Oh, Mell, then 111 takes tour in 2 gondola, Oh, Miss Sanish, don't cake a gondola alone at aight. Is te dangerous? No, but @ gondola at atghe 2 for «..ahhh ...(Seeks for a word) (Laughs) 0 am Tr. ProRIA: ona. Frorta: ova: FroRTA: pom. rota: ona crovasnar Torta: ‘crovastia: Proata: Eom: Froeta: ueowa: FroRTA: (20UA picks up gin bottle) CéIbey, M4 thn ts. (CTOVAMA shuffles out of pensione with place setting Nate, and antipasto and sets supper table for LEONA) On the plane, T mer another American girt who was waiting. For whae? She wae coming to Europe to find something. Past seeing places and geteing culture...buying perfume cheap snd Lottins loose the vay you can when you're saonyacus She was hootne to experiences mv hae? A wonderful aystieal nagiesl miracle. on. Thats Grazie, Cfovanna. (LEONA returns to table) sera. (Indteating divty glasses on bar cart) Glovanna, Lave quests Mechiere, f per favore, sta gintéle # la signorina, Ma naturalmente! (She pushes bar eart {nto the penstone) (To LHOKA who de eating anttpasto) T's afraid her Hnglish t# not se good! Mr. Ya: Don't vorry, T have ay dictionary. We can always speak TeaLtano. Tguess you have £050. Yes, Would you Like to Join us? comany. T'IL gat all I need from Giovanna. (PTORTA exits upstage and orchestra begins vamp fentro for another verse of "ere Ue Are Ageia”) ‘LEOVA: HERE WR ARE AGATE LAE. AND NF MARTIN [EATING ANTTPASTO eoxcrng Po twee OR DESSERT. ..SOME BEEFCARE S02. EAGER WOLINITEER aN TTALTAN STALLION 0 VILL..HIRE A GOMOLEER. you are wicked tonight: (LHOWA sees GTOVANYA bringing her dinner) Sober up cookie, t's supper tine, GTOVANNA: Molto bells aub? (Indteating surrounding ecene) LEONA: St. Molto bella. GIOVANNAr Venezia © polto bella. LROWA: Oh, i! Venezia ¢ molto bella, Alfredo e nolto bello. GrOvANNA: ah. 1. Renare Le gondole 1o tiene forte e buona forsa, ‘Gants bene © le piace dotrattenere 1 turieti per le nance, Spesso ha bisogno di lavorare dopo i1 trasonto ma vale 1n"pena aspettarlo- (Chines ring indicating tt's tine to meet Alfrodo. GIOVANA nervously indicates ahe Ls anxious to Leave and begins removing apron.) 00000008! LEONA: Oh...go on cookle, I can clear the table. CIOVANNA: Gratzia, Buona notte, signorina. (Zakes apron into pensione and then rons to ALFREDO.) LEONA: Buona notte Giovanna. COEF stage call of Gondola. gondola ‘more chines, Muste vamp begins.) THERE WE ARE AGATS TIME Now SEEMS 70 LINCER CHIMES RING ON THE HOUR No RING ON THIS FINGER PRETTY PEOPLE , THO BY TWO DO AS.THEY'VE ALMAYS DONE AND HERE I AX,. AS USUAL ...ONE BY ONE. thes ‘Two couples walk over betdge and exit toward gondola pier ‘softly singing La UA LALA TA's to conclude the scene as ‘LEONA takes a bite of food.. opens guide book and being to read. Lights din to fade out. Recorded voice of LEON sings reprise of "sowmone WOKE UP" melody whtle stage 13 set for next scone and iso gives tine for costume change.) CHURCHES, NUSEUMS AND PALAZZOS TO SEE PROBLEMS OF DRAINAGE: SHE SEWERS, PAGE THREE USEFUL ADDRESSES: ::SPECIAL EVENTS ‘VENICE 18 GRADUALY SINKING, SER NOTE VISIT THE HOUSE MHERE LORD "BYRON ONCE WROTE. SRE THE LUDO APTER IT GETS DARK SUT TU THE PIAZZA SAN MARCO FOR SHOPPING ‘THE COLORFUL ALLEYS AROUND THE ATALTO CONTAIN MANY CHARMING BOUTIQUES. ACh SCPNR 2 Early afternoon che next aay. (e0dte 4s on lowage and JEWNTFFR enters from nensione carrying # glass.) seerTe sore: eee: nore sexs: pore seer epore revere: pore: srmeWTE epore: smerte: enore: ENTE: ‘spore: could tt be vou drank » wee bit too much Lage nishe? tery cell of my tody 4 Indlentine that Tehink comtae to Yerce has helped. Herpes shine? bs. Our, coanetsbilter T ish that were betters know Tm not the brightest pensy in zhe purse. I'm alow to learn. T never andes. everyone back hone aid. We're not hone, ind wetze pot going hone, I'm lesening to Like Tealy, Te really {ie xonanete.. Lite your posters say, ond...Rddie, I love you. AL T vant is for you to be hapyy and to love ne. Le