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Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in

low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review1–3
Roosmarijn Verstraeten, Dominique Roberfroid, Carl Lachat, Jef L Leroy, Michelle Holdsworth, Lea Maes,
and Patrick W Kolsteren

ABSTRACT economic and societal changes (11, 12). The staggering in-
Background: The prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing creases in unhealthy body weights have been observed in both
rapidly in low- and middle-income countries, and informed policies urban and rural settings and across all levels of socioeconomic
to tackle the problem must be defined. status (SES), including in the poorest groups (13–15).
Objective: We systematically reviewed the evidence on the effec- Of great concern is the worldwide rise in obesity in children
tiveness of school-based interventions targeting dietary behavior and adolescents. Ten percent of 5–17-y-olds (ie, 150–160 mil-

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and/or physical activity for the primary prevention of obesity in lion) are overweight, of whom 2–3% (ie, 35–40 million) are
children and adolescents aged 6–18 y in low- and middle-income obese (16). The rapid increase in unhealthy body weight in
countries. schoolchildren has led to prevalence levels in some LMICs that
Design: We searched the MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, are as high or even higher than those found in HICs (8, 16, 17).
CENTRAL, ERIC, Cochrane Library, and Centre for Reviews and Excess body weight during childhood is associated with a range
Dissemination databases for peer-reviewed controlled studies pub- of chronic conditions in adulthood, including type 2 diabetes,
lished in English, Spanish, French, German, or Dutch between Jan- hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers
uary 1990 and July 2011. The quality of the included studies was (18–21), and thereby compromises the quality of life (22) and
appraised independently by 2 authors who used the Effective Public overall life expectancy (23–25). Obese children are more likely
Health Practice Project tool. to become obese adults (26–28) and to suffer from psychosocial
Results: From a total of 7218 unique references, we retained 22 problems, social stigmatization, and poor self-image (29).
studies. Most of the interventions (82%) had a positive effect on Prevention is of utmost importance to curb the rise in diet-
dietary behavior and physical activity behavior (effect size ranged
related chronic diseases, particularly in LMICs because treatment
from 20.48 to 1.61). BMI decreased in 8 studies (effect size ranged
is expensive and will drain the already limited public health
from 20.7 to 0.0). Effective interventions targeted both diet and
resources (30). Physical activity (PA) and dietary habits are key
physical activity, involved multiple stakeholders, and integrated ed-
modifiable behavioral risk factors in the onset of obesity. As such,
ucational activities into the school curriculum.
they are the cornerstones of any preventive strategy in children
Conclusions: School-based interventions have the potential to im-
and adolescents (7, 31). School-based intervention programs
prove dietary and physical activity behavior and to prevent un-
have emerged increasingly as an important strategy in obesity
healthy body weights in low- and middle-income countries. To
reach their full potential, interventions should conduct process eval- prevention. Most of the available evidence, however, originates
uations to document program implementation. The effect and the from studies conducted in HICs (32, 33). The only 2 systematic
pathways through which interventions have this effect need to be
better documented through rigorous evaluation studies. Am J From the Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Ghent Univer-
Clin Nutr 2012;96:415–38. sity, Ghent, Belgium (RV, CL, and PWK); the Nutrition and Child Health
Unit, Department of Public Health, Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (RV, DR, CL, and PWK); the Poverty, Health,
INTRODUCTION and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute, Wash-
ington, DC (JLL); the School of Health and Related Research, The Univer-
Chronic diseases are now the leading cause of morbidity and sity of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom (MH); and the Department of
mortality in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)4, and Public Health, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium (LM).
their prevalence will increase even further over the next 2 de- No funding was received for this study.
cades (1, 2). Although 80% of the overall chronic disease burden Address correspondence to PW Kolsteren, Nutrition and Child Health
occurs in LMICs (3, 4), chronic diseases remain mostly un- Unit, Department of Public Health, Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical
derappreciated as a public health issue in these countries (5, 6). Medicine, Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium. E-mail: pkolsteren@
Key determinants of chronic diseases are inadequate diets, 4
Abbreviations used: ES, effect size; HICs, high-income countries;
physical inactivity, smoking, excessive alcohol use, and obesity LMICs, low- and middle-income countries; PA, physical activity; SES, so-
(7). Obesity rates have more than doubled over the past 2–3 cioeconomic status.
decades in many high-income countries (HICs) (4, 8, 9). Com- Received January 18, 2012. Accepted for publication May 9, 2012.
parable trends in LMICs (10) have been associated with rapid First published online July 3, 2012; doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.035378.

Am J Clin Nutr 2012;96:415–38. Printed in USA. Ó 2012 American Society for Nutrition 415

Supplemental Material can be found at:

reviews linked to LMICs either focused on only one region (ie, overweight or obesity through dietary and/or PA behavior; and
China) or had a narrow focus on one specific intervention (ie, PA) 5) include both baseline and postintervention measurements
(34, 35). Moreover, a comprehensive and systematic synthesis of of dietary and PA behavior outcomes and/or anthropometric
study results, including both anthropometric and behavioral outcomes. Studies targeting parental or teacher behavior were
outcome measures, is currently lacking (33). Given the differ- eligible if outcome data could be extracted for children and/or
ences in contextual and cultural factors between HICs and LMICs adolescents. The following studies were excluded: 1) corre-
(36), the public health challenges they are facing, and the im- spondence letters, book chapters, dissertations, conference
portance of basing actions on sound evidence, we conducted proceedings, and abstracts; and 2) secondary prevention in-
a systematic review to identify effective pathways that alter terventions targeting only overweight, obese, or underweight
behavior and/or BMI in schoolchildren in LMICs. subjects.

METHODS Study selection

We conducted a systematic review of the effect of school- First, the title and abstracts of the identified references were
based interventions in LMICs aimed at the primary prevention of screened to select relevant studies based on the inclusion criteria.
obesity through changes in dietary behavior, PA behavior, or both If insufficient information was available from the title and ab-
in children and adolescents 6–18 y of age. To avoid biased post stract, the full text was read. The full text of the selected studies
hoc decisions, the inclusion criteria and analytic methods were was then retrieved and read to determine whether the inclusion
specified in the review protocol before the review was conducted criteria were met. The selection process was performed in-
and were based on the Cochrane handbook (37). The Preferred dependently by 2 reviewers (RV and CL). Disagreement between

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Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses reviewers was resolved by discussion until a consensus was
statement was followed as a guideline to report this systematic reached. In cases of a disagreement, a third reviewer was con-
review (38, 39). sulted (PWK).

