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Playing Cards

running fishing surfing scuba diving

hiking swimming bowling trekking

mountain biking snorkelling windsurfing body boarding

ballroom dancing jogging cycling skiing

beach volleyball tennis dominoes pool

billiards football golf squash

hockey netball volleyball crazy golf

darts video games badminton bowls

tai chi star jumps meditation kendo

painting push ups aerobics bench presses

exercises judo karate chin ups

squats martial arts press ups archery ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

This teaching activity comes in four parts. In the first part, students make connections
between the various sports and hobbies on the cards. Part two teaches the students the
verbs associated with the free-time activities. In part three, the students play a pelmanism
game to reinforce their knowledge of the verbs used. Finally, the students ask each other
questions based on the cards and develop conversations about the sports and hobbies.

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for every three students and cut as indicated.


Part 1: Making Connections

Give out one set of cards to each group of three and ask them to spread the cards across
the table face down.

The first student turns over two cards. If the student can say how the two cards are similar in
some way, they can keep the cards and score a point, e.g. You use a racket in both sports.
Both sports involve running, etc.

Each explanation can only be used once during the game.

If they can’t find a connection between the two cards, they turn them back over, keeping
them in the same place. Then, the next student plays and so on.

The student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

When all the groups have finished, discuss some of the similarities they came up with.

Part 2: Verbs

Ask the students which verbs are used with the different sports and hobbies.

Tell the groups, they must now put the activities into three columns according to the verb
that is used with each activity: play, go or do. There should be 16 activities in each column.

When everyone has finished, check the answers as a class.

Part 3: Pelmanism Game

Have the groups spread the cards across the table face down. The students then play a
pelmanism game. This time they find pairs of cards that use the same verb, e.g. PLAY
football and tennis. If they find a matching pair, they keep the two cards. If not, they turn
them back over.

The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.

Part 4: Question Time

Each group puts the cards in a pile face down. Students take it in turns to pick up a card and
ask a question about the sport or hobby on the card, e.g. How many balls are there in
snooker? How often do you go jogging? Students then use the questions to develop
conversations about sports and hobbies. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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