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Successfully Moving

to an Executive Role

Dawna Jones

Abstract: New executives are failing fast as ­companies

transform from one operating system to another. ­Business
conditions require thinking agility and c­ onsiderable com-
fort with ambiguity in the context of complexity and
­exponential speed of innovation. Higher personal mas-
tery and leadership consciousness, backed by a broader
perspective, flexibility, and expanded mindset, is r­ equired
to rise above the crutch of authority; it demands more
­responsible decision making and leadership.

Keywords: Complexity, Consciousness, Decision

making, Executive role, Leadership, Uncertainty,

Introduction: The Call to Higher Levels

of Executive Leadership
The future of workplaces isn’t what you see today.
While you are reading, the future is unfolding at light-
Dawna Jones, Insight Out Consulting ening speed. The context and conditions you see now
Inc. (From Insight to Action), conducts
practical workshops on advanced
change constantly. You need a growth mindset, love of
decision-making skills and mentors learning, and athletic level fitness to know when to stop,
leaders navigating new territory. ­reflect, self-examine, reinvent yourself, then move up a
Adept at perceiving the deep level or two in decision-making awareness and leader-
dynamics sourcing results, Dawna’s
ship consciousness.
insights provide leaders with the
leverage to solve wicked problems. Your mission is, and it is voluntary, to accept the
She is exploring how VR–AR can challenge of exponential growth personally and profes-
restore personal to workplace health. sionally to match the pace of exponential companies,
Podcaster and provocative speaker, ­exponential change at quantum speed.
she authored Decision Making
for Dummies , contributed to The
Buckle up. It is a glorious ride where you become more
Intelligence of the Cosmos by Ervin than a leader, more than an executive. You become your
Laszlo, and hosts the Insight to Action full potential in alignment with your higher p ­ urpose. By
podcast. choosing the challenge, you enter a new level of human
potentiality, where the new consciousness, the ethics,
the mindset, and the compassion bring new hope to the
world of work and life at home.

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-313-4 (2018) Expert Insights

Successfully Moving to an Executive Role

If your life has involved overcoming Developing Character

difficulty, you enter the journey with How do you use what you experience to
some advantage in that if you have faced ­create work and workplaces that hold mean-
­intense adversity and have become a bet- ing and respect for diversity of opinion,
ter ­human being as a result, you have and perspective? How do you ­ transcend
learned to bounce forward; be resilient. the biases that steer many unaware deci-
Business must tap into the collective intel- sion makers and companies into trouble?
ligence residing in companies and in the Uber’s CEO and internal culture show
social network of suppliers, customers, and the reputation and social cost of operating
communities to use adversity to advantage. as if integrity was not relevant. As such it is
Caring and workplace culture is the strate- a classic example of what not to do.
gic advantage. Will you choose to alter your relationship
With that vision in mind, here is an over- with power as an intrinsic quality instead
view of what lies ahead. of power over others? Will your leadership
steer the company to be a force for good?
Surfing Exponential Change Do your mistakes and failures make you
While the business culture struggles to better or bitter? What guides your ethical
adapt, unless it is designed for agility, it is and moral compass?
the role of the leader as an executive to pay Working with resilience as a beacon
attention to how outside conditions impact for leadership and learning enables you
pressure on employees. Not paying atten- to make a real difference in the lives of
tion results in companies creating costs of ­people who have given up for one reason
stress-related illness, failure to innovate, or another.
and an underlying inability to adapt.
Conscious Leaderships Skills
Making the Mindset Shift The future of work is not about having
Intellectually, psychologically, and s­ ocially power and control over others but of being
the executive role requires much higher able to work with others on a peer-to-peer
consciousness, an expanded worldview, basis. You may wonder what the word con-
and leadership not relying on being in a sciousness is doing here. Consciousness, as
position of authority. Thinking flexibly systems scientist Ervin Laszlo defines it, is
and developing conscious perception mark
the distinction between how executives the determining factor of how we see the
functioned in the past and what level of world, of who we are, what the world is
­personal mastery is essential to design the and what we can do in the world. It is the
future. ­mindset—the totality of pre-assumptions,
­assumptions, intuitions and information
Leading Yourself through New Territory about the world, each other, the possibilities,
Context changes from concrete and more dangers and opportunities.1
predictable at the operational levels to
ambiguous and a mix of concept plus
­ Equate consciousness with mindset,
concrete. From big picture down to per-
­ and the package of beliefs, intuitions,
sonal leadership, how do the forces of ­insights, and more, which, in a lovely bio-
today shape your decisions, your moral
­ logical-psychological mash-up, directs your
and ­ethical compass? Or your focus: fear, ­decisions, perceptions, and quality of your
or creativity? How can remaining aware
of the emotional-social workplace environ- 1 
Podcast conversation: http://insighttoaction.
ment inform the impact you seek to make
in an executive role? consciousness

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-313-4 (2018) Expert Insights
Successfully Moving to an Executive Role

relationships. The skill set weaves through- the pieces together to develop a
out the conversation here but culminates Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and
in an understanding of how to level up your ­secure seed funding. Her background
growth. While the world might be spinning was product development so that
out of control, you will have control over part came naturally. It was dealing
how you respond, see things and not miss with the unpredictability of market
key insights that deliver accuracy. and global conditions she was con-
cerned with. How could she build a
Fortune Favors the Prepared team, predict the future and make the
executive-level decisions her experi-
John had his eye on an executive-level ence did not prepare her for?
position from the time he’d started
with the company. As the old guard Though John and Catherine are in dif-
retired, spots were finally opening ferent positions, their role as executive
up. It felt like it had taken forever to decision makers requires advanced skills
be given a chance to prove himself. and expanded awareness—the capacity to
Flagged as a high potential gave him broaden perspective and see the big pic-
an advantage yet not one he wanted ture while perceiving dynamics beneath
to take for granted. Although he felt the surface. As companies convert from
pretty confident, he had seen others directing and controlling performance
fail and had no interest in adding to and ­ behavior to creating the conditions
that statistic. Learning from actor for rapid response and initiative, there is
Chris Evans, who recognized when he an added requirement to inspire initiative
accepted the role of Captain America ­repressed by aversion to risk and mistakes.
he needed to properly prepare, John What worked in command-and-control
realized his success rested on being environments and what works today are
psychologically and emotionally ready totally different. Leading at the executive
to handle whatever came at him. How level, demands growth on ­every level.
could he prepare for the uncertainty? According to article in Chief Executive
magazine, the top ten reasons (https://
Catherine started her company on
an inspired whim. Seeing a need that of-leadership-derailment/) your ambitions
hadn’t been met, she began putting can be derailed are:

Leadership Derailment Reasons—Underlying Assumptions

Self- Personal ambition comes before team success and network of allies.
Leadership A failure to know how to learn and know what to focus on.
Excessive ego, arrogance, and a need to control the details. Self-centered rather than caring.
No sense of direction/vision or if one exists then it is either negative (you know what you
don’t want) or your vision collides with the values of the organization.
A failure to understand leadership without leaning on authority and the value of valuing
employees as your allies in success.
Mindset Resistance to change marked by inflexibility. Inflexibility is rooted in a fixed mindset. Flat,
one-dimensional perception where only one dot is in view at a time, leads to failure to adapt
to surprises.
Assuming everyone is in it for themselves. Trust is low. Assuming that betrayal and
deception are part of business. Do you truly care about something greater than yourself or
are following your ambitions at the expense of others?
Having fixed ideas about how the world works leads to: I’m right and you are wrong.
© Business Expert Press 978-1-94784-313-4 (2018) Expert Insights

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