Tell ne. 1 love you! ‘that you're in love with me. (aranattealty) Jen...T'm fe Love vith you. mat"s Just your hengover talking. (GeNSEFER ett gos Tomge with BOOTED (chanting timelessly) oh honey we'll be fine, Indeed, ve'21 be finew Oh honey, we'll be fine. (EDDIE takes JHVWIFER’s hand and holds {t. she Teans back om ‘hin, and with closed eyes they seek the sun.) rosa: seme: oma spore: Lowa: esr rors: sewers, emote: srinere + LEONA: senate: LEowa: pore: unowa: EDDIE: TENE 2 /e caetinwsd rey a end enters cots fer Anto ganden with bany cane ca enedcneical tothe one #he'had the day befOre=) Baking out all the infquities? Ha. Say. T havetae gotten a pice oF you tea yet oh no! (FRDIE tries to eit up, There's a brief avivard pause.) (Pureing packages down) Be a apart. I could use a little eheese-cake between churches. Cone on honey. T hate this. T dove te Peacock th buh. You'll have to get close. My camera hag a small ey (LEPRA takes vhoto of table where she lee hag and ackae couste and return 9 the > You were up early this morning, Sa you leaving. Girl tourist. (lolding up guide book) I'm attempting to zip through the six-day tour ia three and a half. Why the rush? Tive got to be back in the salt mines around Labor Day. ‘And I should see Rone. Why? Do dou Like ruins? Plekpockote? Traffie Jane? Maybe there's soncone in Roe she wants to see, LHOWA: Te!s a Dig ctty, there should be. When T vas a kid T used to wish on the goon for ehings. JENNIE: Treetl1 do. Leow: Any Luck? ANTE: looks at EDDIE) Un-huh. EDDIE: Oh for Pete's sake Edith. See you later. (Exits into pensione.) (POA nature to her package wlth goblet.) thinking about giving the stare ay business. JENNIE: what'd you buy? WONA: A mate for that glass goblet I got yesterday at Di Rossi's, JENIE: pt Rossi's Gifts and Antiques? LEONA: Wawrapping goblet) Tes. JEMITE: Wasn't he nice to find another one. UOWA: Yes, but he wasn’t there, T sav hin in the piazza last night thotigh. We nodded, exchanged glances, that's all. JENNIE: Ton't {€ dreasy, (holding goblet) LEONA: Eighteenth Century. JENUTE: Wore they terribly expensive? LEONA: Daly 2000 Lta each. eB: “How meh Xs that In real money? Tm att not too good with che Era THOWA: Mout Sys Duches Tem" that amazing. DEE calls co JENIFER.) EDDIE: Jennie. JEMITE: Lucky Leona, T better go check on Eddie, e's not as happy as he was last night, (ROTTER hands goblige back to LEONA and exits Into peaaione.) (Dt Sosai crosses bridge and comes Into garden) Weona atarte co rewrap goblet. DE ROSSI: Good afternoon. LEDWA: (startled) Oh. Hello there. DE ROSSI: Helle fenozine! LROWA: You played hooky this sorntng. br nosst: 1 ber your pardon. LEONA: I bought this at your shop, Didnt your youns asstetant tel1 you? DE ROSSI: Yes, LEOWA: He was very kind, And very cute. DE ROSSI: te 40 ay ntece, LeowA: Laughs) Your nephew, DT ROSSE: (Laugha) on ye Something happens. Nephew. Just when I thisk T speak English EOWA: Shall T call someone for you? DI ROSSI: No, thank you. cane to see you, LEONA: Oh. Oh, You found some more of thowe glasses. DI ROSSI: Unfortunately no. But perhaps there is something find for you. joe T can LEONA: You don"t happen to know @ good black market tn aoney? DI ROSST: ‘The best. And very legitinate. (Leona laughs) But that's jasy. Give ne something d4tétcult. Leow Why? DT ROSSI: $0 T ean do ft for you. LNOWA! Tawa been trying co Find some garners. DE ROSSI: Garnet? LeOwA: They're Jevelry, Dark red stones. DE ROSST: Robes. LEONA: Wot on ny salary, Carmets, Carnets. DE ROSSI: (sadly) T'm sorry, no.captsco. LHOWA: Garnets are a semi-precious stone, 11ke topaze. But small and red. DE ROSST: Ah. .aranate. Leow (Shaking nde hand) we dtd Ae DI ROSSI: Yost, There are aot many garnet dn Venice any sore. but ve will Look. emu: tonte go £0 any eroube DT ROSSH: Yor you 5 8 4a aot trouble. LeOsh: Signor OL Roast, why Gta you cone to s08 ae? DI ROSSI! Tt 49 only aatural. After all, you are not going to