Search strategy Data extraction

The following electronic databases were searched: MEDLINE Data extraction of the following study characteristics was
(PubMed;, EMBASE (http:// performed by one reviewer (RV): study design, study setting, Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge. (urban/rural), characteristics of participants (including number,
com), CENTRAL (, Edu- number of schools, age, sex, and SES), type of intervention
cation Resources Information Center (ERIC) (http://www.eric.ed. (including type, intervention duration, length of follow-up, and
gov/), The Cochrane Library (http://www.thecochranelibrary. focus), adverse effects, and theoretical framework of the in-
com/), and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (http:// tervention. Data extraction sheets were pilot-tested on 4 papers The initial search before applying them to all included studies. Study results (ie, the
string was developed in MEDLINE by using the Population, impact estimates) and the information necessary to evaluate study
Intervention, Comparison and Outcome model (40), combining quality appraisal were extracted independently by $2 reviewers.
population (healthy children and adolescents in LMICs), in- Disagreements were resolved by discussion until a consensus
tervention (school-based primary prevention for PA and/or was reached. If necessary, a third reviewer was consulted to
nutrition), comparison (controlled trial), and outcome (an- obtain a final decision. If $2 articles presented data from the
thropometric and/or behavioral change outcomes) terms (see same study, the results were included only once in the tables, but
Supplemental Table 1 under “Supplemental data” in the online all the references linked to the original study were noted.
issue). The search string was further refined for use in the dif-
ferent databases. It included both text words and thesaurus Summary measures
terms, which were adapted for each of the databases searched.
Searches were conducted in April 2010 and updated in July To the extent that they were reported in the articles reviewed, 2
2011 for all databases except EMBASE and ERIC because of types of impact estimates were tabulated for each study: 1) the
difficulty accessing them. Additional eligible studies were double difference effect, ie, the difference in the change of
identified from the bibliographies of published reviews and in- means over time (ie, from baseline to follow-up) between the
cluded articles. intervention group and the control group; and 2) the baseline-
adjusted effect, ie, the comparison between the means of the
intervention and control groups at follow-up, adjusted for values
Eligibility criteria of the outcome at baseline. After these data were extracted, it
The review was limited to studies published in English, became apparent that some studies did not report statistical tests
French, Spanish, Dutch, and German between January 1990 and between the intervention and control groups. Consequently,
July 2011. This time frame was chosen because it covers the studies for which no statistical tests were provided or outcomes
worldwide trend of increasing childhood obesity prevalence over for which no significance levels were reported were not included
the past decades. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to 1) be in the result tables. In addition, the effectiveness of studies es-
conducted in a school setting in an LMIC, based on the World timating the effect of the intervention on at least one proximal
Bank classification (41); 2) include healthy children and ado- (ie, PA or dietary behavior) and a distal outcome (ie, BMI or
lescents 6–18 y of age; 3) use a controlled trial design (with or overweight/obesity prevalence) was evaluated. The authors were
without randomization); 4) focus on primary prevention of contacted to obtain further information when needed.
Quality appraisal not appropriate. When possible, effect size (ES) was computed to
Methodologic quality was assessed by using the Effective allow comparison of the effectiveness of the interventions across
Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool for studies:
Quantitative Studies 2008 (42). This standardized quality- ES ¼ ðmean for I 2 mean for CÞO½average SD for I and C ðpooled SDÞ
assessment tool evaluates study quality in 8 domains: selec-
tion bias, allocation bias, control for confounding, blinding,
data-collection methods, loss to follow-up, statistical analysis,
and intervention integrity. The tool assigns ratings of 1 (lowest where I is the intervention group and C is the control group. ES
quality), 2 (moderate quality), or 3 points (highest quality) to was calculated for the following outcomes: dietary and PA be-
each of the 6 first domains. The overall quality score is then havior, BMI, and the prevalence of obesity and/or overweight.
calculated for each study by adding these ratings. They were categorized as trivial (,0.2), small (0.2 to ,0.5),
medium (0.5 to ,0.8), or large ($0.8) (43). The ES of in-
Data synthesis terventions was presented by outcome and grouped into 3 cat-
Because of heterogeneity in the studies in terms of participants, egories depending on the type of intervention: 1) diet, 2) PA, and
types of intervention, and outcome measures, a meta-analysis was 3) diet and PA.

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FIGURE 1. Flowchart for the inclusion of studies. MEDLINE:; CRD:;
Cochrane Library:; Web of Science:; EMBASE:; ERIC: http://www. CRD, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination; ERIC, Education Resources Information Center; LMICs, low- and middle-income countries.

RESULTS tables, only 12 studies reported the information required to

calculate the ES. Of the 16 authors contacted to provide addi-
Description of included studies tional information, 4 responded but only 2 were able to provide
The systematic search strategy identified 7218 unique refer- the required information.
ences, of which 104 articles were included for full-text review.
After full-text screening of these articles, 25 studies (presented in Dietary behavior
29 publications) were found to meet the inclusion criteria and
were included for quality appraisal and analysis (Figure 1). The Five studies (2 diet and 3 combined interventions) reported
characteristics of these studies are presented in Table 1. Overall, significant effects on one or more dietary behaviors (Table 2).
13 interventions involved school staff, communities, parents, The diet interventions reported a positive effect on preferences
children, and/or families and are referred to as multicomponent for healthy food (49) and a decrease in daily consumption of
interventions in the remainder of this review. Four of the 25 sweetened carbonated drinks (51). A significant decrease in the
interventions provided an individual counseling component (44– fast food eating behavior score (62), in the frequency of fast
47). food consumption in general (67) and in schools (72), and in
Four studies were diet-only interventions (48–51), 10 studies fried food consumption, soda intake, and snacks high in fat,
were PA-only interventions (47, 52–61), and 11 studies involved sugar, and salt (67) were observed in favor of the combined
both diet and PA interventions (referred to as combined inter- interventions. The only study for which ES could be calculated
ventions in this review) (44–46, 62–72). Diet-only interventions had a small effect (62).
mainly used nutrition education promoting healthy diets as a key Except for one study, only multicomponent studies were ef-
intervention strategy (48, 49, 51); one study was a breakfast fective in changing behavior. Most provided nutrition education

