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Received: 6 May 2013 Revised: 22 August 2013 Accepted article published: 1 October 2013 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 30 October 2013

( DOI 10.1002/ps.3660

Managing leaf-cutting ants: peculiarities,

trends and challenges
Terezinha MC Della Lucia,a∗ Lailla C Gandrab and Raul NC Guedesb

Leaf-cutting ants are generally recognized as important pest species in Neotropical America. They are eusocial insects that
exhibit social organization, foraging, fungus-cultivation, hygiene and a complex nest structure, which render their management
notoriously difficult. A lack of economic thresholds and sampling plans focused on the main pest species preclude the
management of leaf-cutting ants; such management would facilitate their control and lessen insecticide overuse, particularly
the use of insecticidal baits. Recent restrictions on the use of synthetic compounds for such purposes impose additional
challenges for the management of leaf-cutting ants. Considerable effort has been exerted regarding these challenges, which
are addressed herein, but which also remain challenges that are yet to be conquered.
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: Acromyrmex; ant baits; Atta; control; control shortcomings; management problems

1 LEAF-CUTTING ANTS: FROM LA FONTAINE certification requirements, and a lack of control agents and
techniques to keep these pests below economic thresholds. All
these issues motivated this review.
Ants are widely known for their remarkable evolutionary
developments that are frequently portrayed in popular tales,
fables, aphorisms and films. The frugal ant of Jean de la 1.1 Species and defining traits
Fontaine (La Cigale et la Fourmi; Fable II, Book I) illustrates one The members of the Myrmicine, tribe Attini (Hymenoptera:
of these characteristics: evolved labor culminating in practices Formicidae) exhibit a unique trait among the ants – the cultivation
that are analogous to modern human agriculture, such as of fungi as a food source. Whereas the lower genera of the tribe use
storage. Although describing agriculture-like cultivation by ants, varied substrates for this cultivation, the higher genera cultivate
Aesop’s Fables explores a different aspect, which emphasizes their fungi on freshly cut vegetation, which explains why they are widely
characterization as ‘thieves’ (or pests). referred to as leaf-cutting ants and are thought to have reached
The abundance and economic importance of leaf-cutting ants the apogee of instinct through agriculture.1 The leaf-cutting ants
were well recognized by the French naturalist Auguste de Saint- are native to the Neotropics and belong to two genera: Atta and
Hilaire in his visit to the then Province of São Paulo (Brazil) in the Acromyrmex.2,3
19th century, during which he stated that ‘either Brazil annihilates Leaf-cutting ants are eusocial or ‘truly’ social insects, and are
the leaf-cutting ants, or the leaf-cutting ants will annihilate Brazil’. characterized by three traits: (1) cooperative brood care, (2)
This statement became a benchmark for Brazilians and allowed reproductive division of labor, and (3) overlapping generations
the leaf-cutting ants to metaphorically embody other eventual of stages that contribute to colony labor.4,5 Polymorphism,
enemies of the country and its people, including domestic polyphenism and polyethism exist within leaf-cutting ants,
politicians. This perception and the unsavory reputation of the illustrating the complexity of their colony’s social organization.
leaf-cutting ants in Brazil (and elsewhere) are also illustrated by A colony is formed by the queen (which is wingless), winged
Macunaı́ma, the Brazilian (anti-)hero deprived of any character males and females (occurring at discreet reproductive periods)
created by the writer Mário de Andrade (Macunaı́ma; 1928), who and workers.6 This structure allows efficient division of labor
mockingly stated that ‘ . . . little health, lots of leaf-cutting ants, within the colony, thereby including brood care and hygiene
the banes of Brazil are . . . ’. In fact, public health in Brazil has in addition to fungus-cultivation, among other behaviors, and
experienced much improvement since the 1920s; however, leaf-
cutting ants are still a concern, not only in Brazil, but also in the
entire Neotropical region. Their management has not advanced ∗
Correspondence to: Terezinha Maria C Della Lucia, Departamento de Biologia
much and currently faces trying scenarios not only in Brazil, but Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil.
in all other countries where they occur, including, Argentina, E-mail:
Colombia, Peru and Venezuela.
The problems with leaf-cutting ants have been aggravated a Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG
36570-000, Brazil
in planted forest ecosystems. These sites are huge extensions
of monocultures (mainly Eucalyptus) where leaf-cutting ants are b Departamento de Entomologia, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG
key pests. Forestry companies face problems such as restrictive

