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Nicola De Angelis, Pietro Felice, Maria Gabriella Grusovin, Andrea Camurati, Marco Esposito

The effectiveness of adjunctive light-activated

disinfection (LAD) in the treatment of peri-
implantitis: 4-month results from a multicentre
pragmatic randomised controlled trial Nicola De Angelis,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Periodon-
Key words infection, light activation disinfection, peri-implantitis tology, University of
Genoa, Genoa, Italy and
private practice, Acqui
Objectives: To evaluate possible benefits of the adjunctive use of light-activated disinfection Terme (AL), Italy

(LAD) in the treatment of peri-implantitis. Pietro Felice, MD,

Materials and methods: Eighty patients with at least one implant affected by peri-implantitis DDS, PhD
Researcher, Department
defined as at least 3 mm of bone loss from the baseline radiographs in the presence of signs of Periodontology and
Implantology, University of
of infection (pus exudation and/or soft tissue swelling and/or soft tissue redness) were non- Bologna, Bologna, Italy
surgically or surgically treated. A total of 50% were randomly allocated to receive an additional
Maria Gabriella
treatment of LAD (FotoSan) according to a parallel group design at four different centres. Only Grusovin, DDS
one implant per patient was considered. Outcome measures recorded up to 4 months after Private practice, Gorizia,
treatment were implant failures, complications, probing pocket depth (PPD) changes and num-
ber of re-treatment sessions recorded by blinded assessors. Patients were followed for 4 months Andrea Camurati,
after treatment. Private practice, Genoa,
Results: Five treated patients did not fit the original inclusion criteria, 4 because they were not
affected by peri-implantitis (as defined in the present study) and one because the patient was Marco Esposito, DDS,
treated with antibiotics, however they were included according to an intention-to-treat analysis Freelance researcher and
concept. Nine patients of the LAD group were treated surgically versus 10 control patients. After Associate Professor, Depart-
ment of Biomaterials, The
4 months, 1 patient dropped out from the LAD group and no implant failed. Fifteen implants Sahlgrenska Academy
had to be re-treated in the LAD group versus 16 implants in the control group, the difference at Göteborg University,
was not significant. Three minor complications occurred: 2 in the LAD group and 1 in the control
group. PPD significantly decreased in both groups, and at 4 months there was no significant dif- Correspondence to:
Marco Esposito, Casella
ferences between groups (difference -0.12 mm, 95% CI of difference -0.94 to 0.69, P = 0.77). Postale 34, 20862 Arcore
(MB), Italy
There were significant differences between centres for number of re-treatments needed, PPD Email: espositomarco@
changes, plaque and marginal bleeding 4 months after treatment. The results did not change

when removing the 5 patients who did not match the present inclusion criteria.
Conclusions: The use of adjunctive LAD therapy with mechanical cleaning of implants affected
by peri-implantitis did not improve any clinical outcomes up to 4 months after treatment, how-
ever longer follow-ups are needed to evaluate the possible effect of repeated LAD therapy over

Conflict-of-interest statement: CMS Dental A/S, the manufacturer of FotoSan, the LAD device
tested in this investigation, partially supported this trial. However, the data belonged to the authors
and by no means did FotoSan interfere with the conduct of the trial or the publication of the results.

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„ Introduction thiazine chloride activated by diode laser) with