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program (50). Eight of 10 PA interventions provided additional or nutrition and PA education as the intervention strategy, which
physical-education sessions ranging from 50 to 315 min extra were implemented by the teachers. All but one study had a low
per week (52–54, 56–60). Except for one study not reporting quality level (49).
these data (47), these studies integrated their additional sessions
into the existing curriculum. The remaining 2 PA interventions PA behavior
compared programmed PA with a regular physical-education Nine studies (7 PA interventions and 2 combined in-
curriculum (55) and provided tailored education according to the terventions) reported on physical fitness (n = 5) and/or PA time
different stages of the Health Action Process Approach (61). (n = 4) (Table 3). With regard to the PA interventions only, those
Most (n = 9) of the combined interventions used diet and PA measuring physical fitness (n = 3) as an outcome showed a sig-
education as their key strategy (45, 46, 62, 65–72), which was nificant increase in performance on most fitness indicators (52,
accompanied by environmental or organizational changes in the 54, 59). Of those interventions evaluating time spent being
schools in 5 of them (46, 62, 65, 66, 69–71). The remaining 2 physically active (n = 4), all but one (58) found a significant
interventions provided lectures and group counseling on car- increase in the intervention group (47, 53, 56, 57). Overall, the
diovascular disease prevention (44) and trained primary care- ES of the PA interventions ranged from trivial to large (range:
givers of children in healthy nutrition and activity (63, 64). 20.48, 1.61) (47, 53, 54, 58). The effective PA interventions
Most of the studies were conducted in Latin America (n = 13) were provided by teachers and included additional PA sessions
and Asia (n = 8). Only 6 studies based the intervention design on or healthy PA education integrated into the existing curriculum.
a theoretical framework. Two-thirds of the studies were con- Two of them were multicomponent interventions (47, 53).
ducted in major urban areas (n = 16), 2 studies included a rural The 2 combined interventions showed a beneficial effect on all
area, and the remaining studies did not report this information. fitness tests for both boys and girls (69–71); the ES varied from
The number of participants ranged from 135 to 4700, and the small to medium (69). Also worthy of note, the study with the
participants’ mean age ranged from 6.5 to 18.4 y. The median highest quality score was also the one that reported the largest
intervention duration was 9 mo (range: 1 h to 4 y), and the ES.
median length of follow-up was 11 mo (range: 4 wk to 4 y).
Except for 3 studies including only boys (44, 59) or girls (47),
all interventions targeted both sexes. Thirteen studies reported BMI
on the SES of the area, students, and/or parents. Few studies (n = Eight of the 12 studies with BMI data reported a statistically
3) reported data on adverse effects (60, 67, 69). significant effect for the intervention (Table 4). The 2 dietary
behavior interventions did not have a significant effect on mean
BMI (50, 51). All PA studies, except for one (55), found a sig-
Effectiveness and effect sizes of interventions nificant effect on BMI or BMI z score for the overall sample (59,
The results are presented by outcomes. Anthropometric out- 60) or for girls (56, 57). No ES could be calculated for these
comes such as waist circumference and skinfold thickness were studies. Five of 6 combined interventions reported a beneficial
evaluated in too few studies to be reported in this review. Sur- effect on BMI or BMI z score for the overall sample (44, 63, 64,
prisingly, 3 studies did not report significance levels on any 68, 70, 71) or for boys only (69). The largest ES was for the 2
outcome of interest (48, 61, 65, 66) and therefore were not in- best-rated studies in terms of quality, which were both con-
cluded in the result tables. Six additional studies did not report ducted in children (mean age: ,12 y), were both combined diet
significance testing on some of their outcomes; likewise, these and PA interventions, and found significant positive effects on
outcomes are not reported in the tables (45, 46, 55, 58, 62, 67). Of BMI or BMI z score (63, 64, 68). In both studies, the key in-
the 22 studies (presented in 25 publications) included in the result tervention strategies were an integrated curriculum delivered by
Characteristics of studies (n = 25) included in the quality appraisal targeting diet only, PA only, or both1
Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Diet intervention
Fernandes et al, Cluster CT I = 1 school Duration: Aim: A nutrition-education program to No Low x x
2009 (48), Brazil, C = 1 school 8 meetings improve dietary intake among second-grade
Florianopolis n = 1352 of 50 min students of primary school to prevent
8.15 y3 Follow-up: obesity/overweight
47.4% 5 mo Intervention: Teachers provided 8 meetings of
50 min each about healthy diets, healthy
snacks, and PA
Control: The control group did not receive any
nutrition education
Gaglianone et al, Cluster RCT I = 3 schools Duration: Aim: A nutrition-education program Yes Moderate x
2006 (49), Brazil, C = 5 schools 14 wk “Reducing Risks of Illness and Death in
Sao Paulo n = 6372 Follow-up: Adulthood” (RRIDA) to improve
8.5 y3 12 mo knowledge and attitudes associated
NR with healthy eating habits of first- to
second-grade students in primary
schools to prevent obesity
Intervention: Overall, 22 h of nutrition
education were provided by conducting
3 weekly activities of 30 min each; teachers
were trained twice a week for 6 wk
Control: The control group did not
receive any nutrition education
Ramı́rez-López et al, Quasiexperimental NR Duration: Aim: A breakfast program to prevent No Low x

2005 (50), Mexico, prospective study n = 3602 9 mo obesity and cardiovascular disease
Sonora state 8.5 y3 Follow-up: risk factors among first- to fifth-grade
NR 9 mo students in primary schools
Intervention: Breakfast was consumed
30 min before the start of the school
day over a 9-mo period
Control: The control group did not receive

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Sichieri et al, Cluster RCT 2 schools: Duration: Aim: An educational program to prevent No Low x x
2009 (51), Brazil, I = 23 classes I = 7.96 mo, excessive weight gain by reducing the
Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro C = 24 classes C = 8.24 mo consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
n = 1134 Follow-up: of fourth-grade students in primary schools
10.9 y one school Intervention: Research assistants provided
47.1% year ten 1-h sessions about water intake
(classroom quizzes and games, song and
drawing competitions); water bottles and
banners promoting water were distributed
Control: The control group received two
PA intervention 1-h sessions on health issues
Bonhauser et al, Cluster CT I = 2 classes Duration: Aim: A PA program on physical fitness and Yes Moderate x
2005 (52), Chile, C = 2 classes 10 mo mental health status aimed at chronic
Santiago n = 198 Follow-up: disease prevention among adolescents
15.5 y3 10 mo Intervention: Teachers provided 4 units
48.4% of PA sessions; each unit comprised
10 consecutive weeks of lectures in which
3 PA sessions of 90 min each were
provided every week; the sessions were

included in the curriculum and consisted

of 3 steps: minimum activity, weight-
transfer activities, and sports practice
Control: The control group received
one standard session of 90 min of PA
de Barros et al, Cluster RCT (matching I = 10 schools Duration: 9 mo Aim: A PA program “Saude Na Boa” Yes Low x
2009 (53), Brazil, schools by size and C = 10 schools Follow-up: 9 mo among high-school students aimed at
Recife and location) n = 2155 improving PA and nutritional behavior
Florianopolis 18.4 6 2.3 y4 to prevent obesity
NR Intervention: The intervention included
an environmental and organizational
change (free fruit distribution on 1 d for
10 wk, special events, equipment), PA,
healthy diet education integrated into
the curriculum, and staff training and
engagement (8 sessions)
Control: NR

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Draper et al, Qualitative study I = 3 schools Duration: NR Aim: A pilot study to assess feasibility and No Low x
2010 (54), South Africa, C = 2 schools Follow-up: 4 mo acceptability of the school-based PA
Alexandra Township n = 508 intervention “Healthnutz” to prevent
NR chronic diseases
NR Intervention: Teachers provided physical
education integrated into the curriculum
to students; 5 focus groups and a situational
analysis with teachers and group monitors
were conducted
Control: NR
Farias et al, Cluster CT I = 1 school Duration: 10 mo Aim: A PA program introducing programmed No Low x
2009 (55), Brazil, C = 1 school Follow-up: PA to improve the body composition of
Porto Velho and Rondônia n = 3832 10 mo adolescents in fifth to eighth grades
12.4 y3 Intervention: All adolescents participated in 2
53.2% weekly 60-min sessions of physical
education (68 classes in total); the
intervention group received programmed
PA, which consisted of 3 steps: starting with
aerobic activity, playing sports for 30 min,
and ending with stretching for 10 min
Control: The control group received
conventional physical education
Li et al, 2010 (60), Cluster RCT I = 10 schools Duration: 1 y Aim: The PA program “Happy 10” to No Moderate x
China, 2 Beijing C = 10 schools Follow-up: 2 y promote PA to prevent overweight in

districts n = 4700 primary school students

9.3 6 0.7 y Intervention: Teachers organized and
52.3% implemented 2 daily PA sessions of 10 min
each; the intervention was integrated into
the curriculum and did not replace any other
activities; the progress of the class was
shown on posters and stickers
Control: The control group received the
standard curriculum

