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Focus Group Discussion Transcript

The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted in the presence of 7 members. The details of
the members and their roles in the FGD are as follows:-
 Moderator: - Mayank Chandna (PGPJ01033) was the moderator for this discussion and he
was sitting behind the camera and was responsible for the smooth functioning of FGD. He
will be referenced by the letter “M” in the following document.
 Participants: - There were six participants in the FGD. Their role was to answer the
questions being asked by the moderator in an honest and unbiased manner. The following
students were the participants in the FGD, clockwise from left to right,-
o Harshit Goswami (PGPJ01026), hereon referenced as “P1”
o Muhammad hafiz (PGPJ01039), hereon referenced as “P2”
o Kartikey Pandey (PGPJ01028), hereon referenced as “P3”
o K. Prutha Nanubhai (PGPJ01030), hereon referenced as “P4”
o Mohit Bhat (PGPJ01036), hereon referenced as “P5”
o K. Lokesh (PGPJ01029), hereon referenced as “P6”

The FGD was conducted on 19th December, 2017 in CR-1 at the Indian Institute of Management
(IIM), Jammu. The participants were seated in a semi-circle, facing the moderator with the camera
placed at approximately 6.5 feet from the nearest participant. The moderator was seated behind
the camera to take care of any memory or battery related issues with the camera.

