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A. Background of The Study

Literature is writing which express and communicates though feeling and attitude
towards life. In other opinion says that literature is human personal expression (especially
experience, feeling, thought, enthusiast and concept)in certain description which can occur to the
enchantment as the language communication.(sumarjo and saini,1991:29).Literary works are
very useful since they have various values such as those of moral, philosophical, religious,
sociological, political ones, etc. Literature in fact is something from which we get education. If
people read literature, they will find moral values that play very important rules in our daily life.
In addition to that, they can also learn about other people’s experience and problem. In this case,
people can learn about the ways of the characters in the play treat themselves, particularly how
human faces the world with positive thinking from moral point of view. At the same time,
literature is art in the sense that is at least one step back from reality, not a report on actual events
but an artificial creation. It is a representative of human life and society in which literature exists.
An author and the creation (his/her literary works) are always influenced by the reality of his or
her society, which inspire their creative process to literary works. It changes the reality of life
into a new different world that is expected be better world.

Literary works are considered to be by result of writer activity, what is often related to by
a psychological symptom, like obsession, contemplation, compensation, sublimate, even as
neurosis. Along of that, literary works are conceived of by one of the disease symptom
(psychological) (Kutha Ratna, 2004: 62). Literary works are read by so many people since they
entertain and give information to people, such as enriching experience. By reading literary
works, people can be more introspective and know themselves.

Literary works involve several genres like drama, short story, poetry and novel. When
reading literary works, people find enjoyment and satisfaction, especially improving curiosity
and enriching knowledge in literature. People have different interest or reasons for reading, for
example for getting information, for pleasure or hobby, for enjoyment, satisfying and sometime
for doing assignment from teacher. Apart from those reasons, actually human wants to get the
advantages of information that is given in a test. In getting education information, we can also
get it in literature texts, such as novel. Literature is kind of information we need, because it is
representation of human life and society in which literature exists. The authors and their literary
works are always influenced by the reality of their society, which inspire their creative process. It
changes and shortens the reality of society into a sentence by their thinking and language.

Novel is one of human literature creation. According to kennedy( 1991:203)novel is a

book lenght-story in prose whose author try to create sense while we read, we experience actual
life. The language of the novel is clear, and to classify this, the author may use a passage to
describe a character, which is stated in his ideas, dialogues, action, thoughts and appearances as
well. He may create powerful emotion impact in the reader’s mind. Through the power of the
written word, it can make the readers feel, hear and see like in reality. Sometimes it can bring the
reader’s tightly stretched condition, sadness, loneliness, happiness, disappointed, and angry. It
means that emotion of the reader arouse, so that author’s expression had been succeed in
representing the story. So it becomes a complete material which is interesting to study. In this
global era, we need to improve our moral. That is way, we must pay attention to the moral
education so that not to get bad influences. Moral education is not always presented by
discussion in the class lesson by moral condition but we can also use other way to learn it. For
example, we can get moral education more novels who read. This novel delivers its message.
Sometimes students feel bored when learn in the class or formal situation. So, a good and
creative teacher should use other ways to teach. Teacher can use novels to attract student
attention toward moral education lesson. Novel can give more enjoyment, fun and pleasure in
teaching moral education. They will be attracted and apply the message found in the novel in
their life. Talking about fiction, usually we relate at short story or novel (Minderop, 2005: 1).
Novel represents literature work which may interest readers. There are many lessons which we
can take from a novel, like the one which has theme of education, social, struggle, feminism, and
etc. Andrea Hirata is very productive novelist. The first novel is Laskar Pelangi representing first
book from its tetralogy novel that is: Laskar Pelangi (Warrior Rainbow), Sang Pemimpi (The
Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. Even this novel (Laskar Pelangi) had been made a
film and included successful. The next novel (Sang pemimpi) also gets good response from
society. We can find moral education in every Andrea Hirata novel. He chooses education as a
primary theme. He wants to grow learning spirit, because education is a vital importance in our
life. We must struggle to get good education in order to achieve our ambitions. In this global era,
education is needed by people. Every people must get education, because it is important things to
achieve our ambitions. We must grow the learning spirit in order that we cannot be left behind
from other people or country. Studying that does not have to in place where he remain, but
anywhere that science there is hence look to for though far distance. Meaning: Searching
knowledge though is being in China (Raffi, 1978: 11). we can take lesson that education is very
important, because education is very useful for our life. So, we must studying during we still life
and as far as any. In this paper, the writer wants to study a novel entitled Edensor by Andrea
Hirata. The writer chooses it because Andrea Hirata is famous writer novel. In every novel, he
chooses educational theme.

