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Aerosinusitis: Pathophysiology, Prophylaxis, and

Management in Passengers and Aircrew
Erik K. Weitzel, K. Christopher McMains,
Suresh Rajapaksa, and Peter-John Wormald

WEITZEL EK, MCMAINS KC, RAJAPAKSA S, WORMALD P-J. Aerosinus- pressure decreases and gases within the sinuses expand,
itis: pathophysiology, prophylaxis, and management in passengers
escaping through the sinus ostium. During descent, the
and aircrew. Aviat Space Environ Med 2008; 79:50–3.
ostium becomes obstructed by a ball-valve effect, pro-
Patients presenting before flight with an upper respiratory infection are
hibiting additional air from entering the sinus. This re-
at risk for aerosinusitis. Prophylaxis of this condition consists of an oral
decongestant before flight and nasal decongestant spray during the flight
sults in negative pressure within the sinus. The negative
just prior to descent. Evaluation of the patient presenting with aerosinus-
intrasinus pressure developed during a squeeze gener-
itis consists of a careful physical exam with emphasis on diagnosing treat-
ally causes pain and mucosal edema, but in severe cases
able nasal and sinus pathology. Categorization of the patient into the
causes mucosal hemorrhage. Risk factors for squeeze in-
Weissman classification is important for determining prognostic factors
clude mucosal edema of tissues surrounding the sinus
for recovery. Management of this condition is based on the Weissman
stage. Stage I or II lesions are generally treated conservatively with a 1-wk
ostia, pus, thick mucin, extrasinus polyps, and tumors.
course of topical sprays, analgesics, a tapering course of steroids, and oral
It is currently not known if otherwise benign radiolog-
decongestants. Use of antibiotics is reserved for those cases initiated by
ical anomalies such as septal deviation and concha
bacterial sinusitis. Additionally, antihistamines are reserved for cases
bullosa place patients at increased risk for squeeze.
where allergies were the inciting cause. Stage III lesions are rarely seen in
civilian air travelers due to the relatively low fluctuations in ambient air
However, when coupled with mucosal edema, these
pressure. Aircrew that suffer Stage III aerosinusitis are at risk for recurrent
same space-occupying bony structures will tend to mag-
sinus barotrauma that may require an expertly performed functional en-
doscopic sinus surgery to successfully manage it. nify the obstructive effects. Reverse squeeze can occur
Keywords: sinus barotrauma, rhinologic barosinusitis. from the same activities that cause squeeze (15), but may
also be caused by any phenomenon which forces air into
the sinuses (e.g., mask ventilation). Reverse squeeze

A PATIENT presenting with an upper respiratory

tract infection in preparation for an airline flight
frequent clinical scenario. Although there are a tremen- On:
generally results from intrasinus pathology; however,
to: Guest
14 Jun
skullbase bony dehiscences (21), and dehis-
2017 14:40:52
cranial nerves (7,17,18) have been implicated as
Copyright: Aerospace Medical Association
dous number of considerations in flight medicine (2), well. During ascent, intrasinus pathology will act in a
the most common flight-related disorders to be consid- ball-valve fashion to obstruct the maxillary ostium and
ered are barotrauma to the middle ear space and the prevent air escape. Pressurized air will eventually
paranasal sinuses. dissect into surrounding tissue, finding a path of least
Sinus barotrauma, or aerosinusitis, is 4–6 times less resistance, leading to pathologic sequelae. The air that
common than middle ear barotrauma (8,12,20). Since escapes the sinus by non-physiologic routes during a
the sinuses are not equipped with an active pressure reverse squeeze can cause severe consequences, includ-
equalization system like the Eustachian tube, rhinologic ing subcutaneous or orbital emphysema, blindness,
pressure differences cannot be controlled and can cause pneumocephalus, meningitis, and trigeminal nerve dys-
devastating sequelae. Thus, sinus barotrauma tends to function (1).
be more dramatic in presentation and the more difficult
to manage of the two. This article focuses on the physics,
clinical presentation, evaluation, and treatment of sinus From the Department of Surgery, Otolaryngology Head & Neck
barotrauma. Surgery, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, SA, Australia
(E. K. Weitzel, S. Rajapaksa, P-J. Wormald) and the Department of
Otolaryngology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Background Antonio, San Antonio, TX (K. C. McMains).
This manuscript was received for review in September 2007. It was
Sinus barotrauma can occur during either ascent or accepted for publication in October 2007.
descent. Although descent barotrauma or “squeeze” is Address reprint requests to: Maj. Erik Weitzel, M.D., MC, USAF,
more common by a ratio of at least 2:1 (5,18), ascent ENT Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Rd.,
Woodville, SA 5011, Australia;
barotrauma or “reverse squeeze” has more severe Reprint & Copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association,
sequelae. Squeeze occurs due to a ball-valve effect caused Alexandria, VA.
by intranasal pathology. During ascent, atmospheric DOI: 10.3357/ASEM.2203.2008