adjunctive local antibiotic therapy (minocycline
Each year, hundreds of thousands of patients are microspheres) in non-surgically treated implants
rehabilitated with dental implant-supported pros- (mechanical debridement with titanium curettes
theses. The higher the number of patients and and glycine-based powder air polishing) affected
years that implants have been in place, the higher by initial peri-implantitis (bone loss between 0.5 to
the number of mechanical and biological com- 2 mm at pockets with bleeding on probing) for 6
plications. Among the biological complications, months after treatment in 20 patients per group7.
one of the most common is peri-implantitis. Peri- Treatment was repeated at 3 and 6 months at all
implantitis can be described as a plaque-induced sites that still exhibited bleeding on probing. No
infection with loss of supporting bone in the tissue statistically significant differences were observed
surrounding a functioning implant1. Peri-implan- between the two groups with the exception of
titis, defined as marginal bone loss of 3 mm or non-clinically significant increased plaque at LAD-
more in combination with bleeding on probing treated sites after 6 months7. Therefore, there are
and/or pus, was diagnosed in 16% of patients no published trials evaluating whether the adjunc-
rehabilitated with machined Brånemark implants tive use of LAD therapy could be more effective
followed for 9 to 14 years after loading2. Implants than mechanical treatment alone in treating peri-
with a very rough surface are at higher risk for implantitis.
being affected by peri-implantitis3. Peri-implant- The aim of this multi-centre randomised con-
itis is difficult to treat and the long-term prognosis trolled trial of parallel group design was to evalu-
of implants affected by it remain uncertain4. ate possible benefits of the adjunctive use of LAD
There are many different therapies for peri- in the treatment of peri-implantitis. At protocol
implantitis5, however none have provided clearly stage, it was planned to follow the patients up to 5
better results than others. Among the new thera- years after initial treatment of peri-implantitis. The
peutic approaches to treat implants affected by present article is reported according to the CON-
peri-implantitis, there is LAD (light-activated disin- SORT statement to improve the quality of reports
fection), which is also called PACT (photodynamic of parallel-group randomised trials (http://www.
antimicrobial chemotherapy) and often shortened
to ‘photodynamic therapy’6. In principle, LAD
involves three elements: visible harmless light, a
nontoxic photosensitiser and oxygen. The treat- „ Materials and methods
ment is based on a combination of photosensi-
tiser (a photoactivable substance, usually toluidine „ Patient selection
blue O) and light with a suitable wavelength. The
photosensitiser agent attaches to the membranes Any patient possessing at least one implant
of microorganisms and absorbs energy from the affected by peri-implantitis (Figs 1a, 1b, 2a and
light. It thereby releases energy to oxygen, which 2b), at least 18 years old and able to sign an
is transformed into highly reactive oxygen species informed consent form was eligible for inclu-
like ions and radicals that kill microorganisms6. sion in this trial. Peri-implantitis was defined as
LAD can be effective against bacteria as well as bacterial plaque-induced inflammation of the
other types of microorganisms like viruses, fungi marginal peri-implant tissues with bone loss. To
and protozoa. No negative side effects have been be eligible, patients must have had at least one
noted, since the applied photosensitisers have osseointegrated implant that had lost at least
less affinity to mammalian cells6. As a result, LAD an average 3 mm of peri-implant bone from the
might be advantageous in comparison with chem- baseline (implant placement). Ideally, this should
ical disinfectants and antibiotics. have been documented by assessing the baseline
A recent randomised controlled trial (RCT) radiographs, however for some patients no base-
compared the adjunctive use of LAD (pheno- line radiographs were available because they were