B. Statement of The Problem

Based on the background of the study, statements of the problem are:

1. What are the educational values in Andrea Hirata’s novel “lascar pelangi”?

2. How are the educational values presented in Andrea Hirata’s novel “lascar pelaangi”?

3. What is the implication of educational values in Andrea Hirata’s novel “lascar pelangi” toward
learning spirit?

C. The Objective of The Study

The purpose of the study is related to the problem of the study that is following:

1. To find the educational values in Andrea Hirata’s Novel “lascar pelangi”.

2. To find how the educational values presented in Andrea Hirata’s Novel “lascar pelangi”.

3. To find the implication of educational values in Andrea Hirata’s novel “lascar pelangi” toward
learning spirit.

D. Significance

Discussing the education value, the thesis writer expects that this thesis will contribute a
valuable input to the students of English department, faculty of letters, Dr. Soetomo university
who plans to write a thesis on works of a Andrea Hirata, especially lascar pelangi.

Practically, The readers would get moral lesson of life and get better knowledge
concerning the education value. Hopefully, after reading this, the readers will further learn how
education will be significantly able to influence people’s way of life and the way of thinking in
their life.


In this chapter the thesis writer would like to present relevant theories that will support
the analysis so that the research can achieve the attended result as it is expected. This chapter
discusses the definition of education value, and a psychology approach that would reveal what
kind of characters that are willing to respond to new things happening in their life.

A.Theory of education value

Education value are the process by people who give value to

others.Powney,Cullen,schlapp,johnstone &munn(1995).education value this study is difined as a
form of value in the word of education for human being in the form of good and behavior in
social community. living together in group not only can be found in human being but also found
an animal.thr difference it just a human being has a rule, norms, and life values. Values can be
separated from religion because value is closely related to the good or base thing depend on
values implied in it. Lumberg (1992:182)says ,something contains value if only someone do
something according the value its self. Understand and have sense of belonging it.

There are many interpretation about value. A philosopher like tafsir (1991:18)says, that
values are something which can create attention or as object attention. Other opinion sais that
value is something that is more attended. So, value means the ability that can give prosperity. In
general, value means a worth of kinds of characteristic, which is owned by something. Then in
connection with this, value is the believed activity of any object which cause it to be interest to
an individual of group. Dewantara,(1962) indentifies education as an effort to improve the
development the good manner and intellect in narrower sense “education” is restricted to the
function of the community which consist in passing on it’s tradition, it’s background, and it’s out
lock, to the member rising generation. Furthermore, he stated the education defined as an effort
to improve the development of advance of perfecting the life as “life in society”(dewantara,
Generally, the purposes of the education can abbreviation to an advance the person
individual to become a fully functioning person. based on the statement above we can conclude
the education value is something useful for human of the form of good action and behavior.


Research methodology in this chapter consist of research approach, source of data, procedure
data collecting, and procedure of data analysis.


An approach is certainly to achieve an attended goal in a research. The approach is

needed to answer research problem and fulfill the purpose of the study. Therefore, it can be said
that the approach is a means of thinking dealing with the determined object.


The data that emerge from a qualitative study are descriptive. The data are reported in
words rather than in numbers as states by (john w. Creswell, 2003:199)in research design
qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, second edition. I n this qualitative
research, the data will be in the forms of phrases and sentence quoted from dialogues carry out
by the character by character in the intended literary work used as the object of this research.

The main source of data for this research is a novel entitled lascar pelangi. The novel
depicts the learned about education.


In collecting the data, the writer utilizes some ways, such as close reading, and reading
some other thesis .In close reading to broaden her horizon knowledge. In close reading the writer
reads a novel carefully and understand word by words. he uses some notes and also takes
quotations based on the data that are related with the topic, then he select and classifies the data
based on the statement problem .then the data chosen which consist of sentence, utterance, and
dialogues of the character in the novel lascar pelangi are selected.


In procedure of data analysis, the thesis writer utilizes deductive and inductive way of
writing. this is supported by Graham little (1966:201)in this book approach to literature say that
deductive is the process of reasoning from general principle to particular conclusions while
inductive is the opposite process one in which many example are considered leading to the
formation in summary of all the evidenc.

Deductive way of thinking is utilized by writing some statement, then the statement will
be supported by some quotation. Otherwise, inductive way writing is carried out by putting the
quotation, then explaining it with several statements.

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