50 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 1 x January 2008

Sinus barotrauma can be explained by Boyle’s law. and sphenoid sinuses have rarely been implicated in
This law states that, at constant temperature, a volume this condition (10,18).
of dry gas varies inversely with surrounding pressure Aerosinusitis diagnosis requires the coincident
(V 5 CT/P). This implies that an elastic chamber filled occurrence of a sinus cavity pressure differential and si-
with air will expand as surrounding pressure decreases, nus related discomfort (20). The pain is usually localized
as seen with increased altitude. This expansion occurs over the frontal or maxillary sinuses, but may also be
even more rapidly with the humidified or “wet” air that retroorbital or in the region of maxillary dentition (19).
exists within the paranasal sinus cavities (20). As an ex- Numerous case series in military pilots confirm the pre-
ample, at sea level, atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg; dominant symptom of frontal pain (97%), followed by
at maximum decompression, the typical commercial air- malar pain (27%) and bloody rhinorrhea (13–58%). Fron-
liner pressurizes to 560 mmHg, the equivalent of 8000 ft tal pain is also the most common symptom in civilian
of elevation (11,22). By the ideal gas law (PV 5 nRT), dry barotrauma; however, bloody discharge has rarely been
air will expand/contract by more than one-third its reported in this demographic (18,22). This gives clinical
original volume on a standard flight. Factoring in the support to the physical principles mentioned earlier,
humidified status of intrasinus air, this expansion be- suggesting that the typical airline passenger suffering
comes even more dramatic. Clinically, this means that a from sinus barotrauma is not exposed to pressure differ-
typical passenger will have to accommodate significant entials large enough to cause mucosal hemorrhage. The
gas exchange during both ascent and descent within Weissman classification system correlates the clinical as-
their sinuses during any commercial flight or expect to pects of sinus barotrauma to radiographic examination
suffer some degree of barotrauma. (Table I).
The rate of descent is also an important factor in the
development of barotrauma. The faster the change in Prophylaxis and Treatment
ambient pressure, the less time the sinus has to adjust Work-up for sinus barotrauma includes a thorough his-
before developing a critical pressure differential. Typical tory to determine the preflight risk factors. Radiographs
descent rates experienced by passengers on a civilian are then obtained to stage the patient according to
aircraft are 300–350 ft z min21, whereas military jet fight- Weissman classification (19). The first step in prophy-
ers expose their crew to descent rates in excess of 10,000 laxis is identifying the at-risk individual. The major
ft z min21 (12). Negative intrasinus pressure of 100–150 identifiable preflight risk factors for civilian aerosinus-
mmHg creates mild barotrauma with mucosal edema or itis include active upper respiratory infection and aller-
serous discharge. Severe cases of barotrauma with mu- gic rhinitis (5,14,20). In addition, the patient history
cosal bleeding are noted when pressure differentials should be queried for repeated episodes of sinus baro-
reach 260–300 mmHg (23). Two authors have suggested trauma, which is generally restricted to military aircrew,
that as extravascular blood accumulates, the mucosa but conceivably exists in civilian patients with nasal
tears from the periosteum and forms submucosal hema- polyps and ball-valving soft tissue structures (recurrent
tomas (10,14). This has been confirmed by MRI (16) and sinus barotrauma).
plain radiograph (19). Since the maximal pressure dif- Prophylactic
Delivered by Ingenta to: Guest Usertreatment for at-risk individuals should
ferential sustained on a commercial flight is 200 mmHg,
IP: On: Wed,include
14 Jun an2017oral decongestant before flight and nasal
severe cases of sinus barotrauma areCopyright:
not reported with Medical
Aerospace Association
decongestant spray during the flight just prior to de-
civilian air travel. However, with military flights, pres- scent (20). Although there have been no rigorously
sure differentials of 360 mmHg (equivalent of 20,000 ft controlled trials of prophylactic medical regimens with
elevation) can be experienced by the aircrew, surpassing sinus barotrauma, there is ample clinical experience to
the 260-mmHg threshold to cause mucosal bleeding and suggest the benefit of topical and oral vasoconstrictors.
thus lead to severe barotrauma. An important subpopulation of air travelers to be
considered is the pregnant patient with rhinitis. This
Clinical Presentation patient creates a complex problem since rhinitis occurs
commonly during pregnancy, but standard medical
The incidence of sinus barotrauma is correlated to the treatments represent possible risks to the fetus. For a
physiologic demands placed upon the sinus cavities. pregnant patient with severe rhinitis, the risks and
Military pilot recruits and flight surgeons have the
highest rates of significant barotrauma (1.5–4%) during
military aircraft simulations in hypobaric chambers TABLE I. WEISSMAN CLASSIFICATION.
(10,19). The next most common group to experience Symptoms Plain Films Pathology
aerosinusitis is patients exposed to much less aggressive
Class I Transient Normal Slight swelling
dive rates in therapeutic hyperbaric chambers (1.2%) discomfort
(15). Severe sinus barotrauma is generally not reported Class II  24 h pain Mucosal Serosanguinous
in civilian air travel, although mild cases do occur. thickening rhinorrhea
The frontal sinus is most commonly affected (70–80%), Class III Severe pain Obliterated sinus Hematoma/mucosal
(squeeze avulsion
followed by the maxillary sinus (19–29%) (6,10,19,20). only)
There is about a 10% incidence of overlap between fron-
tal and maxillary sinus barotrauma (6). The ethmoids Garges modification to Weissman’s classification of sinus barotrauma (7).

