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Secrecy Outage Probability Analysis of Multi-User

Multi-Eavesdropper Wireless Systems

Yulong Zou∗ , Jia Zhu∗, Gongpu Wang† , and Hua Shao‡
∗ School of Telecomm. & Inform. Eng., Nanjing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm., Nanjing, China
† School of Comput. and Inform. Tech., Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
‡ China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing, China

Abstract—In this paper, we explore the physical-layer security of radio propagation results in a performance degradation of
arXiv:1411.0220v1 [cs.IT] 2 Nov 2014

of a multi-user wireless system that consists of multiple users the wireless secrecy capacity. As a remedy, the multiple-input
intending to transmit to a base station (BS), while multiple multiple-output (MIMO) [6], [7] and cooperative relaying
eavesdroppers attempt to tap the user transmissions. We examine
the employment of multi-user scheduling for improving the techniques [8], [9] were studied extensively to improve the
transmission security against eavesdropping and propose a multi- wireless secrecy capacity against the fading effect.
user scheduling scheme, which only requires the channel state The artificial noise aided security approaches [10]-[12] were
information (CSI) of BS without the need of the passive eaves- examined by generating a specifically-designed interfering
droppers’ CSI. We also consider the round-robin scheduling for signal (referred to as artificial noise) that will adversely affect
comparison purposes. The closed-form secrecy outage probability
expressions of the round-robin scheduling and proposed multi- the wiretap channel only without causing any negative impact
user scheduling are derived over Rayleigh fading channels. on the legitimate main channel. In [10], the authors proposed
Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed multi-user a quality of service (QoS) based artificial noise generation
scheduling outperforms the round-robin scheduling in terms of scheme for the sake of minimizing the signal-to-interference-
the secrecy outage probability. As the number of users increases, and-noise ratio received at an eavesdropper while meeting
the secrecy outage probability of round-robin scheduling keeps
unchanged. By contrast, the secrecy outage performance of the a required signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) re-
proposed multi-user scheduling improves significantly with an ceived at the desired destination. In [11], the multiple antennas
increasing number of users. assisted artificial noise generation was studied and the closed-
Index Terms—Secrecy outage probability, multi-user schedul- form secrecy rate expressions were derived in high signal-
ing, round-robin scheduling, Rayleigh fading. to-noise ratio (SNR) regime under the target data throughput
requirement. Additionally, a joint artificial noise and beam-
I. I NTRODUCTION forming design was studied in [12] for enhancing the physical-
Recently, wireless security has attracted significant attention layer security in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers.
from the research community [1], [2]. The broadcast nature of It is worth mentioning that the security advantage of artifi-
radio propagation makes the wireless transmission accessible cial noise methods studied in [10]-[12] comes at the expense of
to unauthorized users and extremely vulnerable to the eaves- additional power resources which are consumed for generating
dropping attack. Traditionally, cryptographic techniques rely- the artificial noise to confuse the eavesdropper. By contrast,
ing on secret keys are employed to guarantee the transmission this paper examines the multi-user scheduling for improving
confidentiality. However, an eavesdropper with unlimited com- the wireless physical-layer security without consuming any
puting power can still crack the conventional cryptographic additional power resources. The main contributions of this
approaches by launching the exhaustive key search (known paper can be summarized as follows. First, we propose a multi-
as brute-force attack). To this end, physical-layer security user scheduling scheme without the channel state information
(PLS) is now emerging as a promising paradigm to protect the (CSI) of eavesdroppers in a wireless network consisting of one
communication confidentiality against the brute-force attack base station (BS) and multiple users. The conventional round-
by exploiting the physical characteristics of wireless channels robin scheduling is also considered as a benchmark. Second,
[3]. we derive exact closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage
PLS work can be traced back to 1970s and was studied probability for both the conventional round-robin scheduling
by Wyner in [4], where a classical wiretap channel model and the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes over Rayleigh
comprised of one source and one destination in the presence fading channels. Finally, numerical evaluations are carried out
of an eavesdropper was analyzed and characterized from an to show the security advantage of the proposed multi-user
information-theoretic perspective in terms of the achievable scheduling over the round-robin scheduling in terms of the
secrecy rate performance. In [5], the authors introduced the secrecy outage probability.
notion of secrecy capacity, which is shown as the difference The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
between the channel capacity of the main link (from source Section II, we describe the system model of a wireless
to destination) and the wiretap link (from source to eaves- network in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. Then, we
dropper). However, in wireless networks, the multipath fading present the conventional round-robin scheduling as well as the
U1 signal xi , the Ui -BS transmission becomes insecure. Thus, the
overall wiretap channel capacity is given by the maximum of