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Liu et al, 2007 (57) Cluster CT I = 1 school Duration: Aim: The pilot PA program “Happy 10” No Low x x
and Liu et al 2008 (56), C = 1 school 8 mo to promote PA, obesity control and
China, Beijing district n = 753 Follow-up: prevention, and the growth and development
[pilot study of Li et al 9 y3 8 mo of primary school students
2010 (60)] 47.4% Intervention: Teachers organized and
implemented 10 min of PA at least once
a day during 2 semesters; the progress of
the class was shown on posters and stickers
Control: The control group received no
McManus et al, Cluster RCT I = 2 schools Duration: Aim: A PA program aimed to increase Yes Low x x
2008 (58), China, C = 1 school unclear PA by providing heart-rate feedback in
Hong Kong n = 210 Follow-up: fourth- and fifth-grade students in
10.44 6 0.85 y 6 mo primary schools
50% Intervention: There were 1 control
group and 2 intervention groups;
for 2 wk, one intervention group received

an educational program and heart-rate

feedback, whereas the other group
received heart-rate feedback with
normal physical-education sessions;
the educational program included
heart-rate monitor skills, heart health
education, goal setting, and role-play;
it was implemented as a module
within the physical-education
curriculum; after the educational
part, children in the intervention
groups completed 2 wk with
heart-rate feedback and 2 wk without
heart-rate feedback (counterbalanced)
Control: The control group received no

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Meszaros et al, Cohort analytic study I and C = 18 Duration: Aim: A physical-education program No Low x x
2009 (59), Hungary, schools 4y to analyze differences in growth
Budapest, Gyor, n = 521 Follow-up: patterns, age-related changes in
and Szigelszentmiklos Entrance age 4y body fat, and physical performance
varied from in children taking part in elevated
6.51 to 7.5 y physical education or normal physical
100% education at school
Intervention: Additional physical-education
sessions were integrated into the
curriculum; teachers provided 8
morning sessions of 45 min each
and 2 afternoon sessions of 90 min
each in 10-d cycles; afternoon sessions
consisted of cardiorespiratory fitness
and special skills, and the morning
sessions consisted of general requirements
of the physical-education curriculum
Control: The control school received the
obligatory 5 sessions of 45 min for
each 10-d cycle
Schwarzer et al, RCT 2 schools: Duration: Aim: A PA intervention tailored Yes Low x
2010 (61), China I = 9 classes 1h to different stages as identified by
C = 6 classes Follow-up: the Health Action Process Approach
n = 5342 1 mo to enhance PA
13.8 6 1.4 y Intervention: Two theory-guided
46% interventions were provided to
the intervention group: resource

communication and strategic planning;

students received 1 of the 2 interventions
according to the stage they were in, ie,
preintenders (resource communication),
intenders (strategic planning), and actors;
students in both intervention groups
received tailored instructions for 1 h
and homework; teachers were trained
to deliver the intervention
Control: The control group received
regular school instruction

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Taymoori et al, Cluster RCT I = 2 schools Duration: Aim: An individually tailored PA Yes Moderate x
2008 (47), Iran C = 1 school 6 mo intervention for Iranian girls in
n = 1612 Follow-up: secondary schools to promote health
14.79 6 0.44 y 12 mo Intervention: There were 2 intervention
0% groups and 1 control group: 1 intervention
was based on Pender’s HP model, whereas
the other intervention was based on
an HP model integrated with constructs
from the THP; both intervention groups
received 45–60-min educational group
sessions (4 times) and 20–25-min individual
counseling sessions (4 times); the THP
group received 2 additional sessions
targeting the process of change. Other
activities included teacher training, two
60-min educational sessions with mothers,
and one PA trip with teachers and mothers.

Control: The control group received

pamphlets after the final follow-up
of the intervention
Diet and PA
Alexandrov et al, Cluster CT I = 7 schools Duration: Aim: An intervention aimed at preventing No Low x
1992 (44), Russia, C = 16 schools 1y risk factors of cardiovascular diseases
Moscow n = 7662 Follow-up: Intervention: Primary prevention: all
11.8 y3 3y intervention children received lectures and
100% group counseling on prevention by
trained instructors; secondary prevention:
children with risk factors were invited
with their parents to a single
individual counseling session
Control: NR

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Banchonhattakit et al, Quasiexperimental I = 6 schools Duration: Aim: The obesity-prevention program No Low x x x
2009 (62), Thailand, pretest-posttest C = 6 schools 8 mo “SNOCOP” in fifth-grade students
Saraburi Province time series design n = 375 Follow-up: in primary schools; it aims to improve
10.6 y3 8 mo student behavior by means of a
48.5% school network
Intervention: The school network supported
the implementation of the intervention,
had monthly meetings, and consisted
of parents, school administrators,
teachers, and community leaders; a
healthy diet, 30 min of daily PA,
changing school policies, and improved
school-lunch programs were promoted
Control: NR
Bruss et al, Y1 = stepwise I = 6 schools Duration: Aim: The cognitive behavioral Yes Moderate x
2010 (63), and randomized trial; C = 6 schools 2y lifestyle intervention “Project
Bruss et al, 2010 Y2 = stepwise n = 407 Follow-up: Familia Giya Marianas” for
(64), CNMI nonrandomized 8.55 6 0.50 y 2y caregivers of third-grade students
trial 49.6% in primary schools in CNMI to
prevent childhood obesity
Intervention: Community-based
participatory research was used
to design and evaluate the
effectiveness of this obesity-
prevention intervention on BMI
of children; a crossover design

was used; school personnel were

trained and provided 8 sessions of
90 min each for primary caregivers
of students; main topics: physiologic
and sociocultural issues, psychosocial
issues, and dietary behavior and
Control: The control group received the
intervention as delayed treatment

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TABLE 1 (Continued ) 426

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Colin-Ramirez et al, Cluster RCT I = 5 schools Duration: Aim: An intervention aimed at improving No Low x x x
2009 (65), and C = 5 schools 12 mo dietary habits and PA to prevent
Colin-Ramirez et al, n = 4982 Follow-up: cardiovascular diseases in 8–10-y-old
2010 (66), Mexico, 9.5 6 0.7 y 12 mo students in primary schools (RESCATE)
Mexico City 53.6% Intervention: The intervention had 3
components: individual level (nutrition
education and exercise breaks), school
environment (healthy snacks and physical-
education classes delivered by health team
for 30 min twice weekly), and family
participation (homework, recipes,
recommendations); teachers were trained to
deliver the intervention
Control: NR
Francis et al, Cluster RCT I = 5 schools Duration: Aim: A short-term multicomponent No Low X x
2010 (67), Trinidad C = 6 schools 1 mo education intervention on dietary and PA
and Tobago, n = 4722 Follow-up: behaviors among primary school children
Sangre Grande 10.4 y3 3 mo Intervention: A curriculum including classes
52% on nutrition and PA was implemented by
trained teachers; the nutrition curriculum
focused on food groups, nutrients, and

types of food, whereas the PA component

included exercise for 10 min
Control: NR
Jiang et al, Cluster RCT I = 2 schools Duration: Aim: A school-based intervention No Moderate x
2007 (68), China, C = 3 schools 3y program focusing on nutrition education and
Beijing n = 24252 Follow-up: PA to prevent or reduce obesity in students
(entrance) 3y from primary schools
age = 8.3 y3 Intervention: Teachers were trained to deliver
51.3% the intervention; primary prevention:
nutrition lectures to all parents once per
semester and a student curriculum including
10 themes (one theme/lesson); secondary
intervention: additional sessions for
overweight and obese students, including
20 min/d of extra PA for 4 d/wk and meetings
with their parents and themselves
Control: The control group received the
usual curriculum