keep buying glasses every day. But why? Why? You knew T vould. T aid not! DI ROSST> LAsten. Two nights ano T an in piazza San Marco, You are in Piazza San Yarea. ie look! Next day you are in ay shon-adairine beautiful Venietay glass. While I wean the goblat for vou ve teal ahane eines made sn Tealy. You say oilers vou are aeaying, and how exciting and charming our city ts. Nolte bella. Leow: DT MSST: SE, molto bella. T understand you Jokes. He tele about Venice and thins that sttrace you tn my shop. Tut we are not talking about Shenae we? Nov” Soy Lane sieht, Y ann Piazza tan Mesos sees ‘You are in Piazea San Marco azain. vs fe LEONA: Half of Venice ts in Pazea San Marco again. DI ROSSI But Nalé of Venice 4a not dn ay shop thin morning oF T vould bea rich man! LEONA: T wanted a matehing soblet. DI -ROSST: And that’s all! LnowA: Thats allt DI ROSSI: There are shops all over Venice, Did you look in any of then for your goblet? LEOWA: No. DIROSST: ht . ‘unowa: Dr RoSst? anna: Dr nosst Leona: DE Rosst+ owas Dr Rost: Leon: pr nosst: uroka: DE Rossrs Lnowa: Dr sosst: eowas Dt sosst: 08a: Dr ROSst ona! Dr Rosst: noma: br nosst: But you said you would try to foil one for me. And that 4s why you cane back? Yea! Wo other reason? (shaking) I don't know what your expertence has been with American tourists... (turns avay) Hy expertence has been that tourists have more experience than T. Signor DiRonet, T'n not a 1ittle girl ina white dress, T coulda’ wear ubite to ay ova vedding, But I'm not sure abouts.++ hae? hy you want to see ney Recause vhon we spoke yesterday, T knew you vere stnpatica. You know wae ehat Tealinn wor! mess? Yes; Like a sfater to you. T have four atsters and T aa not looking for another! Oh. -sYou were vaking a joke. You nake many jokes, but Gnoide, T think you cry: (LEONA turns avay) But that {a nfce! ‘That 49 vy you are almatte (quietly) 'cane here to ask {f you would dome the honor of seeing me hfs evening. I would Like to take you to étaner but Teannot. Our family is very large. At a nice restaurant, T could not even pay for myself. Signor, I'm afraid you've uade a snail mistake. ny? shen T wae about az old three children to bring up. four nephew + Thea ‘vee? ves. ie fg Mee Santsh? It always hae been. An, T see. Well... T admire yo you knot, {Te 4s not a sin tn tealy A stat? Not 4f the children are baptized. Youre were, of course. LEONA: — Oh, mo, Look... DY ROSE: Perhaps you don't belleve in baption. Anyway, Tan not the Pope, LEOWA: They weren't my chtldren! They're my evo younger brothers and atstor. DE ROSSI: But..+.F thought you aid. LEONA: You decided they were wine, DI ROSSI: Vell, you seoned to have something to tell ae, so naturally Tehoughe .--+ LEONA: "Naturally" seems to cupgest only one thing in Venice! .... tevay Father died when T'vas 16. He didn’t leave anything because he never had anything. My other vas very sentimental Stx months later, she died. I had to grow up fast, to keep ny family together and support then. I stiI1 do.-Do you understand? DI ROSSI: Some words here and there, I may misa, But I méerstand. You say you are not rich and if that is why Lam here Tan snaking a mistake, You do not know me very vell, Sienorina, #0 you do not insult ne, But yourself, you know, don't yo LEONA: Very wel. DI ROSST: Then vty do you insult yourself? LEONA: (shaking her head) T don't know. You cane to see mess DI ROSSI: You cannot understand why. MEOH: Mos DI ROSST: Bocause you attract me, Why? Because ..