U2 individual channel capacities achieved at the N eavesdroppers,

Eavesdroppers |hiej |2 Pi
Cie = max Ciej = max log2 (1 + ), (5)
UM main link ej ∈E ej ∈E N0
Base station Users
wiretap link where E denotes the set of N eavesdroppers. As is shown in
[5], the secrecy capacity is given by the difference between
Fig. 1. A multi-user multi-eavesdropper (MUME) wireless network. the capacity of the main channel and the wiretap channel.
Therefore, the secrecy capacity of the Ui -BS transmission in
the presence of N uncoordinated eavesdroppers is given by
proposed multi-user scheduling schemes in Section III, where
the closed-form secrecy outage expressions of two scheduling Cisecrecy = Cib − Cie = Cib − max Ciej , (6)
ej ∈E
schemes are derived over Rayleigh fading channels. Next, in
where Cib and Ciej are given by (2) and (4), respectively.
Section IV, the numerical performance evaluation is conducted
It is pointed out that all the wireless channels of Fig. 1 are
in terms of the secrecy outage probability. Finally, we provide
characterized using the Rayleigh fading model. Moreover, the
some concluding remarks in Section V.
average channel gains of |hib |2 and |hiej |2 are represented by
2 2
II. S YSTEM M ODEL σib and σiej
, respectively.
As illustrated in Fig. 1, we consider a multi-user multi- III. M ULTI - USER S CHEDULING S CHEMES AND S ECRECY
eavesdropper wireless network consisting of one base station O UTAGE A NALYSIS
(BS) and M users in the presence of N eavesdroppers. In
In this section, we propose a multi-user scheduling schemes
Fig. 1, M users are intended to transmit their data to the BS,
under the assumption that only the CSIs of the main channels
while there are N eavesdroppers attempting to tap the data
from M users to BS are available without knowing the
transmitted from the users. For notational convenience, the
eavesdroppers’ CSIs. We also consider the conventional round-
set of M users and that of N eavesdroppers are denoted by
robin scheduling as a benchmark scheme. The closed-form
U = {Ui |i = 1, 2, · · · , M } and E = {Ej |j = 1, 2, · · · , N },
secrecy outage expressions of the round-robin scheduling and
respectively. Without any loss of generality, we consider that
the proposed multi-user scheduling are then analyzed over
Ui transmits its signal xi to BS with power Pi , thus the signal
Rayleigh fading channels.
received at BS can be expressed as
p A. Round-Robin Scheduling
yb = Pi hib xi + nb , (1)
Let us first consider the round-robin scheduling as a base-
where hib represents the wireless fading of the channel from line. To be specific, the round-robin scheduling allows M users
Ui to BS and nb represents the zero-mean additive white to take turns in transmitting their signals to BS. As is known,
Gaussian noise (AWGN) with the variance of N0 experienced when the secrecy capacity falls below a predefined secrecy
at BS. From (1), we can obtain the channel capacity from Ui rate Rs , the so-called secrecy outage event is considered to
to BS as occur in this case. Given that Ui transmits its signal to BS,
|hib |2 Pi
Cib = log2 (1 + ). (2) the secrecy outage probability of the Ui -BS transmission in
N0 the presence of N uncoordinated eavesdroppers is expressed
Meanwhile, due to the openness nature of wireless propaga- as
Pout,i = Pr Cisecrecy < Rs ,

tion, the signal xi transmitted from Ui may also be overheard (7)
by the eavesdroppers. Hence, the received signal at an eaves-
where Cisecrecy is given by (6). Substituting Cisecrecy from (6)
dropper Ej is expressed as
p into (7) yields
yej = Pi hiej xi + nej , (3) 
|hib |2 (2Rs − 1)N0

