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2012: We Moved from Taguig to Bulacan

We moved Taguig to Bulacan so that we could have our own
house there. When we moved there, we temporarily lived on our
grandparents’ house while finding a place to rent for a while as
soon as our own house is built.

May 2012: Finding in a new School

After we moved here in Bulacan, we looked for a new school
to study, so we first went to Darwin’s International School, but
the tuition fee is too expensive. Then my mother suggested her
school in high school, Colegio de Calumpit, so we inquired then
we enrolled there.

March 2014: Recognition

On our recognition day, my sister and I became famous in
school because of the very high grades we got. We both got an
average greater than 90%, that is why we both are very well
known in school.

2014: Grade 5
When I was in 5th grade I joined the BULPRISA badminton
team that competes with other schools. I won second place in the
badminton doubles event. After BULPRISA I joined the sportsfest
and competed in chess. I almost won 1st place, but I lost one time
and then it pulled me to the 4th place. On the end of the school
year I was ranked 4th honors in our recognition day.

August 2015: Our Temporary House was burned

The day before our house was burned, it was rainy and
windy. We forgot to close the window! When we noticed it we
immediately closed it, on the next day, we warned my sister not
to use her piano because it might have been wet. Then before we
sleep we heard an unusual popping sound so my dad told me to
check if there is fire, but I didn’t see anything burning so I just
went back to my bed and sleep. It was about 2:40am when my
mom woke up smelling smoke, so she checked the down stairs.
when she opened the door she saw fire, then she woke us up
yelling “Gising na kayo! May sunog dali!” Then we all went to the
balcony to escape. Then after we escape, my dad used the garden
hose to extinguish the fire. Some of our things were burned like
my projects, my school bag, my jacket, my sister’s piano, our
shoes. After that, my sister and I were fetched by our
grandparents. Then we lived in their house for a month, until our
house was finished.
October 2016: We Moved to our own House
When we moved to our own house, we don’t have too much
things to move, so we just moved the things that were not burned
and our clothes. Luckily, our TV wasn’t burned even if it was very
near the fire, or else we will have to buy a new one. After we
moved, we were back to normal like nothing had happened.

April 2016: Summer Vacation

After graduation, the Summer Vacation starts so I joined
summer activities like basketball and drum lessons. We were also
brought by our parents in a company outing, and we went to
Palm Beach Resort in Batangas. We were quite disappointed by
the beach because it is rocky and dirty, so we just enjoyed the
infinity pool. The food there was very delicious.
April 28-30, 2016: My First Retreat
I was very excited for my first retreat, so I woke up early
and all our things were ready. When we already arrived on the
place, I was very amazed because the place was very beautiful.
For the first day, they conducted a game. The food was very
tasty. I was really happy. The learned many things on the first
day. The second day they taught us how to do the quiet time.
Every retreat always has a special night, and that night is full of
praise and worship and a short message. After that, I already
slept. On the third day, we packed up our things. And then, there
was a baptism, and that was the day that I was baptized.

June 2016: First Year of Highschool

We transferred to Centro Escolar Integrated School after we
graduated. When I met my new classmates, I went out of my
comfort zone, I talk to my seatmates and made new friends. I
observed my new classmates and then I compared it to my
classmates before, and I saw that students in Malolos are
friendlier than my classmates in Calumpit.

September 2016: I joined MACIPRISA

When I my teachers announced that there will be an
elimination for MACIPRISA I joined it. I tried spelling, but I am not
that good in spelling, so I didn’t win the elimination. Then I talk to
my friend, I told that we both try the Science Elimination just to
know who is better. Then he accepted the challenge, but we are
not the only grade 7’s who joined, so I also challenge my other
classmates who joined. When the elimination started the teacher
explained the what to do. Then all of my classmates and I who
joined were very focused on the question because of my
challenge. After the first round, I noticed that my friend and I

were the top scorers. Then after the second round my friend was
eliminated, and my teacher was very impressed because I am
competing in the third round and got the highest score. The only
one left is my friend’s cousin who is also my classmate, a grade 8
student, and a grade 9 student. When I was about to go home, I
realized that the challenge I gave to my classmate become a
competition on who will be the in Junior Highschool. The next
day the third round continued after class. It was very difficult
and I’m sure that my will be only 1. My teacher said that the
results will be given on the next week, so I waited until it is
Monday. Then it was Monday and I already asked my teacher
what my score is, and she I only got 1, but it was the highest
score. Then I thought that I was the winner, but she said that
there was a tie between the grade 9 and I. After several more
rounds happen because we were always tie. I finally won. After
that I surprised my parents that I am participant of MACIPRISA
Science competition.

Feb.-Mar. 2017: I joined the MTAP Math Challenge

Months before the MTAP Math Challenge our teacher in
Math already picked three, but when we were about to start
studying for the MTAP, he noticed three more students who also
has the potential in Math. He conducted an elimination, and I was
still included in the participants. Then after that, we started to
study and prepare for the contest. We studied very hard until we
mastered all of the lessons in Grade 7. On the elimination day, we
were quite nervous. After the elimination, our teacher asked us
how many questions did you answered correctly, then I said “23
po.” Then the results were given, and I got 21. After a month, we
went to LAMS for the Division Team Orals. We almost won, but we
became nervous when the questions became harder and harder.


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