-T Find you very spectate, (sings) I'VE WATTED FOR SOMEONE, ‘BUT SOMEHOW 1 NEVER HAD LOOKED FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOU. MY CHANCES WERE MANY ‘BUT T WAS TO CLEVER WANTED SOMEONE LIKE YoU. SUDDENLY THE DOOR WONDERFUL SURPRISEY BEFORE WY’ Eves. {THOUGHT THAT’ SURPRISES WERE_OVER POREVER AND THEN CAME SOMEONE LIKE YOU. LEONA: Are you always #0 poetic? DE ROSSI: I Atke to think so. You think Tan Just trying to chare you. ‘URONA: Yes as a matter of fact. DE ROSSI: t 9a. For 1: 4s too not enjoy stl wos Pe area front ace Canisca? You understand? SONEORE FOR ADORING. ‘YOU CAME AND SOMEHOW T KNEW, (OUR GLANCES EXPLORTKC, THPLYTNG, THPLORTNG FOR PLEASURES WE MIGHT PURSUE, AMOROUS RAPPORT, WONDERFUL SUPRISE, ONDERPUL. AD MORE, RERORF Mer EYES. T THOUGHT THAT SURPRISES WERE OVER FOREVER AND THEN CAME SOMEONE LIKE YoU, T came here to ask tf you vould do me the honor of seeing pe this evening. If you would like, we could have coffee together in the piazza, There 42 the concert tonight. AIL Puccini, Do you Like Puceini? LOW: Yee, DY ROSSI: Would you have coffee with me? teow DI ROSST & LEONA: THOUGHT THAT SURPRISES WERE OVER FOREVER ‘AND NOW, HERE'S SOMEONE LTKE YOU. (the MeTIhenay's appear on the bridge carrying bundles) uote: Tor Pete's ke Tatth, what's the big hurry? EDITH: (coming into the garder) Buon giorno, Signorina 5: Weve been shopping! orp: Let her guess, Hateh, LEORA: Thi te Stgnor DL Roi 4. Me, and Mea, MeTIhenay. EDITH: come ata, Signor? DE ROSSI: Nene, grazie, © Lei? EDITH: Bene grazie, DI ROSST® Non fa troppo caldo perlet, Stgnora? WITH: oh, dear! LoD: (Laughs) Serves you right. era: nova morta: ow: ent: owas erm: ona: sort noma: eptma: DE nosst Lior: prt: Dr Rost: Lowa: DI Rosst orm: pr Rosst: LEOWA: DE Rosse what'd you buy? Glass , glass, and wre glass. She even sent hone @ chandelier. We were taken to a place not far fron the cathedral Ohy T've got to show youl (starts to undo package) Now , raith. Dut they're 20 pretty, Lloyd. what are they? Venetian glasses, Don't bother to unwrap then. must show Just one. And you've got to go to this place. They have a blast furnace, and you sit right there and watch thom put stuff on long poles and presto chango! Clasa! And , auch colors, you have no....chere! (displaying goblet just like Leona’ s) Stunning. Odély enough, T vas looking for one Just Like tt. Ok, they"xe oly too happy to make thea for you, T bought half a dozen. If T may ask, Row much did you pay? ‘Too such. (eeturning the goblet co the box) Lloyd, you know I did extrenely vel. Thay wanted 2500 Lira apiece, but you never sive then Chey want. Beat them down every ..,0h! T'm torribly sorry. Yo, no, Ttaltans love to bargain. What did you pay finally? 2100 aptece. That's a fair price ten’ it? it's fate. And uhen argaining, what 1a the free question you ask? How mich? T suppose, ‘And vhon he Eells you how much, you pay. Right, rong. Dr Rost? (sings) YOU SAY You AREN'T sons: XOU LOOK, YoU HANDLE, YOU WANDER, YOU FROW. YOU WEL, OW WHAT 1S” P00R 700 RIG, 100 LITTLE, 100 ORANGE, 100 sROW, ‘YOU TELL WIM TeAT YOU THINK YOU’ SEE A CRACK NE TELLS YOU IT 19 JST THE OLD SHELLAC. ‘YOU SAY YOU SAM A BETTER ONE, IW ROMA UETK BEFORE YE SAYS THAT IF YoU DID, If MUST HAVE COST A ‘THOUSAND MORE. ‘you sav, "Too Rococo” RE SAYS) "SHALL T MRAP IT?" Your "is 11 REAL VENETEAR?" HE: "L CAN GUARANTEE 11," EDITH: LET ME SUR SOME OTHERS, PLEASE, DY ROSSI: MADAM, ALL WE HAVE ARE IESE. MMOYD: MAY T USE A CHECK To PAY? DE ROSS: YES STR, ANrTHING You SAY. erTa: WILL You mmo rr? DE ROSST: WE WILL MexD Ir. Lovo: aN You smo rrt mova: MILL YoU. DE ROSST: MADAM... EDIT: CAN YoOU...? DE ROSST: MADAM... Leona: DY Rost: MADAM, EpITa: MAY Tt DE ROSST: MADAM, LEONA: LET MR THINK TP OVER, I'LL COME RACK ANOTHER DAY. pr Rossi: won: br Rost: br Rost: ovo: Dx Rosst: eormn: Dr nosst: orm: DE Rosst: snonae Dr Rosst: erm: br Rosst: mom: ‘YOU START 10 LKAVE THE SHOP, ME SMILES, 1H FUSES, GE OPENS THE DOOR. YOU START AND ‘THEN Your STOP, YOU SWILE, YOU PONDER, YOU WANDER SOME MORE. YOU WANDER AND YOU WAIT, AND RE THE SAME. WHOEVER WAITS THE MOST GILL WIN THE GAME, ‘YOU WANDER, NEAR THE CORLEIS MAYBE ONCE OR MAYRE TWICE. YOU WAIT UNTIL TI'S CLOSING TEM AND THEN YOU ASK THE PRICE: ‘you sav: "Wow Muci Isr?" He SAYS, "INEXPENSIVE." YOU: "WAT 1S) THEXPENSIVE?