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The Business Plan and Organisational Details for the Eve Online
Corporation “The British Buccaneers” (BBUCK) BBUCK
Mission Statement.................................................................................................................................3
Departments and Divisions....................................................................................................................3
Raiding Teams...................................................................................................................................3
Research and Manufacturing.............................................................................................................4
Logistics Department.........................................................................................................................4
Investment Department....................................................................................................................4
Security Department.........................................................................................................................4
Bailout Plan (Restricted Distribution)....................................................................................................5
Mission Statement
British Buccaneers was founded in August 2010 with the sole purpose of the acquisition of wealth
through entertaining methods, rather than simply mining for hours. We have many methods of
income and any are acceptable to us, whether it's piracy, commerce raiding, can flipping, mining,
mission running, or anything else you can think of.

British Buccaneers is targeted at the acquisition of wealth by any means, in order to support our
members in their own endeavours – whatever they may be. Our main branches which help us
achieve this goal are:

 Raiding Teams
 Research and Manufacturing
 Logistics
 Investments
 Security

The Raiding Teams regularly secure goods, materials, and isk which are then used by the logistics
department to buy and transport materials for use with the research and manufacturing arm. Some
of the profits are also filtered into the Investments arm, and used to buy equipment for the raiding
and security arms of the corporation.

The logistics arm is also involved in regular trading between stations in order to bring in additional
funds, and also mining operations to bring in materials. Every month, 50% of the corporation’s tax
income is split amongst all the employees equally.

The Raiding teams also function as security escorts where required if the security arm are either
over-stretched or the raiding teams are unassigned.

Ships, Weapon Systems, Warehouse Space and Loan Programmes are available to members in good
standing, and the Raiding Teams have T1 Rifters appropriately fitted for piracy supplied FOC where
the corporate funds permit.

Departments and Divisions

British Buccaneers has the following 5 departments which members can belong to. A full listing of
which members belong to which department can be found on our forum, and departmental
operations are tracked through the calendar on our website.

Raiding Teams
Leader: CEO Dan Wilkie

The Raiding Teams bring in most of the funds to British Buccaneers through the raiding of NPC
Convoys and player ships (conventional piracy) and either taking the vessels cargo, or else ransoming
the ship for isk. They do not pod-kill unless the situation warrants it, at the discretion of the raid
leader. Raid Team Members are often members of other departments within BBUCK; this is common
across the Corp.

Research and Manufacturing

Leader: R&D Director Reginald Smithe

The Research and Manufacturing department use the resources provided by other departments and
turn them into the equipment needed by the raiding teams, and also equipment for sale on the open
market by the Logistics department. R&M Members are often members of other departments within
BBUCK; this is common across the Corp.

Logistics Department
Leader: Logistics Director (Acting Logistics Director Craig Linford)

The Logistics Department is responsible for keeping the other departments supplied with the items
they need – whether this is looting the wreckage left by the Raiding Teams, transporting bulk goods
from external suppliers, or mining Ore needed by the R&M Department. Logistics Members are
often members of other departments within BBUCK; this is common across the Corp.

Investment Department
Leader: Financial Director (Acting Financial Director Dan Wilkie)

The Investment Department serves a dual purpose. They are responsible for the day to day finances
of the corporation and consequently monitor each division’s cash-flow and audit the other
departments. Their other role is to invest 25% of the corporate tax income in the most efficient way
possible in order to build our cash. If it has anything to do with finance, the Investment department
is responsible. Members are, as with other departments, often members of additional divisions
within BBUCK.

Security Department
Leader: Security Director Craig Linford

The Security Division is effectively our Navy. As such, they provide protection on mining ops,
especially on those scheduled in low-sec space; logistics runs when we are transporting goods to
seed throughout the region; and also provide the offensive and defensive support in times of conflict
with rival corporations.

Members of the Security Division routinely fly patrol through our home systems in order to keep in
practice for fleet formation and tactics and also routinely run missions, which helps our
corporation’s faction with various other EVE corporations, with the goal of providing safe refuges for
jump cloning.