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originally treated by other dentists. In this case, subjects were followed. All patients received thor-
the present authors used the most coronal por- ough explanations and signed a written informed
tion of the implant collar for bone level implants consent form prior to being enrolled in the trial.
as a reference point, and in cases of transmuco- Originally 6 centres agreed to participate in the
sal implants each investigator estimated marginal study but two centres did not recruit any patients.
bone loss by subjectively deciding the reference At protocol stage it was decided that patients
point where bone was likely to be at implant who lost 3 to 5 mm of peri-implant bone were
placement. In addition to 3 mm of peri-implant to be treated with a non-surgical approach and
bone loss, the following clinical signs had to be that patients who lost more than 5 mm of peri-
present at the study implants to be included in implant bone were to be surgically treated (Figs
the trial: pus exudation and/or soft tissue swelling 1a–1g and 2a–2f). Only after surgical or non-
and/or soft tissue redness. Probing pocket depths surgical debridement of the implant affected by
(PPDs) were not used as a discriminatory criteria peri-implantitis were patients randomly allocated
for including patients in the study. to receive or not adjunctive LAD therapy.
Exclusion criteria were:
t mobile implants
„ Clinical procedures
t any implant that lost less than 3 mm of peri-
implant bone with respect to levels at implant The independent outcome assessors took base-
placement line PPD measurements using a PCP-15 peri-
t any implant not showing clear clinical signs of odontal probe (Hu-Friedy, Leimen, Germany)
inflammation (pus exudate and/or soft tissue with light pressure at the deepest point of the
swelling and/or redness) study implant, rounded to the nearest mm. They
t any implant considered to be untreatable also recorded the presence of plaque (PI) and
by the operator (radiographs and a written marginal bleeding on gentle probing (MBI) at
explanation to be provided) four sites of the study implants as the number
t any medical conditions that have an absolute of affected sites. Detailed and personalised oral
contraindication to subgingival debridement hygiene instructions were given and whenever
(written explanation to be provided) needed, possible overhangs and over-contoured
t patients who received systemic or topical anti- prostheses were corrected. Sites with peri-
biotics at the included implant site over the implant marginal bone loss ≤5 mm were treated
previous 3 months non-surgically and those with bone loss >5 mm
t patients requiring antibiotic prophylaxis at were treated surgically. Regenerative procedures
intervention (written explanation to be pro- and the use of systemic or topical antibiotics
vided) were not allowed. Patients rinsed with chlorhexi-
t patients unable to commit to 5-year follow-up. dine mouthwash 0.2% for 1 minute prior to the
intervention and were treated under local anaes-
Patients were divided into three groups based on thesia using articaine with adrenaline 1:100,000.
the number of cigarettes they declared to con- The time required to complete the debridement
sume per day at the time of recruitment: non- of the implant surface was recorded.
smoker, moderate smoker (≤10 cigarettes per day) In the case of the non-surgical approach
or heavy smoker (>10 cigarettes per day). (peri-implant marginal bone loss between 3 and
Patients were recruited and treated by four 5 mm), the implant surface was debrided with a
different doctors in one university setting (Dr De hand and/or mechanical instrument for the time
Angelis) and three private practices (Drs Camu- that the clinician considered sufficient to have
rati, Felice and Grusovin) using similar procedures. it properly cleaned. Investigators were allowed
Each doctor/centre treated 20 patients (10 in each to use the type of instrument they preferred
group). The principles outlined in the Declaration among the following: stainless steel curette/
of Helsinki on clinical research involving human tip, titanium curette/tip, gold-plated curette/tip,

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324 „ De Angelis et al Light-activated disinfection for peri-implantitis

a b

c d

e f

Fig 1 One of the patients treated surgically by Dr De

Angelis (LAD group): a) preoperative periapical radiograph
showing more than 5 mm of bone loss; b) preoperative
clinical situation; c) after flap elevation and cleaning of the
implant surface, the patient was randomised to the LAD
group; d) the infrabony defect was overfilled with a medium
viscosity gel active agent (tolouidine blue O at a concentra-
tion of 0.1 mg/ml) with a dedicated syringe; e) the 23 mm-
long perio tip of the FotoSan 630 instrument was inserted at
4 points around the implant and light was delivered for 20 s
at each site; f) clinical situation 1 month after treatment;
g g) clinical situation 4 months after treatment.