Moderator (M):- Hello everyone, we are here for our FGD and thank you all for participating in
this. The theme for this FGD will be “Cash on delivery (COD) as a payment method in online
retailing”. This FGD is exploratory in nature where I am just looking to get some idea about
shopping behavior in online context and your understanding of COD as a payment method. The
FGD will be totally subjective, totally your opinion, there is no competition, there is no debate that
has to go around here so feel free to voice your opinions about the questions that will be asked in
the FGD. Before we begin, will anyone like to ask any questions?
All Participants: - No.
M:-Okay, so let’s begin. I would request you all to introduce yourselves. Let’s start from P1.
Participant 1 (P1):- My name is P1 and I am from Delhi. I am pursuing my MBA from IIM
Jammu and I will be specializing in Sales & Marketing domain.
M: - In addition to that, can I also know your age, your monthly income, a rough estimate of your
monthly shopping expenditure in INR and what percentage of your shopping expenditure is spent
on online shopping.
P1:- I am 25 years old. I spend roughly INR 3000-4000 per month. I am dependent on my parents
for my expenses. I am not a frequent purchaser so I don’t go online for shopping. But, yes twice a
month I purchase online.
M: - A rough percentage of your shopping expenditure that is spent on online purchases.
P1:- 30%.
M: - 30%, okay. So, P2, your introduction- name, age, education, current profession, monthly
income, your monthly shopping expenditure and what percentage of that shopping expenditure do
you spend on online purchases?
Participant 2 (P2):- Hello, I am P2, I am from Kerala. I am a civil engineering graduate. I am
currently doing Marketing at IIM Jammu. And online purchase frequency is like, I don’t purchase
mostly like once in a month or two months and something like that and maybe some offer or
something that I see only then I go to purchase. Else like after reaching Jammu, 50-60% of my
shopping expenditure is online.
M: - Yes, so P3 same drill. Tell me your name, age, education, current profession, monthly income,
your monthly shopping expenditure in INR, a rough estimate and what percentage of that is spent
on online purchases.
Participant 3 (P3):- My name is P3 Pandey and I am 25 years of age and I am currently studying
MBA at IIM Jammu so my profession is that I am a student. Monthly income is around Rs 10,000
per month and I am dependent on my parents. My monthly shopping is around Rs 4000 out of
which 80% is online.
Participant 4 (P4):- Hi I am Dr. P4 Kose. I am 26 years old. Right now I am pursuing MBA at
IIM Jammu. I am single. I depend on my parents for my monthly expenditures. My expenditure
on shopping is around Rs. 3000-4000 out of which 60-70 % I buy online.
Participant 5 (P5):- Hi my name is P5. My age is 23. I am a student and I am studying in IIM
Jammu. Talking about my monthly income, it is Rs 2000-3000 and that’s all from my home.
Percentage if I have to say it would be around 10-20% on online purchases.
Participant 6 (P6):- Hi I am P6 and I am 23 years old and I am pursuing MBA from IIM Jammu.
I am a student. My monthly income, I am actually dependent on my parents, my monthly shopping
expenditures are around Rs 2000 and percentage online is around 9-10%.
M: - Thank you all for your responses. Now I will be asking some basic questions regarding your
shopping experiences online. So, let’s start with which are the sites from where you shop?
P1: - The major sites that I surf and shop from are Snapdeal, Amazon and Flipkart.
P2: - I shop from Flipkart, Amazon and Myntra.
P3:- I shop from Lenskart and Amazon.
P4: -I shop from Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and sometimes shein also.
M: - Which one?
P4: - Shein.
P5: - Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal.
P6: - Amazon and Flipkart.
M: - Thank you guys. My next question would be what your shopping frequency is in a month,
P1: -As, I earlier said I only shop twice a month and my frequency increases when any event or
occasion arises.
P2:- I don’t shop on a monthly basis, maybe like once in two months.
M: - And you don’t even shop online, like he said at times of events or occasions or some sale
period, then your frequency increases.
P2: - Yes, it increases in that case.
P3: - 2-3 times a month. Mostly 2 times but sometimes 3 as well.
P4: - I shop 1-2 times in a month and as P1 aslo told you that my frequency increases if there is
some event or occasion.
P5: - Once in two or three months and it increases with any event or occasion.
P6:- I don’t usually shop and I only shop when there is a discount or sale period.
M: - Okay, a sale period like The Big Billion Day of Flipkart or The Great Amazon Sale?
P6:- Yes.
M: -Now, I would like to ask how long you have been shopping online like when did you start
shopping for online products?
P1:- I have been shopping online for almost 5 years, 5-6 years.
M: - And in addition to this can you also tell me which were the products that you started with?
P1:- Apparels.
M: - Initially you started with apparels?
P1:- Yeah.
P2:- I started purchasing like three years before. And mostly apparels, footwear etc.
P3:- Very first time, I shopped online was in 2009. So at that time, small sites were there and the
things that I shopped were electronics like headphones and all these things.
P4:- I have been shopping online from the last 3-4 years. And I also started with apparels. And I
also go for gadgets if I have to buy, I go there if there are cheaper prices.
P5:- 3-4 years back, started with books.
P6:- 3-4 years back, started with books and now I also purchase electronic gadgets.
M: - Now you purchase electronic gadgets. In relation to that only, can you all tell me what the
product categories that you purchase online now are or what are the product categories that you
favor to purchase online?
P1: - So, I have been continuously shopping online, specifically apparels and recently I have
started purchasing electronics as well. My most recent purchase was mobile phone.
P2:-I also started trying out electronics and some gadgets, and accessories (men’s) and sometimes
perfume and all those things.
P3; - Mostly electronics, like mobile phones and hard drives. But recently I also purchased
consumer durable product as well like AC and fridge for my family.
P4:- Even I purchase apparels most of the time and I also go for gadgets for example recently I
purchased earphones.
P5:- For me, 80 % of the time it is electronics and rest 20% time it is apparels.
P6:- For me as I said, I used to buy books but I now also purchase electronic gadgets.
M: - Now I would like to know that when you visit any online store like Amazon or Flipkart, do
you specifically go there with the intention to buy something or sometimes do you go there to
check out the latest items or if there is sale, specifically you go there to check out a product that
you might be interested in buying but not with the specific intent of buying