Pout,i = Pr max |hiej | > Rs − , (8)
where hiej represents the wireless fading of the channel from ej ∈E 2 2Rs Pi
Ui to Ej and nej represents the zero-mean AWGN with the which is further obtained as (see Appendix A)
variance of N0 experienced at the eavesdropper Ej . Using (3), N
2X −1
we obtain the channel capacity from Ui to Ej as (−1)|En | θ
Pout,i = 1 − 2 exp(− 2 ), (9)
|hiej | Pi n=0 1+
P σib
2Rs σie
Ciej = log2 (1 + ). (4) ej ∈En j
In this paper, the eavesdroppers of Fig. 1 are assumed to be where θ = (2 P−1)Ni
, N is the number of eavesdroppers, En
uncoordinated in tapping the Ui -BS transmission. This implies represents the n-th non-empty subcollection of the elements
that if any of the N eavesdroppers succeeds in decoding the of E, and |En | is the cardinality of set En . In the round-robin
scheduling scheme, M users to take turns in transmitting to 0
BS and thus the secrecy outage probability of the conventional
round-robin scheduling scheme is given by the mean of M
users’ secrecy outage probabilities, i.e., −1

Secrecy outage probability

round 1 X
Pout = Pout,i , (10)
M i=1 −2

where M is the number of users and Pout,i is given by (9). Round−robin scheme w. N=8 (t.)
Round−robin scheme w. N=8 (s.)
Round−robin scheme w. N=2 (t.)
B. Proposed Multi-user Scheduling 10 Round−robin scheme w. N=2 (s.)
Proposed scheme w. N=8 (t.)
This subsection presents a multi-user scheduling scheme Proposed scheme w. N=8 (s.)
Proposed scheme w. N=2 (t.)
under the assumption that only the CSIs of M users are avail- −4
Proposed scheme w. N=2 (s.)

able without knowing the N eavesdroppers’ CSI knowledge. −5 0 5

15 20
In practice, it is challenging to obtain the eavesdroppers’ CSIs,
since the eavesdroppers are typically passive. This motivates Fig. 2. Secrecy outage probability versus MER λme of the round-robin
us to consider the scenario without the eavesdroppers’ CSIs. scheduling and the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes for different
Considering that only the CSIs of users-to-BS channels are number of eavesdroppers N with M = 4, Rs = 0.5 bit/s/Hz, and
γ = 10 dB.
known, a user with the highest instantaneous channel gain is
selected to transmit to BS, thus the scheduled user is obtained
as Combining (11) and (16), we obtain the secrecy outage prob-
2 ability of the proposed multi-user scheduling as
Scheduled User = arg max |hib | , (11)
|hib |2 − θ
 
where U represents the set of M users. It can be seen from 2
M max |h iej | > ,
(11) that only |hib |2 is assumed in performing the multi-user proposed
X  ej ∈E 2 Rs 
Pout = Pr 
 max |h |2 < |h |2
. (17)
scheduling without the need of the passive eavesdroppers’