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TABLE 1 (Continued )

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Kain et al, Cluster CT I = 3 schools Duration: Aim: A nutrition-education and PA intervention No Low x x
2004 (69), Chile, C = 2 schools 6 mo in primary school children to prevent obesity
Santiago, Curico, n = 30862 Follow-up: Intervention: The nutrition component
Casablanca 10.6 y one school comprised an educational program for
53% year students (8–11 h in fourth to sixth grades,
5–6 h in seventh to eighth grades), 2 meetings
with school kiosks encouraging them to sell
healthy food, 2 meetings with parents, and
special activities; the PA component
comprised a behavioral PA program, 90 min
additional weekly PA classes (6 mo), active
recess (15 min/d for 3 mo), extra sports
materials, and special activities; school
teachers were trained to deliver
both components
Control: NR
Kain et al, 2008 (71), Cluster CT I = 3 schools Duration: Aim: A nutrition-education and PA intervention No Low x x
and Kain et al, C = 1 school 11 mo in primary school children to prevent obesity
2009 (70), Chile, n = 20392 Follow-up: Intervention: The nutrition component
Casablanca, Quillota 9.9 y3 21 mo comprised an educational program for
53.8% students (8–11 h in fourth to sixth grades,
5–6 h in seventh grade), 2 meetings with
parents, and special activities; the PA
component comprised a behavioral PA
program, 90 min additional weekly PA
classes, and active recess (4 mo); school
teachers were trained to deliver both

components; the intervention was fully

applied in year 1 and partly in year 2;
in the second year, the intervention
comprised talks only with parents of obese
children, the educational program (4 h to all
grades), 90 min of additional weekly
PA classes, and training to improve
the quality of the physical-education
Control: NR

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TABLE 1 (Continued ) 428

Study characteristics Intervention Outcomes measured

Clusters (I and C), Intervention

no. of participants, duration, Based on
Reference, country, average age (y), length of theoretical Quality BMI-
province/city Design male (%) follow-up Description framework appraisal Diet PA related

Kain et al, 2010 (45), Cohort before and after I = 4 schools Duration: Aim: An intervention to prevent childhood No Low x
Chile, Santiago study C = 3 schools 2y obesity, including nutrition education and
(Macul) n = 6492 Follow-up: increase in PA that involved implementing
children, 2y a counseling program on healthy lifestyles
452 teachers for teachers
NR Intervention: The nutrition component included
53% an educational program and teacher training;
the PA component included an educational
program, 2 mo of training for physical-
education teachers, and sports equipment;
teachers in 4 of 7 schools received 3 private
counseling sessions on nutrition and PA
Control: The control group received the same
nutritional and PA components, but there
were no counseling sessions for teachers
Singhal et al, Cluster CT (matched) I = 1 school Duration: Aim: A multicomponent nutrition and No Low x x
2010 (46), C = 1 school 6 mo lifestyle-education intervention aimed at
northern India 2012 Follow-up: changing knowledge, behavior, anthropometric
n = 16 y3 6 mo measures, and metabolic risk profile
60.2% Intervention: The intervention included
a multicomponent model including

promotion of PA, activities to promote

healthy lifestyle, individual counseling, policy-
level changes in school, involvement of
teachers and parents, training of student
volunteers, and focus group discussions
Control: The control school did not receive
any intervention
Vargas et al, 2011 Cohort before and after I = 1 school Duration: Aim: effects of obesity-prevention No Low x
(72), Brazil, study C = 1 school 4 mo program on dietary practices
Niterói n = 3312 Follow-up: Intervention: Nutrition-education and PA
13 y3 4 mo promotion were provided with a focus on
NR nutrition education
Control: The control group received a
normal curriculum
C, control; CNMI, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; CT, controlled trial; HP, Pender’s health promotion model; I, intervention; NR, not reported; PA, physical activity; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; RESCATE, programa de REducción de rieSgo CArdiovascular Total Escolar; SNOCOP, School Network for Childhood Obesity Prevention; THP, trans-theoretical model integrated with Pender’s
health promotion model.
Sample included in analysis.
Estimate of average age.
Mean 6 SD (all such values).

Downloaded from by guest on January 28, 2018

Effect on dietary behavior of studies providing significance levels (n = 5)1
Double difference effect: Baseline-adjusted effect:
changes over time in I I and C at follow-up adjusted for
and C and I 2 C baseline values of outcome Effect size

Reference and outcome (Sub)sample DI DC DI 2 DC P value I C P value Estimate Classification Quality appraisal

Diet intervention
Gaglianone et al, 2006 (49)
Preferences for healthy foods All NR NR NR 0.012 Moderate
Sichieri et al, 2009 (51)
Sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage intake All 269 213 256 ,0.05 Low
per class (mL/d)
Diet and physical-activity interventions
Banchonhattakit et al, 2009 (62)
Fast food eating behavior score All
Y2 30.02 6 0.252 28.78 6 2.98 0.001 0.77 Medium Low
Y3 29.63 6 0.27 28.9 6 3.2 0.001 0.42 Small Low
Francis et al, 2010 (67)
Fruit intake $2 servings/d (%) All 25 5.10 19.9 NR NR NR NS3 Low
Vegetable intake $2 servings/d (%) All 21.8 28.8 7.0 NR NR NR NS3 Low
Mean soda intake, 8-oz (servings/wk)4 All 0.9 4.5 23.6 NR NR NR ,0.053 Low
Snacks high in fat, sugar, and salt eaten in the All 211 0.12 211.12 NR NR NR ,0.053 Low
past 24 h (%)
Mean fried food (servings/d) All 21.3 20.2 21.1 NR NR NR ,0.053 Low
Vargas et al, 2011 (72)
Mean frequency of fast food consumption at All NR NR NR 0.001 Low
school cafeteria

Mean daily consumption of fruit and vegetables All NR NR NR NS Low

References 48, 49, 51, 65, 67, and 72: unable to calculate effect sizes based on reported results. References 46, 48, 65, and 66: reported outcome but did not provide statistical tests between I and C. C,
control; I, intervention; NR, not reported; Y2, year 2; Y3, year 3; DC, change in outcome for control; DI, change in outcome for intervention.
Mean 6 SD (all such values).
Regression analyses for overall fruit, vegetable, and soda intakes; snacks high in fat, sugar, and salt; and fried food (after intervention, controlled for confounders).
1 oz = 29.6 mL.