P1:- So I usually serve these websites online for information gathering and my purchase intention
is very low, like it is only triggered when events or occasions are there. So, mostly I am surfing
these websites for information gathering and then I’ll compare with the offline stores for the prices.
P2:- Yeah! Even I look like just to know these prices. If suppose I am buying a phone, then just to
know this price how much RAM, hard disk space all those things, just to know that or may be like
some common jackets or something, if you want to buy, I might just simply check whether some
offer is there and accordingly I’ll just spend the money.
M: - Okay
P3:- Same as these two, I also go regularly for knowledge gathering purpose or like mobile phone
for the specification, comparison with other appliance, shops and all. So, to compare over these
P4:- I also do go to the sites without any purchase intention and many times this has happened that
while searching, while looking at the products which are available on the site, I have instantly got
like instantly bought that product because I liked it at that point of time. So, it is not that I have
purchased like that all the time when I have visited the sites.
P5:- I also go these sites when I am bored. So, I don’t think I have any purchase intention.
P6:- Actually, I go to these sites when I have anything to purchase, with an intention. So, I usually
go and compare that prices offline and online, and then I pick my choice.
M: - Okay. Thank you. So, do you guys visit any online store when you receive a promotional
message may be through SMS, email or when you read a promotion offer on newspaper or some
other magazine
P1:- Yes, almost half of the times I end up visiting those websites if any promotional email that is
a good deal on discount or some offer that suits my needs. So, yes I usually visit the sites.
M: - Okay
P2:- Even I visit not like seeing the newspaper but some notification comes in the app itself, some
offers are coming at that time I will just open and check the sites.
M: - Okay
P3:- No. So, on the contrary I don’t visit websites when I receive some kind of promotional offer.
I just browse and suppose I am watching some YouTube video and there are the product that I am
coming across and then I just check the website to see, what is the range in which this product is
available? So, it has nothing to do with promotional material.
M: - Okay. So, as you are talking about the YouTube videos, the product you come across on the
YouTube, is it the advertisement or?.
P3:- No. Just like I am watching some kind of travel video and then I am coming across some kind
of I mean remote camera, remote selfie taker or some kind of that thing. So, I check on like air bar
for laptop touchscreen. So, I check on amazon as in, what is the range of this product, what is the
price of this product and all these things.
M: -So, the advertisements that come on YouTube videos has no effect on your intention to visit
P3:- No. It does not have any effect because I visit the websites at my will.
M: - Okay. Thank you. Yes P4?
P4:- I also visit the sites during promotional offers but not all the time. But when there are as you
said the big billion day is there, so these are huge, they advertise it a lot. So, you definitely know
those dates. So, those dates I never skip. I definitely go to the site even though I have to buy
something or not. If I like something at that time then I buy it.
P5:- As she said only if it is on the first page of the newspaper, then only I visit these sites, else I
won’t go, even if they give any promotional offers or not.
M: - Okay
P6:- I check the promotional offers if they are sent to my mail and then I go to the website and if
I have a purchase intent, then I will purchase anything.
M: So now I would like to ask you, “what is time of the day that you would login to these websites
like amazon and flipkart.” Is there any specific time during the day when you are prone to access
these websites.
P1: as we are busy in our classes so mostly post business hours like after 6 pm or somewhere
around that surfing these websites.
M: But since our classes don’t have specific time period. So how does that work out?
P1: while relaxing, late night post 10 pm or so I usually browse these websites.
M: so can I say that time of the day which suits you for accessing these websites is post 10 pm.
P1: Yes.
M: Yes P2!
P2: even I check these websites before going to sleep, just checkout for 4-5 minutes and then go
to sleep.
M: Post dinner, for you as well P3?
P3: Yes.
P4: Same after dinner.
P5: Make it 10.30pm
P6: 7-8 pm
M: That’s very specific time period. What happens if you are in the class during that time period?
P6: Just smiles for no specific reason.
M: Ok, let’s carry forward to next question. Now I would like to ask some specific questions
related to payments mechanism that you use while purchasing online. But before that, all of you
are aware of amazon prime?
All: Yes
M: so how many of you are customers of amazon prime?
P1, P2, P4, P6: No
P5: yes
P3: my friend has an account when I want to buy something I order from his account.
M: ok, so what is the specific reason for accessing prime services?
P3: really it’s like its free whatever amount you order. And the other thing is you get many videos
to watch.
M: Ok, and I believe mohit you as well a prime customer. Why you access prime services by