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 1 x January 2008 51

benefits in light of the reasons for travel should be dis- Recurrent Sinus Barotrauma (RSB)
cussed with the patient. Second and third trimester Patients with RSB have repeated attacks of sinus baro-
patients can be safely given small doses of pseudoe- trauma caused by returning to flying before adequate
phedrine and oxymetazoline in line with recommen- healing. Between attacks, patients are asymptomatic
dations for typical air travelers. However, these same and have normal radiographs (1). It is hypothesized that
medications may confer unnecessary risks during the the process is initiated with a case of severe barotrauma
first trimester. During this 3-mo period, a few days that causes avulsion of mucosa from the periosteum
course of topical nasal steroid may be useful for effective (Weissman Class III). During the healing process, sub-
preflight decongestion (9). stantial mucosal thickening occurs, increasing the po-
In the military setting, in-flight management of acute tential for ostial narrowing (14). Other inciting and con-
sinus barotrauma typically involves ascending to an tributing causes that must be ruled out include chronic
asymptomatic elevation and administering a nasal de- rhinosinusitis, polypoid sinonasal disease, or anatomic
congestant or performing a Valsalva to equalize the si- abnormalities, which may include concha bullosa, sep-
nuses. After resolution of the pain, a slowed descent tal deviation, Haller cells, paradoxically curved uncinate/
usually prevents further symptoms (10,19). However, middle turbinate, or other incidental findings that can
on a commercial airline flight, unless the person experi- lead to osteomeatal complex obstruction when coupled
encing barotrauma is the pilot, the symptomatic indi- with mucosal edema (13,14).
vidual will have to endure the symptoms until they exit RSB is difficult to manage with conservative measures
the aircraft. (3). First-line therapy includes antihistamines and nasal
The treatment standard for postflight acute baro- steroids. If chronic sinusitis is suspected, a 1-mo course
trauma is nasal decongestion (20). A typical regimen of antibiotics is given. After resolution of symptoms, al-
includes a 1-wk course of topical sprays, analgesics, a ta- titude chamber testing for pilots will determine if return
pering course of steroids, and oral decongestants (19). to flight duty is possible (3). When medical therapy fails
Use of antibiotics is reserved for those cases initiated by and CT scans suggest an anatomic problem, surgical in-
bacterial sinusitis (10,19,20). Additionally, antihistamines tervention should be considered in an attempt to avoid
are reserved for cases where allergies were the inciting permanent loss of flight status.
cause (10). In more severe cases mandating immediate Recurrent sinus barotrauma is more commonly seen
intervention, Kraus recommends topical vasoconstric- in military aircrew than in the civilian sector and was
tion followed by a Proetz displacement procedure and historically considered a career-ending diagnosis for pi-
in-fracture of the middle turbinates (10). Resistant cases lots. Three studies show that traditional, non-FESS tech-
may require a maxillary or frontal trephination (10). niques have at best a 60–69% chance of returning a pilot
Patients experiencing acute aerosinusitis should be to flight status (22). The application of FESS to RSB was