™ HE: "ONLY VENTE MILLE." ‘TWAT 15 TWENTY THOUSAND, YES? ‘BUT FOR YOU X MAKE IT LESS, WELL YoU MAKE IT INO MOLLE? No, UKE IT DIECT MILLE. ie MIELE DIRCT MILLE uaTTRO Wrz, Nove MILLE. rigor orto ser serTE. ser SRL, ALL RIGHT, ser. LET ME THIN TT OVER, T'LL COMB BACK ANOTHER DAY. YOU START 70 LEAVE AGATR, ‘YOU O TNTO THE STREET ‘as0_TP HE FOLLOWS THE ‘AT SIGNALS TS DEFEAT. AND THAT, YOU SER, 15 Wim THR BAROATNENG 1S DONE. YOU HAVEN'T REALLY SAVED A SINGLE LIRE BUT YOU'VE oN az, WOR ALL: AR, Won! sora: uioyo: eorres Lorn: eotra: pr Rost: none: ‘unowa: br Rossi. powa: Dr Rost? Leowa: DE g0sst: ‘Leona: Dr ROSSI: roxas Enjoyed bargaining with you Signor Df Reset. (Sensing the tenelon between LEONA and DE ROSSI) bath.» Oh, Postcard tine? Right, Mee to have net you, Signor DeRosst. Very nice, Very aice Leona. Arriverderet. Arriverderei. Arriverderct! (The MeTlhennye have made their extt) Tedld not run out and have that glass make for you. Of course not. Te's eighteenth century, cookie. Do not call me “cookie”! It's poltter than come other anes that come to mind. ‘You can alvays find something to be suspicious of in anyone! Yes, T cant And this doesn't help! Jn Venetian glass, the same desiga ie used over and over for years and years. ‘That ie true! This glasa 4a eighteen century. Te is not true I had to search very hard for ft but... I wanted you fo think Twas doing sonething very difficult for you...You ean Believe me or not, No, Belteve me, please, fave sone coffee vith tye in the piazza this evening. Progo. (Takes LEOWA's hand) Te 16 a beginning to hear music with someone, What happens after that, Rappene,..or does not happen. (LONA withdraws her hand and afte at table) Relax, vutde those tots inside, There's = full moon tontaht.. snyehinge voseibla, Possible... (SHE drums her fingers on table) What are you doing? Thinking. Thinking what? (A trifle sharply) You voulda't understand... sorry. hat are you thinking? 27 DE ROSSI: (Sings) TWAS THINKING: ALL OF THAT PUCCINE GOING to waste. EOWA: 1 WAS THINK CCOPPEE AND PUCCINE TSN'T MY TASTE... ( silence ) DE ROSSE: {AM THINKING: SUCH A FINE gEGTIOVING SUCH A LOVELY EVENING WE COULD SPEND ‘LEONA: SUCH A PINE sRoTNOENG ( stence) ° WAS THINKING? HONDER UAT HE'S THINKING NOT WHAT RE SHOULD. DE ASST: I WAS THINKING: ALL THTS HEAVY THINKING, ‘TIS 15 oT coo, BUT THINK OF COPFRE CUPS CLINKING TO A DUET, ‘ie COULD SIT DRINKING, SEE TWE SUN SET... ‘WHAT ARE ‘YOU THINEING? LEOWA: MAS JUST THINKING: HAT YOU ARE THINKING. FoRcer. ( stience ) TWAS THINKING: TETE-A-TETES FOR TWO SO OFTEN FALL FLAT. DE ROSSI: TWAS. THINKING: TETE-AMTETES FOR ONE ARE FLATTER THAN THAT... (silence) AM TRONKING: TTS 18 VERY AWMOUAED, FRANKLY YOU PREFER THAT T SHOULD CO. TEOWA: THIS TS VERY AWEWARD. TAM TROMRTNG, VERY FRANRLY ( etieace) TWAS THIIRING way Is TT T CET so rASILY HURT? Wo. DE ROSSI: 1 WAS THRNKENG: HAS SHE NOTICED YET THB SPOT ow ser SHIRT? ( Silence. SRE couches his shirt; his hand covers hers ) BUT THINK OF TWO OF OS LINKING ARMS IN THE SQUARE, SEE THE STARS WINKING, EFL THE WIGHT ATR. WHAT ARR YOU TAINKING? EOWA: T-RAS JUST THINKING? WHAT AMT COLNG TO WEAR? ( tm silence DIROSSI suites broadly ) DY ROSST: AND AS THE SUN REGINS SINKING. bE Rosst: Lnowa DE Roser: Leona: Dr Rosst: UeoNA: FrORIA: urowA: Frorta: urowa: FroRtA: Enpte: TETVER Frorra: eote: PrORIA: pple: FIORTA: eote. PIORTA: NIGHT STARTS TO FALL LEONA: STARS. APPEAR BLINKING, GGONDOLTERS. CALL... BOTH: WHAT AM T THINKING? SHOULD BE THINKING NOT MHAT T°% THINKING ...AT ALL (After the song, FIORIA com across bridge and into garden) Buon giorno. (HE kines LEONA's hand) Until later. (Gnbarrassed) Oh, sure. (An HE goes) Stgnor...vhen, Later? (on bridge) About nine? TLL be ready. Arrivederet, Signorina! (And he exits ) Arrivederet. ( Sailes at FIORIA and goes to her packages) Very handeone, A wate for your souvenser, Bella (LEONA Tooke up but FIORTA te looking at the goblet LEONA has fn her hand) Stgnora, do you know anything about Venetian gl T have Lived here all ay Life To thia eighteenth century? (Examines the goblet) Yes, tt