36570-000, Brazil

Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry
Managing leaf-cutting ants

demands structural nest complexity and social interaction to allow we may allude to George Orwell’s pigs (Animal Farm, 1945) and
the coexistence of up to millions of individuals within a single mention that all leaf-cutting ants are equal, but some are more
colony. equal than others. Among the 15 species of Atta and 35 species
of Acromyrmex with their many subspecies, only some 9 or 10
1.2 Importance: hero, villain or in between? species have broad economic importance as pests (Table 1).7,35,36
Leaf-cutting ants are the dominant species in both natural and Therefore, concern regarding leaf-cutting ants as pest species
human-disturbed settings where they occur, and are considered should focus on a limited number of species and on fields in which
to be a keystone species because of their influence on the economic loss indeed occurs.
environment; these ants contribute largely to environmental
diversity, productivity, and nutrient and energy flow.7,8 More
recently, leaf-cutting ants have been regarded as ecosystem 2 LEAF-CUTTING ANT PECULIARITIES
engineers because they modulate, directly and indirectly, resource AND MANAGEMENT LIMITATIONS
availability to other species by changing the physical state Leaf-cutting ants exhibit a series of adaptations, namely social
of biotic and abiotic materials.9 – 13 Their activity modifies soil organization, foraging, fungus-cultivation, hygiene and a complex
properties by improving aeration, drainage and root penetration, nest structure that render their management difficult. Such
and by increasing organic matter and nutrient mineralization adaptations make these insects unique and, because of these
and availability.14 – 19 Secondary seed dispersal and improved adaptations, control methods for their management are also
germination by manipulation have also been associated with the distinct from those usually required for insect pest management in
activity of leaf-cutting ants,20,21 and their symbiotic relationships agriculture, cultivated forests and pastures. We will subsequently
have led to recent antibiotic discoveries, including candicidin address these general adaptations and emphasize their control
and dentigerumicin.22,23 In addition, leaf-cutting ant colonies are limitations.
considered to be models for designing improved agricultural
management for sustainable production.24 2.1 Social organization
The notoriety of leaf-cutting ants as pests is in startling The social organization and complexity of leaf-cutting ants are
contrast to their environmental importance and benefits. This largely responsible for the high colony efficiency observed among
apparent paradox is not difficult to understand in areas these insects. The colony acts as a superorganism with a long-living
where leaf-cutting ants are native, however, given that these
queen: the key individual that is both responsible for the colony’s
ants are recognized as pests of human-altered environments
structure and viability, which are sustained by its reproductive
(e.g. agriculture and reforestation fields), but not of natural
output. The remaining members of the colony are formed by
environments; such recognition is rooted in the alleged threat
her progeny, including the winged males and females that will
that they pose to an investment (namely that involving agriculture
eventually leave the colony to form new ones, and the workers
or forest production), which may surpass an economic threshold
(in their distinct subdivisions), which perform the various tasks
(equivalent to control costs). By contrast, there is no paradox
within the colony (e.g. brood care, queen attendance, foraging,
in areas where leaf-cutting ants are invasive. For example, in
colony defense and waste disposal). Therefore, control practices
Guadeloupe (French West Indies), leaf-cutting ants were widely
that are targeted at individuals other than the queen have a smaller
spread after failures in control attempts soon after they reached
chance of success unless their suppression or impairment: (1) has
the island. Now they are threatening plant species in protected
a strong and direct (negative) impact on the queen’s survival, or
areas, in particular rain forest arborescent ferns of Cyathea sp.25 The
(2) is sufficiently great to hinder replacement by the queen, thus
overall magnitude of the losses caused by the ants’ foraging activity
compromising colony sustainability.
supports their pest status within agriculture and man-established
Control agents, either biological or chemical, face a different
forests in the Neotropics. Approximate global estimates of
requirement in the control of leaf-cutting ants. In both control
economic losses caused by leaf-cutting ants reach billions of
types, high direct mortality is usually the objective, but even
dollars, and these estimates are deemed to be conservative.26,27
high mortality of foraging workers is unlikely to achieve colony
Single defoliation events in Eucalyptus can reduce tree diameter
suppression. Therefore, biological and chemical control agents
by 11 mm and height by 0.7 m, causing a 13% loss in wood volume
that target the queen herself or substantially impact a caste
at the end of a 7-year cycle.28 In addition, successive defoliations
associated with brood care and queen (or fungus) attendance
compromise tree growth and shape, and the yield of cultivated
are more likely to succeed. Such agents are more difficult to
tree species such as Eucalyptus and pine.29,30 The end result is
obtain and also explain the lack of applied biological control
that an estimated 30% of plantation management expenses are
against leaf-cutting ants. A limited portfolio of insecticide options
devoted to the control of leaf-cutting ants.31 Annual consumption
is used against these species, which are mainly restricted to
by a mature colony of Atta bisphaerica, a grass-cutter, is estimated
sulfluramid and fipronil, although chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and
to be ∼ 3 tons of sugarcane, totaling 450 kg of sugar or 300 L of
even diflubenzuron, among a few other compounds, are also
alcohol, and a loss of US$ 60 million.32 The virtually continuous
used.27,28,37 Other control methods, including queen removal and
availability of suitable food sources for leaf-cutting ants in areas
physical destruction of the colony, are limited to small areas and
where they occur further emphasizes their status as pest species.
to ants with small and superficial colonies such as young Atta
These examples involve direct costs; however, indirect costs, such
colonies and some of Acromyrmex.27,38
as increased likelihood of erosion due to clearing around the
nest, potential damage to cattle and machinery, and construction
damage due to nest excavation and foraging, should not be 2.2 Foraging and fungus cultivation
neglected.33,34 Another important peculiarity of leaf-cutting ants involves
Leaf-cutting ants may have various benefits and/or losses. foraging for the provision of fresh leaves to be used in a
Regarding losses and the status of these ants as pests, however, fungus-cultivated garden. Regarding herbivory, these ants are

Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry TMC Della Lucia, LC Gandra, RNC Guedes

Table 1. Foraging substrate and distribution of the main pest species of leaf-cutting ants (Atta and Acromyrmex)

Genus Species Foraging substrate Continent Main countries

Atta A. capiguara Monocots South America Brazil

A. cephalotes Dicots North, Central and Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French
South America Guiana, Guyana, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Peru, Suriname,
A. laevigata Monocots and dicots South America Brazil and Venezuela
A. sexdens Dicots South America Argentina, Brazil, French Guiana,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname,
Acromyrmex Ac. balzani Monocots South America Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay,
Ac. octospinosus Dicots North, Central and Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana,
South America Mexico, Venezuela
Ac. rugosus Dicots South America Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay,
Ac. subterraneus brunneus Dicots South America Brazil and Peru
Ac. subterraneus molestans Monocots and dicots South America Brazil
Ac. subterraneus subterraneus Dicots South America Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay

among the most polyphagous and voracious insects known.11,39 multiple microorganism interactions (not only with the cultivated
Curiously, however, they exhibit unexpected selectivity in their fungus) and high levels of hygiene (worthy models for human
harvesting choices to provision the fungus garden. The ants metropolises).57 – 60 Leaf-cutting ants are able to maintain
appear to manage their leaf sources while foraging, and exhibit continuous monocultural fungus-cultivation without perceivable
noticeable behavioral plasticity in their foraging decisions.11,40 – 45 production disasters – a feat that modern human agriculture
Some consequences of such foraging habits include the increased accomplishes with frequent threats and disaster. These ants have
foraging area of individual colonies, which threatens cultivated apparently been able to accomplish such a feat because of their
fields away from the colony nest, the higher risk of attack in ability to associate hygienic strategies with social complexity
homogeneous plantations, and the rejection of insecticidal and involving: (1) the use of mixed chemicals from exocrine glands
pathogen-contaminated baits.39,46 – 50 (mainly the metapleural glands), (2) the use of antimicrobials
The history of agriculture in Attini ants most likely had a single from mutualistic bacteria (Pseudonocardia) cultured on the ants’
origin some 50 million years ago, after the separation of South exoskeleton (as observed in Acromyrmex), (3) waste disposal
America from Africa.51 The ‘superior agriculture’ developed by compartmentalization and management, and (4) communication
the higher Attini (i.e., the leaf-cutting ants) is based on the and nestmate (and even fungus) recognition within a structured
use of freshly cut leaves to cultivate the highly ‘domesticated’ society.57,61 – 70
fungus, which was the target of various adaptations that led to The metabolites produced by the ant mutualistic bacteria
their mutualistic association.1,51 – 54 The fungus is the main food Pseudonocardia are usually regarded as narrow-spectrum
source for the ants, and these fungi belong to two genera of antimicrobials, which are active against Escovopsis, a specialized
basidiomycetes: Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus (Agaricaceae: and occasionally virulent fungus that is able to attack and devastate
Leucocoprinae).51,55 Fungal transmission is colony-dependent for species of cultivated ant fungus.63,65 However, Escovopsis is not the
its clonal propagation (within the colony itself) and for the only threat to the fungus garden, and generalist pathogens may
formation of new colonies via dispersion by winged females also attack both the symbiont fungus and the leaf-cutting ants.63,64
during the ants’ nuptial flight.53,56 The integrity of the fungus Such a threat is managed with exocrine gland secretions from the
garden is paramount to colony survival, and its jeopardy leads ants, primarily from their metapleural glands, which exhibit broad-
to colony suppression and, therefore, to the control of leaf- spectrum antimicrobial activity.71 – 73 Recent findings indicate that
cutting ants, which poses a challenge. Physical destruction of elaborate metapleural gland secretions and reduced reliance on
the colonies and fungus garden contamination are possibilities for Pseudonocardia prevail in larger colonies of leaf-cutting ants, thus
control, particularly in small and shallow ant colonies. However, emphasizing the difficulties of efficiently managing disease in large
the physical destruction of the colony is costly, and reaching societies with general chemical mixtures versus specific bacterial
the fungus garden with a contaminant, particularly a biological antimicrobials as potential tools for such tasks.69
contaminant (e.g. a pathogen or competitor), is difficult due to the Pathogens are not the only threat to the fungus garden, and a
social structure and hygiene practices performed by leaf-cutting suitable microclimate is also necessary for the desired cultivation
ants when securing their garden maintenance and yield. and yield; leaf-cutting ants are able to relocate their gardens to
suitable nest chambers and to heavily invest in building, repairing
and maintaining nest structure.74,75 In addition, fungus-cultivation
2.3 Hygiene generates large amounts of degraded plant material, which
The intricacies of farming and living under high colony are frequently contaminated with fungal competitors and other
density in leaf-cutting ants are rather complex, involving microorganisms that are potentially detrimental to the garden
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23
Managing leaf-cutting ants

