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Offshore Natural Gas Liquefaction

Process and Development Issues

David Wood and Saeid Mokhatab, David Wood & Associates; and Michael J. Economides, University of Houston

Summary wet gas fields to aggregate gas from several such fields and de-
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has yet to be deployed in the devel- velop large-scale (>4 MTPA capacity) floating liquefaction as an
opment of offshore fields in spite of several detailed studies com- alternative to building and operating expensive gas re-injection
pleted and offshore technology development demonstrating its facilities. The potential to unlock offshore gas reserves without the
technical feasibility. The perceived risks associated with deploying need to invest in capital-intensive pipeline infrastructure, infield
unproven technology in a high construction cost and volatrile gas platforms, and onshore infrastructure and to minimize exposure to
price environment have so far inhibited offshore liquefaction geopolitical and security risks is also attractive to upstream
projects. The potential deployment of such technologies is of para- LNG operators.
mount importance considering the massive volumes of natural gas Process Design Criteria
currently deemed as “stranded” and the exploitation of which is
compelling not only because of the inherent economic benefit but Offshore natural gas liquefaction has moved closer to commercial
also because of the otherwise adverse impact on oil production. It viability as the value of LNG has increased during the past few
is conceivable that deep water offshore locations may contain years. This has increased interest in both onshore and offshore
quantities of natural gas rivalling those of onshore locations. Such liquefaction projects. Offshore liquefaction requires the develop-
a statement cannot even be confirmed because drilling for offshore ment of new and innovative technologies and processes because
natural gas reservoirs, expected to be found considerably deeper their project economics are impacted by different criteria to on-
than oil reservoirs, has been unattractive exactly because of the shore liquefaction facilities. For offshore applications, process de-
absence of coherent exploitation strategies. If anything, the mere sign criteria such as compactness, weight, modular design, process
presence of large natural gas deposits even in the form of solution safety, minimized weather-related downtime, and storage sloshing
gas in oil is now often considered as largely undesirable because of impacts become more important. Offshore floating liquefaction
the cost of just handling non-monetized natural gas. This paper has generated interest because it offers the potential to (Barclay
discusses potential offshore LNG processes and reviews natural and Yang, 2006):
gas liquefaction cycles in the context of compactness, ease of • Avoid flaring or reinjection of associated gas.
operation, process safety, and efficiency. • Monetize smaller or remote fields of nonassociated gas.
Particular attention is paid to the lower-efficiency turboex- • Reduce exposure to public and increase security of facilities.
pander processes for plant capacities up to 3 million tonnes per • Lower LNG production costs.
annum (MTPA, approximately 0.43 Bcf/d). These cycles offer The realization of large barge-mounted floating production,
several advantages over the alternative optimized cascade and storage, and offloading (FPSO) facilities for oil production and
mixed refrigerant (MR) liquefiers for offshore applications. LPG production (e.g. West Africa, such as Chevron’s Sanha LPG
FPSO offshore Angola) indicates that large complex facilities for
handling gas offshore can be deployed on a commercial and safe
Introduction basis. Floating LNG regasification has arrived on the scene before
Increasing global demand for natural gas is supporting the rapid floating liquefaction [e.g., “Energy Bridge” and numerous gravity-
growth and diversification of worldwide LNG production capacity. based structures (GBS) and floating storage and regasification
As demand continues to grow and the value of natural gas remains units (FSRU) planned for deployment in the Gulf of Mexico
high in the major consuming markets, the impetus to monetize and offshore Italy]. This is because regasification is a simpler
more difficult and remote gas resources also grows. There is a technology with a smaller offshore footprint than offshore lique-
drive to develop stranded gas fields that have remained undevel- faction. Nevertheless, offshore LNG offloading and storage issues
oped for many years to satisfy the thirsty energy markets with a resolutions and facilities developed for regasification will be trans-
cleaner fuel than coal or oil (in terms of lower emissions of green- ferable to offshore liquefaction and reduce risk and cost of its
house gases and other pollutants) that has kept the industry keen to ultimate deployment.
develop the technology that will enable it to ultimately deploy However, there are still some hurdles to overcome to make the
floating liquefaction facilities on a commercial basis. Unfortu- concept economically viable for offshore gas liquefaction or float-
nately it was the major international oil companies that conducted ing LNG (FLNG) facilities. The hurdles are not all technical. Geo-
most of the early research, development, and feasibility studies, politics represent another formidable stumbling block. Countries
focused on deploying large-scale facilities to develop the very that stand to gain the most from floating liquefaction plants, such
large gas reserves that are material to them. There are, however, as Nigeria, for example, often insist upon substantial local content
very few giant gas fields located in remote offshore regions avail- in its manufacture, which is almost impossible to accommodate on
able to the majors for such deployments. a commercial basis. Most governments also prefer the guarantees
The future potential to deploy floating liquefaction probably of long-term deployment and local direct and indirect employment
lies in medium size gas fields, or aggregations of smaller fields that an onshore facility provides. On the other hand, in some
with associated gas, developed by medium sized independent com- regions, placing LNG production (or in the case of the US, re-
panies. However, the restrictions of more stringent no-flaring rules ceiving) facilities a significant distance from shore can remove
being introduced in many countries (e.g. Nigeria and Angola) may actual or perceived public safety risks compared to the onshore
prompt some existing offshore producers of giant volatile oil and alternative. Similarly, environmental impacts associated with ini-
tial site planning approvals and future decommissioning and site
restoration become less onerous for offshore, particularly for float-
ing facilities.
Copyright © 2007 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper (SPE 109522) was accepted for presentation at the 2007 SPE Annual Tech- Technical Challenges and Feasibility Issues
nology Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, 11–14 November, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 25 May 2007. Paper peer approved 17
Feasibility studies for floating liquefaction facilities conducted by
August 2007. the major international companies date back to the late 1980s, with