ia, (Hands tt back) But 4 18 s0 lovely, vhat ie the difference? (OfE stage) 1 dtd not say you bored the pants off ne. GBWLFER runs Into garden, sano, <"Saor to thete rom ‘I may have said you were silly, but I never said, > May T get sons ice? (IENWTFER exits nto the penstone, Please. Help yourselt Jennifer! (EDDIE stone as he sees FIORIA and LeOWA) For vhat? Yelting! You are angry! open your mouth wide and yell. Like an aninal., E Like antnal: poor LJENNTFER: ona: pte: ‘rTorrA: epore: PORTA: ‘pore: ProRrA: epre: PrORTA: moore: nowa: PrortA: Leona: roRTA: Leow: FroRrA: ouwash. (AS EDDIE gives Tarzan yell, FIORIA nad LEONA laugh.) (Returning to thet room) Thank you so much for making fun of met COMRITFER exes. .elannine door. LEONA starte cowed door) ah now, cookie, (Sharply) Lat her alone! -—- 1m gorey. No. Tim not. Tela a pleaguse to stop being pleasant, snd polite and smiling. ‘the anfie, please keep. No. At hone, {t's @ sia not to saile, ere we say: You can be the greatest sinner....Tf you have a pure smile. Te that shat you say? one of the things. Welt, ny mile should be getting angelic. (HE goes to door) Hdte, Ciao. (Corns and looks at her, then antes) Ciao! Cimttating PIORA's gesture) ctao. Gosturing to het) Ciao. Boy, for one word, that's got a helluva Loe of meanings! oes that bother you? (Gathering her packages) Signora, the only thing bothering we Fight nov {a what I'm going to vear tonight, (SHE exits into penstone) Wear something that wlll look well in a gondola (etnge) A CONDOLA FOR HER ‘A GONDOLA TOR ME... PERHAPS Tr TS TOVTGHT HOPE IT 18 TONIGHT. rant crAat T THING HE MIGHT TONIGHT crovansa’ . Lay Bay bay by ba PERHAPS T eaR”THE RETO TA, TA, Lay LA, LA PERWAPS T UEAR'THE BLUE PLOREA conttaue! crOvANOA: IORIA: crovao: ronta: crovantar rroRra: crovantta: FIORTA: Grovaata Ty LA, TA, LA, LA RED WILL BE REFTER BETTER Lay Udy Ay TA, BA GIOVANNI, GTOVANNA RECORD -A - TILL FORWAGGIO RECORD “A = T'TL PROSCUTTTO PERCHE HON CHE Ne PIU ‘CENZANO BCOMPART ccuraccto, 18 (CTNZANO F CoMPART uraccTo: Ice. LEzONe TNGLESE LRZTONE INGLESE GaIAceIo Ice ntaccto wtce 1c, wee, =-STUPIDA -- cutaccto, 18, uraceto: cE. veRy ntce, very Ice. (ITORIA shaking her head exits into pension. ‘GTOVAINA FOLLOWS with amile on her face.) O vrro: Leowa: tro: ow: vito: eos vito: FroRrA: vito: Leona: PORTA: ow: vitro: ‘unowa: vrro: soa: Act t= SCENE 4 (LBOMA appeara at her balcony, wearing the the dress selected for her date, alneing the last la Ia la la la's of the music bridge. looking at her wateh, attaching sone earrings, etc. VITO enters on the bridge and decenda tnto the garden, sees LLORA standing in her window /«/°° and calls to her.) Mise Samteh. Oh, eto cher Don't tell me you found sone more goblets? No. T bring 4 message. Stqnor DL Roast can't make te, Oh, he will be here, but he must be a fete late, (FIORIA enters from the pensfone and seesVito) Ja that you Vito? Would you 1tke some coffee? Oh, please! TILL Jota you in a moment. Twill naka sone fresh. (goos tn ponstone ) (Alone, VETO site at table until LEONA ‘cones out to mest him.) It's very nfce of you £0 cone all the way here and tell me. We have no telephone and tte was very mich concerned that you be given the message to yourself. He's a vory considerate man. (sits at table, oh very. You had only to see how upset he wae that he will be Yate for you. He did aot want to be but my oat Little aiater- ‘she got 111 and he had to take her to the doctor. Tt is nothing at all, but he alvays worries about the children. Ne 1s 4 very good father, you know. No, T didn't know. vito: oh, excollent! LEDKA : He worries about vhose children? viro: te. Ua. LmpWA: —Yout vir: am Vito. LmowA: Vite DiRowaL, Mls sone viro: Yea LEONA: And your wothert Vira: oh, she 4 fine, thank you. LEONA: So am T. Fxcopt for the hole in my head! Cookie, you'd better tell your father not to come. vito: oh Mise Sanish... LmowA: Tel him not te cone! vito: (Starts to leave; turns