and the colony.22,75 – 77 The containment of these waste products efficacy data, however, are available for chemical control with
in isolated internal nest chambers or external piles, away from sulfluramid (insecticidal) baits providing high levels of efficacy
the fungus garden, aided by hygienic behaviors (e.g. grooming (ranging from 83.3 to 100.0%) against leaf-cutting ants attacking
and strict labor division to minimize contact with contaminants) broad-leaf species,92 – 94 efficacy range also reached with thermal
guarantees high levels of hygiene and minimizes the potential risks fogging.95 Nonetheless, the chemical control of leaf-cutting ants
to the fungus garden and to colony survival.57,67,78,79 Nestmate also faces several constraints, which will be addressed.
and even fungus recognition further aid in such efforts by the
colony.61,66,68 The high levels of care and sanitation exhibited by 3.1 Environmental manipulation of the cultivated field
leaf-cutting ants cause constraints in the use of a substrate with Physical, mechanical and cultural control methods are frequently
either pathogens or insecticides, thereby preventing these control discussed independent of one another, and such methods are used
agents from reaching key castes or the entire colony. at different levels against leaf-cutting ants, particularly in small
areas that are attacked by small colonies in superficial nests. Some
2.4 Nest structure examples of control practices within these categories include the
The nest structure of leaf-cutting ants is a reflection of removal of queens, compost treatments (i.e. nest coverage with
their fungus-cultivation habits and social organization, which a mix of organic and inorganic ingredients after removal of the
sometimes reaches extremely high levels of complexity in nest top soil) and physical nest destruction.27 The efficacy of
architectural achievements rivaling those of China’s Great Wall; such methods, however, is dubious and not always subjected to
this phenomenon was recently explored in a newspaper section rigorous testing. By contrast, the cumulative evidence gathered
from the Daily Mail.80 However, the levels of nest complexity suggests that the diversification of crop systems has management
vary among species, with species of Atta exhibiting larger, potential against these ants.27
deeper and more intricate designs than Acromyrmex that The diversification of crop systems, such as the conservation
involve myriad underground tunnels, deposits and interconnected of undergrowth vegetation in Eucalyptus plantations and/or the
chambers.81 – 83 Furthermore, nest construction and maintenance maintenance of strips of native vegetation in the field, allows
are dynamic, and leaf-cutting ants are able to minimize flooding a wider variety of foraging plants, thereby minimizing the risk
problems by raising chambers above risk levels, to counterbalance of attack to the main plant species, especially if well-known
high CO2 levels by opening new nest ventilation orifices, to prevent attractive alternatives are available.26,38,39,41 Furthermore, crop
noxious gas from spreading by shutting down tunnels, and even system diversification allows for increased diversity of natural
to recycle waste materials to repair nest damage when feasible enemies that are likely to limit colony expansion and the
and necessary.75,84 – 87 Consequently, the management practice of establishment of higher density colonies.96 – 98
the physical destruction of large leaf-cutting ant nests is doomed
to failure; fumigation and/or thermal fogging require sufficient gas 3.2 Biological control
distribution and careful dosing to achieve the desired effect. Natural biological control of leaf-cutting ants seems to be gener-
ally favored by the diversification of crop systems, as previously