P5: I guess one reason as he said that it’s free for any amount you purchase, also watch amazon
M: Ok now let’s carry forward. P1 I want to ask you what is your favorite mode of payment.
P1: Aaaa, mostly online payment through net banking, I prefer. (nods his head)
M: Net banking?
P1: Net banking.
M: P2?
P2: I prefer debit card.
M: So you prefer debit card. P3?
P3:Net banking or debit card, depending on the convenience.
M: ok.
P4: it will be debit card or cash on delivery, depending upon the time.
P5: debit card or net banking.
P6: I prefer cash on delivery, if not available, debit card.
M: ok, so now please tell me that why is this preferred mode of payment for you, why do you
prefer that mode of payment like harshit you said net banking, so what are the specific reasons that
you prefer net banking over other payment methods.
P1: 1st of all it is very convenient when you are paying so it’s cashless transaction. Secondly you
did not worry about changes or you know some leftover amount. So sometimes you ended up
paying more than written on website, like 5 to 8 rs more to the delivery guy so that’s why net
banking, you know it allows you to pay exact amount, that is being mentioned on the website for
the product. That is the reason.
M: Ok, P2?
P2: as you know that we live in hostel and we don’t carry cash much so it’s more convenient with
debit card as we can call our friends also to collect it on our behalf. It’s convenient.
P3: the reason why I prefer net banking or debit card is because sometimes what happens is I have
lived in tower like setups where gatekeeper is there on 1st entry point. What happens sometimes if
delivery boy is unable to contact me then he will not give the package but if it is already paid then
he can give package and I can collect even if I am not there or even if I don’t have access to cash
right now. But if I choose cash on delivery then package goes back, that is my concern and that’s
why I prefer net banking.
M: Ok, P4?
P4: I pay by debit card or cash on delivery. Basically cash on delivery I prefer when I initially
started buying on these platform because I cannot trust that they will deliver the product or not. So
that is the main reason why I rely on cash on delivery. And 2nd is debit card as it is convenient and
if I have to pay I have to but expensive products I prefer paying it with debit card compared to
cash on delivery.
P5: it’s convenient to pay online that’s why I use.
P6: for me, I do cash on delivery most of the time. Actually I feel secure getting single product
and then pay
M: Yeah, So I believe that everyone must have purchased some product via cash on delivery
P1: Yes.
M: Everyone has? (Everyone nods) so how many times you have purchased from cash on delivery?
P1: So as my colleague was mentioning, initially when you are 1st time visitor on that website and
you like one product I would prefer cash on delivery but as that website gains loyalty like its
providing good service then I go for online purchase, so in initial stages I was preferring cash on
M: Alright, why did you prefer cash on delivery in initial stages?
P1: Because there was no assurance that they will be delivering your product intact, so that is the
M: So let’s say when amazon came to India, it was a trusted brand, so even in that case you
preferred cash on delivery initially?
P1: Yes.
M: Ok, P2?
P2: yeah, even my initial phase I used to prefer cash on delivery, but with more purchases and trial
I started to try more payment methods.
M: Ok, so that purchase behavior is similar across all online website and online retailers?
P2: yes, all the websites.
P3: It depends upon my financial conditions and like whether I will be present at that day or not.
Like for last two years I am mostly purchasing from cash on delivery because of certain conditions
that I will be always present in the campus because of the residential program and other is that
since my parents give me money that is why it’s better to pay cash on delivery. There is no specific
trust or distrust on websites; it just depends on my own conditions.
M: How many times have you purchased via cash on delivery?
P3: Around 10 times or so I have purchased cash on delivery.
M: and how many times you have purchased online and what will be cash on delivery percentage,
a rough estimate?
P3: Around 10% only.
M: 10%? Okay hafiz?
P3 Continues: I usually avoid cash on delivery but sometimes I have to so I use cash on delivery.
P2: it’s nearly 3 years so 1st one and one and half years I used to the cash on delivery.
M: Okay, yes P4 so the 1st question is that how many times you have purchased via cash on
P4: As I told you earlier also I initially decide that I will pay by cash and same as kartikey said it
depends upon if I have cash in my account or I have cash in my hand. So sometimes if I am dried
in my account, I go for cash on delivery and as he said we are available here 24*7 or someone can
pay it on our behalf so it is very easy.
M: So your initial purchase behavior was more on cod based and over the year it has changed.
P4: It has changed to debit mostly and as I have told you if I don’t have cash in my account that
time I go for cash on delivery.
M: Okay. Yes P5?
P5: from initial I was paying online only earlier they used to refund directly to the account. Now
they have tied it to wallet but still I prefer online payment.
M: Okay.