back) Papa will be very disappointed. LEORA: Mana will be glad. iro: My mana? hy? LRONA: —T don't understand a thing! ‘ow could 1 he so naive? vito: Papa could explain. LEONA: You tell Papa not to cone! vito: Yes, Miss Santsh. ( HE goes. LEONA stands shaking. From off stage the ery"Gondola, Gondola." SUE uniete angetiy.,.and then an ODD FIGURE cones out of the pensione wearing huge dark glasses, a Garbo hat, the appearance of no nakeup, a volusinous contand a handkerchief clutched tn nervous fingers) MEOW: Jenat feet JEWUFER: (Crimly) I'm going to the movies and I bope it's a very Geprossing Picture. §> T can ery without looking silly. toa the matter? w SENNSTFER Leona: JENNIFER: ‘zona: JHRUTFER: zona. SENSTEER: unowA: HomNLreR: eowa: JERWEFER: eowa: ProRTA: JENNIFER: roma. ‘upon: Fronta: Leo. JENNIFER: Lowa JENNIFER: uno: Marttat troubles. Twish T had Yon, Matter of fact, 1 do Oh, you couldn't have real troubles, (Savagely) iy Noe? T just meant...well...everyone just loves you, Teona. T don't vant everyone. T can't handle @ crm. What's happened to you? Not a thing, ‘That's ny history...You know what ve need... We need to go to Harry's bar and set smashed, T need to go to the movies, (stubbornly) hen I feel Like thi ven in Venice? Oh they have American novies here, Want to cose? Back hone, T go once in six sontha. ell, I cane to Europe fora change. I'll walk along and see vhat's playing. (Enters with coffee tray.i) Fresh coftes! Yo, thank you. tad vito pone? Yess. sand wera Leaving £00. Please, It ts'no waste. Someone will drink it. (LEONA AND SROEFER seart out of the garden) Bue T EhoughE you vere joing out ehis eveaing, Mise Santsh. Tan. tm going to the moviee vith ay atrl frfend, (Takes JBNVIFER's arm and THEY go to the bridee) jena sors. (FIOKIA with a cup of coffee sits at table near window) (Stopping on bridge) You know, come to think of 4, my other husband began to yell at ne all of ¢ sudden tos! Your other husband! Oh yes. Tua loser once already, A austcian. Have, @ pasion for the arte. do you? (TRY exit over bridge) ww enorme ProRIA: eoones Pronta: note: FroRIA: pte: FroRtA: epre: Protas sore: FIORTA: epre: FIORTA: epra: FroRIA: nore: Frowta: ore: oRrA: enore: PIORIA: ott (Opens window shutters and eats) Jennifer! She has gone to the cinena with Miss Sanish. (A moment, then THEY both laugh. EDDIE shakes his head ‘SE FIORIA who holds out a cup of coffee to HH.) Vid rather have Something. stroncer. Giovanna, (She moves to the coffee tray to renove it) Avveal drink 18 T may. You nay take a giant etep. How do you know that expres Gtovanna, ....08? Your Extend, the Anerten déplonat. there is he? T have no plans this evening. T thought you sav him avery night when he!e in town. No. He 4s an intellectual, so he loves to talk too such, (GIOVANNA appears) Whiskey per TL Signor, Giovanna. (CTOVAINA joes and EDDIE, cones out Sato the garden) What vas your husband? ‘Also an intellectual vio also loved to talk too much, (Chuc&ll Dia her He and the diplomat, they used to tall too much ogether. And you find that amusing? Well, they never talked sbout ne. You and the diplomat were olaying "May I” even vhsle your husband vas alive? You are so delicate. And your husband knew, Tam not certain, would think yea, And 4 didn"e bother him. Or the diplomat. Or Least of all. you. eTORIA: ott FTORTA: eore: ProRIA: eore: FrortA: euDTE: rota: pore: Frorra: Dots FroRIA: sore: crovaems eppte: Grovasnar crovara ty & You have such impractical morality. In Ttaly, there ts not divorce, there is only discretion, Viva 1a vita! (Laughs) 1 can'e decide whether I'm glad I'm wn-intellectual,.. Oh, Tan glad you are. you are. on, ye A change from the diplomat, Why not? Wy taste tn nen te eatholic. Devoutly, Tn sorry. hy? Tam glad you have a sense of wit. With husor a8 vell, we shall really enjoy ourselves. Shall we, You know, it'd be great 1F one could cone here from Anertea with nothing but a suitcase, ‘But most of