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plastic curette/tip, teflon-plated curette/tip, hand Patients were recalled every 4 months for
curette, ultrasonic scaler, piezo-electric scaler or the entire duration of the study for full-mouth
sonic scaler. prophylaxis. PI, MBI and presence of complica-
In the case of the surgical approach (peri- tions/adverse events at the study implant were
implant marginal bone loss > 5 mm), a full thick- recorded. According to the investigators’ clin-
ness flap was elevated and the defect was care- ical judgement, implants still affected by peri-
fully curetted to remove all granulation tissue implantitis could be re-treated following the
(Figs 1a–1g and 2a–2f). Bone removal could be treatment that was originally allocated to them
performed at the discretion of the investigator. (i.e. those implants allocated to adjunctive LAD
The implant surface was carefully debrided as treatment received adjunctive LAD treatment
previously described. In addition, the investigator and the other debridement only). Re-treatment
decided whether to eliminate/reduce the unsup- was mandatory in case of presence of clinical
ported implant threads and/or polish the implant signs of inflammation: pus exudate and/or soft
surface (Fig 2d). tissue swelling and/or soft tissue redness. Local
Only after having thoroughly mechanically or systemic antibiotics, laser or any other antimi-
cleaned the implant surface, the operator knew crobials in the pocket could not be used, how-
whether the site was to receive or not adjunc- ever surgery could be repeated if deemed nec-
tive LAD therapy by opening the sequentially essary. At protocol stage, it was decided that
numbered sealed envelope corresponding to the once the 1-year post-treatment follow-up was
patient recruitment number. The pocket of patients completed, if patients allocated to adjunctive
to be treated with LAD therapy was overfilled with LAD treatment showed statistically significantly
a medium viscosity gel active agent (tolouidine blue better results (less marginal peri-implant bone
O at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml) contained in loss, and/or shallower PPD, and/or lower MBI)
syringes (Fig 1d), the perio tip (Fig 1e) of the Foto- than those conventionally treated, all patients
San 630 instrument (CMS Dental, Copenhagen, would receive adjunctive LAD treatment for the
Denmark) was inserted at 4 points around the remaining duration of the study. If no statistically
implant and light was delivered for 20 seconds at significant differences were observed, patients
each site using a perio tip 23 mm long. Sutures were to be re-treated according the treatment
were given when needed. which was originally allocated to them.
After the intervention, baseline standardised
periapical radiographs were taken using a custom-
„ Outcome measures
ised stent. In case of an unreadable radiograph,
the radiograph was taken again. The following This study tested the null hypothesis that there
recommendations were given only to surgically were no differences between the two procedures
treated patients: ibuprofen 400 mg in the pres- against the alternative hypothesis of a difference.
ence of pain, chlorhexidine mouthwash 0.12% Outcome measures were:
for 1 minute twice a day for 2 weeks and to refrain t Implant failures (primary outcome measure):
from interdental cleaning in the treated area for any mobile or fractured implant that is not
2 weeks. Gentle wiping with a soft brush was restorable. In principle, the investigators were
started after the first week. not allowed to remove any stable implants,
Patients were seen 1 week (when present, however it is recognised that there could be
sutures were removed), 1 month (Figs 1f and 2e) some special circumstances in which implant
and 4 months (Figs 1g and 2f) after the interven- removal is indicated. When this is the case,
tion for supragingival prophylaxis with a rubber the investigator has to justify in writing and
cup. PI and MBI were recorded dichotomously to document with clinical pictures and radio-
as presence/absence at four sites of the study graphs the decision to remove the implant.
implants. Presence of complications/adverse t Recurrence of peri-implantitis (primary out-
events at the study implants were also recorded. come measure): defined as an additional bone

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a b

c d

e f

Fig 2 One of the patients treated surgically by Dr De Angelis (control group): a) preoperative periapical radiograph show-
ing more than 5 mm of bone loss; b) preoperative clinical situation; c) situation after flap elevation; d) after thoroughly
cleaning of the surface, thread removal and surface smoothening, the patient was randomised to the control group; e) clin-
ical situation 1 month after treatment; g) clinical situation 4 months after treatment.

