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Art. 48. Penalty for complex crimes. — When a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary
means for committing the other, the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the same to be applied in its maximum period.

Art. 49. Penalty to be imposed upon the principals when the crime committed is different from that intended. — In cases in which the felony committed is
different from that which the offender intended to commit, the following rules shall be observed:
1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be higher than that corresponding to the offense which the accused intended to commit, the penalty
corresponding to the latter shall be imposed in its maximum period.
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be lower than that corresponding to the one which the accused intended to commit, the penalty for the
former shall be imposed in its maximum period.
3. The rule established by the next preceding paragraph shall not be applicable if the acts committed by the guilty person shall also constitute an attempt or
frustration of another crime, if the law prescribes a higher penalty for either of the latter offenses, in which case the penalty provided for the attempted or the
frustrated crime shall be imposed in its maximum period.

Consummated Frustrated Attempted

Principles 0 1 2

Accomplices 1 2 3

Accessories 2 3 4

Art. 60. EXCEPTION: Provisions under 50 to 57 shall not be applicable when the law expressly prescribes the penalty provided for a frustrated or
attempted felony, or to be imposed upon accomplices or accessories.
(25) CLASSES (70) SEVERITY (71) GRADUATING (40-44)
Principal Penalties Successive service of sentence, In the case in which the law prescribed 1. Death — when it is not executed by reason
Capital punishment: (when nature of penalties does a penalty lower or higher by one or of commutation or pardon: perpetual absolute
▪ Death. not permit simultaneous service) more degrees than another given disqualification, and civil interdiction during 30
Afflictive penalties: penalty, the rules prescribed in Article years following the date sentence, unless
▪ Reclusion perpetua
1. Death 61 shall be observed in graduating expressly remitted in the pardon
▪ Reclusion temporal
▪ Perpetual or temporary
2. Reclusion perpetua such penalty.
absolute disqualification 3. Reclusion temporal 2. Reclusion perpetua & reclusion temporal
▪ Perpetual or temporary 4. Prision mayor SCALE NO. 1 — civil interdiction for life or during the period
special disqualification 5. Prision correccional 1. Death of the sentence, and perpetual absolute
▪ Prision mayor 6. Arresto mayor 2. Reclusion perpetua disqualification which the offender shall suffer
Correctional penalties: 7. Arresto menor 3. Reclusion temporal even though pardoned as to the principal
▪ Prision correccional 8. Destierro 4. Prision mayor penalty, unless expressly remitted in the
▪ Arresto mayor 9. Perpetual absolute 5. Prision correccional pardon
▪ Suspension disqualification 6. Arresto mayor
▪ Destierro
10 Temporal absolute 7. Destierro 3. Prision mayor — temporary absolute
Light penalties:
▪ Arresto menor
disqualification 8. Arresto menor disqualification, and perpetual special
▪ Public censure 11. Suspension from public office, 9. Public censure disqualification from the right of suffrage
Common to 3 preceding: the right to vote and be voted for, 10. Fine which the offender shall suffer although
▪ Fine the right to follow a profession or pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless
▪ Bond to keep the peace calling SCALE NO. 2 expressly remitted in the pardon.
12. Public censure 1. Perpetual absolute disqualification
Accessory Penalties 2. Temporal absolute disqualification 4. Prision correccional — suspension from
▪ Perpetual or temporary Max. duration of sentence shall not 3. Suspension from public office, the public office, from the right to follow a
absolute disqualification be more than THREE-FOLD the right to vote and be profession or calling, and perpetual special
▪ Perpetual or temporary
length of time corresponding to voted for, the right to follow a disqualification from the right of suffrage, if
special disqualification
▪ Suspension from public office,
the most severe of the penalties profession or calling the duration of said imprisonment shall
the right to vote and be voted imposed upon him. No other 4. Public censure exceed 18 months, although pardoned as to
for, the profession or calling penalty to which he may be liable 5. Fine the principal penalty, unless expressly
▪ Civil interdiction shall be inflicted after the sum total remitted in the pardon.
▪ Indemnification of those imposed equals the same
▪ Forfeiture or confiscation of maximum period. Such maximum 5. Arresto — suspension of the right too hold
instruments and proceeds of period shall in no case exceed 40 office and the right of suffrage during the term
the offense years. of the sentence
▪ Payment of costs
next lower in degrees shall be that shall not be taken into account 1. 1 AG  greater
immediately following the penalty for the purpose of increasing 2. NEITHER A/M  lesser
(27) Pardoned after 30 2. When composed of 2 INDIVISIBLES, or 1 the penalty 3. MI + NO AG  lesser
Reclusion years unless considered or more DIVISIBLE to be imposed to their 3. AGGRAVATING/MITIGATING 4. BOTH AG and MI  the
Perpetua by the President as
full extent, the penalty next lower in degree arising from the moral court may offset one another
unworthy of such.
shall be that immediately following the attributes of offender, or in consideration of their
lesser of the penalties relations with the offended number and importance
max 17y, 4m & 1d – 20y 3. When composed of 1 or 2 INDIVISIBLES party, or any other personal FOR DIVISIBLE:
Reclusion and the MAX. PERIOD OF ANOTHER cause, shall only serve to 1. NEITHER A/M - penalty
med 14y, 8m & 1d – 17y, 4m
Temporal DIVISIBLE, the penalty next lower in degree aggravate or mitigate the prescribed in its med
min 12y & 1d – 14y, 8m shall be composed of the medium and liability of that principal, 2. ONLY MI - penalty in its min
max 10y & 1d – 12y minimum periods of the proper divisible accomplice or accessory 3. ONLY AG - penalty in its
Prision penalty and the maximum periods of the 4. The circumstances which max
med 8y & 1d – 10y
proper divisible penalty and the maximum consist in the material 4. BOTH A/M - court shall
min 6y & 1d – 8y period of that immediately following execution of the act, or in the reasonably offset those of
4. When composed of SEVERAL PERIODS, means employed to accomplish one class against the other
max 4y, 2m & 1d – 6y
Prision corresponding to DIFFERENT DIVISIBLES, it, shall serve to aggravate or 5. 2+ MI and NO AG - degree
med 2y, 4m & 1d – 4y, 2m the penalty next lower in degree shall be mitigate the liability of those next lower, in the period that
min 6m & 1d – 2y, 4m composed of the period immediately persons only who had it may deem applicable,
following the minimum prescribed and of knowledge of them at the time accdg. to the number and
max 4m & 1d – 6m
the two following, which shall be taken of the execution of the act or nature of such circumstances.
med 2m & 1d – 4m from the penalty prescribed, if possible; their cooperation therein. 6. AG  courts shall not
min 1-2 months otherwise from the penalty immediately 5. HABITUAL DELINQUENCY impose a greater penalty than
following (a) 3rd conviction: for the last that prescribed by law
max 4y, 2m & 1d – 6y 5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime found guilty and prision 7. Within limits of each
Destierro med 2y, 4m & 1d – 4y, 2m crime in some manner not especially correccional in its med & max. period, the court shall
provided for in the four preceding rules, the (b) 4th conviction: for the last determine the extent of the
min 6m & 1d – 2y, 4m
courts, proceeding by analogy, shall impose crime found guilty and prision penalty according to the
max 21-30 days corresponding penalties upon those guilty mayor in its min & med number and nature of the
as principals of the frustrated felony, or of (c) 5th conviction: for the last aggravating and mitigating
Arresto attempt to commit the same, and upon crime found guilty and to circumstances and the
med 11-20 days accomplices and accessories. prision mayor in its max to greater and lesser extent of
reclusion temporal in its min the evil produced by the
Min 1-10 days
*Total of the 2 penalties shall in crime.
no case exceed 30 years.