we don't come over thet way, Has a different way of enjoying 1ife been disappointing? Confusing. Glovanna! Lesione Inglese, Lezione Inglese! Now! and. Ora! (They speak at the we time.) Yes, nov. (Picks up whiskey bottle.) Tits 4a the thtskey! (lods) Whiskey. (Indicates ice-bucket) This 48 the... 1cxs. (Indteates evo glasses) ‘THESE ARE THE... wINpows cuasses (Points to house) vaunpows. (ods, points) nxDows (Pointe to glass cuasses, PORTA: crovaana, PrORTA: crovania: wuoREA: GIOVASKA: miorra: tovanna: vroRIA: crovamna: ProRrA: exovanna: FIORIA\ rowan FrORTA: (Pourtng one highbal) POURING THE WAISKEY. (Inteaetng) POURING. (BuLeing action to words) DROPPING THE TCES DROPPING LIFTING THR cLassEs Larrine (ro zppre) WERE'S TO DISCRETTON. (REY drink) (throws up her hands) iow caPrsco! NO UNDERSTAND, TNO UNDERSTAND L NO UNDERSTARD YOU CRAZY LANGUAGE NON caPrsco! YO UNDERSTAND, TNO UNDERSTAND YoU, cana, (SHE. ett) (Wolds up HDOTE"s hand) THES 18 THR... vinceas, (woss) Prucers (Working her say up the arn) ‘THIS 15 THE... saDwDER SHOULDER. (FIORIA stands behind EDDIE putting) hands on Abs) murs 18 THE. a, «ea oor veut wouro, (Crosses to GLOVANNA) MARRIED. ProRTA rovAReA: ProRA: crovasna: Frowta: otovaana: FIoRIA: otovanna: FroRIA: EDDIE: ope & Pronra: FroRIA: corovanwa: EDDIR: crovaama: FIORIA: rovaeta: eopte: crovanna: proera: eoore: FIORIA: crovaaar Cloving CIOVAINA wently but Etraly) {THES 18 tO STAND UP STAND UP... THES TS TO TURN ROUND... ‘rua ROUND. ‘THIS 15 10 GO OFF co OFF... THIS 18 cooDBYE NOW... (Stops, see down agate) oN cAPrsco No UNDERSTAND, 1 NO UNDERSTAND, TL NO UNDERSTAND YOU CRAZY LANGUAGE. oN cAPTsco! (To pots) You uspeasraNp, OW, UNDERSTAND, ALL TOO WELL. (They toast) SOME PURASES DoW TRANSLATE, OTHERS ARE_ UNIVERSAL. SOME YOU CoMMUNTCATE APTER A BRIE? RENEARSAL (8000 AFTERNOON at ow 90 YoU no? ent vow ane so xtND. awe? WHERE'S THE HOTEL? saat SiND UP THE DRIEAKS, SRING ME THE BILL. GONDOLA, PLEASE (SIIB and EDDIE Look at each other) carrscot epore: tovanma: nore: rovanna: crovaswa: pote: xovanmas eoore: Pronta: crovasa: Frowta: crovannas roRIA: ccrovaamar Protas rove: roa, & EDDIE: Gs (to crown) YOU SAKE THE, RESKEY. warskey. (Indicates ice bucket) EMPTY THE... ers. rors. (indicates: glasses) asi OUT THE, winnows crasses. (Points to the house window) Iwo. wasn ovr. SKIP Tr. AAD GOVAN, aapt STAY OY THIS EVENING. starr No SEE ALFREDO. wo? ‘THES 18 cooD-8¥E Now st! caPtsco. TO CAPTSCO, TUNDERSTAND Now, T ONDERSTAND YOU CRAZY LANCIAGE! AIL caPtsco T UNDERSTAND, ST, SOME PHRASES DON'T TRANSLATE, OTHERS ARE UNIVERSAL. SoM You ComnitcaTE APTER A BRIEP REHEARSAL. : oF romth: (noe HE TREES... GTOVANWA: —AB..., (Dancing) EODTE: ON THE LAGOON GIOVANNA: 0000... PIORIA: DOWN PY THE BEACH? (Arguing) CTOVANWA: NAB... EDDIE: UP ON THE ROOF, GIOVANNA: —ABL.T PIORTA: NOT TX THE ROUSE. oot ‘YOU NAME THE PLACE, FIORIA: GONDOLA, PLEASE (They both look at each other) rovanwa: cAPrscot DDIE & FIORIA: AT! CAPISCO! ctovazwa: 1 cAPrsoDt BODIE & FIORTA: YOU CAPISCO! —(#LORTA and UNNTE exte tovard gondola dock.) GIOVANNA: ME GAPISCDI ——_(GTOVAYMA exits into pensfons.) (CA YOUNG COUPLE enters singing BERE WE ARE AGAIN - Reprise » Aguty cross beidve and nave coward noodala dock, WOT enters hot stons on Bridge waschine couples.) youG Mas: TATA TATA LA YOUNG WOMAN: TA LA LA LA LA (A staging S50OND COUPLE encer onto pfar and rose to befdee and then retuen to offszaze condota doch) SECOND COUPLE: LA EA LA LALA, ALA TA LA LA. BOTH COUPLES: LATA LALA LA, UA TA LA LATA, LA TATA, TATA LATA TA LEONA: (edneing) AND WERE T AM ACATY, DESIRING COMPARE. ‘THERE'S A GONDOLA FOR THEM, SUT, NO GONDOLA FOR PRETTY PEOPLE, THO BY TWO, THAT'S AS TT OUGHT TO BE... (ANONA following couples off staze sees FTOBIA and FODIE Leaving TR eonola, Agitated ae rushes iaco garden.) MOKA: Bue. nat for these tho. (pi nOssT, eatLing. eaters onto plex Fron gontola dock and enters garden)

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