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TABLE 3 430
Effect on PA behavior of studies providing significance levels (n = 9)1
Double difference effect: Baseline-adjusted effect: I and C
changes over time in I at follow-up adjusted for baseline
and C and I 2 C values of outcome Effect size
Primary outcome (Sub)sample DI DC DI 2 DC P value I C P value Estimate Classification appraisal

PA interventions
Bonhauser et al, 2005 (52) Moderate
V˙O2 max (mL $ kg21 $ min21) All +2.97 +0.65 +2.32 ,0.005
Speed performance (m/s) All +0.50 +0.33 +0.17 0.001
Jump performance (cm) All +2.29 +0.53 +1.76 ,0.005
de Barros et al, 2009 (53)
Duration MVPA .60 (d/wk) All 3.3 6 2.12 2.6 6 2.1 ,0.001 0.33 Small Low
Prevalence of individuals meeting PA All 33.1 23.7 0.001
recommendations (%)
Prevalence of physically inactive individuals (%) All 10.59 17.30 ,0.05
Draper et al, 2010 (54)
10-m shuttle run (s) All 46.2 6 4.6 48.6 6 5.5 ,0.00013 20.48 Small Low
No. of sit-ups in 30 s All 17.8 6 6.1 15.5 6 5.1 ,0.023 0.41 Small
Sit and reach (cm) All 19 6 6.8 14 6 9.7 ,0.0013 0.61 Medium
Ball throw (cm) All 23.1 6 7.5 21.8 6 6.9 NS3 0.18 Trivial
Long jump (cm) All 134.3 6 25.7 135 6 19.7 NS3 20.03 Trivial
Liu et al 2007, (57); Liu et al, 2008 (56)
PAEE (kcal $ kg21 $ d21) All +3.1 29.6 +12.7 ,0.05 Low
PA time (h/d) All +0.5 21.5 +2 ,0.05
McManus et al, 2008 (58)
Time spent above flex heart rate (%/d) All EG: 35.3 6 23.9 40.4 6 23.9 NS4 20.21 Small Low

All NEG: 38.5 6 27.5 20.07 Trivial

Time moderately active (%/d) All EG: 1.5 6 1.9 1.7 6 1.6 NS 20.11 Trivial
All NEG: 1.6 6 2.10 20.05 Trivial
Time vigorously active (%/d) All EG: 0.50 6 1.6 0.55 6 0.80 NS 20.04 Trivial
All NEG: 0.48 6 0.73 20.09 Trivial
Peak V˙O2 (mL $ kg21 $ min21) All EG: 45 6 4.9 45.8 6 6.8 NR 20.14 Trivial
All NEG: 47.1 6 6.8 0.19 Trivial
Meszaros et al, 2009 (59)
Physical fitness All NR NR ,0.05 Low
Taymoori et al, 2008 (47)
Mean PA (min/d) All (after intervention) THP: 60.0 6 134.3 46.3 6 21.9 0.0005 THP: 0.18 Trivial Moderate
All (after intervention) HP: 56.8 6 27.6 HP: 0.42 Small
All (follow-up) THP: 75.8 6 27.5 37.3 6 20.4 0.008 THP: 1.61 Large
All (follow-up) HP: 73.6 6 28.7 HP: 1.48 Large
Overall time PA (min) All (after intervention) THP: 310 6 24.8 245.3 6 101.3 0.000 THP: 1.03 Large
All (after intervention) HP: 285.9 6 141.3 HP: 0.33 Small
All (follow-up) THP: 371.2 6 129.6 196 6 99.7 0.01 THP: 1.53 Large
All (follow-up) HP: 348.1 6 159.0 HP: 1.18 Large

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TABLE 3 (Continued )

Double difference effect: Baseline-adjusted effect: I and C

changes over time in I at follow-up adjusted for baseline
and C and I 2 C values of outcome Effect size
Primary outcome (Sub)sample DI DC DI 2 DC P value I C P value Estimate Classification appraisal

Diet and PA interventions

Kain et al, 2004 (69)
Lower back flexibility test (cm) Male +2.3 21.4 +3.7 ,0.05 23.6 6 8.6 22 6 6.3 ,0.0013 0.21 Small Low
Female +2.8 21 +3.8 ,0.05 25.7 6 7.9 23 6 6.4 0.00013 0.38 Small
Endurance (20 m) shuttle run (stages) Male +1.3 0 +1.3 ,0.05 5.0 6 1.9 3.9 6 1.9 ,0.0013 0.58 Medium
Female +0.7 20.3 +1 ,0.05 3.3 6 1.4 2.6 6 1.3 0.00013 0.52 Medium
Kain et al, 2008 (71) ; Kain et al, 2009 (70)
Mile test (min) Male 20.84 20.13 20.71 0.037 Low
Female 20.61 20.23 20.38 0.005
Shuttle run (stages) Male +1.15 +0.21 +0.94 ,0.0001
Female +0.3 20.16 +0.46 0.0007
References 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, and 65–67: unable to calculate effect sizes based on reported results. References 61, 62, and 65–67: reported outcome but did not provide statistical tests between I and C.
C, control; EG, education group; HP, Pender’s health promotion model; I, intervention; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; NEG, no education group; NR, not reported; PA, physical activity; PAEE,
physical activity energy expenditure; THP, trans-theoretical model integrated with Pender’s health promotion model; V˙O2, maximal oxygen uptake; DC, change in outcome for control; DI, change in outcome
for intervention.
Mean 6 SD (all such values).
Interaction (group 3 time) effect.
Interaction effect group after 2 wk and after 6 mo.
Main effects.

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TABLE 4 432
Effect on BMI of studies providing significance levels (n = 12)1
Double difference effect: Baseline-adjusted effect: I and C
changes over time in I at follow-up adjusted for baseline
and C and I 2 C values of outcome Effect size

Outcome (Sub)sample DI DC DI 2 DC P value I C P value Estimate Classification Quality appraisal

Diet intervention
Ramı́rez-López et al, 2005 (50)
BMI All 17.2 6 0.12 16.9 6 0.2 NS 2 Large Low
Sichieri et al, 2009 (51)
BMI All +0.32 +0.22 +0.10 NS Low
PA interventions
Farias et al, 2009 (55)
BMI Male 20.2 6 3.2 20.8 6 3.4 NS 20.18 Trivial Low
Female 19.8 6 2.5 20.4 6 3.3 NS 20.21 Small
Li et al, 2010 (60)
Y1 +0.56 +0.72 20.16 0.03 Moderate
Y2 +1.55 +1.67 20.12 0.04
BMI z score All
Y1 20.05 +0.01 20.06 0.03
Y2 +0.03 +0.08 20.05 0.03
Liu et al, 2007 (57); Liu et al, 2008 (56)
BMI Male +0.86 +0.72 +0.14 NS Low
Female 20.47 +0.66 21.13 ,0.05
Meszaros et al, 2009 (59)
BMI All NR NR NR ,0.05 Low
Diet and PA interventions

Alexandrov et al, 1992 (44)