December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction 1

paper studies going back to the 1970s. David Wood was involved are unlikely to meet the diverse technical and safety needs of
in evaluating late 1980’s feasibility studies conducted by Mobil for offshore liquefaction facilities.
potential deployment offshore the Persian Gulf and Papua New Offshore liquefaction technology developers have been drawn
Guinea. Shell also invested heavily in research and technical de- by the requirements of process simplicity, low weight, and small
signs during the early- and mid-1990s for potential deployment in footprint toward established and proven onshore peak-shaving
a number of international locations. None of these projects mate- technology. Considering that all process technologies are dealing
rialized because of unfavorable economics (high breakeven LNG with the thermodynamic constraints imposed by natural gas com-
sales price) and the high level of technical risk. The key technical positions, technologies that best fit tried and tested machinery are
challenges that a floating gas liquefaction facility will have to those most likely to succeed commercially. Key criteria that in-
combat have been known and in the public domain for some time fluence process selection and plant optimization for offshore liq-
(e.g. Natural Gas Technology 2001; Eriksen et al. 2002). uefaction lead unavoidably to some trade-offs and compromises.

Space and Weight Requirements Historical Progress Toward

• Floating systems are space limiting, inherently requiring Offshore Liquefaction
safety considerations. It was in the mid-1990s that substantial work backed up with
• High equipment density to overcome space and weight constraints. specific experimental testing of offshore liquefaction designs was
Ease of Operation/Startup/Shutdown. first performed. Shell, with its FLNG and Floating Oil and Natural
• Bad weather/ extreme environmental conditions may require Gas (FONG) concepts for processing gas and associated gas, re-
sudden shutdown of the plant. Thus, floating liquefaction facilities spectively (Faber et al. 2002), was one of the pioneering operators
are generally targeted for benign waters. Liquefaction process to invest in research and experimental testing of the concept. Fos-
trains are most efficient when operated continuously with very ter Wheeler was one of the earliest facilities contractors involved
infrequent shutdowns. An increase in operational interruptions in detailed feasibility studies and to demonstrate a willingness to
should be expected offshore and this will adversely impact on engineer such projects (Raine and Kaplan 2003; Raine et al. 2003).
operational efficiency. The onshore gas-liquefaction industry is now quite focused on
high-capacity plants in the range of 4 to 8 million metric tonnes per
Flexibility and Efficiency. annum (MTPA), but such plants require a processing “footprint”
• Required process flexibility vs. efficiency, reliability, ease of that is well outside what is achievable offshore. Realistic offshore
installation, operation, and maintenance. Potentially serving dif- process capacities are in the 1 to 3 MTPA range (Sheffield 2005),
ferent fields with varying gas compositions throughout plant life- which is of less interest to the large companies trying to diversify
time, the facilities have to build in some flexibility to the process and build capacity in their international liquefaction portfolios.
in terms of operating capacity and feed-gas quality. This issue has Some key issues to be identified in the early studies were:
efficiency and economic implications. • The nature of an LNG process is such that significant
power is required (approximately 50 MW for each 1 MTPA) to
Safety. drive the compressors.
• Safe offloading of liquefied gas products to visiting LNG • The cryogenic processing conditions make severe de-
carriers under demanding environmental conditions requires more mands on piping layouts in a more congested offshore process-
robust mooring and loading-arm technologies than those devel- ing configuration.
oped for sheltered, land-based ports. The transfer of LNG at cryo- • The storage of LNG requires specialized containment sys-
genic temperatures through hoses and loading arms is challenging. tems, with the tanks operating at continuously changing degrees
• Control of process-related hazards (e.g., mechanical integrity of fill.
of process equipment, ignition source control systems, and explo- • LNG transfer from the FPSO to the shuttle carrier requires
sion overpressure) require more robust designs and operating sys- specialized loading equipment.
tems offshore. An earlier study was carried out by BHP Billiton for potential
• Control of vessel collision hazards (e.g., visiting LNG carri- deployment at location in the Bayu-Undan gas condensate field in
ers, merchant vessels traffic, supply vessels and tugs) and other the Timor Sea (Dubar et al. 1998). The envisaged GBS considered
standard marine safety requirements add to the complexity of incorporating a conventional cylindrical LNG storage tank of
safety management and emergency-response procedures of such 170,000 m3 alongside a 1.5-MTPA improved nitrogen cycle liq-
facilities. uefaction train. A joint industry project (JIP 1999), part of the Gas
Utilization Research Forum (GURF) initiative involving Chevron
Vessel Motions. and several other oil and gas companies, focused on the exploita-
• Moving decks are challenging for process-equipment oper- tion of marginal gas fields and showed that a compact plant could
ability and efficiency. be developed using one of several liquefaction technologies (OGJ
• Sloshing stresses in partly filled tanks have to be contained. 1999). It also demonstrated that LNG storage in the hull could be
Relative motions between an offshore production facility and LNG of either a membrane system or self-supporting design.
carriers during loading and offloading operations are key design In the late 1990s Mobil also developed a floating liquefaction
issues. Vessel motion is the key limiting factor in deploying float- plant design involving a large square concrete structure with a
ing facilities in harsh environments. moon-pool. Generally known as the “doughnut,” the design had
inherent desirable stability and safety characteristics (Naklie et al.
Chemical Process Systems. 1999). Black and Veitch and ABB Randall in contemporaneous
• Cooling-system complexity and, with some liquefaction pro- studies identified simplified liquefaction process appropriate for
cesses, obligation to handle potentially large inventories of hydro- small-scale production (Price 1998; Foglietta 1999).
carbon refrigerants (e.g., propane) represent a major hazard adding In 2000, a European consortium of mainly French contractors
to safety concerns and cost. led by Bouygues Offshore and involving M.W.Kellogg, Techni-
• Process-related accidental hydrocarbon releases (both of re- gaz, and GTT, completed the Azure R&D project, partially funded
frigerants and partially processed natural gas) are also considered by the EU’s Thermie Programme and supported technically and
to be a key safety risk. financially by several major oil and gas companies (Shell, Total,
From the foregoing, it is clear that offshore natural gas lique- ChevronTexaco, and Conoco). The Azure project focused on ana-
faction has different process requirements than do traditional on- lytical and experimental work to:
land baseload plants. While thermodynamic efficiency is the key • Demonstrate the integrity of the membrane containment sys-
technical process selection criteria for large onshore natural gas tem in its partially filled mode, when “sloshing” of the liquid
liquefiers, the high-efficiency precooled mixed refrigerant and op- contents places major forces upon the membrane structure.
timized cascade plants that dominate onshore LNG installations • Prove aspects of the control of an LNG transfer system.