P6: for me it’s like 90 to 95% cases I prefer to pay cash on delivery and if website is not opting
option for cod then I opt for debit card or net banking payment.
M: So is there any specific reason that you prefer cod and not any other mode of payment?
P6: actually I feel more safety because in many cases, some of the cases we have seen that wrong
product has been sent or product is missing so..
M: Okay so is there any specific threshold order value above or below which you will decide to
avail cash on delivery facility?
P1: - So, anything which is above let’s say (500-660 INR) more than 1000 INR to be precise, I
will be preferring COD
M: - Ok, what is the reason for that?
P1: - In my opinion, the product which I’m purchasing a product of Rs.1000/- is expensive for
me being a student. So, that is the sole reason, until and unless the product is delivered to me intact,
I’ll be preferring COD. I won’t be paying on debit card.
M: - Ok, hafiz (participant 2 request to repeat the question again), the question is is there any
specific threshold order value above or below which you will prefer paying via cash on delivery?
P2: - I don’t prefer like that but, it depends on the convenience of my availability like when the
product is being delivered in those kind of situations I can manage. So, accordingly I plan
everything (includes giving the money also) either to do cash on delivery or use some other mode
of payment (debit card/credit card).
M: - So, if you are available you will Prefer cash on delivery?
P2: - It depends on location, for example now I’m in jammu and we have hostel so I don’t carry
much cash (moderator agrees) but if I’m at home then the cash is always available to me, whenever
I need. So, there I will prefer COD and here (in jammu) I prefer card payment.
P3: - Smaller amounts like below Rs. 500/- I can choose cash on delivery because, first of all if it
is non-significant amount it can go back if I’m unable to pay cash because of my non availability
or some other factors. Second thing like, generally we don’t have too much cash in our pocket. So,
around Rs. 500 /- we do carry cash so that is why it will not be an issue if someone comes at any
given point of time. That is why anything below Rs. 500/- I can do cash on delivery however, I
avoid it.
P4:- Even I would prefer paying by debit card if product is very much expensive. If it is below Rs.
500/- or Rs. 1000/- like that then I go for cash on delivery because if the product is too expensive
then I could pay with my parents card. So, that is why I go for online for very expensive products.
P5:- For me its online payment whether it is Rs. 5/- or Rs. 500/-.
P6:- For me actually I prefer COD for most of the places (i.e., most of the products which are
purchased through online) as I said earlier but I prefer debit card if it is low cost product i.e, below
Rs. 2,000/-.
M: - So we have covered the threshold order value. So now let me ask you guys. Ideally are there
any specific product categories for which you prefer COD or maybe some other payment
P1:- for product categories, I’ll be preferring day to day items which are not very much expensive
I’ll be paying from my own pocket like cash and for electronic items I’ll be usually paying online
i.e., net banking.
P2:- So, I don’t differentiate based on product category and all. It depends on my convenience as
I said you earlier.
P3:- No differentiation on product categories.
P4:- As I told you for the more expensive items I totally go for debit card payment and if it is much
cheaper i.e., below Rs. 1000/- then I go for cash on delivery.
P5:- No differentiation
P6:- I prefer COD always there is no differentiation.
M: - Okay So, recently specifically, post demonetization, many e-commerce sites have started
providing their delivery agents with POS systems. So, you can pay by card on delivery. So, if that
facility is provided to you is there a difference in your purchase behavior?
P1:- All the product categories I’ll be preferring paying POS at the time of the guy delivering the
M: - Do you mean by card?
P1:- Yes, by using debit card.
M: - Okay
P2:- No, I don’t have much change in my billing payment like, I prefer debit only over cash.
P3:- No, there is no differentiation because I have been experiencing this POS thing from the last
3-4 years. That is why I know about this and it does not make any change in my behavior.
M: - So, When you first encountered this POS system initially, lets say 3-4 back in Gurgaon, was
there change in your behavior.
P3:- Yes, at that time yes, It was convenient and when I knew that this thing (POS) is there then I
might order by cash on delivery and it was the opinion which was changed in me.
P4:- I’ve not come across this POS machine yet, I mostly pay by cash and I’ve not seen POS
machine carried by any delivery boy yet. So, if you say that what is my perception over this then
I’m sorry I have no perception on it.
P5:- For me it doesn’t make any sense because i pay online so it makes no change.
P6:- For I keep preference as COD only.
M: - So, in case of COD only if they ask you to pay by card on delivery. You are going to inspect
the product and post that you are going to pay. So, even in that case do you prefer by paying by
P6:- No, it depends actually. If it is more than Rs. 1000/- I pay by card else I prefer to pay by cash.
M: - Thank you guys, now I’ll ask a question to every one of you here. Has anyone ever purchased
