The Myth of The Spanish Inquisition

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The Myth of the Spanish Inquisition


The 1994 BBC/A&E production, "The Myth of the

Spanish Inquisition" exposes the common understanding
that the Inquisition was a vast pogrom of non Catholics as
largely the creation of
Protestant propaganda.
In its brief sixty-minute presentation, "The Myth of
the Spanish Inquisition" provides only an overview
of the origins and debunking of the myths of
torture and genocide. The documentary definitely
succeeds in leaving the viewer hungry to know
more. The long-held beliefs of the audience are
sufficiently weakened by the testimony of experts
and the expose of the making of the myth.

The Inquisition began in 1480. Spain was

beginning a historic reunification of Aragon and Castile. The marriage of Ferdinand of
Aragon and Isabella of Castile created a unified Hispania not seen since Roman times. Afraid
that laws commanding the exile or conversion of Jews were thwarted by conversos, i.e.
synagogue-going "Catholics," Ferdinand and Isabella commissioned an investigation or
Inquisition. They began the Inquisition hoping that religious unity would foster political unity,
and other heads of state heralded Spain's labors for the advent of a unified Christendom. The
documentary clearly and boldly narrates the historical context, which intimates that the
Spanish were not acting odd by their contemporary standards.

The Inquisition Myth, which Spaniards call "The Black Legend," did not arise in 1480. It
began almost 100 years later, and exactly one year after the Protestant defeat at the Battle of
Muhlberg at the hands of Ferdinand's grandson, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. In 1567
a fierce propaganda campaign began with the publication of a Protestant leaflet penned by a
supposed Inquisition victim named Montanus. This character Protestant of course) painted
Spaniards as barbarians who ravished women and sodomized young boys. The propagandists
soon created "hooded fiends" who tortured their victims in horrible devices like the knife-
filled Iron Maiden which never was used in Spain). The BBC/A&E special plainly states a
reason for the war of words: the Protestants fought with words because they could not win on
the battlefield.

The Inquisition had a secular character, although the crime was heresy. Inquisitors did not
have to be clerics, but they did have to be lawyers. The investigation was rule-based and
carefully kept in check. And most significantly, historians have declared fraudulent a
supposed Inquisition document claiming the genocide of millions of heretics.

What is documented is that 3000 to 5000 people died during the Inquisition's 350 year history.
Also documented are the "Acts of Faith," public sentencings of heretics in town squares. But
the grand myth of thought control by sinister fiends has been debunked by the archival
evidence. The inquisitors enjoyed a powerful position in the towns, but it was one constantly
jostled by other power brokers. In the outlying areas, they were understaffed in those days it
was nearly impossible for 1 or 2 inquisitors to cover the thousand-mile territory allotted to
each team. In the outlying areas no one cared and no one spoke to them. As the program
documents, the 3,000 to 5,000 documented executions of the Inquisition pale in comparison to
the 150,000 documented witch burnings elsewhere in Europe over the same centuries.

The approach is purely historical, and therefore does not delve into ecclesial issues
surrounding religious freedom. But perhaps this is proper. Because the crime was heresy, the
Church is implicated, but the facts show it was a secular event.

One facet of the Black Legend that evaporates under scrutiny in this film is the rumor that
Philip II, son of Charles V killed his son Don Carlos on the advisement of the aging blind
Grand Inquisitor. But without a shred of evidence, the legend of Don Carlos has been
enshrined in a glorious opera by Verdi.

The special may be disturbing to young children. There are scenes of poor souls burning at the
stake and close-ups of the alleged torture devices. Scenes depicting witches consorting with
pot-bellied devils are especially grotesque. For kids, this is the stuff of nightmares.

Discrediting the Black Legend brings up the sticky subject of revisionism. Re-investigating
history is only invalid if it puts an agenda ahead of reality. The experts once true believers in
the Inquisition myth were not out to do a feminist canonization of Isabella or claim that
Tomas de Torquemada was a Marxist. Henry Kamen of the Higher Council for Scientific
Research in Barcelona said on camera that researching the Inquisition's archives "demolished
the previous image all of us historians) had."

And the future of the Black Legend? For many it may continue to hold more weight than
reality. There is the emotional appeal against the Church. The dissenters of today may easily
imagine Torquemada's beady eyes as a metaphor of the Church's "dictatorial, controlling,
damning" pronouncements. The myth is also the easiest endorsement of the secular state: "de-
faith" the state and de-criminalize heresy. Who will be the revisionists in this case? Will the
many follow Montanas' lead in rewriting history?

Our 20th century crisis of man playing God – usurping power over conception, life, and death
– leaves us with no alternative but to qualify our demythologization of the Inquisition with a
reminder: 3,000 to 5,000 victims are 3,000 to 5,000 too many.

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