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Bachelor of Engineering

Industrial Attachment

Guidelines for filling in this logbook
Note to students:

 You must complete at least 800 hours (20 weeks) of Industrial Work Attachment (IWE)
as part of fulfillment of the BE programme.

 Write a brief of all work (relevant to your field of study) you have carried out for a
particular day in one page. The brief should not exceed one page for any day but if need
arises then you may use multiple pages.

 The brief can also include observations made on relevant procedures or practices in the

 Enter the week number of your attachment and the day of the week on the top of each
page together with the date.

 Have your immediate supervisor for that day sight the brief. You may have multiple
supervisors for any particular day but have your report signed by only one supervisor.

 At the end of your attachment ask your supervisor or section manager to comment on
the last page (in the Supervisor’s Comments page).

 Write clearly with articulation of what you learnt each day.

 Hand in the completed logbook to the IWE coordinator before the end of first week of
the Semester One, Year IV of BE programme.

 Endeavour to use the prescribed period to the best advantage.

Good Luck!
Note to the Supervisor(s)/Manager(s):

Dear Supervisor/Manager,

In the quest to prepare better professional engineers for the future workforce, we need
your assistance in developing a venture that will enable us to continuously enhance the
Bachelor of Engineering programme here at the University of the South pacific, to and
beyond the industry’s expectations.

The BE students are required to complete at least 400 hours of industrial work experience
(hands-on) and sub-professional Engineering work duration of 400 hours as a compulsory
requirement for them to graduate. This is to enhance their knowledge base in their
respective fields of study and correlate the concepts put forward to them in lectures with
real-life situations and problems arising in the industry.

Please assist us by providing the students with work experience relevant to their respective
fields and giving us comments and feedback on the student’s performance in the work
environment in your company by sighting this daily logbook and filling in the Supervisors
Comments page.

Thank You

Jai Goundar
Industrial Work Experience Coordinator
Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering and Physics
The University of the South Pacific
Phone: 323 32875
Fax: 323 1538

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