discussed. In addition, the use of applied biological control is usu-
3 TRENDS IN LEAF-CUTTING ANT ally encouraged because of its perceived rationality, sustainability
MANAGEMENT and environmental friendliness; unfortunately, however, biolog-
The history of leaf-cutting ant control encompasses a broad array ical control agents do have potential environmental risks and
of methods ranging from domestic techniques to physical and should be carefully studied before eventual recommendation and
biological control methods, including the use of a diverse set use, particularly in cases of exotic species in classical biocontrol
of chemicals from inorganic compounds, such as sulfur and efforts.99 – 102
lime, to old chlorinated compounds (e.g. aldrin, chlordane and Phoridae flies compose the main group of biological control
dodecachlor), fumigants, traditional organosynthetic compounds agents under scrutiny.103,104 The phorid parasitoid flies that
of broad use (e.g. organophosphate, carbamates and pyrethroids) frequently attack leaf-cutting ants primarily belong to the genera
to more modern substances (e.g., sulfluramid and fipronil). Apocephalus (Brown), Eibesfeldtphora (Disney) and Myrmosicarius
Curiously though, control, and not management, of leaf-cutting (Disney). These parasitoids lay their eggs either in foraging workers
ants is generally the goal, and a basic economic threshold for the transporting leaves along the trail or while these workers are
management of these species is noticeably lacking, with control cutting leaf fragments.105 – 108 However, the ants are not passive
decisions usually based on empirical observations.88,89 Prompted hosts and exhibit a generalized response to phorid attacks.108
by increased concern and studies aimed at determining economic In addition, the attack by such natural enemies is unlikely to
injury levels of leaf-cutting ants, a welcome change in approach suppress the colony, which is the same shortcoming shared by
seems to be occurring. Cultivated Eucalyptus seem to be the focus other biocontrol agents of leaf-cutting ants; this phenomenon is
of attention regarding this effort, and economic injury levels in one of the main reasons why little progress has been achieved in
the range of 13.4–39.2 m2 ha-1 of nest (based on the number and such control programs.
area of nests in a given field) have been suggested.90,91 These The use of pathogens against leaf-cutting ants seems to
thresholds will provide a foundation for the proper management be a more promising biocontrol tactic, which has been the
of leaf-cutting ants rather than the current prevailing empirical target of more investigation and use with emphasis on
control-making decision. Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) and Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo)
The management tactics (or control methods) under recent infecting the ants, and Trichoderma spp. antagonizing ant-
scrutiny will be emphasized with their potential practical suitability cultivated fungus.27,109,110 However, the promising laboratory
against leaf-cutting ants. Regretably, efficacy data on methods results that are usually obtained with these pathogens are not
alternative to insecticide use are scarce and variable. Reliable translated into field effectiveness.27,111 This lack of effectiveness

Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry TMC Della Lucia, LC Gandra, RNC Guedes

might be due to a wide range of possibilities, including stability of

the pathogen formulation and the efficacy of the delivery system,
but the remarkable resilience of ants against the use of field
pathogens is more likely to be due to their capacity to detect,
defend and recover from their exposure to these control agents,
which are greatly limited in laboratory settings.