Y1 +0.54 +0.72 20.18 0.0063 18.0 6 2.2 18.4 6 2.7 ,0.05 20.16 Trivial Low
Y2 +0.22 +0.21 +0.01 NS 19.7 6 2.4 19.7 6 2.6 NS 0.00 Trivial
Bruss et al, 2010 (63), Bruss et al 2010 (64)
BMI z score All 20.04 6 0.46 0.14 6 0.59 ,0.00013 20.34 Medium Moderate
Jiang et al, 2007 (68)
BMI All 18.2 6 2.6 20.3 6 3.4 ,0.01 20.70 Medium Moderate
Kain et al, 2004 (69)
BMI Male 10.0 10.3 20.3 ,0.05 19.5 6 3.5 19.2 6 3.1 ,0.0014 0.09 Trivial Low
Female 10.3 10.2 20.1 NS 20.0 6 3.8 19.6 6 3.8 NS 0.11 Trivial
BMI z score Male 20.12 20.02 20.1 ,0.05 0.51 6 0.94 0.46 6 0.81 ,0.0014 0.06 Trivial
Female 20.04 20.07 20.03 NS 0.59 6 0.89 0.40 6 0.9 NS 0.21 Medium
Kain et al, 2008 (71); Kain et al, 2009 (70)
BMI Male 10.7 11.2 20.5 ,0.05 19.7 6 3.2 20.6 6 3.7 NS 20.26 Small Low
Female 10.8 11.4 20.6 ,0.05 20.1 6 3.5 20.8 6 3.8 NS 20.19 Trivial

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Quality appraisal

References 46, 51, 56, 57, 59, and 60: unable to calculate effect sizes based on reported results. References 45 and 58: reported outcome but did not provide statistical tests between I and C. C, control;
teachers/school staff accompanied by regular nutrition education
of parents.

Overweight and obesity prevalence
Three of the 7 studies reporting on this outcome significantly
decreased obesity prevalence in the intervention group (45, 68,

70, 71) by 0.8–32.5 percentage points (Table 5). All 3 studies

reported on combined multicomponent interventions. Of the 7
Effect size

studies, 2 were of moderate quality.

Effectiveness of studies measuring at least one proximal and



one distal outcome

Five of the 22 studies included in the results tables (Tables 2–5)
I, intervention; NR, not reported; PA, physical activity; Y1, year 1; Y2, year 2; DC, change in outcome for control; DI, change in outcome for intervention. measured both a proximal outcome, ie, PA (56, 57, 59, 69–71) or
P value

diet (51), and a distal outcome such as BMI or overweight/


obesity prevalence (51, 56, 57, 59, 69–71). All 5 studies showed
at follow-up adjusted for baseline
Baseline-adjusted effect: I and C

a significant effect on the proximal outcomes they measured.

Four interventions (2 PA and 2 combined interventions) showed
values of outcome

0.72 6 0.90

an effect on both the proximal and the distal outcomes for at

0.72 6 1

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least one subgroup (56, 57, 59, 69–71). Only the intervention

evaluating diet as an intermediate outcome did not have an ef-

fect on the distal outcome (51). All 5 studies were of low quality,
and ES could only be calculated for 2 of them (69–71).
0.53 6 0.95
0.59 6 0.90

Quality appraisal
The key methodologic limitations encountered were lack of
randomization (n = 10) or unclear/inappropriate randomization
P value

methods (n = 8), inexistent or unclear description of intention-



to-treat analysis (n = 13), unblinded assessors (n = 25), absence

of reporting on dropout numbers and/or reasons (n = 10), and
Double difference effect:
changes over time in I

absence of reporting on intervention integrity (n = 25) and on

and C and I 2 C




process evaluation (n = 23). In 2 studies, contamination between

groups was likely because the intervention and control groups
were within the same school, or the same teachers taught both


the intervention and the control group (52, 65). Finally, only half

of the studies with a cluster design (n = 17) applied an appro-

priate data analysis method, which resulted in likely over-


estimation of the statistical significance of the results. The


overall quality evaluation for each study is shown in Table 1.

Many of the studies did not evaluate the outcome that the in-

tervention was intended to change. One of the 4 diet in-


terventions did not report the effect on dietary outcomes, and 2



of the 10 PA interventions did not report on PA. Of the 11

combined interventions, 4 did not evaluate the effect on either
diet or PA, and 4 studies evaluated only one of either.
Post hoc analysis (5–8 lessons received).

Interaction (group 3 age 3 time) effect.

Interaction (group 3 time) effect.

Mean 6 SD (all such values).

This was the first systematic review of school-based in-

terventions aimed at the primary prevention of obesity in children
and adolescents in LMICs. Twenty-five studies met the inclusion
Singhal et al, 2010 (46)

criteria. Of the 22 studies reporting useful statistics on the

TABLE 4 (Continued )

outcomes of interest, 18 had a positive effect on one or more of

the outcomes (82%). Two of the 3 diet interventions that mea-
BMI z score

sured the adolescents’ diet significantly improved this outcome;

however, the diet interventions did not have an effect on any of

the BMI-related outcomes. The 9 PA interventions were suc-



cessful at increasing PA (6 of 7 measuring PA) and lowering

BMI in at least one of the studied subgroups (3 of 4 evaluating

BMI), but did not have an effect on the prevalence of overweight shown to be associated with higher BMI (78, 79). Previous re-
or obesity (0 of 2 evaluating this outcome). The 10 combined search in HICs has shown that these sedentary behaviors can be
interventions had a significant effect on all outcomes: diet (3 of effectively addressed (80, 81) and indicate the need to include
3 measuring diet), PA (2 of 2 measuring PA), BMI (5 of 6 in these types of interventions as obesity-prevention strategies (82).
at least one subgroup), and the prevalence of overweight or Similarly, few interventions targeted the school environment, for
obesity (3 of 3 evaluating this outcome). Even though the ES instance with respect to the types and nutritional value of the
for BMI was classified as small or trivial (range: 20.7, 0.0), the foods sold in and around schools or as related to school policies.
public health effect at a population level can be substantial if Exposure to unhealthy energy-dense food in schools, which often
implemented in large groups of children and when sustained competes with healthier choices in terms of taste, price, and
over longer periods (73). We had expected the combined in- supply, was not assessed. It is likely that changing the nutritional
terventions to have a larger effect on BMI than interventions environment in schools poses a challenge for preventive inter-
addressing only diet or PA, but no differences were found when ventions in LMICs because the type and complexity of changes
the ES was compared between these types of studies. Even required is different from those in HICs at times, eg, at schools,
though studies were limited in number to draw firm conclu- street food vendors intermingle with privately owned food tuck
sions, combined interventions are more likely to decrease BMI. shops in the schools.
Understanding the potentially synergistic effects of combined A potential limitation of this review was the exclusion of
diet and PA interventions through evaluation studies with a studies based on language. We believe, however, that it is im-
2-by-2 factorial design would produce relevant knowledge for probable that important studies were left out. In our experience, it
policy makers. is very unlikely to find methodologically sound studies meeting
A key question relates to which intervention characteristics are the inclusion criteria in languages other than English, Spanish, or

