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Guidelines for Applicants to the 2017 Master’s Program Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences ‘The University of Tokyo Guidelines for Applicants to the 2017 Master’s Program Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the University of Tokyo Educational and Research Objectives Phumaceutial Sciences is an academic field tht covers the development and application of pharmaceuticals, The field encompasses fundamental, liferlaed substances and their interactions ‘vith if, The mission ofthe Gradunte School of Pharmaceutical Sciences athe Univesity of Tokyo to achieve the highest tandard in sadam esearch as well so ten and edt tre lenders who will contribute to development of pharmaceutical sciences and basic life seienes, governmental policies on medical and pharmaceutical aus, and also consbute to our society as pharmacists ‘capable of highly advanced medial reatnent ale apd Stns: |A person with profound expertise capable of thinking in a pharmaceatcal sciences ieted way and possessing logicaeadng-edge methodologies and analytical bilities + A person who aims to use their advanced Knowledge and research eapubiies ata springboard toward becoming leaders in various spheres of basic and applied sciences covered by anracetial sciences a toward becoming internationally activ inthe futur. 1. Eligibility Requirements (1) ‘Those who have graduated or are expected to graduate from aJapancsc university by March 3st, a. . (@) Those who have completed or ae expected to complete 16 years of school education abroad by March 3st, 2017. (@) Those who have completed or ee expected to complete 16 years of school ezation of orien couney, rough comespondence courses provided in Japan by a schoo! of the sid forcien country by March 31st, 2017. * (4) Those who have completed or are expected to complete a program in a edvatoal ison in Japan designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Spots, Seience and Technology in separate regulations, and tht provides course of foreign university within the seo! education system ofthe sid foreign country by March 31st, 2017. This applies solely o those who have ‘completed 16 year of school education ofthe sid foreign county. (6) Those who have completed or are expected (0 complete a minimum of 4 years of specialized ‘course ata specialize traning college in Japan that meets the standards and is designated by the [Miniter of Education, Culture, Spor, Science and Technology in separate epuluion by March 3s, 2017. Only those who have completed or are expected 1 complete such courses afer the ate the Miniter of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology designates are liible. (6) Those designated by the Minister of Eduction, Cute, Sports, Seience and Techology, in accordance withthe 1953 Ministry of Education, Ssience and Culture Notieton No. (©) Those who have 2 Bachelor's degre or are expected to receive Bachelor's degree by March 31st, 2017, inaeordance wit Antic 14, Paragraph 4 ofthe School Education Law. *™** (8) Those who have completed 15 years of school edvaton ina forign country or who bave completed 15 years of schol education ofa foreign county thrcugh earespondence courses ‘rovided in Japan by school of the suid foreign country, and who ar recognized by this ‘raduate schol as having obtained the necessary credis with excellent grades"? (©) Those who have completed a program in an educational institution in Japan designated by the Minister of Bévcaton, Culture, Sport, Seience and Technology in separate regulations that provides courses of a foreign university within the school education system of the sai fren ‘county, and who are recognized by this graduate scealas having obtained the necessary credits ‘wid excellent grades. This applies solely to those who have completed 15 years of schoo! celueation of the si foreign county”? (10) Those who are recognized by tis graduate school though individual entrance qualification screening as having bites equivalent @ university graduate and are at Jat 22 yar cd by March 3s 2017.45 "1 Refers a thos who have graduate o ae expected to graduate from a university under the ld tniversity ordinances or from universities Daigakko) established undor the order of| ‘ach ministry and govarnmental office. *Daigakko.a higher eduction institute under the jursdeion of ministries other tan the Minis of Education, Cul, Spots, Science and Tecnology or locl goverment "2 Refers to those who have received « Bachelor's dogreo or are exportod to reesive Bachelor's ‘degree frm the National Institue for Academie Degrees (NIAD) ot National Tnatiution for ‘Academic Dogree and University Evaluation (NIAD-UB). "8. (@) Those who intend to apply under requirement (8) o (8) above smst submit document 2) {0 d) 10 the Administration Office of this graduate schol (7(13) by Monday, May 30th, 2016, 20 that they can undergo individual entrance qualification screening before application submission. Pease inquie ia advance about eligibility for application and so 2) Cunicalum viae 1) Acetifed transcript of ter Bachelors degre ad an academic transcrip issued by the university the applicant was afte with ©) recommendation eter from the president ofthe university the dean ofthe ‘sradoate schol, the hea the deparment of he university, o the supervisor. 