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loss of at least 2 mm documented by stan- Six computer generated restricted random lists
dardised periapical radiographs with the pres- were created. Only one investigator (ME), who
ence of at least one of the following infection/ was not involved in the selection and treatment
inflammatory signs: pus exudation and/or soft of the patients, knew the random sequence and
tissue swelling and/or redness. This outcome had access to the random list stored in a password
will be reported at 1, 3 and 5 years after treat- protected portable computer. The random codes
ment. were enclosed in sequentially numbered, iden-
t Complications and adverse events (primary tical, opaque, sealed envelopes. Only after the
outcome measure): any complication (fistula, study implants had been thoroughly mechanically
suppuration, swelling, abscess, abutment loos- cleaned and smoothened, if considered necessary,
ening, etc.) and adverse event (allergic reac- were the envelopes opened sequentially. There-
tions, etc.). fore, treatment allocations were concealed to the
t Re-treatments (primary outcome measure): investigators in charge of enrolling and treating
number of subgingival re-treatment sessions the patients.
required during and outside maintenance. All data analysis was performed according to
t Changes in RAD (secondary outcome) evalu- a pre-established analysis plan by a biostatistician
ated on standardised intraoral radiographs with expertise in dentistry who analysed the data
taken with the paralleling technique just after without knowledge of the group codes following
peri-implantitis treatment (baseline) and at 1, an intention-to-treat concept. The patient was the
3 and 5 years after initial treatment. This out- statistical unit of the analyses. Differences in the
come will be reported in the future follow-up proportion of patients with implant failures, com-
of this trial. plications and number of re-treatments (dichoto-
t Changes in PPD (secondary outcome): the mous outcomes) were compared between the
deepest PPD at each study implant will be groups using Fisher’s exact probability test. Dif-
recorded to the nearest mm, just prior to the ferences of means at patient level for continu-
intervention and at 4 months, 1, 3 and 5 years ous outcomes (PPD changes) between groups
thereafter. were compared by independent sample t tests
and within group by paired t tests. Dichotomous
At each centre, there was a local blinded outcome and continuous outcomes were also compared
assessor who recorded all outcome measures. between the four centres using the chi-square
These assessors were not calibrated between tests and one way analysis of variance, respec-
them. tively. Sensitivity statistical analyses were repeated
excluding five patients who did not match fully
the original inclusion criteria. All statistical com-
„ Statistical analyses
parisons were conducted at the 0.05 level of sig-
The sample size was calculated to detect a 1 mm nificance.
difference in mean marginal bone level changes
between the two groups. Forty-nine patients had
to be included in each group with 90% power, „ Results
assuming that the common SD was 1.500 using
an independent sample t test with a 0.050 two- During initial monitoring, it was noticed that two
sided significance level. It was planned to include of the original six centres were not recruiting and
60 patients per group to compensate for possible therefore were excluded. Eighty-three patients
drop-outs. Each of the six original centres had to were screened at the four remaining centres and
recruit 20 patients, 10 of them to be randomly 80 patients were consecutively enrolled in the trial.
allocated to each group. Unfortunately, due to Three patients were not included by Dr Grusovin
the early withdrawal of two centres, the planned since they were unable to attend a 5-year follow-
sample size could not be achieved. up. All patients were treated according to the allo-

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Table 1 Patient and intervention characteristics.

LAD [n = 40] (%) Control [n = 40] (%)

Females 21 (53) 21 (53)
Mean age at implant insertion (range) 58.0 (36–79) 60.2 (25–80)
Smoking up to 10 cigarettes/day 9 (23) 4 (10)
Smoking more than 10 cigarettes/day 5 (13) 4 (10)
Implants in maxillae 11 (28) 18 (45)
Implants in mandibles 29 (73) 22 (55)
Implants in incisor position 8 (20) 14 (35)
Implants in canine position 6 (15) 6 (15)
Implants in premolar position 5 (13) 8 (20)
Implants in molar position 21(53) 12 (30)
Initial bone loss, mean (SD) 4.40 (1.58) 4.73 (2.11)
Years from implant placement, mean (SD) 5.65 (3.06) 6.13 (3.85)
Implant surgically treated 9 (23) 10 (25)
Preoperative mean PPD (deepest pockets only) (SD) 6.23 (1.62) 6.45 (2.15)
Preoperative plaque index at 4 sites, mean (SD) 2.18 (1.53) 2.15 (1.64)
Preoperative bleeding index at 4 sites, mean (SD) 2.95 (1.32) 2.68 (1.25)
Scaling with manual instruments only 6 (15) 6 (15)
Scaling with ultrasound instruments only 24 (60) 24 (60)
Scaling with both manual and ultrasound instruments 10 (25) 10 (25)
Used stainless steel instruments 40 (100) 36 (90)
Used titanium instruments 0 (0) 2 (5)
Used plastic instruments 0 (0) 2 (5)
Time employed to clean the implant surface mean (SD) 10.68 (6.68) 12.03 (7.35)
Unsupported threads removed 3 (8) 6 (15)
Number of prosthetic adjustments necessary 3 (8) 4* (10)
Complications 2 (5) 1 (3)
Number of implants re-treated only once 12 (30) 12 (30)
Number of implants re-treated twice 3 (8) 4 (10)

