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Lauren Kiedaisch - Art

Grade Level: 8

Project: ​Restaurant Design

Objective​: To introduce students to architecture design, while practicing 2-point perspective


I Can​:
- Understand the architecture design process.
- Write a proposal for my restaurant, and carry out my plan in an architectural drawing.
- Use 2-point perspective to create a realistic rendering of my restaurant.
- Use excellent craftsmanship in my artwork.

- Paper, pencils, sharpie markers, rulers, erasers, colored pencils

Academic Language​:
- Architecture: the study and design of buildings; the art and science of designing
buildings and other structures that shape our environment
- Vanishing point: the point at which all parallel lines appear to converge as they move
back in space
- Horizon Line: eye level, the line on which the vanishing points lie
- Atmosphere: how a space makes a person feel
- Aesthetics: how something looks

Procedures (Appx. 6-7 class days)​:

Day 1​:​ ​The students will learn about the architecture design process by watching a video
recorded by an architect. They will begin to brainstorm their restaurant design, and will write a
four sentence proposal explaining the title, location, atmosphere and aesthetics of their
Day 2​: The class will review 2-point perspective drawing techniques, focusing on incorporating
details such as windows, doors and signs into the system of perspective. The students will
create a small practice drawing of their restaurant in 2-point perspective.
Day 3-7​: The students will create their final restaurant drawing on large paper. They will trace
their drawing in sharpie marker, and will color using either watercolor pencils or regular colored

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