any product on EMI? (P3 Says Yes)? Apart from kartikey (P3) no one has purchased by using
EMI? (rest nods NO). So, P3 you have purchased your product from EMI. So, what was your
P3:- This camera has been purchased through EMI only (pointing towards the camera which is
recording the Focus group interview). Actually it was zero interest that is why I have preferred it.
Experience was good. Initially, I thought that I don’t know they will charge any extra interest or
something by changing the policy but after that nothing like that (changing the policy) happened.
After 8 months I repaid the EMI and the product is mine now.
M: - Since, it was an EMI order it was an Prepaid order right. (P3 agrees). So, if the EMI option
was not there would your purchase behavior or payment behavior change in that case?
P3:- Yes, in that case I might have to wait for like 3-4 months to accumulate that money and then
I would have purchased it.
M: - At that point of time would you have paid by cash on delivery or any other online payment
P3:- No. EMI doesn’t take cash on delivery
M (clears the question):- No, I’m saying that if the EMI purchase is not there and you have to
purchase the product either by cash on delivery or net banking debit card?)
P3:- Then, I would have waited for 3-4 months and then I would have purchased it via online by
debit card payment, not by cash on delivery.
M: You’re familiar with the bank offer that E-commerce sites give 15% discount cashback on
order above 6000, the condition is prepay cant pay via COD. Ha ssich offers influence your
P1: Yes Whenever bank is offering me the discount on paying online. Ill prefer that. If specifically
I have that card like Axis bank but if I don’t have that card then I’ll go for COD or any card
M: elaborate what specific product you purchased through offers
P1: Apparels
M: what was the cost and when was ourchase made
P1: 1500-2000 were giving us 15-20% discount when Im goint tpo pay through debit card. Around
year back
M: hafiz same question for you
P2: Even my purchase changes. I’m an Airtel customer and when I get 15% extra via paying Airtel
bank I started doing that. It’s more convenient and cost effective.
M: Any specific product that you purchased through this offer what was the value of your
P3: Obviously it affects and in a positive way. If I have that card I will use that card , if I don’t
have that card I ask around in my friend circle if anyone is a customer I’ll use his card and will
transfer my money in his account afterwards and vice versa
P4: Same as P3 said, if I don’t have that card, I’ll ask my friends and will use their card to do the
P5: No card only cash
P6: No effect. I won’t change my purchase behavior becaiuse if this scheme, still COD
M: How comfortable you felt while changing your mode of payment when you first purchased
through such an offer?
P1: There was no difference, it was the feeling that I have saved some amount through this offer
P2: Experience is same as I have already purchased via card
P3: Same I always search for some bank offer and if there is an offer in some bank I look for
feasibility of opening account in that bank rather than asking friends every time.
P4: can you please repeat the question?
M: *repeats the question*
P4: yes, I may get a good deal so I will go for it
P5: It’s not applicable to me, Only COD
Lok: Not applicable to me, Only COD
M: just like Bank offers, many Credit card companies also have reward programs, which are
similar to miles program of airline that on each purchase you get certain points which you can later
redeem. Have you ever tried such a scheme?
P1: No Credit card
M: Has anyone tried, P3 says yes
P3: I don’t redeem the points instead I use those points to pay my credit card bill.
M: So will that offer influence your mode of Payment?
P3 : NO, I don’t expect any reward points when I am shopping online hence it will have minimal
effect on my shopping behavior. I will get reward points from my card company anyway if I use
the card so some extra points from e-commerce site will not matter.
M: So as most of you have never experienced this credit card reward point program, I’ll ask you
guys to assume that there is credit card offer in which you’ll get certain benefit if you buy it online
through credit card. What will you do then?
P1: yes I will be utilizing that offer.
P1: Yes, I’ll be using the credit card for the payment as it is giving me additional benefits, so, my
purchase behavior will change.
P2: It depends on how we can use those points.
P3: I have already told you about it.
P4: I have seen my sister purchasing through credit card and she used to collect lot of points. Yes,
my buying behavior will change as with more points we can buy new products.
P5: As respondent 2 has said it totally depends on no. of reward points that we can use for a
particular purchase, I can’t agree more.
P6: It won’t have any impact on my behavior.
M: Sites now-a-days five 3-5% cash back just for making prepaid orders. Do you think offering
such unconditioned discount (unlike bank offers that need a minimum of Rs. 5000 shopping) for
pre-paid orders influences/can influence your mode of payment?
P1: It won’t affect my decision as the amount is being reflected into your e-wallets or online
accounts of respective websites instead of coming into your bank accounts.
P2: It depends on the purchase amount. If I am buying an expensive product, 3-5% cashback would