restricted from flight until all evidence of the barotrauma first described by Bolger, Parsons, and Matson (3), who
and its inciting risk factors have resolved. Minimum ac- compared results in 10 cases of FESS to 19 cases treated by
tivity restriction includes a 1-wk period restricted from classic methods. The FESS group had a 100% return to
flying, swimming, or diving (19). Radiographs are re-
Delivered by Ingentaflight duty, whereas
to: Guest User 36.8% of the control group returned
peated at 1 wk, and if evidenceIP: of
mucosal thickening
On: Wed,to 14
2017The group concluded that once a diagno-
persists, the treating physician will decide on the
Copyright: dura-
Aerospace Medical
sis of RSBAssociation
unresponsive to medical treatment is made, a
tion of flight restrictions that may extend to 6 wk (19). CT scan followed by “full house FESS” (surgical opening
However, if the radiographs and symptoms have cleared of all sinuses), 6 wk recovery, and a successful hypobaric
or only show clinically irrelevant submucosal hemato- dive will allow aviators to return to duty (13).
mas, the patient may be cleared for flight (1). At 6 wk, a Two studies followed on to confirm this finding.
repeat exam and CT scan are performed to reassess re- O’Reilly first showed that FESS could return 95% of RSB
covery. Since baseline mucosal thickening can exist in patients to duty (12). Next, long-term follow up of a
asymptomatic individuals (4,12), this should not be the 54-aviator cohort by Parsons et al. showed that with
sole criterion for continued restriction from flight. After FESS, 98% of aviators successfully returned to flight
a severe episode of sinus barotrauma, pilots may be re- duty (14). Importantly, all previous traditional sinus sur-
quired to pass an altitude exposure in a hypobaric cham- gery failures in this cohort were salvageable with FESS.
ber prior to returning to duty (19) with rates of descent Closer inspection of the series shows that a number of
dependent on the aircraft flown. patients failed their initial FESS management due to
Surgical management of Weissman Class III acute frontal recess and lateral nasal wall synechiae. Revision
barosinusitis is rarely indicated; however, functional en- FESS was able to salvage these cases as well (14). Given
doscopic sinus surgery (FESS) can be entertained if the these data, RSB is a highly treatable condition and
patient has persistent pain with abnormal radiographs should no longer be considered a career-ending diagno-
despite a reasonable period of medical management. sis for an aviator.
In the military context, there are special circumstances
which necessitate early surgery when personnel are of
extraordinary operational value who must re-engage in Conclusions
activities likely to expose them to pressure changes prior Although there are few scientific studies on this sub-
to a normal period of recovery (18). ject, the pathophysiology and physics of this condition

52 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine x Vol. 79, No. 1 x January 2008

are very clearly understood. Application of these prin- aerospace medicine doctor who is familiar with the
ciples to clinical medicine appears to have good out- physiologic stresses anticipated in their aircraft.
comes. However, this conclusion must be tempered by
the lack of data to prove this. A controlled assessment
of aerosinusitis and its medical management is clearly REFERENCES
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