3.3 Insecticides, repellents and pheromones

Insecticide application prevails against leaf-cutting ants through-
out their area of occurrence as pest species in four distinct
practices – powder application, fumigation, thermal fogging
and toxic baiting. The application of dry powder formulations
is achieved by pumping the insecticide into the nest via its main
opening and active orifices. Organophosphates, carbamates and
particularly pyrethroids have been used as dry powder to provide Figure 1. Representative pattern of nestmate aggression with mutilated
efficient control under dry environmental conditions and against ants and body parts sparked by β-eudesmol among workers of leaf-cutting
small and shallow nests.33,37 Deep and complex nest structures, ants (Atta sexdens).
as usually observed in mature nests of Atta, are not amenable to
this practice because the powder will not reach more protected and a few other compounds are also employed.27,111,117 However,
chambers housing the queen, its brood and the minor workers the mechanisms of colony suppression by these compounds are
that look after these insects, thus failing to suppress the colony. poorly known. Some alternatives, such as abamectin, also proved
The use of fumigants (i.e. gas insecticide), primarily methyl to be effective in colony suppression by directly impairing the
bromide, was often previously employed against leaf-cutting ants. queen’s fertility, but its slow activity (∼ 9 weeks) prevents its
The compound was directly applied to the nest (again via open commercial use.117,118
and active orifices), passing from liquid to gas upon the release Among the new pesticides under development, biopesticides or
of pressure. As a gas, the compound is able to spread throughout biorational pesticides have received considerable attention.119,120
the nest, thereby causing its suppression. However, in addition Again, these compounds’ presumed environmental safety and
to its high mammal toxicity, methyl bromide is an ozone layer- problems of the evolution of resistance to synthetic insecticides
depleting substance that is being phased out as agreed upon in have attracted attention. Plant extracts are at the forefront of
the Montreal Protocol.112 Therefore, methyl bromide is no longer current research on insecticidal compounds for use in baits.121 – 124
an option against leaf-cutting ants, and no substitute is currently Curiously, it is frequently neglected that chemical structure,
available. and not origin (either natural or synthetic), determines the
Thermal fogging of insecticides is another management physical–chemical properties and consequently the toxicity of
alternative used against these pests. This involves the use of a given compound, and that leaf-cutting ants notably lack
thermal foggers to heat up diesel or mineral oil to generate the recorded problems of insecticide resistance with the exception
‘fog’ in which the insecticide is suspended and thus disseminated. of one doubtful account in Atta sexdens from Paraguay from the
To suppress large colonies (with over 10 m2 of surface diameter), 1960s.125,126
such a technique requires fog application into active nest openings Natural products have had and continue to have crop protection
until the nest is saturated.111 Thermal foggers have been the target value both as per se insecticides or as chemical backbones for new
of improvement, and their application against leaf-cutting ants insecticide molecules, but these products are still limited by the
remains useful, although granular toxic baits are the main method same concerns and shortcomings as synthetic compounds. Some
of insecticide use because of their relatively low cost, high efficacy natural compounds, particularly from plant extracts (unlike others,
and generally low environmental impact (when properly used). such as lime stone),124 show promise against leaf-cutting ants
In addition, fog dispersion in complex nests is relatively slow, in laboratory experiments, either affecting the ants themselves
potentially allowing tunnel blocking by the ants preventing the or their cultivated fungus.121 – 123,127 – 131 However, their potential
fog-applied insecticide from reaching key nest chambers. for field use still deserves attention because, for example, high
Toxic baits containing attractants to leaf-cutting ants have vapor pressure as in the β-eudesmol, a bioactive compound
widespread use, and sulfluramid and fipronil are the main from an Eucalyptus clone effective against leaf-cutting ants,129,130
compounds currently under large-scale use.111,113 The baits are precludes such use despite its potent interference with nestmate
distributed near the ant trails and nest openings; the quantity of recognition; such interference leads to aggression and high
bait is based on the nest size, and the ants pick up the granules and mortality among nestmates (Fig. 1).129,131
introduce them into the nest. Until its prohibition, dodecachlor was Compounds that modulate behavior are also objects of attention
the compound of choice in the early use of toxic baits.37,114,115 The against leaf-cutting ants, and, among these, natural repellents
high persistence of this organochloride and its low acute toxicity show promise. Some plants and plant extracts, as recently
to foraging workers are the likely causes of its success in toxic baits. recognized in the Programme of Applied Research to Popular
The harvested baits are taken into the nest, thus contaminating Medicine in the Caribbean (TRAMIL), initiated in 1982, do exhibit
the fungus garden and allegedly also the minor workers when they repellence to leaf-cutting ants and may prove useful in association
are handling the fungus, which causes their eventual death within with cultivated plants, thereby diversifying the crop system and
four to five days.114 – 116 The wholesale death of this caste affects minimizing the risk of attack.39,42,122 Another approach against
fungus-cultivation, resulting in colony starvation.116 Sulfluramid leaf-cutting ants that was developed and explored between
has largely replaced dodecachlor in toxic baits, although fipronil the mid-1970s and late 1980s was to increase bait pick-up
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23
Managing leaf-cutting ants