help me in buying additional products but if amount is less, it won’t help much.
P3: It does not affect mu purchase decision as I have different reasons to buy via net banking or
debit card and this is not one of them.
P4: Can you please repeat the question? (After the question was repeated) I echo the same words
as that of respondent 2.
P5: As I said, I usually pay online so it is a win-win situation for me.
P6: I agree with respondent 1 and my purchase decision won’t be changed.
M: Is everyone aware that there are separate COD charges which are different from shipping
P2 & 4: We aren’t aware of this fact.
(M explains the two about the separate COD charges.)
M: Will your choice of payment change because of COD charges?
P2: If I am purchasing an expensive product, then the extra COD charges won’t matter much, but
if I am purchasing a T-shirt of Rs. 400, those extra 30-40 would make a difference.
P4: As I wasn’t aware of this fact, I’ll keep in mind the next time while I am purchasing anything
online through COD. I’ll go for whatever way is cheaper for me.
M: Has your choice of payment changed because of COD charges?
P1: Yes, those additional charges would take the total to more than what I’ll like to pay.
M: What about those products which you would want to experience first and then pay?
P1: It won’t matter as even if you have to return the product after experiencing, you would have
to do it by your own.
P2: Rather than the experience, it depends on the purchase amount.
P3: I would not want to give even 10 Rs for COD charges.
P4: I would still prefer paying online as it is convenient.
P5: I always go for online payment.
P6: Sometimes in certain cases (expensive goods), I would still pay COD as the extra charges are
M: Let’s talk about your product return intensions. Under what circumstances you return products?
P1,2,4,5 & 6: When the product does not have the specs as mentioned on the website i.e. size/color
is different, I would straightaway return it. No guilt purchase scenario happened.
P3: If the product is defected. Once I accidently received 3 units of the same product. I called the
customer rep and told them about it and asked them to cancel the purchase of those extra items.
M: Do you think your order cancellation/rejection/return intention varies due to your mode of
P1: No, it won’t affect as I have already mentioned that whether it is COD or Online payment, the
same guy won’t take it back.
P2: For me it differs. Suppose if I am in doubt whether I would get my payment back or not, I
would not want to pay online.
P3: If I am trying a new website, I would choose COD.
P4: Once I see the product then only I can judge the quality so it is irrespective of what mode of
payment I have chosen for buying the product.
P5: It doesn’t matter for me as I always pay online.
P6: For me, it doesn’t matter.
M: Do you think that your order value changes due to mode of payment? For e.g. you decide to
buy a mobile online, while deciding to buy via COD you may buy a more economical set compared
to card payments?
P1: Yes, it affects my purchase amount as I may end up buying more products or complementary
P2: For me, product matters more. Therefore, I can go for any mode of payment.
P3: No, it doesn’t matter.
P4: Most of the times I use my card for paying and yes, online payment sometimes lures me to pay
for/buy an expensive item.
P5: It doesn’t matter.
P6: For expensive products, I would go for COD.
M to P6: If you were to pay via online payment method would you have gone for more expensive
P6: Yes.
M: Do you think the mode of payment is influenced by the credibility of the site? You will be
more comfortable to make card payments on site like compared to
P1: There are two ways I used t segregate my payment mode. If I am first time buyer on a website,
I would prefer COD. In case of established website, I would check the ratings of the
vendor/supplier and a good rating would prompt me to pay online instantly.
P2: For websites like Amazon, Flipkart, I would easily use my debit card.
P3: I don’t buy from non-trusted websites or new websites.
P4: I too would buy only from trusted sites and hence can go for both modes of payment.
P5: It doesn’t matter.
P6: I would prefer trusted websites.
M: Are you aware of Myntra’s recently launched Try and Buy offer in which you can return the
product to the same guy who delivered it, if you find the product not good enough? If this feature
is available on other websites as well, would it influence your decision/mode of payment?
P1: A big yes for established websites and still a no for new ones.
P2: In case of electronics people are usually aware of the details of the item and thus in that case
it doesn’t matter while in case of apparels lots of issues related to quality, size etc. may come up
and thus introducing this new feature is good.
P3: Anyway I can return the product if I don’t like it, so it doesn’t matter.
P4: In my case, it will strongly influence my decision as it will give me confidence that I can (after
trying) return it to the same person who brought it and thus I can go for COD or POS.
P5: For me it doesn’t matter.
P6: As I always prefer COD, it won’t matter much.
M: Suppose you are a manager of an e-commerce website like Amazon or Flipkart, and you need
to suggest to your manager techniques to demote COD orders and increase pre-paid orders from
the customers. What suggestions would you like to give?