2 December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction

• Develop the design for a novel concrete hull. turbo-expander cycle” developed and patented by the Randall Gas
• Develop steel hull designs for LNG FPSOs. Technologies division of ABB.
• Develop topside layouts to meet safety and operabil- Small-scale offshore liquefaction operations in the 1- to
ity requirements. 3-MTPA range using of a nitrogen cycle for liquefaction have been
The work was focused on small-scale and mid-scale design favored by other recent studies (e.g., Finn 2002; Foglietta 2004).
concepts for liquefaction plants and also looked at the issues re- However, by mid-2006, no investment had yet been firmly com-
lating to offshore FSRU reception terminals (Mayer and Shef- mitted to developing an offshore liquefaction project. Neverthe-
field 2001). less, this vast body of work now suggests that there are few if any
In 2001, Shell developed several concepts targeted at specific outstanding technical issues to prevent future developments. More-
potential project developments. The most advanced was the Sun- over, prevailing LNG prices worldwide above US $5/MMBtu
rise project (Offshore Northern Australia) involving a 5-MTPA make the breakeven price for potential offshore developments
capacity facility using the Shell’s dual mixed refrigerant (DMR) more attractive than they have ever been. In spite of capital costs
liquefaction process to be deployed on a large barge (400×70 m) to now estimated to be in a comparable range to onshore projects—
have some 240,000 m3 of LNG and 85,000 m3 of condensate which perhaps appears misleadingly optimistic on an unrisked ba-
storage. The concept was claimed to cost 40% less than a similar sis (especially for the “first of a kind” project)—no developers
land-based projects, mainly because of savings in the offshore have stepped forward.
facilities and the avoidance of a pipeline. The Australian govern-
ment, and some of the field partners (including ConocoPhillips) Offshore Liquefaction Process Technologies
and potential customers, however, opted for a low-risk, land-based Life-cycle assessment for offshore liquefaction of natural gas in-
facility, and the offshore option was shelved. Shell also evaluated cludes the same process design issues as a land-based plant, with
the same concept for the Kudu field off Namibia, but this was not safety being paramount. Some recent design studies have consid-
followed through because of an appraisal well downgrading field ered mixed refrigerant cycle technology, including the propane
gas reserves. pre-cooled cycle (C3MR)—the most common process employed
Further feasibility work on this concept was carried out by for baseload onshore liquefaction plants, and the single-stage re-
Statoil and Shell in the Gulf of Guinea, where there are several frigeration cycle (Price and Mortko, 1998). However, as already
stranded wet gas fields, including the Statoil-operated Nnwa field outlined, for offshore liquefaction the criteria for technology se-
and adjacent shell-operated Doro field. The study completed in lection differ substantially from onshore facilities. The capital cost
late 2003 resulted in a basic FLNG plant design, but partners of the processing facilities is only a fraction of total project cost,
found development costs to be higher than anticipated and shelved so technology selection and process design must be considered in
the project (Upstream 2004). Moored in 1300 m of water, the the context of total, full-cycle project economics. If all aspects of
FLNG would liquefy between 0.6 and 1.3 Bcf/D centred at Nnwa the process and plant design are actually based on the plant being
/ Doro and gathering gas from other nearby fields. The concept located on an FPSO, this constrains the choice of liquefac-
also involved: tion technology.
• LPG and condensate production that would be included in
the development. Alternative Refrigeration Process Cycles
• A novel riser tower using cold water from ocean depths Three generic types of refrigeration cycle have been utilized for
would precool the gas before it reached the FLNG. natural gas liquefaction: the cascade, mixed-refrigerant, and ex-