Downloaded from by guest on January 28, 2018

associated with higher effectiveness. Interventions that positively French. We acknowledge that gray literature may have been an
changed both proximal and distal outcomes were generally mul- additional contribution to this review. However, as recommended
ticomponent, education-based interventions delivered by teachers by Doak et al (83), only peer-reviewed literature was included.
and providing additional PA sessions or integrated classes about The general limited quality of the included studies is a second
healthy foods, nutrition, or PA to encourage children to adopt a possible limitation. The lack of information, lack of blinding of
healthy lifestyle. Similar characteristics were found for in- assessors to the intervention, and lack of adjustment in the
terventions improving dietary or PA behavior only. Those studies analysis for clustering were the main quality-related issues. We
reducing BMI only were generally multicomponent interventions believe, however, that the methodologic limitations present did
targeting both diet and PA. In addition, these intervention char- not alter the main conclusion of our review, ie, that school-based
acteristics generally coincide with those identified in reviews of interventions in adolescents can successfully improve diet, PA,
intervention studies conducted in China and Latin America (34, and BMI. First, the positive effects found in the reviewed studies
35). Studies evaluating both proximal and distal outcomes lasted were consistent across a variety of settings. Second, and most
between 6 and 48 mo and generally had a long-term follow-up. importantly, the largest effects were found in the studies with the
Interestingly, all effective studies evaluating BMI only lasted highest quality score (47, 63, 64, 68).
longer than 12 mo. This is a surprising finding because previous Apart from the methodologic issues outlined, the studies in-
studies showed that effective interventions tended to be short term cluded in the review had many other limitations. First, several
(,12 mo) (36, 73). studies (n = 11) did not evaluate the proximal outcome(s) that
The effectiveness of multicomponent interventions, and es- the intervention targeted for change, and only 5 studies evalu-
pecially those that involve parents, is not surprising. As role ated the effect on both proximal and distal outcomes. Ideally,
models, parents shape the eating behaviors of their children and future intervention studies should evaluate the effect on diet and/
play an important role in the etiology and prevention of weight- or PA and on BMI (33). This would considerably strengthen the
related problems (74). In many LMICs, caregivers and families evidence and allow one to quantify to what extent improvements
are present more prominently in the daily life of children and in these proximal outcomes are translated into changes in BMI
adolescents, underscoring the importance of their involvement in and to potentially understand the bottlenecks in these pathways.
these school-based interventions. Recently, Hingle et al (75) In addition, only 2 studies conducted a process evaluation, ie,
reported that direct methods (eg, education or workshops on documented how and to what extent the intervention was imple-
healthy eating) that involve parents in diet interventions were mented as planned and adopted by the beneficiaries in a particular
more likely to be effective than were indirect methods (eg, in- setting. We believe that this was a missed opportunity for LMICs
formation leaflets and assignments). However, motivating and because this will provide the crucial information that is needed to
sustaining parental or family involvement in interventions remain adapt the program for implementation in other settings and to
challenging (75, 76). Key barriers identified by parents were scale up, especially because large differences in school settings
limited time availability and an unwillingness to be tutored by and nutritional and PA environments may exist.
schools (76). These limitations may help to explain why, despite A further limitation was that only 3 of the interventions in-
its importance, only half of the studies included in this review vestigated adverse effects. Obesity-prevention interventions may
were multicomponent interventions involving parents or families. aggravate social stigmatization or psychosocial problems of the
Notwithstanding this multicomponent nature, the scope of the already overweight or obese children or could lead to or exac-
strategies used by the interventions was surprisingly narrow. Only erbate underweight or eating disorders (36). Even though a recent
2 of the school-based interventions targeted sedentary behaviors meta-analysis concluded that preventive interventions are po-
such as television viewing or gaming. These behaviors are in- tentially harmless (73), future interventions should still include
creasingly observed in societies in transition (77) and have been these outcomes and report them by BMI category to provide
Effect on the prevalence of overweight and obesity of studies providing significance levels (n = 7)1
Double difference effect: Baseline-adjusted effect: I and C
changes over time in I at follow-up adjusted for baseline
and C and I 2 C values of outcome Effect size

Reference and outcome (Sub)sample DI DC DI 2 DC P value I C P value Estimate Classification Quality appraisal

Diet intervention
Ramı́rez-López et al, 2005 (50)
Overweight prevalence All 28 6 112 8 6 7.6 NS 2.15 Large Low
Obesity prevalence All 28 6 11 9 6 8.5 NS 1.95 Large
Sichieri et al, 2009 (51)
Overweight prevalence All 19.2 16.0 NS Low
Obesity prevalence All 4.4 4.5 NS
PA interventions
Li et al, 2010 (60)
Overweight and obesity prevalence All
Y1 NR NR NR NS Moderate
Liu et al, 2007 (57); Liu et al, 2008 (56)
Overweight prevalence Male 23.8 +4.5 28.3 NS Low
Female 23.3 +3.7 27 NS
Obesity prevalence Male 20.4 +0.6 21 NS
Female 25.6 +0.7 26.3 NS
Diet and PA interventions
Jiang et al, 2007 (68)
Overweight prevalence All 226.3 +14.3 240.6 NR 9.8 14.4 ,0.013 Moderate
Obesity prevalence All 232.5 +15.7 248.2 NR 7.9 13.3 ,0.013
Kain et al, 2008 (71); Kain et al, 2009 (70)
Obesity prevalence Male 24.7 20.2 24.5 ,0.05 12.3 21.4 ,0.001 Low

Female 23.8 +0.5 24.3 ,0.05 10.3 15.2 ,0.01

Kain et al, 2010 (45)
Obesity prevalence All 20.8 24.2 +3.4 ,0.05 11.3 18.9 0.001 Low
References 45, 48, 55–57, 60, 62, 65, 68, 70, and 71: unable to calculate effect sizes based on reported results. References 48, 55, 62, 65, and 66: reported outcome but did not provide statistical tests
between I and C. C, control; I, intervention; NR, not reported; PA, physical activity; Y1, year 1; Y2, year 2; DC, change in outcome for control; DI, change in outcome for intervention.
Mean 6 SD (all such values).
Calculated for ORs.

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a more complete view of the intervention effects for the whole process evaluations are needed to learn from program imple-
target population. mentation and adoption to identify which intervention compo-
A striking omission, given its importance when considering nents are effective and feasible. Only with this strong evidence
scaling up, was the lack of information on cost-effectiveness in all base will school-based interventions be able to reach their full
of the studies. Given the limited resources available in LMICs, potential of addressing unhealthy body weight in school-age
solid cost-effectiveness estimates would be of tremendous help to children in LMICs.
policy makers. Also related to scaling up is the need to understand
The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—RV, DR, CL, and PWK:
to what extent SES and urban/rural settings within LMICs modify were responsible for the design of the study, the development of the search
the effectiveness of interventions (32). This is especially important syntax, and the screening methodology; RV and DR: carried out the search;
in light of the shift of the obesity epidemic to poorer population RV and CL: performed the screening; PK: resolved conflicts; LM, JLL, and
groups and from urban to rural settings (13–15). MH: assisted with the interpretation of the data; and RV: drafted the initial
A further issue that emerged was that the outcome measures in manuscript and was responsible for the final content. All authors contributed
most studies were limited to BMI and self-reported behavior. In to the interpretation of the results and critically reviewed the manuscript. All
future studies it would be valuable to include waist circumference authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest.
as an outcome measure because this would enable identification
of the effect of the intervention on central adiposity and body
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