*Only one prosthetic adjustment was actually performed.

cated interventions. One patient (Dr Grusovin) cated to adjunctive LAD therapy) were treated
from the LAD group died from cancer just before non-surgically despite having bone loss >5 mm
the 4-month evaluation. One patient (Dr Gruso- since they refused surgical treatment.
vin) from the control group did not attend the Patients were recruited and treated from May
1-month recall. The data of all remaining patients 2010 to January 2012. The follow-up of all patients
were evaluated in the statistical analyses. The main was at 4 months after peri-implantitis treatment.
deviations from the protocol were: two patients Patient demographics, implant characteristics and
from each group were recruited without having the use of various types of instruments are presented
visible signs of infection at recruitment, with the in Table 1. There were no apparent significant base-
exception of bleeding on probing (Dr De Angelis). line imbalances between the two groups. Nineteen
One patient took antibiotics after recruitment, 1 implants were surgically treated. During surgery,
week before peri-implantitis treatment, to treat osteoplasty was never performed, 9 implants had
tonsillitis (Dr Grusovin). Two patients (one from their unsupported threads removed and all surgi-
Dr Camurati’s centre allocated to the control inter- cally treated implants had their surfaces smooth-
vention, and one from Dr Grusovin’s centre allo- ened. There were no differences between groups

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Table 2 Mean plaque scores between groups and time periods.

Preoperative 1 week 1 month 4 months P values preoperative

to 4 months
N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD)
LAD 40 2.18 (1.53) 40 1.33 (1.49) 40 1.08 (1.10) 39 0.97 (1.14) <0.001
Control 40 2.15 (1.64) 40 1.33 (1.46) 39 1.18 (1.07) 40 0.93 (1.23) <0.001
Difference 0.03 0.000 -0.105 0.049
95% CI of difference 0.66 to -0.66 -0.59 to 0.38 -0.48 to 0.58
P values 1.00 0.67 0.85

Table 3 Mean marginal bleeding scores between groups and time periods.

Preoperative 1 week 1 month 4 months P values preoperative

to 4 months
N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD)
LAD 40 2.95 (1.32) 40 1.33 (1.46) 40 1.00 (1.22) 39 1.03 (1.33) <0.001
Control 40 2.68 (1.25) 40 1.48 (1.55) 39 1.31 (1.24) 40 1.10 (1.33) <0.001
Difference 0.28 -0.15 -0.31 -0.07
95% CI of difference -0.82 to 0.52 -0.86 to 0.24 -0.64 to 0.50
P values 0.66 0.27 0.80

for time needed to complete implant debridement over the 4 months, the difference was not sig-
(10.7 minutes for LAD treated implants and 12.0 nificant (Fisher’s exact test P = 0.82; difference =
minutes for control implants). 0.025; 95% CI -0.19 to 0.24). In particular, 3 LAD
After debridement and randomisation, 40 and 4 control implants were re-treated twice. No
patients had an implant treated with adjunctive implant was re-treated 3 times.
LAD and 40 without adjunctive LAD. Just before treatment, PPDs were 6.23 mm at
Plaque and marginal bleeding scores recorded LAD implants and 6.45 mm at control implants
preoperatively at 1 week, and 1 and 4 months (Table 4). There was a significant reduction in PPD
are reported in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. after 4 months for both groups (P = 0.001). When
Both plaque and bleeding indexes significantly comparing the two groups, there was no statistic-
improved over time and there were no differences ally significant difference in change in PPD after
between the two groups at any time period. 4 months (P = 0.77). The comparison between the
No implant failed. Three minor complica- four centres is presented in Table 5. There were stat-
tions were registered in 3 patients: 2 from the istically significant differences (P < 0.001) in number
LAD group and 1 from the control group. The of re-treatments, PPD changes, plaque and mar-
difference in proportions is not statistically sig- ginal bleeding at 4 months between the centres of
nificant (Fisher’s exact test P = 0.56; difference = Grusovin and Felice who re-treated only 1 patient
0.025; 95% CI -0.06 to 0.11). Complications in versus the centres of De Angelis and Camurati who
the adjunctive LAD therapy group were 1 postop- performed single or multiple re-treatments on 30
erative wound dehiscence (Dr De Angelis) and 1 patients within 4 months after initial treatment. The
postoperative swelling (Dr Grusovin). One patient centre of Dr Grusovin reported a much more pro-
from the control group experienced postopera- nounced PPD improvement (2.47 mm) follow by Dr
tive swelling and moderate pain (Dr Grusovin). All De Angelis (1.45 mm), Dr Camurati (0.4 mm) and
complications resolved spontaneously. Dr Felice (0.3 mm).
Fifteen of the LAD-treated implants versus When the five patients who were included
16 control implants were re-treated at least once despite not being in strict adherence to the pres-