• Large topsides: weight up to 60,000 tonnes; area some pander cycles. Each has its own merits. There are variants of each
30,000 m2. cycle, with some common features between them (Vink and
• A crew of almost 200 housed aft. Nagelvoort 1998; see Shukri 2004 for an overview of gas-
• Steel hull: 498 m long with a 76-m beam. Alternative con- liquefaction technology). For example, in both the mixed-
crete hull (435 m long and 105 m wide) would be more expensive. refrigerant cycle and the expander cycle, the feed gas may be
• Schedule for design and construction would be 4 years from precooled by a conventional propane vapor compression cycle.
start to finish. This is also a feature of the cascade cycle. Liquefaction-process
Statoil, in conjunction with Linde and Aker Kvaerner, have selection and design is influenced by site location, ambient con-
designed a liquefaction concept based on the mixed fluid cascade ditions, and availability of utilities, as well as the specific feed gas
(MFC) process chosen for the Snøhvit facility, which is nearing quality and conditions. Therefore, comparison of alternative cycles
startup by year-end 2007. Snøhvit liquefaction train was designed is instructive, both for development of the optimal process concept
to be assembled on a barge in Spain for transport to Melkøya in and in customizing specific designs.
northern Norway; so many marinization issues had to be addressed
for this project despite its not being an offshore development. Optimized Cascade. In this cycle, natural gas is cooled, con-
Statoil believes that the MFC process can successfully be used for densed, and subcooled in heat exchange with propane, ethylene (or
offshore gas liquefaction facilities. Progress with an offshore liq- ethane), and, finally, methane in three discrete stages. Each refrig-
uefaction project in Nigeria is slow for a number of reasons, not erant circuit normally has three or four refrigerant expansion and
least political and security issues. The Nigerian government’s compression stages. After compression, propane is condensed with
strategy is to back onshore facilities that ensure a longer-term cooling water or air, ethylene is condensed with evaporating pro-
commitment with a tangible facility ultimately ending up in state pane, and methane is condensed with evaporating ethylene. Phil-
control and more local involvement in construction. lips-optimized cascade process is a modified and updated version
ABB Lummus Global started working in 2003 to evolve a (Fig. 1) of the simple process used in a pioneering plant built in
smaller scale of floating liquefaction plant that is economically Alaska in the 1960s, and has been used for the Atlantic LNG plant
viable with lower volumes, such as the associated gas at a large in Trinidad and for recently completed base load plants in Egypt
remote offshore oil development. Its system is viable for stranded and Darwin, Australia, and is being applied in Equatorial Guinea
gas volumes between 0.3 and 3 Tcf and it estimated the total cost under development. Train capacities of up to 3.6 MTPA have been
of a phase-one (dry gas only) liquefaction FPSO vessel ready for constructed, with all such plants built by contractor Bechtel.
operation at approximately $400 million (Upstream, January Refrigeration and liquefaction of the process gas is achieved in
2005). This includes three liquefaction trains processing a total of a cascade process using three pure-component refrigerants: pro-
225 MMscf/D between them with storage for 135,000 m3 of LNG. pane, ethylene, and methane, each at two or three pressure levels.
The lowest feasible feed gas supply rate for such a small-scale This is carried out in a series of brazed aluminium, plate-fin heat
vessel is some 50 MMscf/D. ABB’s “LNG alone” system has a dry exchangers arranged in vertical cold boxes. Precooling could be
weight of less than 6000 tonnes and would be approximately 100 carried out in a core-in-kettle-type exchanger. The refrigerants are
meters long. The size of the hull is determined by the storage circulated using centrifugal compressors. Each refrigerant has par-
capacity needed. The liquefaction process is based on the “dual allel compression trains. Frame 5 gas-turbine drivers have been used.