i=1 kb ib
CSIs |hiej |2 . This is attractive from a practical perspective, k6=i
since the passive eavesdroppers’ CSIs are challenging to obtain Proceeding as in Appendix B, we obtain (18) at the top of
in practice. For notational convenience, let ‘s’ denote the the following page, where U0 represents an empty set, Um
scheduled user by (11). Hence, in the presence of N uncoordi- represents the m-th non-empty subset of U − {Ui }, and‘−’ is
nated eavesdroppers, the secrecy capacity of the transmission the set difference.
from the scheduled user (s) to BS is given by
Cssecrecy = Csb − max Csej , (12)
ej ∈E In this section, we present numerical secrecy outage prob-
where Csb and Csej represent the channel capacity from the ability results of the conventional round-robin scheduling and
scheduled user to BS and to eavesdropper Ej , respectively, the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes. For notational
which are given by convenience, λme is used to represent the ratio of σib to
σiej , which is called the main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER)
|hsb |2 Pi
Csb = log2 (1 + ), (13) throughout this paper. Moreover, let γ denote the ratio of Pi
N0 to N0 , i.e., γ = Pi /N0 . Fig. 2 plots (10) and (18) as a function
and of the MER λme for different number of eavesdroppers
|hsej |2 Pi
Csej = log2 (1 + ), (14) N . The simulated secrecy outage probability results for the
N0 conventional round-robin scheduling and the proposed multi-
where |hsb |2 and |hsej |2 represent the fading coefficients of the user scheduling schemes are also given in this figure. One
channels from the scheduled user to BS and to eavesdropper can see from Fig. 2 that as the number of eavesdroppers
Ej , respectively. Combining (11)-(14), we can obtain the se- increases from N = 2 to 8, the secrecy outage probabilities
crecy outage probability of the proposed multi-user scheduling of the round-robin scheduling and the proposed multi-user
as scheduling schemes both increase. This means that with an
Pout = Pr (Cssecrecy < Rs ) increasing number of eavesdroppers, it would be more likely

|hsb |2 − θ

(15) to succeed in intercepting the wireless transmission. It is also
= Pr max |hsej |2 > , shown from Fig. 2 that for both the cases of N = 2 and
ej ∈E 2 Rs
N = 8, the proposed multi-user scheduling outperforms the
where θ = (2 P−1)Ni
. Using the law of total probability, we conventional round-robin scheduling in terms of the secrecy
can rewrite (15) as outage probability. Additionally, the theoretical secrecy outage
M probabilities match the simulated results well.
|hib |2 − θ
Fig. 3 illustrates the secrecy outage probability versus MER
Pout = Pr max |hiej |2 > , s = i . (16)
ej ∈E 2 Rs λme of the round-robin scheduling and the proposed multi-
M −1
M 2 X−1
X (−1)|Um | X θ θ
Pout = 2 1 − exp(− 2 − σ2 )
i=1 m=0 1+
P σib σkb ib
σ2 k∈Um
M −1 N
M 2 X−1 2X−1
X (−1)|Um |+|En |+1 X θ θ
+ 2 2 exp(− 2 − σ2 )
i=1 m=0 n=1 1+
P σib
P σib σkb ib
2Rs σ2 2
σkb k∈Um
ej ∈En k∈Um

0 0
10 10

−1 −1
10 10
Secrecy outage probability

Secrecy outage probability

−2 −2
10 10
Round−robin w. R =2 (t.)
Round−robin w. Rs=2 (s.)
−3 Round−robin scheme w. M=4 (t.) −3 Round−robin w. R =1 (t.)
10 10 s
Round−robin scheme w. M=4 (s.) Round−robin w. R =1 (s.)
Round−robin scheme w. M=8 (t.)
Proposed w. R =2 (t.)
Round−robin scheme w. M=8 (s.) s
−4 −4
10 Proposed scheme w. M=4 (t.) 10 Proposed w. R =2 (s.)
Proposed scheme w. M=4 (s.) Proposed w. Rs=1 (t.)
Proposed scheme w. M=8 (t.)
Proposed scheme w. M=8 (s.) Proposed w. R =1 (s.)

−5 0 5 10 15 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
MER λ (dB) The number of users M

Fig. 3. Secrecy outage probability versus MER λme of the round-robin Fig. 4. Secrecy outage probability versus the number of users M of the
scheduling and the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes for different round-robin scheduling and the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes for
number of users M with N = 4, Rs = 0.5 bit/s/Hz, and γ = 10 dB. different secrecy rates with N = 4 and λme = γ = 10 dB.