P1: So, for initial days if you are trying to promote online payments you should go for you know
freebies, while you are paying online you will be given some complimentary products.

M: I forgot to mention you have to tell me techniques other than offering discount for prepaid
orders and levying COD charges which is already being used

P1: One point I like that mile’s idea giving free miles as it is separate from discount, you are not
getting anything for lesser amount you have to pay the same amount but you will be getting some
additional amount so instead of going for discounts you should be giving them the additional offers
or benefits.

M: So, in miles you are saying that we should maybe employ a reward program for our own
website like say amazon gives amazon credits or amazon miles
P2: I think we can change the delivery time for COD or prepaid order like say for pre-paid orders
you can take 3-4 days while for COD it might take around 10 days. So, in this period people get
frustrated and in my own experience I will say like the period from you place order till you get the
delivery you feel some inconvenience So this kind of offer you can do.
P3: I’ll say collaborate with government on this issue of demonetization because what is the main
reason people not buy via online and via net banking is people do not trust, they think that their
money will get ceased and they won’t get their money back. We can advertise on our websites that
payment is 100% secure and also, we can encourage the use of wallets like paytm oxygen etc. We
can use them because they know that anyway the money is ours but its just nor COD.

P4: Like P3 said use of paytm everything and second of all I believe sometimes we have less price
product like 400-500 we have delivery charges which are very huge. So, if we can say that if you
pay via credit card, you don’t have to pay these charges.

P5: I believe that reward point system depending on the amount of purchase we do on the website
you give a reward point and also the customer is compelled to purchase another product from your
website and also increase the revenue of your website.

P6: I also think that reward point is a good option and we can give some discount for the next
purchase if they purchase through debit cards and online payment
M: Why do you and others think such a suggestion may or may not work in India or other
emerging country? It’s an open question, anyone can answer it

P3: Like I said that why people are not buying is that they cannot trust the company. SO, the
company can advertise like many companies have started advertising that their website is secured
and verified by the third party. So basically, it develops the trust Indian people are inclined try.
Also 100% refund no questions asked because if anything happens the money will come straight
to your bank. So, these things we can do to instill trust

P1: Adding to that these stores should have one offline store so customers are assured that their
product is few miles and they can check. Trust issue is their if their product is defective. Their
return procedure is cumbersome. So they should have offline stores like yepme did.

P4: I believe my point will also work because Indian people they have the mentality they don’t
Want to lose a penny on anything they don’t like having losses they want to save every penny. So,
if the shipping charges are removed on debit card or credit card payment it will help.
P3: It will lead to revenue loss

P4: Yeah, your point is right that it might lead to revenue loss or something but as I told you
initially I buy COD but later on I started buying in on debit cards so mostly if I have to buy certain
product I see what it will cost me online and what if I pay offline

P3: What I am saying is that you will create a habit that you will always look for this reduction or
you will go to other site
P4: Yeah that can be a drawback. I agree

M: Ok all does anyone else has to add anything. Ok that brings us to the conclusion. Thank you
all for your time.

---------------------------------------END OF TRANSCRIPT------------------------------------------------

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