December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction 3

Fig. 1—Optimized cascade simplified process schematic. Fig. 2—Air-cooled dual mixed refrigerant simplified process
This has the advantage of thermodynamic efficiency, but the schematic. Onshore, it potentially offers cost and time savings
disadvantage offshore of large plot plan and multiple refriger- because of simplified plant requirements.
ant handling.
of ethane and propane) rather than pure propane. Another main
The cascade cycle requires less power than any other liquefac- difference is that the precooling is carried out in a spiral-wound
tion cycle, mainly because the refrigerant flow is lower than in heat exchanger rather than kettles (Fig. 2).
other cycles. It is also flexible in operation because each refriger- The dual mixed-refrigerant cycle minimizes hydrocarbon in-
ant circuit can be controlled separately. Specific power is low, but ventories compared to either the single mixed-refrigerant cycle or
the plant is relatively complex and has a large number of equip- the C3MR cycle most commonly used onshore. It also gives lower
ment items. Each main refrigerant requires its own storage, which flaring rates in the event of compressor trip and refrigerant blow-
would need to be imported or a separate support vessel for an off. However, all mixed-refrigerant cycles require storage of flam-
offshore plant. mable hydrocarbons. This presents a significant challenge in com-
The main disadvantage of the cascade cycle is the relatively piling an offshore safety case and requires a significant amount of
high capital cost because of each refrigeration circuit having its deck space. Any cryogenic plant needs good distribution of two-
own compressor (with associated suction drums and interstage phase streams into heat exchangers, particularly mixed-refrigerant
coolers) and refrigerant storage. The large number of equipment cycles. Failure to do this can result in a lack of production capac-
items and the large plot space mean that this cycle is neither ity. Good distribution can be difficult because of vessel movement,
technically nor economically viable for offshore applications. and this can be a major factor in limiting use of mixed refrigerant
Economies of scale dictate that the optimized cascade cycle is technology to only calm seas.*
suited to large train capacities, where the low heat exchanger area Mixed-refrigerant cycle plants are sensitive to changes in feed
and low power requirement offset the cost of having multiple gas conditions, as they rely on small temperature differences be-
machines. The cascade cycle is claimed to be competitive vs. the tween the composite cooling and warming streams to give reason-
C3MR process at such scales. able process efficiency. Onshore, long plant runtimes are normal
and operators have the time to optimize plant performance. Off-
Mixed Refrigerant. The MR cycle employs a single mixed re- shore, the very opposite may be true. Refrigerant compositions
frigerant, comprising nitrogen and hydrocarbons, in place of the need to be adapted for different feed-gas conditions, which can
several pure refrigerants of the cascade cycle. Various forms of make performance optimization difficult. Dual mixed-refrigerant
MR have been used in base-load plants and in smaller-scale plants. technology gives improved operability over single mixed-
The machinery configuration is simple and the power requirement refrigerant cycles but is expensive for all but the largest facilities.
is usually only slightly higher than for a cascade cycle. The re- Mixed-refrigerant plants inevitably take longer to start up and
frigerant composition is specified so that it evaporates over a tem- stabilize than plants using other refrigerant cycles because of the
perature range similar to that of the natural gas being liquefied. need for precise blending of the refrigerant mix. This is a signifi-
This provides close matching of composite cooling and warming cant consideration in an environment where frequent startup and
curves of the process gas and the refrigerant, which results in a shutdown are to be expected.
more efficient thermodynamic process requiring less power per
unit of LNG produced and hence smaller machinery. Even so, a Turbo Expander. Turbo-expander refrigeration cycles are well
typical MR system usually has a lower efficiency than a cascade proven for cryogenic liquefaction, including LNG peak-shaving
cycle because refrigerant flow is high and the associated thermo- and large-scale industrial gas liquefiers. Compression and work-
dynamic losses lead to inefficiency. Furthermore, the MR is more expansion of a suitable fluid, typically nitrogen, generates refrig-
susceptible to changes in feed-gas conditions, which may neces- eration. The cycle gas is boosted in the brake-end of the expander.
sitate large design margins to be used, which in turn can reduce While this process has been used to liquefy natural gas, it has low
performance and efficiency. efficiency because a gas with uniform flow rate through the cycle
Mixed refrigerant technology has been assessed for offshore cannot closely match the cooling requirements in the process gas.
liquefaction based on both single mixed-refrigerant and dual Several variations on a single expander reverse-Brayton cycle may
mixed-refrigerant (DMR) cycles (Johnsen and Christiansen 1998; improve efficiency significantly (Foglietta 2002). If only one stage
Naklie 1998; Price and Mortko 1998; Bliault 2001; Sheffield and of work-expansion is employed, then power consumption is ex-
Mayer 2001). The latter consumes less power but is more complex. cessive and only justifiable for small plant capacities. Expander
Shell has concluded that the single mixed refrigerant is suitable for cycles use all gas (or mostly gas) refrigerants and offer lower
smaller capacities of approximately 2 MTPA of LNG production, efficiency to other technology options, but many benefits for off-
while the dual mixed-refrigerant cycle is suitable for capacities up shore liquefaction.
to some 5 MTPA (Bliault, 2001). A dual mixed-refrigerant process Initial work on offshore liquefaction considered precooling by
forms part of Shell’s onshore Sakhalin Island liquefaction project, freon (Kennett et al. 1981) but subsequent work has concentrated
with a capacity of 4.8 MTPA per train. Process configuration is
similar to the propane precooled mixed-refrigerant process, with
the precooling conducted by a mixed refrigerant (made up mainly * Private communication, 2001.