user scheduling schemes for different number of users M multiple users are intended to transmit to BS in the presence of
with N = 4, Rs = 0.5 bit/s/Hz, and γ = 10 dB. As shown multiple eavesdroppers attempting to tap the users-to-BS trans-
in Fig. 3, as the number of users increases from M = 4 to missions. We proposed a multi-user scheduling scheme that
8, the secrecy outage probability of the conventional round- only needs the CSIs of the users-to-BS channels without know-
robin scheduling remains unchanged. By contrast, the secrecy ing the passive eavesdroppers’ CSIs. We also considered the
outage performance of the proposed multi-user scheduling conventional round-robin scheduling as a benchmark. Closed-
scheme corresponding to M = 8 is significantly better than form secrecy outage probability expressions of the round-robin
that corresponding to M = 4. This further confirms the scheduling and the proposed multi-user scheduling were de-
security advantage of the proposed multi-user scheduling over rived over Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical performance
the conventional round-robin scheduling. comparisons between the conventional round-robin scheduling
In Fig. 4, we show the secrecy outage probability versus and the proposed multi-user scheduling schemes were carried
the number of users M of the round-robin scheduling and the out in terms of the secrecy outage probability. It was showed
proposed multi-user scheduling schemes for different secrecy that the secrecy outage performance of the proposed multi-
rates with N = 4 and λme = γ = 10 dB. It is observed from user scheduling is significantly better than that of the conven-
Fig. 4 that the secrecy outage probability of the conventional tional round-robin scheduling. Additionally, upon increasing
round-robin scheduling is insusceptible to the number of the number of users, the secrecy outage probability of the
users. By contrast, the secrecy performance of the proposed proposed multi-user scheduling scheme decreases, showing
multi-user scheduling scheme is improved as the number of the security advantage of exploiting the multi-user scheduling
users increases. Fig. 4 also shows that for both the cases of against eavesdropping attacks.
Rs = 2 bit/s/Hz and Rs = 1 bit/s/Hz, the proposed multi-
user scheduling performs better than the conventional round-
robin scheduling in terms of the secrecy outage probability,
especially with a large number of users.
For notational convenience, let X and Yj denote |hib |2
and |hiej |2 , respectively. Noting that |hib |2 and |hiej |2 are
In this paper, we studied the secrecy outage performance independent and exponentially distributed random variables
2 2
of a multi-user multi-eavesdropper wireless system, where with respective means of σib and σiej
, we can rewrite (8)
as Using the binomial theorem, we have
X θ M  
Pout,i = Pr max Yj > Rs − Rs Y x
ej ∈E 2 2 1 − exp(− 2 )
! σkb
Z ∞ Y k=1
x−θ k6=i
=1− 1 − exp(− Rs 2 ) (A.1)
θ 2 σiej 2MX
ej ∈E X x
= (−1)|Um | exp(− 2 ),
1 x σkb
× 2 exp(− 2 )dx, m=0 k∈Um
σib σib
Rs where 2
= 0, U0 represents an empty set, Um repre-
(2 −1)N0
where θ = Pi . By using
 the binomial theorem, the
 sents the m-th non-empty subset of U − {Ui }, and ‘−’ is the
1 − exp(− 2Rx−θ
term s σ2
) can be expanded as N
1 − exp(− 2Rx−θ
ej ∈E iej set difference. Similarly, term s σ2
) can
! j=1
Y x−θ be expanded as
1 − exp(− 2 )
2Rs σie N
Y x−θ
ej ∈E j
(A.2) 1 − exp(− Rs 2 )
2X −1 j=1
2 σiej
|En |
X x−θ (B.4)
= (−1) exp(− 2 ), N
2X −1
2Rs σie |En |
X x−θ
n=0 ej ∈En j
=1+ (−1) exp(− 2 ),
P 1 2Rs σie
where 2
2Rs σie
= 0, E0 is an empty set, En represents n=1 ej ∈En j

ej ∈E0 j
where En represents the n-th non-empty subset of E. Substitut-
the n-th non-empty subset of E, and |En | is the cardinality of
En . Substituting (A.2) into (A.1) yields ing (B.3) and (B.4) into (B.2) and performing the integration,
we can arrive at (18).
2X −1 Z ∞ |En |
(−1) x X x−θ R EFERENCES
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