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Table 4 Mean PPD changes between groups and time periods.

Preoperative 4-month postoperative Change P values

N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD)
LAD 40 6.23 (1.62) 39 5.08 (1.63) 39 1.08 (1.78) 0.001
Control 40 6.45 (2.15) 40 5.25 (1.63) 40 1.20 (1.86) <0.001
Difference -0.23 -0.17 -0.12
95% CI of difference -1.07 to 0.62 -0.90 to 0.56 -0.94 to 0.69
P values 0.60 0.64 0.77

Table 5 Comparisons between study centres for the various outcome measures.

De Angelis Camurati Grusovin Felice P value

Complications (number of patients) 1 0 2 0 0.61a
Re-treatments (number of patients) 14 16 0 1 <0.001a*
PPD changes: N Mean (SD) 20 1.45 (2.31) 20 0.40 (1.19) 19 2.47 (1.81) 20 0.30 (0.66) <0.001b*
Plaque at 4 months: N Mean (SD) 20 0.90 (1.41) 20 1.80 (1.11) 19 0.68 (0.67) 20 0.40 (0.94) <0.001b*
Marginal bleeding at 4 months: N Mean (SD) 20 0.85 (1.45) 20 2.25 (1.07) 19 0.84 (0.6) 20 0.30 (0.92) <0.001b*

aChi-square test; bANOVA F-ratio test; *statistically significant differences

ent inclusion criteria were excluded, the results It also remains unknown whether repeated
did not change. use of LAD therapy in the treatment of a chronic
condition such as peri-implant diseases could be
advantageous over conventional debridement.
„ Discussion Longer follow-ups are needed to investigate this
This trial was designed to assess whether the The main limitation of the present trial was the
adjunctive use of LAD therapy in the treatment of lack of a placebo control. During protocol prepar-
implants affected by peri-implantitis could provide ation we attempted to find some sort of placebo
improved clinical results compared to conventional dye, however they all appeared somewhat effec-
debridement. Four months after initial treatment, tive on bacteria when the light was activated so
both interventions improved the clinical outcomes the idea had to be abandoned and the trial run
in a statistically significant way (Table 4), but no without a placebo.
additional benefits were observed in the LAD There were consistent statistically significant
group compared to the control group. These find- differences between the four different centres
ings are somewhat in disagreement with those of regarding the number of re-treatments delivered,
the only trial that evaluated a slow-release local PPD changes, and level of plaque and marginal
antibiotic (doxycycline) as an adjunct to manual bleeding 4 months after treatment. This reflected
debridement for implants that lost more than 50% a different level of oral hygiene and possibly a lack
of their peri-implant supporting bone8. After 16 of calibration between the blinded outcome asses-
weeks, the adjunctive use of this local antibiotic sors from the various centres. These differences
with conventional debridement induced a statisti- and trends might be at least partly explained by
cally significant improvement in PPD and PAL of the different ability of the clinicians to treat the
about 0.6 mm. It remains unknown whether this patients, to instruct them in maintaining a good
statistically significant improvement has any clin- level of oral hygiene and by the heterogeneity of
ical significance. the patient populations. One centre (Dr De Ange-

Eur J Oral Implantol 2012;5(4):321–331

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Eur J Oral Implantol 2012;5(4):321–331

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