4 December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction

on the use of a second expander (e.g. Finn et al 2002, Fig. 3). Both manner and to startup quickly; a plant can be started from a cold
expanders can operate over the same pressure ratio but at different condition in no more than an hour, unlike a mixed-refrigerant plant
temperatures or alternatively the “cold end” expander operates that may require many hours to reach stable performance. All of
over a much larger pressure ratio. The two expanders are mounted these attributes make a double nitrogen turbo-expander plant well
on a common skid. They enable the natural gas to be cooled and suited to offshore deployment.
condensed at small temperature differences, so heat exchanger size Based upon the foregoing discussion, the double nitrogen ex-
increases but specific power reduces. pander cycle outperforms the C3MR, DMR, and optimized cas-
Mechanical refrigeration in a precooling cycle, based on pro- cade cycles (alternative proven liquefaction technologies) for off-
pane or other refrigerant, can reduce power consumption by shore deployment on the following key selection criteria:
cooling the feed gas and also chilling the cooling water, so that • Low overall deck space requirement.
the cycle compressor discharge temperature can be reduced. • Low equipment count.
However, increased plant complexity, reduced overall reliability, • Avoidance of handling and storage of hazardous hydrocar-
and need for refrigerant storage are crucial disadvantages of pre- bon refrigerants.
cooling offshore, though there may be grounds for considering it • Simplicity of operation (fewer safety hazards).
on larger facilities. • Ease and speed of stabilizing production when subjected to
A major benefit of using nitrogen as the cycle fluid is that it is frequent shutdowns and restarts.
inherently safe. Storage of hazardous hydrocarbons adjacent to, or • Low sensitivity to vessel motion.
within, the processing plant is avoided and there is no need for • Low weight.
major hydrocarbon flaring if the refrigerant compressor trips (Finn • Low capital costs.
et al. 2002). • High flexibility to changes in feed-gas conditions (compa-
Expander cycles using N2 as the refrigerant have the potential rable to optimized cascade).
to be extremely compact because they feature (Barclay and Den- • Ease of installation and maintenance.
ton 2005): • Low operating costs.
• All gas service so there is no large refrigerant storage and Ease of operation, low equipment count, and quick startup are
management system, decreasing plot requirements and weight. clear advantages of nitrogen turbo-expander cycles. The high
• Decreased offset distances because the refrigerant is non- equipment count and startup time for MR processes is a function
flammable and places fewer constraints on equipment positioning. of refrigerant management and the inherent properties of the pro-
• Most of the surface area is dedicated to gas/gas service with cess. The number of storage tanks, separators, valve manifolds,
flexible orientation. and instruments and controls required to adjust and control the
The expander cycle is simple and has fewer items of equipment refrigerant charge and composition in the MR processes is high.
than alternative refrigeration cycles. This leads to reduced plot Cold production in a turbo-expander process is largely inde-
space and facilitates modularization. Heat exchanger cores can be pendent of the process gas. While the double nitrogen expander
arranged as needed. This allows the design of conformal cold cycle does require more power than the more complex and ther-
boxes and modularized plant layout. Note that although the refrig- modynamically efficient cycles, the simplicity of the process and
erant circulation rate and main heat exchanger duty are signifi- other critical factors listed still make it cheaper and safer. Power
cantly decreased in expander cycles, the required heat transfer consumption of less than 0.5 Kw-hr /kg is attainable which trans-
surface area may not decrease because the refrigerant heat transfer lates, with a margin, to some 200-MW requirement for a 3-MTPA
coefficient is also much lower. plant requiring, which could be achieved by several gas turbines
Expanders are highly reliable on nitrogen consumption and (e.g., light-weight, aero-derivative types such as General Electric
maintenance requirements are minimal. Nitrogen is maintained in LM-6000, each with some 43.7-MW output) which would con-
the gaseous phase at all points of the refrigeration cycle, so dis- sume approximately 12% of the feed gas as fuel (Finn et al. 2002).
tribution in the heat exchangers is not a concern, unlike other Most of the power requirement is for the nitrogen cycle com-
refrigeration cycles. As a result, plant performance is much less pressors. It is the power requirement that is the key limiting factor
sensitive to vessel movement. The nitrogen expander design is on the 3-MTPA plant capacity for the double nitrogen expander
flexible to changes in feed-gas conditions and requires minimal cycle option.
operator intervention. Control of specific temperatures is not as
important as with mixed refrigerant cycles, and the process is Broader Challenges Associated With Offshore
inherently more stable and robust. An important attribute is the Liquefaction Plants
ability to easily and quickly shutdown in a safe and controlled Several technical challenges face operators wishing to deploy
floating gas liquefaction facilities.

LNG Storage. The transport of LNG in marine carriers is well

established. However, partial fill conditions in an FLNG facility is
the prevailing status, as the LNG is processed prior to offtake. This
may result in sloshing, which is of particular concern in membrane
tanks. The consideration of loss of containment must also be ad-
dressed when considering hull fabrication. The use of concrete for
the hull provides benefits in the storage of cryogenic fluids, as it
retains its structural integrity when in contact with the LNG, but
traditional steel ship designs are cheaper to build.
A catastrophic tank failure could result in subsequent large-
scale discharge of LNG into the sea. This would be followed by a
rapid phase transition, which could cause serious structural dam-
age to the offshore facility, with possible stability loss. Prevention
of such an occurrence is a key safety requirement of offshore designs.