CEO Dan Wilkie

Dan Wilkie has been playing Eve for many years off and on, though with some pretty long breaks in
between. He’s been a member of several corporations over the years, ranging from mining to Piracy.
He has spent most of his time recently focusing on raiding NPC convoys, and having made fairly
decent money from raiding single convoys solo, has decided to form a corporation in order to spread
the load and increase the income, as well as bringing in new sources of revenue.

Logistics Director (Vacant)

The Logistics Director will naturally oversee the Logistics Division. He should have good ship and
trade skills, and a deep knowledge of the trade system within Eve.

R&M Director (Vacant)

The Research and Manufacturing Director will oversee the R&M Division. He should have good
research and manufacturing skills, and in depth knowledge of the R&M system within Eve, and good
management skills.

Financial Director (Vacant)

The financial director is responsible for all the corporate finances and investments, as well as
accounts auditing. Due to the extreme trust required for this role, it will be appointed when a
suitable and proven candidate presents him/herself and has demonstrated commitment to the corp.

Security Director Craig Linford

(Insert Craigs Background Here)

Bailout Plan (Restricted Distribution)

In the event of business model failure, British Buccaneers does have a bailout plan that we will put
into action. This plan will only be used under the following circumstances:

         ¾ of BBUCK decides to permanently close down the corporation.

         BBUCKs profits are negative by more than 10% of holdings for a continuous 6 month period

At this point, British Buccaneers will keep its doors open for 14 days and close any and all recruiting.
During the 14 days all operations will cease and the following will occur:

         A letter of recommendation will be written for every member to use as they see fit.
         All assets will be sold off and any debts paid.
         All monetary assets left will be divided evenly amongst the members and leadership.
Members and leadership may buy individual assets from British Buccaneers at 25% below
market value. These monetary assets will in turn be split evenly.

On the 14th day, British Buccaneers will cease with all members and leadership being removed (or
removing themselves) from the corporation.
As the corporation is newly formed, it seems a little irrelevant to go into great depth on financials as
there are insufficient historical records to draw any meaningful conclusions. However, we can look at
our projected costs and our taxation policy at this stage.

Currently, British Buccaneers rents a single office and our rent costs 10,000 isk per month. In
addition, we wish to keep our Raiding teams supplied with T1 Rifters which we cannot currently
manufacture ourselves. Finally, we have to pay 2 million isk per month to our alliance in order to
cover CONCORD fees. With this in mind, it is anticipated that the corporation as a whole needs to
bring in 10 million ISK a month to cover our costs. This has so far been achieved by the CEO alone, so
should be no obstacle for the corporation.

Taxation comes in two forms at British Buccaneers. The first is a standard 10% tax on members. This
accounts for a varying degree of income, and of course, half of this is (after costs) is returned to
members every month. The second method is the Work Weekend. One weekend a month is
declared as a working weekend (usually 2-3 weeks notice), starting on Friday at Midnight to Sunday
at Midnight, the tax is increased to 75%. Several operations are run on this weekend, for all of the
divisions and while not mandatory, members are strongly encouraged to participate in these ops.
With good attendance, these weekends should bring in a significant income to the corporation.


British Buccaneers needs the following active number of members to ensure growth:

Raiding Teams:                                  20 members

R&M Department:                          10 members
Logistics Division:                             40 members
Security Division:                              20 members
Investment Division:                      10 Members
Total members:                                100 members

Initial recruiting drive will be for 100 members. British Buccaneers expects to lose 60% of members
within any given year. This means that British Buccaneers will need to recruit an additional 60
members per year in order to maintain a total of 100 members. In order to grow the corporation on
a timely basis, it is estimated that British Buccaneers should grow 30% a year. Taking into account a
loss of up to 60% membership base every two years, our recruiting numbers will need to be:

100 members initially

70 new members within the first year (6/month)

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