Reclusion Temporal: 12 1. PAD/TAD for public If the offender shall be in General Rule: Those accessories When the person
years and 1 day to 20 officials: deprivation of prison, the term of the Offenders who have falling within the terms intending to commit
years. public offices; right to vote undergone preventive
duration of the temporary of paragraph 3 of an offense has already
Prision mayor & temp. or be elected, imprisonment shall be
disqualification for offices & penalties shall be computed Article 19 who should performed the acts for
disqualification: 6 years credited in the service of
rights mentioned, and loss from the day on which the act with abuse of their the execution of the
and 1 day to 12 years, their sentence consisting
except when the latter is of right to retirement pay or judgment of conviction shall of deprivation of liberty,
public functions, shall same but nevertheless
imposed as an accessory pension from office have become final. with full time they suffer the additional the crime was not
2. PSD/TSD for public penalty of PAD if the produced by reason of
penalty underwent such, if the
office, profession, calling: If the offender be not in principal offender shall the fact that the act
Prision correccional, prisoner agrees
deprivation from such, and
suspension, & destierro:
disqualification from
prison, the term of the voluntarily in writing to be guilty of a grave intended was an
6 months and 1 day to 6 holding similar office duration of the penalty abide by disciplinary rules felony, and that of TAD impossible crime, the
years, except when 3. PSD/TSD for suffrage: consisting deprivation of (if he doesn’t, only 4/5 if he shall be guilty of a court, having in mind
suspension is imposed deprivation of right to vote liberty shall be computed from counted) less grave felony. the social danger and
as an accessory penalty or be elected, and cannot the day that the offender is degree of criminality
Arresto mayor: 1 month hold any public office Exceptions:
placed at the disposal of the Art. 19, par. 3: shown by the
and 1 day to 6 months. during period of 1. Recidivists or have
Arresto menor: 1 day to
judicial authorities for the been convicted previously
Harboring, concealing, offender, shall impose
30 days. 4. Suspension (o/p/c): enforcement of the penalty. twice or more times of or assisting in the upon him the penalty
Bond to keep the peace: disqualification from office any crime escape of the principals of arresto mayor or a
period up to the court’s or profession, and if public The duration of the other 2. When upon being of the crime, provided fine from 200 to 500
discretion office, from similar office penalties shall be computed summoned for the the accessory acts with pesos.
5. Civil Interdiction: only from the day on which the execution of their abuse of his public
deprivation of parental and sentence they have failed
defendant commences to functions or whenever
marital authority, and to surrender voluntarily.
deprivation of right to
serve his sentence. the author of the crime
manage/dispose property is guilty of treason,
6. Bond to Keep Peace: parricide, murder, or an
present 2 sureties to not attempt to take the life
commit offense, and if of the Chief Executive,
committed, payment of or is known to be
amount determined by
court in the judgement, or
habitually guilty of
deposit such in the office of some other crime.
the clerk of the court

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