Marine Offloading of LNG Cargoes. Offloading LNG in a ma-

rine environment requires bulk LNG carriers to approach and berth
alongside a floating facility. This is routinely achieved for crude
Fig. 3—Double nitrogen turboexpander plant simplified process oil cargoes in various designs of floating production storage and
schematic (Finn et al. 2000; Finn 2002). The second stage ex- offloading (FPSO) facility worldwide, but constitutes a major haz-
pander avoids excessive power consumption. ard concern for the offshore LNG option. There are hazards asso-

December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction 5

ciated with potential collisions with approaching LNG carriers. expected to achieve unit power requirements of between approxi-
Also, the offloading dynamics must be designed to cope with mately 15 and 20 kW*day/ton (Barclay and Denton 2005). Pro-
relative motions between the floating structure and the ship that pane precooled dual-expander processes may approach the effi-
exceed those expected from shore-based jetties. ciencies (approxinately 13.5 kW*day/ton) of state-of-the-art
If offloading is considered with a typical spread-moored con- C3MR cycles. However, by involving propane precooling off-
figuration such as those that might be found offshore West Africa, shore, the inherent advantages of low flammable refrigerant in-
then side-by-side offloading could be considered. This provides ventory, low equipment count, and simplicity are sacrificed.
the benefit in that typically LNG carriers load at midships, pro-
viding more flexibility. However, in less benign seas, weather Conclusions
vaning and tandem offloading configurations are more appropriate. • Dual nitrogen turbo-expander cycles are better suited to floating
To facilitate this, a number of technology suppliers have designed offshore liquefaction facilities than traditional liquid refrigerant
flexible loading arms for transfer of LNG between the production processes, and satisfy most of the critical technical selection
vessel and the tanker such as the SBM soft yoke mooring and criteria for offshore deployment.
offloading (SYMO) system (Sheffield and Mayer 2001; Faber • Low efficiency and high power consumption (compared with the
et al. 2002). C3MR and optimized Cascade cycles) are the only serious dis-
advantages with the turbo-expander cycle, and this limits ca-
Operation and Maintenance. Operating and maintaining an off- pacity to approximately 3 MTPA, but does not outweigh the
shore gas production and liquefaction facility of whatever design other advantages.
would require a substantial workforce. In some cases, offshore • For reasons of maximum project size and materiality, it will not
crews could reach some 250 people. Accommodating, supplying, be the major companies and large existing liquefaction operators
and providing adequate emergency evacuation protection for such that deploy FLNG first. Most of them are sceptical that it can
a large offshore population is a challenge and would be a major deliver baseload scale (4 MTPA) plants on a commercial basis.
operating cost component for such a project. • Most of the nonprocess technical issues associated with offshore
liquefaction (e.g., storage, offloading, reliability, uptime, and
Equipment Densities. Some offshore liquefaction concept de- safety) have now been satisfactorily solved.
signs have much higher equipment densities than those typically • Political and governmental hurdles still remain. Many govern-
associated with onshore liquefaction plants. High equipment den- ments much prefer a liquefaction plant to be built onshore to
sity substantially increases the potential for explosions in the event guarantee local employment and community benefits and long-
of an ignited gas release, which would have higher impact severi- term commitment of the facility to their country. For specific
ties, perhaps escalating to total facility loss. projects, the challenge for operators is to convince governments
that FLNG may be the only way that the stranded gas will be
Feed-Gas Compositions. Designing FLNG facilities intended to developed for the foreseeable future.
receive feed gas from multiple field usage introduces the need for • Total project economics and achieving low capital and operating
additional gas-conditioning facilities when field gas compositions costs over the full project cycle are the key factors now con-
differ. Gas-processing equipment capable of handing well fluids fronting investment decision-makers for future FLNG projects.
with varying natural gas liquids (NGLs), carbon dioxide, water, or • Current gas and LNG prices in the key global markets are high
hydrogen sulphide compositions will add to facility cost, equip- and breakeven costs for the latest offshore liquefaction designs
ment density, and operational complexity. are well below them, and are comparable with onshore plants of
High Inherent Marine Safety Requirements Favor Nitrogen similar capacity.
Turboexpanders. The LNG industry has built an excellent safety • Time, technology, and economics are therefore ripe for this in-
record that must continue to be aggressively protected as existing novative technical solution to stranded offshore gas to finally
plants age and novel processes and production schemes are com- move off the drawing board.
mercialized. DMR and Optimized Cascade processes have large
flammable refrigerant inventories, high refrigerant circulation rates References
through process lines, and extensive overpressure potential and
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both turbo-expander and /or DMR processes, depending on selec- nical Overview. Paper presented at the International Conference and
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Plant Efficiency Comparisons. The high efficiency of C3MR May.
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of LNG per day), single N2 turbo-expander gas-liquefaction cycles LNG Solutions From the Drawing Board to Reality. Paper OTC 14100
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mately 20 and 40 KW*day/ton, requiring in some cases more than Finn, A. 2002. New FPSO Design Produces LNG From Offshore Sources.
three times the power requirement on a unit basis as a baseload Oil & Gas Journal 100: 56–63
plant such as Oman LNG. Finn, A.J., Johnson, G.L., and Tomlinson, T.R. 2000. LNG Technology for
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vances in plate fin heat exchangers, turbomachinery, and process Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March.
configuration. Expander cycles shift the key efficiency determin- Foglietta, J. 1999. New LNG Process Scheme. Paper presented at the
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expander. Expander efficiency is critical to efficient operation, as Foglietta, J. 2002. Production of LNG Using Dual Independent Expander
are compressor efficiency and process configuration. Dual- Refrigeration Cycles. Paper presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting,
expander processes for gas liquefaction (e.g., ABB Randall) are New Orleans, March.