4 Return eavelope: The enclosed retum envelope must be adresse tothe applicant. a. For domestic mailing: Place 372 yen work of postage on the rum ‘envelope designated for the pasail notification of the qualification : 5 ssecning ‘For intemutional malig: Enclose international reply coupons for EMS use along with the returs envlope forthe past notification of the _oslifiationserecing. (6) Those who are recognized in the screening held before aplication submission a having bites equivalent toa wivesity graduate will be permitted to submit applications and lake the entrance examination +4 (@) Those who intend to apply under rquiement (10) are dose who do wot qualify der (1) ‘0 (). Applcans must have graduated from an educational instiaton equivalent to & ‘4-year university and must be recognized by this graduate school as having abilities epuivalnt oa university graduate through individual entrance uation screening. () Thos who intend to apply unde requirement (10) must submit the documents designated to the Administration Office of this graduate school (7(13) by Monday, May 308, 2016, {o undergo individual entrance qualification sreening before application submission. Please inguie in advance about eligibility fr application and documents o he submited. {© Those who ae recognized in the sereeing held befee application submision as baving sDillos equivalent to university graduate wil be pemited to submit appictons aad luke the entrance examination, "5 The stipulation cuttin in (1) ~ (10) shove als apply to applicants seeking admission the ‘program beginning on September 23d, 2016 (hereafter “September 2016 applicants", except ‘that al references “March 31st, 2017” shold be read a “September 22nd, 206% ‘Those who willbe expected to qualify any one of the applicants requirements (1) through (10) uring the peri of September 23d and 30th should contact the Adtinsation Office ofthis _gzadute school (7(13) beforehand to confirm the eligibility fr aplication 2, Sereening Method. (1) Applicants wil be screened based on writen an oral examinations, s wll s school transcripts (2) Applicants without Japanese eitzensip who have aot graduated fom 3 Japanese university will be sereened under Special Solection as reign Stadents (@) Applicants who itend to continue employinent during the period of eaoliment willbe sxeened under Special Selection as Employed Studens. 3. Expected Copacity and Writen Examination Subjects Deparment | Expected ‘Writen examination subj capacity Foreign ‘Special subjects | General subjects languages Pharmaceutical | 100students | English ‘Any ofl ‘Any 3 of 6 questions Sciences | actudinga _| (TOEFL ITP)* | questions fom the | fom the following sez suber of folowing 6 elde: | 4 ld Special Selection ‘Organic chemistry | Chemistry Employed Gauestons), | @ questions), tudes) Biological chemistry | Biology Gquestion), | @-questions), plus smal Physical chemistry | Physics umber of @aquestins), | (question), Special Selection Pharmacology | Mathematics Foreign Students (question), | (question), Pharmaceutics | Be sure to choose at (question), eas 1 question fom ‘Analytical chemistry | the eld of question) chemistry. “N) TOEFL FR (att! Teng Pan) dagaed ir enemigos Saline spans gh olny Appius ae cue ake TOEFL ITP. (LEVEL!) conde yh Ga Sol of ham Scot at pu of te ote exmiouion TOEFL. ITPe cmt of the Glowing 3 sete: Leng ComrtsonSruste nd Woten Exresio. an Reaing Conger. (2) Depending on the examination results, the sunber of stadatssdmited may be lest than the expected capacity, 4, Examination Dates and Locations (1) Examination dates areas flows. (9) Written examination: “Thareday, August 18 and Priday, Avgust 1th, 2016 (©) Onl examination: Friday, August 19%, 2016 Note: Sereening of applicants to be admitted in September 2016 will alao be eld during this porod (2) Applicants wil be notified drstly of examination schedules and locations, 5. Notice of Results and Admission Procedures (0) The examinee mumbers of passing applicants (provisionally accepted for admission) will be posted on bulletin bourd at the entrance ofthe main balding ofthis gradete school around “400 pam. on Thursday, September Is, 2016, (2) Individoal yas resuts will be mailed to each applicant on Thursday, September Is, 2016, (@) To secure admision, sucessful aplicans must complete all adniston procedure (submit all ‘sential documents and fees for admission) by the specifi denne. Applicants who fil to ‘mea the desline will be deemed to have withdrawn fiom adnision, (September 2016 applicants wil receive pass fil oiications as stated in (1) and 2) above The ‘Administration Office (7(13)) will provide information on admission procedures afer the pasa ests rereleased (9) Aaission fees (entative fers forthe 2017 academic yes) [Intemational stdcas on scholarships fom the Japanese goverment (Ministry of Education, (Caltre, Sports, Ssienoe and Technology) are not required to pay this fee] (@) Batance fe: 282,000 yen etativefee) (@)Tuiion ee: Firstterm: 267,900 yen annual 535,80 yn; tesaive ee) [Note I: Tho fe for September applicants i 312,550 yen (forthe peri from September to “March; sevenwelts the yearly fee) fr the academic year the applicant e being admitd int. “The fe forthe academic year where the program is schedule for completion based on standard tenn of ection is 23,250 yen (fo the pio from Apri to Augus;fivexwelths the year fea), [Note 2: The amounts indicated above ar tentative and muy be subject change. Revised foe ‘nts apply toll earolling applicants and registered stunts. 6. Applicaton Procedures (1) Applications mst be set by postal mail. All aplication documents must be encoded ia the

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