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Kensington United negotiation

There are two other companies interested in sponsoring the club if the
negotiation with Universal Communications (UC) fails. However, UC is an
international company, with excellent management and a high profile in the
business world. You want:
1.- Total value of the contract
The contract should have a total value of 90 million dollars in four years. 45
million dollars should be paid within the first year, as you need money to
enlarge the stadium's seating capacity, introduce sophisticated technology
and hire more staff for crowd control.
2.- Timing of payments
The time of the payments are, the 50% of the contract should be paid in the
first year, and the other 50% should be paid equitably in the next three years.
3.- Advertising
The advertising of Universal Communications should be limited, you can put
advertising around the soccer field, and put the logo of Universal
Communications in the jersey. The team don´t want to upset the fans with
Universal Communications advertising.
4.- Control of players and club activities
The team is in the third phase of the European League, if the team win more
games in the European League, you should pay 20,000 dollars, and if the
reach to the final you should pay 100,000 dollars.
The team is having a very good season, if the team wins the season you
should pay 20 million dollars.
The players should receive a bonus of 5% of their salary, if they:
 Score a goal.
 Win with an advantage of 3 goals.
 Win three times in a row.
5.- Control of spectators
You will work with the police to prevent any event or situation that puts
someone's integrity at risk. And you will contract more people for the staff to
have a better organization.
6.- Official supplier of Kensington football boots
You should buy 2 pairs of boots every single game for every single player of
the ADIDAS brand, the player will choose the design of their boots.

7.- Other commercial opportunities

If another commercial company wants to support the team, and it´s a better
option with more money and perks, the team will go with the other
8.- Fringe benefits for players
The benefits of the players are, for every titular player you will give an Audi
at the end of the season. And for the actual captain of the team you will give
a Ferrari.
9 Other points
If the team descend you can´t cancel the contract, you have to trust in the
team they will ascend again.

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