6 December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction

Foglietta, J. 2004. Small Scale LNG Production. Paper presented at the Shell. 2001. Shell Pushes World’s First LNG Floater in Timor Sea. Inter-
Annual GPA Europe Conference, Amsterdam, 8–9 September. national Gas Report.
Hatanaka, N., Yoneyama, H., Mihashi, T., Oka, M., and Ohmori, M. 2001. Shukri, T. 2004. Liquefaction technology selection. Hydrocarbon Engi-
A Challenge To Advance LNG Transport for the 21st Century—LNG neering 9 (2): 71–74.
Jamal: New Carrier with Reliquefaction Plant. Paper presented at the Vink, K.J. and Nagelvoort, R.K. 1998. Comparison of Baseload Liquefac-
International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, tion Processes. Paper presented at the International Conference and
LNG 13, Seoul, 14–17 May. Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG-12, Perth, Australia, 4–7
Johnsen, R.J. and Christiansen, P. 1998. LNG Production on Floating May.
Platforms. Paper presented at the GasTech 98 Conference, Dubai, 29 Waldie, B. 2002. Effects of Tilt and Motion on LNG and GTL Process
November–2 December. Equipment for Floating Production. Paper presented at the GPA Europe
Kennett, A., Limb, D., and Czarnecki, B. 1981. Offshore Liquefaction of Annual Conference, Rome, 25–27 September.
Associated Gas- A Suitable Process for the North Sea. Paper OTC 3956
presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 4–7 May.
Mayer, M. and Sheffield, J. 2001. The Challenges of Floating LNG Fa- SI Metric Conversion Factors
cilities. Paper presented at the GPA Europe Spring Meeting, Norwich, ft × 3.048* E–01 ⳱ m
UK, May.
tonne × 1.0* E+00 ⳱ Mg
Naklie, M. 1998. Mobil’s Floating LNG Plant. Paper presented at the
International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, *Conversion factors are exact.
LNG 12, Perth, Australia, 4–7 May.
Naklie, M. et al. 1999. Evaluation Supports Floating LNG Safety. World
Saeid Mokhatab is an international associate of David Wood &
Oil 220 (11). Associates, Lincoln, UK. His interests include natural gas engi-
Natural Gas Technology. 2001. DNV Report 2000-3526. Rev. 1. neering, with a particular emphasis on natural gas transporta-
OGJ’s Review Article. 1999. Reducing Scale, Increasing Flexibility Are tion, LNG, and processing. He has participated as a senior
Targets of New LNG Designs. Oil & Gas Journal 97 (49). consultant in several international gas-engineering projects,
Price, B. 1998. Development of Mid-Scale and Floating LNG Facilities. and has published several academic and industry oriented
Paper presented at the GPA Annual Convention, Dallas, March. papers and books. Mokhatab served on the Board of SPE Lon-
don Section during 2003–5, and was a recipient of the 2006 SPE
Price, B.C. and Mortko, R.A. 1998. Development of Mid-Scale and Float-
Editorial Review Committee’s Technical Editor Awards.
ing LNG Facilities. Paper presented at the GasTech 98 Conference, Michael J. Economides is a Professor at the Cullen College of
Dubai, 29 November–2 December. Engineering, University of Houston, and the managing partner
Raine, B. and Kaplan, A. 2003. Concrete-Based Offshore LNG Production of a petroleum engineering and petroleum strategy consulting
in Nigeria. LNG Journal 5: 28–30. firm. He has authored or co-authored 14 professional textbooks
Raine, B., Kaplan, A., and Jackson, G. 2003. Making the Concrete Case. and books, including The Color Of Oil and more than 200 jour-
Offshore Engineer 12: 35–40. nal papers and articles. Economides does a wide range of
industrial consulting, including major retainers by national oil
Sheffield, J.A. 2005. Offshore LNG Production—How to Make It Happen.
companies at the national level and by Fortune 500 compa-
Business Briefing. LNG Review 2005 21–23. nies. He has had professional activities in over 70 countries. He
Sheffield, J.A. and Mayer, M. 2001. The Challenges of Floating LNG holds BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from the
Facilities. Paper presented at the GPA Europe Spring Meeting, Nor- University of Kansas, and a PhD degree in petroleum engineer-
wich, UK, 16–18 May. ing from Stanford University.

December 2007 SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction 7

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