(bait contaminated with pathogens or toxic compounds) to different nests, directing the control effort and eventual use of
improve their field efficacy due to the potentially reduced economic thresholds under development for forest plantations
exposure of the bait to environmental conditions and improved subjected to attack by leaf-cutting ants, particularly of the genus
attractiveness.132 – 134 Brood, trail and alarm pheromones were Atta.
tested by being impregnated into small sachets containing
granulated baits, but the results were disappointing.132,134 4.2 New attractants for toxic baits
The success of a toxic bait used against leaf-cutting ants is largely
dependent on its attractant, and citrus extracts are the common
4 CHALLENGES FOR MANAGING choice in currently marketed baits; however, the mass and size of
LEAF-CUTTING ANTS the bait granules are also important variables to consider.43,138,139
The management of leaf-cutting ants is not short of challenges, Improved bait granule mass and size can improve pick-up by
some of which were previously addressed while discussing their ants, which may vary with the species targeted, but commercial
peculiarities and their management limitations and also while baits retain a standardized granule and attractant (citrus extracts),
addressing the current trends in leaf-cutting ant management. which are not suitable for grass-cutting ants such as Atta capiguara
Physical, mechanical and cultural control strategies against (Gonçalves) and A. bisphaerica (Forel).139,140 The challenge here is
leaf-cutting ants are limited and generally used in small areas, the development of toxic baits for grass-cutting ants; promising
with restriction (a good review on these methods can be alternatives have already been recognized, although some of these
found in Montoya-Lerma et al.).27 All alternative methods to the alternatives did not perform as desired when incorporated into
chemical control of leaf-cutting ants per se can be considered a baits.141 – 143 However, leaves of jaragua grass (Hyparrhenia rufa
challenge because much still has to be done before they can be (Nees) Stapf) and sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) showed
recommended for large-scale use. In this section, the focus is on promising results as bait attractants for A. bisphaerica, thus opening
four specific challenges that have an impact on those already up relevant possibilities for grass-cutting ant species, which
discussed. remains to be explored not only with insecticidal baits, but also
with pathogen-contaminated baits.139
4.1 Applying integrated pest management to leaf-cutting
ants 4.3 Natural insecticides as a replacement for synthetic
The basic tenets of integrated pest management are the compounds
integration of a range of practices (or tactics) to contain pest The use of organo-synthetic insecticides is pervasive in toxic
population levels below the economic injury level, where the cost baits for leaf-cutting ants without any natural alternative currently
of the control tactic equals the economic loss caused by the pest available. Old synthetic compounds such as dodecachlor, which
infestation. Although the integration of control tactics against leaf- set the standard for efficacy against leaf-cutting ants, have
cutting ants requires improvement, the availability of economic understandably been banned or highly restricted as persistent
injury levels against these species is lacking. Experimentally based organic pollutants. Successful successors to such compounds,
sampling procedures and schemes to assess ant population levels however, have been targeted by the Forest Stewardship Council
to allow decision-making with such thresholds are virtually non- (FSC) in its policy on the management and certification of forest
existent. The establishment of economic injury levels for Eucalyptus plantations.144 This European organization for the certification of
plantations has recently been the target of attention, and the effort forest products promotes integrated pest management and long-
seems to be advancing.90,91 The development of sampling plans term monitoring of health and environmental impacts in cultivated
suitable for decision-making, however, lags far behind with very forests and, consequently, is restricting synthetic insecticide use
limited research effort.135,136 (including sulfluramid, fipronil, fenitrothion and the pyrehtroids α-
Among reforestation companies in Brazil, for instance, empirical cypermethrin and deltamethrin) against leaf-cutting ants in these
methods prevail, and the so-called ‘worst focus technique’ is the environments.145 Therefore, to secure their FSC certification status,
most popular. In this technique, a visual survey of the occurrence of the large reforestation companies and principle large-scale users
leaf-cutting ant nests and their damage is performed to recognize of insecticidal baits are increasingly interested in pest sampling
the worst sites, which are used in decision-making.137 The problem and monitoring in addition to seeking alternatives to the current
is the extrapolation of the worst scenario and not the identification synthetic compounds under use.
of the sites under justifiable control based on economic injury The search for new antagonistic molecules originating from toxic
levels, which leads to what should be avoided – the overuse or repellent plants is on the increase. Since the 1980s researchers
of insecticide (insecticide baits in particular). Therefore, the have been studying these plants but after the prohibition of
development of sampling plans for leaf-cutting ants is sorely dodecachlor the studies have been intensified up to the point
needed and presents a challenge, demanding procedures that are that it can be said that there is a real ‘race’ in the search of new
distinct from those usually applied to agriculture pest insects and phytochemicals. The literature is very abundant on this subject.
requiring a strong spatial analysis component. A summary of these studies can be found in Montoya-Lerma
The sampling focus of either injury or nest still requires definition. et al.,27 however, it demands time, money and joint work between
Although injury sampling is usually preferred when decision biologists and chemists. The search continues, but alternatives,
making (since it directly incurs in economical loss), Atta nests particularly natural alternatives, are difficult to find and are not
tend to be easier to locate and quantify with the added benefit without risks and restrictions, as previously discussed. However,
of potentially allowing the recognition of their area of influence complex phytochemical mixtures (e.g. from unpurified plant
and minimum spacing between nests with georeferencing and extracts) usually have reduced risks and restrictions,146 and have
distance interpolation using spatial analysis. This procedure should been successfully subjected to small-scale use as an important
allow us to delimit the range and distribution of injury from leaf-cutting ant management tactic.27

Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 14–23 

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry TMC Della Lucia, LC Gandra, RNC Guedes

4.4 Pathogen-insecticide associated use ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Natural attack of entomopathogenic fungi on leaf-cutting ants The authors would like to thank the Editorial Board of Pest
seems rather rare147 despite their susceptibility in laboratory Management Science for the invitation to prepare this review
tests.148 The defensive hygienic behavior of the leaf-cutting and A Carrick for the guidance provided. The thought-provoking
ants, including self- and allo-grooming that spreads the ants’ comments and suggestions provided by Dr R Wilkins and two
antimicrobial secretions, certainly contributes to this effect and anonymous reviewers were greatly appreciated. The financial
leads to the disappointing results that are usually obtained with support provided by the National Council of Scientific and
the use of even high concentrations of fungal conidia against the Technological Development (CNPq), the CAPES Foundation
ants.149 (Brazilian Ministry of Education), and the Minas Gerais State
The prospective use of pathogenic fungi against leaf-cutting Foundation of Research Aid (FAPEMIG) is also greatly appreciated
ants has potential, but its effective field utilization remains and acknowledged here.
a challenge. An interesting possibility is to associate the
fungal conidia with low doses of neurotoxic insecticides.150
The reasoning behind such an approach involves the potential REFERENCES
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c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry

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